February 21, 2020

"Should Mr. Trump look out the window of the presidential limousine, he could see billboards blaring, 'Donald Trump cheats at golf,' and 'Donald Trump eats burnt steak.'

"There's also, 'Donald Trump lost the popular vote' and 'Donald Trump went broke running a casino.'"

From "Mike Bloomberg trolls Trump with billboards as Trump campaigns in West" (CBS News).

Maybe we can get Glenn Kessler to fact-check that "burnt steak" part.

Trump orders his steak "well done." Well done steak is not burned:
A well done steak is the hardest to cook. The secret is to do it low and slow—it's the only way to prevent burning while fully cooking it through the middle. This steak should not be burnt on the outside. While there is not the faintest hint of pink in the middle, it should be browned through, not burnt through. This steak should feel solid to the touch. For a 1-inch steak, grill over medium heat between 10 and 12 minutes per side. It should reach an internal temperature of 170 F (77 C) or higher.


Bill, Republic of Texas said...

What we're back in Junior High?

Gospace said...

A well done steak can be cooked without visual clues that it's now inedible, but it's it's still inedible.

The only thing I've read about Trump's taste in anything that I disagree with.

brylun said...

Meanwhile, back in the free media arena, Trump Name Drops Matt Drudge At Colorado Rally: ‘He’s Starting To Like Me Again’.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

The supposed adults continue to make Trump look like the only serious candidate in the race.

mccullough said...

Bloomberg makes Rubio look like Steve McQueen.

I miss the Marlboro Man billboard ads.

BarrySanders20 said...

Bloomberg actually has a sense of humor. Gets him in trouble for past jokes told as judged by current standards, but this is more effective than anything CNN or MSNBC tries. Trump might even tip his MAGA cap at the effort, if he is able to laugh at himself.

BTW, TBone steaks done 6 minutes a side on the Weber grill is the way to go.

Seeing Red said...

The pigeons were hilarious PUTIN

Brown Hornet said...

Just call him deplorable. Worked like a charm last time.

rcocean said...

Personally, i think having steak "well done" is the waste of a good steak.

Mark said...

I predict that Bloomberg with his taunts will be as effective as You Know Who in the rantings that he treats us to in these pages.

Mark said...

Trump will laugh at the little man.

Seeing Red said...

He cheats at golf. Big whoop.

rcocean said...

"Bloomberg actually has a sense of humor."

Judging by the debate he doesn't. He does however, have lots of high-priced employees who do have a sense of humor.

brylun said...

Gallup: Trump Job Approval Steady at 49%

tcrosse said...

Trump must be crying himself to sleep.

GingerBeer said...

I too prefer my steaks well-done, though I won't blanch if there is a little pink. And I've never had a problem grilling it to still be tender and juicy, nor have I burned one. However, unlike Trump, I won't put ketchup on mine like he and Patrick Mahomes do. That does put Trump in pretty good company.

Limited blogger said...

Everybody cheats at golf, part of the rules

Jim at said...

MiniMike confiscates guns and bans soda pop.

I'll take the guy with the burnt steak who lost the fictional popular vote.

mccullough said...

Bloomberg’s humor — at least in public — is pretty weak. His jab at Bernie that the most famous socialist in America is a millionaire with three houses was pretty funny. But his delivery was Henny Youngman

Otto said...

The little twit is a amateur compared to Trump in the game of one upmanship.
"Maybe we can get Glenn Kessler to fact-check" - Are you that gullible ?

Limited blogger said...

Trump will get a restraining order on those things!!

mccullough said...

I thought Bloomberg banned steak in New York

Beasts of England said...

The ‘well done steak’ thing is atrocious, but...

J. Farmer said...

It may not be burnt but it might as well be.

Leland said...

Not bad but a bit too grade school taunting, especially when Bloomie is running as the anti-bully.

mccullough said...

Bloomberg stopped eating steak when his mom died. No one else was going to cut it for him.

Limited blogger said...

Do the Bloomberg heirs see what he is spending his money on?

Maillard Reactionary said...

Not only does Trump like his steaks well done, he eats them with ketchup. Or so I've heard.

But if this is the best that Bloomberg can do vs Trump, he's toast.

Separately, Bill Clinton was well-known to cheat at golf. Another thing Democrats can do that Republicans aren't allowed to.

I wonder how many $100 tips Mike Bloomberg hands out at restaurants?

Charlie Currie said...

Rare steak - well done steak - burnt steak = not a vegan. That's all anyone needs to know.

mccullough said...

Bloomberg is so wealthy that his estate tax would be about $25 billion. It’s Bernie Sanders and AOC who are made that he he is spending their money.

His daughters and girlfriend and servants will be fine.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Does he seriously think that these idiotic taunts will bother Trump? Or get people to say, "Hmm, Trump cheats at golf and likes his steak well-done. That's it! I'm voting for Mini Mike!"

mccullough said...

These taunts wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t pay Memes R Us $2 million for them

Michael K said...

As for taunts, Bloomberg's box is hard to top.

My wife likes steaks well done. Other than that, she's fine.

MBunge said...

Donald Trump has had people say mean things about him since the 1980s. Before that he was a real estate developer in New York City in the 1970s, an industry, place, and time where gentlemen whose names end in vowels were a well-established presence. And THIS is supposed to get under his skin?


Gunner said...

Bloomy is outsourcing his campaign to the same whiny Twitter lefties who have been spouting the same inane taunts since 2015.

Megthered said...

My mother in law would cook everyone's steak well done, no matter what we said. She was a life long Democrat and would have crawled over broken glass to vote for the dem, no matter who it was. Even the mini mike.

mockturtle said...

A well done steak is a ruined steak.

tcrosse said...

Meanwhile, over at Rolling Stone, Matt Taibbi writes Bloomberg a Billet-Doux

gspencer said...

Bloomberg is even stupider than I ever imagined. Those billboards? All that stuff is like water on a duck's back.

gspencer said...

Steak and pussy - both are best tasted with a fair amount of visible pink.

Fernandinande said...

Navajos have a cargo culture of ineffective corrupt bureaucracies with overlapping and competing responsibilities, and plenty of federal funding...

Navajo Power to launch solar project if Coalmine Canyon agrees

"I think people should be suspicious. They’ve had trauma happen and that’s something that we’re very sensitive about."

"After a false start in initiating the solar project with Cameron last fall due to a mix-up with the Navajo Nation’s Land Department over chapter boundaries, Navajo Power was instructed to start the cycle over again with Coalmine Canyon."


Native American leader says tribal sovereignty still threatened from ‘every corner’

"“remarkable stories of cultural, social, political and economic renewal” made possible by “the greatest indigenous core value of all – self-governance.”"

"The annual address touched on everything from a lack of federal funding for tribal programs..."

"There have been successes in the past year – like the reauthorization of a grant program for the study of Native American languages and the passage of a bill to fund tribal colleges – "

"Among the greatest threats to Indian Country are the ongoing problems “caused by federal inaction and indifference,” Sharp said."


I'd take a wild guess that native American leader Fawn Sharp, president of the National Congress of American Indians and professional scrounger, doesn't actually know the meanings of the terms "sovereignity" and "self-governance".

Jaq said...

You know who cooks their beef really really well? Poor people who can’t afford rib eye or a "porterhouse the size of a terlet seat.” In my experience black people seem to prefer their steaks well done, probably from a heritage of being denied the good stuff.

Bloomberg lives in a bubble.

Wince said...

I wonder which political consultant -- who's likely taking a cut of every ad placement dollar, by the way -- convinced Bloomberg those billboard ads would get inside Trump's OODA Loop?

MayBee said...

Hahahhaha! He's putting Donald Trump's name all over. Joke's gonna be on him.

Marshall Rose said...

I hate well done steak.

I love medium rare steak.

I am voting for President Trump.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

if you or i, go to a restaurant, and order a steak well done; the cook will HATE you
It throws their timing All to hell. So, the cook will TRY to make the steak terrible, just to spite you

Imagine you OWN, not just the restaurant; but the hotel it's in... And you ask for your steak well done. Are y'all Really so stupidly ignorant, that you Don't think a good chef couldn't make it delicious?
A Couple of thoughts...
Have you Ever, in your ENTIRE LIFE; EVER had bbq? how about a pot roast?

You Really, Really, Really, Really think that you can do things to brisket or chuck roast, that you could't do BETTER with a USDA Prime sirloin???

Try thinking for a little... I Know it's hard... But Try

Gk1 said...

Mini-MIke's conspicuous spending will have diminishing returns, like these bill boards. In 2016 it was amazing how cheaply Trump ran a presidential campaign even though it was widely ridiculed by plastic straw hat salesmen and party favor manufacturers. (They all told the press Trump was making a huge mistake not using them) Besides being juvenile these bill boards just show how much Mini-Mike's billions he can squander. I am beginning to believe he would make an awful, spendthrift president too.

Bay Area Guy said...

From "Mike Bloomberg trolls Trump with billboards as Trump campaigns in West" (CBS News).

These are really, really stupid. And, after Liz Warren accused Bloomy of calling women "Fat Broads and Horsefaced Lesbians," they are kinda pathetic.

Moneybags Bloomy is gonna save you Dems from Bernie? I think not.

Francisco D said...

That's pretty funny.

I like my steaks medium rare. To each his own.

tcrosse said...

Slightly OT, but how does the Islamic Judenfresserinnen contingent of the Democratic Party feel about Bloomie or Bernie. Do they get the heebie-jeebies?

Automatic_Wing said...

"The Jerk Store called and they're running out of Trump"

walter said...


Wince said...

If Trump is burnt steak, Bloomberg is a rotten egg.

Ken B said...

This is an order of magnitude more truthful than anything Biden says about Trump.

Bay Area Guy said...

I am looking forward with plenty of alcohol and burnt steaks to the next debate, when Warren gets to delve into these NDA questions of Bloomy.

Bay Area Guy said...

Our favorite liberal, Matt Taibbi, hammers Bloomberger in Rolling Stone.

What a catastrophe Wednesday night was for Mike Bloomberg. The New York plutocrat was kicked in the teeth by Elizabeth Warren in the first minutes — she denounced him as a Trump-like “arrogant billionaire” who called women “horse-faced lesbians” — and never made it back to his feet.

Bloomberg stood in mute fury as his $400 million campaign investment went up in smoke. His contempt for democracy and sense of entitlement surpass even Donald Trump, who at least likes crowds — Bloomberg’s joyless imperiousness makes Trump seem like Robin Williams.

Automatic_Wing said...

"Trump thinks a hot dog is a sandwich"

Wince said...

""Should Mr. Trump look out the window of the presidential limousine, he could see billboards blaring..."


That billboard looks like the discreet packaging of an anal care ointment or feminine hygiene product.

BarrySanders20 said...

"And, after Liz Warren accused Bloomy of calling women "Fat Broads and Horsefaced Lesbians," they are kinda pathetic."

I saw the entire quote this came from. Warren was very deceptive with her use of it. When Bloomberg said it, he was making a joke one time about the British royal family. Specific individuals who were public figures, not women he worked with. Liz implied he called subordinates these names.

Bay Area Guy said...


"I saw the entire quote this came from. Warren was very deceptive with her use of it. When Bloomberg said it, he was making a joke one time about the British royal family."

Yeah, if you're explaining in politics, you're losing.

Bloomy Press Conference: "When I used the phrase "Horse Faced Lesbians," I was not referring to any females in my company, contrary to Liz Warren's claim. I was referring to Princess Diana."

Harsh Pencil said...

Just laying out here the perfect way to make a steak indoors.

1) Preheat oven to 450 degrees and get a cast iron pan very hot.
2) 2 minutes on each side of cast iron pan. Don't move during those 2 minutes.
3) insert thermometer probe with a wire that goes into unit outside of oven into steak.
4) put entire pan into oven.

rare: pull out of oven when 120. It will get 130 when resting.
medium rare: same but 130.
medium: same but 140.
medium well: same but 150.
well done: same but 160.

You're welcome.

MAJMike said...

Meh. You paid for the steak, have cooked the way you want it.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Trump cheats at golf

Bloombox cheats at miniature golf

Wince said...

To really read those Bloomberg billboards you need the special glasses.

Jaq said...

I haven’t driven by that sign, I assume it’s the one on Southern Boulevard between PBI and Mar a Lago, in a while. I see that Bloomberg has kicked off the animal rights people who used to use it to jibe Trump. I am sure that the “burnt steak” thing sits pretty well with them.

MAJMike said...

Bloomberg still wears Under-roos.

Jaq said...

I guess it’s out west. He probably should pay from one of those electric billboards to replace the conventional one on Southern, please spend the money with local contractors, Bloomie, so he can “really get under Trumps skin.”

MAJMike said...

Bloomberg uses a booster seat at the dinner table.

Jaq said...

It’s a little known fact that they call the lifts he uses in his shoes “elevators” in the UK.

MAJMike said...

If Bloomberg becomes President, Air Force One will be called, "The plane, the plane."

mockturtle said...

Fernandistein observes: Navajos have a cargo culture of ineffective corrupt bureaucracies with overlapping and competing responsibilities, and plenty of federal funding...

Indeed they do. Native American tribes have taken double dipping to a new level.

Achilles said...

Rare is overcooked.

Crank the burner to high. 30-45 Seconds a side. Enough to get the middle warm.

When people ask for medium rare I burn them and people seem happy.

I have to ask other people what a well done steak looks like. I never quite get it right. It just doesn’t make sense to do that to meat.

Wince said...

"I tell you, Bloomberg's steak still has marks where the jockey was hitting the horse-faced lesbian."

gspencer said...

"Trump thinks a hot dog is a sandwich"

It's the equivalent to a meal at Mindys.

mockturtle said...

Gspencer declares: Steak and pussy - both are best tasted with a fair amount of visible pink.

But not bloody?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

BAG -- too funny!

narciso said...

it's like the python sketch about the world's worst joke,

mockturtle said...

Crank the burner to high. 30-45 Seconds a side. Enough to get the middle warm.

Right, Achilles! The only 'cooked' part is the outside. The rest should be red, not pink. For me, anyway. To each his/her own. My husband used to order his 'well done' and then complain because it wasn't tender.

chuck said...

convinced Bloomberg those billboard ads would get inside Trump's OODA Loop?

They are meant to get under Trump's skin but they are shooting at a mirage. Terrible waste of ammo.

tcrosse said...

Trump should make short work of him.

Thorley Winston said...

if you or i, go to a restaurant, and order a steak well done; the cook will HATE you
It throws their timing All to hell. So, the cook will TRY to make the steak terrible, just to spite you

And if they make the steak or any other part of the meal I’ve ordered terrible, I’ll complain to the manager and refuse to pay for it. More often than not, they’ll give you a substitute item for free which I usually don’t tip on.

Which means the restaurant makes less money because the cook screwed up.

Which means the server makes less money because the cook screwed up.

And now suddenly a lot of people will hate the cook because s/he cost them money and unlike me, s/he’s going to have to deal with these people on a day-to-day basis for the foreseeable future.

Next time, cook the damn steak the way the paying customer ordered it instead of trying to get cute.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

“Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula?”

Bloombucks should hit him with "Trump wont even go near steak tartare"

n.n said...

Bloomberg likes his meat disarmed, tortured, and Planned.

Amadeus 48 said...

A fool and his money are soon parted. That is so rich kid elitist! They are taking Bloomberg for a ride.

This won't convince any Trump voter to change. We kinda like being deplorable. Anyone who likes this kind of thing wasn't going to vote for Trump anyway.

Ficta said...

"The given proposition was, that we were all 'good people.' We took for granted that we all liked beef underdone but not too underdone... it is really nauseating, when you detest it, to have to eat every day several slices of thin, tepid, pink india rubber." From The Good Soldier by Ford Maddox Ford

Jaq said...

"Indeed they do. Native American tribes have taken double dipping to a new level. “

I can’t get upset about it. It’s like being mad that your 95 year old grandmother will only eat ice cream.

FullMoon said...

So, this is his appeal to the poor people eating rice and beans, chili with hamburger, fried chicken and ramen? The people who eat steak once a month?
What a bunch of malarkey!

BTW, mayonnaise on the side fixes any misteaks.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Harsh Pencil nails it. The "Reverse Sear" is the secret of fine chop houses. I wonder if Bloomberg is following Biden into Happy Land. His Corps. are capable of churning out dollars without him, and he certainly ain't up for a Brooklyn slap fight. Something is way off there.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

My dad liked his steaks well-done (which is why I didn't particularly like steak until I had one cooked medium rare, like God intended). Many old people in my family had a fear of undercooked meat, especially pork. I was always told you had to cook meat until it tasted like a hockey puck because of Trichinosis, which today is not much of a worry.

Bay Area Guy said...

Bloomberg-Sanders political ad circa October 2020:

"Horse-Faced Lesbians of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your saddles!"

BUMBLE BEE said...

Did you notice at the debate Klobuchar was standing on a box?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Something is way off there."

Yeah, it is. I don't think Bloomberg is a stupid man, but his staff is certainly spending his money stupidly.

It's rather amazing to see so much money wasted and to know that for Bloomberg it's equivalent to what an ordinary person finds under the couch cushions.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

By Jiminy!!
Mike & Crickets

FullMoon said...

"Trump thinks a hot dog is a sandwich"
You have zero proof it isn't ( new rule)

Inga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.

Paul Zrimsek said...

I was wondering what kind of food Bloomberg wanted to ban next.

Jaq said...

"Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.”

You know what we learned in Mueller’s testimony? That every single thing did get leaked and that everybody knew what Mueller knew.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

What's funny, come to think of it, was that the same old people who overcooked meat dreadfully when I was a kid also loved to eat chopped raw sirloin seasoned with salt and pepper on rye bread with raw sliced onions. That was a staple at every South Side Milwaukee wedding reception I went to as a kid.

Haven't seen it served for at least 20 years.

Beasts of England said...

The degree of doneness for steaks is personal preference, of course - but always allow them to rest for at least five minutes away from the heat source. This allows for an evenly distributed temperature and the reabsorption of its juices.

Jaq said...

"BTW, mayonnaise on the side fixes any misteaks.”

That’s deplorable! But true. Only the most expensive cuts of meat are good rare.

Jaq said...

I thought that Bloomberg believed that climate change was the number one threat to our nation? Why didn’t he just say “Trump eats steak!”

What a mess the Democrats have created.

Ken B said...

Harsh Pencil
I will give that a try.

Infinite Monkeys said...

Trump works to make it so I can afford to buy steaks and cook them just the way I like them. I prefer that to someone who shares my taste in food but wants to make it so all I can afford is ramen while they enjoy nice rare steaks.

tcrosse said...

Funny that the well-done steak thing garners the most comments. Nothing about Trump's mother wearing army boots.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"It's not the meat, it's the motion!"

Donny's on a roll

per @DanScavino
· Feb 21
.@MikeBloomberg is paying millions of $ for social media influencers and shitty memes while @realDonaldTrump is paying zero $ for EPIC memes w/an Army of American Patriots & supporters/influencers whoRed hearttheir Country & POTUS so much, they don’t need payoffs!

Jaq said...

Bloomberg trolled POTUS with “Impeached President says what?”

I would love to see POTUS tweet back “If looking into corruptions gets you impeached, it’s a dishonor not to be impeached.” Or some such.

brylun said...

Foie Gras Sales to Be Banned In New York City

J. Farmer said...

Not only does Trump like his steaks well done, he eats them with ketchup. Or so I've heard.

Once you've cooked steak to that point, you pretty much have to add some thick gloppy sauce to make it edible. That's why A1 sauce exists.

Jaq said...

4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.
5. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.
6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.
. - Rules for Radicals

AllenS said...

The best response that The Bloomer could of came up with when The Fake Indian was harassing him, would have been: "Why all of the anger, and you on the war path or something?"

He ain't no Trump.

Lewis said...

I know I post drunken comments - that's because, when I'm sober, I wouldn't dream of doing so! Here's a poem - it's long - take it as it is (I admire you, a lot)

The Flag.


Conceived, born and here, a place near the sea,
A path, bright but indistinct, where I walk,
Add a gesture, a sign to part and dissolve dawn’s early air.

You I met and have forgot,
Will remember, we shook briskly
Our forged request and let the here
Become the past without regret.

Then the eyes were precise and as ever
Misdirected, seeing beyond the hand
And the arm and the body two ghosts
Divert the dawn who both expected someone else.


Left the added buts sogged in water
A common signature termed B movie
As the superfice of what’s been,
Illusion of memory.
At the bottom of the card the faded ink,
A nation’s stamp that’s released
From the pressure of representation
Behind us and gone. What the faded air
Illumed as flag is the flare a dawn
Now scatters as ash. Our hands are glass
Darker and darker in the dark, gesture of distance
Twisting its banner of intercession
An apparently losing hope.
Or, if a day has burned itself a universe,
It has burned a tapestry of spread
Perception. ‘We’ lies forlorn, a mark
On the cotton like a stain of blood
Fingers scratch there. Notes that puncture
Their own hours as a mesh of stitched time
And leave frozen the particular. I walk
And you walk a tango in the sordid street,
One more blown wrapper found parting on the horn.


As a quest for something more exotic
It leans abandoned in the air, a patch
Of wall fluttered Rome’s Scottish border.
A Caesar will arise, reel some restless
Discontent to a march on an old idea.
Thus, broken upon flutings, faded
In a different age, it has assumed
Resurrection, hooked the grave with the bait
That’s a sword’s sanguine hope, the drums, pipes
And shouts blunted a dissonant song
Collected chance redemption.
If, when the marching’s stopped, the city
Returned to pub, board, and bedroom,
The back wave that is history
Knocks us out again, all we can mark
Are the lists of the dead, the captured,
The hoards, the rapes, the consequent
Retelling of adventure…
Cancel but revivify the ailing culture
And make true the absent as the present.
So, this thread rolled around as sky outlasts
The individual, does not touch the individual
Except as the burn of that alien one
Togetherness may pretend we enjoy.
To begin or find the origin
Which is nowhere, cannot be contained,
Is known only in and is known only as
Appearance: radial of no foci,
Hub of no turning, start of all
That’s not creation. Wave or somewhere the flag,
A signal that was individual.


We remedy history, its stretch of
The warp and the woof, its tear of the glimmer
By our rebellion against the lie
Of an impersonal intent, circumference
Of a revolving god, by a habit
Of seeing ourselves as limbed
In the tree, the bird, the dog, his howl
At the sky, a process that contains both
The general and the particular,
A word passed in the roll of cloth, appearing
Ramified essence, not common nor
A whisper termed misunderstanding.

‘Utopian’ – but history turns the conversation
Back from the dead, out of the present,
Into the present as a holla
That peaks the rumble of burnt forest
And factory, demos jumble thrown
A break in the ‘fix’ of an arm, rubble
Stimulus defined, mathematically,
‘Dead matter’. Azure not gravity spins
The words as tapestry, pageant, perhaps
‘Triumph of Life’, benign as golden faces
And as frightening. These ones return
Silent, the offered gesture a graceful start
To that being more than enervated.

Lewis Deane

Bay Area Guy said...

Take a look at the RCP Betting Odds for the Dem nomination, and tell me what you see.

The easy stuff:

1. Warren peaked in October 2019 , and has been steadily collapsing ever since -- from 52% to 4%. Can she recover by slaying Bloomy?

2. Biden, literally, fell off a cliff this month.

3. Sanders has been steadily rising, almost exactly inverse to Warren's collapse, and is way ahead of the gang

4. Bloomy rose fast, but since the debate has sunk fast.

I think this graph/chart provides the most accurate picture of the state of the race.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

per parscale

Thank you, Colorado! Data:
71,984 Tickets
38,790 Voters Identified (94% from CO)
19% Didn’t Vote in 2016 (7,286 voters!!!)
17% Democrats
Now Las Vegas time. This will help

AllenS said...

Thanks, BAG, I see that it's Crazy Bernie at 52.0 with The Bloomer coming in second with 21.6, which means that it's within the range to give it to The Bloomer. Screw Crazy Bernie, he'll complain for a while, then cash out. His next property that him and the wife will buy will be out of country, and not Commie Russia.

Jaq said...

"Biden, literally, fell off a cliff this month.”

Thank you Lt Col Vindman! Loyal factotum to Biden during the Obama years.

J. Farmer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

I am looking forward to cooking a steak in the Instant Pot. So I can pretend it was not a waste of money.

J. Farmer said...

"We are desperate -- desperate -- for more people. We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we've had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants."

-Mick Mulvaney, Director of OMB and Acting White House Chief of Staff

Ugh. Why oh why does Trump surround himself with such nudniks.

Jaq said...

"I am looking forward to cooking a steak in the Instant Pot.”

That’s how you cook a crappy piece of meat!

J. Farmer said...

I am looking forward to cooking a steak in the Instant Pot. So I can pretend it was not a waste of money.

As a slow cooker and a pressure cooker the Instant Pot is not too bad. The rest of its functions are useless. The notion that it can be used as a saute pan is particularly laughable. The cooking element is way too small in diameter to be useful in that regard. But if you want to whip up some ribs and don't have the time or ability to smoke them, an Instant Pot isn't a bad alternative.

Mark said...

I've seen this commercial a few times - the one where Bloomberg says he "led New York City through 9/11."

What's even more amazing is that he didn't become mayor until nearly four months AFTER 9/11.

clint said...

Wow. Mike Bloomberg made the transition from "I'm the serious adult in the room." to "Twitter Troll with the money to buy billboard space." in record time. Pick a lane, dude!

@Aunty Trump-
Was going to say the same thing. The "very, very rare" steak is for people who can afford a really tender fillet. The cheaper cuts need to be cooked more to render the marbling -- or the collagen if they're the really, really cheap cuts.

Inga said...

“As a slow cooker and a pressure cooker the Instant Pot is not too bad. The rest of its functions are useless. The notion that it can be used as a saute pan is particularly laughable. The cooking element is way too small in diameter to be useful in that regard. But if you want to whip up some ribs and don't have the time or ability to smoke them, an Instant Pot isn't a bad alternative.”

It makes great yogurt. However I like my Breville Smart Oven Air much better. It has settings for air frying, proofing dough, roasting, baking, pizza, slow cooking, ferments yogurt very well because you can regulate the temp.

Michael K said...

Ugh. Why oh why does Trump surround himself with such nudniks.

He might be referring to skilled legal immigrants. I know a guy, a master plumber in Germany, who with his wife a nurse midwife, waited years to win the visa lottery. They arrived with 60,000 Euros in savings and he is a successful plumber in Tucson.

We definitely don't need illiterate peasants or H1B indentured servant code writers who cannot change jobs.

FullMoon said...

As a slow cooker and a pressure cooker the Instant Pot is not too bad. The rest of its functions are useless. The notion that it can be used as a saute pan is particularly laughable. The cooking element is way too small in diameter to be useful in that regard. But if you want to whip up some ribs and don't have the time or ability to smoke them, an Instant Pot isn't a bad alternative.

Worked pretty good on a roast. Took a couple of times to realize the suggested cook times did not include the time required to bring it up to speed. As cooking something at 350 in the oven, the oven has to reach 350 first before countdown.
I expect to use it more during summer when it is too hot to turn the oven on. Put the IP out in the garage, or on the stove with exhaust fan on to remove the steam.

Inga said...

Oh yes, broil setting too, makes a perfect steak, works just like a miniature oven, not like a toaster oven.

J. Farmer said...


I am always skeptical of do-it-all gadgets. They are usually always much less than the sum of their parts and usually end up doing each function much worse than gadgets designed solely for that function. The closest gadget I've ever found to filling the bill was a Ninja Blender. But I still have a Vitamix and a food processor. I think I'm just addicted to kitchen appliances.

Jaq said...

Throw a few pieces of chicken in an Instant Pot and you can make chicken soup in pretty short order.

Jaq said...

I tried making apple. butter in one, which I have done with a crock pot with good success, and it took four fucking days. But it was the best apple butter I ever made. I kept throwing shit in to make it “work.”

Marcus Bressler said...

My last wife ate her steaks well done. There were a few times she had to send it back at restaurants because it came out medium. Sometimes line cooks don't know the way to cook a well done properly or they screwed up their timing and they had to pull the WD steak early.
It didn't bother me. I'm a chef and she also was happy with eating pasta dishes most of the time. Now divorced, I see a Guyana-based Indian girl who also likes her steaks well done. I like mine MR. I don't get snobbery at other people's choices, especially when they are paying


To each their own.

Lewis said...

Just a NB - 'Triumph of Life' was Shelley's last poem - in terza rima - that's why Pound and Eliot thought he would have been the only person who could translate Dante!

MAJMike said...

Bloomberg will serve you liver and tell you it's steak.

J. Farmer said...

Throw a few pieces of chicken in an Instant Pot and you can make chicken soup in pretty short order.

I cannot make chicken soup that way. I absolute loathe poached chicken. Chicken that has been boiled has no taste. I throw a couple bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts in the oven for about 40 minutes. Meanwhile, I saute my aromatics in the pot and add chicken stock. When the chicken is done, I cube it and throw it in the pot. So much better.

Michael K said...

Inga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.

Inga really thinks Weissmann would not have sent any evidence to the NY times if he had found it. What a moron.

Weissmann might be the only DOJ lawyer with a major case who has been reversed 9 to 0 by the USSC. He should have been disbarred.

Mueller was just a senile figurehead,.

Inga said...


I am always skeptical of do-it-all gadgets. They are usually always much less than the sum of their parts and usually end up doing each function much worse than gadgets designed solely for that function. The closest gadget I've ever found to filling the bill was a Ninja Blender. But I still have a Vitamix and a food processor. I think I'm just addicted to kitchen appliances.”

I’ve had mine for over a year and use it almost everyday. I haven’t used my big oven once since I got the Breville. I love it. I’ve got the Ninja, but the Vitamix is more powerful, especially if one is eating vegetarian diet, which I’m not. My Ninja makes excellent hummus with soaked chickpeas, does pretty well with soaked cashews for vegetarian sauces, etc.

Friendo said...

Any asshole who votes on the condition of the steak that the candidate prefers should be barred from voting. Jesus H. Christ. Pathetic.

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
daskol said...

The notion that it can be used as a saute pan is particularly laughable.

You're doing it wrong. Ask any personal chef: that thing is a fucking miracle. I also did not believe that it could be used to sauté. Then on the recommendation of a private chef friend of mine, one with a discerning palate and very discerning clients, I got one.

Bloomberg is past his prime and also a bit of a jerk. I also don't think he's really trying to become president. He's just trying to use his great wealth to benefit people in the way he knows best--that's the best one can say of him, and really, that's a major compliment. He doesn't need to beat Trump to succeed, he just needs to create a new power center in the Dem Party and effectively, as Mayor Pete (and Steve Bannon) say, buy out the Party. Getting in a few digs at Trump along the way is just for fun.

Sebastian said...

"Mike Bloomberg trolls"

Does he troll? Or does he pay trolls?

Either way, he trolls lamely. No stable genius, our Mini Mike.

Inga said...

“Throw a few pieces of chicken in an Instant Pot and you can make chicken soup in pretty short order.

I cannot make chicken soup that way. I absolute loathe poached chicken. Chicken that has been boiled has no taste. I throw a couple bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts in the oven for about 40 minutes. Meanwhile, I saute my aromatics in the pot and add chicken stock. When the chicken is done, I cube it and throw it in the pot. So much better.”

For delicious and easy chicken soup and chicken salad, use a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store. The legs, thighs and backs have the most flavor when making soup. I learned from my mother to just throw in a whole onion, peeled of course, a few ribs of celery, a couple cloves of garlic, a couple by leaves, bundle of Italian parsley and parsley root, a couple carrots and even a wedge of cabbage. After it’s all cooked on a low simmer for a few hours, I strain it, keeping aside a bit of the meat and a few carrots. The stock is wonderful with thick German noodles or angel hair pasta. Or egg dumplings, or whatever you like, noodles or pasta, or rice.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

speaking of NDA's

"The Nevada State Democratic Party is asking site leaders to sign non-disclosure agreements, according to one volunteer who had planned to help with Saturday’s caucuses but quit because he didn’t want to sign the document."

is this in case there needs to be some "Quality Control" re results
and they cant have anyone spilling the beans?

Inga said...

Or matzo balls, the best yet. Cures what ails ya.

Anonymous said...

Fake news.

Yancey Ward said...

A well done steak is an impeachable crime. Medium is as far as you should take it.

Yancey Ward said...

Inga, you dumb fuck- if there were any evidence of Russian Collusion, it would have been in the NYTimes before Mueller closed up shop. At this point, you are left at the same point atheists are- hoping there isn't a Hell.

daskol said...

Before Trump: the Masters of the Universe assured us that "free trade" (aka globalization and especially outsourcing our industry) and mass immigration were absolutely essential for the continued prosperity of America. Sure, lower skilled workers would be screwed, but that's what the welfare state is for. Bread and circus, opium of the masses, whatever. Only cranks would disagree. Only an ignoramus would argue that govt should protect a diversified domestic economy, protecting strategic sectors including manufacturing, to the benefit of Americans over some overall globally efficient state. Trump has had enough time to show that economic nationalism not only works well for America, but that it may actually be a better program on a global scale: alliances between nations unabashedly pursuing their national interest and the interests of their citizens appear to be not only possible, but stronger and more durable perhaps than alliances among nations led by a globalizing elite bent on deceiving their respective peoples. The problem with Bloomberg is that he, more than anyone in this race, more than anyone I can imagine, represents this retrograde globalist, elitist perspective. That's a more damaging ideology in 2020 than Bernie's socialism, because Bloomberg's "ideology," which is less an ideology than a reality taken for granted by many of the world's wealthiest and most powerful people, has way more traction. Therefore whatever his personal merits, and he's a far more impressive man than Bernie or the other "debaters" of the other night, Bloomberg's ascendancy is far more dangerous than the full crackup of the Dem Party. The mere perseverance of this perspective, taken for granted by "everyone who matters" until recently, is worse than an interlude of rule by a deluded "socialist" pied piper and his disaffected crew.

roesch/voltaire said...

Trump likes his steaks like his face —over done.

bagoh20 said...

I can enjoy a steak cooked rare, medium, well-done, or anywhere in between. People take their bullshit too serious. You teach yourself to like things a certain way. It's not some intrinsic quality handed down from God that is right or wrong. Most of this is just trying to pose as some level of sophisticate which is pretty much all sophistication is - posing. I'll eat your steak, I'll drink your milkshake, and I'll enjoy it all becuase that's my only goal. I have tiger's blood and Neanderthal genes, and IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!

rhhardin said...

Bernie Eats Shit

rhhardin said...

In Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts put catsup on steak.

bagoh20 said...

There are people who like gefilte fish, cow brains, or peas, so food preference as a mark of anything is clearly bullshit. There are probably people somewhere who love eating butt holes. I don't get it, but I don't have to. If they can fix my plumbing, my truck, or my country, I'm a fan.

Inga said...

“Inga, you dumb fuck- if there were any evidence of Russian Collusion, it would have been in the NYTimes before Mueller closed up shop. At this point, you are left at the same point atheists are- hoping there isn't a Hell.”

Is anyone discussing Russian Collusion? I’ve been discussing my love for my Breville oven and how to make authentic European chicken soup. Are you drunk?

Friendo said...

Re: steak cooking, Harsh Pencil, Beasts of England, and J. Farmer are correct. As a former butcher and cook (grill tender) for a mid-high end steak house, the best cuts of meat go to rare and medium-rare orders, and it's downhill from there. Anyone who orders a well-done steak gets the most inferior cut of meat.

Jaq said...

"Trump likes his steaks like his face —over done”

How much did Bloomberg pay you for that quip?

roesch/voltaire said...

Aunty I think and write for myself and try to look beyond the surface or behind the closed doors.

Jaq said...

"saute my aromatics in the pot and add chicken stock.

Cheater! It’s like using seltzer in your matzoh balls. What is “leavening” anyways?

Honestly I throw a whole chicken in the insta pot with water, and you have chicken stock and plenty of pulled chicken for the soup and for chicken salad in about 35 minutes. Obviously add the stuff you like in there.

The insta pot also works really well for cooking fish, if you follow the recipe precisely, it cooks it perfectly. And since it’s already on the counter, it works good as a rice cooker.

Jaq said...

"Aunty I think and write for myself and try to look beyond the surface or behind the closed doors.”

That’s a joke, right? You look where the leakers to the Washington Post and New York Times point your nose. Otherwise you would be more interested in engaging the other side with more than taunts.

Yancey Ward said...

Ah, I see, it was an old comment. My apologies, Inga, you have obviously retracted it since then.

daskol said...

The boiled chicken from chicken soup is good for chicken salad. Not much else. What is authentic "European Chicken" soup? Chicken soup is a Jewish thing, and it does not involve rotisseries or forms of heat besides boiling liquids. The remarkyable thing about pressure cookers is that you can do it in 45 minutes and it tastes just like it took all day.

Inga said...

Chicken soup is European, every country in Europe makes their version of it. Mine IS the German/ Jewish version. Use a rotisserie chicken, not the appliance! Use a stock pot!

Jaq said...

My dad used to say that no game warden would give you trouble for shooting a rabbit out of season if there was somebody sick in your house who needed rabbit soup.

AllenS said...

I can eat anything. Overcooked? No problem, I've never complained about a meal. I even liked Army food, and c-rations.

I burn my steaks, on both sides, but when I cut into it, I want to see raw meat.

roesch/voltaire said...

Aunty I think the best way to engage the other side is to point out the obvious just like that leaker Rex Tilerson did for example.

Jaq said...

"Aunty I think the best way to engage the other side is to point out the obvious “

You mean like the discredited Russia collusion thing you keep referring to without evidence?

Narayanan said...

So are wines really different tasting?

Michael K said...

roesch/voltaire said...
Aunty I think the best way to engage the other side is to point out the obvious just like that leaker Rex Tilerson did for example.

Tillerson leaked that he is an arrogant SOB, sort of like Bloomberg. I assume that is what you mean.

Ken B said...

The instant pot is actually very useful. What it does, which is not everything, it does well. Great for tougher cuts of meat, beans, soups, stuff like stroganoff. Unbeatable for precooking ribs to be barbecued. The Fagor, an upscale competitor, actually makes very good risotto. Also very good for keeping down the heat and humidity in the kitchen.

The thing worth having is a good Dutch oven!

Ken B said...

These ads are a bit funny, and not so bad as a first salvo, but they won’t wear well. In BBerg is smart they will come down in a week. I suspect they are tweet bait.

Bob Smith said...

CHILDREN. Straighten up or I’ll turn this limo around and we won’t go to Disneyland.

Bruce Hayden said...

Each to their own. My partner and I go with medium to medium well. Her first husband was the executive banquet chef at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. He was classical trained at the Culinary Institute. His view, was that you took your life in your hands if you ate meat rare, or even close to it. He ran the biggest kitchen at Caesars, and his cooks were forbidden to cook meat rare - partly it was a liability issue, and partly he just didn’t like meat snobs.

One of the things that was great for her, is that in his position, he knew every little top notch eatery in Vegas. They ate at 5 star restaurants, and holes in the wall. All excellent. Every week somewhere new. She learned to eat gourmet food from the best chefs in Las Vegas, and not a one of them blinked when they would order their meat medium well. His view was that if a chef, or even a good cook, couldn’t cook meat that way, then they were not very good. He would tell her that anyone could cook a steak rare, but only the best could cook steak medium well and make it taste good.

One funny story from back then. She was a new young bride, just out of college, and wanted to do something for her husband. So, she cooked them pork chops. He took one look at her culinary masterpiece, and then gently explained that the pork chops were grossly undercooked, and might kill them as a result. By the time she was widowed, he had taught her how to safely cook meat, and make medium well steaks taste great. Unfortunately, neither of us eats that much red meat anymore. She occasionally reminds me of when we first started our relationship over 20 years ago now. I cooked my usual cube steaks on my George Forman grill for her. she was unipressed, to say the least. She reciprocated with some filets that were to die for - medium well like we both prefer. Currently We eat steak once or twice a year, and that at 4-5 star restaurants where they know how to cook them the way we like.

As I said, each to their own. I

LA_Bob said...

Bill Republic of Texas said, "What we're back in Junior High?"

A guy with a modest sense of humor trolls a guy with a great sense of humor.

Mr. Forward said...

I traded my instant pot for a laser toaster.

DeepRunner said...

Nanny Mike, Midget Mike, Mini-Mike...Trump is the Troll Lord. Wait till he does the "Mike" drop.

Martin said...

Somehow I don't think Trump will take these pathetic signs as in any way personal.

Hell, he (co-)wrote a book, "The Art of the Comeback," the first half of which was about his financial problems in the early 1990s. He never claimed to have succeeded at everything, his claim is that he takes prudent chances and tries hard, and when he has problems he works through them.

This is all in the public record, the Democrats just refuse to learn anything about their adversary.

Qwinn said...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Trump cheats at golf

Bloombox cheats at miniature golf

Thread winner.

cubanbob said...

Trump should get a billboard next to Bloomberg's with the caption of " I like my steaks my way, you like your steaks your way and if Nanny Bloomberg gets elected, no steak for us so he can save the earth".

gadfly said...

According to Anne's cited article. Medium Rare is the "recommended level of doneness for a good steak. Ask any chef how they like their steak prepared and they will almost all say medium rare."

The meat gets tougher when cooked well done and you're totally drying it out, making the steak tougher and less melt-in-your-mouth tender. Technically, medium rare is considered perfectly cooked because that's when the proteins haven't started to break down but the fat has rendered and given it juicy flavor.

Most chefs can't be bothered to pay attention to steaks that were ordered well done. Why? They look at it this way: whether they mind it on then grill or not, it's going to get ruined. From the professional chef's point of view. It isn't as simple as "I like it this way... you're stupid if you like it that way". That would adequately describe Donald Trump.

As for the word "burnt", "'Burned' is the usual past tense of 'burn', but 'burnt' is common in many contexts when the past participle is used as an adjective ("burnt toast"). Both are acceptable forms."

gadfly said...


Bozo also broke the Bank Secrecy law often, routinely laundering money through his casinos which resulted in Federal fines totaling $10,477,000. New York, Philly and Russian Mafia friends had to be accommodated.

charu chauhan said...

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Fernandinande said...

Indeed they do. Native American tribes have taken double dipping to a new level.

Well, they are pretty much all parasites, but I was (unclearly, I guess) referring to their self-imposed institutional bureaucratic paralysis. And the laughable notion of "tribal sovereignty" while running on hand-outs.

stlcdr said...

Is this how it’s going to be? The guy with money wins?

stlcdr said...

Friends said...
Re: steak cooking, Harsh Pencil, Beasts of England, and J. Farmer are correct. As a former butcher and cook (grill tender) for a mid-high end steak house, the best cuts of meat go to rare and medium-rare orders, and it's downhill from there. Anyone who orders a well-done steak gets the most inferior cut of meat.

2/21/20, 7:53 PM

Which is probably why I used to order well done. it’s a catch 22 situation. No one wants to eat a crappy piece of meat, and we’ll done makes it acceptable. Until I discovered some quality steaks. Well done is ok, but rare or (medium rare at absolute most) was the best way to really taste it.

Bob Smith said...

The proper response to the burnt steak sign.

“Mike Bloomberg can’t ride Space Mountain”

FullMoon said...

Idiot says:
Most chefs can't be bothered to pay attention to steaks that were ordered well done. Why? They look at it this way: whether they mind it on then grill or not, it's going to get ruined. From the professional chef's point of view. It isn't as simple as "I like it this way... you're stupid if you like it that way". That would adequately describe Donald Trump.
When the waiter says "Donald Trump is here and wants a well done steak", you can bet your ass the chef will personally make that steak perfect.
Also, "weel done steak" debunked years ago. The Donald likes his steak "done well". Not done average.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nichevo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nichevo said...

'Donald Trump eats burnt steak.'

And Mike Bloomberg likes his medium rare.

What Mike Bloomberg sounds like is the kind of guy who sends it back if it isn't just right, then will do it again if he likes. A chop buster.

That'll go over well with the culinary unions. With every person in the service industry, with every waiter or waitress who had to exchange plates six times for a fussy customer and then got no tip because some Mike Bloomberg wanted to punish the cook.

As for how steak should actually be cooked, firstly, to each his own. I myself default to Black and Blue, also known as Pittsburgh style, meaning well seared outside, very rare, red cool center at most. As I get older I see the virtue in going as far as medium rare in some of the fattier cuts like a ribeye or a skirt steak (leaner cuts like a filet really must not be overdone). But above all the necessity of letting the meat rest cannot be ignored.

One thing though. Why speak for a T-bone steak when you can have a porterhouse instead? More filet. That is the heart of living, a three-inch porterhouse cooked alla Fiorentina.

For treatment of steaks including well done (even a Presidential steak in honor? of PDT), see Aden Films on YouTube. He also goes and orders $200 wagyu teppanyakis, so you can watch that too.

ardy53 said...

'Donald Trump eats burnt steak.'

Using this for political purposes seems like something out of Gulliver's Travels.

Funny, I'd have thought the last thing Bloomberg would want to do would be to portray himself as a Lilliputian.

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