February 1, 2020

"Up next: More on the death of the Republican Party."

On MSNBC just now:

That's "AM Joy" — Joy Reid.

The hysteria is running high on MSNBC. I drop in to see them deep into the "death" metaphor, and it was really weird to hear them using death to keep the audience as they broke for commercial. What a nutty promise: More death!


Big Mike said...

Joy Reid has mis-identified the corpse.

Jaq said...

Well then why are Democrats so unhappy? They should be filled with joy, like when you get into a position on the chessboard where your checkmate of the other guy is inevitable, even if he doesn’t know it.

Amadeus 48 said...

Heh. Sorry for your loss, suckers.

Trump should trademark that and sell hats and tee shirts.

traditionalguy said...

Death of millions baby humans after 20 weeks gestation woks so well, the Planned Parenthood team wants the Trumpublicans to be killed too. The Soros slush funds willingly pay for Antifa and MS13 gangs to terminate them, so why can’t the Dem bought States confiscate the guns and get her done?

Limited blogger said...

When is the funeral?

Beasts of England said...

She seems nice.

Fernandinande said...

"death" metaphor

Scary words on Drudge a few minutes ago:

abortion abused blowing cancer circus concealed deformed dump dying emergency explodes feces frenzied herpes impeachment malaise monkeys plague quarantines raped revenge revolution sentenced sick spooked spreading stole strange threat threatens unnerves war worst

I saw the Malaise Monkeys open for ... Dave Barry.

Inga said...
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Inga said...

“If we're using this metaphor of death, we need to know whose death is under discussion... Maybe it's a fatal blow to the Democratic Party... or — to be less dramatic — to the 2020 ambitions of the Democratic Party.

Indeed, what a disaster!”

Meh, yesterday it was a fatal blow to Democrats, today it’s a fatal blow to Republicans. Doesn’t make me feel emotional to hear this, both sides seem to be using it against the other side. It’s sort of old and worn out

Charlie Eklund said...

So, the Democrats have been committing slow motion suicide for 3 years but it’s the GOP that’s dying? Got it!

Fernandinande said...

Those silly prissy black women calling Trump a "repeat offender" - "thumbs his nose!" Oh nose!

wendybar said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome is at epidemic levels. Maybe it's time to quarantine those affected???

chickelit said...

Battleground prep for November. The Democrats now know that they will have to cheat bigly in the elections to further their causes. The "shame the little people" campaign is about to gear up. You heard it here.

Meanwhile, can Hillary restrain herself from nfluenzing Iowa?

mccullough said...

Calling them racists and misogynists only works on Mitt Romney.

narciso said...

it's really become ubs, from network, with larry O'Donnell, as their howard beale

narciso said...

but they are all like that:


deepelemblues said...

After the divisions between socialists and centrists hands Trump victory in November, the Democratic Party will be dead. The socialists will leave, creating a socialist rump party and a New Labour style rump party.

Matt Sablan said...

I've been hearing about the death of the Republican party since before Bush won his first term.

narciso said...

the tories were in the wilderness for a bakers dozen of years, largely due to immigration, as one labour strategist admitted to rod liddle,

henry said...

Joy is missing a step. Bernie has to win an election before they can cart Republicans off to death camps.

Jaq said...

"It’s sort of old and worn out”

Don’t worry, by Monday the New York Times will have a new story line to get you worked up and upset. They need to do that to keep you focused on voting for them so that they can keep the graft from places like Ukraine coming.

pacwest said...

It's Bizzaro world out there. It's the only explanation I can think of.

Jaq said...

I can see it now.
"If you can prove you voted for Bernie, we will give you this vaccine"!
"Why do I need it?"
"Oh, you’ll. find out. The whole world will find out... Bwa ha ha ha ha!"

narciso said...

it's the cave metaphor, through the rizzotto tray/journalist/ echo chamber they create the appearance of consensus,

Anonymous said...

Aunty Trump: Don’t worry, by Monday the New York Times will have a new story line to get you worked up and upset.

Looking forward to next week's fresh new moves for the dem's marathon Ghost Dance.

narciso said...

its a much smaller rump,


n.n said...

Now that Planned President will likely fail, JournoLists have chosen their next target: Planned Party. Forward thinking.

minnesota farm guy said...

Death of the Republican party. Really?!?

I usually have pretty good idea of what's behind the curtain of political moves by people like Pelosi. ( It helps to be deeply cynical.) At the moment I am at a loss about what Pelosi and the Dems are up too. If I were pressed I would have to say that, wittingly or unwittingly, they are intent on committing political suicide. Here's Devin Nunes take on part of this.

If Schiff, Nadler and Sanders are the best the Dems have then I can understand why there is such flailing going on. The moves to head Bernie off ( though fully rational if you care about this country at all) are going to backfire big time. Who but a fool can, deep down, trust the Democrat party with any responsibility?

Night Owl said...

"What a nutty promise: More death!"

It makes sense when you understand that their audience is made up of unhappy people. As the saying goes, misery loves company.

Inga said...

“They need to do that to keep you focused on voting for them so that they can keep the graft from places like Ukraine coming.”

All one needs to do is read Trump tweets, watch his news conferences and watch his rallies, don’t bother reading the media spin, just watch Trump, that’s all that’s needed.

Mattman26 said...

I want that clip on endless loop for the day after Election Day.

Inga said...

Watching Trump snort, schnurf, mispronounce words and do that weird big tongue thing is all the entertainment one needs. No need for SNL.

rehajm said...

Battleground prep for November

Material for the Democrat meltdown reel on November 4.

Mattman26 said...

Well then, Inga, you’re all set. Sit back and enjoy the next five years.

Mea Sententia said...

As easy as it is to dismiss MSNBC, I think they are probably right in the death of the Republican Party. Only not yet. I expect Donald Trump to be reelected, but I expect him to be the last Republican president. I look at the way the young are firmly in the camp of Bernie and democratic socialism, and I see that tide as inevitable. The Democratic Party holds such sway in the mass media and the entire educational system; they have already converted the next generation. It's just a matter of time now. I expect the Electoral College will be abolished eventually. I expect fracking and fossil fuels to be outlawed, along with private medical insurance and the private ownership of firearms. I expect more and more power to be given to the state to regulate and control life, with less and less power to the individual. I think the US will eventually be a one party state, as California has already become. I only hope I am not still around when it happens.

Equipment Maintenance said...

I'd be upset but fortunately I first saw a subsequent post in which Jim Comey assures me there's plenty of ballast to keep this from happening.

Shouting Thomas said...

I look at the way the young are firmly in the camp of Bernie and democratic socialism, and I see that tide as inevitable.

The young get old, acquire families and mortgages and stop being liberals or socialists.

Happened to the Boomers. It will happen again.

chickelit said...
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Roughcoat said...

That does it. I'm going register as a Republican.

chickelit said...

CR said...As easy as it is to dismiss MSNBC, I think they are probably right in the death of the Republican Party. Only not yet. I expect Donald Trump to be reelected, but I expect him to be the last Republican president.

Trump himself is the RNC's Achille's heel. He is so singular that he will be a tough act to follow. An astute Democrat will learn from him, take back his best qualities, and win in 2024. But as for 2020? Not with the existing losers!

doctrev said...

All one needs to do is read Trump tweets, watch his news conferences and watch his rallies, don’t bother reading the media spin, just watch Trump, that’s all that’s needed.

2/1/20, 10:22 AM


chickelit said...

Roughcoat wrote: That does it. I'm going register as a Republican.

I did that too! First time I ever joined a Party, even I voted D for most of my life.

Francisco D said...

All this bullshit is more than wishful thinking or even motivating the base.

It is about keeping the base from losing all sense of hope.

It seems to be working with Inga. In the above thread, she predicts that the democrats will take the House, Senate and POTUS for the next eight years.

doctrev said...

Ironically, Joy Reid is probably correct if she believes the Republican Party to represent the Bush consensus. You know, cucked-out, wide-stance, overpaid grifting lawyers who keep sucking off any two-bit sleaze with a history of betraying the Republican base. Admittedly, I'm surprised at how far the reputations of such men have collapsed across the various segments of the base, though there's considerable room left to go.

gspencer said...
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Roughcoat said...


Same here, re first time with a party registration. But I haven't voted Democrat in a very, very long time. And I NEVER vote D on the local/state level.

Mrs. Roughcoat and I just sold our house in Cook County and bought a house in northwest Indiana (Chesterton). Moving April 1. Very excited! We're leaving a Dem stronghold and going to a deep red stronghold. Not coincidentally, the cost of living in our new digs will be significantly lower. Republican Party, here I come!

rehajm said...

The young get old, acquire families and mortgages and stop being liberals or socialists.

Immigrants do this, too...

James Pawlak said...

For ~70 of my 81-years I have been a serious reader of serious books about History and especially the history of our Republic. As such a person I presume to also be a prophet as to the future of our nation.

Therefore, I PROPHESY: In a hundred years History teachers and books will
deal with today's Democratic (aka Democrat-Socialist-Fascist) Party in the same class as the following, prior and now defunct, Parties: Whigs; Anti-Masonic; Prohibition; Greenback; Silver; And, Free Soil Parties.

mockturtle said...

MSNBC and its viewers live in an alternatve universe and, rather than see the truth, they prefer to create their own comfort-zone reality. While this may have been harmless at some point, their delusions are becoming stronger and more pathological by the day.

gspencer said...

What a nutty promise: More death!

Now there's a promise on which the Democrats have delivered,


Anonymous said...

Social media has revealed the fact that most people aren’t very knowledgeable much less expert. The ability to be heard does not mean you should talk.

mockturtle said...

Mrs. Roughcoat and I just sold our house in Cook County and bought a house in northwest Indiana (Chesterton). Moving April 1. Very excited! We're leaving a Dem stronghold and going to a deep red stronghold. Not coincidentally, the cost of living in our new digs will be significantly lower. Republican Party, here I come!

Congratulations, Roughcoat! I'd like to see more conservatives leave blue states for red ones. The more that do, the fewer electors for the red states and more for the blue. I think CA already lost a Congressional seat this year for the very first time.

Big Mike said...

I regard claims that impeachment is bad for the GOP to be an equal parts mixture of Democrat propaganda and wishful thinking.

Amadeus 48 said...

Roughcoat— Chesterton is great! I hope you have many happy years there.
We are still in Chicago, but we are fixing up my parents’ house 70 miles north of the MI/IN border. MI has some work to do, but if we can get Chuck on board, the lights will all be green.

PackerBronco said...

The old Republican Party is dead. What is being created under Trump is a populist blue collar party with a respect for the Rule of Law, sound borders, and fair trade. Thus, the only deaths are the careers of David French, William Kristol, George Will, and others who played the trained house "conservative" for many a year, but now find that no one is really listening to them anymore.

Sam L. said...

How could MSNBC NOT be hysterical?

JML said...

The Retrumpican Party is born!

Temujin said...

I can't even think of anything to add. It's Joy Reid. It's MSNBC. Can't even get worked up by this. They are frantically keeping their bubble thick and protected. Promising talk of Republican death as a balm to their viewers.

Can't make this stuff up, as Don Imus used to say.

rcocean said...

I'm sure Joy and her friends are very concerned for the R Party. It seems to be a pattern:

Dec. 2019 - voting against Impeachment 190-0 was "The death rattle of the R Party"
Aug 2019 Bill Weld - What Trump did was treason and Treason calls for the death penalty.
Aug 2016 - Nicole Wallace: The Republican Party that I worked for for two decades died in this room tonight. We are now represented as a Party by a man who believes in protectionism, isolationism, and nativism.

Just shows - once again - you can lie, exaggerate, slander, engage in foul abuse, basically say ANYTHING if you attack Trump, Republicans, or Right- wingers. No matter how stupid or crazy your words will NEVER come back to haunt you. You're always a smart, objective, pundit/journalist/whatever.

Inga said...

“It seems to be working with Inga. In the above thread, she predicts that the democrats will take the House, Senate and POTUS for the next eight years.”

My prediction is based on what happened in 2018. Trump lost big in counties that he had won big in previously. White suburban and women voters left him in droves and it’ll be worse for him in 2020. It’s not merely wishful thinking.

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump is president, Inga.

Get this thru your thick, dumb skull.

Presidents are elected every four years in the presidential election.

You know the one traitors like you refuse to abide by.

Inga said...

“Presidents are elected every four years in the presidential election.”

2018 was a referendum on Trump. Apparently you don’t understand the word referendum. Now go and record yourself ruining some beautiful hymn with your disgusting nasally voice.

Shouting Thomas said...

Congressional elections are for electing congress critters.

Obama and the Democrats lost their congressional majority in off year elections.

You’re talking stupid, Inga. As usual.

Presidents are voted for every 4 years in presidential elections.

Take notes, dummy. There will be a quiz later.

donald said...

I like to watch this insane bint. My day to day interactions are with mainly common sense business people and sports officials. Some are political and some are not. She is so off the charts bat shit crazy that I can get several deep belly laughs in a 30 minute or so period. I just don’t like her deep, deep homophobia. Her problem isn’t the crazy homo stuff, it’s that they’re alive. Like republicans.

Equipment Maintenance said...

I'm just wondering if Inga conceded at the time that 2014 was a referendum on Obama.

cubanbob said...

Inga you do realize that Obama lost both houses of Congress while he was president. As for this years election, it is doubtful that people who will vote for Trump will vote for Democrats for Congress.

Wince said...

Mattman26 said...
I want that clip on endless loop for the day after Election Day.

Add it to the Joy Reid collection.

Gahrie said...

Trump lost big in counties that he had won big in previously. White suburban and women voters left him in droves and it’ll be worse for him in 2020. It’s not merely wishful thinking.

How about all the Black urban voters who are either going to vote Trump or stay home? Can the democrats win with only 70% of the Black vote?

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Equipment Maintenance: "I'm just wondering if Inga conceded at the time that 2014 was a referendum on Obama."

On the contrary, she and LLR-lefties everywhere proclaimed it was all "racism, straight up".

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "All one needs to do is read Trump tweets, watch his news conferences and watch his rallies, don’t bother reading the media spin, just watch Trump, that’s all that’s needed."

hmmm, so your latest moron theory, of many, is that people just havent seen or heard enough yet from Donald Trump.....beeeecaaaause he's been hiding or unavailable......

This is typically where Inga's theories completely collapse:

1) Inga theory
2) ????
3) Democrat profits!!

Better for her to return to cut and paste mode.

Gahrie said...

They are frantically keeping their bubble thick and protected.

The main problem with the Democrats is that they have never moved on from denial in their grieving process. They're still fucked up from 2016.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Inga said...

“As for this years election, it is doubtful that people who will vote for Trump will vote for Democrats for Congress.”

No kidding. But this year Democrats won’t be voting third party. White suburban voters who previously voted Republican in 2016, then changed their vote to Democrat in 2018, because of Trump disgust, will not go back and vote for Trump in 2020. Trump LOST these voters because of Trump being Trump. Guess what what people can’t stand that sort of behavior and it turns them off. White suburban voters and women specifically. Did none of you ever wonder why Dems won back the House in 2018? It was a backlash against Trump. 2020 will be an even bigger backlash.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Depends on the blind-faith/corruption excusing ratio.

Shouting Thomas said...

All predictions and op-eds are just wishful thinking.

I get a big kick out of Trump being Trump. He’s funny and almost always right on the mark.

He pisses of Inga, the dummy, traitor and pathological liar. (Remember when she was banished for some time by Althouse for deliberate lying?)

What more proof do you need that Trump’s got almost everything right?

Inga the dummy is an accurate predictor of of dumb shittery.

Clyde said...

It’s amazing how joyless some women named Joy are: Reid, Behar...

Mr. Groovington said...
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narciso said...

reid is a protégé of 'resist we much' Sharpton, behar was a failed stand up comic, back in the 90s, what relevance they have to anything, except they are like brain slugs, that crawl into you,

Francisco D said...

It’s not merely wishful thinking.

You are correct Inga.

It is not merely wishful thinking. It is errant prognostication strongly influenced by wishful thinking.

I am glad we settled that one.

Carol said...

It's just more trolling...taunting...hahaha you guys are dead but don't know it.

Doesn't matter if it's true or not. Saying it as good as true.

Meanwhile, the local GOP is jacked because there's a good chance the local candidates will be swept into office on Trump's coattails.

Trump got them elected in 2016 but it's bad form to mention that.

Roughcoat said...

mockturtle and Amadeus 48:

Thanks! Yes indeed, Chesterton is very nice and we are delighted to be moving there. Also looking forward to knocking around the "East Coast" of Lake Michigan, particularly the Irish Riviera (southeast coast, where Chicago's Southside Irish have their vacation homes), but also above and beyond. That's nice country too.

Achilles said...

PackerBronco said...
The old Republican Party is dead. What is being created under Trump is a populist blue collar party with a respect for the Rule of Law, sound borders, and fair trade. Thus, the only deaths are the careers of David French, William Kristol, George Will, and others who played the trained house "conservative" for many a year, but now find that no one is really listening to them anymore.


Known Unknown said...

Why did her parents name her Joy?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"It is about keeping the base from losing all sense of hope."

And the dollars that hysteria generates. Prog politics has become nothing but a form of carny barking.

Qwinn said...

Democrats won't vote third party? LOL. There isn't a single Dem nominee right now that Dems themselves think can unite the party behind them. If there were, that candidate would be in the lead already.

This thread is seriously getting bookmarked. Gonna be funny as hell quoting Inga's predictions back to her the day after the election. She won't show her face for at least 4 days though, then come back acting as if she got nothing wrong. That's my prediction.

Drago said...

Qwinn: "She won't show her face for at least 4 days though, then come back acting as if she got nothing wrong. That's my prediction."

Why not? LLR-lefty Chuck did in 2016.

Jim at said...

Death of the Republican Party?

Do they have an entire crew of James Hodgkinsons out there ready to strike?

Jim at said...

2018 was a referendum on Trump. Apparently you don’t understand the word referendum.

Are you going to pollute every thread with this bullshit?

1994. 2010.
Shut up.

Fernandinande said...

Remember those "what do you call a guy with no arms and no legs" jokes?

What do you call a snake with no arms and no legs hanging on the wall?

Amadeus 48 said...

Roughcoat—I grew up on the south side of the Kalamazoo River near Holland. The Kalamazoo marks the southern end of the Wooden Shoe Zone. Holland, South Haven, Grand Haven, and Saugatuck are great beach towns. Try Salt of the Earth restaurant, Roots coffeehouse, Virtue Cider, and Crane’s Pies in Fennville and The Southerner in Saugatuck. Do the orchard blossom thing in mid to late April. There are lots of artitists studios and art galleries scattered around the landscape.

You’ll have a great time up and down the eastern shore of the lake. It is beautiful all the way up to the UP. And...sand dunes! Right at your doorstep in Indiana.

Fernandinande said...

That one's name is "Bob", so that's what you should call him.

What do you call a snake with no arms and no legs in a swimming pool?

Amadeus 48 said...

Mayor Daley has or had a cottage in Long Beach, right on the Michigan border. There is a little resort golf course up there where they have a priest say mass on the course at 5:00 pm summer Saturdays. You’ll love it.

Jaq said...

"But this year Democrats won’t be voting third party.”

That vote for Jill Stein burns her conscience. But I don’t see people who want change voting for Biden, who has been shown to be totally corrupt.

Jaq said...

Trump is Bernie lite.

Automatic_Wing said...

2018 was a referendum on Trump. Apparently you don’t understand the word referendum.

It's all well and good to win a "referendum on Trump" when you don't have to field a candidate of your own. It's a different story when you have to offer a specific alternative like Joe Hair Plugs or the Trotskite Jackie Mason or the Cherokee Princess.

Achilles said...

Jim at said...
Death of the Republican Party?

Do they have an entire crew of James Hodgkinsons out there ready to strike?

Hodgkinson was impatient. The rest of the Bernie supporters will settle for gulags.

Beasts of England said...

’At the moment I am at a loss about what Pelosi and the Dems are up to...’

It is a mystery. They’re usually tighter than this, strategically, but this is a mess. I think Trump has taken them off their game to a degree unseen in decades, if not generations.

CStanley said...

What do you call a snake with long arms and legs who hides in the curtains?

Marc in Eugene said...

I'm waiting for Fr Faber's Daily, daily sing to Mary, Shouting Thomas.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"They’re usually tighter than this, strategically, but this is a mess. I think Trump has taken them off their game to a degree unseen in decades"

Combination of Trump and the far left of the party.

Gahrie said...

What do you call a woman with one leg in Japan?

(Am I still allowed to use that joke?)

Roughcoat said...

Amadeus 48:

I already love the area -- have loved it for a long time. Back in the day my pals and I would rent weekend cabins at Mother Goose Cottages in Long Beach and party hearty. Had some wild times, great fun with Southside Irish kids and Polish kids from Chicago Vocational and South Shore HS. And by fun, I mean drinking Schlitz Malt by the case and getting fistfights, typically both in the same night. Have been up and down the shore more times than I count. Remember, I'm Chicagoland born and raised, which means I am well familiar with the west coast of Michigan and a goodly portion of southern Wisconsin as well. When Bill Murray's character in "Stripes" admonishes his friends, "C'mon, let's go, it'll be like driving to Wisconsin" in reference to driving from Germany to Czechoslovakia, I split my gut laughing. Only kids from northern Illinois know just how funny that line really is -- and all that it connotes. Thanks for the tips on restaurants and such. I'll check 'em out!

Crazy World said...

She seems nice!

James K said...

Death of the Republican Party? The Democrats are very good at projection.

Seeing Red said...

Did none of you ever wonder why Dems won back the House in 2018? It was a backlash against Trump

Hatred that Evita lost motivated more. Women scorned and all that.

Achilles said...

Gahrie said...
What do you call a woman with one leg in Japan?

(Am I still allowed to use that joke?)

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants.

Bartender says, "Um, sir- you have a steering wheel jammed in your drawers?"

Pirate replies, "Arrrgh, it's drivin' me nuts!"

Darrell said...


narciso said...



mockturtle said...


Michael K said...

I already love the area -- have loved it for a long time.

The Daley's place, father and son, was in Grand Beach, not Long Beach which is just south.

I spent many happy times there.

Some kids tried to burn Daley's house down and burned down the house next door.

Iman said...

“Joy is missing a step.”

She’s missing more than “a step”. She’s several fries short of a Happy Meal along with two cans short of a six-pack.

Achilles said...

mockturtle said...

"Don't make fun of my engrish!"

tcrosse said...

For perspective, in the UK they're talking about the death of the Labour Party. Let's just say that it's far from well.

madAsHell said...

I think I've seen more Obama 2008 bumper stickers than any other candidate.

JaimeRoberto said...

If this is the death of the GOP, then maybe Trump isn't the dictator they are claiming he is.

chickelit said...

Seeing Red said...Did none of you ever wonder why Dems won back the House in 2018? It was a backlash against Trump

Hatred that Evita lost motivated more. Women scorned and all that.

Yeah, what's up with that scorned cohort? The ones who warned us against Trump?

minnesota farm guy said...

I think James Pawlak makes an excellent point although he left out the Copperheads and the know-nothings. Maybe we should also count the BullMoose party as well; in fact, it may be the closest in spirit to today's Democrats.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadisonMan said...

Remember those "what do you call a guy with no arms and no legs" jokes?

Matt. If he's at your front door.

Russell. If he's out in the woods.

Bob. If he's swimming.

Are there more?

Iman said...

“Did none of you ever wonder why Dems won back the House in 2018? It was a backlash against Trump.”

I think it was more a case of payback for the feeble R-controlled House under Ryan’s leadership. Republican voters were very unhappy. Sort of cutting one’s nose off to spite one’s face, but there it is.

Roughcoat said...

The Daley's place, father and son, was in Grand Beach, not Long Beach which is just south.

Correct. Both part of the Irish Riviera.

Gahrie said...

Are there more?

Art if he's hanging on a wall.

Doug if he's at the bottom of a hole.

Qwinn said...

What do you call a man with no arms and no legs waterskiing?



More psychological projection from the reactionary, fascist left.

Pathetic, really.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

The young get old, acquire families and mortgages and stop being liberals or socialists.

Yes. It wasn't some deeply held ideological believe that kept the masses in the US from becoming socialists. It was a thriving economy where you could get a job and own a home. That was why the leftist were assuring us that "slow growth" was the new norm during the Obama years and they keep trying to discourage home ownership.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Did none of you ever wonder why Dems won back the House in 2018?

Because its normal for the party that won the presidency to lose congressional seats in the next election?

"A tidal wave of voter anger today swept the Republicans to a historic victory in the U.S. mid-term elections.

President Barack Obama is facing a bleak political landscape after voters delivered a stinging blow, handing control of the House of Representatives over to the GOP.

Media outlets across the country are confidently projecting an enormous Republican victory with Fox anticipating a massive gain of 60 seats for the Republicans - the biggest margin for 62 years."


Ron Winkleheimer said...

An astute Democrat will learn from him, take back his best qualities, and win in 2024.

I would have no problem voting for a Democrat who was for border enforcement and against globalism. For trade deals that advantage all of the US, not just the financial sector. For religious freedom and gun rights. But, that Democrat could never get nominated in today's Democrat party. My guess is Pence will get at least one term. If he gets a second will depend on how he does in office and whether the Democrats can expel the crazies now controlling their party.

hstad said...

Donald Trump's appearance on the national stage has exposed the lack of gravitas and wisdom among those who preen and crow and brag [like Joy Reid from MSNBC] about how special and wonderful and elite they are.

hstad said...

The lack of gravitas and wisdom among those who preen and crow and brag in the MSM [like Joy Reid from MSNBC] about how special and wonderful and elite they are. President Donald Trump has exposed such attitudes and laid it bare for all to see.

Bob Loblaw said...

Usually these "death of xxxx party" headlines show up when that party loses big in an election. Such an assertion at this point, with Trump victorious on impeachment and riding high in the polls, seems like wishful thinking.

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