"For now, in the teeth of the crisis, when attention is necessarily focused on the people in charge, Biden has two big problems. The first is how can he actually do any events outside of his basement that will get attention and coverage? The second is what can he say about Trump now? This is a new problem for Democrats. Ever since he rode down the escalator at Trump Tower in 2015 to announce his campaign, there has been absolutely no hesitation by any Democrat to attack Trump.... 'Biden has a thin line,' the outside adviser to Biden said. 'As much as I dislike Trump and think what a bad job he’s doing, there’s a danger now that attacking him can backfire on you if you get too far out there. I don’t think the public wants to hear criticism of Trump right now.' Then there’s the issue of Biden being denied one of his political strengths. Biden thrives on personal connection; the pandemic has robbed him of the ability to meet with actual people...."
From "Inside Joe Biden’s bizarre coronavirus bunker/Nearly everything in his campaign has been turned upside down, from fundraising to how (or even whether) to attack Trump" (Politico).
1. I'll say to Joe Biden what I've been saying to everyone: Before you do anything, ask yourself: Am I helping? And I don't mean Am I helping myself get elected? or Am I helping my party gain power? I mean Am I helping us get through this crisis? If the answer is not yes, then do nothing. Stay home and keep to yourself. It's a relatively simple challenge. You don't have to do more. In this situation more is less. Unless you're helping. With the crisis.
2. We only have one President at a time, and Trump is President, whether you love it or hate it, and even if you're supposed to be the one person with the job of changing it. If you make his job harder, if you needlessly complicate it, you are displaying a failure to grasp or respect the onerous responsibilities of the President.
3. On the bright side, you, Joe Biden, need a rest. You need to restore your strengths and powers, if you can. And if you can't, you have the strange good fortune of a perfect opportunity to hide your deficiencies and to make that coverup seem patriotic and wise.
4. The Biden campaign has a chance to invent new ways of campaigning. They can show their ingenuity and flexibility. It might impress us and make us want to hand the responsibility over to them (that is, to their figurehead, Joe Biden).
Biden is corrupt. The AdamSchitt media play cover.
All you need to know.
Point 3 of this post cannot be understated: The absolute best thing Joe Biden can do right now is to try to make it appear as though he's patriotic and wise.
Because he's not. And he never was.
But he can try now to make it SEEM like he is. What an amazing opportunity he has to benefit personally off the suffering of us all. And hey, let's be real. All Biden has ever done is to try to benefit personally.
The mask is off traditional campaign events in a way I didn't believe was ever possible. Biden is probably gaining points just for weirdness. He should pop a beer. His only hope is to come across as populist. Not that he is one. Nor middle-class. But Democrats believe all that stuff.
'As much as I dislike Trump and think what a bad job he’s doing, there’s a danger now that attacking him can backfire on you if you get too far out there. I don’t think the public wants to hear criticism of Trump right now.'
The public absolutely wants to hear Democrats criticizing Donald Trump. Keep obstructing his efforts at every turn. That’ll win the hearts and minds of the public!
I know how Biden can regain the spotlight for a few minutes: contract COVID-19.
His campaign advisers need to justify their outrageous fees. So they are just going to come up with something.
Biden should do short videos about putting in his basement or how to make the perfect smoothie. Nothing political at all. Just have some fun.
Biden has two big problems. The first is how can he actually do any events outside of his basement that will get attention and coverage?
And the second, is that he needs to stop forcibly finger-banging his female aide, while the NYT investigates this #MeToo accusation. The lady has a name -- Tara Reade. To honor her, the media should hold him to account and not let him skate all these years.
Hey, Joe! How does it feel to be falsely accused of sexual harassment? A charge that is decades old.
Maybe you should call up Justice Clarence Thomas for tips on how to handle a high tech lynching.
Better yet, call up Andrew Cuomo and challenge him to a fist fight. Go out back. You can beat him up, Joe! Come on, man. Be a man!
This is really delicious. The Dems' own methods used against the former VP. LOL.
Biden his time has come and gone
Meade deleted my period.
Biden+Hillary ---> for prison.
Why can't the collective find better candidates?
Bay Area:
Women don't lie about this stuff. Right? I believed Anita. And CBF.
I think the FBI needs to investigate. Sounds real serious to me. Maybe we can have hearings.
"Biden should do short videos about putting in his basement or how to make the perfect smoothie."
Read to housebound children.
Ryan @ 9:06am is not far off. If you want to wax a little Machiavelli, Biden accidentally "contracting" the virus would 1) gain attention, 2) give Dems something to blame on Trump, and 3) provide a reason to remove Biden from the race.
The question needs to be asked of Pelosi. She is the face of the Democrats right now, not Joe. Holding up the stimulus is going to be campaign issue #1.
You're absolutely right. The problem is that no one in our media or political establishment can think of anything besides themselves and the political implications. It's no wonder regular people have some doubt about how virulent COVID is. Our media is hysterical, but only inasmuch as it's to hurt Trump. We're definitely not all in this together.
Biden tweeted he would do the opposite of what Trump has done. A really stupid man. Profoundly dim.
Shorter article: Joe Biden, stuck in the past and unable to innovate his way forward, is the President we need now.
You've heard me say it once on this blog if you've heard it a million times:
Biden will not be the nominee
Something will happen or occur as things progress (if they haven't already in the past) that the media will simply no longer be able to cover for him. Hell, it's already happening as we speak if you haven't seen is recent interviews performance.
He's a loser and people know it but perhaps they know they'll lose anyway so Biden is an appropriate sacrifice. But to those that genuinely want to win this thing Biden can't be the nominee and those that dare, win, and are usually more motivated to get there way.
Something will happen at the convention. He will not be the nominee.
Outstanding post Althouse.
Michael K
Come November no one will remember this should the virus be gone.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...Biden+Hillary ---> for prison.
Both should do time in a venal colony.
I just saw the Biden sexual assault allegation this morning. Maybe they’ll take him down via the Kavanaugh method. Even Biden says we should believe all female accusers.
Dems really aren’t that creative. They’ve only got a few plays in the playbook.
If they’re smart, they’ll figure out how to use the current crisis to remove Biden as a candidate. He’s off his rocker, and everyone knows it.
Biden tweeted that he would “lead the way with science.” Well, Slow Joe, science says you’re a senile old idiot. For the good of the country just quit.
Before they Epstein you.
Sure, the Democrat leadership can use an ancient sexual-assault accusation to get rid of Joe Biden, replacing him with Andrew Cuomo.
The subsequent problem, though, is that some other woman then might accuse Cuomo of a sexual assault decades ago.
Therefore, Biden might have to be replaced by Hillary Clinton, after all.
"On the bright side, you, Joe Biden, need a rest. You need to restore your strengths and powers"
Joe, never a bright light, is akin to the worn car battery. It can no longer hold a charge.
Rest old Joe as much as you want, it won't work.
The Biden campaign will saturate online media when the time comes. It will achieve full digital penetration.
Joe who?
Huh. That politico article is all about Anita Dunn, Biden's campaign chair. She is an actual avowed communist and intimate with actual domestic terrorists in Chicago.
Why do the Democrats and Biden get a pass on that?
Dunn is a Maoist. Has never renounced her allegiance to a regime that murdered a hundred million souls. She publicly praises the greatest mass murderer and suppressor of speech and thought in human history. Politico interviews her about how she's a history buff and "studied" the Spanish Flu pandemic. They don't ask anything about the Maoist crusades to eliminate vermin in order to prevent disease. That would have been interesting.
As alluded to above, the Democrat strategy seems one part Biden damage-control, one part Biden removal and replacement.
“ Biden thrives on personal connection.”
You mean like smelling babies and fondling little girls?
Oh yeah, I forgot the biker chick
So....he really goes after all ages.
I say thank goodness he’s in his basement!
I do miss talking about the old presidential race, but events have obviously overtaken such petty concerns. Just a couple months back we were all talking about the impeachment efforts, the Dem presidential debates, Jeffery Epstien being suicided and the like. They all seem like such distant things now.
I've no doubt that there was a large number of people who hate Trump, whether they're garden variety progressives or never-Trumpers, who mave have secretly wished that some sort of calamity would befall the country, causing chaos and economic collapse (I think Bill Maher was one of the few public figures who actually openly expressed that wish). They obviously assumed that whatever form this destructor took, Trump would bare the brunt of the blame for it. They never imagined that Trump would be capable of actually rising to the occasion and behaving in a way that elevated his image in the general public's eye. Be careful what you wish for I guess.
Michael Said:
"Michael K
Come November no one will remember this should the virus be gone."
Unless, come November, it's on it's way back. Seasonal flu will be returning then, you think no one will recall this nightmare when that happens, even in the next 50 years?
Have you seen any of the pretend Presidential addresses from the Biden Bunker?
I do have to hand it to Joe. During this time of pandemic death and economic devastation, Biden is lifting our collective spirits by giving us something to laugh at again. Perhaps this is all he has left to offer in his declining state but I still salute his effort.
They can show their ingenuity and flexibility.
Do I detect a note of understated irony? Reading the Althouse blog is like attending a wine tasting event.
"You need to restore your strengths and powers, if you can."
If! That's funny.
"And if you can't, you have the strange good fortune of a perfect opportunity to hide your deficiencies and to make that coverup seem patriotic and wise."
Good fortune! That's funny, though not ha-ha funny.
chickelit said...
Meade deleted my period.
I spit water all over my keyboard.
No more livestreams! Plan & rehearse the heck out of those spots and don't put them up until you sound like a rational adult.
Oh, and a mention of "teeth" in a piece certainly doesn't help Biden..
Biden's campaign plan:
Make sure compliant press doesn't cover Trump's daily briefings.
That should work.
Now back to another nude dip in the pool.
On the bright side, you, Joe Biden, need a rest. You need to restore your strengths and powers, if you can.
Dementia is a progressive disease. Joe cannot restore his powers, but resting will flatten the trajectory of brain deterioration
It is cruel for the Democrats to put Joe in the spotlight as their POTUS candidate. He has been a good soldier for the team and deserves better, but they are a deeply cynical lot.
The virus and quarantines are a blessing for Biden, who cannot deliver even a short set-piece talk without stumbling, and now has an excuse not to appear live.
Biden can't even talk about the wonderful things he'll do when he's President because invoking a bright future runs counter to the narrative that we're all gonna die from Trump's incompetence.
Not Sure said...
The Biden campaign will saturate online media when the time comes. It will achieve full digital penetration.
C'mon man! I only have one spare keyboard.
Imagine the media boost his campaign will get if he can deliver a coherent 40 minute acceptance speech. If (big if) he can do that, he should hold fire until then. Sniping only plays to his base.
There's probably no truth to the rumor Biden turned down a role as official sponsor for a new product from Depends adult incontinence products called BED-EX where he would hold up the box and say, "Bed-Ex. When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight."
The biggest takeaway in the Politico story is that democrats and pundits still claim to not understand how Biden went from 4th to 1st place and especially in places like MA where he didn't even campaign; it's almost as if they're admitting to a brokered convention.
A campaign staff that can't come up with anything new to do thinks it can go up against the guy who reinvented American politics? They at least ought to have the sense to spin the current situation as "we're in touch with Congressional leaders but otherwise hanging back to let the doctors and other medical experts do their work." Instead, they're letting even a friendly outlet like Politico write that they have no new ideas. It plays right into the perception that Biden is old and befuddled. November is going to be a slaughter.
yes anita dunn, who was married to the former white house counsel, bob baer of perkins and coie, who in turn ran the war room against the huntress, as head of sdk knickerbocker helmed julianne's bender, the Sandra fluke foolishness, and the attacks against ann romney,
Hey, did you hear?
Biden "calls a gay male married couple ‘mommy and dad’ – and it only gets more bizarre from there"
Fun times.
And I don't mean Am I helping myself get elected? or Am I helping my party gain power?
For those who crave power, these are the only questions that matter.
“I know how Biden can regain the spotlight for a few minutes: contract COVID-19.”
Quite seriously, his best campaign move. So good that I’ll be surprised if they don’t try to fake it. Absolute moral authority and all that jazz.
Imagine the day by day drama of Joe’s sickness and triumphant recovery. A nation turns it’s lonely eyes to you, Joe.
Biden will have his Covidfefe moment. And there shall be much rejoicing...
He should withdraw because of some unspecified exposure to the virus. Win win. It would not be decent to chose this vulnerable moment in his life to attack him for past crimes. Beyond this the Dems could claim that he is a martyr to Trump's incompetent handling of the crisis. Let's win one for the Joe. They could name some Democratic governor--it doesn't have to be Cuomo--to take his place. Murphy of NJ doesn't seem to have a lot of baggage, and he does executive stuff reasonably well..
By God, why wouldn’t the Biden campaign hire me?
Face it Ann, you want Biden.
The real game hasn't even started yet.
Everytime you decide to publish a comment minimizing or politicizing the pandemic, or providing false or misleading information, ask yourself Ann -- Am I helping?
You are an actor, not a passive observer.
“I know how Biden can regain the spotlight for a few minutes: contract COVID-19.”
I'll bet I could start that rumor on Facebook, and it would become true (adopted by the Biden Campaign) within two days.
Biden’s sole qualification for the nomination is that he’s the only candidate likely to win the traditional black bloc vote.
Who else do the Dems have who can promise that?
The identity politics candidates, that is white women and gays, aren’t going to motivate that black bloc vote. A gay candidate will repel black voters.
I think the Dems should throw in the towel on this election cycle, try to find some new candidates and try to figure out a new set of priorities now that 60s nostalgia and identity politics have come up empty.
@LYNNDH, Althouse wants no Trump, never mind who gets hurt.
they don't hire competent people, crack, the last was skippy o'rourkes campaign manager, his iowa field manager, had a trackrecord of disappointment, she's supposed to be married to an official for buttigeg, if memory serves,
Nice to see all the intelligent people at Althouse laying into Slow Joe. Sadly, he has 45% of the USA voters locked up - NO MATTER WHAT. He can do anything and they will vote for him. Anything, except being Pro-life or favoring restricting immigration or getting rid of quotas and set-asides.
Joe Biden isn't being useful and Hillary is being LESS than useful. But that's the D's. They never put Country over Party. Ever.
As to Ann’s item #4: Bwahahahaha!
He’s always been an ignoramus and a grifter. Now he’s a doddering ignoramus and a grifter.
A DNC staffer in the late 80s, who also served in Vietnam, had this to say about Joe and his sometime strange behavior (this was after the plagerism scandal). This veteran said, "I've seen this behavior before. A kind of normalicy interspersed with moments of the self-destructive. It's PTSD. Losing his wife and kids really put the zap on his head".
It isn't even April 1st and elections are in November. Why do they feel the need to do anything?
The people that vote for Biden or whoever the dems finally put up are not thinking people.
Pushing a man who seems to have an Alzheimer's like illness on us like he is Presidential material we need right now is pathetic. Joe ran twice before and lost...and that's when he had somewhat of a normal brain. It's actually Elder abuse because it is embarrassing!!!
Here is a strategy for Biden to get back into the news- get infected with COVID-19. He could even try to fake it if he is too scared for the real thing.
Screw it, Ryan beat me to it.
@rcocean "He can do anything and they will vote for him. Anything, except being Pro-life or favoring restricting immigration or getting rid of quotas and set-asides."
Well, since he has favored each of these things at some point, he is quite likely to forget and loudly support them between now and the election.
Joe Biden: Figurehead or Maidenhead?
If Biden were smart, which he isn't, he'd praise everyone around Trump and refrain from even mentioning Trump. It would drive Trump crazy.
We are taking a very, very circuitous route to ........Hillary v. Trump 2.0 in 2020!
Order of priority:
1. Beat back the virus and the panicked response
2. Country returns to work in phases
3. Demented Biden steps aside (or is pushed), once the country breathes a sigh of relief; and
4. Hillary defiantly returns to the arena (like MacArthur in the Philipines) as the rightful heir to the throne.
"I think the Dems should throw in the towel on this election cycle,"
Nope. The RBG card trumps all. The vote harvesting, "found" ballots and faked will be enormous.
If the 2020 candidate fails and disappears into the black hole of history, so what? The maximum effort MUST be made.
Some people I know are taking advantage of their new-found free time to learn a foreign language. Joe could learn English.
@Tom T.
Shhhhhhhh. Let's not give ideas to the bad guys.
Biden is the Shadow President.
Joe explains how taking a woman's vaginal temperature to check for SARS-CoV-2 was misconstrued as sexual assault.
He's doing a CNN Townhall tonight, right?
Joe, listen to me. Ignore these other guys. Here’s what you do: YOU DO NOTHING. No pressers, no basement videos, no public statements, not even any leaks. What the country needs now is executive leadership, and it does you no good to remind folks that that’s something you can’t provide. You’ve never held an executive position (no, VP is not an executive position). Wait until the epidemic winds down, say around Independence Day, just before the Dem Convention. By then you’ll be in a perfect position to second-guess every thing Trump did regarding the epidemic, without actually saying anything while it was going on. And drink fluids and get plenty of rest.
The Dems need to throw in the towel on the Presidency, and focus on holding the House.
They should just give up on Biden, and let Sanders have the nom. Then the nation can have a long-needed discussion about "democratic socialism", and whether we want a raging Leftist to be President.
Sanders is a populist like Trump, so it makes sense that the two of them would square off.
Biden should resign, tell everyone that he's focusing on his health, and throw all his delegates and support to Sanders.
The other benefit from this approach is that the Bernie Bros won't riot.
The Godfather said...
Joe, listen to me. Ignore these other guys. Here’s what you do: YOU DO NOTHING. No pressers, no basement videos, no public statements, not even any leaks. What the country needs now is executive leadership, and it does you no good to remind folks that that’s something you can’t provide. You’ve never held an executive position (no, VP is not an executive position). Wait until the epidemic winds down, say around Independence Day, just before the Dem Convention. By then you’ll be in a perfect position to second-guess every thing Trump did regarding the epidemic, without actually saying anything while it was going on. And drink fluids and get plenty of rest.
5 months until the DNC.
5 months ago, Pelosi was still saying she didn't want to impeach Trump.
Achilles: "The real game hasn't even started yet."
Oh, it's started: "Wisconsin Lawsuit seeks to bar signature requirement for absentee ballots"
There is a crisis, but it's not something that affects less than 1% of us. It's something that affects 100% of us, and will for a long time, so are you helping?
I’m not trying to help.
Will a "rest" be restorative for Joe?
He's a back-slapping, hair-sniffing, hand-shaking guy from way back. I suspect the extended isolation will hasten his already substantial decline.
Trump has changed the way everything is done now. Biden seems to not have noticed. He's not even in the same league with a competitive candidate.
El Predicto sez:
Until the quarantine is over,or Joe drops out, we'll see him on video and ONLY on video.
"Something will happen at the convention. He will not be the nominee."
I understand they've already scheduled Cavalleria Rusticana for the final night's entertainment.
Althouse's is looking for any sign at all that Biden is not non compis mentis, do that she can vote for him. What a loser. Both of them.
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent: "Imagine the day by day drama of Joe’s sickness and triumphant recovery. A nation turns it’s lonely eyes to you, Joe."
On the contrary. Imagine the hay the dems could make out of Slow Joe contracting Chinese Commie Bat/Pangolin Soup Flu and then.....not recovering. Permanent, like.
The dems need a martyr.
I can already see the ChiCom-owned US media writing the headlines: First Trump quid-pro-quo's against Biden, then Trump has US military engineer virus to kill political rival!
Trump assassinates Biden!
Impeach Now!
We Can't Wait For November!
Mattman26: "Will a "rest" be restorative for Joe?
He's a back-slapping, hair-sniffing, hand-shaking guy from way back."
He's a back-slapping, hair-sniffing, hand-shaking, finger-probing guy from way back.
The first move is made.
Former Biden advisor dies and has Wuhan virus positive.
“On Thursday night, we learned that my dad, Larry Rasky, tested positive for COVID-19,” Will Rasky said in a statement provided by Rasky Partners, the firm his father founded.
“My dad had other underlying health conditions that medical professionals urge us to keep in mind. Our family, Larry’s colleagues, and others had already taken precautions in advance of learning the result, and we continue to follow all public health guidance,” the son said.
Next is the Biden announcement.
The Joe Biden campaign is doomed for as long as Joe Biden has any prominent role in it. To deny his senility is to indulge in sheer self-delusion.
For two consecutive electoral cycles the DNC has contrived to put forward the least capable, least competent, most corrupt candidate possible. It was said that only Hillary could lose to Trump. Now comes Biden to say "hold my beer".
Until the quarantine is over,or Joe drops out, we'll see him on video and ONLY on video.
We should insist that in each appearance he hold up a copy of that day's newspaper, just so we know he's still, you know, alive.
I always believed that Joe Biden was a placeholder for the Real Nominee, to be named later. I also believed that they wouldn't dare nominate Hillary again. Now I'm not so sure.
Yancey Ward said...
Here is a strategy for Biden to get back into the news- get infected with COVID-19.
Way ahead of you. Listen to his dry cough in these interviews. Naturally he doesn't cough into the crook of his elbow as we are taught.
If the Democrats actually had worthwhile policies, and a mentally functioning nominee, then every day he'd be holding a press conference saying exactly what he would be doing, and, in particular, exactly what differences he has with Trump's policies.
But the Obama Admin flubbed Swine Flu (and depleted the national backup supply of N95 masks, without ever trying to refill it), the Democrat ideas are worthless crap, and Biden is a mentally defective idiot. So instead the keep Joe hidden.
If they actually had good policies, that would make us better off, that Trump isn't implementing, then they actually WOULD be helping by trotting Joe out to push those better policies. So, either even they don't think their policies are any better, or they are so obsessed with "winning" the election that they'd rather see Americans die, then give good suggestions that Trump might take.
I'm guessing it's the former. But, if it's the latter, I'd say that's prime proof that none of them should be allowed near power
Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
I do have to hand it to Joe. During this time of pandemic death and economic devastation, Biden is lifting our collective spirits by giving us something to laugh at again
I laughed at that. That's me, when I hear that there is another Biden video to watch. He never fails to fuck everything up. He's funnier than Abbott and Costello, The Three Stooges, and the great ones Laurel and Hardy.
If I were Biden, I would be coordinating a private sector effort to help people impacted by the coronavirus. He must have a hell of a rolodex. He could be asking foundations and wealthy individuals to provide a fund for small businesses that need to be tided over to to pay people's rent. He could be working with colleges to provide facilities to quarantine those who can't quarantine at home or to provide a system for those who have recovered to check on those who are isolated. The government can't do it alone.
What Meade said.
Joe, Joe, Joe. I told you, "Here’s what you do: YOU DO NOTHING." I didn't say, Go do an interview with Jimmy Kimmel. Now, I don't know, maybe nobody watches Kimmel, but the WWW never forgets! For crying out loud Joe, go to ground until this epidemic is over with. It's your only hope -- a forlorn one, true, but at least a hope. And you could prove that with age you've at least learned the discipline to shut up.
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