March 28, 2020

At the Saturday Night Café...

... you can talk all night.


Ann Althouse said...

No sunrise picture today. It was raining.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Beautiful weather here. Lots of people out in their yards and at the garden store.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

apropos of nothing

Yancey Ward said...

It was like early Summer here the last 3 days, though Thursday didn't quite reach 80. Big storms on the way very late tonight/early tomorrow morning, though.

I went for 4 mile walk on Monday and then 5 mile walks every other day since. My shins got really, really sore after the first two days- lots of long and steep downhill/uphills on this side of the Oak Ridge Turnpike. My feet also got pretty sore, but are now recovering. Though I expected it, all this walking has also made my upper back and shoulders sore- this is from just having my arms hang free without much to do- probably should have taken walking sticks. Am already getting a deep tan on the face, back of the neck, and my arms.

While I have enjoyed the walks, they remind me of how much conditioning I have lost since I stopped running 7-8 years ago. I used the run the exact same circular routes, sometimes twice in a session without anything being sore the next day. I continued to do a lot of cardio after I stopped running, but it just isn't anywhere near as efficient as a run.

Yancey Ward said...

Does anyone have any clue why California's backlog on COVID testing keeps growing? I Googled, and while there are stories from today, not a single one of them has any answers, nor does it look like the reporters are even asking the various Democrat politicians about what is going wrong.

mccullough said...

Murder Most Foul is the worst Dylan song, musically, since Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands.

Some interesting lyrics but the music is monotonous

narciso said...

That i came across ellroys oevre, related to the dylan song. Hes more of a hammett buut nominally on the right.

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, I had to stop playing it yesterday after about 3 minutes- dreadful music.

Yancey Ward said...

Music most foul.

Nichevo said...

narciso said...
apropos of nothing <<

3/28/20, 7:43 PM

Lord love you, narciso, but that should be your screen name.

rcocean said...

"Does anyone have any clue why California's backlog on COVID testing keeps growing?"

Its because the same people who count the votes, count the tests

narciso said...

Its about a 2003 tv pilot for la confidential

rcocean said...

Per Fox News Poll, Biden is Crushing Trump in swing states. I sincerely think the USA has a death wish. OR maybe its full of people who think they'll go back "to the old country" when this one is wiped out. Or maybe they want to live in Brazil Norte.

narciso said...

Nothing works properly in california, its like a faraday case for logic.

Freeman Hunt said...

One son had a birthday yesterday. Because of social distancing, he wasn't particularly looking forward to it. Much to his surprise, the parents of some of his friends organized a birthday parade and drove past our house with balloons and posters, honking and waving and dropping gifts by the curb. It was pretty great, and he had a very happy birthday.

narciso said...

Walls a closing in rcocean, dont feed the koi

Ann Althouse said...

That’s really nice, Freeman.

Jersey Fled said...

Per Fox News Poll, Biden is Crushing Trump in swing states.

Impossible. Not with 3 other polls with Trump at near record approval overall,and 60% approval on handling of corona virus emergency.

Fox news polls have been very unkind to Trump for the last month or two. I call bs.

Ken B said...

That is very cool and very inventive. People find a way, don’t they?

Jaq said...

"Per Fox News Poll, Biden is Crushing Trump in swing states”

Person running the poll is scared sheetless that Cuomo is going to threaten for the nomination. I wouldn’t read anymore into it than that.

It was amazing to me today to watch first the Governor of Rhode Island stopping New Yorkers on the interstate, the press asking Cuomo about it and Cuomo, of course, didn’t like it, the Prez suggesting that they were going to discuss it but he didn’t find the case for it very compelling, the nightly news suggesting that Trump was behind it and suggesting that the Cuomo quote was in response to Trump, and then Trump announcing that, as he had telegraphed all along, it wasn’t gonna happen.

Not that keeping Noo Yorkers out of any given state is all that unpopular.

Jaq said...

Is it really Saturday?

reader said...

Our continuing golf saga. The City of San Diego closed its golf courses. The local Inn and two country clubs closed their courses. One lone hold out (public course) put social distancing policies in place. Only 4 people allowed inside pro shop at a time to purchase balls or gloves. Players carry their own clubs (no assist from Cart Guys). Limited number of tee times to space players out. No walk on players to ensure pacing. Payment was done through credit card and at a distance from employees.

After setting these practices in place the course reached out to the county and had them visit and review the procedures. They were approved to continue with golf. Yeah!

But as of today the State of California and the Director of the California Department of Public Health ordered them to close.

So we are encouraged to stay healthy and get exercise - but parks, trials, beaches, and golf courses are closed. For now we are allowed to walk/jog along the streets. But how long will it be before that is discouraged or prohibited too?

narciso said...

like warren but with brawndo

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Because the news is too cheerful, I’m balancing things out by reading Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy.

Mark said...

No Name that Trek tonight.

Instead, I'll just mention that there is a guy at work who looks like PC Penhale.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Freeman Hunt said...
some of his friends organized a birthday parade and drove past our house with balloons and posters, honking and waving and dropping gifts by the curb.

This is very cool. I haven't seen anything like this locally. You should advertise this more broadly, it is a very nice thing to do.

narciso said...

not the road

Mark said...

Thankfully, Aunt Ruth isn't going senile. She just has gas.

Ken B said...

Reading time for all of us. Some cheap Kindle books!

Cutter and Bone by Thornburg is a buck. It is one of the greatest crime novels ever.
Effi Briest by Fontane. The German Madame Bovary, 19th century lit in translation, a buck.
Riddle of the Sands, Childers. A pre WWI spy story, but’s mostly about boats. Childers was executed by the British. A buck.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

narciso said...
Nothing works properly in california, its like a faraday case for logic.

Not sure how many people will get this, but it is a good one. A very solid effort.

Mark said...

And her neighbor took the "seal in the house" directive a little too literally.

narciso said...

They made into a movie with jeff bridges and joseph bottoms, cutters way

Mark said...

The Doc is really bad at subterfuge. Making Morwenna suspicious.

Lurker21 said...

Per Fox News Poll, Biden is Crushing Trump in swing states.

Some people will vote for a dead man before they will vote for a Republican.

That actually does happen. Usually a plane crash is involved.

Mark said...

Some dead people will vote for a dead man over a Republican.

narciso said...

a thriller starring ian fleming

YoungHegelian said...

While trapped in, I have, through multiple empirical trials, come to the learned conclusion that A&W Root Beer or Mexican Coca-Cola (with real cane sugar!) produce a better ice cream float than Pepsi.

Even Pepsi Throwback, much to my surprise.

Ken B said...

A&W root beer has always ruled. I had those over 50 years ago!

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan quoted...

narciso said...
Nothing works properly in california, its like a faraday case for logic.

...then said...

Not sure how many people will get this, but it is a good one. A very solid effort.

Would have been better with cage instead of case, but then spell-checking is a frequent problem for narciso

Mark said...

I wonder if they knew in the pilot that Martin and Louiser's relationship would be so prominently central to the series.

YoungHegelian said...

@Ken B,

I had those over 50 years ago!

In my raw & misspent youth in Alabama, a root beer float was called a brown cow.

Attempts to order a float in the local diners using said terms produces only looks of bewilderment.

Kidz these days, let me tellya!

narciso said...

Well you know what i meant.

narciso said...

Yes i caught the second to last season or so poldark.

Ken B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

bavl on your heads

gilbar said...

YoungHegelian said...
While trapped in, I have, through multiple empirical trials, come to the learned conclusion that A&W Root Beer or Mexican Coca-Cola (with real cane sugar!) produce a better ice cream float than Pepsi.

i Love pepsi, but have Always thought that it does not hold up to dilution well.
The ice on a pepsi, should be on the outside of the (GLASS!) bottle
i think that is why restaurants usually have coke; coke on ice is actually BETTER than coke straight. I'm (now) making a corollary that the same is true with ice cream

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Ignorance is Bliss said...
Would have been better with cage instead of case,

Proof-reading is a frequent problem for me.

Ken B said...

narciso said...
Nothing works properly in california, its like a faraday cage for logic.

ARM replied ...
Not sure how many people will get this, but it is a good one. A very solid effort.

Althouse blog is a Faraday cage for humor.

narciso said...

name that tune

Mark said...

PC Mylow -- guest starring -- has put on some weight.

narciso said...

On star trek they have kirk at the ok corral roundup.

narciso said...

On metv followed by peter graves on buck rogers, guess starring

Mark said...

About that expertise on communicable diseases -- it is APPALLING and totally UNACCEPTABLE that medical schools back in the last four decades did not already teach aspiring doctors how to treat COVID-19. EVERY DOCTOR should have already been ready with expertise on it!!

If Joe Biden were president, you can be sure that they would have been.

Mark said...

On metv followed by peter graves on buck rogers, guess starring

"Joey, have you ever been in a... in a Turkish prison?"

Mark said...

"Do you like movies about gladiators?"

Sebastian said...

Hill: “He did promise ‘America First'”

Still "neutral," Althouse?

FullMoon said...

About that expertise on communicable diseases -- it is APPALLING and totally UNACCEPTABLE that medical schools back in the last four decades did not already teach aspiring doctors how to treat COVID-19. EVERY DOCTOR should have already been ready with expertise on it!!

If Joe Biden were president, you can be sure that they would have been.

And every hospital employee should be competent in ventilator manipulation, in case of new virus panicdemic

The Vault Dweller said...

So apparently in reference to the video that was posted here a couple weeks ago, of the people in Italy singing out their window to cheer each other up, someone tried that same tactic in New York city, and was promptly told to "Shut the Fuck up!". Honestly that response is much more reassuring to me than if something weird happened lots of people started singing along.

robother said...

So, the risk of WUHAN flu is too great for colleges, law firms, government offices, in fact anyone except "essential" workers such as delivery, grocery and pharmacy workers and people involved in meeting the resupply chain of those. What makes those people the equivalent of the people removing corpses from medieval plagues? People whose lives don't matter? And what happens if they start waking up and demanding compensation for their risk, as any Wall Street arbitrageur would?

Clayton Hennesey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

wait theres more

Gahrie said...

And what happens if they start waking up and demanding compensation for their risk

I have relatives who work for Amazon and a grocery chain. Both are getting extra pay right now.

Milwaukie guy said...

Sometime mid-Spring:

“Thank you, thank you. It's great to get back on the campaign trail. I understand there is still an election for President.

Some pundits have pondered whether Trump will postpone the November election. This is why most pundits are not to be trusted. Postpone the election? When the first Republican president was running for re-election, Abe Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War, did he postpone the election. No!

In fact, he ran against a Democrat that wanted to negotiate with the South and give them peace and slavery. Even in the midst of the Civil War the Democrats wanted to surrender and let the South keep slavery. What a party!

So, what a victory we've had against the Chinese Flu, the Covid-19, the novel coronavirus. We had an all of government approach, from Federal to state to county. That's what federalism is all about. Washington can't know what's right for every state and county in the nation. However, in the case of quarantining the epicenter of the pandemic in the tri-state NYC metropolitan region for longer than the rest of the country, the federal government stepped in, because it was a multi-state issue.

I want to thank all of the federal team, led by VP Mike Pence, and all the others, for their tireless efforts. I want to thank all the state and county officials for their tireless efforts. This was an all of government approach.

The long-term fight against Covid19 is not over. It may be back next fall before we have a tested a vaccine. I call on the Congress to investigate the Federal response to the public health crisis, particularly the CDC and the FDA, before the next flu season. This is not to apportion blame but to better prepare for the future. State legislators should investigate their state's responses as well.

I want to thank all the private companies who stepped up to the plate, many great companies big and small. That's the free market system at its best.

But I want, really, to talk about our heroes.

First of all are America's medical personal. They were literally risking their lives. We owe them our appreciation. And retired personnel signed up to serve, it was wonderful.

There are first responders, police, fire, EMTs. Always on the frontlines. And FEMA and the National Guard and the Army Corps of Engineers and others. We owe them our appreciation.

There are the restaurants that were able to stay open for carry-out and those that volunteered to feed school children in need. Those taking care of the elderly. We owe them our appreciation.

I could really go on for a few minutes because so many Americans, every family, were pitching in their own way.

I just want to really emphasize some really essential American workers, the truckers and stockers, the grocery clerks, the bodega owners. We owe them our appreciation. Again, I could go on.

Not to pick on anyone but, just for example, laying off the university professors and diversity administrators was a sacrifice we could make during the crisis. It was the essential services of working class Americans that kept the wheels of America going. We owe them our appreciation.

Thank all of you. God bless America.

Now, about this election and why the Pelosi-Schumer Democrats are a danger to America....”

I like to write pretend speeches.

Gahrie said...

And what happens if they start waking up and demanding compensation for their risk,

The only ones I feel bad about actually are the truck drivers. Many of them are behaving like heroes right now, and in twenty years most of their jobs will be gone.

Unknown said...


Sad that doc Martin is over. Great show

boatbuilder said...

I'm not as old as Sleepy Joe, but I believe that people have been saying "from the get go" for as long as I've been around.

Another phrase that has been in common use for a long time is "Monday morning quarterback."

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Unknown said...
Sad that doc Martin is over. Great show

Try the Detectorists.

Clayton Hennesey said...

I notice Ace of Ace of Spades HQ is now using "cafe" to designate his open threads.

Does the "cafe" convention predate Althouse, or is Ace adopting hers?

For an example, Rod Dreher copied his "View From Your Table" food porn posts from Andrew Sullivan's prior "View From Your Window" random reader photo submissions.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Several of we 'unknown's out tonight!

As far as floats: If you are going to use cola, use Coke. If you are going to use root beer, use Virgil's..

Gospace said...


I have never heard a root beer float called a brown cow anywhere I’ve lived.

Where I lived in my youth a brown cow was a chocolate milkshake made with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup instead of the proper way with chocolate ice cream and chocolate syrup .

In many parts of the country I have discovered I have to specify chocolate ice cream when I order a chocolate shake, and when doing that sometimes have to remind them to add the syrup. I’ve actually been told that’s too much chocolate as if such a thing was possible.

Milwaukie guy said...

Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands is great. [Just getting into the comments.]

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Detectorists - yes.
3 seasons of the cutest little show ever.

A break from all the "who-done-it" crimes shows.

Anther recommend: It's only one show, but as a fan of Toby Jones, I watched "Marvelous" on Acorn and it's good too. Actually the kind of medicine needed right now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I want to know why Billionaires like Bloomberg and Steyer and the like, aren't pooling their resources and funding massive projects like - ventilators, & new infectious disease centers.


Jaq said...

"Still "neutral," Althouse?”

She already said that she regretted her vote, which is how I first figured out it was Hillary given what was in the news at the time.

walter said...

Donald J. Trump
On the recommendation of the White House CoronaVirus Task Force, and upon consultation with the Governor’s of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, I have asked the @CDCgov to issue a strong Travel Advisory, to be administered by the Governors, in consultation with the Federal Government. A quarantine will not be necessary. Full details will be released by CDC tonight. Thank you!

Jaq said...

Per Wikipedia, NYC has a population density of 27,000 per square mile or so, typical upstate county more like 80 per square mile. It’s not wrong to loosen the screws on Clinton County, let people who can work in a properly socially distanced way go back to work for example, even if their job is “non essential” while keeping restrictions in place for NYC.

Unknown said...

As. A kid in Indiana, they were called a black cow. My mom was from Iowa. Maybe the name came from there.

Sebastian said...

"She already said that she regretted her vote"

Sort of. But then it's right back to phony "neutrality."

When progs show themselves to be mendacious and evil time after time, claims of neutrality become a moral copout.

Jaq said...

"Stephen McIntyre
Justin Trudeau urges Canadians to turn off their ventilators in observance of Earth Hour."

Jaq said...

"Sort of.”

No, Straight up. She said that she “regretted her vote” those were her words. She didn’t couch them.

bagoh20 said...

I really love this country, and I love our history and our people. Those I have been dealing with in business, and when I do go out to get supplies have been wonderful: supportive, upbeat, confident and optimistic, and much more so than circumstances warrant, but there they are, becuase that's who we are.

The thing that makes this challenge so frustrating is that as Americans, we are fighters, especially when we are attacked, but this enemy requires that fighting it means hiding and waiting, and that's just not how we'd prefer to fight. If we could just punch it in the face when we see it, we'd have a much more American experience with it, and this would already be over.

Tomorrow we are celebrating my "step-daughter's" birthday. She's 26, absolutley gorgeous, and my self-taught laser operator at work. For her birthday, she wanted to "blow stuff up". It wasn't easy, but I found a local gun store with Tanerite in stock. They were completely sold out of guns and had only a small amount of ammo left. I ran over there and stood outside in line as they let in one person at a time. When I got in, it was completely empty except for a shelf of Tanerite. I bought it all - 25lbs.

The whole family is going out in the desert tomorrow and we are going to make so much noise that the COVID nation will immediately surrender and pledge allegiance to America, but we won't be taking any prisoners. Not this time.

traditionalguy said...

Our church wants everybody to have a traditional service on Facebook or YouTube tomorrow. That was the first paragraph of the e-mail. The next two were a pitch to mail in our money NOW.. Which makes them into a Televangelist always pitching the need for our donations, but
without the talent. This strange new world is going to open eyes and change things. The irony is how the old line churches have always despised the talented televangelists.

The big news is the one-two punch out of the Pandemic has arrived.The Chloroquine with Zephromicin works so long as the infected get it in the first days presymptomatic, and now all can get a self test that gives 15 minute wait for results instead of a several days. Then the positives take the Rx and have no problem. Boy are the Dems pissed off about the news of another Trump victory.

Come on everybody. We can golf again like we did last summer.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

On star trek they have kirk at the ok corral roundup."

wildswan said...

"Ken B said...
narciso said...
Nothing works properly in california, its like a faraday cage for logic.

ARM replied ...
Not sure how many people will get this, but it is a good one. A very solid effort.

Althouse blog is a Faraday cage for humor."

That's not funny. [Classical reference]

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

" 27,000 per square mile""

My God! That sounds like some kind of prison. I love the Manhattan experience, but only as a tourist. Living like that would be absolute torture for me. Where are you going to blow stuff up in a place like that. I mean if you're not a terrorist.

Rory said...

Quarantine Milestones: moving on to Season 6 of Barney Miller. They just lost Nick. I think I blew through Season 5 in two or three days. 100 episodes in, they're down to six guys in two little rooms, for the next three years.

I just finished a loaf of sliced Italian bread that I've had for 13 days. Room temperature, no indication of mold by sight or smell. I'm treating it as a sign of some sort.

walter said...

Alex Berenson
Great news from a guy who was on a ventilator a few days ago...
Quote Tweet
David Lat
· 1h
A quick update on my status (aka reports of my death on a bunch of random “fake news” websites in the Philippines have been greatly exaggerated (#COVID19 #CoronavirusUSA #CoronavirusOutbreak #notdeadyet):

bagoh20 said...

In California, the logic does get in. They just reject it outright when they see it. They actually think it's evil, and part of a right wing conspiracy, which it kinda is in a way.

Jaq said...

"On star trek they have kirk at the ok corral roundup.”

And still they get cancelled to make room for Gunsmoke, or was that Gilligan’s Island?

Gregg said...

The Governor of Rhode Island says the National Guard is going to hunt down New Yorkers(ie Jews) and go door-to-door. They'll stop anyone with NY license plates.

The Governor of New York, says he will sue Rhode Island.

Just joking. None of this is really happening. Thought y'all could use a little humor !!

Mark said...

I just realized that the gaggle of giggling girls aren't around. Only got through five episodes though, so maybe in the next three, which will have to wait until tomorrow.

Mark said...

That new relief bill will lead to a LOT of employers dumping their employees onto the public dole.

bagoh20 said...

I had an amazing experience today. I bought toilet paper, and there was least when I was there at 5 minutes after Walmart opened.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Same at Walgreens. Of course it was 3-ply, which I would not normally buy, but hey!

Charlie Currie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Freeman said...

"One son had a birthday yesterday. Because of social distancing, he wasn't particularly looking forward to it. Much to his surprise, the parents of some of his friends organized a birthday parade and drove past our house with balloons and posters, honking and waving and dropping gifts by the curb. It was pretty great, and he had a very happy birthday."

i believe this may have been in the news...

Mark said...

As I've noted before, David Lat was put on hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

Jaq said...

"We can golf again like we did last summer.”

I used to say that you could replace ‘love’ with the word ‘golf’ in most songs and they still make sense.

“All We Need is Golf”
“Silly Golf Songs”
“She Plays Golf, yeah yeah yeah!” OK, that was a tweak.
“Golf Hurts”
“Your Cheatin’ Heart”

Yeah, day six of quarantine is going realy well.

narciso said...

that episode was about a nerve gas cache and transferred to space

narciso said...

Mark said...

David Lat
A quick update on my status (aka reports of my death on a bunch of random “fake news” websites in the Philippines have been greatly exaggerated (#COVID19 #CoronavirusUSA #CoronavirusOutbreak #notdeadyet):
I don’t want to be presumptuous, since my condition is stable but still serious. I require 24/7 oxygen, I need a nurse’s help for even the simplest tasks, and I only just now progressed to solid...

Great news. Wouldn't you agree, Stay Safe??

Charlie Currie said...

"BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
The Detectorists - yes.
3 seasons of the cutest little show ever.

A break from all the "who-done-it" crimes shows. "

Double yes, yes.

Also, The Good Place and Shitts Creek

bagoh20 said...

"That new relief bill will lead to a LOT of employers dumping their employees onto the public dole."

The problem I'm seeing is that employees want to go on the public dole: full pay and no work. Or if you're ambitious, you get another job AND collect the payments too. I have to admit it even sounds good to me, except it will destroy the employer's business that you should want to go back to. This will selectively destroy small companies who can't afford to pay their bills without operating, becuase they don't have lobbyists.

Charlie Currie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig said...

Dylan's Kennedy song reminds me of Joyce in Finnegan's Wake.

Charlie Currie said...

A couple of good Australian shows worth watching:

The Code
Secret City

Mark said...

Don't waste your time on The Good Place. The last couple of episodes ruin the entire series.

Mark said...

SPOILER for The Good Place --

They decide in the last episode that being dead and non-existent is better after all.

bagoh20 said...

If we could all just put the word "Kennedy" in our company name, things would be awesome.

Inga said...

Virginia pastor who said coronavirus was 'mass hysteria' dies of Covid-19

“The pastor had shared a meme on Facebook slamming the media for causing unwarranted panic about the coronavirus. He compared the current media coverage to that of the H1N1 virus, and suggested that the H1N1 virus was worse but that the nation and media during that crisis were "totally chill".

Just days before he fell ill with coronavirus, Pastor Spradlin posted on his Facebook account: "President Trump: COVID-19 Coronavirus. US cases: 1,329. US deaths: 38. Panic level: Mass hysteria," the post claimed. "President Obama: H1N1 Virus. US cases: 60.8million. US deaths: 12,469. Panic level: Totally chill."

"Do you all see how the media can manipulate your life?" the post questioned.”

This is very sad, more so because he so misunderstood what was about to kill him.

Mark said...

So, Daniel Huston guest starred as a homeless "camper" who was shot outside Portwenn.

I diagnosed his abdominal pain before the Doc did. Diverticulitis. His case had sepsis complicatations, but still. Having a constant pain in the side is not fun.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
Because the news is too cheerful, I’m balancing things out by reading Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy."

Ah yes. That will certainly brighten your outlook on life!

Sebastian said...

"No, Straight up. She said that she “regretted her vote” those were her words."

I believe she did. But when I say sort of, I mean the regret is limited to the vote for this person this time, not what she stands for. With the next Dem up, it's let's-see-what-happens; with the next prog outrage, it's so-sad-and-why-aren't-they-better. It's not regret-regret, if you know what I mean. That would have forced a now-I-see, never-again kind of rethinking.

Don't get me wrong: by comparison with regular Dems, Althouse is a paragon of political virtue and good sense, and of course her tolerance of deplorables is courageous-- a sad commentary, but there it is.

Mark said...

And now, the rest of the story, a/k/a correcting the record --

In the comments to the Facebook post, Spradlin said he believes the coronavirus "is a real issue, but I believe the media is pumping out fear and doing more harm than good."

Mark said...

So I exited out of Doc Martin to come onto an episode where Steve Austin -- a man barely alive, but we can rebuild him -- meets some pointy-eared Vulcans on an island in the Pacific.

toxdoc said...

That's really sweet, Freeman. Last Wednesday, the elementary teachers at the local school had an impromptu parade with a fire truck leading,twenty or so cars with balloons and pom poms. The just wanted to let the kids know they cared and missed them

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Mark said...
And now, the rest of the story, a/k/a correcting the record --

In the comments to the Facebook post, Spradlin said he believes the coronavirus "is a real issue, but I believe the media is pumping out fear and doing more harm than good."

3/28/20, 10:35 PM

Ah, but if you believe the nation shouldn't be locked down for months, you're a "denialist" - no room for nuance here.

There are undoubtedly leftists gloating and celebrating the death of a Christian pastor. Because, as the NY Times tells us, they're responsible for the epidemic.

n.n said...

Virginia pastor who said coronavirus was 'mass hysteria' dies of Covid-19

Gaia's Choice.

In the comments to the Facebook post, Spradlin said he believes the coronavirus "is a real issue, but I believe the media is pumping out fear and doing more harm than good."

The press, media, and social platforms have been spreaders of a social contagion.

Save a million lives annually in America alone. #FourChoices #HateLovesAbortion

ngtrains said...

hey Unknown

mystery to me, but I had two posts that called me Unknown.

Don't know why, but somehow i was 'logged in' under my wife's
email address.
one was about Doc Martin, and the other was black cow



Charlie Currie said...

"Mark said...
Don't waste your time on The Good Place. The last couple of episodes ruin the entire series."

I think The Bob Newhart Show is the only series that ended well. It's almost better that they cancel them.

ceowens said...

My upstate NY county has 28,000 folks. And 1300 square miles.

Mark said...

Clicking around . . .

Skipping Buck Rogers - was never into it.

Some punk tries to force himself on Erin with a second kiss.

So that's how megaphones are made.

The Soviet crowd is cheering, "Rocky, Rocky, Rocky" in the battle against Drago.

Ralph L said...

Since we don't have any root beer for the float I've been thinking about, I ate a pile of Moravian spice cookies instead.

n.n said...

Ah, but if you believe the nation shouldn't be locked down for months, you're a "denialist" - no room for nuance here.

There are two possible outcomes. One, the pandemic matches a liberal estimate of aborted or no longer viable lives and serves as an impetus for social distancing that curbs the progress of globalism (e.g. outsourcing/insourcing, out-of-sight out-of-mind Green solutions), immigration reform, and selective-child (a.k.a. planned parenthood). Two, the pandemic matches a conservative estimate, social distancing is a limited frame event, and the world proceeds with community development, emigration reform, and forward-looking clean, reliable, blight-free energy development.

Original Mike said...

Time Tunnel is on the Titanic tonight.

Mark said...

The pilot of Time Tunnel is on MeTV -- but not until 4 a.m.

Original Mike said...

Oh! It is the pilot!

Original Mike said...

I remember, vaguely, the Titanic episode when I was a kid. But I am surprised to find it was the first episode.

Mark said...

Meanwhile, on another channel --

"Rules? In a knife fight?"

Mark said...

This coronavirus stuff is bad -- as in BAD. But it could be worse -- MUCH WORSE.

"I'm 26, and I'm single, and a school teacher, and that's the bottom of the pit."

Ken B said...

Fans of Detectorists and Doc Martin should check out Slings & Arrows

Mark said...

I missed the scene, but checking the cast list, I never knew that Sam Elliot was in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. He played Card Player No. 2.

Mark said...

Apparently Sam Elliot's part was mostly cut and now he can only be seen for a moment in the background.

stephen cooper said...

In 1971 in Rock County in Wisconsin a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a tall glass of root beer was "a brown cow."

walter said...

Scott Gottlieb, MD Retweeted
Carol Ross Joynt
Dr. Gottlieb will join @margbrennan
on @FaceTheNation
tomorrow morning, 10:30 am ET, @cbsnews
. #expert #coronavirus #update
Quote Tweet
Scott Gottlieb, MD
· 8h
We can end the national epidemic with tough measures in April, and gradually restart our activity in May and June. As we do, we must focus on getting technology and tools to make sure we can end the current spread more quickly, save lives, and keep it from ever happening again.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

stephen cooper said...
In 1971 in Rock County in Wisconsin a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a tall glass of root beer was "a brown cow."

That is still a brown cow!

walter said...

(above simply to alert to what will be on the all-important FTN)

stephen cooper said...

I will take your word for it, it has been a fairly long time since any of my friends - or me - have had a brown cow in 1971 Rock County, Wisconsin, if I have one again I will know what it is called.

Guildofcannonballs said...

LA_Bob said...

Here's something on the Calfornia COVID testing subject:

Yancey Ward said...

He is in the very first scene, where he accuses Sundance of cheating and challenges him to a gunfight before finding out who he really is.

Yancey Ward said...

I was wrong- it wasn't Elliot who does the challenge. Just rewatched the scene on Youtube.

CardPlayer1: "What the secret of your success?"

Sundance: "Prayer."

alanc709 said...

I can't stand "The Good Place".

Bay Area Guy said...


"I missed the scene, but checking the cast list, I never knew that Sam Elliot was in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. He played Card Player No. 2."

And he ended up marrying Katharine Ross!

Yancey Ward said...

Yikes, Katherine Ross is still alive, and 80 years old.

Yancey Ward said...

Nope, not cardplayer #1 either. Character named Macon- but played by Donnelly Rhodes, whose name I recognized immediately.

stephen cooper said...

I used to drive by the Pentagon on my commute home from a job I had much earlier in life,

and almost every time I drove by I thought about a guy I knew who, now that I think about it, looked a little like Sam O'Neill
(but a Sam O'Neill without the self-indulgent mustache, and a Vietnam vet - a former lieutenant who spent a lot of time on patrols in the rice paddies and so on, who later had a desk job as a major on Ring C or Ring B, God only knows, or maybe Ring A or Ring D) who met and married a beautiful young business school graduate (not Wharton type business school, but Strayer University type business school - how to type, how to take stenography, that sort of thing) who, now that I think about it, looked a lot like Katherine Ross, who he met while they both worked at the Pentagon, that least romantic of places in my beloved Northern Virginia.

They both were very kind to me when, believe it or not, General Clapper (a two star at the time), of all people, reluctantly told me I was going to have to find another job, whether I wanted to or not. They gave me, in their suburban house, a "you just got fired" party that was almost as good as a "you just retired" party" ----that was back in the 80s.

They were both very interesting people, I hope neither one of them deserved the difficult years that followed their divorce. I tried to help a little, but, unless I am mistaken, there is nothing I could have said that could have made it even a little better, and eventually we all went our different ways, but I still remember their kindness. To succeed in life, you have to be either very very smart or very very kind, I think Elwood or one of his pals said that in the movie "Harvey".
Unless I am mistaken, very few of us often meet people who honestly think we have been a success in life. Once in a while, but rarely.

Gospace said...

Doing a google search, there seems to be a whole lot of regionalisms on what constitutes a brown cow. And, I suspect there have been changes over the years.

Virtually everything I saw defined ice cream soda and ice cream float the same. My father was a soda jerk when younger. An ice cream float was a milk shake with an extra scoop of ice cream floating in it. An ice cream soda was any kind of soda with a scoop of ice cream- which could be a root beer float or a Coke float. I use to drink chocolate floats- chocolate soda and chocolate ice cream. There were also flavored Cokes - any variety of the counter syrups mixed with Coca Cola, not that nasty Pepsi stuff. Most fountains hated making Chocolate Cokes because the soda fizzed- a lot, making a mess.

Then there's the chocolate egg cream. Once upon a time actually had an egg in it, but putting raw eggs into drinks became a bad thing, and I've never had one that way. Soda water, chocolate syrup, and milk.

And if you google "What is a milkshake with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup called?" you get several answers, one of which is a "chocolate milkshake", which it most definitely is not.

So the proper answer is- a brown cow is whatever you call a brown cow and the people around you understand what you mean. And if you google it, there are alcoholic versions suitable for trying during these quarantine times....

Kind of reminds me of one of my first outings with my wife to be. Asked if she liked bowling and she answered in the affirmative. So I picked her up and took her to the bowling lanes. She looks around and asks "Where are the bowling balls?" I said, "All around. How heavy do you want one?" Puzzled look so I went to a carousel and pulled one out. Uh-oh. She had never been ten pin bowling, only duck pin. And I still haven't been duck pin bowling....

stephen cooper said...

sometimes when I see an elderly couple at the supermarket I think of them, but then again maybe most of the elderly couples at the supermarket are
not divorced and remarried - there is so much that is impossible in life ---- it could not be them, but if were, where are their subsequent spouses? ---- and yes the ending of the good place was sad and boring and not even mediocre, and that is not a good thing, and since there is so much that is good in life, we have to ask why? why is it is so hard to be rich enough to produce a "TV show!" and not be the sort of person who thinks the ludicrously bad ending of the good place was a good idea

stephen cooper said...

could they not just have read Ephesians 3:18 just once? (the producers of the ludicrously misnamed 'good place)

Kyjo said...

In the words of Dr. Birx, models are models:

Policymakers have relied too heavily on COVID-19 models, says Devi Sridhar, a global health expert at the University of Edinburgh. “I'm not really sure whether the theoretical models will play out in real life.” And it's dangerous for politicians to trust models that claim to show how a little[-]studied virus can be kept in check, says Harvard University epidemiologist William Hanage. “It's like, you've decided you've got to ride a tiger,” he says, “except you don't know where the tiger is, how big it is, or how many tigers there actually are.”

Models are at their most useful when they identify something that is not obvious, says Adam Kucharski, a modeler at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. One valuable function, he says, was to flag that temperature screening at airports will miss most coronavirus-infected people.

There's also a lot that models don't capture. They cannot anticipate, say, an effective antiviral that reduces the need for hospital beds. Nor do most models factor in the anguish of social distancing, or whether the public obeys orders to stay home. In Hong Kong and Singapore, “It's 2 months already [of such measures], and people are really getting very tired,” says University of Hong Kong modeler Gabriel Leung. Recent data suggest the virus may be spreading faster again in both cities, putting them on the brink of a major outbreak, he adds.

Long lockdowns to slow a disease have catastrophic economic impacts and may devastate public health themselves. “It's a three-way tussle,” Leung says, “between protecting health, protecting the economy, and protecting people's well-being and emotional health.”

The economic fallout isn't something epidemic models address, says Ira Longini, a modeler at the University of Florida—but that may have to change. “We should probably hook up with some economic modelers and try to factor that in,” he says.

Be sure to take a look at this graph. What sane, thinking person would not see that the underlying model is obviously absurd as a basis for policy and in need of major adjustments to reflect social and economic reality?

walter said...

"Models are at their most useful when they identify something that is not obvious,"
(depends on definition of useful)

Mark said...

When Sundance turns around to shoot in the opening scene, Sam Elliot is in the shadows on the left for just a second. You can't tell it is him, but it is pointed out in one of the interview videos with him.

Mark said...

There is a reason that countries with thriving economies have healthier people.

Kyjo said...

@walter, “rough estimates” are good enough for police powers just shy of martial law in San Jose:

Harkness told the council the data is a “rough estimate,” clarifying that Santa Clara County was working on a “much more detailed and robust estimate” itself. “But given the urgency of this situation, we have decided to share these preliminary results in order to drive the action needed to save lives,” he said.

I’ve heard from friends that they know people who’ve been issued $400 for being “outside without a reason.” I don’t know the full details, but my friends weren’t aware that the Santa Clara County order the police were allegedly enforcing specifically allows people to engage in outdoor activities, as long as they comply with 6' social distancing requirements.

Kyjo said...

That is, $400 citations.

h said...

Tim in Vermont: All you need is golf. THanks for the insight.

Ray - SoCal said...

@Yancey Ward

I am VERY worried about the CA Testing. We seem to have about 95% of the entire backlog for the US. If you work it out, CA has done about 1% of the testing in the US, with 12% of the population.

Supposedly the Samples were frozen, and will be tested as capacity allows. There are some excuses about not enough reactants, they don't want to overload the labs, etc.

LA Times article with limited information:

CA is increasing number of tests done by 19%. There are probably 65,000 infected, and 25,000 tests have been done, with an infected rate of 16%. Looks like around 2500 a day right now of tests are done. Should be 10,000 a day soon.

I am VERY FRUSTRATED withe lack of good information on this major issue of testing in CA.


h said...

Narciso: I saw the movie LA confidential shortly after I had read the book. I was struck by how well James Cromwell embodied the part of Dudley Smith. I had the same reaction to Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter. But it's surprising how rare it is for an actor to be "the only person who could have played that part so effectively."

walter said...

Concerning indeed.
Was it browndog who described similar?
I believe a reporter brought this sort of thing up to Trump in last presser and he ducked it

walter said...

LA Confidential was odd..Spacey stomping around...even then.

"New York’s health commissioner contradicted coronavirus guidance from the White House on Wendesday, telling people who have been to New York City recently that they should not, in fact, quarantine.

Coronavirus task force member Dr. Deborah Birx on Tuesday urged anyone who had been to New York City recently to self-quarantine, as there was a significant chance they contracted the virus. NY commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker, however, said that part of the White House’s guidance wasn’t necessary.

“I would not follow that. I believe you should follow the guidance in general, you should social distance,

walter said...

Michael Coudrey
Mar 28
Healthcare workers in India have been told to take Hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure to help protect against coronavirus infection.
ICMR advises use of hydroxy-chloroquine to shield health workers against corona infection
Amid rising coronavirus cases in the country, the national task force for Covid-19 constituted by Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) has recommended hydroxy-chloroquine as a preventive...

Kyjo said...

@walter, not sure if it was Browndog, but someone did describe Michigan police issuing tickets to drivers under similar circumstances.

Kyjo said...

WHO holding water for the glorious PRC, as usual.

walter said...

Technical difficulties..tactical difficulties...

walter said...

Sigmund Friedrich
One more scandal in France ! Public research labs trying to get their COVID-19 test kits approved by the administration face refusals :
Even though 10 times less tests are done each week compared to Germany :

rhhardin said...

Troll research station in Antarctica just started daylight savings time. Set your clocks forward.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Found on Facebook

They ran to the groceries, they filled up their carts,
They emptied the Tops...Price Chopper...Walmart.
They panicked and fought and then panicked some more,
Then they rushed to their homes and they locked all the doors.

The food will be gone! The milk eggs and cheese!
The yogurt! The apples! The green beans and peas!
The stores have run out, now what will we do?
They’ll be starving and looting and nothing to do!

Then they paused, and they listened a moment or two.
And they did hear a sound, rising over the fear,
It started out far, then began to grow near.

But this sound wasn’t sad, nor was it new,
The farms were still doing what farms always do.

The food was still coming, though they’d emptied the shelves,
The farms kept it coming, though they struggled themselves,

Though the cities had forgotten from where their food came,
The farms made them food every day, just the same.
Through weather and critics and markets that fall,
The farms kept on farming in spite of it all.

They farmed without thank you's.
They farmed without praise.
They farmed on the hottest and coldest of days.

They’d bought all the food, yet the next day came more,
And the people thought of something they hadn’t before.
Maybe food, they thought, doesn’t come from a store.
Maybe farmers, perhaps...mean a little bit more.

~~Anna Richards~~

Fernandinande said...

Virginia pastor who said coronavirus was 'mass hysteria' dies of Covid-19

He didn't write any of those things attributed to him in that article, which itself is a nice example of "how the media can manipulate your life": Tiffany Fray wrote those statements (were any of them false?), and she's not dead.

stevew said...

Massachusetts is advising visitors to the state to self-quarantine for 14 days. Given the arc of the outbreak here it is only a matter of time until the surrounding states advise against MA visitors. That will be a problem for mrs. stevew and me, we have to find a new place to live; our desired location is southern seacoast Maine. Might make sense to quickly find a rental property up there and put our stuff in storage.

Wednesday is our eldest granddaughter's 8th birthday. There won't be a parade - what a great thing btw - but there is a zoom meeting planned for all the family. Not sure how an 8 year old will respond to that but should be fun, especially and hopefully for her.

Today we have your yesterday's gloom and rain. Suits my mood.

Jaq said...

"Time Tunnel is on the Titanic tonight.”

That’s what we used to call the Quantas jetway. The Time Tunnel.

Jaq said...

They changed the way they do avatars.

Guildofcannonballs said...

We need a list...

BUMBLE BEE said...


stlcdr said...

Blogger Freeman Hunt said...
One son had a birthday yesterday. Because of social distancing, he wasn't particularly looking forward to it. Much to his surprise, the parents of some of his friends organized a birthday parade and drove past our house with balloons and posters, honking and waving and dropping gifts by the curb. It was pretty great, and he had a very happy birthday.

3/28/20, 8:09 PM

That’s a pretty damned good way of doing things!

What makes me sad, though, is that all these people would literally be arrested in Britain, at the moment (and Spain, but I can’t confirm that).

tcrosse said...

This has been an excellent opportunity to clean out the freezer. There are many Unidentified Frozen Objects in there, some of which, when thawed, proved to be good eats. Things have settled down at our friendly neighborhood supermarket, and I was able to score eggs and chicken without a fight.

Original Mike said...

"That’s what we used to call the Quantas jetway. The Time Tunnel."

Because the flight was so long?

TwoAndAHalfCents said...

Root beer + vanilla ice cream = brown cow
Coke + vanilla ice cream = black cow
Grape soda + vanilla ice cream = purple cow

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The Wuhan virus is real. The danger is real. The hysteria over it is really hysterical.

narayanan said...

ARM replied ...
Not sure how many people will get this, but it is a good one. A very solid effort.

Althouse blog is a Faraday cage for humor."

Wondering if all along ARM has been posting in humor?!


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