February 22, 2020

Nevada caucus results.

I'm not seeing anything worth linking to. The results just aren't in yet. Bernie is winning big, that's the projection. But how big? And how much panic will ensue? I'm avoiding the chatter on TV, and I have some pity on the talking heads tasked with keeping it up for hours on end. But here's my post, where you can chat all you like.


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narciso said...

Indeed amadeus, since then hes been like michigan j frog, ribbeting all around.

mccullough said...

2010 wiped out the Dems. Obama was re-elected in 2012.

1994 wiped out Dems. Clinton was re-elected in 1996.

The economy is doing well for all races, sexes, genders, and income groups.

There’s a reason we use secret ballot voting.

Trump will be tough to beat.

Michael The Magnificent said...

The billionaires aren't going to stick around to have 5-8% of their wealth stolen from them year after year - they'll relocate to some other country, taking their wealth, their companies, their intellectual property, and their fleets of private jets and yachts with them.

Without billionaires around to pluck and with all the commitments and promises made, Breadline Bernie will have to increase the 1-4% wealth tax he's already proposed on millionaires in order to make up the loss, so the millionaires that might have stuck it out are going to decide it's cheaper to get out of Dodge while they still can, and Breadline Bernie will lose even more rich people to pluck.

He'll end up having to massively tax the middle class, because those who could afford to get out will have done so.

Meanwhile, the whole of the third world will be streaming across our open borders with their hands out. Cloward, meet Piven. If Breadline Bernie doesn't tear down Trump's wall, he'll use it to keep us in.

How fast would East Berlin have emptied out if there wasn't a wall topped with barbed wire and machine guns to keep everyone in? How fast would Cuba empty out if there wasn't an ocean to cross?

narciso said...

He doesnt care he was pro soviet in 1988, and hasnt repudiate any of his positions, since then. Now had the soviets won the cold war they would liquidated him in the first round of purges.

mccullough said...

They won’t be billionaires anymore.

Inga said...

“The economy is doing well for all races, sexes, genders, and income groups.”

Those voters are more comfortable and secure than people in poorer, more rural parts of the country — white working-class places where Trump might have won districts that went for Barack Obama before him. The suburbs don’t respond to Trump’s hardline rhetoric on immigrants and a border wall in the same way rural voters do.

“Threats of jobs going overseas, that sweet spot of Republican talking points with more downscale voters, doesn’t check the box for these suburban voters,” Molly Murphy, another Democratic pollster, said. “It just doesn’t resonate with what their needs and wants are.”

Instead, suburban voters have what we might call middle-class economic anxiety. They worry about health care. Many of them have aging parents, making them more familiar with medicine’s rising costs. These are generally white-collar workers, but out-of-pocket costs for employer-sponsored insurance (which those workers typically have) have also gone up in recent years.

From my link above.

narciso said...

Well it took about 12 years, for those in east germany to full catch on, as many as with venezuela.

Big Mike said...

2018 was a referendum on Trump and 2020 will be even more so.

Strangely enough, I believe Inga to be right. Stopped clocks and blind pigs and all that.

mccullough said...

If the US economy crashes, it is taking the rest of the world economy down

mccullough said...

As I said, if Trump loses to Bernie, that’s fine.

The Wine Moms, among others, got it coming.

narciso said...

Well they can learn other skills, which all that drinking will facilitate (i wont elaborate)

Gahrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Farmer said...

@Ken B:

I won’t vote for guys who praise Hitler and say real nazism has never been tried. Doesn’t matter to me that they won’t get anything done as President, I still won’t vote for them. Nor for guys who praise communists and say real socialism has never been tried.

Good for you. Why, precisely, do you think I give a flying fuck who you would or wouldn't vote for?

Gahrie said...

Trump was hated long before he ran for President.

Then why all the tributes and awards from Democrats? Democrats didn't hate Trump until he beat Hillary....just like Russia wasn't the enemy until Trump beat Hillary.

mccullough said...

Wine Moms transform into Chocolate Ladies

Inga said...

“As I said, if Trump loses to Bernie, that’s fine.

The Wine Moms, among others, got it coming.”

Across the country, highly educated voters went for Democrats. Suburban women flipped heavily for Democrats too. Democratic pollster Celinda Lake showed me polling that had married men voting 51 percent Republican and 48 percent Democrat, but their wives voted 54 percent Democrat and just 44 Republican, a notable marital break from prior elections.

Another thing about these voters, Matthews said: “They typically tend to be less culturally and socially conservative.”

Why are you people so upset, shouldn’t you be confident that Trump will win against a social democrat like Crazy Bernie?

mccullough said...

Trump had a hit TV show for a decade.

He wasn’t hated.

narciso said...

All these people who assured us obamacare would be the bees knees (except obama himself who told select audience what the purpose was) whats their track tecord.

mccullough said...

I’m confident that either Trump will win or that people like the Wine Moms will lose.

Inga said...

“Then why all the tributes and awards from Democrats? Democrats didn't hate Trump until he beat Hillary....just like Russia wasn't the enemy until Trump beat Hillary.”

Everyday Democratic voters, especially women have always hated Trump, even before he became political.

J. Farmer said...

Trump had a hit TV show for a decade.

Well, it was on for a decade. But it was a hit for a couple of years :P

mccullough said...

None of these people is running on Obama’s economic record or healthcare record. None.

Biden is the only one who mentions Obama’s name.

It’s like W in 2012. They pretend he doesn’t exist.

Inga said...

“Trump had a hit TV show for a decade.”

You think people watched that trashy show because they liked Trump?

mccullough said...

Lol. Hit being relative. Any show on for a decade is fairly popular.

J. Farmer said...

Lol. Hit being relative. Any show on for a decade is fairly popular.

The last non-celebrity version he hosted in 2010 was ranked 113th in ratings.

p.s. I actually take your point; I'm just screwing with you.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathryn51 said...

mccullough said...
As I said, if Trump loses to Bernie, that’s fine.

The Wine Moms, among others, got it coming.

Assuming this refers to my prior comment regarding "after a few glasses of wine. . .", I agree with you.

Honestly, these "moms" (some are actually grandmothers), don't believe that Bernie will do much harm. I think there is a sense among many (not my GOP/free market crowd), that the economy is doing so well, everyone who wants to work is working, the 401K's are surging, they have the vacation home or boat - so .. .what harm can Bernie do? I live in Microsoft/Amazon Lalaland - things are really, really good every where we look - how much damage can bumbling, grumpy Bernie.

Inga said...

“None of these people is running on Obama’s economic record or healthcare record. None.”

True and that’s good. Obama was weak. Obamacare was a travesty, a gift to the Health Insurance Industry.

narciso said...

Who did they vote for last time, im guesimg either hillary or stein

walter said...

Yes, Farmer. Berno portends zero threat to our economy because against establishment!
And, Inga, care to tell us how Berno would affect the economy?
Maybe the both of you are positioned to not care.

Amadeus 48 said...

Hey, Inga.

In November 2018, the walls were still closing in. The nation was put through Wanglegate by Christine Blousey Ford and team in September and October, and the Demmie women of America were ready to show those Russian/Republicans a thing or two. Adam Schiff had solid proof that Trump had colluded with the Russia and Nunes was a Russian dupe or asset. Mueller was planning a dawn raid on the White House, and Nancy Pelosi was measuring the curtains in the Oval Office as she worked on her plan to impeach Trump and Pence. Republicans in the 50 states were high-fiving and drinking deep because Kavanaugh got in, and they nodded off in the aftermath. The Demmies were perfecting their vote-harvesting schemes in dry runs.

What happened in April 2019? Oops! The Mueller investigation came up completely dry. Nothing. Zilch. Zip. Nada. Rien. Nichts. ничего.τίποτα. 何もない. Nenio. Ora ana apa-apa. Mueller himself turned out to be senile. The Weissman Wise Guys tried to stir up some process issues and looked ridiculous doing so.

So what did Team Demmie do? They cranked up the Little Vindmans. Yup. Let's have an impeachment. Right now. It can't wait. There is no need to build a case (a skeptic would say there was no case to build). Then they'll sit on it for thirty days. Then they'll march over to the Senate to the Benny Hill theme song. Then they'll have a brief fight with themselves over why they didn't do a better job. Then they'll have a vote in the Senate to show the depth of outrage in official Washington to the country, and--wait for it--the only vote they get is from Mitt Womney, the ultimate self-deluded, sanctimonious sad sack from Utah.

Well, what can I say? It appears that 2020 is shaping up EXACTLY like 2018. You keep telling yourself that, Inga.

And lay off the Ketel One.

Inga said...

What is Ketel One?

walter said...

Ask Chuck!

Inga said...

OK, I looked it up. It’s vodka. Sorry, I rarely drink anything stronger than a craft beer at family gatherings.

J. Farmer said...


Yes, Farmer. Berno portends zero threat to our economy because against establishment!

That's a bit like worrying about having to drink champagne or stale beer on the Titanic.

What part of my belief that "We Are Doomed" does not compute?

eddie willers said...

I've not been as confident of a Presidential win since I watched Jimmy Carter's helicopters burning in the deserts of Iran in the spring of 1980.

narciso said...

In the long run, like with the nordic republics you are so keen on, that importeed a working class out of guilt, now have to deal with backwash from the yugoslav wars

walter said...

Ah..the part where you repeatedly weigh in on the details.
Ah..but we know your escape hatch of futility is just a mental coping mechanism.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chuck said...

Everyday Democratic voters, especially women have always hated Trump, even before he became political.

Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

narciso said...

Resistance is futile, sounds familiar.

Inga said...

Some craft beers really have a much higher alcohol content than I thought. I drank one beer recently at my own birthday party and I felt like a wet noodle.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"2018 was a referendum on Trump and 2020 will be even more so."

You're absolutely right. Which is why I'm Mick-confident that Trump will bury Sanders.

Amadeus 48 said...

Don't Panic!!

Drago said...

You will find no greater mind reader of people than Inga.

Thats how she knew what Mueller knew and that Trump's days were numbered.

Just you wait she said...every day....for over 3 years....

Now Inga speaks for all moderates and minorities and suburban women...and she uses 2018 info upon which to base all of her conclusions.

Thats why in Inga World Carter Page is still a russian spy and Trump still colluded with Russia.

J. Farmer said...

Ah..the part where you repeatedly weigh in on the details.
Ah..but we know your escape hatch of futility is just a mental coping mechanism.

Forgive me for not repeating an argument I have made two dozen times on every single post. But just for you, here it is again...

Once the country has the demographics of California, we will be California. So if California politics is your idea of a good time, then you would not accept my notion that we are doomed. Meanwhile, take a look at what demographic change has done to Virginia and what it is in the process of doing to Texas and Florida.

FullMoon said...

"If you got nothin'
you got nothin' to lose" vote for Bernie, free stuff.

If you got something, Bernie gonna take more from you to pay for the free stuff.
If I was 18 years old, I would vote for freebies. If I was young, unemployed and satisfied, I would vote for the free stuff.
If I have poor relatives in Mexico, I vote for open borders.

Inga said...

“2018 was a referendum on Trump and 2020 will be even more so."

“You're absolutely right. Which is why I'm Mick-confident that Trump will bury Sanders.”

I’m relieved to read some positivity, y’all sounded pretty glum for a while there.

Drago said...

Inga: "Why are you people so upset, shouldn’t you be confident that Trump will win against a social democrat like Crazy Bernie?"


"social democrat"?!

So that's how you are dealing with Sanders socialism?

Why not just call him The Warm Huggable Puppy Guy?

Too funny. Already running away...

J. Farmer said...

Resistance is futile, sounds familiar.

"Legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society in countless ways. I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally."
-Donald J. Trump

"We are desperate -- desperate -- for more people. We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we've had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants."
-Mick Mulvaney, OMB Director and Acting White House Chief of Staff

To know if resistance is futile, we'd first have to try some resistance.

Inga said...

Oh hi OCDrago,

Back to trying to distract the good people here from a huge Bernie win?

Drago said...

Inga World: "I’m relieved to read some positivity, y’all sounded pretty glum for a while there."

Reality: Not a single glum post was offered.

Literally, not a single one.

In fact, a jolly good time being had by all.

So, you know. Another typically "on point" (wink wink) assessment by Inga.


walter said...

Oh puhleeze..
It's not like I somehow missed your sad, pathetic refrain.
So instead of a Trump 2nd term, give it up to Berno who has zero chance of containing your single issue....and instead offers rather immediate economic turmoil.
You da man!

Drago said...

Inga: "Back to trying to distract the good people here from a huge Bernie win?"

Thats some impressive "doltishness you've got going there.

Everyone on this side was pulling for Bernie for about a dozen good reasons.

Inga said...

Apparently Sanders got 51% of Hispanic votes.

Drago said...

Inga: "Apparently Sanders got 51% of Hispanic votes."

51% of a reduced hispanic turnout.

But hey, Trump has no path to 270....again!


Original Mike said...

"If I was 18 years old, I would vote for freebies."

If I were 18 years old, I'd be stuffing the ballot box for Trump.

FullMoon said...

Once the country has the demographics of California, we will be California. So if California politics is your idea of a good time, then you would not accept my notion that we are doomed. Meanwhile, take a look at what demographic change has done to Virginia and what it is in the process of doing to Texas and Florida.

I am in California. Not all bad, but San Francisco and L.A. area are even worse than imagined. Not every neighborhood, but attitude of the ruling class. Saw a picture of a seat on our rapid transit (BART) today with five syringes on it.

Not to mention, again, our governor thinking homelessness is an illness that a doctor an prescribe a home to cure the illness and everything will work out OK.

Big whoop de do at the restaurant because the server did not have paper straws, only plastic.

Crazy World said...

Crazy days and nights, KAGA President Donald J Trump!

Drago said...

Shorter Farmer: Demographics are everything! So vote for the guy who will make it worse because....(????)..uh, "principles" or something.

Clearly 11-dimensional chess happening over there.

Inga said...

Sanders won among union voters.

Mark said...

Workers of the world unite!

J. Farmer said...


Oh puhleeze..

Devastating riposte, Walt.

It's not like I somehow missed your sad, pathetic refrain.

Which is wrong, why?

So instead of a Trump 2nd term, give it up to Berno

But you "somehow missed" that I have already said repeatedly I plan to vote Trump in 2020.

and instead offers rather immediate economic turmoil.

Non-white births already outpace white births. The K-12 population is already majority non-white. Yes, I consider all other issues secondary to national self-immolation.

Gahrie said...

Shorter Farmer: Demographics are everything! So vote for the guy who will make it worse because....(????)..uh, "principles" or something.

Clearly 11-dimensional chess happening over there.

The first thing you have to understand about Farmer is that he is in full "Rome is going to burn, so might as well play my fiddle" mode. So electing Bernie just makes the inevitable happen sooner.

Drago said...

Inga: "Sanders won among union voters."


I dont think thats going to impress the union workers in the industrial midwest.

But I suppose they all look alike to you.

Yancey Ward said...

A dominating victory. I don't think the debate this week will matter one whit now. For whatever reason, a cascade has started for Sanders and will be difficult or impossible to stop. Part of me thinks it might well have been the story that was leaked out by the DNC operatives about Russian backing Sanders- the media have lied and lied for three years and people are starting to act decisively against the media narrative.

Tonight couldn't have turned out better for Sanders: Buttuvwxyz basically demonstrated tonight he had no appeal outside upper class white people and might end up with no delegates at all tonight; Biden actually is going to finish second, which is a huge plus for Sanders since it means the "moderate" wing of Biden and Bloomberg are fighting for the same scraps through Super Tuesday, even if Biden loses in South Carolina, which I now predict, he will stay in the race; Warren is now officially dead, and any support she had in South Carolina should accrue mostly to Sanders and Buttuvwxyz, and the same applies to the Super Tuesday states, especially MA.

walter said...

J. Farmer said...But you "somehow missed" that I have already said repeatedly I plan to vote Trump in 2020.
Oh really? Many would not find that very obvious in your dithering commentary.

Drago said...

Sanders "Open Borders" speeches are gonna be lit!

J. Farmer said...


Shorter Farmer: Demographics are everything! So vote for the guy who will make it worse because....(????)..uh, "principles" or something.

You'll have to point out where I told people to vote for Sanders for president. We're getting mass immigration regardless of who wins in 2020. But by all means, keep your head buried in the sand and keep repeating "winning" like a mantra to protect yourself from acknowledging that your posterity is heading for demographic irrelevancy.

Mark said...

So the leader of the Party is now officially Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Gahrie said...

The main difference between Farmer and me is that he believes that the White race will roll over and allow Western Civilization to be destroyed, and I believe that eventually there is going to be a reaction to restore Western Civilization that could get quite ugly. I believe that the electoral gains for nationalist parties around the world could be the final storm warnings.

mccullough said...

I agree we are doomed. It’s not just the demographics, though that’s a big factor.

Quite frankly, as a group, blacks were incredibly stupid not to object to the tremendous amount of illegal immigration allowed. Even Watts is a fucking Mexican neighborhood now.

I don’t blame blacks for not voting for most Republicans. The Paul Ryan start-your-own-business or join the army approach was ridiculous.

But they should be voting for Trump or anyone who will just keep saying go the fuck back to Mexico. Not only does it provide them with job opportunities, it frees up more money for schools, food stamps, health care for blacks. The White people hooked on Oxy whose jobs went away get it. The job probably is not coming back, but there would be more social spending money available for them.

Andrew Yangs guaranteed income is just enough to ensure you overdose in a few years. It’s the Long Goodbye.

Original Mike said...

I really haven't started paying attention yet. Is Sanders an open borders guy? You'd think if he were for "the workers" he wouldn't be.

J. Farmer said...


Oh really? Many would not find that very obvious in your dithering commentary.

My apologies, Walt. Henceforth, making things "very obvious" for you will be my #1 priority when writing what I think here. Note to self: avoid polysyllabic words.

Gahrie said...

For whatever reason, a cascade has started for Sanders and will be difficult or impossible to stop.

The DNC will never allow Sanders to be the nominee. They have already shown their willingness to cheat to defeat him, both in 2016 and 2020. They will not allow him to get more than 50% of the delegates.

Their best bet now is a brokered convention. The question is...who steps in to "save the party and the nation"? Hillary and I are betting it's her.

chuck said...

>> Even Watts is a fucking Mexican neighborhood now.

The worst anti-black racism I've seen recently was from a Mexican immigrant.

mccullough said...


Bernie flipped on open borders in the last few years. He was against it exactly because it was bad for workers. Now he wants to “reform ICE and the border patrol.”

narciso said...

Well shes been norwwgian blue for a while as for mayor howdy, snorfle, you cant beat something with nothing.

Gahrie said...

The worst anti-black racism I've seen recently was from a Mexican immigrant.

One of the things that everybody knows, but no one is supposed to talk about, is the fact that minorities in general are more racist than Whites.

J. Farmer said...


The main difference between Farmer and me is that he believes that the White race will roll over and allow Western Civilization to be destroyed, and I believe that eventually there is going to be a reaction to restore Western Civilization that could get quite ugly. I believe that the electoral gains for nationalist parties around the world could be the final storm warnings.

The "electoral gains for nationalist parties around the world" have occurred in countries that are very largely white and don't have anywhere near the racial history we do. Americans cannot even agree on what a woman is, let alone what a nation should be.

Yancey Ward said...

Gahrie, if they don't stop him soon, nothing short of killing him will prevent him from winning on the first ballot. A caucus the ideal platform for shenanigans to stop Sanders, and Sanders crushed it today. Primaries are hard to cheat on a scale large enough to make a real difference if one candidate is winning by more than 2%.

I will lay this down right now- if Sanders wins South Carolina by 10%, it is over. Bloomberg can expend his entire fortune on advertising and get no more than 15% anywhere. People vote for winners after a certain point in the process, not losers.

mccullough said...

Did Klobuchar have any campaign staff in Nevada?

She’s had a terrible night.

Original Mike said...

"Now he wants to “reform ICE and the border patrol.”

To get the nomination, I assume. How principled of him.

Gahrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gahrie said...

If I hadn't already given the nickname away, I would have started calling Farmer "Marvin" a long time ago.

J. Farmer said...

One of the things that everybody knows, but no one is supposed to talk about, is the fact that minorities in general are more racist than Whites.

Absolutely right. Hispanics are much less likely to let white guilt tell them that their eyes are lying to them.

narciso said...

No the caucus is the worse place, the objections of all involved seem forced from the first debate where they doing the best nilli vanilli act

Inga said...

“I dont think thats going to impress the union workers in the industrial midwest.

But I suppose they all look alike to you.”

As IF you know any union members in the industrial midwest, I do. My son belonged to the Carpenters Union as a Millwright. I know plenty of his co workers and friends. Now that my son has passed away, several of his coworkers actually drop by to see how I’m doing on a regular basis and we do chat over coffee or a beer.

narciso said...

The android from hitchhikers?

walter said...

Berno had AOC stumping (ostensibly) for him while he was fondling peach mints.

Yancey Ward said...

This increasingly looks like the Republican primaries of 2016 (and 2012 for that matter). A frontrunning candidate is like snowball rolling down a hill after the first four races.

Gahrie said...

Gahrie, if they don't stop him soon, nothing short of killing him will prevent him from winning on the first ballot.

OK..Bernie wins a majority of the delegates, dies the week before the convention, and then Hillary steps forward to "save the party and the nation". Hell, he just had a heart attack, and won't release his medical records...plausible deniability.

narciso said...

Great that means were going to listen 'orher broke girl" chirp incoherently for the last six months

Gahrie said...

The android from hitchhikers?


Inga said...

“Great that means were going to listen 'orher broke girl" chirp incoherently for the last six months”

She’d have to compete with your comments for incoherence, lol! Just teasin’ ya.

narciso said...

As a latino she embarasses me, with her stark display of ignorance, i dont think its an act shes howard zinns niece by proxy.

J. Farmer said...

The android from hitchhikers?

Well, Paranoid Android is one of my favorite Radiohead songs.

mccullough said...

OK, Computer is a top 5 album of all time.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

I love this classic Jennifer Rubin tweet. The best and the brightest at WaPo.

Mark said...

This increasingly looks like the Republican primaries of 2016 (and 2012 for that matter). A frontrunning candidate is like snowball rolling down a hill after the first four races.

??? In 2012, there were about four or five frontrunners not named Romney before the Weasel finally went into the lead. People kept saying that Romney was the guy, but voters kept choosing people other than him. But Romney did consistently come in second or third.

Romney won the nomination simply by being the last man standing. Even then, a lot of people weren't at all enthusiastic about him in November.

Mark said...

I was in AFSCME Local 1583 for seven years.

J. Farmer said...

OK, Computer is a top 5 album of all time.

I skipped a summer school class with a friend who already had his license to go buy it at Sam Goody. Then we drove around for an hour and listened to the album. Good times.

Mark said...

I got labor cred.

walter said...

J. Farmer said...@walter:Note to self: avoid polysyllabic words.
You so smart!

J. Farmer said...

@Yancey Ward:

I love this classic Jennifer Rubin tweet. The best and the brightest at WaPo.

It's never a bad bet to assume the opposite of whatever Rubin predicts. She and Mickey Kaus used to do a podcast together. I listened because I love Mickey, but my god was she an annoying yenta.

J. Farmer said...


You so smart!

I know.

narciso said...

Skippy kennedy was going nowhere, despite his heartthrobs in the press.

mccullough said...

I remember when Romney publicly visited with Trump in 2012 for his endorsement. It’s like when the Dems visit with Sharpton.

Trump the kingmaker. This was after Trump became the Grand Mufti of the Let’s See the Birth Certificate movement

Amadeus 48 said...

J Farmer--You have well-developed opinions that point in a certain direction, and you may be right.

I always ask myself, though, how did mass immigration look to those Yankees picking rocks out of fields in New England and strolling around the Boston Public Garden? Those Yankee mill towns with English names are full of the descendants of Italian and Portuguese immigrants.

Here in Chicago, the transit vending machines still have English, Spanish, and Polish options. The ethnic neighborhoods have eroded dramatically over the last 50 years, but we have a huge, hard-working hispanic population, just as we used to have Germans, Greeks, Lituanians, Irish, Czechs, Poles, and Jews from Eastern Europe.

The key, I think, is integration into American life and civic "religion" and re-embracing the melting pot idea. Unfortunately, in the most destructive political move of my lifetime, the tide is flowing in the wrong direction.

Identity politics needs to be buried a thousand fathoms below the ocean's bottom. When you immigrate in the USA, you are a new thing, an American. That should be your principal and only political and national identity. Our own people need to rethink their commitment to civic life.

We can dream, I suppose.

walter said...

You think...and dither.
Very different.

Yancey Ward said...

Mark, Romney was ahead after the 4th race and never surrendered the lead. He "won" Iowa, did actually win NH, finished 2nd in SC, and won Florida. After that point, late February, he coasted to an easy win.

Amadeus 48 said...

A-hem. Don't Panic!

J. Farmer said...

You think...and dither.

If you understand what the word "dither" means, you should know it doesn't have anything to do with me.

Amadeus 48 said...

You don't dither.

mccullough said...

The Hispanics have a good work ethic. But they don’t pay their medical bills, don’t get insurance for their cars, and costs schools a lot of money.

They aren’t sending us their best.

J. Farmer said...

@Amadeus 48:

I always ask myself, though, how did mass immigration look to those Yankees picking rocks out of fields in New England and strolling around the Boston Public Garden? Those Yankee mill towns with English names are full of the descendants of Italian and Portuguese immigrants.

I think the more apt comparison is how did mass immigration look to the natives. I agree with everything else you wrote, though.

We can dream, I suppose.

We certainly can. But as I like to say, I consider "optimistic conservative" an oxymoron.

walter said...

In the aggregate, it applies.

J. Farmer said...

I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump said he’d sign off on Medicare for All if Immigration Laws are changed and enforced.

I'd make that deal in a heartbeat.
2/21/20, 11:23 AM

Yancey Ward said...

Some food for thought. Here is a comment from Neo's blog by a commenter Mbunge:

"I’ve said this with Trump and I’ll say it with Bernie: Whatever you think of him as a candidate, his success is a sign of the basic health of American democracy. Our ENTIRE political establishment has failed us and choosing anything rather than reward that failure is a sign the American people are still capable of running their own affairs.

They may not always be right but at least they are thinking for themselves."

Me again. I don't want Sanders as the Democratic nominee for reasons I have stated above, but Mbunge is correct- whatever you think of Sanders, that the Democrats voting in the primaries/caucuses understand the elites manifest failures enough to go with Sanders does suggest something good.

Amadeus 48 said...


What I see in Chicago is that this town couldn't function without its hispanic residents. I understand that there are other problems, but the manufacturing, food processing, and hospitality industries here couldn't operate without these folks. I think we need to rally these folks to a better understanding of the way we do things here.

The car insurance problem can happen in any community, and most of the folks I know here want to do things right. According to my dentist, lots of people skip on paying. She has city employees with a $10 co-pay who don't want to pay. Bilingual education is expensive and often counter-productive.

narciso said...

And theyd renege in a heartbeat, single payer is a tool for controlling your entire life,

Amadeus 48 said...

Roger Scruton said the fundamental conservative thought is, "Hesitate."

I am going now.

walter said...

Amadeus 48,
Can you imagine qualified legal immigrants from elsewhere (perhaps waiting on lottery) or just "hispanics" sufficing?

J. Farmer said...

In the aggregate, it applies.

J. Farmer said...

I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump said he’d sign off on Medicare for All if Immigration Laws are changed and enforced.

I'd make that deal in a heartbeat.
2/21/20, 11:23 AM

Yeah, that statement is the exact opposite of dithering.

walter said...

You fantasise a hypothetical Trump stance you imagine vs 2020 reality.
Very decisive! And weighted very heavily towards Berno given the known pattern of government follow through.

walter said...

(And economically ruinous..but we are all doomed, blah blah)

J. Farmer said...

@Amadeus 48:

What I see in Chicago is that this town couldn't function without its hispanic residents. I understand that there are other problems, but the manufacturing, food processing, and hospitality industries here couldn't operate without these folks.

I hear statements like this a lot, and I have to profess bafflement. "This town couldn't function," "crops rotting in the fields," "jobs Americans won't do." Somehow we managed to manufacture, process food, and run hotels and restaurants all before the 1965 immigration law opened the floodgates.

What people really mean when they say "jobs Americans won't do" is "jobs Americans won't do at the wages we want to pay them." That is why big business loves mass immigration. It's a cheap labor racket.

Roger Scruton said the fundamental conservative thought is, "Hesitate."

I am going now.

Agreed. Goodnight.

Amadeus 48 said...

I just see mostly new arrivals here that are hispanics, and I see who has those jobs currently. The challenge is that we have failed to integrate new arrivals into the American way of life. That clearly has been the policy of the Demmies (it makes them easier to control).

I do think that limiting legal immigration to people farther up the economic and education ladder will have unanticipated costs, but no one should come here and immediately get food stamps and other welfare. I applaud the Supreme Court's Friday ruling. The whole approach that Illinois was taking was a cynical political move disguised as "compassion".

J. Farmer said...


You fantasise a hypothetical Trump stance you imagine vs 2020 reality.

It was another commenter who proposed that hypothetical, and I said what I would do given the situation.

Another swing and a miss. Care to try again?

J. Farmer said...

@Amadeus 48:

I just see mostly new arrivals here that are hispanics, and I see who has those jobs currently. The challenge is that we have failed to integrate new arrivals into the American way of life. That clearly has been the policy of the Demmies (it makes them easier to control).

The problem is that the cultural core of the country has been hollowed out. There really isn't hardly anything left to assimilate to. We're expected to be atomized individuals each doing our own thing. That is precisely why I am an ethno-nationalist. A balkanzied, multiethnc, multilingual, multicultural nation cannot hold itself together.

walter said...

Amadeus 48 said...we have failed to integrate new arrivals into the American way of life.
I had a relationship with a woman of Venezuelan descent via Spain, learning English at WESLI in Madison, WI.
At one point she had her hair done at an hispanic oriented salon and relayed her shock at how her stylist had spent many years here w/o learning appreciable English.
English classes are not rare in Madison.
There is enabled isolation.

walter said...

You have been gelatinous re Trump vs Berno.

mccullough said...

We should not integrate “new arrivals” who came here illegally. We should not accommodate them. We should send them back. And if they come back after that, we should lock them up for life.

ICE should raid those businesses and throw those owners in prison. If Chicago wants to be a sanctuary city, then fine. Flood the zone with ICE agents. Turn the Trump hotel there into a detention center.

mccullough said...

That was my hypothetical as far as swapping government paid healthcare for overhaul of legal and illegal immigration system.

I agree with Farmer. I’d take that deal, too. The US can survive rationed healthcare.

It can’t survive the Balkanization.

walter said...

J. Farmer said...@walter: You fantasise a hypothetical Trump stance you imagine vs 2020 reality.

It was another commenter who proposed that hypothetical, and I said what I would do given the situation.
"I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump said he’d sign off on Medicare for All if Immigration Laws are changed and enforced."


mccullough said...

Ronald Reagan’s Amnesty completely undermines anything good from his presidency. That was a terrible idea. And plenty of people said do at the time.

The Amnesty Bill. NAFTA. China WTO. 9/11. Iraq War. The Financial Meltdown.

Worst decisions in the last 40 years.

J. Farmer said...


You have been gelatinous re Trump vs Berno.

I have repeatedly said I plan to vote Trump in 2020. If you'd like, you can read my comments on this post just two days ago where I wrote: "In the presidential election, barring some major catastrophe, I've already conceded I will vote for Trump."

walter said...

mccullough said...The US can survive rationed healthcare.
Meh..you had some extreme enviro stances too.
Not surprised,

J. Farmer said...


You quote mccullough's comment to accuse me of dithering? Are you drunk?

mccullough said...

What extreme enviro stances?

walter said...

Some BS within last few months about previous admins not embracing green tech.

Yes, mcculough said that and you said "I'd make that deal in a heartbeat."
You are marginally at best in sync with Trump's policies.
Gel on.

mccullough said...


I’ve never said anything like that. I give no shit about any of that.

Are you drunk?

J. Farmer said...


You are marginally at best in sync with Trump's policies.

Ah, so voting for him is not enough. I have to be more "in sync" with his policies. Well, I have consistently said that I voted for Trump primarily for his immigration stance but have also identified skepticism towards "free" trade and military interventions as the other two reasons.

For what it's worth, Trump himself advocated a universal healthcare program in his 2000 book The America We Deserve. If I had a magic wand, I'd prefer a healthcare system more along the Singapore model. But again, you don't worry about how to furnish your house while it's burning it down.

walter said...

Ha! Nope.
My apologies, mccullough if I've misconstrued you with another.
But I do remember a comment like that popping up from an unlikely commenter here.
Farmer's gelatin re berno not affected.
Oh yes..I'm aware of Trump's 2k book vs now.

J. Farmer said...

Farmer's gelatin re berno not affected.

Something that doesn't exist can't be affected.

walter said...

My, my.
The Anti-Berno!

walter said...

I hope we can see our betters putting forth the "Migrant" regulation vs Medicare for All calculus.

J. Farmer said...

My, my.
The Anti-Berno!

Jesus, my time would've been better spent explaining my point of view to a ham sandwich.

J. Farmer said...

I hope we can see our betters putting forth the "Migrant" regulation vs Medicare for All calculus.

If you care to refute my argument about demographic change, I'm all ears. Granted, I don't have much hope, since that would require you to actually understand the argument in the first place.

Mr. Forward said...

You can dither about garnering and you can garner dithers
But if you dither long enough your garnerings will wither.

Seeing Red said...

Trump didn’t run in 2018.“

2018 was a referendum on Trump and 2020 will be even more so.

Sorry. The communism has turned. It’s a referendum on America.

BernieBros love death and destruction. But that’s communism’s way.

Seeing Red said...

Honestly, these "moms" (some are actually grandmothers), don't believe that Bernie will do much harm. I think there is a sense among many (not my GOP/free market crowd), that the economy is doing so well, everyone who wants to work is working, the 401K's are surging, they have the vacation home or boat - so .. .what harm can Bernie do? I live in Microsoft/Amazon Lalaland - things are really, really good every where we look - how much damage can bumbling, grumpy Bernie.

Then they find out the hard way.

walter said...

Ah. So no insight re whether one or the other has more impact.

Seeing Red said...

What’s interesting is the commie said he’s going to create 20 million jobs.

How many will he destroy to create that 20 million?

walter said...

Seeing Red: ...what harm can Bernie do?
I agree..and it's scary.a

J. Farmer said...


Ah. So no insight re whether one or the other has more impact.

As I wrote 3 hours ago: "Yes, I consider all other issues secondary to national self-immolation."

Getting rid of a bad law may be difficult, but it's not as difficult as getting rid of millions of new citizens. And of course, mass immigration makes the other inevitable. See, for example, With help from Latino voters, Bernie Sanders hits the Nevada jackpot. Or from 2013: Demographic Shifts May Help Virginia Democrats Or from three months ago: How Voters Turned Virginia From Deep Red to Solid Blue

Gee, I wonder what kind of policies we're going to get as the country becomes more Hispanicized.

Jon Ericson said...

Here's 140 pages of links to issues Bernie supposedly believes in

Seeing Red said...

White people socialism is homogenous and racist.

It won’t work.

Seeing Red said...

Part of Virginia’s switch is it’s the company town.

JAORE said...

Gonna be int4eresting watching the down ballot dems if Bernie gets the nod. Especially those that ran as moderates in 2018. Pelosi already gave them s screw job by the mandatory vote on impeachment.

Now do they run as I'm-not-like-the-head-of-our-ticket?

Plus there is already a strain of, "He won't be able to pass the nuttier things".

Boy THAT will fire up the (dual) base(s) of the left.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bernie is winning big, that's the projection. But how big?

Bigger than the establishment wants and bigger than elites like you are able to comprehend.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Non-white births already outpace white births. The K-12 population is already majority non-white. Yes, I consider all other issues secondary to national self-immolation.

If you really believe that the American nation is based on "whiteness" or how lightly tinged its people are that ship sailed in 1865, Sparky. Time to find another race-based nation to immigrate to, although I heard those are in short supply post-1945.

And you dingbats kept telling us that white supremacy was not the centerpiece of the Trump presidency. Wow.

Apparently in America economic interests trump your silly race-based utopia.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The key, I think, is integration into American life and civic "religion" and re-embracing the melting pot idea. Unfortunately, in the most destructive political move of my lifetime, the tide is flowing in the wrong direction.

Identity politics needs to be buried a thousand fathoms below the ocean's bottom.

Just not the identity politics that Farmer and Friends here advocate of white (supremacist) identity politics. Got it.

It's astounding that a fag like Farmer is so interested in the ethnic purity of a nation. He even talks about that stuff in sentences using words like "posterity." Give me a break.

As for this,

The problem is that the cultural core of the country has been hollowed out.

What "cultural core?" The minority of wealthy New England Anglo Yankees who sent their kids to boarding schools and ruled as an aristocracy? Those days are gone too. Even Trump ditched his own silver spoon for the lardy goodness of KFC, Mickey Ds and every other piece of cultural refuse he could bottom-feed on. Or off of.

I love how the only "culture" that matters to Farmer and Friends and the only "civilization" that matters to them have to do with something as inane as skin tone and keeping the country way more aristocratic than the constitution calls for. You guys are 80 years late to the class revolution - FDR upended that - and still fighting against civil rights. And yet you think you know what country you're living in and fighting for. Amazing. The country you're fighting for stopped existing 155 years ago and can never go back to that. You people are totally fucking insane.

Farmer can found a new lebensborn-style republic founded in ensuring the skin tone "quality" of its male sperm. Overseeing the quality control of racialized reproduction regulation schemes. My god what a bunch of total psychotics you all are.

Gahrie said...

And you dingbats kept telling us that white supremacy was not the centerpiece of the Trump presidency. Wow.

You haven't been paying attention. Farmer's main criticism of Trump is the fact that he isn't a White nationalist.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, I had my suspicions about Farmie but always gave him the benefit of tiptoeing around the totenkopf. But it's good to see him finally come out of the closet of his doomsday pantry and fly his true freak flag colors in all their glory: Bleached white.

What a tool. Thanks for clarifying.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Farmer is the gay savior of the white race bloodline. Hilarious.

Rusty said...

" So electing Bernie just makes the inevitable happen sooner."
Only if you let it.

J. Farmer said...

My god what a bunch of total psychotics you all are.

See projection.

Jim at said...

This is still a huge anti Trump election, as was 2018.

Yeah. Just like 1996 was a huge anti-Clinton election. And 2012 was a huge anti-Obama election.

Gawd, you're dumb.

Jim at said...

Trump was hated long before he ran for President.

Just the other day I was watching an old episode of Deal or No Deal. From 2006.
They had a guest advisor come out. It was Trump. The entire place went apeshit.

Gawd, you're dumb.

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