Said Mike Bloomberg, quoted in "Wounded but defiant, Bloomberg promises to keep fighting."
I don't think any of the Democratic candidates are afraid of Trump. They all say he's a bully and offer to stand up to him. The question isn't whether they're afraid, but whether they are capable of fighting to a win. Bloomberg's real answer on that question is that he's got all that money. And that he's more capable than the other finalists not because he's a fierce debater, but because he's moderate and normal.
By the way, I'd like to look at the new Bloomberg ads. Why can't I find a YouTube page that just gives me all his ads? Is it that the campaign wants to force me to go through a page where I give them my information (which I don't want to do), or is that they have targeted ads and they don't want me to see the ads that are targeting other people?
ADDED: About that "I’m a New Yorker" business. Sanders is also a New Yorker. I'm interested in the way United Statesians find important meaning in their particular state affiliation. Amy Klobuchar presents her Minnesotanosity as a compelling qualification. Buttigieg has some belligerent pride in Indiana. Biden finds meaning in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Warren goes all Oklahoma on us. They all act as though their particular state gives them special powers.
I like this about America, but it is a form of prejudice. It's apparently an acceptable prejudice, this notion that my state is superior to the other states, that I'm better than other people because I come from this state. I've lived in New York and experienced the New Yorker's attitude of superiority. I happen to come from Delaware, and I've learned that people don't think much of the Delaware person (unless it's a corporation), but I grew up thinking we were very special because Delaware is The First State. Like: We're #1.
But I learned long ago that no one outside of Delaware cares at all about that. New Yorkers, on the other hand, never let go of the belief that in their own superiority. You see that in Bloomberg. Who's nearly 80. And who's trying to convince the people in all those other states that he's their guy. He expects them to be awed by his superiority. But he was crushed at the debate. Where's the superiority?
Maybe he's too sophisticated to take the bait. These people can't make me mad. If you can find video that shows Bloomberg's face when Elizabeth Warren says "horse-faced lesbians" — most video shows only her at that moment — you'll see he does not look the slightest bit alarmed or intimidated. There's a slight smirk, like he still thinks his joke is funny or thinks Warren is merely amusing in bringing it up.
Bloomberg will never get anywhere in the primaries arguing that he can beat Trump because he’s moderate and normal.
Bloomberg has all that money while Bernie Amy Butti and Lizzie start to cry poverty. Fortunately there's Super PACs. We probably won't hear much complaining about the 'quality' of the money being raised anymore.
Too bad Mini Mike won't get the chance to go after Trump head-to-head in November.
Trump is a humorist, not a bully. A bully doesn't stand a chance.
Trump fights back against bullies.
What I find objectionable is the notion that because he's a New Yawkah, he's more qualified to deal with a bully than someone from elsewhere.
Here's a clue, Mike: There are bullies everywhere. Although I will admit there is a higher asshole quotient among our friends from the Big Apple.
Go ahead, bite the Big Apple. Don't mind the maggots.
EXACTLY. Once there's a shot across his bow, the president takes no prisoners.
I don't think a guy who gets bullied by Elizabeth Warren has any credibility to make President Trump afraid. But hey, throw another half billion dollars at it, I'm sure that'll solve his problem.
"Bloomberg promises to keep fighting"
That should more accurately read, "Bloomberg promises to keep shelling out the dough"
Today's Daily Mail has a story that he's spent about $420 million since November. Yikes! If he spends his own money so wildly, think of how he'll spend public money.
Strong, confident people don't spend a lot of time telling you they are strong and confident. Insecure people do.
I suspect that the people that were wary of Trump leading up to the 2016 election, people like me, that saw him as a brash and bullying sort, have now come to understand that he is the target of bullying from the Left and the media elite. Bullying that is constant and relentless. That is a big part of why I support him.
Delaware is scarcely a state. Candid camera turned people away from Delaware once saying it was closed. Maybe that was Maryland. Who can tell them apart.
If I talk to a ham from Delaware he usually adds "near DC."
Bloomberg is a short person who likes to bully others .He bullied his employees. He bullied NY.
According to Wiki Bloomberg is a native of eastern MA, Medford, just outside of Boston, to be precise. His New Yorker status is adopted.
I think Bloomberg might find a few hundred million dollars can't buy integrity or wisdom. The money would have been better spent by giving to charities. Then again, he might spend a few more millions trying to salvage his reputation.
Bloomberg is neither moderate nor normal.
He may be moderate for NYC.
Nanny B only ran as a republican because there were too many running in the dem mayoral primary.
I think "we all know X" is a tell for X not being actually true.
Bloomberg doesn't even realize his New York elitist crap is exactly what will get him defeated. How unaware for a genius!!!
The attempts of the others are a collective "I'm one of you" play to project some sort of fake show of empathy. It is their attempt to distance themselves from the big city coastal elitist/Washington insider moniker that they rightly deserve. Well, except for Pete.
Growing up in upstate New York, I know well the NYc'er superiority attitude. We upstaters grew up with it. As was expressed to me early in life, NYC people believed everyone above Westchester County was a stupid hick. Upstaters believed everyone in NYC was a elitist, tax money grabbing, lying, thieving snob.
When I moved to Texas, I made it clear I had moved from upstate NY, not NYC. My other upstaters in Texas are of the same mind. This is part of the exodus out of the state of NY. Upstaters are moving out, and I would guess more of the movers are Republicans, as Dems seem to have a lock on Albany.
"I’m a New Yorker"
Althouse, you're confusing being abeing from New You...or where ever. Bernie left Brooklyn after on year of college, and he's 78. He's been gone almost 60 years.
No New Yorker would say he's a New Yorker. Or you a Delawarean.
“I like this about America, but it is a form of prejudice.” It’s tribalism.
In my script, Robert Walton says, “As a man of science I can state that tribalism is an inherent part of human nature.”
I mean. We have blue hens.
Speaking of prejudice, I'll contribute to the fund that slaps uppity Hispanic news-shrews who harrangue white women about their pro-nun-ci-a-tion of herrrrrspanic names into good manners camp.
And I'm not even voting for Klobuchar.
Human beings are tribal.
I grew up in upstate New York and tired of the NewYork City claim that it WAS New York.
I got tired hearing in college when I said where I was from “Oh you don’t have an accent!”
When I moved to Texas, I learned a lot about State Superiority!
Don't mess with Texas.
Bloomberg's face when Elizabeth Warren says "horse-faced lesbians" — you'll see he does not look the slightest bit alarmed or intimidated.
Nevertheless, he's as good as dead there's no room for humor of any kind in the soi-disant Democratic Party. If not Madame Guillotine he's about to get something nastier.
Bully? Is this another of those bad words that isn't meant to be taken literally? Like "white supremacist"? Just another way of saying "ungood"?
I'd think Donald Trump's political origin story -- sitting at the White House Correspondents' Dinner and having the President of the United States mocking and insulting him to his face while the crowd jeered -- is very much a story about bullying. It's just not one where Donald Trump is the bully.
Anne, Mike claiming to be from NYC not from NY state.
Trump is a successful boss, but i can't think of an example of his bullying anyone. Rather he seems to put up with more backtalk than most bosses do.
They used to say of NC that we were a valley of humility between two mountains of conceit, but my grandmother was asked more than once when traveling if she was in the NC Chamber of Commerce.
I thought he looked like his face tightened. Like- "Who the fuck are these people talking to me, or about me like this? Do they not know who I am? I can destroy them. Either now, or later. I'll use them, then destroy them all."
At least that's what I saw. I don't think I'm reading into it.
Bloomberg will have to up his Tweet game to take on Trump.
A little geographic mobility over the course of a lifetime is good for everyone, especially if that mobility includes some time in an urban, a suburban, and a rural community. It's the best bubble burster there is.
Trump has been remarkably restrained, considering the level of illegal activities taken against him by various factions in the government, combined with the extreme bias against him shown by the media. Hardly how a bully acts.
When you want everybody in the photo to smile say “cheese”.
I rest my case.
Wow, The Daily Mail really hates Bloomberg. Now they have an article about his years-long association with Harvey Weinstein.
"I like this about America, but it is a form of prejudice. It's apparently an acceptable prejudice, this notion that my state is superior to the other states, that I'm better than other people because I come from this state."
Perhaps this helps to explain why we will most likely never get rid of the electoral college.
I don't think any of the Democratic candidates are afraid of Trump.
Losing to Trump will forever alter the trajectory of their life.
See: Clinton, Hillary.
If they’re not afraid, they’re too stupid for the job.
If Trump were not president, Bloomberg would not be running.
Bloomberg doesn't want to be president. Now that he's running, he'll spend and spend and spend to win because of EGO. But he doesn't really want the job. He just hates Trump. That's it. That's the entirety of his candidacy. You can see it in his personal "oh yeah, so's your mom," responses to Trump's jabs that are getting under his skin.
That's why he has no real policy answers and why he has such scorn for much of what today's Dems stand for (as seen in the debate) -- I'll not Trump, I'll beat Trump.
Bloomberg doesn't care about the Dems. He just hates Trump.
Ann not only was from Delaware, she was from that area in DE in or proximate to the United States' weirdest geographical anomaly called the Twelve Mile Circle.
I always thought Delaware was cool because when you drive through on 95, there's only one rest stop and they didn't bother naming it. It's just the Delaware rest stop; Delaware is only half-a-dozen exits on the Turnpike anyhow. Maryland and New Jersey have Clara Barton and Woodrow Wilson and Molly Pitcher and...
@Kevin "'I don't think any of the Democratic candidates are afraid of Trump.' Losing to Trump will forever alter the trajectory of their life." Only the one who actually runs against him. The rest will continue to claim that if they had been the nominee it would have been different.
None of them have ever faced a real bully
A bully is a guy that would tell a female employee to get rid of her pregnancy. Like Bloomberg did. "Kill it," was what the prick said.
Is it New York City...or New York the State that has that attitude?
I know people from upstate and western New York State and they aren't full of themselves. People from NY City, however, do seem to have a different and often obnoxious attitude towards the rest of the Country. As in you don't count, haven't lived, are ignorant rubes if you don't live in and appreciate New York City.
San Franciscans also have that attitude. When I was young it was called "The City" as if there is no other "City" deserving of that title. Sniff....snoot in the air.
I don't think any of the Democratic candidates are afraid of Trump
They Aren't afraid of Trump; they Are TERRIFIED of the half of america that openly supports him
We Are Good Sandlappers.
What Eleanor said at 6:41 a.m. New York City is one of the most provincial places on earth. Did two tours of duty there.
I am Boston Irish living in the South. The humor I grew up with should not be released to the Public here.
Apparently if you are running for President it’s ok to say the you come from the greatest state in the Union. But running on the platform that America is the greatest country on earth is disqualifying.
I'm reminded of that old New Yorker cartoon, "Welcome to New York. "If you can make it here, well, whoop-de-frickin'-do for you."
The dems spend/waste so much time explaining things, and 'fact checking'.
Trump just plows ahead, unimpeded.
Thinking your state is special and better is a pretty harmless delusion. Your school, on the other hand ... Elizabeth Warren has always given me the impression that she thinks Harvard Law School graduates should rule the world. They're smarter, more competent, more moral, just so much better. What a steaming pile of crap. I say that as a Massachusetts resident who went to Harvard Law.
My husband and I just made two trips to Dover Delaware to get his 97 year old aunt into assisted living. We had never been there before. Downtown Dover area was really nice, I could see why his aunt and her roommate chose to live there for 30 years. No sales tax and no income tax. They had wonderful neighbors who stepped in to help them when things started falling apart. People (even strangers) were helpful and friendly. Overall, Delaware made a very good impression on us.
"Perhaps this helps to explain why we will most likely never get rid of the electoral college."
Yes. I thought of that as I was writing the line that made you write that.
I think it gives strength and stability to the country. As a lawprof, federalism was a big topic of mine, and it was considered conservative (ie, bad) to buy into the notion that constitutional federalism is a structural safeguard. I heard this idea scoffed at for years. I heard a very prominent lawprof express the wish that the state lines should be replaced by a grid that would obliterate state identity and just offer convenience for the administration of federal programs.
Joe Piscopo:"I'm from Jersey. You from Jersey?"
We are the 'United States of America, not 'Some Conglomeration of Regional Accents'.
Pro lady, when I lived outside Philly, I always enjoyed the people from Delaware. They have a midwestern sensibility. Kind, helpful, unassuming.
When you went to Longwood Gardens, you could always tell the Delawareans from the snooty Phillyites and Bucks County snobs.
"My husband and I just made two trips to Dover Delaware to get his 97 year old aunt into assisted living. We had never been there before. Downtown Dover area was really nice..."
I've never been to Dover. And I love visiting state capitals.
"... I could see why his aunt and her roommate chose to live there for 30 years. No sales tax and no income tax. They had wonderful neighbors who stepped in to help them when things started falling apart. People (even strangers) were helpful and friendly. Overall, Delaware made a very good impression on us."
I'm surprised that people seemed friendly. When I went back to Delaware, just to see where I grew up, I was really struck by how taciturn and surly people were. I thought, wow, so that's what I was growing up with. Now, I understand. So different from New York, where people are talkative and expressive, and from Wisconsin, where people display friendliness.
"Pro lady, when I lived outside Philly, I always enjoyed the people from Delaware. They have a midwestern sensibility. Kind, helpful, unassuming."
Maybe you haven't spent time in the midwest...
I don't know what you're seeing. It's not my impression at all.
My mother was from the midwest (from Ann Arbor, Michigan) and she had a cheerful exterior. She originally thought my father didn't like her (because he didn't talk while driving), and he really did like her very much, because they got married 2 weeks after they met.
My father grew up in Delaware, I should add.
My mother loved the expression, "a square from Delaware."
“We all know Trump is a bully”
Not really - he only goes after his opponents and he clearly loves the American people.
Meanwhile, his opponents... don’t. It’s obvious at this point how much contempt they all have for the American people.
So against this backdrop I’m supposed to think Trump is the problem? Hello?!
Earth to Democrats and Trump-haters everywhere: your message is ass backwards.
"Maybe you haven't spent time in the midwest...
I don't know what you're seeing. It's not my impression at all."
I was raised in rural Ohio. But I moved to Drexel Hill, near the Delaware border from Massachusetts. Maybe it was the contrast between MA and DE that made them seem so friendly.
This is the thing so many people refuse to see: you have to choose sides because the sides have already been chosen without your input or consent.
Think about the saying “you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you”. Same thing.
Open thine eyes and see. Take the red pill. The rest of us need you on board.
because he didn't talk while driving
He was playing hard-to-get, and it worked.
When you went to Longwood Gardens, you could always tell the Delawareans from the snooty Phillyites and Bucks County snobs.
C'mon, Annie C! I don't believe that for a minute! There are no snooty Phillyites.
Says this Fluffyan.
Although, you're right about the Bucks Counties that go to Longwood.
(Long live Longwood! You should see the renovated fountains.)
I guess I shouldn't call them Philly folks. Havertown, Bryn Mawr, Wynnewood, Ardmore they're suburbanites.
I was born in New York State, but I always knew that my state wasn’t all that great because it was shared with obnoxious Noo Yorkers who told us how to live and bragged about the drinking water that they took from us that happened to be outside the realm of pollution they lived in, stuff like that.
And I'm so glad they renovated the fountains. It's so beautiful there. There were a few years that I couldn't feel it was officially Christmas until I had been there.
All of them are afraid of President Donald John Trump, and that includes the media. If they weren't the debate that they just had would have focused on the economy, world events, and other important things that the candidates should have been talking about, but they didn't.
The first time I saw Long Island Sound the water was brown and choppy and I thought I was looking at a freshly plowed corn field. That’s how much of a hick I was, born in New York State.
I served on a ship full of guys from South Philly, and nearly picked up the accent. That's how I learned all about Jerry Blavat, the Geator with the Heater. Their musical taste was stuck somewhere around 1958.
I grew up mostly in Alexandria, VA, where nearly everyone is from somewhere else, or their parents were, so both homestate- and Commonwealth-pride is depressed. Now it is significantly foreign-born.
It’s a paradox that so many of the people who talk about bullying today have obviously never been bullied. You can tell because they keep using this paradigm of bullying that comes from fiction that bullies are just cowards and if you stand up to them, they’ll crumble. SOME bullies are cowards. A lot of them are just mean SOBs who, if you stand up to them, will beat the snot out of you.
"Bloomberg doesn't want to be president."
Yes he does. He was talking about it (and his people were floating the idea) back when he was Mayor of NYC and focusing his attention on how much salt should be allowed on restaurant tables. No one does Nanny State like Mikey.
And as I read about how we are all prejudiced about our states, I was also thinking the magic of Federalism. We forget this often, but we are 50 democracy laboratories. That's a strength. It allows for horrid leaders like Gavin Newsom in CA to continue to destroy that once-beautiful state. And allows for Texans to keep Texas free.
As for pride in my own state. I was always prideful of Michigan when I lived there. Then Georgia when I lived there (loved Atlanta). But Florida is a different creature. I do believe that those of us who live in Florida recognize the beauty, the heat, and that we are best known for Florida Man and Florida Woman. The unexplainable in human behavior.
What would be an example of Trump being a bully? Seriously.
Trump is a New Yorker who doesn’t tell you how to live. Obviously Bloomie returns to type. But it almost seems like our billionaires are like a bunch of kids in high school who all know each other and have their friendships, grudges, etc. We treat them like the Greeks did their gods, wary of their awesome power, gossiping about them, telling stories, etc, while they go about their business of being oligarchs with little care for what we think or don’t think.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we start building temples to our favorite billionaires and offer sacrifices and prayers in hopes of recieving some boon.
Trump is a humorist, not a bully.
If ya find it funny to mock disabled people for being disabled, then yeah - I reckon our President can be viewed as a "humorist" who never bullies anyone.
The meme today and yesterday is that Mike got his ass kicked by a girl in the debate, and a fake Indian at that. Mike does kinda leave the Dems in a spot. They hate Trump mostly for being like Mike, so how can you get motivated against Trump?
I would assume that if you were a woman, and you were going to be mistreated by a man at work, that you would prefer Trump to do it rather than Bloomberg. There is something doubly offensive about being mistreated by a elitist leprechaun exercising power over you.
I couldn't feel it was officially Christmas until I had been there.
Ditto, Annie. The Longwood fountain renovation took two years. It is astounding what the main fountains can do now.
The crowds are a funny mix, though. It's such a big place, and people must mix closely the instant they walk through those doors -- maybe people are a teensy bit unsure of themselves so they revert even more to their "identities." Which is another piece of provincialism, you could say.
Someone mentioned give away words for the woke: “problematic” and so on. Biggest of them all: “United Statesian”. Althouse revealed.
Its stupidity should be obvious, but it doesn’t work even on its own terms: Mexico is actually the United States of Mexico.
Bob Boyd said...
What would be an example of Trump being a bully? Seriously.
2/21/20, 8:34 AM
He refused to lose to Hillary...
Aaaand, Bloomberg slowly morphs into Biden. I wonder whose people are laughing harder. Trump’s or Bernie’s?
That mocking thing has been disproved for years now, and you still keep mentioning it. The media lie of it is what started the Walk Away movement when the liberal gay founder researched the thing and found that Trump made those exact same gestures about other people anytime he was showing them caught in a lie. After that staunch liberal saw how the media was lying to him every day about all kinds of things he started the movement to leave the left. It had me fooled for a long time too, but it's just a lie. Look it up.
I've said it before, but it's still true: Trump never attacked anyone who didn't do worse to him first.
People just ignore that Trump only calls them a silly name or makes fun of them after they call him absolutely horrible things far worse than what he says in response. Attacks on Trump for bullying or being crass are perfect examples of "civility bullshit".
I don't think any of the Democratic candidates are afraid of Trump.
Right—it’s well established that it’s Republicans who are afraid of Trump.
Biggest of them all: “United Statesian”. Althouse revealed.
In Italian there's statunitense, which means the same thing. Some Canadians insist that they, too, are American, so they prefer to make the distinction. Whenever somebody refers to North America, they're probably Canadian.
"Right—it’s well established that it’s Republicans who are afraid of Trump.”
It’s funny because it’s true.
"If ya find it funny to mock disabled people for being disabled, then yeah”
You pretend to be informed, but when you repeat ill founded propaganda tropes like that, you just show yourself to be the petulant prick once again.
Trump made those exact same gestures about other people
So he was mocking lots of other folks he disagreed with as being disabled before he mocked an actual disabled person? And that's supposed to make it all okay and prove he doesn't bully people?
*rolls eyes*
Trump only calls them a silly name or makes fun of them after they call him absolutely horrible things far worse than what he says in response
You sure about that? As sure as you are about everything else you beleive?
If so, can you please show me the absolutely horrible things Greta Thunberg said about Donald Trump before he started attacking her?
Bloomberg grew up in the Boston suburbs. Not that it matters much. He’s a New England Jew. Kind of an interesting combination.
Klobuchar is the only bully. The people who worked for her hate her.
Bagho20 said....."elitist leprechaun"
That's the best I've heard to describe Bloomie.
My 70 year old son in law who has lived in New York most of his life, went through a fast food drive through for the first time a few months ago. He is a nice guy but it just shows how behind New Yorkers are compared to the rest of the country. They just got Chic FilA up there a couple years ago.
His TV set is the old box type; nary a flat screen to be seen at his Southampton vacation home.
but it is a form of prejudice
Pride not Prejudice.
Harmless, as Roger Sweeny said. A little rivalry among our parts is good for everything.
Bloomberg--with his "I'm a New Yawker" attitude thinks he's actually 30 feet tall (compared to Warren) and so her "the horror of calling a horse faced lesbian--a horse faced lesbian") is actually just ankle biting.
Mini Mike has delusions of invulnerability. Although Warren is actually an ankle biter in the scheme of things. As her campaign sinks she won't even be able to bit ankles.
Oops that's "bite",
For Democrats there is no real Trump, only the web of lies they have concocted touched by occasional reality.
My wife was a captive of CNN while on the treadmill at the gym yesterday morning. The talking heads were asserting, without evidence, that Roger Stone had been convicted of lying “to protect the president.“ The follow up, of course, was that a presidential pardon for Stone would be conclusive proof of corruption.
This is like Pravda for Progressives. Put this together with the NYT and WaPo and it’s no wonder Democrats are stupid.
ill founded propaganda tropes
*rolls eyes*
"So he was mocking lots of other folks he disagreed with as being disabled...“
This is why the petulant penguin is best ignored. Mind completely closed. Thinks discussion is about point scoring rather than looking for nuggets of truth.
I was born and raised in California. By now, this is something people admit, not something people brag about.
If so, can you please show me the absolutely horrible things Greta Thunberg said about Donald Trump before he started attacking her?
Just how...exactly....did Trump attack Greta? I believe he pontificated that she needed to be back in school and get an education. Both true remarks. Not an attack.
Besides, Greta attacked first by saying politicians should be put against the wall...aka killed.
Please show me the actual quotes. The real actual words. Not the distortions, cut and paste jobs done by the media to make Trump sound like he said something. Like the bullshit about his statements in Charlottesville or the 5th Avenue misquote.
Now I have visions of the Fake Indian chewing on my ankles. That's worse than the Whopper and the Unibrow.
Aren't Fridays supposed to be fun?
Ever notice how some people claim they want to have a discussion, yet constantly call other people on this blog names & personally attack 'em rather than having a discussion with 'em?
Given their personal role-models, I reckon they think they are acting "Presidential" when they behave as such...
Penquin states bullshit as fact. Argues from there. Some things never change. I mean it's not even clever, or funny. Sad really.
I heard a very prominent lawprof express the wish that the state lines should be replaced by a grid that would obliterate state identity and just offer convenience for the administration of federal programs.
The French Revolution did just that≥ Replaced the ancient provinces with administrative districts. I don't think it is a coincidence.
PP is a troll, stating nonsense and then objecting when called on it.
We've never had a New York Mayor as President in the last 120 years. Teddy Roosevelt came close, but he always talked about his life as Cowboy out West, and charging up San Juan hill. FDR was a gentlemen farmer from Duchess County. Dewey was from Michigan and Wilkie pretended to still be a Hoosier - and kept a farm there, for photo-ops.
I believe he pontificated that she needed to be back in school and get an education. Both true remarks. Not an attack
You actually beleive that? So ridiculous! You must work on your Anger Management problem and chill.
I make those gestures when I read Purple Pen Quin aloud. Crazy like a loon and stupid to boot is the general gist.
Althouse, maybe it's a Dover thing. Lots of retired military people there.
New Yorkers think they live in the Center of the universe. Anyway, you can't bully Bloomberg, but you also can't make him interesting.
"purplepenquin said...
Ever notice how some people claim they want to have a discussion, yet constantly call other people on this blog names & personally attack 'em rather than having a discussion with 'em?"
What a load. You're just an asshole troll. Here's a prime example:
purplepenquin said...
If ya find it funny to mock disabled people for being disabled, then yeah - I reckon our President can be viewed as a "humorist" who never bullies anyone.
bagoh20 responds...
That mocking thing has been disproved for years now, and you still keep mentioning it. The media lie of it is what started the Walk Away movement when the liberal gay founder researched the thing and found that Trump made those exact same gestures about other people anytime he was showing them caught in a lie. After that staunch liberal saw how the media was lying to him every day about all kinds of things he started the movement to leave the left. It had me fooled for a long time too, but it's just a lie. Look it up.
A reasoned response. No name calling. Backed with facts. And your condescending asshole reply which totally misrepresents what he said:
"So he was mocking lots of other folks he disagreed with as being disabled before he mocked an actual disabled person? And that's supposed to make it all okay and prove he doesn't bully people? *rolls eyes*"
Go away. You're pathetic.
Trump mocks them - and they call it bullying. Trump tells the truth - and they call it racism. Its just left-wing code speak.
"New Yorkers think they live in the Center of the universe.”
Boston calls itself “The Hub” as in “The Hub of the Universe.” New York is just the Universe’s center of commerce.
Progress and prejudice.
“Former self-proclaimed Republican and MSNBC anchor Nicole Wallace has taken that step off the cliff and now said that she would support Bernie Sanders.”
Sorry, just trolling for Chuck.
purplepenquin said...
Blah blah blah and ignores the example I posted above between him and blagoh2. Typical.
Sanders’ moment has passed. We have Trump now doing what I would have voted for Sanders to do. Besides, the swamp has gotten to Sanders, maybe he saw what they did to Trump and wanted no part of it.
What came across from Bloomberg for me was his attitude of knowing he has tons more money than everyone else on that debate stage (as evidenced by his follow up ad based on the debate, "Who's started a business?" while the rest of the candidates stare blankly) and really that's all that matters. Also what I noticed is that while most of us don't care where someone ranks on the list of most wealthy, that's extremely important to the people on the list.
I expect that Bloomberg was bullied for being short, most short men are, and he used that anger to fuel his competitive drive for wealth. If that is the case, is Trump hurting or helping Bloomberg by calling him mini Mike? Is it an insult or is it a compliment?
I'm quite lucky to have been born and raised in California during the 60's and 70's. Best public primary, secondary, Jr college and university education. World leadership of the military industrial complex, farming, arts, entertainment, recreation, entrepreneurship, physical fitness, healthy eating, and prettiest girls.
This is why I truly appreciate and understand white privilege and do have some empathy for you people who never experienced the true American dream. Just because you are second tier white doesn't mean you aren't benefitting from white privilege.
“They Aren't afraid of Trump; they Are TERRIFIED of the half of america that openly supports him”
Who, not coincidentally, have most of the guns.
I know what I will be spending a lot of the summer doing this year, if Mini Mike looks like he has a chance at winning. And I expect there are millions more like me. And that is buying guns (esp AR-15s and handguns) as well as as much ammunition as I can find room to store. One nice thing about ARs, is that if you are stockpiling, you really use need to, right now, but lower receivers, which are the part of a AR that has a serial number (unless you build it yourself, or finish an 80% complete lower, which, in most states don’t require a serial number, if you don’t sell them). Decent quality AR-15 lowers can be bought for maybe $50, which means that you can buy maybe 10 of them for the price of many firearms. Bury some of them around you property, or next to it. Also plan to get into reloading.
So what are you saying, Howard? That CA hasn't benefited from the huge influx of illegal immigrants with brown skins?
and then the inmates took over the asylum, and they hate most everything of those categories, Bloomberg is the would be doctor Cocteau from 'demolition man'
nicolle Wallace hated the huntress, who was more civil than she deserved, so it says much about her.
Who, not coincidentally, have most of the guns
And some of who have said they want to see "lefties" hung from the lampposts, and will start a civil war if Trump isn't re-elected.
Not every Trump supporter is saying that, but enough have for folks to take pause...
At purple penguin, circa 8:37
When did Trump mock disabled people for being disabled? Were you thinking of Serge Kovalesky? He didn't mock him for his disability (which affected his arm, not his voice), but for the content of his statement. He used a mocking tone in his voice, but that is the same tone he uses when he mocks anyone whom he thinks is spouting nonsense. Waiting to hear whose disability he mocked.
The sick lil' monkey who used to get his jollies by posting a video over&over again of union workers dying and getting hurt on the job will constantly call me an "asshole" over&over&over again - yet is bewildered&confused that I won't reply to his personal attacks and assumptions with a reasonable response.
*rolls eyes*
"purplepenquin said...
Who, not coincidentally, have most of the guns
And some of who have said they want to see "lefties" hung from the lampposts, and will start a civil war if Trump isn't re-elected.
Not every Trump supporter is saying that, but enough have for folks to take pause..."
Really? Let's see a couple of examples. I say this knowing you won't.
I on the other hand can show you Bernie campaign workers saying “I mean, I’m ready. I’m ready to start tearing bricks up and start fighting. I’m no cap, bro. I’ll straight up get armed, I want to learn how to shoot and go train. I’m ready for the f**ing revolution, bro.”
and “I’m telling you. Guillotine the rich.”
And "“Be ready to be in Milwaukee for the DNC convention. We’re going to make [1968] look like a fucking girl’s scout fucking cookout. If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the DNC Convention, f*cking Milwaukee will burn. It’ll start in Milwaukee and when police push back on that, then other cities will just f*cking (hand explosion).”"
And "“I’m ready to throw down now. I don’t want to wait and have to wait for f*cking DNC…The billionaire class. The f*cking media, pundits. Walk into that MSNBC studios, drag those motherf*ckers out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets.”"
There's more. But even an idiot like you get's the gist.
Of course you have Bernie supporter James Hodgkinson shot Majority Whip Steve Scalise, U.S. Capitol Police officer Crystal Griner, congressional aide Zack Barth, and lobbyist Matt Mika.
What hurt California, Ros, was the influx of northeast flatlander libtards in the 60's and 70's for the high quality pot free love and good weather. A good example of this that you might recognize is what Maryland native Mike Rotkin did to Santa Cruz.
He didn't mock him for his disability (which affected his arm, not his voice), but for the content of his statement.
The video I've seen shows Trump moving his arm in the same manner that the person he was mocking has to, due to his disability, holds his. From what I have recently learned, this was a common gesture/actions that he used to do when mocking others he disagreed with.
Perhaps what others are claiming is correct (that he didn't really know the reporter was actually disabled but rather was just using disabled people in general to mock him and others) but I ain't sure if that makes Trump look better or worse.
"purplepenquin said...
The sick lil' monkey who used to get his jollies by posting a video over&over again of union workers dying and getting hurt on the job will constantly call me an "asshole" over&over&over again - yet is bewildered&confused that I won't reply to his personal attacks and assumptions with a reasonable response.
*rolls eyes*"
You used that dodge the other day to avoid responding. Still waiting to see examples of that too. I called you on it because it's a lie. Really, you're pathetic. Go away troll.
I love it how you macho Man are all consumed with stockpiling weapons when the threat of violence has never been lower. the other funny thing is you have no idea how weak and pathetic and impotent that makes you appear to us normals.
Go away purple penguin. You are scaring curious George. This is an animal cruelty free blog.
"purplepenquin said...
The video I've seen shows Trump moving his arm in the same manner that the person he was mocking has to, due to his disability, holds his. From what I have recently learned, this was a common gesture/actions that he used to do when mocking others he disagreed with.
Perhaps what others are claiming is correct (that he didn't really know the reporter was actually disabled but rather was just using disabled people in general to mock him and others) but I ain't sure if that makes Trump look better or worse.
And here he walks back his previous stance, but that doesn't change the fact that you totally misrepresented bagoh2 response and then did your condescending :roll eyes thing.
Howard said...
Go away purple penguin. You are scaring curious George. This is an animal cruelty free blog."
Are you even trying anymore Howard?
My life-long residency in western, central, and eastern Pennsylvania has most certainly given me superpowers. There's just something fantastic about Pennsylvania. As for Delaware, there's no there-there in Delaware.
Really? Let's see a couple of examples.
Fen and Achilles are grinning right now, but they ain't quite sure why...
I called you on it because it's a lie.
You're saying you never posted a video on here of union workers dying & being hurt on the job? There is a small chance I have you confused with someone else...if you wanna flat-out state you never did any such thing then perhaps I should go back & look again to see who did do that.
The point is NOT "not to be tribal". The point is to have "tribes" that are more than just "people who are genetically related to me".
My main "tribe" is "Americans'. My lessor "tribe", that pretty much only activates when I'm with my fellow Americans, is "State membership".
if you eliminate those tribes, you don't end up with "we're all just citizens of the world and one big happy family". What you end up with is "I'm a member of social class X, and I happily screw over anyone and everyone outside my class." See: "globalist" "meritocrats", who's "meritocracy" screws over everyone who's not one of them.
Or, worse, you end up with amoral familists, who care about no one outside their family groups.
The problem with Bloomberg is not that he identifies with the tribe "New Yorker". The problem is that he's an a$$hole and celebrates that fact.
Bloomberg actually IS a bully. Trump? Trump is just the guy who likes to punch bullies in the mouth
Hildabeast Clintoon is a bully and evil and anti-American, a dangerous mix.
If Trump is a bully, good. He is a bully for the little guy, the unforgotten (by the faux elites). More power to him.
Hey, why isn't Ann talking about the biased, sleazeball judge in the Stone persecution (making a mockery of prosecution)?
"purplepenquin said...
You're saying you never posted a video on here of union workers dying & being hurt on the job? There is a small chance I have you confused with someone else...if you wanna flat-out state you never did any such thing then perhaps I should go back & look again to see who did do that."
I did post a video. Once. What I didn't do asshole is "get my jollies by posting a video over&over again" as you stated. You're just a bullshitter penquin. Like you did with bagoh2, and as you always do, is just lie and misrepresent everything. And it clearly is intentional.
“And some of who have said they want to see "lefties" hung from the lampposts, and will start a civil war if Trump isn't re-elected.”
Only if the Democrats blatantly cheat, as they did in 2016 and 2018.
The entire Russian Collusion narrative was completely fabricated by the Clinton campaign working closely with Obama Administration officials and their Deep State assistants. It’s initial purpose was to elect Clinton, and prevent Trump (or ant Republican) from becoming President. Then, with the loss of the election, it shifted to destroying Trump’s Presidency. Nothing more. It was successful enough that a number of Trump associates have been convicted on process crimes, far less egregious that those committed by their prosecutors. By any realistic standard, dozens of Dem operatives should be in prison right now for far more egregiously violating the laws against lying and obstructing justice than any of their targets ever did. And yet, not a damn one of them has even been charged. Crooked Hillary likely committed better than 50,000 felonies between her use of her illegal email server while Secretary of State, deletion of emails under subpoena, and campaign finance violations. Possibly 100,000 felonies. The numbers are staggering, but Obama told his minions not to prosecute her and they didnt even after Trump took office. If this were a just world, likely at least 50 Dem politicians, operatives, and Deep State facilitators should be in prison for the rest of their normal lives, starting with both Clintons, members of Obama's White House, cabinet, including Lynch, Yates, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, the entire team of Mueller prosecutors, Schiff, his staff, SSCI vice chair Warner, etc. There is plenty of information in the public domain to support indictments of each one of them, and likely to convict them too. Yet crickets.
So, yes, they should be afraid of cheating Trump out of a second term. Very scared.
Bloomberg can/will buy superdelegates. Always was his plan. Then his obvious superiority will win the race. Don't think he realizes that the rest of America has been trained by TV and movies to hear a NYC accent and think gangster.
I spent much of my young adulthood doing the beach house scene in Dewey, Delaware. I love Delaware!
Howard said...
I love it how you macho Man are all consumed with stockpiling weapons when the threat of violence has never been lower for liberals. the other funny thing is you have no idea how weak and pathetic and impotent that makes you appear to us normal liberals.
2/21/20, 11:09 AM
There, fixed it for you and you are right. If you are a white democrat/liberal/antifa, you can get away with just about anything today.
Everyone else, not so much.
I did post a video.
'nuff said. You're a sick lil' fuck for posting that video of union workers dying and being hurt on the job, no matter how much you now try to explain it away.
It was posted more than once, and I don't beleive your latest claims that you took no joy in doing so. Your intentions were obvious at the time, and you re-posted it often whenever I pointed out that Act10 made it illegal for safety issues to be in a labor contract for most public sector unions.
You latest retort (If Penquin won't name names of people who have been hurt under Act10 then that proves not having any safety issues in a contract is perfectly fine&safe) is ridiculous, but not as nearly as sick&twisted as when you would post that video. And the way you keep trying to backtrack from your previous vile responses, and have moved onto this instead, shows you might have some remorse for doing perhaps there is some hope for you yet.
"purplepenquin said...
I did post a video.
'nuff said. You're a sick lil' fuck for posting that video of union workers dying and being hurt on the job, no matter how much you now try to explain it away.
It was posted more than once, and I don't beleive your latest claims that you took no joy in doing so. Your intentions were obvious at the time, and you re-posted it often whenever I pointed out that Act10 made it illegal for safety issues to be in a labor contract for most public sector unions.
You latest retort (If Penquin won't name names of people who have been hurt under Act10 then that proves not having any safety issues in a contract is perfectly fine&safe) is ridiculous, but not as nearly as sick&twisted as when you would post that video. And the way you keep trying to backtrack from your previous vile responses, and have moved onto this instead, shows you might have some remorse for doing perhaps there is some hope for you yet."
Again asshole, I posted it once. Not multiple times. And not for the reassons you state. You can't even remember why, as you go from one lie to another. Please post these multiple postings of the video, and my vile responses, etc. I know you won't because you can't and will just keep tap dancing away. You are a habitual lying asshole.
As far as Act 10, you made claims over and over that it would cause deaths and serious injuries. When you showed up lately I asked you to name any that happened. , but cannot name one instance, in nine years, that it has. I did not ask you to name names. Another lie.
I'd think Donald Trump's political origin story -- sitting at the White House Correspondents' Dinner and having the President of the United States mocking and insulting him to his face while the crowd jeered -- is very much a story about bullying. It's just not one where Donald Trump is the bully.
Bears repeating.
Great. A Purple Penguin thread.
*rolls eyes*
Do you liberals ever get tired of being lied to by the anti Trumpers?
2/ "What's been articulated in the news is that the intelligence community has concluded that the Russians are trying to help Trump again. But the intelligence doesn't say that,” the official says...
Jake Tapper✔@jaketapper
3/ “The problem is Shelby" -- Pierson, the elections threats executive in the intelligence community -- "said they developed a preference for Trump. A more reasonable interpretation of the intelligence is not that they have a preference, it's a step short of that....
Jake Tapper✔@jaketapper
4/ “It's more that they understand the president is someone they can work with, he's a dealmaker. But not that they prefer him over Sanders or Buttigieg or anyone else. So it may have been mischaracterized by Shelby" at the House Intel briefing last week...
Jake Tapper✔@jaketapper
5/ "And by the way,” the official says, “both Democrats and Republicans were challenging this at the briefing."
Then there’s the matter of the tense meeting between President Trump and erstwhile Acting Director of National Intelligence Admiral Maguire...
Jake Tapper✔@jaketapper
5/ "And by the way,” the official says, “both Democrats and Republicans were challenging this at the briefing."
Then there’s the matter of the tense meeting between President Trump and erstwhile Acting Director of National Intelligence Admiral Maguire...
Jake Tapper✔@jaketapper
6/ “The President was upset that he had to hear about an intelligence conclusion from a Member of the House Republicans rather than from the intelligence community. So he was out of joint with Maguire on that process."
Jake Tapper✔@jaketapper
Replying to @jaketapper
7/ None of this disputes that Trump desires to replace those who have Intel expertise with partisan loyalists, or dismisses the larger issues and concerns about Russia and how the president seeks help from abroad.
Just that there seems to be more to this particular story.
Jake Tapper✔@jaketapper
8/ ALSO none of this disputes that the Russians (and others) are attempting to interfere in the US election again.
Donald J. Trump✔@realDonaldTrump
Another misinformation campaign is being launched by Democrats in Congress saying that Russia prefers me to any of the Do Nothing Democrat candidates who still have been unable to, after two weeks, count their votes in Iowa. Hoax number 7!
But if the leaders of another super power think that Trump is somebody that they can work with, then we should be warming up the ICBMs and sending more boys to die in proxy wars, because peace would be a bad thing!
“Peace is not the answer!” - Democrats
Jake Tapper✔@jaketapper
“The President was upset that he had to hear about an intelligence conclusion from a Member of the House Republicans rather than from the intelligence community. So he was out of joint with Maguire on that process."
And then there’s this:
Jake Tapper✔@jaketapper
Replying to @jaketapper
7/ None of this disputes that Trump desires to replace those who have Intel expertise with partisan loyalists, or dismisses the larger issues and concerns about Russia and how the president seeks help from abroad.
Just that there seems to be more to this particular story.
Jake asserted *without evidence*, Just keep repeating the big lie Jake! There are peopel who still believe you.
What really bugs me about the Unitedstatesian or North American is that the only country in the New World, a hemisphere of NAs [British America], CAs and SAs, to be called The Americans by everyone else in the entire effin world, is the US of A.
We have a longer and better copyright than Mickey Mouse. America™, All Rights Reserved.
Oh look:
"nearly one-third of all employment gains in the united states are now by disabled people”
Apparently one of the things Nanny State Mike dislikes about Trump is that Trump "attacks" people. I learned this in a Bloomberg ad in which he attacks Trump.
Great news about the DNI and the "Intel Community"
The new guys are going to clean out the stables.
Kash Patel previously worked as Devin Nunes’ senior staffer on the House Intelligence Committee (HPSCI). It was Patel who was the lead author of the Nunes memo exposing corrupt conduct of the FBI and DOJ officials during Crossfire Hurricane.
Patel joined the National Security Council’s International Organizations and Alliances directorate last February and was promoted to the senior counterterrorism role at the NSC mid-summer 2019. According to recent reporting Patel is now joining Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell as a Senior Advisor and Catherine Herridge is reporting the objective is to ‘clean house‘.
About time.
Statists complaining about bullying: priceless.
I love it how you macho Man are all consumed with stockpiling weapons when the threat of violence has never been lower. the other funny thing is you have no idea how weak and pathetic and impotent that makes you appear to us normals.
Steve Scalise could not be reached for comment. Oh wait;
He can be reached.
Nice anecdote Mike.
"Nice anecdote Mike.”
Well why don’t we throw in the Bernie Bro who ran down the Trump voter registration booth in Jacksonville a couple of weeks ago.
The French Revolution did just that≥ Replaced the ancient provinces with administrative districts. I don't think it is a coincidence.
In Russia and China, too, the revolutionary regimes used the replacement of traditional provincial, geography-based, administrations to further their revolutionary projects.
Here’s another “anecdote” from today!
Couple Arrested After Driving Kids With Trump Flags on Their Bicycles Off The Road Shouting 'Y'all Scared, Just Like Your President'
He also threatened to beat them up and [unintelligible]
I grew up in Vermont. Trust me, Bernie is no Vermonter. You'd think after being in the state since the 70s he would have lost that grating Brooklyn accent. Outside of Burlington we all thought he was a complete crackpot.
I lived in Vermont for a couple of decades. Bernie used to be a lot more populist than he is today. More reasonable on immigration. More supportive of the second amendment....
He has sold out much of his charm and kept the anger. But yeah, the county where Bernie’s camp is went for Trump, I am pretty sure. All of the counties along the border did.
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