CNBC reports.
The first ad:
The NRA paved the road to Washington for Bernie Sanders.
— Mike Bloomberg (@MikeBloomberg) February 24, 2020
He spent the next three decades making sure they got a return on their investment.
We deserve a president who is not beholden to the gun lobby.#NotMeNRA
1 – 200 of 298 Newer› Newest»Perfect.
When statists attack statists!
El Oh El
Glad Mike reminded everyone he's a gun grabber making himself un-electable.
It's clowns all the way down.
the Bloomberg campaign attempted to paint Sanders as a past ally of the National Rifle Association
That's right, the commie Sanders is a right-wing radical. And the capitalist-nationalist Trump is a Russian agent.
Got it.
I'm going Operation Chaos here in the MA primary next week. Will take a D ballot (hoping it doesn't self-ignite into flames in my innocent hands) and vote the Bern. I want, really want, a 2020 election of contrasts.
Glad Mike reminded everyone he's a gun grabber making himself un-electable.
Clint may change his mind after watching this.
A Bernie vote isn't chaos. A Bernie vote is confirming the nominee. A vote that denies Bernie a first-vote majority gets us chaos.
I see what Bloomberg is up to. That’s is fantastic for Sanders in rural states.
It may be surprising to the Vermont stereotype, but the state has very permissive laws on gun ownership and the right to carry. You didn't even need a permit to carry concealed when I lived there.
Bernie's attitude was pragmatic: If you want statewide office in VT, you go easy on gun owners. I'm confident Bernie would be just as gun-grabby as Bloomberg as presidents.
I find it funny Bloomberg is just realizing, now that it's too late, that he has to win the nomination before he can go out and defeat Trump.
I thought he was supposed to be smart.
Yeah, that will work with the Bernie bros.
facepalm with an old one, but you can't attack sanders on ideological grounds, so you go for crimethink,
Let's be clear -- the Dems are NOT opposed to Bernie on principles, they will be absolutely delighted to have a President Sanders.
They just believe now that he is electoral poison.
Maybe, maybe not.
Why the "racial politics" tag?
"paint Sanders as a past ally of the National Rifle Association"
Oh yeah, that'll work. To hurt Mini Mike in the general, if he ever gets there.
This is great. Bloomie will highlight that Sanders was pro 2A in VT and is now selling out. Trump will point out that Sanders was right when he was pro 2A. Those who don't always pay attention will wonder why VT is not south Chicago, what with all those unregulated weapons.
I suppose it will be too much to ask for some debate moderator to ask Bernie why it was OK for the good people of VT to exercise their 2A rights but not the rest of us? But Trump will do it, so its all good.
I recall being at a dinner party with some very liberal friends back when their hero Howard Dean was the frontrunner. Dean had suggested that there should be different gun laws for urban vs. rural communities. The libs were horrified and puzzled and didn't really want to talk about it, other than to take the position that guns are dangerous and nobody should have them. I suggested that there is a whole world of people for whom the gun has been a survival tool for a long time, and essentially the equivalent of a reliable truck, and they are no more interested in shooting a person than in running a person over (but will if they have to), and that a whole lot of very good and decent people really like and value their guns as tools. The pure horror and unwillingness to even consider the issue, even when I presented it as their guy's position, was a real eye-opener for me.
We deserve a President who is not beholden to ...
... our Constitution, the People, and our Posterity. The rite to deny arms, legs, a head, and life, shall not be infringed. Surely, a double-edged scalpel.
If I didn't have any other context, I would say Bloomberg is trying to get Trump elected.
Even then...
Bernie's getting hammered for the one thing he's ever done right? (Supporting the 2A).
Life's not fair.
At the Tues night debate, I wanna hear all about Fidel and "rape-fantasy" pamphlets.
Politically, Bloomberg is a total fuck-up! Trump is very fortunate in his enemies..
That's right, the commie Sanders is a right-wing radical.
Ah, yes, the totalitarian-anarchist, left-right nexus. AOC, too. Her advocacy for the Blight, does not fall on green ears. People approve of conservation, and green; but, are wary of environmentalism, and Green.
" media operation..."
I think they are missing a suffix.
Well, that's a novel line of attack: Attack Bernie from the left.
It's clever because attacking Bernie entirely from the right won't succeed with the liberal voters who vote in these primaries.
I think Bernie will be harder to beat than any other candidate.The Bernie Bros will riot in fury if Bernie loses the primary and refuse to vote for anyone else.If Bernie wins - the party unites behind him.Don't expect a never-Bernie group of principled Democrats to emerge. After all, they support almost all of his agenda, they just don't like calling it what it is.
chuck said: "Yeah, that will work with the Bernie bros. "
Nothing will work with the Bernie bros. Bloomberg knows that. He's trying to keep other Dems from gradually drifting into the Bernie camp. If Bernie's support can be capped, Bloomberg or Biden might have chance.
Only government agents, criminals, terrorists, and self-abortionists should have a right to keep and bear arms. Bloomberg is unabashedly Pro-Choice. Apparently, Sanders, too. Losing their religion. Finding their religion. Following the politically congruent path.
Bloomberg said he will fund whoever the Democrat nominee is. Guess he plans to spend millions attacking Bernie now and then millions more pushing him for Prez once he wins the primary.
UM... ER... Meddling in America's electoral process? SHHHHHH!
For chaos funsies NRA should thanks Sanders for past support. Etc.
Someone gonna get wealy wealy angwee!
Two Bloomberg "volunteers" came to my door over the weekend asking if I was going to vote on April 7 (I said No, that I didn't care who won).
I resisted the temptation to ask how much they were being paid. Next time.
Bloomberg said he will fund whoever the Democrat nominee is.
Bloomberg is limited to a $2,000 contribution.
I don’t know how I was ever so fortunate! Today was the first time I actually heard Nanny Bloomberg and I can’t believe I’d have to listen to that voice for four years: high and whiny.
Of coarse he lied. He says he can bring people together and unite the country which is a lie because he’s anti-Second Amendment.
My mistake --
During the current two-year election cycle the limit for contributions by individuals to federal candidates for President, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives has increased to $2,800 per election.
Bloomberg can only give$2,000 directly to the winner, but he promised $$$$ to help. Can't he just start a Super PAC.
"I see what Bloomberg is up to. That’s is fantastic for Sanders in rural states."
My first thought as well. It won't matter in deep blue states and won't hurt in the purple or red ones. But it gives one an idea of how insulated from reality Bloomberg's campaign people are. Or how intent they are on hoovering his cash for as long as it takes him to wake up.
Blogger Achilles said...
If I didn't have any other context, I would say Bloomberg is trying to get Trump elected.
I was thinking the same thing, Achilles so you must be wrong.
Of coarse he lied.
One of Bloomberg's most frequent commercials has him bragging about how he "led the city through 9/11."
He wasn't mayor until four months AFTER 9/11.
Lying. It's what he does best.
"Guess he plans to spend millions attacking Bernie now and then millions more pushing him for Prez once he wins the primary."
That's the thing. As bad as Sanders is as a candidate for the general election (the meltdown is happening for a reason), those screaming the loudest will suddenly discover what a "moderate" he is if he gets the nomination. The reality of his extremism won't change (and Trump will not shy away from constantly pointing it out), but the DNC and MSN will pretend that everything they said about him before didn't happen.
NRA helped get Bernie elected
Bernie bro who shot up Rep baseball game: "So?"
Bloombucks wishes campaigning was as easy as farming
The guy's a fucking communist, and Bloomberg thinks the worst thing about him is that he once supported gun rights in Vermont?
Oy, stupid. Bernie should be able to swat that one away with no trouble.
Be careful what you ask for. I still don't know which is worse for the Dems and Trump.
Sanders has the heart of the party. If he's the nominee and loses big I think the Dems would shrug it off as a Goldwater moment. Sure he lost big but he was right! I also think Sanders would be tougher to beat for Trump. They both play to the economically disaffected groups. I don't think the "socialism" tag is as scary as it once was. And Sanders will just say he wants northern Europe socialism.
Bloomberg, the old white male billionaire who "bought" the nomination and thinks corporations are being unfairly attacked Really?!? And Trump vs Bloomberg would be straight up national vs global policies.
Right now, if nothing changes, I think Trump is best bet to win. But many things can happen between now and November.
that’s just a pro-Bernie ad.
I'm thinking that Bloomie has the same political instincts as Hillary, but without the Billy Jeff.
Howard said...
Blogger Achilles said...
If I didn't have any other context, I would say Bloomberg is trying to get Trump elected.
I was thinking the same thing, Achilles so you must be wrong.
Naw. I have context.
Bloomberg thinks he is smarter than everyone else. He is smarter than most. One of the most successful people in the world. But he is in Finance.
He doesn't know how to connect to average people. He hasn't spent any time out here talking to people. He hasn't read Ann's comment board.
Bloomberg has more in common with the commies running China than the average Trump or Bernie Supporter.
Trump was in branding and marketing. Trump had to necessarily target his customers and his audience.
Bloomberg is just bad at this.
"That’s is fantastic for Sanders in rural states.”
Had he not sold out to get the nomination.
Next it will be how Bernie took a very pro-labor stance on immigration. Which he sold out to get the nomination.
How he supported the F-35 for VTANG out of Burlington, despite the whining that came from there. Now he wants to cut defense spending in half or something like that.
No oppo research, just medical facts on Sanders...
Let everyone you know about this.
Having been a medmal (defense side) practitioner for years, my own limited medical experience tells me this is true. Dr. Michael K. can weigh in on this. I'd love it if he did...
In releasing some of his medical reports, the one simple thing that Sanders has not released is his LV ejection fraction. It is a percentage number, that roughly approximates how much heart muscle damage was done by his heart attack, but especially what his current heart "function" (a simplistic word here but the best and most communicative that I can think of) is. There is not much medicine that can be given to fix a bad ejection fraction. Things can be done for the patient, but being President of the United States would not be one of them.
Ejection fraction is a simple number; it would not involve any deeply personal medical history on the part of Sanders. It goes straight to the issue of what sort of "prognosis" there might be for his health as a Leader of the Free World. It is not an involved disclosure "thing." It is a number. A line in the chart. A number that was no doubt given to Sanders, has been tested repeatedly since, and which Sanders himself would have in his head, probably.
And as always in these cases -- like Trump's tax returns and the record(s) of Trump's last hospitalization which was never fully explained apart from the wholly incredible line about how Trump was getting an early start on his regular physical -- when there is no disclosure the information should be presumed to be negative.
The Bernie that Bloomberg is attacking is the Bernie I would have voted for over Trump in ’16. I vote in Florida. Same Bernie is not on offer this time, and now I realize that Trump is another Reagan, my vote is not there for Bernie this time.
Sorry Chuck. It isn’t going to be Bloomie so you can vote Democrat... It’s gonna be Sanders. Bloomberg is painting Sanders as a moderate.
I think that's a kind of silly attack on Bernie. We know he's for gun control, not the NRA, no matter how he votes.
The point is that Bernie is a socialist with programs he has no idea how to pay for and other programs that will cause huge job losses and have other knock-on effects. For instance, if you grab company profits in order to finance Freebies For Illegals, you wreck the stock market and that in turn wipes out all public pension funding and 401Ks and you wipe out new investing in the the bond market which wipes out municipal improvements - schools, roads. So Americans don't get new schools for their kids because the illegals get welfare and medicare and retired police officers suddenly don't get their pensions for the same reason. What a plan to take to voters. But then maybe Bernie's voters are illegals.
Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Sanders will just say he wants northern Europe socialism.
It will be up to someone to let voters know that there is pretty much no such thing as "northern Europe socialism." They dallied with it, but in the end you gotta pay the bills. They either had to go full oppressive commie, or back to capitalism. The Scands chose wisely.
I don't see that ad as harmful to Bernie. He is willing to listen to his constituents and see both sides of the gun control debate and that's a good thing. Does Bloomberg believe Democrats are all urban voters?
Wow. Bloomberg actually thinks he can sweep through the south by targeting Sanders' more permissive and flexible approach to gun rights in representing a rural state with such low violent and gun crime rates as Vermont?
And you people still think billionaires are geniuses who are the only only ones with the right stuff to directly or indirectly rule us?
This guy is as much a moron as Trump. Case closed.
Speaking of 2A
“Fucked with the wrong mom.”
"And you people still think billionaires are geniuses who are the only only ones with the right stuff to directly or indirectly rule us?”
That would be Howard who thinks that.
Blogger Aunty Trump said
.... I vote in Florida
How do you see Sanders' pro literacy comments playing out?
I'm thinking all Cubans escapes have that "benefits" and memories.
What a fool! That's what he's leading with?! The guy has no political instincts.
He should go full-out commie, that's his only chance.
AT: "Sorry Chuck. It isn’t going to be Bloomie so you can vote Democrat... It’s gonna be Sanders. Bloomberg is painting Sanders as a moderate."
LLR-lefty Chuck was always going to vote for the dems.
LLR-lefty Chuck is suffering from that all too common malady of the FakeCon LLR's: Sudden-Onset-Socialism.
Its why the entire crew of FakeCon "Muh Principles" NeverTrump grifters so easily made peace with the decision to vote for Bernie.
Oh sure, here and there a FakeCon or 2 will pen a missive describing how anguished they are about having to vote for a socialist (wink wink), but we all know conclusively its all for show.
Jen Rubin certainly comes to mind as well as the entire Ahoy! crew from The Bulwark which has already published several pro-Bernie articles.
The grifters sense their Grift Window is closing......because it is.
At the Tues night debate, I wanna hear all about Fidel...
Sanders was warm to Castro? And you think Americans in 2020 care?
That's nothing. Your guys support fucking Jefferson Davis. I don't see how that impacts your races. And the Confederacy fought a much bloodier and damaging war against America than Cuba ever did.
Note to everyone: Which side of a war or personality tiff that you supported in a conflict from long ago in the past doesn't seem to matter much to present-day voters.
Maybe Bloomberg will go really negative and put up billboards saying "Sanders drinks vodka with ice."
"How do you see Sanders' pro literacy comments playing out?”
Miami Democrat congresspeople are having a fit over it, if that’s any indication. I don’t know what state it will help him win that makes up for writing off Florida, but who knows. In a way, his lack of calculation is kind of endearing.
"And you people still think billionaires are geniuses who are the only only ones with the right stuff to directly or indirectly rule us?”
If you talked out of your mouth instead of your ass, you'd make more sense.
In the next wave of ads, Bloomberg will point out that when Bernie flew back from Cuba, he was seen at the airport drinking a Big Gulp.
Your guys support fucking Jefferson Davis.
I repeat myself.
"People within the Bloomberg campaign are also discussing whether to have surrogates and supporters write op-eds and show up on TV to speak out against Sanders, these people added."
So "Mike Bloomberg’s presidential campaign plans to unleash its cash-flush media operation against Bernie Sanders in the wake of the Vermont senator’s resounding victory in the Nevada caucuses." was just bullshit. Maybe they might plan to half-unleash or 1/3 or 1/1024 unleash its cash-flush media operation.
Because make no mistake, the people that are discussed as to whether to surrogate and support via op eds and TV appearances are (or will be if more unleashed) paid c*nts.
HoaxPPT: "Wow. Bloomberg actually thinks he can sweep through the south by targeting Sanders' more permissive and flexible approach to gun rights in representing a rural state with such low violent and gun crime rates as Vermont?"
Remember, Bloomy hired an army of the highest paid political consultants who receive the bulk of their campaign fees via high-dollar paid advertising routed thru their consulting firms.
Thats why Bloomy blew thru $300 million so quickly and why so many of the ads and even billboard ideas were so bad.
Bloomy's consultants are just shoving paid advertising out the door in bulk, everywhere, and recommending more and more and more, regardless of effect.
The consultants are "inside the house!" and they know their time to make hay is short so they are striking while the iron is hot.
There are going to be so many summer homes purchased by consultants via Bloomy's deep pockets that your head will spin!
Bloomberg is a Democrat-hating Nazi in 3, 2, 1...
With Bernie rally coverage, Bernie-friendly guests, and a mandate to “seek out more smart, pro-Sanders voices,” the cable net confronts a new reality: “He’s winning,” says a source."
The Bloomberg campaign reminds me of that scene from The Unsinkable Molly Brown where hubby hides a huge stack of cash in the wood stove and Molly sets it on fire.
If you talked out of your mouth instead of your ass, you'd make more sense.
If the Supreme Court decision you almost certainly support to allow billionaires here and abroad unlimited political campaign influence wasn't pulled out of your ass, you'd make more sense too.
The only reason Bloomberg is allowed to do things as dumb as he has (and Trump as well, in other ways) is because their money shields them from reality. They pay to live a fantasy. They pay to be able to do whatever they want to do without having to actually know how to do it.
"seek out more smart, pro-Sanders voices,”
Smart people who can’t add, is what they want.
HoaxPPT: "Sanders was warm to Castro? And you think Americans in 2020 care?"
Its still an issue in Florida which matters.
Florida in fact is one of the states Bloomy will be targeting heavily with just that message and it will probably work there given the cuban vote and NY/NJ/North East retirees there who will listen to a NY mayor.
But everywhere else I think you are correct. Cuba/Castro outside of FL will have little to no impact, if not possibly helping Bernie with dem base voters.
"Your guys support fucking Jefferson Davis."
I repeat myself.
We know your president did in Charlottesville and everywhere else where he is commemorated. What other enemies defeated by the United States get this much support for being venerated in public squares and named in public buildings as the Confederates?
Billboard: "In drinking games, Sanders sips his vodka."
It's funny. Drago is one of the hardest core partisans here but practically the most astute when it actually comes to figuring out what's going on politically.
The other thing about that ad is that Sanders looks pretty good in it.
Where is Inga to up the quality of the anti-Trump screeds.
HoaxPPT' "That other enemies defeated by the United States get this much support for being venerated in public squares and named in public buildings as the Confederates?"
What other enemies of the US were American citizens both before and after a war? And had immediate familiy members fighting on both sides in large numbers?
The stories of the Irish vs Irish regiments from both sides alone is enough to make ones eyes water.
"Where is Inga to up the quality of the anti-Trump screeds.”
She’s keeping hope alive.
That's nothing. Your guys support fucking Jefferson Davis. I don't see how that impacts your races. And the Confederacy fought a much bloodier and damaging war against America than Cuba ever did.
I see that Ritmo's shift at Mickey D's is over.
He seems more delusional after he works the counter rather than the fryolater.
I am sure part of the stock market tumble today was coronavirus related, but part of it was the realization that there is a significant probability that Bernie Sanders is going to be POTUS.
As somebody said on Twitter, “A race between Trump and Sanders during a worldwide pandemic! What a time to be alive!"
Billboard: "Sanders drinks his vodka without saying 'nazdrovia'."
"Blogger Left Bank of the Charles said...
I see what Bloomberg is up to. That’s is fantastic for Sanders in rural states."
Rural voters, in any state whether a "rural" state according to you, understand Sanders' current stance, not what Bloomberg is using as ammo against Sanders from his past in Vermont.
Please continue to think the way you do Left Bank, it suits you well. It suits me well. There is no reason for adaption or change. God bless.
HoaxPPT: "Respect."
You have alot of insight as well when you arent on one of your (and I admit it makes me laugh out loud sometimes) rants where you go Full-All republicans are Confederate-Depression Causing-Monocled-Monopoly-Man-Country-Club-Destroyers-Of-Worlds!
Have you read any Kurt Schlicter articles? Because he and you could go toe to toe in the over the top characterization of the other side dept.....and it would be hilarious!
Seriously, pay-per-view.
Don King Productions.
Trump ringside!
That's nothing. Your guys support fucking Jefferson Davis. I don't see how that impacts your races. And the Confederacy fought a much bloodier and damaging war against America than Cuba ever did.
Oh boy. Finally a voice of reason.
Billionaire Bloomy v Bolshevik Bernie
Can't wait till tomorrow night!
HoacPPT: "And the Confederacy fought a much bloodier and damaging war against America than Cuba ever did."
Because Americans are better at stuff!
Seriously, the American Civil War resulted in so many innovations and effectively modified tactics that its truly amazing....and devastating in terms of inflicting death and pain.
Can't wait till tomorrow night!
Co-sponsored by CBS News, BET, Twitter, and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute.
Expect next-level pandering.
"I find it funny Bloomberg is just realizing, now that it's too late, that he has to win the nomination before he can go out and defeat Trump.
I thought he was supposed to be smart."
He may want to help Trump, he may think If I preclude Trump from getting 50% of the vote vs. 49.99% it's worth 1 billion US dollars to me.
Who knows. But to question his success as a billionaire just is stupid. Hopefully, for your sake, not hateful stupidity.
Trump really risked his fortune, as Hillary would have put him in jail, along with his kids and anyone who said "hi" over the last 40 years.
Bloomberg could give two f^cks about the billion he may spend.
Althouse doesn't think Bloomberg is stupid I bet. She has no special knowledge. But the knowledge she has she has used worthy, and shouldn't be disregarded.
Wow the Bulwark types are depressed. Jonah Goldberg is coaching the Democrats now about how to argue against Sanders. I am sure they will listen to a quisling like you Jonah! Bill Kristol tweeted a gif of having a cup of coffee in a burning building, Jenifer Rubin has gone off the deep end #RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!
It’s a fucking joy to behold.
Ritmo is on a roll. Showed up early the other day so must have had the day off. No grill time that day.
The clown show on the blog comments is almost as funny as the clown show in those Dim debates.
Ritmo, Inga , ARM, Freder, gadfly. It's almost too much.
What other enemies of the US were American citizens both before and after a war? And had immediate familiy members fighting on both sides in large numbers?
When Lincoln said "with malice toward none and charity toward all" he took the right approach but I think it's worth asking in return that those war criminals he left alone and their descendants and supporters shouldn't have been able to re-write history fifty years later and given us a hundred more years of national strife in the name of "honoring" bad causes, no matter who fought for them.
Bloomberg is out to deliver a “dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.” To tell us proles how to live.
Seriously, the American Civil War resulted in so many innovations and effectively modified tactics that its truly amazing....and devastating in terms of inflicting death and pain.
True. Some of the first flashes of what would end up being labeled "total war." Although I prefer "ware between the states" to "civil war."
Seriously, the American Civil War resulted in so many innovations and effectively modified tactics that its truly amazing....and devastating in terms of inflicting death and pain.
If only WWI generals had paid attention. By 1865, Lee was in full on trench war fashion.
Shut up, M.K. No one reads anything you write. Here or on Amazon.
Surgeons are overpaid manual laborers who with good reason are not particularly known for their speaking abilities.
These raw polls say the race is over. It’s Sanders.
“Note to everyone: Which side of a war or personality tiff that you supported in a conflict from long ago in the past doesn't seem to matter much to present-day voters.”
This is true of course. Quite apart from the passage of time (for the vast majority of people you’d have to at least 50 for mention of Castro or the USSR to have any real negative resonance) most LIVs have neither the history, geography, or patience to understand why some of Sander’s past affections might count against him.
Oh boy. Finally a voice of reason.
Oh boy. Farmie is trying to get back at me for pointing out the emptiness of his pre-WWII racial sympathies and the fact that he's elevated that silly bullcrap as his primary voting priority.
Gay men make funny racialists. He's pushing that agenda for the sake of your posterity, America!
Bloomberg seems to have done in Mayor Pete and Biden with his cash. But at this point, it’s a project of Democrat Party suicide for Blow-me to buy the nomination out from under Sanders on account of it’s morally bankrupt politics.
HoaxPPT: "When Lincoln said "with malice toward none and charity toward all" he took the right approach but I think it's worth asking in return that those war criminals he left alone and their descendants and supporters shouldn't have been able to re-write history fifty years later and given us a hundred more years of national strife in the name of "honoring" bad causes, no matter who fought for them."
Fifty years later, short of implementing a totalitarian set of rules with vicious enforcement, it was impossible to stop Southerners from "re-writing history" or creating narratives that painted their forebears in a positive light. Further, there is no way to argue against the astonishing bravery exhibited and willingness to sacrifice on the part of so many.
Its funny, the military to this day seeks to instill just those values in our fighting forces.
So interesting just how few Southerners even owned slaves.
Although I prefer "ware between the states" to "civil war."
No shit you do. You also prefer Woodrow Wilson's understanding of race and civilization.
There’s no defending Jim Crow. None.
HoaxPPT: "Surgeons are overpaid manual laborers who with good reason are not particularly known for their speaking abilities."
Someday you'll have to let us in on your, I dont know quite how to put it, sort of raw anti-doctor anti-engineer thing that you seem to have going on.
I could be wrong about that.
"facepalm with an old one, but you can't attack sanders on ideological grounds, so you go for crimethink,"
Duh. Bloomberg's entire campaign revolves around attacking Sanders/Warren ideological grounds. You didn't watch the recent debate if you honestly posted the quoted comment.
The essence of Bloomberg is "holy shit Bernie might win I will join the Democratic's in defeating his ideology" and whatever, whatever, happens I don't think Bloomberg will be surprised. There may be disappointment in the results but not surprise.
I think Trump is fixing a mistake on racial politics that Nixon made, or at least he is trying to. I know hoax pee pee tapes would howl in denial, but that is what I think that Trump is trying to do.
The racial politics tag is for “The attacks on Sanders... will also attempt to highlight negative aspects of his record on race relations both as a congressman and senator..."
Oh boy. Farmie is trying to get back at me for pointing out the emptiness of his pre-WWII racial sympathies and the fact that he's elevated that silly bullcrap as his primary voting priority.
You certainly displayed emptiness, just not of my racial sympathies. But you certainly got me there. Slowing the disposition of whites of the country they created is certainly "my primary voting priority." But rest assured, most of the commenters here are far more concerned with the Dow Jones than their impending demographic demise.
Gay men make funny racialists. He's pushing that agenda for the sake of your posterity, America!
Mine and theirs. I have this silly notion that one of the functions of our nation is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. I think I read that somewhere.
Oh do get off your floor, sweetheart. I'm sure it's filthy.
Fifty years later, short of implementing a totalitarian set of rules with vicious enforcement, it was impossible to stop Southerners from "re-writing history" or creating narratives that painted their forebears in a positive light.
The echoes of assassination and a botched reconstruction resounded to a litany of untold horrors.
“The attacks on Sanders... will also attempt to highlight negative aspects of his record on race relations both as a congressman and senator...”
The thing is that Sanders was actually at those marches and has pictures.
No shit you do.
Not least because it's accurate. The Union and Confederacy were not fighting for control over the same piece of territory.
You also prefer Woodrow Wilson's understanding of race and civilization.
There is very little about Woodrow Wilson I prefer, but if Wilson says 2+2=4, he's right.
Im referring to paid media, guild now he may chose to pivot to more ideological attacks in the future,
If Bloomy is going to attack Sanders on racial grounds he better do it quickly because Sanders share dem primary minority voters is increasing quickly.
Btw, anyody else see the pic from a high school gym with just a couple hundred people attending in SC?
Dead Campaign Walking.
Someday you'll have to let us in on your, I dont know quite how to put it, sort of raw anti-doctor anti-engineer thing that you seem to have going on.
I could be wrong about that.
Hahaha. Some I like, some I don't. But I'm well aware of their generally standard and common blindspots. The ones who overcome them are the good ones.
Every profession has stereotypical numbnutses. In my last summer of college I hung out with a girl who was working at one of those professional school prep programs - way before all the scandals. We joked about what I imagined were ways of determining who was coming in for GMAT, MCAT, LSAT, etc., prep by how they approached her and their personalities. She confirmed that this was the case. "Why are you arguing with me....? Oh I see, you're here to take the law school test!" etc., etc., etc.
p.s. For what it's worth, Wilson supported state-enforced segregation. I do not. I believe in voluntary association. If people want all-white communities, I support that as much as I support all-black communities. I'm as much a black nationalist as I am a white nationalist.
HoaxPPT: "The echoes of assassination and a botched reconstruction resounded to a litany of untold horrors."
Sounds similar to the rest of human history.
"You also prefer Woodrow Wilson's understanding of race and civilization."
There is very little about Woodrow Wilson I prefer, but if Wilson says 2+2=4, he's right.
Well, when you're honest, you're honest.
Gee Farmer, for a non-heteronormative white supremacist you sure try to think things through comprehensively and make an attempt to be less vituperative here than most people can manage.
But you're still dead wrong. And kind of moronic to hold to the race=culture=everything crap. No mind capable of addition should go to waste on that foolishness.
HoaxPPT: "We joked about what I imagined were ways of determining who was coming in for GMAT, MCAT, LSAT, etc.,"
I wonder where Romney would fit? He did the 4 year joint Law degree/MBA program at Haaaaarvard.
"Let's be clear -- the Dems are NOT opposed to Bernie on principles, they will be absolutely delighted to have a President Sanders."
I agree if Trump v. Bernie you have a salient opinion here.
But do you feel tech billionaires are not opposed to Bernie's wealth confiscation schemes, because they might not as previously Obama/Clinton themselves through the public teat happily laughing along each time they were labeled heros worthy of idol worship?
You understand certain truths, that progs enrich progs at all cost, and I respect that, but Bernie is different prog-wise. It's been mentioned.
If people want all-white communities, I support that as much as I support all-black communities. I'm as much a black nationalist as I am a white nationalist.
There are a good number of Supreme Court decisions impossible to reverse that make this virtually impossible.
If you love America (and its "civilization") as much as you say you do, you should try looking into them.
In high school we had to learn about SCOTUS cases. We were given two semesters in basic civics, including practical law and government.
It's lamentable how many students are not and how far behind this puts them in actually understanding their own damn country and what it's about.
Gee Farmer, for a non-heteronormative white supremacist you sure try to think things through comprehensively and make an attempt to be less vituperative here than most people can manage.
I am completely opposed to white supremacism. I do not believe whites should attempt to rule over people of other races. I think they should be left to pursue their own destinies however they see fit.
And kind of moronic to hold to the race=culture=everything crap. No mind capable of addition should go to waste on that foolishness.
Except I don't say that "race=culture=everything." I say that race is biologically real and is an important fault line in human relationships. But so are a lot of other things (e.g. language and religion).
There are a good number of Supreme Court decisions impossible to reverse that make this virtually impossible.
And a lot of federal and state laws, too. I am under no illusions that the society I want will ever come to fruition. In case you've missed it, I'm known a bit for having an utterly bleak view of America's long-term future.
HoaxPPT: "It's lamentable how many students are not and how far behind this puts them in actually understanding their own damn country and what it's about."
And I am sure you are aware you can get Ivy degrees in History and never take am American history course and now you can get art degrees without ever taking any Western art classes.
And its only getting worse and, lets face it, that stuff (setting curriculum requirements, control of the academic depts, setting the canon) is completely controlled now by the left. Completely.
"the Dems are NOT opposed to Bernie on principles, they will be absolutely delighted to have a President Sanders.”
90 odd percent of them. Certainly Jill Stein isn’t going to get any votes if he is the nominee.
You certainly displayed emptiness, just not of my racial sympathies. But you certainly got me there. Slowing the disposition of whites of the country they created is certainly "my primary voting priority." But rest assured, most of the commenters here are far more concerned with the Dow Jones than their impending demographic demise.
I missed this. And the equally weird paragraphs following it. But I do find it amusing that some of the weirdest and most motivated racists never even had those kids they foresaw as the raw building blocks of their ethnically pure utopia. Hitler never had kids, either.
Both he and you are misguided and believe that anal-retentive notions of purity have anything to do with intra-species bloodlines or the civilizations of the people within whose veins they course. They do not. They speak instead to some insecurity you have about who you are, how weak that personal identity is and how easily disintegrated you fear you could become.
Don't use it as a way to guide a country built on anything but that kind of insanity.
My auto may/ought start "I'm glad I never fell in love with my own voice, as beautiful as beauty is."
I say that race is biologically real and is an important fault line in human relationships.
Before getting laundry, I need to at least say...
it is NOT. It is anything but that. "Race" was and is always used by whomever it is in power and ready to profit over the specific definitions and classification schemes. The proof is how useless it is in anthropology and any other biologically-related field in which social realities matter. The other proof is how varied the schemes are depending on whether they were constructed in Southern United States, Nazi Germany or Brazil. In each instance they were used to further a political agenda and always one that drove any science or biology to which that agenda gave those things a backseat.
Don't fool yourself.
Bloomberg is fucking clueless. This will only strengthen Sanders. It is almost as if no one in politics learned a fucking thing from the Republican nomination battle of 2016.
The Union and Confederacy were not fighting for control over the same piece of territory.
The lower Mississippi? Look at the tributaries, it was the shipping backbone for much of the country at that time. New Orleans wasn't just for the cotton trade. If the Confederacy controlled the lower Mississippi there would probably have been war with or without slavery being an issue.
1840 New Orleans, by one measure, ranks as fourth busiest commercial port in the Western world, exceeded only by London, Liverpool, and New York.
See, the thing is, is I did fall in love with the sounds my voices make.
But I learned better not to trust Idols.
Idols for the most part are the flawed looking to make up for it. Most people, flawed duh, aren't to the point they look to make up for it. It's just something a standard childhood taught: better and worse, thank God there not go I.
Lotta God-fearers don't make it out, lotsa others more though I think do find themselves sans God and therefore merely nothing. When all Love is there, through Him.
“It looks desperate. What should I do?”
“Attack the NRA sir. Like Harvey.”
Yes largely he hired wolfson one of hillsrys key people from 2008,
Bernie’s a runaway train, there’s no stopping him now. Bloomberg can’t do anything to seriously harm Bernie.
Bloomberg is going to have a worse cost per delegate than Jeb.
Tomorrow night should be truly lit. Sanders will figuratively bend Bloomberg over and sodomize him for all to see. I suspect Fauxahontas will redon her strap on and join in.
"therefore merely nothing"
The idea de minimus any average human considers himself rightly more than nothing shouldn't be a topic of conversation, unless among Satanists.
One of the trillion quadzillion blessings we've all witnessed, day after day.
Anybody watch Naked and Afraid?
Yes it could turn pulp fiction rather quickly.
But I do find it amusing that some of the weirdest and most motivated racists never even had those kids
Not having kids at the moment is not the same thing as never having kids.
Both he and you are misguided and believe that anal-retentive notions of purity have anything to do with intra-species bloodlines or the civilizations of the people within whose veins they course. They do not.
That's a strawman. I have never said anything about "purity" and don't even believe in it as a concept.
They speak instead to some insecurity you have about who you are, how weak that personal identity is and how easily disintegrated you fear you could become.
Spare me the Freudianism. Here's the simpler explanation: I recognize that when you change the people of a nation, you will change that nation. If I wanted to live in Latin America, I'd move there.
Don't use it as a way to guide a country built on anything but that kind of insanity.
The Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons.
The proof is how useless it is in anthropology and any other biologically-related field in which social realities matter.
And yet globally the disparities between Europeans, East Asians, and sub-Saharan Africans persist. Despite half a century of effort and trillions of dollars spent, the so called white-black gap persists.
Bernie’s a runaway train, there’s no stopping him now.
Runaway train never going back
Wrong way on a one way track
Seems like I should be getting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there
America had a Civil War, or War Between the States, in part because of regional hatred. Other countries, like Brazil for example, ended slavery without a war. Both sides here, demonized the other to the point that they scarcely considered the other human. John Brown hacked women and children to death because their family had a Black nanny, and was applauded in the North for doing so. Northern missionary societies refused to support any missionaries from the South, not because they supported slavery or owned slaves, but because they might have relatives who did. The two regions became more and more estranged before the war actually started.
That regional hatred still exists and get expressed here from time to time.
“The racial politics tag is for “The attacks on Sanders... will also attempt to highlight negative aspects of his record on race relations both as a congressman and senator..."”
But coming from Bloomberg, these attacks would mean next to nothing with Bloomberg’s Stop and Frisk policy.
I'm still curious.
Outside of the usual places (California, NY, Mass, Maryland, Illinois (well, only Chicago) etc), where does communism hold sway?
Will Bernie flip Wisconsin to commie? Pennsylvania? Heck, can he keep Minnesota? Florida is definitely not going commie, even with the additional puerto ricans.
are wine moms going to pick a creepy commie millionaire (and he is creepy, can't wait till his rapey writings get more exposure) over a meany tweeting billionaire who at least has kept her husband in his fracking job?
I dunno. maybe I'm so anti-commie i don't see it. help me out.
In my last summer of college I hung out with a girl ....
Oh, sure.
For once Inga is spot on- this sort of thing can't come from Bloomberg and have any currency whatsoever. Only Biden can make this sort of attack in the present field, and Biden is too braindead to carry it out. If Biden doesn't win South Carolina, it is very likely that Sanders will dominate the minority vote in the rest of the primaries- seriously, minorities aren't going to majority vote for a white billionaire Wall Street guy, and they aren't likely to give Bloomberg more than 20% support against Sanders.
So a hillary guy from 2008, hillarys finance chief from 2016, who augured in from the harris campaign, and another staffer who was part of his ontourage.
Like Trump, Sanders is fortunate in his enemies.
Finally, I turn to Chuck- my father had the same issues that Sanders did, but when he was 15 years younger than Sanders. Comparing the two men suggests to me that Sanders' heart didn't suffer any serious damage- my father after his heart attack didn't have anything near the vigor that Sanders has shown the last 5 months.
“Will Bernie flip Wisconsin to commie? Pennsylvania? Heck, can he keep Minnesota? Florida is definitely not going commie, even with the additional puerto ricans.”
List of elected socialist mayors in the United States
Seems like the US liked Socialist mayors.
Inga: "Bernie’s a runaway train, there’s no stopping him now. Bloomberg can’t do anything to seriously harm Bernie."
In the primary.
In a general election the cumulative weight of hundreds of millions of dollars in attack ads against Bernie will have an effect.
We will have to wait and see precisely what sort of ads are run and where and in what volume to fet a better sense of the potential general election impact.
It only took a hundred million in ads in key states during several summer months against Romney, at a time when he had zero cash to respond, to put him on his heels all the way to the end.
Inga: "Seems like the US liked Socialist mayors"
It would be more effective to look at the county level and in particular those counties that flipped from obambi to Trump and by how much.
How Did Socialist Mayors Impact Milwaukee?
Yancey Ward said...
Like Trump, Sanders is fortunate in his enemies.
Finally, I turn to Chuck- my father had the same issues that Sanders did, but when he was 15 years younger than Sanders. Comparing the two men suggests to me that Sanders' heart didn't suffer any serious damage- my father after his heart attack didn't have anything near the vigor that Sanders has shown the last 5 months.
Every myocardial infarction is different. I only asked what Sanders' ejection fraction was. I didn't ask anything about your father.
"Bloomberg can’t do anything to seriously harm Bernie.”
Right now Bloomberg is just helping Sanders move to the center for the general.
Ejection fraction is a simple number; it would not involve any deeply personal medical history on the part of Sanders. It goes straight to the issue of what sort of "prognosis" there might be for his health as a Leader of the Free World.
Ejection fraction is a measure of heart failure, not necessarily ischemia, although ischemia will reduce ejection fraction. Arrhythmia kills as many or more heart patients than failure.
Ritmo, adults are talking here. Keep to your Burger U topics.
If Warren is smart she brandishes her medical files, announces she is making them public, and challenges Bernie. This is unlikely to happen, because 1) she isn’t really that smart, and 2) it’s not the least bit sleazy since Bernie's health is a real issue.
This is obviously a strong issue for Buttigieg and Klobuchar too, but will they have the guts? I have my doubts, but he might.
BBerg is pretty old himself to be raising the issue, but he might get away with it. What's he got to lose?
Biden could win the debate by walking up to Bernie, poking him in the chest, and saying “Look fat, I did push ups in jail with Nelson Mandela.”
"I've spent my entire adult life fighting against everything that Trump stands for.” - Bernie Sanders
Especially a strong economy!
I am sure the Democrats really appreciate the input from you life long Republicans.
Dr. K.; yes you are correct of course about the relationship, and the cause-and-effect of ischemia and reduced ejection fraction.
I'm glad to see you appear on this page.
Late to the party, but Bloomberg's argument seems... convoluted.
Not having kids at the moment is not the same thing as never having kids.
If it's biology you're so concerned with, then it's at least plausible to say that you suffer from a disease of inappropriate reproductive desire. You do not desire to have progeny in a way that aligns with your neurobiology. And in Darwinian terms, that's challenging biology if passing along genes is an interest.
That's a strawman. I have never said anything about "purity" and don't even believe in it as a concept.
It's implied by your hidebound clutching of the discredited notion of what you call "race." No such thing as "race" can exist if you cannot determine some idealized, platonic set of characteristics by which you'd classify an individual into one of these races.
Spare me the Freudianism.
Then spare me the pseudo-science.
Here's the simpler explanation: I recognize that when you change the people of a nation, you will change that nation.
Nonsense. The people of a nation change every few generations. And nations can claim inheritance to nations they were never peopled by, as the entire "West" does to three nations from antiquity. No nation conducts biological tests to determine membership within it. And this includes genealogical tests.
If I wanted to live in Latin America, I'd move there.
Good for you.
The Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons.
A legal inconsistency that required a civil war and the 14th amendment to correct. That's a steep price to pay for placating the white ruling class of the day.
And yet globally the disparities between Europeans, East Asians, and sub-Saharan Africans persist.
Disparities exist within each of those "groups," as well. Wildly so, in the case of the U.S. What's your point? That imperialism didn't massively benefit the empire and disadvantage the conquered? That would be a surprise to any student of history.
Despite half a century of effort and trillions of dollars spent, the so called white-black gap persists.
And more than a century and at least billions of dollars have been spent to specifically create and widen that disparity. Redlining was alive and kicking for more than the majority of the 20th century. You seriously think efforts to prevent one specific race from integrating socially and economically into a community no matter how well they did had no impact? How about the destruction of their families for centuries before that last century and a half?
Geez. For a pessimist you have a very rosy view of how easily efforts to reverse such atrocious and perniciously ingrained mistreatments can be brought about. You're either not as pessimistic as you think or only pessimistic about what whites can do right - at least when it comes to correcting their persecutions of others. But very optimistic about what their victims should be expected to immediately overcome.
“If Warren is smart she brandishes her medical files, announces she is making them public, and challenges Bernie. This is unlikely to happen, because 1) she isn’t really that smart, and 2) it’s not the least bit sleazy since Bernie's health is a real issue.”
If Warren is smart, and I’m sure she is, she won’t attack Bernie. She is a perfect choice for his VP and she should keep that in mind. No one is going to catch up with Bernie.
Dr. K; if you could obtain just one line from Sanders' cardiology records, wouldn't it be his current ejection fraction?
If Sanders has an electrophysiologist there might be something interesting, including a 12-lead EKG, a thallium scan and a bunch of other stuff that I have no chance of understanding. All of which might be informative on arrhythmia issues. But still, the guy had an M.I. His current ejection fraction tells us how bad it was.
They'll make a nice couple after calling each other liars on a hot mic.
Old N Scold.
At least they are not going to burn down Milwaukee now, unless the Democrats do something really really stupid.
"All of which might be informative on arrhythmia issues. “
Keep hope alive Chuck!
If Warren is smart, and I’m sure she is, she won’t attack Bernie. She is a perfect choice for his VP and she should keep that in mind.
No she's not. Tulsi Gabbard is.
His current ejection fraction tells us how bad it was.
Cardiolyte scan might tell you more. Ejection fraction, if low means a lot but it can be normal and arrhythmia kills the patient.
Bernie's not dying. But Michael K will choke on his coffee or his own cock when he beats Trump.
Note to self: Do not use LLR-lefty and Sudden-Onset-Socialist Chuck for medical malpractice lawsuits.
"No she's not. Tulsi Gabbard is.”
That would make Hillary choke on her own cock.
“No she's not. Tulsi Gabbard is.”
Well, that would be interesting. That would make Bernie more attractive to independents... probably.
HoaxPPT: "No she's not. Tulsi Gabbard is."
Ixnay alktay about-yay abbard-gay as-yay oice-chay or-fay ice-vay resident-pay!
Besides, they are both russian agents as Inga's democrat and media heroes have been telling us.
HoaxPPT: "President Toilet Paper Shoe's Cooked-Up Drug Deal said...
Bernie's not dying."
Well, he's not dying....but he's killing Joe Biden and Li'l Tomahawk!
Inga: "She is a perfect choice for his VP and she should keep that in mind."
She's the absolute worst choice for VP.
As the actual votes in the primaries/caucuses are telling you.
Oh Utupshay Ragoday.
“She's the absolute worst choice for VP.
As the actual votes in the primaries/caucuses are telling you.”
Democrats aren’t going to take advice from Trumpists.
Inga: "How Did Socialist Mayors Impact Milwaukee?"
How socialist mayors either did or did not impact Milwaukee will have just about zero impact on how a socialist plays electorally across the nation.
But do go on desperately clutching at these squirrel-examples as if they form an appropriate basis for nationwide political extrapolation.
Seriously, too funny.
Drago, why so upset that Bernie will probably get the Dem nomination? Shouldn’t you be celebrating... or something?
Inga: "Democrats aren’t going to take advice from Trumpists."
Good, I hope not. I don't want them to win.
Of course, you have quite the history of Presidential electoral prognostication, don't you?
Trump was going to lose rather handily and give the House and Senate to the dems according to you in 2016, so yeah. I really do hope the dems don't listen to "Trumpists" like me and instead lean heavily on advice from Flavor-Of-The-Month flit-abouts like yourself.
No such thing as "race" can exist if you cannot determine some idealized, platonic set of characteristics by which you'd classify an individual into one of these races.
How many subspecies of wolves are there? How many colors are there? But on the question of race and biology, here is the evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne:
"I do think that human races exist in the sense that biologists apply the term to animals, though I don’t think the genetic differences between those races are profound, nor do I think there is a finite and easily delimitable number of human races."
-Are there human races?
You can also reach Richard Dawkins discuss race in his book The Ancestor's Tale, where he writes on page 462: "However small the racial partition of total variation may be, if such racial characteristics as there are highly correlated with other racial characteristics, they are by definition informative, and therefore of taxonomic significance."
Nonsense. The people of a nation change every few generations.
Then why have the cultural differences between North America (i.e. the US and Canada) and Latin America persisted for so much longer than a "few generations?"
A legal inconsistency that required a civil war and the 14th amendment to correct. That's a steep price to pay for placating the white ruling class of the day.
The civil war had nothing to do with the naturalization of immigrants. It had to do with the foolish decision to important hundreds of thousands of sub-Saharan Africans into the country as chattel slaves. Neither the Civil War nor the 14th Amendment prevented the passing of the Johnson–Reed Act in 1924.
Disparities exist within each of those "groups," as well. Wildly so, in the case of the U.S. What's your point? That imperialism didn't massively benefit the empire and disadvantage the conquered? That would be a surprise to any student of history.
As far as disparities, that bell curves overlap is nothing new. How does "empire" and "the conquered" explain the success of South Korea or Taiwan or Singapore? Chinese arrived as refugees in Malaysia and Thailand and are now economically dominant in both countries. How does "empire" or "the conquered" explain their success over the native populations who controlled the countries they live in?
You seriously think efforts to prevent one specific race from integrating socially and economically into a community no matter how well they did had no impact?
European Jews were subject to pogroms, ejection from their homes, and dispossession and ultimately rounded up and shipped off to extermination camps. What impact has this had on the success of Ashkenazi Jews?
How about the destruction of their families for centuries before that last century and a half?
In 1960, 25% of black children were born to single mothers. Today it is close to 75%. The black-white gap exists everywhere on the planet. Sub-Saharan Africans were lagging behind the rest of the world before the transatlantic slave trade and before European colonialism of the continent. Haiti has been a black republic for over 200 years and remains the poorest, most backwards country in the western hemisphere.
Inga: "Drago, why so upset that Bernie will probably get the Dem nomination? Shouldn’t you be celebrating... or something?"
Your doing this again?
It's really rather amazing.
Every single "Trumpist" on this board has been rooting for Bernie to get the nod because its about time we just cut to the chase and have this Political Battle Royale right now.
Literally, every single conservative here, to my recollection, wants a Bernie-Trump battle.
But go ahead, post 1 comment, just 1, which shows any conservative on Althouseblog upset about Bernie's performance.
I guess this is like how you still believe Carter Page is a Russian spy....which is odd since the same deep state liars telling you that are also telling you Bernie is a russian asset!
You can't even see you've fallen down the rhetorical well!
“How socialist mayors either did or did not impact Milwaukee will have just about zero impact on how a socialist plays electorally across the nation.”
Wisconsin is a Progressive state, has been for quite sometime. Also, Milwaukee is a major city in Wisconsin. Wisconsin is pivotal in this election. Minnesota will go for Bernie and Pennsylvania will probably too.
Begun, the Prog Wars have...
The only people "upset" about Bernie doing well in the primary have a "D" after their names.
Literally, they are the only ones.
Try and find a single republican or conservative that is upset by that. Anywhere.
Go ahead "cut and paste" girl. Get on it!
Inga: "Drago, why so upset that Bernie will probably get the Dem nomination? Shouldn’t you be celebrating... or something?"
“Your doing this again?”
You’re getting easier and easier to troll, lol.
Inga: "Wisconsin is a Progressive state, has been for quite sometime. Also, Milwaukee is a major city in Wisconsin. Wisconsin is pivotal in this election. Minnesota will go for Bernie and Pennsylvania will probably too."
Let me get this straight, Wisconsin is a progressive state and Milwaukee (whatever that is) is some sort of large "town" or "berg" of some sort?
Is that what you are telling me?
Well, that is certainly insightful and really, Ivy Thesis level quality thinking there.
Now, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't WI elect a very conservative governor for 2 terms along with putting Donald Trump over the top as well as having an elected conservative State Supreme Court?
Why, if I didn't know better I'd say you didn't know what you are talking about.
The next thing you'll be "informing" us about will be that WI sometimes has blue skies and clouds.
Inga: "You’re getting easier and easier to troll, lol."
Yes, you are getting more consistent with your standard responses when your idiocy is pointed out.
The old "yes I was just trolling you" ploy.
Yeah, that will totally "work"!
"Wisconsin is a Progressive state,"
Well, there are a lot of clueless Badgers. I know; I live among them.
It would be pretty pathetic if Gabbard joined Bernie and his gulag lovin' pyro thugs.
walter: "It would be pretty pathetic if Gabbard joined Bernie and his gulag lovin' pyro thugs."
There are several extremely significant overlaps in their world view/policy preferences, mostly related to standing up to the "rigged" systems and DOD/Intel types, pulling out of the ME, reducing military spending, open borders, shutting down ICE, etc.
I don't know why anyone would think Gabbard wouldn't jump at the chance to be on the ticket with Bernie given their overall alignment.
Sometimes I think that because Gabbard knew instinctively and immediately that the russia collusion hoax was transparently stupid and false and pushed by the typical folks within the govt that some conservatives give her the benefit of the doubt on her across the board policies.
“Why, if I didn't know better...”
You don’t.
“Sometimes I think that because Gabbard knew instinctively and immediately that the russia collusion hoax was transparently stupid and false and pushed by the typical folks within the govt that some conservatives give her the benefit of the doubt on her across the board policies.”
And that’s where Gabbard and Sanders PART WAYS.
Inga: "You don’t."
Hmmmm, note to self: Inga remains unaware of Scott Walkers 2 terms as Governor, Trump's winning WI in 2016 and WI having a conservative Supreme Court. Also, she still believes Carter Page is a russian spy even though it was conclusively proven that he was in fact a loyal Navy veteran who worked with our very own CIA to bring 2 actual russian spies to justice. Inga also thinks the Trump colluded with Russia in 2016 and is colluding with Russia again in 2020....even though the same people telling her that are also telling her Bernie is the recipient of Russian aid....which Inga doesn't believe....because "logic".
Conclusion: Inga is a psycho.
Tickets are about bringing balance to the force. Gabbard is aligned with Sanders ideologically, but balanced on the things that REALLY matter to Americans: Geographically, gender, color, age, experience, etc. And military background - the kicker against which Trump/Pence will flail like fish out of water. Hopefully.
With apologies to Drago. I guess I just think too far ahead. But it just seems too obvious.
Tulsi did not get far at all, but that doesn't matter. She shoots straight and Lizzie was exposed as just being way too dishonest, tactical and calculating this time around.
I guess try as these former Republicans like Lizzie and Hillary might to be Democratic - and even progressive in Lizzie's case, something just flails about it in the end. Even lifelong Democrats LLDs seem to have trouble keeping themselves from being exposed as totally elitist party establishment corporatist hacks. A Bernie-Tulsi ticket would have the most integrity on the scene. And Tulsi comes across as being traditional enough in her personal lifestyle as to totally balance out against Bernie's loose style and sense of crazy.
It's really the only way to go, at least if winning is of the essence. Other tickets might win, but the way to do it in 2020 is to out-progressive Trump, who credibly won working class votes away from Team D. And that ticket is progressive. Both candidates would totally have the credentials for proving that a takeover of the corrupt elite establishment hacks running the D Party are done and finished. And getting rid of that rot is a lot of what's holding that party back. A lot.
My $0.02. But I think I'm on to something.
This realignment can't be stopped. The Republicans got to have theirs and it presaged that the D's must do the same. There's no way running a rehashed "third-wave" Wall Street Democrat will win against the Republican when even he needs to run as a populist semi-progressive. And he's a billionaire. (Or so he says).
How many thousand 12G did I reload?
20G was nothing.
Now, 12, 20, 28, and then .410 were the only ways to skeet by.
Kerheghfnof 80.
Shotguns don't, and never have, lied.
Why does Inga support Sanders when that is clearly what Putin wants....according to the people Inga has believed for 4 years about Trump/Russia collusion?
So very very strange......
Conclusion: Drago is OCD.
And Gabbard was the only D to not go totally on board with the impeachment vote.
I get the foreign policy overlap to a degree.
But at least her apparent tone on a number of other issues is way less extreme...sometimes overlapping with Trump's.
I think she is young enough that she might do better moving in after Bern Out.
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