February 26, 2020

"Why am I stopping? No one else stops. It's my Catholic school training."

Best line of the night — here's the debate transcript — from Joe Biden, near the end of 2 hours of all the candidates talking over each other and the moderators failing horribly to maintain any sort of order.

The moderator Gayle King responds, "Vice President Biden, you're a gentleman. Good home training. Thank you, sir." But Joe Biden doesn't want to be Gayle King's good little boy. He says, "Yeah, gentlemen don't get very well treated up here."

Good home training. Ridiculous. Biden was making a criticism — "Why am I stopping? No one else stops. It's my Catholic school training" — a justified criticism, and Gayle King understood or pretended to understand that to be supportive of her and justifying her bonding with Biden, like the 2 of them are well bred and polite, but he cut her off.

"Gentlemen don't get very well treated up here" — that's superficially polite, not telling King she's not doing her job, but the treatment in question is from the moderators.

He's saying: I have been polite and gracious, but you've presided over an event where rudeness wins. Catholic school may have taught me good behavior, but you, Gayle King, are teaching bad behavior.

By the way, it's interesting that King changed "Catholic school training" to "home training." She cleaned the religion out of it for him. She erased his Catholic identity. And if it's home training, the implication is domestication by a woman.

Now, a lot of people seem to think that Donald Trump is rude, and the Democratic candidates sometimes appeal to our desire for more politeness and niceness and harmony. So maybe Joe Biden got somewhere by embodying the gentleman, and maybe he's savvy enough to have done that on purpose. But Gayle King patted him on the head for it, and that hurt. Who thinks you can beat Donald Trump being the boy with "good home training"?

ADDED: Back in 2012, when VP Biden debated VP candidate Paul Ryan, Biden behaved like a jackass. I wrote at the time:
Biden is being rude, laughing and mouthing words. And Ryan is talking about serious national security matters. Biden mutters an interruption. When Biden is given a turn, he calls what Ryan said "malarky."
Yeah, he said "malarky."
Biden is acting as though he cannot physically tolerate Ryan having a turn to speak!...

The stress level is rising. Biden is so angry. Why is he yelling? Ryan needs nerves of steel not to lose his cool. I'm impressed that Ryan, when he gets his turn, is able to speak in an even, natural voice. It's hard to concentrate on the policy itself, because the emotional static is so strong....

Biden has been yelling at [the moderator] Martha Raddatz for the last 15 minutes (as the subject is war). It's so inappropriate!...

That debate was so annoying! Some of the CNN commentators are talking about how Biden did what he came to do, to fire up the Democrats. "This was not for the independents," says Van Jones. Okay, well, but independents were watching, and Biden was horribly rude. He created this disturbing atmosphere of anxiety.


Mr. D said...

Joe certainly has the "cafeteria Catholic" training down pat.

Darrell said...

It's a big fucking deal, said Biden as VP. Democrats are all about decorum.

rhhardin said...

I had great home training but rejected it.

rhhardin said...

Dart guns would help maintain order. I'm assuming only the moderators have them.

daskol said...

That was a good line, but Biden was not polite during the debate. He was suffused with outrage: everything he said was angry, because that appears to the only emotion he can still project bigly.

rehajm said...

There are a surprising amount of Catholics in South Carolina. Ash Wednesday around Bluffton is surprising.

Maybe not to Biden's team

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

What say we call someone a Catholic (Christian) when it is obvious by their views and deeds. Biden is no Catholic.

rehajm said...

Savannah just across the line has a huge St. Patricks Day celebration. So big HHI moved theirs to a different day.

Dan in Philly said...

Biden is a Catholic when it suits him

The Bergall said...

What an embarrassment...............

Jersey Fled said...

Wonder how many votes Biden lost after declaring he is a Catholic. I mean, being religious isn't looked at fondly by many liberals. Even Obama dropped the pretense once he was elected. Except for the Muslim part, maybe.

Shouting Thomas said...

But, did the debaters go full commie?

The prof, after decades of living in academia, apparently doesn’t notice such things.

Temujin said...

I was flipping between The Walking Dead and the Dem Debate. It was so confusing. Hard to differentiate. Wasn't sure if that was Negan and Alpha or Negan and Bernie. And at the end, when the cave collapsed, was that Gayle King in there?

So confusing. Anyway, I'm sure Milwaukee will be a blast this summer. If I lived there, I'd be planning my vacation to leave that week right now.

gspencer said...

Yeah, Joe, all that Catholic school training taught you to cast those many votes for Planned Parenthood, right?

clint said...

I watched part of the debate last night, and found myself really put off by the format -- senators and billionaires raising their hands and shouting over each other and begging for time. Barely able to get out a statement of their position before they're being cut off. They try to get extra time by claiming the other guy attacked them, and then spend that time on an unrelated attack or extract from their stump speech. Any time anyone shifted from stating a position to presenting an argument for why their position was correct, the moderators would cut them off and change the subject.

Remember that the debate is put on by the Democratic Party. The point is to present their candidates to the American People and sell us on one or more of these people as a replacement for President Trump. Someone in the party leadership thought that this format would be a good way to do that.

The one other thing I was struck by -- half the candidates up there seem to have accepted that President Trump is going to win reelection. They were in lockstep presenting the argument that if Bernie Sanders is the nominee, then Democrats will also lose the House of Representatives. So, vote for Amy or Pete so that at least there's a chance to keep Nancy Pelosi as Speaker for Donald Trump's second term.

David Begley said...

“She cleaned the religion out of it for him. She erased his Catholic identity.”

Good point, per usual, by Althouse.

Epic failure all around last night. Fake News can’t run a debate populated by crazy people.

Mark said...


Biden was NOT criticizing or being polite in following the rules.

Biden lost track of whatever the hell he was saying. And so he took advantage of the situation to just stop. If they had invited him to complete his thought, he would not have been able to.

Browndog said...

I see a lot of high profile liberals like Mika Brzezinski and Jennifer Rubin are ripping CBS to shreds.

"They made us look bad" seems to be a common theme this morning. Apparently the adults in the room couldn't control the children on the stage.

Not being responsible for one's own behavior, attack anyone that exposes bad behavior by democrats...

Too many liberal principles at work to list-

Jake said...

Buttigieg was the least offensive in terms of manner. I can’t believe Amy Klobuchar ever thought this was a good idea. Bernie yells a lot. Liz Warren looks like a grandma scolding her grandkids. Bloomberg, meh. Biden made little sense when he had the chance to speak. (Anyone else think it was a bit racist to equate being a public defender with outreach in the black community). Why was Steyer even there?

henry said...

I watched with the sound off. Looked like a bunch of people yelling at each other.

Kevin said...

Green slime falling from the ceiling on those who go over would solve the problem and increase viewership.

Fernandinande said...

Best line of the night

Jed Clampett voice.. "Pitiful. The boy ain't right" because it wasn't even an approximation of a good line.

gilbar said...

Remember that the debate is put on by the Democratic Party. The point is to present their candidates to the American People and sell us on one or more of these people as a replacement for President Trump. Someone in the party leadership thought that this format would be a good way to do that.

i watched the 1st half of this debate, live; I was struck by what a sensational commercial
it was, for the Republican party, and President Trump

Does anyone (igna? ritmo? Chuck?) REALLY want one of these jokers running the country into the ground?

The Democrat party couldn't Even Run a Debate
The Democrat party's trying to pick between a Billionaire & a Millionaire, neither of which are democrats
Does ANYONE think they'll run the country better?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I see Biden finally figured out "my time is up" is not a good line to use at debate.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, the debates have evolved to mimic the format and tone of an internet comments war?

The Democrats are aping Howard and Ritmo?

Mark said...

Based on the headline, J. Rubin is trying to argue that Biden had a strong night and Sanders a weak one.

gilbar said...
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gilbar said...

Kevin said...
Green slime falling from the ceiling on those who go over would solve the problem and increase viewership.

Kevin's way would be Fun! and i Fully support it; but

Just tell them that, when their time is up; their mic will do dead... Then DO THAT
If you can't handle time, no one wants you handling the country

On the Other Hand
Kevin's solution would work just as well; AND dramatically increase viewership!

Jeff Brokaw said...

Biden is a self-righteous pompous prick with zero self-awareness, at least his public persona that we can see. That much has become obvious over the last few months.

He seens to have a psychological affliction or pathology of some kind: BPD? I am no psychologist, just spitballing here.

Yet his media-manufactured public persona is the exact opposite. Huh. Decades of curated lies to make a POS Democrat look good, makes you wonder...

Nah, he’s probably the only one.

tim maguire said...

Biden is acting as though he cannot physically tolerate Ryan having a turn to speak!...

My wife, who wants to vote for Warren and is miffed that she won't get the chance, has said at least once during every debate that Biden looks like he can't believe he has to stand here on this stage and listen to these other people. Who the hell are they that they get to share a stage with him? He can't believe they won't just give him the nomination and let him move on to the general.

traditionalguy said...

Remember you have to grade on the curve when the class are lawless bullies. That transforms all Fs into Bs and Cs.

Interesting to me was that the females jumped right into the mosh pit.Bloomie was restrained in his weird way. And Biden seemed almost back until his make up a story style went off the rails again.

The Crazy Commie stayed on his Marxist message of caring for the peasants and promising to auto da fey the Billionaires. Trump will have to fight hard.

Tom T. said...

So Biden impliedly dissed the public schools? He's done.

Narayanan said...

Catholic school training
Does it make difference if trainer male or female?

How much resentment get bottled up?

Todd said...

Jersey Fled said...

Wonder how many votes Biden lost after declaring he is a Catholic. I mean, being religious isn't looked at fondly by many liberals. Even Obama dropped the pretense once he was elected. Except for the Muslim part, maybe.

2/26/20, 6:36 AM

Don't worry, they all know he is not a real Catholic. He strongly supports sacrificing unborn babies to the false god of feminism, after all.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Home training makes me think of house-broken. Did someone poop on the floor at the debate?

zipity said...

Anyone else shocked to learn from Biden that "150 million Americans died in gun violence since 2007...."

Nearly half the country. I must have missed it. You'd think that would have been on the news.

Limited blogger said...

The whole thing is about 'scrubbing it up' and presenting some kind of acceptably polished turd to the American people.

They don't just change history of the distant past, they change what just happened.

gilbar said...

zipity said...
Anyone else shocked to learn from Biden that "150 million Americans died in gun violence since 2007....

It's WHY he's running for the US Senate!

Iman said...

Biden has fewer brain cells than he thinks he has.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It was unwatchable TV. I don’t know how you guys managed. It was the not ready for POTUS players in action.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Just for the record, "Home Training" is a very Southern thing to say. You usually hear it in the negative as a criticism: "He don't have no home training" (by people who wouldn't use "don't" that way for other phrases). It suggests a slipshod upbringing, particularly as regards courtesy.

Chick said...

Joe B please clarify are you for school choice or against it.

rehajm said...

My catholic training helped me to stay away from father starks...

Howard said...

We had excellent home training in our house. We got both are babies out of diapers by 18 months. It was really my wife she turned taking a dump into a game. Although I did teach my son to not piss his pants as soon as he could walk by showing him how to piss on a rock or a tree or his favorite the tire of my old rusty station wagon.

AllenS said...

Put me down as a kid who couldn't wait to turn 18, so I could leave home and raise some fucking hell.

Wilbur said...

As someone pointed out here months ago - it may have been AA - if the Democrats (or anyone else) wants to have meaningful and useful debates, then you set up a lot of them before and throughout the campaign. One on one, for an hour, televised on the cable news channels. Paid for by the DNC and the campaigns.

Then, the interrupting and yelling become negatives, not just things to get noticed. And you might actually get a coherent message out. That's assuming they have a coherent message, or even want to get it out.

A debate with seven debaters is not a debate.

Howard said...

I raised hell all my life, my parents kicked me out of the house at 18. Fortunately they were so desperate to get rid of me they paid the first two years of my college tuition room and board.

hawkeyedjb said...

I thought 2016 offered the worst presidential choice of my lifetime. Could it get any worse, I wondered?

Along comes 2020 to say: Oh yes, it certainly can.

MikeR said...

To this day liberals give Biden credit for crushing Ryan in the debate. And maybe he did; Ryan was too polite and put up with it, instead of striking back effectively. I think he had an opportunity to make America realize what kind of loser clowns were running the Democratic Party.

Rumpletweezer said...

They should have chairs like on The Voice. Turn the chair around for the person to whom the question is addressed. If the question involves an attack on another candidate, turn the chair back around. Turn the chair of the person attacked. Pay no attention to Liz Warren waving her hand uncontrollably to the side of her chair. The microphone on works when the chair is turned.

Dave Begley said...

After last night, how can any average voter conclude anything but that all the candidates are crazy?

Bob Boyd said...

As long as Joe remembers his toilet training he'll meet the current standards of his party.

Ralph L said...

The microphone only works when the chair is turned.

Better yet, The Cone of Silence.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Don't worry, they all know he is not a real Catholic. He strongly supports sacrificing unborn babies to the false god of feminism, after all.”

Yeah, Catholic used to mean working/middle-class social conservative. Now it means middle/upper-middle Lib-Prog. Citing a Catholic childhood is simply a just-folks ploy for these douchebags, nothing more. Kind a like gettin’ you a beer or a huntin’ license.

Bay Area Guy said...

I am definitely rooting for Biden to win SC. If so, the "No Malarkey" tour bus will ride again!

Wilbur said...

"...Ryan was too polite and put up with it, instead of striking back effectively"

A lot people were delighted when we finally had a candidate to consider who could and would punch back. The leftists were so shocked they lost their collective mind and still haven't recovered.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

"Biden is being rude, laughing and mouthing words."

Watch out for civility bullshit!

Sorry. Anyway, Joe's prior behavior just emphasizes how sh***y calls for civility aimed at Trump really are.

Andrew said...

I agree with Mark above. Biden cut himself off, then used his line as an excuse. It was actually a good save. But he did it to himself after he lost his train of thought.

Roughcoat said...

News flash: ALL Catholics are cafeteria Catholics, to a greater or lesser extent. That's why we have confession. And penance.

Megthered said...

I had a Catholic school education, but I left the church when the parish priest refused to baptise my baby because my husband was in the military. It was prog/lib even then.

Roughcoat said...

Put me down as a kid who couldn't wait to turn 18, so I could leave home and raise some fucking hell.

LOL. I left at 17. Ended up Nassau, broke and being propositioned by a beautiful black female prostitute. That's a story for another day. Or maybe never.

Roughcoat said...

Nowadays, if you're Catholic and you aren't a cafeteria Catholic, you don't know what's going on and you're getting played for a chump.

Nowadays, in order to be a "good" Catholic, you have to be a cafeteria Catholic.

Roughcoat said...

Yeah, Catholic used to mean working/middle-class social conservative. Now it means middle/upper-middle Lib-Prog.

Not this Catholic. But, I get your point.

Lucien said...

So far Laura Ingraham seems to be the lone media source noting Biden’s “150 deaths” lie.
It was also fun to watch Bloomberg try to stop himself from saying he “bought” 21 Congressional elections — but for Democrats is that a bug or a feature?

Todd said...

Andrew said...

I agree with Mark above. Biden cut himself off, then used his line as an excuse. It was actually a good save. But he did it to himself after he lost his train of thought.

2/26/20, 9:03 AM

These days, Biden couldn't find his train of thought with a map, see eye dog, and two full time interns.

The fact that his handlers keep putting him out there should be cause for an investigation of elder abuse.

Ken B said...

Ryan was practically driven out of the party. Romney too. Before them Lieberman was driven out of the Democrats, along with the Blue Dogs. This is why we face the prospect of two strange, morally suspect, very old men.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amadeus 48 said...

Joe sure acts like he's a drinker. What do we think about that teetotal pose?


The Godfather said...

Do you remember the Biden-Palin debate in 2012? Everyone expected Palin to stumble badly, but Biden made error after error, so none of the talking heads mentioned it. The one I remember is that he said that Congress was covered by the 2d Article of the Constitution, when in fact it’s the 1st, which reflects the Framers’ thinking. Biden spent his life in Congress, so you’d think he would know that.

Clyde said...

Biden was the second-most angry of the candidates, after Bernie. Neither would contrast well with the jovial Trump.

NCMoss said...

The panic look on Joe's face trying not to mangle health agency acronyms and bragging about working with "name that world leader" almost made me feel sorry for him; almost.

GingerBeer said...

Paul Ryan is a Roman Catholic. Biden is a Democrat Catholic.

LA_Bob said...

Biden seems to like fighting/boxing analogies (take Trump behind the gym and beat the tar out of him, "keep punching home the message" about domestic violence, took a real gut punch in Iowa, it's just the second round, etc), so here's another.

Biden is fighting Political Reality. His back is to the ropes. Reality punches him at will, so Biden hopes to land the haymaker that changes the outcome.

Not happening. Soon, he'll be down for the count and out cold.

Marc in Eugene said...

I hope everyone here has a spiritually useful Lent-- scíndite corda vestra, et non vestiménta vestra: et convertímini ad Dóminum Deum vestrum: quia benígnus et miséricors est. (Joel 2.13)

mikee said...

Joe Biden, along with Speaker Pelosi, wear Catholicism as a shield. Against the obviously true charge that their support for abortion, and leftism in general, makes them not so much Catholic as simply lying leftists, they have nothing to say.

Where are the Bishops who should be telling these two they need to be confessed, and change their ways, or lose their claim to membership in the one true faith?

Iman said...

When I watch Biden struggle to express his thoughts and stay within a reasonable distance of the subject matter, I remember the strange, often frantic-eyed behavior of my mother, a frequent UTI sufferer.

narayanan said...

Blogger Lucien said...
It was also fun to watch Bloomberg try to stop himself from saying he “bought” 21 Congressional elections
116th Congress
197 Republicans
232 Democrats
5 * Vacancies

Does that also mean he bought the Impeachment fiasco?

Caligula said...

Democrats are creating a strong reputation for incompetence. First they couldn't seem to count votes in Iowa when their buggy, not-adequately-tested app failed (and, of course, they had no 'plan B' backup). Now they apparently can't set up and moderate a debate that presents their prospective candidates in an attractive way?

Debate moderation is as old as debating, and vote counting can be done with technologies that have existed for thousands of years.

Don't the Party movers-and-shakers see how inept this makes them all look?

Anonymous said...

"And if it's home training, the implication is domestication by a woman."

If it's Catholic school training, the implication is domestication by a nun. I went to Catholic school in the 70's and 80's and we still had nuns as the enforcer [and principal].

Or are you talking about that `other' Catholic school training that is male dominated, you know that training priests do to altar boys?

Narr said...

Not much time, haven't read comments, maybe it's been used--

The black women who helped raise me always spoke of "home learning."

And they enforced it, too

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Althouse says: "...and the moderates failing horribly to maintain any sort of order."

The "moderators" are doing their job - fomenting chaos. By and large, chaos is the product the media produces and sells.

Bilwick said...

I went to Catholic school, too; and I remember the nuns in elementary school and the Christian Brothers in high school solemnly instructing us: "Watch out for pony soldiers!"

Mark said...

Or are you talking about that `other' Catholic school training that is male dominated, you know that training priests do to altar boys?

If you're going to make an anti-Catholic slam, "Mark," be open about it. Don't hide it in what you think is a sly joke.

rehajm said...

That's why we have confession. And penance.

...and forgiveness.

Lazarus said...

It's not Catholic school and it's not home training.

Biden is lost up on stage. He can't keep up.

A younger Biden would have been shouting and putting his elbow in everyone's face just like the others.

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