"The ship departed Saturday from Naval Station Norfolk in Virginia. It was undergoing maintenance when President Donald Trump pledged to deploy it to New York, which was expected to take two weeks but was sped up to eight days."
Politico reports.
Here's Rachel Maddow, doing what she could to keep our spirits down, on March 20:
"There's no sign that they'll be anywhere on site helping out anywhere in the country for weeks yet. The president said when he announced that those ships would be put into action against the COVID-19 epidemic. He said one of those ships would be operational in New York harbor by next week. That's nonsense. It will not be there next week."
Just lies all the time. And yet, I'll bet she has a blue check on twitter.
The MSM really is at war with America.
Some one else here noted that Maddow’s snarky angry lesbian manner is getting real old. I’d add that her TDS is off the charts. She is a partisan Dem of the worst sort.
I’m pretty sure Rachel can’t understand normal thinking.
Just lies all the time.
Unless you think a week has ten or more days, she was right. The Comfort is usually docked in Baltimore and can usually deploy in less than a week. Trump apparently didn't know it was undergoing maintenance.
To be fair, technically she was correct on March 20th that it wasn't going to be "there next week". It took 10 days.
The Democrats are worried!
The honest truth is most major cities are Democrat held and by far the most cases of China virus are in those major cities. Thus by inference far more Democrats will die than Republicans. And in times of crisis people tend to lean toward conservative ideas. So you see where this is going. You will see by Nov. a shift of voting patterns leading to a conservative majority. And the liberals most certainly don't want that.
And they will do just about ANYTHING to keep this from happening.
Madcow is Patient Zero of TDS. She has been spreading her bile far and wide since Election Night.
Surprised anybody still watches her. Why no quarantine of that nastiness?
Not so fast. “In a week” is 7 days. “Next week” is a time period spanning 8 to 14 days hence. If I am to see the doctor a week this Thursday I can properly say I have an appointment next week.
David Begley: "Some one else here noted that Maddow’s snarky angry lesbian manner is getting real old. I’d add that her TDS is off the charts. She is a partisan Dem of the worst sort."
She knows her job is to keep the Non-Deplorables, who are really smart and know things about maps with different colors and different countries and such, fired up and fully prepped for the next impeachment effort which, as we speak, has already had the groundwork for it laid.
Begley, read about the Signing Statements the Trump admin put out right after the bill signing, if you haven't already, and note that the intent of those sneaky little additions was to put Congress in charge of reviewing all executive branch actions related to this response effort. It appears to be exactly the same sort of set up as the ridiculous non-subpoena "subpoena's" the dems issued knowing that the Exec Branch would not comply and then screaming "coverup!" and fictional "obstruction of Congress!".
The dems have no doubt already picked out a few bit players within the Exec depts to come forward as non-whistleblower "whistleblowers" to ramp this thing up.
I am just glad Obama and the media didn't think to use the Swine Flu like this when democrats were in control of the federal government.
But, bbbut...she's a Rhodes Scholar. I'm sure she can do anything. Move giant companies to reorganize and reprogram entire production facilities to make ventilators and masks. Create multiple quicker, more accurate tests than what had been in place in the market. Work to keep both the people safe, and the economy breathing.
I know Rachel could do these things. She so smart.
She's the worst.
Are you disappointed that the ship docked today just before noon? I wonder if you and Rachel would have preferred that the ship came even later or not at all. Katrina II is their great hope.
Neither Freder nor Rachel understand that when Trump says to get it there in a week he is demanding an aspirational goal. That is what leaders (not bureaucrat politicians) do.
MSNBC is broadcasting Chinese Communist propaganda. Scummy bastards.
Why does she still have a show?? Alex Jones got banished...she should too, because SHE isn't any better at spreading lies and hoaxes that aren't true.
I don’t think she is helping.
I think we should refrain from covering her.
Maddow is the very embodiment of what we called in days of yore, "a pill".
The honest truth is most major cities are Democrat held and by far the most cases of China virus are in those major cities.
Yes and yet, I see on Facebook (and here) this insane hope for disaster.
Rachel, "Don't believe what you think you're seeing. That ship is most definitely not in NY harbor. The president has used David Blaine to do this as a gigantic illusion; it's a magic trick."
"Unless you think a week has ten or more days, she was right."
She was not right.
Maddow: "There's no sign that they'll be anywhere on site helping out anywhere in the country for weeks yet."
Trump was a LOT closer than Maddow.
Ah Rachel Madcow. She's a range heifer that's been eating Jimson Weed. Makes her sorta loco. But she is good for depositing loads of snark each night, and that sort of Maddow meadow muffin fertilizer keeps her fans happy and coming back for more.
I understand that part of the delay in getting the hospital ship to New York City was that they had to dredge the harbor to create a satisfactory location deep enough for her to berth. Out on the West Coast the sister hospital ship was moved from San Diego to Los Angeles and docked a couple of days ago---without a helping of that Maddow snark.
From Poitico on March 18:
"The Navy has two hospital ships. The other, USNS Mercy, is being prepared to deploy to a location on the West Coast, Trump said. The ships will be launched in the next week, he said, noting that he spoke with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who announced the Comfort deployment in a press conference minutes before the president's comments."
Trump said "ships" but was also talking about the Mercy. And he said they would be "launched" in the next week, not that either one would be in New York harbor in the next week. Either way, it is a few days difference for the Comfort.
What is Maddow doing to help? Freder? Looks like DeBlasio or Cuomo appreciate the effort and help.
My understanding is the ship isn't even there to treat victims of Wuhan Flu.
It will service other patients in order to relieve hospitals of that existing burden.
I suppose USNS Comfort would have gotten there sooner if they had thought to ship it by air freight.
Semantics about "next week" aside, she affirmatively reported to her audience that the ship wouldn't arrive for "weeks and weeks."
The Left hates Trump so much that they: (1) want the virus to spread and (2) want the country to shut down, thereby sinking the economy, so that that they can blame Trump for the ensuing misery in hopes of defeating him this Fall.
That's how these assholes roll.
Ftnote: They will never publicly admit to (1) -- won't help them politically. So, they keep that under wraps.
wendybar said...
Why does she still have a show?? Alex Jones got banished...she should too, because SHE isn't any better at spreading lies and hoaxes that aren't true.
At some point you all will realize the forces that are arrayed against our country and our people.
Correction: She said ". . . for weeks yet," not "weeks and weeks."
"The honest truth is most major cities are Democrat held and by far the most cases of China virus are in those major cities.
Yes and yet, I see on Facebook (and here) this insane hope for disaster."
Not entirely irrational, in the old prog sense that, like anything else, crises are tools, and that you can't make omelettes without breaking eggs.
Plus some woke SJWs may be realizing that Wuhan is weeding out a disproportionate number of sick fat white men. How long before they start taunting the victims?
I hope it's only a momentary aberration of my conscious but right now I'm thinking it's too bad Tim McVeigh bombed the wrong building at the wrong time.
Trump got the ship there in a week and a half. There are times the left's pettiness is unbelievble.
Some potentially good news: The rate of new hospitalizations appears to be trending down. It reached a high of almost 4000 last Thrusday, but we only got about 3000 yesterday.
Date Hsptlzd New
20200329 19730 +3001
20200328 16729 +3011
20200327 13718 +3587
20200326 10131 +3995
20200325 6136 +1668
20200324 4468 +1143
20200323 3325 +771
20200322 2554 +590
20200321 1964
Maddow should have faded to black after the Trump tax returns fiasco.
She's right on the details ("not next week") but wrong on the substance.
Why is she still in our faces? I just don't get her.
Not at all interested in what she has to say.
Compare the reception of these hospital ships and the relief people feel to the cruise ships wandering to find a port that will take pity on them. Cruise ships always seemed like floating prisons (with booze) to me, though I dislike crowds and get claustrophobic even in small offices if the door, so really not my thing when you can get booze anywhere. Cruise ships now are like the prison hulks of old.
Owen said...Madcow is Patient Zero of TDS. She has been spreading her bile far and wide since Election Night.
Except for the "Madcow" part, that is a very apt analogy.
Freder Frederson: "Unless you think a week has ten or more days, she was right. The Comfort is usually docked in Baltimore and can usually deploy in less than a week. Trump apparently didn't know it was undergoing maintenance."
May, 1942, Rear Adm. Aubrey Fitch and his staff on USS Yorktown, informs Admiral Nimitz it will take 90 days minimum to repair the extensive damage to Yorktown that occurred at the Battle of Coral Sea.
Nimitz knows the timing required for his plans to succeed at Midway, so he tosses that recommendation into the trash.
Nimitz immediately voids required safety rules which disallow putting ships into drydock with stored aviation fuel. Then Nimitz himself goes to the drydock where the Yorktown has just been docked and he tells the work teams that are standing there in knee deep water and staring at massive holes and burst seams all along the hull that they have....3 days....to make it usable.
But I'll bet Nimitz doesn't know the specific work rotations for the work crews so...
...Shorter Freder: Stupid Nimitz.
Next week was last week, if Rachel Maddox said this on Friday, March 20. And her broadcast may have gotten the ship to NYC faster than it otherwise would have gotten there.
Bay Area Guy: "The Left hates Trump so much that they: (1) want the virus to spread and (2) want the country to shut down, thereby sinking the economy, so that that they can blame Trump for the ensuing misery in hopes of defeating him this Fall."
The NYT just yesterday rolled the economic attack plan out and a few democrats are starting to run with it as well.
The dems narrative: The economy was never really that strong to begin with.
Left Bank: "And her broadcast may have gotten the ship to NYC faster than it otherwise would have gotten there."
Yes, that does sound exactly like something you'd write.
“Why is she still in our faces? I just don't get her.”
Niche marketing: Sneering contempt and bilious anger sell.
And her broadcast may have gotten the ship to NYC faster than it otherwise would have gotten there.
Shorter Left Bank: She can alter time and space but not Trump's tax returns.
That Maddow sure tells it like it ain't.
"There's no sign that they'll be anywhere on site helping out anywhere in the country for weeks yet.
Clearly the situation was hazy and she should have asked again.
Wince said: My understanding is the ship isn't even there to treat victims of Wuhan Flu. It will service other patients in order to relieve hospitals of that existing burden.
Yes. That is what is happening here in Tucson. Walk-in clinics for the wounded (e.g., yours truly on Sunday) ERs and hospitals for Covid-19 patients - no cross mingling.
Just because we are experiencing a pandemic doesn't mean people don't get otherwise sick or wounded. I impaled my hand on a one inch cactus spike while digging a hole. I refused to seek treatment (a tetanus shot, etc) until my wife convinced me that patients were being segregated.
"her broadcast may have gotten the ship to NYC faster than it otherwise would have gotten there.
You actually believe this?
After the terrorist mass murders of September 11, 2001, the Comfort was sent to New York City. I was at Health and Human Services at the time and spent a few days with the uniformed Public Health Service doing communications work; the Comfort was our mess.
Sadly, there was little for the ship's personnel to do. There were few injured requiring immediate care. In the Twin Towers, people weren't wounded. They died.
Maddow is a credentialed, lefty version of Hannity. Both are unwatchable in my opinion, yet somehow they find an audience.
When has maddow gotten anything purposefully right?
chickelit said...
Why is she still in our faces? I just don't get her.
She says what Brian L. Roberts tells her to say.
He makes more in a day off of Comcast than NBC is worth.
She is a well paid tool doing a job.
Kevin: "Clearly the situation was hazy and she should have asked again."
She can't.
None of the media can.
They rarely have any contacts within the circle of Trump admin advisors that would actually know anything and thats why we get all the "anonymously sourced" stuff which we all know is simply just straight up fictional.
When this thing is over - and it will be over by the end of April - the reputation of the Fake News will be totally and completely ruined.
People will know that they were unnecessarily frightened and willingly mislead by the media.
Trump wins in 2020.
The Comfort's home port is Norfolk; the Mercy, San Diego.
These are "United States Navy Ship" designation, not "United States Ships". They are not commissioned in the Navy but operated by the Military Sealift Command. There cannot be any US Navy combat personnel aboard these ships; only the medical staff and chaplains are US Navy and they are mostly reservists. The operating crew are all civilian. They remain in home port until given a mission and then it takes about 5-7 days for them to get under way. One of the biggest tasks is apparently calling up and assembling the reservists that make up the medical staff. I once had a neighbor who was a heart surgeon and a captain in the USNR; he got called up once to serve on one of these ships. I have also known retired Navy men who serve on MSC ships as civilians once their Navy career is over.
Maddow is an idiot. She should have spent about 5 minutes on Google or Facebook. Various Facebook pages for the US Navy have been giving daily updates on the deployment of these ships, with photos and video of their activities. Facebook Live had the video as the Comfort came up the Hudson to one of the midtown piers.
That poor woman needs a man.
JaimeRoberto said...
Maddow is a credentialed, lefty version of Hannity. Both are unwatchable in my opinion, yet somehow they find an audience.
Hannity actually has an audience though. It is a bit different. I don't see how people could actually watch that show.
They will get rid of Hannity though at the first opportunity just like they got rid of O'Reilly.
Out of all of them Tucker Carlson seems to be the only honest human being. He really better have an armed guard. I see a "robbery" in his future. One of those robberies in DC where they don't take anything.
"When this thing is over - and it will be over by the end of April - the reputation of the Fake News will be totally and completely ruined."
Not sure why this event will finally be the one over which the media loses the believing left. They've already lost everybody else.
"The honest truth is most major cities are Democrat held and by far the most cases of China virus are in those major cities. Thus by inference far more Democrats will die than Republicans. And in times of crisis people tend to lean toward conservative ideas. So you see where this is going. You will see by Nov. a shift of voting patterns leading to a conservative majority. And the liberals most certainly don't want that."
There is an interesting article on Quillette about how the pandemic may mean curtains for the EU and the globalists. Bear in mind the author is a globalist and he does not want that to happen. Nonetheless, he looks back to the 1918 pandemic and noted that it led to conservative/nationalist governments being elected in Europe and America. He believes the pandemic will simply accelerate trends already apparent during the last few years and illustrated by Brexit, the election of Trump and Boris Johnson and the growing popularity of right wing nationalist parties in Europe.
Posted these maps in an earlier thread. Useful for putting everything in perspective:
Some interesting maps:
COVID-19 Per Capita Mortality 4-Tier Risk
COVID-19 Per Capita Mortality Highest Risks
COVID-19 Per Capita Mortality Party Risk
What was striking to me was how centralized the disease has been on a state by state, per capita, basis. The epicenter is the NYC metropolitan area, including nearby states. The risk for most of the country is still fairly low, even in a big metropolitan area like PHX where I am currently situated (actually, right across the border - I can see it from my window a block away).
My (biased, of course) conclusions are:
- the urban experiment is a colossal failure. Wuhan, the source of this pandemic, has very similar population characteristics to NYC. Even LA, due to its lower density, seems to be doing decently well. As is San Francisco with its homeless problem, and their piles of shit on the sidewalk.
- The Green Dream of mass transit translates into mass infections. Much better to be in your own car, safe from contagion by other travelers.
- Dem/Progressive policies and politics are deadly, in response to pandemics like this one. Their governments typically face more intense problems due to their population densities, but defer too much to their state and city bureaucracies, since they are a key voting block. The result is that they move too slowly to address challenges like pandemics. The rest of the country has more time, and appear to be more flexible.
- The Wuhan pandemic is very likely being viewed in such dire terms because the national media is based primarily in NYC, which has become the epicenter of the epidemic. Like with HIV, they likely know people effected. Most of us do not. Compounding this, the pandemic has reached the DC area, and politicians are now showing up as having been infected. Making things worse, much of the original spread of the disease involved international travel (esp, but not exclusively, from China). The media and elites, as well as the political class in DC are far more international than the rest of us, and as a result, are much closer to this pandemic.
I would suggest that this colors everything from the news coverage, through the two trillion dollar response package. Threaten to kill off an equal proportion of fly over country, and I expect studied indifference from the same sources who have panicked this country.
Poor Maddow not knowing any Dem politicians that ever keep a promise, she felt safe calling the Stable Genius Manhattan Builder a liar. Until Trump came down the road, no one else had seen one either. He is like Sherman and Patton in that he actually knows what can be done. It’s not fair.
It’s not just that she was wrong. She has been saying Trump is lying about such things and the press should blackout his news conferences.
Achilles: "Hannity actually has an audience though. It is a bit different. I don't see how people could actually watch that show."
Just record it and then later, when its over, fast forward to any interesting guest that is speaking...assuming Hannity allows them to speak, and then blow thru the rest. You can do a Hannity show in about 5 minutes on average that way and sometimes its all just the same stuff from before so you never even stop to listen at all.
I actually do that with Tucker and Ingraham too, but those are just for tight time constraints as they often have on really interesting and informative guests. Tucker especially.
I get that Hannity has been doing a 3 hour radio program every day for eleventy years, but on TV you can slow it down and let your guests speak.
One of the most irritating moments, of many, on Hannity when he cut a guest off was when he had on Pastor Andrew Brunson after Brunson's release from Turkey and then Brunson's meeting with Trump in the Oval office. That meeting was where Brunson got down and prayed with Trump in the Oval office.
Brunson, who only had a couple moments really to speak, was sharing some really fascinating stuff about his captivity, faith and that moment he shared with Trump and Brunson was just about to complete a really interesting thought and then Hannity had to jump in just to piggyback on something instead of allowing Brunson to finish. Then time ran out.
Out of all of them Tucker Carlson seems to be the only honest human being. He really better have an armed guard. I see a "robbery" in his future. One of those robberies in DC where they don't take anything.
3/30/20, 1:33 PM
I've tried to tell liberal relatives that Carlson isn't partisan. Sure, he generally supports Trump, but he has criticized Trump and has no love at all for Deep State Republicans. People who still think in narrow Dem vs. GOP terms can't grasp that. Tucker is an anti-Deep State populist - a unlikely champion of blue collar people, given his own preppy background, but then a billionaire from Queens would not have my first choice to lead a populist revolt either.
And you're right. I'm surprised Carlson can make it in and out of his NW Washington home without being assaulted.
Maddow is an asshole. Who lies.
RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. Maddow is a 10 million dollar a year propagandist for the corrupt left.
Achilles: "Out of all of them Tucker Carlson seems to be the only honest human being. He really better have an armed guard. I see a "robbery" in his future. One of those robberies in DC where they don't take anything."
I hadn't really been following that Seth Rich story, after all that blew up on TV and elsewhere after he was robbed but nothing was taken. I also get the weirdness and "coincidences" that sprang up there, though I do know there's alot I never dug into (only so many hours in a day).
But just today, out of the blue, there is report that the DOJ, after initially denying searching Rich's computer/laptop whatever, are now admitting that they DID in fact do that.
So here we are again with these DOJ/FBI jerkwads.
Yet she never stops.
You can roll the tape of any of her shows. They are all hot garbage.
@Bruce Hayden,
The risk for most of the country is still fairly low, even in a big metropolitan area like PHX where I am currently situated (actually, right across the border - I can see it from my window a block away).
Sing it brother!
Arizona: Population = 7.2 Million; No. of viral deaths - 20
For you math wizards: That's 2.7 deaths per Million.
Move to Arizona, if you're really worried about the virus. Not much is happening there.
I do hope Tucker Carlson has a bodyguard(s).
How influential is Hannity among real people? People on the left & the #nevertrumper right talk as though anyone who does not think Trump should be hung by his heels from lamp post is a clone of Hannity (or Gorka).
I have never watched Hannity. I rarely watch network television, at all. I never hear R wing pundits use Hannity as an authoritative source on Trump.
The liberals I run into seem to believe that conservatives spend all day watching Fox News & they get their marching orders from Sean Hannity every night. Who is telling them that?
The Nexus of Maddow-Hillary will never be exposed.
A couple of points. First- as someone above already noted, in the business world, a leader or executive lays out the goal. He/She lays out what he/she is trying to get the entire team to embrace, go after, and get done. It is not up to the executive to get it done. But the executive must state what the goal is, what we aspire to achieve. How it gets done is left to department heads and their teams. This is how Trump operates. And as very few in the media and almost no one in government has had to make a payroll in their lives, they don't get how this process works.
The other point is that as has been pointed out numerous times, Democrats and the Left in general are the most miserable people anywhere, at any time. No where else would these people look past all that is getting done, moved, changed, reconfigured in a matter of days and weeks, to get this vast country covered and focus in only on the Easter date. Or the fact that the ship isn't or wouldn't be in New York in 7 days. My God...just...my God. These are the same people that just months ago told all of us we only had 10-12 years left to live on the planet anyway. Daily in the NY Times you can read whiny, miserable tales told by whiny, miserable people.
Why would anyone look to these people for leadership, inspiration, or a way forward? The Left is inherently a hand-wringing, depressed group. The Right is typically optimistic, resilient, and ready to take on the task at hand.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Yet she never stops.
You can roll the tape of any of her shows. They are all hot garbage."
If you ever really want a really good laugh, watch ANY of the Jimmy Dore Youtube video takedowns of Maddow.
They are hilarious.
And the best ones are right after something "big" happened that blew long-running Maddow narratives completely out of the water.
The other really good Jimmy Dore takedowns are of the MSM pushing the establishment lines against Tulsi, etc.
BTW, Jimmy Dore is a far left progressive who was ostracized because he recognized immediately that the entire Russia Russia Russia thing was a scam concocted by Hillary and Team Dem/MSM and that the impeachment was a farce.
Dore often has on other far left reporters and journalists like Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate and comedians and talking heads so its fun to watch, even from my perspective.
Interestingly, Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate, Jason Nichols, etc are all on Tuckers show very frequently, amongst many other left/lib progressives.
Lewis Wetzel said...
How influential is Hannity among real people?
That's unknowable. But I believe he regularly gets in excess of 3 million viewers, so about 1% of the US population regularly watches him. Now, those 3 million people may influence friends and family members with arguments that originated on Hannity I suppose. But as with all things, those same arguments could just as easily turn off friends and family if they're not persuasively delivered and instead come off as unbelievable or seem like brainless pro-Trump cheerleading. After all, I know that many people see Hannity as a Trump-cheerleader (I tend to agree with that description myself) and consequently may dismiss any argument out of hand if they suspect it originated from his show.
Some day, media historians will look back and ask "why and how did these nitwits get the top jobs at the big networks"?
The popularity of Maddow kind of takes the starch out of arguments about Fox News and Hannity that come from Democrats. But Hannity viewers haven’t been taking guns down to softball practices to shoot Democrats they way that Maddow viewer did Republicans.
A scorpion is going to do whats in its nature.
# Jimmy Dore.
"You actually believe this?”
If you doubt that they believe it, watch this amazing YouTube of a recovered TDS sufferer. It’s worth it.
Serious, she goes into a lot of detail, and says that they reason she was able to start to see through her TDS was that she thought Trump was genuinely funny. That oppened the floodgates.
I like Hannity. But, Yes, he is over the top.
To his credit, though, when some liberal does have courage to go on his show, like Bill de Blasio, he's usually well treated, and it's a good interview.
So, why is Hannity over the top?
Well, FoxNews is only 24 years old (started in 1996), while CNN is 40 years old (started in 1980).
In other words, look at media news pool that Foxnews jumped into. The Big 3 (ABC/NBC/CBS all slanted Left) and CNN (slanted Left), and ascending in prestige after its Gulf War coverage in 1990.
So, FoxNews carved out a niche to make $$ by slanting right, and catering to the other half of the country. Hannity continues in that vein.
How much has Rupert Murdoch made off Foxnews? Well, the dude is worth $15 Billion. . He's up there with Bloomberg.
Why does anyone watch Rachel Maddow? She doesn't appear to have any knowledge of how the real world works and seems to work on the principle that if Trump says it, it cannot be true. Its routine for US Navy hospital ships to be quickly deployed all over the world in response to natural disasters. Getting them to NYC and California in 1 - 2 weeks isn't a big deal. Its not like they aren't already staffed and if not in dry dock or under going repairs they are going to be ready to get under way pretty quickly. The Navy practices getting ships underway as quickly as possible all the time. A navy that cannot respond to events rapidly is useless. We have the best navy in the world.
"If you doubt that they believe it, watch this amazing YouTube of a recovered TDS sufferer. It’s worth it."
Thanks, I've bookmarked it. I'm supposed to be doing chores now.
"He/She lays out what he/she is trying to get the entire team to embrace, go after, and get done. It is not up to the executive to get it done. But the executive must state what the goal is, what we aspire to achieve. How it gets done is left to department heads and their teams."
Exactly. To the left's way of thinking, Trump is expected to be personally involved with the minutiae of every single issue while in reality, he's telling people "This ship needs to get from Point A to Point B. And it needs to be there yesterday." Then he's on to the next job on the list and it's up to those working for him to make it happen.
Don’t forget, she’s the smart one. No, really.
I'd expect an upcoming broadcast to point out that Mr. Trump has sent an ill-prepared and ill-maintained ship to "help" the people of NY.
I like Hannity too. He does a shit ton of investigation into the corrupt left. Something most journos don't do.
But yeah - Hannity in small doses. Lot of repetition.
The other day someone locally linked to a Prager U video with John Stossell. It was on pan-handling and how many of pan-handlers are just scammers.
In any case, some jerk said something like 'oh you should not watch PragerU - that's white supremacist and right wing.'
This is what the left do - they smear anything common sense because they are fearful someone might get their mind changed by reality. They smear and lie to maintain their power over speech. The left really are the true fascists and nanny purists now.
Haters gotta hate. That’s what they do.
Why does anyone waste their time either viewing her show or worrying about what she says. She is a truly vile woman.
And there's always Wuhan Nancy, who is doing her level best to lower American morale, by parroting CCP's claim that Trump is responsible for Virus deaths. Along with Axis Chuck at MSNBC. Of course they also hew to the CCP party line that there are no more Virus deaths or sickness in China.
The glum faces on CNN and MSNBC reporting the rollout of quick testing and J&J's announcement of a vaccine candidate were (almost) worth watching for more than a minute or two.
Note to Maddow: Never underestimate the capability of Americans. Germans, Japanese and Muslim terrorists did, to their detriment.
I like Hannity too. He does a shit ton of investigation into the corrupt left. Something most journos don't do.
I can't watch Hannity but he was on the Atlanta bomber case from the start and supported Richard Jewel when no on else did.
He lucked out with Trump from the beginning.
>>Left Bank: "And her broadcast may have gotten the ship to NYC faster than it otherwise would have gotten there."
That's an interesting theory. How would that have played out?
Admiral #1 "I know the Commander in Chief said get going in a week, but that's impossible. It will be weeks and weeks before we could possibly arrive."
Admiral #2: "Look at this clip. Rachel agrees. We really don't want to disappoint her."
Admiral #1: "Oh! Rachel Maddow! Why didn't you say so. We will find a way!."
I'm sure almost all of the Navy's big time logistics folks are very much motivated by what she says on MSNBC.
As to why anyone watches her? That's easy. People are tribal. As such they like trash talking people who aren't in their tribe, the "others", the enemies. There's always an audience for hatred of the other, even when it's irrational and demonstrably false. And at this point her audience has been widdled down to a hardened core of hate addicts. They don't care if she's wrong. And if you think that you could ever reason with that tiny hardened core by clearly showing how often she's been hilariously wrong, you're probably setting yourself up for dissappointment.
"doing what she could to keep our spirits down"
OK. But that's the prog MO. Do they deserve your "neutrality"?
Check out all those sooooper-smartm urban, sophisticated NYers gathering in large crowds to watch a ship arrive.
I doubt the ship is stocked with a cure for that much stupidity.
Re: Hannity, he was more interesting back when he had the late Alan Colmes as a foil. Not that I particularly liked Colmes, but he did tend to provide a grounding wire for Hannity's excesses. When it went from Hannity and Colmes to just Hannity, it went downhill.
"It will not be there next week."
Reporting from the future - they should stick to presenting "yesterday's news tomorrow".
Her sick little video led to Duane Allman & Boz Scaggs ~ 'Loan Me A Dime'.
And now it's "John Lee Hooker, Carlos Santana and Etta James - Full Concert - 07/18/86"
I guess the silly racist announcer is Bill Graham.
Maddow needs to dig harder if she hopes to get to the Indian ocean anytime soon.
"Maddow is a credentialed, lefty version of Hannity. Both are unwatchable in my opinion, yet somehow they find an audience."
No. Not at all. Hannity is an OPINION Journalist. His show is labeled as such. Maddow is presented as a NEWS ANCHOR and heads MSNBC's NEWS Shows like debates and Conventions. Hannity makes no bones about being a CONSERVATIVE. Maddow constantly presents herself as unbiased REPORTER.
Maddow represents a slightly more leftist revision of 90% of the liberal/left crap you see on NBC/ABC/CBS/PBS/CNN/NYT/WaPo. Hannity is one of the rare conservatives who have an OPINION show on Cable TV.
The boring "Never trumpers" and "reasonable conservatives" can never criticize the Left without criticizing the Right. Both sides are wrong - they say. Only they aren't.
"Left Bank: "And her broadcast may have gotten the ship to NYC faster than it otherwise would have gotten there."
DanTheMan: "That's an interesting theory. How would that have played out?"
In Left Bank's defense, his sum total knowledge of military supply chains, lines of communications and logistics has been formed by watching MSNBC.
Listening to Hannity is like listening to a giant, right-wing parrot. He has his talking points and he sticks to them. Relentlessly. Before I retired, he was on the radio every drive home. I could count on it that the words 'Bleachbit' and 'destroying the hard drives with hammers' would be heard, every day, somewhere five or ten minutes either side of 3:45.
Durham still working... TICK TOCK - TICK TOCK. MMMM so nervous, smell the fear.
@Althouse: Surely your "Maddox" tag is an error, but reminded me of what a bigot Maddow is.
Very much a Hitchcock suspense theme.
Maddow on the morning of November 9, 2016:
"You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell.
This is your life now, this is our election now, this is us, this is our country – it’s real."
And one of the things that's real, Rachel, is that we have a President who thinks that he is President of everyone in the United States, not merely his supporters, and who intends to get things done.
Lost in the discussion of whether the Comfort got to New York when Trump said it would is the solid fact that he is not going to win New York despite having done this, and he knows it. But he did it because it is the right thing to do. Does anyone think Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden would have dispatched a Navy hospital ship to help out people who didn't -- and won't -- vote for him? Certainly Trump's predecessor normally treated crises and things to be managed politically.
Wince said...
My understanding is the ship isn't even there to treat victims of Wuhan Flu.
It will service other patients in order to relieve hospitals of that existing burden.
Sounds like a good plan to me. Get the sick and vulnerable people who don't have the Chinese Coronavirus out of the hospitals that the CCV patients are coming to.
Also means less decontamination work on the ship before it leaves
"And her broadcast may have gotten the ship to NYC faster than it otherwise would have gotten there."
God forbid I should pile on. but this is just too stupid not to call out as...just too stupid. it's a nice insight into the strange reality the Left inhabits, though.
"Not Sure said...
"To the left's way of thinking, Trump is expected to be personally involved with the minutiae of every single issue . . . ."
Why not? Obama was.
Openidname said...
"Not Sure said...
"To the left's way of thinking, Trump is expected to be personally involved with the minutiae of every single issue . . . ."
Why not? Obama was.
No, Obama was a micromanaging buffoon, which meant he obsessed about the minutiae of a few issues, and let everything else drop because all his time was taken up on too many little things
That sucker is a converted super tanker displacing 80,000 tons. Why does it remind me of a Trojan Horse gift from Trump who knew it was all ready to go.
>>In Left Bank's defense, his sum total knowledge of military supply chains, lines of communications and logistics has been formed by watching MSNBC.
I would have guessed "M*A*S*H" reruns.
Next Up: Whoopi Goldberg motivates Army Corps of Engineers
Rhodes scholar=BS artist to the nth degree...and now with the magic ingredient DIVERSITY! It makes your scholarship load less white!
Bill Clinton would never be a Rhodes scholar today...but Cory Booker still would. And so would Maddow.
People still pay attention to this lefty dyke?
Both ships will not be handling virus cases. They are designed for handling trauma surgery. With wards that are too tightly designed for "medical distancing". What they do is handle NYC gunshot victims :)
Also, the medical staff, minus a leavening of full timers from Walter Reed, are reservists, pulled from the full time medical carers, so there isn't much plus up in NYC staffing except to the extent that some surban heart surgeon is now in uniform doing trauma in NYC.
THEY NEVER DEPLOY IN LESS THAN A WEEK. It's the reservist call up that is the constraint.
a Federal morale boost.
The better story is the fact that Jerry Brown axed the mobile disaster hospitals and ventilator reserve that Aarold put in place. Or that Cuomo refused to fund the recommended reserve in NY for ventilators.
buttigeg was one as well, that's how he got to be an officer without ocs, and ended up as a Truman project member,
Assuming the ship was seaworthy, it could be moved to NYC tout de suite. The necessary supplies and personnel could be gathered in NYC once the ship was there. Just because the ship is berthed at Pier 90 does not necessarily mean that it's entirely open for business.
I have not watched her show, but I have a negative opinion of Maddow because it seems like everyone I know who watches her regularly has insane political thoughts.
Obviously not a WWII scholar otherwise she would have heard about the Navy getting the Yorktown ready for the Battle of Midway. After suffering severe damage at the Battle of the Coral Sea, it was estimated that it would take 3 months to return the Yorktown to service. Admiral Nimitz said “We must have this ship back in three days.” Three days the Yorktown later steamed out of Pearl Harbor to a rendezvous with the Enterprise and Hornet a to participate in one of the most decisive battles in naval history.
Someone should punch that dude in the snot locker.
Drago, I saw that movie. Woody Harrelson and Dennis Quaid got 'er done, Hell, high water, and shingles be damned! Even Nick Jonas did his part. Maddow would have deemed it unsafe to fight the Japs, not cost efficient, and racist.
Actually getting on site in a week is a specialty for The Comfort:
"And so it was after a devastating earthquake shook Haiti in January 2010. Among the responders that rushed to the scene was the U.S. Navy hospital ship Comfort...
...the vessel is uniquely equipped to treat patients like the earthquake victims. What it did not have at the time of the earthquake, however, was the vast quantity of medical and surgical supplies—more than 5,000 lines—its medical personnel would need when the ship reached the island.
That was no cause for concern. As soon as the call went out, a complex network of suppliers swung into action. Within 36 hours, an array of medical supplies had been delivered to the Comfort at its berth in Baltimore. Within 72 hours of its activation, the ship set sail from Baltimore. En route south, the vessel made a call in Norfolk, Va., to pick up additional crew and supplies. Within seven days, the ship was anchored off the coast of Haiti, fully supplied and staffed and providing medical care."
Of course a little research is not required when you are a Rhodes Scholar.
"I like Hannity too. He does a shit ton of investigation into the corrupt left. Something most journos don't do.
But yeah - Hannity in small doses. Lot of repetition."
Yes, and someone mentioned, Hannity interrupts his guests too much, often when they seem to be making the most salient points, or telling the most illuminating parts of their stories. I don't watch him on TV, but he does that on the radio.
I like Hannity, and he's been right on a lot of important subjects. He repeats himself a lot, but that's a necessity on radio, and a habit he probably carries over to TV. Most people only listen to the radio on their commute, and every split second must be filled with chatter or listeners will hit the scan button.
That said, there's not one good thing about Maddow.
If a meeting that is scheduled for Wednesday is moved forward two days, is it on Monday or Friday?
Supposedly the population answers 50/50 = cool. IMHO.
Good to move a boat A to B.
Was there an “MA” sign to go with the picture?
Meadehouse felt relief. F the rest, with realness now. DJT PR Trumps reality, for some.
Meanwhile, the USNS Mercy is accepting patients in LA.
adSs: "DJT PR Trumps reality, for some."
You should really embrace the reality that there was no Russia collusion and Brett Kavanaugh is not a gang rape leader.
Then we can chat.
How much of a donation to the Clinton Foundation would have been required for President Hillary to move the hospital ship to New York?
From CNN: Trump takes two scoops of ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, TIME reported, while everyone else around the table gets just one.
>>"DJT PR Trumps reality, for some."
Some must include CNN and Time.
Did you see the death toll in Italy, just a day?! This Coronavirus COVID-19 is hurting us too much worldwide. Now, the economy is crumbling. All I can suggest we do now is INVEST TO EARN MORE through BTCINVESTLIFESTYLE. or SAVE UP AVAILABLE FUNDS because now isn’t time for unnecessary spending. Cut all costs to be able to invest or save.
If you’re a day trader & invest personally, be careful not to make losses this volatile period.
Got a new bot.
Achilles said...
"I am just glad Obama and the media didn't think to use the Swine Flu like this when democrats were in control of the federal government."
Optics. They couldn't blame the GOP as they did with the National Parks shutdown during the sequester.
"The liberals I run into seem to believe that conservatives spend all day watching Fox News & they get their marching orders from Sean Hannity every night. Who is telling them that?"
No one is telling them; it's simple projection.
Drago, Oh Yea,
Great to see others were reminded of the USS Yorktown turnaround.
Good info on ships, and why we need a dozen of them:
Maddow not only did the usual sigh while exhaling, but preceded it with a sigh on the intake, managing twice the snidery of an ordinary lesbo NPC.
Where else in the economy could one be so bad at their jobs, and still keep it?
Blogger tcrosse said...
Assuming the ship was seaworthy, it could be moved to NYC tout de suite. The necessary supplies and personnel could be gathered in NYC once the ship was there. Just because the ship is berthed at Pier 90 does not necessarily mean that it's entirely open for business.
That would certainly be the Obama way: get the press to show the ship steaming into NY Harbor, and also get them to cover up the fact that it couldn't do much once it got there.
Fortunately President Trump prefers providing aid, to providing pretty pictures.
Of course, it helps that the press won't help Trump lie to the American people
Take home lesson: only vote for a Democrat if you want to be lied to
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