"And more Democrats than Republicans say they are taking steps to be prepared, including washing their hands more often or limiting their travel plans. Poll respondents who described themselves as Republicans and did not see the coronavirus as a threat said it still felt remote because cases had not been detected close to home and their friends and neighbors did not seem to be worried, either."
Reuters reports.
1 – 200 of 428 Newer› Newest»But, but, the amygdala! Don't Republicans have amygdalas any more?
Boston has cases. Lefties here all sound like preppers.
How to make your own hand sanitizer was the popular dinner topic last night...
Costco was out of toilet paper this morning, the whole area taken over by bottled water.
Not sure why people buy bottled water at a time like this. It is not a hurricane .... no one is buying generators, but Costco is smart enough to put a pepper impulse buy in that location, selling like mad.
I bought fresh fruit, as it's the only thing I see becoming hard to find if there are supply disruptions.
You keep on crying wolf, in fact, son of a bruised bee, start up a band and name it by God Crying Wolf.
Go on now, do it!
Prepper impulse buy, damn phone
And more Democrats than Republicans say they are taking steps to be prepared, including washing their hands more often or limiting their travel plans.
don't forget Washing Shoes!
The Really deranged paranoid freakouts, are Washing Shoes!
I stashed cases of Tito's Vodka. Now I have to use it as hand sanitizer.
Republicans discount the entertainment value. Democrats live on it.
So if Democrats are right, then there will be a Republican die off and lefties will have to shift even further left to keep the hate going.
It's starting to hit a little too close to home now.
Costco stopped free samples.
Mark: "Costco was out of toilet paper this morning, the whole area taken over by bottled water."
But pouring water on yourself after visiting the Little Admirals Room is so much less efficient than just wiping..........
Democratics live in big city Petri dishes. They are right to be more worried than people who live in the country.
NPR has been pushing the Covfefe-19 hoax all morning. If the hoped for catastrophe fails to happen, they can at least make people think it's happening, or is about to happen, or would happen if Trump goes unchecked, unbalanced, and unobstructed.
Titos doesn't have enough alcohol.
It is the cities that will suffer the most in a true pandemic, so the Democrats are probably wise to prepare more.
Perfect opportunity for us to visit Costa Rica. It's the high (dry) season and it feels empty-ish. $300 rt tix and rain forest chalets and beach front rooms. And no Coronas and limes - ugh. Imperials are the call here. Life is short anyways. Enjoy it before your curtain call.
Surf's Up.
The virus is already everywhere and now expanding into local populations.
In about a month we should have a very good idea on just how dangerous this virus is across the entire population.
I see Birkel and I think alike.
Democrats appeal to the neurotic through fear, so yeah. Still and all, you won’t catch me on a plane without a good reason.
I'm noticing things that I've never witnessed before.
Costco out of all sorts of things - TP, soup.
local wholefoods removed the make-up sample bar. I walked by and noticed it was blank and id a double take. sure enough.
My elderly neighbor and I were both sick a few years back, with the same illness at the same time and we compared notes. Turns out we both sampled the tea at Whole Foods. now - that isn't conclusive - but just in case I won't eat or drink any sample at Whole foods ever again.
My doctors office building used to leave boxes of face masks all over the place, so if you were sick in the waiting room you would cover your mouth and nose. Those are gone.
Heartless Aztec: "Perfect opportunity for us to visit Costa Rica."
Good idea. Gets lots of sun. It kills this particular virus apparently.
Oh, and it was the Aztecs who made others..."heartless"....
I am basically paying attention to South Korea- they are the only country aggressively testing people without constraints, and, thus, the only country producing the kind of sampling that will inform us about how deeply and widely the virus has spread.
I am not saying that it isn’t serious, it clearly is. But if it were as bad as they keep claiming, wouldn’t everybody on those cruise ships have it? How many people are on a cruise ship, and only twelve people get it? This isn’t The Stand, but it might be the Spanish Flu.
Was that "less than 1%" related to the total number of cases or to the total population?
The media are really hyping the virus because they are anti-Trump all the time. Job #1 of media is to spread panic and blame Trump.
If a D were in office - all would be clam. Not to worry.
We face these bad new viruses every year or two, and they are bad, but nothing new.
"And more Democrats than Republicans say they are taking steps to be prepared..."
Many Republicans took the steps to be prepared years ago.
Democratics live in big city Petri dishes. They are right to be more worried than people who live in the country.
Good point, plus testing kits are only now going to become available in adequate numbers so we can find the real numbers.
I am finally retired so it is easy to avoid crowds. Tucson weather warming up, too.
I do the household shopping tomorrow morning, will again look for signs of panic here in East Tennessee. Last Sunday, nothing was missing from the shelves- there was even bleach and hand sanitizer available if I wanted to buy it.
We had to go to "big city" yesterday for some appointments and a quick Costco trip.
What I noticed:
1. The restaurant that we went to was really into disinfecting the tables before they seated you. Big bucket of, probably, Lysol. Swabbed the tables and the backs of the chairs where you would handle them.
2. Coscto had a couple of people swabbing the carts for you before you went in. Good preventative measures. I was surprised at the numbers of people there on a Friday, before noon on a day that wasn't part of a Holiday weekend.
3. Costco was low on many of their staples like canned goods, tp, cleaning supplies. Not out, just low supply on the reachable shelves. The upper shelves were stocked but not moved down yet. But otherwise it seemed like they had plenty. We went there for a few items as long as we had to be down to Big City anyway, frozen cod and some corned beef in particular.
I can understand the rush to get supplies for a potential 2 to 4 week stay at home. Many people just haven't stocked up before. Hence the rush. Being were we are in a rural area. We are always already stocked up.
I don't get the stocking up on water though. If you have a public water system they will have back up generators and their system isn't going to run out of water. OK. Have some bottled water I suppose. If you have a well, you should already have a generator or two.
I tried to find any pieces on h1ni1 going back to 2009, they mostly covered with a pillow, and that was only by going through newsbusters, and they yell 'hysteria' over ebola, a disease that was piling up bodies in west Africa,
newly coined covid expert
The idea of a partisan difference in reactions fits what I’m seeing in Western Washington. It is blatantly apparent in the affluent proggy locales. Progs are, by nature, simply more prone to hysterics. I don’t think that’s a controversial statement.
Comically (because it fits the stereotype), the one discussion regarding coronavirus prepping that I’ve heard down here was about ammunition.
That's because most Democrats are morons who ingest the MSM propaganda without any skepticism. Trump has handled the "crisis" about as well as it can be handled. When it all blows over, I doubt they'll be many deaths. And the MSM will give Trump zero credit. Just like them give him zero credit for the economy.
DBQ, a friend who went to Costco yesterday mid day said the same ... plenty of TP. Completely replaced with water at open today.
We like to visit there monthly, stocking up for two weeks is nothing
My wife and I were surfing the net yesterday to see if we could get any bargains on crusises. We assumed they're hurting due to the virus. But prices didn't seem to have gone down much.
Izzat why they be wanting uncontrolled migration?
"I am finally retired so it is easy to avoid crowds"
That is so true and since this virus ( i call it the social security virus) effects us octogenarians it can be a negative feedback factor.
Yeah, was there a big flu in 2009? I don't remember anyone discussing it.
kind of, senior healer joe biden, said don't travel, and wear galoshes,
Liberal thinking:
Before: Trump is closing entry to USA due to the virus. Hater! Xenophobe!
Now: Trump has done nothing to stop the virus. We're all going to die!
We have enough food in the house to last for 6 months, as long as we have electricity since the freezers are fully stocked- enough canned food for 6-7 weeks otherwise.
I am not worried in any particular way personally- I am a very healthy 53 year old- my main concern is my 72 year old mother- she isn't really all that healthy physically, so I am always conscious about bringing illnesses her way, but she get the flu vaccinations every year, and has done so for a couple of decades. Additionally, my youngest sister is 7 months pregnant at age 41, so I have some concern for her, especially as she works in home-health/out-patient as an OT.
I am sticking with my original projection made over month ago- this will all be old news by the end of May.
For what it is worth, I probably had the H1N1 influenza over the Thanksgiving week in 2009. It was a nasty flu that had me down for over a week, but I wasn't tested- I lived alone at the time, and just stayed home until I felt better.
If we're all going to die from the Corona virus, does that reduce man's carbon footprint enough that we don't have worry about climate change any more?
I can only deal with one world ending cataclysm at a time.
A true, uncontrolled panic over this will certainly kill more people than the virus itself will do even if the actual mortality rate of COVID-19 is 2-3%. This is why I find the headless chicken routine particularly annoying- it shows a complete lack of rationality about things.
I stashed cases of Tito's Vodka. Now I have to use it as hand sanitizer.
You should have paid attention to their tweet not to use it as sanitizer. It's only 80 proof. you need 60% alcohol. Stock up on Everclear.
I’d like to see an accurate poll: if you could eliminate either Donald Trump or COVID-19 but not both, which would you choose?
Good grief- an 80 proof vodka isn't vodka.
Easy, Donald Trump because Covefe-19 is gonna wipe out a lot of Trump voters!
Unlike most other such diseases, it kills mostly the old who, let’s face it, are more likely to be climate sceptics. It spares the young. Most of all, it stymies the forces that have been generating greenhouse gases for decades. Deadly enough to terrify; containable enough that aggressive quarantine measures can prevent it from spreading.
I haven’t read the whole paywalled thing, so maybe he backs off at the end. He does seem to be couching his language as a hypothetical.
Does anyone really need another reminder that liberals will always believe the exact opposite of what Trump says?
Yancey:” A true, uncontrolled panic over this will certainly kill more people than the virus itself will do even if the actual mortality rate of COVID-19 is 2-3%. This is why I find the headless chicken routine particularly annoying- it shows a complete lack of rationality about things.”
But at least we will have squeaky clean shoes.
If I lived in large Blue sanctuary cities with a large homeless population and poor sanitation, I would probably be much more worried about COVID-19.
I worry enough about it now to wash my hands more frequently, but not to stock up on supplies. I will look for hand sanitizer today. It has been out of stock all week.
Otherwise, life goes on.
In the old day progressives saw their mission as using the power we have individually and collectively to incrementally improve the lives of human beings. These days progressives see their mission as continually battling against multiple existential threats caused by the free choices of others.
See, that was interesting given the politics of the writer and the political target of the essay. I happen to agree with the writer, but I do have to wonder whether how he would have written if Johnson had taken a more reserved approach to the threat. As Browndog alludes to, if Trump had taken a panicky approach, all the liberal press would have taken the exact opposite one.
Yaancy Ward We have enough food in the house to last for 6 months, as long as we have electricity since the freezers are fully stocked- enough canned food for 6-7 weeks otherwise.
Ditto. Freezers..full. Pantry in the house full. Pump house (10x 12 concrete block building housing the bladder tank, well head and full of shelving) full of food and supplies. Business workshop 1400 sq ft, where the extra refrigerator and freezers are located, is also full of tools and other supplies. Two generators. They are used for business purposes as well as emergency for home use. (Maybe one day we will get a whole house generator, but really, we don't 'need' that) Gas and diesel cans (rotated out frequently and refilled). Camping RV/Trailer with propane tanks. Propane BBQ, charcoal BBQs (yes more than one), and a smoker. We won't discuss ammo and other supplies ;-)
Like Mark, we also Costco/Winco shop about every other month. Mass quantities at the time, but over a couple of months or longer, it really pans out at cost per unit and the convenience of having "stuff".
All this is normal for where we live. (Which is predominately Republican and doesn't have anything to do with this) Not prepping or coronavirus scared. Just normal.
The headless chicken panic is dangerous. Understandable, I suppose, for people who have never considered that things could get temporarily or even permanently out of kilter.
narciso mentions a self professed covfefe-19 EXPERT;
Dr Eddie Glaude jr, from Princeton University
Dr Glaude says that THIS WILL BE Trump's 'katrina' moment... Because
HOW, did this 'doctor' get to be an expert on the level of Igna?
Well, he's a Doctor Religion, AND the chair of the Department of African American Studies
You do NOT get a BIGGER expert on Covfefe-19, than a Professor of African American studies;
The Only thing that could Even compare, would be if you were a senile retired nurse!
For decades, doomsday preppers have been hoarding gold, guns, and ammo.
It turns out that what they needed to hoard was hand sanitizer & toilet paper.
OK Doomer
I have come to believe virtually everyone will be exposed to the virus. Only a small percentage will get infected. Of those, elderly men will bear the brunt of the death rate.
and you have nicolle Wallace, self immolation expert, going along with him, network only figured only one channel going stark raving mad,
DBQ said...
Freezers..full. Pantry in the house full. Pump house (10x 12 concrete block building housing the bladder tank, well head and full of shelving) full of food and supplies. Business workshop 1400 sq ft, where the extra refrigerator and freezers are located, is also full of tools and other supplies. Two generators
JEEZE! All i've got; is two boxes of flies,4 rods, enough string/hooks/feathers for 4 years
OH; and a fillet knife and a cast iron skillet (useful for spouse discipline too (if i had a spouse))
In anticipation of COVID-19 I stopped going to the movies a decade ago.
Turns out I was right.
This virus presents a real opportunity for liberals under 40 to knock off Baby Boomers and what’s left of the so-called Greatest Generation. It could become the greatest redistribution of wealth in history.
oh, AND a quarter of a MILLION hogs, and 70 thousand cattle within 20 miles of my house
I trust the virologists who say that we know too little about this particular virus to predict its behavior and therefore we need to prepare for the worst contingencies. YMMV.
no worries
Thinning of the herd through natural selection? My microbiology professor predicted this many years ago. About 1970, IIRC. However, I do think this virus had some help and China will never reveal the particulars.
Birkel said...
In anticipation of COVID-19 I stopped going to the movies a decade ago.
Turns out I was right.
Gilbar oh, AND a quarter of a MILLION hogs, and 70 thousand cattle within 20 miles of my house
There you go!! Resources aplenty. A little protein heavy. You might want to find a friend with a vegetable garden and fruit trees.
I expect that eventually, we all will be exposed to the virus and may or may not get sick. All we can do is try to prevent it as best we can.
Yancey Ward said...
I am basically paying attention to South Korea- they are the only country aggressively testing people without constraints, and, thus, the only country producing the kind of sampling that will inform us about how deeply and widely the virus has spread.
The Diamond Princess had a sample size of 3711 people. Exposure was universal aboard the ship.
Fair sample size. Complete virus life cycle pretty solid controls in place.
North Korea removes a few controls but is the next step up.
a little accountability
If you care about grandma and mom, you’ll self isolate and check on her every day by phone. If you don’t, you won’t.
Aunty Trump said...
Easy, Donald Trump because Covefe-19 is gonna wipe out a lot of Trump voters!
Unlike most other such diseases, it kills mostly the old who, let’s face it, are more likely to be climate sceptics. It spares the young. Most of all, it stymies the forces that have been generating greenhouse gases for decades.
Stymies the forces, my ass. If I die from Corona I have given orders that I be cremated on the banks of Ganges, where my burning corpse will put lots of greasy smoke and CO2 into the air. It'll be one last middle finger raised at the Green Weenies.
Yaancy Ward We have enough food in the house to last for 6 months, as long as we have electricity since the freezers are fully stocked- enough canned food for 6-7 weeks otherwise.
My SIL in rural Oregon has generators hooked up to freezers full of his fish and chickens. They have a local chicken farm that has chickens the size of small turkeys, all cleaned and frozen.
I will look for hand sanitizer today. It has been out of stock all week.
I ordered some from Amazon. It arrived the other day, from China. Do I open it?
WalMart in my neck of the woods had plenty TP this morning. I didn't see any pofolks panic buying. Don't think many libs be seen at the WalMart. Got lotsa water canned goods, and ammo.
Why the concern about toilet paper shortage? Seems that stocking up on canned food makes more sense if a crisis is expected. Must be some sort of rational reason or is it simple hysteria? Beginning to think I should join the crowd before the hysteria actually causes a shortage. Then, I am contributing to the panic. Crazy, man, crazy!
Oh, and local store that carries 25 pound bags of rice and beans had some empty shelves yesterday. Seemed to be particular kinds of rice and beans more popular than others
Well here in the greater Puget Sound area, a good portion of the people who are panic buying (rice, tp, hand sanitizer, face masks, 91% isopropyl alcohol, etc.) all look very asian (we do have a very high Chinese population due to hiring practices at Microsoft, etall.). So far the only thing I have not been able to find are the masks and hand sanitizer + alcohol if you want to make your own.
As my wife and I are in the target demographic - over 60 - we are being cautious but not insane. Limit out-of-the-house excursions, wash hands on return, avoid crowds (but we do that anyway). We have stocked up a few essentials like an extra bag of rice and some soup and stuff. But nothing like the multiple shopping carts full of rice that people have been doing at Costco.
But I suspect that a lot of the hoarding is actually being done by profiteers who are counting on the panic to make bucks on the secondary market. This can be seen by the outrageous prices some things are being offered for on amazon, ebay, etc.
I do see today that there appears to be no new deaths here in pugetopolis, which is a good thing.
I'm looking forward to the YUGE controversy coming when a vaccine is available for the general population. Oh, the mudslinging when millions of people decline to be vaccinated!
Democrats will all get vaccinated, and many will end up sick as dogs.
Of course, once you get tested and know for near certain that you’re not a spreader, go see mom, hug her, look deeply in her eyes and tell her you love her. Thank her for bringing you into this sweet world.
I was in my local SAMS yesterday and no TP, and very low stocks of paper towels and Kleenex. No hand sanitizer either, but plenty of water, "surgical" gloves and Beer. I live north of Denver. A neighbor said some things like 25 lb bags of rice and other food stuffs gone too.
Fear breeds fear. But I think I have noticed that Dem pols have backed off a bit.
It seems almost certain that these groups have different priors and are listening to different messengers and messages.
But there is at least one alternative explanation that is pretty powerful. Take a look at the map of cases: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html
Looks to me as though the vast majority of cases, the most serious outbreaks, and the places where top down public health measures have been taken are all in coastal blue or purple states with dense urban communities. The great red heartland is hardly touched at all. So it will be interesting to see how these figures change as the disease progresses, particularly since red voters tend to be older and hence are much more at risk for serious health consequences. I would guess that they also tend to be more rural and less high tech--does that make isolation more or less disruptive?
Birkel said...
"In anticipation of COVID-19 I stopped going to the movies a decade ago"
Were we separated at birth? I quit going to theaters in 2013. Ironically, the last movie I saw in a theater was World War Z.
It could become the greatest redistribution of wealth in history
What are the kids going to do with all that privilege?
NCAA says the first two rounds of the DIV III tournament will be played in empty arenas.
It's going to be real interesting if they determine the lives of DIV I fans are less important.
Everybody laughed when I prepped for a zombie apocalypse. You tell me the difference between a zombie and a guy with the Wuhan Flu.
Yancey beat me to it.
Well the zombies try to eat you, thats different.
This is like talk radio - Rush playing it down and Savage shrieking that people aren't panicking enough. Why does it have to be one way or the other.
Me, I'm glad not to go to town for awhile. Only, the old man is sick and he goes to his doctors all the time, so
Bob said...
I'm looking forward to the YUGE controversy coming when a vaccine is available for the general population. Oh, the mudslinging when millions of people decline to be vaccinated!
Democrats will all get vaccinated, and many will end up sick as dogs.
Is there a more effective germ warfare than a tainted, deadly vaccine?
What are you doing way the heck down in Mayan territory?
"It's going to be real interesting if they determine the lives of DIV I fans are less important."
Their wallets are more important.
It might have something to do with most of the initial cases being on the west coast.
It does not help when MSNBC overtly states they hope the Coronavirus is Trump's Katrina, or the New York Times is calling it the Trumpvirus for no rational reason. There are costs to a partisan, dishonest media, especially when they politicize a clearly non-political issue.
I suppose it should be mentioned that so far it appears the Coronavirus is basically a bad flu and it appears that most the dead were either elderly or had significant underlying health issues. Considering China's major pollution problems, you would think it would be worse there because essentially everyone has underlying health problems. So far this is not the Spanish Flu, which was killing the young and healthy.
Cash as a Vector? Everything out there is keypad and touch screen. Even THE MOVIE KIOSKS!.
Well... that passed. Zombie apocalypse note... 20 gauge or 12 gauge cures 'em. Take out the tracks first.
Michael K... Inspector Callahan asked the question... do you feel lucky.
Once they start actually testing people we will see just how rapidly it is spreading. That one attorney in NYC infected 39 people--that they know of! And each of them has presumably infected many more. COVID-19 is far more contagious than the flu and some virologists believe it is mutating fast.
Tommy Duncan said...
"And more Democrats than Republicans say they are taking steps to be prepared..."
Many Republicans took the steps to be prepared years ago.
Well, yeah. I live in ruralville. I can eat for 2 months on what's in the house. At any time. Always have a month's supply (or more) of paper products. 10 gallons of gasoline in red containers for the generator. Running it an hour at a time twice a day keeps the fridge and freezer cold. And if winter, running the boiler twice a day for an hour keeps the house warm enough. If it's really cold... 3 or 4 times a day. We also do all the flushing and showering with the generator running. Since in ruralville we're our own water and sewer company.
I've been in a few NYC apartments. It's tough to keep a few weeks supply of food in a 10 cubic foot fridges with a mini-freezer in it and a few kitchen cupboards.
Browndog said, "Is there a more effective germ warfare than a tainted, deadly vaccine?"
Liberals tend to believe in the competency of government. Conservatives tend to be skeptical.
I wouldn't trust a government -- certainly not our Federal government -- to wage effective germ warfare. I can trust them to do it by accident.
"Michael K said...
I will look for hand sanitizer today. It has been out of stock all week.
I ordered some from Amazon. It arrived the other day, from China. Do I open it?"
I wouldn't pop any of the bubble wrap.
"Michael K said...
I will look for hand sanitizer today. It has been out of stock all week.
I ordered some from Amazon. It arrived the other day, from China. Do I open it?"
I wouldn't pop any of the bubble wrap.
"Liberals" and other statists will always use any crisis to increase the power of the State. (Remember "Never let a crisis go to waste"?) An epidemic or pandemic is as good an excuse as any.
The only thing that worries me is that we have to go to see my ailing father, in hospice care. If we don't go now, it will likely be too late soon to ever see him again. I don't want to go and be exposed to CV19 in a motel room, gas stations, restaurants etc etc etc. but I want to, need to, see my father.
So....we take lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, rubber gloves and do our best to minimize contact with people. AND don't touch things!! Good luck with that.
3 days.
We can try to avoid this and cower at home in fear of the unknown. But...we still must live.
A 4 gauge will stop the zombie's pickup trucks, but the cartridges are precious. Use them wisely.
"I do think this virus had some help and China will never reveal the particulars.”
CRISPR is a dangerous toy.
"but I want to, need to, see my father.”
I have been with my mother who is in that situation, for over a week. It is maybe the most meaningful thing I have ever done. Who knew I had it in me. Don’t let them scare you off. I have to drive home soon, and my plan is to stock up the car pretty heavily and probably sleep in it. It’s a large SUV really, so that’s not a problem.
Three days ago she had a sip of wine from a teaspoon, and we drank a toast. But she is fading quickly, and that seems like a high point of the week. Now it’s making sure she is comfortable.
Corona Virus is going to save lives.
I am willing to let this go as a world wide stress test for our anti viral and bacterial warfare systems.
But the actual death rates are flu like.
I fully expect the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 to be massively inflated as well for political purposes.
Any country throwing out numbers above what North Korea reports are suspect.
I live in Staten Island, a borough of NYC.Thursday I went to local walk in medical center with 102 fever.I tested positive for flu type A. The doctor said that the flu vaccine (which I got) is fairly ineffective this year.The doctor said he had no concern over me having coronavirus unless I could document to him an exposure/travel.I was surprised since there is a large Chinese immigrant population in my neighborhood.
The next day, my eye doctor's office called and asked if I had run a fever in last two weeks, since I said yes they rescheduled an upcoming appt.That doctor happens to be Chinese.
The media hysteria does not align with the relaxed rational atmosphere at the doctors office.
It's much bigger on the coasts right now.
In California, we're already seeing it affect daily life. Events are getting canceled, people are encouraged to work from home and cancel meetings. My employer had a suspected case last week.
In the Midwest, it's mostly theoretical at this point. One or two confirmed cases per state. It's on people's radars, but it's not affecting their lives yet.
That one attorney in NYC infected 39 people--that they know of!
There are more than a few Typhoid Marys out there.
To politicize the virus and the concern related to the virus is just wrong. Most of my family live in Western WA and liberals and conservatives alike are very concerned. Our government officials have, by and large, dropped the ball with this issue and no one trusts them any more.
As for it spreading and getting it --
If it happens, it happens. If you get sick and die, well, ain't none of us going to live on this earth forever.
I too have some family members who are approaching the horizon of life. Been lucky that most of the close ones have lived long lives, but that means that time will catch up with them soon regardless.
"Remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return."
Best not to despair. Death is inevitable for us all. Maybe a little perspective and worldly detachment might do us some good.
Of course, some of us have hope that is beyond all this.
My latest plague-bread turned out well. Can recommend this recipe. I could live on this indefinitely. Significant step up from the last one.
mockturtle said...
"I trust the virologists who say that we know too little about this particular virus to predict its behavior and therefore we need to prepare for the worst contingencies. YMMV."
Totally agree. Never panic, but always err on the side of caution.
Don't know if it is politicizing it, but maybe there was some merit to Trump's wanting to do a better job of sealing the borders.
If the seaports and airports and border crossings had done a better job . . .
It's not as if we didn't have any warning that something could happen -- we've got outbreaks of measles and all sorts of other diseases that were basically eradicated in this country because people (who have these diseases) are being allowed to come into the country with impunity.
Actually, it's worse than I reported above: Cuomo declares state of emergency, 57 confirmed cases now reported in NY Most of these cases are associated with the previously mentioned attorney.
Wow, now it's up to 76 confirmed cases in NY!
21 more people in just three minutes!
The whole state will have it by the end of the weekend.
Seal off the borders with New York!!!
It hasn't hit Las Vegas yet. Tourists are still coming and doing that which stays in Vegas. Local business is down, particularly in Chinatown. Lots of bottled water and toilet paper flying off the shelves.
@ Mock-T
To politicize the virus and the concern related to the virus is just wrong. Most of my family live in Western WA and liberals and conservatives alike are very concerned. Our government officials have, by and large, dropped the ball with this issue and no one trusts them any more.
Also, people with the disease are lying. They are lying about where they have come from and who they were with so they don't face quarantine or consequences.
The media are not helping at all.
"They are lying about where they have come from and who they were with so they don't face quarantine or consequences. “
Any system that depends on good intentions is doomed but coercion is maybe worse.
We all have a moral duty to do everything we can to not be part of spreading this virus which could lead to overwhelming our healthcare system. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem and if you can prevent yourself from being part of the problem, you a BIG part of the solution. That's why self-isolation, self-quarantining, social distancing, and universal testing are so important. No one has immunity. So until we have a reliable vaccine, those are the only tools we have. And denial is not a tool.
"Wow, now it's up to 76 confirmed cases in NY!"
Now 80.
Here in Western Washington, I'm finally - finally! - seeing some pushback to the insane media coverage and self-induced panic.
Students (and professors) are pretty pissed off that classes at UW (Seattle and Tacoma) are now on-line. During finals. As in, there are some disciplines where it's impossible to conduct finals on-line.
And I know a lot of people - like me - who've simply tuned out to the screamers on TV.
Quite frankly, they're unhinged.
I’d like to see an accurate poll: if you could eliminate either Donald Trump or COVID-19 but not both, which would you choose?
That's funny! It would sure put a lot of people to a severe test. I suspect many of our leftie friends would write in "all of the above" to the poll.
The CDC reports that in the 2018-2019 flu season, up to 42.9 million people got sick, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died.
That's fairly on par with a typical season, and well below the CDC's 2017-2018 estimates of 48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations and 79,400 deaths.
And yet, Costco somehow managed to keep toilet paper in stock and still serve the samples.
When we reach these sickness and death levels using ordinary precautions, that's when I'll start to worry about. When I see people's faces melt off their skulls and other hemorrhagic syndrome symptoms, that's when I'll worry.
- Krumhorn
And denial is not a tool any more than it is a river in Africa.
- Krumhorn
Oh - yesterday in a response to a post of mine, it was stated that a hign BAC would tend to make it harder for a virus to infect a person. Well, I did some checking today, and every reference I could find says that is not true. So, I ask again, if the WuhFlu is so damned deadly, why has it not decimated all of the homeless enclaves on the west coast? Or are they all infected, but as they have no money for the state to get, they are being ignored and not tested?
Meade rights: Totally agree. Never panic, but always err on the side of caution.
I agree, too. And how would you apply these principles to man made climate change?
See your parents! Don't let this stop you. I've been crying a bit reading this. I miss my Mon and Dad so very much.
See what you did, Meade?
You made Annie cry.
Don'tchall get it:
People who believe in science act differently than followers and supporters of antiscience administration.
Althouse you never blogged the appearance of Trump at the CDC. There’s video. There are transcripts. The entire thing was an amazing travelogue of Trump pathologies. Lying about details of the administration response to the crisis, and even the nature of the crisis. Bragging on his own perceived expertise. Deflecting reporters’ questions to talking about Fox News, and his own rally attendances. Al wrapped in some of the most bizarre Trumpian verbiage imaginable. And not just Trump. The thing opens with Trump underlings doing a kind of Dear Leader congratulations to PDJT on his brilliant and heroic leadership.
A particularly nice touch was Trump’s wearing one of his campaign trucker hats indoors at the CDC. Probably a bad hair day.
Well I like to think of Republicans in general as being the "reality based community"--not that my Democrat friends would agree.
But if you look at today's map of where there've been Corona virus cases in the USA, you'll notice that much of flyover country is, so far at least, untouched by the Corona virus.
Michael K notes that the weather is starting to get warmer--and warmer weather usually marks the end of the flu season in the USA. Assuming that Corona virus acts like most flu viruses, the end of April should be the end of Corona virus in the USA. But as the saying goes, assuming things tends to make a#sses out of you and me. We'll have to wait and see.
In the meantime I'm thinking about whether my wife and I should really take that late March flight to London to visit the grandkids--might want to put it off until the fall to let the Corona virus play out.
What is the population density where the average blue believer lives or works?
What is the population density where the average red believer lives or works?
Same with trash / vermin / human excrement?
It is entirely likely that both are correctly assessing the risks.
Most *dense* urban areas on the coasts lean Democrat - right? Move further out - more Republican. Not that hard to figure out. Crammed in with more people in a smaller space - of course you are more concerned.
I work in a Seattle high rise. Our firm is allowing WFH. Plenty of my very liberal co-workers are not that freaked out. Some are. I am not sure that germaphobe/panic tendencies run along political lines.
Something I have not see mentioned yet: most US cities are not as dense as many of the cities in China etc where this is spreading. We Americans love to spread out and have our space. Plus - we are not a very touchy culture. The touchiness of Italian and Iranian cultures probably contributed to the spread in those countries.
Democrats are more prepared because they listen to the scientists, not Professor Trump.
I am hoping that a lot of people will be like Meade and Ann and take preventative measures to avoid getting and spreading this virus. We'll all be better off in the long run if more people get into the habit of washing their hands with soap and staying home when they are sick. Less people might get regular flu and other diseases. Hand washing used to be a normal practice; "Did you wash your hands?" was a regular question while I was a child. I was shocked not that long ago when I read how few people do that, prior to this pandemic. Also IIRC the experts were telling people they might as well go to work/school when they were sick, because they didn't get better any faster when they stayed home.
I don't know about washing my shoes but I have been in the habit of having separate "indoor shoes" and "outdoor shoes" which I remove when I enter my home. That's just common sense pointed out to me decades ago by a NYC friend who pointed out how much sh*t was on the street in the city. Likewise an old fashioned traditional practice.
Digital devices, AI, virtual reality, electronics, WIFI will not replace common sense and personal hygiene.
“HOW, did this 'doctor' get to be an expert on the level of Igna?”
I’m not an expert, nor have I ever presented myself an an expert. If I post anything about the virus, I give a link to the site I got the info from.
So bottom line, I’m not an expert, you’re just an idiot, Gilbat
“Also IIRC the experts were telling people they might as well go to work...
As Trump said just a few days ago. Also I’ve never heard any expert of infectious diseases tell anyone to go to work when they are ill with a virus, just the opposite.
Staggering numbers from the American Hospital Association, trying to help prepare member hospitals for the onslaught:
US healthcare will see breaking-point kinds of stress at the exact moment that Trump will be going into a campaign focused on his ability to answer the question, “Exactly how do you propose to ‘replace’ the Affordable Care Act, and please be very specific...?”
"Comically (because it fits the stereotype), the one discussion regarding coronavirus prepping that I’ve heard down here was about ammunition."
If my neighbors prep for catastrophe by stocking up on food and TP, and I stock up on ammo, when the shit hits the fan, guess who will have food, TP, and ammo.
Inga, that expert advice was several years ago when the thinking was that the common cold was just a fact of life. Now we've got this panic about deadly viruses.
Also I’ve never heard any expert of infectious diseases tell anyone to go to work when they are ill with a virus, just the opposite.
Speaking of idiots, where did you hear that?
God some people are stupid !
Inga said...
Democrats are more prepared because they listen to the scientists, not Professor Trump.
3/7/20, 2:31 PM
So says the dullard who thinks it's a great idea to let anybody and everybody waltz across our borders.
Static Ping: It does not help when MSNBC overtly states they hope the Coronavirus is Trump's Katrina, or the New York Times is calling it the Trumpvirus for no rational reason. There are costs to a partisan, dishonest media, especially when they politicize a clearly non-political issue.
"Trumpvirus" - really??? OK I can get on board with ChiCom virus but NOT Trumpvirus....
I think the best website to track the coronavirus is: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/.
Next best is: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6.
CDC seems lame by comparison: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.
Also good (but Chinese): https://www.globaltimes.cn//content/1177737.shtml.
“ The touchiness of Italian and Iranian cultures probably contributed to the spread in those countries.”
The other thing going for the Iranians is their religion. Luckily for their country, many have turned away, due to their country being badly run by their top clergy. You have one top cleric telling the faithful to believe in the words of the Prophet, who commended the use of violet oil in their anuses. And then there are the faithful cleaning, and presumably sanitizing, their Shiite shrines by licking the surfaces, presumably after cleansing themselves with the violet extraction insertion. To combat a virus that can last maybe a week or so on surfaces.
another authority
“Inga, that expert advice was several years ago when the thinking was that the common cold was just a fact of life. Now we've got this panic about deadly viruses.”
No infection control health care professional I know or heard from ever told people to go to work sick that I recall. I worked in healthcare for over 35 years and have seen how even a common cold can decimate the older population until the advent of the Pneumovax. It’s the spread of a virus from young healthy people who can fight it off to the vulnerable population who can’t that is the problem
A live part of the time in a high density area. Yet even here morons are stockpiling TP and water. Look you want water, just turn on the tap - dummy. Shelves are also empty of celery and crackers.
Figure those last two out!
“The touchiness of Italian and Iranian cultures probably contributed to the spread in those countries.”
The Chinese aren’t touchy people and it spread like wildfire, until they started the forced quarantines.
Is it any wonder Inga is such a fan of Warren?
In the End, Warren Was Undone by Her Own Dishonesty
Nobody anywhere is suggesting people go to work sick. The opposite in fact. If you have symptoms you are to self-quarantine.
Suggesting people keep on with daily life, including work is not that same as "hey - go to work sick!"
So again- Inga lies.
Hive-mind left alter anything with their narrative and paper it all with half-truths and lies - and red herrings.
Amazon is decent so far, but... A friend sent out a link for ionizing UV bulbs. He got his, but a friend ordering his an hour later made the purchase, but it turns out to be back ordered indefinitely. Small bottles cot hand sanitizers are rare there, and much more expensive than we are used to, but I ordered a four pack of 120 ml jugs that should show this week. Maybe. And my second batch of masks has been out for delivery for better than a week now, with projected delivery mid week. Maybe. 91% rubbing alcohol is also problematic there.
I am good though for ammo. Probably have 2k rounds of 9mm, 700 of .40 (shoots in my 10 mm G20) and better than 1k of 5.56 - none of which Walmart sells anymore. That is to get to MT, where I have more. Where there are almost as many cattle as people and many more prevenisons. So, the thing that I am now stockpiling is gasoline containers.
Inga, pneumococcal vaccines are vaccines against the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. The vaccine has no effect on viruses.
I rarely listen to Savage, he's completely unreliable. Someone up thread is right, he's going into hysterics. But then - coran virus aside - he always wears gloves in public to protect himself. He also avoids crowds and sporting events. He's complained in the past about grocery clerks handling his food. Weirdly, he eats at restaurants.
As Trump said just a few days ago.
Oh, Inga, you actually believe that? IIRC, what he said was that folks with mild symptoms likely *would* go to work, not that they *should*. One is behavior that we will probably need to deal with, the other is bad advice.
While others cower in their bedrooms with the doors locked and their pile of toilet paper, the rest of us will go on and live. Keeping the economy running and applauding at NCAA BB games and baseball games.
“Nobody anywhere is suggesting people go to work sick. The opposite in fact. If you have symptoms you are to self-quarantine.
Suggesting people keep on with daily life, including work is not that same as "hey - go to work sick!"
So again- Inga lies.”
“Also IIRC the experts were telling people they might as well go to work/school when they were sick, because they didn't get better any faster when they stayed home.”
“During a Wednesday night interview with Fox News, President Trump said he believes people infected with the novel coronavirus may get better "by sitting around and even going to work." The statement garnered widespread backlash on Twitter, as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently urged employees to stay home if they are sick.“
Inga: "Democrats are more prepared because they listen to the scientists, not Professor Trump."
Greta. Thunberg.
Blogger brylun said...
“Inga, pneumococcal vaccines are vaccines against the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. The vaccine has no effect on viruses.”
No kidding. I guess you never heard of secondary infections.
“During a Wednesday night interview with Fox News, President Trump said he believes people infected with the novel coronavirus may get better "by sitting around and even going to work."
Inga, I thought you said you always post a link to your source. And the source of this quote? You failed to post it.
You removed the context, Inga. He in no way said that people infected should go back to work.
Inga: "I’m not an expert, nor have I ever presented myself an an expert."
Inga is also an expert on what Mueller knows, Military strategy/tactics/exercises, European politics, etc.
When one can read minds across the globe, like Inga can, it's easy to have the insight necessary to pronounce judgement with existential certitude.
This seems kind of rational to me. The big divide between Democrats and Republicans in the US is urban vs rural. Of course if you live cheek by jowl with other people you're more worried about a contagious disease.
Of course, bacterial infections can occur after a viral infection. But your statement was very misleading.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "You removed the context, Inga. He in no way said that people infected should go back to work."
Of course he did not.
But admitted Liar and Smear Merchant Chuck and the Inga's of the world know what their mission is.
“...antibiotics may be given to some people with coronavirus because there's a risk the virus may make them more likely to get a bacterial infection as well.”
Also known as secondary infections.
The Pneumovax is routinely given to people 65 and and older in the doctor’s office to prevent such secondary infections.
It's like the "hoax" lie.
The left will take any droplet they can find and twist it to make their lies come true.
“Of course, bacterial infections can occur after a viral infection. But your statement was very misleading.”
My statement was straightforward, but you were LOOKING for something to push back against. In your haste, you either purposefully misunderstood my comment, or you were careless.
“Inga, I thought you said you always post a link to your source. And the source of this quote? You failed to post it.”
When critics pounced on his "going to work" remark, Mr. Trump attempted to clarify on Twitter: "I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work," he wrote Thursday morning. "This is just more Fake News and disinformation put out by the Democrats..."
Inga, here's your entire statement:
No infection control health care professional I know or heard from ever told people to go to work sick that I recall. I worked in healthcare for over 35 years and have seen how even a common cold can decimate the older population until the advent of the Pneumovax. It’s the spread of a virus from young healthy people who can fight it off to the vulnerable population who can’t that is the problem
Not a word about a secondary bacterial infection. Just viruses and Pneumovax. Very misleading.
Inga, you and Chuck can't help but mention Trump. You folks are infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The one place where I am not being allowed to prep is in stockpiling food. She has put her foot down - no more food, since we are planning, soon hopefully to move into the new house, if and when the loan closes. Her big problem is that she grew up with a prepper mother in the 1960s. Part of it may have been living by a bunch of Mormons, who all have months of food I their basements. No doubt, she (the mother) still has at least that much food in storage, as well as plenty of ammunition (but I think that her daughters took her guns away a couple decades ago). A good friend of mine who lives between NE WA and N ID, is also well prepped out. We all stocked up on the masks, gloves, etc, during the last pandemic scare. He has plenty (by my standards) of ammo, as well as about 6 months of food, esp lying around. When we were there in July, he proudly showed my partner his ever mounting mountain of air tight food containers in the basement. My partner’s response was that if the SHTF, we were moving in with him. (Jokingly - we are much more likely expecting to join her ex on his farm 5 miles downriver from us in MT).
"So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better," he said.
That is the actual quote. At no fucking point does Trump say people should go to work.
But here's the thing: If Trump was running around with his head cut off - screaming about how bad the virus is and everybody should hunker down and stay home - people like you would bitch about him NOT telling people to try to go about life normally.
But, no. You have to make everything about partisan politics.
Well, fuck you.
Trump was clearly saying large numbers of people who contract the virus have little or very mild symptoms and so go about their days without changing their routines, which includes going to work.
This is clear in the overall context where he was discussing what he suspects the actual mortality numbers will be after discussions with many of the experts in the HHS, some of whom have already stated publicly that they believe the mortality rate will be between .1 and .5% or perhaps even less.
That's because those experts are also projecting the virus has already been spread across vastly larger numbers of people than can be verified.
But hey, we all know what this is as the LLR-lefty Chuck's and Inga's dem heroes have made it clear: The dems are trying to "Katrina" Trump.
It's the ZOMG He Fed Japanese Goldfish Improperly all over again.
First death in Lee County, Florida, today. Shit just got real. When it's across the country or across the state, it doesn't seem quite as scary. When it's in your own county, though, you wonder about how many degrees of separation there are between you and the person who died from the pandemic disease.
Democrats believe the leftmedia. Republicans believe the leftmedia lies and cries “wolf” constantly.
“When critics pounced on his "going to work" remark, Mr. Trump attempted to clarify on Twitter: "I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work," he wrote Thursday morning. "This is just more Fake News and disinformation put out by the Democrats..."”
Trump being careless in the way he speaks. He is the POTUS he MUST be clear and concise, or he risks being corrected by millions of people. With a national health emergency like Covid19, maybe it would be wise to get Trump to just not speak about it publicly and leave it to Pence and the scientists to explain it to the public
Inga, can you find a credible source, like a complete transcript? CBS isn't credible, hasn't been since the 80's.
Inga: "Trump being careless in the way he speaks."
Team hoax Russia Collusion/Hoax dossier/Hoax russian spies/Hoax gang rape accusations/hoax ukraine quid pro quo/Pro-Adam Schiff making up conversations are lecturing others on being careless with speech.
“Inga, you and Chuck can't help but mention Trump. You folks are infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome.”
Guess what, there are millions of us who don’t consider our jobs to protect Trump from criticism. We don’t think that making excuses for him is something we must do. We’ll leave that to you Trumpists. Also, Trump Derangement-Derangement Syndrome has infected this blog’s comments section for a few years now.
I guess the lefties calling this "Trumpvirus" and "if you feel sick you know who to blame (Trump)" is an example of NON-careless speech by the left.
Or how about this Totally Non-Careless Speech: ""I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."
Inga: "Guess what, there are millions of us who don’t consider our jobs to protect Trump from criticism."
Hoax Collusion Lunatic offers opinion.
Inga: "Also, Trump Derangement-Derangement Syndrome has infected this blog’s comments section for a few years now."
Yes, after your 17 or 18th consecutive hoax gets exposed, you know, some people start to notice......
My partner’s response was that if the SHTF, we were moving in with him. (Jokingly - we are much more likely expecting to join her ex on his farm 5 miles downriver from us in MT).
Um, isn't that what their ammunition is for??
I saw that episode of the Twilight Zone. The whole neighborhood demanding to get into the bomb shelter of the one guy who planned ahead.
Know what? Many, many working people cannot afford to miss work for two or three weeks. If they feel a little bit under the weather, they gonna go do their job and earn a paycheck so they can pay the bills and feed themselves.Just like they always have and always will.
major local hospital gives out a paper certificate at a gathering for people who never call in sick. Some of those people come in with colds every year because they want that certificate and the little bit of recognition.
How many here have had co-workers with a cold show up for work? How many kids caught colds at school because a parent sent an infected kid instead of keeping them home?
If a person has great enough benefits to be able to call in and get three weeks off to self quarantine because their neighbor just came home from China or because they feel a little run down, more power to them.
“First death in Lee County, Florida, today. Shit just got real. When it's across the country or across the state, it doesn't seem quite as scary. When it's in your own county, though, you wonder about how many degrees of separation there are between you and the person who died from the pandemic disease.”
Indeed. Look at that lawyer from New York and how many KNOWN people he started the chain of infection of. How many UNKNOWN people are now in the rippling circle of infection he started.
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