March 21, 2020

"President Trump has taken historic, aggressive measures to protect the health, wealth and safety of the American people — and did so, while the media and Democrats chose to only focus on the stupid politics of a sham illegitimate impeachment."

"It’s more than disgusting, despicable and disgraceful for cowardly unnamed sources to attempt to rewrite history — it’s a clear threat to this great country."

Said a White House spokesman statement, quoted in The Washington Post, which sought a response for its article, "U.S. intelligence reports from January and February warned about a likely pandemic." From the article, published last night:
The intelligence reports didn’t predict when the virus might land on U.S. shores or recommend particular steps that public health officials should take.... But they did track the spread of the virus in China, and later in other countries, and warned that Chinese officials appeared to be minimizing the severity of the outbreak....

But despite that constant flow of reporting, Trump continued publicly and privately to play down the threat the virus posed to Americans. Lawmakers, too, did not grapple with the virus in earnest until this month....
To be fair, "lawmakers" were very preoccupied with the impeachment of the President.
Inside the White House, Trump’s advisers struggled to get him to take the virus seriously, according to multiple officials with knowledge of meetings among those advisers and with the president. [Health and Human Services Secretary Alex] Azar couldn’t get through to Trump to speak with him about the virus until Jan. 18, according to two senior administration officials....

On Jan. 27, White House aides huddled with then-acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney in his office, trying to get senior officials to pay more attention to the virus, according to people briefed on the meeting Mulvaney then began convening more regular meetings....
Just so you know the timeline: Trump was caught up in an impeachment trial and was not acquitted until February 5th. He had the obligation to perform all his duties as President while dealing with the impeachment, but it sounds as though the White House was working on the virus throughout January, whether Trump did personal meetings with Azar or not.

WaPo quotes some of Trump's early public statements about the virus, and, indeed, he did express optimism. He's still doing optimism. How that correlates to serious protective action for us is another matter.

And here's a WaPo article from January 21st, 11 days before the aquittal: "Trump administration announces mandatory quarantines in response to coronavirus."
The White House declared a “public health emergency” and — beginning on Sunday at 5 p.m. — will bar non-U.S. citizens who recently visited China from entering the United States, subject to a few exemptions.... Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar also said the Trump administration would quarantine any Americans who had visited China’s Hubei province, where the disease originated, within the past 14 days....

President Trump so far has remained uncharacteristically muted on the coronavirus and praised China’s extraordinary response to the growing outbreak. On Wednesday, he tweeted photos of his Situation Room briefing and said his administration was working closely with China to contain the outbreak....
That happened at a time when the World Health Organization was recommending that there be no travel restrictions.


Drago said...

We all knew this was going to happen. Rewriting of history has long been a daily ritual of the left/LLR-left.

Mark O said...

That WaPo article follows the pattern of anonymity in sourcing. It is more gossip, but designed, as always, to hurt Trump.

Were Trump to say, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself," the press would wet itself.

chickelit said...

Greedy media took a second helping of TDS. Helping as in "not helping."

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

This was posted by Mark Tapscott over at Instapundit.

FROM THE SAME INTEL CLOWNS WHO CLAIMED RUSSIA STOLE THE 2016 ELECTION: Today’s Washington Post front page features a sensational story claiming the intelligence community was warning President Trump and Congress way back in January that coronavirus was going to be a worldwide pandemic.

But closely reading the key graph shows it to be based on one anonymous source, plus the opinions of anonymous “others:”

“Intelligence agencies ‘have been warning on this since January,’ said a U.S. official who had access to intelligence reporting that was disseminated to members of Congress and their staffs as well as to officials in the Trump administration, and who, along with others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive information.”

And. on the opinion page (or do I repeat myself?), what is this but “nine former intelligence chiefs” warning that:

“We cannot let the covid-19 pandemic be a cover for the deeply destructive path being pursued by the Trump administration. The most recent illustration of this unprecedented attack is the continuing dismissal of career intelligence professionals — officers who have ably served both Republican and Democratic administrations regardless of their personal political stripe.”

Translation: Trump is remaking the leadership of the intelligence community, displacing the entrenched bureaucrats – careerists and career political operators – who tried to sell us the Russia hoax, the Mueller probe and the quid pro quo. So in response, they are weaponizing the coronavirus.

Temujin said...

Let's be clear about this. The World Health Organization early on was showing up with Chinese leaders to tell the world they had it under control.

"On January 28, Tedros met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing. Following the meeting, Tedros commended China for “setting a new standard for outbreak control” and praised the country’s top leadership for its “openness to sharing information” with the WHO and other countries. Yet in Wuhan, the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak, Chinese officials were busy arresting and punishing citizens for “spreading rumors” about the disease, while online censors controlled the flow of information. Despite growing evidence of China’s mishandling of the outbreak and rising domestic Chinese outrage over the government’s censorship, Tedros remains unmoved. On February 20 at the Munich Security Conference, Tedros doubled down on his praise for China stating that “China has bought the world time.”

I have some real issues with World Organizations. This is one of them.

Laslo Spatula said...

And if Trump had declared emergency while during the impeachment clown show he would've been furiously criticized for being a totalitarian trying to whip up fears and change the subject.

Coming and going.

I am Laslo.

Geneo said...

Too many are staying the political mode when we need to get things done. In my opinion, Politicians like to keep their power and this is a nasty way to do that. It injures, kills and causes panic actions that make it all worse.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

From insty/ Mark Tapscott:

FROM THE SAME INTEL CLOWNS WHO CLAIMED RUSSIA STOLE THE 2016 ELECTION: Today’s Washington Post front page features a sensational story claiming the intelligence community was warning President Trump and Congress way back in January that coronavirus was going to be a worldwide pandemic.

But closely reading the key graph shows it to be based on one anonymous source, plus the opinions of anonymous “others:”

“Intelligence agencies ‘have been warning on this since January,’ said a U.S. official who had access to intelligence reporting that was disseminated to members of Congress and their staffs as well as to officials in the Trump administration, and who, along with others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive information.”

And. on the opinion page (or do I repeat myself?), what is this but “nine former intelligence chiefs” warning that:

[here's the pornography opinion for rabid Trump haters]
“We cannot let the covid-19 pandemic be a cover for the deeply destructive path being pursued by the Trump administration." The most recent illustration of this unprecedented attack is the continuing dismissal of career intelligence professionals — officers who have ably served both Republican and Democratic administrations regardless of their personal political stripe.”


"Translation: Trump is remaking the leadership of the intelligence community, displacing the entrenched bureaucrats – careerists and career political operators – who tried to sell us the Russia hoax, the Mueller probe and the quid pro quo. So in response, they are weaponizing the coronavirus."


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Time Frame reality: All of the corruptocrats were in the throes of their manufactured "It's illegal to point out Joe Biden's corruption" Impeachment theater. Why didn't the all-knowing holier than thou democrats in the house and senate - DO SOMETHING!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Brennan - Clapper- Comey. The 9 secret anonymous former intelligence gods who now work at CNN.

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

ga6 said...

Was the source of this story CDC headquarters?

exhelodrvr1 said...

Didn't he stop the china flights on Jan 22?

Francisco D said...

Bureaucrats give 100 different (often contradictory) opinions and when one of them "hits" they say "We were right all along".

Howard said...

I'm the first person to agree that the Trump administration really dropped the ball on this. They still have half you people convinced that it's nothing Burger. hell I wouldn't be surprised if we found out that they did it just to do a nice quiet sell off.

However now is not the time to be bickering over what cannot be changed and has no bearing on solutions. Perhaps Trump is just the classical procrastinator and he felt like he needed to really turn the temperature up on himself before he started doing anything. That's pretty charitable, right?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

This is a hard lesson that needs to be learned by our politicized bureaucrats. They need to stop thinking they are the policymakers and the wrong party politicians are the enemy.

No one could blame Trump for being suspicious of anything coming from the bureaucrats. That is very dangerous. We need presidents, Congress critters, cabinets officials, state and local politicians to know the advice coming from the bureaucracy is honest and unslanted.

After this crisis would be a very good time to embark on a cleanup and downsizing our federal and state workers.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Oh, and this is another reason why Congress should never start on impeachment without overwhelming bipartisan support.

I hope the fall ads will hit each and every congressional Dem hard on this point.

Jaq said...

It’s a long time until November, but right now it looks like the Democrats are so fucked.

Jaq said...

Chuck is pumping out rationalizations that he probably earnestly thinks are ratiocinations.

Howard is back to doing his best, Joe Biden, can’t quite keep up, brand of trolling.

narciso said...

The dark winter scenario was the one of thr minds of the planners in early 2001, involving small pox. Yet nearly 20 years later the structures for handling any epidenic have beem woefully inadequate.

Bay Area Guy said...

These anonymous leaking Intell goons are a disgrace, as are there WaPo media lapdogs.

We should seriously consider abolishing the CIA.

Jaq said...

I am beginning to think Chuck’s not really a lawyer. I have been involved in a lawsuit where there was a lot at stake, and they are all consuming.

Michael K said...

Chuck and Howard doing a duet.

narciso said...

The problem is the software not the hardware, the bureau through the chicago tribunes walter trohan, convinced trumam to deep six the oss but they just reorganized at state with elements in naval intelligence.

narciso said...

Hes louis tully from ghostbusters.

Oso Negro said...

Blogger Howard said...
I'm the first person to agree that the Trump administration really dropped the ball on this. They still have half you people convinced that it's nothing Burger. hell I wouldn't be surprised if we found out that they did it just to do a nice quiet sell off.

3/21/20, 10:25 AM

Howard - which government would you have preferred the United States modeled, and what are three specific things you wish the administration had done?

Jaq said...

Trump did fuck up by deferring to the nabobs of the deep state in the CDC and FDA before he more recently knocked some heads together there. To tell me Hillary would have acted different is to lie.

narciso said...

He chose the less agregious high priests who werent obsessed by skydragons and gun control, but every nomination had been like the trenches in 1917.

chickelit said...

Chuck wrote: I am not buying the excuse that anyone was too distracted by impeachment.

You were too distracted by the impeachment process to think and write about anything else, Chuck. That was plain to even the casual reader of Althouse. It's on your permanent record here and will never go away.

Ray - SoCal said...

Trump was in a fight for his political life, and there was a chance if the Senate eGOP could get away with it, they would have impeached Trump. Romney did vote for impeachment on one count. Trump reached out directly to voters to fight impeachment, and that is why he is still President.

I'm amazed Trump did as much as he did, during impeachment.

And what of the warning that Taiwan sent WHO end of December? That was ignored, while the WHO lied till middle of January.

Non paywall version:

No mention of the CDC and FDA?

Jaq said...

Maybe Chuck’s a title lawyer. Closings aren’t that stressful.

wildswan said...

Apparently, part of the media is going to report the China virus story the same bad way they've been reporting Trump all along - unsourced leaks, cubicle rumors, a disregard for positive achievements, desire to whip up hysteria. Some politicians are going to handle the crisis in their cities as they have all along - shout racism and blame Trump. There's DeBlasio.

But, in other news, it is being reported that in parts of the US Hell has frozen over, or, in other words, a part of the media has become responsible. Some are calling out false stories. And some politicians, despite being Democrats, have shown concern for the citizens and have praised Trump for his assistance. There's Cuomo.

narciso said...

There are some structural issues that dhs organizational charts congressional budveting obamacare made worse.

Big Mike said...

In my experience, when the intelligence agencies get something wrong (e.g., WMD in Iraq) agency members will airily inform you that “the reports were appropriately caveated”. If they appear to have missed something, then agency members will airily assert that “it was in the report.” How coronavirus was in “the report” is never stated. Was it expressed as “OMG this disease could migrate to the US and lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths” or was it expressed as “there is a new, more lethal, form of common cold in Wuhan, China, but authorities seem poised to contain it”? I don’t know, and neither does the Post. But don’t think the Post doesn’t know how the game is played.

narciso said...

It was a china sourced epidemic, because of sars precedent, the carlos slims version insinuates tillerson and company are among the leakers

Birkel said...

The intelligence agencies are worse than worthless.

Instapundit did more to promote awareness and preparedness than did the intelligence agencies.

wendybar said...

Trump probably saved thousands of American lives, and the left and their Propaganda media are calling him a RACIST for doing so.

mockturtle said...

I can only offer my personal observations but in my neighborhood I'm seeing even more Trump 2020 signs and banners than before, including those of my Hispanic neighbors, who almost overwhelmingly support Trump. So the TDS propaganda is not working here in SW AZ.

Yancey Ward said...

The left is beginning to see the writing on the wall, I think. It will now become an all out effort to rewrite the history of December, January, and February of 2019-2020. Just wait until it is revealed that the first cases of COVID-19 in the US happened long before it was even identified- those swabs from the Summer, Fall, and December of 2019 are still out there waiting to be tested, along with thousands of blood samples of various kinds- someone will eventually get around to back testing them for COVID-19 and its antibodies- count on it. The battles to squash the papers written on the topic should be fucking epic in scale.

The Godfather said...

Has anyone yet identified a single specific action that the “intelligence community” or anyone else recommended in January that Trump should take that he didn’t take? Personally I wish the FDA had started those vital “clinical trials” on anti-Covid meds in January. Was anyone recommending that back then?

narciso said...

There was some speculation in that federalist piece i linked a week ago, that included some vox content.

MayBee said...

The Intelligence community and CNN will do anything to take out Trump.

MayBee said...

This reminds me of the reports that the Clinton people had given Bush 43 a super secret comprehensive plan for dealing with alQaeda (even though they did not deal with the bombing of the USS Cole)

Curious George said...

Cuckles: "I am not buying the excuse that anyone was too distracted by impeachment."

The thing is Chuck is no one is selling.

narciso said...

It was one of those contingency plans, but since the cells were already in germany amd later the us, how would it have stopped the attacks.

MayBee said...

Adam Schiff was the chair of the House Intelligence Committee at that time, was he not? What did he do when he received these briefings? He sure didn't leak them.

narciso said...

You ask good questions, maybee, who can be sure.

Nichevo said...

Temujin said...
Let's be clear about this. The World Health Organization early on was showing up with Chinese leaders to tell the world they had it under control.

"On January 28, Tedros

Tedros in particular is apparently a bought and paid for creature of China.

Ken B said...

“Lawmakers too” is a lie since at that time, this month, Trump had already taken some strong actions. Strong enough the Democrats tried to overrule him legislatively.

This is a common trope. There are always early reports of things, most of which are wrong. It looks like the Trump team considered both anonymous vague intelligence reports AND the advice of scientists. As Ann notes, the scientists were not on board with the alleged intelligence report's speculations either. There are still nutters who claim FDR knew about Pearl Harbor, because there were intelligence reports. (As there had been previously too.)

Good post by Althouse. Skeptical, looking at evidence. Maybe her recent funk has passed.

Francisco D said...

I can only offer my personal observations but in my neighborhood I'm seeing even more Trump 2020 signs and banners than before, including those of my Hispanic neighbors, who almost overwhelmingly support Trump. So the TDS propaganda is not working here in SW AZ.

I am in suburban Tucson, a few hours east of you. I have seen a few Trump yard signs and one "Bernie" car sticker in my neighborhood.

People do not advertise their political views here. I suspect it is because they do not want the hassle of dealing with vociferous opposition and possible name calling.

Jaq said...

"Adam Schiff was the chair of the House Intelligence Committee at that time, was he not? What did he do when he received these briefings? “

To ask it is to answer it! He turned up distraction to 11!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

What they're really mad about is that Botox Nancy, Schitty, and Fat Jerry didn't get the chance to claim that Trump was trying to draw attention away from impeachment by starting a panic over the virus.

Jaq said...

"I suspect it is because they do not want the hassle of dealing with vociferous opposition and possible name calling.”

I was driving through PA, where open Trump supports is widespread, and there was a bodyshop running radio ads for a special to fix it if your car got keyed.

Kai Akker said...

China -- think what that place could be if governed by Taiwan. Or Hong Kong. A quick regime change and maybe those people could get a fresh start in freedom. I want to see regime change for this attack on the rest of the world. I feel sorry for their own people, but that's secondary to the health and safety of the rest of the world's sovereign entities who are suffering for the sins of the Communists.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

mockturtle said...

I can only offer my personal observations but in my neighborhood I'm seeing even more Trump 2020 signs and banners than before, including those of my Hispanic neighbors, who almost overwhelmingly support Trump. So the TDS propaganda is not working here in SW AZ.

Where do you live? I'm not seeing much in the way of campaign signs either way in Phoenix.

Kai Akker said...

Oh, yeah, Trump, the attack, sos. Back on topic.

mockturtle said...

North: Yuma County.

mockturtle said...

Specifically, Fortuna Foothills.

RMc said...

Chuck wrote: I am not buying the excuse that anyone was too distracted by impeachment.

And the rest of us are not buying...pretty much anything you have to say on the subject, Chuck.

Geez. As much as I dislike Trump, the TSD-ers are ten times worse.

doctrev said...

We're quite aware, thank you, that Donald Trump -was- preparing to deal with the threat from the China virus, while the Democrats were screaming about how RACIST it was and that it distracted from the all-important impeachment. The number of plans they actually had to deal with things? Zero, to no one's surprise. But the most retarded of the Urban Elite are apparently serious about pushing the Big Lie, as they usually do.

Perfection. When the masses of unemployed start looking for scapegoats, looting the houses of $500 an hour lawyers will be the easiest thing in the world.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I don't know why Trump has staffed the way he has, but it's so much like Veep. People dying, a focus by serious people on what to do next--not who was right and who was wrong on details in January. Staff go to the media: make sure I get credit for being right, and being ignored by the president. Media say: no doubt Trump could have done more/better, whether he was focussed on impeachment or not. No acknowledgement that the China travel ban/quarantine was ahead of the WHO. No reminder that technical briefings on the exact stage of a pandemic are barely the President's job; instilling hope is very much part of the job.

What are these people going to tell their grandchildren about their role in the Trump administration? A pack of lies? I always knew sucking up to the media was my most important job?

Big Mike said...

To tell me Hillary would have acted different is to lie.

@Aunty Trump, I beg your pardon but there are differences. First, like Obama with H1N1, Hillsry would have waited until there were lots of deaths before acting. Probably not 1000, but certainly multiple hundreds. Second, again like Obama, she would have treated COVID-19 like a political issue to be managed, not a health risk to the population who are, after all, “deplorable.” Third, she would still be deferring to the nabobs of the CDC and FDA.

And Chuck is not a lawyer. He is a professional moby, perhaps living in a cheap studio apartment, or, probably more likely, in his mommy’s basement.

Kai Akker said...

The Chinese Communists have lost any shred of legitimacy with this -- either because they created the virus, or because they suppressed the news about it, or both. How can the world let them stay there? Communism is so obsolete.

I don't know the best way for the rest of the world to go about this, but I would love to hear some of what Trump has been thinking for the last two, three months. Economic warfare? We'll be doing it. Is that fast enough?

Skeptical Voter said...

Disgusting, disgraceful and despicable---I think the White House spokesperson understated the depth of journalistic dishonor and depravity. And that's on the Washington Post and New York Times "good days". Throw in The Atlantic magazine whose writers seem to be stenographers for the Chinese spinmeisters.

I don't doubt that the corona virus will kill numbers---maybe even large numbers of Americans. What I do wonder about is whether the corona virus morbidity numbers will approach the level of those Americans who are taken by various strains of the "ordinary" flu who die in each flu season. Time will tell. In the meantime the Trump administration seems to be acting aggressively re the problem.

Levi Starks said...

It’s nice that Chuck recognizes what an amazing administrator President Trump is.
Mornings doing Briefings, then a leisurely afternoon defending himself from the relentless onslaught impeachment.

bananarepublic2020 said...

Good to know that Ann's devotion to Trump remains steadfast despite the administration's incredibly inept response to the crisis.

We knew of the novel virus by late December. We should have assumed it was much worse than what China reported to WHO. And here we are near the end of March and our first responders don't have nearly enough tests, ventilators, masks and gloves.

Yesterday Trump blamed the testing fiasco on the prior administration. As if Trump hasn't been president for over three years.

Achilles said...

Chuck said:

"I am not buying the excuse that anyone was too distracted by impeachment."

Each one of your posts is worth a hundred votes for trump.

Francisco D said...

I suspect that Lil' Chuckles is back to work because he ran out of gin.

Sebastian said...

"That happened at a time when the World Health Organization was recommending that there be no travel restrictions."

And only a few weeks after the Chinese, aided by the WHO, denied they had seen human-to-human transmission.

Michael said...

I would always trust our “intelligence” community as they advise on health issues.

bananarepublic2020 said...

The reason Trump was impeached was because he engaged in impeachable conduct. Whose fault is that?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Big Mike 11:52 -

Exactly right.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Impeachable conduct defined by crooks and liars.

The dude abides.

**Biden and Hillary should be in prison for their deeds. But - the deep state still runs deep.

Tomcc said...

To all of his (Mr. Trump's) detractors, I would ask: with imperfect and incomplete information about the scale, rate of infection and mortality rate of this new SARS virus, what immediate steps would you have taken?
It would have been advantageous to start collecting data (testing) ASAP, but there's always a lag time involved in developing and distributing the methods of testing. It's important to recognize also, that if one rushes to market with test kits that are unreliable, that creates an entirely new problem.

mockturtle said...

banana bleats: We knew of the novel virus by late December. We should have assumed it was much worse than what China reported to WHO.

And WHO reported that there was no evidence of human to human transmission. They were telling us is was all about the bats and the wet market. Is your memory so faulty?

Kai Akker said...

Their corruption of WHO is just another little example. The UN should strip China of its seat as an illegitimate government guilty of crimes against humanity. That would remove them from the Security Council. The rest of the Security Council could then demand a replacement government be installed immediately. Taiwan, please step up. The Special UN Advisory Committee on China would then serve as final arbiter on government decisions for four years; Committee members to include Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Dag Hamarskjold and Jeff Probst.

Kai Akker said...

"Xi: The tribe has spoken. Extinguish your torch and head to Extinction Island."

Sebastian said...

While Trump took action, Italy made things worse:

Dr. Giorgio Palù, the former president of the European and Italian Society for Virology and a professor of virology and microbiology of the University of Padova, told CNN he'd hoped to see the first signs of a change after just over a week of nationwide lockdown, but that has yet to materialize . . . He says the Italian government lagged at first. It was "lazy in the beginning... too much politics in Italy." "There was a proposal to isolate people coming from the epicenter, coming from China," he said. "Then it became seen as racist, but they were people coming from the outbreak." That, he said, led to the current devastating situation."

Political correctness kills. At least here we have a president resisting "too much politics."

Browndog said...

Who can forget this?

Coronavirus task force another example of Trump administration's lack of diversity

Analysis by Brandon Tensley, CNN

Updated 2:35 PM ET, Thu January 30, 2020

Lucien said...

Recall that the impeachment trial was the sole business of the Senate: Senators were not allowed to campaign, use electronic devices in the chamber, etc.
Suppose, knowing this, Senator McConnell had said: “We have to postpone the trial so we can go into emergency mode to deal with some virus from China”. Would he have been praised for his statesmanship?

effinayright said...

Howard said...
I'm the first person to agree that the Trump administration really dropped the ball on this. They still have half you people convinced that it's nothing Burger. hell I wouldn't be surprised if we found out that they did it just to do a nice quiet sell off.

Your ass must be really chapped from pulling so many nonsensical comments out of it.

Which "Half" said the virus was a nothing burger? It we thought that we would not have SUPPORTED the Prez's China travel ban.

Had Trump raised an alarm about China in the middle of his impeachment trial, you bozos would have accused him of "wagging the dog".

Naked and reflexive partisanship is not a good look....Howie.

Lyle Smith said...

People are going to start murdering reporters and journalists, as self-defense or defense of others, soon.

minnesota farm guy said...

Just a reminder in real time of how well tuned in the Dems were:
"House Democrats schedule vote to dismantle Trump travel ban (March 7)"

This was inspired by the earlier travel bans, but the Dems did not have the sense to shut up as the virus took off.

minnesota farm guy said...

Interesting time line on the Wuhan virus. Link.

Some major points: 1st patient reported in Wuhan 12/12/19; first death reported 1/11/20; by 1/20/20 6 people had died and 290 cases were reported across China; cases and deaths continue to mount until 1/31 when US bans foreign national from China - even then the total reported deaths were only 213 and reported illnesses was 9800. Given the low number of reported cases and deaths it would have been very easy to have taken a "wait and see attitude". Trump instituted the ban one day after WHO stepped up to the plate and admitted that Covid 19 was a "public health emergency".

It is well to remember some history of ignorance or willful "opposition" in this country. "America First" was a large group that opposed entry into WWII. It was dissolved three days after Pearl Harbor. What was it Tyson said about "plans until the first punch is thrown"?

Kai Akker said...

Thanks, Minnesota farm guy. I recall seeing the dating of the first Wuhan case as Dec. 1 not 12th. By mid-Dec, there were enough cases that the eight doctors tried to get government attention -- isn't that right?

In any case, that govt is a crime against humanity. Having Communists in power anywhere is an incredible anachronism. Imagine if we could close the books on the horror that was Mao TseTung. What a relief it would be.

Donal said...

Despite what the White House says the only actual thing they can point to that Trump did was the ban on travel from China. They did nothing else. They didn't start scaling up production of ventilators, respirators, masks, protective gear, etc.- they did none of that. The lack of any preparation at all is going to get people killed.

Paul said...

Here in Texas today, yes just today, I know of at least FOUR DEAD on our highways. Just in East Texas, not the whole state!! Approximately 10 are killed every day on the roads in Texas!

Meanwhile there are 194 Coronavirus cases, 5 Coronavirus deaths in Texas.. TOTAL!!!

Get a grip folks.

Paul said...

Donal.... do you have a crystal ball? Did you, when this first started, mention scaling up production of ventilators, respirators, masks, protective gear, etc. Did anyone else mention doing these things???

Well Donal? We appreciate your 20/20 hindsight but it is just that, hindsight.

mockturtle said...

Paul, I think the people here have a pretty good grip. Can't recall reading any comment indicating fear of getting the virus or being hysterical about the pandemic itself. Maybe some are frustrated by the draconian measures some states have imposed but that's about it. It's just the topic du jour.

C R Krieger said...

I am with May Bee.  What did Intel Committee Chair Rep Adam Schiff know and when did he know it?

But, more important, when did Speaker Nancy the Ripper know and did she suppress it to keep Impeachment on track?  It looks like she knew early on.  I hope she was at least praying for us.

Until today I didn't think about this, but now I see serious issues.

Regards  —  Cliff

Quaestor said...

Howard writes: I'm the first person to agree that the Trump administration really dropped the ball on this.

Someone who can write this without noticing the internal logical problem is not to be trusted with facts.

Earnest Prole said...

WaPo quotes some of Trump's early public statements about the virus, and, indeed, he did express optimism.

If by optimism you mean acting as though the virus was not already loose in America when it clearly was, sure.

Kai Akker said...

First shared identification of a SARS-related coronavirus was Dec. 30, not the mid-Dec I put in a comment here just above at 4:56 pm yesterday. Li called upon by police Jan. 1, when they tried to shut up him and the other 8 doctors (Jan. 1, and Jan. 3). Just wanted to correct what I wrote. These are the dates given by Wikipedia article on Li; they differ only slightly from the link supplied by Minnesota farm boy, above.

Sam L. said...

The WaPoo has WaPooped again. Just ONE MORE reason for me to despise, detest, and distrust the WaPoo. (The NYT, too.)

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