৫ এপ্রিল, ২০২০

"As of Saturday, 107 of Cook County’s 183 deaths from COVID-19 were black. In Chicago, 61 of the 86 recorded deaths – or 70% – were black residents."

"Blacks make up 29% of Chicago’s population. The majority of the black COVID-19 patients who died had underlying health conditions including respiratory problems and diabetes. Eighty-one percent of them had hypertension, or high blood pressure, diabetes or both.... 'It’s disturbing and upsetting, but not surprising,' said Linda Rae Murray, health policy professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. 'This is just a reflection of the facts that we already know about these pandemics. People who are vulnerable will die quicker and won’t have as many resources.'"

WBEZ reports.

১৫৮টি মন্তব্য:

CJinPA বলেছেন...

Telling stats and a reasonable explanation. I'm afraid the stats will be repeated often after this ends, and the explanation will be banished to the fringes.

Michael K বলেছেন...

There also may be something about the ACE receptor in blacks and Han Chinese. I posted a link yesterday.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I have a young acquaintance who is a LaRaza type. A week ago he was crowing on Twitter about how Covid19 was going to kill off all the old white racists and usher in the new socialist paradise on earth. Not so fast, you little ghoul.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Is COVID-19 an example of structural racism or environmental racism? Or both?

Of course, it has to be racism because African-Americans are not allowed to take personal responsibility for their lives.

That is what the Democrat Party is for.

Spiros বলেছেন...

Superbug clusters in Illinois, especially in medicaid nursing homes, are not unheard of. These viral infections are caused by bacteria that are resistant to common antibiotics. These outbreaks are difficult to treat and are often fatal. Some of these facilities even use a special chlorhexidine soap to wash their residents.

My point? If a superbug cluster happens in a nursing home in Chicago, how likely is it to be blamed on Covid 19?

narayanan বলেছেন...

People who are vulnerable...
is it 'are' or 'make themselves'?

0_0 বলেছেন...

Never waste a crisis.

Owen বলেছেন...

Math. It's hard.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Nature is racist.
So are the Chinese virus labs, apparently.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Enough with the whining and the attempt to blame other. Hey, I'm obese, hypertensive, diabetic, former heavy smoker and had an MI last October and in my sixties. That's on me, not society. It's up to me to shelter in place. And it's up to me to be diligent in taking my meds, watch what I eat and exercise. It' time for people to man up and own their career and lifestyle choices.

David Begley বলেছেন...

Is Covid19 racist?

West Texas Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...

On a positive note, the Wuhan virus is way less racist than ammunition.

CaroWalk বলেছেন...

covid 19 is racist. Only possible explanation.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Then I guess it's Liberty Hall.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Headline: "Poor Folks mostly Have Less Money, Lower Prestige Than Rich Folks, Sociologists Claim."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Here we go!

Christy বলেছেন...

I'm wondering how many of these victims had controlled diabetes or controlled high blood pressure. Would it make a difference? I'd suspect the poorer amongst us may be less likely to get and take their meds.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

So the virus is racist? Does that mean the combo/ Wuhan evil scientists near the wet death market = racist too?
or are the chi coms racist?
If so, does that make the American pols who make money off of chi-coms racist?

Tomcc বলেছেন...

I thought we decided not to make everything about race.
It's not as though there's a separate set of CDC recommendations designed for non-Caucasians.

Achilles বলেছেন...

This is inevitable.

Poor people in crowded inner cities will be hit hardest by this.

Everything is racist if you know where and how to look and democrats/media definitely know where to look here.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

Well there's some of the data we were all wondering about.

holdfast বলেছেন...

Remember that giant shit show at the airport? When all those travelers return home and there was no screening in place? How much you wanna bet a lot of these cases are people who worked at the airport and their families?

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Won't have as many resources?

Here in Oregon, we apparently have too many resources. We just sent 140 ventilators to NY. Apparently, we have already flattened our curve, and won't be needing them. Either that, or Governor Brown is a psychopath. I guess it could be both.

gspencer বলেছেন...

Revealing factually disproportionate black medical outcomes, alarm bells

Revealing factually disproportionate black criminal activity, "you're racist for pointing that out"

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Were many from same neighborhood or apartments? Is it a black thing or a living condition circumstances thing?

JAORE বলেছেন...

All those factors and more as commented by many in a post from a day or soago.

I also suspect the areas with substantial African American population may have fewer quality hospitals/doctors.

Of course that does not discount the possibility that AAs have a genetic factor that makes them somewhat more vulnerable. And it could play into future treatments.

We are likely not going to know that until this wave has past.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

What resources does it take to avoid diabetes or high blood pressure?

donald বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
donald বলেছেন...

I don’t give one fuck.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

This factoid will be exploited.

donald বলেছেন...

Fuck these cretins.

Hari বলেছেন...

"The majority of the black COVID-19 patients who died had underlying health conditions including respiratory problems and diabetes."

Were the white patients who died more healthy, or did they have a similar pattern of underlying health conditions?

roger বলেছেন...

“As we put on our health equity lens, we already know [that] before COVID was ever established that the health outcomes for various communities are already different,” she said. “So if you know those disparities exist in terms of health outcomes, you can imagine that overlaying a new disease is only going to exacerbate whatever inequities already exist.”

Health Equity

roger বলেছেন...

Black Lives Matter you ignorant Caucasian......

Bill Crawford বলেছেন...

Just heard here in Costa Rica that Daniel Ortega has died of corona virus.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

So COVID-19 has inched ahead of Chicago’s black v. black homicide rate, however the Chicago homicide rate tends to increase in the hot summer months while anecdotal evidence suggests that COVID-19 deaths will fall when warm weather arrives.

Bill Crawford বলেছেন...


rcocean বলেছেন...

Why do White Democrats - who run Chicago -hate black people?

AustinRoth বলেছেন...

The Chinese Flu is racist!

rcocean বলেছেন...

BTW, I wish headline writers would make it clear what is meant by "Hypertension". Lots of people have blood pressure over normal, but its under 160, or even 150, and easily controlled by Blood pressure medicine. Is this what is meant by "Hypertension"? The same is true of "Obesity" there's a big difference between someone who's in the "overweight category" per the BMI. And someone who 50 lbs over the "overweigtht" category.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Let me amend what I just wrote. The black v. black homicide rate for Chicago is still much ahead of COVID-19 (98 to 61). I was searching for the Cook County rate but what Google gave me was the Chicago homicide rate. Geographically speaking, Cook County is much larger than just the city.

Kevin বলেছেন...

I refuse to be race-baited into these conversations.

Those who wish to have them can talk in circles amongst themselves.

Mark বলেছেন...

And revisiting this is helpful -- or relevant to anything -- how??

Richard বলেছেন...

Mother Nature is a white racist.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Amazing how things change. At the height of Black Lives Matter most of the commenters here would have said All Lives Matter.

Some of us still do, but we are a much diminished band. Now instead you hear, when a death is reported, “he was old” or “he was fat” or “he was from New York”.

Soon I guess also “he was from New Orleans”. Maybe even “he was black”.

Some of us though will stick with All Lives Matter.

elkh1 বলেছেন...

None of them was deprived of medical care.

Ergo, the CCP-virus is a racist virus that discriminates against minorities.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

The story is probably similar pretty much everywhere in the US.

Ken B বলেছেন...

A succinct summary https://www.startribune.com/test-the-healthy-and-gather-data-we-don-t-already-have/569364592/?refresh=true

Iman বলেছেন...

COVFEFE-19 is racist!

Todd Roberson বলেছেন...

More importantly ...

How does this impact the transgenders?

(Remember them?)

Todd Roberson বলেছেন...

More importantly ...

How does this impact the transgenders?

(Remember them?)

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Damn Illinois racists. How many years before Chicago blacks will be allowed to be free. The answer my friend is blowing in Jussie Smollett’s Windy City.

Expat(ish) বলেছেন...

Be interesting to see the racial makeup if C19 gets bad enough that the VA is treating it.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Boris Johnson just got hospitalized. Apparently he was lacking a few resources as well.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

They're the ones who haven't been washing their hands (I've long noticed that), or maintaining social distance, and dismissing the virus as an Asian and Wypipo problem, and a laughable problem at that. Who's laughing now? I'll give you a hint; he has two thumbs.

They're disproportionately the ones on video touching and licking things in public, like that "French" sportsball player who infected his team, even drinking from bottles in markets without buying them, and putting them back on the shelves. They brought it on themselves by being a failure of a race.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

How many of these Covid-19 deaths in Chicago were from infections due to bullet wounds?

Ok, sorry, that was a little crass. My apologies.

Here's the important point from the article:

The majority of the black COVID-19 patients who died had underlying health conditions including respiratory problems and diabetes. Eighty-one percent of them had hypertension, or high blood pressure, diabetes or both.

Diabetes is a serious condition. It kills 84,000 Americans/year (No. 7 killer).

Respiratory problems can be caused by many different things. How many were smokers?

Hypertension & high blood pressure, well, factor into heart disease - the No. 1 killer in the US at 647,000 deaths/year.

81% had significant co-morbidities. You think if we had medical examinations, and took detailed medical histories of these patients, and did autopsies, that Covid-19 would be deemed the cause of death? Doubtful. Lotta other legitimate culprits.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

"...poverty, environmental pollution, segregation and limited access to medical care.

These conditions contribute to high rates of hypertension and diabetes."

How very strange that WebMd doesn't mention any of those things as causes of high blood pressure or diabetes.

Oh Yea বলেছেন...

Without knowing the morality rate of non-blacks with underling conditions versus blacks with underlying conditions it is impossible to draw any conclusions.

Mich McCormick বলেছেন...

I’ve traveled a bit in my time and have seen the poor of other nations, some our counterparts and a few commonly labeled third world. The poor there are borderline emaciated. Many just on the tiny side. I, raised w food, medicine and housed, looked like an Amazonian walking down the streets of their cities. It strikes me as strange that in our modern time, in the US particularly, we have overweight poor people. That one of the markers of poverty seem to be diabetes, hypertension and stress (clearly when day to day is a struggle). How in eras past it was deemed a sign of wealth to be plump. Now, the well off can afford $2500 stationary bikes, organic air milk and look trim in their Patagonias. I haven’t read too much into the why of this flip. I’d be curious to know.

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

It's Trump's fault.

Lawrence Person বলেছেন...

So slightly less than the percentage of Chicago homicide victims that are black.

Paul Doty বলেছেন...

Obviously the disease, hospitals, doctors, nurses, medicine, life in general, as well as God are all racist. It's the only answer, said every Democrat ever.

Birkel বলেছেন...

This means Winnie Xi Flu is racist?
And that Wuhan laboratory designed a racist virus?
Dumb Democratics cannot help their Marxist selves.

Leora বলেছেন...

I'd be interested in the insured and uninsured numbers. There's strong motivation to class the uninsured as corona virus.

RMc বলেছেন...

COVID is a racist.

h বলেছেন...

In some earlier thread, Althouse asked if something good might come out of the pandemic. I don't see how any of this discussion of group suffering helps us in any way. It's not a conspiracy to kill Americans, or to kill old people, or to kill black people, or to kill people with asthma (that's one I haven't heard yet). In dealing with any problem, it's easier if you have money. If you haven't figure that out, I don't know what to say.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Los Angeles County breaks it down according to neighborhood.

Los Angeles County

RK বলেছেন...

The poor are fat and the rich are thin.

Jack Klompus বলেছেন...

"Is COVID-19 an example of structural racism or environmental racism? Or both?"

Don't forget "systemic"!

"I also suspect the areas with substantial African American population may have fewer quality hospitals/doctors."

The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, two of the top healthcare facilities in the country, are a hop and skip away from poor and working class, mostly black sections of West Philadelphia. Temple University Hospital is right in the middle of the warzone of the worst part of North Philadelphia. Any large city is going to have a state of the art facility, often university affiliated, within easy access of just about any neighborhood.

LA_Bob বলেছেন...


Thanks for the link.

tommyesq বলেছেন...

Oh Yea referring to the "morality rate" instead of mortality rate firs right in with many of the comments over the last few days. I get that many people are looking not to crap on others but to provide a self-justification that it wont happen to them, but can we please ease up a bit? Btw, i suspect that Oh Yea's post was a typo, not looking to accuse him or her personally.

RichardJohnson বলেছেন...

As been pointed out on this thread, those with preexisting conditions are more likely to die of the CCP virus. The Contribution of Smoking to Black-White Differences in U.S. Mortality.

We find that smoking has contributed to the black-white gap in life expectancy at age 50 for males, accounting for 20 % to 48 % of the gap between 1980 and 2005, but not for females. The fraction of deaths attributable to smoking at ages above 50 is greater for black males than for white males; and among men, current smoking status explains about 20 % of the black excess relative risk in all-cause mortality at ages above 50 without adjustment for socioeconomic characteristics.

From figure 4, Current smoking prevalence by age, race, and birth cohort, males, we find that there is about a difference of 15% between black males and white males in smoking prevalence. Which leads to higher mortality, and more preexisting conditions- which leads to higher mortality from the CCCP virus.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Food prices are noticeably higher today. No big deal for us. We have wealth.

We know there are people starving. Now.

Far more extra poor people are going to starve because there is less food available than will die from COVID-19.

n.n বলেছেন...

COVID is a racist.

The virus from Wuhan a.k.a. SARS-CoV-2 is diversitist, on the surface. It is Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic. It exhibits genomic (e.g. sex) and behavioral (a la HIV/AIDS) preferences. Viruses are known to be bigots.

n.n বলেছেন...

"...poverty, environmental pollution, segregation and limited access to medical care. These conditions contribute to high rates of hypertension and diabetes."

An these factors are diversitist, how? We really need to cancel liberal license, stop indulging color judgments, and mitigate their progress.

n.n বলেছেন...

#coronavirus How to analyze and not analyze #COVID-19 deaths

Conflation of causes.

Tom T. বলেছেন...

Here's a big gathering at DC's Wharf yesterday. Let's just say that the demographics are relevant to this discussion.


Clyde বলেছেন...

holdfast said...
Remember that giant shit show at the airport? When all those travelers return home and there was no screening in place? How much you wanna bet a lot of these cases are people who worked at the airport and their families?

This would make sense. In the past couple of years, I've traveled through Atlanta several times and Chicago a couple of times and noticed that the airport employees in both places are predominantly African-American. Any kind of free-spreading of viruses at those airports would seed the virus into those workers and then spread to their contacts.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Google has a regularly updated COVID website that gives you information on country-by-country and state-by-state cases and deaths. Check it out.

Well over half of the US deaths are in NY and NJ. California is far below those states in deaths.

Crowded public transportation in high density urban areas is a real problem.

Bob Smith বলেছেন...

Since all those dead Chicago folks are going to be voting the party ticket in November what’s the problem?

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Before posting this, Althouse must have forgotten to ask herself "are you helping"?

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

In NY, all folks, including black folks, are recovering and being discharged from hospitals much faster than new admissions. .

Racial harmony!

wbfjrr2 বলেছেন...

Full moon, that’s interesting info.

It looks to me like the wealthiest areas are the hardest hit ratio-wise. Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Beverly Glen, West Hollywood, Palos Verdes Estates etc.

I wonder why. Seriously.

stevew বলেছেন...

The race of the victims is not the relevant characteristic, nor a factor in assessing the risk profile.

Openidname বলেছেন...

First, Donald says he doesn't give a f*ck, then he gives a f*ck. Make up your mind, Donald.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Althouse did an experiment of sorts. She let a sizable tranche of blind comments accrue before releasing them. Commenters could not feed off each other.

Smerdyakov বলেছেন...

I thought it was an interesting article. I didn't think the writer was implying that while people in particular or society in general was responsible for the disparity.

A little taken aback by some of the responses here. Maybe they think this will be exploited as a cudge as usual.

That doesn’t mean you have to get triggered and lose your humanity.

Some of us are born with bad genes and suffer ill luck. In many of those cases there is little we can do about it, Just be thankful it is not you in particular.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Ken B said...
Amazing how things change. At the height of Black Lives Matter most of the commenters here would have said All Lives Matter.

Some of us still do, but we are a much diminished band. Now instead you hear, when a death is reported, “he was old” or “he was fat” or “he was from New York”.

Soon I guess also “he was from New Orleans”. Maybe even “he was black”.

Some of us though will stick with All Lives Matter.

Hey Ken. Your bad faith is noted and constant. You can't support turning our country into a police state and you don't have a clue what is actually happening.

You are just a piece of shit. A stupid piece of shit who refuses to read or engage in actual discussion because honestly you are too dumb to do so.

You don't deserve the freedom you were given or that you are trying to take away from other people.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

My little project continues:

The Michigan vs Sweden (lock-down vs not) experiment
With approximately the same number of people:

On March 24 Michigan started its stay at home order. On that date:

Michigan: 1791 cases, 24 deaths.
Sweden: 2299 cases, 40 deaths.

Sweden has not closed down public venues, and people have been going to bars and restaurants, and schools remain open, but Swedes are taking personal precautions like smaller groups and reducing personal contacts.


Michigan: 15,718 cases, 617 deaths
Sweden: 6830 cases, 401 deaths

Sweden's numbers for both new cases and new deaths have dropped precipitously the last couple days. Deaths peaked at 69 on April 2nd and dropped to 15 on April 4th.

This may be the only fair comparison we ever get of the two different strategies. Things could change, but it looks like Sweden is developing a herd immunity and saving lives.

Although Sweden's numbers are higher than other Scandinavian countries with more restrictions, they started out higher than those countries before the restrictions, and only Sweden is seeing a reversal of the growth this week. Despite this, Sweden's leaders are under political pressure to follow other nations with added restrictions. I don't think they should.

wbfjrr2 বলেছেন...

Also striking. CA. has twice the population of NY, 40 million vs 20 million, but NY has 12-13 times as many deaths (4159 vs 344) and over 20 times the rate of deaths per million population (212 NY vs 9 CA).

This is essentially the NYC metropolitan are, including 4 counties in/around NYC plus the near NJ commute to NYC suburbs. The total of NY/NJ cases is more than the next 30 states combined, and the number of deaths in NY/NJ is 53% of total Wuhan deaths in the US.

All numbers are from latest worldometer.

So basically we’re wrecking the US economy and tens of millions of lives because of NYC.

So yeah, one size fits all is a great policy. Thanks governors. Thanks, Fauci.

Here in Tucson, we’re a bit different from NYC.

wbfjrr2 বলেছেন...

Also striking. CA. has twice the population of NY, 40 million vs 20 million, but NY has 12-13 times as many deaths (4159 vs 344) and over 20 times the rate of deaths per million population (212 NY vs 9 CA).

This is essentially the NYC metropolitan are, including 4 counties in/around NYC plus the near NJ commute to NYC suburbs. The total of NY/NJ cases is more than the next 30 states combined, and the number of deaths in NY/NJ is 53% of total Wuhan deaths in the US.

All numbers are from latest worldometer.

So basically we’re wrecking the US economy and tens of millions of lives because of NYC.

So yeah, one size fits all is a great policy. Thanks governors. Thanks, Fauci.

Here in Tucson, we’re a bit different from NYC.

Rory বলেছেন...

"Daniel Ortega"

Seeing some stories from a couple days ago that he had dropped out of sight.

Michael বলেছেন...

Thanks for the LA info. The richest aren’t spared

Michael বলেছেন...

Compton. 34
Beverly Hiils 65

narciso বলেছেন...

yes you have to scale up or down, look at the number in population vs number of cases and finally fatalities,

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

I said this the other day: after they get done with the coronavirus in Chicago, they can start on homicides.

About one-third of Chicagoans are black, but in 2019 they were 81% of homicide victims. About 29% of Chicagoans are latino; they were about 14% of homicide victims. About 32% are non-hispanic whites. They were about 5% of homicide victims.

There are multiple problems in Chicago's black community.

Michael McNeil বলেছেন...

These viral infections are caused by bacteria that are resistant to common antibiotics.

No bacteria cause “viral” infections.

narciso বলেছেন...

so Sweden has 10.33 million (how does Sweden has current figure) but Michigan only has 2017 figures,

Tomcc বলেছেন...

bagoh20: I appreciate your research on this; it's an interesting comparison. Unfortunately, one cannot control for the relative degree of compliance of the populations being measured.

narciso বলেছেন...

are they helping

Howard বলেছেন...

Bro science from bagoh2o. Better than nothing is an impossible standard.

Achilles বলেছেন...

wbfjrr2 said...
Also striking. CA. has twice the population of NY, 40 million vs 20 million, but NY has 12-13 times as many deaths (4159 vs 344) and over 20 times the rate of deaths per million population (212 NY vs 9 CA).

This is essentially the NYC metropolitan are, including 4 counties in/around NYC plus the near NJ commute to NYC suburbs. The total of NY/NJ cases is more than the next 30 states combined, and the number of deaths in NY/NJ is 53% of total Wuhan deaths in the US.

Weather patterns in temperature and humidity track all of these "hotspots" perfectly to areas that have average daily temperatures between 5-11 degrees Celcius.

So basically we’re wrecking the US economy and tens of millions of lives because of NYC.

No. We are wrecking the economy to hurt Trump politically and to erode our freedoms.

h বলেছেন...

Achilles, on higher food prices. You can be right on average, but I ordered this week end from whole foods: a french baguette, some gruyere, some gorgonzola, some frozen puff pastry, and yeast (which I couldn't find in my other shopping for the past two weeks). Everything seemed to be priced exactly where I would have expected it in (say) January. (except yeast which I buy so rarely, I don't have an idea, but it was $2.79 for a three pack). It's certain that Achilles will be right in the longer term. My own expectation is that the stores use a "what we pay plus a mark-up" for most items. So as long as wholesale price of (say) bacon is $3; retail price stays at $4.99. When retailers see that that whole sale price is up to $5, their price goes to $7+.

narciso বলেছেন...

so the number of Michigan cases have increased 8 fold in the interval, whereas Sweden has gone up three, death have gone up 25 fold! in the former example and Sweden 10 fold,

AllenS বলেছেন...

From Full Moon's link --

Gender (Los Angeles County Cases Only-excl LB and Pas)
Male 2899
Female 2547
Under Investigation 238


Under Investigation? I can only guess what that is all about.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Santa Clara County CA stats, 2.36 days test turnaround. 211 pending results.
I think there were over a thousand pending a couple of days ago.

Peripheral works at major hospital satellite medical facility. Down from 30 doctors to three. I had assumed that the docs were all working at hospital. Nope, most staying home due to lack of appointments.

h বলেছেন...

Tomcc and Bagoh20. I appreciate the efforts to use empirical data to help us understand. Unfortunately , I believe that the data are just so so so so awful, that there is nothing we can learn. We don't know how many cases there are in Michigan. We don't know how many cases there are in Sweden. We kind of know (though not really) how many Covid deaths there are in Michigan or Sweden. Someone (here? or on some other comment thread) reported the cases he/she knew personally about two people who were on or headed to palliative care (for cancer, say) and died but because (post mortem) they were found to have the virus they were categorized as Covid deaths. Perhaps we will never know but we certainly don't know now how many and where and how fast they are growing deaths from or people with the virus.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

We don't know where this will end, but even if Sweden ended up with similar bad numbers to Michigan's eventually, they didn't pay the substantial costs of a shutdown, but it looks like Sweden will likely end up with much better virus numbers and economic numbers. Sweden also has a center-left President, so go figure.

heyboom বলেছেন...

Under Investigation? I can only guess what that is all about.

Lol, it's just the hospital's term for those who are being tested but haven't gotten results back yet.

There are about 14 UI's at one of the hospitals my wife works at. Not overwhelming the system there. Not at her other hospital either. LA County.

Fritz বলেছেন...

... Shopping For Crab


Notice anything?

WK বলেছেন...

AOC posted this on Twitter a couple days ago. It all about reparations ....

“ COVID deaths are disproportionately spiking in Black + Brown communities.
Why? Because the chronic toll of redlining, environmental racism, wealth gap, etc. ARE underlying health conditions.
Inequality is a comorbidity. COVID relief should be drafted with a lens of reparations”

Narr বলেছেন...

Looks like our county cases went up about 10% from 4/4 to 4/5. Fully a fifth are in the 21-30 age cohort; no race data available to me. One more death, bringing that number to 11.

Long line outside Sam's this afternoon . . . came back home

Achilles বলেছেন...

AllenS said...
From Full Moon's link --

Gender (Los Angeles County Cases Only-excl LB and Pas)
Male 2899
Female 2547
Under Investigation 238


Under Investigation? I can only guess what that is all about.

It is backlogging.

The "spike" you are seeing the last few days are the "Under Investigation" group that died a week or so ago.

It makes the graphs look better when you report deaths this way.

Sometimes you can even count he deaths twice.

Tomcc বলেছেন...

OT: According to AFP, Italy's "deaths plunge to their lowest level since March 19". They are considering loosening their restrictions.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"most staying home due to lack of appointments."

Fringe benefit of the panic: destroying the medical system and collapsing marginal hospitals for the sake of not overwhelming health care.

ga6 বলেছেন...

Blame Homey the Clown...

Homey the Clown was a North American urban legend (specifically Chicago) surrounding a killer clown, predating the "Creepy Clown Craze" by several years, originating in 1991. The story sparked intense public controversy and even caused a localized hysteria, very much like the "Creepy Clown Craze" would many years later.

ga6 বলেছেন...

Chinese racism:
Of all the unfamiliar products in a Chinese supermarket, one of the most shocking to American visitors is a toothpaste featuring the logo of a minstrel singer in a top hat, flashing a white smile. Even more shocking: the paste, known as Darlie in English and as Black People Toothpaste in Chinese, is a product of the Hawley & Hazel Group, a Hong Kong–based company established in 1933, which is now owned in part by the Colgate-Palmolive Co.

Darlie used to be called Darkie. According to the book America Brushes Up:


Rabel বলেছেন...

"Blacks make up 29% of Chicago’s population."

Not for long!

WBEZ is the Chicago NPR station, so of course you get the usual sermon along with what may be news.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"bagoh20: I appreciate your research on this; it's an interesting comparison. Unfortunately, one cannot control for the relative degree of compliance of the populations being measured."

Thanks, and I agree, but a controlled experiment is not possible for such a complex question, and this may be all we get, and even this may soon be ruined if Sweden's leadership gets pressured to fall in line with restrictions. Our current response may or may not be necessary or effective, but we should remember that it is based on a theory and a number of assumptions. It would be extremely valuable to test those and not simply accept the inevitable political based histories coming our way, of which there will be many, and which we accept based on team affiliation.

stevew বলেছেন...

"Feelin' Alright"

Seems I've got to have a change of scene
Every night I have the strangest dreams
Imprisoned by the way it could have been
Left here on my own or so it seems
I've got to leave before I start to scream
For someone's locked the door and took the key

Feeling alright
I'm not feeling too good myself
Feeling alright
I'm not feeling that good myself

Boy you sure took me for one big ride
And even now I sit and I wonder why
That when I think of you
I stop myself from crying
I just can't waste my time
I must keep trying
I've got to stop believing in all your lies
'Cause there's too much to do before I die

Feeling alright
I'm not feeling too good myself
Feeling alright
I'm not feeling that good myself

Don't you get too lost in all I say
But at the time you know, I really felt that way
But that was then and now you know it's today
I can't get set so I guess I'm here to stay
Till someone comes along and takes my place
With a different name oh and a different face

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Stuff like this story suggests to me that the normal human failings with power are at work with this crisis. We should be better. We especially need special connections and creative acts of love like this now. Yet the cops shut it down, becuase rules - 3 word rules without nuance or flexibility as if we are dealing with things and not people - innocent people.

"Educators from John Fiske Elementary School in Kansas City, Kansas, decided to have a driving parade through the community to show "families how much we love and support them," according to a Facebook page for the event.

The goal of the event was to get the kids excited for distance learning that will start Monday, Sharita Hutton of Kansas City Public School told WDAF. According to the station, Hutton indicated the idea was not unique to John Fiske Elementary and "has been spreading across the metro as a way to show the students their teachers care about them and also demonstrate social distancing."


Andy বলেছেন...

I wonder what you would find if you normalize the data for income if that would impact the results. Also non of this explains what happened in Italy, Spain, or Iran. None of which are known for having large African communities.

Hey Skipper বলেছেন...

“ This means Winnie Xi Flu is racist?”

Mao Tse Lung.

SFAIK, I thought it up.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Hey, Shouting Thomas, People need you.

"New Jersey desperately needs COBOL Programmers."


When I was a computer science major back in early 80's COBOL was old.

A Voice of Reason বলেছেন...

Perhaps the diabetes is to blame.

The Feds are responsible for the bullshit Food Pyramid that has generations now eating the wrong things, and the food industry making the wrong things.

Imagine the great low-carb high fat goodies that could be available to all if they were told to innovate those types of products. It's not hard to make a high-fat food taste good.

stevew বলেছেন...

I worked in COBOL in the mid 80's while on contract at Blue Cross of MA. Was quite adept at walking hierarchical data chains too (Honeywell mainframes). I bet I could dust off those skills. Have they mentioned a pay scale?

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Pew research election and political poll and attitudes.

All kinds of stuff. I like that a large percentage of Dems don't trust Rush Limbaugh, but only about 1% actually listened to him.

Couple of times I have told people who call Limbaugh racist that he has been married to a black woman for many years and they have several children. Takes them awhile to research and find out.

ken in tx বলেছেন...

Those of you who maintain these back and forth comment conversations and arguments, how do you do it? Do you camp on this site and stay here all day? Even when moderation is not in effect, my posts here are like putting notes in a bottle and casting it in a stream. Occasionally, I check back later to see if anyone responded to my comment.It's been over a year since anybody did. So, how do you others do it?

jimbino বলেছেন...

We need to move our intensive care units to Yellowstone, Yosemite or the Grand Canyon, places that Black Amerikans pay taxes to support but never visit. Then in their last hours they might gain the chance to view those White Country Clubs they've lifelong been excluded from.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

" So, how do you others do it?"

Unfortunately, you usually need to piss someone off, which is incredibly easy.

jimbino বলেছেন...

@ken in tx "Those of you who maintain these back and forth comment conversations and arguments, how do you do it?"

We are gummint workers who are paid well for doing nothing, and now we have even more time on our hands.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Gateway Pundit: Massive exaggeration in models for predicting hospital needs..

ken in tx বলেছেন...

Thanks to jimbino and bago for the response. I'm going over to Insta now. g'nite.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Then in their last hours they might gain the chance to view those White Country Clubs they've lifelong been excluded from.<

In your world but not in mine,. Trying too hard.

Jack Klompus বলেছেন...

I saw maybe three or four black people in Beijing. One was a student at the school where I taught. He was from Angola and could speak fluent Mandarin. Many of the ads for private English teachers include the line, "prefer white." If you are not Chinese you simply fall into the collective category "foreigner" and pay more to get into every public exhibit, park, or museum. And yes they still sell "Darlie" *eye roll* toothpaste.

James Pawlak বলেছেন...

I suggest that you draw the parallel between the rate of Chinese virus infections in and deaths from it in the Black majority neighborhoods and the deaths and maimings from the illegal use of firearms in the same places.

Both are a product of a too common, among Blacks, disregard for the Law and for the lives and well being of their families, friends and neighbors---AND others in our State and Republic.

This is a product of a sub-culture, within Black communities, as not found among such other people-of-color whose ancestry is in such nations as India, China, Japan and Korea.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Late to the party again but it’s not lack of resources it’s about not taking care of yourself. Live on a diet of Cheetos and sugary soft drinks and you get diabetes. Get diabetes and your immune system quits working.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

The culprit here is sugar water... soft drinks.

The result is epidemic diabetes in black communities.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Another interesting fact about Sweden: They are running over 18% positive results on their testing. That suggests herd immunity may be helping their numbers.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

The culprit here is sugar water... soft drinks.

I bought a 12 pack of decaf Coke last week for the first time in several years. My sweet tooth has faded a bit recently, but that stuff is still addictive.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

Elsewhere in America, Blacks are less affected than Whites. One might also consider that the higher rates among African-Americans in Chicago may not have to do with some catalogue of Black vices that people love to read from, but with virtues. There's a virus hotspot in Southern Georgia because families turned out for he funerals of their loved ones. Unadvisable to be sure, but understandable.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

Blogger A Voice of Reason said...
Perhaps the diabetes is to blame.

The Feds are responsible for the bullshit Food Pyramid that has generations now eating the wrong things, and the food industry making the wrong things.

Imagine the great low-carb high fat goodies that could be available to all if they were told to innovate those types of products. It's not hard to make a high-fat food taste good

Precisely.....exactly.....have you seen the documentary “Fat”.. it’s on Amazon

wildswan বলেছেন...

What I wonder is whether these deaths are among the black middle class and the poor or whether it's mainly the really poor. The fact that the Dems are worried in Wisconsin suggests that it's the poor because the Dems turn out that group by having vans pick them up and take them to vote. Now the Dems can't turn out the vote that way because, I think, covid and fear of covid is all through the group. $15 dollars isn't worth the chance of a deadly disease.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"It looks to me like the wealthiest areas are the hardest hit ratio-wise. Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Beverly Glen, West Hollywood, Palos Verdes Estates etc.

I wonder why."

The data Fullmoon posted is total cases by neighborhood, unless I am missing something. The statistic under discussion is the number of deaths. I haven't seen that from L.A. County, or pretty much anywhere.

chickelit বলেছেন...

The latest study from Germany suggests that infection vector correlates with viral loads in throats.
Is it any wonder why Hollywood leads?

chickelit বলেছেন...

Shouting Thomas said...The culprit here is sugar water... soft drinks.

The result is epidemic diabetes in black communities.

Stacey Abrahms could run on that one, accusing Coca-Cola of racism based on unrepentant racism tracing back to the company's founding. Wait for it.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Is it any wonder why Hollywood leads?


Chinese racism: [toothpaste] most shocking

I can't understand why that bothers anyone at all.

Who are you supposed to use in advertising and product labels, just people of your own race? Wouldn't that actually be more "racist" and non-inclusive? And what is "your own race" if your society has more than one race?

rwnutjob বলেছেন...

WHO didn't see this coming?

Jeff Brokaw বলেছেন...

Illinois finally released hospitalization numbers Friday, for the first time, and there are plenty of beds.

The crisis is always just around the next bend!

Greg the class traitor বলেছেন...

The press and establishment don't want to "stigmatize black people", so they only release images and stories of old white people dying of Chinese Coronavirus.

So many black people think it won't affect them, and don't take precautions.

So, as a result of their "care", MORE black people die.

This is a pattern that gets repeated over and over again. How many times does it have to happen before we accept that for people in the press and the establishment, nothing matters other than their political agenda? That they're happy to see people on "their" side die, just so long as they can get more political power?

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

great work dear
keep it up
how many people die
with cocona virus

It's a catchy tune. I give it a 7.5 out of 10.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

This is just a reflection of the facts that we already know about these pandemics. People who are vulnerable will die quicker and won’t have as many resources.'"

Those are the facts that we already know about being black.

walter বলেছেন...

Chicago pols presser is ALL in on this right now. Diabetes caused by junk food attacks.
Just waiting for the use of "transform", and perhaps a skype call from the Obamas.

walter বলেছেন...

New law requiring providers report patient demographics
New demographic component to website
Racial Equity Rapid Response Team formed.
Stores to be shut down if found to be lax re social distancing.
Latin X leader says rumors of immunity misinformation

walter বলেছেন...

Lightfoot (responding to Q)says there has been a field for race in reports, but providers have been skipping it.

walter বলেছেন...

Lightfoot deflects Q about her getting a haircut w/o masks (pic seen on Twitter) over the weekend. In public eye, takes personal hygiene seriously. "People don't want to hear about that"

walter বলেছেন...

Pritzger pissed about lack of Fed PPE supports, mentions McCormic place expansion w/o acknowledging Fed role.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Those are the facts that we already know about being black.
Is Obama Black? Cuz he had far, far more advantages than I have had in my life. Starting with a stable home environment, followed by a better education, and eventually vastly more wealth.
And I am as white as Elizabeth Warren.