February 14, 2020

Political theater, Alabama style.

Al.com reports:
A state representative from Birmingham filed a bill Thursday that would require Alabama men to get a vasectomy once they reach 50 years old or father three children, “whichever comes first.”

The legislation by state Rep. Rolanda Hollis, D-Birmingham, says that a man will have to pay for the vasectomy “at his own expense."

Hollis said the bill is a response to last year’s abortion bill that passed the legislature and included a near-total ban on abortion.


wendybar said...

Dumb. Men would be happy not to get tricked into paying child support the rest of their lives. A win-win for them!!!

Jersey Fled said...


Quaestor said...

Alabama's political theater has a notorious past.

It's present inspires no confidence in the possibility of improvement.

tim maguire said...

Might want to think that through a little better. She is unlikely to get the conversation she is hoping for.

stlcdr said...

In later news "Alabama state representative smacked in the mouth. This was in response to her being a total moron."

Gusty Winds said...

I'm want to get my son a vasectomy for his 18th Birthday, and tell him it's and early retirement plan.

Ryan said...

A more apt male equivalent would have been a ban on masturbation, on the grounds that wasting one's seed is akin to killing an embryo.

Beasts of England said...

Is proof of procedure required or is the honor system okay?

Michael K said...

It's a Democrat. Much is explained.

gspencer said...

Rolanda Hollis is a member of the 13%. She would spend her time more wisely by addressing her concerns to the males of that 13% as to their responsibilities as fathers.

wendybar said...

Hitting the 50 year olds, and ignoring the boys in their 20's spreading their seed to many, many baby Mama's......Yeah, that will work lady!!!! NOT!!! Seems to me they are getting dumber and dumber the longer Trump is President. You got Hank "Guam's gonna tip over" Johnson, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, not to mention the Queen, Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez.... WTF?? (And I KNOW I left some out.)

Ralph L said...

Mandatory circumcision at first fatherhood might be a closer parallel, except I think most American men are still clipped as infants.

J. Farmer said...

Because not being able to father children is totally the same thing as not being able to abort an already created child.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I don't even really get the parallel she is trying to make. Wouldn't mandatory vasectomy reversals be a more apt rhetorical point?

Fernandinande said...


Sponsor of

Relating to dress codes and grooming policies; to prohibit a local board of education or employer from establishing a dress code or grooming policy that prohibits a person from wearing a protective hairstyle."

I hope her own appropriated hairstyle is protective since there's no obvious reason for it.

Ann Althouse said...

Here's a Wikipedia article to get up to speed on the history of forced sterilization.

Danno said...

She was arrested down here in the panhandle last fall for domestic violence.


Todd said...

Sure, why not. Cause preventing the creation of a child by "fixing" men [even though there a numerous alternatives] is EXACTLY like killing one that has not yet left the safety of a mother's womb.

But why bother with anything like common sense when there are political points to score...

Howard said...

The quality of the theater is so bad even the denison's here are finding little to chew on

TrespassersW said...

Todd said...
But why bother with anything like common sense when there are political points to score...

Seems kinda like an own-goal to me.

Jack Klompus said...

The quality of the theater is so bad even the denison's here are finding little to chew on

The quality of your attempt to craft a coherent sentence rivals any deliberate effort at comedy.

Curious George said...

""Political theater, Alabama style."

No. Politicala theatre Democratic Party style.

Big Mike said...

I’d like to propose an amendment that any woman who has had two or more abortions faces mandatory sterilization. Seems fair.

Karen of Texas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen of Texas said...

House Votes to Revive the ERA

Hard to know what constitutes equal these days if vasectomy = abortion.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

How about this, Rolanda Hollis: if you are on welfarw and you have a child, after the child is born you are immediately sterilized? You would then need far fewer abortions. Amiright?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm all for this sort of thing. I know it makes me unpopular.
I heard once a judge who sees convicts turn-style in and out of jail--- and while these "men"
are out of jail, (out on bail) they manage to find a female to impregnate - and that female's choices are-- abortion or an unwanted child without a father born into poverty. Dad's in jail again.
The idea is to give an incentive to end the arrested-jail/out-party/impregnated female cycle of bad decisions. Offer a free vasectomy and a lighter sentence in exchange for agreeing to the procedure. Do not make it mandatory - that would cross the line.

Todd said...

Roy Jacobsen said...

Todd said...
But why bother with anything like common sense when there are political points to score...

Seems kinda like an own-goal to me.

2/14/20, 7:57 AM

Sure cause you are not a feminist/Lefty. To that crowd this is a return volley in the "gotcha" game and "how do you like it when the shoe is on the other foot". Completely ignoring that it is not even close to equivalent. This is all for show for the wymens.

Leland said...

If this is about equal rights and reproductive rights, then women can get their tubes tied and have 99% confidence that having sex won't result in a pregnancy, even in cases of rape or incest.

Howard said...

When you post stuff like that Allen S, it makes me sad that the US army ran out of blankets before they got to Indiana.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm a lefty when it comes to population control.
I detest abortion - it's downright cruel. but I understand that removing that choice entirely is problematic and probably unworkable. the idea that all these decisions must fall on the woman kind of makes me mad.
Dudes should step up and snippy snippy once in a while. The entire nation of India - I'm looking at you.

I had a female doctor many years ago. I really liked her. I was bummed when she got married and moved away. anyway, before she did move away, she told me that a vasectomy is a great thing. She and her new man didn't want children (40's+ anyway) and so HE agreed to a vasectomy. She said they were both thrilled because they could have sex sex sex and it was fun fun fun and worry free all the time.
There are perks, man.

traditionalguy said...

Same old same old. 90% of the bills in one house of the legislatures/Congress are introduced to contrast the other side's positions on the subject. Nobody expects them to become law. It's WWF of the politicians with fake bills to generate PAC donations followed much later by fake votes with fake claims there was a winner and a loser.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

that said, this corona virus might be just the ticket.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the mandatory stuff is the creepy part.

AllenS said...

Howard, when a female state representative from Birmingham, Alabama files a bill that would require Alabama men to get a vasectomy once they reach 50 years old or father three children, “whichever comes first”, that statement deserves a response from a man.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mandatory is a deal-killer for me. No no no.

Greg the class traitor said...

Conservatives on abortion: You can't kill the baby you created just because you screwed up and got unintentionally pregnant

Leftist response: We're going to take away your ability and right to have children whenever we want

This is "political theater" of the "hey look, all leftists are scum and / or morons!" variety

Karen of Texas said...

I listen to the Rick Roberts show when I'm out and about at the proper time. That's how I learned about this program. He is a staunch advocate. Those involved are often excoriated. You'd think sterilizing drug addicts, with their buy in, would be a good thing.

Project Prevention

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you're gonna sweeten the deal, you gotta make the State pay for it.
If we can blow money up Ukraine's ass so that it can blow money up Hunter's nose and Trump is impeached for Biden's clear media(D)-sanctioned corruption - we can certainly afford a few vasectomies.

Howard said...

Jesus Allen. If I thought I had to respond to every stupid recommendation from a female, I wouldn't have time to do anything else.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Karen - that is terrific. Tho I notice at first glance, that it all falls on the women.

nob490 said...

One generation of imbeciles is enough, apparently. Or something like that.

Howard said...

C'mon, Bleached bit bimbo, I thought you knew your place. You are starting to sound like a feminazi all strident and shit for The sisterhood of the traveling big fat Greek wedding pants

robother said...

Because nothing says "Pro-Choice" quite like mandatory sterilization.

stevew said...

Now that's funny. Though I bet the legislator didn't intend that way. Reductio ad absurdum.

Todd said...

Mr Wibble said...

Introduce a bill requiring a paternity test or adoption paperwork before the state will recognize a man as the father of a child.

2/14/20, 8:16 AM

LOL, good one!

Most states think ANY man paying child support, even the wrong man is FAR preferable to having the state pay, or God forbid, no one pay. Some man, some where MUST be held accountable [for all men].

Karen of Texas said...

Yes, BBaH, it does fall on the woman. If you read under the FAQs, you might get a sense why.

Barbara Harris, the woman who started it, is also about trying to help women get clean and stay clean. She views this as a positive step that the woman takes for herself - that she does have some control. Instead of being a victim, of becoming nothing but a baby momma, a drug addicted woman one who damages and then likely loses her child(ren), she can choose a different path.

Howard said...

That's right Todd. That's where the catch phrase man up comes from. I like it how you Macho conservative poofters want to have female feminist privileges while you still identify as male. The comedy gold writes itself

Howard said...

Karen: serious question (I know, right). Are these sterilizations just temporary like norplant or some other sort of under the skin birth control or long-term IUD?

If so, that's probably a good idea. Although I would expect STD increases in that cohort

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Karen, I will read more for sure. Again - I just glanced. Barbara Harris = A+.

Levi Starks said...

I understand that 90% of politics is virtue signaling.
But virtue signaling like this just shows how little common sense our current crop of politicians actually have.

Lucien said...

Personally I feel safer when politicians introduce bills that have no chance of passing than when they introduce some that do have a chance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard - you obviously do not understand real femi-nazi credo.
Femi-Nazi = Pro 100% abortion on demand and late term abortion is fine and permissible.
+ a pink pussy hat.

That's not me at all.

tds said...

I withhold any judgment until it is confirmed that there is nothing really weird about 50+ Alabama men we may not be aware of

Jupiter said...

Whose idea do you suppose it was to put this particular DFC in the Alabama legislature?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

So the idea here is that Alabama women who don't want to risk a pregnancy they can't abort can have sex with men over 50? I'm surprised the Althouse commentariat hasn't embraced that.

Todd said...

Howard said...

That's right Todd. That's where the catch phrase man up comes from. I like it how you Macho conservative poofters want to have female feminist privileges while you still identify as male. The comedy gold writes itself

2/14/20, 9:09 AM

As a basic liberal parody account, you are no longer bringing your A game. I understand with the Babylon Bee, the parody bar has been raised way up there but come on. If you are not even going to try anymore, you might as well give it up on this "account" and make up a new feminazi account to play off of Inga. You could present as a feminist, vegan, lesbian with a trans mother. Something like that but you better hurry and stake your flag. A blue water strategy like that won't stay available for long.

wendybar said...

Big Mike said...
I’d like to propose an amendment that any woman who has had two or more abortions faces mandatory sterilization. Seems fair.
2/14/20, 8:04 AM

HEAR, HEAR, I second that!!!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Bleach Bit she told me that a vasectomy is a great thing. She and her new man didn't want children (40's+ anyway) and so HE agreed to a vasectomy. She said they were both thrilled because they could have sex sex sex and it was fun fun fun and worry free all the time.
There are perks, man.

Ditto for having your tubes tied. I can attest :-)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Agreed about tubes tied. Men can step up too, though. Take on some reproductive responsibility. I find it odd that it's some sort of taboo subject.

Karen - those woman are addicted to drugs but they didn't get pregnant thru reverse osmosis. Some drug addicted male impregnated them. Off they go! Scott-free.

Howard said...

Isn't having a vasectomy also having tubes tied? In the mid-1980s I was getting my haircut in Lone Pine (gateway to Mount Whitney and the Alabama Hills), I had my two toddlers with me who were very curious and adventurous to say the least. The Barber and his two friends that hung out at his shop, all very old like I am now, told me the wonders of getting a vasectomy. They wanted to reassure me that there would be no loss of manhood after the procedure. In fact they said it's a manhood enhancer because it takes the stress off the little woman.

JAORE said...

The Alabama legislature has an asymmetrical bell curve. The dumb side is by far the larger. This representative from Birmingham is so far out on the tail of that side that if marbles fall out of her purse they won't roll away.

This ain't her first rodeo.

JAORE said...

FWIW, I went to the vet after our last son was born. I was 38.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

Agreed about tubes tied. Men can step up too, though. Take on some reproductive responsibility. I find it odd that it's some sort of taboo subject.

Agreed. Both parties can make the decision to end their reproductive capabilities. Independently or together.

As a 40 year old divorced woman and single mother..... I was pretty damned sure that I didn't want to get pregnant. Wasn't dating anyone at the time, but who knows...right. So I had the procedure. No more worries!! No more hormones or birth control pills to screw up my body.

A few years later, when my now husband [of over 25 years] and I were getting really serious about "dating", about 6 months into our relationship... and all the activities that come with that.. I ponied up and told him that there is zero possibility of having children and since he was still young at 42 and might want to actually start family and have children of his own, it would be best if he knew so he could make an informed decision and "seek elsewhere". His reaction was a blend of "WahHOO!!!" and "Are you serious. I don't want babies". Carry on :-D

Ken B said...

Bad rhetoric. A better idea: extend the premise. Suggest a law mandating that women wear chastity belts, the key being held by their paterfamilias.
If no male relative, the county sheriff.

Temujin said...

The Left's inclination is always toward totalitarianism. They cannot help themselves. Even as they sip cappuccinos and discuss "The Handmaid's Tale" with each other.

rcocean said...

How many men become fathers after 50? 5%? Maybe. Also, the Senator doesn't realize that men can store their sperm. So, vasectomy won't stop pregnancy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

DBQ - awesome that the two of you are in sync.

You bring up another issue that is often assumed and forgotten about when it comes to
women and birth control pills and implants. The hormones in those can be horrendous. They are not pleasant for some women. Some women have no issues, but some women do. I do.
A few years back i developed unusual female issues and my doc put me on a low-dose of birth control pills. At first it was all good but then my breasts became so tender and bloated I thought they were going to rocket into space. I had to stop taking the pills. It was way to uncomfortable. back In my early 20s and 30 - birth control pills were not an option for me due to the side-effects.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

DBQ - awesome that the two of you are in sync.

Thank you. He is an awesome Stepfather and wonderful Grandfather.

h said...

Quoting from wikipedia on compulsory sterilization: "The United States During the Progressive era, ca. 1890 to 1920, was the first country to concertedly undertake compulsory sterilization programs for the purpose of eugenics. Thomas C. Leonard, professor at Princeton University, describes American eugenics and sterilization as ultimately rooted in economic arguments and further as a central element of Progressivism alongside wage controls, restricted immigration, and the introduction of pension programs." [restricted immigration!!]

Achilles said...


Chuck said...

Political theater, Alabama style, Part II:

Former football coach and now US Senate candidate Tommy Tuberville, as he campaigns, seemingly for “the Roy Moore demographic” in the Alabama Republican primary:

“I’ve been in the cities, folks, you can’t drive through a neighborhood. Why? Because terrorism has taken over. Sharia Law has taken over. Folks, there [are] places you can go in this country that you’re not wanted”

Thankfully, according to Tuberville, God knew that we were in trouble and so “God sent Donald Trump to us.”

stlcdr said...

The disturbing part is that there are people who believe that nothing will get done about our social ills (however one measures that) unless government steps in.

The irony is exactly why anti-abortion laws come to being (oh, you want the government to mandate how things are? here you go, then).

Beasts of England said...

’I withhold any judgment until it is confirmed that there is nothing really weird about 50+ Alabama men we may not be aware of.’

We’re a normal amount of weird... 😜

Lewis Wetzel said...

Chuck wrote: "Thankfully, according to Tuberville, God knew that we were in trouble and so 'God sent Donald Trump to us.'”

Keep in mind that Chuck voted for Trump.

Maillard Reactionary said...

From a surgical point of view, vasectomy seems much less invasive (risky) than tubal ligation. You don't have to enter the abdominal cavity.

I did it. No biggie, you just spend a day in the bathtub soaking your sorry nuts afterward. I was 42.

So did my son-in-law.

If there's some big taboo about this I never heard of it.

Separately, colleagues of mine traveling to Las Vegas (for the CES show) for the first time always got a kick out of the "Vasectomy Reversal $10,000" billboards near the airport. I don't know how often that works but I have my doubts that it's north of 10% of the time, given how tiny the vas is. Maybe one of the docs here knows.

DeepRunner said...

Hmmmm...silly stuff. How did 50 become the magic age? Why not 30 or 40 or even 20, when reproduction between the sexes is far more likely?

Understand, I think it's an egregiously stupid idea, but come ON, at least be logically consistent in the approach.

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