Now, here's The Daily Wire collecting other statements to the same effect:
National Review Washington Correspondent John McCormack noted: “‘colorful lights…’ ‘decorative brick…’ If a Republican released this ad…”...ADDED: This post got my "homophobia politics" tag, and I clicked and looked back to see where that went. The original post that motivated me to make the tag was "Emerging trend: Democrats insinuating that Republican politicians are gay" ("I'm saying this is a trend to watch, because I'm seeing the second example of something within one week"). That was something that was going on in 2014. Remember? I didn't.
Popular Twitter account Comfortably Smug wrote: “This whole ad is a homophobic dog whistle: decorative sidewalks and lights and pet adoption? Discomfort with African Americans? WHAT IS BIDEN SAYING?”
AND: Lots of interesting stuff in the "homophobia politics" tag. Remember the homophobia politics used against Michele Bachmann (because of her husband)? John Roberts (because of his plaid pants)? Mitt Romney (because he said "marvelous”)? Eric Cantor (because the Governor of Montana had "gaydar")? Scott Walker (because as a young man, he did not respond to the young women who hung all over him)?
1 – 200 of 226 Newer› Newest»Gays are mockable for the stereotype that made them amusing, and more recently for humorlessness.
Look into new curtains in city hall. There's probably more material there, with some fact checking.
I don’t recall a trend of insinuating Republicans are gay, but we’ve all noticed how often liberals use descriptions of gay sex acts to insult Republicans.
homophobic dog whistle: decorative sidewalks and lights and pet adoption? Discomfort with African Americans?
makes a Good Point! When i think about things that indicate homosexuality
Four things come directly to mind
1) decorative sidewalks
2) decorative light
3) pet adoption
4) Discomfort with African Americans
If someone is in favor of pet adoption, and is not comfortable with African Americans
That is The Definition of FAG!
isn't it?
Your assessment of the ad is clearly correct. I have to assume that the Biden campaign was consciously aware of this. If they were, they must have asked themselves, “If we run this ad, will we get pushback from our party?” I gather they would have concluded:
* Not from the Democratic establishment
* Not from young progressive Dems who would ordinarily raise a hue-and-cry because we’re aware that they don’t like Buttigieg anyway and/or they do like Bernie, and this is an attack on one of his opponents, so they’ll be quiet
* Not from the type of Democratic voter that Biden thinks he is most likely to be able to attract or keep. Indeed, the Biden campaign would have thought: Those voters will positively respond to the ad and it will make them more likely to support Biden
I would like to think that the gay establishment would, however, raise a hue-and-cry but so far I don’t see that they have.
No ads are necessary. Nor does anyone need to say anything. Letting Pete and his gusband kiss each other on stage, show up together, etc is worth 100,000 voters that won't show up at the polls everytime they do that.
Democrat voters are low-info voters - just like that lady in IA - there are legit tons of them that dont know. Boy are they in for surprise.
Who can think of an indian without wampum, peace pipe, warpath, totem pole, forked tongue, firewater and teepee.
I've noticed the last 10-20 years, that younger people when they see something they might not like, or question, because of the aesthetics of it, will say: "That's gay."
Elizabeth Warren's I'll have a beer was a firewater joke.
I know this gets said a lot, but it needs repeating. The point of using a dog whistle is only dogs can hear it. The noise doesn't reach anyone else's ears. When people say some comment is a "dog whistle", and they can hear it, then they are the dogs. If colored lights, artistic pavement, and adopted pets say homophobic to you, then you're the homophobe. To me, it says my friends have brought their dogs to a summer party on my patio.
Both the concept and execution of the ad is wrong. Anyone with any political sense would know there would be blow back from an ad that in any way disparaged Pete's sexual orientation. If you put scruples aside and go that route, you better be very subtle, making perhaps only one or two subliminal hints. That ad was way too heavy handed.
Interesting thing is that Trump, on the whole, seems very supportive of Gay Rights. Can't recall him making fun of gays or going for the easy laugh at a homosexual's expense, as many liberal comics have done. I don't think this is a political calculation, like his pro choice position. It strikes me as a principal he has.
My opinion hasn't changed from 12 hours ago: Biden's gotta be pretty desperate to create and run that ad. He has every reason to be desperate. Unless he's The Comeback Kid Part Two, he's done.
If it's intended to play to gay phobia, I think the people who would be influenced by that are probably not going to vote in the NH primary. But then I think being gay is actually more of a plus for (former) Mayor Pete as a candidate, at least at this stage of the campaign, than it is a negative.
I thought it was meant to portray him as not-serious, focused on unimportant things and not a good steward of taxpayer money. Inexperienced and immature.
It is funny, though, that Barack Obama's VP is trying to make something out of another candidate's lack of experience.
Meanwhile, over at Rolling Stone,
Matt Taibbi sums it all up.
Almost nothing and almost nobody are actually homophobic, it's just a dopey almost meaningless buzzword; the correct word here would be something like "homofunnic" because they're just making fun of funny harmless stereotypes (supposedly, I get that association from the video, although the anti-white race-hustling was obvious).
What if it works on Democrats?
...and in French, soupçon means suspicious or untrustworthy...almost "phobic".
Gay men think everyone is gay. I was a fag hag for a long time I'm very familiar with gay culture.
Voice text censors the word fagg by the way or they spell it with two G's which is pretty funny
(supposedly, I DIDN'T get that..)
For lack of a "not" a comment was made dumber. Sad.
Typical democrat insults. And, typically, they go unacknowledged as homophobic. Or as the incident warrants, racist, anti-Semite, etc. Just the usual wink wink, nod nod acceptance as acceptable. Nothing new here, if you've been paying attention. Further what do you expect from a serial groper who's been given a pass ad infinitum. Geez, slick willy's a rapist and dems still slobber on his shoes.
DID Mayor Pete fire the police chief and fire chief? If so, why?
Also, besides the improvements to the South Bend downtown, streetscape and riverscape, what were his major accomplishments as mayor. I presume Mayor Mike will present an impressive list of things he has accomplished in New York.
Wayans Brothers hardest hit.
I'm with Eleanor, and this is so far above my hearing range I can't even see it after it's pointed out to me. Just bullshit as Trump would say.
Absolutely nothing homophobic in the ad. Biden's ad compared big accomplishments to Buttigieg's little accomplishments. If this was homophobic, it was certainly subliminal because I can't see it no matter how hard I try.
Isn’t pointing out that he’s the mayor of a small city in Indiana enough to point out?
If the ad was designed to appeal to the homophobia of Dem voters, what does that tell you about Biden's opinion of his constituency? Dems should be offended he thinks so little of them.
It's like saying white males are all racist.
What do you call that? We need a word for it.
Caucaphobia? Naw. sounds too much like fear of baby poop. Crackerphobia? Honkyphobia?
Being amusing and humorless is even more amusing than just being amusing.
If Mayor Pete is Out and Proud, is it homophobic to point out that he's Gay?
But Buttugieg still looks like the Howdy Doody dummy to me.
"... because I said so in this post yesterday."
No you didn't. You quoted your son. But we'll add you to the dummy list.
Mayor Pete made sure his city was “decorative”. As I said yesterday, very subtle, but there.
If it's intended to play to gay phobia, I think the people who would be influenced by that are probably not going to vote in the NH primary
I think this is correct...
Also: There's other states that have primaries.
Neither one of these guys should be President, so....
Next up will be a Biden statement saying that "Some of my best friends are gay."
One of the things Democrat politicians seem to believe (I'm looking at you "Lesbian Sex Larry O'Donnell") is that potential voters out there among the Deplorables are just absolutely horrified and repelled by lesbian or homosexual sexual activity.
In the 2004 campaign, O'Donnell went on one of the pundit shows. He was trying to torpedo the Bush Cheney ticket. One of Cheney's daughters is a lesbian. O'Donnell couldn't stop saying that Cheney's daughter "engaged in lesbian sex". He must have repeated that phrase, or variations of it 20 times in less than a couple of minutes. He figured that would turn voters against voting for the Bush Cheney ticket.
Well geez Larry--she's a lesbian and what sort of sex would she engage in? Duh! O'Donnell is a silly tool. I think that Deplorables are much more accepting of differences in others than Democrats are in accepting differences in ideology.
Joe and his advisors--and O'Donnell are slow to catch on.
No you didn't.
Yes she did.
You quoted your son.
True, but she, not he, wrote the headline with the fake word "soupçon".
What is the dog whistle? Mayor Pete is Gay. that's really his platform. Calling him Gay, isn't Homophobia. Making sly fun of him, by talking about a "Decorative mayor" is a little too subtle for the Low IQ target audience i.e. Democrats.
The fact that he fired his black police and fire chief is just a fact. let Mayor Pete defend it.
I found the ad funny in a subtle way. Its takes a while for you to catch on. I don't many Democrats would ever catch on.
The important thing in the ad was the music difference between the two candidates.
If you want to hit Buttigig with black voters have an ad where his black fire and police chief talk about being fired and how Mayor Pete is "Uncomfortable" with black folks.
and if you want to hit him with anti-Gays, just show a fake supportive ad, showing Mayor Pete talking about his Gay Marriage and being the "wife" - with showing Joe Biden making Pro-gay pro-tolerance statements.
The music showed it was targeted at a low IQ audience. it dig its musical elbow in your ribs and said "Get it? Mayor Pete is silly"
National Review Washington Correspondent John McCormack noted: “‘colorful lights…’ ‘decorative brick…’ If a Republican released this ad…”...
But that's just it - that the usual suspects see *-phobia in anything put out by the enemy is not evidence that that these alleged dog whistles exist anywhere but in their own minds. If MCormack is seeing "homophobia", he's doing the same thing.
I wasn't impressed by the ad (boring), but didn't see any "homophobia" in it. Pulling the "racist!" shtick, yes, but the alleged anti-gay dog-whistles just struck me as emphasizing how small-time Buttigieg is. Which he is.
The only thing the ad made me think about is how hilarious (and pathetic, and hilariously pathetic) the Dem primary campaigners are going to get playing the "more woke than thou" games with each other.
If I say Jimmy Carter is weak and ineffectual, am I implying that he's homosexual? I don't think so, but nowadays, some people would say say that I'm being homophobic. Is it possible to call a male opponent weak or dithering or ineffectual today, without somebody calling that homophobia?
Biden did cross a line here, but it's a very fine line. Does it matter if the person attacked actually is a homosexual? If Biden ran the same attack ad against a very heterosexual candidate would it still be homophobic? If I say that a male politician is vain and cares too much about his personal appearance is that homophobic if the politician is gay and permissible if he he isn't? Or does the attack always imply effeminacy and homosexuality? Or is it a matter of content? Dukakis in the tank, fine. Dukakis hanging pink curtains, homophobic.
We didn't have such quandaries and dilemmas back when Roscoe Conkling was calling his opponents "man-milliners" and the Mugwumps were "political hermaphrodites" who wore "their hair parted in the middle, banged in the front, ... rolled their r's and pronounced the word either with the i sound instead of the e." And further back, in ancient times, the dominant homosexual was the truly macho one, while the man who loved his wife and tried to please her was the effeminate one.
Why? Does the ad evidence some deep-seated fear of homosexuals? No, objectively it does not. On the other hand, what exactly is Buttigeig running on? Is it not possible that he is both gay and unaccomplished? One need not disparage gays to see Buttigeig as a lightweight.
it's about their priorities, as omri ceren pointed out in a thread, some of buttigeg's work, so called is more popular than the iran deal,
The Demmies are pretty vile. Are you just noticing again, Althouse? I first noticed it when my liberal friends would whisper that IL governor Jim Thompson (R) was gay, back in the 70s and 80s.
As to similar whispers about Mayor Harold Washington, those have almost disappeared from history. For an interesting look at a different era, a different attitude to free speech, and a different ACLU, take a look at the Wikipedia article on "Mirth & Girth". There are some real questions of poor taste here, but this would never happen today.
Michael Rubens Bloomberg is an American politician, businessman, and author. Bloomberg was an openly straight but unmarried mayor of New York City from 2002 to 2013. While mayor, on more than one occasion, Bloomberg had conflicts with people and some of those people were of color. He is currently a candidate in the Democratic Party primaries for the 2020 United States presidential election.
The problem wasn't that Thompson may or may not have been gay. It was that it never came up except as a quietly spoken slur--it was a whispering campaign. No Republican ever raised it.
“We’re all God’s children, Bob, and I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney’s daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she’s being who she was.”
-John Kerry, 2004 debate. I always thought that was cheap.
NYC Mayor Ed Koch: "A lifelong bachelor with no children, Koch rebuffed speculation about his sexuality and refused to publicly discuss his romantic relationships. After his retirement from politics, he declared that he was heterosexual."
Blogger tim maguire said...
I don’t recall a trend of insinuating Republicans are gay, but we’ve all noticed how often liberals use descriptions of gay sex acts to insult Republicans.
Mark Foley
Ken Mehlman
Larry Craig
Aaron Schrock
David Dreier
Charlie (ex-Republican, thankfully) Crist
Lindsey Graham
Unscientific list off the top of my head.
More seriously, though, a part of me hopes that Pete gets the nomination, just to see how (1) Trump deals with it (guaranteed to be personally insulting), and then (2) how Althouse deals with Trumpian gay-bashing, and finally (3) how her readership responds to whatever Althouse writes.
On his website, Mayor Pete describes his plan for increasing the amount of official anti-white government racism.
"Inspired by American hero Frederick Douglass and comparable in scale to the Marshall Plan that rebuilt Europe after World War II, the Douglass Plan dismantles old systems and structures that inhibit prosperity and builds new ones that will unlock the collective potential of Black America."
Same as the old boss.
Bernard Sanders is an American politician who self-identifies as heterosexual and has served as the junior United States Senator from Vermont since 2007. The U.S. Representative for the state's at-large congressional district from 1991 to 2007, he is the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history, a member of the Democratic caucus and a Socialist.
“More seriously, though, a part of me hopes that Pete gets the nomination, just to see how (1) Trump deals with it (guaranteed to be personally insulting), and then (2) how Althouse deals with Trumpian gay-bashing, and finally (3) how her readership responds to whatever Althouse writes.”
I agree. It certainly will be interesting. I predict the gay bashing will escalate very very quickly and Trump supporters will either go along with it or push back against it.
I think this is where the gentry liberals want to get this year
President Michael Bloomberg (He can spend Trump into the ground to win! He can make those federal agencies effective again!) and VP Pete Buttigieg (He's a McKinsey consultant! He's a Rhodes scholar! He's gay! I feel so good about having voted for him! I'm not a bigot like those other people.)
That's where they are going on the Demmie side. Since they can't get a woman (although Warren is available, she is unattractive) or a black Chicago professor (sigh! Those good looks. That elegance!), they want a plutocrat who will do the right things and who knows the right people and a token, well-scrubbed person from an oppressed group.
one of Charlie cheetah's staffers back in 2014, was biden's field coordinator in iowa, she is? scheduled to be married in april, to one of her colleagues,
"More seriously, though, a part of me hopes that Pete gets the nomination, just to see how (1) Trump deals with it "
The part of you that is a gay-baiter?
We've already had a gay President. Buttigieg should just point out all of President Buchanan's many accomplishments. That would serve to dispel some of the unease people feel about having a gay in the Oval Office.....What's wrong with colored lights under the bridges? They look kind of cool. I'd much rather have Buttigieg as mayor here in NYC rather than DeBlasio. If the Presidential campaign doesn't work out, Mayor Pete should move here and run for mayor. NYC is a much better fit for him than South Bend.
Hey, Inga. I remember when Dr. Ruth B. Love called Mayor Harold Washington an old fairy on a hot mic in Chicago.
Good times, good times.
there is plenty of grounds, to criticize this twerp, but if they are going all halo with him, this game is going to get old,
Charlie and his henchman, jim greer looted the state party by 2008, preventing any significant challenge against Obama, if they were so inclined,
If Trump ignores the sexuality angle and attacks Mayor Pete based on his numerous other negatives is it still compelling?
Buchanan was over credentialed and unfocused on the matters at hand, then again between dred scott, the recession of 1858 and harper's ferry, he never caught a break,
I love the smell of moderation in the morning.
I don't see it
All I see is Biden is lying and Pete has nothing to run on. But i don't see it as homophobic.
When Meade comes back
he will moderate.
Ban the bannéd person.
First hutchku of the day.
The rules again:
1. fifteen syllables
2. arranged in three lines of four, five, and six syllables
3. must refer to a personal foible
4. no rhymes (this is faux high culture)
The part of you that is a gay-baiter?
Sounds like you believe that, yes, Trump will go there.
“More seriously, though, a part of me hopes that Pete gets the nomination, just to see how (1) Trump deals with it (guaranteed to be personally insulting)"
Here's a safe bet: no matter who gets the Democratic nomination, Trump is guaranteed to be personally insulting to him/her/ze.
Dog whistles? Trump? Did you check out the subtle way Trump insinuated that Bloomberg might be short?
I can imagine Biden using the same examples against Buttigeig if he were heterosexual. Then again, would doing so make a heterosexual Buttigeig out to be gay?
If we are going to talk about prejudice, though, let's evaluate Buttigeig using the same standards you are applying to Biden.
Pete grovels before the tax-dodging, misogynistic, racist, anti-semitic Al Sharpton. Pete embraces the racist, violent, cop-killing Black Lives Matters movement. Pete repeatedly sends more than a dog whistle out to his supporters insinuating that he is simultaneously a victim of and a victor over presumed homophohia -- preemptively smearing all people who don't support him as homophobes.
It's the same sleazy yet winning game Obama played with race.
With identity politics weaponized throughout Democratic politics, Pete's sexual orientation is a power card, and that is how he is playing it. He is trying to make sexual orientation work for him in the way Obama made race work for him. It is insulting for Pete to insinuate that voting for him is an act of justice, but he says these things over and over again. It's like Obama repeatedly throwing his grandparents under the race bus in 2008. It's ugly.
Of course, Biden says and does such things too in his quest for black votes. If the ad is a dog whistle to anyone, it is a dog whistle to black voters, the main group of Biden supporters who poll homophobic. What I see is a bunch of democrats tripping over themselves to prove they are the most anti-white white people on the stage. Biden and Buttegieg are both guilty of playing that hateful game.
I don't agree with or like Buttigieg and I don't think he'd make a good president, but after wading through thousands of comments on other sites about what he does in the bedroom, what the hell, I just might vote for the guy.
I probably won't, but sometimes I feel like it. It was startling and strange to hear Michael C. Hall say "My husband" fifteen years ago on Six Feet Under, but asking "Does that make him the wife?" today is like wearing a giant "I am an idiot" sign.
Some Republicans are gay. Here is part of the mission statement of the Log Cabin Republicans, an organization founded in the 1970s and part of the Republican infrastructure ever since:
”Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s original and largest organization representing LGBT conservatives and straight allies who support fairness, freedom, and equality for all Americans. Log Cabin Republicans has state and local chapters nationwide, full-time staff in Washington, DC, a federal political action committee, and state political action committees.”
It’s part of the Democrats’ mythology that gays have no welcome in the Republican Party. If you’re gay and a socialist we don’t want you, but that would be because of the socialist part, not because of your sexual orientation. If you’re gay and uncomfortable with the economic policies of mainstream Democrats, you might want to get in touch with them:
I love the smell
of moderation
in the morning sun shine
I don't know.
Trump is the most pro-gay president ever elected (Obama evolved, but Trump was pro-gay marriage for years before), but Trump is a real brawler, too. I think Mayor Pete is headed for the VP slot. I think it won't come up with Trump, but the Demmies will try to bait Pence, who is a rather conservative Christian believer. I think Pence will handle the baiting well because he believes we are all works in progress, and that God loves us all.
Dem primary's
Buzziest moments
Biden feels gay backlash
"colorful lights"
This was pointed out yesterday, but it bears repeating: lights of color.
Also, sidewalks and bricks of decoration, and whistle of dog.
South Carolina is Biden's firewall. If he loses there he's out. This ad is aimed at Blacks in that state. Non urban Blacks are extremely religious, and look unfavorably at homosexuality. Among the remaining candidates, Biden has the most Black support.
That is a thing of beauty. Thank you.
So if Mayo Pete gets the nomination and you don’t vote for him, you’re automatically homophobic? If you attack him, you’re homophobic? Don’t get me wrong. The add was attacking Pete’s light loafers. But why is anybody surprised. Does anybody believe Dems actually like their constituents?
If you look at #whiteobama trending on Twitter, it’s pretty clear blacks don’t want anything to do with this guy.
Meade seems to be the residential homophobic expert this morning....why are many African-Americans homophobic?
Bob Boyd--
You are on it. Thank you.
South Carolina is Biden's firewall. If he loses there he's out. This ad is aimed at Blacks in that state. Non urban Blacks are extremely religious, and look unfavorably at homosexuality. Among the remaining candidates, Biden has the most Black support.
Thank you. The far more compelling question is not 'Is the ad homophobic?' but rather 'What if it works?'...
He is gay, right? Is there something disqualifying about him being gay? Aren't the assertions in the ad true? Then what's the problem with telling the truth?
Face it. Most of the criticisms you lobby at anyone gay will be called homophobic. A white straight male like Biden has no cards to play. Anybody who has a card will play it. Frankly, it's all the mayor has. Some people will vote for him just because he's gay, and some will vote against him for the same reason, and they all have every right to do so. At least the reason is factual. A lot of votes are based on stuff that isn't even true.
Isn't jumping to the conclusion that effeminacy = homophobia, in fact declaring effeminacy = homosexuality? Assuming everything is based on the stereotype, enforces the stereotype.
Biden in decline, doing The Bern's dirty work. The Bern just needs Joe to stay viable through Super Tuesday to keep the moderate vote from coalescing around Mayor Pete. And hope that after that Mayor Pete succumbs to the Hart Effect, where Dems fall out of love with the flavor of the month, perhaps under the barrage of Bloomberg carpet bombs.
"You know I think Biden's new anti-Buttigieg ad is homophobic..."
If so, Joe must think that there's a big homophobic constituency among Dems.
So progs aren't as prog as we are told?
Your form won’t survive
Our short attention spans
Mayor Peter
labors for support.
He has mascot status.
Biden slaps backs.
His grins are friendly.
Does he know his next stop?
Fern: On his website, Mayor Pete describes his plan for increasing the amount of official anti-white government racism.
Followed the link - wow, that's quite an impressive pantsload.
How much of a historical illiterate does one have to be not to notice the permeating jacobin malevolence?
When Mayor Pete campaigns in SC, will hubby be in evidence?
The ad would have been just as effective without the adjectives. But it's early in Buttigieg's
career. He's young enough that he'll have the chance to go full-on Harold Stassen before he's done.
The real bias is with people who think that Buttigieg's gayness is off limits like it's some kind of physical handicap. That he must be coddled and protected like a child. That's insulting, and if Buttigieg has any character, he won't hide behind that bigotry.
If the 90% guaranteed African-American coalition even frays a little on the ends to say...75% or 80%, it's game over. I would expect more of this type of attack towards Mayo Pete from Democrats, as the panic is real. Trump is going to shave some African-American votes with the job numbers, and perhaps the Kanye effect. Of course Dems will label it "voter suppression".
I agree with Amadeus 48 that Trump is a very pro-gay President, but I don't believe the Dems will nominate Mayo Pete, nor let him near the VP slot. He will be given a prime speaking spot at the convention, but I doubt they let his husband come out on stage. Sorry. It just seems clear Democrats are that ugly.
Mayor Pete just now on MTP. “I got elected Mayor in Mike Pence’s Indiana.”
What a fucking cheap shot by that little arrogant prick.
I don't understand why it's wrong for Biden to remind people that a gay man is gay.
Some people won't vote for a gay man for president. So what? That's their right. Not voting for gay people isn't a crime.
This is freedom
hall. Anyone can
do his best or worst...What?
The other reason I don't agree that Pete will be the VP nominee, is because if the Dem nominee is a white guy, they will have to pick a woman as VP. It a bigger constituency.
I have some 60 year old cousins in Colorado. Bernie supporters in 2016. Gabbard today. They have been insisting for months that the Milwaukee Convention will be brokered, and Hillary will be nominated to "save" the party. James Woods predicted the same on Twitter upon his return.
Mayor Pete just now on MTP. “I got elected Mayor in Mike Pence’s Indiana.”
Anti-Christian bigotry is allowed, encouraged, only if it's also anti-White.
I think the more interesting unknown is if Mike Pence will gracefully bow out as VP for Trump, so the GOP can give the slot to Nikki Haley. Trump is going to play to win, currently, and historically. Getting the first woman elected as VP seems very Trumpish.
The ad is pretty effective, I think. It draws a distinction between what Biden (with his many years in different branches of the Federal Gov't) claims are his accomplishments, and what Biden claims are Mayor Pete's (during his short time as mayor of a midwestern town) various community initiatives.
Because the ad is effective, some will automatically accuse it of being homophobic, because apparently it's the only reason anyone would object to Mayor Pete, right?
“I got elected Mayor in Mike Pence’s Indiana.”
David Begley--Don't you see the unintended humor in that statement? Yup. In a college town, he got elected mayor. If things don't work out for the presidency, he can go to work on being streets and sanitary commissioner in Dowagiac, MI, right up the road.
Its very clear by todays posts from a few of our resident leftists (Inga, Freder and LLR-lefty Chuck) that Donald Trump and his supporters are very very guilty for Bidens ad.
This is similar to how Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck pronounce Trump supporting Christians guilty after every islamic supremacist attack.
The left/LLR-left is All Projection All The Time.
The trained seals bark what they were trained to bark. You see that as vindication. I see it as utterly predictable and meaningless. Unless you argue the ad wouldn’t work against a straight man your case is weak, relying o “well my impressions are more reliable than yours”. And didn’t you just misread a tiktok on another hot button subject of yours?
And yes, Biden's ad is clearly homophobic but remember, similar to Al Gore raising Willie Horton and the Clintons raising the obamas citizenship rumors, Biden and his team feel quite secure that within weeks or a little longer his homophobic ad will be laid at Trump's feet.
That transfer effort has already begun.
I hate poetry
Is that a foible?
Need some filler here.
I hate poetry
Is that a foible?
Need some filler here.
But of course.
Gaslighting requirement >>> need gas.
Fracking produces Gas.
Republican support Fracking.
QED : only Republicans can want to Gaslight
Sorry for the double post
Didn't know
Comments moderated.
Blogger Meade said...
"More seriously, though, a part of me hopes that Pete gets the nomination, just to see how (1) Trump deals with it "
The part of you that is a gay-baiter?
What a shitty comment. You cannot point to a single gay-baiting comment from me.
I opposed the Supreme Court’s 5-4 rulings in the three big “Kennedy” gay rights cases. Lawrence, Windsor and Obergefell. My opposition and offense was on the same grounds as expressed by Justice Scalia and finally Chief Justice Roberts.
Right now, my “gay-baiting” is such that I would vote for Pete over Trump. And I would still viscerally oppose a “US Constitutional right” to a same-sex marriage in the face of duly-enacted state constitutional provisions to the contrary.
My own take on the ad is that there really is a dog whistle there, but it’s not the one Althouse hears. How typical of Democrats to assume that a black official was forced out because of skin color and not because he or she was doing a bad job. The relationship between black residents of South Bend and the police. If the Police Chief was part of that problem then he had to go, regardless of skin color. If the Biden camp wants to make the case that friction between black residents and South Bend police was a consequence of Buttigieg firing the Police Chief, let them show facts and dates to make that case.
The ad contrasts the big things Joe Biden has done with some of the inconsequential things Pete Buttigieg has done. Misleading (Sleepy Joe has also had a hand in pretty inconsequential political acts) but fair game by the sleazy standards of political ads. A deeper question is whether money spent on brick sidewalks, for instance, could have been better spent on other city priorities that would be of more benefit to the city’s poorer residents. But one thing is for sure. If Joe Biden really did play a key role in passing Obamacare and the misnamed Assault Weapons Ban, then all the more reason to reject his candidacy.
“Racist, sexist, anti-gay”
This gets shouted at anyone who disputes the left wing consensus of the day, and at straight white men endlessly.
Sad to see Althouse citing this sort of behavior as vindication. Better to answer the specific objections raised.
I mean, I think I said on the last thread: It's good to see Democrats held to their own standards.
’Right now, my “gay-baiting” is such that I would vote for Pete over Trump.’
Severely conservative. Just like Romney. 😆
“What a shitty comment. You cannot point to a single gay-baiting comment from me.”
That is Chuck addressing Meade. This time I agree with Chuck. Got evidence? Because the theme of this post seems to be “we don’t need no stinking evidence” and Meade's casual homophobia smear is of a piece with this ginned up homophobia.
I didn't hear the whistle, which proves I'm not a homophobe. I think homos are mahvelous!
Chuck is incensed.
He knows what he means.
Any questions are bad faith.
Meade sees Chuck's flaws.
Autodidact he.
Questions provoke answers.
Pete will be a real hit with the blue collar union guys, police and firemen!
The rules again:
1. fifteen syllables
2. arranged in three lines of four, five, and six syllables
3. must refer to a personal foible
4. no rhymes (this is faux high culture)
Why does Chuck have
Pecans on his dick?
He's fucking nuts, that guy.
I can see the race-baiting, but I don’t see trivializing his accomplishments as homophobic - necessarily.
OTOH, gay implications or not, lights under bridges? Really? Decorative bricks on sidewalks? Really? If you didn’t know he was gay, that wouldn’t be the message. The message would be that he is a lightweight.
Enter the gay mafia. LOL.
Do political campaign ads required to be tagged ? With I'm XcandidateX I approve this message?
Earlier a commenter pointed out Biden tagprint not on this ad!
Can Joe weasel out?
In your list of examples you omit Colbert saying, to wild applause, that Trump's mouth is a cock-holster for Putin. Now *that* is homophobia straight up: the idea that fellation degrades a man. Did even a single one of the sources you cite today decry that at the time?
I was expecting an ad that made Mayor Pete look queerer than Elton John's fannypack, but when I saw the animal-shelter dogs weren't Shih Tzus I knew I'd been oversold.
If the ad is homophobic, then Joe would only make such an ad because he knows a significant portion of democrat primaries voters are homophobes. Sounds like an indictment of the donkey party to me...
To my great shame
Forgot about Rule 2
I will try harder
Pete’s major “accomplishment” was 20 percent of South Bend ‘s adults traveled each day to Republican controlled Elkhart, Indiana for work
Here are the rules:
Well put. You could not detect “he's gay” in the ad if you assume its target is straight. But Althouse knows Pete is gay and dislikes Biden. Ergo, you find it because you are hunting for it.
Mayor Pete just now on Chris Wallace. Very disingenuous on his idea to abolish the Electoral College. Sophistry.
Althouse knows the Electoral College works.
If Pete was a tough guy he’d go after Biden for his obvious corruption.
"Isn't jumping to the conclusion that effeminacy = homophobia, in fact declaring effeminacy = homosexuality? Assuming everything is based on the stereotype, enforces the stereotype."
Isn't calling the way homosexual men act "effeminate" in fact denigrating femininity? The stereotypes are true. The reality is that homosexual men often do act effeminate, and they are disproportionately attracted to the arts and theater. The fact that they seldom have children makes them have very different priorities from the majority of people, and it is entirely reasonable to think that disqualifies them from leadership positions.
Drago said...
And yes, Biden's ad is clearly homophobic
The Oracle has spoken.
Blogger DanTheMan said...
"Not voting for gay people isn't a crime. Yet."
“I’ve just flown in from California, where they’ve made homosexuality legal. I thought I’d get out before they make it compulsory.” --Bob Hope
Speaks. No one listens.
Did he make a sound?
David Begley: "Mayor Pete just now on Chris Wallace. Very disingenuous on his idea to abolish the Electoral College. Sophistry.
Althouse knows the Electoral College works."
This is one of primary reasons LLR-lefty Chuck supports Mayor Pete: getting rid of the Electoral College.
LLR-lefty Chuck and his far left/marxist allies know that is a necessary step on the path to creating LLR-lefty Chuck's leftist paradise.
Boxer's refrain:
"I will work harder"
Orwell caught Commie scam.
Boxer worked hard.
Never worked enough.
Ended at a knacker.
Bernie bros cry:
"You will work for free.
We will pay." Knacker's yard.
ARM: "The Oracle has spoken."
I should have made my thought more complete.
Here's how it should have read:
And yes, Biden's ad is clearly homophobic... by dem/LLR-lefty standards.
Remember how Chuck was flummoxed that there were voters who switched from Obama to Trump? And now he’s stated that he’s willing to switch from Trump to Pete. Mystery self-solved!!
Beasts of England said...
he’s willing to switch from Trump to Pete.
Like a lot of people, he would probably be willing to switch to a dead turnip at this point.
If the ad was designed to appeal to the homophobia of Dem voters, what does that tell you about Biden's opinion of his constituency?
It tells me that Biden, himself, has a low opinion of gay people and assumes that many, if not most Democrats secretly agree with him.
Oh, they may well believe that we should have the right to marry, but don't put us in charge of anything important -- we're too flighty, sex-obsessed, and concerned about esthetics to do a man's job.
Anne is correct!
’Like a lot of people...’
I’m sure you have a citation for that claim. Perhaps you can provide it along with a quantification for ‘a lot’.
Nothing worthy
Have I to contribute
Lame Hutchku for you
Biden responds to charges of homophobia
I'm no homo-
phobe. Pete's queer? God bless.
Alotta malarky.
I'm overdoing
The whole Hatchku thing
Someone please stop me
48. God damn you
For inventing this
Blogger tcrosse said...
When Mayor Pete campaigns in SC, will hubby be in evidence ...
FIF Amadeus
Will Mayor Pete
campaign in SC, [es cee]
with hubby evident
Good for Biden. Pushing back on 50 years of globohomo faggotry won't be easy but it will take all of us working together.
Baby steps back to the closet.
Newest Biden ad:
"Hey Jack! Real mayors don't decorate their riverways with colorful, illuminated lights, Gay boy! And that's no malarkey, Man!"
Vote Biden 2020 - because Grandpa Simpson ain't on the ballot, Jack.
Biden on Buttigeig
We had fellas
At the pool like Pete
They could sure be touchy
48. God damn you
For inventing this."
You know, that's what my cousin said as we were launching these back and forth at each other on Friday. The good part is, it's kind of fun to make these up. The bad part is, it is hard to stop.
But it has stirred my brain a bit... which is good...I think.
rehajm said...
Your form won’t survive
Our short attention spans
form won’t survive
Short attention span
- Amadeus distressed!
Althouses are IN THE TANK for buttguy
They promote him, and use their "speech police" powers to protect him from dog whistles.
There is no such thing as homophobia or Islamophobia.
Why did they make Schwarzenegger an interior decorator in last Terminator?
"Constant personal attacks undermine otherwise logical arguments by making the speaker look irrational, if not an actual nut-job."
ARM, you don't need to make any personal attacks. You are a known and unquestioned irrational nut-job, and you can rest on your laurels. Others don't have it so easy.
Its a subtle attack
trying to point out
the candidates
rai·son d'ê·tre
Buttboy is "on top" because the nomination process raises candiates profile to "have a look"
BB will fall as voters see he is another
Robot Rubio
ARM: "Like a lot of people,..."
A hoax "Great Awakening" by any other name is just as moronic.
Blogger Beasts of England said...
Remember how Chuck was flummoxed that there were voters who switched from Obama to Trump? And now he’s stated that he’s willing to switch from Trump to Pete. Mystery self-solved!!
Indeed. Count me as a voter who never liked and never wanted Trump as a nominee, and whose 2016 vote for Trump was almost nauseating, but was felt to be the least worst option at the time.
And in Trump’s presidency, he showed himself to be even more deranged, less disciplined, more irresponsible and less controllable (by competent adult staff) than anyone imagined. He is a President who should have been removed by Impeachment. I expect that the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, votes for Trump in 2016. However reluctantly. And I further expect that Romney will never again cast a vote for Trump.
I hope Pete is not the Dems’ nominee. I’d rather not vote for him. I’d far rather vote for Bloomberg.
So this is nothing at all like any Obama-Trump voter. Who are the candidates that Obama-Trump fans really like if their choices were not limited? Mine are Romney, Ryan, Bush, Kasich, Walker, etc.
Meade said...
DID Mayor Pete fire the police chief and fire chief? If so, why?
Also, besides the improvements to the South Bend downtown, streetscape and riverscape, what were his major accomplishments as mayor. I presume Mayor Mike will present an impressive list of things he has accomplished in New York.
In addition to forcing people he was uncomfortable out Mayor Pete condemned hundreds of predominantly Black owned properties to make the way for "economic development."
LMAO, Meade...
Looking at about a dozen of this page’s most virulently homophobic comments. And you chose, with no basis in fact, to lash out at me for imagined “gay-baiting.”
Strange that Chuck has been a Republican all his life and yet he has never heard of an organization that influenced Ronald Reagan on gay issues when he was still Governor of California (i. e., the last time the state had a competent administration).
(Chuck is scurrying off to their web site to pretend he’s known about them for fifty years or more.)
Homophobes, according to Joe Rogan, secretly fear that dicks are delicious.
Has no one said this?
Hagar, I watched Howdy Doody. I knew the guy who as a boy was the model for Howdy Doody. Mayor Pete is no Howdy Doody.
Now, Alfred E. Neuman....
“The ad is pretty effective, I think. It draws a distinction between what Biden (with his many years in different branches of the Federal Gov't) claims are his accomplishments, and what Biden claims are Mayor Pete's (during his short time as mayor of a midwestern town) various community initiatives.”
Effective with Democrats, but highly counterproductive with Republicans. He was bragging about helping to enact ObamaCare, unconstitutionally strip Americans of their ability to but guns designed in the last 60 years, and make top Dem politicians, their families, and cronies hundreds of billions of dollars by enacting Obama and Palsi’s Porkulus spending bill, that very likely added a number of years, most of Obama’s term of office, before we recovered from the recession caused greatly exacerbated by the Clinton Dems pushing Liar Loans to minorities who weren’t able to keep the houses they bought. Moreover he was proud giving the Iranians $150B to up their terrorism game, that resulted in numerous deaths.
Still, it was a record of accomplishments. Mayor Buttplug has none. Of course he has no real accomplishments to lay claim to. He is an ineffectual knee jerk Dem mayor of a small city. Which means that he couldn’t solve any real problems there if he tried. School quality? Nope. That would piss off the teachers’ unions. Get tough on crime? To many Blacks would go to jail. Etc. so, he puts in decorative bricks and pleasant lights.
But Biden asks a good question. Mayor Buttplug has no experience making real decisions, why should anyone believe that he could make them when the stakes couldn’t be higher? When the penalty for failure is nuclear annihilation instead of covert dirty looks from other Gays in his neighborhood. Of course, the flip side could be made, by a Republican, that whenever Biden has been made important decisions he has , inevitably, chosen poorly. Buttplug doesn’t even have that.
Better to face this attack now by Biden, than against Trump in the general election, or Putin, Xi, Kim, or Khamenei afterwords. Trump has faced them all down over the last three years, most lately, Iran’s Khamenei, after Trump had his Quds commander taken out. Instead of attacking us where it might hurt in retaliation, the Iranians essentially told us, in advance, where they were going to aim their missiles, allowing our military to bunker down, and survive, which they all did. Trump has been successfully intimidating people for decades. Imagine Trump on the same stage as Buttplug. How well do you that would work for the Democrats? Our Presidents need to be able to stand up to, and stare down, our national enemies. Obama couldn’t, and, as a result, our international power was greatly reduced during his eight years in office. Imagine soft faced little Buttplug standing up to the guy whose iconic photo shows him bare chested riding a large brown bear. Putin is a hard man. Mayor Buttplug comes across as just the opposite.
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
Why does Chuck have
Pecans on his dick?
He's fucking nuts, that guy
Pecans on dick?
Is Chuck fucking nuts,
- what a question to ask?
Chuck said...
Blogger Meade said...
"More seriously, though, a part of me hopes that Pete gets the nomination, just to see how (1) Trump deals with it "
The part of you that is a gay-baiter?
What a shitty comment. You cannot point to a single gay-baiting comment from me.
That was the definition of gay baiting you idiot.
It's not just that the lights are colorful. Look again at the night scene with the lights reflecting on the river. The river is *lavender*.
I hope they nominate Mayor Pete as well.
Then democrats will be forced to deal with Ambassador Grenell. Also the fact that Trump is probably one of a very small number of people that has been pro-gay and pro-gay marriage since at least the 80's.
The democrats will also have to deal with Mayor Pete's clear racism issues.
It's not just that the lights are colorful. Look again at the night scene with the lights reflecting on the river. The river is *lavender*.
I see gay people...walking around like regular people...they don't see each other...they only see what they want to see...they don't know they're gay...they're everywhere.
From the other thread...
Meade said...
"I'm calling it. Buttigeig-Biden 2020"
Bu-Bi 2020. Very good.
Butt-Bid 2020.
Or Bid-Butt...
All commenters
Follow Form Hutchku
- Extreme moderation.
“Constant personal attacks undermine otherwise logical arguments by making the speaker look irrational, if not an actual nut-job.”
Plus they can drive some people to nervous breakdowns. On the Internet, no less.
Bernie is impervious to personal attack
as is Trump
Its the Trump network of voters vs the Bernie network
tcrosse said...
Meanwhile, over at Rolling Stone,
Matt Taibbi sums it all up.
You do yourselves a huge disservice if you do not read Matt Taibbi’s column.
In the time period between 2005-2012, many Lefty bloggers would insinuate that Righty bloggers who disapproved of homosexual activity and/or gay "marriage" were homosexuals who were "in the closet."
That gambit more or less faded away.
Almost nothing and almost nobody are actually homophobic, it's just a dopey almost meaningless buzzword....
It is effective propaganda, and in that sense I'd not describe it as a 'meaningless buzzword'.
I know lots of people who are unwilling to accept that homosexual sex is encompassed in what is meant by the word 'normal' but to describe them as 'homophobic' does them a disservice and reduces whatever discourse might be possible to the level of buzzwords and propaganda. This is one of the few topics where I write off in advance, as it were, Althouse's posts (occasionally to my own loss, possibly).
He looks like Howdy Doody, so maybe an ad making him look like a hand puppet would be a better dog whistle.
taibbi's piece is an unwitting piece of comedy, at least some of the fringe people, black lives matters and green peace, was one affiliation, who don't get the dems are largely about lip service,
Transphobia... embrace the Rainbow.
’So this is nothing at all like any Obama-Trump voter.’
Wow. Only exactly like it. You voted for one party’s candidate and then you’re moving to the other.
Democrats are always trying to gay-bait Republicans and conservatives. Our own Howard is a master of this art form. It doesn't work any more, and it probably was never very effective. Larry O'Donnell did the most hilarious attempt at this during the either the 2000 or 2004 election (I don't remember which, probably both) by talking about one of Dick Cheney's daughters having sex with another woman. The more recent widespread example is the calling of the Tea Partiers Tea Baggers. That also didn't work.
What is particularly striking to me is how Trump's mannerisms seem more gay to me than those of any president I have known, and I sometimes suspect Trump does this intentionally at some level just to fuck with people.
Jupiter said...
ARM, you don't need to make any personal attacks.
I don't. Sad that you do. Another Mary.
Yancey Ward, WTF?
Howdy Doody had red hair, a longish face with prominent apple cheeks and pronounced freckles.
Although, I think Mayor Pete would also be hilarious in a cowboy outfit. Weren't a Mad Magazine fan?
The ad probably should have had cuts of Jerry Seinfeld saying "Not that there is anything wrong with that" after each Buttuvwxyz accomplishment.
It is the face shape, Milwaukee guy- it is why Alfred E. Neumann looks like Howdy, too.
Chuck is fiercely conservative, and possibly Canadian.
And Bob Boyd wins the week in the internet. That haiku was the nuts.
buttigeg is like Bernie's upstart maltese nephew, he does look awfully pale,
I just looked at the Howdy and Buffalo Bob picture on wikipedia. We will have to agree to disagree.
I. Just. Don’t. Care.
again from last nite
how many common words/phrases aimed at politicians will now
be OFF-LIMITS when applied to the Mayor of Bend South ?
"Mayor Pete's listing of accomplishments is just 'window dressing'"
"We asked Buttigeig for his position, but he evaded the question
... we think Mayor Pete's just stonewalling."
how can that be good for the process?
Shielding a candidate from normal speech, or retroactively
ascribing "Phobias-N-Isms" to what has been said...
"They said X!!! To us, that's just like using the N-word!!!"
litter the political landscape with PC landmines to keep critics at bay
Why is Joe Biden, former Democrat VP and current presidential choice of the Democrat establishment, so homophobic?
"Discomfort with African Americans?"
Easier to say than the other way around.
related: early Monday marketing meeting at Humane Society HQ in DC
(New revelations might be better as an add to yesterday's discussion)
Blogger Meade said...
I got 2$ for dat ass!
Biden is having a rough week. He just called a voter a a lying, dog-faced pony soldier"
Buttuvwxyz should make a direct reply ad showing Biden's recent accomplishments- finding bathroom without asking, not wiping ass with hand towel, pulling cover off of pudding cup without help.
Oh, that probably makes me an ageist. Sorry.
Sex politics, now transgender politics, and always diversity politics. Think of the unPlanned children! Reconcile.
Remember when slurring conservatives as tea baggers was all the rage?
Good times.
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