On February 4, Simon & Schuster published Rage Baking: The Transformative Power of Flour, Fury, and Women’s Voices.... Then, on February 14, blogger and baker Tangerine Jones published an essay on Medium titled “The Privilege of Rage,” outlining how she coined the phrase “rage baking” back in 2015, and watched as Alford and Gunst’s book was published to great acclaim as her work went unacknowledged. Jones, a black woman, wrote that “Being black in America means you’re solid in the knowledge that folks don’t give a true flying fuck about you or anyone who looks like you,” and that she turned to baking as a form of self care. In 2015, she started posting online with the hashtag #ragebaking, and started the @ragebaking Instagram account in the summer of 2016....I'm trying to understand how Tangerine Jones feels, and here's what I come up with. What if some men — without so much as mentioning me — put out a book titled "Cruel Neutrality: The Transformative Power of Blogging, Brutality, and the Detached Voice," and the authors were raking in money and doing TV appearances and their names replaced mine on a Google search on "cruel neutrality":
“There are huge consequences when [black women] express our rage because we’re seen as threatening,” [Jones] said in an email, even noting that her post likely wouldn’t have been as popular “if I wasn’t code switching and couching my profound disappointment and anger in ‘eloquent’ ways.”
I don't mind seeing Taylor Swift's name on "my" page, but it would irk me if some men — I made them men to approximate Jones's racial grievance — took my phrase and monetized it, fame-a-tized it. I'd be irked. But I wouldn't think, this is how the world marginalizes people like me. So I'm not getting the full Tangerine Jones effect.
ADDED: The authors of "Rage Baking" are giving some of their profits to "Emily’s List, an organization dedicated to electing pro-choice Democrat women to office, and though Jones dismisses." It's interesting the way rage is becoming part of the Democratic Party brand. I searched for the phrase "rage baking" in the NYT archive, and I found "I Misjudged the Gender Effect/The Sanders-Warren spat looked as if it’d blow over. Instead it’s fueled the 'electability' debate" (a column by Lisa Lerer from a month ago):
Sure, the energy of the first Women’s March, the #MeToo movement and the historic number of women who won congressional seats in 2018 is still alive — or at least available for purchase. Books like “Rage Baking” urge women to use “sugar and sass” as political protest, as pink hats march down runways and designers sell $400 “resistance” sweaters. But it’s not translating into support for the remaining women in the Democratic primary....Yes, before investing too deeply in rage, get some clarity about whether rage works. It might work to get somebody flinging flour around the kitchen and gobbling cookies — let's face it, "rage baking" comes from "rage eating," and most baking is for eating — but that doesn't mean we want rage at the center of presidential politics.
AND: Some people in the comments are making fun of the name Tangerine, but Tangerine is a fantastic name. I don't think there's anyone famous named Tangerine, but there are 2 great songs about a woman named Tangerine. There's the 1941 Johnny Mercer song "Tangerine" (listen here to Chet Baker and Paul Desmond... wait, that was great, but there's no singing, so here's Frank Sinatra):
Tangerine, she is all they claimAnd Led Zeppelin had their "Tangerine"! Listen here. The lyrics are a noticeably inferior to the Johnny Mercer song, but still.... Led Zeppelin!
With her eyes of night and lips as bright as flame
Tangerine, when she dances by
Senoritas stare and caballeros sigh
And I've seen toasts to Tangerine
Raised in every bar across the Argentine
Yes, she has them all on the run
But her heart belongs to just one
Her heart belongs to Tangerine
Tangerine, she is all they say
With mascara'd eye and chapeaux by Dache
Tangerine, with her lips of flame
If the color keeps, Louis Philippe's to blame
And I've seen clothes on Tangerine
Where the label says "From Macy's Mezzanine"
Yes, she's got the guys in a whirl
But she's only fooling one girl
She's only fooling Tangerine
Tangerine, Tangerine
Living reflection from a dream
I was her love, she was my queen
And now a thousand years in between
Thinking how it used to be
Does she still remember times like these?
To think of us again
And I do
Awww, get yer biscuits in the oven and yer buns in bed.
LeBron James sure makes a lot of money considering that nobody gives a fork about him.
I coined the term hate fuck.
So now she's baked raging.
“Being black in America means you’re solid in the knowledge that folks don’t give a true flying fuck about you or anyone who looks like you,”
I'd argue that that's not necessarily a uniquely black American experience. Generally most people outside of your friends and immediate family don't give a fly expletive about you. Nor should you expect them to.
Do black parents think they’re doing their kids any favors by giving them these stupid names? Granted, it’s not Laquishida. But it’s not much better.
Remember when Trump tried to trademark “You’re fired!” Did that really happen or am I just misremembering?
And that's the problem. And it's the problem with a huge number of people who prefer to view themselves as a member of a club, instead of individuals. "“Being black in America means you’re solid in the knowledge that folks don’t give a true flying fuck about you or anyone who looks like you,”
Here's a tip on how the world works: No one gives a true flying fuck about any of us. Period. Except maybe your family and a few friends- and that how it's supposed to be.
And that's it. You think way too much of yourself and your race if you think people are sitting around working on ways to ignore you or keep you down. Everyone on the planet is just too busy trying to get through this thing themselves. Some do it better than others. Some start from a better place than others. That's life. Don't like it? Change your life yourself. It happens everyday. Live your own life for you. And for your loved ones. And get out of your own head. YOU are keeping you down. Except now you appear to be a celebrity. So...how'd that happen?
Rolling pins are traditional for women rage.
Tangerine - I actually like it. Probably gets shortened to "tang" or "rine" or "TG" - its better than "apple", because tangerine has an exotic quality. I just hope she's not so "full of rage" she's spitting into the food.
J. Farmer: "Granted, it’s not Laquishida."
Or LaTreena.
Well, the names may be stupid, but at least they aren't White.
are her recipes any good, that's what matters.
The less Racism we have, the more people talk about it. Its a well-known phenomenon of the Left. Talk of "Counter-revolutionaries" and "Wreckers" reached its height in the 1930s under Stalin and the 1960s under Mao. All the bourgeoisie had been murdered or thrown in Gulags, but the Left still needs an enemy.
Her heart belongs to Tangerine
A lot of black people have names like Jackson, Williams, Johnson, Washington, and Lincoln, etc. In order to differentiate and stand out, the first names need to have some pizzazz. I don't see the problem.
Is it worse when men steal women's ideas or vice versa or does it matter?
Leaven of Malice, published in 1954, is the second novel in The Salterton Trilogy by Canadian novelist Robertson Davies.
Rolling pins and frying pans.
Madame Defarge invented "hate knitting," but an Englishman named Dickens stole it.
I'm sure there are a lot of people who think they are first to say or do something but didn't get credit for it. Maybe it's timing. Maybe the person who came later is better at presenting the idea or put in the effort needed to make it get attention.
It could be racism or sexism, but the problem is, people who don't put in the effort to make something work will also claim failure due to racism or sexism, so you can't tell any more.
I prefer happy baking, anyway.
Many women get into "hate housecleaning", otherwise known as the Mad Cleanies.
Sounds like a Trademark issue. The USPTO has been granting hashtag #TMs for a few years now (https://www.americanbar.org/groups/intellectual_property_law/publications/landslide/2016-17/november-december/full-court-press-hashtag-trademarks/).
Tangerine Jones should have trademarked #RageBaking.
By the way, the book uses a different hashtag, #RageBakers (not Baking), and you can find their hashtag as early as in the introduction page xv.
But for whatever reason, they chose to title their book Rage Baking (not Bakers). And thus Ms. Jones', well, rage. If Tangerine Jones had registered a trademark, she may have been able to force the authors to title their book differently.
Someone should really write a law review article on "Critical Race Theory as an Alternative Intellectual Property Enforcement Mechanism to the Lanham Act" or maybe something more European like "Author's Natural Rights as IP Reparations"
Many years ago, I invented skateboard deck rails. I was in junior high and I wanted my skateboard deck to slide further on coping, so I cut up an old hardwood board into strips and attached them to the bottom of my plywood board. It worked up to a point. I didn't refine it or market it, I just had fun with it. Eventually I quit skateboarding.
Twenty-some years later I allowed my son to drag me to a skateboard shop and lo and behold there were decks with rails everywhere! Somebody else had the same idea and successfully refined and marketed it. Just because you coined a term or even invented something doesn't mean you own that idea. There's more to do.
Here's a tip on how the world works:
Most if not all racist activists seem to think like children, that the world should revolve around them and their mostly imaginary concerns.
narciso said...
are her recipes any good, that's what matters.
2/21/20, 9:35 AM
I'm guessing they're on the bitter side.
Lots of white people are named Jackson, Williams, Johnson, Smith and Jones. How often do you meet a Laquishida Smith of pallor?
When I was growing up every third boy was named 'Mike' and all the girls in my school were named 'Mary' 'Laura' or 'Cheryl.' Somehow we managed.
Jones is HANGRY! Burn down your kitchen while rage roasting, Tangerine, that’ll learn ‘em!
I don't want to eat anything produced by rage baking.
It's about as appealing as a moldy Whopper.
The thing with rage baking is that it leads to rage eating and pillsburydoughboyism...
Has she considered trying rage making me a sammich? I suspect that would make her feel better...
Do you give a flying fuck about the hundreds of thousands of black babies killed every year?
Do you give a flying fuck about discipline in the schools in your area and the impossibility of learning without discipline?
Do you give a flying fuck about the forty per cent of young black guys who are not finishing high school in all the major cities in the US?
Do you give a flying fuck about the loss of manufacturing jobs which employ people without high school degrees?
Do you give flying fuck about the collapse of the black family when the guys can't get jobs?
Do you give a flying fuck about the struggles of black single women? Yes, you do. And you vote. For all of the above. Year after year. You vote for the party that has controlled the big cities where these things happen. You keep that party in power.
Do you give a flying fuck about the hundreds of thousands of black babies killed every year?
Do you give a flying fuck about the hundreds of thousands of black babies killed every year?
Do you give a flying fuck about discipline in the schools in your area and the impossibility of learning without discipline?
Do you give a flying fuck about the forty per cent of young black guys who are not finishing high school in all the major cities in the US?
Do you give a flying fuck about the loss of manufacturing jobs which employ people without high school degrees?
Do you give flying fuck about the collapse of the black family when the guys can't get jobs?
Do you give a flying fuck about the struggles of black single women? Yes, you do. And you vote. For all of the above. Year after year. You vote for the party that has controlled the big cities where these things happen. You keep that party in power.
Do you give a flying fuck about the hundreds of thousands of black babies killed every year?
There are huge consequences when [black women] express our rage because we’re seen as threatening...
Did you ever consider that it might be the rage, an not your race or gender, that make you seem threatening?
And what, exactly, are these huge consequences? Are you killed? Beaten? Imprisoned?
Or is the huge consequence simply that people choose to avoid you because they find you unpleasant?
The authors of "Rage Baking" are giving some of their profits to "Emily’s List, an organization dedicated to electing pro-choice Democrat women
A bun in the oven. A child planned.
An idea as moronic as rage baking should be left to the 75-IQ set, but I suppose there’s money to be made with almost any trendy-and-woke stupidity.
I thought Tangerine Dream would have been a good name for a flower child but it's the name of a German new wave/electronica group what scored Risky Business (one of rehajm's favorite movies!) and recently Stranger Things
Don't be so concerned with what people think of you. Most likely they don't think about you at all.
Anger is the most basic human emotion, so we see it as indicia of authenticity. But anger needs something to make it a positive force: a self control that keeps one thinking chess moves Ahead while using the controlled adrenaline . Anger in the flight or fight reaction picks fight, carefully. Jesus approves of anger, but says get over it before sundown.
That is why our enemies want us disarmed. They fear a counter attack.
The Johnny Mercer melody was used in a series of 1976 commercials for Figurine diet bars, presumptuously called Figurine Diet Meals. I can still sing the song.
That is why our enemies want us disarmed.
Disarmed, disembowled, beheaded, and baked, too. First, they came for the babies... Fetal-Americans.
Of course she hates the idea that people don’t give a fuck about her. Scratch a paranoid and you’ll find a narcissist. That was the true power of SNL’s “White Like Me” sketch by Eddie Murphy — the idea that white people constructed their whole lives about screwing black people. It’s the idea that everyone who gets a sales job in a department store has a meeting where the boss tells them: “OK, here’s how it works: whenever a black person walks into your area you either ignore them, so it looks like you think they can’t afford anything, or you follow them around so it looks like you think they might steal something. Screw your commissions, that’s just how we do things here.”
I imagine there's some leftie law firm what spits out these terms. There's a conference table with some two sided dice full of words they roll to match for woke phrases like spirit cooking and toxic masculinity.
An idea as moronic as rage baking should be left to the 75-IQ set, but I suppose there’s money to be made with almost any trendy-and-woke stupidity.
'Race' to Dinner: white women paying $2500 for two women of color to come harangue them about how horribly racist they are
The rager I bake, the larger I loom.
Anger is the most basic human emotion, so we see it as indicia of authenticity. But anger needs something to make it a positive force: a self control that keeps one thinking chess moves Ahead while using the controlled adrenaline
Controlling male aggression is one of the most important things society does. But, I think I'd nominate "fear" as the most basic human emotion.
" It’s the idea that everyone who gets a sales job in a department store has a meeting where the boss tells them: “OK, here’s how it works: whenever a black person walks into your area you either ignore them, so it looks like you think they can’t afford anything, or you follow them around so it looks like you think they might steal something. Screw your commissions, that’s just how we do things here.”"
I once worked in a store where we were told: If a black person comes into your department, call security.
white women paying $2500 for two women of color to come harangue them
Flagellation to realize spiritual progress. A lightweight, sadomasochistic cult.
Who would eat the product of "rage baking". Is "rage baking" like "rage driving", where an ex-wife or girlfriend drives over an ex in a parking lot.
"I once worked in a store..."
The store... a department store... hasn't been around since the 70s, but somehow I still hate to name them. I'll just say it rhymed with "tits."
"...but Tangerine Jones, a black woman who began using the phrase 'rage baking' years ago..."
Hmm. A little too aggressive for me, Ms. Jones. How ''bout "rage sandwich making" as a compromise?
It was like "stop and frisk." The same kind of reasoning.
Black women have among the highest self-esteems in the country. It is understandable that when the world refuses to acknowledge their fabulosity, they melt down.
But Althouse, that was then, this is now.
Another book I'd never consider reading.
"Some do it better than others. Some start from a better place than others. That's life. Don't like it? Change your life yourself. It happens everyday. Live your own life for you."
Good thing you didn't mention "bootstraps", I hear that is triggering.
She is right though, no one gives a flying eff about her, personally. Plenty of folks trying to gin up some outrage though.
Harry Connick Jr. recorded a version of “Tangerine”, and included “figurine” in the lyrics.
Tangerine Jones does sound like the name of character in an R. Crumb comic.
“Being black in America means you’re solid in the knowledge that folks don’t give a true flying fuck about you or anyone who looks like you,”
Has nothing to do with being black. This is true for 330+million americans. The only person who gives a crap about you is you (and maybe some family members & friends). What was stopping her from pursuing the publishing of her theme and ideas? This kind of thing happens all the time where others see good ideas promulgated by people and run with it on monetizing the idea.
Same with Althouse....she could pursue monetizing "Cruel Neutrality". Would she be pissed if someone monetized her idea. Sure, but it's really a mixture of being mad at yourself for not grabbing onto the idea like someone else did.
Maybe for her next gig, Tangerine Jones could stsr in a remake of 70s Black Exploitation flick, Cleopatra Jones .
The 70s were rockin', man.
Jones may have a legit reason to feel unappreciated, but her race and sex had nothing to do with it. The people who took her idea without attribution would have taken it from anybody.
Without plagiarism there cannot be culture.
How is this about being black and/or female?? Taking someone else's idea and running with it is 100% normal human behavior; going out of your way to give credit/share profits is rare. My son-in-law is making a decent living by developing products (mostly novelties) and selling on Amazon. The minute that his product starts to sell, it is copied by others. He's trademarked some names and even those tend to get stolen. He's not a black female. If I were Tangerine of course I'd be super-pissed that my idea was being monetized by someone else but why can't she see that this is not specific to her race and sex?
“Being black in America means you’re solid in the knowledge that folks don’t give a true flying fuck about you or anyone who looks like you,”
We tell our kids that there is a line of 6 billion people out the door who don't give a flying fuck about you; we will have your back until we die. And in the Hereafter, if it's permitted.
Granted that basic emotions after birth are fear of falling and loud sounds. But they are second to anger for feeding now, and after about 20 months for anger for refusing the commands the child makes. That one must be socialized by age 5 or all hope is lost. Ergo: avoid Montessori scams.
Jones may have a legit reason to feel unappreciated, but her race and sex had nothing to do with it. The people who took her idea without attribution would have taken it from anybody.
Tangerine Jones in Fritz the Cat...
I prefer happy baking, anyway.
I sometimes bake to relieve stress. Nothing undoes stress like eating a Chocolate Chip cookie warm from the oven.
Tangerine sounds like she view too much of her world through the prism of her blackness. The Human Condition is very much the same everywhere, and like others have said: Most people don't care about you. Some might hate you for what you are, or what you represent -- the best strategy is to ignore them, because they don't matter. (Best example: Trump, and Democrats).
I did a Google Trends search on "rage baking" here (sadly, I can't figure out how to include the quotes in the href. So the results you get are for every time the words "rage" and "baking" were in a query. It you edit the query to "rage baking", you'll see there were 11 searches for the term June 4-10, 2017, and that's pretty much it until the book came out.
Is there any actual reason to believe that Tangerine actually popularized the term?
She should probably lay off the pastries anyway.
Bake Against the Machine
Being black in America means you’re solid in the knowledge that folks don’t give a true flying fuck about you or anyone who looks like you,” and that she turned to baking as a form of self care
I see it as a big positive that people don't give a flying fuck about me. That way they won't try to run my life.
Maybe there is a clue about modern Black culture in this tidbit.
Does this mean Ann will be pissed when my bodice ripper featuring a sadistic Swiss spy, "Cruel Neutrality" comes out next month? I'm already exploring optioning it out to Netflix.
Is RAGE same as INDIGNATION (any relation to indignity?)= righteous anger
I did a Google Trends search on "rage baking" here (sadly, I can't figure out how to include the quotes in the href.
W/o quotes there are discrete refs in 2007,8,9.; with quotes there's a ref in 2004, which is obviously some kind of error. With [+rage +baking] there's a continuum of answers, so w/o quotes it means the phrase "rage baking", as in ngram, where the quotes are assumed.
"rage baking" vs rage baking.
The secret ingredient is bile.
So, @Fernandistein is there any reasonable evidence that Tangerine actually did popularize the term?
Rather than she used it, someone else used it, and she's whining because they did a better job popularizing it than she did?
I really would like to know
“I once worked in a store”: These days if you were ever fired from that job you could files suit claiming it was in retaliation for your opposing racist policies and subpoena every other employee who got the same talk. The store would not look good. In fact if you got a couple more employees to oppose the policy (while still employed) you could say it was concerted action protected by the NLRA.
"I'm trying to understand how Tangerine feels . . ." See, Prof, that's why you're a good person and a good blogger. The rest of us don't give a flying fuck.
I made them men to approximate Jones's racial grievance
Interesting you didn't go with black women, to approximate Jone's racial grievance.
Rage is not attractive to me, and I don't know why so many people these days glory in their own rage, and want everyone to celebrate their rage.
I'm trying to think of who picks up a book called "rage baking", except as kind of a gift for someone you think has too much rage.
The moral of the story is: don't "bake" while raging, drunk, confused, etc.
I know a guy who
reminds me of Trump
he’s never changing
the color of his skin
he don’t use nothing
that you buy at the store
he likes his skin to
be real orange
he uses tangerines
her bake is worse than her bite...
...I bet.
That's a link to the hashtag "rage baking", which has only 800 posts.
I would also say, it's too bad Tangerine didn't think to write up a book proposal, or copyright the term. Look at Kobe Bryant. He had already trademarked "Mambacita". He was thinking ahead.
Many of the 800 #ragebaking posts are pictures of the cookbooks. So....
For a short time after high school in the eary '70s, my wife worked a department store in downtown Philly that had a name that rhymed the same way (8th and Market, for any townies here).
She worked in the sewing department. Never got The Talk. Maybe they didn't have a big problem with bolts of cloth being shoplifted.
I used to work in Chicago in a department store
I used to work in Chicago. I don't work there anymore.
Many of the 800 #ragebaking posts are pictures of the cookbooks. So...
A marketing campaign dressed in a social campaign undressed.
"I'm trying to understand how Tangerine Jones feels, and here's what I come up with. What if some men — without so much as mentioning me — put out a book titled 'Cruel Neutrality: The Transformative Power of Blogging, Brutality, and the Detached Voice,' and the authors were raking in money and doing TV appearances and their names replaced mine on a Google search on 'cruel neutrality.' "
And also, those men were big shots in publishing or social media or marketing and they claimed they researched the phrase and found it was a generic movement. But they are willing to mention you and your favorite charities if there is another edition.
Do black parents think they’re doing their kids any favors by giving them these stupid names? Granted, it’s not Laquishida. But it’s not much better.
She needs to step it up and add some apostrophes and hyphens to that name. Use the term "black and brown bodies" and woke white people will be Instagramming the fuck out of pictures of themselves holding your book.
A recent home invasion murder here in Philadelphia (in other words, a day that ends in Y) took the life of Lexus Laquanda something or other.
Tangerine Jones is an amazing name.
Interesting that 2 others have already mentioned Figurines. A commercial that can be remembered after 45 years is pretty remarkable. Yes, I can still sing the song.
[He:] Tangerine, she is all they claim
With her eyes of night and lips as bright as flame
Tangerine, when she dances by, senoritas stare and caballeros sigh
And I've seen toasts to Tangerine
Raised in every bar across the Argentine
Yes, she has them all on the run, but her heart belongs to just one
Her heart belongs to Tangerine
[She:] Tangerine, she is all they say
With mascara'd eye and chapeaux by Dache.
Tangerine, with her lips of flame
If the color keeps, Louis Philippe's to blame.
And I've seen clothes on Tangerine
Where the label says "From Macy's Mezzanine".
Yes, she's got the guys in a whirl, but she's only fooling one girl
She's only fooling Tangerine!
-- Lyrics by Mercer John H, Schertzinger Victor
-- Recorded by Frank Sinatra, 1941
WaPo has a handy interactive to demonstrate how difficult it will be for any candidate to win on the first ballot.
Unrelated: Hillary Movie premiers for four installments starting March 6, ( 3 days after any super Tuesday chaos...)
>>When I was growing up every third boy was named 'Mike'
Still true of the Althouse commenters.
I usually completely agree with J. Farmer, but oranges make great names. Tangerine, Honeybell, Valencia, Clementine, Satsuma.
Maybe Navel. Maybe not.
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