March 5, 2020

At the Snow-Melt Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


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Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "I wouldn't deny that Trump has a strong interest in China and/or what he wants to do about them."

Getting real here, this is why the russia collusion/Putin loves Trump lies hurt the most.

Putin sucks and Russia sucks and their economy is now, (drum roll!), about 90% of what Italy's GDP is!

Their only real use in this world is to be a bludgeon to be used against China, along with India...which we see Trump running full speed on, don't we.

Trump is ALL about isolating and containing China, because they are the real long-term geo-military-economic threat to the US.

The Russia collusion farce hindered Trumps ability to use Russia in that way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What else should I call a liar who makes blatant misrepresentations?

The only misrepresentation here is the way you misrepresent yourself as someone whose tongue is NOT stuck way up the butts of Neil Gorsuck and Brent Kavanaugh.

Inga said...

“What else should I call a liar who makes blatant misrepresentations?”


Achilles said...

President Toilet Paper Shoe's Cooked-Up Drug Deal said...

I think it's about admiring people who make sacrifices and aren't afraid to take stands. Especially when they're young enough to care more about their future quality of life than about what their money will buy.

Wait. Flying around paid in first class and hanging out on a billionaires yacht cruising around the world and bitching at billionaires is sacrifice?

Sign me up for that.

Now if she goes to China and tells the country that is actually causing the problem to shape up then I will respect her.

For now she is just a tool.

Kinda like you.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "I think it's about admiring people who make sacrifices and aren't afraid to take stands."

She's a teenager with significant issues who has no insight at all into what the science is all about.

She's been spoon-fed propaganda and now she's being used as a prop, as her own father admitted when he confessed to writing her social media posts.

There's millions of idealistic though seriously ill-informed young people who care about the planet and their environment and how they live. That doesn't mean they have anything real to say about the real tradeoffs needed to achieve their earthly utopias.

Go ahead and follow Greta if you wish. If she got her way we'd lose a couple billion people who would be consigned to abject poverty. But at least psycho girl would feel just a little better about herself as she takes boat rides across the ocean.

Because, in the end, that is what's important.

FullMoon said...

Unabomber series on Netflix. He is a Montana Urban Legend.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Russia collusion farce hindered Trumps ability to use Russia in that way.

You did way more thinking coming to that conclusion than Trump ever did before he made his phone call. Or really before he ever really presents to the American public what he's trying to do in that regard. And then there was Helsinki. My god what a debacle. It's hard to be thought of as the genius you tell everyone you are with fuck ups as atrocious as that. When a guy like Trump is his own worst enemy it's kind of hard for you to ask me to see the wisdom of what he's doing and be his ally.

Drago said...

“What else should I call a liar who makes blatant misrepresentations?”

Inga: "OCDrago?"

Russia Collusion girl checks in. Not a moment too soon.

Carter Page: russian spy or no?

Achilles said...

Inga said...
“What else should I call a liar who makes blatant misrepresentations?”


Point to a single lie or misrepresentation of his.

But then again you believed and said repeatedly in no particular order:

Bret Kavanaugh was a rapist.
Trump was a rapist.
Trump colluded with Russia.
Michael Flynn was a traitor working for Russia.
Carter Page was a traitor working for Russia.
Papadopolous was a traitor working for Russia.
Trump peed on a bed Obama slept in.
Obama spying on Trump/Republicans is OK.

So you are a blatant liar and a piece of shit too.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Now if she goes to China and tells the country that is actually causing the problem to shape up then I will respect her.

Sweden doesn't follow China's example. It follows America's example.

For whiners like you to complain about how China isn't leading on the environment just underscores that you want them to lead, and that you want America not to lead.

Because you're not a leader.

walter said...

Such a sad flail by dear PPPT.

Inga said...

“Carter Page: russian spy or no?”

Ukraine has Clinton’s server, yes or no?

Clinton had Seth Rich murdered, yes or no?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...a piece of shit...

Spoken like a true leader... not.

Leaders have to speak in ways that attract cooperation.

You must be really angry to show everyone just how horrible a leader you are like that.

Mark said...

That might be the same Unabomber series that was on AMC or something a few years ago.

The miniseries on Waco that they showed somewhere around the same time was enlightening. No, enlightening isn't the right word. Enraging, revealing to a greater extent the corruption of federal law enforcement -- those are better words.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "You did way more thinking coming to that conclusion than Trump ever did before he made his phone call."


But you've got yourself painted into a corner on this and you're never coming out of it.

Gee, it's just by happenstance that right now, as we speak, Putin as fighters in Syria....where the US forces control the oil...which Putin wanted desperately.


Putin is desperate to complete the next phase of the NordStream pipeline, which will put Putin in control of 50% of the natural gas feeds into Germany and western Europe....until Trump slapped rules on the American companies that were doing key work on the pipeline and stopped it cold.


Putin and his pals are heavily invested in Iran and their development of their energy/nukes and weapons systems.

Trump levels heavy heavy sanctions on them (did you see the reports out just today? More sanctions coming on Iran) so the Iranians can't provide hard currency to Putin.


Trump has companies moving supply chains out of China, shut off the NAFTA loophole backdoor into the US for Chinese companies, is crushing them on tariffs, cutting off their tech transfers and reducing their corporate espionage.


Trump has spent 3 full years pursuing an improved relationship with the 1.3 Billion population Indian the business and military sectors....

Which China hates.


Trump has worked with the Japanese directly to increase their defense posture and in particular their naval assets to grow Japanese capabilities against China.


Trump has pushed back HARD against Chinese Island building in the Pacific and has forged an improved relationship with Australia to support that.

And on and on it goes.

If I believed you HoaxPPT, I would have to assume that all of these things, none of which were done before Trump arrived in DC, just happened all by themselves.

And they have all been done pretty much against the wishes of the establishment.

Only a fool would say this is all just an accident or happenstance and Trump is a bystander. This is Trump's 35 year vision being enacted.

Drago said...

Inga: "Ukraine has Clinton’s server, yes or no?

Clinton had Seth Rich murdered, yes or no?"\

As I understand it, there is no server in Ukraine.
There is no evidence the Clinton's had Seth Rich murdered.

walter said...

"Leaders have to speak in ways that attract cooperation."
Oh..per herr Biden?

Inga said...

“When a guy like Trump is his own worst enemy it's kind of hard for you to ask me to see the wisdom of what he's doing and be his ally.”

Yes, Helsinki was a debacle. Shameful. An American president siding with those who interfered with an American election over his own Intelligence Community. And then tried to get Ukraine to interfere with another election.

Inga said...

“As I understand it, there is no server in Ukraine.”

Maybe you should let a Trump know.

“There is no evidence the Clinton's had Seth Rich murdered.”

Maybe you should let Bimbo know.LOL.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Only a fool would say this is all just an accident or happenstance and Trump is a bystander.

Did I ever say Trump didn't do that? No. Usually you're one of the few people here who can and does actually read things.

I said that he doesn't market them, bringing people to his side on those things. Which is hilarious because you'd think marketing is one of the few talents in life he actually does have.

Mark said...

Is that the same IC that utilized and paid foreign agents who went to the Russians and passed on what they told him?

Mark said...

The same IC that lied and perjured themselves to the court?

Drago said...

Inga: "Yes, Helsinki was a debacle. Shameful. An American president siding with those who interfered with an American election over his own Intelligence Community. And then tried to get Ukraine to interfere with another election."


Inga, guess what? It's not 2017 anymore and we now know all the lies that were told.

There was no "17 agencies" deciding there was interference. There was 1 guy, Brennan at the CIA, who conjured that up.

And guess what? The "proof" for that claim was not made by US investigative agencies. Nope. It was a single report from the DNC connected Crowdstrike crew.

Just them. No one else.

No one other than the DNC connected Crowdstrike crew ever claimed to have examined the server. And all Crowdstrike provided to the CIA and FBI was a "report" of their findings.

So Comey goes along with Clapper and Brennan. But you know who didn't? Adm Rogers at the NSA.

That's it.


The same guys involved in the coup.

And your Ukraine hoax has already been completely exposed.

But to you it will always be January of 2017, because it has to be.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well at least Drago cares to separate the wheat from the chaff on those stories. Does Achilles still buy the Crowdstrike thing or something?

Mark said...

Well at least Drago cares to separate the wheat from the chaff on those stories. Does Achilles still buy the Crowdstrike thing or something?

We'll never really know, will we, so long as investigations into the facts are denied, obstructed and impeded.

Maybe it's true. Maybe it's all BS.

All the more reason to have a full and complete investigation into the IC and FBI.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Helsinki seemed to involve a lot of ass kissing for a guy who is supposedly Putin's worst enemy. Ok, maybe it was very clever tricky stuff.

Does that include the removal of translators and transcribers from his closed-door one-on-one session with the guy? I can't tell if he is more concerned about what Putin will do to him or what the American people (or its evil media) will do to him.

Inga said...

“There was 1 guy, Brennan at the CIA, who conjured that up.”

Another conspiracy theory.

“The same guys involved in the coup.”

Yet another conspiracy theory.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "Did I ever say Trump didn't do that? No. Usually you're one of the few people here who can and does actually read things.

I said that he doesn't market them, bringing people to his side on those things."

Sorry I missed that earlier.

In Trump's defense on the "marketing" issues, I will say this because I believe I have a little insight into the thinking (nothing direct, naturally). You've heard Trump say this many times: I'm not sharing my plans with anyone. We'll see what happens.

He makes it a point to NOT discuss what his objectives are. He will crow about some outcomes after they've been achieved but nothing about the plans along the way.

2 primary reasons for that:
1) He cannot utilize the wider staffs in the executive agencies because he knows they will work against his vision and policies. That has been clear enough. The deep staters would do the same to Bernie.

2) He truly does engage with a Sun Tzu attitude towards planning: Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. When strong, avoid them. If of high morale, depress them. Seem humble to fill them with conceit.

Inga said...

“Well at least Drago cares to separate the wheat from the chaff on those stories. Does Achilles still buy the Crowdstrike thing or something?”

So does Drago.

“No one other than the DNC connected Crowdstrike crew ever claimed to have examined the server. And all Crowdstrike provided to the CIA and FBI was a "report" of their findings.”

Mark said...

A young Lucy Liu on NYPD Blue right now, with a stereotyped Chinese accent.

Drago said...

Inga: “There was 1 guy, Brennan at the CIA, who conjured that up.”

Another conspiracy theory."


We already know that it was the combined team of CIA / FBI dolts working together in Crossfire Hurricane over at Langley that got that info.

From testimony under oath!

Uh oh.

Testimony under oath! Again! Inga hates that! That's why she still thinks Carter Page is a russian spy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Interesting thoughts. But I've got to turn in. More later, as it goes. til then.

Drago said...

Inga: "So does Drago."

It is an absolute fact that no US govt entity ever examined the server and relied upon a report from Crowdstrike alone.

FBI agents have already provided testimony under oath that they simply "asked" the DNC to examine the servers and the DNC said "nope".

And that was that!!

Uh oh!

More under oath testimony! Inga hates that.

Drago said...

Oh no!!

Inga hardest hit again!!

"Then-FBI Director James Comey said last year that the DNC had denied the bureau’s requests to examine the breached servers.

Comey said at the time that the FBI and DNC agreed to let a private firm access the servers and share the findings with investigators.

Drago said...

You know what's most amazing?

We are sitting here in March of 2020 and Inga, until this very moment, had NO IDEA that no one in the US govt had ever actually conducted an investigation of the DNC server that was supposedly hacked and that it was only a report created by the DNC-connected Crowdstrike firm that was the basis for the Interagency assessment!

This was literally known in early 2017 but here we are, 3 full years later, with this fact having been reported across even the liberal media, and Inga still had NO IDEA it was true.

A. Ma. Zing.

eddie willers said...

Dickens was right when he wrote that the Law is an ass.

I hate to be pedantic, but the actual quote is "The law is a ass- a idiot!"

Dickens was writing the dialog of an uneducated man but almost everyone "corrects" this. I know this because I read a column for years in The Comics Buyer's Guide by Bob Ingersoll about law in the comics and he titled it, "The Law Is A Ass" and he made sure you knew WHY he was "misspelling" it.

PS. Drago is killing it tonight.

eric said...

If you haven't seen Brian Williams claim that Bloomberg could have given every American a million dollars, instead of spent 500 million on commercials, you're missing out.

Brian Williams and a NYT Editorial Board Member. Both agreeing that's how the math works out.

It's gotta be a deep fake, right? No one can be that stupid.

Drago said...

eric: "It's gotta be a deep fake, right? No one can be that stupid."

Have you read Inga's latest comments?

Bruce Hayden said...

“ So Comey goes along with Clapper and Brennan. But you know who didn't? Adm Rogers at the NSA”

And if any agency would have known, it was the NSA, whose job is signals intelligence. If it had been Russian hackers, it would have required significant bandwidth, which would have been a flashing red light for the NSA. There wasn’t one. Wonder what Julian Assange spent much of the time since the DNC breach holed up in the Equidorian embassy? He is the one live person we know of who knows the source of the DNC emails dumped by Wikileaks, because he founded Wikileaks. It is very likely not the Russians, and is likely an inside job, based on time stamps and the use of a FAT formatted drive. I will put the time stamp forensics up against the story put out by DNC contractor Crowdstrike any day. Esp since the DNC was operating as an alter ego to the Crooked Hillary campaign, and this still, almost 4 years later, still very much looks like misdirection from Trump’s attack on her for violating the Records Act and the Espionage Act with her private email server. In particular, it was in response to Trump’s joke about asking the Russians for the 30k emails that Clinton had illegally deleted (they were under subpoena at the time, and it was a further Records Act violation to delete government records). Trump’s point, which the Clinton campaign was so desperately trying to change the subject from, was that her own server was almost assuredly hacked by several national actors - not the Russian teenagers, but by the Russian, Chinese, and maybe even the Israeli governments, and that is why the Russians would have the emails. Turns out, that we apparently don’t know for sure, yet, whether her illegal private server had been hacked by the Russians or Israelis, but the Chinese appear to have been receiving her emails in real-time, based on the code of theirs found on her server. Note - Trump was not talking about the DNC emails stolen in 2016, but Clinton’s emails stolen between 2009 and 2013, while she was Secretary of State. But the Dems, along with their MSM were successful in confusing the two in the public’s mind.

Bruce Hayden said...

The Dems have a big problem keeping SLO Joe out of the limelight for the next 8 months. After they get through the election, they can happily retire Biden under the 25th Amdt. The good thing is that is is going to be hard sliding Crooked Hillary into the VP slot, due to her own health issues. Two 25th Amdt successions during one term of office would not go over well. Biden really needs a female VP, but he needs a much younger and healthier woman than Crooked Hillary. But if he puts in this woman, she probably can’t slide Clinton in as VP - because it would look bad AND the Republicans in both houses of Congress get to vote. Clinton, and probably Warren, are two of the few women whom I don’t think that the Republicans would accept.

I think that it is more likely that the switch will happen before the election. But it can’t be done too close to the election. There are state ballot laws, and it just takes a refusal to allow the switch too close to the election in just a couple swing states to make a Dem victory effectively impossible in 2020. Which says to me that it will either be done in a brokered convention, or at least before September. We shall see.

I don’t think that the Dems can afford to let Biden get on the same stage as Trump, for obvious reasons, unless they think that they can win the election through pity for Biden. Trump has always probably been smarter than Biden, as well as quicker. Before his episodes, Biden might have kept up with Trump in aggression, but we saw during the Dem debates that his lapses kept him from mounting successful attacks on his opponents. He would start out strong, then get lost in what he was trying to say. A lot of guys might pull their punches if faced by a Joe Biden in a debate. I don’t expect to see that with Trump. From his point of view, this election is too important to his attempt to make America even greater.

stevew said...

Spring has sprung, around these parts too. Earliest spring evah! Not really, I just like writing that.

Clearly the march to our obliteration from Climate Change continues unabated. My question is, everyone keeps talking about the end being 12 years out, but aren't we really down to 10 or 11 years?

25 degrees this morning, looks like it will be sunny to start. Saw a bit of Trump's town hall, loved it. The positive comparison to Sleepy Joe and Screamin' Bernie is stark.

Andrew said...

"I said that he doesn't market them, bringing people to his side on those things. Which is hilarious because you'd think marketing is one of the few talents in life he actually does have."

This is one of Trump's best qualities. He is able to accomplish a great deal under the radar. An honest and unbiased media would notice more of what he's doing. But a partisan and hysterical media can't see how he is working out his strategies. This is one reason I'm not sure he really minds all the comstant background noise. He would get less done if it was all being reported and analyzed. Indeed, his adversaries (foreign and domestic) woukd have a better handle on what he's accomplishing and be better able to thwart it. Just look at how much time and energy were wasted on impeachment. Trump wasn't hindered from moving forward on several goals, even if only incrementally.

Big Mike said...

I hate to be pedantic, but the actual quote is "The law is a ass- a idiot!"

No you don’t! You revel in being pedantic.

Just joking. In my defense I read Oliver Twist in high school English class, in the mid-1960s, over a half century ago. (There was only one telephone in the house, and it had a rotary dial. Only one TV, black and white, and It could only pull in VHF channels — but there weren’t any UHF channels to pull in. The Apollo program was still five years away from putting Armstrong and Aldrin on the moon. That’s how long ago it was.)

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