"... according to people familiar with the matter. President Trump and lawmakers on Capitol Hill have also been informed about the Russian assistance to the Vermont senator, according to people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence. It is not clear what form that Russian assistance has taken.... Sanders’s opponents have blamed some of his most vocal online supporters for injecting toxic rhetoric into the primaries. At a Democratic candidates debate in Las Vegas on Wednesday, Sanders indirectly blamed Russia, saying it was possible malign actors were trying to manipulate social media to inflame divisions among Democrats.... Also this week, a senior U.S. intelligence official said that Russia had 'developed a preference' for Trump in the 2020 campaign — an assessment that infuriated the president....."
WaPo reports.
What do you think is really going on? Would Russia help both Bernie and Trump? Why? Is it a preference for chaos? I can see the theory that getting Bernie the nomination works in the long run to help Trump, but that requires you to think that Russia prefers Trump to Bernie. Why wouldn't Russia just help Bernie?
RELATED: "Will Bernie Sanders' long-ago praise of Socialist regimes hurt Democrats in November?/If Sanders is the nominee, some Democrats worry Trump will hammer him on his long-buried words in defense of governments in Nicaragua, Cuba and the USSR" (NBC News).
Deep state wants to spy on both campaigns. Only this time, they learned when the public asked, "why wouldn't you tell the candidate? "
I'm not sure what to think. I jus read that the reports that Russia was helping Trump was debunked as there is no evidence or SIGNIT on the matter.
Forgetaboutit, it's fake news.
This is what I found from Catherine Herridge:
Source familiar w/house briefing @CBSNews says briefers pressed for evidence to back up claims Russia “trying to help POTUS in 2020.” Asked if there was signals intelligence - such as phone intercepts or “SIGINT” - to back up claims, source said briefers had none to offer #DNI
In a two-party system, why wouldn't they hedge your bets? I would.
The Russia prefers Trump rumor is being debunked by (of all people) CNN.
Clearly the Russians (and everyone else) is messing around in our elections (like we do in theirs). We have the media and Democrats to thank for letting these countries achieve their goal of creating chaos from nothing.
Moar popcorn!
CNN has already walked back the story about Russia helping Trump, BTW. All they really have determined is that Trump is somebody that they can deal with, rather than a backstabbing bitch like Hillary who won’t stay bought, I guess.
This is DNC operatives in the “intelligence community” out to torpedo Sanders. It’s just that all of their torpedos are “Tupalovs.”
Wouldn’t it have been nice to have a CIA, NSA, DIA, etc that were above partisan politics.
Putin is trying to inject chaos. Who wins is less important than having doubt cast on either winner because of Russian interference. Look at damage caused by the Mueller investigation. Putin would love two more years of that no matter who wins.
I am currently reading, off and on, Shibumi, and while a lof of it has been proven to be nuts over the ensuing decades, Traviani’s portrayal of the CIA as a collection of incompetents running a world government holds up pretty well.
Compare and contrast.
Obama, Comey, the Deep State et al did not warn the Trump campaign in 2016 that the Russkis were trying to help Trump.
The Trump administration warns Bernie that the Russkis are helping Bernie.
One group is honorable--the other not so much.
Notice that in 2020, the FBI warned the Sanders campaign of the potential Russian interference in the election. Back in 2016, the FBI did NOT warn the Trump campaign.
Don't look for logic! The Russians are playing the role of Loki (Norse god of mischief) to get all sides stirred-up. They're like the guy who yelled in the movie theater "Everything's okay! There's no fire!!". You can guess what happens next.
Of course Putin's Russia wants the US to have the world's strongest military.
Of course Putin's Russia wants the US to have the world's strongest economy.
Of course Putin's Russia wants the US to be energy independent and a net energy exporter.
So of course Putin's Russia is backing Trump in 2020...just like they did in 2016.
Of course the dems are completely insane, too.
You've got to give Putin credit for following through on the Soviets' promises.
Junior staffers (coders) let loose for some fun and training?
"Blogger MartyH said...
Putin is trying to inject chaos. "
This is the answer dems won't admit.
Obviously, we should rigorously enforce laws that prohibit foreign participation in our elections, such as donations, placement of ads, etc. Some of this will be hard to control, for the same reason that, on the internet, no one has to know you're a dog. But, if found, foreign participants should be prosecuted.
But why should we care who Russia (or any other malevolent foreign country) supports? Maybe it says something about the candidate's policies, maybe not.
The Democrats have been beating the 'Russia-loves-Trump' drum for years now, but when you look at Trump's policies, that makes no sense. Trump's policies don't show much love for Russia.
Trump supports energy production in the US, including fracking. Russia hates it when we frack, because they are a cartel member (OPEC), for whom US production is a problem. Now we're supplying natural gas to Europe, breaking Russia's gas monopoly. Would that happen if any of the 'no-more-fracking' Democrats were able to enact their ridiculous Green New Deal?
Trump has taken a harder line than the Democrats, on Russia's client states in the America's, like Cuba and Venezuela. Trump has aided the Ukraine with weapon sales; not so with the Democrats, during Obama years. Trump has resisted Iran's ME trouble-making; not so much the Dems.
And on and on. 'Russia-loves-Trump' is BS.
All this Russki help stuff is absolute nonsense. All I've heard about the actual facts of Russian "interference" in 2016 is that it involved about $100,000 in ads or Facebook inserts.
Modern Presidential campaigns spend hundreds of millions of dollars in getting their candidate elected. Heckfire Bloomberg has sent almost 1/2 a billion dollars in advertising already if you can believe the reports.
$100 K doesn't even amount to a spit in the ocean by contrast. If there is a fiery furnace in the afterlife, a certain losing candidate in 2016 deserves to go there in asbestos underwear for the damage she's done to our Republic with her cry "The Russkis did it".
Russia's probably been laughing its ass off for the last 4 years and just wants the show continue.
If they are helping by telling Americans something that is authentically true, bring it on.
And now for a different view:
Had to enter that on my phone. Hope it came out.
The "Russia helping Trump" leak story was at best a b.s. error, and at worst, likely intentional disinformation.
Why would the commies work against their fellow traveler??? They wouldn't. The Soviets would, of course, work to help Comrade Sanders.
It's WaPo, so we must assume that Deep Plumber is still plunging their brown matter and other missing links.
“Would Russia help both Bernie and Trump? Why?”
Doubtful, Russia is an Oligarchy. Sanders definitely is not in favor of oligarchies.
WaPo, breaking news: Soviets spend, not 100 thousand dollars, but 101 thousand dollars. Meanwhile, Iran's war chest was replenished with 100 billion dollars, at the cost of counterclaims and international terrorism. The Chinese communists progress with their plans, but facing an unprecedented obstacle. The Democrats are still hunting and judging as they are want to do.
Correction: Deep Plunger is still plumbing the depths of the journolistic darkness.
’Sanders definitely is not in favor of oligarchies.’
Perhaps not, but his opposition to fracking and his desire to weaken our military is good enough for Putin.
Trump will laugh at the little man.
Is the 'Russian collusion’ in the room with us right now?
U.S. officials have told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest...l
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why.
Yeah, pretty dumb stuff, but it beats talking about how repugnant all the Democrat primary candidates are, and how hopeless their outlook is.
In other news, Trump likes his steaks well done. And did you know he has funny hair?
"Russia is an Oligarchy. Sanders definitely is not in favor of oligarchies.”
Russia is a "gas station with an army” and as Putin has said “American fracking is a threat to Russian national interests” That was in the “peachment” trial.
Oligarchs love leaders of rival countries whose policies will kneecap said rival country.
"Some Democrats worry" that if Sanders gets the nomination Trump will hammer him on his support for Communist regimes??? Stop worrying. Of course Trump will do that. And he should. The Democrats spent most of Trump's first term claiming he was in bed with the Russian dictator. What possible reason would Trump have NOT to hammer Sanders on his Red-loving record if Sanders is the nominee?
I sure hope the DOJ is on this. And the 17 agencies.
The best thing any American president could do for Putin would be to end fracking so he could get revenues up and better fund his army.
The "added" NBC headline is a riot. Maybe if the other candidates start hammering him now, they'll have a sense of where the voters stand on the issue. But, they can't...no enemies to the left.
The Russians will never have loyalty from Sanders as they have from Trump. They want to destroy our democracy, that is more important to them than anything. The Russian oligarchs are already so rich they don’t care all that much about the US fracking.
Inga: "Sanders definitely is not in favor of oligarchies."
Inga, you exemplify the studied blindness of the True Believer.
Socialists regimes always have an oligarchy comprising the ruling clique and their families and immediate flunkies. Chavez' and Maduro's relatives and hangers-on seem pretty prosperous. Same with the African kleptocracies, Cuba, NK, etc. None of the ruling class in those places are digging around in the dumpsters for their next meal.
For the glorious proletariat, bread lines. At best.
It’s hard to take this Russia shit seriously.
This is the DNC excuse machine revving up again. The fucking Chinese own Big University in this country and the Intelligence Community keeps talking about Russia. Fucking civil servants. Stupid, lazy and hard to fire. P
If I were Putin, I'd want higher energy prices. That means blocking pipelines and banning fracking, and that means supporting Democrats. If he's not doing that, then it means he's prioritizing chaos.
A (not-so-)anonymous source at a high level in the Democratic Party also claims that Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian mole.
The Chinese would be laughing if they weren't in the middle of a major crisis.
As if Putin ordered the United States to let in any person crossing the border.
And subsidizing the total insanity that makes up half of higher education in this country.
And the politicization of professional sports in which some of the dumbest and least educated are given a megaphone to spout bullshit about the United States and then turning around and saying China is Complicated and We should shut up because we are ignorant? Are you fucking kidding me? This is Putin behind all of it? Like some Scooby Doo villain?
"It’s hard to take this Russia shit seriously."
I hope you're not just coming to this realization now.
If you were Putin you would sit back and relax and laugh your ass off.
"The Russians will never have loyalty from Sanders as they have from Trump.”
Quoth Inga *without evidence.*
"The Russian oligarchs are already so rich they don’t care all that much about the US fracking.”
Yes, they are going to pay their armies in unicorn poop. I am not sure if that last quote is denial or bargaining, but I think that Inga must know that she’s not making any sense.
Inga makes LeBron James look like George Kennan.
I bet that the Russians already have so many weapons that they don’t even want anymore, and that there armies are so well funded that they are using money to fuel their tanks, it being so plentiful.
“Socialists regimes always have an oligarchy comprising the ruling clique and their families and immediate flunkies. Chavez' and Maduro's relatives and hangers-on seem pretty prosperous.”
Sanders isn’t a socialist, he’s a social democrat. Sort of like the mayor of Milwaukee back in the day. Guess what, no oligarchy. No oligarchy in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway.
What was it that Marx said? First as tragedy, then as farce?
Is Angleton’s ghost the head of the IC?
"No oligarchy in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway.”
You sure like those countries that are whiter than snow, a lot like Vermont.
Blogger Inga said..."The Russians will never have loyalty from Sanders as they have from Trump. They want to destroy our democracy, that is more important to them than anything."
Destroy our democracy? Could you put some flesh on those bones, because I have no idea what you are talking about.
Sanders is in favor of The White Man’s Socialism.
He no longer favors The Brown Man’s Socialism. He hasn’t praised Venezuela in a few years. Or Nicaragua. Or Cuba.
It’s all Thor and Loki do it the right way now
It is not clear what form that Russian assistance has taken...
You'd think identifying that publicly would be the first step in blunting its effect.
“You sure like those countries that are whiter than snow, a lot like Vermont.”
Trump sure liked Norway, didn’t he say he wanted more Norwegian immigrants instead of those from shithole countries? Trump sure likes white Norwegians.
"long-ago defense . . . long-buried words"
It may be long ago, and the MSM may have buried the words, but I don't see any evidence that Bernie has disavowed any of his old convictions. Krugman and Farmer notwithstanding, he is an old-fashioned socialist. He seems proud of it. Many of his supporters seem proud of it. It's only when a Dem defends capitalism, as Mini Mike did briefly, that Dems groan.
Lol. Althouse you’ve written this post as if those were serious questions.
Well played.
Ask your husband about his hypothetical dream team of a Trump-Bernie ticket.
Someone should tabulate how many WaPost stories have been published with anonymous sources, leaking and exaggerating some briefing to try to make Trump look bad.
It'd be fun to get Adam Schiff under oath on this issue.
If Russia wants to sew discord, it should attempt to help every candidate.
Except Hillary.
So people can wonder whether she was the ultimate beneficiary.
(heads exploding)
I don't doubt that some Russians played around in our elections. But am I the only one who thinks that Putin himself did absolutely nothing, and didn't authorize anything on his behalf? I'm guessing he's almost exasperated at all the chaos we ourselves have created without his having lifted a finger.
"Trump sure liked Norway, didn’t he say he wanted more Norwegian immigrants instead of those from shithole countries? Trump sure likes white Norwegians.”
Just like you.
To me elections are the voting process itself. Registration, voting (early, absentee by mail, day of) and the counting of the votes.
What did Russia do to interfere with this?
Putin considered Obama a joke. Sanders is the punchline.
At least Trump didn’t name off of a whole string of overwhelmingly white countries the way you did. The reason you guys see racism behind every corner is that you are intimately familiar with your own souls.
Let’s call it for what it is: hacking and propaganda.
Russia hacked some emails and spread some propaganda.
They did not pour wine down Hillary’s throat and chain her lazy fat ass to her couch in New York.
Did Russia sabotage her plane? Did they reroute her flight from Milwaukee to Phoenix?
Did Putin out his hand up her ass to move her lips to call a big chunk of the electorate Deplorable?
How often did Russia and China hack US computer systems during the W and Obama years? A shit load.
How many of our spies did China find out and kill during Obama’s years? A shitload.
Our IC is the Department of Agriculture with a better wardrobe.
sanders like Corbyn is a Trotskyite Marxist, (the latter was part of momentum, the far left faction of the labour party, and he would through fracking bans defense cuts et al, would be enabling putin,
but indeed the Chinese have committed many acts against us, one might consider acts of war, like the opm hack one might the coronavirus outbreak, malicious negligence in it's handling,
Admiral Inga: "The Russians will never have loyalty from Sanders as they have from Trump."
Trump's "loyalty" to Putin = kicking russian rear-end in Syria, denying Putin the oil from Syrian oil fields, opposing the Nordstream pipeline, making the US the world's biggest energy power and increasing US military power across the board!
Inga is beyond merely stupid. Way way beyond. She hasn't quite reached FakeCon #StrongDemSupporter LLR-lefty Chuck level yet, but she's awfully close.
BTW, how's that Bolton subpoena coming along?
Althouse: "What do you think is really going on?"
It's transparently obvious.
The deep staters, particularly in the intelligence agencies, want to harm both Trump and Sanders to make way for the "establishment" candidate that will return "everything" to "normal" again.
Ain't gonna happen.
LLR-lefty Chuck and Inga and all the rest of the morons are going to have to disavow every previous "principle" and go all in on the full blown socialist candidate, and it's absolutely hilarious!
btw, judge Jackson, has not ruled on a motion to dismiss yet,
This latest deep state hoax "russia interference" lie (coordinated with Schiff-ty and Nadler and Pelosi, who could have guessed?) has already been blown out of the water.
When directly asked what specific intel the intel services had to back up this claim the intel services offered up........nothing.
It's Hoax # Eleventy now. It's all the Left/dems/LLR-left have remaining as a 2020 "strategy".
The Dem campaign cupboard is quite bare.
"Sanders sees politics behind timing of intel leak.” - Byron York
This is why I have a lingering affection for Bernie. He has the right enemies.
In a Trump vs Bernie election, we could discuss issues instead of the lates shit that the spooks at Langley want us to talk about.
My favorite part of all this?
All the FakeCon "muh principles" "conservatives" are coming out of the woodwork in support of an avowed socialist/marxist!
Not that we didn't already know that Kristol and Goldberg and Hayes and French and Sykes and Wilson and Schmidt and Wallace and the rest were far left idiots. But its pleasant to receive absolute undeniable confirmation of such this early in the process.
Wallace and gang have finally fully outed themselves as LLR-lefty Chuck did months ago.
“Trump's "loyalty" to Putin...”
Trump said in Helsinki with Putin standing next to him that he “doesn’t know why” he shouldn’t believe Putin when Putin says they didn’t interfere in our 2016 elections.
That sort of loyalty.
BTW, did anyone else catch LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved Joe Biden calling his deceased son the former "Attorney General of the United States"?
Yep, no dementia there, eh Chuck? You better get busy buddyboy. Your dem pals need some Serious Obfuscation And Squirrel Creation STAT!
well kristol works with Chertoff who did legal work for firtash, the guy everyone was 'concerned' with when it came to john Solomon's sources so did lanny davis, and dr. evil founded mercury partners, which rep deripasha now as well as qataris and turks,
Jennifer Rubin is now saying that Trump supports Bernie.
"Trump said in Helsinki with Putin standing next to him that he “doesn’t know why” he shouldn’t believe Putin when Putin says they didn’t interfere in our 2016 elections.”
Maybe, just maybe, because he fucking knew it wasn’t true. Is this your “evidence”? I don’t think you have any actual evidence.
How many lies does the CIA have to tell you before you begin to doubt their word?
You Democrats may want to ditch Rubin for the same reason we conservatives did years ago. She’s a full of shit nutcake.
“This is why I have a lingering affection for Bernie. He has the right enemies.”
Yes, Sanders is Trump’s #1 enemy.
Admiral Inga: "Trump said in Helsinki with Putin standing next to him that he “doesn’t know why” he shouldn’t believe Putin when Putin says they didn’t interfere in our 2016 elections.
That sort of loyalty."
Putin ran wild with obama running things. Under obama's watch, Russia annexed Crimea, invaded eastern Ukraine, intervened in Syria, and hacked the Clinton campaign and the DNC.
obama even massaged the inner thigh of Medvedev on camera and told him to tell "Vladimir" how "flexible" he (obama) would be after the next election.
Trump is kicking their a**.
And Admiral Inga hates it!
Sorry Russia Collusion Dolt Inga. Trump is loyal only to America and Americans.....and it looks like the country has figured that out, no matter how many new hoaxes you and your moron pals come up with.
This is the part in the series where shit starts getting good again after a bit of a slog. I don’t know why our writers held this stuff back so long. Is it sweeps week?
The Very Forgetful Admiral Inga: "Yes, Sanders is Trump’s #1 enemy."
Just last week it was Bloomberg!! What happened to Bloomberg Inga?
Let me guess: History started again for you just this morning, didn't it?
"Yes, Sanders is Trump’s #1 enemy.”
It’s not Trump who leaked this.
“Althouse: "What do you think is really going on?"
It's transparently obvious.
The deep staters, particularly in the intelligence agencies, want to harm both Trump and Sanders to make way for the "establishment" candidate that will return "everything" to "normal" again.
Ain't gonna happen.
LLR-lefty Chuck and Inga and all the rest of the morons are going to have to disavow every previous "principle" and go all in on the full blown socialist candidate, and it's absolutely hilarious!”
All the conspiracy theorists and their “deep state”, just laughable if it wouldn’t be so stupid.
How long before a Hillary-funded "Steele Dossier" on Bernie starts making the rounds? The Clintons will stop at nothing to regain power.
You know what's really funny?
Inga doesn't even know what "Nordstream" is or why it matters. She hasn't the foggiest idea at all.
You have to Not Know alot of things to be a loyal lapdog footsoldier like Admiral Inga.
“Just last week it was Bloomberg!! What happened to Bloomberg Inga?”
Maybe to you, not to me. I knew Bloomberg was not going to make it past the debate. However Bloomberg did and still is getting under Trump’s thin skin.
Inga said...
“Would Russia help both Bernie and Trump? Why?”
Doubtful, Russia is an Oligarchy. Sanders definitely is not in favor of oligarchies.
Name one reason any Russian obligarcy, or the Russian government, would favor Trump you stupid fucking idiot. One. ZJust one.
You are such a fucking dullard.
Again drago, the cigar store indian is no longer entertaining, but he served his purpose for forty some years, now they look at his latest claim, he was arrested with Andrew young in south Africa in the 70s askance,
nordstream is run by an ex stasi operative, who worked with putin in Dresden, he's also on the board of Dresdner bank,
Admiral Inga: "All the conspiracy theorists and their “deep state”, just laughable if it wouldn’t be so stupid."
Previous things Admiral Inga thought were laughable conspiracies:
1) Hillary paid for the hoax dossier
2) The dossier was a hoax
3) Trump and his campaign was spied upon
4) The FISA process was abused to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign
...and hundreds more.
Hilarious conspiracies Inga believed:
1) Carter Page is a russian spy (she STILL Believes this)
2) Trump colluded with Russia
3) "Secret Servers" in Trump Tower were communicating with foreign banks
4) There is a black book "ledger" from Ukraine that "proves" payments to Manafort were related to russia collusion
and hundreds more!
And now the same lying hack deep staters that manufactured "evidence" against Carter Page are up to their old tricks with Sanders.
The fun never stops.
"All the conspiracy theorists “
Is “Russian collusion” in the room with you now, Inga?
I am sure the CIA finds your trust in their every utterance heartwarming.
Admiral Inga: "Maybe to you, not to me. I knew Bloomberg was not going to make it past the debate."
What a joke.
What do you think is really going on?
The deep state playing politics through leaks and innuendo. Actual Russian interference is probably negligible.
Inga is literally declaring Trump loyalty to Putin in a thread where she is criticizing others for supposed conspiratorial thinking!!
How could it ever get better than that?
I don't think it could.
But still, I'm willing to bet Inga will keep trying!
“Name one reason any Russian obligarcy, or the Russian government, would favor Trump you stupid fucking idiot. One. ZJust one.”
But it is oligarchs like Deripaska, wielding extraordinary wealth and global connections, who may have played the most important role in the Russian influence campaign. Putin himself has suggested as much. Onstage with Trump at a press conference in Helsinki on July 16, the Russian leader said he “can imagine” private Russian businessmen supported Trump’s bid for the presidency. “And so what?” Putin demanded. “They don’t represent the Russian state.”
In fact, their ties to the state are a lot closer than Putin let on. From the very beginning of his 19 years in power, the Russian President has turned his country’s wealthiest men into a loose but loyal band of operatives. In exchange for lucrative deals with the government, or simply protection from the authorities, these billionaires have gathered contacts at the highest levels of U.S. politics, high enough to influence policy in the service of the Russian state. “These are cats that like to bring dead mice to the Kremlin,” says Mark Galeotti, a leading expert in Putin’s influence operations at the Prague-based Institute of International Relations And in the Trumps, the oligarchs found plump targets. One Russian billionaire hosted Ivanka Trump and her husband, the President’s senior adviser, Jared Kushner, at a gala in Moscow in 2014. Another has links to a $500,000 payment to Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen in 2017. A third ran a propaganda operation that pumped pro-Trump content into the news feeds of millions of American voters. In the heat of the presidential race, a fourth tycoon arranged the meeting where a Russian lawyer offered dirt on Clinton to Trump’s closest aides. And then of course there was Deripaska, whose years of fishing for friends in Washington eventually got the chairman of a presidential campaign on the line.
Educate yourself, you retarded monkey.
and they had dilanian, the company's poodle writing the byline, clearly they would prefer warren or buttigeg, the main point is they are no longer focused on us interests,
she's unteachable, mark warner uses a kremlin cutout straight to deripaska, who was a bigger deal in the uk, with his main house at 94 park lane and properties in surrey,
So, they're really going to do this again.
The question is, are we really going to do this again?
Admiral Inga the Moron: "Educate yourself, you retarded monkey."
Time Magazine from September of 2018!!!!
September of 2018!!!!!
Gee, I wonder if we've learned anything since then?
Inga The Idiot's link is all the same discredited stuff that the morons were peddling back before we found out what a sham it all was.
Now that my friends, is Absolute Pitch Perfect Inga!
Hey Inga, why not just give us a link to CNN hoax-based stories from January of 2017 while you are at it?
I found that out from London grad, a book published quite a few years ago, now would the oligarchs have had such influence if not for summers and sachs minions who carved up the Russian economy back to the new class, probably not,
The deep state playing politics through leaks and innuendo. Actual Russian interference is probably negligible.
Exactly right.
You know what?
I'll bet Inga didn't even look at the date of her hoax article on the russia collusion hoax pushed by her hoax-y moron MSM heroes!
She saw a headline, thought it sounded good, grabbed a couple of hoax and lie filled paragraphs and voila! She "wins" the internets again....until somebody notices that the entire article is now in the Debunked Dustbin of History....which for Inga started 15 minutes ago!
Though it is frequently underdiscussed, the area the deep state truly hates Sanders is on foreign policy, the area where the president has the widest latitude to act unilaterally. Maintaining incessant US meddling around the globe is their #1 priority. In all the stupid impeachment brouhaha, some pretty basic questions were never really answered. Like, is the US arming the Ukraine even a good idea? Of course, the deep state is enthusiastic about it.
"Educate yourself, you retarded monkey”
Yes, there are all kinds of looney toons people with conspiracy theories everywhere. Putin is right, So what if some private citizen supports Trump, certainly enough wealthy foreigners supported Hillary to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Putin’s cronies gave Hillary hundreds of millions of dollars, Putin’s cronies gave Hillary’s campaign manager millions of dollars. That’s actual hard cash.
But there is zero evidence of Russian collusion. The Mueller investigation, run, per Mueller’s own testimony, day to day by a Team Clinton lawyer was reduced to trying to provoke "obstruction of justice” charges, and an unlimted budget and an incredible number of Democrat connected lawyers, was unable to find anything.
You are the one who should be “educating yourself” and you wouldn’t keep stepping on rake after rake down the thread.
The ones who tried to discredit Trump's presidency with cries of "Russia!" think that their only mistake was they didn't start early enough. They have to start earlier to discredit Bernie's candidacy. What if he wins the nomination and people see how weak the DNC is?
What does it say when two of your top candidates, Bernie and Bloomberg, both switched from another party to run as a Democrat?
"Back in 2016, the FBI did NOT warn the Trump campaign"
Gee, if only you would have sent that article to Mueller, Inga. Things might have been different.
"Time Magazine from September of 2018!!!!”
All propaganda in support of the “Blue Wave.” All fake news.
biden has been serving soviet interests since the 70s
J. Farmer: "Though it is frequently underdiscussed, the area the deep state truly hates Sanders is on foreign policy, the area where the president has the widest latitude to act unilaterally."
Both the intelligence services and the military industrial complex, such as it is, will do quite a bit to ensure Sanders doesn't win.....but they don't want Trump to win either.
This despite Trump increasing military spending to fill the clear shortfalls obama and biden-boy left us with whereas Sanders would simply declare any budget that doesn't cut military spending in half as null and void.
Both are unacceptable choices to the deep staters.
Hence, this weeks stories.
It's no wonder there are reports that even some democrats that were briefed were not buying it.....and all of it coming out after a disastrous dem debate that makes Trump look even stronger.
What a happy little "coincidence", eh?
You know who is enjoying all this? Putin. He has to be laughing his a** off at what the dems and deep staters are doing.
Russia, a nation that is now solidly BELOW Italy in GDP and can barely keep a couple squadrons flying in the Middle East.
The dems have always been a godsend to the Soviets/russians.
Face it Inga, they have played you like a toy piano and you thought it was Mozart.
Mutaman (mimicing Inga): ""Back in 2016, the FBI did NOT warn the Trump campaign"
From your own article:
"Barr later clarified, telling the senators that the Trump campaign did receive a general briefing. But it was not a "defensive briefing," he said. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign also reportedly received the same briefing, consistent with providing presidential nominees with classified intelligence to protect against foreign threats."
A "general" briefing: Hey man, Russia, like, exists man. And they are bad guys. So watch out? Okay? Cool. Adios now....
Defensive briefings are quite specific.
One can only imagine the "defensive" briefing given to Team Hillary....that was coordinating with Brennan to run operatives into the Trump campaign while the CIA/FBI team was ginning up the Crossfire Hurricane frame up job with foreign intelligence services.
Both the intelligence services and the military industrial complex, such as it is, will do quite a bit to ensure Sanders doesn't win.....but they don't want Trump to win either.
This despite Trump increasing military spending to fill the clear shortfalls obama and biden-boy left us with whereas Sanders would simply declare any budget that doesn't cut military spending in half as null and void.
Both are unacceptable choices to the deep staters.
Agree with this mostly, but I think that the Deep State has realized Trump is quite malleable. Anytime he has raised the possibility of doing something they don't like (e.g. withdraw from Afghanistan, withdraw from Syria), they have effectively neutralized him and gotten him to change his position.
It is only for chaos and it has worked brilliantly these 3.5 years.
I must admit Mutaman, I don't often read NewsWeak because I'm really not all that into tentacle-porn "news".
Odd that this story should come out today. Is there some kind of caucus coming up I don’t know about?
Meanwhile Andrew Sullivan goes full Sarah Palin uterus again and repeats the lie that Trump fired the intelligence director, when actually his term expired. He then uses it as a jumping off point for a full “Trump is Hitler” rant.
Farmer: "Agree with this mostly, but I think that the Deep State has realized Trump is quite malleable. Anytime he has raised the possibility of doing something they don't like (e.g. withdraw from Afghanistan, withdraw from Syria), they have effectively neutralized him and gotten him to change his position."
You may or may not have noticed that Trump has been fighting just a "few minor skirmishes" with the beltway and media types these last few years, something about his Presidency being under complete governmental and judicial assault.....I wonder if having to fight every battle on every front every single day with, until recently, even large numbers of his own party working against him within the White House staff, had any bearing on how many successes Trump has had?
I mean, I think we all realize that he's no J. Farmer, who clearly has all the answers and is ready for a fight!....except not really because everything is already lost and Sanders isn't so bad so what's the big deal.
Inga, now would be a terrific time for you to shed some light on Breaking Stories From December of 2015!!
Sen. Sanders on why he didn't publicize his knowledge of Russian interference despite learning about it a month ago.
"I'll let you guess about it one day before the Nevada caucus. Why do you think it came out. Was it the Washington Post? Good friends.” - Bernie Sanders
Washington Post is the official newsletter of the CIA and FBI.
Catherine Herridge ✔ @CBS_Herridge
Source familiar w/house briefing @CBSNews says briefers pressed for evidence to back up claims Russia “trying to help POTUS in 2020.” Asked if there was signals intelligence - such as phone intercepts or “SIGINT” - to back up claims, source said briefers had none to offer #DNI
14.5K 10:05 AM - Feb 21, 2020
Big shocker..........not.
If I were laying a bet, I would bet that this deep state torpedo .... OK, you know the rest.
Maybe we can ask our good friends that never interfere or spy and always has our back, the Chinese, to ask the Russians to lay off compromising all of our Presidential candidates not named Hillary.
Bernie Sanders is a dirty smelly communist and I find it hilarious that all of his proud fellow travelers lie about it and try to frame that despicable ole fool as anything other than a communist.
Blogger Robert Marshall said...
Trump supports energy production in the US, including fracking. Russia hates it when we frack, because they are a cartel member (OPEC), for whom US production is a problem. Now we're supplying natural gas to Europe, breaking Russia's gas monopoly.
It's more than that, Robert, though that is plenty.
A president Sanders could shut down fracking tomorrow and energy prices would go back up. To Russia's huge advantage.
So nice as the effect of fracking is in putting a thumb in Russia's eye, it is temporary.
More important is that even if energy prices were such that it would be attractive for Europe to buy from Russia, they can only do it if there are pipelines. PDJT has shut down construction of the Nordstream II pipeline which would allow gas to bypass the Baltic countries and go undersea direct from Russia to Germany.
President Trump has stopped the pipeline cold. Dead in it's tracks. Pining for the fjords is fully apt in this case.
It may come alive again but not until after PDJT leaves office, if then.
In the meantime, gas is starting to flow to Europe from Israel's Leviathan natural gas field. This field is huge and can probably supply all of Europe by itself, if they can get it there. There is a pipeline being built to Greece and another to Italy. 4 or more additional years delay of Nordstream means that it may become economically unfeasible and/or if it does ever come on line, it will have some stiff competition.
PDJT is also going balls out on nuclear, though it doesn't get much press. That hurts energy prices too.
I'd love to hear someone explain what president Trump is doing that shows how friendly he is with Putin? Short of war and sending in tanks and troops, it is hard for me to see what PDJT could do to fuck over Russia any more than he is. Particularly, but no only, on energy.
John Henry
I mean, I think we all realize that he's no J. Farmer, who clearly has all the answers and is ready for a fight!....except not really because everything is already lost and Sanders isn't so bad so what's the big deal.
You know, my friend, it is entirely possible for us to reach different conclusions and have different points of view without getting insulting? There is no reason to take a difference of opinion personally, and it doesn't really get us anywhere anyway.
It is not my job to be Trump's spin doctor and find excuses for everything he does that I disagree with. Trump finds himself in a difficult position? Cry me a river. He is the commander-in-chief. He has the power to say start withdrawing troops. Trump is not saying he wants to remove the troop but is being prevented from doing so. Maybe there is some hidden reason he has, but since I am not a mind reader, I can only go by what he says publicly.
The fact of the matter is that there are more troops in the middle east now than when Trump took office. He is the commander-in-chief, and the buck stops there. You think there is some constituency he risks losing by removing troops from Syria or Afghanistan?
Explanation? That one is fucking simple- the intelligence people talking to WaPo and other outlets are just fucking lying their sorry asses off once again. Anyone who believes this bullshit a second time should just be ignored.
Map showing route of Nordstream 2
John Henry
Let's look at an objective list of Russian interests:
1) As much domestic turmoil in the US as possible.
2) A ban on fracking, raising the value of Russian oil and gas and thus Russian government income.
3) An end to US military support of Russian enemies, like shipping weapons to Ukraine.
4) A general US foreign policy approach of a mix of international-naive "We just need to talk" and domestic-cynical "Blame America First".
5) A decline in US military spending.
6) A decline in US support for Israel, advantaging Russia's client-state of Syria.
7) A reduction in sanctions against Russia and prominent Russians.
8) A weakening of NATO.
So if they aren't backing Bernie Sanders, who will deliver the first six without any doubt, they're simply idiots. On the other hand, the only reason they'd provide any support to Trump at all given his record so far is #1 and #8.
"Source familiar w/house briefing @CBSNews says briefers pressed for evidence to back up claims Russia “trying to help POTUS in 2020.” Asked if there was signals intelligence - such as phone intercepts or “SIGINT” - to back up claims, source said briefers had none to offer #DNI"
Intelligence? What is this intelligence you speak of?
The Democrats go-to plan for 4 years now for any political opponent is accuse them of being Russian agents and stoolies. And for four fucking years now, there is zero evidence of any of these claims being true. Zero.
They accused Trump- even used the FBI and the DoJ to investigate him and his campaign for 3 years before finally admitting that the case was the same thing as a hoax.
Clinton then accused Gabbard of being a Russian candidate. Now the Democrats in the Deep State are trying the same damn thing with Sanders. It is all horseshit, and everyone knows it. If Joe McCarthy were on his way to the Democratic nomination right now, they would accuse him of being a Russian agent. They are that dishonest and that stupid.
So, I guess we are doing this again.
Deep State throws our unsubstantiated claims the Russians are trying to get the people they don't want in office elected, and "we" will dutifully debate the merits of these obvious fake claims......again
"Russia hates it when we frack,"
Haven't you heard? Russia oligarchs don't care about fracking. They already have enough money!
I wonder how long it took the wiz kids at the DNC to come up with that one?
Seriously, this Sanders story's timing should tell you everything you need to know if your IQ is above 90. Bloomberg was the great hope, but after the debate, it now is looking likely that Sanders will, at the very least, have a plurality of the votes and the delegates going into the convention. This necessitates stopping him now, as in tomorrow's caucus. So, the little plotters in the DNC came up with this story, probably with the help of their allies in the FBI and the CIA to help plant this story the day before Nevada. They will do the same thing at the end of next week if Sanders wins Nevada convincingly, which he is likely to do now. Then it will repeat the weekend before Super Tuesday.
These people are ruthless and willing to do whatever it takes to win. How ruthless, you ask? If I were Sanders, I would hire the best security money can buy. These people won't hesitate at assassinating him. He is more vulnerable than Trump was in 2016.
"Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest..."
Bernie! Say it ain't so!
Anyway, as instructed by progs over the last four years, I obviously put great faith in the intelligence judgment that Russia favors Bernie. But I wonder, dear operatives, what evidence you have that it is "part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest." Exactly how did you decide that is the "effort"? Are you by any chance reading Putin's mind the way Dems read Trump's mind on the Ukraine call?
Am I the only one who realizes how stupid this is. So Russia sticks their finger in the pond, and laughs their ass off as we react as if it's a tsunami? Boy was that easy.
"On the other hand, the only reason [Russia would] provide any support to Trump at all given his record so far is #1 and #8."
re: #8: I"m not sure pressing NATO governments to meet their military commitments constitutes "weakening NATO".
This whole 'Trump is Putin's pal' doesn't stand up to even superficial analysis, but it doesn't matter to these people.
"These people are ruthless and willing to do whatever it takes to win. How ruthless, you ask? If I were Sanders, I would hire the best security money can buy. These people won't hesitate at assassinating him."
I'd hire a taste tester. There must be poisons that would look like a heart attack…
"Map showing route of Nordstream 2”
Are we back to From Russia With Love?
Original Mike,
I guess we should put this out there right now:
Sanders didn't die of natural causes.
"I must admit Mutaman, I don't often read NewsWeak because I'm really not all that into tentacle-porn "news"."
Like they asked Sarah Palin, what do you read?
"Like they asked Sarah Palin, what do you read?”
Um, real news outlets, not sites that are basically partisan blogs like NewsWeek? Does that answer your question?
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
"Sanders didn't die of natural causes."
Don't let them cremate the body.
re: #8: I"m not sure pressing NATO governments to meet their military commitments constitutes "weakening NATO".
From a Russian perspective, they don't care, at all, about whether the countries in Western Europe meet their 2% or not, because the politics of Western Europe are such that the difference in capacity between 1% and 2% of GDP isn't enough to actually make a difference in a confrontation with Russia. Making Germany better able to plausibly deploy troops to a new Bosnia or Afghanistan or Libya would be of at least theoretical benefit to the US, but it doesn't mean much to Russia either way.
Rather, what Russia cares about is the US commitment to the eastern tier states, like Poland. Because the ability of the US to deploy to the eastern tier is logistically dependent on passage through Germany, when Germany and the US argue over German military spending, Poland has to try to split the difference to avoid offending either too much. Which irritates both Germany and the US some, complicating the US commitment to Poland, which is to Russia's advantage.
If Joe McCarthy were on his way to the Democratic nomination right now, they would accuse him of being a Russian agent. They are that dishonest and that stupid.
Still doesn't change the fact that if Putin is sane he's pro-Bernie, given that Sanders is a useful idiot of long standing.
Command-and-control types hate chaos in their systems. The belief is that if they perfect their systems chaos disappears, and command-and-control becomes self-managing. So of course Russia wants to maximize chaos in our system; Putin believes he'll out-live all of our septuagenarians, and the oligarchs hate us because the US keeps being better than their beloved Russia.
I've been paying too much attention to trust any of this shit anymore. My default assumption has always been that our geopolitical foes (and some friends) are always fucking with us in subtle ways, especially during elections. Some of it is nefarious racketeering or adversary psyops, and some of it is honest attempts to sell the potential next POTUS on your ideas and priorities. It's going to happen no matter what, and it's going to present itself by the fortunes or difficulties in a candidate's campaign, or the messaging that's being broadcast. It's up to the observer/consumer to decide, and our media and Deep State "betters" have their own goddamn agendas, so take everything they say as bullshit until your intellectually honest observations line up with their spin.
From the minds of the Covington Catholic Controversy and the producers of The Pee Memo comes Some New Bullshit.
I hate Bernie, and am no fan of Trump, but I'm not about to trust the deep state and its media puppets that tell us we should piss our pants about this type of "Russian interference." What is more effective as propaganda? The dopey Russian memes or the Washington Post story about "Russian Interference"? Our own government is far better at manipulating our elections than any foreign government will ever be.
D.D. Driver,
Agreed. (I'm more a reluctant admirer of Trump than a fan.) At this point, my null hypothesis for "Russia is interfering again to help Trump!" is, The intelligence community still hates Trump and is worried about what he's going to do next, so they leak this to friendly reporters.
My null hypothesis for "Russia is interfering to help Bernie Sanders" is, The Obama/Clinton-loyal factions in the intelligence community are trying to boost establishment Democrats at the expense of Sanders, whom they fear and distrust, so they leak this to friendly reporters.
Then I remind myself that the Intelligence Community would never play politics here at home....
If you don't understand demoralization campaigns by now, there's no point in explaining them.
The big problem is that we allow RT, Iran TV, and the Chinese dictatorship channel CCTV to broadcast in America without making them follow the rules for foreign propaganda entities. They target both the left and the right.
And pathetic journalists like Larry King carry their water.
Sowing chaos and political divisiveness, quite successfully given the assistance they're getting from the media, Democrats, and deep staters. Russia doesn't care who wins, they cant influence enough of the 160 million voters to make one win over another. The hope is that chaos and division hamstring whoever wins election.
The Mueller investigation was the most successful Russian psyop ever in the history of Russian psyops.
Inga vs. Drago... Billy Barty plays one on one with Michael Jordan. Proof she gets paid by the word?
"This isn't a Russia-only problem," she [Shelby Pierson] told Noel King on Morning Edition. "We're still also concerned about China, Iran, non-state actors, 'hacktivists.' And frankly ... even Americans might be looking to undermine confidence in the elections."
I can name at least two Americans who are being paid, with our tax dollars, to undermine confidence in our elections.
I believe NOTHING printed in the WaPoo.
"Sanders isn’t a socialist, he’s a social democrat."
Yes, Bernie only democrats on weekends, with friends, and certainly never at work.
Larry King was and has never been a journalist.
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