February 5, 2020

Remember that time Maureen Dowd needed to kick Rush Limbaugh, right after he announced he had advanced lung cancer, and she didn't spell his name right, because it was so important to remind us of the worst thing he ever said?

ADDED: This reminds me of the recent cancel-culture attack on Joe Rogan. You've got someone who talks for hours and hours and is good because he's free-wheeling and not too self-censoring. That makes for good listening. It's how to get popular on the radio or in podcasting. But it also means that there's a huge set of material that your antagonists can sift through, and the worst thing you ever said will be used as if it was most representative of the kind of person you are.

From a different perspective, it also reminds me of the reaction to the death of Kobe Bryant. Dowd is like the few people who brought up the old rape charge against Bryant. In this perspective, Dowd is not the canceller but the one who could be targeted for cancellation because of her lack of empathy for the person who has met with terrible misfortune. But she doesn't need to worry too much about that, because Rush Limbaugh is on the right and because his misfortune is his alone — there's no sweet daughter simultaneously struck by this lung cancer.


Seeing Red said...

Fluke was.

Ann Althouse said...

Her link goes to this 2012 column ("Now he’s brutalizing a poised, wholesome-looking 30-year-old Georgetown law student as a “slut,” “a prostitute” and “round-heeled” simply for testifying to lawmakers about wanting the school to amend its health insurance to cover contraception.")

wendybar said...

She's in the party of Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton. Sit down and shut up. You're hateful.

Ryan said...

His argument was free contraceptives are a form of payment, and Fluke therefore would be getting paid to have sex, making her a prostitute. Not a very compelling argument, but not the same as simple name calling.

reader said...

Should we compare and contrast the response to Maureen Dowd with the response to Felicia Sonmez?

Paul said...

And shall we list all the things Maureen Dowd said that were awful???

Well don't worry Maureen, you ain't gonna get a medal... ever.

n.n said...

The girl who wouldn't grow up. Fluke wanted to fuck through shared/shifted responsibility. That said, it was still a better choice on balance for humanity and society. Unfortunately, they wanted to have it both ways, abort the child and subsidized contraception. The doubled-edged scalpel in their apology predicated their downfall. Surely, a poorly conceived plan.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Maureen is being moderately nice, that was not the worst thing Rush has ever said. Still waiting for the children in politics post about last night’s speech, but I think cruel neutrality may have succumbed to the Trump cancer and died.

Seeing Red said...

So what? Didn’t she jet off to Greece for the weekend with her boy toy?

She was 30.

I paid for my own contraception, so did you back in the day. It didn’t break the bank.

She could afford Georgetown, she could afford it. $10 a month.

I know we talked about that here.

Don’t forget, under the previous admin, nuns and women our age have to pay for it.

And I think the nuns were still suing, or this admin changed that.

But I will say, Uber isn’t cheap, nor is GrubHub or the rest.

OTOH, she could have gone on the exchange and gotten her own plan.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fluke. I thought she was a slut? No? Not a slut?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maureen is a great writer but she falls into her left-wing thought-crime corner a bit too easily.

Rush Limbaugh is a talk show host. He talks. Guess what - sometimes controversial things pop out. Get over it. Stop acting like a speech-Nazi, Maureen. It's beneath you.

SGT Ted said...

Demanding government funds so privileged white women can bang whoever they want without consequence is kinda slutty.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left ripping it all up! Tearing down historical statues, ripping up speeches, outing and doxxing anyone for any crime them can conjure.

Lucid-Ideas said...

All of this fempowerment and getting in the last word!

Althouse, you need a new tag.

#1 ME!

gilbar said...

tell me Again WHY she needed all those contraceptives ?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


hawkeyedjb said...

And there is Maureen Dowd, leading the charge to civility and tolerance. Can't wait for Limbaugh to croak so you can piss on his grave?

SGT Ted said...

The neo-Victorian pearl clutching over harsh speech being directed at grown women who are political activists is a bonus, especially coming from people who routinely denigrate women who don't toe the Party Line.

Sandra Fluke: "I'm horny, so give me free stuff. I deserve it because I have a vagina."

Other people: "No, you slut, pay for it yourself".

Progs: "OMG, MISOGYNY!".

Nonapod said...

Even if Rush was a bit out of line with his slut shaming (which, let's face it, she was the one demanding free contraceptives, items that cost next to nothing to begin with) Rush speaks extemporaneously for hours a day for literally hundreds of days a year, primarily about politics and culture. There isn't a human being alive who could do that without saying something regrettable at some point. When a person has (likely) terminal cancer, it seems petty and small to point out something like that at this point, especially without proper context or the whole debate.

rhhardin said...

It wasn't a good analysis, but there's nothing wrong with calling her a slut. Nobody cares if she's a slut. She's an activist, and is into nagging. That's the right analysis.

Biff said...

I was listening to Rush on the day that he made the "slut" comments about Fluke, and I remember cringing when he did so. It seemed extremely clumsy, crass, and off-brand for Rush, even if I agreed with much of the logic behind the comment. I'm still incredulous that a student at one of the nation's most prominent law schools was unable to procure contraception without government assistance.

rhhardin said...

The memorable thing about calling her a slut is the pressure on Rush's advertisers to drop Rush. Carbonite in particular dropped him, and competitor Idisk took up the spot, after Rush wouldn't let Carbonite come back

Chuck said...

I’m giving this blog post our “civility bullshit” tag.

SGT Ted said...

"I'm still incredulous that a student at one of the nation's most prominent law schools was unable to procure contraception without government assistance."

Well, she was an activist playing the Poor Little Female Card pushing the party line. Truth had little to do with it.

readering said...

Hardly the worst thing he ever said. He's said so many terrible things.

Dave Begley said...

Maureen Dowd is a bitter and liberal old maid.

rhhardin said...

To nag properly it's best if it's something uniquely about being a woman, so there's a lot of cunt-related activism. Pussy march, conceptive pills, tampon tax.

Rush should have called her a stupid cunt, except that he's too much of a prude to even say pussy hat.

Skeptical Voter said...

Aging cougar is gonna coug. She could have called him Rush Lima Bean. Ah well, the truth is that Limbaugh will be remembered long after Maureen Dowd is forgotten.

While Limbaugh did not "invent" political talk radio, he certainly gave the conservative talk show a big starting push. He'll be remembered for that.

As for Mo Do--well there have been a lot of petty sniping opinon/editorial writers in the world. They were here long before Mo Do was even born--and will be around for a long while after those of us alive now have departed this world. But snipe on Mo ?Do, snipe on!

SGT Ted said...

'I’m giving this blog post our “civility bullshit” tag."

You're right, Chuck. Sandra Fluke was relying on the civility of others to avoid being criticized for her assertion that she couldn't afford BC. It was bullshit.

Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "I’m giving this blog post our “civility bullshit” tag."



Chuck said...

Oh; and just because I want to try on the feeling of lying with total unaccountability, I want to suggest that Maureen Dowd’s spelling error was intended, in order to draw more attention or make the reader think or any of the other excuses so often made by Trump’s supporters regarding his countless misspellings, misuses and grammatical goofs.

Dave Begley said...

My brother in San Francisco claimed he invented the pressure campaign to boycott Rush Limbaugh's advertisers. He hides behind a fake name on Twitter.

So far he has had the decency not to attack Limbaugh for his cancer diagnosis and being awarded the Medal of Freedom.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck comes out swinging hard in defense of far far left lunatic Sandra Fluke who demanded others pay for her birth control so she could sleep around alot.

Because of course he did.

"conserving conservatism" by supporting every far left fanatic in the nation.


rhhardin said...

It turned out all it took to get rid of Rush wasn't advertiser activism but just lung cancer.

Unknown said...

Rush is a family member to many.

Nature of the medium.

Trump and Rush both have a bond with the listeners. Bernie too.

Nobody else in the race has this.

Drago said...

Has Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck started a GoFundMe for Doug Jones yet?

Unknown said...

Dowd is pushing her canard

She knows its a straw woman

MD Greene said...

Didn't watch the speech, don't care for Limbaugh and had forgotten about Ms. Fluke. This is rather like the WaPo cancel queen reminding us of the sin of family man Kobe Bryant 17 years after its resolution and right after he had died in a flaming helicopter crash.

I'm Catholic, and I'm tired of the never-ending efforts to force the most devout among us to subsidize activities they don't support. (This is more valid than all those people who claim "religious" objections to vaccinating their children.) Plus, leave the Little Sisters of the Poor alone.

One or more Republicans in Congress have tried to legalize selling BC pills over the counter at least twice, but it hasn't gone anywhere. My two most progressive friends like the idea. Is the problem that it might hurt the Planned Parenthood franchise?

Drago said...

Proud Admitted Smear Merchant LLR-lefty Chuck: "Oh; and just because I want to try on the feeling of lying with total unaccountability,....."

Admitted Smear Merchant sez wut?

Daniel Jackson said...

Maureen is pissed at Rush's comment because it hit too close to home.

Drago said...

rhhardin: "It turned out all it took to get rid of Rush wasn't advertiser activism but just lung cancer."

So let me get this straight. You really don't like listening to Rush Limbaugh and you tell us about this dislike multiple times per day.

Do I have that right?

Drago said...

Daniel Jackson: "Maureen is pissed at Rush's comment because it hit too close to home."


That's precisely why LLR-lefty Chuck and his dem allies have been working for years to get Rush forced off the airwaves.

Lucien said...

Is it wrong to accept a Presidential Medal of Freedom when you know Obama gave one to Biden?

Psota said...

He did apologize to her...on air... for calling her a slut.

Biff said...

SGT Ted said..."Well, she was an activist playing the Poor Little Female Card pushing the party line. Truth had little to do with it."

Correct. As soon as I hit "Publish", I realized that I should have written "I'm still incredulous that a student at one of the nation's most prominent law schools was willing to say with a straight face that she was unable to procure contraception without government assistance." They really are utterly without shame.

Unknown said...

Is that the best she's got

after 40 years, 3 hours a day?

Carlin would be censored today.

Howard said...

Well when you make your entire career about splitting people into two enemy camps when your feet of clay begin to deteriorate that people you marginalized ostracised criticized slammed and encouraged the other half of the nation to hate, don't be surprised that's some people we're going to laugh at your misfortune. I'm sure Rush understands this completely. And like a Hall of Fame level athlete feeds off the boo's that you get when you're traveling on the road to the enemy's arenas. I'm sure when Rush found out about MoDo's slam he said to himself you go girl.

rcocean said...

Yeah, Fluke that was SO IMPORTANT. Dowd's just scum. Happy to see her get lung cancer, then we can all have a happy dance. At which point all her friends will be OUTRAGED at the gauche behavior.

Dave Begley said...

Trump told the news anchors in the off-the-record lunch that Limbaugh was going to get the Medal of Freedom. CNN wasn't invited. But someone (probably Chuck Todd) leaked it to CNN and CNN ran the story before the SOTU.

What a bunch of crazed and petty people. But it looked like Rush was surprised.

rcocean said...

He called a woman a slut because Fluke wanted to government to pay for her birth control so she could have "fun". If having lots of sex makes you a slut, why is that an insult? Does anyone really believe Dowd thinks being called a slut is an awful thing? Is she a prude? No. A christian? No. Just more liberal/leftist fakery.

Biff said...

It's worth noting that on his own initiative, Limbaugh raised many millions of dollars for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society over the years through his annual "Cure-a-thon" shows, where he would devote an entire three hour show to fundraising. LLS is a terrific organization. Sadly, the organization was not willing to embrace the Cure-a-thon as much as it would have liked to, as it was afraid of how the left would react and the impact it would have on its other donors. A sad, but wise choice, as the Susan G Komen Foundation would learn when it upset leftist activists.

Howard said...

rcocean is experiencing a transendental #meetooo moment of solidarity.

rcocean said...

WHy did Trump waste his time having Lunch with News anchors? They're all obscure nobodies or hard care leftists. And they never respect "Off the Record" when they can damage the R's.

RBE said...

Rush Limbaugh made a mistake in calling her names. His mistake gave her far more than the 15 minutes of fame her fellow activists were expecting or deserved. A rare misstep for Rush and a costly one even though he rightly apologized.

Martin said...

Dowd has a 20+ year record of being a stupid and vile person and reveling in it in her NYT column.

But, in noting her personal failings and NYT byline, I repeat myself.

A bit off topic, but it is a bit interesting how a NYT or WaPo byline for a few months can turn otherwise responsible adults into evil and rather stupid little sh*ts--David Brooks, Jennifer Rubin, Bret Stephens...

Unknown said...

> George Carlin was funny.
> Rush Limbaugh was ugly.
> There's a difference, you know.

Do you have a guide to what's funny so everyone else knows when to laugh?

Dave Begley said...

Can you imagine going on a date with Sandra Fluke? Every guy surely expected her to put out on the first date.

Lurker21 said...

A young girl and an old saint teach the unmoored Republicans a lesson in civil discourse

Touched by an Angel, right? One of my favorite episodes.

The "slut" comment was regrettable. "Slut shaming" paints the people who do it into an uncomfortable corner. And wasn't it obvious that Fluke was an activist? If she were truly a hedonist or sensualist, she wouldn't have had so much time for organization and propaganda.

I was a big fan of Rush a quarter century ago. Today, not so much. I got tired of him. Still, he was a breath of fresh air when he started. He was a cut above many of the earlier radio talkmasters. Better than Morton Downey Jr., Wally George and other even more clownish characters. And if he was divisive, so was Molly Ivins. So is Michael Moore. So are plenty of tweeters and commenters. That is how things are now. I promise I won't complain if a Democratic president wants to give Michael Moore or Oliver Stone a medal. Garry Trudeau though - that would be going too far.

TJM said...

Mo Dowd, still drinking and bitter that Michael Douglas dumped her

Amadeus 48 said...

That’s it. I’ll never give Dowd the benefit of the doubt again.
Whatever the nuns did to her, it wasn’t enough.

Chuck said...

I agree that Limbaugh should be judged on the totality of his work and not just a single comment like the Fluke/slut thing.

I always thought the Fluke/slut thing was emblematic of Limbaugh’s stupidity and inarticulation, rather than any misogyny.

Rush’s narrow-minded stupidity was always on display. His hallmark (being from KC). Rush was always talking about people whom he never interviewed. His program is designed to wrap his fans up in the comfort of what they already think. He had the biggest audience, and could command any sort of guest list he could imagine. And yet he never engaged with anybody else.

His show always dealt with the media, and slights to conservatives, and Clinton scandals. Never health care. Never entitlement reform. Never any complicated election law issue.

A low-information show, for a low-information audience.

And to a great extent, one of the leading media outlets anywhere, critical of Republican leadership in Congress. Mitch McConnell is “the Turtle” on Limbaugh’s show. With friends like Rush, Republicans didn’t need many more enemies.

Amadeus 48 said...

What the fluke happened to Sandy ? Tossed on the ash heap of history, I suppose.

William said...

Dowd is witty and fun to read. Limbaugh is witty and fun to listen to. I can't ever recall Dowd changing my mind about anything, but Limbaugh brought me over to the conservative side on a number of issues....They both use ridicule in their arguments. I don't think either one can complain about being ridiculed because that's their stock in trade. Still, the awarding of the medal was a feel good gesture to a man with a harrowing prognosis. A decent person would let him have his moment.

The Minnow Wrangler said...

When I heard that Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer it made me sad. Not that I am a huge fan although I have listened to him sometimes when I am in my car and I usually agree with him.

I was shocked that some liberals expressed happiness over the announcement of his illness. Some cited "karma" others said "the world would be a better place without him." And now this from Maureen Dowd.

Liberals are supposed to be the ones who "care" about people, but occasionally the mask slips, and they reveal that, if you disagree with their politics, they actually want you dead, and it's not a problem for them if you happen to suffer a long and painful illness.

This is who they are, this is what they do. Never forget.

William said...

Iirc, the joke was that Fluke couldn't afford to buy contraceptives because she used them in such volume. I guess it was an unfair joke, but the merit of a joke lies more in its humor than in its civility and fairness.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck comes to this blog, by his own proud admission, to smear and lie to achieve the following objectives:

- Use smears to attempt to drive down Trump support
- Attempt to drive a wedge between Trump and his supporters
- Attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers
- Undermine conservatives that have been effective in attacking LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved leftists

Chuck's description and characterization of Rush's show is typical of what he pulls at Althouse blog in order to advance leftist talking points.

The good news? No one is fooled.

And Trump becomes Forever Acquitted on this very day.

Narr said...

So there's this SOB with cancer who called a bitch a slut, and now some bitchy sluts have to run about crying "Shame! Shame!" because he got some farcical gong.

I feel good right now: almost everything I know about Limbaugh and Dowd I've learned here, and I'm happy to believe it all--there's a great sense of satisfaction that comes with the realization that I've missed nothing worthwhile!

MoDo looks like a dried-up old peddletwat

mccullough said...

Rush doesn’t believe in pulling punches. So good for Dowd not to take it easy on him. This is what they do.

They are both old and childless. They were into their careers. They are what they do.

phunktor said...
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mccullough said...

Chuck is a low-information voter.

Rick said...

wholesome-looking 30-year-old Georgetown law student

Apparently this is how we describe our country's entitled and privileged who believe taxpayers should pay $3,000 a year because it's unconscionable that she pay $150.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

William @ 11:45

Agree 100%

narciso said...

facts not in evidence, fluke mainstreamed the birthcontrol mandate, that was obligatory to all, and raised premiums in lieu of other items,

Drago said...

mccullough: "Chuck is a low-information voter."

Actually, LLR-lefty Chuck is a "high-democrat-far left-narrative" voter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maureen needs to update her photo. That one looks 20-30 years ago.

Lurker21 said...

Rush seemed to assume that the women who were most vocal in demanding birth control were the most likely to use it and the easiest to have sex with. I suspect it's generational. The template was probably wild beatnik/hippie chicks, or something even older and darker.

If you're even a little younger than Rush, you might think that the opposite was more likely to be true: that the most vocal militants were going to be least likely sexual prospects. You probably aren't thinking of free loving free spirits, but of militant feminist ideologues.

This may have been an early "Okay, Boomer" moment. It's also representative of where we are now. Public figures who talk or tweet a lot have at least one really embarrassing moment (and others that don't look great either), and when we look back on their careers we hear about the low points and how they characterize a whole life.

narciso said...

she was a potted plant, by sk knickerbocker, she ultimately wore out her welcome in the state legislature in California, married some trust fund lefty,

Achilles said...

The slut comment was made because Fluke quoted a monthly cost for contraception that could buy 3000 condoms.

Then the discussion moved to whether it was possible to use 3000 condoms in a month and how many times you had sex in a day.

If you need 100 condoms a day you are probably going to get labeled a slut man or woman.

MadisonMan said...

Rush’s narrow-minded stupidity was always on display.
I think the argument that Rush is stupid is a terrible one. He is a canny commenter. How can you do that if you're stupid? People in WI called Scott Walker stupid. He's elected governor -- that requires smarts.
If you call a political opponent of yours stupid, that's my cue to stop listening to you.

Francisco D said...

Rush’s narrow-minded stupidity was always on display.


Lil' Chuckles' mask has slipped again.

He makes Bill Kristol look life a life long conservative.

I expect to soon hear of his adoration of Adam Schiff. Imagine the two of them spooning.

Jupiter said...

"Dowd is like the few people who brought up the old rape charge against Bryant."

Well, sort of. Kobe Bryant was a rapist. And Sandra Fluke was a slut. In particular, a cheap slut, so cheap she didn't want to pay for her own contraceptives.

Drago said...

Francisco D: "I expect to soon hear of his adoration of Adam Schiff. Imagine the two of them spooning."

Oh! Then you've already missed it.

From the very first day of the hack lying dems presentation of the Articles of Impeachment in the Senate LLR-lefty Chuck went Full Adam Schiff-ty Adoration Mode.

And when I say "Adoration Mode", I mean LLR-lefty Chuck went so far into dreamy-eyed love with Schiff that it was embarrassing to read! You would not believe the pure love towards Schiff-ty which poured forth from LLR-lefty Chuck like a waterfall of affection onto the blog via Chuck's trembling fingers.

Seriously, you have to go back and read some of it.

Any question regarding the hoaxiness of LLR-lefty Chuck's "conservative-ness" were answered with finality at that point.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I've always wondered why, if we must pay for other people's birth control, it has to be the "cadillac" option. The "pill" doesn't protect against disease, the hormones can be harmful, and it's sex specific. If we have to spring for it we should only pay for condoms: Works for both men & women, prevents disease & costs pennies..

Drago said...

Unknown: "I've always wondered why, if we must pay for other people's birth control, it has to be the "cadillac" option."

People clamoring for others to pay their bills usually are not that concerned with the total cost.

Tina Trent said...

Points for “round heel.”

bagoh20 said...

I bet she considers herself a slut, and has probably said so at least once. Modern women consider it a self-empowering right. "Slut" is like the n-word. Only a slut can use it.

narciso said...


Vance said...

Let me ask a question: Who has converted more people to conservative principles, Rush Limbaugh, or Chuck and Mitt Romney?

The answer is obvious. Thus, for so called life long conservatives who claim to support conservative principles but just can't even with this whole Trump thing... shouldn't they be praising Rush up and down, for being a great conservative missionary?

No, no the "life long Republicans" cannot. They despise the very idea of converting others to conservative principles.

I wonder why?

I don't wonder at at Maureen Dowd's petty, bitter comments. The day Rush passes we will see a grand outpouring of dancing in the streets from leftists, because they stand for hatred and bigotry.

Jack Klompus said...
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Roost on the Moon said...

the worst thing you ever said will be used as if it was most representative of the kind of person you are.

These dug-up quotations aren't out of character or out of context; they are the character. Feminazis, sluts, black quarterbacks. He pisses people off by saying mean things about women and minorities. It's modern conservatism, it's what Rush helped to make. That's why he was given the Medal of Freedom. It's what his audience wants, it's what they get.

Look at all these people in your comment section calling women "sluts" and "cunts". What is that, a coincidence? Or is it that you and Rush share an audience of cretins?

So, sure, give him a medal. It's perfect. After all, if you don't like Rush, you don't like Republicans. Let's all smoke a big cigar in honor of Rush and the future of the GOP. Breathe it in.

Jack Klompus said...

Oh eat shit Roost, you Pearl clutching vapid twit. Calling everyone racists, Nazis, this phobe that phobe, making claims about how every reasonable disagreement on policy issues is a sign that your opponent is literally Hitler- those are signs of class and highbrow dignity, right? Enough of you shit doesn't stink holier than Thou pseudo intellectual neo Puritans. Fuck off all of you.

Bilwick said...

I never have paid much attention to Limbaugh, but I started to like him when "liberals" (by which I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government humpers") started saying things like, "Limbaugh isn't a real conservative--he's a radical libertarian!" My reaction: "Great! Welcome to the club, Rush!"

For State-shtuppers like Dowd, probably the worst thing Limbaugh has actually said is something like, "Hey, free societies are better than statist societies!" The horror--the horror!

Alcibiades said...

She once, a long time ago, went on a date with him.


FullMoon said...

All Presidential Medal of Freedom Winners: List of ...

bbkingfish said...

"...there's no sweet daughter simultaneously struck by this lung cancer."

That's true. There is no sweet daughter struck by lung cancer, because Rush has no sweet daughter. Just like Rush has no staunch and loyal son. Because, despite having been married four times, to four different women, and despite having limitless resources, Rush produced no offspring.

Roost on the Moon said...

He who is filthy, let him be filthy still. If you think me declining to call a woman a cunt is smug, that's OK. We can both make other friends.

FullMoon said...

Funny thing about Limbaugh haters. They have never listened to him.

I have told leftist friends that Limbaugh had a black grandfather.
That he is married to a black woman
That he has several adopted black children.
That he has a gay son
And other tall tales...

None realized I was lying. They had to look it up.
Because they ignorantly follow their leaders and swallow the propaganda.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce Hayden said...

“Stop acting like a speech-Nazi, Maureen. It's beneath you.”

Except that is most of what she has anymore.

Bruce Hayden said...

“If you need 100 condoms a day you are probably going to get labeled a slut man or woman”

It was never about condoms. Condoms were apparently freely available at their Health Services at Georgetown. She wanted oral and uterine birth control to be free too. Flake never mentioned that, because it would have helped to negate their narrative. And Rush, essentially, made that clear with his humorous attack on her. Except that she and her fellow leftist activists are humorless, or at least pretend to not get conservative humor (which is why Rey continue to “fact check” the Babylon Bee).

gerry said...

Did Dowd protest when Obama gave the medal (posthumously) to sexual predator Harvey Milk?

Jon Ericson said...

Seriously people, assholes and cunts just do that to get a rise out of us.
Get killfile.
Reduces irritation

Iman said...

Dowd, try growing old gracefully. 68 years old and wearing stiletto heels is sad and a recipe for disaster: you’ll fall and break a hip. That happens, it’s all downhill.

Maddad said...

Wasn't she a grad student? Anyone remember when Maureen Dowd called a Georgetown Prep student a rapist?

Mark said...

It is undeniable now that this is not just a case of opposition to Trump.

Has YKW ever said anything positive about a prominent conservative?

All I've read is attack and ad hominem against anyone and everyone who is conservative.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


...never go 'Full MoDo'

Mark said...

Since no one else, it would appear, has posted or linked to what Rush actually said -- why consider the actual evidence when we can simply demagogue and spin -- here it is:

President Obama has mandated that the Pope give away birth control pills and practically perform abortions. I know. I said "practically" that the Pope give away birth control pills and perform abortions. "Practically," I said. It's what I said! There have been congressional hearings on whether or not the president has the right to mandate such things -- and he does not. . . .

Can you imagine if you're her parents how proud of Sandra Fluke you would be? Your daughter goes up to a congressional hearing conducted by the Botox-filled Nancy Pelosi and testifies she's having so much sex she can't afford her own birth control pills and she agrees that Obama should provide them, or the Pope. . . .

"Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school," Fluke told the hearing. $3,000 for birth control in three years? That's a thousand dollars a year of sex -- and, she wants us to pay for it." All of this just since January 7th. Just since January 7th. . . .

What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We're the pimps. (interruption) The johns? We would be the johns? No! We're not the johns. (interruption) Yeah, that's right. Pimp's not the right word. Okay, so she's not a slut. She's "round heeled". I take it back.

DavidD said...

"The girl who wouldn't grow up."

And then President Obama called her parents--her parents--to congratulate them.

I would've been embarrassed. She was 30, not 13.

Roost on the Moon said...

Mark, everybody here knows what Rush Limbaugh is like. That you think that passage would change anyone’s mind is baffling. Of course, Rush apologized for that, in his craven, advertiser-forced way. But nobody really believed him, least of all his listeners. You seem to think he had nothing to apologize for.

My point is: We can all agree that Rush is not worse than typical Republican culture. How could he be, given his place within it? This is what you guys like. Now he has the Medal of Freedom, so everyone can see plainly: you think this is good. This is what you’re proud of. This is the very best conservative culture has to offer. We all agree. Mega dittos.

Crusty said...

He called a Georgetown slut who wanted to be paid thousands of dollars a year to screw a slut. In the world of liberals it's considered worse to observe the sin than it is to commit the sin.

Skyler said...

A slut is a slut. A slut by any other name would still be an object of scorn.

jeff said...

“Mega dittos” was short for “love you, love the show”. This was introduced decades ago to speed the call along as every caller invariably started of the call with that. Mega dittos was a way to get the call going. I think you’re using it wrong.

Iman said...

Maybe there should have been a forced coupling of Fluke and that damn hot cocoa sipping Pajama Boy. Just imagine the potential simpering mook offspring.

Sorry... that was just mean.

Marcus Bressler said...

She was a slut. I like sluts. I just don't like those who want me to pay for their slutiness if I'm not a part of it.


Rush is the one person most responsible for my conversion from liberal to conservative. By far. He made sense.

BWG said...

I remember the day Rush implied (he didn’t directly call her one) Sandra Fluke was slutty. But I remember the earlier morning monologue far more vividly than the slut comment. That was the morning we learned Andrew Breitbart had died. Rush Limbaugh was audibly shaken. Rush was speculating about murder. That’s Sean Hannity’s territory, mindless speculation on the air. Rush had always been the Mayor of Realville.
I hadn’t connected the two until now, but the only other time I’ve heard Rush seem as uncomfortable and lost on the air was on Monday when he announced he had advanced lung cancer. When he said slut over the air my first thought was, “Rush is off his game today.” I’d never heard him make a tactical mistake like that.

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