March 18, 2020

"I want all Americans to understand: we are at war with an invisible enemy, but that enemy is no match for the spirit and resolve of the American people..."

"...It cannot overcome the dedication of our doctors, nurses, and scientists — and it cannot beat the LOVE, PATRIOTISM, and DETERMINATION of our citizens. Strong and United, WE WILL PREVAIL!"

A Trump tweet, from within the last minute.



Owen said...

Trying to imagine Winston Churchill tweeting to his embattled nation...

Anonymous said...

somebody got him a better PR person

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Screw the virus. We've moved on to the more important issue of what Trump thinks about some unknown person in the White House using the term "Kung Flu". Events are in flux for our brave media. Try to keep up.

Automatic_Wing said...

Trump is his own PR person, for better or worse.

ga6 said...

OLD AND BUSTED: “Space to Destroy.”

The New Hotness? Baltimore Mayor Begs Residents To Stop Shooting Each Other So Hospital Beds Can Be Use For Coronavirus Patients.

Baltimore’s last Republican mayor left office over 50 years ago.

Automatic_Wing said...

You can't say Kung Flu. It's Flu Manchu.

Achilles said...

The democrats thought they had their Katrina.

But Trump is not Bush.

Another boomerang is coming around.

Open borders, mass transit, China manufacturing our Pharmaceuticals and everything else are not looking so good right now.

1000 people died of Swine Flu and Obama played golf the day he announced the national emergency.

12000 people in the US died of Swine Flu.

This boomerang is going to hit hard.

Mike Sylwester said...

During the impeachment proceedings, he terminated all airline traffic from China to the USA in January.

That decision required a lot of guts.

Voters will remember that in November.

Anonymous said...

Owen: Trying to imagine Winston Churchill tweeting to his embattled nation...

That's like saying "trying to imagine Winston Churchill using radio to speak to his embattled nation..."

I can't imagine Churchill *not* taking advantage of social media to that end. He'd have made very skillful use of it, too.

Achilles said...

Boomers are also not going to be treated kindly after they feed our economy through the grinder.

This is causing real pain to millions of people.

1000$ from the government every month per person? You better count kids and you better subtract anything already coming from the government.

Are you helping?

narciso said...

meanwhile, per john Solomon, senator warner, (d fusion gps) is standing in the way of the $1,000 checks, fwiw,

Greg Hlatky said...

A call for unity is obviously an impeachable offense.

mccullough said...

The invisible enemy is hysteria.

Drago said...

Owen: "Trying to imagine Winston Churchill tweeting to his embattled nation..."

You're not the first commenter who fails the "vision" test.

Next you'll be telling me its hard to imagine how technology platforms and use of "the crowd" can outperform the "experts" in particular scientific fields.

For an example of how wrong this sort of thinking is, I offer you this example:

For a mere $6,000, online individuals who simply enjoyed solving problems algorithmically vastly outperformed the smartest researchers in the field of immunogenomics at Harvard in developing an algorithmic test to a specific genome sequencing problem.

So it's not at all difficult for me to see Winston Churchill using twitter. Winston Churchill was constantly coming up with innovative ideas and he never allowed himself to be bound to the status quo.

In fact, I'd bet Winston Churchill would have been the MOST effective in the use of twitter, both as an early adopter of twitter (were it to have existed then) but also as a user of a "mature" twitter platform.

Gusty Winds said...

When Democrats read that tweet it translates to, "Everything is out of control. I have no idea what I'm doing. We're all going to die."

Earnest Prole said...

So I take it Trump is now implying the number of cases within a couple of days will not be close to zero.

n.n said...

During the impeachment proceedings, he terminated all airline traffic from China to the US... That decision required a lot of guts.

Yes, he should be commended for acting in the American... human interest, despite the diverse voices who opposed, for reasons of immigration, commerce, etc., limiting the antigen(s)' spread. Now we need to mitigate the spread of the social contagion, which poses an elevated risk to social and economic viability.

YoungHegelian said...

"As we as a people face this totally new kind of opponent, this invisible & silent foe, we must never in the thick of battle lose sight of our most important goal --- making sure we all refer to our fellow Americans by their preferred pronoun."

narciso said...

red squaw is unhelpful

mockturtle said...

Trump waxes Churchillian! That's OK. Funny, I'm watching The Darkest Hour right now on History Channel. Great cast!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"Imagining Winston Churchill tweeting to an embattled nation is like imagining Cesare Borgia piloting a hovercraft with Isadora Duncan." -- René Descartes

Bay Area Guy said...

Shorter Trump:

1. Threatened by an invisible enemy.

2. America will stand tall with spirit and resolve to combat it.

I love and fully support the President on 2. I have my doubts on 1.

If I were in charge of things, I'd say this.

"There is a health risk from a new virus, and we should exercise appropriate caution and hygiene. If you are old or sick, please stay home. If you have the financial means to stay home, please stay home. However, there is a risk to shutting down a $20 Million economy. Airlines, hotels, casinos, restaurants, and bars, employ a lot of people -- 99% of whom are healthy. We cannot simply tell them to stop working -- the risk of a Great Depression, will cause more economic damage and negative health effects than a new virus. We handle the flu every winter, we handled the swine flu in 2009. Let's be cautious, but not overreact."

rehajm said...

Fact check: not invisible, just very very tiny...

More lies!

hstad said...

Restaurants are closing. Toilet paper is flying off the shelves. Arrests are being put on hold. Newsom in CA might declare 'Martial Law' - Is there an end to the madness the coronavirus has inflicted on our nation by the MSM and Politcos?

FullMoon said...

Everybody is Kung Flu Fighting..

Never liked that song, now stuck in my head..will it go viral?

Birkel said...

And all the presstitutes care about is anonymous comments by unnamed sources about the verified fact that China is the origin of this particular virus.

Caligula said...

It would probably be more accurate to say that although "we" (humans) may be at war with this "invisible enemy," the virus isn't at war with us: it's just going about its usual Darwinian business.

Although that might not fit in a Tweet, nor would it make for an inspiring, Churchillian speech.

Birkel said...

And all the presstitutes care about is anonymous comments by unnamed sources about the verified fact that China is the origin of this particular virus.

FullMoon said...

Might as well repeat this for those who have not seen it a hundred times already

Media Hoaxes: No, Trump did not “disband” WH pandemic office, cut CDC work from “49 to 10” countries, or refuse WHO “testing kits”

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

Wow, it looks like national sovereignty is an "in" thing these days. Who knew?

Trump's core agenda:
1. Secure our national borders
2. Decouple economically from China so as to limit our dependence on them
3. Repatriate key economic industries

"America First" is not such a wild concept after all.

I know Trump can be a boob, and can be uncouth, and, and, and... But in the grand scheme of things, his worldview has proven correct. Every country acts in its own national interest. Like Mike, I'm glad he shut down the border from China when he did. What's happening in Italy is devastating.

No glee, "I told you so" or spiking the football here. Sovereignty is important, and so is cooperation. That said, you've gotta secure your own oxygen mask before helping others.

Ken B said...

“ This boomerang is going to hit hard.”

One can hope. It looks to me like the media is doubling down on Trump hatred. So also on misinformation.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Yes, we *ARE* at war with an invisible enemy...

We are at war against the Prince of the power of air (ie the unseen world), against the spirit at work in the hearts of the disobedient (those who refuse to obey God)... we are at war with the corrupter, the leader of flesh, the ruler of the left, the father of chaos and lies and those who love evil... the one cast down from heaven, full of wrath because he knows his end is near...

**THAT** our true enemy and the one behind madness in the world today... We should not forget it...

Spiros said...

In 2008, Glenn Greenwald said this about President Bush:

“What we have in the last eight years is not merely a case of individual and isolated law breaking. It’s a declaration of war on the whole idea of law itself, on the idea that our political leaders are constrained in any way by the limitations of the American people imposed through our Congress..."

Obama was even worse. And Trump is now a "wartime" president with a convenient and invisible enemy. This crap is never going to end. So much for the "rule of law."

Drago said...

Remember this one, from the "experts" at the WHO and China (whom our media and lefties adore)

World Health Organization (WHO)✔ @WHO
Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China🇨🇳.

2,017 5:18 AM - Jan 14, 2020

Bob Smith said...

Weeeeel, I might not be able to see the enemy (one of them) from my living room but I can find it on a map. That makes me one up on a lot of folks.

Big Mike said...

Voters will remember that in November.

@Mike Sylwester, not really.

Big Mike said...

and it cannot beat the LOVE, PATRIOTISM, and DETERMINATION of our citizens.

Republicans and independents, but ever since November 9, 2016, I have seen little enough of love and nothing at all of patriotism from Democrats. Plenty of determination, but only determination to get rid of Donald Trump.

Charlie Currie said...

At my appointment at the Long Beach VA yesterday, my nurse practitioner, a Nigerian immigrant, told me her Nigerian community did not vote for Trump, but they have all re-registered as Republicans and are all going to vote for him this time.

She said he knows how to talk to dictators. She hates communist. Loathes Hillary for what she did in Libya - causing terrorist -boko haram (sp) - to move into Nigeria and other African countries.

Take it for wiw.

Sebastian said...

Good for Trump.

But about that patriotism: do we know Bernie and his bros have any love of country? I can't recall him ever saying anything truly positive about the US of A.

walter said...

“There has been no challenge to our country that depends so much on our joint solidarity since the Second World War,” Merkel said on public broadcaster ZDF.

AllenS said...

If I could give President Trump some words of encouragement to say to the nation in the wake of this weak assed virus, those word would be: "I want every swinging dick to get your ass back to work." Also: "I am overruling Governess Evers, and all Wisconsin bars will reopen immediately."

If Trump needs any more help, he knows where and how to get ahold of me.

tcrosse said...

We have met the enemy, and he is us.

Charlie Currie said...

Report from Long Beach,CA

Wife and I went shopping - first to Sally's for some hair products. Store is never busy, so just lik any other day. Then to El Super - local chain grocery store catering to Mexican/Central American customers. Had to wait to get in - just like all markets in the area - 10 carts in front of us - got in with the second group. No one seem too excited or panicked. Lots of produce fresh meat. Even had cold cuts and bacon - first I've seen in a week - also plenty of milk and eggs. Napkins and paper towels - one package per family. And, the bakery was humming just like usual.

Delivery truck arrived as we were waiting in line to get in - we left before it had finished unloading.

A lot of this nonsense could have be eliminated if retailers had limited purchases earlier - they'll know better next time.

Achilles said...

Bay Area Guy said...
Shorter Trump:

1. Threatened by an invisible enemy.

2. America will stand tall with spirit and resolve to combat it.

I love and fully support the President on 2. I have my doubts on 1.

Number 1 is accurate.

It just isn't a virus.

tcrosse said...

A lot of this nonsense could have be eliminated if retailers had limited purchases earlier - they'll know better next time.

Who enforces the rationing? The checkout clerk? They can barely enforce express lane maxima.

mockturtle said...

All those leftists who preached open borders per the EU and greater concentration of population in cities are looking like the fools they are.

walter said...

"Who enforces the rationing? The checkout clerk?"
scanning/checkout machine.

Clyde said...

I went on the website yesterday and left a message for President Trump, telling him that he and his task force need to start using proper social distancing during their press conferences. You see five or six people bunched around the President. That's not setting a good example for everyone else. Send one person to the podium at a time, and keep everyone else six feet away. I did notice that they have the newsies seated in every other chair for spacing. That's the way to do it. Now do the same thing on the stage itself.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Angela Merkel is asking ze Germans to pull together, you know, like during ze War!

mockturtle said...

Agree, Clyde. These pronouncements should ideally be done by telecast, no reporters and their inane questions on the premises. And Trump should let Pence and the others do the talking. At least they're no longer shaking hands.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Ken B said...

One can hope. It looks to me like the media is doubling down on Trump hatred. So also on misinformation.

I outraged Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne this morning when I told her to turn off that damn National Panic Radio.

Bay Area Guy said...


"Number 1 is accurate.

It just isn't a virus."

I'm with ya, Brother. All of us are grasping to figure out what's happening, and you've been much more right than wrong on this complex issue.

But, the pressing issue is to minimize the viral risk, and alert folks to the horrible economic carnage that will ensue, if we continue to close down restaurants, bars, hotels, airlines and shops. Lotta folks will be hurt, and are already hurtin'.

Charlie Currie said...

"tcrosse said...
A lot of this nonsense could have be eliminated if retailers had limited purchases earlier - they'll know better next time.

Who enforces the rationing? The checkout clerk? They can barely enforce express lane maxima."

From what I saw, 99% self control, 1% the 3 security guards at the end of the checkout lanes and at the door.

Anonymous said...

tcrosse: Who enforces the rationing? The checkout clerk? They can barely enforce express lane maxima.

I imagine that at some point the rest of the people in the checkout lane are gonna be enforcing limits on the chuckleheads with carts stacked to the max with 18-count mega-roll tp packages.

walter said...

So I guess Trump has been duped into acting on this hoax?
Do tell.

Ken B said...

When a news organization or reporter reports a claim as a fact they are implicitly saying they checked. If they make a claim without checking and without indicating there has been no checking then they are lying — possibly about the claim and certainly about the checking. Jennifer Rubin lied about the covid bill. She could not have checked her claim.

I was disgusted by the lying press before, but lying about anything related to the outbreak, and doing it for partisan purposes, makes me much angrier. She should be fired. She should be more than fired but freedom of the press is more important than Jennifer Rubin. But she should never work in journalism again.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Currie: At my appointment at the Long Beach VA yesterday, my nurse practitioner, a Nigerian immigrant, told me her Nigerian community did not vote for Trump, but they have all re-registered as Republicans and are all going to vote for him this time.

If true, another data point supporting the stereotype that Nigerian immigrants tend to be smart cookies.

Marcus Bressler said...

At our local Publix supermarkets, the limit is enforced at the register by the cashier and, if necessary, a manager. It works, maybe not perfect, but it works.

Now, those self checkout lines.....


I bought a case of 96 ct 2/ply toilet paper (I may have mentioned this on another thread) from a restaurant supply house. Giving it to people in need.

Francisco D said...

The democrats thought they had their Katrina. But Trump is not Bush.

Yup. That is what what a lot of this is about. Not all, but a lot.

Nonetheless, the is a crisis that will test our resolve as Americans and better prepare us for the future.

Francisco D said...

The democrats thought they had their Katrina. But Trump is not Bush.

Yup. That is what what a lot of this is about. Not all, but a lot.

Nonetheless, the is a crisis that will test our resolve as Americans and better prepare us for the future.

robother said...

The reference to an "invisible enemy' got me thinking. Adam Smith's "invisible hand" as trope for the operation of a free market economy inspired a French economist, can't think of his name, who observed that the main problem with government interference in the economy was the "unseen" parts of economic activity and costs. In many ways, our modern media complex has worked to render unseen huge sectors of the US economy. Blue collar workers, pink collar workers, retail workers, inhabitants of that vast "wasteland" between the coasts. Look at the contempt Obama and Biden showed for coal miners and their families, even as they were in the midst of the opiate crisis.

When the invisibles show themselves, as in 2016, by electing Trump, they were labelled "Deplorables" or worse.

If Trump's bailouts are shaped by the same forces as the Bush/Obama bailouts, it will represent the ultimate erasure of the invisibles. Are we fighting an "Invisible Enemy" br sacrificing the lives of our Invisible citizens?

mockturtle said...

Claude-Frédéric Bastiat, by any chance?

mockturtle said...

Trump made it clear in his pressers [I watched them all] that his focus was to get money into the hands of workers who couldn't work due to their jobs closing down or being quarantined so they could pay their rent and make their car payments. The MSM are spinning it differently, of course.

Narayanan said...

Is it true they're taking temperature of the newshounds at White House?

They should give them IQ test and admit only if 20 points over Temperature.

Ken B said...

The coron tag is new. I thought new tags were anathem.

Nichevo said...

narciso said...
red squaw is unhelpful

3/18/20, 2:42 PM

Speaking of Liz Warren, there is now Liz Warren (not really) adult video on the places one would look for such things. Rule 34, ah. Wait for the Marianne and Tulsi flavors!

The Vault Dweller said...

Trump is striking the right tone with his addresses. I hope he keeps it up. I also hope that when the danger subsides he makes a good address thanking the American people as well as those dealing first hand with it. And he should make special note to make it bi-partisan and thank those Democratic congresspeople and especially governors who worked well with him, then stress Unity. If he does this November is in the bag.

grackle said...

And he should make special note to make it bi-partisan and thank those Democratic congresspeople and especially governors who worked well with him, then stress Unity.

Yes, he should and probably will. But will the sentiment be returned? I doubt it. The ONLY reason they are cooperating now is because they have suddenly realized that their own lives and loved-ones are at risk. Fear is their motivation – once the danger has passed it will be business as usual – Orange Man Bad 24/7.

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