March 10, 2020

Joe Biden, the tough guy, mixing it up with the hard hats.

My biggest criticism? He's not taking coronavirus seriously! They're right up in each other's faces.


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Jerry said...

Well, THAT sure will get their support.

Joe still hasn't realized the Internet is Forever, has he? You can't deny you said something - it's right there in either print or video.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Corn pop hairy legged dog face pony soldier

(working on my new moniker)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We hold these truths to be snuffleupagus.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

'Well son of a bitch, the prosecutor was fired!'

Michael K said...

Joe can't even get the gun ban right,. He's going to ban only AR 14s, whatever that is.

Curious George said...

"My biggest criticism? He's not taking coronavirus seriously! They're right up in each other's faces."

How moronic. You see all those guys who are not Joe Biden? The hundreds of auto workers? They were all right up in each others faces before he was there. And will be after. Like right now. And tomorrow.

Curious George said...

My biggest criticism is the mulleted dude bottom right. What the hell is he thinking.

Gunner said...

Does Joe still think it is 1988 where the only people who go to your rallies and get close to you agree with you about everything?

GingerBeer said...

He doesn't take the 2nd A seriously either.

Nonapod said...

Aggressive outbursts are actually very common in people suffering dementia.

Jim at said...

It's nice to know Biden has the same temperament as his most enthusiastic Michigan supporter.

narciso said...

he's confused about why he voted for the authorization of use of force, but louise mensch is still his corner,

wendybar said...

Joe thinks he is Mike Tyson. He always wants to fight every one... I, for one, am having a hard time watching Joe's family and the Democrats let him go on and on. He seems to have some type of problem, and it isn't cute or funny. I know they are just waiting for Hillary to be able to step in and save the day, but it makes me sick that his wife would go along with it. Shame on her.

tcrosse said...

It doesn't get better. It only gets worse.

Curious George said...

The biggest danger of Joe being out and about among the people is him spreading his idiocy.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I thought we were supposed to be restoring normalcy with Joe. Instead, the Democrats are just normalizing elder abuse.

Dave Begley said...

My response? "At least I'm not senile like you, Slow Joe."

gilbar said...

Jo Biden Said... We won't be taking your AR-14 away!
Jo Biden Said... Beto O’Rourke To Lead Biden’s Anti-Gun Agenda
Beta O'Rourke said... 'Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47'

SO, Apparently; non-existent weapons, like the AR-14 will be allowed; Only REAL guns will be confiscated

Curious George said...

"Dave Begley said...
My response? "At least I'm not senile like you, Slow Joe."

Where is that Begley Rule Dave?

Browndog said...

David Frum
‏Verified account @davidfrum

Kind of amazing that anybody thinks this video makes Biden look anything other than terrific. He shushes the aide who wants to lead him away - and then engages a hostile critic face to face, fact to fact. Impressive.

rehajm said...

Nice mouth Joe. You kiss little girls' heads with that?

henry said...

It's amazing what an asshole you can be when backed up by armed security guards.

Browndog said...

CBS reporter:

Caitlin Huey-Burns
‏Verified account @CHueyBurns

I imagine Biden's "full of shit" exchange today only helps him. It reminds me when he called a voter "a damn liar" in Iowa and his supporters loved it and wanted to see more.

Lance said...

Biden's stealing a page from Trump's playbook here. The in-your-face insult ensures front-page coverage, and it beefs up his tough guy image. This is an emotional-level appeal to Trump's blue collar demographic that respects blunt language.

Wince said...

Biden not sniffing that guy's mullet is sexist and homophobic.

Nonapod said...

Yeah, the people defending Biden's outburst aren't doing any favors for him or themselves. He's not well. I don't particularly relish the idea of a clearly demented senior being ghoulishly propped up by a cadre of covetous power seekers looking to return to the plump positions they held during the Obama years. I don't imagine voters will either if Joe's behavoir continues to get much worse.

Martin said...


John henry said...

wendybar said...

it makes me sick that his wife would go along with it. Shame on her.

Shame on You Wendy bar! Jill Biden is a qualified doctor. She is perfectly competent to make decisions on Jo's behalh

John Henry

tcrosse said...

They will be in denial about Biden's dementia until it's time to use it as an excuse to slip in the ringer for his own good. But eventually dementia gets to the point where it's impossible to deny.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden could open fire and then pee on the dead, and certain loyalist hiveminders filled with hate and revenge over Hillary's loss would still pony up to vote Biden.

John henry said...

Yes, of course I know that she is an un-doctor of education

John Henry

Beth B said...

Does Beto know?

Bruce Hayden said...

Great fun. He just lost almost every one of those union workers, which in the past would have been almost impossible. Not only did he lose his temper and call BS on the worker, everyone there knew it. And he was rude doing it. The reality is that AR-15s are not machine guns, and that 100 round magazines don’t really make sense for any gun that is not a machine gun. High capacity magazines like he is appearing to talk about are mechanically much more complicated than the magazine, spring, and follower system that John Moses Browning used in his 1911 and BAR designs over a century ago. Simple, reliable, and easy to scale to 30-40 rounds fairly easily. The early (1960s vintage) AR-15s and M16s utilized 20 round magazines, but moved to 30 rounders with improvements in materials and manufacturing. There is a major jump in complexity when you move to the next level, where typically one or more circular springs are utilized, and more complexity means more reasons to fail. Would you rather have 3 30 round (or 5 20 round) magazines, that almost never jam or fail? Or one 100 round magazine that might? With normal magazines, if they fail to feed, you drop that magazine, pop in the next, cock and go. With the 100 rounder, you are SOL. Only with sustained fully automatic fire does the use of larger capacity magazines make sense, and that is more typically addressed with belt feeding the ammunition. And fully automatic capable firearms are heavily regulated as machine guns under the NFA of 1934, as well as later legislation that Biden voted for as a Senator that essentially prevented new machine guns being manufactured for civilian use. These guys know all this. But apparently Biden does not.

Ken B said...

This is why I think he is getting dementia. It’s not the memory lapses, or even the occasional garble. It’s the sudden burst of antagonism and aggression. You see those from people losing their grip. Toss in the lapses and the garbles and it looks pretty much like dementia coming on.

Ken B said...

Nonapod agrees “ Aggressive outbursts are actually very common in people suffering dementia.”

gspencer said...

Biden to voter, "You're full of [shiitte]"

Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends & Influence People has only be in print since 1935. Guess it hasn't come to Biden's attention yet.

Biden's always been a bully. And of the worst kind, a protected bully.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


CBS reporter:

Caitlin Huey-Burns
‏Verified account @CHueyBurns

I imagine Biden's "full of shit" exchange today only helps him. It reminds me when he called a voter "a damn liar" in Iowa and his supporters loved it and wanted to see more.

Only the hack-D press could spin insults from Joe to democrat supporters as positive.

Ken B said...

Someone above noted Biden's rudeness and aggression seem popular. I think they are in the primary. Democrats are all about payback, revenge — in a word, smiting. More than anything else Democrat’s want to *punish*. Who, how, why are unimportant.

minnesota farm guy said...

You really have to watch this collection of Biden dementia; from the Aussies of all people!

AllenS said...

Yes, M-16s originally had 20 round magazines. We had to come up with 30 round magazines, because soldiers at the time (I was one of them) faced the other side that had AK-47s that had 30 round magazines. We were at a distinct disadvantage because we would run out of 20 rounds of ammo before they would run out of 30 rounds of ammo. We would be changing magazines, and they would still be firing. Poor planning from our government got a lot of people killed.

Bay Area Guy said...

Figurehead Joe is showing a few sparks of life! I like it.

Gotta mix it up with the blue collar union guys, who like their guns and ammo in Mich, and Wisc, and Penn.

AlbertAnonymous said...

You know, maybe I can support this guy.

I mean, I still think “shall not be infringed” actually means shall not be infringed. Pretty easy to understand.

But if Joe only wants to ban AR14s, maybe it’s ok...

I mean, c’mon guys, who really NEEDS an AR14?

AlbertAnonymous said...
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AlbertAnonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andrew said...

Right after that altercation, Biden came to Columbus, Ohio, to give a campaign speech. The entire focus was on gun control. "No joke!" as Biden would say. Maybe he already forgot the Detroit conversation.

If you'd like to watch it, you can find it on Twitter, for example @amici09. Just like with many of his recent speeches, he sounds incredibly tired. He slurs his words. There's no enthusiasm or energy in the room. It's pathetic.

minnesota farm guy said...

I have said before and will say again that Biden's dementia is sad to see and it appears to be accelerating. That the DNC and the rest of that crew continue to push him onto the public is cruel.

Jim at said...

This is an emotional-level appeal to Trump's blue collar demographic that respects blunt language.

Um, well, except Trump doesn't go out of his way to piss off those blue-collar voters by telling them they're full of shit.

Sebastian said...

"My biggest criticism? He's not taking coronavirus seriously!"

So, besides your "biggest" criticism, do you think the guy is "serious" and "competent" and "boring"?

Masscon said...

The Union guy needs to read this will help him to be compassionate in his response to angry Joe.

Michael K said...

Slow Joe has a history of this aggressive behavior toward voters, going back to 1988.

That time, a voter asked him a question (I forget what) and Joe went off on a rant about being first in g=his class in law school and being much smarter than the voter. All bullshit of course.

rhhardin said...

He needs a beta blocker so the fight or flight reflex doesn't take over.

Sebastian said...

At this point, Dems are co-dependent. Who's gonna stage the intervention, if not the voters in November? Will Joe make it to November?

Kathryn51 said...

I want to know "who" pushed/encouraged Biden to run this time. He may have wanted to take one last shot, but he could have been talked out of it. I don't see his family pushing him - after all, they were dealing with the Hunter baby, dumping his partner/almost-wife and getting married w/out notice.

Biden has always been a bit reality-challenged (believing he wrote obvious plagiarism, among other examples), but it must have been obvious to those closest to him a year ago that his time was past. He has had "handlers" from the beginning. Everything is scripted - and he still makes at least one or two incoherent statements in each appearance.

I honest to God believe that there is a group of folks who knew over a year ago that he wasn't fit to be President. Perhaps this group thought they could get him through the convention, election and inauguration and then. . . . . if all the right folks were installed in positions of power, they could simply wall him off from the public? At least they would save the House and perhaps take the Senate?

But now? What is Plan B? After they get through the primaries and the vote is settled. I bet they are already plotting on who the surprise "savior" will be - whether it be the VP selection (with a VERY early pre-convention announcement). Or plotting who will step to the stage whenever Joe slips so badly (health, gibberish, whatever) that it can no longer be ignored/covered up.

I'm convinced Joe Lockhart is part of the group - he is front and center on Twitter protecting Biden at every turn. And apparently not "employed" at this time (based on Wiki).

rehajm said...

He just lost almost every one of those union workers...

...unless they were shills.

gilbar said...

Serious Question?
Who's more full of shit? Our Poor Chuck? Or David Frum?
David Frum
Kind of amazing that anybody thinks this video makes Biden look anything other than terrific. He shushes the aide who wants to lead him away - and then engages a hostile critic face to face, fact to fact. Impressive

I haven't heard Chuck's take on this, so i'm not sure; Chuck? fill us in?

exhelodrvr1 said...

The frequency of episodes of misbehavior and the gaffes are increasing exponentially!

Quaestor said...

Biden said, "...AR-14..."

The poor demented boob, it's almost too cruel to watch.

However, it's also like watching a criminal barbarian get his comeuppance on the sand. You know as a citizen the creep deserves it, but you'd rather it be quick and relatively painless.

AllenS said...

There is a very good possibility the powers that be in the Democrat establishment knew that nobody on their roster could defeat Trump, so they had to get someone to take the fall, and who else to sacrifice, but an old senile fool.

AllenS said...

The Democrat bench is not very deep, evidently.

Larry J said...

Joe Biden thinks he's a tough guy but he's a punk. One of these days, he's going to say some shit like that to the wrong guy and end up being knocked on his ass. When that day happens, I'm going to laugh. I wouldn't normally laugh at an old senile man getting punched, but Joe has been asking for it for a long time.

Quaestor said...

It doesn't get better. It only gets worse.

Hail Ming.

Rockeye said...

You have to know your audience: "you're full of shit" is just fine with that crowd. Joe's position is just so wrong, but his communication is just fine.

Rabel said...

The two men exchanged more words at that point, which were difficult to discern in the video. According to CBS News reporter Bo Erickson, the man told Biden, "This is not OK, alright?" and Biden replied, "Don't tell me that, pal, or I'm going to go out and slap you in the face."

- That's from USA Today

The "This is not OK, alright?" from the worker was in reference to Biden's finger in his face.

Bay Area Guy said...

Figurehead Joe is gonna drive his "No Malarkey" Tour Bus, back and forth from Penn to Mich to Wisc, maybe a little Ohio, on the way.

Maybe, he will see the light on fracking, too. Don't be surprised!

Francisco D said...

Lance wrote: The in-your-face insult ensures front-page coverage, and it beefs up his tough guy image. This is an emotional-level appeal to Trump's blue collar demographic that respects blunt language.

I nominate Lance for the Juan Williams award. The award is given to the commenter who gives the most ridiculous spin in service to the party.

Todd said...

I expect any day now to read/see a story where Biden calls a little girl a "lying dog faced horse solder" while threatening to fight her and pulls a man in "real close" to sniff his hair...

JaimeRoberto said...

Remember from back in August: The Times also reported that Obama met with top Biden advisers in March and, according to the sources, requested that the ex-veep’s team do what they can so that Biden does not “embarrass himself” or “damage his legacy.”

“You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t,” Obama told Biden earlier this year, according to a Times source.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Kathryn51... That is THE QUESTION. If you elect Joe, who governs? I'm betting it will be the Soros group. You know, like the last time, Eric Holder, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice etc. They gotta cheat like MOFOs cause Barr and Durham are gonna destroy them. Gotta pardon Brennan and co. BTW, High capacity semi auto rifles saved the day during the Rodney King Riots. Korean shopkeepers on rooftops were the key. Remember, in every democrat riot circumstance, democrat enablers, (aka mayors), had the police "stand down", (aka surrender).

Quaestor said...

There is a very good possibility the powers that be in the Democrat establishment knew that nobody on their roster could defeat Trump, so they had to get someone to take the fall, and who else to sacrifice, but an old senile fool.

Yeah, that's likely. They've got some kind of bioengineered replicant of Bobby Kenndy salted away somewhere remote, like a cave in the Sierra Nevadas, sealed in a steel tube in cryogenic suspension. They'll put the tube on THAW in time for '24, though they might pause a bit to pump the creature full of estrogen for some trans cred to soothe the lunatics.

henge2243 said...

From Wikipedia:

"He earned his bachelor's degree in 1965 from the University of Delaware, with a double major in history and political science,[21] graduating with a class rank of 506 out of 688.[20]:98 His classmates were impressed by his cramming abilities."

I wonder if they meant by 'cramming abilities' his inability to retain much of anything. Just barely above the bottom 25%, and they laughed about George W. Bush's grades. I mean shit, this is U D not Harvard. Did they play football without helmets back then?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Who is the one gonna be working the Biden. We certainly will see the strings.

AllenS said...

Sorry, Obama, but if you like your Vice President, you can keep your Vice President. Forever.

tcrosse said...

Hail Ming.


Kathryn51 said...

Mr Wibble said...

My theory is that Biden had accepted that he'd never make it to the Oval Office, but was happy to reach VP because he figured Beau would carry on his legacy and eventually run for president. In 2016 Beau was going to run for Delaware governor until his cancer returned. If he had run and won, he'd be the presumptive nominee for 2020 or 2024. Biden could retire and write his memoirs. Instead he feels the need for one last run, "in honor of Beau".

As for plan B, I suspect that they'll pull a Torrecelli and try to replace him at the last minute with a fairly generic establishment Dem.

Good theory - and would explain why Biden did not have the sort of "power" campaign (like Hillary or Obama) behind him until Rep. Clyburn came to his rescue.

You can bet that folks are plotting Plan B (ala Torrecelli) right now. If was Corey Booker, I would be angling for that spot - sacrificial lamb this year and automatic front runner for 2024.

Ken B said...

AA has a point about the virus. The Democrats are currently peddling the line that Trump does not take it seriously.

MAJMike said...

Many years ago when I was on a military competitive rifle team, I was issued an accurized M-14 manufactured by Springfield. When on military duty, I was issued an M-16A1. During all of my less-than-stellar military career and after, I've never encountered an AR-14.

Quid Pro Joe is in his usual bar room load mouth mode. Obvious mental decline has only amplified this condition.

Bob Boyd said...

Joe's a bully. He knows no one can touch him and he can get way with anything. He's pulled his faux tough guy act for years, even before he became an object of pity physically.
It's a serious federal crime to lay a hand on a Senator. He knows that. He has security as well. And he has the media to spin whatever happens. I already heard the media ridiculing this worker and it was Fox News.

narayanan said...

Is dementia same as alzheimer?

Todd said...

Wow you guys really don't know anything do you?!?!

An AR-14 is one of the most deadly hybrid rifle ever produced. It combines an AR-10 with 4 M1A1 rifles (hence the name, an AR-10 platform merged with the M1A1s). Due to the 4 M1A1 rifles it contains, it has unbelievable accuracy over long distances. The AR-10 allows it to have magazines that can hold an unbelievable 1024 rounds. Due to its 5 barrels, is VERY deadly! With each trigger pull, it fires 5 308 rounds! I agree with Joe on this one, NO one needs an AR-14! Think of the children!

madAsHell said...

I don't particularly relish the idea of a clearly demented senior being ghoulishly propped up by a cadre

It does have a "Weekend at Bernie's" vibe to it.

Roughcoat said...

Re high-capacity magazines: The Finnish Suomi KP/-31 had a 71-round drum magazine. It was arguably the best submachine gun of its time. Few moving parts, sturdy, reliable, was unaffected by below-freezing temperatures. The Finns used to good effect against the Soviets during the Winter War. They organized special detachments, two-man teams, one to fire the gun and the other to carry spare drums, which infiltrated enemy positions and roved about behind the lines wreaking havoc on the Russkis. Good on them, I say.

stevew said...

Ok, a post like this, with this sort of commentary at the conclusion, nearly convinces me you are joking.

Anonymous said...

Francisco D to Lance: "The in-your-face insult ensures front-page coverage, and it beefs up his tough guy image. This is an emotional-level appeal to Trump's blue collar demographic that respects blunt language."

I nominate Lance for the Juan Williams award. The award is given to the commenter who gives the most ridiculous spin in service to the party.

I'd second that but it's not original. Lance is just passing on today's output from the Dem distribution center.

Roughcoat said...


Oh yeah? I hear the AR-14 has a cyclical rate of fire of only 20,000 rounds per second. Pretty pathetic, wouldn't you say?

Michael K said...

Oh yeah? I hear the AR-14 has a cyclical rate of fire of only 20,000 rounds per second. Pretty pathetic, wouldn't you say?

That's how it killed 150 million Americans.

madAsHell said...

Dementia is the general name for everything from Alzheimer's to Parkinson's.

Bob Boyd said...

AR-14's should be safe, legal and rare.

Charlie said...

He always seems to be confronting and yelling at regular blue collar Americans, who are pre-disposed to vote for him! This is the 4th or 5th incident in the last 2 months. My theory is he REALLY doesn't want to be president.

Arashi said...

Biden is about as tough as day old Wonder Bread.

I feel for his security team. Having to protect him day in and day out as his dementia gets more and more pronounced has to be tough on them. How is it going to look if someone does take a punch at Dementia Joe after he yells at them and insults them on video and the security guys have to take out the voter, all on live video? Bad optics.

But it is obvious that no one in Bidens family actually cares about him as a human being, so the rest of us get to watch, live, as an old man falls apart. Way to go Democrats, way to go.

tcrosse said...

The Dementia Umbrella.

ConradBibby said...

I keep hearing people say that Biden is channeling Trump when he goes off like this, but it doesn't remind me of Trump's style at all. Or, it's only Trumpian in the limited sense of not being the way politicians traditionally talk to voters. To me, Biden just comes off as an angry old crank. Trump says bad things about the media and rival politicians, but I don't see him getting all mad at run-of-the-mill citizens.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WisRich said...

Voter: "So you're going take our AR-15's?"

Biden: "14's, 15's, whatever it takes"

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Reminder, Obama named an Ebola Czar (who wasn’t a doctor either) a month AFTER the WHO declared Ebola a 2009 pandemic. This one was only declared yesterday, and Trump has been preparing for it with executive actions since December.

Original Mike said...

"Reminder, Obama named an Ebola Czar (who wasn’t a doctor either) a month AFTER the WHO declared Ebola a 2009 pandemic. This one was only declared yesterday, and Trump has been preparing for it with executive actions since December."

Trump is used to running things. Obama wasn't.

Bob Boyd said...

Biden perfectly represents the arrogant, entitled, ignorant, elitist, corrupt, rent-seeking, out of touch, Democrat machine. He's absolutely ideal.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...


Old and slow said...

Blogger gilbar said...

Serious Question?
Who's more full of shit? Our Poor Chuck? Or David Frum?

I was thinking that they write in a very similar style...

Francisco D said...

Is dementia same as alzheimer?

Alzheimer's disease and Vascular disease are the two most common dementias. Neuroscientists think that many demented patients have both conditions. Other forms of dementia are Lewy body disease and frontotemporal degeneration.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Wrong thread.

Fernandinande said...

Biden advises to get your news from your record player. (Biden's collected whiz dumb).

Jaq said...

The finger in the face things sounds like it would have been the headline, were we talking about Trump.

Fernandinande said...

Be ready to mute those talking bone heads in the ^^^

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

<a href="'> Shirley </a>

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

In mid rant Joe quickly peels off the statements, “I hunt. My sons hunt. I got a shotgun...”

Sons hunt? Really. And fir the record the 2nd amendment has ZERO to do with hunting. Zero.

Skeptical Voter said...

I'm going to be kind to Slow Joe (who sounds like an angry old man who didn't get his rice pudding for dessert at the old folks home in the video clip).

There was an AR 14. The Armalite Company (founded by a lawyer who was patent counsel for Lockheed in the early mid 1950s) labelled its various design efforts with the designation
AR (for Armalite Rifle) and a number. Armalite lost a three company competition for a replacement for the M-1 Garand--the winner became the M-14. It was and is my favorite military rifle. You could hit a man sized target at very long range.

The next generation of military rifles was the M-16 (aka Mattel Machine Gun) a plastic fantastic piece of junk in its early days. Unless kept scrupulously clean it was prone to jamming (didn't matter how many rounds you had in a magazine when you were faced with an AK-47 that didn't jam and was being fired by a guy in black pajamas). They got the jamming problem fixed sort of. Don't know if they ever fixed the 20 round magazine that would actually effectively hold just 19. The M-16 was developed from Armalite's AR-15. I suppose Joe was thinking about the AR-15/M-16 when he was running his mouth in Michigan.

But whoo boy--there actually was an AR-14--designed as a semi automatic sporting rifle. It was chambered in Winchester .243 (good for varmint hunting) and in Winchester .308 (good for deer) and Winchester .358--good for bear hunting in the woods in Michigan. Not only was Slow Joe insulting those Michigan guys, he wanted to take their legitimate hunting rifles away.

You'd think that "Dr. Jill" with her shiny doctorate in education would be able to recognize cognitive disabilities and do something about it. OTOH if she did, neither she nor her sister (who Joe sometimes thinks is his wife-----there's something about "sharing" family members in Clan Biden) will not get to be First Lady of the USA if they do the right thing and send Old Joe off to an old folks home.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden's sons hunt strippers and easy money in Ukrainian energy field.

Jaq said...

If his crackhead son is wandering around with a shotgun, I have to wonder about how he passed the background check.

madAsHell said...

Biden's sons hunt strippers and easy money in Ukrainian energy field.

All the girls down at the strip club call him Humper!

Achilles said...

My biggest criticism?

Joe Biden sold us out to China, Russia, Ukraine, Iran and others and has been taking obvious bribes from multiple countries.

He was also part of the conspiracy to use multiple foreign and domestic intelligence agencies to spy on his political opponents and to unseat a lawfully elected president.

Joe Biden is a traitor and he should hang.

Bruce Hayden said...

Actually it appears that there really was an (ArmaLite Rifle) AR-14 Autoloading Sporter. It’s novelty appears to be that it is stock fed - the fixed magazine is in the stock, and a spring pushes the rounds forward into the chamber. That design appears to be simpler than the standard fixed magazine located forward of the chamber, with rounds fed backwards. The problem I see with the AR-14 is that reloading appears to be a real pain, removing the end plate, spring, and follower, inserting the rounds, the reversing the process. Not really useful for combat, but possibly useful for hunting. It was apparently chambered in .243 Winchester, .308 Winchester, and .358 Winchester.

There were a number of different AR rifles and carbines developed. The company’s initial commercial success appears to have been the AR-5 survival rifle sold to the Air Force. It was chambered in .22 Whisper. The AR-7 was similar, but chambered in .22 LR. The interesting one to me was the AR-18/AR-180 that primarily shot 5.56 NATO, like the AR-15 (thus M16 and M4 carbine). It looks similar, except that the sights are lower. Internally, it uses a piston, instead of gas impingement, to cycle, but appears to share the Bolt Carrier Group with the AR-15. But the big difference is that it utilized a rolled steel receiver, like an AKM, instead of the forged or billet like an AR-15. Theoretically, that means that it might have been a lower tech, lower cost, version that could better compete with Soviet block AKs for sales. That turned to not be a sweet spot in the market, so never sold that many, and no countries adopted it as their main battle rifle.

AR-14 Autoloading Sporter

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

James Woods
Mar 8
Hillary will attach to Biden like the face-hugger in ALIEN. She’ll be president in a month after the election. The best part for her is avoiding the debates and the campaign trail. He gets elected and she pops out of his chest like the baby alien, ready to take over the world.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Curious George asks: "My biggest criticism is the mulleted dude bottom right. What the hell is he thinking."

He's thinking he's in New Jersey, and it's 1988. And they think Biden is confused!

Equipment Maintenance said...

I'd like to have a little one-on-one chat with him about his statement a while ago that I want to put black people back in chains.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Armalite lost a three company competition for a replacement for the M-1 Garand--the winner became the M-14. It was and is my favorite military rifle. You could hit a man sized target at very long range. ”

Interesting story there. Was camping in NW MT one time (after the proverbial fight with my partner). Deputy drives through the USFS camp ground one time to check things out. We got to talking, and I noticed what was in his double gun rack. One was obviously an M16. Dwarfing that though was a big rifle with a big scope on it, dwarfing the M16. Queried, he said it was an M14. Apparently, a couple years before, he had been in a firefight with a miscreant, and had been outranged with his 5,56 M16. He vowed not to let that happen again, and hence the surplus M14.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Hillary will attach to Biden like the face-hugger in ALIEN. She’ll be president in a month after the election. The best part for her is avoiding the debates and the campaign trail. He gets elected and she pops out of his chest like the baby alien, ready to take over the world.”

I can see it, and she all of a sudden is a lot more active, and a lot more visible. But it looks more like Obama’s, and not hers, who were passing out promises of cabinet positions like candy to get most of the other candidates still in the race to drop out and endorse Biden. Someone seems almost certain to have been making a lot of deal that week. I think that we will know whose people were making the deals, when we see who gets slotted in as VP.

gilbar said...

The AR-5 survival rifle sold to the Air Force
which was Totally cool, 'cause the WHOLE THING could be disabled, and fit INTO the stock; at which point... IT FLOATED!!!

But don't Forget the M6 Air Crew Survival Weapon!
It was a specially-made .22 Hornet over .410 bore combination
JUST the thing for poaching!

madAsHell said...

Hillary will attach to Biden like the face-hugger in ALIEN

It's the old Biden-n-switch.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mike Wolf and Orig Mike:

Bit of trivia for you...Obama's Ebola czar was Ron Klain who had once worked for Biden as [I think] chief of staff.

JackWayne said...

Bruce Hayden, you need to educate yourself.

BUMBLE BEE said...

So Hunter is gonna be the first one arrested for a drug addict in possession?

DanTheMan said...

"Here, hold my 6-Up while I shoot my AR-14"

Michael K said...

queried, he said it was an M14.

The M 14 is a great rifle but cannot be controlled on automatic fire. Plus the ammo is heavy and the whole method of teaching marksmanship changed after I went through basic. Pop up targets at close range replaced KDR type shooting.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jeremyabrams said...

I'd be shaking after a confrontation like that. I haven't had more than a handful in my life, all before the age of 30 - with men who were themselves fairly young.

Imagine yourself being that perfectly respectful, and factual, guy. No one deserves that kind of experience. Truly violent.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Over 9000 dead Americans in 2009 between April and December from H1N1.

NO daily body counts in any publication.
NO partisan sniping from Republicans to make Obama do something.
NO daily tallies of infections state by state.
NO running total of other country’s totals.
NO market panic over virus.
NO press conferences and updates by experts.
NO panic.

Big Mike said...

One of these days Slow Joe is going to get up in the wrong person’s face and receive a broken nose — on camera! — for his foolishness.

daskol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
daskol said...

In mid rant Joe quickly peels off the statements, “I hunt. My sons hunt. I got a shotgun...”

I caught that too. And he had trouble coming up with the kinds of guns, too. Dysphasia. It's getting to the point where amateurs, we sad folks who have watched this in loved ones, can hazard a guess as to the type of dementia. Frontotemporal, semantic. Not the early stages either. It's painful to watch, and it doesn't get better.

wildswan said...

Does Hunter Biden have a California license for his guns? Are they safely stored?

Spiros said...

Tough guys have difficulty talking about their emotions and seeking help when they are depressed. That is one reason why the suicide rates for cops and firefighters are so high. Maybe Mr. Biden is also struggling with depression? Lashing out is also considered a symptom of depression.

Maybe Creepy Joe needs a hug?

FullMoon said...

In mid rant Joe quickly peels off the statements, “I hunt. My sons hunt. I got a shotgun.

I wonder if that is true. Excluding trophy hunting, you generally are going to eat what you kill. If you gonna eat it, you gotta clean it. Hard to imagine Joe plucking feathers and gutting a duck..

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bruce H

She-> won't go away. so yeah - I can see it too, Bruce H.
It will be interesting to see if Amy K is really Joe's pick?
As you say - it will be interesting to see if Obama will allow Hillary on that ticket, and who really has the power on team D. ? We assume it's all one corrupt machine - but maybe it's both. Maybe there are two corrupt machines.

Mark said...

Biden's stealing a page from Trump's playbook here. The in-your-face insult ensures front-page coverage, and it beefs up his tough guy image. This is an emotional-level appeal to Trump's blue collar demographic that respects blunt language.

No. That's just Biden being Biden.

He has ALWAYS been an obnoxious ass.

Spiros said...

Because I have a higher cognitive empathy than most of my fellow Republicans, who, unfortunately, tend to be dumb ass thugs, I have a soft spot in my heart for Mrs. Clinton. It's Hillary's time. And Hillary would make a great Vice President (even if she ends up "killing" Joe).

Johnathan Birks said...

So the campaign has retired "lying dog-faced pony soldier" already? That at least had the novelty factor.

h said...

Biden as Tommy Smothers: "If you're not articulate, what are you going to say." Watch and tell me you don't see the simularities.

narciso said...

a modest proposal

h said...

Replying to Johnathan Birks who asks if Biden has already retired "lying dog-faced pony soldier."

Here's a very funny joke I heard recently.

A Jewish Rabbi, a Catholic Priest, and Buddhist Monk walk into a bar. The Rabbi turns to the priest and says, "you're a lying dog-faced pony soldier." The Priest replies, "No you are a lying dog-faced pony soldier."

This joke is funny because it uses (twice) the Biden witticism "lying dog-faced pony soldier". Also because it has 3 religious leaders. Also because it takes place in a bar. Ha ha. It makes me laugh out loud each time that I read it. It is a very funny joke. Thank goodness for Sen. Joe Biden and his tremendous sense of humor. Ha Ha. I'm still laughing out loud. I bet you too are laughing out loud.

narciso said...


pacwest said...

I watched the onset of dementia (Alzhiemers) through death in my dad. There was a point where he could hide it by just not talking. 6 months later he couldn't even control that. Once he has the nomination I don't expect to see Biden in public anymore. I don't see how he can avoid the debates though. This is the strangest thing I've ever seen in a Presidential election. It beats 2016 by a mile.

Anonymous said...

Seen on twitter:

"Blue collar workers are like: WTF?
MSM: No he meant to do that."

But, really, ain't funny no more. Watching any close-up videos it's painfully obvious that we're not watching "gaffes". Biden has the lost, frightened look familiar to anyone who has known people suffering from dementia.

It's grotesque and disgraceful that the DNC is permitting this in the service of getting whoever it is they want into the presidency. It's appalling that Biden's family is allowing this, and God knows what their excuse is.

Even someone who's been as big an asshole as Biden has been doesn't deserve to be used like this.

DanTheMan said...

>>A Jewish Rabbi, a Catholic Priest, and Buddhist Monk walk into a bar.

A priest, a minister, and a rabbit walk into a bar.
"Damn auto-correct!" says the bartender.

Paul said...

Biden is not gonna take anyone's gun... As long is it isn't a semi-automatic rifle that looks like a military rifle, or any gun that holds '50 clips' and a hundred rounds or whatever.

The fool thinks everyone is just dumb as he is and never remembered him speak on gun control....

We have a choice on the left between a old Communist who wants one vote each.. once, and a old socialist who can't remember his name sometimes.

Gonna be a fun election.

Yancey Ward said...

This isn't Trump like at all. I can't remember a single instance of Trump verbally attacking a potential voter in a meet and greet like this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Spiros - then you want Hillary as president. A criminal.

DanTheMan said...

>> I got a shotgun.

Dementia patient with a shotgun. Time for somebody in Delaware to Red Flag him.

h said...

@pacwest: seen this in my own family and greatly am greatly sympathetic. I do see a path by which we might mistakenly elect a person with dementia. My mom always loved us, and didn't want any of her children to see that she didn't quite remember us. She could sense the "right way" to respond. It was sad. And my mom (as wonderful and loving as she was) would not have made a good president in her last years.

Yancey Ward said...


I saw the same thing in my father. At first, he just couldn't remember the words he wanted- he would start and stop in trying to bring a word up for use, but we could fill in what was missing and his meaning was pretty clear. However, eventually the meaning of what he wanted to say had no connection to reality- whatever context he was seeing, was a mystery to me more often than not.

I don't know if Biden's verbal attacks on people like this is dementia related- maybe he does as part of an act, but it is recognizable to me as a symptom of dementia. If it is dementia, it is only a matter of time before Biden tries to slap or punch someone.

Quaestor said...

Bruce Hayden writes: uses a piston, instead of gas impingement, to cycle, but appears to share the Bolt Carrier Group with the AR-15.

No and no. The AR-15 is not gas impingement operated. It's piston-operated. The piston is part of the bolt carrier group and directly behind the bolt face. The AR-18/180 BCG is unlike the AR-15 BGC. Armalite sold the entire AR-15 technical package including all of the patents to Colt in the early 60s. Consequently, Eugene Stoner created a fresh design that shares very little with the 15.

Look at the differences:

AR-18/180 BGC.


Here's the bolt itself. Note the gas seal rings

The AR-18 is similar to the Soviet SVG of WWII.

AllenS said...

Hold off on the Amy Klobuchar stuff. She still isn't out of trouble over a case that she prosecuted when she was the DA.


Churchy LaFemme: said...

bagoh20 said...

Trump will only need one ad for the campaign, and it should be a montage of Biden's own words, if you can call them that. The footage in minnesota farm guy's link at 2:22 should do just fine. It's hilariously entertaining and absolutely damning for someone wanting to be POTUS. I wouldn't invite him to a family reunion, let alone run the country. He seems like he's drunk, and so out of touch. He will not sell with the young or the old. I can't believe how little the Dems have offered up as candidates this time. It seems like they want to lose.

narciso said...

sure why not

walter said...

The AR 14s were pretty well designed. Some folks buy old units and rebuild at considerable expense:
The AR-14s are really quite good, and the oiled-walnut cabinet is just like the AR-11 and AR-12 -- same style and same size. AR's engineering department went to great lenths to make the AR-14 a good value, and a speaker that would be comparable to the large, and very popular, Advent Loudspeaker. The bass response of the AR-14 is fractionally less powerful than the Advent (or the AR-11), but any difference is hardly noticeable. The 1-inch Peerless (later AR-built) tweeter is quite good, and it has a sophisticated, well-designed crossover network for a two-way speaker.

The end result is a very natural-sounding, accurate loudspeaker that had fine reviews and good critical acclaim. The nice thing is the speaker doesn't weigh a ton as in the case of the AR-10Pi or AR-11. Also, the AR-14s haven't (yet) sky-rocketed in price like many of the other famous AR speakers, so now is a good time to get one on eBay. Good luck!

--Tom Tyson

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


2 family crooks for the price of one.

walter said...

I would worry less about threats TO Joe and more about Joe snapping and "punching and punching" someone. The pressure is extremely likely to push him past his limits.

Mary Beth said...

"My sons hunt."

Plural. Present tense.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Quaestor @ 7:18 PM: Ye gods so many firearm geeks here.

I need to buy some more rifles. Pistols, I think I have figured out.

I have a Henry 30-30 side loader but it's not scary enough. Something black next time.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Blogger bagoh20 said...
Trump will only need one ad for the campaign, and it should be a montage of Biden's own words

If this particular strategy worked Trump would never have been elected. People's reasons for voting for particular candidates is deeply mysterious to me but it certainly doesn't involve choosing the most articulate and thoughtful candidate. It's more like selecting a gang leader or Prom Queen.

Butkus51 said...

Paul Ryan lost a debate to this guy.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
Watching any close-up videos it's painfully obvious that we're not watching "gaffes". Biden has the lost, frightened look familiar to anyone who has known people suffering from dementia.

I thought the same thing about Trump at the CDC. Looked totally lost. There really should be an upper age limit on running for the presidency.

Gk1 said...

Oh great. I had my heart set on buying a new "AR-14" but I bet the prices spike now. :-(

Rory said...

No live audience at Sunday's debate. First proposals (Clyburn) that if tonight goes to Biden, further debates might not be needed.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Butkus51 said...
Paul Ryan lost a debate to this guy.

I remember that debate and thought Ryan had won easily. I also thought Obama won easily against Romney in their first debate. I favored the quieter more considered one in both cases. In a Trump-Biden debate there will be no winners.

Sebastian said...

Just a reminder: see minnesota farm guy's Aussie link at 2:22.

And weep, or laugh. And make sure you have the recordplayer on at night.

Drago said...

ARM: "If this particular strategy worked Trump would never have been elected."


Keep telling yourself that.

narciso said...

you bet

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

If things look really bad for Trump he might go for a Hail Mary pass, otherwise I suspect neither Trump nor Biden will want a debate. Not sure if it is possible for them to avoid at least one debate.

FullMoon said...

One thing I learned here today, Biden seems surprisingly knowledgeable about historical weaponry. Who could have guessed he was familiar with the infamous AR14?

Gk1 said...

"I imagine Biden's "full of shit" exchange today only helps him. It reminds me when he called a voter "a damn liar" in Iowa and his supporters loved it and wanted to see more."

Only progressive, blue checked, pussies actually believe this.This outburst only makes getting Michigan, Florida & Pennsylvania that much harder for him in a general election (if he's actually running in November. I think he's a placeholder)

These commenters don't realize how emasculating it is to be a gun grabbing liberal because none of their friends or family would ever dream in a million years of owning a gun. And "No" being a poser and saying you hunt with shot guns doesn't count. Ask President John "Where can I git me a huntin' license?" Kerry how that worked out for him.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Bruce Hayden, you need to educate yourself.”

Not sure your point there. Your link is to bump stocks. I surely wasn’t talking about such. I thought the whole thing was stupid.

walter said...

Get a grip.
The only "Hail Mary" element about that debate would be Trump looking like he's beating up on the infirm.
After repeated attempts to float the 25th amendment gambit, Dems have really stepped in it with O'Biden.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden promises to hike your taxes.

So much for those Billionaires.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Barisma &

Judge Jeanine: Now we know why Hillary used private email

mockturtle said...

Is it too late for Yang and Gabbard to run on an Indy ticket?

Bruce Hayden said...

“I have a Henry 30-30 side loader but it's not scary enough. Something black next time”

If it is for meeting someone at the door, why not a .300 BLK AR-15 pistol with maybe a 71/2 or so inch barrel? Put it on a sling and maybe add laser, strobe, and red dot.

Here is something to lust for along those lines: Gun Review: Daniel Defense DDM4 PDW Pistol in 300 BLK. Of course, if you just want something scary at the front door you can build one yourself for probably under $500.

FullMoon said...

Re: Biden? Trump debate. Anybody who has watched Trump respond to questions during his helicopter pressers knows he is much smarter than perceived. He would destroy Joe in any setting requiring exhibition of intelligence and knowledge, especially if for any length of time.
However, any debate will have easily anticipated questions and Joe will repeat same old things he has been saying over and over.
Don't know if Biden and Ryan had more than one debate but the one I saw gave me impression Joe was on drugs. Laughing too much and way to happy and not serious.

Watched Bernie a little on Fox town Hall. He just used every question as a lead in to same ol' talking points. Nothing new or insightful or meaningful at all. Basically, everything is terrible and Trump is rotten and free medical, millions of new green jobs, fix infrastructure, blah blah.

jim said...

Hey, I'm a "gun grabbing liberal", but I own guns. Am I confused?

Narayanan said...

I believe Trump will decline any debate with Biden - as an act of kindness.

JAORE said...

Joe tried to ban AR-15s but came up short.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I feel for his security team. Having to protect him day in and day out as his dementia gets more and more pronounced has to be tough on them. How is it going to look if someone does take a punch at Dementia Joe after he yells at them and insults them on video and the security guys have to take out the voter, all on live video? Bad optic”

Likely has Secret Service by now. Again. And their problems may e small compared to Crooked Hillary throwing objects, like ashtrays, at her POTUS husband. She had her own detail. So, what do they do when one team’s principal is trying to injure the other team’s principal?

Clyde said...

Apparently the Democrat primary voters have decided Better Brain-Dead Than Red.

Prediction: Once they pick Sleepy Joe, their buyers' remorse will set in almost immediately.

Narayanan said...

American politics is mind blowing.
Republican swim naked while Democratic use Romulan cloaking technologies.

mockturtle said...

The ironic part of the DNC pushing Biden is that the Bernie Bros will stay home in November.

Oso Negro said...

@ Kathryn51 - No, the Democrats don't have Plan B for Biden's dementia; they are ready to go with Preparation H.

mockturtle said...

Looks to me as though the Dems have pretty much conceded this year's Presidential election.

FullMoon said...

Emotional War vet confronts Biden. This guy is pissed off:
Mirror #1

FullMoon said...

Bernie suggests voter suppression Bernie Sanders Calls Long Lines at Michigan Polling Stations an 'Outrage,' Suggests Dems Are Engaging In Voter Suppression

traditionalguy said...

The Second Amendment voters pay close attention to the precise words used by DC Pols about infringing our rights, and if elected will appoint SCOTUS Justices to sneak in a control that ends our rights. They know that Biden is a nasty blatant liar.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Etienne said...

Edit: I can't spell...

This blond house cat from Wisconsin was visiting Paris, and decided to try and swim across the Seine. The crowd on the Neuf bridge cheered on each of her strokes:

"Un !" "Deux !" "Trois !" " Cat !" "Sank!"

Chris N said...

Joe was always a humble man, putting moral decency and civility above political theater.

Joe has always been careful with his words, and quick to listen.

Joe knows working people and that the best policies for all people involve taking money from richer people and giving it to politicians, so politicians can give it to all people. This is just..

If you are in a minority category, Joe stands up for women, and blacks, and Jews, and the Environment. You help yourself but you form coalitions with other categories to help all the categories live in a better tomorrow.

LakeLevel said...

Who will be Biden's replacement nominee? I mean come on, look at the guy. This is embarrassing. It's gotta be someone who can win, so Bernie is out. This person has to acceptable to the Dem hardcore faithful, so Bloomberg is out. This person will really surprise us out of left field. Please, oh please, let it be Hillary.

Chris N said...

And ladies, Joe is the Silver Fox you want to land at The Shores Retirement Center.

If you two lovebirds get down to dinner by 4 pm, it’s dibs on steak bites and seats by the windows.

LakeLevel said...

Chris N said...
"Joe was always a humble man"

Man, the paid trolls are out in force.

Bob Loblaw said...

Biden's stealing a page from Trump's playbook here. The in-your-face insult ensures front-page coverage, and it beefs up his tough guy image. This is an emotional-level appeal to Trump's blue collar demographic that respects blunt language.

You can't pull off the tough guy thing when you're 78. You just can't.

Original Mike said...

"Paul Ryan lost a debate to this guy."

No, he didn't.

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