Here's Memeorandum's picture of what's getting read and talked about this morning:
Go here to get clickable links. From the top article, by Jessica Valenti: "Don’t tell me this isn’t about sexism. I’ve been around too long for that. Even just supporting Warren has come with an unbearable amount of misogynist condescension. I’m tired of being told that I’m a single-issue voter because I care about a candidate’s gender...."
The last link — to Michelle Cottle in the NYT — goes to "Maybe Next Time, Ladies."
From the above-embedded song: "Maybe this time I'll be lucky... All the odds are in my favor/Something's bound to begin/It's gotta happen, happen sometime/Maybe this time I'll win...."
That's from a Broadway show. A Broadway show where we know the characters are all doomed.
This idea that it's my turn. Where do people get it?
It's not just women thinking we're entitled to our turn and imagining that I am getting my turn if some co-genderist fulfills her hyper-ambitious dream. It's also the dreary practice of ceding the nomination to the stalwart party-member who's waited his turn most patiently, which is what the Democrats en masse have decided to do this time (and what happened with all the losers in recent memory (2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, 1996)).
And it's not just about presidential politics. It's the crazy dream that things happen in order. I'll just cite one example: The enthusiastic embrace of the idea that the coronavirus will not kill young people but is coming to pick off the oldest, the ones closest to the end of life anyway. That's a subset of the delusional dream of modern America: That human beings die in the same order that we were born.
No, we don't.
An awful lot of women voted for Biden and Bernie. More than voted for Warren.
If I were a partisan Democrat, I'd vote Warren because she's the most effective of the bunch. Bernie's never gotten any major legislation passed, and Joe Biden... wasn't very effective before he got old.
I'm not a partisan Democrat, so I guess it doesn't matter what I think.
Just think, all these women lost their chance to become POTUS this time because no Republicans voted for them. Oh, the sexism and misogyny of all of those Deplorables.
Warren is unlikable and has terrible ideas. End of story.
"I’m tired of being told that I’m a single-issue voter because I care about a candidate’s gender...."
It's the voters of the left that rejected her.
Talk with them, and leave the rest of us out of it.
I am Laslo.
I'm not sure it's delusional to think this coronavirus kills older people, at least in more civilized societies. The nursing home outbreak in WA is skewing US numbers now, but infections like this do tend to pick off those least able to fight them. Pre-existing disease is probably the most common factor, and old-age is our most common disease.
I’m tired of being told that I’m a single-issue voter because I only care about a single issue.
It's not my fault that the Democrats are such homophobic, misogynistic, racist assholes!! When are they going to join the 21st century?
Those damned sexist voters ! Let's import a new set of voters.
Oh, we did ? Maybe that's why California is looking more and more like Mexico or Venezeula.
"by Jessica Valenti"
Well, there's your first problem...
She can vote for Nikki Haley in 2024.
But she won’t.
Because she’s not really a single-issue voter.
Did Tulsi drop out? Why aren't women rallying around Tulsi?
Must be more to it than just gender...
As far as I can tell, Tulsi is still running.
Why is the writer being so misogynistic in absolutely ignoring Tulsi?
If you're gonna complain about the mote in my eye, take the beam out of your vagina.
I am Laslo.
I heard the DNC, who changed the rules to get Mini- Mike on the debate stage for a beating, changed the rules again to keep Tulsi Gabbard off the debate stage. It is easy to claim sexism when the organization continues to put their thumb on the scales. After all, if you don't want Bernie, you could always throw your support behind a cognizant Warren rather than clueless Joe Biden.
"It's the crazy dream that things happen in order."
Like babies being killed before they're even born, maybe.
I am Laslo.
People dying in the wrong order isn't a modern thing. Freud said it was a horrible thing. It's build-in with the caring for children instinct.
Women have managed to show how incompatible women's instincts are with the presidency. The idea has gotten more and more improbable the more women talk.
If they talked like men it wouldn't happen.
Eat dessert before you eat your dinner.
That way if you die after eating dessert, you still had dessert.
I am Laslo.
in 2024? When Ivanka runs, where will these women be?
Oh, That's Right! They'll be canvassing for ex-mayor pete
As a woman, there hasn't been a woman running that I would vote for. Abortion is abhorant to me,(especially LATE TERM, or Abortion up to the day of birth!!) so it will never be a woman advocating for that, that I would vote for. Give me Nikki Haley, and I would vote for her in a split second. 2024!!
I am a Trump supporter, but...
Why does everybody think the presidency is so damned important?
Or is the overwhelming importance of the presidency just the only argumentative topic we can all share?
A woman could get elected if she had strong, positive ideas that resonated with the public and was charming, or even just likable. Someone who had common sense, was not a pure collectivist, and did not pander to dopey ideas coming out of academia. A conservative leaning woman, as opposed to a socialist leaning woman could do this. But the Left would never hear of it. You would see the Left, the writer of the whiny article included, ripping into every breath of a potential Republican woman candidate.
They may get the chance to show their true colors in 2024.
so, in 2024; voters will be able to choose between
an Indian Woman and a Jewish Woman, to see which will run in the election, against some white guy?
A Biden-Pelosi ticket would have a chance of making Pelosi president.
my guess is, we'll hear MUCH LESS of this from the democrats next time around
It's over. In 2016 the MOST QUALIFIED presidential candidate ever lost the election because of sexism. If Hilary couldn't win, what hope is there for Warren or really any woman ever?
The structural point about private charaties is that you can't game the system. They don't help if they think they're being scammed. The government helps regardless, and evolves into a complete scam, which goes unstable.
I’m tired of being told that I’m a single-issue voter because I care about a candidate’s gender...."
Maybe the poor tired little sexist dear should give it a rest.
If your only tool is a vagina, every problem looks like sexism.
"Mrs. California Psycho Peeved That Only Her Sons Are Being Played Up as Future Presidents"
There will possibly be a woman President or VP. It will have to be the right woman that people want, who runs on ideas and policies that are those of the voters.
Trying to FORCE a woman into that slot because it is "her turn" is one of the main reasons we DON'T have a female President. It turns people OFF.
The same idea that every single thing in life needs too be perfectly balanced, diverse, etc etc etc and filled with just the right mix of ethnicity and gender is not only is dangerous. Filling the slots to complete a checklist.
We need to have competent people not a pre programed artificial quota list of colors and genders. COMPETENT and who have policies that are going to work.
I agree 100% with wendybar at 7:01" As a woman, there hasn't been a woman running that I would vote for. Abortion is abhorant to me,(especially LATE TERM, or Abortion up to the day of birth!!) so it will never be a woman advocating for that,...."
In addition I find it highly insulting and annoyed at people would who assume that just because I am a woman, that I would vote for a woman.
If you feel like a nail hole, everyone with a hammer would probably piss you off.
The dream of a female presidential nominee may have died, but there's still the VP slot -- with an unhealthy 77- or 78-year-old at the top of the ticket, so there's that.
It's not just women thinking we're entitled to our turn and imagining that I am getting my turn if some co-genderist fulfills her hyper-ambitious dream.
This from the woman who once wrote on her blog "I have a vagina and I vote".
This idea that it's my turn. Where do people get it?
The same place most people acquire their economics education- kindergarten.
"A Biden-Pelosi ticket would have a chance of making Pelosi president."
In this time of Coronavirus, a Trump-Pence ticket has a chance of making Pelosi president.
Democrats: So sexist, misogynistic, homophobic and racist! All they have to offer us now is a couple of old, straight white men! Sad!
"It's also the dreary practice of ceding the nomination to the stalwart party-member who's waited his turn most patiently, which is what the Democrats en masse have decided to do this time" Nah. Probably Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Biden, and Bloomberg got together by Skype and drew lots.
Pelosi is almost 80 and comes from the city of sidewalks full of human waste. She’s definitely in the high-risk category.
Laslo Spatula said...
"It's the crazy dream that things happen in order."
Like babies being killed before they're even born, maybe.
Yes, but being killed after they are born makes Democrats feel really special.
One can’t simultaneously hold the belief that being a democrat is the cure for all hatred, racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, and all forms of bigotry and injustice, and that Pete and Liz and the candidates of color all failed because of the inherent homophobia, misogyny, and racism of the Democratic primary process as guided by the left wing permanent government and the left wing media.
One of those things has to go, but they dare not do it, because their belief in both their inherent moral superiority and their inherent permanent victimhood are the core of what they are.
Blogger Dust Bunny Queen said...
In addition I find it highly insulting and annoyed at people would who assume that just because I am a woman, that I would vote for a woman.
3/5/20, 7:15 AM
And this is likely why those who feel that women should vote for women encounter barriers in every region of their lives.
It's also not as if old, right wing, misogynist, men don't vote for women - they look for the best person for the job: always at the front of my mind is Margaret Thatcher and more recently, Nikki Haley (ex-governor SC). The latter in the racist South of all places!
daskol at 6:46 AM
I'm not sure it's delusional to think this coronavirus kills older people
Althouse sure jerked us all around in her article's surprise ending, in which she transitioned from the election delusion to the coronavirus "delusion".
exactly if they picked a candidate who had a trace of ethics, that rules out ms. rutnik, nee gillbrand, and harris, nee emhoff, or warren, I forget her husband's name, and of course they all looked down on the huntress,
I wonder when the dream died in 2008.
Let's look.
Oh, Hillary made it to June 2008. I guess it did die earlier this time around. At least on the Democratic side.
Maybe it's a tribal, collectivist thing. Like the ridiculous concept of seniority in a union.
It encourages loyalty and discounts actually doing work. Honest achievement is disrupting to the power structure of the organization.
"In addition I find it highly insulting and annoyed at people would who assume that just because I am a woman, that I would vote for a woman."
But.... isn't there a special place in Hell*....?
* Democrat women unspoken, but understood.
it is rather striking how the hive mind ruled out tulsi even in the territory from where she hails, the American samoa purchase had something to do with it, but before,
Women have their place. Why do they want a half of the men’s place too?
I wonder how much of the dearth of likable, electable women in the Party is due to the machinations of the Clintons working to keep the path to the WH clear for Hillary all those years?
And likeable, electable men too, for that matter.
By the way, COVID-19 does have a higher case fatality rate for older people, at least thus far:
"The CFR jumped considerably among older patients, to 14.8% in patients 80 and older, and 8.0% in patients ages 70 to 79. Among the critically ill, the CFR was 49.0%."
That said, fewer old people could die in absolute numbers[not rate] because:
- there are fewer old folks than younger folks [did you know that GenX(1965-1982) currently outnumbers the Boomers(1946-1964)? Because the Boomers have hit mortality acceleration]
- younger folks are out & about more often, and more likely to catch the disease
"I'm not sure it's delusional to think this coronavirus kills older people, at least in more civilized societies."
Please read what I wrote carefully.
"The enthusiastic embrace of the idea that the coronavirus will not kill young people but is coming to pick off the oldest, the ones closest to the end of life anyway."
There is a core of truth here, that generally the very young won't die of it, and the old and unhealthy will be hardest hit. This is an idea to understand at the precise level that is true, but it is also something that you might get *enthusiastic* about and love because it gives you hope that the universe has an order to it that is comforting and predictable.
"That's a subset of the delusional dream of modern America: That human beings die in the same order that we were born."
I have heard it said when a young person dies: It's unfair. Or: You're not supposed to see your own child die. The parent is supposed to die first. That's not how the world has worked over the great expanse of human history, but in the last — what? — 100 years, Americans have come to believe that's the reliable order of how life works, even though counterexamples happen all the time. We love order, and it's probably rational to believe there's a lot more order than there really is.
maybe Jessica, if your candidate wasn't such a pill, she'd have a chance, but she's like the description of the chartered accountant in the python sketch,
Just being picky but: "Maybe This Time" is a song written by John Kander and Fred Ebb in 1964 for actress Kaye Ballard. It was later included in the 1972 film Cabaret, where it is sung by the character Sally Bowles, played by Liza Minnelli. It had already been recorded and released twice, in similar arrangements, on Minnelli's debut studio album Liza! Liza! (1964), and subsequently New Feelin' (1970), but it turned into a traditional pop standard after its 1972 inclusion in Cabaret.
Revivals of the play have included the song, but it was not written for Cabaret.
"Don’t tell me this isn’t about sexism."
I'm happy to tell you about sexism: the sexism of Dems, including Mass. Dems, including black southern Dems, including Dems who thought that crazy Bernie and Slow Joe were better than your best women.
Come on over to the right, Jessica. We don't do that. We recognize those elderly white men for the fools they are and don't make any excuses for Dem sexism.
If feminists don't vote for conservative women, then feminism is moot.
Who advised Warren to wear those baggy sweaters?
Temujin said: "A woman could get elected if she had strong, positive ideas that resonated with the public ... conservative leaning woman"
I don't think so.
The Trump supporters have embraced this self-consciously defiant masculinity. They're constantly claiming that Trump is an "alpha male," they're "real men," and all those who don't like Trump are "pearl-clutching beta-male girly men" or somesuch.
Carly Fiorina ran for President in 2016. But Trump, with his misogynistic attitudes toward women, was what the guys with the red MAGA hats really wanted.
Competition is not about taking turns.
(and what happened with all the losers in recent memory (2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, 1996)).
Wow, i didn't pick up that. you could throw in 1984 - Mondale, 1968 Humphrey, and 1960 Nixon. It just struck me that VP's usually don't get elected to POTUS (at least not the first time):
Nixon (60), Humphrey, Ford, Gore, Mondale, Hillary (unofficial) VP under Bill)
OTOH: Truman (48), LBJ (64), and Bush (88).
And then there's "its there turn" Nominated the 2nd time - Dole, McCain, Romney
Reagan (actually won).
her husband I guess, amy of the combs, 'runs with law review' and the tridelt girl from boies shop, (whose pop was a member of a sex cult, bet you that won't be on an episode of svu) the one exciting female candidate, is they insisted on shutting down, yes she inflicted some wounds after Soleimani departing the earth, but before that,
jessica Valanti - not the brightest bulb in the universe. what a ridiculous word salad. She supports Pols purely because of their gender, and she get condensed to. Oh my. BTW, this reminds me of BHTV's Bill Scheer, who asked on Camera, after Hillary's defeat, "How can I tell my little girl that a woman can't be president?". LOL!
Of course now, Bill seems pretty darn happy that Biden is being nominated, I guess his "little girl" can just suffer in silence.
Jessica Valenti may be a single issue voter, but gender is not that issue. I remember her unwavering 'support' of Sarah Palin.
I'm regularly amazed [usually when Althouse happens to link to Valenti's crazy writings] that there is a market for Valenti's work.
practically no one voted for her, in the state they know her best, that should be a sign, with all the ego puffing that would make a pharaoh blanche,
I had hopes that Warren would emerge as someone not so leftist progressive cray cray.
Alas - the field is already filled with punitive left-wing progressive cray cray.
She wasn't special and I think maybe - perhaps - if Warren was the true moderate, she might have had the backing of the elite. but then again - the fix is in. The deep state is the democrat party and the democrat party is the deep state.
You're getting Ukraine Biden - and that's the end of it.
I have no idea why the D voters gave most of their votes to 3 white guys (2 from NYC) - all of whom were in HS during the Eisenhower Administration - and voted for LBJ in '64. Amy K was a dud, but I liked Harris and Warren and thought they'd be better candidates than Bernie or Biden. And Bloomberg isn't even a Democrat!
But who can reason out what Democrats like? Most of them can't think, and they represent the stupidest people in America. Did you know that Felons, the mentally ill, non-English speakers, and people who watch "the View", all vote Democrat? The Republican voters are bad enough - but the D's are worse.
Valenti continues her unbroken streak of subtracting from the net sum of human wisdom.
The Democrat Party is dominated by women. Look at the Speaker. Look at the last election cycle. Women make up the majority of Democrat voters. If Warren and Harris failed to get the nomination it was because WOMEN DIDN'T LIKE THEM. Men didn't either, to be fair.
In this case, the women of the Democrat primary electorate were quite perceptive. Warren and Harris are both terrible people and terrible candidates.
"I'm regularly amazed [usually when Althouse happens to link to Valenti's crazy writings] that there is a market for Valenti's work."
There's a market for Joy behar and Rosie. If one person in a 100 likes them, that's 3 million people.
"It Will Be Hard to Get Over What Happened to Elizabeth Warren"
What happened to Elizabeth Warren is Elizabeth Warren.
My own personal take on these feminists. I never thought much about Liz before this past year. I was, however, taken aback by my wife's visceral dislike of Warren, a feeling in fact of having been betrayed by her. That's because of Warren's long ago (and totally ignored) support for women staying home with their children - in a book about what she called "the two-earner trap," I believe. My wife regards as a betrayal Warren's current support for universal day care and her utter indifference to the argument she herself made well a long time ago in support of women as working in their homes with their children. My own view is, of course, Liz ignores her own reasoning on that issue, just for the same reason she lied about her Indian heritage - self-advancement. Many former lefties who turned right LOVE to explain why they did so. Tell me if you ever hear Warren explain her sudden leftist epiphany in anything approaching intellectually honest terms. I've never seen her touch on it once. You want a woman president. Fine. Find one worthy of it - my choice is Nikki Haley. 2024 could be the year.
In my lifetime, it seems like only the Democrats who sort of came out of nowhere have won the presidency, while the next in line ones have all lost.
Carter was a fairly obscure governor, same for Clinton and Obama was a first-term senator from a state that only elects Democrats AND he only got the senate nomination via some pretty shady skulduggery. Meanwhile, who lost? A bunch of politicians who had been well known for decades: Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Michael Dukakis and Walter Mondale.
sinz52: Carly Fiorina ran for President in 2016. But Trump, with his misogynistic attitudes toward women, was what the guys with the red MAGA hats really wanted.
Yeah, I can't think of any other reason why anyone would prefer one Republican candidate to another. They're all "conservatives", right? Not a dimes worth of difference between Trump and Jeb and any other other GOPe-ers, either. It's the misogyny and racism whut done it.
You're projecting your own ovine, emo approach to voting onto others. It's not surprising that you don't see, let alone understand, the fundamental political divisions and re-alignments that drove voters away from candidates like Fiorina and toward Trump - you can't even see discern that Biden is senile, lol.
What happened to Elizabeth Warren is Elizabeth Warren.
There you have it.
The woman advocating for a woman president are making sexist assumptions about what they think a woman president would be like. Were they happy when Thatcher was PM in the UK?
There's a very good chance we will get a female president in the next 3-4 years. Biden most likely will name a female running mate and it looks like he's fading. If he's elected, there's a good chance he won't serve his full term. And Trump may very well dump Pence and make Haley his running mate. If I had to bet, I'd bet on a female VP elected in November.
You really don't think Biden is getting the nomination, do you?
They're going to plug in someone who's not senile. He's a placeholder to keep Bernie from getting the nod.
I wonder who they're actually planning on.
"If Warren and Harris failed to get the nomination it was because WOMEN DIDN'T LIKE THEM."
That's only because the patriarchy forced them to vote against their "Sisters". Never underestimate the Patriarchy, it makes women do all kinds of crazy things.
Then again -- the death of our nation is at hand. Our entire education system is building the deadly beast that will kill our once great nation.
"The leftist takeover of higher education has perverted free thinking, free speech, and abandoned any semblance of due process while ruining the lives of young college males to carry out Third Wave Feminist agendas.
That’s on the professors. The current environment was created by an academic class that’s grown fat, rich and free all the while demonizing the very economic system and country that has allowed them to do so. They spawn people like Elizabeth Warren, a pathological liar who vilifies wealthy people whilst sitting on top of a $12 million net worth."
If i die before someone older, I'll lodge the biggest protest - ever! I simply won't stand for it.
Poor rich people. I feel so sorry that Bernie and Warren attacked them. Do they need my help?
I wonder if Warren would have done better had she worn some kicky skirts and cute shoes. She is trim and not unfortunate looking. But that would have run against the grain of being a harpy prog.
I loved Sarah Palin for many reasons, and it didn’t hurt in the least that she was entirely fuckable.
- Krumhorn
I’m tired of being told that I’m a single-issue voter because I care about a candidate’s gender...."
Maybe if it wasn't true you'd be told that less often.
If you look at the actual data with COVID-19, the mortality rate is a lot like the regular flu strains, striking the elderly, people with underlying health conditions and the immune compromised. So far the mortality rate is higher then regular flu but that may be due to the input and samples so far.
A lot of people have likely been and will be infected, displaying mild to severe symptoms, so it’s probably already circulating in a lot of places coinciding with similar seasonal intensity as the regular flu. We can limit it quite a bit and protect the vulnerable but at considerable economic and some individual cost. This will go on for a while.
What’s also known is that much feminism shares intellectual roots and displays characteristics of Marxism, radical liberation movements, and Left liberal protest movements which tend to see History as having a direction, and protesters as knowing what this direction is and themselves as mostly good or having enough truth for political, economic social and moral/moralizing change.
Such people may simply be wrong about a lot of their underlying intellectual foundations and many truths they claim to have, whichever truths they may have right. Their ideas have a lot of political, economic and social costs. I believe many individuals will not get jobs or enjoy as much freedom as many Americans have in the past if such ideas direct the political economy.
If a woman runs on a platform of those or similar ideas I won’t be voting for her. However, I think it’s quite possible a woman will run and win on similar ideas.
"I’m tired of being told that I’m a single-issue voter because I care about a candidate’s gender...."
Who told you that? I want names.
No they hated the iron lady with a passion, see glenda jackson.
a reminder, although eve ensler and perhaps sandra bernhardt were worse
Valenti doubled down a year later, when the huntress was promoting her memoir.
Besides Abortion, EVERY WOMAN on the Democrat Debate stage raised their hands to say they would pay for illegals unlimited healthcare. Between killing babies at birth, and Sanctuary cities and states protecting and giving illegals more rights than we have, I will NEVER vote Democrat again. (Did you see how the Progressives on the Supreme Court ruled that illegals shouldn't be punished for stealing ID's?? WTF??? Why should a CITIZEN get in trouble then??) Democrats are the party of Double Standards.
That's a subset of the delusional dream of modern America: That human beings die in the same order that we were born.
I've never heard anyone express anything similar to that statement, so I'm guessing that it's your own personal delusional dream, as well as the delusional idea that the "dream" is somehow associated with modern America.
This is turning into an LOL-kindof morning...well, somewhere between LOLs and snorts of derision.
Actuarial tables, while not infallible, reliably predict the order of many things, well enough for an industry to thrive with an ever shrinking vigorish. But yes, we project order where there probably isn't or at least where we haven't understood it, and we mostly use statistical tools to do that. That said, things do happen in threes.
Watching the financial news channels is entertaining because the wild market swings drive them crazy: they explain it, counter their own explanations, have guests on saying opposite things about what is happening, what's going to happen and why. It's like the presenters take the volatility personally, as an affront.
Up one day, down the next seems to be the order of things.
So far Liz is resisting the pressure to drop out. She is persisting with her demand for a three way with Bernie and Biden.
Watch her resist and persist. At some point she thinks you will find it endearing.
"I’m tired of being told that I’m a single-issue voter because I care about a candidate’s gender...."
No, but you're a single issue voter if the primary thing you care about -- and especially if it's the only thing you care about. And I frankly don't care what Jessica Valenti is tired of.
No one really cares about liz she came third in her own state.
sinz52: "Temujin said: "A woman could get elected if she had strong, positive ideas that resonated with the public ... conservative leaning woman"
I don't think so.
The Trump supporters have embraced this self-consciously defiant masculinity. They're constantly claiming that Trump is an "alpha male," they're "real men," and all those who don't like Trump are "pearl-clutching beta-male girly men" or somesuch.
Carly Fiorina ran for President in 2016. But Trump, with his misogynistic attitudes toward women, was what the guys with the red MAGA hats really wanted."
Just read that and let it sink in....and then celebrate. For it is clear that not only are the lefties hopelessly incapable of objective analysis, they are also hopelessly incapable of even approaching an order of magnitude understanding of the facts on the ground.
Which is fantastic news from an opposition political viewpoint: the left cannot and will not adapt.
Very good news for Nov of 2020.
"If your only tool is a vagina, every problem looks like sexism."
I thought it was 'If your only tool is a vagina, every problem looks like a penis.'
It appears to me that Li'l Tomahawk is in the "third trimester" of an "unwanted candidacy".
I think we all know what happens on the left when that scenario arises.....
Were they happy when Thatcher was PM in the UK?
I'm pretty sure they were all singing along with Roland Orzabal.
Politician Granny with your high ideals
Have you now idea how the Majority feels
She stopped persisting, nevertheless.
Biden will have to select a woman of color. Anybody up for Vice-President Stacey Abrams?
Ya racists.
lizzy warren sent back to reservation
America will just have to wait 'til 2024 for a female President
I believe Ann had a run-in with Jessica Valenti a number of years ago. Ann called her out for trying to get Bill Clinton's attention by wearing an extremely tight sweater.
"Amy K was a dud, but I liked Harris and Warren and thought they'd be better candidates than Bernie or Biden. And Bloomberg isn't even a Democrat!"
And Bernie isn't even a Democrat, either!
So, a bare majority of Dems, if that, prefers an actual Dem candidate.
Some party.
Yeah, because, you know, it couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the fact that Warren was an obnoxious, lying, Leftist loon.
This is a repeat of the same bit when the obnoxious, lying, Leftist loon Jesse Jackson failed in his bid for president (yes, there was one, remember?). It was all because of racism...of course.
Too soon for Warren bye-ku's?
Quitting time for Liz
“I’m gonna get me a beer!”
Tastes great. Less filling.
Warren Bye-ku #2:
Chief in Josey Wales:
“Endeavor to Persevere!”
Warren quit instead
“First colored woman
On Harvard Law faculty.”
Objection. Hearsay.
This is the number:
That sunk your canoe.
a run-in with Jessica Valenti a number of years ago
Which lead to an awesome blogpost! Wow, 14 years ago.
The so-called Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-19 was more lethal for younger adults. We should not assume that this virus affects older people more. We have limited data, small sample sizes and unreliable reporting out of China, Iran, and the media.
Predictably fawning obit in the NYT:
Elizabeth Warren, Once a Front-Runner, Will Drop Out of Presidential Race
"...Ms. Warren arrived on the political scene in the aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse and shot to superstardom with her indictments of Wall Street and unfettered capitalism."
I see the oddsmakers favor the odious Kamala for VP. A good bet given the Democrats’ lack of standards.
What Wendy and Dust Bunny said.
Blogger Dust Bunny Queen said...
“There will possibly be a woman President or VP. It will have to be the right woman that people want, who runs on ideas and policies that are those of the voters.”
I usually agree with you, but not about this. Democrats are not interested in ideas and policies. They are interested in defeating Trump. Beyond Trump they are interested in identity politics. We know Biden will select a woman, don’t we? Competence is not relevant to him or to the women who will vote for him because of the selection.
Hold on--What about Tulsi?!
I know it's slightly off point, but kudos for "co-genderist" - I'm not even going to look it up. I'm sure it's a real word!
the Babylon bee had a nice piece, very tongue in cheek,
Warren should endorse Sanders if she plans to run again in 2024- she looks healthy for her age today, she might not decline much in the next 3 years. However, if she doesn't plan to run again, then she will probably do like the others and endorse Biden.
I love how they are making excuses to keep Warren in the race as long as possible.
Women as candidates are caught in a catch-22. If they are attractive looking and play up their looks they risk not being taken seriously. If they don't play up their looks then they risk being boring and a nag. Whereas if a man is handsome, dresses well, and talks about social problems that indicates he is serous and caring. That's someone people want to listen to and vote for.
I never really was attracted to Warren (I couldn't listen to her voice) and I kept thinking she should have dressed up and glammed up, used some sex appeal, worked on her delivery -- I think she would have gotten further if she hadn't been so earnest -- that was annoying.
Of course Democrats are all against women being objectified and therefore Democratic female candidates avoid using sex appeal, but Conservative women have no problem with that. The problem is that traditional male idea of women not being in positions of authority. IMO men will have no problem voting for a sexy woman with good ideas, once they get past the idea that the man has to be the boss. That's really so absurd in terms of what's needed and how the world functions now. A woman can be brave, mentally strong, fair, honest and have a great brain -- that's what makes a great leader. We don't need someone who can dominate physically.
England has had two female PMs. Do women walk taller and smile more often in England? In Burma, Pakistan, and India a female chief executive didn't lead to a realignment of sexual roles. I don't think it's a big deal.....I am however supportive of the women in Finland. There seems to be a phenomenon there where hot women seek elective office. I'm in favor of that.
Women have had an easier time getting power where the country has been run by monarchies and family dynasties. That's the difference.
Thanks for setting that out. I did know those details, except I don't know the original context of the song and whether it felt dark and tragic from the audience point of view.
Okay, I looked up the original context for the song. Kaye Ballard was put out that the song "My Coloring Book," originally written for her, was something they wouldn't let her sing it on "The Perry Como Show" because she was a comedienne. Another singer did it and then Barbra Streisand did it. Kander and Ebb wrote her another song, with the title she suggested, "Maybe This Time." The meaning was Maybe this time, they'll let me sing the song that was written for me.
In retrospect, that has a somewhat dark meaning, because once again, Ballard lost "her" song. It became associated with Liza Minelli.
it's probably rational to believe there's a lot more order than there really is.
I wouldn't use the word "rational" there. "inevitable" perhaps? We see patterns in static and clouds, after all.
This whole "voting for the chick 'cause I'm a chick" thing really bugs me.
The local elections on this week's ballot for San Francisco judgeship openings saw an all female roster. The hair salon I frequent was even holding a 'time' for her to meet and greet. Everyone seemed giddy that all the candidates were female. How lame. No discussion of issues, or track records. Just, "isn't it great so many women are on the ballot?"
I can bet you that every single one of those women likely hold policy positions close to, if not identical to, Elizabeth Warren's. Their rulings will reflect that. As if San Francisco doesn't have enough problems.
Diversity breeds adversity. In this context, the "color" (e.g. sex) of the candidate should not matter. Character before color. #PrinciplesMatter #HateLovesAbortion
The dream of a woman President dies early this time around.
Poor Tulsi gets no respect.
apparently not, it seems to be a mean girls or heather problem, well you saw how snl treated gabbard,
Those goddam democrat misogynist voters!
I wonder who they're actually planning on.
Rhymes with "Pillory".
This is all so silly, in a way.
On the one hand, the Left insists that men and women are equal in every way.
On the other hand, they insist that it makes a difference (ceteris paribus) that a woman should be President rather than a man.
OK, which way is it? Are they the same, or are they different?
The Left answers: "Yes."
(This observation is readily generalized to comparisons between races, ethnicities, and cultures.)
I hope I can be excused for not taking this nonsense seriously.
Doug @4:16 PM: Even as we speak, Its acolytes are in their wet, subterranean lair, chanting passages from the Necronomicon by the light of black candles. Small pets and farm animals are being discovered missing or strangely mutilated in the general area.
Expect The Chappaqua Horror to materialize in Milwaukee later this year.
Nothing will be the same.
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