March 4, 2020

What's wrong with this headline: "I’ve never seen anybody mount a comeback like this — ever"?

That's the headline at Politico, quoting Matt Seyfang, "an expert delegate counter who had worked for Pete Buttigieg."

A comeback was mounted, but did Biden mount it? Biden is on the mount, but how did he get there? If it was his own doing, can anyone explain how? If he did it himself then we should stand back and marvel, like Seyfang, I’ve never seen anybody do a thing like this, but I think it was done for him and in spite of him. If Biden did it, then he's really amazing, and it should add to his argument that he deserves the job of working for us. So can Biden proponents please explain why Biden deserves the credit?

Notice how my question goes along with the idea that if Biden becomes President, he won't really be the one who is exercising the power. Trump recently said that if Biden is elected President, "They’re going to put him into a home and other people are going to be running the country. And they’re going to be super left radical crazies. They’re going to be super left radical crazy. Joe’s gonna be in a home. He’ll be watching television and everything will be just fine."


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Achilles said...

Has Warren quit yet? Warren pretty clearly cost Bernie a couple states bu staying in.

Bernie would be winning now if she had dropped and consolidated support like all the other tools did for Joe.

Trump is going to have fun with her and the Bernie Bros if she is still in.

Stephen said...

Yes, "super left radical crazies" like Klobuchar, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, O'Rourke, and Clyburn.

Ken B said...

The writer is an idiot. Politics is full of big comebacks. Read a book, fool. Plus Biden was down only in Nate Silver's *model*. The guy is a charlatan and his models are not reality.

Gusty Winds said...

Come back? How can these journalists pretend everybody doesn't know it was all orchestrated? Last minute drop outs. Warren stays in only to siphon votes. I don't read their shit, but they must have a really low opinion of their target audience.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe is the loyal old figurehead who will let the Clinton Deep State railroad us.
She will not be denied.

Fustigator said...

If Bernie had gotten 3.5% more of the votes in TX, everyone would be talking about Bernie being in the lead. He probably should have spent more time there. CA and TX dwarf all the other Super Tuesday states and if one wins both it seems they are sure to gain the momentum.

Nonapod said...

Biden seems pretty hapless. At this point he isn't mounting anything other than maybe a rascal scooter.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump goes into election night 2016 with a predicted 5% chance to win, behind in every poll, and then wins?

And this idiot has never seen a political comeback? Their told what to write and what to say.

Bob Boyd said...

Who's counting the votes?
The Iowa caucus was trickier, but they managed.

Skeptical Voter said...

Biden's comeback is sorta like a USC running back needed 3 yards to make a goal; everybody on the team got behind him and pushed him over the goal line.

Just a week ago Biden had never won a primary election outside the State of Delaware--he ran for President 3 times before he finally won one--in South Carolina on Saturday. Then miracle of miracles he wins 8 in one day on Super Tuesday? Was he ever surprised, since he thought the election was on Super Thursday.

The fix is in at the DNC to take the nomination away from Bernie (not that I care--I wouldn't vote for either Bernie or Biden in the general in November). But it's more seemly to steal the nomination from Bernie by jiggering around with the primaries. It will look like the voters rejected Bernie and fell in love with Biden.

The DNC hope is that the theft will be accepted by the Bernie Bros and they'll hang around to vote Dim in November. But Bernie and the Bernie Bros know that even paranoids have real enemies.

Wince said...

" expert delegate counter who had worked for Pete Buttigieg."

And lots of free time, even before he dropped out.

Mayor Pete has only 26 delegates.

rhhardin said...

Biden morphed into a mental woman, which resonates with various dem communities.

Jaq said...

The DNC threatened, like my dad used to do, to “knock some heads together.” And “son of a bitch” Biden looks like the nominee.

rhhardin said...

What happens when a man no longer can abstract and reason in depth. He reasons sideways. All sideways connections are important, the system is not.

Jaq said...

Tulsi is back on the debate stage, BTW. She won a delegate in Samoa.

Limited blogger said...

Will Jill be around to get between Joe and Trump when Joe wants to take POTUS behind the gymnasium and kick his ass?

narciso said...

Why write anything,

Jaq said...

"What happens when a man no longer can abstract and reason in depth.”

Men get a psychological reward for finding a solution to an abstract problem, women don’t. This is established science. It’s the reason women drop out of math even when doing well.

Michael K said...

Has Warren quit yet? Warren pretty clearly cost Bernie a couple states bu staying in.

Warren will be the one with the new vacation home on Nantucket when this is over.

Of course the fix is in. They know Trump will win. This is about the down ballot races.

Jaq said...

It’s a great feeling to figure out what is wrong with your motorcycle.

tim maguire said...

They won't be so much left-radical crazy as insider crazy. The swamp creatures will be running the swamp again. That was the big problem with Sanders and, to a fair degree, with Bloomberg as well--they won't protect the ruling class the way Biden will.

Limited blogger said...

Yes, they'd rather have Biden lose to Trump and hope the results are not a wipe out.

Then have Bernie lose to Trump in the biggest avalanche ever recorded.

tim maguire said...

Everybody who siphoned votes from Biden is out. Everyone who siphoned votes from Sanders is still in. Plus Gabbard, who siphoned votes from nobody.

Jaq said...

the more complicated the problem, the better if feels to come up with the solution. Especially when that solution passes real world tests, like you kick down on the starter and the bike starts.

Women tend to prefer theorizing about the untestable, so that they can not worry about it and just go with “I am right” and defend it with all kinds of emotional blackmail rather than reason.

Jaq said...

Warren says that she “has shown” that she can implement her single payer without taxing the middle class. Every country with single payer taxes the middle class and the poor. But she claims she can do it and not only that, “has shown” that she can do it. She thinks she is reasoning abstractly because she doesn’t really know what abstract reasoning is.

gilbar said...

but I think it was done for him and in spite of him. If Biden did it, then he's really amazing

i can't remember, back in 1992; who was it, that scared the democrats So Much; that they did it for BJ Clinton? (and, in spite of him?)

Was it Jerry Brown? or the Tsongus guy?

Bill Peschel said...

Journalism set its credibility afire when news stopped being about what happened and what people think happened and what it meant.

narayanan said...

Blogger Limited blogger said...

Will Jill be around to get between Joe and Trump when Joe wants to take POTUS behind the gymnasium and kick his ass?
Can the debates be in wrestling arenas setup with moderators in zebra? stripes?

Gusty Winds said...

The desperation is amazing. They have to know Biden's 'gaffes' soon will not be written off as just 'gaffes'. It's clear they guy has lot more than a step in the last four years. Remember Hillary's Irish Good-bye that got caught on camera in NY, created a lot of doubt about her health.

Trump is going to start batting Biden around like a baby seal.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

One of Joe’s mottos from the South Caroline debate worked. Or maybe it was the brilliance of having five mottos that each worked on different voters. Althouse should regrade.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave Begley said...

The Trump-Biden debates should be a hoot. I'm betting Biden will threaten to punch Trump. Or a push up contest.

Gk1 said...

Everyone on this board was talking about the inevitable "Come back kid" angle if Biden did well in the south and Super tuesday. It's what they always run with when they need to serve up fresh shit for consumption and not dwell on the ongoing democratic civil war. The more interesting articles will be what the DNC can do to buy off Bernie to forestall a breakup of the party.

Sebastian said...

"I think it was done for him and in spite of him."

Yes. One week Dems laugh at him and want him to get off the stage, the next he is the one to save them from socialist disaster.

I'll give them this: it's rational to choose senility over insanity.

And yes, your and Trump's inference is also correct: a Biden presidency will be "done for him." Which is fine with Dems and the deep state.

Jaq said...

BTW, I have read it, and it is a complete load of bullshit. He says that the problem with Western Civilization is that the Empiricists won over the Sophists. There are so many problems with Zen that it would take a book of equal length to point it out. I lost my copy, but whoever finds it will be treated to copious margin notes explaining why.

AllenS said...

It ain't over until the Elderly Crazy Person sings.

Temujin said...

This is not a comeback. This is a directive. The DNC sent up their Batman Light and let the national Dem apparatus know that enough was enough. Everyone from Amy and Pete (who suddenly could not wait 2 days for Super Tuesday after going through all those weeks and months of campaigning and debating and eating bad food), to the media, to the actual party apparatus has been given their marching orders. These people have been told to get in line. And believe me- no one does clone actions like Libs. Bernie and his team are the outliers and they are being eliminated.

Biden did not even appear, place ads, or have any sort of campaign apparatus in some of those states he won last night. It's a crock. Those people did not just wake up and say, "Give me 'The old guy who likes to touch women inappropriately' for $1000, Alex." They are propping him up. The media will be doing the hard work this election year, propping him up like a sequel to "Weekend at Bernies".

If I were a Bernie Bros. I'd be very pissed. As is, I think the bubble will still burst on Joe now that the spotlight is focused squarely on him. But I know that even as his bluster grows thin, the Dem populace will vote for him en masse. They will vote for him if he's found with his hands on a woman's breast, and spittle coming down his mouth. Its that or Trump.

Browndog said...

Dave Begley said...

The Trump-Biden debates should be a hoot. I'm betting Biden will threaten to punch Trump. Or a push up contest.

Ski race down Danger Mountain.

Brian said...

Tulsi is back on the debate stage, BTW. She won a delegate in Samoa.

There won't be any more debates. Oh they'll come up with some excuse but it doesn't help Biden to have more debates, and leaves too much to chance. The DNC is going to conveniently cancel them. It's get on board time.

"It's time for unity not tearing each other apart on the debate stage!"

They've got 11 days to cancel that one (probably because of coronavirus. And the next isn't on the schedule.

DarkHelmet said...

It's pretty clear that Obama, probably the Clintons and a few other movers and shakers 'advised' Mayor Pete, Klobuchar, etc. to stand down and get behind Biden. Biden -- as expected -- did well in southern states with lots of black Dem voters. Bloomberg had no natural appeal in those states, so it was basically Biden (not overtly communist) versus Bernie/Warren (overtly communist and Fake Indian).

Is it a huge comeback when all your competitors drop out to let you win?

SGT Ted said...

Party discipline has always been a feature of the Dems. The Democrat Party mounted the comeback for Joe to prevent a Communist from becoming the head of the Party.

Brian said...

Edit: 11 days to cancel the March 15th one and the 12th debate isn't on the schedule.

TreeJoe said...

Biden will be 78 this November. He is showing nearly constant signs now of mixing up words, phrases, and concepts. During his first term he would pass the average life expectancy of a male in the U.S.

Every policy he has ever personally promoted has been disastrous. Every foreign policy relationship he has overseen has fallen short. Hell, even his recent positions on COVID-19 haven't aged well.

He accomplished next to nothing as a VP for 8 years - where the bar is already set low.

And he's a party patriarch with a penchant for acting inappropriately around young women in the party that is roiled by inappropriate older powerful white men and their ability not to be called to account.

Yeah, this outta end well for the democrats.

tim maguire said...

Aunty Trump said...
BTW, I have read it, and it is a complete load of bullshit

I read it many years ago and, as I recall, I appreciated his thoughts on "quality" but it was obvious he was bored with the motorcycle part of the book, but instead of leaving it behind, he kept coming back anyway so that by the end, the reader was as bored with it as the writer.

danoso said...

McCain was sitting at 1% in the polls back in 2008 before his 'comeback'. Like now it was simply a reflection of the weak field.

DavidUW said...

Biden gets to be bob dole. Period.

It’s all about trying to keep the House. I think they’ve probably given up on the senate which will be plus or minus 1 relative to the current mix

Will suburban wine moms for for the senile groper or the the guy who posts icky tweets? Will they vote for the lying “we’re not socialist” democrat candidate for their congressional district or will they see through the lies and know that not only will they waste 4 more years on impeaching trump again but they’ll also keep on trying to cancel their daughters’ sports teams and push their bizarre social policies...
That’s the question.

rosebud said...

Do you mean the fact that saying "never" earlier in the quote means that the "ever" is unnecessary? He's already qualified the range to all time, or at least all time that he's been looking.

rcocean said...

Yeah, Biden NEVER made a comeback. He was NEVER away. He lost NH and Iowa because NH is right next door to Vermont, and Iowa has zero black people. The blacks rescued him in SC, and once Mayor Pete and Amy K dropped out and endorsed him, he did well on Super Tuesday - not just in the south - but elsewhere.

Bernie showed he has a ceiling. There's a large Never-Bernie vote and it got mobilized. Once everyone dropped out it went to Biden. As shown by your graph, Biden never stopped being in the lead, except for a short time.

rcocean said...

Personally, I think that if Bernie had dropped out and thew his support behind Warren before Iowa, Warren might have taken Biden. But that didn't happen. The two progressives were more interested in ego, than in their policies.

Francisco D said...

Of course the fix is in. They know Trump will win. This is about the down ballot races.

That is probably right, but I don't look forward to the next 8 months of DNC Media tongue baths on Sleepy Joe.

Andrew said...

If you look closely at the video of Biden's speech, his wife and sister did not switch places. Biden is looking at the audience behind him, and his wife stays on the same side. He's just coming up with a quick excuse.

Listening to that speech, it's remarkable how much he slurs and stumbles over his words. This is a disaster of a nominee.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Limited blogger said...

They got Biden back out in the lead.

Time to hide him away again.

More he talks, worse he does.

gilbar said...

saying "never" earlier in the quote means that the "ever" is unnecessary? He's already qualified the range to all time, or at least all time that he's been looking.

Things aren't necessarily unnecessary, just on account of because of the fact that they are redundant!

Sometimes, a redundancy makes a quote more better; In Fact, some of the most best quotes ever used at anytime have redundant words that repeat the same idea

Hagar said...

If Biden somehow is elected President, "they" are going to have a real problem keeping him away from any red telephones, "footballs," chance encounters with strangers with recording devices, etc.

Gusty Winds said...

I think the best part of the story is Elizabeth Warren. Everyone keeps saying she is Bernie's "ideological soulmate". Warren doesn't have an ideology. Warren is about Warren. That's it. Thus the fake native american heritage, and the stupidity to release the DNA 1/1024th resutls.

Maybe she if following orders to stay in and hurt Bernie, but I think she is just nuts. She wants that screeching voice to be heard.

wendybar said...

A win for Joe means Hillary for President again. This is where it is going, and why the Deep State have come out of their deep slumber to endorse him. They want TRUMP out, so they can continue to rule us. Joe isn't stable, let's be serious.

narciso said...

Its not a surprise if the expert predicted it two days ago.

Stephen said...

Things broke for Biden in a favorable way on Super Tuesday, but the reason they broke that way for him is because of who he is, what he has done, and what voters all over the country think he can do. Things broke very favorably for Trump in the last two weeks of the 2016 campaign.
But for the Comey letter, he'd likely have lost. Would you say that this means he shouldn't get credit for his electoral turnaround? I don't think so.

It's particularly odd to see you denying Biden credit for these wins, while just a few days ago, it seems, you were trashing him for letting the moderates down. How is it that he's responsible when he does badly, but not when he does well?

dreams said...

Joe Biden is never going to be president, stop being so stupid democrats, dumb.

narciso said...

People actually hillary was populat outside of california and new york, that the delusion

Bay Area Guy said...

"I’ve never seen anybody mount a comeback like this — ever"?"

Yes, it was an amazing comeback. However, Slow Joe literally did nothing to "comeback." It was all the Dem Party/Deep State apparatus, who went all in to stop Bernie -- AND THEY SUCCEEDED.

A few observations:

1. The Obama "non-endorsement" is now explained. He is working behind the scenes to guide events. He's probably not a fan of Joe, but he certainly will tolerate Joe over Bernie.

2. Can Bernie bounce back from this shellacking? I doubt it. If Biden has the delegate going into the convention, he's got it.

4. If Bernie had an ounce of integrity for his revolutionary ways, he'd run as a third-party independent, which is actually what he is.

5. When Liz Warren defenestrated Bloomy at his first debate, who knew she was clearing the way for Biden?

6. As purely a political matter, you have to admire the chutzpah and organizational savvy of the Dem power brokers to pull this off on such short notice.

rehajm said...

The comeback is only based on perception. We usually wrap these things up in New Hampshire, so that's how this was supposed to go. If you were willing to look at polls there was much evidence to the contrary. Biden's lead in the south and Bernie's ceiling on support- not all Democrats are millennials...

rehajm said...

What will they call it if they count the votes in CA and Bernie isn't as far behind as perceived?

Drago said...

"Fun" video of anti-war veterans confronting Chicken Hawk Joe Biden.

If you watch closely, you'll see Biden attempt to portray his son as having died in the war and then quickly clarify it with a "he was there for a year" comment (his son was a JAG officer like the ones who the actual troops hated) and walk it back with a "not that it matters" comment because he knew instinctively he had just pulled another "Biden".

Drago said...

That video should play right before a Trump ad showing how Biden/obambi/dems/LLR's abandoned our vets.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

No matter how it happens, a garner is a garner. It goes in the book as a G.

Achilles said...

Bay Area Guy said...

4. If Bernie had an ounce of integrity for his revolutionary ways, he'd run as a third-party independent, which is actually what he is.


walter said...

DarkHelmet said...Is it a huge comeback when all your competitors drop out to let you win?
Kinda like the illusion of stepping forward to volunteer because everyone else steps back.
Regarding Joe's mush mouth moments, hard to believe it's just bad dentures.
Is that seeming neurological issue on an early dementia eval?

bagoh20 said...

So the guy who was the front runner all along is barely at the front, and this is an amazing comeback? Although he has looked terrible, did a lot of his support really go anywhere? Did people who did not want the alternatives really change to them over a couple weeks?

The decline and the "comeback" are entirety media driven narrative not based on anything relating to actual voter support in most states, but rather just a couple small primaries, and a continuous flow of gaffs on TV. We are just seeing where Biden has been all along among actual voters.

Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

One of Joe’s mottos from the South Caroline debate worked. Or maybe it was the brilliance of having five mottos that each worked on different voters. Althouse should regrade.

Actually Biden is just fortunate that democrat voters are stupid sheep.

Bay Area Guy said...

I missed No. 3 up there which is:

3. Liz Warren -- get out now and help Bernie recover!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga basically agrees with Trump that "They’re going to put him into a home and other people are going to be running the country." She said so last night, and she's just fine with a puppet president and unelected officials running things.

That's an acceptable scenario for serfs. Not Americans.

Known Unknown said...

There was never any comeback. Biden was always the frontrunner when you calculated in the interests of REAL primary voters who were largely ignored by the media for weeks, if not, months.

ConradBibby said...

Got time for a crazy, irresponsible prediction? Here's one: The DNC have set up Biden as a placeholder whom they'll replace sometime AFTER the convention, based on physical/cognitive impairments (that are already apparent to everyone now, of course). Once safely past the primaries and convention, I'm pretty sure the DNC can swap in a new candidate just by declaring the need to do it and holding a behind-the-scenes vote. So, they could completely reset the election in, say, September, by putting in Kamala or Amy, who although couldn't get through the primary season on their own, would, in this scenario, suddenly arrive on the scene as if on a white horse to reignite the Dems' dreams of defeating Trump.

Achilles said...

Bay Area Guy said...

I missed No. 3 up there which is:

3. Liz Warren -- get out now and help Bernie recover!

Only if you pretend Warren is making her own decisions.

She is doing exactly what she has been told to do.

Jaq said...

BIden confuses his sister for his wife.

Rick said...

if Biden is elected President, "They’re going to put him into a home and other people are going to be running the country. And they’re going to be super left radical crazies. They’re going to be super left radical crazy.

This is probably the most accurate statement Trump has ever made.

sinz52 said...

Althouse: "So can Biden proponents please explain why Biden deserves the credit?"

How many Biden proponents are there here?

Let's answer that question first before we poll them.

sinz52 said...

Biden's gaffes and Trump's long, long list of well-documented falsehoods will tend to cancel each other out.

Rick said...

Stephen said...
Yes, "super left radical crazies" like Klobuchar, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, O'Rourke, and Clyburn.

More like Russlyn Ali and Catherine Llamon who started the Campus Sex Inquisition by announcing Title IX requires schools to use a preponderance of the evidence standard, bans cross examination, and determines that exculpatory evidence is not relevant among other findings. This all supposedly stems from a law which states in its entirety;

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

bbkingfish said...

All of a sudden, Dems are thrilled that Trump is POTUS.

There are very few people who can make the "Biden's off his rocker" argument less convincingly than Trump can.

Curious George said...

Biden still sniffing.

Bruce Hayden said...

I mentioned in a different thread the 25th Amdt. But I don’t think right now that it gets that far. He is sliding too quickly. Rather, I expect Biden to be escorted out, so he can ride his Rascal Scooter happily off into the sunset. They could do it at the convention, but I think before the end of August. After that, I think that there would be too many state level complications. The convention is going to be interesting. Who gets the VP nod? I would think that it would have to be someone known to be reliable. If they slide Crooked Hillary into the VP slot, we will know that is the game plan. I don’t think that they would dare...


robother said...

" Biden is on the mount, but how did he get there?"

Bounty hunters, like the Canadian Mounties, always get their man. The comeback is necessary to collect the reward.

Kevin said...

You know who else mounted a comeback like this?

John Kerry.

He was another past-his-prime career politician trotted out against a sure-to-be-beaten Nazi, racist incumbent.

Nobody saw that coming, and not enough people liked it when it did.

DarkHelmet said...

In the unlikely event that Hillary becomes Biden's VP:

No, Biden did not die of natural causes.

Kevin said...

Joe only won because he picked up the votes from the other Biden.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You know the thing. the things that make you go hmmm.

Jaq said...

They have a playbook, and “Comeback Kid” is a good play and it has worked in the past.

Rick said...

Aunty Trump said...
Warren says that she “has shown” that she can implement her single payer without taxing the middle class. Every country with single payer taxes the middle class and the poor. But she claims she can do it and not only that, “has shown” that she can do it. She thinks she is reasoning abstractly because she doesn’t really know what abstract reasoning is.

It's more likely she thinks this is how politics is done.

Jaq said...

"well-documented falsehoods”

Tell me the worst one, and point me to the documentary proof that it is false.

Achilles said...

sinz52 said...

Althouse: "So can Biden proponents please explain why Biden deserves the credit?"

How many Biden proponents are there here?

Let's answer that question first before we poll them.

This is kinda like after 2016 there were 60 or so million people who said they voted for Jill Stein.

Nobody actually admitted to voting for Hillary.

Same thing will happen with Joe. People are all going to be embarrassed to be associated with Joe Biden in any way including saying you are going to vote for him.

Jaq said...

Let me guess. “Coronavirus is a hoax."

Kay said...

What comeback? It took the guy 30 years to win his first primary state.

tcrosse said...

The DNC have set up Biden as a placeholder whom they'll replace sometime AFTER the convention, based on physical/cognitive impairments (that are already apparent to everyone now, of course).

My take all along. Remember Thomas Eagleton? Mort Sahl said they got rid of him when they found out he was depressed before he met McGovern.

Michael K said...

sinz and bbkingfish are both into the Biden is a hero routine.

Already !

Francisco D said...

@Bruce Hayden

One in three chance that Joe Biden bows out (due to deteriorating health) while in the delegate lead. This happens just before the convention and he endorses the DNC pick.

And that pick is ...?

Tim Kaine or some other lifer with a Black female VP?

Inga said...

“All of a sudden, Dems are thrilled that Trump is POTUS.

There are very few people who can make the "Biden's off his rocker" argument less convincingly than Trump can.”

Indeed! Even with Biden’s cognitive deficits we probably will never see him conducting an imaginary orchestra to the National Anthem.

If Trump can be President in his current cognitively impaired state, so can Biden.

Jaq said...

"we probably will never see him conducting an imaginary orchestra to the National Anthem. “

Is this one of Trump's "well documented lies"? How hard is it to make yourself believe that Trump really thought that there was an orchestra there? Does believing this kind of delusional crap get easier with time? Is it like being high all the time?

Anonymous said...

I can definitely see Chuck telling Bill Weld in some empty (except for Chuck) suburban Holiday Inn ballroom during a fundraiser for Weld 2020 about that one time when he scored four touchdowns in a game against Andrew Jackson High

Anonymous said...

Senile 90-IQ Inga certainly believes it and anything else the last few entries on her Twitter feed tell her

Greg the class traitor said...

"Radical left crazy"

Well, let's see: Hell yes we'll take your gnus away from you
No border control
No expelling even criminal foreigners
Free health care for illegal aliens
Destroying people's lives for refusing to accept that a man can become a "transwoman" just by feeling it
Abortion up to, and maybe past, the moment of birth, for any reason, or no reason at all
No religious freedom for believing Christians

Those are all the standard Democrat positions. They are ALL "radical left crazy", some just pretend to be nicer

Charlie said...

I hear Obama saying: "Joe, if you've got a comeback, you didn't mount that! Somebody else made that happen."

tcrosse said...

Being in denial about Biden's mental state for political purposes is not doing him any favors. Shame!

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
Even with Biden’s cognitive deficits we probably will never see him conducting an imaginary orchestra to the National Anthem."

LOL. Thinks that comparing Trump feigning to lead an orchestra when the Anthem is playing is a) a cognitive deficit and b) comparable to the dementia that Slow Joe provides example of daily.

What a fucking dullard.

Greg the class traitor said...

rcocean said...
Personally, I think that if Bernie had dropped out and thew his support behind Warren before Iowa, Warren might have taken Biden. But that didn't happen. The two progressives were more interested in ego, than in their policies.

You keep f'ing that chicken, RC.

Here's what I pointed out in a previous thread, which you had no response to:

Well, you can start with the fact that Wall Street Democrat donors were telling the DNC they'd sit out 2020 if Warren were at the top of the ticket.

Then you can go to the fact that she's a pathological liar, who solely got her position at Harvard Law because she lied and pretended she was Cherokee (Chow Wow Pow ring any bells here?)

And yes, she lied. Which is why she stopped claiming to be "Native American" as soon as she got tenure at Harvard.

Then you can look at the fact that, once voters got a quick look at her, they dumped her and never looked back. She's been a "spoiler" since she cratered in the polls, and then cratered in Iowa AND New Hampshire

Yancey Ward said...

This was the DNC- it definitely wasn't anything Biden himself did other than continue to respire. I suspect the Democratic political machines in each state were put into service getting out the vote yesterday for Biden. Additionally, the party put a lot of pressure on Buttuvwxyz and Klobuchar to drop out and endorse the day before the actual vote- they never would have done that on their own initiative- especially Klobuchar who had to deny her self the possible win in her own state. The key data point, though, is that Warren didn't take that route- she was more valuable staying in the race. The only thing the DNC was unable to achieve was getting Bloomberg out before yesterday, but he just couldn't drop out before contesting at least 1 state after spending $600 million dollars.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Being in denial about Biden's mental state for political purposes is not doing him any favors. Shame!"

Likely part of the plan:

1. If they sense Senile Joe can win, Great, he wins, and we do whatever we want.

2. If they sense Senile Joe can't win, Great, replace him with someone fresh off the bench, who can.

Gospace said...

It's really funny to see how many people here, on other blogs, and on my Facebook feed are absolutely certain Biden will not be the nominee and are speculating who will be. And yet, no MSM pundits are engaged in that same speculation.

If he's replaced, and Bernie ignored, a third party run seems inevitable.

Which, actually,is probably the best scenario for Democrat down ballot races

wendybar said...

Come on. The man has a major problem and the Democrats are REALLY pushing for HIM. What else COULD we think???

MikeR said...

Given that Biden won states that he didn't campaign in and didn't spend money in, it's hard to see how this was his doing.

tcrosse said...

The Dems will be in denial about Biden's mental state until it's time to pull him out and slip the joker into the deck, all for his own good.

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote on the other thread, right now it looks like Biden won over Sanders last night by about 50 delegates- this is a 120 delegate margin improvement over Sanders' results in the same 14 states in 2016- then he lost by 165 delegates in those same 14 states.

Biden is in the driver's seat now, but Sanders has a chance based on just his performance in California and Texas yesterday- he lost both states decisively in 2016.

Sanders is going to behind after last night by about 43-45 delegates- he can retake the lead next week if his support from 2016 holds in those states, but then he is going to lose a net of at least 120 delegates when Georgia, Louisiana, and Florida vote. Additionally Clinton beat him relatively close races in Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York, and won Maryland just like the southern states.

Next week's primaries favored Sanders by a total of 45 delegates in 2016. He needs to repeat at least that level of delegate support- if he doesn't, then it is unlikely that he can make big enough inroads in the 7 big states that would remain after March 10th- Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Florida, Georgia, and Maryland. I would watch Washington state and Michigan. Sanders won Michigan in a surprise, but only by 4 delegates. Sanders actually needs a result in Michigan that he got in Colorado, and he will need it in Wisconsin, and he will need to win at least 2 out of Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York.

The odds are slim against Sanders right now, but the result in California gives him some hope. How like New York is California, for example? Clinton won both states decisively and by about the same relative margin in delegates- can Sanders flip New York the same way, and maybe Illinois, Ohio, or Pennsylvania?

Inga said...

“Given that Biden won states that he didn't campaign in and didn't spend money in, it's hard to see how this was his doing.”

It wasn’t his doing. It was the doing of Black voters, who as we see can be a very powerful voting block. Take them for granted at your own risk, as Warren, Sanders, Klobochar, Buttigeig and Bloomberg have learned. Biden is seen as a good man because he was Obama’s VP and that was enough to get him where he is today. The endorsement by Clyburn cinched it.

Inga said...

As for senility, Trump has proven one thing, if he can be president with his own cognitive issues, so can Biden.

MountainJohn said...

Mark Steyn just called Biden The Comeback Coot.

Inga said...

“The Dems will be in denial about Biden's mental state until it's time to pull him out and slip the joker into the deck, all for his own good.”

I think most Dems know that Biden has his “moments”, but we’ve seen Trump have similar “moments”. I’d say Trumpists have been in denial for quite sometime.

Calypso Facto said...

Despite evidence to the contrary, Joe's not mounting a comeback, he's just "touchy-feely" with a comeback and smelling its hair.

Yancey Ward said...

Looks like Texas is finally starting to assign the last of their delegates- they have started assigning the at large and PLEO delegates according to the count on RCP.

Inga said...

Sanders is politely going after Biden right now. Bernie, it’s not your time and sadly at your age, you won’t have another chance.

D.D. Driver said...

It's all in the eye of the beholder. You say Biden mounted a comeback, I say Malarkey fumbled away an easy victory.

Francisco D said...

I think most Dems know that Biden has his “moments”, but we’ve seen Trump have similar “moments”. I’d say Trumpists have been in denial for quite sometime.


I would expect a nurse to be a much better observer of human behavior. You really don't have a clue, do you?

rcocean said...

"Here's what I pointed out in a previous thread, which you had no response to:"

What's to respond to? You don't like Warren. SO what? What does that have to do with the fact that Bernie can't be nominated, and she might have? And "Well, they never would let her be nominated?" = facts not in evidence.

Again, one of them had to drop out for either to have a chance. it should have been Bernie, since he'd proven he had almost zero support with Blacks and had lost in 2016.
And I'm not interested in defending warren - sorry you don't like her.

Bay Area Guy said...

The "No Malarkey" bus tour, has been replaced by the "No Malarkey" Black Cadillac Escalade tour, with crazy Uncle Joe at the wheel, sunglasses and fake white teeth, blasting "Born to Be Wild."

Yancey Ward said...

Warren is not up for Senate reelection until 2024, so she won't be worried about that anyway.

I guess the political considerations for her are this- does she plan to run for president in 2024 if Trump is reelected? If the answer is no, then I think it likely she stays in the race if that is the DNC's wishes, and I think that was the order she was given directly or indirectly over the weekend.

If the answer is yes, she is going to run if Trump is reelected, then I think the smart move here is to withdraw and support Sanders- even if Sanders is likely to lose to Biden. Her lane is the same lane as Sanders, and she won't want to completely poison that lane by sticking the dagger in Sanders' back- Sanders won't be running in 2024, but his supporters will still be a bloc that Warren would need.

Rory said...

"They've got 11 days to cancel that one (probably because of coronavirus. And the next isn't on the schedule."

This does fit, if they can't keep Warren in for two more weeks. I can't imagine Biden lasting two hours without someone creating diversions here and there.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We hold these truths to be snuffleupagus.

Yancey Ward said...

Brian brings up a really good point in a comment above- Gabbard won a delegate last night in American Samoa and now qualifies for the March 15th debate- it explains why she stayed in the race, I think- she knew she had a good chance at that delegate.

Brian also makes a good point- the DNC will now cancel that debate and claim the race is over. In any case, Biden will refuse to appear now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gabbard is a Russian asset. I hope the PBS "news" people are on their guard against her. Wearing their tin foil hats.

Yancey Ward said...

As for distractions, could Klobber and Buttuvwxyz still show up for the debate if it is held, and fellate Biden on stage, at least figuratively?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Pretty smart of the Dems to lock up the Dementia vote.

Francisco D said...

Yancy asked: could Klobber and Buttuvwxyz still show up for the debate if it is held, and fellate Biden on stage?

Stop. You are making Inga and Lil' Chuckles jealous.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
Pretty smart of the Dems to lock up the Dementia vote.

3/4/20, 1:54 PM

They were already solidly in the D column.

Inga being Exhibit A.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Any and all neutral or positive info or news about Trump is all foreign/Russian propaganda. I heard it on PBS news hour.

Inga said...

“I would expect a nurse to be a much better observer of human behavior. You really don't have a clue, do you?”

Much better than you apparently. Go have some covfefe, it’s too early to be drunk again.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I would also expect a nurse to have some sympathy for 3 year olds who are raped by illegals, but Inga doesn't have any. It wasn't her relative. She doesn't care.

Drago said...

Inga: "Sanders is politely going after Biden right now. Bernie, it’s not your time and sadly at your age, you won’t have another chance"

Exactly what Inga said about Biden last week.

But for Inga, last week never even happened at all. Her History Reset Algorithm has been triggered.

Drago said...

exiledonmainstreet: "I would also expect a nurse to have some sympathy for 3 year olds who are raped by illegals, but Inga doesn't have any. It wasn't her relative. She doesn't care."

The 3-year old's name was not Heather Heyer, so its as if she never existed at all.

You've got to break a few eggs to make a Lefty Open Borders Paradise Omelette.

Drago said...

Remember, the rapist of the 3 yr old is a person with "dignity" and "spark of divinity", unlike say, Trump voters.

Inga said...

“Exactly what Inga said about Biden last week.”

I said Biden seems to be suffering from dementia, I still say that today. But so is Trump. As I said, if Trump can be President in his condition , so can Biden.

Bilwick said...

"I'm Joe Biden, and I forgot this message."--meme seen on Instapundit.

Drago said...

Inga: " But so is Trump."

Uh huh.

Go ahead and run with that one, please!

"Biden has dementia, but so does Trump, so what's the difference!"

Its just one "winning" message after another from the left, isn't it?

traditionalguy said...

In all seriousness, All Joe Biden needs is surgery on his arterial luminal stenosis. His slowness is a slow down of blood flow to his brain. And the Federal Guys have their platinum healthcare coverage.

Drago said...

Mini Mike currently going Full Inga and asserting Trump is scared of the Bloomy campaign!

So far this has been a really enjoyable democrat primary season.

Drago said...

I can't wait for Biden to elaborate on how "hell yes we're coming for your guns" Beto will be leading a Biden Administration effort to confiscate guns.

Should be fun.

Also, when will we see the estimate for how much free health care for all illegals, including criminals, is going to cost the country?

The democrat pro-infanticide position is going to be interesting to discuss as well.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

“Exactly what Inga said about Biden last week.”

I said Biden seems to be suffering from dementia, I still say that today. But so is Trump. As I said, if Trump can be President in his condition , so can Biden.

Watch the stupid sheep bleat.

You got your head stuck in the fence Inga.

Drago said...

DNC moves to change debate rules (Again!) to protect Biden by excluding Gabbard for the next debate!


The dem establish simply doesn't care that their hacking of their own process is occurring right in front of everyone. They know their base is comprised of little minds who have no backbone to stand up to them, so why not?

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

Brian brings up a really good point in a comment above- Gabbard won a delegate last night in American Samoa and now qualifies for the March 15th debate- it explains why she stayed in the race, I think- she knew she had a good chance at that delegate.

Brian also makes a good point- the DNC will now cancel that debate and claim the race is over. In any case, Biden will refuse to appear now.

I find it interesting that the democrats are shielding Biden and committing the exact same mistake they made in 2016 rigging the primary.

It is no surprise that the stupid democrat sheep voters are still following the herd.

But the Bernie Bros are not going to go along quietly this time.

Bay Area Guy said...


So far this has been a really enjoyable democrat primary season.

I have enjoyed it, too -- although I am still amazed at the "shock and awe" of the Democrat Party apparatus, and how they turned the primary campaign on its head within 2 weeks:

On Feb 23, 2020, (10 days ago), the RCP Betting odds were Bernie 57% likely to win, and Biden 10% likely to win.

Today, the betting odds are Biden 82% to win, Bernie 18%.

So, what changed?

2.25 - shitty Dem debate
2.26 -- Clyburn endorses Biden
2.29 - Joe wins South Carolina
3.3 - Joe cleans up on Super Tues

It just shows you that there are some powerful Dem brokers behind the scenes calling the shots. They did not want Bernie to win, and exercised some real power to thwart him.

I reckon I don't want that real power exercised against the American public.

Greg the class traitor said...

sinz52 said...
Biden's gaffes and Trump's long, long list of well-documented falsehoods will tend to cancel each other out.


Trump is a bullshitting exaggerator

Biden is hitting clinical dementia.

Those two are not even close to the same. And if you really do think they are, it's because you're in early stages of dementia yourself

Inga said...

When Trump’s dementia starts bothering you Trumpists, you might have a leg to stand on when it comes to Biden’s dementia. Obviously you’re not bothered so why should Democrats be? That’s how it’s going to be every time Biden’s dementia is brought up. Goose/gander. There couldn’t be a better candidate than Biden to bring to the forefront every single day, Trumps cognitive issues.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Biden has dementia, but so does Trump, so what's the difference!"

Its just one "winning" message after another from the left, isn't it?

3/4/20, 2:08 PM

Yes! How positive! "Vote for the senile old coot because he's still better than Trump!" vs.

Keep America Great!

I really hope Inga volunteers for Biden in Wisconsin and spreads that wonderful message to the voters. It would be a good way to win more votes for Trump.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The only demented ones are you and Sleepy Joe, Inga.

Please, please, volunteer for Biden!

Spread your winning, positive message! It's not negative or hateful at all!

Drago said...

Inga: "When Trump’s dementia starts bothering you Trumpists, you might have a leg to stand on when it comes to Biden’s dementia"

Next up for Inga: Trump has hair implants too know,....the thing!

Drago said...

BAG: "I have enjoyed it, too -- although I am still amazed at the "shock and awe" of the Democrat Party apparatus, and how they turned the primary campaign on its head within 2 weeks:"

You shouldn't be amazed. One thing we've learned about leftists/libs around the globe, they will do what their "betters" tell them to do. A few will question the heavy-handed decisions and tactics once in awhile, but not for long. But the 98% of them will always fall in line.

Arashi said...

So what does Bernie get this time? Another house on a lake, condo in the tropics, ski chalet in the mountains, short fall down an elevator shaft?

And what will the bernie Bro's do? Vote as they are told, burn it down, stay home and not vote? Enquiring minds want to know.

Of course, by Novemnber we will all be dead of the WuhFlu, so it probably won't matter.

Achilles said...

Drago said...

DNC moves to change debate rules (Again!) to protect Biden by excluding Gabbard for the next debate!


Drago said...

Inga: "There couldn’t be a better candidate than Biden to bring to the forefront every single day, Trumps cognitive issues."


History reset just this morning.


Just wait until tomorrow morning!

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Achilles: "Already?"

They already have their minions out there sending the signals that gee whiz, I mean, of course the rules for who can participate in a debate were always subject to change as we move forward.

I mean, OF COURSE they were.

Who can argue with that?

No dem or LLR-lefty, that's for sure!

Inga said...

“Trump is a bullshitting exaggerator”

Trump forgets his lies because of his dementia and can’t keep them straight. He contradicts himself even in the same sentence. That must a record for lighting fast dementia.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"They’re going to put him into a home and other people are going to be running the country. And they’re going to be super left radical crazies. They’re going to be super left radical crazy. Joe’s gonna be in a home. He’ll be watching television and everything will be just fine."

Adam Schitt and Hillary to name a few.

Drago said...

Inga The Parrot has swallowed whole the new dem line and by gosh she is going to keep repeating it until her head falls off!

And don't you worry about what she was saying literally 72 hours ago! No sirree! Today's a brand new day with a brand new rewrite of history!

Drago said...

Trump has dementia every bit as much as Trump colluded with Russian and Carter Page is a Russian spy and Brett Kavanaugh is a rapist!


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"One thing we've learned about leftists/libs around the globe, they will do what their "betters" tell them to do."

Yep. Mindless, obedient sheep.

Arashi said...

So now that Inga has full blown dementia, will any of her loving family step in and do the right thing for her? No? Just let her continue as is since all of the sharp pointy things have been hidden? I mean it is just so obvious that her demetia has taken over and that she should be removed to a care facility so she can be taken care of.

I mean it is the only caring thing to do.

(or maybe not)

rehajm said...

It was all the Dem Party/Deep State apparatus, who went all in to stop Bernie -- AND THEY SUCCEEDED.

Also keep in mind Biden has essentially no ground game, almost none of the local offices and infrastructure of the other campaigns.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Now Inga is all in with the Deep State.

Trump isn't merely a Russian asset - he's got dementia too! Except, Inga, Trump is quite lucid, and you know it. You're blinded by your hatred of him is all. Nothing new. In fact, it's boring.

On 2/25/20, @ 7:33 PM
Inga said...
"Holy crap, Biden. Everyone is rightfully treating him like a dementia patient."

On 2/25/20, @ 8:24PM
Inga said...
"Holy crap Amy is laughing at Biden. Poor Biden, his handlers have to tell him it’s time to step down."

Then Inga said...
"Biden, Shut up and go away."

Then Inga fell in line.

dbp said...

The idea that Biden will just be in the background and his fantastic progressive cabinet will run things is precisely the reason why my 18 year old daughter switched from Buttigieg to Biden when Mayor Pete dropped out.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago said...
Trump has dementia every bit as much as Trump colluded with Russian and Carter Page is a Russian spy and Brett Kavanaugh is a rapist!


3/4/20, 2:55 PM

Don't forget, the Covington kid was exhibiting white supremacy by standing there and smiling.

And it's no big whoop when 3 year olds get raped, but if they decide they are the opposite sex, we should all celebrate and applaud and you're a big transphobic meanie if you don't!

hstad said...

I love all of these blogging opinions driven by a moron from Politico. Firstly, Sanders could've won Texas, maybe, with more visits. Although, Texas politicos make the Iowa kind of look like 'Mother Teresa'. Secondarily, the big Biden win was mostly in the South. Let's not count our chickens yet? The North still has to vote, I'm afraid. But, President Trump is correct, we have the potential of two losers being the nominee by the Democrats. So maybe the adult politicians have finally woken up. Given that Nancy Pelosi has lost all of her creditability in the Democratic Party with the 'Impeachment' Clown Act, the Democrats have got to do something about the rest of the ticket. I believe one blogger here understands, in order to avoid a real wipe-out of a lifetime, the Democrats have to start protecting other politicos versus the President only.

Drago said...

Get ready for the next line of retreat for the dems/LLR's: Yes, Biden did get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired in a quid pro quo to protect Biden's corrupt coke-head son, but Biden doesn't remember doing that and so that makes it all okay!

After all, Biden just told us a week ago that he had been arrested in South Africa fighting to see Nelson Mandela!!

That's pretty good evidence for getting out of trouble as any! Mob bosses faking mental illness wish they had Biden's track record!

Inga said...

“Then Inga fell in line.”

Inga has always said that whoever gets the nomination she would vote for that person, even if it was the dog catcher, as do the great majority of Democrats and liberals. This election is a referendum on Trump. Even Dementia Joe looks good compared to Dementia Sudafed Trump.

Inga said...

“The idea that Biden will just be in the background and his fantastic progressive cabinet will run things is precisely the reason why my 18 year old daughter switched from Buttigieg to Biden when Mayor Pete dropped out.”

Smart young woman, your daughter.

n.n said...

Transgendered innuendo.

Achilles said...

I am a liberal.

No true liberal is going to vote for Biden.

Only stupid sheep and people with no self respect are going to vote for a doddering old fool everyone knows is going to be a figurehead.

I am enjoying the humiliation that democrat voters are feeling. You are just taking whatever the oligarchs give you and you are liking it.

More importantly is that you will have to sustain this for 8 months.

I felt the same way when Romney was nominated in 2012. I couldn't believe he was the leader we were supposed to support. And I hated Obama. Obama got people killed in Afghanistan. My friends. I will not cry when Obama dies.

But hate wasn't enough. I couldn't follow Romney to the end. A significant number of democrats wont be able to do it no matter how much they hate Trump.

This election wont be as close as 2012.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Inga has always said that whoever gets the nomination she would vote for that person, even if it was the dog catcher, as do the great majority of Democrats and liberals. This election is a referendum on Trump. Even Dementia Joe looks good compared to Dementia Sudafed Trump.

This is how we get 3 year old girls raped by illegal immigrants in bathrooms.

Pieces of shit and sheep electing figureheads.

That 3 year old was raped because of Inga. That father heard her cries and had to pull that man off his daughter because of voters like Inga.

Every single elected official that made that sanctuary city policy happen that resulted in that girl being raped should be drug out in the street and shot.

Every government in the nation that has a sanctuary city policy should get 1 week after watching that to come in line with federal law.

Carter Wood said...

On March 3, 1920, President Woodrow Wilson left the White House for the first time in six months. He went for a chauffeured drive, one of his favorite activities before the stroke, with the Secret Service following him in a separate car.

The White House forbade photos.

Not that history will repeat itself.

News coverage:

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

There are thousands of people on the National Mall at any given time and remember when Inga found an 8 second video of.... well nothing that proved anything at all, but it was all the proof she needed to convict the Covington kids.

Inga falls in line. "progressive cabinet" = an army of Schitts.

Lord help us.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

That's pretty good evidence for getting out of trouble as any! Mob bosses faking mental illness wish they had Biden's track record!

3/4/20, 3:11 PM

Maybe Joe will take a leaf from bigtime Democrat donor Harvey Weinstein and start showing up at rallies pushing a walker.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"This is how we get 3 year old girls raped by illegal immigrants in bathrooms."

Yep. That's completely acceptable to Inga.

frenchy said...

Except you're not even getting "Dementia Joe" though. Youre getting the monied special-interest groups, via their big-ticket donors, calling the shots from behind the curtain...

Or worse. We don't really know who would be behind him. But then, I believe somebody was behind Obama, and exactly who that is isn't known either.

Trump is going to make short work of Creepy Old Joe. And I don't think the down ballot is going to be helped much when the plain folks get a load of Joe in action for their first time. It's amazing the number of people that don't follow politics at all until the presidential general election. Kinda like people who don't follow football, but tune in for the Super Bowl.

Craig said...

The Dems have stolen their strategy from Weekend at Bernie's.

Craig said...

Only in this case, Bernie = Biden.

Howard said...

It was a team win with Biden dragged across the finish line by Hillary's crew, Obama cheerleading, on top of Amy and Pete's shoulders with Bloomberg giving a PostScript high five.

Joe will definitely win a participant trophy in the General.

tcrosse said...

Has Obama endorsed yet? I'm guessing not. Maybe he's waiting to endorse his Michelle.

Michael K said...

renchy said...
Except you're not even getting "Dementia Joe" though. Youre getting the monied special-interest groups, via their big-ticket donors, calling the shots from behind the curtain...

Or worse. We don't really know who would be behind him. But then, I believe somebody was behind Obama, and exactly who that is isn't known either.

I wonder, as well. We know it began with Tony Resko and Bill Ayres. I just wonder who the talent spotter was at Occidental college. Oxy was a nice little college years ago. I had friends there. Now it is a hard left indoctrination camp.

Biden is the chosen vehicle for the anonymous fixers but I'm not sure he can survive a campaign.

The Ingas of the world will not notice, of course.

Francisco D said...

The sad thing about Inga thinking Trump has dementia is that she was once a medical semi-professional.

The good thing, according to her past patients, is that she has retired.

narciso said...

there was a left wing prof, there, I think his name was chapman?

Howard said...

No endorsement per say, a wink is as good as a nod, Oblama just dis'ing Col Sanders and clapping Joe on the back.

narciso said...

correction his name was roger boesche,

Achilles said...

Schumer just threatened 2 Supreme Court justices by name in public if they go against his demands in a ruling.

I am glad they are desperate and flailing.

But how do they think this ends?

tcrosse said...

Obama is awaiting instructions from Upper Management. And he doesn't want to queer his Netflix deal. Meanwhile, I thought he had a big book advance. What ever happened to that? Is he wondering what to write after "It was a dark and stormy night"?

Rick said...

Achilles said...
Schumer just threatened 2 Supreme Court justices by name in public if they go against his demands in a ruling.

Wasn't it just a few weeks ago Dems pretended even opining on the appropriate outcome of a Supreme Court case in public was an outrage?

Ah, the good old days.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Di you see this? Yet more evidence that Joe Biden is a complete moron. and he gets a pass from the hack press.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Local Colorado congress woman Candi CDBaca(D) wants to get the Corona virus so she can infect Trump supporters. said so on twitter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democrats are the mob.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

why isn't Schumer being told to step down?

Achilles said...

This is on the heal of Sotomayor demonstrating she is a complete hack attacking her fellow justices as well claiming they were not impartial.

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