March 30, 2020

I was going to say something like this about MSNBC, but Scott Adams has put it so well.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

People who hate watch MSNBC,
Are the saddest people in the world.

Darkisland said...

I keep getting the feeling pdjt does this on purpose just to expose the fascist press

John Henry

Darkisland said...

2nd saddest, ARM

After the people who take it seriously

John Henry

Lawrence Person said...

I posted the entirity of Donald Trump's press conference.

One reason that Trump's poll numbers have risen is that millions of people who previously relied on the MSM for their political news can now see that they were lying. For all his admitted idiosyncrasies, he makes a very compelling Commander-in-Chief during a time of crisis.

narciso said...

they are death eaters, including the ghoul who should have that autopsy in Pensacola reopened,

wild chicken said...

What does that have to do with CNN?

Bay Area Guy said...

The Prez is doing an excellent job maneuvering thru this mess, even though I wish he would push harder for reopening the country. His instincts are good, but he can't grapple with the science. Few people can, and many of the experts who can, are just scare-mongering poseurs.

As for MSNBC, I don't hate it. I check it out every now and then. I just don't pay much attention to it, since they are clueless and hysterical on most important issues.

Bay Area Guy said...

Ditto what Lawrence Person said above at 9:10.

Steve Witherspoon said...

President Trump has shown an ability to improvise, adapt, and overcome where CNN is a one trick pony - hate President Trump.

narciso said...

even his labeled fiction has suffered

Greg said...

Remember what that decrepit dinosaur Ted Koppel recently said "Just showing his speech isn't journalism, editing and telling people what it really means is journalism." He said this to justify not showing Trump live. He thinks we're all too stupid and need someone with an English BA to explain.

Wince said...

Does ARM realize his omission of the hyphen between "hate" and "watch" makes it a perfect description of true MSNBC fans, not Trump supporters?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
People who hate watch MSNBC,
Are the saddest people in the world.

Stay Safe said...

This is of course a lie. Trump was given analysis and projections and he was given advice several weeks ago. But Trump thought he knew better and ignored the experts in his own administration.

Scott Adams is just being snivelly pathetic here.

Ann Althouse said...

"Remember what that decrepit dinosaur Ted Koppel recently said...."

No, I don't "remember" that, nor can I find it by googling it. I guess you're doing humor, but it's not clear enough so you are part of the fake news problem.

If I'm wrong, prove it.

Lucien said...

One of President Trump’s strengths is the ability to try something, then switch when he sees it’s not working. This kind of flexibility is appealing in a crisis. While someone like Obama would be spending months polishing Plan A Trump has been through Plans A-D and is finding out that Plan E works.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm fascinated by the contemporary meme of pretending that the only people who experience the normal and ubiquitous emotion of hatred are your political opponents.

Stay Safe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JPS said...

Stay Safe:

"Trump thought he knew better and ignored the experts in his own administration."

How's that? He didn't want to shut down large swathes of the economy, but was persuaded it was necessary. He "hoped" we'd be back to business by Easter, now the federal guidelines are extended to April 30.

Two movies....

narciso said...

if there were any

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Stay Safe said...
This is of course a lie. Trump was given analysis and projections and he was given advice several weeks ago. But Trump thought he knew better and ignored the experts in his own administration.

You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination - the Trump Zone!

Stay Safe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stay Safe said...

In every way imaginable Trump has made this situation worse. He has lied, he has dithered, he has behaved like the ignorant buffoon he obviously is.

This disaster being exacerbated by Trump was so predictable.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Stay safe, please show your work.
Please list top 5 things the President did that you assert were wrong or which made things worse.
Plus, what would you have done differently based on the information available at the time.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

We have the same phenomenon here, where the usual suspects will criticize Trump’s every move, much like Joe Biden’s habit of copying Trump but claiming he would have done it sooner or smarter or more presidentially, and toil and spin go oppose every action no matter how self-contradicting they become so long as they can claim to be in opposition to whatever direction Trump is moving. Winebox Botox Nancy does the same thing. She just claimed her SOTU act was a demonstration of her bipartisanship!

Seems very tiring in addition to being tiresome.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I think Stay Safe might be new here. 'Good luck and Godspeed'.

Shouting Thomas said...

I've got 3 grandkids under the age of 6 living upstairs. Their behavior mirrors that of the commenters on this blog.

Since there are 3 of them, they continually ally themselves with one of their siblings and exclude the other. These alliances shift throughout the day.

The fights are usually over some shiny bauble that one of them is holding. As soon as the victor grabs the shiny bauble, he or she loses interest in it and drops it on the floor.

rcocean said...

Ted Koppel:

"We are not the reservoir of objectivity that I think we were," Koppel lamented in the interview.

"We have things appearing on the front page of the New York Times right now that never would have appeared 50 years ago. Analysis, commentary on the front page," Koppel said. "I remember sitting at the breakfast table with my wife during the campaign after the Access Hollywood tape came out and the New York Times, and I will not offend any of you here by using the language but you know exactly what words were used and they were spelled out on the front page of the New York Times.

"But the notion that most of us look upon Donald Trump as being an absolute fiasco, he’s not mistaken in that perception and he’s not mistaken when so many of the liberal media, for example, described themselves as belonging to the Resistance."

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Bay Area Guy said...

"The Prez is doing an excellent job maneuvering thru this mess, even though I wish he would push harder for reopening the country. His instincts are good, but he can't grapple with the science. Few people can, and many of the experts who can, are just scare-mongering poseurs.

No one can grapple with the science because there is no science without facts. We've never seen COVID-19 before, we don't have enough testing to understand its spread and we don't have rock solid data on the effectiveness of the treatments. We are doing our best to find our way in the darkness. Please note the order-of=magnitude forecast revisions we've seen from the experts regarding the spread and death rate of COVID-19. The experts aren't doing science. They are covering their butts in case things get really bad.

Limited blogger said...

Ted Koppel weighs in.

narciso said...

no were not on the same side some might be objectively on the viruses side,

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And along come ARM and staypuft to toil and spin and prove my point. Thanks dudes!

Stay Safe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

MSNBC and CNN are simply DNC-media. They are unpaid members of the Demcocrat Establishment disguised as "News". Just as bad, is they all march in lockstep, and report the same things in the same way and are PROUD OF IT. in fact, if anyone like Fox News strays from the party line they're labeled as "Right wing" and "Propagandists". LOL!

When it comes to national/international news there's no reason to watch the networks or read any papers except the NYT's and/or the WaPo because EVERY outlet falls in line and reports almost exactly the same thing. Except for Fox and a few others. Its incredible. The USSR was no different.

Stay Safe said...

Trump chose to follow the lead of Rush Limbaugh and Hannity and down play the threat of this virus and say that the experts were overreacting and maybe out to get him.

Those kinds of messages caused delay and encourage many average Americans to not take needed precautions during crucial early days.

You can spin it as much as you want, but you can’t cover up the facts

narciso said...

it is more important to demoralize the people, as we found out in the long war that has recently receded, than to succeed,

n.n said...

After more than 13 trimesters of witch hunts and warlock trials, collusion between the bureaucracy ("deep state") and Democrats that has placed Americans at progressive risk, braying loudly to anyone willing to listen to their hopes and dreams, a novel strategy to cancel Trump.

narciso said...

this was the point person on Wuhan

Triangle Man said...

It's generous or slow of CNN not to point out that he's coming to a realization at the end of March that epidemiologists were telling him a month ago. I'm sure they'll come up with it by the end of the day.

Ray - SoCal said...

Brilliant comment by Scott Adams.

Press is:
- I’m an Echo Chamber
- Suffering from grief at Trump being President, and going through the stages of shock, anger, denial, and finally acceptance
- Arrogant

And believes:
- They are on a mission for social justice
- Republicans are evil, stupid, and deplorable
- The ends justifies the means
- They are brilliant
- They still have the same ability to control the public discourse, as they did with Katrina and Watergate.
- Overton Windows only move in one direction

Stay Safe said...

This is so laughable.

Trump continues to attack and belittle others in the most bizarrely childish ways. But he and his supporters act outraged if he is even slightly questioned or criticized.

rcocean said...

Trump is the first R President one to call them out on it. And of course, he gets ZERO support from McConnell, and all the other R's in DC, who just want to cower in the corner and hope the MSM crocodile eats them last. And the so-called Never Trumpers have NEVER wanted to fight the Left or the MSM, they want JOBS with the MSM.

The same is true of Romney -who is really like McCain. Half of what he does/says is to gain the applause of the NYT/WaPo. Those are his REAL base, not Utah voters. "Pierre Delecto" was constantly tweeting MSM Journalists assuring them that Mitt Romney was a great guy, and applauding their attacks on Trump".

n.n said...

"Trump thought he knew better and ignored the experts in his own administration."

He first needed to remove the remnants from the previous administration that in collusion with Democrats spread a social contagion and have placed Americans at progressive risk from globalism, immigration reform, and misallocated resources (e.g. [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate cooling... warming... change).

bbkingfish said...

So Scott Adams and Ann Althouse think that's "the best part?"

Hmmm. I hadn't even considered what the "best part" might be.

I thought yesterday's Trump comment that if the death toll is kept to 100,000, that would mean the Admin has "done a very good job" was kind of an eyebrow-raiser. But I don't think I would have said I thought it was the "best part."

I'll have to consider that. Maybe that was really, really great, and I should have gotten a much bigger bang out of it.

BTW, has Scott Adams had anything more to say about that guy who called him "The Louis Farrakhan of incel white nationalists?" I know Scott is a dedicated free-speech guy, but that remark seemed to have cut close to the bone for him. Has he sued yet?

Stay Safe said...

Ann Althouse seems reluctant to critique Trump even though her posts suggest she understands that he has been a terrible erratic leader though out this.

What gives?

Owen said...

Patrick Henry was right: “... Plus, what would you have done differently based on the information available at the time.”. You are right to challenge “Stay Safe” in this way but dollars to donuts you will not get a satisfactory answer. Because the last thing these critics on the left can stand is, an accurate and stable framing of the issue. They need to be free to forget inconvenient facts, free to pose counterfactuals as if they were real, pretend that we knew then what we barely begin to guess might be somewhat true today.

Why do they do this? My guess is, they operate on emotion, not reason. They produce and consume feelings and like a dope addict subsidizing his habit by peddling to others, they frame and re-frame everything to get and share the emotional hit, facts be damned.


MikeR said...

@Triangle "It's generous or slow of CNN not to point out that he's coming to a realization at the end of March that epidemiologists were telling him a month ago. I'm sure they'll come up with it by the end of the day."
Well, yeah. Mr. Trump has more than epidemiologists to deal with. He needs to deal with the whole country, especially including its economy as well. If he were only listening to doctors he would not be doing his job; they are only going to give him the medical ideal. He has to figure out how to balance them, and that includes triage. A certain amount of the economy for a certain number of lives.

Shouting Thomas said...

Who is or is not president is not a big issue in my life.

I voted against Obama and disagreed with him on most things. I didn't brood on it. I went about my life and, in general, enjoyed myself.

I voted for Trump and agree with him on most things. I don't obsess over his fate. I'm just going about my life and enjoying myself.

gerry said...

Trump chose to follow the lead of Rush Limbaugh and Hannity and down play the threat of this virus and say that the experts were overreacting and maybe out to get him.

Those kinds of messages caused delay and encourage many average Americans to not take needed precautions during crucial early days.

Forty percent of Covid-19 cases in the United States are in NEW YORK. I had no idea that New Yorkers paid such attention to Hannity and Trump!

You can spin it as much as you want, but you can’t cover up the facts.

You mean like New Yorker abilities to spread Wuhan Coronavirus?

tommyesq said...

"Remember what that decrepit dinosaur Ted Koppel recently said...."

No, I don't "remember" that, nor can I find it by googling it. I guess you're doing humor, but it's not clear enough so you are part of the fake news problem.

If I'm wrong, prove it.

Took about 5 seconds to find, maybe don't be so quick to jump on the commentariate.

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks for the link to the NYT article about Ted Koppel, but it does not contain the quote that I said I could not find by googling.

The only Koppel quote containing the word "editing" is:

"Training a camera on a live event, and just letting it play out, is technology, not journalism; journalism requires editing and context. I recognize that presidential utterances occupy a unique category. Within that category, however, President Trump has created a special compartment all his own.”

Don't put something in quotes that is not a quote. That is a form of lying. Trump calls out reporters all the time for doing that to him. I'm sick of this kind of fake quote.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'll go even farther and say that the outcome of this pandemic, i.e., how many people die, probably is little affected by who is currently president.

Ann Althouse said...

"Took about 5 seconds to find, maybe don't be so quick to jump on the commentariate."

I quickly judge you to be WRONG!'

That article DOES NOT contain the quote that I questioned.

Come on, people. Shape up. I can't believe you would correct me, using that dismissive tone "Took about 5 seconds to find." You really ought to apologize. Terrible!!

bagoh20 said...

Trump should praise and recommend MSNBC. That would teach them a lesson.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Hillary Clinton corrupt left are rooting for the virus.

Go virus!

Known Unknown said...

"Training a camera on a live event, and just letting it play out, is technology, not journalism; journalism requires editing and context. I recognize that presidential utterances occupy a unique category. Within that category, however, President Trump has created a special compartment all his own.”

Even with this quote, Koppel is incredibly wrong. A LIVE event like a press conference is not to be edited and put into context for viewers. That's not journalism, either.

William said...

Some responses were wrong footed. I think the media deliberately downplays or ignores those wrong footed responses that were consistent with political correctness. If you're in public life and behave in a politically correct way, you have plot armor. The media will never take you out.....Are there any useful lessons to be learned from the example of Italy?

Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...

I was going to say that the best thing about it is that maybe a few million fewer Americans would die, but I guess I don't have the sort of politicized, overriding concern for Trump uber alles that prevails here.

I also notice you've done no posts on the horrendous (and rapidly climbing) death toll and overall scene in New York that is soon coming to a theater near you. How appropriate for a post reflecting on Trump's earlier responses to Italy, etc. when he let what's happened now happen to America.

n.n said...

I'll go even farther and say that the outcome of this pandemic, i.e., how many people die, probably is little affected by who is currently president.

If the epidemiology is correct, then it will require Americans to be cowboys, cowgirls to work independently and in concert, prudently, and boldly, to reduce infection, respond to disease, mitigate collateral damage, control spreading of social contagion, and manage resources.

Ann Althouse said...

The fake quote was not even a fair paraphrase. Even if that had been written without quotes and clearly presented as a paraphrase, it would be wrong — and, ironically, wrong in the same way that journalists wrong Trump.

To say "journalism requires editing and context" is not the same as saying "editing and telling people what it really means is journalism."

Providing "context" ≠ telling people what something means.

Providing context is giving background and additional information, which can be done to give people more to think about and allowing them freedom to put things together and draw their own conclusions. Telling people what an edited text "really means" is to give them less, in capsulized form, and expect them to take it like that.

William said...

I wish I could appear sagacious and wise and well informed on all subjects. It's a neat trick and Ted Koppel, on occasion, pulls it off. It is kind of arrogant to pretend that this neat trick should make you the arbiter of people's opinions on unfolding events and what the President is really saying versus what you poor lambs think he is saying.

Bay Area Guy said...

Hi @Tommy Duncan,

You are definitely one of the more reasonable members of the Commentariat, so allow me to address your observations.

No one can grapple with the science because there is no science without facts.

We have facts. We have tons of relevant data on relevant infectious diseases, although, you are correct, not so much on the new SARS virus. Here's two sets of facts.

1. Armstrong (JAMA, 1999) - Trends in Infectious Disease Mortality in the United States During the 20th Century". Check out Figures 1 and 2. What do you? I see a 95% plunge in infectious disease mortality in the US since the Spanish Flu of 1918.

2. Preliminary CDC US Flu Data -- this year!

Cases: 46 Million
Hospitalizations: 570,000
Deaths 43,000

This is the proper data-based context to evaluate whether Covid-19 will kill us all (2.2 Millions deaths!) or is just a variant of the seasonal flu that has already killed 43,000 Americans, with only tiny fraction of sensationalistic headlines, and no government lockdown.

The rest of what you wrote is fine, I have no disagreement.

GatorNavy said...

ARM and stay safe should read about how the Spanish flu was handled by the US government. Trump has many faults, but his handling of this outbreak has been generally good. The archives of Army medicine would be a good place for ARM and stay safe to begin.

Owen said...

Ann Althouse: “Providing ‘context’ ≠ telling people what something means.“


rcocean said...

"The fake quote was not even a fair paraphrase."

C'mon people that's something a low dishonest NYt/WaPo journalist would do. We're better than that.

Ann Althouse said...

If someone offers a quote — without a link — and I have to go looking for the quote, I am going to use the exact quote, and that quote had better be out there. If not, you are wrong. Period.

If you want to paraphrase, don't use quotes. Then it's harder to Google, but I'd take the trouble to find it to see if it's a fair paraphrase.

In this case, a purported quote was NOT a quote, and people pointed to the thing that was paraphrased, and it was NOT a good paraphrase. I'm tired of that!

n.n said...

let what's happened now happen to America

Globalism, immigration reform, and a bureaucracy ("deep state") colluding with Democrats (and foreign interests) to cancel Trump for the sins of Obama et al. Fortunately, all of this can be prevented or mitigated through limiting spread of the social contagion that promises to force mismanagement of resources and place people... person's lives at risk. We know what to do to reduce infection, respond to disease, and mitigate collateral damage. We each need to be cowboys and cowgirls working independently and in concert.

NCMoss said...

Stay Safe says, Ann Althouse seems reluctant to critique Trump even though her posts suggest she understands that he has been a terrible erratic leader though out this.

Althouse wants you to be a critical thinker and a precise writer, not merely a flamethrower for political causes you feel are important. And like someone else mentioned, "Show your work" and explain how a Biden or Bernie or "name that future democratic president" would have done better.

Ann Althouse said...

"C'mon people that's something a low dishonest NYt/WaPo journalist would do. We're better than that."


Ann Althouse said...

Don't be part of the problem.

Yancey Ward said...

Koppel was definitely suggesting they not broadcast the briefings live- his entire argument is designed to excuse not doing so. That was the purpose of the article itself- the anti-Trump media trying find any excuse to not carry them live. Really, Koppel even gave the NYTimes itself an excuse to not provide a verbatim transcript.

Of course, the channels and papers are not obligated to broadcast/print anything on this matter- you don't actually need an excuse.

RMc said...

I'm assuming Stay Safe is a sockpuppet. Luckily, the bright red avatar makes it easy to skip over.

Chuck said...

No; the best part of watching Donald Trump "pivot on policy" (a nice euphemism for reversing himself and back-tracking) is imagining the anti-Trump campaign ads to be produced by the Bloomberg-funded SuperPACs. Featuring nothing but Trump's own words.

Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...

We have facts.

The fact you're presenting serves to compare two different diseases and praise the lower death toll after a particularly deadly one finished running its course a hundred years ago with later versions that are ten to forty times less deadly than the current pandemic. 43,000 dead only looks like a good number to people who are apparently ok with an additional 100,000 to several million more dead lumped on top of that.

rcocean said...

By the way, here's Koppel defending Dan Rather lying about Bush in "Memogate":

I do, and I've expressed them publicly. I think CBS treated Dan Rather shabbily. In journalism, as in politics, you've got to get it all right. If you're 99 percent right and you make one mistake, all anyone is going to remember is the mistake. Dan's team made a mistake. Was the whole story wrong? No, I don't think so. I think they had the story pretty much nailed. But they got one particular part of that story wrong, and that was enough to hang all of them out to dry. We can all get nailed that way.

LOL! Yeah Dan's Team just made up a story to hurt Bush during an election, and then lied about it, and stonewalled, just like...who was that guy?...oh yeah NIXON. But hey they got MOST OF IT RIGHT. So, did Stalin - except for the killing of millions and the Gulags.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Anyone who criticizes Trump's messaging without mentioning the context, the constant DNC-Media resistance drumbeat that “this is no big deal, no more serious than flu” followed by “shutting travel from China is racist and stupid” followed by “it’s racist to say Wu Flu” followed by “shutting travel from Europe is cruel” followed by “Congressional votes to stop any further travel bans” followed by “Trump disbanded the pandemic team” followed by “masks don’t stop the spread” followed by “Trump isn’t testing people like South Korea” followed by “millions are going to die!” followed by “Trump is too dumb to give us the masks we need” followed by “the COVID task force isn’t diverse enough to save us” followed by “the task force is working in secret” followed by “Trump should have closed the borders sooner” followed by “Trump is on TV too much with his task force and the ratings are so high we need to take him off the air because people don’t want to see that.”

Experts are just so good in crises aren’t they!

Ray - SoCal said...

Two movies:

- Coronavirus is hitting NYC because it’s so crowded and has so much international travel, and the only answer is a shutdown

- Coronavirus is hitting nyc so hard due to the incompetence of the response.

Taipei Has a similar density to NYC, has a subway system, and is 85 miles from China, and has not shutdown.

rcocean said...

Here's a quote by Ted Koppel (Frontline) on the subject of Editing:

"[the editors say] You know, Ted, I don't think that's accurate; you made a mistake here," and then you go back and you check it. In the final analysis, the most important thing about journalism is editing. ... "

BUT he's talking about editors CHECKING the work of other journalists to ensure accuracy. NOT editing film to make people look bad.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

MSDNC = Chi-Com propaganda. Level of.

If you're a hiveminder, it makes sense to watch. Obey.

Russia Russia Russia! Never mind all the money that flowed from Russia to Hillary Clinton Foundation while she was Sec of State. Please ignore.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Our media is mostly hot garbage. The ooze at the bottom of the shit-pile is MSDNC and CNN.

They lie.

rcocean said...

Of course, if the MSM didn't like Koppel they could take that quote and misinterpret and make Koppel look bad. That's what they do with Trump all the time. The CNN reporter yesterday was doing it to Trump. He cut off the quote, to change the meaning and make it seem like Trump was demanding appreciation only for himself, which was a LIE.

Its interesting to play "What If" and wonder how the press would've treated Yeb! or Mittens if they'd been elected. I think the coverage would've been much more respectful because neither of them would've fought back, and both would've given the D's at least 50% of what they wanted, while pushing the Globalist agenda in trade, immigration and foreign affairs. IOW, they would've been treated like George Bush.

tommyesq said...

Telling people what an edited text "really means" is to give them less, in capsulized form, and expect them to take it like that.

Doesn't "editing" the text (particularly when not presenting the unedited version) = giving them less, in capsulized form, and expecting them to take it like that?

Kevin said...

BUT he's talking about editors CHECKING the work of other journalists to ensure accuracy. NOT editing film to make people look bad.

Today's accuracy is to make sure the right people always look bad.

You can see it when journalists have their careers ended for saying the right things about the wrong people.

Buckwheathikes said...

"Providing context is giving background and additional information, which can be done to give people more to think about and allowing them freedom to put things together and draw their own conclusions." - Ann Althouse

This is quaint.

It bears zero resemblance to how actual major mainstream journalism is conducted today.

I'll give you an example of how journalists today "provide context."

Trump: "I think we'll be out of this by June and it's going to be great."

Reporter writes: "Trump said, without evidence, that the country could be out of this by June, providing a potentially false sense of hope to an already beleaguered nation."

See, the reporter provided "additional information" which the reporter cleverly inserts to push people into a particular direction with their conclusions.

That's how the yellow journalism we see so prevalently today is performed.

Todd said...

RMc said... [hush]​[hide comment]
I'm assuming Stay Safe is a sockpuppet. Luckily, the bright red avatar makes it easy to skip over.

3/30/20, 10:11 AM

So does the browser plug-in "kill-file". Many comment sections are supported by it and it allows you to block in individual comment or any comments by a specific commentor. Makes "navigating" through the garbage much simpler. When someone (like myself) does not completely edit a quoted comment and you see the "hush/hide comment" like above, they use "kill-file"...

P.S. I am in no way affiliated with that plug in, I just use it and like it. It allows one to "skip" any obnoxious or banned commentors with ease.

Buckwheathikes said...

An actual example of CNN "providing context:"

Reporter: “I would also like to ask you about some comments you made on Friday,” CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond said. “You were talking about governors of different states and you said I want them to be appreciative. You also said if they don’t treat you right, I don’t call.”

What Trump actually said:

“I want them to be appreciative. I don’t want them to say things that aren’t true. I want them to be appreciative. We’ve done a great job. And I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about Mike Pence, the task force, I’m talking about FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers.”

CNN just made that context up and completely altered both the tone and the content of what the President said.

Mary Chastain over at Legal Insurrection writes this up.

Gusty Winds said...

It is the pinnacle of arrogance that Ted Koppel and the media think they have to interpret the English language for all Americans under the guise of providing "context".

The are all like the William Hurt character in "Broadcast News". Ever see the Wolf Blitzer disaster on Celebrity Jeopardy? They're not that smart at all.

Susan said...

The first thing I remember happening right after the China travel ban was that The House of Representatives immediately said they were going to put through legislation to overturn that ban.

Why would they do that?

Subsequently, there was an Oval Office address to the nation where a ban for Europe was announced.

The same Represetatives howled and told their constituents to party on in NY and New Orleans because it was racist and evil not to do so.

Why would they do that?

Every single thing that the Covid-19 task force says or does is greeted with disdain by the press and much of our government.

Why would they do that?

It wasn't Trump that told people to go out and party like it's 2018. But he's the one that "called it a hoax " (BTW those are ironic finger quotes not real quotes). He's supposedly the one that isn't listening to the experts even though he is the one who is actually letting them get up in front of the microphone every day for questioning and implementing what they say is necessary.

One of the real tests in all of this is deciding WHICH experts to believe. The WHO, when they wouldn't even call it a pandemic until much damage was already done? Or the very competent people that are on camera every day trying to get people to take this all seriously without causing complete panic?

Bay Area Guy said...

Althouse is hammering you poor-quoters and non-linkers.

Shape the fuck up!

iowan2 said...

The media is only left with generalized smears aimed at President Trump. They often hit innocents(dems).
President Trump is to0 positive, trying to tamp down the fear mongering. Oky doky, ignore Governor Cumo's same talking points trying to open NYC, and balancing economy with medical response.

The leftist, media talking point, raised by a troll here, claims President Trump sat on his hands and did nothing.(Pelosi has gotten the memo from the media also) All that is missing, with clear and concise 20/20, hindsight list, of those actions that President Trump should have taken, that were not recommended by the CDC,FEMA, or FDA. Those actions the President identified, because he is smarter than these agencies. Or, actions that were recommended, but President Trump refused to follow through on.

Show your work people. List specific actions.

narayanan said...

The only Koppel quote containing the word "editing" is:

"Training a camera on a live event, and just letting it play out, is technology, not journalism; journalism requires editing and context. I recognize that presidential utterances occupy a unique category. Within that category, however, President Trump has created a special compartment all his own.”
that is not what he did during Iranhostagecrisis

he never showed what was happening before Nightline came on

Greg the class traitor said...

"Within that category, however, President Trump has created a special compartment all his own.”

Translation: We treat President Trump differently, because we are enemies of him and his voters / supporters.

Trump didn't "create the special compartment", the MSM did

c365 said...

That's pretty easy. They just say we should have done it sooner. Took too long to act.

As though we should have shut down the entire country a before a single person dies were a realistic policy.

We're probably already acting too soon, not too late. The precedent we're setting seems to necessitate this kind of response preemptively every couple years. Anything less than prep preemption is too late.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Actually, the LSM can pivot just as fast as Trump. Whatever he says, they're against it.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

And whatever he does.

Hey Skipper said...

Althouse is hammering you poor-quoters and non-linkers.

Shape the fuck up!

Here's a free pro-tip on creating hypertext.

Think of some character combination that is both mnemonic, and isn't otherwise likely to occur. For me it is ",hr". (I've long since forgotten what "hr" stands for.) No matter.

Then use your systems auto-replace function to substitute ",hr" with "[a href=""][/a]", except substitute left and right carats for corresponding brackets.

So when you have something worth referring to, copy the URL.

Enter your comment, then when you get to the point where you want to make the link, say, Althouse slamming unacceptable use of quotation marks, all you have to do is type your autoreplace string, insert the URL between the quote marks, and your text before the slant-A.

Takes but minute to set up, and scarcely seconds to use.

Greg the class traitor said...

Stay Safe said...
Trump chose to follow the lead of Rush Limbaugh and Hannity and down play the threat of this virus and say that the experts were overreacting and maybe out to get him.

Yep. So what?

No, let's be stronger than that: Trump refused to run around screaming like his hair was on fire. IMO this was the correct apporach.

Those kinds of messages caused delay and encourage many average Americans to not take needed precautions during crucial early days.

Delayed what?

Testing of Chinese Coronavirus in the US? No, that was caused by the Civil Service bureaucrats at the FDA and CDC. You know, those "experts" we are all supposed to "trust".

Stopping travel from China? No, Trump DID that, to the howls of the Democrats, and those "experts".

Shutting down Chinese New Year events in NYC? They were screaming against Tump for blocking travel from China, but you're saying that if he had only disagreed with Hannity, then NYC would have shut down those events? That New Orleans would have shut down Mardi Gras?

If that is your claim, then you are either an idiot, or a liar. Democrats State and local officials are responsible for their own actions. So blaming them on Trump is simply wrong.

But it goes far beyond merely wrong to claim that those people would have willingly followed Trump's lead in Feb. when they were actively attacking Trump where he did lead.

Are you saying that fewer Americans went out and cleared out the shelves of stores because of Trump? That's a feature, not a bug, and why I think Trump was right not to build panic.

Are you saying Trump should have tried to impose a national quarantine in early Feb? If so, then you are insane. "Trump's bad because he didn't do something that no serious person was proposing"?

Now, what Trump should have done is camped out at the FDA and CDC, and started doxing any #Resistance member who slowed things down anywhere. Hindsight is great for that.

But that would require saying "Trump should have bullied the experts to do it his way, not theirs", which I'm pretty sure is not a point you lefties are ever going to make

Greg the class traitor said...

Blogger Muzzled by Meade and Ann said...
I also notice you've done no posts on the horrendous (and rapidly climbing) death toll and overall scene in New York that is soon coming to a theater near you. How appropriate for a post reflecting on Trump's earlier responses to Italy, etc. when he let what's happened now happen to America.

No, it's not "soon coming to a theater near us." NYC embraced the Chinese Coronavirus. They celebrated bring in disease carriers form all over the world, and getting close to them

The rest of us aren't morons, and aren't doing that. NYC isn't "ahead of us on the curve", they're on a different curve because of their own behavior and situation.

Buckwheathikes said...

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd, just like that, the NY Times proves me right.

From today:

"President Trump suggested, without citing evidence, that he and his advisers expected the number of people who test positive to peak around Easter."

See how this works now, Ann?

Amadeus 48 said...

Stay safe needs a profile. Until he or she at least provides something, I think we have a Chinese bot in the house.

Congratulations, Althouse.

chickelit said...

Even with this quote, Koppel is incredibly wrong. A LIVE event like a press conference is not to be edited and put into context for viewers. That's not journalism, either.

I disagree with the words uttered by Koppel. Pointing a camera to a live political event is news. It's letting millions of others see and experience the event in real time. Shame on Koppel for implying otherwise. I think he just misses the old "narrative control" days -- may they never return.

chickelit said...

The day when biased, "celebrity' newscasters go the way of Meagain Kelly is good day.

Buckwheathikes said...

CNN Headline: "Trauma physician treating coronavirus patients worries ''we are slowly descending into chaos"

So, naturally, you think this story is going to be an interview with trauma physician treating caronavirus patients, slowly descending into chaos.

Yet, the trauma physician is never named. No way to verify that story.

The doctor they do quote by name is in Boston. He says nothing about anything slowly descending into chaos.

Ann, this is how the media is gaslighting the country.

Here's your link:

Gk1 said...

That is one liberal hit job that will never go away will it? Bush was "AWOL" from the Texas Air national guard. Their star witness was Bob Burdett. A man with self admitted mental problems with an axe to grind. What part of the story did CBS ever confirm? GW got preferential treatment because his dad was a congressmen? Duh. And the "one little mistake" of using obvious forgerys to torpedo Bush says more about Koppel than he realizes.