February 3, 2020

Sunrise, 7:17.


Actual sunrise time, 7:12.

This is 7:09:



Yancey Ward said...

I wish I had something witty to put in the first comment.

Iman said...

Beautiful! Partly cloudy at Laguna Beach, the Sun is shining and the water goes from bright, shimmering white to silver. Air temp is 57 degrees.

Fernandinande said...

Here's the new Britannic passport with which the Express.co.uk supposedly got pranked; as always, check the fine print.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Weinstein didn't castrate himself.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...


tcrosse said...

Now that his Mom is dead, it's safe for Bill Kristol to Come Out as a Democrat.

Jaq said...


gadfly said...

"[The Iowa Caucus] . . . reminded me of something I’d . . . seen on YouTube: grindadrĂ¡p, a centuries-old community organized whale hunt practiced annually in the Faroe Islands, when the animals are driven out of the North Atlantic into shallow bays and then beached and bludgeoned with clubs, or stabbed with gaffs until the water runs red. Both events were dynamic, homespun, an exercise of tradition, a visual spectacle—yet archaic and totally disturbing. How do these things happen in the 21st century? Could what I witnessed in Des Moines really be the best way to kick off the selection of the next Leader of the Free World?" ~ Clint Hendler

traditionalguy said...

Sekulow just gave them hell, in a lawyerly way. His talent is very valuable.

Curious George said...

Back to back 40+F and sunny.

Drago said...

Aunty Trump: "https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/774503/Nexit-more-than-half-Dutch-voters-follow-Brexit-leave-EU-Wilders-poll"

It should not be forgotten that the Dutch voted against the EU constitution in 2005 with a massive majority of 61% voting against.

This was just days after the French voted by a significant majority to reject the EU constitution.

What did the EU bureaucrats do? Shoved it down the throats of the French and Dutch anyway.

In precisely the same way the Remoaners et al attempted to undo the Brexit referendum...in precisely the same way our own democrats and LLR's have spent 3+ years attempting to undo the 2016 election which continues to this day.

By the way, if you want to listen to Boris' terrific speech from earlier today where he basically told Michel Barnier and the rest of that horrific EU crew that he was not going to allow the EU punks to dictate a "level field" onto the Brits during the upcoming negotiations, here you go:


It's pretty good.

Globalists/democrats/leftists/socialists/LLR's hardest hit, as always.

BarrySanders20 said...

So today is the anniversary of The Day The Music Died in that plane crash in Iowa.

Several somebodies' campaign music will die tonight in a crash and burn.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

"Sekulow just gave them hell, in a lawyerly way. His talent is very valuable."

Schiff is giving them reflux, in a lawyerly way. :)

Shouting Thomas said...

My weekly hymn.

How Great Thou Art .

Otto said...

Let's take a vote :
Will Ann vote for Trump?
I say no

eddie willers said...

Rush Limbaugh just announced he has advanced lung cancer. Sad.

traditionalguy said...

That was really great singing , ST. The sound of a strong man singing Christian Hymns makes my soul sing. The only criticism we usually get is about singing too loud.

That great Protestant song of faith was written in Swedish and translated into a German Baptist's favorite that was then translated into Russian from whence it made it into English and the theme song of Billy Graham's Radio show. But the faith in the lyrics remains eternal.

rhhardin said...

Rush can start a meth lab.

Nonapod said...

I believe that Rush was a pretty heavy smoker for many, many years but quit a while ago (maybe like 20 years ago now?). I think he still smoked cigars quite a bit, whether he inhaled or not I don't know.

rhhardin said...

It means more Mark Steyn, which is good.

viator said...

Wuhan Coronavirus mole hill or mountain?

eddie willers said...

I believe that Rush was a pretty heavy smoker for many, many years but quit a while ago

George HW Bush was still president when I started listening to him and it was "formerly nicotine stained fingers" even then.

walter said...

No, this isn't "how it's done":
Rick Wilson
I just heard the news that Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer. I’m going to show you how this should be done: I wish Rush a speedy and complete recovery from his cancer. Human being pro-tip: don’t wish cancer on *anyone*...even on your adversaries.

eddie willers said...

You can be a real shit sometimes, rhhardin.

Clyde said...

After watching J-Lo on the stripper pole in last night's Super Bowl halftime show, I thought that the "polling" was supposed to begin today in Iowa.

Nonapod said...

George HW Bush was still president when I started listening to him and it was "formerly nicotine stained fingers" even then.

Assuming your recollection is correct that'd put him no older than his early 40s when he quit? There's still the issue of the cigars I guess.

Wince said...

Drago said...
Aunty Trump: "https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/774503/Nexit-more-than-half-Dutch-voters-follow-Brexit-leave-EU-Wilders-poll"

Even the Belgians are waffling on the EU.

Howard said...

They are having great success with gene specific lung cancer treatments. I hope it works out for Rush.

Dave Begley said...

Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer.

One of my friend's husband died of it. Radon gas gave it to him.

This is not good at all.

buwaya said...

It is the 75th anniversary of the start of the Battle of Manila, Feb-March 1945. The US liberated Manila in an extremely bloody urban fight against suicidal Japanese forces, which were simultaneously attempting to exterminate the inhabitants of the city. As a result the city of Manila was almost completely destroyed, and over 100,000 Filipino and foreing civilians died, as well as 1000 US soldiers.

This is of immense importance in the Philippines of course, but it should be of some note in the US as well. This was one of the bloodiest single incidents of WWII.

Temujin said...

Regarding Rush Limbaugh- he is the best at what he does. Among the best ever to do it. He singlehandedly changed radio. Nonetheless, you will soon hear and see the character of those on the Left. Not that you need more examples. But they are coming.

As I write this, I am sure there are messages going around the left to not say what they might want to say. They're being encouraged to 'stifle it'. But as sure as I'm sitting here, I know the Left. They simply cannot help themselves and the stink will rise.

Dave Begley said...


Get going on that 70th birthday party for Ann.

readering said...

I didn't know Rush lived near windmills.

My college bunkmate, who never smoked a day in his life (except a little pot in his youth), fatally contracted it in his fifties. They never figured out the cause.

Dave Begley said...

Limbaugh intentionally didn't switch to Sat radio. He stayed on AM radio because he knows how important his show is to the revenue of AM radio stations. Great guy.

Dave Begley said...


Many people get lung cancer from radon gas. That's why homes are checked for it in Nebraska.

Curious George said...

This idea that only smokers get lung cancer is incorrect. Anyone can get it.

etbass said...

My first experience of Rush was back in the day when he saw himself more as a comic with his riffing of Bill Clinton, the feminazi's, the homeless, the environmentalists and so forth. But he found that he was being taken very seriously and over time, he transitioned to purely politics and became extremely perceptive of what drove politics and the liberal mindset. He seemed to always try to be polite even to opponents who got up enough courage to call in on his show.

readering said...

Almost never listen to commercial talk radio but had the Super Bowl on yesterday driving, so listened to sports talk this morning and was reminded again of my main reason. So many commercials. I got nothing against taking in an opposing viewpoint (or would have left you guys alone ages ago).

readering said...

Basements not big in SoCal. Maybe this publicity will help get the word out where it's needed.

Nonapod said...

My college bunkmate, who never smoked a day in his life (except a little pot in his youth), fatally contracted it in his fifties. They never figured out the cause.

I know of a couple who were close friends with my parents both died of small cell carcinoma in their 60s. Both were non-smokers. The woman contracted if first and passed away, followed 2 years later by the husband. Both were active, healthy people, excellent golfers. Pretty weird.

Iman said...

Limbaugh will be missed very much in our house, we’ve been listeners since ‘89...

Iman said...

Is it possible to be a bigger d-bag than Rick Wilson?


Dave Begley said...

Rush is the single most influential American conservative. Buckley doesn't even come close.

Nonapod said...

Many people get lung cancer from radon gas.

I'm certainly curious as to what the radon gas content was in the homes of my parents friends was like.

Francisco D said...

Assuming your recollection is correct that'd put him no older than his early 40s when he quit? There's still the issue of the cigars I guess.

As a person with formerly nicotine stained fingers, I sometimes worry about my past smoking habits. I quit after 10 years of smoking in 1983 (just before turning 30) and never smoked more than a few cigars.

I understand that the superheated gases from cigarette smoke (worse for MJ) destroys the cilia that line your lungs and this create a greater pathway for other carcinogens. We will see what happens. I am approximately Rush' age.

Leland said...

Etbass experience is similar to mine. The transition Rush made is what I think is lacking amongst his likeminded competition. I like Steyn, but not every comment needs a large serving of sarcasm. I don't expect Steyn to change, so I don't see him being an adequate replacement for me. I tune out whenever Hannity comes on. But any replacement will need to have a bit of Steyn's humor and Hannity's self-righteousness to be as successful as Rush, but who can deliver those traits in a more mild variation like Rush?

Beasts of England said...

The meth lab comment is a reference to Breaking Bad. The main character, Walter White, did such after he was diagnosed with late-stage lunch cancer.

Beasts of England said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You have to get past the repetitive stuff - but lately Hannity's investigative reporting is spot on. He's doing the work the hack-press refuse to report.

I hope the best for Rush and his health however - I've always really liked some of his guest hosts even better. Not all of them - but certainly most.

eddie willers said...

One favorite Rush memory:

The day after the Rodney King riots, Rush said he'd like to welcome all the new listeners to his show listening on "their brand new radios!".

Leland said...

Hannity's investigative reporting is spot on.

Hannity's or those of his guest like Sara Carter and Gregg Jarrett?

Temujin said...

Re: Radon Gas. It's a carcinogen and the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer in the US. Odorless, tasteless. I never paid much attention to it until we got to our new Florida home. Then we decided to get the home tested. We were hovering around, or just over 4 pCi/L (picocuries/liter of air). This is a level that the EPA strongly suggests you do something about it. Sooner rather than later.
Radon is a naturally occurring gas, and is caused by the natural decay of uranium. Sound good in your home? We had our home tested twice. Both times it came in high. So we had a radon mitigation system put in (expensive) and it has helped lower the rate, but it'll always be present here. From what I can gather, it's usually coming from the soil under/around a home, or- in our case, they suspect it's coming from the concrete blocks used to frame our hurricane-proof home. We can beat the wind, but we cannot beat the gas coming through the walls.

The more I read about this, the more I realized how common it is. What I don't get is why- if this is such a serious problem- hasn't there been more alarm about this from the government, or media, or just other people? I never hear it mentioned. I suspect there would be billions of dollars in lawsuits if this ever got some airtime.

By the way, in general, Florida is considered to be one of the states with a lower rate of radon situations. Which is why our mitigation guy and I think it's from the concrete blocks used to build the house. Typically the most common high radon states are in the north.

Anyway- Rush smoked as a yoot. That is probably, but not certainly, what brought this on.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lealand - Sara Carter, Gregg Jarrett and Sean Davis + others... All amazing. Actual journalists. Yeah - once again they do the heavy lifting while he hosts the show- certainly - but I give the guy credit for his team.

readering said...

Breaking Bad lasted five seasons and Walter White did not die in his bed, so hopeful sign for other sufferers?

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

In a way the Japs war crimes in Manilla were worse that in Nanking because the Days of Victories were long over and the Japs were just evil and hateful about being losers. That shows again how much the Japs racially hated the other oriental peoples. They refused to leave any Philippine people alive to witness their defeat by the Americans.

MacArthur as half a diplomat at first refused to use his artillery and airpower on the Japs in Manilla. But after many American boys had uselessly died,Dugout Doug relented and used his artillery to destroy Manilla on the Japs heads. But no bombing.

curt said...

My wife the artist has listened to Limbaugh for decades. I’m sure she will be sad this evening. She has to turn him off when a customer shows up at her gallery/studio, because the lefties are invariably appalled when they hear the sound of his voice. Worse, the lefties always assume artists are lefties as well, and as a consequence she is subjected to frequent rants about the horrible conservative du jour.

iowan2 said...

Limbaugh intentionally didn't switch to Sat radio. He stayed on AM radio because he knows how important his show is to the revenue of AM radio stations. Great guy.

I had not heard the explanation of lending a helping hand to AM radio. Might have some merit, but Rush is only on about 400 to 500 stations. A more salient point would be the size of audience available. Everyone has AM radio. Every single person. I know myself I listen during drives. While my truck subscribes to Sirius, I drive a variety of vehicles, and always can find Rush.
I am a charter listener. He come on in the spot Dr Dean Odell occupied on WHO. It was delayed because WHO does "The Big Show", agricultural content for 1.5 hours from 11:30 to 1:00. Still today WHO is one of the few stations Rush allows to tape delay his program. That means I can listen to a different station at 11:00 and fill in with WHO on parts I miss.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It's a shame about Rush.

HOWEVER, as tragic as this diagnosis is, and as good as Rush is on the radio, I prefer Mark Steyn.

iowan2 said...

Sen Manchin is pushing a resolution to Censure President Trump. Dont have details. Maybe a resolution AFTER the exoneration on both articles of impeachment. msnbc is babbling on about how this will really squeeze the Republicans. NOW they got him the walls are closing in. yada yada yada.yada yada yada yada yada yada

Mark said...

Guy has done pretty well on radio for being completely deaf. I wouldn't count him out too quickly.

That said, any one of us to go tomorrow.

Remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return.

Francisco D said...

My wife the artist has listened to Limbaugh for decades. I’m sure she will be sad this evening. She has to turn him off when a customer shows up at her gallery/studio, because the lefties are invariably appalled when they hear the sound of his voice. Worse, the lefties always assume artists are lefties as well, and as a consequence she is subjected to frequent rants about the horrible conservative du jour.

I have the same experience as your wife. I am a PhD psychologist. Clients and colleagues assumed that I am a person of the Left. I get to hear a lot of remarkable conversations from lefties. Many seem deranged to me. Others are just arrogant in their ignorance. Many "opinions" seem more like a tribal chant.

rhhardin said...

The big challenge for Rush was going deaf.

It's no particular challenge to undergo cancer treatment. It works or it doesn't. Everybody dies sometime. A private matter.

etbass said...

Dave Begley said, "Rush is the single most influential American conservative. Buckley doesn't even come close."


stevew said...

Despite the snow and obviously lower temperature these photos look like early spring to me.

etbass said...

Bleach Bit said, "I've always really liked some of his guest hosts even better. Not all of them - but certainly most."

He used to have John Kasich on as a substitute.

Rory said...

"So today is the anniversary of The Day The Music Died in that plane crash in Iowa."

I just recently learned that they didn't cancel the rest of the tour. Mind boggling.

etbass said...

Buckley spoke to the educated. Rush speaks to blue collar and the educated.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Lotsa RADON info on the web. Have seen national and local maps w/ probability codes. Yitch I'm in a "Highest" probability zone. Gonna get us a test kit pronto.

etbass said...

...even though he himself, is not "educated."

narciso said...

sad about rush, yes he'll make it through this, 30 years is a charter member, I agree steyn is the only one who is close, mark belling from Wisconsin, shouldn't be heard when operating heavy machinery, mark davis, ok, walter Williams when he did fill in,

rhhardin said...

Rush, when he is good which is not always these days, does self-deprecating humor via a larger-than-life persona. (Trump shares that humor, by the way.) But Rush also does morality, and explains economics, and then he's not mocking himself and is simply wrong, so that's horrible to listen to.

His talent is the humor and entertainment.

Steyn puts humor first, which is good, but Steyn runs out of material after a few consecutive shows, so that's bad.

There are some truly awful guest hosts and one or two other decent ones, but I don't remember the names.

Rush's organization takes out a life insurance policy on him that Rush shows up for every year, so they'll be okay I guess regardless. Get those premiums back. Maybe they could sell the policy for cash value right now.

rhhardin said...

Walter Williams went senile a while back, I think. Anyway enough so that he can't host shows.

rhhardin said...

Today Rush put on a 13yo girl to praise his books or something, held over from Friday. What the hell is that about. That's when I turned it off and went back to listening to morse code, on the bike commute.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Censure him for what?

Asking about Biden's corruption? How dare he!

Andrew said...

It's difficult to explain to those who are younger how refreshing it was to hear Rush in the 90's. Rush made us feel like we weren't alone, and we weren't going crazy when we simply observed reality during the Clinton years.

Someone above mentioned the Rodney King riots. To hear Rush vent his anger at the rioters for burning down their own neighborhoods (and for targeting Koreans) was invigorating. No one else had the guts to do it. And to suggest that maybe Rodney King was in the wrong?!

In many ways Rush was an earlier version of Trump, taking on the forces of political correctness virtually singlehandedly. Similar to Trump's tweets, Rush could provoke the left and puncture their sanctimony with just a few well chosen lines. "The Rev-uh-rund ... Jesthe ... Jackthun." He constantly demonstrated how much liberals hated to be mocked, and have their hypocrisies exposed. And just like Trump, he had glorious fun while doing it.

I hope he still has a long and healthy life ahead of him.

narciso said...

rush has been concerned how the left has monopolized public education, particularly American history, that's why he did the rush revere books, he probably thinks the feedback from that is more significant in the long run that even his show,

narciso said...

before the internet and fox news, he was the source of samizdat, (underground news) its rather striking how prescient he was about the nature of what he would 'the drive by' media,

Howard said...

You people are absolutely right to be concerned about the potential threat of radon gas intrusion into homes. The first sets of EPA threat maps greatly underestimated the areas and regions of concern. Before you invest in expensive mitigation, you can decrease your exposure immediately by increasing your ventilation. The gas vapor intrusion mechanism is diffusion (osmosis) limited. that means you don't have to worry about sucking in more by increasing your ventilation rate. If you have a basement or crawl space ventilate that. On top of radon many things in your home are off-gassing a plethora of organic compounds many of which do not have exposure science to set limit levels. As far as outdoor air quality you want to be aware of the PM 2.5 and nox and ozone. They usually go hand-in-hand from industrial processes.

4-picocuries is about a 6% (6 in 100) cancer occurance. Normal EPA exposure limits AR one in a million for residential and one in 100,000 for commercial / industrial. Our expected cancer risk is one in three.

I would guess that genetics matters a lot

Ann Althouse said...

I put up a post for Rush Limbaugh. Thanks for your comments here. It's very sad.

Jaq said...

"Despite the snow and obviously lower temperature these photos look like early spring to me.”

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe she’s playing with the “temperature” in the filters. There is a setting in professional software called “Kelvin” and I always think that they crank that up in pictures of the Arctic to make it look like it is warming, when in fact, even if it is a degree warmer, it’s. really fucking cold.

Jaq said...

MURKOWSKI: “I cannot vote to convict.”

She has harsh words for everyone, including Trump, but says House process was “rotten.” She also says she decided to vote against witnesses because she didn’t want to see a tie vote result in attacks on Roberts.

Score one for Liz Warren! This is what I mean when I say that women lack empathy. Men needed empathy to predict what the animals they were trying to kill to feed their families would do. When she attacked Roberts, Warren had no idea how it would be perceived or play out.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Sen Manchin is pushing a resolution to Censure President Trump."

Manchin is such a fucking phony. Do his constituents, Democrat or Republican, really not see what a con game is being played on their backs?

narciso said...

they stuck by a klansman for 50 years, so not really,

Mark said...

Nice that Murkowski manned-up. Now if only Romney weren't such a pink hat.

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