February 5, 2020

Quite aside from this closeup, she was easy to spot in the crowd, and I noticed her clapping and standing a lot. It really made me like her!


rehajm said...

Is that reaching across the aisle or addressing someone from atop your perch on the pointy fence?

Ryan said...

As a fellow ex-mormon BYU alum, good on her.

Seeing Red said...

Is AZ doing better because the flow of illegals has gone down?

gilbar said...

you Have to give her credit: She's the best looker the democrats have

Anonymous said...

She's quite striking.

Lucid-Ideas said...

The 1980s called and they're super-confused at what she's done to shoulder-pads.

Still, I give her some credit. She's one of the few who refuses - on occasion - to scissors Nancy or give Chuck a bj. Nonetheless she all too frequently flicks Nancy's bean and give Chuck the reach-around. But she's bi...inability to do the full wibbly-wobbly is their stock in trade.

LA_Bob said...

Former Green Party member. Liberal Democrat. Got elected to the Senate in Arizona.

Trump has good political instincts. Sinema appears to as well.

Seeing Red said...
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Seeing Red said...
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Seeing Red said...

I wasn’t thinking, sorry.

But she’s a Senator. She’s not under the Mean Girls’ thumbs.

Michael K said...

She wants a career.,

MayBee said...

I agree! I really like her and I didn't expect to! I also love that she's a woman who dares to be attractive, fashionable, and smart.

Temujin said...

I have noted from before she won her tough election, she is her own woman. She's tough. Smart. And brave enough to wear clothing that will make her stand out so you can be sure she'll be seen being her own woman.

I love that. I may not agree with all of her politics, but I wish we had 100 Senators who had that in them. The House? I've given up on that end of things.

Unknown said...

Can check out her boobs better when standing.

Good show.

Jersey Fled said...

She's one of the more appealing Democrats. Of course, that's not saying much.

Unknown said...

She's faking it - still votes majority Dem on bills.

Francisco D said...

There is a "maverick" tradition in AZ that people like Sinema, Flake, and McCain exploited.

Barry Goldwater was the true maverick - not a game player.

Ken B said...

I have been saying since the election that Sinema is the one to watch. She ran as a moderate and so far has acted like one. She is shrewder than the rest of her party.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She represents AZ. The rest of the leftwing nut jobs that make up the -D-party work for hate, mega-bucks, corruption-excusing, and immature BS in high-school white uniforms.

Dagwood said...

Isn't she flanked by a couple of the early exiters from the Democratic primary circus, Gillibrand and Harris? They're visibly embarrassed and annoyed by Sinema's breach of cutthroat partisan ethics.

And they're probably still asking themselves how voters in general could ever have found them too unlikable to ever become president.

LA_Bob said...

Last night I googled "iowa caucus results 2020". The results had been updated to some evening value PST and were 71% complete.

I googled again just a few minutes ago. Updated as of just before I hit [Enter].

Still at 71%. What on earth is taking these people??????

Big Mike said...

I realize this thread is about Sinema, but has anyone else noticed the contrast between a do-er like Tim Scott and, for instance, Cory Booker?

rcocean said...

"Still at 71%. What on earth is taking these people??????"

My guess, is they're protecting Slow Joe.

rcocean said...

Sinema = another fake moderate.

wendybar said...

I was on another blog last night and I commented about her. She was the only one brave enough to have her own mind and not be another puppet on the Democrat leaders strings..... I have been liking her more and more as I see she is WAY more moderate than the "supposed" moderates they keep shoving in our faces. She probably would have been one of the blue dogs back in the day!!

Virgil Hilts said...

I did not think Sinema would win. People forget how few democratic senators have represented Arizona. She may be a secret/closet out of control progressive, but if you pretend to be a bipartisan centrist long enough maybe you become that persona. Maybe she'll be this way for another 20 or so years and then when she retires, people can say she had the most bipartisan voting record of any Senator from the last 25 years, but she was really faking it all along.

SDaly said...

The contrast between Sinema and Gillibrand is striking.

Chuck said...

Well, this sort of Althouse-adulation inspires some cold hard fact checking on Sinema.

Her voting record gets a 53.7% “Trump score” from Five Thirty Eight. That’s “less Trump” than Heidi Heitkamp, Joe Donnelly Or Joe Manchin.

She is a solid, regular ‘No’ vote on all matters relating to border wall funding and authorization. Maybe because they know better in AZ.

Anyway, I find it interesting how Sinema gets somehow elevated, based on little more than being shown standing and clapping at a SOTU.

Virgil Hilts said...

Chuck, aren't both Heidi Heitkamp and Joe Donnelly no longer Senators (having been defeated by Republicans)? Not sure citing them supports your point.

Virgil Hilts said...

Per Quorum report from last Fall, Sinema was the Most Bipartisan (Democratic) Senator in the 116th Congress

Chuck said...

Blogger Virgil Hilts said...
Chuck, aren't both Heidi Heitkamp and Joe Donnelly no longer Senators (having been defeated by Republicans)? Not sure citing them supports your point.

My point was that I don’t remember Althouse “liking” Joe Donnelly as a bipartisan. Or Joe Manchin. McCain was a maverick, a Party-rebel in many occasions, and very notably bipartisan. I don’t remember Althouse “liking” him and I don’t know if she ever voted for McCain at all.

I think that what Althouse likes about Kyrsten Sinema was a Democrat — and particularly a quirky bisexual one — cheering Trump. Pro-Republican but being cagey about it.

Achilles said...

If Synema votes to convict today she is just as corrupt and evil as the people pushing this coup.

These people are trying to remove Trump because he asked a foreign country to help investigate corruption.

Open obvious corruption.

Everyone in DC should get the Manafort treatment.

Everyone in DC should have to face the spying and investigations Trump has had to endure.

Every single one of them.

MartyH said...

Chuck- She’s not applauding Trump. She’s applauding the policies she endorses. She sat for much of the speech. That’s what a centrist (or at least someone playing one) looks like.

Lurker21 said...

I don't know. That annoying "y" is hard to forgive.

Bay Area Guy said...

I refer to the right honorable Gentlewoman from the great of Arizona as Senator Cinnamon Tits --mostly because she wore a hot red dress, showing cleavage, on the first date of the impeachment trial.

If anyone finds this offensive, I will, henceforth, refrain from referring to her as Senator Cinnamon Tits.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I don’t think she’ll have a problem getting re-elected. She seems to have an old school sense of how much she can get away with, without pissing off her constituency. A trait the old DemocRATS used to have, but no longer.

Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "Well, this sort of Althouse-adulation inspires some cold hard fact checking on Sinema."

Compared to LLR-lefty Chuck-Schiff adulation, all other adulation pales to nothingness.

Ryan said...

"I refer to the right honorable Gentlewoman from the great of Arizona as Senator Cinnamon Tits --mostly because she wore a hot red dress, showing cleavage, on the first date of the impeachment trial."

I think we need to evaluate the evidence before we weigh in. Can you provide a link?

Drago said...

Meanwhile, the Daily Mail has the slow-motion video of Nancy pre-ripping the speech paper in preparation for her, like, totally "spontaneous", ripping of the speech after Trump finished speaking.


LLR-lefty Chuck hardest hit!


Richard said...

No, no, no, no, no!!! ....... Make no deals with people who kill babies--on purpose.

mockturtle said...

While I was disappointed in her vote, I applaud her applause. She remains a Dem worthy of at least some respect.