ADDED: A very enjoyable speech. Spontaneous. Some rally-style, good-humored nastiness at the beginning — "evil corrupt... dirty cops... it was all bullshit" — but most of it was team building. Early on he said, "You develop friends in battle," and it turned into his thanking and celebrating the individual friends, not just for what they did helping him win his fight, but also for how they won their own way into politics, and what their wonderful future could be. He talked about how they looked — who looks like he was sent over from "central casting" and who doesn't wear a suit jacket because he's so rightly proud of his wrestler's physique. My favorite part was about Steve Scalise, the man with a wife who, unlike many wives, did not want her husband to die. I love the description of Scalise back on the baseball diamond after his brush with death, fielding a hard shot though "He had no range!" The particularity of it all was just plain nice. Didn't it make them all love being on his team, ready to go and go into the fall elections and to spring into action as soon as the Democrats throw the next "bullshit" at them?
AND: The word that kept coming up as he complimented them one by one was: "warrior." They were warriors — "friends in battle." What great spirit he found and amplified in that room!
ADDED: I see on Twitter that Trump antagonists are jumping on him for saying:
"I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotted deal by some very evil and sick people. And Ivanka is here, and my sons, and my whole family. And that includes Barron."Because... if he said "my whole family," why did he need to add "And that includes Barron"? These people. Always looking for something to spin.
I mean, I noticed "And that includes Barron." It was odd, but the man was speaking ad lib for over an hour. One thing was worded oddly. I think it was obvious that what he meant was he wanted to express love for his family after all they had to endure, and especially for Barron, the youngest one.
1 – 200 of 368 Newer› Newest»He really should wait for Pelosi and Schumer to give their concession speech first.
But like Hillary, they are drunk and crying in their room.
And do you notice how very much more coverage the impeachment, and Trump, are giving Senator Mitt Rommney now than Reps. Collin Peterson and Van Drew a few weeks ago?
Is "crossing the aisle" a newsworthy or speech-worthy event, or not? Is there a rule?
When she tore up her copy, that was her response.
Caesar's Roman Triumphs would include leading defeated enemy captives through the streets in chains. Is it GITMO time?
Vercingetorix's people got their revenge
Still not tired of winning.
No thanks. NPR hates Trump too. I'll watch elsewhere.
He's pumping the crowd like a pro. Awaiting some triggering material. It's super important he doesn't back down.
It's events like the last 3 days that prove conclusively the 7 stages of grief are all too true. It is also conclusive proof that not all people complete them.
We don’t need to hear about your date with the KC Chiefs, Howard...
Trump is not a duck. He's not a black swan. Ukrainians, Russians, and Americans alike, celebrate his victory.
I just want to know the timing of the durham hammer.
I think he's doing a good job with this speech. (I'm actually listening while I work).
“It’s all bullshit”
They'll have to talk about saying bullshit, which makes them talk about the hoaxes.
Dirty cops is good, for the hoaxers.
Yes, Howard, it is important that Trump doesn’t back down.
He’s the commander in chief.
When you’ve won, it’s important to consolidate that win.
Congratulations to Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler for only failing to impeach Trump by 19 votes.
He deserves to spike the football in their faces...
wendybar has been making some great comments recently. Sure, I've noticed the same in the distant past, but the frequency has now increased.
Uh, oh. Trump enjoying himself.
If you take a shot at the king, you better kill the king.
Now it is time for consequences.
I's reach across the aisle--to pull certain Democrats into a rail gun cylinder and shoot them towards the Sun.
Democrats as vicious people is good.
On another note, the Iowa Caucus Dems are up to 96% of reporting the results from earlier in the week to tell us who won? They say the last 4% is the hardest though.
At this rate, they may find the body of Jimmy Hoffa first.
Only dictators give victory speeches.
According to Lil' Chuckie and his boytoy Adam Schiff.
Bay Area Guy said...
On another note, the Iowa Caucus Dems are up to 96% of reporting the results from earlier in the week to tell us who won? They say the last 4% is the hardest though.
1. People are already pointing out massive errors. Nobody believes the crap they are reporting.
2. Bernie doesn't want to win.
I got to help Jim Jordan on his first congressional run - awesome guy!
My Hillary! Worshiping Family Members who were all outraged, outraged I say, that Trump wasn't removed from office are all listening to the speech and seething with anger.
That was moving seeing a wrestler,Jim Jordan, recognized. Wrestling is where warriorhood that never quits is learned.
2. Bernie doesn't want to win
I disagree with that. True, he is 78. But I think he's a true believer, and does want to win to name a socialist successor to continue the socialist cause. If he could choose, AOC, he would, but she's only 30.
I think the Dem establishment doesn't want Bernie to win.
Of course, this is purely an advisory opinion, and I could be totally wrong.
Twitter is all atwitter about his use of the word bullshit. The same people who can’t give a care about illegal spying the Obama administration on Trump’s campaign. The Mueller Report was bullshit, impeachment was bullshit. Abuse of power only means, “we disagree with what you did.”
What about when that prosecutor had Rick Perry arrested for trying to get her replaced after she abused her power to try to get a cop to let her go when she was driving drunk. That was a double abuse of power and these same people cheered her on. That was an *actual* abuse of power.
The John Doe persecution was an abuse of power. So was the Ted Stevens persecution.
Jersey Fled said...
Congratulations to Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler for only failing to impeach Trump by 19 votes
"Missed It By THAT Much!"
"Awaiting some triggering material.”
Per Twitter, it was the word “bullshit."
The head of the DNC is calling for a do-over of the Iowa Caucuses.
This is a precedent-setter for when he calls for a do-over of the 2020 Presidential Election.
We are getting to see the real President Donald Trump today. And he is a very easy guy to love. God help the Dems.
’The head of the DNC is calling for a do-over of the Iowa Caucuses.’
I was only kidding when I suggested the same yesterday, but satire is almost impossible when the topic is the left.
So. Much. Fun.
And the thought of LLR-lefty Chuck curled up in a corner with his thumb in his mouth clinging to his bottle of gin and Maddow blow up doll makes it even better.
Beasts: "I was only kidding when I suggested the same yesterday, but satire is almost impossible when the topic is the left."
I was only kidding when I suggested the same yesterday, but satire is almost impossible when the topic is the left & LLR-left.
For those wondering how Trump does it, you are watching him be loyal to the warriors who are loyal to him. That is the Scots Irish qualification for leadership. And we are still the dominant American Culture.
2. Bernie doesn't want to win
Bernie Sanders : [bleakly] I've already given away eight pencils, two hoola dolls, and an ashtray, and I've only taken in $82 million dollars.
DNC : Bernie, you have taken in $82 million, pocketed 15% for placing your political ads, and given away fifty cents worth of crap, which gives you a net profit of $12 million dollars and fifty cents.
Bernie Sanders : Ah... It's a profit deal. Takes the pressure off. Get your socialist utopia right here! Only a buck! Actual live socialist free-stuff promising! Vote for me and win some crap!
He's killing it! My entire attitude about him has shifted over the last year, and this is icing on the cake. Can you imagine W defending himself like this?
He fights back, and he grins as he does it.
- Krumhorn
I sure hope that the people who drove all this go to jail. Because if not, then it hasn't cost those in power on the left anything. And they will try again. And next time there won't be a Trump. And they well might succeed.
Did you see Nancy's speech??? Somebody needs to put Granny in a home. She is losing it big time.
"Trump entered the East Room to "Hail to the Chief" and held up a copy of The Washington Post with the banner headline, "Trump Acquitted."
The Wapost was part of the coup attempt.
Aunty Trump said " The same people who can’t give a care about illegal spying the Obama administration on Trump’s campaign."
And the same people who were charmed when Biden said about Obamacare "This is a fucking big deal."
NPR apologized for airing "bullshit." The BS word.
A lot of insults and falsehoods, says NPR.
It is so crazy that Trump is President of the United States.
But that was kind of generally fun.
[of Trump] You could tell there was a lot of just anger
"The head of the DNC is calling for a do-over of the Iowa Caucuses."
I think Putin has directed his Russian Troll Farm to "sow discord" among the Iowa Demo Caucus goers (and vote counters).
Bay Area Guy said...
2. Bernie doesn't want to win
I disagree with that. True, he is 78. But I think he's a true believer, and does want to win to name a socialist successor to continue the socialist cause. If he could choose, AOC, he would, but she's only 30.
I think the Dem establishment doesn't want Bernie to win.
Of course, this is purely an advisory opinion, and I could be totally wrong.
Take everything into context.
Sanders clearly had an arrangement with Hillary not to really attack her corruption.
Sanders clearly has the same arrangement with Biden and his corruption.
Sanders has in every election run as an "independent" and endorsed the democrat and has mysteriously piled up a bunch of money. He is one of the most dependable democrat voters in congress.
Now lets look at the Iowa Caucus. It is clearly a corrupt disaster. It is clearly being run by people trying to screw Bernie.
What would a real independent be doing right now? It is obvious.
A real independent would be breathing fire and promising to go 3rd party if justice was not done.
Bernie is not a real independent.
Bernie has one job. To keep the marxist wing in line and voting for the corrupt globalist that gets nominated.
It is the only conclusion that actually fits the data.
"The head of the DNC is calling for a do-over of the Iowa Caucuses."
I think Putin has directed his Russian Troll Farm to "sow discord" among the Iowa Demo Caucus goers (and vote counters).
Bay Area Guy: "I think Putin has directed his Russian Troll Farm to "sow discord" among the Iowa Demo Caucus goers (and vote counters)."
LLR-lefty Chuck's democrat pals have already gone on record saying it was......wait for it...... ....wait for it.......the Republicans!!!
Because of course these lefty/LLR-lefty idiots said that.
Of course.
I am shocked that NPR consents to broadcasting Trump.
Achilles, while I think you're probably correct about Bernie, his followers really, really, really want to win. He doesn't want to fight, but they do. If they are denied, I don't think Bernie will be able to keep them in line.
The Dems are like the lady riding the tiger. They've pandered to the Marxists because they thought they could control them. I think they've unleashed passions they don't really understand. Most Dem pols don't really believe in anything except expanding their own power and enriching themselves. So they don't understand how fanatical the far left is.
"Ours is not to reason why, ours is just to do or die!"
Listened to part of his speech on car radio. He's a loon.
No body seems to understand that actually Trump never gets angry. There's no time for that emotion when one's mind is concentrated on discerning the opponent's next move to counter it and to make your own winning move.There's time enough to let your feelings takeover when the match is ended.
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
Achilles, while I think you're probably correct about Bernie, his followers really, really, really want to win. He doesn't want to fight, but they do. If they are denied, I don't think Bernie will be able to keep them in line.
I have been saying this for a while.
Bernie bros are feelin' their power.
And Bernie is sitting on a briefcase of DNC cash in Bernie HQ surrounded by his supporters who want to throw people in Gulags.
And they been promising to burn shit down.
And there is 78 year old Bernie muttering "oh shit oh shit oh shit... I won Iowa..." under his breath.
Does Bernie seem suicidal to you all?
readering said...
Listened to part of his speech on car radio. He's a loon.
Whatever it takes.
These people are immune to reality.
And just really stupid.
According to NPR everything Trump says - all the time - is full of "falsehoods". And if they can't accuse Trump of misleading statements, they attribute/interpret what he says so they an accuse him of lying.
MSM Fact-checking = The Democrat Party Rebuttal
That was incredible. Forgot it was going to be on, so I missed I don't know how much.
Too busy to sit and watch, and found it very difficult to turn away for even a few minutes.
Love this guy.
Solve two problems at once.
After 2024, give Rush's show to Trump.
Tooday's guest host is unlistenable.
well the parallel is in exact, but with fmr socialist workers party, (Trotskyite) Corbyn who was the stb's stooge, plo and ira stooge, whose faction, momentum, who took over the labour party, like they did in the 80s with Michael foot,
We need Dershowitz's legal take on bullshit.
A well deserved round of applause for everyone on Trump's team. As Trump says, maybe the D's will now harness all their "Genius" to pass prescription drug reform and infrastructure.
" 'The head of the DNC is calling for a do-over of the Iowa Caucuses.’
I was only kidding when I suggested the same yesterday."
You forget that they have their beloved EU as an example--keep voting until the peons get it right!
Well, here's an article from NBC News, not The Onion.
DNC chair calls for Iowa to recanvass caucus vote, says 'enough is enough'
Money Quote: The results of Monday's Iowa caucuses were delayed after there were problems with a smartphone app.
Smart phone app!
I'm not sure what "recanvassing" is, but I hope it's televised.
Shorter Tom Perez:
"The last 3% puts Sanders over the top in every metric, so we are going to bury that last 3% for the next week with a fake recanvass."
So they don't understand how fanatical the far left is.
No, the Democrat "moderates" don't. They also don't understand that when the shit hits the fan they are targets of opportunity for the far Left. Far softer targets than the 325,000,000 gun owning armed Right. Also, moderates don't realize how much the Far Left loathes them, in many cases more than they despise the Right, who at least are above-board & honest fascist opponents of the Revolution.
It has always been so. The Mensheviks died much more quickly than the White Army did.
"The last 3% puts Sanders over the top in every metric, so we are going to bury that last 3% for the next week with a fake recanvass."
Nailed it.
He’s out of his mind, and now a lot more people will realize it. Maybe even Susan Collins.
Is Trump somehow threatening to take out Mitt Romney? Whose term ends in 2024? Are we talking Corleone family, Gambino family, Soprano family or Trump family takeout?
I heard most of it. Did he even mention Nancy's little tantrum?
Perez is calling for a "re-canvas" in Iowa, which I don't think is a do-over. I think it means an examination and recount from the existing paper trail. The NYTimes has found hundreds of discrepancies in the reported data. Presumably a recount might resolve those.
Can you imagine if the banking system was run with the shoddiness of our elections? Fortunately, we take money more seriously than we take voting.
Impeachment was the wrong Constitutional provision to apply to Trump.
It should be the 25th Amendment.
"Are we talking Corleone family, Gambino family, Soprano family or Trump family takeout?”
Yeah, it’s another “hit” he has ordered in public Chuck! Although Romney as Fredo is pretty good. Fredo Romney. I love it! It gets better the more you think about it!
I don’t think that the 25th ammndment applies when you just drive your opponents crazy, Chuck.
readering: "Listened to part of his speech on car radio. He's a loon."
If I were you I'd be paying more attention to the DNC stealing a caucus vote from Bernie Sanders right in front of your eyes.
And why does the DNC think it can get away with such a blatant and obvious theft of a vote?
Because they know their base is made up of readerings and LLR-lefty Chuck's.
When do we get to hear from the losing team’s locker room?
Trump did a good job putting Impeachment as just another part of The Witch Hunt.
First it was The Insurance Policy.
Then Russia, Russia, Russia. Took two years even though they knew on Day 2 it was Bullsjit.
Then came Impeachment for looking into the Biden Cokehead Son Corruption.
What’s Next?
Fuck ‘em, Who Cares. The economy is doing great for everyone.
CNN has a fixed crawler on the screen saying " Trump was vindictive in impeachment acquittal." They are dumber than dumb.
Chuck, you need serious help from a psychiatrist. You are so ridiculous, I am beginning to consider the possibility that you are a performance artist- it is difficult to believe someone could actually be as ridiculously stupid without it all being a pretense.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "Impeachment was the wrong Constitutional provision to apply to Trump.
It should be the 25th Amendment."
Precisely as predicted.
Next up: Emoluments!!
BTW, who didn't looooooove the vidoe of Mittens sucking up to Trump over and over and over and over again.....only to be kicked to the curb?!
One would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh!
The Dirty Cops are getting the back of the hand
Only thing going to stop Trump is the 22nd Amendment.
Unless it gets repealed because we are not tired of Winning.
Trump went easy on Mittens. Didn't call him out by name, just said it was "Sad" that "Some" use religion "as a crutch" to justify bad decisions. Told Mike Lee that he was sure to be the most popular Senator in Utah now. Also, being a "failed Presidential Candidate does things to you".
Pretty mild, given Romney's disgraceful jealous little girl act.
"Hunter Biden, please raise your right hand and repeat after me..."
"Michael Atkinson, please raise your right hand and repeat after me..."
"Sean Misko, please raise your right hand and repeat after me..."
"Eric Ciaramella (the "whistleblower), please raise your right hand and repeat after me..."
Some say Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck should be banned again and this time for a longer period of time. I don't know. I suppose he fills a purpose here. But some say he doesn't.
CNN is interviewing CNN employees to state over and over that Trump's facts are false. False that is if you believe in CNN's fake news stories.
"Drago said...
So. Much. Fun.
And the thought of LLR-lefty Chuck curled up in a corner with his thumb in his mouth clinging to his bottle of gin and Maddow blow up doll makes it even better."
Well, just for a few more hours. Then Wehavethemeats has to go to work.
In Iowa, Putin will need to recanvass the troll farm to get the caucus vote totals.......
"I am beginning to consider the possibility that you are a performance artist-“
Same thing as being a lawyer, isn’t it?
IF you think about it, Romney is treated with respect he doesn't deserve. Ran for President twice, lost twice. Ran for Senate in Mass - lost. Won Governor of Mass, served one term - but was so unpopular he didn't run again.
Other than being Utah Senator since Jan 2019, that's Mitts whole political career. He's not popular. He's not a winner. Its becoming clear that he's pissing off his fellow Senators too.
If he had any thoughts of running for POTUS - as an R - forget it. He'll be a footnote.
Mike Lee has officially given up on defending the indefensible Mittens and his actions.
Mitt Romney is back in Utah today meeting the state Republican Party to try and explain why he is now Adam Schiff's and Nancy Pelosi's best friend.
Chuck is a bad faith commenter. But he’s easy to keep in line.
CNN is so dishonst and Left wing its amazing. Their news scrawl 30 minutes ago?
Trump attacks Pelosi and Romney's Religion
Trump Bitter - angry Attack.
Personal favorite call out: Tie between Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell.
The banned Chuck commenting is not the problem. We can just scroll by them.The many commenters that can't help from quoting Chuck and arguing with his straw men is a multiplying problem.
mccullough: "Chuck is a bad faith commenter. But he’s easy to keep in line."
LLR-lefty Chuck is "Forever Banned".
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition....
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition....
And LLR's still abed will curse they were not here with us on this, Trump Acquittal Day!!!
When Trump won the Presidency he did a tour of the battleground states providing "thank you" rallies. It was his show of appreciation to the voters who supported him. Trump knows who brought him to the dance.
Romney is the GOP version of Hillary. He’s won some elections, but lost the Big One twice.
They are the same age. And have some of the same flaws. Hillary is also a drunk. And Mitt uses religion as a sword.
And the both enrich their children at the expense of the United States.
Neither will go away.
I purposely left off the part about "hold their manhoods cheap" since I did not want to trigger LLR-lefty Chuck.k
Oh, please, please don't ban Chuck. The guy is pure entertainment.
They can’t beat the guy, and it’s only gonna get worse for them from this day forward. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
Meade rhapsodizes: "Some say Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck should be banned again and this time for a longer period of time. I don't know. I suppose he fills a purpose here. But some say he doesn't."
I say we don't ban Chuck, because I'm superstitious and this has been the best week ever!
Mon: Iowa Caucus -- botched!
Tues: SOTU -- Trump kills it, Nancy rips it.
Wed: Impeachment -- Acquittal!
And it's only Thursday!
Maybe, Ruth Ginsburg will retire (not expire) this afternoon.
Where was I? Oh yeah, leniency for Chuck. Need the loyal opposition else we get too cocky and lose everything.
My favorite call out was The Penn State Wrestling team
It was a "Rat Pack" type roast qua celebration. it would be easy to imagine Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin or Sammy Davis jr or Joey Bishop making those kind of remarks and in that breezy manner creating that kind of warm but sometimes tough ambiance.
and Trump delivered it all "Perfect(ly)".
"It should be the 25th Amendment"
!!We'll get him next time. And his little dog too. Does the traditional definition of insanity fit here?
In other news the House is taking up a national bill like AB5 in CA to get much needed money and votes from unions.
Bay Area Guy: "Need the loyal opposition else we get too cocky and lose everything."
We aren't talking about the "loyal opposition", we are discussing LLR-lefty Chuck.
Meade said...
Personal favorite call out: Tie between Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell.
Grassley was laughing his ass off. So was I.
Browndog: "Grassley was laughing his ass off. So was I."
So was everyone else, know who.
YoungHegelian said...
"325,000,000 gun owning armed Right"
I don't think there are that many right-wingers, or that many gun owners.
But yes, there is a significant contingent of well-armed Americans. That comforts me.
Oh, yeah - best week EVAH!! 😎
According to LLR-lefty Chuck, Lawfare and the entire dem caucus, Trump is now a Dictator/Emperor/King.
Therefore, Emperor Trump's First Edict should be to require Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi to walk up and down Pennsylvania in a sackcloth and sandwich board reading "Get Your Acme Impeachment Kit Information Here"
Has anyone recommended an Adam Schiff/Jonah Goldberg "Unity" ticket yet?
I thought the same thing. It was just incredible right from the beginning where he was just saying we, we, we. He did not take personal credit for anything. It was all about the team. And I think that's what the trump haters don't get about Trump is that he's a happy optimist and the people that hate him are mired in their own misery so that is completely alien to their world and they can't fight it effectively. Also they think he's stupid which is clearly not true
Oh dear, this speech has to be painful for the liberals in this country. I was just jousting with a liberal debate partner this week and they were convinced Trump would just quit after being "scarred by impeachment". This sure doesn't look like someone who as been scarred to me but like someone rejuvenated. Did the democrats not really see this coming after he was acquitted?
I think it was Iowahawk that tweeted back in 2016 "It is this part of the movie where the scientists finally understand that hitting Godzilla with atom bombs only makes him stronger"
"My favorite call out was The Penn State Wrestling team"
"Look at that guy. One day I’m looking, and he looks tough, and I’m looking at those ears, and I say, those ears have something going on there."
TRUMP: "I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotted deal by some very evil and sick people. And Ivanka is here, and my sons, and my whole family. And that includes Barron."
Well okay then. That includes Barron. Barron needed to hear about all that bullshit.
"Performance art" used to be the kind of thing a certain kind of attention-seeking lefty would do, sometimes with NEA money. Usually ignored by most, certainly no long-term impact.
Trump may be the most effective performance artist of them all--and the reactors don't even realize they're being drawn in.
Has anyone recommended an Adam Schiff/Jonah Goldberg "Unity" ticket yet?
OK, THAT's funny.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Well okay then. That includes Barron. Barron needed to hear about all that bullshit."
Yes he does. He needs to learn early on that there are racist child-attacking people such as yourself in the world and despite the Secret Service security, there is always a chance a LLR-lefty lunatic can get close enough to do serious damage.
"NPR: "My kids could make a fortune," Trump declared, but said, "It's corrupt." Trump's oldest sons are currently running the Trump family business.
There has been no evidence that the Bidens acted improperly with regards to Ukraine. Read a fact-check of their activities here."
No evidence? There was more evidence of the Bidens corrupton than Trump's.
So it seems like the left's fall back position after losing pretty much every round so far is to call Trump a liar.
Problem is its hard to tell someone who's cashing a paycheck for the first time in years that it's a lie.
As for understanding why our country honors its warriors, see the 2019 Midway movie. It tells the accurate history of a good USN Air Group Commander named Wade McClusky lead 32 pilot and rear gunner teams flying their Dauntless SBD dive bombers off The USS Enterprise and save the western half of the United States of America.
Meade: "Look at that guy. One day I’m looking, and he looks tough, and I’m looking at those ears, and I say, those ears have something going on there."
Trump knows an athlete with swollen ears from competition (wrestling, boxing, rugby, etc) when he sees one.
I must admit the moment reminded me of this...
I wonder if it was the event planned with two contingencies?
"Mon: Iowa Caucus -- botched!
Tues: SOTU -- Trump kills it, Nancy rips it.
Wed: Impeachment -- Acquittal!
And it's only Thursday!"
So true. I thought it couldn't get any better than the multi-day feast of schadenfreude I'd been gorging on. And than this. So. Very. Delicious.
"Liars and leakers and dirty cops"
Seemed familiar somehow...then, epiphany! "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Kinda rolls off the tongue..
Drago said...
Maddow blow up doll
2/6/20, 12:15 PM
Does that come in "poutty little school girl" or is it only available in "ambiguous gender"?
I was talking with an Army captain about theoretically invading the US, over beers at a party, and he said there were more guns in Wisconsin than in most national armies. He thought that if the US was conquered, it would be by some kind of extortion than didn’t involve actual invasion. But there would be little guarantee that the rank and file Americans would feel bound by any agreement our “leaders” made with a foreign power on such a matter. At that point our own army would have to be used to suppress any rebellions, and soldiers would have choices to make, which might change the balance of weaponry considerably.
There’s a novel or movie script for somebody.
Red Dawn, the fight was agains occupying Russian troops, highly unlikely. If the Chinese sent an army, half would defect as soon as they got onto America soil.
I thought today was going to be boring on the political front.
"Chuck said...
Well okay then. That includes Barron. Barron needed to hear about all that bullshit."
Wehavethemeats, you had better cool it on the Barron stuff. I mean you wouldn't want your ass kicked by a 13 year old, would you?
Jersey Fled: "Problem is its hard to tell someone who's cashing a paycheck for the first time in years that it's a lie."
I was trying to explain this to ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck the other day. Their task, as leftists, is to try and convince people who are earning more than they ever have in the past and have a more positive outlook on their future and current lifestyle that its all just a huge Trumpian lie. Not going to work.
In 2016 LLR-lefty Chuck, and all dems/far leftists like him, had the great unknown to wield as a political weapon to try and convince people not to go with Trump and the republicans.
Unfortunately for Chuck and ARM and the rest of the lefty morons, we now have 3+ years of the most successful and most conservative governance in the last 90 years.
hawkeyedjb - 325M guns, not 325M owners.
Chuck - the 25th amendment would require a two-thirds majority in both houses, and a majority of the cabinet, and Pence's approval.
President Trump thanked a couple of dozen people for their support during the #shampeachment, which would have been very boring done by anyone else, but he made every single introduction hilariously entertaining, all off the cuff. Never seen anything like it.
Todd, you should add "asking for a friend" after a question like that.
Fun fact: While the President called out Penn State wrestling, Jim Jordan was a two-time national champion wrestler at the University of Wisconsin. His sons and nephew also went on to wrestle for UW.
The word that kept coming up as he complimented them one by one was: "warrior." They were warriors — "friends in battle." What great spirit he found and amplified in that room!
Trump recognizes that he's very much in a war, and he projects the image of a group of happy warriors.
It's sort of sad that all Trump enemies still seem to fail to understand Trump. Since the acquittal I've heard over and over how his enemies will continue to try to remove Trump. They'll try to dig up something else, try to impeach again and again. Maybe the Southern District of New York will find something? But even if not, they'll keep trying.
But for some reason they still can't see that they've basically only made Trump stronger. And their endless resistance has transformed him into some sort of modern folk hero, beset on all sides, fighting for the common man against the forces of the deep state and the media elite. If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, then surely we're dealing with a depressingly large number of unhinged people.
Trump was right about one thing, he said by the time this event was over he’d outdo himself at the prayer breakfast, he certainly did.
Aunty Trump: "There’s a novel or movie script for somebody."
I think Kurt Schlicter has a series of novels that follow that plot line. 3 or 4 novels by now.
Aunty Trump: "Red Dawn, the fight was agains occupying Russian troops, highly unlikely. If the Chinese sent an army, half would defect as soon as they got onto America soil."
Against the Mexican Army, Cuban Army and the Russians in the first. Against the North Korean army in the terrible remake.
I remember seeing the original Red Dawn with some buddies of mine in a small theater in a town near one of the Naval Air Stations in Texas. 3 old timers were sitting behind our group and when the high schoolers first shot some russians in the mountains the entire theater full of younger people gave a roar of approval.
One of the old timers behind me said loudly to his pals so that I could hear: "I never thought I'd see American kids react that way again" (after the Nam era, no doubt).
I chalked it up to being the Reagan era when Reagan rescued, briefly, the republican party from the dems/lefties and LLR's.
Remember, it was the LLR-lefties who kept trying to take out the line "Mr Gorbachev, (stuff)..Tear down this wall!", but Reagan kept putting it back in.
Never trust a "LLR-lefty".
"Trump was right about one thing"
No, but even if he was, it would be one more than you have ever been right about.
The Dems are like the lady riding the tiger. They've pandered to the Marxists because they thought they could control them. I think they've unleashed passions they don't really understand. Most Dem pols don't really believe in anything except expanding their own power and enriching themselves. So they don't understand how fanatical the far left is.
I agree with this. Summer will be interesting
"Althouse: I noticed "And that includes Barron." It was odd, but the man was speaking ad lib for over an hour. One thing was worded oddly. I think it was obvious that what he meant was he wanted to express love for his family after all they had to endure, and especially for Barron, the youngest one."
I think you are overthinking this Althouse. I believe Trump said ""And that includes Barron." because he is his only "non-Adult" child, and normally wouldn't be there.
He also talked about how much they had gotten done if Democrats had approached his presidency in a cooperative manner. I'm so glad they didn't.
That's what I thought as well George.
readering said, "Listened to part of his speech on car radio. He's a loon."
And his opponents are all dodos.
I wonder, is Admiral Inga prepared to say she was wrong about Carter Page (Naval Academy graduate, Naval Intelligence Officer, and CIA asset who helped bring actual russian spies to justice in the US) being a russian spy?
How about it Inga?
The Inspector General and our own CIA and our own FBI now admit that Carter Page was never a russian spy and in fact played a key role in the capture and prosecution of 2 russian spies on US soil.
And yet you keep slandering him as a russian spy.
Now would be the time to take back your lies and admit your were wrong.
Right now in fact would be best.
Go ahead.
Didn't you say your daughter serves proudly as a Navy Chief? I would think if someone had a child serving in the military that person would be very careful indeed about smearing an honorably serving American Patriot as a spy.
But that would be a normal person.
Not you I guess.
There’s a novel or movie script for somebody.
Read "The People's Republic" by Kurt Schlicter
Wrestlers get cauliflower ears from heads banging heads. Their ears swell up twice normal size and never really look like original ears after they have healed.Hence wrestlers wear headgear which are ear protectors along with knee pads to lessen the nerve damage to the nerves over the knees. NB: Pro Wrestlers have no need for such protection because that is Choreographed fake wrestling.
"I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotten deal by some very evil and sick people, and Ivanka is here and my sons and my whole family. And that includes Barron who is up there as a young boy. Stand up, honey. Ivanka, thank you, honey. [Applause]"
It's one thing to state your point of view, and bring alternative facts to the discussion.
It's another to seed a discussion with negative energy for the sole purpose of souring everyone's mood.
Kinda like feeling good about a speech, then someone stands up and starts ripping it up.
CG: "I think you are overthinking this Althouse. I believe Trump said ""And that includes Barron." because he is his only "non-Adult" child, and normally wouldn't be there."
That's how it struck me.
Barron never attends these types of events but this one represents an occasion so momentous (the collapse of a 4 to 5 year hoax coup attempt) that the entire family was going to be their for posterity.
And so it was notable that Barron was there and was called out specifically to emphasize that.
One of Robert Mueller’s pivotal trial witnesses told the special prosecutor’s team in spring 2018 that a key piece of Russia collusion evidence found in Ukraine known as the “black ledger” was fabricated, according to interviews and testimony.
The ledger document, which suddenly appeared in Kiev during the 2016 U.S. election, showed alleged cash payments from Russian-backed politicians in Ukraine to ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
“The ledger was completely made up,” cooperating witness and Manafort business partner Rick Gates told prosecutors and FBI agents, according to a written summary of an April 2018 special counsel’s interview.
In a brief interview with Just the News, Gates confirmed the information in the summary. “The black ledger was a fabrication,” Gates said. “It was never real, and this fact has since been proven true.”
---- MORE ---
After gaining wide attention as purported evidence of Russian ties to the Trump campaign, the ledger was never introduced as evidence at Manafort’s 2018 trial or significantly analyzed in Mueller’s final 2019 report, which concluded that Trump did not collude with Russia to influence the 2016 election. No FBI 302 interview reports have been released either showing what the FBI concluded about the ledger.
So it was the DNC that demanded that Ukraine "make up dirt" against the Trump campaign.
Fake or not, New York Times printed it and the Trump campaign team was decapitated.
In other words, calling it bullshit was being polite.
Where’s Cuck to point out my errors?
"He did not take personal credit for anything. It was all about the team."
For an egotist, Trump spends a lot of time giving credit to others.
I noticed during the SOTU, while he talked about the accomplishments of his administration, he did not talk about himself much.
Compare to Obama. James Taranto used to track how many times Obama said "I" during speeches. It was in the hundreds, usually. Of course, Obama thought he was the best president, the best speechwriter, the best of the best.
But Trump's the narcissistic one?
This might not be the right place to post this, but it seems like the gang is all here and I didn't want to lose this.
Re: the Iowa app
" A team of researchers at Stanford University, including former Facebook chief security officer Alex Stamos and students Jack Cable, Pierce Lowary, and Alex Zaheer, said that while analyzing the app, they found potentially concerning code within it, including hard-coded API keys."
As I understand it, an API key allows direct access to the underlying database. Besides being a welcome mat for hackers, it ALLOWS ANYONE WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE API TO CHANGE WHAT'S IN THE DATABASE, IN THIS CASE THE RESULTS.
Maybe software experts here can comment.
I see on Twitter that Trump antagonists are jumping on him for saying...
You know how when you watch some ceremony involving a foreign culture, US television often adds a cultural expert to the commentary to calmly explain what is happening to Dan Rather or the other clueless network talking head? Since they refuse to be educated they could at least hire a few deplorables to sit beside them and calmly explain to them just what the hell it is they're looking at....
Now I’m wondering, does the whole family include Tiffany?
Sorry, meant to link this, where the New York Times published the made up dirt from Ukraine solicited by the DNC.
BTW, did I mention that Ciaramella met with the guy who helpfully provided the made up dirt to the DNC in the White House, per DNC logs?
Browndog: "Kinda like feeling good about a speech, then someone stands up and starts ripping it up"
I, on the other hand, cheered the speech and then doubly cheered Pelosi's clearly staged non-spontaneous moronic flip-out.
The far left has captured the minds of the dem leaders and Nancy is finding out she has to feed the twitter-mob-mentality every single day.
Every. Single. Day.
The lefty mob appetite for woke-y attacks on opponents is insatiable.
At least Chuck didn't libel Barron today. Chuck is our poster boy for the c-suckers Trump was talking about.
For >30 years I've heard the concept of a President growing in office. I've always understood it as a President learning how to effectively manage the biggest organization on earth while working with two counter-balancing checks on the Presidency.
I saw what 9/11 did to GW though, which was a mixture of good and bad growth. It wasn't better for the country long-term and encouraged some terrible decisions.
I saw what Obama's success and plaudits did to him, which was to encourage him but also reduce his self-criticism. It wasn't better for the country long-term
Trump though is a whole different animal. His growth is coming through as becoming more effective, building more allies, and actually accomplishing some major things....all while he's actually slightly less rough around the edges than when he started. It's kind of incredible. And I can't sit here and say anything I've seen him do is worse for the country or puts us at increased long-term risk - quite the opposite thus far.
I have to thank the democrats. If they had worked with him from the beginning, he may have been more prone to deal-making and compromise and been a far softer president. Instead he's been forced to lead through the toughest positions.
"Now I’m wondering, does the whole family include Tiffany?”
YOu do realize that pretending not to understand normal. human expression just robs you of any credibility outside of everybody who already agrees with you and have made the same mental compromise.
"The banned Chuck commenting is not the problem. We can just scroll by them.The many commenters that can't help from quoting Chuck and arguing with his straw men is a multiplying problem. "
Disagree. Each retort is a well deserved dagger to the heart .
Hatred of Trump is not Chuck's main problem. Chuck, like Hillary, cannot accept defeat. Chuck predicted over and over and over again that if Trump won the nomination, the country would be destroyed.
Then, after being ridiculed for that after the primaries, Chuck hoped to restore his standing as a political expert by predictict horrendous loss to Hillary.
When that prediction only produced more laughter and humiliation, Chuck went with more false predictions.
Eventually, Chuck is reduced to attacking Trumps character because the country is doing great due to the fantastic wonderfullness of the Trump administration and in spite of the lefts interference.
Personally, I used to enjoy engaging Chuck in hopes of triggering him into middle school type responses. Not gonna lie, was fun at times.
However, when Chuck acknowledged in a comment here being "on the spectrum", I backed off.
Occasionally, I feel others take advantage of Chucks condition, but who am I to judge?
Because the anti-American democrats used to respect people’s children. Democrat and their propaganda arms do not.
Focus on teen Barron? Really?
Each retort is a well deserved dagger to the heart
Try a wooden stake.
A hard coded API key in a React App can be discovered by taking the APK (thats the actual Shadow Program itself) and unpacking it. Unlike an executable file (.exe), those types of apps are not compiled. They are coded with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. So you can download the apk, unpack it, and read the code.
The API key gives you access to the database they use on the server side. So yes, with the api key, you can in just a few minutes be changing the results on the server.
I teach at
"Maybe software experts here can comment.”
Likely the kinds of shortcuts that inexperienced people pressed for time take. It’s less work, because they would have to have some routine to securely produce the key when they needed it. Not saying that’s any excuse for it, but I have seen stuff like that done in code as an intermediate stage, and if QC was not good, it could slip out. Especially with a hard timetable like the date of a caucus.
Or it could have been planted. You can’t rule that out.
readering said...
Focus on teen Barron? Really?"
Focus? Trump mentioned him. Once.
You people are ridiculous.
"Focus on teen Barron? Really?”
That was Trump’s point, that you guys even dragged Barron into it.
It would be a lot easier to leak some kind of credential and endpoint, and a lot less obvious though.
TreeJoe: "I have to thank the democrats. If they had worked with him from the beginning, he may have been more prone to deal-making and compromise and been a far softer president. Instead he's been forced to lead through the toughest positions."
Dems AND LLR-lefties/NeverTrump.
Had any of them given Trump room they could easily have cut some 50/50 deals with him.
However, the potential for exposing years of the most massive corruption of our law enforcement and intelligence tools for democrat partisan purposes was too much of a threat to the establishment and so Trump had to be destroyed.
But a funny thing happened on the way to The Railroading of Donald J Trump.....they lost. And lost again. And now have lost again.
The entire Federal govt weaponized to destroy a single individual and his family......and they fail.
Ponder that.
Apparently, it's now inappropriate for Trump to even mention Barron during an event.
Note: readering thinks he/she/xe is a "reasonable" person.........
Re: the Iowa app
The Dems had used fraudulent vote counting software before in several States--software that allowed the final percentages to be entered before election day and produced running vote totals that equaled the selected percentages with a random fuzziness (high and low) until the end. In other words, the real votes weren't being counted, except the grand total for all candidates along with the individual totals that came in during the night. There were YouTube videos on that including efforts various group made to impound the machines and examine the code. Spoilers: Local judges always delayed taking the machines into custody until city trucks could replace the equipment during the night--which they had video of.
As I understand it, an API key allows direct access to the underlying database. Besides being a welcome mat for hackers, it ALLOWS ANYONE WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE API TO CHANGE WHAT'S IN THE DATABASE, IN THIS CASE THE RESULTS.
Yeah, that's pretty bad if true. Generally you don't want to allow access with a single hard coded key that never changes like that. I don't know if such a feature was incompetence or malfeasance, but given all the scrutiny and importance of security around the electoral process, it seems to me that you'd have to be god tier level of stupid to choose to include API keys in an election app like that.
Meade said...
Some say Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck should be banned again and this time for a longer period of time. I don't know. I suppose he fills a purpose here. But some say he doesn't.
2/6/20, 1:10 PM
Has he gotten all creepy on Althouse again? That would deserve another ban. And Drago is not punctuating all of his good comments. So yeah, maybe he does serve a purpose. For now.
"The banned Chuck commenting is not the problem. We can just scroll by them.The many commenters that can't help from quoting Chuck and arguing with his straw men is a multiplying problem. "
"Disagree. Each retort is a well deserved dagger to the heart ."
Trolls absolutely thrive on getting responses. I mean it's the class bully when you were in school that your mom told you to ignore and your dad told you fight back. But what works for school doesn't work in the comment section. Chuck is not going to constantly escalate things to the point where he gets physical and if you don't fight him you actually will get hurt. You can ignore him and escape all personal injury but you do harm to him through ignoring him. So, to sum it up, internet bullies your mom was right, real life bullies your dad is right
Mon: Iowa Caucus -- botched!
Tues: SOTU -- Trump kills it, Nancy rips it.
Wed: Impeachment -- Acquittal!
And it's only Thursday!"
So true. I thought it couldn't get any better than the multi-day feast of schadenfreude I'd been gorging on. And than this. So. Very. Delicious.
The hits keep coming this glorious week: The Iowa caucus (partial) results show that Liz Warren is in 5th place in Pocahontas County, Iowa.
5th Place? You know your campaign is floundering, if you can't even win your home town.
FISA warrants - just sloppy work and bad procedures. No intent.
Hard coded API codes - just sloppy work and bad QC. No intent.
The headline of Kurt Schlicter's new article sums things up quite nicely:
"Three Glorious Days of Democrat Agony"
Annie C: "And Drago is not punctuating all of his good comments."
Mea Culpa.
final call, chuck:
BTW, looks like the Treasury Dept has already handed over documents regarding Hunter Biden to Charles Grassley and Ron Johnson.
Don't worry LLR-lefty Chuck and Inga.
I'm sure Hunter has done absolutely nothing wrong. Pure as the driven snow really. So, nothing to worry about, eh?
He emphasized "Barron", not "baron", in order to gently diffuse confusion that implicated his son, foreign emoluments, and titles of nobility. Just some good natured ribbing of activists that were defused in an early-term witch hunt.
Drago said...
Apparently, it's now inappropriate for Trump to even mention Barron during an event.
Brett Baier (Fox News) said it was inappropriate for Trump to do what he did today from the White House, but not illegal.
Fine for Trump to mention his minor child. Crazy for that to be one of few main things commented on by others. But you knew that.
Had they given the app to Homeland Security, like they should have, for testing, rather than relying on “third party testing”...
Was that a lie too? About the third party testing? Or was it tested by another “connected" firm? I might start calling the Democrats, “the Outfit."
readering: "Fine for Trump to mention his minor child."
According to Team Dem, apparently not. I suggest you take it up with your side.
Or don't.
No one cares.
Oh, TikTok, Steve Scalise is a survivor... another one.
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