Great NY Post cover. The article there is "The spectacular collapse of Joe Biden as Democratic frontrunner." Biden came in 5th in New Hampshire, and he conspicuously left the state before the results started coming in, while people were still voting. Perhaps he meant to signal to them that they should vote for Pete or Amy if they want to stop Bernie.
Political experts said the 77-year-old Biden’s campaign has been dealt repeated blows by poor debate performances, his family’s ties to the Ukraine scandal, cringe-worthy gaffes, low-energy events and a lackluster ground game in early states....I think he should get out now, not skew the voting any longer. He's not going to make it, and he doesn't deserve to make it. He's been the Jeb of the 2020 Democratic race, standing in the way of others but unable to succeed himself. He should bow out now, which will look gracious. It won't look gracious later, after 2 or more weeks of clinging to lost hope. He can endorse Pete or Amy and give one of them a boost now, when it will really count.
By ditching New Hampshire, Biden has essentially bet the house on the Feb. 29 primary in South Carolina, where he has by far the most support from black voters. He is hoping for a resounding victory there, in what his campaign is betting will be a firewall state for him....
But then, if what he secretly wants is to help Bloomberg, he should just cling to his horrible campaign and keep telling us it's all about South Carolina. Choke off support for Pete/Amy and keep the ground clear for Bloomberg's big entrance on Super Tuesday.
Maybe Biden! would work like it did for Jeb!
Maybe he should have a sticker on his back that says
“If I’ve lost South Carolina please return me to my home state of Delaware [address inserted here] or call 555-1212”
Am I the only person that sees he is in early stage of dementia?
Please clap.
Joe is slow. It will take him a while to process the fact that it's time for the dog faced pony soldier to hang up his saddle.
An early clue was when an inveterate front-runner like Obama wouldn't endorse him.
I think Biden has been trying to be like Trump, trying to speak his mind and be unfiltered and spontaneous. Unfortunately what's in his mind is apparently an incoherent mess of random thoughts.
Biden should fold his tent, but he needs something to distract him while the Burisma investigation heats up.
Joe will endorse fellow Senate club member Amy. Liz should do the same. The Dems can’t win with Pete or Bernie on the top of the ticket.
Over 70000 people in New Hampshire choose "Die"...remarkable.....
Jo's disappearing campaign would be funny, if it wasn't So Sad...
Who am i trying to kid? Jo's fumbling bumbling stumbling crumbling idiocy is Hilarious!
I Should feel Bad, for laughing at the pathetic loser; but i can't stop laughing long enough
Joe should go gently into that good night.
Agree, dead candidate walking. There is great value to the other candidates for him to drop out now, but of what value is his endorsement or support of a particular candidate? I'd venture to say very little.
One major benefit when Joe drops out is Symone Sanders will no longer be on TV. She’s a Creighton alum and a total disgrace.
Nothing is going to save the democrats from Bernie.
It's no different than spending decades brainwashing your students, then shocked when you got fired because your students heard you use the wrong pronoun.
You built this!
C'mon man - I'm a donkey soldier!
Reading the various headlines from various news publications I'm not sure if Amy won an Oscar last night, or the Presidency.
Who knew 3rd place could mean so much.
I always knew that The Fake Indian would fade out of the picture, but I have to say, I didn't count on Slow Joe Biden to collapse like he has. These next primaries are crucial to Biden, obviously.
Before he leaves, let's just see what he might plagiarize next. Could it be along this line?
I still find it remarkable that the most successful Dem President in the modern era, Obama, did not utter a single public word of political support for his own Veep, is a big tell.
The dog that didn't bark...
Please clap.
Joe drank the poison! Look, he's fading...fading. He'll die if you don't believe in not completely insane Democrats. Clap if you believe in Democrats. Clap, children! Clap!
He's a disgusting, insubstantial old man. I enjoy American politics and find humour most everywhere I look, even when most don't. But there's nothing funny about this worthless piece of shit and I'm glad he's gone.
Will Obama endorse Pete?
“If I was all white and gay, I’d look like Pete.”
almost gone
"Joe will endorse fellow Senate club member Amy."
He should. All Democrats should, if they truly want to defeat Trump. But I don't think they truly do. Just like the Never Trumpers, what they truly want is to continue indulging themselves in the pleasure of hating Trump and the middle-class working-class Americans he represents.
I would vote for Amy as PTA President in a NY minute. That's what she's running for, right?
As for Joe, I think he should stick around for awhile, if only for the entertainment value.
I don't think Biden's wrong to want to see what happens in South Carolina. He still has decent support from the black community, and I can't imagine the Democrats wanting to field a candidate who cannot get out the black vote. If he does poorly in South Carolina, then I would agree he should give it up.
"Nothing is going to save the democrats from Bernie."
Not nothing. Trump will save them. Whether they like it or not.
Liawatha trade heap big wampum. Gettum no delegates. Now go South. Hunt many, many gay buffalo. Gettum scalped by black white men.
As for Pete, I think he should step up and run for mayor of Indianapolis.
Joe can't quit. He has a whole family of grifters who need him in office to be able to sell his influence.
I am left wondering about the impeachment play, smearing Joe Biden along with Trump.
"The dog that didn't bark..."
The [lying] dog[-faced pony soldier] that didn't bark...
Why, prof, do you find the red diaper baby style personified by Buttigieg, so suave and sophisticated?
You loved it with Obama, too.
Ah, all of you are forgetting one person who could save the Demo's ass. Bloomburger! The short dark horse.
Amy's campaign slogan:
I'm the nice one.
Trump's campaign slogan:
Keep America Great.
I'm not sure Amy wants to see a great America. Just a nice one. And she gets along with every one of the 10 Democrats on the debate stage!
I can't imagine the Democrats wanting to field a candidate who cannot get out the black vote
Democrats assume they will get the black vote no matter what, and why wouldn't they?
"I think he should get out now, not skew the voting any longer. He's not going to make it, and he doesn't deserve to make it. He's been the Jeb of the 2020 Democratic race, standing in the way of others but unable to succeed himself. He should bow out now, which will look gracious. It won't look gracious later, after 2 or more weeks of clinging to lost hope."
Seems like someone is looking for a push-up contest.
Maybe Biden prefers Sanders to Buttigieg or Klobuchar.
Let’s see the SC polling...or if there’s SC polling. Either way we’ll know..
There really isn’t any reason for anyone who’s garnered a delegate to drop out before Super Tuesday. None of them are that tight on cash. Amy maybe, as they don’t have much if a ground game. What a surprise they need to ramp up now...
Ah, all of you are forgetting one person who could save the Demo's ass. Bloomburger!
Milwaukee will burn before the Antifa Bros allow that capitalist pig to steal the nomination from Bernie.
I thought Amy was a rage-aholic who abused and mistreated her staff.
Now she's packaged herself as the "nice" one?
Biden wins SC he’s the comeback kid for a few days...
Biden is in past Super Tuesday. March 3rd. With corruption and grifting he led in Ukraine, what would make anyone think he's going to do the right thing for his party?
Today's media:
where he has by far the most support from black voters.
Yesterday's reality:
the new national Quinnipiac poll shows support for Biden among African Americans dropping from 52 percent to 27 percent since the Iowa caucuses.
So his lead went from 52-15 to 27-22 and the media characterizes this as his having "by far the most support". I think they're missing something.
Biden's corruption drove him out.
Trump exposed it.
When are you coming over to Trump, professor?
Why are you wasting your time on the party that fabricated Russia collusion?
"Biden wins SC he’s the comeback kid for a few days..."
The comeback codger maybe.
I thought Amy was a rage-aholic who abused and mistreated her staff.
I don't care much about this, if you don't like that business find another industry. I care about why she abused them: they gave a media quote saying she supported the Green New Deal instead of saying she's a co-sponsor. So remember for all this "moderate" media fantasy she has the same intent to destroy our economy as just about every other Dem politician.
Pelosi spotted on a grassy knoll.
Democrats assume they will get the black vote no matter what, and why wouldn't they?
They will, but they need a big turnout too. Hence all the Stacy Abrams VP talk. They need something to convince black voters to bother showing up.
The comeback codger maybe
Go wrangle some rhubarb, ya lily-livered bucket kicker...
Oh malarky!
How the DNC and press have fallen. Not only can they no longer drive the country's agenda or even meaningfully damage their political opposition, they can't even control their own party's nomination process. Their transparent efforts at creating a truth fall flat. They lost the plot a long time ago, and now they can barely influence the narrative. It's actually glorious, if a little ugly to behold.
"... Stacy Abrams VP talk."
Oh great, another four years of we didn't lose.
Amy would sew up the white suburban woman vote. Not the NRA women, or the ones with husbands and sons who like American football, but the rest.
But every Black woman I've ever known has twice the backbone of Klobacher. I'm not sure if they would really identify with her. They might like the guy who gave their son his first real job alot better. (Black teen unemployment down 20% since Trump took office)
Biden is hearing Don Pardo’s voice in his sleep and is soon to win a set of steak knives and the home version of ‘Dem Primary’
The irony is that Trump didn't have to lift a finger to undermine Joe's desultory campaign.
I want Biden to stay in the race. He is comedy gold. Besides he doesn't owe any of the other candidates any favors. No Democrat has a real chance this year absent Trump blowing it. As for Althouse's new crush Mayor Pete, there ain't a dime's difference on policy between him and Bernie.
Got a wife and kids in Delaware, Jack
I went out for a ride and I never went back
Like a river that don't know where it's flowing
I took a wrong turn and I just kept going
I want Biden to stay in the race. He is comedy gold. Besides he doesn't owe any of the other candidates any favors. No Democrat has a real chance this year absent Trump blowing it. As for Althouse's new crush Mayor Pete, there ain't a dime's difference on policy between him and Bernie.
RichandSceptical is not the only person to see that Biden is in the early stages of dementia.
But when has that ever, ever, ever been a disqualifying condition for a politician?
Once again the continual “frontrunner” falls apart when the votes are actually cast.
But hey, let’s turn on the TV to find out what this all means!
The Dems are running to unite the country.
They won’t even be able to unite their party.
I like AA's views just as they are. Do you really think she would gain credibility with most people - not just the posters here -if she came out and said "I'm all out for Trump Now"? Especially if it was not her true belief?
I appreciate the fact that she's avowedly not a Trumper, yet sees through the ridiculous and corrupt Dems and their Leftist pals in the media, and regularly calls them out. And calls them out with intelligence and wit.
There's a hundred other sites out there, Pro-Trump 100% of the time, and that's fine with me. But why demand she be like them? I appreciate the Althouse point of view, skeptical of both parties, and calling them as she sees them.
She calls it cruel neutrality.
This tweet isn't sitting well with establishment dems:
Kristen Soltis Anderson
Verified account @KSoltisAnderson
If you’re a moderate Democrat consoling yourself by adding up the Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Biden lines to convince yourself “we just need people to drop out to consolidate behind a non-Bernie”, remember the GOP in 2016.
Bernie is some people’s second choice, too, you know.
When Amy quits, the Post headline should be "Comb Over!"
"Nice Amy" is the public one.
" standing in the way of others but unable to succeed himself. He should bow out now..."
Keep hoping. Mayor Pete is not getting more than 5% of the Black vote in SC.
..."what they truly want is to continue indulging themselves in the pleasure of hating Trump and the middle-class working-class Americans he represents."
This. I don't care if they hate Trump. But looking down and sneering at your fellow Americans while you plan to destroy their jobs, industries, their communities... it's sickening. A lot of people woke up when Hillary tossed them into her Basket of Deplorables. These unaccomplished hacks think it is their divine right to wreck people's lives and pat each other on the back for doing so. None of the people remaining in the race has ever produced anything of value in his/her/ze life, but they're going to order society according to their whim. Trump didn't make me a Trump voter - these people did.
During the next debate Amy should tell Pete, "Here's a comb for your word salad."
Do you really think she would gain credibility with most people - not just the posters here -if she came out and said "I'm all out for Trump Now"?
I understand that Althouse is simply trying to encourage discussion and that won't be enhanced by endorsing Trump.
But, I gotta repeat, this is the Democratic Party that fabricated and peddled Russia collusion for 3-1/2 years.
Klobuchar may well be an alcoholic and a philanderer; but was a heck a good sports writer
I'm glad he's a Senator now, and would probably make an okay President
Wait? you're talking about his daughter? He has a daughter? Who did we vote for the Senate?
Serious Question
Is there a woman in politics, that DIDN'T ride there on father and/or husband's name?
Good thing the corrupt party called D impeached Trump for merely asking about Biden's money whoring and money laundering for family enrichment thru Ukraine.
From yesterday:
Maggie Haberman
Verified account @maggieNYT
Republican voter registration in NH is down roughly 20k voters from 2016 to now. It’s a reminder that Trump’s increased GOP popularity is in part because in some places, the GOP registration rolls have shrunk.
Brad Parscale - Text TRUMP to 88022
Verified account @parscale
With approximately 54% of precincts reporting, President Trump has already received more votes than Presidents Barack Obama (49,080), George W. Bush (52,962) and Ronald Reagan (65,033) in their respective re-election New Hampshire Primaries.
"But then, if what he secretly wants is to help Bloomberg, he should just cling to his horrible campaign and keep telling us it's all about South Carolina. Choke off support for Pete/Amy and keep the ground clear for Bloomberg's big entrance on Super Tuesday."
If he doesn't leave by Friday, he is staying in until SC. But I don't think he'll retain much support, and every reporter is going to ask him six times a day, "When are you quitting?" It will become the Quitting Tour, with reporters asking when and Joe becoming increasingly enraged.
Someone above noted Obama's coolness as a tell. BHO is not a fool. If he thought Joe was a good idea for the Demmies, he'd have said so. He has to figure out how he can help Amy or Wee Mikee without completely alienating the Bernie Bros. Maybe he can do it, but don't expect to hear much from him. His best use would be helping Amy raise money or helping Wee Mikee develop a "legend" appealing to black voters.
I expect Mike Bloomberg to become the reincarnation of Julius Rosenwald as the Legend grows in the telling. By the time they are done, it will be revealed that little Mike Bloomberg couldn't go to sleep at night until his mother sang "Lift Every Voice and Sing" with him, and he vowed on his 7th birthday that he wouldn't rest until Jim Crow was dead.
It might be true.
"... Stacy Abrams VP talk."
I can see the political calculus in that. The Democrats really need to shore up the Black vote against the inroads that Trump has made. But why would Blacks be impressed with a Black Vice-president when they have already had a Black President? Especially one who continues to make dubious claims about how she lost her last election.
@gilbar said...
"Serious Question
Is there a woman in politics, that DIDN'T ride there on father and/or husband's name?
I vaguely remember one with a trophy husband and schoolteachers for parents, and the NY Times front-page article about her when she accepted the VP nomination was all about how she must be a terrible mother.
If he gets out now it will look like an effort to deprive African-American voters a chance to show their preference. Typical white privilege.
i guess Kirsten Gillibrand comes closest
Both her parents are attorneys, and her father has also worked as a lobbyist. Her dad was an associate of former U.S. Senator Al D'Amato.
I guess her political background came from her grandmother, the mistress of the mayor of Albany
Her maternal grandmother was Dorothea "Polly" Noonan, a founder of the Albany Democratic Women's Club and a leader of the city's Democratic political machine...
a longtime confidant of Erastus Corning 2nd, the longtime Mayor of Albany, New York
Corning "was simply part of our family... He appeared at every family birthday party with the most fantastic present". Gillibrand wrote that she did not know that the ambiguous relationship between her married grandmother and the married Corning "was strange" until she grew up, According to The New York Times, Corning, "in effect, disinherited his wife and children" and "left the Noonan family his insurance business".
Serious Question
Is there a woman in politics, that DIDN'T ride there on father and/or husband's name?
He's gotta do SC for his donors.
You don't "graciously" quit early when people have sent you a lot of money. He'll find the right time.
clint's right there was Sarah Palin... The exception that proves the rule?
Looks like the impeachment wasn’t such good cover for him after all. LOL.
Ray said...
During the next debate Amy should tell Pete, "Here's a comb for your word salad."
Joe is the Willy Loman of the 2020 campaign. Give it up Joe.
Jersey Fled scared me, when he said...
But then i looked...Tulsi's dad,
Gerald Michael Gabbard (born January 15, 1948) is an American politician, serving as a Democratic member of the Hawaii State Senate for District 20 since 2006. Gabbard rose to prominence for his successful effort to pass a 1998 amendment to the Constitution of Hawaii to give the state legislature "
seems like we're stuck with Sarah Palin
He's not gracious. You should not expect any gracious behavior from him.
Obama already shattered the illusion that having a black in the White House would lead black America to the promise land.
He did nothing for them, and they know it. Putting a token black on the ticket has forever lost it's affect.
Even when I was a liberal Democrat, I hated Slow Joe Biden or as I call him IBM aka Irish Big Mouth.
It turns out painting `Malarkey' on the side of your campaign bus does not translate to 2020.
Who knew?
Many, many moons white eye long knife chief Quaestor raggum heap plenty on Liawatha. Great Spirit takum Liawatha war party to Happy Hunting Grounds plenty soon. Quaestor shed big fakum tear like big Sicilian medicine man Iron Eyes Cody
Sorry, I meant Martha McSally.
(I had a Biden moment there)
Browndog said...
Milwaukee will burn before the Antifa Bros allow that capitalist pig to steal the nomination from Bernie.
Circa: 1965 -- Burn, baby, burn
Serious Question
Is there a woman in politics, that DIDN'T ride there on father and/or husband's name?
"Please clap, lying dog-faced pony soldiers."
Also Nikki Haley, who might be our next President after Trump.
Ok strike Tulsi.
Ex-US add
Margaret Thatcher
"Is there a woman in politics, that DIDN'T ride there on father and/or husband's name?
Kyrsten Synema? I'm not sure she even has parents. Definitely not a husband.
Hunter Biden is vastly wealthy due to the American Tax Payer. Thank the Ukraine for the money laundering!
The words "gracious" and "Joe Biden" are an oxymoron in any context.
Joe does seem to be in the early stages of Dementia. He isn't a very smart guy to begin with. To continue to allow him to flail around is just elder abuse.
"Serious Question
Is there a woman in politics, that DIDN'T ride there on father and/or husband's name?
Nikki Haley
Condoleezza Rice
Both women of color. You would think that they would be lauded by the Democrats. BUT..they are nasty Republicans and off the reservation. So poooh on them.
And of course Sara Palin, but she is just an inbred Alaskan hillbilly.
Isn't it starkly amazing that the entire hack-D press have zero interest in Biden family greed and extortion?
Wait a minute. Nikki Haley is not a "natural born citizen" even though she was born here to permanent residents?
Blogger AllenS said...
"Ah, all of you are forgetting one person who could save the Demo's ass. Bloomburger! The short dark horse."
Bloomberg, the dog faced pony soldier.
I've been wondering if Gabbard isn't such an irritant to the Dems because she'd be a good VP choice if Bernie bolted for an independent run. Military background, not bombastic, young and apparently healthy.
I'm still going with Martha McSally. She was a two term congressman before she was appointed to the Senate.
Besides, I like her story.
People for a brokered convention have a vote too. Keep the field large enough to split the votes.
Rick: Today's media:
where he has by far the most support from black voters.
Yesterday's reality:
the new national Quinnipiac poll shows support for Biden among African Americans dropping from 52 percent to 27 percent since the Iowa caucuses.
So his lead went from 52-15 to 27-22 and the media characterizes this as his having "by far the most support". I think they're missing something.
I think you're missing something, specifically the words "South Carolina, where".
That may still be wrong, but you can't disprove it with a national poll.
Biden is in the last few days of relevance of his entire life. Once he's out, no one gives a shit what Joe says. That's a tough place to be.
Jersey Fled said...
I'm still going with Martha McSally. She was a two term congressman before she was appointed to the Senate.
I am, too. In small groups she is great but her 2018 campaign was as bad as JEB!'s. I hope she does better this time.
I cannot tell if Kelly has any issue aside from his wife being shot by a schizophrenic. The shooter, by the way, was the subject of numerous complaints by fellow students, all of which were concealed by his mother who worked for the Pima County sheriff.
Kyrsten Synema i DID definitely think of her (mostly in NAUGHTY ways), but IS she big enough to matter? Joni Ernst?
Martha McSally she seems self made too; but again, big enough?
AOC? Loud enough, that's for sure! But, I'M going to call her a creation of Cenk Uygur
Nikki and Condi (whom i have BOTH thought of (i you know what i mean, wink wink) seem selfmade... But again? Big enough?
But Thank you all! You put thought into it
how about: All current female democrat big wigs are either daddy's girls and/or kept women?
Democrats don't really want to beat Trump. They want four more years of Trump to juice their ratings, book sales, and clicks.
Nothing is going to save the democrats from Bernie.
They will save themselves. As of this morning Bernie has won two out of two races, but Mayor Pete leads in the delegate count 22 to 21. And that’s before the superdelegates weigh in.
Ann: Aren’t you implicitly supporting the idea that Iowa and New Hampshire have and should have outsized importance in our elections if you don’t think Biden should stick it out through SC?
If Biden does stay in, he extends his son Hunter’s exposure to scrutiny, no?
How much different would things be if Biden hadn’t shot his mouth off to brag about getting Shokin fired?
Is there a woman in politics, that DIDN'T ride there on father and/or husband's name?
Nikki Haley is the daughter of immigrants who ran a small clothing store. UN Envoy is kind of a nothing position, but she did actual stuff as Governor. In particular she was good on the 2015 floods -- our greatest natural disaster in probably 100 years.
I am enjoying the self-emolument of Joe Biden; more please!!
If Obama's VP is this corrupt - imagine what we don't know about Obama.
Our own Illinois daddy’s girl Lisa Madigan keeps our state safe for corruption.
Peggy Noonan wrote a column back on April 4th, 2019 when Biden was still undecided about jumping in.
She spoke directly to Biden:
Don’t do it, Joe.
Don’t run for president. It won’t work, you won’t get the nomination, your loss will cause pain and not only for you.
And your defeat will be worse than sudden, it will be poignant.
The column is mostly about how the Democratic party has changed. It's really an excellent column and it turns out she was right.
You can read it without the pay wall here:
Watching this Democrat contest is like watching a Washington Generals tryouts. It’s important to the guys trying to make the team that will play straight man to the Globetrotters and it’s kind of interesting to try to predict who has the right stuff, but after they make the cuts and call out the winner, the real job begins: the art of losing in a manner that appears to matter.
Am I the only person that sees he is in early stage of dementia?
I was pointing out the obvious signs several months ago. I am surprised that it has not been discussed at length in the public forum.
It would be interesting to have Joe run as the Democrat nominee. His cognitive decline would worsen under the pressure and I suspect that he would have to drop out before November. The DNC would then choose a replacement at the last moment.
In an alternate universe:
Let’s face it, he got himself impeached. The House tried to impeach Trump, missed, and hit Biden.
Maybe, just maybe, that was someone’s plan all along.
So, if I’m Hillary Clinton and I see Mayor Pete trending to nomination, how do I accept the risk that a 37 year old former mayor of South Bend, IN is getting a legit chance of beating Donald Trump and sitting in the Oval Office? I mean, that’s worse than losing to Trump, right? Even losing to Trump twice is better than losing to Trump and then having a 12 year old cross between Micheal Dukakis and Alfred E Neuman beat Trump.
Some on the internets have taken to calling Biden “Bye-done.”
Biden! was impeached.
We cannot know- because the corrupt press is The Party.
"Blogger MayBee said...
I am left wondering about the impeachment play, smearing Joe Biden along with Trump."
It's tempting I agree. However, the left wing that forced it isn't informed enough to know that Biden would get caught up in it, or smart enough to see the impact even if they had known.
SeanF said...you can't disprove it with a national poll.
You can't disprove it with mathematical certainty, but this is a thin reed to hang on to. He's losing massive support across the board for fully understandable reasons but blacks in South Carolina are uniquely unaffected? I'll take that bet.
Am I the only person that sees he is in early stage of dementia?
If those are the signs he's been in early stage dementia for 3 decades.
He's just not that bright. Mediocrities are drawn to politics and even among that lackluster crowd he is indistinguishable.
I always assume things will happen like they did before until they don't, and I remember what happened when Rudy Giuliani decided to sit out the primaries until Super Tuesday because he wasn't competitive in the hick states. He disappeared. So I assume Bloomberg will too. We'll see.
Meade said..."what they truly want is to continue indulging themselves in the pleasure of hating Trump and the middle-class working-class Americans he represents."
Sad, isn't it? They love the idea that they are somehow oppressed. They can see themselves as heroic freedom fighters ever without being endangered or even inconvenienced in the slightest.
If Biden quits then the Ukraine and the DOJ WILL go after him and his son for corruption, bribery, and extortion.
They most certainly will do that. And Biden knows it.
Trump/Bloomberg debates will be the least entertaining option. Other than the 7” height difference.
They told us that our hero has played his trump card
He doesn't know how to go on
We're clinging to his charm and determined smile
But the good old days are gone
Murray Head and Roger Daltery had versions of "Say it Ain't So, Joe".
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
That's not what I want to hear Joe and I've got a right to know
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
I'm sure they're telling us lies Joe please tell us it ain't so
They told us that our hero has played his trump card
He doesn't know how to go on
We're clinging to his charm and determined smile
But the good old days are gone
The image and the empire may be falling apart
The money has gotten scarce
One man's word held the country together
But the truth is getting fierce
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
We pinned our hopes on you Joe and they're ruining our show
(Ooo Babies)
Don't you think we're gonna get burned
(Ooo Babies)
Don't you think we're gonna get burned
We're gonna get turned
We're gonna get learned
Cause we're gonna get turned
On the next round
Some great comments here. Better than SNL or any of the late shows.
Among other things, Biden leaving NH early was very rude and disrespectful to those who were volunteering for him. Where's all that empathy he's always talking about? And what about all the stutterers who were there supporting him? What about them, Joe?
Here's something no one has mentioned. Last night, while the primary votes were still being counted, Biden tweeted this:
"President Mandela was no ordinary man. When he stepped out of prison 30 years ago today, he immediately resumed his life's work to end apartheid. He showed us that trust and reconciliation are possible, delivering justice for his people."
What a bizarre non sequitur. Completely detached from reality. Plus it invites the comparison: "Mr. Biden, you're no Nelson Mandela."
(And at some point, don't black voters get tired of being patronized by white politicians?)
Biden's now reminding me of Bob Dole when he was already the nominee, going from place to place for no good reason, when every one knew it was over.
I am left wondering about the impeachment play, smearing Joe Biden along with Trump.
@Maybee, the story that the Democrats pushed was that Trump was twisting Zelensky’s arm to manufacture evidence against Joe Biden. As the truth came out — the ridiculous amount of money that Hunter Biden got to sit on the Burisma board and do nothing and Joe’s boast, caught on tape, that he used the leverage of a billion dollar foreign aid package to halt an investigation into illegal practices by that same Burisma — the cover story became untenable. No need to manufacture evidence when the corruption is plain to see.
In short, the Democrats miscalculated, and badly so. To my knowledge only one regular Althouse commentator still expresses confidence in the cover story, and that is, unsurprisingly, Inga.
"Serious Question
Is there a woman in politics, that DIDN'T ride there on father and/or husband's name?
Sarah Palin?
The DNC would then choose a replacement at the last moment.
Paging Hillary Rodham Clinton. Paging Hillary Rodham Clinton. Pick up the White Phone.
Democrats, please pick Mike Bloomberg. PLEEEEZ! I can picture an ad showing young black kids mashed up against a wall by burly cops while the narrator intones “Donald Trump gave your boys jobs and respect; Mike Bloomberg gave them ‘stop and frisk’.”
he can blame Schiff for the final nail in the coffin of his candidacy.
It's now Bernie Sanders's race to lose. The Real Clear Politics betting odds shows Sanders as the favorite but yet not the odds on favorite. Bloomberg is already in second position among the betting wags:
Sanders 43.6%
Bloomberg 26.6%
Buttigieg 14.6%
Biden 9.1%
Klobuchar 4.8%
Warren 4.3%
Sanders v. Bloomberg will be an epic socialism v. capitalism throw-down. That's just what Sanders needs to demonstrate he can beat Trump. If he can't do it among Democrats, he can't expect to do it in the general election. Sanders certainly gains more stature from beating Bloomberg than from beating Biden.
For Amy Klobuchar, third in New Hampshire begins to position her for the VP slot on a Sanders Klobuchar ticket. So it may not serve her interests to become the Anyone But Sanders candidate at this point in the race.
The calculus is whether Sanders Klobuchar could garner the Althouse vote over Trump Pence. For that purpose, I suspect Sanders Klobuchar is a better ticket than Sanders Warren or Sanders Harris.
BTW: If Klobuchar gets elected P or VP, would Al Franken run for her Senate seat?
BTW: If Klobuchar gets elected P or VP, would Al Franken run for her Senate seat?
The Governor of Minnesota could appoint him.
That's an awful picture. Makes him look like a corpse with collapsing eyes, one of the first stages of decomposition.
Just unfortunate picture, the kind the press loves to run.
Biden taken down by the she-devil gang of four whom pushed Nancy Pelosi into impeachment. Uncle Joe's job now is 2 turn down Bernie Sanders.
I imagine you people are loving the Democrat civil War. I think some people have already conceited 2020 to Trump knowing that beyond 2024 the millennials will be running the progressive States of America. Trump is a mere bump on the road, a sideshow to be enjoyed. Good Times
I miss Kamala Harris. But then I’m a leg man.
If Joe gets out now, he validates the belief that white Democrat voters should have total control over the Party. I see no reason why he should do that
Black voters – black women in particular – are the backbone of the Democratic party, and all of us have spoken. We do not support Buttigieg.
It’s not because he is gay, despite some claims that that’s the reason. It’s the fact that his team would have the gall to float this insidious and divisive narrative in some ill-conceived plan to shame us into supporting him.
It’s not the fact that he’s young. It’s the fact that he has yet to develop the temperament to hold the office.
It’s not the fact that he’s white. It’s the fact that, to many of us, he is the embodiment of white privilege – someone afforded the opportunity to hold the most powerful office in the world when he has less experience in office than our local church deacon.
If this remains true, then hell no Joe shouldn't get out before South Carolina votes
Howard said...
I imagine you people are loving the Democrat civil War. I think some people have already conceited 2020 to Trump knowing that beyond 2024 the millennials will be running the progressive States of America. Trump is a mere bump on the road, a sideshow to be enjoyed. Good Times
You keep thinking that.
Yes, Trump is going to win in 2020. And in 2024 the Democrats are going to continue being insane, and Pence is going to win.
Many of your "millennials" probably are so stupid they won't learn from reality that "Progressivism" is evil. But most are not, and will learn.
Keep dreaming.
Bob Boyd said, "Peggy Noonan wrote a column back on April 4th, 2019 when Biden was still undecided about jumping in."
Thanks for the link. It was a very good read indeed.
Mike Pence? That's the first dude off the Republican bench? Wow you Cucks are in worse shape than I thought.
Let's just wait for President Trump to hand off the baton in 2024, or later.
Howard said...
...beyond 2024 the millennials will be running the progressive States of America.
For a little while, maybe. But they won't be able to keep it because they can't deal with anyone who's non-millennial.
Strategically, I would guess Biden would probably do the party a favor to withdraw and throw his support to Klobuchar, but here is the thing- I am not convinced the endorsement would really help Klobuchar, and might actually backfire. In short, I think we may all overthinking this, and the best thing Biden could do is to stay in the race until South Carolina either rescues his campaign, or drives the stake through its heart. It would provide clarity that way.
Riots and the National Guard called out in Milwaukee and Senator Sanders as Demo nominee: what a prospect. It'll be interesting to see which of Hubert Humphrey's 13 states he wins (HHH won Texas but not California). George Wallace's 45 electoral votes will go to Mr Trump, surely. Interesting in the larger sense too i.e. how the country has changed since 1968!
"Is there a woman in politics, that DIDN'T ride there on father and/or husband's name?"
Elizabeth Warren, right?
What wild chicken said above. Of course Biden can't quit now. It's disrespectful to his donors and his supporters. Even if Biden wants out now, he shouldn't do it. After SC he could quit with his supporter's blessing if he comes in 3rd.
Unfortunately, Tom Steyer did not drop out. His contribution to the culture is to make commercial TV even less watchable.
Biden has never done well. He is a Presidential loser, like Hillary, but less popular, which is pretty damning.
Yes, I see the Tom Steyer rumor I helped propagate was untrue. I thought it was odd that he would drop out prior to contesting the one state in which he had measurable support.
However, the new polls from South Carolina should probably start landing by this weekend.
I thought Amy was a rage-aholic who abused and mistreated her staff.
Now she's packaged herself as the "nice" one?
My thoughts exactly!
Other than knowing that she is a U.S. Senator, I really know nothing about Klobuchar. What has she done or accomplished?
Other than knowing that she is a U.S. Senator, I really know nothing about Klobuchar. What has she done or accomplished?
Now if only more people had asked this about Obama in 2008.
Has anyone figured out what will happen to Hunter Biden's "investments" once Slo Joe hangs it up? Will probably mirror what happened to Clinton Foundation donations once she was no longer viable.
By 2024 the millennias will have had a delicious taste of reality and no further appetite for tearing down the system .
by 2024 Bernie will be in his crypt in moscow .
by 2024 AOC will have her own bar .
Biden is helping Bloomberg. Mike promised him he'd give Hunter a job.
by 2024 AOC will have her own bar
AOC might need her bartending job back before she works her way up to owner. Michelle Caruso Cabrera is running against her.
Blogger Jersey Fled said...
I'm still going with Martha McSally. She was a two term congressman before she was appointed to the Senate.
Besides, I like her story.
Like her story all you want. The reality is that she's a really crappy politician, who loses, or wins by the skin of her teeth, races that she should win easily
She's a pretty woman with a good story. but she's Hillary Clinton level bad at actually being a politician
one example of biden's crack staff, his field director for iowa, started on Charlie cheetah's gubernatorial campaign, then worked for Hillary, she just kept failing upwards,
Pluggs Von Sniffengroper should retire from politics
...and open a hair salon/massage therapy place for pre-teen girls
I disagree with you, Ann. Biden does have a chance in South Carolina and given the role that "momentum" plays in this process, a win there could change the race. But if he loses in South Carolina, he's clearly not going to be nominated.
Warren is a different case though. Having lost badly in both Iowa, with its liberal Democratic caucus-goers, and New Hampshire, in a battle of neighboring-state senators versus Sanders, she should withdraw now. Nevada doesn't look good for her. Neither does South Carolina. That means holding out for Super Tuesday makes little sense.
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