March 18, 2020

Did Biden clinch the nomination yesterday? I don't know, and I don't really care.

He has the nomination, and following the primaries feels pointless now. Everyone seems to be backing away from the idiotic political conflict that had become a national way of life. It's time for Bernie Sanders (and Tulsi Gabbard) to end their candidacy and embrace Joe Biden as their party's nominee. It is also the case that Donald Trump is the GOP nominee.

Let's acknowledge what we already know, call off the conventions, and wait until after Labor Day to resume political campaigning. Labor Day is, traditionally, the beginning of the presidential campaign, and it would be a gesture toward sanity and reality to reinstitute that tradition.

Until then, we ought to all work together. Those who hold positions of power within government ought to demonstrate what it means to do the work of government, not politics. Democratic governors and legislators are cooperating with the Trump administration, and we ought to respect and encourage that — and reject efforts to make this the continuing political struggle over who will have power when January 2021 rolls around.

We have the leaders we have this year, and concentrating on changes so far in the future is tasteless and counterproductive.


JZ said...

Hell yes!

Dave Begley said...

Agree with Ann.

Joe needs to go home and rest up. Trump needs to do his job and stop being attacked by the Fake News and Dems.

rhhardin said...

The entertainments have changed. Clicks go for the one over the other. The news media run the democrat party, not the democrats.

AllenS said...

Nobody has clinched the nomination until the fat Democrat super delegates sing.

Anonymous said...

A note of sanity and intelligence. How it got on the Internet, I have no idea.

jnseward said...

Maybe we can take a poll and if it looks like a Nixon/McGovern blowout, we can skip the election too.

alanc709 said...

Why would anyone embrace Joe Biden as the nominee? More like they should resign themselves to it, since Bernie doesn't intend to fight, and Tulsi isn't going to be allowed to get any attention.

Amadeus 48 said...

Althouse--It would be good if your scenario were followed. We already know a lot about the two contenders. I think Biden will be wrapped in cotton wool until the convention, for obvious reasons. I think Trump will try to be president of all the people until we have sorted out this crisis (but that is not his natural bent--he likes to counter-punch).

Will they succeed in putting the fisticuffs off until September?

The answer is obvious.

Sebastian said...

"It's time for Bernie Sanders (and Tulsi Gabbard) to end their candidacy and embrace Joe Biden as their party's nominee."

"their party"? Bernie ain't no Dem.

Oso Negro said...

Until then, we ought to all work together. Those who hold positions of power within government ought to demonstrate what it means to do the work of government, not politics.

Well, OK. Sure. But the pre-determined narrative is that TRUMP'S RESPONSE WAS A FAILURE. We don't know why yet, but the Demcrats and their henchpeople in the press will let us know later if it was either 1) He didn't do enough! (Prepare yourself for Rachel Maddow's tears the moment the first image appears of a dead granny on the sidewalk) or 2) He over-reacted! (Prepare yourself for Rachel Maddow's tears at the interview of a bankrupt senior, African-American woman small business owner).

Bob said...

I agree

Whirred Whacks said...

In the meantime, the Senate can thoroughly investigate Hunter Biden!

zipity said...

"Until then, we ought to all work together. Those who hold positions of power within government ought to demonstrate what it means to do the work of government, not politics."

I love the idea. But you might as well ask for a unicorn pony while you are at it.

Ken B said...

You are very wrong. Not think about the longer term? Today is the tomorrow fools told us not to worry about yesterday. Imagine if you will president Sanders elected in 2016, disassembling our pharmaceutical industry. Where would we be now? Imagine president Biden elected in 2016 and shutting down fracking and drilling, leaving us short of oil now, and with less wealth to face the coming downturn. Imagine president Ocasio-Cortez refusing to close borders because it’s xenophobic and racist.

I am not old enough to ignore the future yet, and I have kids.

Lucien said...

Every day President Trump goes on TV and does presidenty things: he’s calm, and in charge, and praises others for doing good jobs; and thanks the Chinese when they’re helpful while still calling them on their BS. This is an unprecedented crisis for the Democrats. Their story about how we can’t trust the President to handle a crisis is going the way of their other stories about him. If the country weathers this storm well, it will be Trump’s Triumph—and they don’t want to seen as rooting against the country.

R C Belaire said...

Would that it could be so. Too rational to ever happen this year regardless of non-election issues. As long as COVID-19 is being politicized, the campaign(s) will press on.

Temujin said...

The less the public sees Joe Biden speak, the better it is for him. Disappearing until September is the best thing that could happen to him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did the deep state install their guy? yes!

Will Biden install Hillary as his VP - then step aside so we are forced to accept the international money grubber and offical head of the Clapper-Brennan Deep state? probably.

Ken B said...

“[Democrats] don’t want to seen as rooting against the country.”

They do during primaries.

PJ said...

It’s a nice sentiment, but are we really ready to commit to the idea that this crisis is going to remain so severe in August that politics-as-usual will be tasteless and counterproductive? Or is the point just that politics-as-usual in August is always tasteless and counterproductive, and we should use the crisis at hand to promote change?

Tommy Duncan said...

The news on the La Crosse, Wisconsin TV and radio stations this morning announces the arrival of the coronavirus to the area. Ann's message is timely.

Freder Frederson said...

I think Trump will try to be president of all the people until we have sorted out this crisis (but that is not his natural bent--he likes to counter-punch).

Why do you believe this. He has made no effort to be president of all the people, why would he start now?

J. Farmer said...

The DNC is beyond pathetic. Handing the nomination to a walking gaffe machine with applesauce for brains.

MikeR said...

There is nothing in this country more urgent than making sure that Donald Trump is not re-elected.

Gusty Winds said...

Interesting that border control, deregulation, gov't cooperation with private industry, and decoupling from China is now all the rage. Trump is now a "wartime" President. Frankly I thank GOD he is the one in charge.

Biden is now irrelevant. This crisis will get Trump re-elected because his administration will handle it, and the press and Dems will suffer for cheering for destruction.

Chris N said...

‘My parents paid for a $200K liberal arts degree. It was from one of those leafy universities and cinder-block walled departments skewing Left. I’ve strolled the boulevards in Paris and spent hours alone in my mind with the deconstructionists, existentialists, and Dickens. I have a black friend. She’s good. Social change is good. One day the great, good people will be in charge. Lately, I’ve been churning out copy for crap wages and riding the social currents with my ambition. Life is often meaningless. Science is inspiring. Politics is a show. I write pretty well. I wrote my first memoir when I was twelve.’

-Zoe Satchel from ‘Postmodern Laity’

Nonapod said...

On the one hand, I really do miss regularly talking and thinking about politics and all the different developments in the presidential race.

On the other hand, I kinda like the new normal that seems to be settling in. It's beginning to remind me of the weeks that followed 9/11. Remember those? When all Americans (for once) seemed to be united? The sense that we're all in this together? Those were strangely hopeful times, and it's starting to feel like that again.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

It is also the case that Donald Trump is the GOP nominee.

It is also the case that Donald Trump is the President of the country. It's time for the Dems, LLR, media and deep state (but I repeat myself) let Trump exercise his authority like any other president.

Baby steps.

Ken B said...

I also think Ann underplays how the virus might affect the potential candidates. Aside from possibly killing them soon this virus will be a problem for a long time, making health and age even more important issues.

I disagree with Farmer's assessment of the DNC. I am *impressed* at how efficiently they were able to impose a doddering gaffe machine with applesauce for brains. That shows pretty complete control.

Nichevo said...

Take off your clothes, Ann.

No, seriously. We're in the back of my 1954 Lincoln Capri. Out here at the end of Lovers' Lane. I treated for burgers and fries and Hoodsie Rockets. Let's acknowledge what we know. Defending your honor seems pointless now. Worrying about a baby so far in the future is tasteless and counterproductive.

TLDR: Don't think Sanders is quitting; and you're not preaching national unity in a novel time of crisis, you're preaching D Machine party line: give it to our figurehead, the old Bolshevik is scaring the rubes.

Have you always been like this?

Paul said...

Bye bye Bernie
The Dems got you now
I'll try, Bernie
To forget somehow

Bye bye Bernie
Ta-ta, old sweetie pie
Bye bye Bernie
Time for me to fly
Time for me to fly-y-y-y-y
Time to say good-bye

Bye now

Apropos to Ann Margret (God love her!)

Inga said...

I agree.

There is no need to hold a convention this summer, all the delegate voting can be done online. The convention can wait. I’m guessing if things aren’t drastically better with Covid19 it will get cancelled anyway.

Carol said...

I actually have a shot at going to the GOP convention this time, but I don't think I want to now. Trump is choosing the delegates..he'll pick me I'm sure, because he texts me all the time for money.

Amadeus 48 said...

Just wait until it becomes clear that the death toll in the US will be about 1,000. Or maybe it never will become clear, because (1) it may be much worse than that, and (2) at this point, there is no point and nothing to be gained from minimizing this, even in retrospect. Who wants to be seen as disrupting the greatest economy in history over something that turned out to be not too serious? No one.

In September, it will be either (1) Trump was incompetent from beginning to end or (2) Trump calmly led us to safety in the greatest challenge any president has faced since FDR.

No one will have an interest in looking at this coldly for a long time. Meanwhile, spring cleaning continues at the Amadeus house.

Jersey Fled said...

Agree with what Lucien said. Heard a clip from Trump this morning. His tone was perfect. He was articulate and reassuring, yet at the same time clearly in charge, and ready to do whatever it takes to get us through this. He has truly grown in the office.

(The tweets are another thing, but that is a different medium and a different audience)

One of the things that Trump doesn't get enough credit for is his command of the issues. He basically gives an impromptu press conference every day on his way to the helicopter. He is typically direct, concise, and on point on every issue. You may not agree with him, but you get the feeling he knows what he is talking about.

Obama, on the other hand, was a disaster without his teleprompter.

RMc said...

But the pre-determined narrative is that TRUMP'S RESPONSE WAS A FAILURE. We don't know why yet, but the Demcrats and their henchpeople in the press will let us know later if it was either 1) He didn't do enough! (Prepare yourself for Rachel Maddow's tears the moment the first image appears of a dead granny on the sidewalk) or 2) He over-reacted! (Prepare yourself for Rachel Maddow's tears at the interview of a bankrupt senior, African-American woman small business owner).

Either way, bankrupt African-American grannies who are dead on the sidewalk will become the nation's biggest TV stars.

FleetUSA said...

Brilliant recommendation. We lived many years in the UK and elections were called and in 5 weeks it was all over. Here it is 365/24/7. Ugh.

Amadeus 48 said...

"He has made no effort to be president of all the people, why would he start now?"

Freder--Times are different now. Have you heard? We have an existential crisis in this country, at least until summer.

mockturtle said...

Well said, Althouse.

Drago said...

Lucien: "Their story about how we can’t trust the President to handle a crisis is going the way of their other stories about him."

And all on top of Mueller's/Rosenstein's hoax accusations against Concord Management (The Russkis!!) being dismissed with prejudice because there is no case.

Russia Collusion dies its actual dying collusion and now no russians...and the media doesnt even have to mention it.

That is awfully convenient.

Meanwhile, cant look into Hunter and Burisma and Chalupa et al and we're putting Joe under wraps.

But CNN and the rest continues its 24/7 attacks on Trump, dem PAC's are launching paid media to attack Trump for supposed virus policy failure NOW, MSNBC has on "analysts" saying Trump is guilty of murder, the ChiComs are still accusing the US of starting this pandemic while Trump is called a racist for noting the virus origin location.....but Trump is supposed to remain quiet and "Presidential".

Looks like someone is attempting to foist a 2006_2008 W Bush communications "strategy" onto Trump......hmmmmmm....

rightguy said...

President Trump is very good in a crises- even CNN talking heads have praised his presser yesterday. The death rate of Corona virus will plummet as we test more, probably to levels of influenza, and DJT's actions will be seen (accurately) as effective.

Germany currently reports 26 deaths among 9367 knowh cases of Covid-19- a death rate of .0027%. There will be more deaths in this cohort as this includes active cases, but WQW is that a low number.

PM said...

Yes, Bernie should bow out. Then he should head down to Florida and stop Matt Drudge from fearmongering.

Jaq said...

If Bloomberg hadn’t dropped out, he would easily be the front runner.

Charlie Eklund said...

I agree with Althouse. Unfortunately, the very fact that these suggestions are sensible practically ensures they’ll never be followed.

Jersey Fled said...

Either way, bankrupt African-American grannies who are dead on the sidewalk will become the nation's biggest TV stars.

What you say is true. I just get the feeling fewer and fewer people are buying it now.

As Barnum famously said, you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Gusty Winds said...

Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer are going to regret their January 2020 accusations of Trump's "xenophobic overreaction" when he implemented travel restriction with China. It's on film...screen captured on Titter...and it's pure malice on their part.

Sorry. I'm in the mood to play nice in the sandbox with my fellow citizens...but those morons along with Bill "I'm praying for a recession" Maher should be tarred and feathered.

Kevin said...

On the other hand, I kinda like the new normal that seems to be settling in. It's beginning to remind me of the weeks that followed 9/11. Remember those? When all Americans (for once) seemed to be united? The sense that we're all in this together? Those were strangely hopeful times, and it's starting to feel like that again.

My kids were studying 9/11 last year and they had to interview people who lived through it. As part of my description, I mentioned the entire country came together and we become one country for a while.

Not only did the kids not believe it, but neither could the teacher.

Drago said...

Freder: "He has made no effort to be president of all the people, why would he start now?"

This was written by a supporter of every single democrat coup attempt (each a hoax) vomited up by the dems one after the other for 4+ years and just a day after the hoax case against Concord Management is tossed with prejudice.

Gee, Trump was unable to convince the coup plotters and their minions that he was their President Trump has to go!

Well, that is rather neat and tidy, isn't it?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What happened to rat-f-er Adam Schitt(D)?

How do all the hive-minders who invested years into the Mueller-figurehead/Maddow-Hillary lie that Trump stole the election from its rightful owner by colluding with Russia - how do the hiveminders reconcile the obvious fraud of Hillary-Maddow and their coordinated "Jill Stein, Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie" are all Russian assets, lie?

Drago said...

rightguy: "President Trump is very good in a crises- even CNN talking heads have praised his presser yesterday."

It was just Dana Bash...and just once.

We will have to wait and see if more than 1 data point of Trump praise presents itself on Zuckers network.

Kevin said...

The problem for the Dems is the Trump "me likey" line might start to move up.

Oh, what then if such a national erection might occur?

That's a lot of investment for the media to just suddenly write off.

The media might have to declare moral bankruptcy and hope for a bipartisan bailout.

Francisco D said...

My (life long Democrat) wife ran out at the last minute to vote. This was in the middle of conversation with out-of-town guests. She seemed almost frantic.

She would not say who she voted for but I am 100% sure it was Biden. She believes that a Bernie nomination would be the death of the party.

She is not particularly fond of Biden and believes he is cognitively impaired, thanks to my expert analysis. I suspect that she is among the majority of moderate Democrats who would not be unhappy with a brokered convention after Joe drops out for health reasons. She would be happy with Amy Klobuchar although she knows nothing about her (nor do I).

mockturtle said...

If the government sends checks, will people be able to deposit/cash them if the banks are closed? My bank is closed except for online and ATMs. Also, won't there be rampant mail theft? Seems like there should be some way to assure safe transfer of funds.

Jaq said...

" The death rate of Corona virus will plummet as we test more, probably to levels of influenza,”

Once we have established the facts, I will be proven right. Please look at my cherry picked example.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Until then, we ought to all work together.

*** checks CNN and MSNBC ***

Someone's going to be disappointed...

Jupiter said...

"Until then, we ought to all work together. Those who hold positions of power within government ought to demonstrate what it means to do the work of government, not politics."

In a democracy, it is necessary to compromise. How extensively one must compromise depends upon how intensively your position is opposed. Therefore, the work of government is to implement the compromises imposed by politics. Government is downstream from politics.

Francisco D said...

Until then, we ought to all work together. Those who hold positions of power within government ought to demonstrate what it means to do the work of government, not politics.

I strongly agree Althouse.

That works if Democrat and Republican politicians let go of their posturing, but will the DNC media allow that to happen?

eric said...

How can they not play politics?

This whole thing is politics.

Listen, suppose six months from now we look back on this and the whole thing was a hoax? I don't mean there is no virus. There is. I mean, we've got fewer virus deaths than we have annual flu deaths.

Are we going to finally realize what's been done to us in the name of "Orange Man Bad"?

They destroyed our economy and many poor people's lives. And for what?!

It's won't be long now before this is all over and everyone realizes what a hoax this was.

Vote accordingly.

eric said...

How can they not play politics?

This whole thing is politics.

Listen, suppose six months from now we look back on this and the whole thing was a hoax? I don't mean there is no virus. There is. I mean, we've got fewer virus deaths than we have annual flu deaths.

Are we going to finally realize what's been done to us in the name of "Orange Man Bad"?

They destroyed our economy and many poor people's lives. And for what?!

It's won't be long now before this is all over and everyone realizes what a hoax this was.

Vote accordingly.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Democratic governors and legislators"

Disagree on the "legislators" part of that. They are still being assholes with their comments, trying to sneak abortion funding into the covid assistance funding package, etc.

Krumhorn said...

With Freder as the example, Resist! By any means necessary!!

They’ll never give it a rest. The lefties crave the power to tell the rest of us want to do.

- Krumhorn

Gospace said...

Sebastian said...
"It's time for Bernie Sanders (and Tulsi Gabbard) to end their candidacy and embrace Joe Biden as their party's nominee."

"their party"? Bernie ain't no Dem.

Sebastian got there first. Bernie is not a Democrat.

And Freder is right. Trump has made no effort to be president of all the people. Just Americans, who believe in America. Which is fine by me.

mccullough said...

Tulsi and Bernie would be nuts to drop out.

Biden could die any day. Same with Bernie.

doctrev said...

Why, why, WHY does the consultant wing of the GOP, allegedly populated by the intelligent elite of society, continue to counsel submission and ignorance in the face of all-out Big Lie attacks? Not only has the media told three truly unforgivable lies about President Trump in this crisis ("closing" the pandemic office, cutting CDC work, and refusing testing kits from the WHO), but the truly execrable lie about the WHO kits was repeated by senile candidate Joe Biden. It's like they're daring Trump to take as many resources that might benefit poor countries and keep them all for America. Even I don't want that, in the face of truly global pandemic.

Thankfully, no one with brains is going to adopt this absurd Pollyanna attitude, least of all the President. He's going to continue hitting the Chinese and the WTO for their idiotic ignorance of China's role in spreading this pandemic, and hit the Democrats for being subservient to China. Keep it up, sir.

Todd said...

Sebastian said...

"their party"? Bernie ain't no Dem.

3/18/20, 9:03 AM

To be honest, neither are any of the others...

Jersey Fled said...

Germany currently reports 26 deaths among 9367 knowh cases of Covid-19- a death rate of .0027%

It's actually 0.27% but your point is still valid.

narciso said...

Todd said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...

Will Biden install Hillary as his VP - then step aside so we are forced to accept the international money grubber and offical head of the Clapper-Brennan Deep state? probably.

3/18/20, 9:15 AM

If Biden selects Hillary as his VP, what makes you think he will live long enough to "step aside"?

narciso said...

now then

doctrev said...

Aunty Trump said...
If Bloomberg hadn’t dropped out, he would easily be the front runner.

3/18/20, 9:53 AM

If a horse had a horn, they'd be a unicorn. Why would Bloomberg be more popular when the Chinese have never been more universally disliked?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Mexico's numbers are still very low and they have not shut down anything. The restaurants, bars, stadiums, concerts, etc are still in business.

I suspect their corona virus plan is to send the infected north of the border, where the Dems will be happy to give them free care.

In a month or so, we'll get sad tales featuring old people dying at the border because the Evil Orange Man won't let them in. "Juanita Sanchez brought her beloved 80 year old grandmother Maria to the border in a desperate attempt to save Maria's life. Now they're holed up in a shack in Nogales, with grannie getting sicker by the day...."

Drago said...

I must say I am pleasantly surprised some of "fact checkers" in the MSM refused to go along with Biden's latest ChiCom Wuhan flu response lies against Trump.

Unfortunately those lies, like hoax collusion etc, are still omnipresent in many sectors of the media.

Rick said...

Freder Frederson said...
Why do you believe this. He has made no effort to be president of all the people, why would he start now?

It's amusing watching people who immediately announced after the election Trump is not their President now whine that he isn't their President.

Democratic governors and legislators are cooperating with the Trump administration,

We should consider this Althouse's foray into debate reality. Dems are trying to get what they can from Trump while simultaneously misrepresenting events for their political advantage. Althouse's recommendation is to please pretend the latter isn't happening. Dems attacking Trump over coronavirus isn't politicizing it, only responding would be.

David53 said...

No, no, no.

I want more Biden. All Biden all the time. Does he have the stamina to make it to the convention? I want the millennials saturated with Biden every single day.

Todd said...

Freder Frederson said...

I think Trump will try to be president of all the people until we have sorted out this crisis (but that is not his natural bent--he likes to counter-punch).

Why do you believe this. He has made no effort to be president of all the people, why would he start now?

3/18/20, 9:21 AM

The value ratio of reading Fender is approaching zero.

How has Trump not been "everyone's President"? By creating "shovel ready jobs" that only went to unions? By giving HUGE loan guarantees only to his friends sham clean energy companies? By directing stimulus to favored cities/states?

Nope. He lead the removal of burdensome regulations that freed up the economy. He lead in tax cuts for all that freed up the economy. What did that do? Why it lead to the lowest level of unemployment for ALL groups EVER. It lead to wage increases. It lead to a higher stock market. What do all these things have in common? Why they helped EVERYONE, not just Republicans.

You got the sads cause he wont let you kill babies on the public's dime? You got the sads cause he (and many others) think having men that think they are women or women that think they are men in the armed services is "disruptive"?

By any measure, more people in more groups are doing better now than they were anytime during the big O's 8 years. Get over yourself.

Todd said...

mockturtle said...

If the government sends checks, will people be able to deposit/cash them if the banks are closed? My bank is closed except for online and ATMs. Also, won't there be rampant mail theft? Seems like there should be some way to assure safe transfer of funds.

3/18/20, 10:05 AM

I can deposit a check with a photo using my phone and my bank's app. Thought that was a common feature these days. For those without "smart phones" (are they any left?) they might have to brave the out doors...

rcocean said...

Bi-partisan means giving the D's what they want. The D's NEVER give an inch, plus the R's don't really care about anything except helping big business and pleasing their rich donors. That's why they mysteriously get rolled every-time by the D's, despite having a senate majority and the Presidency.

When Clinton was in power, he mysteriously had all the cards. When Bush was in power, the R's couldn't do anything because of the filibuster. Then the D's under Obama got things done because of Obaman. Now, we're back to the D's control of the House being the dog that wags the tail. Constant failure theater by the R's.

rcocean said...

Moe or less centrists talk show hosts pointed out that Biden was lying about Trump refusing WHO test, and that the "Morning Joe" was lying about Trump telling the Governor's they were "on their own". All of this is deliberate lies, but the radio guys shyed away from the word, calling it a "mistake".

The NYT's and the Wapo along with MSNBC/CNN/PBS/NBC/CBS/ABC have been making "Mistakes" about Trump for 4 years. Everything they write/say has to be double-checked.

SeanF said...

Amadeus 48: In September, it will be either (1) Trump was incompetent from beginning to end or (2) Trump calmly led us to safety in the greatest challenge any president has faced since FDR.

It'll be both. One screen, two movies.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I was so looking forward to pictures of Althouse suited up in homemade protective gear to vote in the Wisconsin primary on April 7.

Will it be safe to hold a general election in November? The Presidential electors could be appointed by each state legislature, as provided in the Constitution. But what about Representatives and Senators whose terms will expire next January?

The general election could be conducted by mail. Who is going to want to open and count the ballots? The ballots could be quarantined for 2 weeks before being counted. Or ballot counters will need protective gear.

We have 7.5 months to figure this out. It is foreseeable, so emergency should be no excuse for having to cancel the general election.

madAsHell said...

Who won the Iowa caucus?? It's like this whole primary system is just gypsy road show for the rubes.

Lurker21 said...

Partisan bickering is too much a part of the culture nowadays. It pretty much is the culture (along with Marvel movies). And it's the bread and butter of politicians and the media. Politicians are also a lot more exhibitionist nowadays, from the president and speaker down to AOC and Matt Gaetz.

It would be nice if the campaign were shortened. If it works out well this year maybe we could institutionalize it and permanently shorten the campaigning. It probably won't work. Fundraising will still start right after the midterms and candidates will still be stumping over a year before the election, officially or unofficially.

Democrats are going to be in a bind. The rhetoric is that Iowa and New Hampshire are unrepresentative of the country and should be deprived of their first in the nation status. But those states are more representative of the swing states that Democrats will have to carry to win than other states which are solid for one party or the other. There are always flukes - when candidates from the neighboring states win - but Iowa and New Hampshire do tend to produce candidates who could win, and more heavily Democrat states might not.

Gusty Winds said...

Look at Hillary Clinton's twitter feed today. Give me a break. Democrats are not in the mood to play nice.... Thank GOD she lost.

Kevin said...

Who won the Iowa caucus??

We will never know.

Remember that when the media keeps pushing how important it is in 2024.

Freder Frederson said...

It's amusing watching people who immediately announced after the election Trump is not their President now whine that he isn't their President.

Well, that wasn't me. I think saying "he is not my president" is stupid.

You are the ones who claim we are not Americans.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, I suppose the day may someday come when you open your eyes long enough to see what Democrat politicians are really like (not to mention the sort of people who reflexively vote for them). But I am not going to hold my breath.

Rick said...

Freder Frederson said...
You are the ones who claim we are not Americans.

3/18/20, 11:13 AM

Why don't you show me where I wrote that you senile asshole?

Left wingers just invent whatever would make their argument without regard to whether it is true. I refer to this as "debate reality".

n.n said...

[DNC] were able to impose a doddering gaffe machine with applesauce for brains. That shows pretty complete control.

Democracy dies with Democrats. That said, one reason to nominate someone who many believe is not viable, is that they plan to share responsibility for the progress they have sown over a multi-decadal period.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cool part here is Biden is almost as radical leftwing as Bernie + open borders and sanctuary cities - drip drip to socialized gov controlled medicine...

but Biden is way more corrupt than Bernie.

Yay democracy!

PJ said...

Dems attacking Trump over coronavirus isn't politicizing it, only responding would be.

A.k.a. unity bullshit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Todd

"If Biden selects Hillary as his VP, what makes you think he will live long enough to "step aside"?"

That's just it, isn't it? Step aside (insider deal) or die.
In words of the evil shrew - What difference does it make?

Inga said...

“If the government sends checks, will people be able to deposit/cash them if the banks are closed? My bank is closed except for online and ATMs. Also, won't there be rampant mail theft? Seems like there should be some way to assure safe transfer of funds.”

I would think they can send the checks via direct deposit into your account, like social security checks.

Inga said...

“This whole thing is politics.

Listen, suppose six months from now we look back on this and the whole thing was a hoax? I don't mean there is no virus. There is. I mean, we've got fewer virus deaths than we have annual flu deaths.

Are we going to finally realize what's been done to us in the name of "Orange Man Bad"?

They destroyed our economy and many poor people's lives. And for what?!

It's won't be long now before this is all over and everyone realizes what a hoax this was.”

And some don’t like being labeled a Covid19 denier. I guess all those Italians and Chinese just didn’t know they were part of a hoax to get Trump.

Sebastian said...

"We have the leaders we have this year"

Look, I know Dems want power and more power. Anybody But Trump will do.

But in what way would Slow Joe, as a person, with his mental capacity, with his record, be a better "leader"?

Will Cate said...

Last night's primary headlines made me think of the late, great comedian Kevin Meany:

"I don't caaaare... I don't caaaare..."

Drago said...

Freder: "Well, that wasn't me."

Oh, well then, it was just tens of millions of other democrats then, including the coup plotters and hoax enablers and weaponizers of the govt against domestic political opponents.

No biggee.

Drago said...

Inga: "And some don’t like being labeled a Covid19 denier. I guess all those Italians and Chinese just didn’t know they were part of a hoax to get Trump."

Here we go again with the Russia collusion truther.

By now you know perfectly well the discussion is about how the dems are actively weaponizing the ChiCom Wuhan virus against Trump politically. Your clear implication has been debunked by so many, including lefty media sources, that its ridiculous how you keep pushing it.

Similar to how you continue to push russia collusion even after comprehensive exposure as a hoax and sham and all the others as well.

NMObjectivist said...

Six months is a very long time in politics.

Drago said...

Rick: "Left wingers just invent whatever would make their argument without regard to whether it is true. I refer to this as "debate reality"."

Biden does this alot, hence his "Trump admin turned down WHO tests!" lie.

Which again, I was pleased to see the lefty media, realizing how exposed that lie was, also jumped on it, possibly because not debunking such an obvious lie was too dangerous for what little is left of their reputation.

LA_Bob said...

It is incredible irony that we have a presidential race this year with leading candidates in an age group said to be most susceptible to a widely feared novel viral disease.

Brody Oaks said...

Events have more or less confirmed, sadly, that the people we've elected to Federal office are time and again showing that they're unwilling to actually govern. They've got political theater down pat, but they're incapable of putting that aside and solving problems. When we look back on this, I suspect that the illness and subsequent fatalities are only going to be a footnote to a larger economic catastrophe caused in large measure by the failure of the political class from both parties and from municipal dog-catcher all the way up to the president.

If anyone thinks this is all going to be over by the end of summer, you're delusional. Good luck, folks, you're going to need it.

OldManRick said...

I've decided that the politician's motto is:

Make sure you appear to be involved.

If you can't be part of the solution, be part of the problem.

No one can tell the difference and your side will support you either way.

Big Mike said...

And some don’t like being labeled a Covid19 denier. I guess all those Italians and Chinese just didn’t know they were part of a hoax to get Trump.

There are two allegations buried these sentences that are themselves hoaxes, lies, and either an attempt to bamboozle the reader or a sign of early dementia on the part of the writer. The first is the false dichotomy that either one accepts that COVID-19 is so lethal that it requires the US to, basically, throw poor people out of work or one is a "denier." As others have pointed out, until we know how many people have (or have had) the disease without serious consequences we have no idea what the true mortality rate is. Secondly, the "hoax" is the Democrats and media attempting to set up conditions of debate so that whatever Trump does is wrong, no matter what he does and how it turns out. Even Althouse is starting to get sick of it.

Tomcc said...

This could be known as the "flu that saved Milwaukee".

Jaq said...

“Inga: 'And some don’t like being labeled a Covid19 denier. I guess all those Italians and Chinese just didn’t know they were part of a hoax to get Trump.’"

Lies is all the left has right now, so lies is what they use.

Drago said...

It appears the lefty media is going to continue going "all in" on defense of the Chinese Communist govt coverup of their Wuhan virus for critical months early on allowing the disease to spread to all corners of the globe prior to nations realizing the extent of the problem.

It is simply amazing to watch these "brave" "journalists" doing this over and over again every single day.

I almost fell off my chair at the abject ignorance of the moron reporter, who clearly has zero mathematical or statistical understanding...along with understanding of anything else, ask whether or not a raw count of ChiCom Wuhan virus deaths in the US going from 100 to 110 in 12 hours indicates we can expect an increase of deaths by 10% every 12 hours!

Stupidity on a level that defies accurate characterization.

Drago said...

I am especially "impressed" by the lefty "journalist" that keeps pushing the "Trump admin official who called the virus "kung flu"' or something, but can provide zero details on who supposedly said it or where it was said.

That perfectly encapsulates the media.

But only perfectly.

Jim at said...

He has made no effort to be president of all the people, why would he start now?

Has he told his supporters to punch back at you twice as hard? No.
Has he told his supporters to get in your faces? No.
Has he said if you bring a knife, we bring a gun? No.
Has he called you a bunch of bumpkins clinging to your guns and religion? No.

That was the last guy.

So, you might want to STFU when it comes to criticizing Trump about making efforts to be President of all the people.

Readering said...

AA call for putting politics aside read by commenters as umpteenth invitation to dump in other side. My reviews of AA comments continue to dwindle.

narciso said...

well as the federalist piece I linked down thread indicates the Chinese, pushed hard for this Ethiopian bureaucrat to be head of the who, and he looked the other way for the longest time,

yes, more testing will yield larger cohort of infected, but it doesn't tell the level of that cohort

narciso said...

in point of fact we don't have enough data, for any determination one way or another,

Rick said...

"Would be good to have a pandemic response team at the NSC right now. Like we did before Trump eliminated it," Sen. Jeff Merkley (D., Ore.) said on Twitter.

"Two years ago, President Trump fired the entire global health security team at the White House. Their job? Managing pandemics," tweeted Sen. Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio).

Both of these are from within the last week.

Jim at said...

My kids were studying 9/11 last year and they had to interview people who lived through it. As part of my description, I mentioned the entire country came together and we become one country for a while.

You must remember a different post 9/11 than I do.

Because I remember - before the dust even settled - countless people blaming the US because our involvement in the Middle East. Chickens coming home to roost, being the exact words.

And those who weren't blaming the US quickly jumped onto the Bush MIHOP or LIHOP bandwagons.

narciso said...

tweedle dum and tweedle dumber, yes the fact these people are still working at the nsc, just not under drama queen beth Cameron,

Rick said...

I remember - before the dust even settled - countless people blaming the US because our involvement in the Middle East. Chickens coming home to roost, being the exact words.

9-11 was a Tuesday. On campuses left wing faculty and administrators immediately began the program to blame America by organizing a series of "teach-ins" which began that Saturday at Columbia University. To give people some perspective my wife was marooned while travelling and got home Friday night. So in the time she could get home they had created the movement blaming America for the attacks.

That's how much the left "came together".

rehajm said...

He has the nomination...

By their own rules he most certainly does not. They can also change their own rules and have a history of doing just that.

He most certainly does not...

Nichevo said...

Readering said...
AA call for putting politics aside read by commenters as umpteenth invitation to dump in other side. My reviews of AA comments continue to dwindle.

1. A fig for your opinion.

2. AA is not the boss of the commenters. In fact I often advise her to stop telling people what to do. Shockingly, she regularly fails to heed my call.

3. Sad!

Jjk500 said...

What happens when it becomes obvious that the corona virus control efforts will prevent national party conventions this summer and no physical voting in November 2020?
No presidential election....think anyone is working on this?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Let's acknowledge what we already know, call off the conventions, and wait until after Labor Day to resume political campaigning. Labor Day is, traditionally, the beginning of the presidential campaign, and it would be a gesture toward sanity and reality to reinstitute that tradition."

In fairness, if I was a Democrat, I'd say no freakin' way. I don't care if Chinese Heinkels are setting Coventry, Connecticut on fire. I'm not ceding the election to a party that I feel is a greater threat to the well-being of the country than any damn flu.

If I was a Democrat.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

Hey maybe the Hillary! voters will concern themselves with anything but their self-worth, which is only evident when the grift is interrupted, if they've been shown the evidence of Hell freezing.

The gangs who control the cities and politicians up and down from local/local to Federal gang controllers know Hillary! voters support her and her war-like statements from someone who has ordered many killed, unjudiciously.

OldManRick said...

Hillary leds the charge for civility - NOT!

Reporter goes important facts - NOT!

A cute parody without any political statements - NOT!

Not to mention the NY Times, Washing Post, and others' quote manipulation "“We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself,” The press totally changed the context.

There are more but why waste time and bandwidth.

Really, Ann, after all this garbage from the left, you expect the Trump followers to take it lying down? In a tit-for-tat strategy, you don't back down.

Drago said...

readering: "My reviews of AA comments continue to dwindle."

They persisted, he/she/xe complained....

SensibleCitizen said...

The Sanders brand has diminished to worthless over this.

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