ADDED: Trump is mocking Biden for calling Super Tuesday "Super Thursday."
AND: Buttigieg and Klobuchar dropped out and endorsed Biden, and you know why? "They made a deal! Quid pro quo! They should be impeached!"
LINDSEY GRAHAM: Mr. President, you are going to kick their ass in November.
TRUMP: Oh, my Lindsey, my Lindsey!
Will COVID-19 stop Trump rallies?
I will vote for him, but that doesn't mean I have to watch him. I like what he does, not what he says.
I like what he says, not what he does. A zinger source against the butt-scratching bureaucracy in government and the media and its audience.
These "serious issues for concern" are thrown together in a gigantic pick-up-sticks word game, which (the claim is) is all that they are in the first place.
Mockery is the most potent weapon against these people.
The democrats made Obama difficult to mock by calling everyone who did it racist.
There was ample material as Obama is a mediocre mind at best.
Trump and Lindsey should be careful of sharing all that spit French kissing, you know covfefe19.
Don't quit doing what you're doing, Mr President, and I'll keep sending you $200 every other month.
I see Inga is not handling Netanyahu's re-election very well.
She was on these boards a couple months back laughing and laughing at Netanyahu's imminent political demise.
We tried to explain reality to her already get it, right? Inga ≠ reality
“She was on these boards a couple months back laughing and laughing at Netanyahu's imminent political demise.
We tried to explain reality to her already get it, right? Inga =/ reality”
Liar. I never opined on Netanyahu, not once. When OCDrago has nothing he lies. Oh well what else is new?
Trump rallies are for some other audience. Wait for the quotable quotes reviews.
I watch every Trump rally I can. That is where you hear him speak to his base and from the heart. Trump rallies are the best rallies.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Benjamin Netanyahu indicted on corruption charges.
Maybe he and Trump will have this in common one day
2/28/19, 9:30 PM
"Trump and Lindsey should be careful of sharing all that spit French kissing"
Blast 'em with another dose of tolerance and civility, Inga.
Inga: "Liar. I never opined on Netanyahu, not once."
Let me guess, you never called Carter Page a russian spy either!!
And you never called Brett Kavanaugh a rapist!!
And you never claimed Trump colluded with Russia!!
And you never claimed the hoax dossier was "verified"!!
Too funny.
Before this is all said and done you will be denying 8 or 9 years worth of nonsense you've posted as Trump approaches the end of his second term in office.
brylun: "Maybe he and Trump will have this in common one day"
With what the dems have pulled with their sham-wow-peachment every President will be impeached/indicted by the opposition political party because you don't even need a reason.
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was indicted on corruption charges on Thursday..."
Here is Althouse’s blog regarding Netanyahu corruption charges. Looking at the comments, I did not comment at all. I don’t know where you are getting that quote from. Post the quote with a link, or else I’ll think you’re making it up.
Given Inga's pronouncements on Netanyahu's political future combined with her hilariously wrong and, really rather moronic, declarations that it was (in order) Merkel then May then Macron and later Trudeau who were the Real Leaders of The Free World, it doesn't take a Deep Learning/Artificial Intelligence capability to determine Inga is essentially the Opposite Predictor Of The Future.
Oopsie Inga!
Proven wrong again!
This is fun to see from afar.
I don’t take the time to search for your inane comments but sure appreciate when other do.
Thank you brylun!
BTW, anybody take a look at the "corruption" charges against Netanyahu?
Simply more lefty lawfare Israeli-style.
Lefties gonna lefty no matter where in the world they are.
Inga quote link, per her request:
Maybe she will go and erase it now...
“Oopsie Inga!
Proven wrong again!
This is fun to see from afar.
I don’t take the time to search for your inane comments but sure appreciate when other do.
Thank you brylun!”
Oopsie nothing, where’s the link to this supposed comment of mine? Anyone can make up a comment and put a date to it. If it’s something I really said, then I’ll accept responsibility for the comment and agree with it.
Ok thank you Brylun, ya got me. But as far as that comment goes, I’ll have to agree with myself on it.
By Thursday they should have the votes counted in most of the Super Tuesday states. You are just not getting Joe’s sense of humor.
“She was on these boards a couple months back laughing and laughing at Netanyahu's imminent political demise.
We tried to explain reality to her already get it, right? Inga =/ reality””
So where did I say his demise “was imminent” OCDrago?
I said...
“Maybe he and Trump will have this in common one day”, how do you get imminent out of “one day”? So you actually DID lie or grossly mischaracterize my comment, so what else is new?
Trump whipping up his crowd into a frenzy over the presence of the Press. What does he want them to do?
Sudafed Trump still obsessed with crowd size. He just can’t get over the fact that the Press doesn’t worship him.
“ Ok thank you Brylun, ya got me.”
Translation: “yup, I was lying. Oh well, can’t blame a girl for trying.”
Wow! Inga is on a roll. Not making any sense but still a lot of energy. Go girl!
The corruption charges against Netanyahu are about as convincing as the Russian collusion hoax.
Only lying pieces of shit think they are based on anything.
The Scots part of DJT’s soul is attuned to the Scots Irish culture South Carolinian Lindsay is of , by and for. It is based on honor of loyal warriors to the brave hearts of one another. They can’t help themselves. Trump also reminded the crowd that he had put 2.5 billion dollars into New River, Cherry Point and LaJeune combined. Those are the three North Carolina bases of the basically Scots Irish unit of the US Military.
The press hate Trump Inga. He wears it as a badge of honor, because the press are a sad sack of corrupt a-hole liars who suck deep state dookie.
Inga- you still marinading in your RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA media Maddow jam conspiracy juice? Mueller - the fake figurehead - wasn't smart enough to crack the code with his stand up cabal of liars and deep state money whores.
Pity Jill Stein, Tulsi and now Bernie are all RUSSIAN ASSETS! So inconvenient to the narrative.
Wow ! Inga is nuttier than usual.
We had dinner Saturday night at the little Mexican restaurant whose owners attended the Phoenix Trump rally.
Leftist assholes tried to Doxx them and tried a "social media " campaign to boycott their little restaurant.
We had dinner there Saturday night and it was jammed. We were #50 and it took a half hour to get our food but it was good and we will go back. Tiny little place but good food.
Lyndsey Graham is talking big and doing absolutely nothing.
He thinks we don't see him slinking around in the back.
Michael K - awesome.
If Dems took Trump seriously, they might learn something.
Instead, they reduce themselves to Bernie vs. Biden.
Althouse opens herself up to Trump, and learns something. Now, will it be enough to overcome her desire to get pro-abortion judges?
Trump is funny. No one else running would ever be as funny as Trump.
Well, not intentionally, anyway...
Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann, who was accused of disrespecting a Native American man during last year's March for Life, has announced that he is suing five additional media outlets, including the New York Times, CBS, and ABC for their role in publishing false information about him.
Bloomberg is running banner ads: "You won't believe who's endorsed Bloomberg now!" Reminiscent of the "You won't believe what happened next" click bait.
They won't show the size of the crowds that come to Trump's rallies. But you can hear them!
If the dem stiffs had a fraction at their 'gatherings' we wouldn't hear the end of it.
And these rallies help the down ballot candidates. In North Carolina this year that is governor, and a U.S. senator, as well as the congresspeople, and the assorted local candidates.
Michael K, that's an awesome story. If the jerks try that again, lemme know and I'll drive down for dinner.
I love Tucson-style Mexican/Southwestern food. You have better restaurants than we have up here.
Michael K, that's an awesome story. If the jerks try that again, lemme know and I'll drive down for dinner.
The food's good. No liquor license and closed on Sunday (like Chick fil A). It's a tiny place about a mile, or two, north of Tangerine.
We'll go back. Not far from Tucson.
Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "Trump whipping up his crowd into a frenzy over the presence of the Press."
"frenzy"....everybody relaxed, smiling, having a good time.
Inga probably read that in a dossier...
You know who was in a frenzy Inga?
Bernie Bro James Hodgekinson.
That's what a "frenzy" looks like.
Wow Inga. Homophobe much?
Michael K- I saw that on twitter, I think yesterday? Really upset me. This whole cancel culture is such nonsense. But good on you for going to dinner there, and I'm glad they are really busy. Maybe its the Trump effect- people try to hurt him or his supporters, and it backfires.
I hope they continue to have lots of business. Must really upset the left. Good
The God Emperor was at his best tonight. Signed Trumphead.
Each of these rallies features Trump saying 8 or 10 or 12 or more outlandishly false, or grossly mischaracterized, or almost unbelievably weird things. I think you understand that, Althouse, and yet you almost never mention them.
Having been a long time reader, I know that it just isn’t your thing to analyze what Trump is actually saying. Your interest is in how Trump (for whom you didn’t vote) communicates with his base on emotional levels. But you must understand how strange that seems to most people. Do you ever review the Twitter feeds of Aaron Rupar or Daniel Dale after one of these things? They catalog all of the lies. I know that the Trump base doesn’t care how high the lies pile up. But you give the impression of being part of the Trump base as you ignore them just like they do.
You certainly ought to be judged fairly, on what you write. But having taken on the subject of Trump’s language stylings as you have, I expect that you will also be judged at least in part by what you are not addressing.
Inga said...Sudafed Trump still obsessed with crowd size. He just can’t get over the fact that the Press doesn’t worship him.
He did suggest the cameras swing out to show crowd, then stated they would only do that if there was a protester.
So true.
"What the fucking fuck, Chuck!?"
If Althouse displeases you so, take it elsewhere.
I mean, she might want to press her fist into your sternum soon.
That's a bad look for ya.
Chuck said...
You certainly ought to be judged fairly, on what you write. But having taken on the subject of Trump’s language stylings as you have, I expect that you will also be judged at least in part by what you are not addressing.
You hear that Ann?
Chuck is judging you.
And you ought to be judged fairly.
Chuck knows a lot of Bernie bros who can help with that judging.
Don't ever stop Chuck.
You are such a piece of shit.
Chuck: Each of these rallies features Trump saying 8 or 10 or 12 or more outlandishly false, or grossly mischaracterized, or almost unbelievably weird things.
That's diagnostic of a profound sense of humor deficiency.
Michael K--re Sammy's Mexican Grill--the small Mexican place on the north side of Tucson.
It had a lot of good reviews on the Internet over the last 3 or four years. It started as a food truck, then moved into a building and is a family run operation with the three sons helping their mother and father. I saw a review from several months ago where the reviewer liked the food--gave the place 5 stars but wrote that it bothered him that the father of the family really liked Trump. Being an honest guy he gave the place 5 stars anyway because the food was really good.
I've lived in Southern California--San Diego and Los Angeles for 60 plus years now. I find that people here are passionate about "their" Mexican restaurant. Their favorite is the best in the world, and everybody else is mistaken. I've eaten in some friends "favorite" Mexican restaurants and wonder how they could have made that judgment.
So I'm not surprised if a Mexican restaurant (any Mexican restaurant) has some rave reviews--and some negative ones. So I tend to discount the really negative ones on any Mexican restaurant. The old saying that "It's not love, but it's not bad" applies to most Mexican food--it's at least edible. And if I eat there and it's bad, then I don't go there again.
But doxxing a restaurant because of its owner's political views is beyond the pale. I don't care if Bernie Sanders himself made my carnitas plate if it tasted okay. I see that at least one of the social media reviewing sites is not accepting new comments for Sammys because of that doxxing.
I get down to Eloy Arizona to fly in a three day contest every January. It's probably 50 miles north of Sammy's, but I think I'll make the 100 mile round trip to eat at the restaurant next January
The worst Mexican food I've ever had was pretty good.
Trump also reminded the crowd that he had put 2.5 billion dollars into New River, Cherry Point and LaJeune combined.
So do you think that will be enough to compensate for all the miscarriages and congenital heart defects suffered by everyone living in the LaJeune barracks? Especially now that his administration censored the EPA scientists from reporting on over 300 references to the trichloroethylene they were poisoned with?
What's up with your thinking every American is not Israeli enough for you, Drago? Especially given that you believe Israel exists for the benefit of a single dictocrat serving for decades and under whom the small country lost half of its hospital bed capacity, half of its transit/road capacity and saw its educational system plummet into decline? Is this the country, with 1/30th America's population, into which you want to remake America? Just because it can't figure out how to sort things out with neighbors who place it in a constant state of siege? Or how to integrate 25% of its population? Or how to govern? Or how allow someone other than that same guy, the one who loses elections by a single seat margins, to win?
This is what causes you to propagandize on behalf of that guy? Do you plan to go to Tel Aviv and tell the people who actually manage to make its economy the least bit productive that they voted for the wrong guy? Or that it's wonderful to pay about a million of its citizens generous living expense subsidies for sitting on their asses all day long to read old bible books? While dodging its draft?
You have some strange priorities and fixations.
"Why not watch a Trump rally live?"
Because some of us are normal people?
That's what we're doing
That's wonderful.
(And you admit this to people?)
I'd join you, but I'm watching old Nuremberg rallies instead. They have all the energy and political sentiments of the Trump rallies, just with a better sense of organization.
Mr. President, you are going to kick their ass in November.
TRUMP: Oh, my Lindsey, my Lindsey!
Well if anyone would know about giving his ass up to Trump, it's that so-called guy named Lindsey.
And if anyone would know about enjoying something like that, it's Trump.
How sad to hear that you have three hours less in life than these three that you devoted to someone who thinks that no one can ever be devoted enough just to him. But if that's ok with you, no one can stop you.
I flew down to Charlotte from Buffalo specifically to attend the Trump rally with my brother. And I wasn't disappointed -- it was as good as they look on TV.
We got to the arena about 2 pm and spent a couple hours in a huge line of about 10,000 people; not knowing if we'd even get in before the gates closed. We did!
The atmosphere, outside and inside, was pleasant -- jovial -- not at all like, oh, say, Nuremberg. Heh.
It's fun being in a crowd that size where everyone shares your views on the country... and on Trump, of course.
He was on his game last night. Plenty of red meat and lots of laughs.
"Chuck said...
Each of these rallies features Trump saying 8 or 10 or 12 or more outlandishly false, or grossly mischaracterized, or almost unbelievably weird things."
Could you point to some of these outlandishly false things -- pretty much every time I look into one of these big lies the President is supposed to have told or outrageous evil things he's purported to have said it turns out that it didn't happen or wasn't a lie or was actually quite reasonable.
Example: I skimmed the twitter feed of the Aaron Rupar guy you mentioned and he's doing a victory dance about President Trump asking whether the Coronvirus Vaccine will only be preventative or will help people get better faster. Rupar isn't exactly clear on why he thinks this is a stupid question -- it seems like the only thing Rupar knows about vaccines is that they are something you take to prevent getting the disease. If he knew a little more, he'd know that some vaccines (e.g. Rabies and some cancer vaccines) are also given to people who have already been infected, while others are not (e.g. Lyme). So, President Trump's question doesn't seem at all stupid to me. But I'm not a doctor. Did I miss something?
In contrast, I'd point out just two outrageously false things that have been said about President Trump, just in the last week -- both by his opponents and by most major media outlets: 1) that President Trump called the virus a hoax. 2) that President Trump has slashed funding for the CDC, leaving us dangerously unprepared. These are both bald-faced lies, contradicted by the easily verifiable facts. That's what a lie looks like. Can you point to the same from President Trump?
To paraphrase the Bard: Donald Trump is a man more lied about than lying.
aaron tractor Rupar, lol, Daniel dale was the one that tried to resurrect the corn pop notion,
Buttigieg and Klobuchar dropped out and endorsed Biden, and you know why? "They made a deal! Quid pro quo! They should be impeached!"
Really?! You made this lame joke? I expect better of you, Ann?
So, President Trump's question doesn't seem at all stupid to me.
If we were talking about a vaccine that exists, then this question doesn't look very stupid. When there is no vaccine and developing one will take at least a year, this a dumb question.
1) that President Trump called the virus a hoax. 2) that President Trump has slashed funding for the CDC, leaving us dangerously unprepared.
The first is not a bald faced lie. His first statement was muddled and rambling and one could reasonably believe that he meant the virus was a hoax (what does the "coverage being a hoax" even mean?)
As to the second, the Trump's budget has indeed proposed deep cuts to the CDC, luckily they didn't pass or we would be in even worse shape.
I love watching TRump speak or dance to the national anthem to see how childish and egocentric he is, but I am not happy with what he does from tax cuts for the rich and socialism for cooperate farms.still it is sort of like performance art, much like the Althouse posts are designed to two step with the Trump base.
Why does the question look dumb to you? Is it that you think scientists self-evidently can't predict what effect a vaccine might have on COVID based on viral properties without live trials on an existing vaccine? Or because you think the vaccine will take so long it's pointless, in which case it's dumb to even be talking about it? Both seem wrong to me.
Re: Hoax.
No. There is no reasonable way to believe that he meant the virus was a hoax. That doesn't even make sense when he's explicitly calling it real and dangerous moments before. This is what we mean when we talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome. When you parse his speech, you are apparently incapable of rational thought. My point (2) is a good example of what "coverage being a hoax" means. Did you really not know that? He's complaining that people are lying about him. And they are.
Re: Funding.
So, can we at least agree that the claims being made in the media were a lie?
Of course, I disagree with your next point too -- the proposed cuts were not to epidemic reponse, but to non-core-mission parts of the CDC like chronic diseases (more properly under NIH) and non-disease things like gun violence, and even then a proposed budget is a starting point for negotiations -- but can we at least start by agreeing that the media talking point about Trump having slashed CDC funding is false? The claims were very clear that the cuts had already happened and were having consequences right now.
clint said...
"Chuck said...
Each of these rallies features Trump saying 8 or 10 or 12 or more outlandishly false, or grossly mischaracterized, or almost unbelievably weird things."
Could you point to some of these outlandishly false things -- pretty much every time I look into one of these big lies the President is supposed to have told or outrageous evil things he's purported to have said it turns out that it didn't happen or wasn't a lie or was actually quite reasonable.
Yeah, let's do this.
Here's the first half-dozen.
1. Trump again -- as he now always does -- claims that "Mexico is paying for the wall, by the way."
No, Mexico is not paying for the wall. Mexico is not even paying for the wall via another one of Trump's fantastical lies from another rally where he claimed that Mexican "redemptions" would pay for the wall. And as Daniel Dale points out, Trump now regularly pumps this lie out as a kind of a parenthetical in his speeches, like it is no bid deal and is just a kind of a funding footnote and he wants to remind the audience.
2. "We built 127 miles as of today." Well, what has been "built" is almost all the replacement of dilapidated old wall. Not new wall in places where no wall previously existed.
3. There was this bizarre assertion: "There are globalists that would rather keep our borders open than keep our infection -- think of it -- keep all of the infection, let it come in..."
It sounds like somebody who has had way too much or way too little Ritalin. (Or whatever stimulant keeps Trump propped up these days.) It might be unfair to call this a flat out lie, since a "lie" presumes a cognizable assertion fact, and not just word-vomit.
4. Trump claims that "nobody knew" that 27,000 people died of influenza every year. "Nobody told me," Trump said. And he said that a vaccine for Coronavirus would be coming soon. (Trump just had a hilariously embarrassing meeting with pharmaceutical executives including Dr. Anthony Fauci, in which Trump seemed to be unfamiliar with, and unwilling to accept, the time needed for vaccine clinical trials. The meeting was video recorded, and instead of it looking like an episode of The Apprentice, it looked like one of the civil depositions of Trump where he was just embarrassed by the questions.)
5. In a repeat of an oft-told Trump lie, he claimed that he was the only president to shake the hands of every cadet at the Air Force Academy graduation. The point is not the simple fact of the erroneous claim, but the Trumpian embellishment of it, which is positively psychotic.
(1 of 2.)
(2 of 2.)
6. This one wasn't so much a lie, as it was pure inexplicable weirdness; it was Trump claiming a guy in the audience didn't "look Mexican." It's funny to me, because to me Donald Trump looks Canadian.
7. Trump: "Democrats are trying to politicize the coronavirus, denigrating the noble work of our public health professionals." Can anyone name a single Democrat, who has denigrated the work of a single health professional?" Not the denigration of some Trump political appointee or Trump himself, but a line healthcare professional doing health care or actual professional health policy.
8. Trump: "Remember President Obama? You can keep your doctor. You can keep your plan. 28 times. They said, “Impeach him. You should impeach him.” 28 times he lied. 28 times on record, “You can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan.” Well, that’s not true. It wasn’t. Impeach him. We’re making healthcare better and much cheaper while premiums more than doubled in the last five years before I took office. We are now offering plans that are up to 60% less expensive and they’re better plans. We are protecting people with preexisting conditions and we always will, and we are trying terminate, in the Supreme Court of the United States, the worst healthcare in the world, and we are going to give you the best healthcare you’ve ever seen at a low price and again, protecting preexisting conditions. Protecting preexisting conditions."
WTF. What plan has Trump proposed? What Trump plan saves 60%? Trump said early last fall that a plan would be introduced by his Administration the next month. It never happened.
8. Trump: "I signed an executive order opposing price transparency that’s going to be bigger than healthcare, because when providers are required to show their prices, those same prices fall very, very fast. Right? It’s a big thing. It’s a big thing."
Trump's own medical decline is a big thing. And he did sign an executive order PROMOTING price transparency, not "opposing" it. More Trump verbal dementia.
9. Trump again took personal credit for "VA Chioce," which began before he became President and is one of his most often fact-checked lies.
10. "I passed criminal justice reform to give former prisoners a second chance at life. Alice Johnson, do we love Alice Johnson? This could not have been done by anyone other than the Republican party."
Alice Johnson was pardoned by Trump. She was not the beneficiary of any second chance legislation.
11. President Bone Spurs said this; "Listen to this one. No Democrat’s going to this. They don’t even want to spend money on the military. They don’t like the military..."
12. Trump's brain-to-mouth connection short-circuited over the tricky word, "banker."
I hope Chuck gets more than minimum wage for his work here. I hear Bloomberg pays really well for much less effort at that kind of thing.
The increasingly unhinged comments by the resident leftists is a good thing. They know what's coming in November.
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