"Whether the rise in Trump's approval rating and the Republican Party's image is being driven by a backlash against impeachment, the strong economy or other factors may become clearer in the near future. If it is mostly impeachment-based, his approval rating may revert quickly back to pre-impeachment levels, as it did for Clinton.... If Trump's higher approval rating is being driven by Americans giving him credit for improvements in the economy, his support may increase over the course of the year, as it did for Ronald Reagan in 1984, Clinton in 1996 and Barack Obama in 2012."
Obama? He was the guy hobbling the economy.
Another factor to consider is the fact that the Democrats look like they shouldn't be playing in the same league as Trump. The Democrats can't escape this problem with the candidates that they have.
These polls are not real.
Just like election results from elections run by the Democrat party.
Democrat craziness and over-the-top rhetoric allows fair minded independents to admit to their previously held sense that Trump is doing an objectively good job.
If Trump's higher approval rating is being driven by Americans giving him credit for improvements in the economy, his support may increase over the course of the year,
And IF, it is being driven by people realizing that they can Publicly Express, how they Really feel..
Then things will be going bad for Democrats, and Life Long Liberals
rhhardin: "Obama? He was the guy hobbling the economy."
Oh my. This is a very very very triggering comment for certain banned posters here.
God speed rhhardin.
Wall Street woke up this morning and realized that Wu Flu was going to be around for a few months, while Trump is going to be around five years. Plus all the loons - Bernie, Liz, Hillary, Nancy - will be dead by 2025, and the next President will be a tolerable billionaire as well.
A CNN headline today --
Dow Futures Skyrocket as Iowa Disaster Gifts Trump Another Victory
Zogby says 22% black approval. Even if it’s half that, Democrats lose in almost every scenario. 22% and it’s a trump landslide with retaking the House.
Is that real, Allen S.?
You don’t appreciate what you have until you face losing it. DJT has shown a consistent genius at political, economic and foreign relations/ Military strategy and telling the voters the truth. And he is the only candidate with that skill set. The only doubt is how to find that skill set again in 2024. Pompeo could do it. Pence could not.
Since the 2018 elections, it's been all downhill for the Democrats.
The Mueller investigation fizzled.
Too many candidates for president.
A badly-botched impeachment effort.
The Iowa caucus catastrophe.
In other bad news, the economy hums right along, helping that Deplorable Incumbent.
Democrats, hold on to your butts, 'cause you'll never find 'em when the lights go out.
Barack Obama? LOL!
The economy was straightjacketed by Obamacare and a myriad of new taxes and regulations which resulted in the stock market being essentially flat the last two years Obama was in office but it took off once Trump was elected in November.
"The Mueller investigation fizzled.
Too many candidates for president.
A badly-botched impeachment effort.
The Iowa caucus catastrophe."
...and the DNC convention is already a scandal.
Just a temporary statistical bump, but there is a noticeable drift. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_trump_job_approval-6179.html Mr. Trump is on the very high edge of his range of approval ratings.
I retired in 2016 after saving in a 401(k) for 25 years. Since then I've taken a substantial monthly disbursement from it. The amount of the disbursement wasn't designed to maintain the balance-- I fully expected it to diminish over the years. Can't take it with you, amirite? So I received my quarterly statement the other day and my 401(k) has the same amount in it as it did when I retired. This is the reality of the Trump economy, and it is being enjoyed by Democrats and independents as well as Republicans. People vote by their wallets, as GHW Bush learned to his dismay. By this measure, I'm looking for a Trump landslide in November.
My prediction: more boomer “retirements” because their stock market portfolio says they can
Which is good for everyone.
This is how we get to means testing and starting to put Social Security to rights.
back in the 90s the stock market was in the middle of its best run ever. It was being said at that time because the greatest generation was starting to die off that it was going to be the greatest transfer of wealth the United States had ever seen. Just wait.
Yes, Lincolntf --
Fucking, Blogger!
Trump is going to win in a landslide come November.
Tyrone said...
I retired in 2016 after saving in a 401(k) for 25 years. Since then I've taken a substantial monthly disbursement from it. The amount of the disbursement wasn't designed to maintain the balance-- I fully expected it to diminish over the years. Can't take it with you, amirite? So I received my quarterly statement the other day and my 401(k) has the same amount in it as it did when I retired. This is the reality of the Trump economy,
i retired Jan 2018, and am also living off my 401k, and Also have more money than i started with
Since i was only 55 when i retired, i figured i'd be going back to work in a few years; now not so sure
I don't take a lot of stock in the current polls. I view them as "soft" data when they are low for guys I like, and, hence, I must view them as "soft" data, when they are high for guys I like.
Nonetheless, to the extent that: (a) unemployment is LOW, (b) interest rates are LOW, (c) inflation is LOW, (d) the stock market is HIGH, (e) GDP is relatively good, (f) the impeachment farce is OVER, (g) Trump is ACQUITTED, (h) the Iowa Dems are INEPT, (i) Biden's campaign is SUNK and (j) Socialist Bernie Sanders will be the Dem NOMINEE, I reckon there is much to be happy about.
Rejoice and Make Merry!
No, too much anger. Only if they’re demoralized and stay home.
I hope VA’s GOP actually run candidates in all the races this time. VA is nuts.
That special election in Texas that the Democrats had such hope for last week was a blowout for R’s. Just saying.
It looks like a lot of people approve of Trump giving Alaska back to Russia, and eliminating Murkowski's Senate seat.
I thought I was the only one....
Allen S., thanks.
Thanks, Nancy!! Smooches.
Whether . . . or"
Or and and?
Anyway, thanks Dems!
gilbar said...And IF, it is being driven by people realizing that they can Publicly Express, how they Really feel..
This is the nightmare scenario for Democrats--that the impeachment made it ok for people to say they don't agree with the Democratic tactic of resistance at all costs. But then again, an economic crash has always been the Democrats' only hope, the only thing that's changed due to these recent missteps is Trump's potential winning margin.
Oh BTW, Iran is willing to sit down with the EU to discuss the nuclear deal.
And people who’ve worked with Soliemani keep ending up dead....
How long before even Althouse can "see what happens" and "make plans" to pick a side?
Taking bets right here.
rhhardin said...
Obama? He was the guy hobbling the economy.
This is right. Until now hating Trump was costless. But with the election season starting it's becoming real that we could go back to a government whose primary function is waging war on employers in which case all this ends.
"AllenS said...
Yes, Lincolntf --
Fucking, Blogger!"
Allen, that's CCN not CNN.
Looking for a dark cloud in this silver lining, a spike in approval implies the endless investigations and impeachment were successful to a measurable degree.
Steyn is eulogizing Rush each hour. This is going to be tiring.
I'm loving this take via Don Surber, totally agree...
"The Obama Era in Democrat Politics ended in Iowa on Monday, where it began. In 2008, voters in the overwhelmingly white heartland state accepted him, meaning it was time for a black president.
Obama's failure to lead led to the disastrous stimulus in 2009, which sent unemployment to double digits for the first time in decades. Obamacare was a miserable failure. His foreign policy saw him withdrawing from Iraq too soon, and the rise of ISIS, while he bombed Libya for no reason.
His incompetence led to the election of Donald John Trump as our president. For that, I am grateful.
But Obama's party is wrecked. In the last 12 years, voters decimated the Democrat Party costing it thousands of elected offices at the local, state, and federal level."
Overheard today from the most proudly extreme liberal I know:
"Oh God, Trump's going be be re-elected, isn't he?"
Her husband: "Yep."
Not enough. That’s only 1/10th.
OOPS! Big mistake by me. Sorry, everyone.
What has impressed you in a positive way about the Democrats recently, becuase I got nothing. Even the evil they usually excel at has been poorly executed. They have absolutely nothing recommending them as a group or as individuals.
...The state of play: Three years into Trump's presidency, their view is the naysayers are always wrong. They point to Iran, impeachment, Middle East peace. Every day, Trump grows more confident in his gut and less deterrable. Over the last month, 10 senior administration officials have described this sentiment to me. Most of them share it."...
What I have learned watching and listening over my 50+ years is this: if CW is telling (hammering me over the head via media, et al) me A, it’s usually B.
Follow the money. It’s about power, access, and money.
Trump went B. The business of America is business, not policy wonks whose job depends on deep state rice bowls.
Don't give up hope, Dems. The economy could still crash from a pandemic or a meteor impact. Keep those prayers going.
Now Biden’s obstructing justice
It is entirely possible that the Democrats and their media fellatrices have so completely beclowned themselves that meek Trump supporters, unlike those of us here, are more freely sharing their opinions on the President. If you will remember, Trumps approval ratings were low the day he won the election.
I think the very thing that has been touted as the biggest strength of the Democrat Party may prove to be its undoing.
For a long time now we've been assured that the rising demographic tide would one day assure a permanent Democrat majority. Different groups of minority voters who would join together and automatically vote for any candidate with a (D) by their name regardless of anything else. And as we all know, in anticipation of this inevitability the Democrats have been gradually ignoring and/or abandoning the white middle class voters that traditionally made up a majority of their base. The thinking was that they no longer needed to rely so heavily on such a monolithic and monochromatic base. They could instead form coallitions of minority and grievance groups. So they decided to broaden their appeal to such groups by switching stances on immigration policies and as well as directly discussing things like trans gender issues, late term abortion, and generally appealing to younger people with things like promises of college debt forgiveness and greatly increasing minimum wage.
But what if it turns out that perhaps there are just too many conflicting ideas, too many concerns and too many potential solutions that are at odds with one another? What if all these groups have disagreements that are far too profound to paper over? What happens when progressive secular Jewish people are faced with real antisemitism from within their own party? What if the feminists don’t agree with the trans rights people about bathrooms? What happens when church going Catholic hispanics aren’t all as thrilled with super late term abortion as the feminists may be?
And perhaps most importantly, what happens when you have massive corruption from within the party itself and evidence of that corruption is revealed? What happens when the favored candidate of one group is undermined by a group with a different favored candidate? What happens when the conspiratorial thinking of over-zealous Bernie Bros leads to mistrust an acrimony of the very people they need to win?
Are we tired of winning?
Going to a Bros after my last client to watch the Lakers and
"Aunty Trump said...
That special election in Texas that the Democrats had such hope for last week was a blowout for R’s. Just saying."
And our resident dullard Inga, spouting off about "Trump referendums", is no where to be found.
It's probably already been said in this thread a dozen times, but "embrace the power of AND." No problem with saying it again!
Gonna be a great 2020 in Nov. Trump wins, House flips Republican, Trump gets maybe TWO SCOTUS picks!! Economy skyrockets!!!
Yea... gonna be one heck of a YEAR!!!
Ann votes for her write-in candidate Hillary.
Can you imagine Ann who was a class valedictorian, tied for first in her law graduation class,and a law professor for >30 years voted for Hillary who was for illegal immigration, higher taxes, greater welfare spending and whose husband is a sex pervert. Weird.
Trump jawboned the Fed into keeping rates down. If you're nice to them they'll keep rates down in an election year.
EZ money.
That is all.
Look around at what we have to choose from. I will NEVER vote for the things Democrats are trying to push on us. They want our whole paycheck.
I'm beginning to think that the Democrats can't pull off simple caucus fraud like they used to do back in the old days. Or maybe they never could without Republican help.
What will happen to Trump's popularity once he grabs a woman by the pussy or shoots someone on 5th Avenue?
Any normal President with this strong an economy and no war would win reelection in a landslide, but Trump may still manage to lose in 2020.
Same poll different questions:
"As Trump's job approval rating has improved, so has the image of the Republican Party. Now, 51% of Americans view the Republican Party favorably, up from 43% in September. It is the first time GOP favorability has exceeded 50% since 2005. Meanwhile, 45% of Americans have a positive opinion of the Democratic Party, a slight dip from 48% in September. Additionally, the poll finds 48% of Americans identifying as Republicans or leaning toward that party, compared with 44% Democratic identification or leaning. Recent Gallup polls had shown a fairly even partisan distribution, after the Democratic Party held advantages for much of 2019."
I see this as particularly bad news for Democrats, since it suggests that control of the House is in real jeopardy. Of course 9 months is a long time.
Mark Steyn is doing the Tinkerbelle bit for Rush today.
jimbino: "What will happen to Trump's popularity once he grabs a woman by the pussy or shoots someone on 5th Avenue?"
It would depend upon whom the other involved parties happened to be.
What will happen to Trump's popularity once he grabs a woman by the pussy or shoots someone on 5th Avenue?
It depends. Did she want it, and did they deserve it?
Mrs. Slothrop and I took a long road trip last summer, SoCal to Minnesota, then home via Washington. Every gas station, supermarket and retail outlet, every tire shop, and hardware store, had a "help wanted" sign. Doubtless, if we had surveyed the industrial sector we would have seen the same thing. I do not exaggerate even a little. This is the sort of thing that makes an electorate happy, and makes it vote to maintain the status quo.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Any normal President with this strong an economy and no war would win reelection in a landslide, but Trump may still manage to lose in 2020.
2/4/20, 1:36 PM
Whistling past the graveyard.
A combination of competence, performance, and persistent witch hunts/warlock trials since conception. Also, exposing social liberal club, mitigating redistributive change, and standing for human rights.
They can’t cheat if it’s not close.
See Gore, Gregoria, Franken. And the 2018 ballot stuffing.
Gregoire. (WA)
"Steyn is eulogizing Rush each hour. This is going to be tiring."
Why wait until someone is dead to eulogize him? It's good to hear what people like about you, and RIP everybody, eventually.
The vote by phone app is going to work SWELL for is it Oregon?
Why wait until someone is dead to eulogize him?
It's bad radio.
There is more than just Chuck out there.
Not much commented on herein: The total Democratic turnout in Iowa was rather anemic; not a harbinger of victory in the fall.
Trump’s Gallup numbers today are three points higher than Obama’s at this point in his presidency, and Trump hasn’t even been zonerated yet by the Senate.
I clicked on your link, out of loyalty to the loyal opposition in this beloved Commentariat.
Newsweek. Hmmm. Are they still in business? Not a good start.
And the disgruntled Republican is....... "Ed Adams resigned from his position as a local precinct committeeman for the 18-02 precinct in the Irvington neighborhood of Marion County."
Big hitter, that Ed Adams from Irvington!
Wait a sec, if it were a link to the NYT or WP there would have been grumbling about that, and they are both doing fine. Second, we are now holding Republican foot soldiers in disdain - how very elitist of you.
"They can’t cheat if it’s not close."
When it comes to cheating, don't underestimate the crooked liberal democrats.
"Any normal President with this strong an economy and no war would win reelection in a landslide, but Trump may still manage to lose in 2020."
That would prove something pretty unflattering about the American voter - something I think is not true for a majority of us. If it is, then we deserve to lose what we have been lucky enough to get, something historically good.
"Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
There is more than just Chuck out there.
Good Lord, ARM. Even you can't believe that Chuck is, or ever was, a Republican. His animus to conservatism goes way beyond Trump.
Bill Kristol
Not presumably forever; not perhaps for a day after Nov. 3, 2020; not on every issue or in every way until then. But for the time being one has to say: We are all Democrats now.
Serious Question
Hey Chuck?
now that your boyfriend Bill has admitted that he was/is/and will Always be, a PAID agent of the Democrat party...
Are you going to follow suit? Or will you Still be pretending that you've Ever voted Republican, even Once, ever in your life?
Inquiring minds want to know
FWIW, and he may be assuming, Steyn listed surgery as part of Rush's treatment plan. If true, that would put it in the category of "resectable"...a good thing.
The crooked liberal democrat mess, another view...
"Karma is knocking on the door at the Democratic National Committee's Washington, D.C. headquarters. The party of the plutocracy masquerading as the savior of the underclass, a coalition of grievance-fueled identity groups not completely comfortable with each other, may finally face the reckoning it so richly deserves. The only thing that unites eco-fanatics with the blue-collar labor unions, blacks with gays and Jews, or socialists with Wall Street financiers is the quest to harness the power of the state to their own interests."
Forty nine percent?
After Hillary lost, the D-hack MSM looked inward and promised themselves they would never let it happen again. Ratchet up, they have. Mask dropped, and in the garbage. They see themselves as the control booth. Sadly, they are, but the what we don't know? -- the numbers of fed-up quiet #walk away and shy-Trump voters. People who are fed up being force-fed a constant saccharin diet of "Bombshell!" and Orange Man Bad. People who see thru the impeachment fraud.
+ the Karmic response to Schitt's criminal lies.
Otto said...
Can you imagine Ann who was a class valedictorian, tied for first in her law graduation class,and a law professor for >30 years voted for Hillary who was for illegal immigration, higher taxes, greater welfare spending and whose husband is a sex pervert. Weird.
Don't be making up Lies about Meade!
Tyrone Slothrop @11:33 AM: Same with us. There's more money in there now than when I retired in 2017. And we're half in bonds. It's like we got two years for free.
Markets go down as well as up, but it's nice to enjoy it while it lasts.
How much of it is due to Administration policy? Impossible to put a number on it, but business investment decisions and stock valuations are affected a lot by expectations about the future. And then there's the "fracking" technology revolution in gas production. Obama and those of his ilk did everything they could to frustrate that. The follow-on effects on the primary chemical industry and everything downstream from it are enormous. I think its influence will be almost of the same order as the development of low-cost nontrivial computer power in the '80s.
If all that alone weren't enough, the fact that all of this hurts our enemies abroad (both directly by price and supply competition and indirectly by reducing their leverage on us and our allies) is delicious.
The depressing and shit-eating Obama years will soon be an asterisk in the proud history of this Nation.
Chuck is the archetype of a principled Republican and as such plays a critical role in the collective psyche of the Althouse commentariat. Together we have brought him into being and made him what he is today.
Althouse, why have you front-paged this one Gallup poll, and presumed that it is representative such that it calls for discussion as to why Trump is doing so well?
Here is the far more extensive Five Thirty Eight page on all of the running polls of Trump’s approval:
In modern Presidential polling, here is the rundown on Presidents’ approval ratings on January 1 of the year that they sought reelection:
Lyndon B. Johnson* (‘64) 76.0%
Dwight D. Eisenhower 75.5 %
George W. Bush 56.7 %
Jimmy Carter 55.9%
Ronald Reagan 54.1%
Harry S. Truman* 54.0%
Bill Clinton 52.5 %
Richard Nixon 1972 50.7%
George H.W. Bush 48.9%
Barack Obama 45.7%
Donald Trump 42.6%
Gerald Ford* (‘76) 39.3%
*Johnson acceded to the presidency mid-term. In Johnson’s case, he took office mere weeks before the calendar turned to 1964, which also may have affected his numbers. Ford became President following Nixon’s resignation in August of 1974, with the election in 1976.
Look at this photo of Warren supporters voting for her in the Iowa Caucus. Yea, I want to be part of that happy group. The vegan resting bitch face. That's the kind of people that really make things happen.
jimbino said...
What will happen to Trump's popularity once he grabs a woman by the pussy or shoots someone on 5th Avenue?
2/4/20, 1:22 PM
I guess it would depend on which woman's pussy he grabs or who he shoots.
Some women might even WANT, LET, and ENCOURAGE him to grab them by the pussy.
If he happens to shoot one of those traitors to this country, his approval numbers might take a big jump!
bernies supporters shoot congressmen, and ram secret service checkpoints, you think they are on a hair trigger, also stab people in Portland at random,
Blogger bagoh20 said..."That would prove something pretty unflattering about the American voter - something I think is not true for a majority of us. If it is, then we deserve to lose what we have been lucky enough to get, something historically good."
Thank you, bagoh. I tried to respond to Left Bank but wasn't happy with my attempt. Great economy, forthright foreign positions. If the American electorate doesn't reelect this man it speaks poorly of us, not Trump.
At the present time, this is a big nothing burger in Iowa. Just wait for the real fireworks show set for Milwaukee WI on July 13-16. That should up Trump's approval rate to about 183%.
Then what are you worried about Chuck? He’s dead meat, obviously.
Chuck is the archetype of a principled Republican
heheheeee that made me giggle.
Sure, if abandoning all your former principles because you HATE one man = principled. Archetype of principle. *snort*
Makes me sorry I will be up north this summer, instead of in Madison. It would be fun to drive over to Milwaukee and hang out in the bars during the convention.
"Chuck is the archetype of a principled Republican and as such plays a critical role in the collective psyche of the Althouse commentariat. Together we have brought him into being and made him what he is today. "
Hmmm. Chuck is an ARM sockpuppet. So much makes sense now.
oh it will look like the opening shot of la in demolition man,
Chuck refuses to take my ‘commenting bet’ that Trump will increase states won, electoral votes won, and popular vote won. Wonder why?
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Chuck is the archetype of a principled Republican and as such plays a critical role in the collective psyche of the Althouse commentariat.
This just highlights the sham. Chuck and his fellow cuck wing Democrats were always a sham.
The “principled republicans” think it is inappropriate to investigate corruption.
They were just corrupt shitheads too like ARM’s Democrats. But the Democrats are more honest about their corruption because their voters are stupid.
The principled republicans go first.
Via Insty:
Don't Look Now, But Trump's Super Bowl Commercials Were the Most Talked About on Social Media
Lots of news today:
The above and this via a Lucianne:
CNN media reporter Brian Stelter announced today that he's shocked, SHOCKED that the network's main anchors appear to have been left off the guest list of the traditional White House pre-State of the Union luncheon.The luncheon is an intimate off-the-record confab in which the president usually gives an insight into what he'll talk about in his annual congressional address. Stelter announced that CNN had been left off the guest list in his newsletter: "White House excludes CNN from annual pre-SOTU lunch with news anchors President Trump's targeting of CNN is moving to yet another arena: The annual presidential lunch...
ARM: "Chuck is the archetype of a principled Republican...."
"The luncheon is an intimate off-the-record confab ..."
Brian Seltzer thinks he should be invited to that? Seriously?
Seeing Red @ 4:00...
One of many reasons. (CNn is garbage. check#)
Perhaps it's because CNN would use the traditional "off the record" event to leak a twisted account and paint it as "criminal!" and give corrupt Adam Schitt more BS ammunition for further BS manufactured investigations.
Giving CNN the finger is the right thing to do. Freedom of speech works both ways. B.
"Can you imagine Ann who was a class valedictorian, tied for first in her law graduation class,and a law professor for >30 years voted for Hillary who was for illegal immigration, higher taxes, greater welfare spending and whose husband is a sex pervert. Weird."
And can you imagine that the reason was, she voted against "chaos"? In fact, no need to imagine: she told us. Cuz Althouses have reasons, you know.
What reasons will she come up with this year? Will she stick to a golden oldie--competent! serious! expresses American values! no chaos!--or will she get creative?
narciso said...
bernies supporters shoot congressmen, and ram secret service checkpoints, you think they are on a hair trigger, also stab people in Portland at random,
Not much would surprise me, about the bad behavior of Bernie supporters. Just like Trump supporters:
Charged with assault on an Orlando Sentinel reporter.
Charged with assault on 61 year-old peaceful protester.
Charged with threatening to kill Rep. Ilhan Omar.
Serving 20 years for his attempted murder and arson in connection with more than a dozen nonoperative mail bombs sent to various federal public figures who oppose Trump.
Charged with the knife-slashing of a "baby Trump" protest balloon.
Charged with gun violations in a South Dakota road rage incident where he brandished a firearm before a female motorist with a Warren bumper sticker. (He was flirting, he claimed.)
Charged with a Washington state hate-crime charge after an incident that was captured on surveillance video threatening persons whom he thought were Muslims. The charged man later reportedly said to police, “Iranians, Indians, Middle Easterners — they shouldn’t be in our country (and they’re) taking our jobs,” and that he "support[s] Trump in keeping them out."
Beasts of England said...
Chuck refuses to take my ‘commenting bet’ that Trump will increase states won, electoral votes won, and popular vote won. Wonder why?
Because you're such a nasty, ugly waste of my time. I don't want anything to do with you.
Look. At. Poll. Averages. He's basically got the same numbers he's had for the last two years.
Kinda weird, huh? Very little movement either way.
’Because you're such a nasty, ugly waste of my time. I don't want anything to do with you.’
Yet you replied... 😂
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "Because you're such a nasty, ugly waste of my time. I don't want anything to do with you."
Hey Beasts, just tell LLR-lefty Chuck you are far left dem. Chuck can't resist that kind of pitch as demonstrated conclusively and irrefutably over the last 4+ years.
Blogger Mike said...
Look. At. Poll. Averages. He's basically got the same numbers he's had for the last two years.
His stability in the polls is really quite remarkable. Nothing moves the needle either way. He has completely polarized the electorate. Unfortunately for him, more in the against than in the for column.
Well, that’s 1 interpretation.
that's because they make a stew of the bad polls and the good ones,
’Unfortunately for him, more in the against than in the for column.’
Sure, ARM. Normalize for a -6 poll bias and you’ll find that he’s way above water. Just sayin’...
What I love most about this story of Trump's rising poll numbers is that part of that rise can be directly attributed to the actions of LLR-lefty Chuck's adored-hero Adam Schiff.
Schiff-ty's serial lies over and over again for the last 4 years, which LLR-lefty Chuck has advanced religiously on this site without fail, has helped moved the needle to the pro-Trump side of the dial in a material way and potentially in a dispositive way for Nov.
Even funnier has been LLR-lefty Chuck's continous efforts to simultaneously downplay the economic performance of the Trump admin while attempting to hand all the credit to his "magnificent" earth-bound messiah obambi.
ARM: "He has completely polarized the electorate"
Every republican candidate for the last 75 years has been labeled a "literal" Hitler, but "polarization" of our electorate is a recent Trump invention!!
Too funny.
Chuck is the archetype of a principled Republican and as such plays a critical role in the collective psyche of the Althouse commentariat.
Care to enumerate those principles, ARM?
I am interested in your reasoning and willing to assume its not just another one of your hit-and-run jobs.
Some pollsters need their heads on pikes!
Just to make the record complete, Truman labeled Dewey BOTH a literal "Hitler" AND a literal "Stalin".
Truman wasn't messing around.
Just think of Truman as an early "principled" "lifelong republican".
’Hey Beasts, just tell LLR-lefty Chuck you are far left dem.’
You’re probably correct, Drago, but he’s had such a brutally harrowing four years that it’s almost like picking on an emotional cripple at this point. He needs a kinda, sorta win of any kind. ;)
Beasts of England: "He needs a kinda, sorta win of any kind. ;)"
LLR-lefty Chuck, after describing the 2016 republican sweep of the House/Senate/White House as a literal "disaster", he was giddily happy after the Dems won the House in 2018 so he did have that win.
That's how you can tell who the "archetype of a principled Republican" type folks are according to ARM: they are the ones celebrating dem/left political wins and denigrating republican wins..................
Chuck believes first and foremost that character matters. He was rightly appalled by Bill Clinton and is now even more appalled by the execrable Mr. Trump. This was the standard Republican mantra for decades. Then overnight it just disappeared. A core principle dropped like a hot rock.
he needs an emotional support animal, maybe a ferret,
Beasts of England said...
’Because you're such a nasty, ugly waste of my time. I don't want anything to do with you.’
Yet you replied... 😂
If you do it right Chuck will fight you!
You are almost in the club...
"appalled by Bill Clinton"
Oh, sweet irony!
ARM: "Chuck believes first and foremost that character matters."
LLR-lefty Chuck passionately defended and lied on behalf of Stolen Valor Da Nang Dick Bluementhal. Repeatedly.
LLR-lefty Chuck has become a passionate and adoring defender of astonishing liar Adam Schiff who keeps reading Trump/Russia collusion lies into the official record.
LLR-lefty Chuck is a passionate defender and supporter for far left/marxist Lawfare as they attempt to turn our entire system of jurisprudence on its head just to get Trump.
I'm afraid ARM's lies about LLR-lefty Chuck's lies about "Character" are going to convince as many people as were convinced by ARM's recent hilariously moronic "Great Awakening" schtick which posited waves of republicans were moving against Trump in a surge to impeachment and removal!
But do go on ARM. I can't think of a single person whose opinion on republican/conservative "principles" and "values" and "beliefs" and "consistency" that I would trust more than yours.........................................not.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Chuck believes first and foremost that character matters. He was rightly appalled by Bill Clinton and is now even more appalled by the execrable Mr. Trump. This was the standard Republican mantra for decades. Then overnight it just disappeared. A core principle dropped like a hot rock.
You have to be a parody.
That double standard was only a weapon. Democrats elect criminals as a matter of course and talk about character only as a way to attack political opponents.
Now they attack the Clintons and Trump in the same sentence without taking a breath.
They just have to use their cuck wing democrats like Chuck to do it.
Where Chuck's schtick dead ends is avoidance of the alternative.
That's kinda hush hush..where he hits the exit.
ARM - Did Trump sexually manipulate Paula Jones? Did Trump rape Juanita Broderick? Did Trump have sex with a young intern in the oval office?
Did Trump see Russia from his house?
Yeah sure - Trump said 'they let yoo grab em by the pussy' on an old obscure tape recording. but how does that compare to Senior HornDong?
LLR-lefty Chuck, after describing the 2016 republican sweep of the House/Senate/White House as a literal "disaster", he was giddily happy after the Dems won the House in 2018 so he did have that win...
Please don't let me interrupt your determined cluttering of another Althouse comments page, Drago, but I just want to note some facts about 2016. You keep misquoting me about it, and you keep avoiding some facts.
I regarded 2016 as a "disaster" because it led the Republican Party into Trumpism. And to be sure, Trumpism has basically no political coattails.
In one state after another, Republican Senatorial candidates did better than Trump. In the House, in 2016, with a (barely) winning Presidential candidate, we Republicans still lost 6 seats. In the Senate, we lost 2 seats.
Trump was the "disaster," and for Repubicans across the board, 2016 was a subpar, disappointing election year.
The good news is - loyal democrats never cared about corruption on team D.
Consistency matters.
Here is Trump behaving like the local autistic kid at a school concert during the playing of the national anthem. There is nothing to Trump other than himself. He gives no fucks about anything we hold in common. His concerns do not extend beyond the outermost layer of his spray tan.
ARM; only a real son of a bitch would not honor the flag as the Anthem is being played. The President of the United States said that.
"There is nothing to Trump other than himself. He gives no fucks about anything we hold in common. His concerns do not extend beyond the outermost layer of his spray tan."
Is there some President who excelled at faking these attributes well enough to fool you into accepting a performance far less than Trump's first 3 years? Is that a smart trade?
ARM still pedaling that Souper Bowl watch party clip.
It's bound to get traction!
" His concerns do not extend beyond the outermost layer of his spray tan."
We will never rise above racism as long as small people judge a man by the color of his skin.
Trump's character and motivations can be speculated on and be subject to opinion either way, but results are real, measurable, undeniable, and actually make a difference to the lives of real Americans long after a sharp pants crease or a sweaty mask of humility leaves the office for good.
Once again 65%+ of active duty military personnel who vote will vote for Trump and Trump will significantly increase his already large majority among military retiree voters as well in 2020.
Somehow, these folks do not buy into LLR-lefty Chuck's lefty lies and ARM would simply be an object of ridicule to them.
Best part about all that? ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck have no idea that is the case!!!
I see LLR-lefty Chuck continues his Desperate Project to rewrite the things he said in 2016 when he fully exposed his left-wing bias and FakeCon persona.
Gee Chuck, that should be more than sufficient to cover up your 5 years of posting one lefty lie after another!!
Keep it up Tiger. You've got ARM convinced! (not really, ARM knows you are lying as well but he is happy for the help)
Character matters, but actions matter more.
If character matter to you, then realize actions are the only real proof of character. Everything else is window dressing.
The flailing is amusing.
Some of the disapproval is because he hasn't gone far enough to destroy the left.
Keep that in mind when analyzing the data.
If the president were to grab Pelosi by that withered old beaver and put a bullet into Schiff, I'd vote for him twice. If he put one in Nadler too, I might vote for him 3 times.
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