Loaf 3 of my plague bread was a lesser success. I tried using the timer to bake overnight but screwed up the adjustment of the ingredients. Baking overnight presents other challenges, since the machine makes a racket and you don't really want that happening at 4:00 in the morning. May have to put it the basement temporarily (not the garage).
- Dr Chu confirmed the COVID-19 virus was here long before anyone knew. (Raising questions about just how virulent this stupid virus is.) - Lori 2-names admits that panic moves like closing events will cost a LOT of people a LOT of income they are counting on, even though the panic is too late and misplaced. (Don’t worry none of our brave and stupid political leaders will suffer any loss of income during this DNC-Media complex-caused panic.) - Bernie Bro shooting victim Steve Scalise reminds us that the Ban Act is Congress’s way if tying Trumps hands on closing the borders when needed. (Face it the D party wants open borders no matter what the threat is they don’t care.) - Panic continues unabated on the UW-Madison campus. (Progressives everywhere are closing events in order to spread the pain among the population while doing little to affect the so-called crisis.)
Just follow my No Knead bread recipe and bake it in a 3.5 quart Dutch oven at 425 degrees, covered for the first half hour then 15 minutes more uncovered. There is a turbo method, where the bread doesn’t need to rise overnight.
I have made this recipe before, multiple times, but it is kind of a pain compared to the bread machine. I love the bread machine. Just a few teething problems.
I visited Camden NJ for the first time today. It isn't as bad or dangerous as some would have you believe; at least during the day. It was interesting to see the proximity to Philadelphia and the Delaware River. I crossed over the bridge with a view to Petty Island, which is said to have been quite a hotbed of gambling and dueling in the 18th and 19th century. There was none of that during my trip to PA and NJ this week.
The weather is quite pleasurable and unseasonable here in Boston. I'm not complaining.
Will be an interesting work day tomorrow. One of my reports has had a "harassment" complaint lodged against her. Apparently she commented, on an internal debrief call, about the physical attractiveness of a customer. Another person took offense. Need to explain why this sort of talk is inappropriate. Ugh.
“Will be an interesting work day tomorrow. One of my reports has had a "harassment" complaint lodged against her. Apparently she commented, on an internal debrief call, about the physical attractiveness of a customer. Another person took offense. Need to explain why this sort of talk is inappropriate. Ugh.”
What has a Trump said about the physical appearances of many people?
Inga: "Travel ban for the next 30 days from Europe, fine, but why an exception for the UK. Huh? Why?"
No, its not fine to the lefties. There are outaged tweets aplenty from lefties everywhere saying this is wrong, ineffectual, unnecessary, blah blah blah.
The lefties need a Katrina and by God they are going to keep screaming until they get one.
Meanwhile, Inga is complaining that the UK isnt included!
Yes, every decision is wrong, in every way, from every angle...all because the dems have only Dementia Joe or Bolshevik Bernie.
“No, its not fine to the lefties. There are outaged tweets aplenty from lefties everywhere saying this is wrong, ineffectual, unnecessary, blah blah blah.”
I’m not speaking for every liberal out there, I’m speaking for myself.
These episodes come back around distressingly quickly when they play every night. It was more exciting in the old days, when the syndicated episodes would play one or two nights on the weekend.
Gomer Pyle got the cast iron "Booby Boot" stuck on his own foot. Mayhem ensued.
Now all the Democrats will start whining its too tough.
They were against "social distancing" to mitigate contagion before they were for it. But, yeah, a progressive risk of Planned Parent probably did not poll well, and has them progressing.
Gee, I wonder if all our lefties/dems/LLR's now see the folly of moving so much of our supply chain, including over 90% of our pharmaceuticals, to China?
They probably dont.
Good thing Trump does and has been fighting that battle since day 1.
Did you know we currently have surgical mask manufacturers in the US but US law precludes the use of these masks in US healthcare? Did you know that? Thats right, all those necessary masks are provided by China by law!
"Did you know we currently have surgical mask manufacturers in the US but US law precludes the use of these masks in US healthcare? Did you know that? Thats right, all those necessary masks are provided by China by law!"
They've waived some of the protection level regs. You can basically use a Kleenex with a couple of rubber bands for awhile.
Drago: Gee, I wonder if all our lefties/dems/LLR's now see the folly of moving so much of our supply chain, including over 90% of our pharmaceuticals, to China?
You could ask the same question of plenty of "muh free market" conservatards, too.
While his delivery could use some work, I thought that Trump nailed it. He took authority over the situation. I was actually starting to get a little worried that he wasn't taking the virus seriously enough. He needed to reassure the country in a sober and balanced way, and simultaneously take the conversation back from the Democrats.
I too am looking forward to Sunday's debate. If Sanders wanted to, be could destroy Biden and take back the momentum. For a Communist, he sure lacks the revolutionary zeal. It's time for him to show some respect to his supporters by actually fighting to win, for once.
Loaf 3 of my plague bread was a lesser success. I tried using the timer to bake overnight but screwed up the adjustment of the ingredients. Baking overnight presents other challenges, since the machine makes a racket and you don't really want that happening at 4:00 in the morning. May have to put it the basement temporarily (not the garage). Seven to go before KonMarie..
Made my first pie, and did a lot of research on "soggy crust" Unfortunately had sequence incorrect. Should have educated myself on soggy crust prior to assembly..
Your generation missed out. Clearly none of the uncles ever put you in your place. Shame.
Yeah. I have a loving and supportive family, did well in school, never got into much trouble, went to grad school, started a successful small business, committed myself to a loving human being, own a home, pay my taxes, and never ever get sick at sea. Where did it all go so wrong?!
Just follow my No Knead bread recipe and bake it in a 3.5 quart Dutch oven at 425 degrees, covered for the first half hour then 15 minutes more uncovered. There is a turbo method, where the bread doesn’t need to rise overnight.
Can't. It is not about having bread. He bought the machine. Has to succeed with it,or acknowledge poor judgement to his wife, himself, and the rest of the world.
One decent loaf and he can claim success and give it away..
BTW, I made some from scratch and my wife took pictures and showed all her co-workers. Embarrassing but winning chili contest made up for it.
These episodes come back around distressingly quickly when they play every night. It was more exciting in the old days, when the syndicated episodes would play one or two nights on the weekend.
Yeah, but you get five series each night.
They used to show the animated series on the weekends.
I watched the Ace HT on Brie Larsen, the new feminist wonder woman, guest-hosting on Kimmel. Really? Nice tits, if you like 'em largish. Brie was bringing it. I watched a bit and then went on to other things.
I don't want to go back, but if anybody else knows, did she ever say my eyes are up here?
Trump is a sneaky bastard. He made that travel ban to keep Melanie's Slovene family from come over for a visit. He doesn't like them apparently. That's the real reason.
Even after the multi-billion dollar enterprise known as the NBA suspends operations, there will be idiots claiming that the "scare" is profit driven. You can't fix stupid.
Just follow my No Knead bread recipe and bake it in a 3.5 quart Dutch oven at 425 degrees, covered for the first half hour then 15 minutes more uncovered. There is a turbo method, where the bread doesn’t need to rise overnight.” ————————- “BTW, I made some from scratch and my wife took pictures and showed all her co-workers. Embarrassing but winning chili contest made up for it.” —————————- Why are you talking to me? Go talk to someone who cares.
You're only an "expert" at all things because you know so little of life.
I am only an expert on a few things. But you don't need to be an expert to say what you think and why you think it. I didn't read anything else you wrote there, but I'm sure it was fabulous.
The wife keeps questioning Trump's giving the UK an exemption from the 30 day travel ban from Europe.I told her it's not political since the Brits don't vote here. But it is Geo-political to keep an ally over there on our side against the German Fourth reich....I mean the EU.
I see the pride of Wisconsin, Adelman is in the news. It’s embarrassing frankly. Like the first time I heard Steven A Smith (I’m from Philly originally). Something about a person that can be associated with you making an ass out of themselves that hurts a little.
Hunter Biden and former stripper reach deal in child support case
Who didn't see that coming?
'Look, fat. You want me to save you from that dog faced Bernie soldier? Pay that bitch off. I'm leaving in 7 hours. I can't run for the Senate and win back the House with that blood sucking pimple plucker hounding my kid. Got it?'
Well, you're half-right, Inga - not about me, but about yourself. It's commendable that you are able to show some self-awareness and honesty about what you are. It's the first time that you've given any evidence that you're capable of it.
It has been established [I think, with the concurrence of Farmer, himself] that he indulges his OCD behavior by waging little skirmishes with fellow bloggers. Once you understand where he is coming from, it's easier to tolerate his contentiousness and to appreciate many of his insightful posts. :-)
If the NBA season is suspended because one player has the Wuhan Flu, isn't it just a matter of time until one player in the NCAA 64 teams is diagnosed?
My wife had been baking bread for a few months now. It's very good, but a lot more work that using a bread machine. We never could get a good crust with the machine.
I would support a travel ban to and from Cleveland. This is independent of Covid-19.
Yes. I spent a month in Cleveland one weekend back in the 70's. I understand why my first wife (grew up in Cleveland Heights) only went back for funerals.
Rough night around here. Looking back across a field of wounded, dead and dying. Looks like we lost a couple.
I remember when one could just pop onto Althouse and make a semi-funny comment, then mosey on off to feed the dog, or answer a client's email, whatever one does in between commenting on Althouse.
Lately though, holy shit. You all have your fucking anger out. Leave it at home. Share it with your other family. There's some smart people who comment here. I'd prefer to read their intelligent posts with some humor thrown in, rather than vile, denigrating crap.
But, what the fuck. That's just my opinion. And sure, you can come at me. But I won't be around tonight to read it, so you'll just be pissing in the wind.
"If the NBA season is suspended because one player has the Wuhan Flu, isn't it just a matter of time until one player in the NCAA 64 teams is diagnosed?"
Similar to B-ball, word on the street is that my F1 race in Vietnam will be adjusted via an announcement on the fifteenth.
We've already told our family we're not going, regardless.
But we are going. Best to deal w/ fam fussyness the days before we--so-called--set sail. Rather than weeks of it. They mean well. But, my math says "go," and then maybe quarantine-ish when back, i.e. stay away (inc indirect) from golden oldies. = extra vaca.
Without mentioning BANNED, I ask myself how I would put in the time if I were BANNED WORDS, but not sick, just quarantined. I was reading about BANNED bread and I thought maybe I could learn to make a good gluten-free pie crust. But I haven't been able to learn to make a good pie crust even with gluten in seventy years so maybe not. Once I was in jail for prolife for about a week or ten days and I spent the time reading the Bible - they have to let you have it - and collating the prophetic books with the historical. There was just soooo much time. About a day every morning, another in the afternoon, then more days in the evening. And I scrubbed down the cell using a old toothbrush and the excess detergent which accumulated around the detergent input of the washing machine. And I heard everyone's life story. When they take out the main event in your life because of prison or BANNED, it's hard to fill the void with recreational stuff. Any ideas?
Browndog @ 9:39 Hunter Biden and former stripper reach deal in child support case ...and we can all rest assured that no campaign funds were involved. Thanks Burisma!
Full Moon..saw your post on pie crust..what are you making? Currently I am producing pies for Pi day..crust is my favorite thing..what was your filling and what was your crust recipe? Maybe I could help.
They used to show the animated series on the weekends.
Made with the nadir of bargain-basement studio limited Saturday morning animation. Some of the scripts were decent, and they had the original actors on voice (even if not recording together took a lot out of it): Obviously they should put the voice tracks on a decent new animation. They've already reworked the effects shots in TOS, to do this seems like a no-brainer.
Well, it moderated, so this will be my only comment tonight:
"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."
One of the very best lines from the original series. I recognized it instantly, even though I haven't seen the episode itself in probably 25 years or more.
I read somewhere (too lazy to retrace steps and find it right now) that the U.K. was excluded from the travel ban because post Brexit, they have control of their borders whereas the EU permits unrestricted travel from country to country so it’s not possible to know where people have been. I thought this sounded plausible.
Day 12 of the covid-19 breakout. I have renamed my house "the Compound." I have a .45 colt automatic, a Ruger .22 target pistol, two hundred rounds of ammo. and 12 rolls of toilet paper. Come for my TP, looters. I dare you! Also I have a package of Ramen and several cans of beans, and some sugar and canned milk. And some green chile salsa. I am good for the apocalypse.
I spent the night watching TV shows and movies about bands of survivors in a post-apocalypse environment. Usually they don't turn out well. The ranks of the un-dead increase with every death. The living reproduce more slowly. If only there was some way to kill the un-dead en-masse!
The coronavirus shutdowns are global. In northern Spain there are already schools closing. Campuses of the local state U have gone to online classes (Alava, and I hear Vizcaya). I expect the local university system will be all shut down by tomorrow, and probably all schools fairly soon.
I hear my nephew has also been sent home by the University of the Philippines. Online classes there too.
Met with several NY business people and rode with a colleague I hadn’t seen in a long time. So we spent the windshield time catching up and talking over events while zipping around Staten Island, Brooklyn and Long Island. Which means eventually driving very slowly since LI traffic never abates. Every business we went to people were dismissing the media hype over CV although some of the same people were doing the fist bump or elbow bump. So precautions are being taken but the mood in the street is decidedly anti-hysteria and that fills me with American pride.
I hate to see the media successful in ginning up panic, so I like this spontaneous resistance, as it were. But the most astonishing thing was that every stop we heard praise for Trump. When we’d visit the techs we’d see TRUMP 2020 stickers and MAGA hats on hooks. In NY. Not one person we sat with, BSed with or joked with about The Virus had a bad word about Trump but most were disgusted by the media and the folly of canceling so many things that will cause hardship, like tournaments and the subway. People REALLY dislike Mayor D shutting the subway. Make of it what you will.
No I did not visit New Rochelle, thank you for asking.
Dr. Anthony Fauci has said a COVID-19 vaccine has advanced quicker than any ever has. It is clear he is an uniformed idiot engaging in happy talk to advance his political career.
Iowan2 it could be he is mistaken, and hadn’t seen Dr. Chu’s data that this same virus appeared in Seattle last Fall before we heard about the Wuhan outbreak.
Iowan2 it could be he is mistaken, and hadn’t seen Dr. Chu’s data that this same virus appeared in Seattle last Fall before we heard about the Wuhan outbreak.
Mike: I'm out an about with colleagues and customers every week. My experience these last few weeks matches yours. The consistent idea expressed is that this is all irrational panic. Of course, part of that consistency of thought may be because the people that are concerned about the issue are staying home rather than coming to work.
The EU is upset about Trump's "unilateral" decision to impose a travel ban on most EU countries without having consulted them. Meanwhile, the Italian representative to the EU has written an oped complaining about the body's lack of response to Italy's request for help in dealing with the outbreak.
“I read somewhere (too lazy to retrace steps and find it right now) that the U.K. was excluded from the travel ban because post Brexit, they have control of their borders whereas the EU permits unrestricted travel from country to country so it’s not possible to know where people have been. I thought this sounded plausible.”
Moreover, they are mostly (with the exception of N Ireland) are an island. At least until Scottexit and. Welshexit. The latter could be problematic though, since they (the British) may lose their Crown Prince (named after our favorite commenter here). Does he stay with the UK, where the rumor is that his mother is trying to skip over him to her favorite grandson? Or does he leave with his personal country? The problem is compounded with the resignation of his second son, and move to Canada, in order to stay with his harridan of a wife, and his little brother having spent too much time with Epstein on his Pedophile Island, and was therefore relieved of royal duties. Royalty have long had peculiar tastes, but in this Internet age, it is harder to get away with. But maybe this Uall is for the better. Maybe they could breakup the royal family, while the country splits up. Chuck could keep Wales. William could get England. His little brother could get Canada. I think that would make his wife happy. Scotland has to go to someone - maybe Randy Andy. Which leaves Australia and New Zealand, maybe to some of the girls. The nice thing there is that in a couple generations there would be plenty of Protestant Royals to intermarry with, which is why they had been forced into marrying commoners in this last generation.
Also, as pointed out, we have long had a special relationship with the Motherland (though a minority now probable have much blood from that one small island. As was pointed out above, at least they try to speak English, though with a strange accent. Notably people from Australia and New Zealand are still allowed in too, with their own strange English accents. We have always liked the Australians. Their women are hot, and supposedly so are their men. They even had cowboys (remember “Quigly Down Under”?). New Zealand is usually a package deal with the Australians - you get one, you get both. And the Canadians can just walk across the border, so it would be silly to ban them.
The lead story at the Red Guard (the local daily newspaper, the Register Guard) online is 'Even without local cases, [the current plague] has local economy on edge'. The Junction City [population <6,000, fifteen miles distant; perhaps 10,000 people visit over the festival weekend] Daffodil Festival is cancelled, alas.
I hadn't realized that we Oregonians are living in a state of emergency, since the weekend. Tsk.
Full Moon..saw your post on pie crust..what are you making? Currently I am producing pies for Pi day..crust is my favorite thing..what was your filling and what was your crust recipe? Maybe I could help.
Hate to admit it, crust was Pillsbury pie crust. Rolled up in a box. Filling was Triple Berry mix from Costco. Thawed and drained the berries. Added tapioca and sugar and cornstarch. Looked kinda dry, so I added some water. Like I said, ignorant first timer.
Next time will make it from scratch, pre bake and use some egg white also, as seen on internet.
Oh, and after first taste of pie, covered with aluminum foil and re baked, according to suggestion on internet. Made the top crust soggy also with no improvement to bottom. Wasn't as bad the next day, and naturally, I ate the whole thing eventually.
Full Moon...pie is good in almost any format :))) I wouldn't prebake myself...make some crust dust - equal mix of flour and granulated sugar - sprinkle across the bottom before you add fruit - flour thickens the fruit juices before they get into the crust. Fruit pies seem to work better when you cook the filling in a pan with the cornstarch and sugar first - let cool - then put in crust. Crust itself is super easy - if you want all butter - two sticks of butter cut into little pieces and put in the freezer for 20 minutes. (I usually use one stick of butter and 1/2 cup of pure lard from the butcher if I don't want to use all that butter.) Pull out your food processor - 2 1/2 cups of flour and 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp sugar for sweet pies - omit sugar for savory pies - whirl the dry ingredients together. After 20 minutes in the freezer, tip the butter into the processor and pulse about 18-24 times - check occasionally - should be pea sized pieces of butter. Dribble some ice water in - pulse a few times again - keep doing that till the mix in the processor holds an indent. I then tip the whole lot into a large bowl, using my hands mix gently and add more water as needed just to hold it together. Form into a disk and wrap in wax paper and chill 20 minutes. Cut a piece of parchment paper, take the disk and roll it out between the parchment and wax paper and you don't need more floor and it's much less messy. Peel off wax and parchment and there's your crust! Good luck...I love pie - today and tomorrow making french silk with pecan crust, bourbon cherry peach, classic apple, key lime with cashew crust, peanut butter pie, banana cream...yummmm
Oh and Full Moon...after you put the crust in the pie plate, chill in fridge for 20 minutes then put topping in and bake. That should solve the soggy crust issue
Oh and Full Moon...after you put the crust in the pie plate, chill in fridge for 20 minutes then put topping in and bake. That should solve the soggy crust issue
Thanks for this, gonna print it out and try again.
For fun, you know how there are many personal cooking sites online,and generally support comments which range from "best ever" to "it sucks"?
Well, I was reading something, not pie, on Betty Crocker website. Made me smile to see a commenter thank Betty. Must have been pretty darn young!
Gonna check Aunt Jemima, Mrs. Butterworth and Uncle Ben next, see if they got any personal thank yous
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As Renfield might've said, "Chicken souls for the soul".
Nancy's highly delusional. She refuses to dismiss Congress on the basis that Americans need Congress to live their lives.
The Supreme Court slaps down the 9th Circuit again:
Only Sotomayor dissenting.
Nancy's highly delusional. She refuses to dismiss Congress on the basis that Americans need Congress to live their lives
Put them all on a cruise ship for a nice, long 'vacation'.
How about we all agree on a rule for this cafe: no covid-19 talk.
Trump is furioous at the Fed, news media report. In addition, Trump fumed.
Seems out of character.
J. Farmer said...
How about we all agree on a rule for this cafe: no covid-19 talk.
Are we still allowed to make fun of Trump? My life will lose some meaning if this small pleasure is taken from me.
Loaf 3 of my plague bread was a lesser success. I tried using the timer to bake overnight but screwed up the adjustment of the ingredients. Baking overnight presents other challenges, since the machine makes a racket and you don't really want that happening at 4:00 in the morning. May have to put it the basement temporarily (not the garage).
J. Farmer said...
How about we all agree on a rule for this cafe: no covid-19 talk.
The President is about to speak, so no.
Trump is about to give a bad speech on covid-19. Not his strong point.
If he lays into Pelosi that would make it worth listening to.
Think of covid-19 as the Schiff of diseases.
"Dis combat is to the dead."
Only Sotomayor dissenting
Sotomayor. Dumber than soup.
(Iconic fight music.)
So, to recap the day on Althouse:
- Dr Chu confirmed the COVID-19 virus was here long before anyone knew. (Raising questions about just how virulent this stupid virus is.)
- Lori 2-names admits that panic moves like closing events will cost a LOT of people a LOT of income they are counting on, even though the panic is too late and misplaced. (Don’t worry none of our brave and stupid political leaders will suffer any loss of income during this DNC-Media complex-caused panic.)
- Bernie Bro shooting victim Steve Scalise reminds us that the Ban Act is Congress’s way if tying Trumps hands on closing the borders when needed. (Face it the D party wants open borders no matter what the threat is they don’t care.)
- Panic continues unabated on the UW-Madison campus. (Progressives everywhere are closing events in order to spread the pain among the population while doing little to affect the so-called crisis.)
i'm bored with this; let's do as J Farmer said, and talk about David Ross
WHY isn't he catching for Jonny Lester? Surely he could manage and catch at the same time?
"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."
Just follow my No Knead bread recipe and bake it in a 3.5 quart Dutch oven at 425 degrees, covered for the first half hour then 15 minutes more uncovered. There is a turbo method, where the bread doesn’t need to rise overnight.
Turbo no knead bread, ready to bake in a couple of hours
I'm with Farmer. But afraid that with Trump's fireside chat, there will be no stopping commentary on the disease.
Blogger Browndog said...
J. Farmer said...
How about we all agree on a rule for this cafe: no covid-19 talk.
The President is about to speak, so no
Nothing groundbreaking, so yea.
"This is our place of kunat kalifee."
Inga said...
Just follow my No Knead bread recipe
I have made this recipe before, multiple times, but it is kind of a pain compared to the bread machine. I love the bread machine. Just a few teething problems.
Travel ban for the next 30 days from Europe, fine, but why an exception for the UK. Huh? Why?
Better audio of Biden's 2nd am exchange has him telling one of the folks "Don't be such a horse's ass".
You go Joe!
Thumbs up from me on that J. Farmer.
I visited Camden NJ for the first time today. It isn't as bad or dangerous as some would have you believe; at least during the day. It was interesting to see the proximity to Philadelphia and the Delaware River. I crossed over the bridge with a view to Petty Island, which is said to have been quite a hotbed of gambling and dueling in the 18th and 19th century. There was none of that during my trip to PA and NJ this week.
The weather is quite pleasurable and unseasonable here in Boston. I'm not complaining.
Will be an interesting work day tomorrow. One of my reports has had a "harassment" complaint lodged against her. Apparently she commented, on an internal debrief call, about the physical attractiveness of a customer. Another person took offense. Need to explain why this sort of talk is inappropriate. Ugh.
nga said...
Travel ban for the next 30 days from Europe, fine, but why an exception for the UK. Huh? Why?
They speak English. Not as well as we do, but they do fine for foreigners.
“Will be an interesting work day tomorrow. One of my reports has had a "harassment" complaint lodged against her. Apparently she commented, on an internal debrief call, about the physical attractiveness of a customer. Another person took offense. Need to explain why this sort of talk is inappropriate. Ugh.”
What has a Trump said about the physical appearances of many people?
Did the number of cases double exponentially today? I haven’t been paying attention.
Inga: "Travel ban for the next 30 days from Europe, fine, but why an exception for the UK. Huh? Why?"
No, its not fine to the lefties. There are outaged tweets aplenty from lefties everywhere saying this is wrong, ineffectual, unnecessary, blah blah blah.
The lefties need a Katrina and by God they are going to keep screaming until they get one.
Meanwhile, Inga is complaining that the UK isnt included!
Yes, every decision is wrong, in every way, from every angle...all because the dems have only Dementia Joe or Bolshevik Bernie.
Umm, what?
Inga: "What has a Trump said about the physical appearances of many people?"
Yep. A lefty wrote that. Just now. As if history began 15 minutes ago.
Remember Bush-McChimpyHitler?
DNC-Media Yesterday: Trump hasn't done enough on the Corna Virus - we're all going to die!
DNC-Media Today: Trump has just stopped travel from Europe. Hysterical. Its just the flu. What a Xenophobe!
Travel ban for the next 30 days from Europe, fine, but why an exception for the UK. Huh? Why?
Same question crossed my mind.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
I haven’t been paying attention.
This is probably the family motto.
Utah Jazz vs. OKC Thunder suspended mid-game about 45 minutes ago. I'm guessing an employee has tested positive, but no news yet.
Because the UK has been taking tough measures against the Virus. They are no longer EU, remember?
Good Trump is taking tough action. Now all the Democrats will start whining its too tough.
“No, its not fine to the lefties. There are outaged tweets aplenty from lefties everywhere saying this is wrong, ineffectual, unnecessary, blah blah blah.”
I’m not speaking for every liberal out there, I’m speaking for myself.
Hopefully, this hysteria will end soon. But as RH reminds us, we're a female run country now.
"kunat kalifee"
These episodes come back around distressingly quickly when they play every night. It was more exciting in the old days, when the syndicated episodes would play one or two nights on the weekend.
Gomer Pyle got the cast iron "Booby Boot" stuck on his own foot. Mayhem ensued.
" They speak English. Not as well as we do, but they do fine for foreigners."
Shit. ARM made me laugh. I hate it when that happens.
rcocean: "Good Trump is taking tough action. Now all the Democrats will start whining its too tough."
Its already well under way.
Universal flu vaccine advances past phase 2.
rcocean said...
Because the UK has been taking tough measures against the Virus. They are no longer EU, remember?
I think they are following most if not all EU laws until 31 December 2020. They have half as many cases in the US with a much smaller population.
Now all the Democrats will start whining its too tough.
They were against "social distancing" to mitigate contagion before they were for it. But, yeah, a progressive risk of Planned Parent probably did not poll well, and has them progressing.
Gee, I wonder if all our lefties/dems/LLR's now see the folly of moving so much of our supply chain, including over 90% of our pharmaceuticals, to China?
They probably dont.
Good thing Trump does and has been fighting that battle since day 1.
Did you know we currently have surgical mask manufacturers in the US but US law precludes the use of these masks in US healthcare? Did you know that? Thats right, all those necessary masks are provided by China by law!
Great job establishment types! Outstanding!
Trump's speech was great.
Lincolntf said...
Utah Jazz vs. OKC Thunder suspended mid-game about 45 minutes ago. I'm guessing an employee has tested positive, but no news yet.
I was just thinking that if they let Tulsi on the debate stage Sunday night with Bernie and Cornpop's daddy, she'd be the front runner by Wednesday.
The NBA has just suspended their season, as a player on the Utah Jazz tested positive for the coronavirus.
Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
I can't wait to see if Joe Biden can keep up with Bernie Sanders on Sunday night. I'm doubtful, and I think Bernie thinks the same.
“Utah Jazz vs. OKC Thunder suspended mid-game about 45 minutes ago. I'm guessing an employee has tested positive, but no news yet.
Hysteria, eh?
"Did you know we currently have surgical mask manufacturers in the US but US law precludes the use of these masks in US healthcare? Did you know that? Thats right, all those necessary masks are provided by China by law!"
They've waived some of the protection level regs. You can basically use a Kleenex with a couple of rubber bands for awhile.
"Travel ban for the next 30 days from Europe, fine, but why an exception for the UK. Huh? Why?"
Maybe it was just to screw with people. He should have said, "And Australia is fine too."
The NBA is in bed with Red China. They should all be quarantined even if there were no corona.
Here's something that would be fun: The Israeli's come up with a vaccine in record time....and it's offered to Rashida Tlaib and AOC and Ilhan Omar!
Southside (Chicago) St. Patrick's Day Parade canceled. This is unacceptable. Unacceptable, I tell you.
"The NBA has just suspended their season, as a player on the Utah Jazz tested positive for the coronavirus."
Anything to keep the Bucks from winning a championship.
Drago: Gee, I wonder if all our lefties/dems/LLR's now see the folly of moving so much of our supply chain, including over 90% of our pharmaceuticals, to China?
You could ask the same question of plenty of "muh free market" conservatards, too.
Can't pin this one all on the progs.
How's that not talking about corona virus going?
While his delivery could use some work, I thought that Trump nailed it. He took authority over the situation. I was actually starting to get a little worried that he wasn't taking the virus seriously enough. He needed to reassure the country in a sober and balanced way, and simultaneously take the conversation back from the Democrats.
I too am looking forward to Sunday's debate. If Sanders wanted to, be could destroy Biden and take back the momentum. For a Communist, he sure lacks the revolutionary zeal. It's time for him to show some respect to his supporters by actually fighting to win, for once.
Will you two please shut up.
Just a suggestion.
A diluted egg wash really does brown up the crust.
Good luck Farmer.
A human weighs 8 pounds.
Loaf 3 of my plague bread was a lesser success. I tried using the timer to bake overnight but screwed up the adjustment of the ingredients. Baking overnight presents other challenges, since the machine makes a racket and you don't really want that happening at 4:00 in the morning. May have to put it the basement temporarily (not the garage).
Seven to go before KonMarie..
Made my first pie, and did a lot of research on "soggy crust"
Unfortunately had sequence incorrect. Should have educated myself on soggy crust prior to assembly..
I'm watching the Big-10 basketball tournament.
When I started watching at 6:00 I didn't know I'd be watching some of the last basketball with fans.
I may be watching some of the last basketball period.
Your generation missed out.
Clearly none of the uncles ever put you in your place. Shame.
Yeah. I have a loving and supportive family, did well in school, never got into much trouble, went to grad school, started a successful small business, committed myself to a loving human being, own a home, pay my taxes, and never ever get sick at sea. Where did it all go so wrong?!
Inga said...
Just follow my No Knead bread recipe and bake it in a 3.5 quart Dutch oven at 425 degrees, covered for the first half hour then 15 minutes more uncovered. There is a turbo method, where the bread doesn’t need to rise overnight.
Can't. It is not about having bread. He bought the machine. Has to succeed with it,or acknowledge poor judgement to his wife, himself, and the rest of the world.
One decent loaf and he can claim success and give it away..
BTW, I made some from scratch and my wife took pictures and showed all her co-workers. Embarrassing but winning chili contest made up for it.
Garek is never boring. They really did good with the character and the casting.
The Maquis, however, are always tedious.
I consider second place a win...
These episodes come back around distressingly quickly when they play every night. It was more exciting in the old days, when the syndicated episodes would play one or two nights on the weekend.
Yeah, but you get five series each night.
They used to show the animated series on the weekends.
But the maquis are historically the good guys the cardassians are like ottoman occupiers
Rudy Gobert has tested positive for, uh, bananas.
Angle-Dyne: "You could ask the same question of plenty of "muh free market" conservatards, too.
Can't pin this one all on the progs."
I didnt. I specifically included all the "LLR's". But I can see where that might have been made more clear.
I watched the Ace HT on Brie Larsen, the new feminist wonder woman, guest-hosting on Kimmel. Really? Nice tits, if you like 'em largish. Brie was bringing it. I watched a bit and then went on to other things.
I don't want to go back, but if anybody else knows, did she ever say my eyes are up here?
Pre-cook the pie crust a few minutes (bake without filling).
The bigger problem is not ending up with a crust full of soup.
The rhubarb tends to leech water during the baking.
And, no -- no strawberry.
NBA suspending the season; the upside is not having to listen to Doris Burke for the time being.
FullMoon said...
One decent loaf
Point of order, plague bread #2 was a fabulous success. Even my wife conceded that it was adequate.
I flew too close to the sun on loaf #3. Cooler heads will prevail going forward.
"...oh fuck ..."
The President of the United States.”
Maybe that’s why he looked and sounded so odd. His face was even more red/orange than usual. I hope he doesn’t have a fever.
Trump is a sneaky bastard. He made that travel ban to keep Melanie's Slovene family from come over for a visit. He doesn't like them apparently. That's the real reason.
Even after the multi-billion dollar enterprise known as the NBA suspends operations, there will be idiots claiming that the "scare" is profit driven. You can't fix stupid.
"Garek is never boring."
Garek and Quark were the two best characters on DS9. E.g.:
Garek drinks root beer
“Utah Jazz vs. OKC Thunder suspended mid-game about 45 minutes ago. I'm guessing an employee has tested positive, but no news yet.
I just read a story that one of the Jazz players has tested positive and that the NBA has suspended the rest of the season.
I don’t follow sports, but I love watching Inside the NBA on TNT. Charles Barkley is a national treasure.
“Inga said...
Just follow my No Knead bread recipe and bake it in a 3.5 quart Dutch oven at 425 degrees, covered for the first half hour then 15 minutes more uncovered. There is a turbo method, where the bread doesn’t need to rise overnight.”
“BTW, I made some from scratch and my wife took pictures and showed all her co-workers. Embarrassing but winning chili contest made up for it.”
Why are you talking to me? Go talk to someone who cares.
“ Anything to keep the Bucks from winning a championship.”
Damn right. Suspended = Raptors keep the title
You're only an "expert" at all things because you know so little of life.
I am only an expert on a few things. But you don't need to be an expert to say what you think and why you think it. I didn't read anything else you wrote there, but I'm sure it was fabulous.
Hey Meade,
Have you fallen asleep at the switch?
I hope he doesn’t have a fever.
3/11/20, 9:15 PM
Oh, sure, you really hope that.
What a bitch you are.
The wife keeps questioning Trump's giving the UK an exemption from the 30 day travel ban from Europe.I told her it's not political since the Brits don't vote here. But it is Geo-political to keep an ally over there on our side against the German Fourth reich....I mean the EU.
“What a bitch you are.”
Oh you out-bitch me any day. I’m a little bitch, you’re a big huge ugly bitch.
Inga said...
Hey Meade,
Have you fallen asleep at the switch?
Dang, I'm driven to agree with Inga. The Café post is usually the only one that I am able to participate in for any length of time. But lately. . . .
I see the pride of Wisconsin, Adelman is in the news. It’s embarrassing frankly. Like the first time I heard Steven A Smith (I’m from Philly originally). Something about a person that can be associated with you making an ass out of themselves that hurts a little.
This is the problem with star trek picard, (well one of them) there is little humor in it.
NBA suspending the season; the upside is not having to listen to Doris Burke for the time being.
She has the most annoying voice and attitude. Nails on chalkboard.
Hunter Biden and former stripper reach deal in child support case
Who didn't see that coming?
'Look, fat. You want me to save you from that dog faced Bernie soldier? Pay that bitch off. I'm leaving in 7 hours. I can't run for the Senate and win back the House with that blood sucking pimple plucker hounding my kid. Got it?'
I would support a travel ban to and from Cleveland. This is independent of Covid-19.
Well, you're half-right, Inga - not about me, but about yourself. It's commendable that you are able to show some self-awareness and honesty about what you are. It's the first time that you've given any evidence that you're capable of it.
Well, I hope that this banana thing doesn't disrupt the NHL. But it probably will.
It has been established [I think, with the concurrence of Farmer, himself] that he indulges his OCD behavior by waging little skirmishes with fellow bloggers. Once you understand where he is coming from, it's easier to tolerate his contentiousness and to appreciate many of his insightful posts. :-)
If the NBA season is suspended because one player has the Wuhan Flu, isn't it just a matter of time until one player in the NCAA 64 teams is diagnosed?
Charles Barkley is a national treasure.
Yes, he is. And I don't even like professional basketball.
My wife had been baking bread for a few months now. It's very good, but a lot more work that using a bread machine. We never could get a good crust with the machine.
We have a hostage situation-
NBA players are being social distanced inside their locker rooms, and not allowed to leave.
No one knows for how long, or under what authority.
Tomcc said...
Well, I hope that this banana thing doesn't disrupt the NHL. But it probably will.
NHL says "the show will go on".
Because, you know, they're hockey players.
I would support a travel ban to and from Cleveland. This is independent of Covid-19.
Yes. I spent a month in Cleveland one weekend back in the 70's. I understand why my first wife (grew up in Cleveland Heights) only went back for funerals.
Rough night around here. Looking back across a field of wounded, dead and dying. Looks like we lost a couple.
I remember when one could just pop onto Althouse and make a semi-funny comment, then mosey on off to feed the dog, or answer a client's email, whatever one does in between commenting on Althouse.
Lately though, holy shit. You all have your fucking anger out. Leave it at home. Share it with your other family. There's some smart people who comment here. I'd prefer to read their intelligent posts with some humor thrown in, rather than vile, denigrating crap.
But, what the fuck. That's just my opinion. And sure, you can come at me. But I won't be around tonight to read it, so you'll just be pissing in the wind.
How can anyone not appreciate The Round Mound of Rebound?
He does well with Shaq who has a lovable goofy quality to him.
"If the NBA season is suspended because one player has the Wuhan Flu, isn't it just a matter of time until one player in the NCAA 64 teams is diagnosed?"
The answer is: Yep.
Similar to B-ball, word on the street is that my F1 race in Vietnam will be adjusted via an announcement on the fifteenth.
We've already told our family we're not going, regardless.
But we are going. Best to deal w/ fam fussyness the days before we--so-called--set sail. Rather than weeks of it. They mean well. But, my math says "go," and then maybe quarantine-ish when back, i.e. stay away (inc indirect) from golden oldies. = extra vaca.
Win win.
Without mentioning BANNED, I ask myself how I would put in the time if I were BANNED WORDS, but not sick, just quarantined. I was reading about BANNED bread and I thought maybe I could learn to make a good gluten-free pie crust. But I haven't been able to learn to make a good pie crust even with gluten in seventy years so maybe not. Once I was in jail for prolife for about a week or ten days and I spent the time reading the Bible - they have to let you have it - and collating the prophetic books with the historical. There was just soooo much time. About a day every morning, another in the afternoon, then more days in the evening. And I scrubbed down the cell using a old toothbrush and the excess detergent which accumulated around the detergent input of the washing machine. And I heard everyone's life story. When they take out the main event in your life because of prison or BANNED, it's hard to fill the void with recreational stuff. Any ideas?
Browndog @ 9:39
Hunter Biden and former stripper reach deal in child support case
...and we can all rest assured that no campaign funds were involved.
Thanks Burisma!
Roughcoat said...
Southside (Chicago) St. Patrick's Day Parade canceled. This is unacceptable. Unacceptable, I tell you.
Yeah, my sister thought it was a go until they cancelled. It was cancelled for several years because of the drunks.
Human trials on vaccine starting
So maybe Trump's comment a couple of weeks ago on the relatively quick arrival of a vaccine was not so invalid?
Full Moon..saw your post on pie crust..what are you making? Currently I am producing pies for Pi day..crust is my favorite thing..what was your filling and what was your crust recipe? Maybe I could help.
A human weighs 8 pounds.
To paraphrase Star Trek: colorful clumps of mostly carbon and water.
They used to show the animated series on the weekends.
Made with the nadir of bargain-basement studio limited Saturday morning animation. Some of the scripts were decent, and they had the original actors on voice (even if not recording together took a lot out of it): Obviously they should put the voice tracks on a decent new animation. They've already reworked the effects shots in TOS, to do this seems like a no-brainer.
Well, it moderated, so this will be my only comment tonight:
"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."
One of the very best lines from the original series. I recognized it instantly, even though I haven't seen the episode itself in probably 25 years or more.
House Democrats Are Causing Mask Shortage In Wake Of Wuhan Virus Pandemic
Commenter distancing, I see. I wondered why I wasn't seeing any new comments.
All the tv time scheduled for BB games need to be filled with something. Wonder what?
I read somewhere (too lazy to retrace steps and find it right now) that the U.K. was excluded from the travel ban because post Brexit, they have control of their borders whereas the EU permits unrestricted travel from country to country so it’s not possible to know where people have been. I thought this sounded plausible.
Well it was a pretty nice day here in Pugetopolis weather wise. Dry with intermittant sunshine. All in all a pretty nice March day.
Lots of trees are in bloom, but then so are my seasonal allergies.
I hope everyone had a decent day, even Inga and the LLR's.
Tomorrow should be even nicer weather wise. Plus I have guitar class, which is always a weekly highlight.
Been away from the thread for a while. Thinking sort of surprised that no one has talked about William MacNeil's [sp] Plagues and Peoples.
Day 12 of the covid-19 breakout.
I have renamed my house "the Compound." I have a .45 colt automatic, a Ruger .22 target pistol, two hundred rounds of ammo. and 12 rolls of toilet paper.
Come for my TP, looters. I dare you!
Also I have a package of Ramen and several cans of beans, and some sugar and canned milk. And some green chile salsa.
I am good for the apocalypse.
I spent the night watching TV shows and movies about bands of survivors in a post-apocalypse environment. Usually they don't turn out well. The ranks of the un-dead increase with every death. The living reproduce more slowly. If only there was some way to kill the un-dead en-masse!
The coronavirus shutdowns are global.
In northern Spain there are already schools closing. Campuses of the local state U have gone to online classes (Alava, and I hear Vizcaya). I expect the local university system will be all shut down by tomorrow, and probably all schools fairly soon.
I hear my nephew has also been sent home by the University of the Philippines. Online classes there too.
Met with several NY business people and rode with a colleague I hadn’t seen in a long time. So we spent the windshield time catching up and talking over events while zipping around Staten Island, Brooklyn and Long Island. Which means eventually driving very slowly since LI traffic never abates. Every business we went to people were dismissing the media hype over CV although some of the same people were doing the fist bump or elbow bump. So precautions are being taken but the mood in the street is decidedly anti-hysteria and that fills me with American pride.
I hate to see the media successful in ginning up panic, so I like this spontaneous resistance, as it were. But the most astonishing thing was that every stop we heard praise for Trump. When we’d visit the techs we’d see TRUMP 2020 stickers and MAGA hats on hooks. In NY. Not one person we sat with, BSed with or joked with about The Virus had a bad word about Trump but most were disgusted by the media and the folly of canceling so many things that will cause hardship, like tournaments and the subway. People REALLY dislike Mayor D shutting the subway. Make of it what you will.
No I did not visit New Rochelle, thank you for asking.
Soooo Wierd! While surfing away from my news channel last night, I happened to see Spock deliver that line just before moving on!
Dr. Anthony Fauci has said a COVID-19 vaccine has advanced quicker than any ever has.
It is clear he is an uniformed idiot engaging in happy talk to advance his political career.
Andrew Ross Sorkin on CNBC is in full panic mode now. You can hear it in his voice.
Iowan2 it could be he is mistaken, and hadn’t seen Dr. Chu’s data that this same virus appeared in Seattle last Fall before we heard about the Wuhan outbreak.
Iowan2 it could be he is mistaken, and hadn’t seen Dr. Chu’s data that this same virus appeared in Seattle last Fall before we heard about the Wuhan outbreak.
Mike: I'm out an about with colleagues and customers every week. My experience these last few weeks matches yours. The consistent idea expressed is that this is all irrational panic. Of course, part of that consistency of thought may be because the people that are concerned about the issue are staying home rather than coming to work.
The EU is upset about Trump's "unilateral" decision to impose a travel ban on most EU countries without having consulted them. Meanwhile, the Italian representative to the EU has written an oped complaining about the body's lack of response to Italy's request for help in dealing with the outbreak.
“I read somewhere (too lazy to retrace steps and find it right now) that the U.K. was excluded from the travel ban because post Brexit, they have control of their borders whereas the EU permits unrestricted travel from country to country so it’s not possible to know where people have been. I thought this sounded plausible.”
Moreover, they are mostly (with the exception of N Ireland) are an island. At least until Scottexit and. Welshexit. The latter could be problematic though, since they (the British) may lose their Crown Prince (named after our favorite commenter here). Does he stay with the UK, where the rumor is that his mother is trying to skip over him to her favorite grandson? Or does he leave with his personal country? The problem is compounded with the resignation of his second son, and move to Canada, in order to stay with his harridan of a wife, and his little brother having spent too much time with Epstein on his Pedophile Island, and was therefore relieved of royal duties. Royalty have long had peculiar tastes, but in this Internet age, it is harder to get away with. But maybe this Uall is for the better. Maybe they could breakup the royal family, while the country splits up. Chuck could keep Wales. William could get England. His little brother could get Canada. I think that would make his wife happy. Scotland has to go to someone - maybe Randy Andy. Which leaves Australia and New Zealand, maybe to some of the girls. The nice thing there is that in a couple generations there would be plenty of Protestant Royals to intermarry with, which is why they had been forced into marrying commoners in this last generation.
Also, as pointed out, we have long had a special relationship with the Motherland (though a minority now probable have much blood from that one small island. As was pointed out above, at least they try to speak English, though with a strange accent. Notably people from Australia and New Zealand are still allowed in too, with their own strange English accents. We have always liked the Australians. Their women are hot, and supposedly so are their men. They even had cowboys (remember “Quigly Down Under”?). New Zealand is usually a package deal with the Australians - you get one, you get both. And the Canadians can just walk across the border, so it would be silly to ban them.
Democrats, Russians and Saudis all trying to break the US fracking industry.
The lead story at the Red Guard (the local daily newspaper, the Register Guard) online is 'Even without local cases, [the current plague] has local economy on edge'. The Junction City [population <6,000, fifteen miles distant; perhaps 10,000 people visit over the festival weekend] Daffodil Festival is cancelled, alas.
I hadn't realized that we Oregonians are living in a state of emergency, since the weekend. Tsk.
lb said...
Full Moon..saw your post on pie crust..what are you making? Currently I am producing pies for Pi day..crust is my favorite thing..what was your filling and what was your crust recipe? Maybe I could help.
Hate to admit it, crust was Pillsbury pie crust. Rolled up in a box. Filling was Triple Berry mix from Costco. Thawed and drained the berries. Added tapioca and sugar and cornstarch. Looked kinda dry, so I added some water. Like I said, ignorant first timer.
Next time will make it from scratch, pre bake and use some egg white also, as seen on internet.
Oh, and after first taste of pie, covered with aluminum foil and re baked, according to suggestion on internet. Made the top crust soggy also with no improvement to bottom. Wasn't as bad the next day, and naturally, I ate the whole thing eventually.
Obviously they should put the voice tracks on a decent new animation.
These days, they could do a CGI/live action version, just graft the faces of the original Shatner, et al. onto the new images.
Full Moon...pie is good in almost any format :))) I wouldn't prebake myself...make some crust dust - equal mix of flour and granulated sugar - sprinkle across the bottom before you add fruit - flour thickens the fruit juices before they get into the crust. Fruit pies seem to work better when you cook the filling in a pan with the cornstarch and sugar first - let cool - then put in crust. Crust itself is super easy - if you want all butter - two sticks of butter cut into little pieces and put in the freezer for 20 minutes. (I usually use one stick of butter and 1/2 cup of pure lard from the butcher if I don't want to use all that butter.) Pull out your food processor - 2 1/2 cups of flour and 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp sugar for sweet pies - omit sugar for savory pies - whirl the dry ingredients together. After 20 minutes in the freezer, tip the butter into the processor and pulse about 18-24 times - check occasionally - should be pea sized pieces of butter. Dribble some ice water in - pulse a few times again - keep doing that till the mix in the processor holds an indent. I then tip the whole lot into a large bowl, using my hands mix gently and add more water as needed just to hold it together. Form into a disk and wrap in wax paper and chill 20 minutes. Cut a piece of parchment paper, take the disk and roll it out between the parchment and wax paper and you don't need more floor and it's much less messy. Peel off wax and parchment and there's your crust! Good luck...I love pie - today and tomorrow making french silk with pecan crust, bourbon cherry peach, classic apple, key lime with cashew crust, peanut butter pie, banana cream...yummmm
Oh and Full Moon...after you put the crust in the pie plate, chill in fridge for 20 minutes then put topping in and bake. That should solve the soggy crust issue
lb said...
Oh and Full Moon...after you put the crust in the pie plate, chill in fridge for 20 minutes then put topping in and bake. That should solve the soggy crust issue
Thanks for this, gonna print it out and try again.
For fun, you know how there are many personal cooking sites online,and generally support comments which range from "best ever" to "it sucks"?
Well, I was reading something, not pie, on Betty Crocker website. Made me smile to see a commenter thank Betty. Must have been pretty darn young!
Gonna check Aunt Jemima, Mrs. Butterworth and Uncle Ben next, see if they got any personal thank yous
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