March 2, 2020

Stick a comb in it, she's done.

Amy's out.

ADDED: She's endorsing Biden and will appear with him at a rally tonight. As for Buttigieg, he's mulling: "Buttigieg mulls Biden endorsement" (CNN). The time for action is now, Pete. Endorse Biden today.

UPDATE: Buttigieg takes my advice. He will endorse Biden, the NYT reports.


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Francisco D said...

Warren is next.

Achilles said...

Damn these people are moving fast.

There was absolutely no reason individually for any of these people to drop out before Super Tuesday.

They are getting orders from their masters and they are obeying.

Nonapod said...

I've no doubt that there's an effort to consolidate the anyone-but-Bernie vote. But I have to believe that a fair number of Warren supporters would go to Bernie if and when she drops out.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Yes, its preferred pronoun is "it". At least it's the the pronoun I prefer for it.

Quaestor said...

Roasted, broiled, or deep-fried?

zipity said...

She had a veneer of "niceness" but it was only microns thick.

Who would have guessed that at this time of the three viable Dem candidates left, Biden would be the youngest....

tcrosse said...

Minnesota Nice is a local euphemism for passive aggression.

Temujin said...

I don't think Elizabeth is going to drop out just yet. She's got too much of a national org set up. See what Tuesday brings. But I think she's going to hang in a bit more. I think the Dems are trying to avoid a convention battle and get Biden the necessary delegates to win going into Milwaukee. However, their rush to do this is overlooking the obvious problems with a Biden candidacy. The press might not want to talk about his and his son's dealings with the Ukraine, but Trump and his followers aren't going to be muzzled about it. It's serious stuff and its looming out there.

Or his groping problem.
Or his daily verbal blunders and fictional claims.

I don't see a good path for the Dems. It's their bench. And it's horrible.

Achilles said...

Char Char Binks said...

Yes, its preferred pronoun is "it". At least it's the the pronoun I prefer for it.

The problem is if you say "Stick a comb in her, she is done." you risk SJW's attacking you over insensitive word rapery because you are talking about literally raping her with a comb at that point.

By saying "it" maybe we are talking about her campaign.

But now that the pronoun wars have claimed "it" nothing is sacred.

The casualties are mounting!

Bay Area Guy said...

From Politico article:

Klobuchar is dropping out just before her home state, Minnesota, votes on Super Tuesday. .

A slap in the face to the great state of Minnesota!

By maybe Dem candidates are finally getting smart -- that to stop Bernie, they gotta drop out and support Biden.

Rory said...

"She's endorsing Biden"

How could you ever again vote for someone who endorses the Biden we've seen in the campaign?

cubanbob said...

Bloomberg is the outlier. He can't be forced out. Aside from him it's going to be a race between Sanders ( D demented policies) vs Biden ( D dementia). As for Mini Mike, he can keep spending and spending and making consultants wealthy but in the end he will another Styer. Spending tons of money with little to show for it. Unlike Steyer who spent a considerable amount of his wealth, Bloomberg can spend two billion and it won't make a difference to him. How can Trump blow this is almost impossible to imagine. If he does, it will be a wonder for the ages.

Achilles said...

Nonapod said...

I've no doubt that there's an effort to consolidate the anyone-but-Bernie vote. But I have to believe that a fair number of Warren supporters would go to Bernie if and when she drops out.

If she is the only one left we will know what is up then.

Expect Biden to step down for medical reasons soon.

Bloomberg/Bernie unity ticket on the way.

AllenS said...

When the blacks of the Twin Cities turned their backs to her at St. Louis Park High School (Minneapolis suburb) yesterday, the writing was on the wall. Amy had no business running for the nomination in the first place, and reading the local papers, I'm not the only one who thought so.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Klomentum! Denied!


Rob said...

Now Amy will be able to devote herself to terrorizing her Senate staff. I hope the Bernie bros are taking note of the Party's attempt to take him down and will refuse to turn out in November to vote for Slow Joe.

Achilles said...

cubanbob said...

Bloomberg is the outlier.

Bloomberg is the goal.

They know Biden can't win. He will step out soon too and tell his delegates to vote for Bloomberg.

Then Bernie will join Bloomberg.

clint said...

Wow. The Party is really going all in on Joe Biden? I mean, I guess it makes sense when they're looking at the Billionaire ex-Republican and the Independent Socialist fighting it out, but wow.

I wonder how this plays out with Bloomberg. He's spent a lot of money on Democratic politicians over the years, and he's not seeing a lot of loyalty in return. Super Tuesday is his big day and they're choosing today of all days to unify behind Slow Joe Biden? In Virginia, politicians sitting in seats that Bloomberg bought for him are endorsing Biden.

What ever happened to politicians who were honest enough to stay bought?

Bay Area Guy said...

Seeing the tardy, but inevitable, Dem consolidation around Slow Joe Biden, I feel compelled to quote our great Hostess at the beginning of Biden's candidacy:

How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?! The hypocrisy of offering to bring us together and embrace lofty values when he is either repulsively ignorant or just plain lying!

I could not finish watching that video. I tried, but I couldn't force myself. It's utterly toxic bilge.

If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President.

Posted by Ann Althouse at 10:33 AM 4.25.19

To be sure, this is not a game of "gotcha." Our hostess may not feel this way, nearly a year after the fact, and we all have a right to change our minds.

But I am curious as to how AA currently feels about Biden, and whether he has grown on her, during his campaign.

The Dems will need to work quick to stop the Bernie express.

AllenS said...

I don't think that the Democrat party needs to do too much, except tell Bernie to fuck off. Of course Milwaukee will burn, but those citizens of that city vote for Democrats so they deserve it. Rebuild, losers.

clint said...

Also... the optics of this are terrible. Last night, she had to cancel a rally because of a violent mob, and the next morning she announces that she's dropping out just before her home state votes.

I don't think there's actually a connection there, but what would we think if we heard of that happening in eastern Europe or Latin America?

cubanbob said...

I think the Dims are making a huge mistake in trying to coalesce around Biden. He is not only stupid but it is obvious he is already in early dementia. Trump will beat him and retake the house and with that that will only encourage the Left crazys to go even further the next time. If Sanders were to get the nomination he will lose even bigger to Trump and lose the house as well but at least that will give the Dims an excuse to get rid of the Communist wing of the party. In either scenario the Dims do not regain the Senate. Biden already did his Mondale bit by promising to raise taxes on the middle class. At least Bernie promises only to raise taxes on the centimillionaires and billionaires. Biden is just too stupid to live.

Skeptical Voter said...

You some of the fun scenarios are going away; Peter the Posturer losing his home state of Indiana to either Biden or Bernie; all the good socialists in Minnesota going for Bernie over home state Amy; and most delicious of all Liawatha losing the Massachusetts primary.

Well Peter's pulled out; Amy stuck a comb in it; but I hope Liawatha still keeps on the war path.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ah "you" should be "yup". So devastated at the fun scenarios going away that I can't spell.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

B A Guy - I remember that! Democrats lie all the time. if they don't lie, they don't have much to talk about - other than how their expensive punitive terrible programs are going to smother our lives.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

"Bloomberg/Bernie unity ticket on the way."
Strangest of bedfellows 2020!
Berno Brigades would shit themselves.

rcocean said...

So the Establishment is closing ranks behind Biden. One moment she's the alternative to Biden, the next she's endorsing him. I assume Bloomberg will stay in, just to make sure Bernie loses. Warren is a mystery - but she's probably drop out on Wednesday, after she loses Massachusetts.

Francisco D said...

Wow. The Party is really going all in on Joe Biden? I mean, I guess it makes sense when they're looking at the Billionaire ex-Republican and the Independent Socialist fighting it out

I suspect that the Dem Party is going all in on a brokered convention. The negotiations should be interesting because Bloomberg would have a lot more pull there than with the electorate.

I just cannot see Biden as the nominee. His cognitive impairment is serious and obvious.

Leland said...

The Althouse family have back to back blows with first Buttigieg dropping (Jaltoch's choice) then Klobuchar (Ann's) choice. The internal polling must be interesting to drop out this close to Super Tuesday. I will say neither of the dropouts seemed to spend any campaign dollars in Texas. Sanders and Bloomberg have.

rehajm said...

Warren is bordering on 15 percent in several primaries including big states like Texas and California. She can keep garnering, play the favorable math and have some leverage at the contested convention.

rcocean said...

People keep misunderstanding the Bernie bros. They didn't burn down the party in 2016, because Bernie was a good loser. He'll be a good loser in 2020. Probably get another House out of it.

The Bernie Bros will go quietly into that night. They've done if before, they'll do it again.

rcocean said...

The tragedy of early voting. If you cast a ballot for Buttigig, Amy, or Steyer you're out of luck.

cubanbob said...

Achilles said...
cubanbob said...

Bloomberg is the outlier.

Bloomberg is the goal.

They know Biden can't win. He will step out soon too and tell his delegates to vote for Bloomberg.

Then Bernie will join Bloomberg."

I disagree. A subway series between two billionaires? Trump really relates and resonates with working people. Bloomberg is a brilliant finance guy but he has zero relatability to working people. He comes across as an elitist who knows better than you what you need for you. That isn't going to play well. Can you really see the Left base vote for a billionaire? Maybe the Green Party will get their vote.

rehajm said...

No One was closing in on a 2/3 probability before Amy dropped out. It will only help No One.

rcocean said...

Kochblob probably saw polls that she was going to lose Minnesota - hence the exit.

chuck said...

Biden? Guess you go to war with the generals you have. Biden was my guess for the Democratic nominee from the beginning, but frankly the guy isn't smart enough for the job. Nothing, of course, is certain at this point.

rcocean said...

I agree that Amy K dropping out is no big deal, except if they have another debate. Then, we'll have one less annoying loser to listen to.

rcocean said...

David French is excited. Finally, it looks like a "true Conservative"" - Joe Biden -might win!

rcocean said...

When bill kristol talks, Amy Klobuchar listens!

Andrew said...

I honestly thought you were quoting a Trump tweet.

In any case, isn't it a bit unfair to her supporters to drop out before tomorrow? What about all the early voting? Same with But...g.

Darcy said...

Wow. Klobuchar clearly was targeted last night for this very outcome. The DNC is despicable. FWIW, the only candidates I thought had a chance against Trump were Klobuchar, Buttigieg and Warren. Warren is mean enough to go toe to toe with Trump, I think.

Fascinating that the Dems appear to have internally selected Biden. They may be gambling that he may lose, but he's the most appealing to the centrists and will help the down-ticket Dems more than any other. I don't see Bernie or Warren helpping the down-ticket Dems much.

This is getting very interesting.

Michael K said...

The race is on to be VP nominee for Biden. If he were to be elected, I doubt he would last until summer.

Michael K said...

They may be gambling that he may lose, but he's the most appealing to the centrists and will help the down-ticket Dems more than any other.

I agree with this. They are in damage control mode, now.

bagoh20 said...

No matter who gets the Dem. nomination, I see a lot of voter antipathy and low turnout coming on the Dem side. 1) The Dem candidate will either not be exciting (Biden) or be dangerous (Sanders) even by their standards. Democrats are also starting too see that every day Trump looks more competent, less radical, and the safer choice. They may not be able to vote for him, but there is not a good reason to vote against him, so many might just stay home.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Two candidates drop out the day before Super Tuesday. The DNC has gone all in for Biden. I guess it was their only real choice.

I'll stick to my prediction that Warren will stay in to draw support away from Bernie.

Jim at said...

While I would never want to go through the eight years of President Precious ever again, there is one, good thing that came from it: The guy completely decimated the Democrats' bench.

Look no further than this clown show for proof.

Curious George said...

"rcocean said...
The tragedy of early voting. If you cast a ballot for Buttigig, Amy, or Steyer you're out of luck."

The DNC has an app for that.

tcrosse said...

The DNC would rather lose the Presidency than lose control of the Party.

Limited blogger said...

They're clearing the deck for Hilary!

I just got the same sinking feeling I had in summer of 2016.

Sheeeee's baaaaaack!

Bay Area Guy said...

Our friend @Achilles writes:

Bloomberg is the goal.

Thought provoking, as usual. I agree Bloomberg's money is a major weapon for the Dems. He basically funded the 2018 Dem House take-over. So, the Dems definitely have the goal of getting his money.

But is he, himself, the goal? Not so sure.

If I had to bet, the globalists will settle for Biden, but will insist on a strong, young, malleable VP to take-over when appropriate.

I do believe the Dem money-guys do not want Bernie anywhere near the White House.

Dave Begley said...

How can Amy endorse a senile old man?

Biden needs to have a full mental workup and America must see the results. If Biden wins, I say we start 25th Amendment proceedings immediately to remove him and put VP Amy or VP Pete in charge.

Andrew said...

If anyone hasn't seen the latest Biden video where he reacts to a man who said that Trump's tax cut worked for him, and then boasts about how he will raise the man's taxes, it's a sight to behold.

I remember Mondale boasting about the same thing. Didn't work out so well for him.

Nichevo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Nonapod: "I've no doubt that there's an effort to consolidate the anyone-but-Bernie vote. But I have to believe that a fair number of Warren supporters would go to Bernie if and when she drops out"

Li'l Tomahawk is showing her true dem/LLR establishment colors. She is staying in and accepting big time PAC money (after saying she wouldn't) to do 2 things: attack the guy she has been campaigning "closest" to, Bernie, and to keep slinging a few arrows at Trump along the way.

Li'l Lizzie is going to stay in to keep drawing some votes away from Bernie as part of some deal to perhaps secure a major administration role should the dem win with perhaps a very outside shot as the VP candidate for Biden. Not a chance however if Bloomy were to steal it.

I still think Michelle is going to pop up in the end. Hillary is fun to talk about but is so toxic and insane that its hilarious. But those Clintons sure do have the establishment and the media in their pockets, don't they?

rcocean said...

The only way you can make Joe Biden look "Moderate" is by running a Communist against him. Well done, Bernie!

Andrew said...

If anyone hasn't seen the latest Biden video where he reacts to a man who said that Trump's tax cut worked for him, and then boasts about how he will raise the man's taxes, it's a sight to behold.

I remember Mondale boasting about the same thing. Didn't work out so well for him.

Gusty Winds said...

It's an inside dirty deal and it's awesome. "Moderates" drop out and coalesce around Biden just before Super Tuesday. Warren stays in to dilute the Sanders vote. What's in it for Warren...the VP nod?

Bay Area Guy said...

@Texas Bill,

"I'll stick to my prediction that Warren will stay in to draw support away from Bernie."

It's amazing how all the pieces suddenly fall into place. It's almost as if a DNC Memo went out:

Memo to candidates:

1. Pete-- get out, and endorse Biden
2. Amy - get out, and endorse Biden
3. Steyer - just get out.
4. Liz -- stay the fuck in! And, no more attacks on Bloomy!
5. Bloomy -- jump in and target Bernie!

rcocean said...

You gotta give Bloomberg credit, his stunt worked. By showing up at the last two debates, he saved Biden. The lions were circling the crippled Biden Water-buffalo, but the Bloomberg Zebra bounced into a view and drew all the attacks. Its hard to remember Biden was even at the last two debates.

Andrew said...

Sorry for the double post above.

I can't imagine a Bernie-Bloomberg (or vice versa) ticket. The hypocrisy would be too much to handle. These men viscerally hate each other personally and ideologically.

Nichevo said...

Achilles said...
cubanbob said...

Bloomberg is the outlier.

Bloomberg is the goal.

They know Biden can't win. He will step out soon too and tell his delegates to vote for Bloomberg.

Then Bernie will join Bloomberg.

3/2/20, 12:56 PM

You mean with Bloomberg as president and Sanders as vice president? Bloomberg would be assassinated so fast it would make your head spin. I wonder if he's smart enough to know that.

tcrosse said...

Is it even possible to be cynical enough?

AllenS said...

I just don't think that very many Democrats are going to vote for The Bloomers. Biden or Sanders. That's all there is. Democrats must feel like shit thinking about their only two choices. Both suck bigly.

Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

I'm not too sure what Warren's game is. She's just splitting the Left-wing vote, and her desire to be the better alternative to Bernie didn't work. Is she staying in, because she doesn't like Bernie, or is she actually helping Bernie in some way?

She could be the Biden VP, but its much more likely he'd go for a woman of color. Harris or Abrams from GA. She's also 70, and comes from a blue state. Trying to think of a Hispanic women senator or congresswomen from a purple or red state...nope doesn't register. As stated above, the VP pick is vital, since Joe isn't going to last more than 4 years.

Curious George said...

If I were Hunter I'd have someone start my car for me.

Gusty Winds said...

We're Amy and Pete ever really "in"? They were both joke candidates. They were just on stage so others could partake in the pontificating of possibilities, while pretending there were actually probabilities.

rcocean said...

My experience with liberals/leftist is they are big on thinking. They're conformists who happily follow the party line. Maybe the over 65 crowd is different. But I'm sure the younger ones will be motivated by Trump hatred and suddenly discover a new found love for Slow Joe.

dustbunny said...

James Woods just tweeted this, saying “Ann beat me to the punch”.

rcocean said...

We're Amy and Pete ever really "in"? They were both joke candidates.

IRC, they were getting more than 10% nationally after New Hampshire.

rcocean said...

One good thing about Trump is he's immune from Bloomberg attack ads. He's had 4 1/2 years of the media pounding him 365/24/7 - 92% negative coverage. Bloomberg can't do nothing.

Bay Area Guy said...

We need to hire a team of big-haired southern women, between ages 40 - 60, with a lotta perfume, and hair-spray, and a big-ass hair-dos, just to show up at all Biden rallies and speeches, and just walk near him, preferably posing for a picture, standing in front of him....

And, of course, we need a videographer to capture the hair-sniffing!

Beasts of England said...

’Is it even possible to be cynical enough?’

I’m sure it’s a coincidence that three have punted within two days of the first major prize. These things happen... ;)

Gusty Winds said...

10% is "in"? And that is only after the herd had thinned quite a bit.

Beasts of England said...

538 now predicts a 64% chance of a brokered convention. 🍿

tcrosse said...

Democrats must feel like shit thinking about their only two choices.

I tremble to think what they might come up with at the convention. There are some off-menu choices too hideous to contemplate.

Readering said...

Reports of flight plan for charter today from South Bend to site of tonight's Buden rally.

StephenFearby said...

"Pete Buttigieg, who quit Sunday, now says he will endorse Joe Biden too"

Readering said...


Bay Area Guy said...

Check out the RCP Betting Odds -- Biden is sprinting up, nearly at a 90 degree angle, trying to catch Sanders!

southside tony said...

Looks like the Dems are going to have a brokered convention

Big Mike said...

You mean with Bloomberg as president ...

How is he going to be elected? The estimated number of legal gun owners in the US is 100 million, and he personally hates each and every one of them. And they know it.

daskol said...

Damn these people are moving fast.

There was absolutely no reason individually for any of these people to drop out before Super Tuesday.

They are getting orders from their masters and they are obeying.

Transparent. I thought they'd hang around, but I continue to overestimate the degree to which these people are individuals vs. merely cogs in the machine.

Gusty Winds said...

I'm hoping for a Biden nomination. The money laundering and deep state cover up will be and issue. His gaff tracks will be hilarious.

Can't wait to see Hunter Biden on stage for the balloon drop at the Milwaukee DNC Convention. And afterward he doesn't have to go far to get to 10th and Capitol Drive to score some crack.

Beasts of England said...

Bern baby, Bern (Bratwurst inferno!)
Bern baby, Bern (Bern that brewery down...)

Birkel said...

Bernie is going to win the most votes and delegates.
This is what happens when you set anything on a slippery slope, Althouse.

Will you accept any of the blame for the long slide that you now see happening?
Will other Leftists in your milieu?

Ken B said...

So much for Biden being unfit, or neutrality about being neutral.

Limited blogger said...

Seeing Amy and Pete standing behind Joe, grinning like idiots, at his next appearance is just gonna be unwatchable.

Tell me how Bad the Orange Man is you schmucks.

gspencer said...

Careful, Joe. When a Butt Boy says he'll stand behind you, you've been warned. And at your age.

traditionalguy said...

Gee whiz. Don't push little Pete to go faster.It takes time for the bagmen to get the pay offs delivered and laundered.

daskol said...

Betting markets reacting to these moves notwithstanding, moves intended to make Biden seem viable, they're surrendering to Bernie.

Paddy O said...

"While I would never want to go through the eight years of President Precious ever again, there is one, good thing that came from it: The guy completely decimated the Democrats' bench."

I think this is more of a result of the Clinton domination. Obama is fairly innocuous and doesn't carry much influence from what I can tell. The Clinton's, however, made it very clear that nobody gets in the way of Hillary during the Obama era, and consequences were severe. Only those who had a unique base of support or nothing to lose had a chance. And that left the party in the hands of the progressives, who then turned the party inside out, so there's no room for anyone who could bring a balanced message.

Amexpat said...

A brokered convention is likely and the only candidates who should stay in are those likely to gather delegates. A few delegates can get you a lot of leverage if things are tight. Pete had no prospects in getting any more delegates and Amy just in Minnesota. Warren will need to win in Mass to stay in. If she loses there, she's out.

Amy endorses Biden now because she's a likely VP pick (Biden will pick a female for VP). Pete knows that Biden won't pick him for VP - perhaps he's waiting for a cabinet post proposition.

effinayright said...

uaestor said...
Roasted, broiled, or deep-fried?

Deep-fried is sooo infra dig.

Try sous vide.

traditionalguy said...

With Klobuchar gone, it is apparent that only one fighter has refused to surrender. The Scots Irish warrior will never surrender. Warren will be fighting forever.

Michael K said...

Curious George said...
If I were Hunter I'd have someone start my car for me.

You saw "Casino" too?

Bay Area Guy said...

I reckon the folks here tomorrow are gonna be drinkin' and cheerin' and rootin' for a big Bernie win - to smack the Dem power brokers and pay masters up the head.

Big Mike said...

Biden needs to have a full mental workup and America must see the results.

@Dave Begley, and what good will that do? Why wouldn’t they use the same psychiatrists who determined that Nikolas Cruz represented no danger to himself or anyone else? A bunch of dead freshmen in Parkland suggest that they may have gotten it a bit wrong.

BarrySanders20 said...

Klobuchar is out
Now has time for pot luck dinners
Minnesota nice.

I heard she chucks things
At staffers who piss her off
Duck quick, Don'tcha know.

Pete made her angry
She tried to control herself
Kicked him in the balls.

Now they are both out
Rallying behind Old Joe
Who needs the Midwest

Otto said...

Biden is damaged goods.
The long arc of 60s liberalism is communism

Big Mike said...

Amy endorses Biden now because she's a likely VP pick

Just don’t let him stand close behind you, Amy, and for gosh sakes don’t accept an offer to go swimming with him in his pool!

mockturtle said...

Klobuchar will likely be Biden's running mate should he win the nomination.

Sebastian said...

So, how much longer is Althouse going to be a "neutral" observer of the "irreparable" gaffe machine?

A pro-abortion senile Dem vs. uncouth anti-abortionish Trump: what'll it be?

Bay Area Guy said...

"Just don’t let him stand close behind you, Amy, and for gosh sakes don’t accept an offer to go swimming with him in his pool!"

Slow Joe tries to sniff Amy's hair at a unity rally, boinks his nose on a comb in her hair.

JRoberts said...

I've got to believe this is not an effort to prop up Biden as much as it is an effort to salvage Senate and House seats - and other down ticket dems.

I can't see Biden winning against Trump, but a Biden loss may save the party. A Sanders win or loss will destroy the Democrat party.

I think the DNC just resigned themselves to another four years of Trump in the White House.

Gusty Winds said...

Ohhhhhh...I just can't decide. I fluctuate. A Bernie nomination would be awesome just to watch the Left eat the shit they created.

But Biden would drive the Bernie supporters over the edge after getting screwed and watching their candidate capitulate to Hillary. And what if they all have to watch Bernie blow Biden after getting screwed again.

And locally....Milwaukee inner city for Biden, and Madison "educated elite" and the woke students for Bernie.

I guess either one will be great for the convention. I can't believe Milwaukee got this lucky!!

Curious George said...

"Sebastian said...
So, how much longer is Althouse going to be a "neutral" observer of the "irreparable" gaffe machine?"

She voted for Clinton, so....

Mark said...

"there is one, good thing that came from it: The guy completely decimated the Democrats' bench."
I think this is more of a result of the Clinton domination.

Add Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and his predecessors to the mix. By demanding that the Democrats all vote in lock-step all the time, everyone except the leadership has become a nameless, faceless drone.

Here in Virginia, for example, I could not tell you a single thing that either of our Democrat senators have done in all the years they have been there.

robother said...

To be fair, neither Amy nor Elizabeth ever said "Im in it to win it." If a woman candidate doesn't say those magic words, it's a signal they're just looking to be someone's (running) mate.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Kind of dangerous for the Dems to put all their chips on someone who doesn't even know what office he's running for.

Francisco D said...

Dave Begley wrote: Biden needs to have a full mental workup and America must see the results.

Big Mike responded: and what good will that do? Why wouldn’t they use the same psychiatrists who determined that Nikolas Cruz represented no danger to himself or anyone else?

Stop me when I have written this 100 times. It is a pet peeve. Psychiatrists are less qualified to give accurate neuropsych diagnoses than cab drivers with appropriate training.

A board certified neuropsychologist needs to examine Joe and provide the results. His cognitive functioning is markedly poor for his age. If he became POTUS, it would be a disaster. Joe is a good soldier. He would let the DNC/Deep State run the country.

Big Mike said...

@Mark, have you thought about who to support to run against Mark Warner? So far I’ve met Tom Speciale, and I don’t think he’s got what it takes.

alanc709 said...

Amy got out and endorsed Biden, probably means she was promised Veep slot for Biden or Bloomberg.

Wa St Blogger said...

I can see a brokered convention resulting in none of the killer B's receiving a nomination. Right now I think Trump would beat each of them. But if there is a Brokered convention, who might the Dems have available that could have national appeal? Think outside the box. Don't limit it to those who threw hats in the ring. Anyone could end up having their name thrown out. Any promising governors? Don't assume because they are non-entities today that they can't rise to prominence, Clinton was virtually unknown at the start of his candidacy too. Basically ANY Dem can win just by being a Dem because that will result in 45% of all votes regardless. The question is, who can "garner" another 6% because they can appeal to moderates? (Yes, I know about the Electoral College, this is just a shorthand.)

rehajm said...

And what if they all have to watch Bernie blow Biden after getting screwed again.

I've wondered about this. If Bernie doesn't earn it on the first vote I think the DNC can fabricate a decent narrative around another candidate. It's harder to fabricate a believable narrative if they give it to a Hillary...which makes me more convinced that's the route they choose.

Drago said...

Mark: "Here in Virginia, for example, I could not tell you a single thing that either of our Democrat senators have done in all the years they have been there"

Mark Warner has played a central role in assisting the deep state coup attempt against Trump and turning Sen Burr into his lap poodle in continuing to cover up any and all deep state activities that might be exposed by aggressive Senate Intelligence committee oversight.

I'm quite certain that as soon as Burr "retires" from the Senate in 2022 he will find himself happily employed by many Democrat billionaire run organizations for the big big bucks.

Warner you will remember was caught working with FusionGPS types to engage directly with Deripaska, amongst others.

The Vault Dweller said...

Yeah Pete has very little chance at advancement in Indiana. His best chance is endorsing Biden, and hopefully getting a spot somewhere in his administration. Though I will say that long-term (10 + years out), the Democratic party is going to look a lot more like Sanders and AOC, than Biden. There is an argument to make that to maintain his credentials as a lefty-progressive, so he can have the most power when he is in his political prime age, in his 50's and 60's, he should think about getting behind Sanders.

Roger Sweeny said...

Like a window into the past, this is what the Massachusetts will look like tomorrow:

Deval Patrick
Amy Klobuchar
Elizabeth Warren
Michael Bennet
Michael R. Bloomberg
Tulsi Gabbard
Cory Booker
Julián Castro
Tom Steyer
Bernie Sanders
Joseph R. Biden
John K. Delaney
Andrew Yang
Pete Buttigieg
Marianne Williamson

I never miss a chance to vote against Elizabeth Warren, so I will vote for Tulsi.

Andrew said...

Biden's latest gaffe is a doozy. He stumbled over the preamble of the Declaration of Independence. Do a Twitter search for "Biden" and "declaration."

Meanehile, Bernie supporters are trying to convince Warren to drop out and endorse him. Man, this is the funnest election in my lifetime.

Bay Area Guy said...

Meanehile, Bernie supporters are trying to convince Warren to drop out and endorse him. Man, this is the funnest election in my lifetime.

It is funny. And Liz Warren could increase the mirth factor by running a "Fat Broads and Horse-faced Lesbians" ad campaign against Bloomberg. Today!

bagoh20 said...

We can only hope that this post's headline comes to fit another Democrat as well.

"BREAKING: Federal Judge Orders Hillary Clinton Deposition Over Private Emails, Says 'Still More to Learn'"

Lucien said...

Dave Begley: clear the decks for VP Stacy Abrams!

Ken B said...

Speaking of off menu. A former governor of a major state has recently become available. Blagojevich. And if they want hard left, Van Jones is smarter, more honest, and younger than Bernie. If you want experience, James Earl Carter III still lives and breathes. And of course there is one other fun possibility ...

Meade said...

Bay Area Guy quoted...

"If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President."

Posted by Ann Althouse at 10:33 AM 4.25.19

the video

ga6 said...

"I'm not too sure what Warren's game is"
If you had a couple of money hungry ex-wives you would know..
To quote G Rivera "give what they want and head out the door"

Clyde said...

My brother posted on Facebook wondering who paid off Buttigieg to drop out of the race. I replied that his name probably rhymed with Trini Trike. Apparently not, if Buttigieg is going to endorse Slow Joe.

Jersey Fled said...

Biden has some rocks in his path even aside from the creeping dementia that seems more obvious each day.

First, the Hunter/Ukraine thing is not over. Both Ukraine and Latvia are or have investigated Hunter for money laundering, and it is likely that Barr is too. Is there anyone here that truly believes a) that Hunter is not dirty, and b) that Joe didn't have at least knowledge of it?

Let's see a show of hands.

Secondly, Durham is still methodically investigating the inception of the Russia-gate hoax. Again, it seems likely that senior Obama/Biden officials were involved in shady if not illegal activities aimed at surveiling the Trump campaign. If Ukraine was enough to impeach Trump, what would Russia-gate be?

Hillary's email server is child's play compared to what Biden has in front of him. And you can bet that Trump will not play nice.

Bilwick said...

Amy's an oligarch, then? "Oligarchy" seems to be the big put-down term of the Stupid Left (where Old Left and New Left shake hands with the Dumbest Generation). I wonder how many of them know what it actually means.

Big Mike said...

I recall a black and white movie back in the 1960s titled “The Best Man,” about two candidates vying to get the nod in a brokered convention. It starred Henry Fonda and Cliff Robertson. If I recall, the eventual nominee was a minor candidate who has a group of delegates of his own, and Fonda’s character throws his support behind the minor candidate because he didn’t have enough delegates of his own to win outright and he so hates Robertson’s slimy, ruthless character that he can’t abide the thought of that man becoming President.

I wonder whether Amy Klobuchar ever saw that movie and has dreams of a deadlocked convention turning to her?

Rosalyn C. said...

I'm also somewhat cynical about the Democratic Party and their long game. I think their biggest fear is that Sanders is their candidate, not so much that Sanders will lose, but that Sanders will expose and destroy their brand of the Democratic Party -- which thereafter will be solidly rebranded as socialism lite.

I think the Democrats would rather have bumbling Joe get the nomination and take the loss so the party can go all in for 2024 with some "traditional progressive."

Bilwick said...

"Dave Begley: clear the decks for VP Stacy Abrams!"

There's no stopping The Tank!

Clyde said...

As far as the dropouts of Buttigieg and Klobuchar affecting the voting tomorrow, how many people have already voted early for those two candidates in the various states? You'll still see Klobuchar get some delegates from Minnesota.

daskol said...

In this version, they all just leave poor old Gilligan on the island.

rehajm said...

From : "BREAKING: Federal Judge Orders Hillary Clinton Deposition Over Private Emails, Says 'Still More to Learn'":

As extensive as the existing record is, it does not sufficiently explain Secretary Clinton’s state of mind when she decided it would be an acceptable practice to set up and use a private server to conduct State Department business

We now know from the impeachment hearings it's appropriate and in the interest of justice to infer her state of mind...

tcrosse said...

My sister in NJ had just sent Amy a check. Boo hoo.

iowan2 said...

Rush says Obama is the one telling who to drop out. AND, who to endorse. The long knives are out for our wacky uncle, the unrepentant communist.

Jaq said...

If Warren stays in solely to bleed Bernie’s support for some future selfish consideration, which is what it looks like, it says a lot that’s not good about Warren.

tcrosse said...

Rush says Obama is the one telling who to drop out. AND, who to endorse.

Hard to believe that Obama has that much horsepower, unless he's just passing on the word from Upper Management.

Achilles said...

rcocean said...

People keep misunderstanding the Bernie bros. They didn't burn down the party in 2016, because Bernie was a good loser. He'll be a good loser in 2020. Probably get another House out of it.

The Bernie Bros will go quietly into that night. They've done if before, they'll do it again.

The Bernie Bro's are the tiger and Bernie has them by the tail.

They caved in 2016 and Hillary lost in part because they stayed home.

The party plans on screwing Bernie. Always did.

The same thing wont happen in 2020 though after they do it.

Jaq said...

They want Biden so that they can have their real choice waiting a heartbeat away behind a guy who has already suffered a brain aneurism. It’s a perfect way to deny the voters any real say.

Anybody remember that scene with the ‘fixer’ at the end of Burn After Reading?

iowan2 said...

MSNBC Just did a lengthy homage to buttuvwxyz. A lengthy piece about the fact he is GAY!!! who knew that?! He gets out of the race, and now the media his going to worship his queerness?

madAsHell said...

I could not finish watching that video. I tried, but I couldn't force myself. It's utterly toxic bilge.

"They're all gonna put you in chains!!".

Biden is absolutely fucking shameless.

Achilles said...

Limited blogger said...

Seeing Amy and Pete standing behind Joe, grinning like idiots, at his next appearance is just gonna be unwatchable.

Tell me how Bad the Orange Man is you schmucks.

You all are misreading this. Nobody is coalescing behind Joe.

Joe is just there to insure a brokered convention. The democrats know he is a loser. They will not repeat the 2016 error of trying to foist a mediocre and obviously corrupt candidate on the electorate.

The Bernie Bro's will get their chance to burn shit down.

Bernie does not want to be the nominee. No way, no how. He is not suicidal. He is just there to get them voting in November.

When some combination of Bloomberg and Michelle Obama pops up at the convention. Or Oprah. Or some player to be named later.

Dwayne Johnson would be a stroke of genius but I am hoping he runs as a republican in 2024.

Michael K said...

Aunty Trump said...
If Warren stays in solely to bleed Bernie’s support for some future selfish consideration, which is what it looks like, it says a lot that’s not good about Warren.

If Warren does this, she will need to be the one who needs someone else to start her car.

Right now, I would say everybody but Bloomie and Biden is running for VP.

I should add that, in 2008, I though Obama was running for VP until Hillary's weakness became obvious.

Jaq said...

"Bernie does not want to be the nominee.”

He has had three years to think about how he fucked up because he trusted the DNC.

iowan2 said...

I know this is weird. Doing play by play of msnbc, but its like watching some surreal science fiction. TOO weird.

Now they just quoted Larry David, playing Bernie Sanders, on a SNL skit. In the context of making a large philosophical political point.

Achilles said...

iowan2 said...

Rush says Obama is the one telling who to drop out. AND, who to endorse. The long knives are out for our wacky uncle, the unrepentant communist.

Substitute RedstoneSorosRobertsBezosSlimsDisneyReedHastings for Obama.

Obama's mouth moves because Reed's hand is shoved up his ass and operates him like a puppet.

The unrepentant communist is on their side too. He just wants to be comfortable, maybe another house, and not commit suicide by heart attack.

Bay Area Guy said...

Check out this big picture of Biden in this AP article.

His false teeth are perfect, but his face looks like old man Moses.

mockturtle said...

He gets out of the race, and now the media his going to worship his queerness?

But of course! Sexual perversions are something to be celebrated! Get with the program, homophobe!

narciso said...

Shirley they can't be

Achilles said...

mockturtle said...

But of course! Sexual perversions are something to be celebrated! Get with the program, homophobe!

That is terrible.

Not sure why you all keeping trying to throw stones.

You were explicitly admonished for that.

Michael said...

What's that old theory about people preferring to hold power in a losing organization rather than share power and be part of a winning organization?

With Biden, the Clinton wing of the party keeps control....this is more important than winning in November.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Bay Area Guy said...

"Slow Joe tries to sniff Amy's hair at a unity rally, boinks his nose on a comb in her hair."

Is that hair spray or clear coat lacquer?

Brown Hornet said...

When told she needed to end her candidacy, she demanded to speak to the DNC manager.

Michael said...

iowan2 said...
Rush says Obama is the one telling who to drop out. AND, who to endorse.

I doubt it. Obama has his own intellectual lifestyle brand and no way will he tarnish that by getting into primary politics. His legacy took a big enough hit by having zero coattails and losing dramatically in the Senate, the House, in governorships, state legislatures and finally the collapse of Hillary.

n.n said...

worship his queerness

His transgenderism. It's a politically congruent thing, notably pro-choice.

gspencer said...

In a well-timed, strategic move, Marianne Williamson made a huge ad buy with this latest campaign idea,

I do miss the Hippie Lady,

walter said...

End of her salad days?

walter said...

Tommy Duncan said...Is that hair spray or clear coat lacquer?
..Italian or Ranch?

narciso said...

it's a cookbook

rehajm said...

fivethirtyeight has updated with the Amy drop out: No One winning half of pledged delegate is currently at 70 percent.

Getting harder to ignore...

wildswan said...

Headlines of the Future:

Milwaukee Barbecues Bernie Brats

Joe and Mitt - Two Guys and an Election

Bloomberg Goes Trans - "Being short, I've always felt like a woman in a man's gender identity. Now I can allow myself to be Elegant Me." said the candidate who was wearing a full-length evening gown from the 1952 Sears catalogue but no makeup. "I've always wanted to look like this since grade school and I don't know what the point of 56 billion is if you can't wear the dress of your dreams and still run for President."

Jaq said...

"When told she needed to end her candidacy, she demanded to speak to the DNC manager.”


wendybar said...

The fix is in...Bernie is getting bounced again. Time for Bernie Bro to start their Riots

wendybar said...

rcocean said
The Bernie Bros will go quietly into that night. They've done if before, they'll do it again.

Tell that to Steve Scalise.

Jersey Fled said...

Question for our lawyer friends:

Can an order to depose by a Federal judge be appealed?

MAJMike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MAJMike said...

I guess "The Lightbringer" used his phone and/or his pen.

Otto said...

C'mon Ann whip out the sermon on the mount for mockturttle.

wendybar said...

Whomever gets in, and whomever their VP pick are, had better prepare for the fight of a lifetime. Their lives WILL be under the microscope, and people aren't nice anymore. Not after the way Trump has been treated.

Kevin said...

Hunter Biden's paintings must be soaring in value.

Kevin said...

If only we could see the DNC War room, covered with NYT Articles, spreadsheets, and AOC Tweets, linked together by different colors of yarn, and forming a pattern which can only be interpreted as Joe Biden.

It must be quite the beautiful mind.

Kevin said...

The Democrats have moved from the party of diversity to the party of dementia.

In the next act they both get Coronavirus, the one who dies gets the nomination, and Trump is impeached yet again by Pelosi for election interference.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bagoh @ 2:52

A federal judge has ordered former Secretary of State and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to sit for a sworn deposition in order to answer more questions regarding her use of a private email server during her tenure at the State Department. D.C. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth granted a request from conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, arguing that her past statements on the matter were insufficient, Fox News reports.

"As extensive as the existing record is, it does not sufficiently explain Secretary Clinton’s state of mind when she decided it would be an acceptable practice to set up and use a private server to conduct State Department business," Lamberth said. According to Lamberth, Clinton's previous written responses to questions "were either incomplete, unhelpful, or cursory at best. Simply put her responses left many more questions than answers.”

Judge Lamberth specifically ordered an in-person deposition because using written questions now “will only muddle any understanding of Secretary Clinton’s state of mind and fail to capture the full picture, thus delaying the final disposition of this case even further.”

wow. About time.

Big Mike said...

"As extensive as the existing record is, it does not sufficiently explain Secretary Clinton’s state of mind when she decided it would be an acceptable practice to set up and use a private server to conduct State Department business," [D.C. District Court Judge Royce C.] Lamberth said.

But it doesn't matter what her state of mind was. If one mishandles classified information then one is in violation of numerous laws. "State of mind" does not enter into it. You screw up, you pay the price.

Unless you're a Clinton or a friend of a Clinton.

narciso said...

like a hamas hudna

JAORE said...

The 15% criteria is action forcing. Several of the non-Berie candidates were hovering in the LOW double digits. Under 15 means you get NOTHING. But the Bern breaks that mark easily in most Super Tuesday states. So lots of votes that are not Bernie get wasted on candidates with, say, 12 percent. Even if some of Mayor Pete or Amy's votes go to Bernie, raising Biden or Bloomie to clear the 15 percent hurdle is crucial.

Now what did the DNC promise the drop-outs?

Sebastian said...

Here's what Amy and Pete endorsed:

"My name is Joe Biden, I'm a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate, vote for me on Super Thursday in North South Carolina because we hold these truths to be self-evident all men and women created by the, you know, the thing."

wbfjrr2 said...

I haven’t ever bought into 538’s prognostications. Garbage in, garbage out.

AllenS said...

"Where I come from, you don't get far unless you ask. My name's Joe Biden. I'm a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over. If you like what you see, help out. If not, vote for the other Biden. Give me a look, though, OK?" -- The other, other Biden. You know, the Slow Stupid One.

Lucien said...

Jersey Fled: orders that don’t finally resolve serious issues in a civil case are generally not appealable. However, one may usually seek an extraordinary writ from an appellate court and seek a stay pending its resolution. Such writs are very frequently denied.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden is awesome. You know the thing!

Automatic_Wing said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Automatic_Wing said...

I can't look at those 538 brokered convention odds as anything other than a DNC information op. Or the most severe case of wishful thinking ever.

Bernie is going to roll tomorrow. It's all over but the whining and the excuse making.

mockturtle said...

My daughter claims that Biden actually said, "Poor people are just as smart as white people."

mockturtle said...

She also said that he told a largely black audience, "I know about roaches."

rcocean said...

'According to Lamberth, Clinton's previous written responses to questions "were either incomplete, unhelpful, or cursory at best. Simply put her responses left many more questions than answers.”

But good enough for McCabe, Comey, and AG Loretta Lynch.

rcocean said...

"Even if some of Mayor Pete or Amy's votes go to Bernie, raising Biden or Bloomie to clear the 15 percent hurdle is crucial.

Now what did the DNC promise the drop-outs?"

A Pair of good kneecaps.

tcrosse said...

They can depose Hillary until they bleed out the ass. She's going to lie like a rug.

rcocean said...

"Rush says Obama is the one telling who to drop out. AND, who to endorse."

Obama is the voice of the Establishment. He was probably requested to weigh in and given a script.

Skeptical Voter said...

When a witness furnishes a "written deposition" you are getting his or her lawyer's answers.

Royce Lamberth has long been impatient with some of the Deep State's "hijinks". Now the Hildebeest will have to sit down--and "think on her feet" before she answers a question. Of course her lawyers will be there objecting away and helping her with her answers. Not that there's anything unusual about that--lawyers do that in depositions all the time.

But if it gets too bad (and it's likely to do so) Judge Lamberth is perfectly capable of ordering that Hillary's deposition take place before a special master who will immediately rule on any objections by Hillary's lawyers.

bagoh20 said...

The psychology of Biden's gaffs are not going to work in his favor. The more he does it, the more he will think about it, and that will guarantee more of it. I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a lying corrupt career politician. If he makes it to Trump debates, it's going to be a cringe fest. Can you vote for someone you feel sorry for as the leader of the free world? I suppose snowflakes can, but with global temps rising, there may not be any of those left.

bagoh20 said...

The private server should be a no-brainer for any prosecutor and court, despite what that traitor Comey said. She did it. No reasonable person would believe she didn't know what she was doing after a lifetime as a lawyer, serving as a Senator, and running with people who were knee deep in sensitive information. Besides, her motivation is either legally irrelevant or further proof of a crime.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"the DNC would rather lose the Presidency than lose control of the Party."

Nope. To their credit, they never play to lose. Which means, appearances notwithstanding, a Biden nomination is not what's being gamed here.

Narayanan said...

I saw recently that Chelsea Clinton is professor at some school!
Can she slot in as VP for Clinton insurance?

Narayanan said...

Chelsea Clinton

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Health Policy and Management

rehajm said...

You never want to trust the polls or Nate, but delegate math is hard. I think he's right on this one...

Bay Area Guy said...

"... the DNC would rather lose the Presidency than lose control of the Party."

Disagree. Obtaining power, specifically govt power, is everything. They're still pissed about the Merrick Garland SCOTUS seat, and the failed effort to smear Kavanaugh. How big will the outrage be when RBG is replaced?

It's basically a 50-50 country. Watching the Dems go thru the various procedural train wrecks is fun, but once they settle on a candidate, sadly it'll be a close race.

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