March 26, 2020

"Cuomo’s rise is an unalloyed benefit for his state and the nation’s largest city, but it is not an unalloyed benefit for his party."

"To almost any sentient observer, it looks like the Democrats have picked the wrong guy to oppose Trump this fall. But the Democrats have painted themselves into a corner. They can’t simply stride out across the wet paint now that Biden has effectively won the nomination. He won it in open primaries, with settled rules, and there’s no way to change them. Biden won’t offer the party an easy escape. He won’t suddenly renounce the prize he has sought his entire adult life. And even if Uncle Joe woke up with a horse’s head in his bed and backed out, Bernie Sanders would say, 'Hey, I’m next. No cutting in line.' In that unlikely scenario, the Democratic Party would undoubtedly reject the hardline socialist at their convention in Milwaukee, but doing so would enrage his staunch supporters and fracture the party unity necessary to defeat Trump.  So why not nominate Cuomo for vice president and hint that Biden would step aside after one term?... A Biden-Cuomo ticket would be made up of -- gasp -- two older white men. Where is the woman on that ticket? Where is the African American? How exactly did they get pushed aside in a party that is built upon the rock (or is it sand?) of identity politics? Moreover, Biden has actually promised, in public and on tape, that he will select a woman for his running mate...."

From "Cuomo Rising, Biden Wandering" by political scientist Charles Lipson (at Real Clear Politics).

This is a terrible problem for Democrats, but I would give priority to the important work Cuomo needs to keep doing for New York right now. He should not be pulled off the job to do the work of running for President (or Vice President!). Right now, he looks especially good because he is coordinating with the Trump administration. It would be disastrous to confuse that work by making him Trump's official opponent. Getting through this crisis is more important than the presidential election, and even if it weren't, the Democrats are not going to win by putting their party interests above taking care of the immediate problem now. Cuomo is the Governor of New York. He's doing a what seems to be a good job of it, right when that is what is desperately needed. That's more than enough for Cuomo. The fact that Biden is a terrible presidential candidate for this time is just too damned bad.


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Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Cuomo is doing an outstanding job. Trump is doing a god-awful job. The contrast with Biden is not strongly in Trump's favor. Biden could no doubt also do a god-awful job.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden gets Wuhan, drops out, hands it to Hunter Barisma Paycheck.. or Hillary Putin pay-check, Or Cuomo.

Dave Begley said...

Somehow and some way, Cuomo will be the Dem nominee.

My guess is that after the convention, Joe will announce that he must step aside due to doctors' orders. I imagine that the DNC has rules for a case like that. It can't be the VP nominee as that's a different job altogether. There will be an emergency vote and about September 1, Cuomo will take over as the candidate. Joe will give him his money and staff. The quid pro quo will be something for Jill and Hunter.

And, of course, the Wuhan virus will be over by then.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Biden will propose Warren, Michelle or, gasp, Hillary as VP, and if elected we'll see the 25th Amendment in action. The democrat establishment will hold their nose, turn away, and just hope to rebuild in 2021 after their house of cards just burns to the ground. Seldom have I seen a group of purportedly astute, elite politicos disassociate themselves so completely from Main Street.

Calypso Facto said...

Bailing out on his duties as governor to run for national office cost Scott Walker his support in Wisconsin ... I suspect that Cuomo doing so in the midst of a pandemic that he, as governor, specifically declined to prepare for, would not produce more favorable results.

mockturtle said...

I'm not as impressed as the writer with Cuomo's ascension. He whines about lack of support from the federal government. That's not leadership, in my book. Plus, his state was caught with its pants down and now he's trying to project NY's situation to the rest of the country. New York is not America and America is not New York.

Gusty Winds said...

How could Cuomo be doing "an outstanding Job" while Trump is doing a god-awful job? Total bullshit. Totally political, emotional, and disingenuous.

Both men are kicking ass.

Trump was right. NY had the opportunity to increase their reserve stock of ventilators, and didn't....

And keep watching the Chloroquine....and early TRUMP call, and reports from other countries keep rolling in that it is effective.

Lurker21 said...

Cuomo and Trump: Different personalities, different styles. What matters are the results, not the stumbling along the way, which happen when a crisis like this occurs, whoever is in office.

Cuomo looks good against Biden, but I don't think he'd have gotten very far if he'd been in the race from the beginning: too New York - maybe too short a fuse, too. #AmericaWasNeverGreat

Wince said...

I'm starting to think Trump's reelection is now baked in the expectations cake following Biden's latest disastrous appearances, and fueling the three-day market upswing.

Gusty Winds said...

The Dems set Biden up on Super Tuesday and went all in on a senile, corrupt candidate. As the Arthur Fleck said at the end of “JOKER”….. “You get what you fuckin’ deserve!”

Anonymous said...

Ann, the answer is simple: popcorn. Setup a poll!

I checked and Publix had plenty, so I bought two boxes.


rehajm said...

He won it in open primaries, with settled rules, and there’s no way to change them

Uhhhh...I beg to differ...

Gusty Winds said...

I wonder if Aristotle would have lost his deductive reasoning abilities as a result of Trump Derangement Syndrome?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Moreover, Biden has actually promised, in public and on tape, that he will select a woman for his running mate....

Well, that's an easy enough problem to solve. Cuomo can just identify as a transgender, transracial black woman.

tim maguire said...

the Democrats are not going to win by putting their party interests above taking care of the immediate problem now.

A problem the Dems are already having. The best argument Cuomo can make for being the nominee this summer is to keep doing the thing that got him into the conversation in the first place. Anything else would be astonishingly stupid.

rehajm said...

I mean if I get bored of Catan later I could flow chart it for ya, but all the scenarios can end up at the same place if they so choose...

Kevin said...

The Democrat Party is doing the best it can.

And the best it can is Joe Biden.

Dave Begley said...

IMO, Andrew Cuomo is one of the most annoying public speakers of all time. I can't take 30 seconds of that voice. Worse than Hillary's by a large margin.

Spiros said...

Cuomo is like Rudy Giuliani but less kooky.

Sebastian said...

"Getting through this crisis is more important than the presidential election"

You're just not a party gal.

Anyway, real Dems keep their eyes on the prize.

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim maguire said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Cuomo is doing an outstanding job. Trump is doing a god-awful job.

Cuomo is doing an outstanding job by wokring with Trump. But you knew that. Yet another liberal willing to put bald grabs for power ahead of the interests of the human race. Like so many others in your camp, you will burn down the world to rule over the ashes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If the plan THE ENTIRE TIME was to get Biden in, so they can get Biden out... - So they can install who they want and that person was spared the rigors of campaign and debate.

Who do you think that is?

hint - it's not Cuomo.

Martin said...

Hillary is still available, I hear.

Bob Boyd said...

Moreover, Biden has actually promised, in public and on tape, that he will select a woman for his running mate....

And it gets worse. Due to the corona virus, all elective surgeries have been cancelled.

chickelit said...

Not feeling much sympathy/empathy for Democrat politicians. Historically, I have voted D more often than R, but D's seem to be doing their best to continue to alienate me. Funny, thing is, they don't seem to care. So they deserve what they're getting.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It is worthwhile watching a Cuomo and Trump press conference on the virus back to back. In times like this the main thing a politician can do is communicate accurately with the people i.e. tell the truth. Trump is simply incapable of doing this for any prolonged period. He has gotten somewhat better than his early absolutely disastrous statements, but he is an inappropriate choice to lead a major country. He is a expensive ornament, like the faux gold plating on his buildings.

Jimmy said...

Both Trump and Cuomo are trying to deal with this like adults. which means putting aside obvious differences to get the job done. this is difficult for leftists to understand.
both men have fucked up, both are trying to do better. hopefully, NY and NYC will come out of this ok. right now it seems like things can go either way. Neither Trump nor Cuomo want that to happen.
Cuomo would make a lousy candidate for President. The dems created this absolute fucking mess, and are stuck with it. whatever they end up doing to resolve this royal CF, will only draw attention to the fact that as a party, they have failed completely. the leftist ideology is a flaming mess, and the msm won't be able to hide that.
Im glad Trump is working with Calif and NY and others. I'm also glad the democrat Zeppelin is slowly drifting into the docking tower.

chickelit said...

Installing Hillary would precipitate a Trump landslide. I say "Just do it!"

As for Cuomo, he has little appeal outside of NY and the eastern seaboard. The cocooned media elite don't seem to get that.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I would have an enjoyable case of Schadenfreude over the Democrat's self made disaster right now, if I also didn't think that this is a disaster for the whole country.

Ok. a small case of schadenfreude then 😏

carrie said...

The democrats can thank Hillary Clinton for this mess. The party leaders wanted Hillary in 2016 so they kept Cuomo out of the race in 2016. The party leaders have now decided on Biden and so here they go again. If they had let the primaries run their course there would have a better chance of brokered convention with options like Cuomo. I do not want Biden leading the nation in a crisis and now we know just how bad a crisis can be.

Ken B said...

Just days ago you ostentatiously bored with who the nominee would be.

Tommy Duncan said...

There is a rape allegation circulating regarding Biden. Perhaps the powers-that-be have decided to cast Joe aside?

Big Mike said...

A pretty decent analysis, Althouse, except that it takes 1991 delegates for a first ballot nomination, and right now he only has 1215. A draft Cuomo movement could force the convention into a brokered state, and could be done without Andrew actually taking a day to campaign. Such a movement could even peel off Biden delegates where the primaries are non-binding (if the Democrats still have non-binding primaries that is).

Wince said...

The S&P and DOW are still up roughly 20% since Trump's election, the NASDAQ up 46.5%.

That's up from near erasure of all those gains just last week.

What explains the rally since that low except Biden's consensus implosion?

Michael K said...

ARM has a near lethal case of TDS. Cuomo cannot quit until the epidemic is over. I agree about that.

It's looking like Chloroquine has to be given early in Wuhan cases as the results with late administration are not good. Testing is key and the results need to be quick. Just had a case in Tucson with a 54 year old diabetic woman who is an example of how NOT to treat it. First death in Tucson.

Quick testing and quick results. The FDA and CDC screwed this up so badly.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Cuomo has a long record of public corruption and open obstruction of investigations. He'll not be the nominee.

I guess if they wait until last minute and count on the media to force him down our throats, then maybe but not likely.

Tommy Duncan said...

"Gov. Cuomo has a message for conservative Republicans — you don’t belong in New York."

Clearly, Cuomo can unite America.

Sebastian said...

"Biden Wandering"

Did y'all see the recent interviews on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC?

Fun stuff. Except for the cough.

Even by the standards of cynical deplorable righties, it is shocking to see the other party fall back on this man.

Biden served to immunize Dems against Bernie. But, to coin a phrase, Dems can't let the cure be worse than the disease.

They must pull a Torricelli/Lautenberg right soon, and they won't even need a corrupt court to make it happen.

AllenS said...

I've said this before, and it bears repeating, just what are the Democrats who went through the whole primary process, who raised and spent their time and money on trying to win the nomination, to now, only sit on the sidelines, and watch the nomination be passed off on to someone who did not do piddly shit?

I'd be pissed if that happened to me, or the person that I supported, and quite possibly gave money to.

rcocean said...

Honestly, the NY-centric view of Journalists (many of whom have connections to the NY or live there) is hilarious. Cuomo - get out my state if you're Pro-life - is not a good politician. If he was Presidential material, he would have run for President. Trump is vulnerable, and Biden was thought to be weak. But he stayed out.

Now, Cuomo does a half-way decent job dealing with the NY crisis - and get hysterical applause. Notice the difference in news coverage, with Trump the press coverage is 92% negative, even during the Wuhan Virus, and Trump only gets credit when the Press can't avoid it. With Cuomo its the opposite. He's a liberal Democrat so the MSM portrays him as absolutely wonderful, UNLESS he does something so horrible, it can't be portrayed as positive. But its all an illusion -created by the MSM playing favorites.

MikeR said...

"Getting through this crisis is more important than the presidential election" Says no one in the media.

wendybar said...

One of my Facebook friends is trying to claim that Joe Biden is okay, and all reports of him saying things wrong, or making up stories are Right Wing News conspiracies that we are all making up. So I just tell her she's right, and to keep pushing him. I hope he is their candidate...they deserve nothing better.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

By making the one term promise, Biden is signaling to the American people he isn't capable of performing the job. Big mistake. If he's doubting his own abilities and stamina before he's even elected, who wants to see what condition he will be in years 2, 3 or 4 of his administration.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

both men have fucked up,

What? Did Trump fail to replenish filter masks like Obama. Did Trump decline to buy ventilators and rely on death by triage? Did Trump prevent early testing like the FDA and CDC.

Trump limited travel from affected areas and the WHO and liberals called him racist. Trump pushed FDA to use chloroquine. fauci is still mealy mouthing that despite good reports from hard hit areas.

Serious question. What did Trump fuck up?

rcocean said...

Remember his father, St. Cuomo of NYC? He was supposed to the Republican killer the guy would have been President if only he could have lowered himself to run for the office. That's what the DNC-Press was saying back in the late 80s and early 90s. Why? Because he was from NY. And anyone who's half-way decent and is from NYC, or NY state is pushed by our provincial MSM.

Drago said...

ARM: "Cuomo is doing an outstanding job. Trump is doing a god-awful job."

Gusty Winds: "How could Cuomo be doing "an outstanding Job" while Trump is doing a god-awful job? Total bullshit. Totally political, emotional, and disingenuous."

Indeed. The Great Awakening (re ARM) continues.

rcocean said...

According to WF Buckley, John Lindsey was on the way to Presidency in 1966, and Buckley had to stop him. Hence, his run for mayor. Of course, Lindsey's popularity ended west of the Hudson, and he never would've been elected President.

wendybar said...

Tommy Duncan said...
There is a rape allegation circulating regarding Biden. Perhaps the powers-that-be have decided to cast Joe aside?
3/26/20, 9:14 AM

He's a Democrat. they won't blame him, they will turn on the woman and make her life hell.

narciso said...

Lindsays campaign was as pitiful asbloomberg, less money expended.

wendybar said...

Spiros said...
Cuomo is like Rudy Giuliani but less kooky.
3/26/20, 9:07 AM

Rudy cleaned up New York City, Cuomo tried to run Conservative Pro Lifers out of New York...I'd say THAT is pretty kooky.

Drago said...

ARM: "In times like this the main thing a politician can do is communicate accurately with the people i.e. tell the truth."

Cuomo lies every single day about his horrific preparedness decisions.

Not to worry ARM! New York State very vety helpfully published its Death Panels Instead Of Ventilators Plan back in 2015.

Its a real page turner!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

There will be a lot of headlines like this.

Trump administration 'ignored' advice of National Security Council's 2016 pandemic 'playbook', a color-coded step-by-step plan which urged buying masks early on

Even many Republicans acknowledge that Trump's administration has been unusually dysfunctional. This is the result of that dysfunction. If total cases pass Italy or, even worse, China a lot of questions are going to be asked.

hombre said...

“...prepared for all his life....” Yes, he’s been flexing his jaw muscles for years so he could yell for help. Unfortunately, he hasn’t taken the steps, including purchasing respirators and ventilators, necessary to protect the people of his state.

How interesting that as his state is swamped by the virus and his lack of preparation is evident, he becomes the media darling. The squeakiest wheel gets the grease, I suppose.

Gusty Winds said...

Aristotle's Cognitive Dissonance “The feeling of wanting to defeat the Coronavirus, but not wanting the President of the United States to be successful in defeating it.”

Drago said...

tim maguire (to ARM): "Like so many others in your camp, you will burn down the world to rule over the ashes."

The Great Awakening continues....

rcocean said...

"I'd be pissed if that happened to me, or the person that I supported, and quite possibly gave money to."

Except you're a normal person, i.e. NOT a liberal Democrat. The Bernie Bros will fall in line, just like they did in 2016.

narciso said...

Beth camerons fan dance, allabout warehousing people,

R. Duke said...

Last I checked, NY was a dumpster fire; most cases in the nation, most deaths, etc. Clearly, that governor should be our presidential candidate. These are democrats.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Drago, why do you say a great Awakening is occurring in regards to ARM?

Hasn't everyone known ARM is a disingenuous troll?

wendybar said...

Cuomo is crying that he doesn't have enough Ventilators when in 2015, he himself neglected to buy more when he had the stimulus too...Instead his task force claimed there was no point in buying ventilators because there’s also a shortage of doctors and nurses trained to use them. Now he is trying to shift the blame. Typical Democrat.

Big Mike said...

Serious question. What did Trump fuck up?

He assumed that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) actually was about preventing and controlling infectious diseases, and not just another petty federal bureaucracy that had pushed out the real experts long ago. To his credit, as soon as the bureaucracy made it plain that their priorities well mis-aligned with the goal of keeping down the death toll from the disease and limit its spread, Trump adjusted.

narciso said...

Well he was trying to win over teachout supporters?and then the hasbeen from sex in the city, mission accomplished.

Jimmy said...

I think trump is doing the best he can. I don't think his response has been perfect. I think the same of cuomo. Maybe you and ARM should get a fucking room, and yell at each other. and leave the rest of us out of your fucking drama.
but I suppose blaming others, making points for your side, and being right is more important that getting out of this crisis.
I support Trump. I don't think he is perfect. He is doing his best, and has to rely on agencies who are not very efficient.
Trump is also very fast learner. And has assembled a team of people who have instilled confidence in the process.
but again, lets make a big fucking deal out of alleged slights on your favorite candidate.Its not about winning this fight, its about making the other guy look bad. seriously, both sides can fuck right off.

rcocean said...

Think of how devastating the MSM DNC Press criticism of Trump would've been during this crisis - IF they had been even half-way objective toward him during the last 3 years. But their hatred of Trump, and constant 92% negative coverage, means all their criticism now is just the boy crying wolf again - for the 1,234th time.

Maybe Trump has made mistakes but I don't trust the NYT or WaPo to report them fairly.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Installing Hillary would precipitate a Trump landslide. I say "Just do it!"

As for Cuomo, he has little appeal outside of NY and the eastern seaboard. The cocooned media elite don't seem to get that.

Not to pick on anyone in particular, but I get tired of uses like "Eastern Seaboard" & "Coastal States" which implicitly exclude South Carolina, GA & FL.

Gusty Winds said...

Once again, a crisis reveals distinct differences in human behavior. And when this is over, you’ll have to look in the mirror and decide who you were.

Were you a toilet paper hoarder? The bottom of your bathroom and storage closets will remind you of it for the next year.

And…were you more concerned about the “dangers” of a Trump success, than you were about the defeat of the Coronavirus, and the health of the economy. You already know who you are...

narciso said...

What has cuomo done right, except hog the cloroquinine now compared to amy klobuchar he looks better

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bill, Republic of Texas ... is a disingenuous troll

I have opinions - they are different to yours. My opinions are a closer reflection of the majority of people in this country than yours. Grow up and learn to deal with differences in opinions. You should have learnt this in kindergarten.

madAsHell said...

There are a lot of Subaru bumpers in Seattle looking for a bumper sticker. Many still sport the faded Obama 2008 sticker!!

Matt Sablan said...

"Settled rules?" Tulsi may have something to say about that.

Drago said...

ARM: "Trump administration 'ignored' advice of National Security Council's 2016 pandemic 'playbook', a color-coded step-by-step plan which urged buying masks early on"


ARM pushing long ago debunked lies.

Better yet, just yesterday ARM was pushing the hilariously transparent hoax Chinese University "study" which asserted hydroxychloroquine+Azithromicin was no more effective than rest and fluids!! A so-called "study" that was based on...wait for it...wait for it...just 15 people in 1 location!


But hey, it was from the ChiComs so ARM bit down hard on it!

Meanwhile, back in reality: Johns Hopkins reports the US, under Trump, was THE MOST PREPARED NATION for pandemic response!

So, who are you gonna believe? ARM's beloved and trusted Chinese commie totalitarians? Or Johns Hopkins?

narciso said...

Eastern seaboard is north of mason dixon, coastal states similarly.

rcocean said...

If people can remember back that far, the same people who were screeching "Xenophobia" and "Racism" when trump stopped flights from China and the EU, are the same ones saying he reacted too slowly.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Serious question. What did Trump fuck up?

He assumed that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) actually was about preventing and controlling infectious diseases, and not just another petty federal bureaucracy that had pushed out the real experts long ago. To his credit, as soon as the bureaucracy made it plain that their priorities well mis-aligned with the goal of keeping down the death toll from the disease and limit its spread, Trump adjusted.

He does seem to have been naive in some ways like this. For instance, I believe he figured that only people like the President of Pakistan had to worry about being knifed by their intelligence agencies.

Hopefully he has fully taken this on board now.

rcocean said...

We'vre getting conflicting stories on the anti-malaria drug. Bloomberg had a big story about a study of 30 people showing it didn't work, but I've seen other stories where Doctors have successfully used the drug to contain the virus. Too bad we didn't have a competent, unbiased press, to investigate and tell us the truth.

Brian said...

What explains the rally since that low except Biden's consensus implosion?

Chloroquinine therapy might explain it. Hedge funds have their own experts they can consult.

If only the media would consult experts instead of trying to build a narrative.

Note for the record I don't know if such therapy is anything close to a magic cure for China Virus, but because Trump mentioned it as hope they've been doing nothing by trying to denigrate it.

Drago said...

Bill, Republic of Texas: "Drago, why do you say a great Awakening is occurring in regards to ARM?

Hasn't everyone known ARM is a disingenuous troll?"

In times of crisis character is more transparently revealed.

What wont be forgotten anytime soon is the indisputable and passionate embrace of the Chinese communists by our dems/left/LLR-left which will become even more pronounced in a Trump second term as we further disentangle ourselves from China.

Chinese Commie Bat/Pangolin Soup flu will eventually ebb.

The greater geo-political-economic-military struggle against ARM's ChiComs will continue for decades.

narciso said...

Splc is xis wingman,

Drago said...

rcocean: "Bloomberg had a big story about a study of 30 people showing it didn't work, but I've seen other stories where Doctors have successfully used the drug to contain the virus. Too bad we didn't have a competent, unbiased press, to investigate and tell us the truth."

The "study" that claimed HC didnt work was a ChiCom non-study pushed by Bloomberg because Bloomberg is completely in bed with the ChiComs. Like the WHO.

All the positive reports come from Western and free sources, so naturally Dems and Cuomo fans reject those.

Brian said...

What rcocean said...

Unknown said...

Important work of issuing orders to destroy jobs.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bill, Republic of Texas said...
What did Trump fuck up?

Read the link I provided and the many others on the internet.

The failure to communicate fairly and accurately with the American people is described here.

A Complete List of Trump’s Attempts to Play Down Coronavirus

or here:

Trump made 33 false claims about the coronavirus crisis in the first two weeks of March

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Jim, I asked a serious and legitimate question. You said Trump fucked up. I asked you where he fucked up and I used a few examples of real bad decisions that have costs a lot of lives.

I've still not gotten a answer to my question.

ARM is a disingenuous troll because he refused to debate. All he does is mouth liberal talking points but refuses to engage.

Prove me wrong ARM. Give us a few examples of decisions Trump has made that costs lives. We're waiting.

MadisonMan said...

The quid pro quo will be something for Jill

An honorary Doctorate and a sizeable speaking fee.

Drago said...

Unknown: "He does seem to have been naive in some ways like this."

Naive? Or just not enough hours in the day to deal with every single deep state ploy and sham-peachment coup attempt which also targeted his entire family for 5 years now (includes the spying that goes back to Dec of 2015).

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago said...
Johns Hopkins reports the US, under Trump, was THE MOST PREPARED NATION for pandemic response!

Hmmm. Did the include South Korea or Germany in that comparison? Based on results it looks like we were worse prepared than every country other than China and Italy. We have more cases than Iran.

narciso said...

Yes its like layers of necromomgers layint in wait, remember the cdc confirmation hearings were not about epidemiology but other things obesity gun control skydragons

Drago said...

As you can see from ARM's dishonest latest, the dems/left/LLR-left have fully pivoted from Trump-is-racistly-overreacting to Trump-refused-to-react!

The head of the WHO in January stated publicly the ChiCom flu could NOT be transmitted human to human.

In Feb and March you had NY City Health officials praising the free movement of people into the city while telling people to congregate in Chinatown for the big parade! Yeah!

Its all "forgotten" now because the narrative must become Trump murdered people.

ARM thinks we dont remember the Katrina playbook.

Skeptical Voter said...

Why should Joe worry if he wakes up with a horse's head in his bed. He already has a horse's ass in his bed every single night.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bill, Republic of Texas ... is a disingenuous troll

Rather than opinions based on nothing other than allegiance to a political cult that you provide, I provided links to news reports with actual facts in them. And the fake news BS doesn't cut it any more. This is a real crisis, we are not playing pretend that Trump is a competent leader any more. People are legitimately pissed off that we are stuck with this clown during a crisis.

Drago said...

ARM: "Hmmm. Did the include South Korea or Germany in that comparison?"

Yes. The World includes those nations.

I'm sorry ARM. The EXPERTS AT JOHNS HOPKINS say you are a liar.

And I believe the experts.

Ralph L said...

I get tired of uses like "Eastern Seaboard" & "Coastal States" which implicitly exclude South Carolina, GA & FL.

You're not saying you want them (and NC, and non-NoVa) lumped in with those nasty Yankees?

Bob Boyd said...

Remember all the frustration expressed in the media that 9/11 didn't happen for Clinton instead of Bush so Clinton could be a war President, the path to true historical greatness?
I think many of those "journalists" were determined that Bush not be perceived that way.

I think there's a similar thing going on with this potentially historic national crisis.

Drago said...

ARM: "Rather than opinions based on nothing other than allegiance to a political cult that you provide, I provided links to news reports with actual facts in them."


Its 2020 ARM. That wont fly anymore. We've seen far too much of your "news" reporters to fall for that one again.

I suggest you return to complaining about Trump overfeeding goldfish in Japan and colluding with Russia.

narciso said...

on second thought

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bill, Republic of Texas said...
a few examples of decisions Trump has made that costs lives

How about playing down the seriousness of the virus for weeks? If instead he had taken the threat to our country seriously we could have been South Korea or even Singapore, with vastly less economic damage and death. He is already a failure by these standards. A completely unserious response from our 'leader'.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN and NYT? not reliable sources. They LIE. They work for The Party.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Grow up and learn to deal with differences in opinions.

ARM fails (intentionally?) to distinguish between since differences of opinion and the appropriate disregard of his partisan self-deception.

Pookie Number 2 said...


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago, you are a liar.

The facts say Trump failed. I am going to rely on the facts. Get used to it.

Bob Boyd said...

I'm surprised nobody's talking about Biden's new #MeToo problem.

Drago said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers: "CNN and NYT? not reliable sources. They LIE. They work for The Party."

So does ARM.


An utter Party Hack with zero scruples and an astonishing level of affection for whatever the ChiComs vomit up.

This entire exercise by ARM is designed to transfer ChiCom guilt to Trump.

narciso said...

Hes a nazgul, honestly this is like gov blanco running for president

Caligula said...

It's a gotta-see: Joe Biden as "Aqualung":

Matt Sablan said...

Trump administration 'ignored' advice of National Security Council's 2016 pandemic 'playbook', a color-coded step-by-step plan which urged buying masks early on"

-- If buying masks was considered that important, the Obama administration would have done so after running out of the stockpile years before Trump became president.

Drago said...

ARM: "The facts say Trump failed. I am going to rely on the facts. Get used to it."

Some of your previous "facts" said Trump colluded with Russia, Carter Page was a Russuan spy, Brett Kavanaugh was a gang rapist, Trump's phone call with Ukraine was a quid pro quo, and on and on and on.

This is just the latest iteration of ARM-lefty lying to get rid of Trump.

Just because history begins anew for you each day does not mean it does for anyone else.

narciso said...

They were waiting for hillary to do it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
CNN and NYT? not reliable sources.

Want me to break out the videos of FOX lying for weeks about the seriousness of this threat to our nation?

Since Trump doesn't read and gets his news from FOX they are also culpable for this failure.

Automatic_Wing said...

It's amusing to see the NYT et al insist that Biden is fine, just fine, as they wishcast for a white knight savior to swoop in and replace him.

narciso said...

Yes this peach mint bingo proved fatal, we dont know know the full cost yet.

Michael said...

Who was that Montana guy again? He seemed relatively harmless.

Jupiter said...

The problem with Cuomo is that he is a corrupt thug. The corruption isn't really his fault, every successful New York politician is corrupt. But the thug part is entirely his own.

Drago said...

ARM: "Want me to break out the videos of FOX lying for weeks about the seriousness of this threat to our nation?"

Your time would be better spent reviewing Cuomo's 2015 Death Panels Instead Of Ventilators Report.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

H1N1 Stats:
for comparison.


While a monovalent (H1N1)pdm09 vaccine was produced, it was not available in large quantities until late November—after the peak of illness during the second wave had come and gone in the United States. From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.

Additionally, CDC estimated that 151,700 - 575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.** Globally, 80 percent of (H1N1)pdm09 virus-related deaths were estimated to have occurred in people younger than 65 years of age. This differs greatly from typical seasonal influenza epidemics, during which about 70 percent to 90 percent of deaths are estimated to occur in people 65 years and older.

Non of it is good. Then or now. The reaction is very different. Then and now. Depends on who is in the White House. Then again, we all know when an R is in the White House, all natural disasters are the fault of the president. Not so with any D in the White House.
It's a miracle!

Hurricanes, terrorism and viruses are all Trump's fault. going back in time, too.

narciso said...

Bullock, he wasnt memorable, they were all about the green nude eel

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ARM - you can do whatever the hell you want. Bring on your little hissy-fit Schitt-show.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Matt Sablan said...
If buying masks was considered that important

Three years, multiple warnings. Your turkey doesn't fly. The facts on the ground, right now, say Trump failed. More cases than Iran, inadequate supplies from a country that spends twice as much on health care than comparable nations. A complete breakdown.

Drago said...

ARM: "Since Trump doesn't read and gets his news from FOX they are also culpable for this failure."

Ah yes. There it is.

Give ARM, and any lefty/LLR-lefty realky, enough space and they tell you clearly what they have in mind.

ARM's reflexive support for the ChiComs makes alot more sense now, doesnt it?

Drago said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers: "ARM - you can do whatever the hell you want. Bring on your little hissy-fit Schitt-show."

The Great Awakening continues...

Birches said...

This whole situation would have been better for all of us if people stopped thinking about the next election. Our news media seems incapable of doing that. The politicians especially seem incapable. Trump and Cuomo seem like the least affected.

rcocean said...

BleachBit thanks for the facts. Its a nice change from all the hot air we've been getting.

Matt Sablan said...

I mean, is Fox wrong that this won't be as bad as we've been told? I remember early March, being told if we didn't take drastic, immediate action, that by mid-March, the health system would be overwhelmed with thousands to hundreds of thousands dead by April.

The problem is that, Fox is kind of right: This isn't Captain Tripps. It is bad, but we were sold an apocalypse and are going to get a very bad disease, but one we recover from.

Todd said...

Biden has actually promised, in public and on tape, that he will select a woman for his running mate...."

Likely said by others but if Cuomo wants it bad enough, he could go under the knife and wind up checking off a couple of boxes...

MD Greene said...

Is Trump running against another candidate or against a paid-up shill for the Deep State, which has opposed him at every turn and, at considerable expense, has been caught flat-footed and late to the party in this Coronavirus case?

The CDC restricted testing until way, way too late. The FDA delayed a plan to release more masks and drags its heels on chloroquine and azithromycin because larger-scales tests blah blah blah. We found out that 80 percent of the contents of our pharmaceuticals come from China, which has been given way too much deference over years of intellectual property theft and prosecution of truth-speakers like Li Wenliang. All these missteps have made a bad situation into a catastrophe. Now the plan is to run up another $2 trillion in debt (actually, more) while public employees enjoy full pay and uninterrupted benefits because we've all been infantilized to such a degree that we can't be expected to save enough for our families to deal with a big, scary rainy days.

And here I thought weaponizing the FBI and FISA courts to overturn a duly elected president was the height of something.

Screw these assholes.

MD Greene said...

Is Trump running against another candidate or against a paid-up shill for the Deep State, which has opposed him at every turn and, at considerable expense, has been caught flat-footed and late to the party in this Coronavirus case?

The CDC restricted testing until way, way too late. The FDA delayed a plan to release more masks and drags its heels on chloroquine and azithromycin because larger-scales tests blah blah blah. We found out that 80 percent of the contents of our pharmaceuticals come from China, which has been given way too much deference over years of intellectual property theft and prosecution of truth-speakers like Li Wenliang. All these missteps have made a bad situation into a catastrophe. Now the plan is to run up another $2 trillion in debt (actually, more) while public employees enjoy full pay and uninterrupted benefits because we've all been infantilized to such a degree that we can't be expected to save enough for our families to deal with a big, scary rainy days.

And here I thought weaponizing the FBI and FISA courts to overturn a duly elected president was the height of something.

Screw these assholes.

Matt Sablan said...

ARM: Why should Trump have changed course? He was handling it roughly the same as Obama had, save he broke up a task force and had them reintegrated into different organizations. The real problem is that, again, the CDC, FDA and other federal agencies dropped the ball for the President. Just like during ebola, SARS, swine flu, etc.

The real problem is that those bureaucracies never are held accountable for their failures (like not resupplying). Many, many top civilian leaders in those organizations should be fired -- especially the ones who made the same errors when handling previous problems. But they won't be. Instead, Trump will be blamed.

Drago said...

ARM: "More cases than Iran,..."


ARM trusts Iranian islamic supremacist numbers too!!!

You cant make this stuff up.

ARM rejects Johns Hopkins and western doctors reports on HC but he swallows whole whatever the ChiComs and the Iranians (close allies of the ChiComs btw) put out!

Thank you ARM. You provided the perfect summary of yourself with that latest.



Pookie Number 2 said...

Since Trump doesn't read and gets his news from FOX they are also culpable for this failure.

Nothing shows “reasonableness” like blindly swallowing and regurgitating this sort of idiocy.

narciso said...

I forget this jackass supported the holomodor so mass unemployment and famine id the goal.

Mea Sententia said...

'unalloyed benefit' is a lot of syllables, when you could just say it's a good thing.

Then later my mind gets tripped up with 'not an unalloyed benefit', trying to untangle the double negative.

Bob Boyd said...

Who was that Montana guy again? He seemed relatively harmless.

Bullock, the governor, who swore up and down, over and over again he wasn't going to run for the Senate, but is now running for the Senate.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

Also: I expect us to have more people infected than Iran. We're a free country that was allowing free travel with a huge population.

Also: What else COULD Trump have done? When he tried instituting his travel ban, it was called racist. What action could he have taken in January that people wouldn't have derided? Yeah, I agree. He should have realized that Obama's administration was incompetent and re-supplied. Unfortunately for him, he trusted his civilian leadership, who screwed him over by being incompetent.

stevew said...

Do you really believe that Biden will step aside for Cuomo, or anyone else?

Dude1394 said...

If Cuomo were smart he would wait after trumps next term to run. I don’t expect Pence to be much of a successor.

Ralph L said...

The problem with Cuomo is that he is a corrupt thug.

And he looks like one, too.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

What could Trump have done? He could have shown clear-headed leadership in the national interest when it mattered, instead of obsessing about how events would affect his own reelection. As a consequence of his failure, the economic damage will be vastly worse than it could have been.

Francisco D said...

I love the smell of ARM flop sweet in the morning.

It smells like ...... VICTORY!

Francisco D said...

flop sweat, but what's the difference?

Francisco D said...

It still smells sweet.

Drago said...

I am also starting to understand better the rather surprising, at the time, full-throated democrat defense of islamic supremacist mass murdering terrorist Soleimani....who was Iranian.

Birkel said...

I have a Mr. Torricelli on Line 1 for Mrs Althouse.
Please pick up the white courtesy phone, Mrs Althouse.

Michael said...

Remember when his 9/11 leadership was going to launch Giuliani into the Oval Office? Dude couldn't even win one primary.

Gusty Winds said...

Aristotle’s credibility is plummeting faster than movie ticket sales. And when Trump says it’s time to go back to work on Easter, Aristotle will say it’s too soon…only for Trump’s re-election etc..etc.. platitude ..platitude…

Browndog said...

Biden has a really, really tough day yesterday.

I don't know whether to feel sorry for him, or rage at those propping him up.

Drago said...

Frankly I am surprised ARM didnt demand the Relief Bill be submitted to the ChiComs and Iranian mullahs for their approval.

Drago said...

If Trump wants ARM's support Trump had better convert to Islam and join the communist party. Only in that way can Trump also become a beacon of Truth and Credibility.

narciso said...

He had rick wilson (that one) and john avlon on that campaign.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Biden has a really, really tough day yesterday.

On the bright side, he's already forgot about it.

Drago said...

narciso: "He had rick wilson (that one) and john avlon on that campaign."

Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt ran the McCain campaign.

Browndog said...

Biden will soon be the 2nd high profile democrat to enter the 'just don't die before Trump is gone' realm of existence.

Gospace said...

Doing a good job? Cuommo?

Well, he's supporting and implementing a liberal gun grabbing agenda as fast as he can, and the current pandemic isn't slowing him down. If you think implementing that agenda is a good job, then I guess he's doing one.

He's managed to stop construction of natural gas pipelines in the state, while simultaneously ordering natural gas suppliers to continue hookups to new customers - when the suppliers known that in a cold winter they'll have inadequate supplies for. If you consider creating future energy emergencies for his successors a good job, then I guess you could say he's been doing a good job.

What has he been doing now in this pandemic that shows him doing a good job? Well, really, not much of anything. Turns out his much vaunted "CORCRAFT is making hand sanitizer!" is a scam. Inmates are pumping some generic commercially produced sanitizer into CORCRAFT containers.

As a rural upstate New Yorker, I'm not really impressed with him.

Browndog said...

Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt ran the McCain campaign.

Specifically, Nicole Wallace was Sarah Palin's handler.

Drago said...

Gospace: "What has he been doing now in this pandemic that shows him doing a good job? Well, really, not much of anything. Turns out his much vaunted "CORCRAFT is making hand sanitizer!" is a scam. Inmates are pumping some generic commercially produced sanitizer into CORCRAFT containers."

Hey ARM, how "outstanding" is that?!


Cuomo as Savior. Too funny.

Matt Sablan said...

Wait. Isn't the best thing for Trump's re-election to continue with the isolation? Think: If anything goes wrong with re-opening, that's all on him. Playing it safe is utterly defensible and isn't a differentiatior from what his opponent said he would do.

If Trump truly only cared about his election, he'd be following the plan laid out by the Democrats.

Michael said...

Sweet Jesus you were right! That lying liar Trump said he did not shake hands while in India and there is an actual film of the lying liar motherfucker shaking hands. Reported by CNN. And they are on it.

Pookie Number 2 said...

instead of obsessing about how events would affect his own reelection.

Anyone else remember that time in the oh-so-distant past when the king of self-important avatars was opposed to “mind-reading”?

Matt Sablan said...

Maybe he should have just told the corona virus he'd have more flexibility after the election.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

In times like this the main thing a politician can do is communicate accurately with the people i.e. tell the truth.

That's the minority opinion of someone who hated Trump from the start. An objective measurement, like a nationwide poll, shows that Trump is trusted to tell the truth on this virus much more than the media, whose only job is to report facts and they are horribly incompetent at even that simple task. So much so that the American public trusts Trump more than the media or Congress. So, have your little hissy fit all you want. Trump IS President. Trump IS doing a great job, according to the public, and he WILL be reelected this Fall.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I think you guys are very brave continuing to defend the flag when the battle has already been lost. I want to salute your effort.

Michael K said...

rago said...
Frankly I am surprised ARM didnt demand the Relief Bill be submitted to the ChiComs and Iranian mullahs for their approval.

Chicagoboyz has acquired our own Chinese troll. ARM would agree 100%.

Oh well, back to my book.

iowan2 said...

Not to toot my own horn, but I posted that here sometime in the last 7 to 10 days.

The media had picked Cumo to take over for Joe, before the primaries.

I had noticed the media was re-playing cumo's press conferences. Then I remembered what Rush said a couple of years ago. The Democrat Party was not being proped up by the media. The Media was leading the Democrat Party. He gave several examples and explained the Dems had no leadership, and the Media has filled that void.

So with all the media focus on Cumo, it was plain, regardless of what Dem Party opperatives thought, the Media was aligning the levers of power to have Cumo take over.

Remember. All the dems had to do was not be crazy. They could not hide their crazy, and actually flew their Freak Flag, with pride.

Cumo, by being shoe horned into a very specific task, a very laser focused singular purpose, of responding 101% of the time to just one very narrow subject. The media is the one mandating that focus. Not the Dem party, not Cumo. The Media is creating a a hostage video, and Cumo is the hostage. No outside subjects will be tolerated.

narciso said...

Guilianis campaign yes i know dr. Evil and norma desmond who are on team slo jo.

reader said...

I think Cuomo has been doing an ok job. But he has irritated me the last two days.

The explanation yesterday about why New York is so much worse - welcoming and friendly. How about international hub and living on top of each other. New York is proud of that in good times and needs to accept it in bad. It makes me think he is still playing games. It also worries me about preparing for future pandemics.

Today the complaint that New York hoped for 10 to 25 billion and they are supposed to be getting 5 (I was on the treadmill and might have number wrong). New York is first and so must get what it needs now. If there are states that actually end up worse but they are later in time - oh well. Why not accept what you get now. If it turns out that the rest of the nation (remember them) don’t need as much then amend the allocation. Presidents have to serve the entire country, if he wants to appear presidential this would be a good time to do so.

DavidUW said...

Oh please. it's the easiest thing in the world
1) Joe steps back due to "health reasons." Magically, oddly, all the documents relating to his entire utterly corrupt family (held at the state department) end up bleachbitted.
2) Hunter gets a very quiet sinecure at a new non-profit ($1M/year seems to be the going rate) funded by a couple lefty business men who happen to get a couple massive government contracts.
3) Cuomo gets put in. Bernie-ites will scream but Cuomo is still a lefty dream machine (he banned fracking, plastic bags etc etc)
4) ... Trump still wins.

Big Mike said...

Looks like I overlooked another plausible mechanism for replacing Joe Biden. A story has started making the rounds about Joe Biden sexually assaulting a woman named Tara Reade in 1993. Will #MeToo ease him aside the way the Democrat Party used it to sideline Franken?

Meanwhile I have to ask: what is it with male Democrat politicians? Things you can Google include "Ted Kennedy Chris Dodd waitress sandwich" as a search string, and "Juanita Broaddrick". Using the search string "Creepy Joe Biden" will get you a large number of vignettes where he has his hands on underage girls, including at least one scene where his hand is on the front of a young girl. Here in Virginia the (Democrat) Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax has had two very credible allegations of rape lodged against him. But no one in the new media much cares.

DavidUW said...

After all, Cuomo is just a less attractive (for gay men at least) East coast version of Newsom.

narciso said...

An atlantic editorialist says there should have been more funemployment. Where is her seed pod

Drago said...

ARM: "I think you guys are very brave continuing to defend the flag when the battle has already been lost. I want to salute your effort."

Filed under: Things ARM has written once every 3 months since 2015.

Temujin said...

The thing about Cuomo is that he's done a horrible job running (ruining?) New York. The state has been hemorrhaging people since his time in office as the taxes keep skyrocketing and services get worse. People in Western New York are talking secession. They are tired of paying for New York City. People all around New York are leaving, as are companies- leaving. Before the virus, properties in Manhattan were sitting, unable to sell, finding no buyers. Properties were losing money up and down the Island.

And that does not even get into the corrupt machine that is Democrat-run Albany. He is the leader of that clan. His name is Cuomo and that's why he's Governor. You best believe he runs it like a power base.

The best thing to ever happen to Cuomo is the virus. It moves the spotlight away from the job he was doing, and away from people leaving New York because of economics and instead leaving because of the virus. It takes away everything he has done and instead gives him a daily platform to preen. If you think about what he's doing daily- it's a breifing. He's reading stats. And he's complaining/or begging for more help and equipment. In this respect- he's doing his job well. He looks and sounds like he's leading.

But this will clear up. And at some point, people falling in love with Andrew will need to look at the actual record. It's one thing to leave New York because it's been made unliveable. Its another to do it to the entire country.

Drago said...

The Walls Are Closing In!


By now, the walls are only 3 microns apart.

Gusty Winds said...

"...when the battle has already been lost..."

Wow. Don't get in a lifeboat with Aristotle. Better off taking your chances in the water.

Drago said...

Gusty Winds: "Wow. Don't get in a lifeboat with Aristotle. Better off taking your chances in the water."

ARM is the guy in the lifeboat who has to be slapped so he calms down.

A role usually reserved for actresses who play high-strung and emotional characters......

Todd said...

If we wish to discuss "lies" related to this current situation, this might be of some help:

Gusty Winds said...

Drago said..."ARM is the guy in the lifeboat who has to be slapped so he calms down."

Or he's the dude that eats all the rations while everyone else is napping.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Game over man! Game over!

cacimbo said...

Remember how Governor Christie was celebrated for embracing Obama after Hurricane Sandy....

Drago said...

Todd: "If we wish to discuss "lies" related to this current situation, this might be of some help:"

As we speak, ARM's beloved Chinese Communists are using ARM's beloved dem's talking points and playing that on their state controlled TV stations to "prove" China did nothing wrong and that its all Trump's fault and the fault of the US military.

Once again, as always, the democrats are openly siding with America's enemies.

narciso said...

That was one bridge ago.

DanTheMan said...

>>And keep watching the Chloroquine....and early TRUMP call, and reports from other countries keep rolling in that it is effective.

Lefty goalpost-dmoving team is on standby. If the remedy works, the new story will be "Trump delayed releasing lifesaving cure"

Subhead: "Women, minorities hardest hit"

Quaestor said...

I wonder if Aristotle would have lost his deductive reasoning abilities as a result of Trump Derangement Syndrome?

With every comment, ARM insults the memory of a great mind.

mockturtle said...

I wonder if, had the people in NYC been wearing masks like the ones in Tokyo, things might have been different. But, hey, we were all told that masks were unnecessary. Tokyo COVID-19 deaths: 5, NYC: 280.

Josephbleau said...

Albany is a cesspool and Cuomo is up to his armpits in it. However Trump has had 4 years of scrutiny and it is a fantasy that there is something to find on him at this point, not that that will stop the lies against him. Cuomo will not have Beiden’s dementia, but will very likely have discoverable public corruption crimes. He won’t skate like a Hillary did for her foundation billions, because people are tired of being the patsy now.

Rick said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Cuomo is doing an outstanding job. Trump is doing a god-awful job.

ARM loves Cuomo because his first priority is blaming Trump for not giving NYC equipment they don't have because they prioritized transgender training instead. Since blame is all ARM understands he approves this approach.

William said...

The sex assault charge against Joe Biden is more specific and corroborated than that against Brett Kavanaugh. To date, the MSM has not picked up on the charge, but it's out there and an arrow in the quiver. A bit too early. Just as Tara Reade waited until this late date to come forward, my guess is that there's another woman with similarly detailed charges out there. She will come forward when Biden's candidacy looks absolutely forlorn. Unlike Republicans, Dems believe all women. Their dumping of Biden will thus be shown as an act of virtue and courage......Cuomo gives a good presser and looks like an executive, especially when compared to DeBlasio, Pelosi, or Sanders. Still, if you scratch his record, he's got some problems.

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote this in another thread yesterday- Cuomo won't be the nominee unless New York state comes through this looking no worse than any other state. I wouldn't put money on that being the case- I think New York will be, by far, the worse part of COVID-19 in the US. With that, Cuomo won't be able to run on being an effective fighter of the virus- the obvious question can't really be answered well in that case- "What did New York state do so much worse than everywhere else in the U.S.?" I see an effort is being made to blame DeBlasio, and then Trump, but, still, if the rest of the US does much better than New York, blaming Trump isn't going to work.

Additionally, Cuomo can't run because he would be abondoning his post during a crisis, and this crisis isn't going to end when the virus outbreak ends. Trump doesn't need to campaign during a crisis as the incumbent, Cuomo would.

Yancey Ward said...

Cuomo needs the panic to spread throughout the US- if it doesn't, his political career outside the state is over.

Bay Area Guy said...

AA sez:

Getting through this crisis is more important than the presidential election,..

That is true in my world. And that is true in the Meadehouse world.

But that is not true in the Democrat world. Nothing is more important for Dems to beat Trump. They will tank the economy, causing heartache and struggle for a lotta blue collar workers, if it helps them defeat Trump.

Yes, they are that reckless.

narciso said...

that editorialist is ezra klein, wife?? annie lowrey, it was received as you might expect,

Bay Area Guy said...

Gentle reminder that New York City has the busiest subway system in the country, probably in the world (maybe Tokyo is bigger).

Fact 1: 5.4 Million people take the NY subway EACH DAY (until this month).

From my experience of nearly 40 years of subway riding, the 6 foot distance rule is rarely invoked or enforced.

But query me this: With 5.4 Million daily riders, almost all strangers, no ability to confirm flu vaccinations or not, no ability to stop people with coughs, sneezes, runny noses, fevers standing or sitting next to you, and NO MAJOR VIRAL OUTBREAKS in 100 years..., What does that signify?

narciso said...

they got rid of stuart smalley, because they had a ready replacement,

Francisco D said...

The sex assault charge against Joe Biden is more specific and corroborated than that against Brett Kavanaugh.


The allegations against Kavanaugh were in no way specific or corroborated and had zero evidence which meant that Kavanaugh had no opportunity to completely clear himself.

There is no point in comparing any situation (e.g., allegations against Biden) to Kavanaugh's.

I know the is off-topic, but it is important to remember the Kavanaugh Hoax.

gadfly said...

It is absolutely correct that Andrew Cuomo needs to remain as New York's governor if the state is to overcome its status as "canary in a coal mine" by turning around the infection and death trend.

On the other hand, whatever Biden is doing or not doing is immaterial to the election - because Trump is in a hole and has not figured out that getting out requires that he should quit digging at the COVID-19 press conferences.

JAORE said...

A couple hundred ARM - Trump is an azz hole
Others - No, you are an azz hole
Arm - No you
Others - No YOU!

Back to the topic:

The DNC could postpone more (all) primaries effectively stopping Biden from reaching the magic delegate number. Then it's wide open.

Drago said...

The Poor Man's LLR-Lefty **** gadfly: "On the other hand, whatever Biden is doing or not doing is immaterial to the election - because Trump is in a hole and has not figured out that getting out requires that he should quit digging at the COVID-19 press conferences."


Trump poll numbers in HarrisX, RealClearPolitics, Rasmussen, Gallup at record highs.

Trump press conferences getting higher ratings than major sporting events.

Trump/FoxNews/WhiteHouse lawn program highest rated Townhall in history.

Tell us more gadfly.......

.....preferably about why it was that your own blogsite crashed and burned after about 15 minutes.

Drago said...

Anyone else notice how gadfly, ARM and R/V use handles or pics associated with some of the greatest thinkers of western civilization while their lefty allies are busy purging those same individuals from the academy?

narciso said...

that's really his best effort

Drago said...

JAORE: "Back to the topic:

The DNC could postpone more (all) primaries effectively stopping Biden from reaching the magic delegate number. Then it's wide open."

The dems could do pretty much anything they want at anytime without any pushback from the media or the run of the mill dems who certainly always do precisely as they are told.

The issue will be, ("not would be" because it won't be Bernie), is what do Bernie's little commie/socialist morons do when the dems pull the inevitable switcheroo.

I suspect Bernie will end up with Dacha's 4 and 5.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Anyone else notice how gadfly, ARM and R/V use handles or pics associated with some of the greatest thinkers of western civilization while their lefty allies are busy purging those same individuals from the academy?"

Good point. It's like they don't have confidence in what they're saying. Now, Dennis Hopper is no sage, and he's made some really shitty movies, but he was brilliant in Paris Trout. I know that fucking guy.

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