February 26, 2020

Why Ann Coulter is trending on Twitter this morning (no, she didn't die).


traditionalguy said...

The fighter of anyone and everyone she wants to fight seems to have recognized Lizzie's Never surrender ways. A little professional courtesy from one confrontationalist to another.

daskol said...

Agree with Coulter. I said this in the debate megathread yesterday:

BTW, back when I was predicting Warren would rise above this field of midgets, some tall, I severely overestimated her political skills. I’m very glad for that because even in overestimating her powers, she’s still the most dangerous spokesperson for the very worst possible ideas imaginable for our country. Everything she’s done and suggests is bad to catastrophic for us. Dear lord.

RNB said...

Did Coulter tweet something else? 'Cause what's there is not an endorsement of Warren. More like the opposite.

henry said...

anything for clicks. Warren won't get the nomination.

JPS said...

Ms. May thinking this is an endorsement is pretty funny too.

Not a big Coulter fan but her tweet calls to mind the old quadrant scheme, attributed to various German generals, about where to assign officers. The punchline is that dumb and industrious is a really dangerous combination.

MadisonMan said...

Not only does she have many plans, but implementation is done by bureaucrats who are not accountable to voters. So many reasons to dislike it!

rhhardin said...

Elizabeth Warren doesn't have plans. She's a woman. It's just national honeydo lists.

Beth said...

That’s an endorsement? These people are lunatics.

Ralph L said...

Ms. May thinking this is an endorsement is pretty funny too.

She likes the 17 idiotic plans before breakfast.

daskol said...

Honeydo lists work, dude. That's the scary part.

doctrev said...

rhhardin said...
Elizabeth Warren doesn't have plans. She's a woman. It's just national honeydo lists.

2/26/20, 7:50 AM

Given that her Medicare for All plan was less credible than Bernie Sanders', to the point it had to be withdrawn, she doesn't have the credibility to tell anyone she's detail-oriented.

Howard said...

Also sprach the horse faced lesbian

Chuck said...

So it seems that Sanders has locked up the primary votes of almost all Trump supporters.

Memo to Dems...

Limited blogger said...

Sanders getting elected president is not worrisome? We're so effing screwed.

Rory said...

"and keep everyone up until it gets done."

The person who fights for justice must be very fond of justice, or maybe just of fighting.

rehajm said...

Ya- idiotic plans are often popular with voters. Give Liz credit for observing and acting...

(I like this Elizabeth woman's use if the verb kool-aid-manning)

Fernandinande said...

ann coulter unintentionally endorsing elizabeth warren

No, that didn't happen.

Coulter in the better news.

Fernandinande said...

^^ Ann Coulter: "[Sanders] stole that idea from @Steve_Sailer."

Lucid-Ideas said...

Princess Rests with Bitchface is being way way way too optimistic if that's her actually MO.

17 crazy ideas a day! That's 6,205 crazy ideas a year! Despite her Cherokee work ethic I think even that is too optimistic. What is she? Cosmo Kramer!?!

365 crazy ideas - one per day - is more than enough for Americans to handle.

hawkeyedjb said...

"She likes the 17 idiotic plans before breakfast."

And when it all falls apart, there will be Liz, sitting in her oval office and sputtering, "But we passed laws! Lots of laws!"

rehajm said...

I have it on rumor that Warren Buffett said something like Liz Warren is scary for just that reason.

tds said...

Coulter was right. Hard working, high energy idiots/evil with power are the worst.

Grandpas shouting at clouds, then going to sleep for 12hrs, are bearable.

Howard said...

I really don't think Elizabeth Warren has resting bitch face. she has the look of a woman who is suffering from severe constipation due to extreme menstrual cramps.

Kay said...

Lesser of two evilism has taught America to vote against candidates, not for them.

tds said...

On second thought, I would not underestimate countless high-energy Bernie's padawans

narciso said...


Howard said...

Who can tell me who won the debate last night? my TDS wife said it was Biden but I suspect that was just what the MSM is pushing

Jeff Brokaw said...

That was an endorsement?

Sure, if you’re delusional or don’t understand the plain meaning of words... I guess... whatever Karen.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

It’s an endorsement for Prog totalitarians. Those less eager to goose-step may interpret it differently. Warren doesn’t scare me, though. She’s exactly the kind of person the mass of Americans instinctively love to frustrate. It’s virtually a national pastime. You have to catch the virus for the antibodies to get to work on it.

Meade said...

"So it seems that Sanders has locked up the primary votes of almost all Trump supporters. Memo to Dems..."

Memo to LLRs (and other Dem elitists): You want to unlock those votes? Run, Hillary, run!

Ann Althouse said...

Some of you are missing the humor!

Lucid-Ideas said...



If you want to know what the future is
Imagine that bitchface
Glowering at your face

Ann Althouse said...

I can't believe some of you don't see the reason for calling this an "endorsement" of Warren. For people who want lots of left-wing things to get done, what AC said is true of Warren works as an endorsement. Obviously, AC doesn't want these things done. Just because YOU don't want lots of left-wing things done isn't a reason not to understand the reasoning of people who do. Bleh. I shouldn't be explaining this.

stevew said...

True, I'm not getting the humor either. Sarcasm? Humor isn't well communicated in print. And if you have to explain the joke, it's a poor one.

Smirk worthy, not laughing funny.

CJinPA said...

It helps to understand if you have a Twitter account and read all the trending #AnnCoulter posts. Then it's clear why they are saying this is an endorsement. It's also clear why Warren can win Twitter but not actual elections.

Here's what AC posted one hour before the "endorsement":

My position used to be: Women shouldn't be able to vote, but should be able to run for office (hold jobs, own guns, etc). After watching Sen. Warren, I'm reconsidering the running for office part.

I thought THAT was why she was trending.

Ann Althouse said...

There's a difference between understanding humor and being amused. I am thoroughly unamused, but I do understand the humor, both of Ann Coulter and from the lefties who are riffing off of her.

Amadeus 48 said...

The mass hysteria (in all senses of the word) of the Demmie party has begun.
From the Oxford Dictionary:

"Hysteria is a psychological disorder (not now regarded as a single definite condition) whose symptoms include conversion of psychological stress into physical symptoms (somatization), selective amnesia, shallow volatile emotions, and overdramatic or attention-seeking behavior."

If that doesn't describe the Demmies and the MSM (but I repeat myself), what does?

That Coulter could "light up Twitter" on the theory that a sarcastic, lame wisecrack she made about Elizabeth Warren was actually an endorsement shows that some people out there are desperate for a savior and will believe anything. How can Joe Biden be getting any votes at this point? Answer: the alternatives are worse.

There is an honest and searching discussion that could be had about Trump, his policies, and his behavior. His opponents have wandered so deeply into the Orange Man Bad swamp that they will never get out.

The Demmies are doomed. What dummies!

AllenS said...

Me thinks that Ann Coulter was being sarcastic. No endorsement of The Fake Indian.

Ralph L said...

I noticed that May did not include Coulter's actual tweet, so there's no link to AC.

Jeff Brokaw said...

So sorry I missed “the humor”. But I did save lots of time on the front end by ignoring all of these ridiculous people and their stupid ideas, and have not wasted many hours watching their clown car debates, so there is that.

Gusty Winds said...

I get the humor that the left has spread this as an "endorsement" this morning. The funniest thing is realizing the desperation behind it.

Bloomberg's attempts at humor last night were a disaster. He's worse than Arthur Fleck. I find Bernie to be naturally funny, in a train-wreck sort of way.

clint said...

A lot of Trump's early support was that he was being viciously attacked by all the right people.

For the left, Ann Coulter is definitely the right people. Her mockery is a badge of honor.

tim maguire said...

Limited blogger said...Sanders getting elected president is not worrisome?

Sanders would be an ineffectual president. His election would have one salutary effect--it would return at least some legislative power to the legislature. Which means his nomination would would intensify the battle over the House and Senate.

Rory said...

"I can't believe some of you don't see the reason for calling this an "endorsement" of Warren."

But it's not an endorsement of Warren. It's just saying that she's worse than Bernie.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Just because YOU don't want lots of left-wing things done isn't a reason not to understand the reasoning of people who do. Bleh. I shouldn't be explaining this.”

Cracker, please.
I have no doubt most people understood this. I wonder if you didn’t understand their dismissal of the “humor” because it was such a lame attempt at a gotcha. Living among all that Madison Prog earnestness may have dulled your ear for the simple “fuck off”s of more prosaic folks.

tim maguire said...

stevew said...
True, I'm not getting the humor either.

Consider that what the right hates about Warren's programs the left loves. To the left, the reason Coulter gives to vote against her is actually a reason to vote for her.

purplepenquin said...

Ann Coulter has stated that due to their poor decision-making abilities when it comes to politics that women shouldn't be allowed to vote. If what she says is true, then why should we listen to what this woman says about politics? And if it isn't true, then why should we listen to what this lying liar has to say about anything?

Amadeus 48 said...

Coulter is an erratic, wisecracking show-off who wrote a pre-election book called "In Trump We Trust" that made the NYT Best Sellers list in September 2016. Later, probably because she wasn't getting much attention anymore, she staged a one-sided lover's tiff with the Trump presidency. See https://www.newsweek.com/trump-has-screwed-his-voters-repeatedly-ann-coulter-trump-we-trust-author-861021

Does her feeble slap mean she is gone onto the reservation with Warren? Well, it got her some attention, so she loved it. Biden will probably call her a pony-faced Trump trooper with far more accuracy than anything else he has said recently.

But who cares?

J. Farmer said...

Some of you are missing the humor!

Not thinking something is funny is not the same thing as "missing the humor."

Calypso Facto said...

"SHE'S the freak who will show up with 17 idiotic plans every day and keep everyone up until it gets done."

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” C.S. Lewis

Dems predictably consider this a feature, not a bug.

narciso said...

Other perspective:


J. Farmer said...


^^ Ann Coulter: "[Sanders] stole that idea from @Steve_Sailer."

Bernie Sanders was interviewed on Desus & Mero, a late-night show on Showtime, and when he made that proposal, I immediately thought, "Hey, that's Steve Sailer's idea." For those who don't know, Sailer has long suggested that reparations be delivered in the form of allowing blacks a monopoly on legal marijuana sales.

Greg Hlatky said...

Warren falls under the Hammerstein-Equord class "industrious and stupid".

Ralph L said...

If what she says is true, then why should we listen to what this woman says about politics?

Coulter isn't a woman. Didn't you know that?

stevew said...

Good point tim maguire, that had occurred to me but I just wouldn't put it in the humor category. Both Coulter's and May's comments are biting, snark to me. To which I smirk. Ooof.

Fernandinande said...

I am thoroughly unamused, but I do understand the humor,

Do you really think that anyone didn't understand the feeble attempt at a joke (that 17 plans a day might appeal to the "step in and do something" crowd) which wasn't worth repeating?

Elizabeth May walks into a bar and the bartender says "That's not funny."

J. Farmer said...

@Amadeus 48:

Coulter is an erratic, wisecracking show-off who wrote a pre-election book called "In Trump We Trust" that made the NYT Best Sellers list in September 2016. Later, probably because she wasn't getting much attention anymore, she staged a one-sided lover's tiff with the Trump presidency.

Coulter has most certainly not been erratic. She has consistently been on the side of a hardline stance on immigration and believe that Trump has not lived up to expectations on issues like the border wall and DACA. Coulter was one of the earliest to say that Trump had the best chance of becoming president back in June of 2015.

Amadeus 48 said...

J Farmer--Why wait for Biden? She's a pony-faced Trump trooper.

J. Farmer said...

J Farmer--Why wait for Biden? She's a pony-faced Trump trooper.

Sorry, but I actually don't get this comment.

Fernandinande said...

blacks a monopoly on legal marijuana sales.

I think Sanders' idea was more inclusive: "anyone except white people."

The Navajos opened a hemp/CBD store and immediately arrested the staff, then released them and the store was open again that afternoon. They're pretty efficient that way.

Rory said...

What would be an unintentional endorsement? I could kind of see one for Bernie in Coulter's statement, in that people of differing views could say, "I can get behind getting nothing done."

Nonapod said...

I find both Warren and Sanders to be dangerous midwits. They're both full of ideas, all of them old and bad. It's impossible to say which of them would be more destructive as president since they appear to be mirror images policy-wise. Sure, Warren seems to have more of them, but they amount to the same thing. I don't care how many permutations and combinations of bad ideas are put forth, they're still bad.

As I've said before, I don't subscribe to the notion that either a hypothetical President Warren or Sanders would be hamstrung by congress due to the simple fact that I believe that in a world where either one could be elected president 1). It's unlikely that the Senate would be retained 2). Even if it the Senate was held I think there's enough squishy RINOs who would cave 3). If we're in a place were people are really that unhappy with the current state of affairs that such radicals could be elected, then the general popular will would be on their side and of course the media would be on their side.

Thankfully at this point it seems pretty unlikely that either will actually become president.

Howard said...

Lucid... That's the picture in my mind when I need to delay the inevitable before the little woman has reached her special moment.

J. Farmer said...


I think Sanders' idea was more inclusive: "anyone except white people."

True, but I think on the show I was watching he just said blacks. I could be wrong, though, it was back in October.

Rory said...

Another, for Biden: "All of the candidates are terrible, and Biden looks like he might not live out the year."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We are screwed because we are a nation of idiots and takers.

“Democrats are waking to the prospect of a nominee who wants to eliminate private health insurance, raise taxes on the middle class, ban fracking and put government in charge of energy production, make college a taxpayer entitlement, offer free health care to illegal immigrants, raise spending by $50 trillion, and tag every down-ballot Democrat with the socialist label.”

Amadeus 48 said...

J Farmer--probably a lame comment on my part.

Coulter could plausibly, if rudely, be described as horse-faced.

She certainly, if sporadically, rah-rahs for Trump, and therefore could be plausibly, if rudely, be described as a Trump trooper (also, soldiers in cavalry units are called troopers), that is, a soldier for Trump.

Our former VP famously called a voter a "lying dog-faced pony soldier." Riffing off Biden, I was speculating that it was only a matter of time until Biden called Coulter a pony-faced Trump trooper.

Then, responding to your defense of Coulter's consistency, I said, why should I wait for Biden to say it, I'll say it. Coulter is a pony-faced Trump trooper.

GingerBeer said...

A stinging endorsement.

JML said...

That was trolling, and if trolling is humor, then half the clowns who post here are failed comedians, and the other half are scary clowns.

Reading between the lines: Not all that post here are clowns, and I don't pretend to be a comedian, and if I was, I would fail at it. Good comedy is hard. I also don't like clowns, though on occasion I am accused of being one.

CJinPA said...

Coulter is an erratic, wisecracking show-off who wrote a pre-election book called "In Trump We Trust" that made the NYT Best Sellers list in September 2016. Later, probably because she wasn't getting much attention anymore, she staged a one-sided lover's tiff with the Trump presidency. See...

See...Newsweek for an accurate explanation of conservative thought? Come on.

Her tiff is over one subject, the singular subject of Trump's election: Immigration.
She argues, persuasively I think, that nothing else matters if immigration isn't brought under control. The reason for the tiff is quite clear and understandable.

J. Farmer said...

@Amateur 48:

Then, responding to your defense of Coulter's consistency, I said, why should I wait for Biden to say it, I'll say it. Coulter is a pony-faced Trump trooper.

Ohh. I get it now ;)

When I first read it, I thought you had confused Biden's "dog-faced pony" for Bloomberg's "horse-faced lesbian." So hard to keep presidential candidates' insults straight. But I still wasn't quite sure how both applied. I know explaining jokes is no fun, but thanks for clarifying.

JPS said...

Prof. Althouse,

"I can't believe some of you don't see the reason for calling this an "endorsement" of Warren."

I wrote something different than what I meant, and therefore fell below your better-than-nothing threshold for comment quality.

Endorsement I get, sure. It's the "unintentional" and "hilarious" that don't work for me, for the very reason that the tweet does work as an endorsement: Coulter and the left have very different ideas about what's good or idiotic policy. The "joke" amounts to saying, "Ha ha! Ann Coulter just said Elizabeth Warren will work hard! She'll feel like such a fool when she realizes."

"Cocaine Mitch" - now there was a hilarious unintentional boost given to a political adversary.

J. Farmer said...


Her tiff is over one subject, the singular subject of Trump's election: Immigration.
She argues, persuasively I think, that nothing else matters if immigration isn't brought under control. The reason for the tiff is quite clear and understanda

Completely agree. Winning over Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson to the nationalist right agenda were major victories. Both question GOP orthodoxy on immigration and foreign policy.

Jeff said...

Nonapod "I don't subscribe to the notion that either a hypothetical President Warren or Sanders would be hamstrung by congress" is right. To assume that Sanders would be an ineffectual President because he's an idiot is to forget the importance of the people a President brings in with him. There's a reason we call it an Administration. When we vote in a new President, we're also voting in hundreds of new political appointees from deputy assistant undersecretaries to Cabinet members. And putting competent people on the White House staff can easily compensate for whatever personal deficiencies the President himself has.
A Presidency is more than just the President.

CJinPA said...

J. Farmer said...

The thing about Coulter is she recognized this a long time ago. I give her credit for not getting distracted by other issues. She is relentless about busting on Trump about the minimal wall progress.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

rich people hire bangledeshies to take care of their children = "the free market"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump's problems stem from his assumptions that everyone would love him. He didn't understand the level of corruption built-into the Weistein-Clinton deep state.

rehajm said...

then why should we listen to what this lying liar has to say about anything?

That was Al Franken's book. I like how he's gone away..

gahrie said...

Bleh. I shouldn't be explaining this.


Wince said...

Does that make Sanders-Warren a dream (nightmare) ticket?

Sanders will be lucky to make it through his first term. Warren might sense that and take the VP slot if offered.

Yet, I don't think Mrs. Bernie will like that outcome. Sander's wife seems overly involved in Bernie's every move, quite literally guiding him around.

I think Mrs. Sanders has high ambitions for herself, if only the woman behind the man, and would not be willing to share that with someone as prominent as Warren.

Trump would be wise to make Mrs. Sanders an issue if Bernie gets the nomination.

Wince said...

Cat fight?

Amadeus 48 said...

J Flamer--I am an amateur. Are you a professional? Sometimes I wonder.

dreams said...

That's some pretty weak humor, liberal humor.

dreams said...

One of the problems liberals have is their lack of a sense of humor.

Amadeus 48 said...

Prediction--within two months after the election--Trump winning in a landslide-- Trump will propose common sense immigration reform, saying, approximately,

"Our success leads to success. We have brought America back, and to go on to even greater heights, we welcome those who want to come here legally and are committed to support themselves and and make America greater. I am announcing a new immigration plan, with streamlined procedures and vastly expanded opportunities for those who can qualify, including those at entry level jobs. America has always been the land of opportunity."

Talk to any employer in the healthcare, hospitality, and other care-worker industries. We have run out of potential employees. Wages are rising in an way that will lead to a cost crunch like no other, if employees can be found. Trump spent a career in the construction and hospitality businesses, and he knows what needs to be done. He has always been in favor of legal immigration, hasn't he?

By the way, the Newsweek article was just a convenient place to read the Coulter snark. Newsweek is worthless--sorry--it was sold for a buck--it is almost worthless.

Coulter and the other know-nothings need to be ready for a change, although I don't think it will really be a change.

Amadeus 48 said...

Bleach-bit at 10:44--don't under-estimate Trump. He is a fast learner.

narciso said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

by not firing every corrupt Obama asshole holdover- he opened himself up to the Hillary Adam Schitt show.

then again- Karma does play a role.

narciso said...


Marc in Eugene said...


Compare and contrast Althouse's 0829 and Amadeus 48's 0948.

Amadeus 48 said...

Amadeus is brilliant. J Farmer asked what his comment meant and he explained it concisely, perhaps to Farmer’s satisfaction.

Jim at said...

Did Coulter tweet something else? 'Cause what's there is not an endorsement of Warren. More like the opposite.

My thoughts exactly.

Ann Althouse said...

“ Compare and contrast Althouse's 0829 and Amadeus 48's 0948.”

Compare my original post, which I was depressed to see multiple comments not getting. I hate doing sledgehammer explanations and if I thouthat sort of thing would be needed I wouldn’t blog at at. That would save a lot of words.

Marc in Eugene said...

Oh, brilliance abounds, sure. Amadeus indeed concisely explained his comment, step by step (I didn't immediately understand what he meant, either). Althouse's comment about missing the humor didn't clarify anything for me-- evidently (as I discovered, having spent more time on this post than I really wanted to), @_ElizabethMay blocks me on Twitter so I couldn't read her and had to work from Coulter's tweets, none of which I could make into any sort of endorsement ironic amusing or outrageous of Senator Warren: no fault of Althouse there, obviously.

rcocean said...

Althouse should have a written a warning label underneath the Coulter Tweet:

Warning: This is sarcasm. Please consult your dictionary if you are confused.

Coulter is spot on - as usual. Warren is one of those awful busybodies who have the energy of 10 men, and the common sense of a child. I've seen this type in Corporate America. They are gang-busters is they are subordinate and provided with firm intelligent leadership. They are a disaster if put in charge.

rcocean said...

I've seen this on other sites. Unless the humor is obvious to a 12 year old, people will be confused and wonder what the person meant.

rcocean said...

Scott Adams said at least 1/3 of Americans have no sense of humor. they just fake it.

rehajm said...

Some of you are missing the humor!

That's not funny.

Ken B said...

AA 8:29
No you shouldn’t have to explain. I once on another site posted once a meme of AOC saying “Einstein didn’t kill himself.” I refused to explain it. Some people really didn’t get it.

Ken B said...

Fernandistein does Canuck humour
“ Elizabeth May walks into a bar and the bartender says "That's not funny." “

That's funny. But I can only laugh at it because I am out of the country.

n.n said...

Warren is a "freak", "idiotic"... a ringing endorsement. Sanders is presumably less progressive.

rehajm said...

Amadeus is absolutely right. In a Trump economy the constraint is lack of available workers.

Ken B said...

MSNBC benched a black commentator for inadvertently endorsing Bernie: “He has done nothing for intersectionality.”

rehajm said...

wouldn’t blog at at

Star Wars humor if you didn't get it...

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