February 11, 2020

Mayor Bloomberg said: "Ninety-five percent of murders- murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take a description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all the cops."

"They are male, minorities, 16-25. That's true in New York, that's true in virtually every city. And that's where the real crime is. And the way you get guns out of the kids’ hands is to throw them up against the wall and frisk them."

From "Bloomberg heard in 2015 audio clip defending ‘stop and frisk,’ throwing minority kids against wall: report" (Fox News).


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Mark O said...

Under the New Rules, he's finished.

Big Mike said...

What have I been saying in my comments about Bloomberg. In New York City the black residents called his policy "walking while black."

mccullough said...

Depends on his definition of “city.”

It’s about 50% in the US as a whole, not 95%.

Levi Starks said...

Tough love.
Sounds a lot like something Trump would say.
Right before being branded a racist.

mccullough said...

Mayor Pete agrees but won’t say it.

J. Farmer said...

He’s not wrong.

Amadeus 48 said...

Another call for a Bloomberg presidency via Althouse! The party is just getting rolling.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The collective left lied about every detail in the Michael
Brown story in Ferguson.

Darren Wilson had every right to shoot at M. Brown after M. Brown almost successfully managed to strip Mr. Wilson of his gun. and then after Mr. Brown proceeded to charge the officer after being asked repeatedly to stop.

The left made up wholesale lies to sell a narrative for Obama. Freaking sad. It's open season on cops because of this lie.

jj121957 said...

Is it being reported by any papers or networks that typical Democrat primary voters will notice?

AllenS said...

"They are male, minorities, 16-25, and there isn't a father in the house."

gahrie said...

Well, he's not wrong. He's just not allowed to say it.

rehajm said...

He's eating in to everyone's numbers. That has to stop, apparently...

Jimmy said...

the policy, as I understand it, was stop -Question,- and frisk. and it was very effective. It was started under the previous mayor, and continued because it actually worked- the broken window thing.
and yes, he is right.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

When truth collides with troof.

Wilbur said...

That sound you hear is the pitty-pitty-patter of Mike's little bitty feet backpedaling away from this.

John Borell said...

He said the quiet part out loud. Cancel Mike.

Carol said...

Under the New Rules, he's finished.

Nah, you could never say that. Just between the lines is all.

Birches said...

They've just released a clip of him saying they stop whites too much.

He's done.

Brent said...

Cannot support pro-abortion no-restrictions-up-to-birth Bloomberg.
But on this, where is he wrong?
Facts. It's science.
Oh what a tangled web they weave, when leftists practice to deceive.

Big Mike said...

That sound you hear is the pitty-pitty-patter of Mike's little bitty feet backpedaling away from this.

Started at least three years ago, maybe longer.

JohnAnnArbor said...

We need a technological solution: a magnetometer that works at a distance. That would give probable cause rather than a random policy.

Heartless Aztec said...

Stick a fork in him. He's done.

Dave Begley said...

Is Bloomberg wrong on the facts? No.

But that can't be allowed in today's Dem party.

hombre said...

Bloomberg is trying to displace Fauxcahontas as top pathological liar on the Dem campaign trail. His $11million Super Bowl anti-gun BS extravaganza catapulted him over the others.

traditionalguy said...

The Commie Mayor has proved him right by running a test with police told to stand down and hide.

rehajm said...

Mike sent off a DNA sample to Liz's test lab. They discovered Mike is only 1/1024 racist. The NYT was going to write a Sunday piece to clear Mike of racism accusations and publish the results but the test also discovered Mike is also 3/4 Napoleonic Complex.

Jimmy said...

actually, if he owns up to this, it will help him tremendously. Most dem voters aren't insane leftists, and republicans who can't stand Trump will like this too.
depends on whether reality plays any part in the dem primaries.

James K said...

We need a technological solution: a magnetometer that works at a distance.

That would be racist, because it would disproportionately pick out blacks. Kind of like SAT and FICO scores are racist.

Bob Boyd said...

Just throw everybody up against the wall and frisk them.

Lucid-Ideas said...

A massive fuckup the size of a gargantuan fuckup.

I'm Full of Soup said...

This will actually help him in the general election.

OT a bit...How come we never hear about any great new ideas coming out of the Aspen Institute? Afterall, I assume the attendees are our best and brightest.

traditionalguy said...

The Dems need to find him a forged Birth Certificate and run Madura for President, this saving time with middlemen Socialists.

Leland said...

Wow. That's bad. That's worse than calling half the country deplorables or 47%. And it is not true.

I do think there is some truth about low to no lawful income males of that age with a gun being the M.O. for a murder in which the murderer had no previous relationship with the victim. But even if true, that starts with a murder being committed and then the population is set. Bloomberg's policy was to look at the population initially and to stop them before a crime was even committed. Some may consider that better than the crime, but only because they don't think Bloomberg won't come for their guns next.

Kevin said...

The only people who can survive the modern political meat grinder are people whose supporters ignore anything going into or out of the meat grinder.

So, while all my instincts say Sanders can't survive the southern state primaries, he has to be beaten by somebody, and everyone else is falling apart. Maybe it really will be Trump v Sanders, and America will finally get the choice between extremes its been begging for. I think the far left will be very unhappy with the results of that choice, and will be more willing to reach for the baseball bat over the ballot.

Xmas said...

"Under the New Rules, he's finished."

I mean, even under the Old Rules, he'd be finished saying this out loud.

Maillard Reactionary said...

When he's right, he's right. And he's right.

He'll get slagged from all sides (including Trump supporters) for this, but that doesn't make it untrue.

Reality doesn't care about our feelings. But given a choice, most people will take feelings over reality every time.

Browndog said...

"Under the New Rules, he's finished."

If libs think Bloomberg can displace Trump the "New Rules" are set to be updated.

mockturtle said...

Only two people I knew personally were shot and killed. Both were black and so were their assailants. Coincidence?

Shouting Thomas said...

Rudi Giuliani was the guy who instituted stop and frisk in NYC.

The memory of the nightmare era of Gotham was still fresh when Bloomberg became mayor.

That memory is fading away. So, the cycle must be repeated.

Inga said...

Another reason to not make Bloomberg the nominee.

Nichevo said...

Yeah, Inga, but you want to be a little delicate, you don't want to rough him up so bad that he either can't or won't spend those promised $billions on whoever your inevitable candidate will be.

Wilbur said...

We'll see if there are any more Sista Souljah moments allowed in the Democrat Party.

And that's if he chooses to play it like that. Very doubtful.

Nonapod said...

There are certain hard truths that are not to be spoken of in the modern Democrat party, especially from an old, white, NYC billionaire.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ah, Inga roots for the return of the nightmare of gang violence and madness to the streets in NYC.

Democrats gotta get their jollies somehow.

Lucid-Ideas said...


"Wow. That's bad. That's worse than calling half the country deplorables or 47%. And it is not true."

"Not true." Welcome to Earth. This country is called the USA. The city you're currently in is called Chicago. You are currently positioned on it's 'Southern' end. The sound you're hearing is called 'gunfire'. It is being caused by large numbers of white people, white people everywhere wearing white hoods and driving around in Monte Carlos shooting at other white people.

Last year there were almost 13,500 dead humans killed by other humans. 99% of them were white. An almost equal number of them where injured, some severely, by white people.

You may find this interesting. Did you know that on this planet and this country white people make up approx. 14-15% of the population but are responsible for almost 50% of all felonies. 'Felonies' are serious crimes btw.

This is of course a joke my friend and visitor for outer space. It is "not true" of course. Now watch your head and keep down to avoid the bullets.

Rick said...

Age and race are not an M.O.

Scott M said...

That was from when he was much younger and less experienced. You can't hold him accountable now for something that was said half a decade ago for crying out loud.

Seeing Red said...

Between NYC, Boston and Chicago’s new kid in a candy store laws, we will be able to see it in action.

Bay Area Guy said...

It's mostly true. But the liberal left will say it's mean to say, because you're ignoring root causes and the legacy of racism.

tcrosse said...

Bloomberg-Klobuchar would have made a nice Law'n'Order ticket for some other party in some other year.

rcocean said...

Mini-Mike Bloomberg doesn't have much appeal to black folks, but who knows maybe they'll think he's ANOTHER Bloomberg and vote for him. Every time I'm on Youtube I get a Bloomberg ad. He's a JOB CREATOR who will FIGHT FOR THE MIDDLE CLASS. LOL!

Nonapod said...

If libs think Bloomberg can displace Trump the "New Rules" are set to be updated.

They can try to update them all they want but the Democrats still need an overwhleming majority black people to vote for their candidates.

ExplainMeMore said...

In 2016 a popular Pittsburgh tv anchor named Wendy Bell was fired because she speculated on the lifestyle of the two men who were suspected of a mass shooting in a black neighborhood.

Sebastian said...

"Ninety-five percent of murders- murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take a description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all the cops. They are male, minorities, 16-25."

NYPD posts handy excel files. Mini Mike is not far off. Eyeballing the data, I'd say more than 5% is over 25. But only about a dozen whites committed murder in NYC in 2018. A bunch of "white Hispanics" got in on the act, though. So 95% "minorities" fits.

bagoh20 said...

The truth is provable that minorities of all kinds are better off under Trump than any Democrat. That should matter more than anything to minorities and those who care about them.

Gusty Winds said...

The worst thing for most politicians is getting caught telling the truth. It's sad really...for all the good people in those neighborhoods. Looks like a lose-lose at the moment. You dammed if you put the cops in, and all hell will break loose (as it is now in NYC) if you pull them out or weaken them.

God Bless Waukesha County, Wisconsin.

Dave Begley said...

In this country we can't talk about race because just talking about it results in the charge of racism. Better to live a fantasy.

Obama could have talked honestly about it, but he didn't. He also failed the black community. Trump has done way more for blacks than Obama did.

bagoh20 said...

Even though he has a point, his policies to address it are worse than the problem. He's a natural born tyrant, and has little respect for individual rights.

Sebastian said...

So Trump will campaign on leniency and Mini Mike on toughness?

But didn't Mike already repudiate his tough policy?

I'm a little confused as to which Dem gave up which prior position to suck up to which constituency.

Paul said...

You know, for a fact most crime IS IN THE 'POOR' sections of town. And yes most of the crime IS from the younger males (whites and browns and Asians are also in gangs folks... not just blacks.)

But to single out a whole class and basically assault them searching for weapons is flat against the constitution's right against unreasonable search and seizure. You don't punish the innocent along with the guilty. You don't 'throw them against the wall'.

So I am not shocked when a NYC Mayor, who lives in a caviar enclosed bubble, decides to do this to the 'unwashed masses.' Yea it is racism.

Narr said...

Not a day goes by that gunfire can't be heard from the minority-majority 'hood just south of here, and "did you hear shots?" queries are a staple of our neighborhood newsgroup.

Moron-on-moron crime

bagoh20 said...

Bloomberg is the most openly elitist of all the candidates. You can hear his disdain for regular people in much of what he says.

Josephbleau said...

As they used to sing in Korea, when you hear the patter of tiny feet lt’s the dog face army in full retreat their movin on. Their burning gas their hauling ass their moving on. For bloomie and beiden.

Drago said...

Jim: "actually, if he owns up to this, it will help him tremendously. Most dem voters aren't insane leftists, and republicans who can't stand Trump will like this too."

It won't help him in the primaries since the dem primary voter base tilts further left on the dem side.

Nonapod said...

As for stop-and-frisk, I've heard conflicting things about its efficacy for actually reducing crime. I don't know which source to trust.

Big Mike said...

and republicans who can't stand Trump will like this too.

The latest polls show Trump with 94% support among Republicans.

Jersey Fled said...

The issue isn't whether Bloomberg is right or wrong, it's whether he can say things like that and survive the primaries.

Sunday I showed my very liberal daughter (I think she must have been switched at birth) a video of Bloomberg at a conference at Oxford from 2016. In it he argues that only the "intelligentsia", i.e. "those of us that can get in this room" can understand the nuance of Progressive doctrine. It's a hard sell to the dumb people in the Midwest. He used the example of explaining to them why a "man in a dress" should be allowed in a locker room with their young daughter." They just can't get the concept that "social rights" are more important than "individual rights".

She looked at it and said "well I guess I can cross him off the list".

Bloomberg is the shiny new penny that no one really knows about yet. He reminds me of Beto in that regard. His numbers will fall as people see him and get to know him.

Brody Oaks said...

Two questions:
How long until the first "Republicans Pounce" type headline appears, and in which publication will it appear?

Gabriel said...

M.O. is "modus operandi", how the crime was committed.

Minority 18-25 can't be an "M.O.", that's a category error. M. O. is what you do, not who you are. Bloomberg might know the difference but he's moving too fast between sentences and giving the appearance at least that he thinks "M. O." means something like "demographics".

robother said...

"As for stop-and-frisk, I've heard conflicting things about its efficacy for actually reducing crime. I don't know which source to trust."

Try comparing murder/shooting rates in Chicago and Baltimore (cities that don't have stop and frisk and don't prosecute illegal gun possession) to NYC over any 1, 5 or 10 year period under Bloomberg and Guiliani. Or compare NYC gun crime numbers pre and post Guiliani. Sources may or may not be trustworthy, but numbers don't lie.

Big Mike said...

If Bloomberg is the nominee then black voters have a choice between a former resident of New York City whose policies made jobs available for their young men, but they’d have to pull the lever for a Republican, or a current resident of New York City who is a Democrat, but who thinks of young black men as legitimate targets for racial profiling.

Gonna be interesting.

rehajm said...

Even though he has a point, his policies to address it are worse than the problem. He's a natural born tyrant, and has little respect for individual rights.

Also my sentiment. Bloomberg should be beaten with Cass Sunstein’s book. Nudge this, Mayor...

Calypso Facto said...

You know who has been great at reducing crime across the board WITHOUT resorting to racist methods? Trump. (Or probably more correctly, the Trump economy.)

"The [FBI's] Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report covers January through June 2019. It contains data from more than 14,000 law enforcement agencies nationwide that voluntarily submitted information to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program.

According to the report, all categories of violent crime offenses decreased between the first half of 2018 and the first half of 2019, including:

Robbery (-7.4 percent)
Rape (-7.3 percent)
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter (-3.9 percent)
Aggravated assault (-0.3 percent)
Property crime also declined during the same period, specifically:

Burglary (-11.1 percent)
Motor vehicle theft (-6.7 percent)
Larceny-theft (-4.2 percent)"

Big Mike said...

Bloomberg is the shiny new penny that no one really knows about yet.

Gun owners know all about Mike Bloomberg. All 100 million of them.

Bob Smith said...

In my city the suspects in 85% of the violent crimes are either Hispanic (42%) or African American 43%. The joker in our deck? African Americans comprise 10.7% of our population. The AA criminal element has raised jury nullification to an art form. Either the DA drops/reduces charges or there’s a hung jury. Mike’s right. You just can’t say it in polite society.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Link doesn't work. Access denied.

Chuck said...

Please don’t tell me that Trump fans are bothered by this.

Isn’t Trump the guy who wanted the Central Park Five to get the death penalty? Trump is the guy who was encouraging cops to not “do that thing with the hand on the back of his head” when putting suspects into a police car. Trump wanted security to “not be so nice” removing hecklers from his rallies.

And more to the point, Althouse; there are dozens of quotes from over the years with Trump suggesting that stop and frisk is needed in New York; in Chicago; in California.

Really, Althouse; what the fucking fuck? Trump fires out this garbage to attack Bloomberg and you credulously re-broadcast it? Are you now in the business of in-kind media donations to the Trump campaign? Do you have any notion of how completely crazed Trump’s hypocrisy is in this instance?

MikeR said...

Wow. If a conservative had said that I would have said it was unacceptable. I would probably have had difficulty believing that a conservative had said it.

James K said...

The worst thing for most politicians is getting caught telling the truth.

AKA a "Kinsley gaffe."

Chris said...

While what he is saying may make some sense, it's ok for him to say it until it isn't. Some are pointing out that trump has echoed this stance. But if it was trump on that recording it would be further proof that he is the uberacist. But since it's a dem, meh. It's not wrong to point out the hypocrisy of the situation.

Billionaires bad. Unless it's Bloomberg.
Money in politics bad. Unless it's Bloomberg.
Buying an election bad. Unless it's Bloomberg.
Saying things that would be considered racist under the new rules, BAD. Unless it's Bloomberg.

Bob Boyd said...

Who's more likely to trample on the Constitution and individual rights in pursuit of his goals, Bernie or Bloomberg?

Francisco D said...

Lil' Chuckie said: Really, Althouse; what the fucking fuck?

I have often wondered if Lil' Chuckie was a law student of Althouse. He seems to get angry at her quite a bit.

Chick said...

Short billionaires all look alike

Earnest Prole said...

I told you Bloomberg was a Republican — not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Jupiter said...

Of course it's true. Everyone knows it's true. And Bloomberg knows the solution, too. The solution is to throw white people up against a wall and take our guns away. Isn't that obvious?

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Democrat Chuck: "Really, Althouse; what the f***ing f***? Trump fires out this garbage to attack Bloomberg and you credulously re-broadcast it?"

LLR-lefty Chuck defends his adored and beloved democrats the way a lioness defends her cubs. Chuck will not tolerate ANY criticism of any sort against Team Left.

Cuz "conserving conservatism"

exhelodrvr1 said...

Can't be that honest! Also, not allowed to look into the underlying reasons for those statistics.

eric said...

It looks like Althouse got this from Fox news, not from Trump.

Why is Chuck so mad Althouse reads fox news?

Yancey Ward said...

There are a set facts here that are correct, then there are a set of policies that probably are not constitutional. How would you like it if you were routinely stopped, questioned, and frisked? The Fourth Amendment doesn't say you should be secure in your person unless your demographics suggest you might be a criminal. I am an old fashioned civil libertarian in this regard- full stop.

On the politics, Bloomberg's first instinct is going to be to deny this, claim that the audio is fake (it almost certainly is authentic), or to claim that he has evolved on the issue. In fact, he has already backpeddled a long way from this policy because he knows that his opponents in the primaries are going to use it against him to ensure he gets very little minority vote. I think this instinct is likely the wrong one to follow. He would probably do far better to openly embrace what he said, and tell the voters that the policies were done to better the lives of the residents of minority neighborhoods. So, what will he do?

Chuck said...

Blogger Francisco D said...
I have often wondered if Lil' Chuckie was a law student of Althouse. He seems to get angry at her quite a bit.

I am unhesitating in my praise of Althouse when she’s done some good blogging. And I am honest and usually attempt to be precise when questioning or criticizing her.

In this case — overlooking Trump’s monstrous hypocrisy on this subject — it makes you wonder how deranged Trump might be to not even acknowledge it. But I suppose they don’t care. Perhaps they are thinking that Trump never has to actually win any black voters. He only needs to depress the black turnout for Democrats.

With a little help from Althouse.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck, you dumb fucking fuck, Trump isn't the one putting this out there, nor is anyone disputing the authenticity of the audio. Were the audio fake, you can sure Bloomberg would have said so vehemently and offered strong support of the claim. The audio is surely authentic- Bloomberg is on video more or less saying the exact same things in numerous forums over the years.

Yes, I am sure that the policy of stop and frisk is widely supported by a lot of Republicans, even fake, life long ones, but that isn't the point, is it? Bloomberg is running against other Democrats at the moment, and the audio is fair game, just like grabbing a pussy.

Chuck said...

Blogger eric said...
It looks like Althouse got this from Fox news, not from Trump.

Why is Chuck so mad Althouse reads fox news?

Trump put it out on Twitter 2 hours ago. But I see now it’s been hastily taken down.

Maybe one of the mentally competent Trump caretakers reminded him about what he has said in the recent past. So let Fox do the dirty work.

They seem to be really scared of Bloomberg and based on Michigan polling as well as national polling, they should be scared.

Yancey Ward said...

"When truth collides with troof."

Yes, but I would have gone with- When facts collide with "truth", in honor of Joe Biden.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck, are you denying that Bloomberg said this? If so, offer us some support for that claim. Otherwise, you are arguing for facts to buried for political convenience. Attacking the messenger is intellectually dishonest.

Mr. Majestyk said...

If the Dem Governor of Virginia can get away with having been photographed in blackface (or was it a KKK hood?) and almost doing the moonwalk in a press conference, why can't Mini Mike get away with this?

Anonymous said...

Please don’t tell me that Trump fans are bothered by this.

Chuck, it'd be helpful if you didn't launch your diatribes from tacit assumptions as retarded as "citing crime stats is racist". Once you've committed to that you're pretty much doomed to an end-point of self-immolation within the great wicker-man a-building in your own mind. (As the rest of your comment shows.)

It's a long time 'til November. Pace yourself.

Scott M said...

Please don’t tell me that Trump fans are bothered by this.

Why would we be? What Bloomberg is saying has a lot of truth to it. What we're commenting on is the innate hypocrisy. First, it brings up the fact that it's nigh impossible to talk frankly about the real problems facing inner-city black neighborhoods and if if earnest discussion isn't allowed, the real problems will continue. Second, the twitterotti and MSM would pulverize a GOP candidate that said something like this, no matter how much it rings true. Third, I'm interested in seeing the mental gymnastics the aforementioned sectors of the modern left will put subject themselves to in order to defend, or at least, not condemn, Bloomberg despite the obvious double-standard they would have for a Republican.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Wait a second -- you mean that white, male, middle-aged NRA members aren't responsible for most of the gun violence in America?

MadisonMan said...

I wonder which Clinton operative found the mp4 and sent it along. She's clearing out the opposition, and waiting for the conference and chaos.

bagoh20 said...

Imagine Bloomberg under attack the way Trump has been since his election. Imagine Bloomberg with a bunch of unfriendly holdovers from the previous administration and others that were anti-Bloomberg from day one. Bloomberg would turn into Stalin under that situation, while Trump has been more than liberal with them till now. All the abuse of power bullshit that the Democrats accuse Trump of would actually be happening in spades with Bloomberg. It's just the kind of guy he is. He has acute small man syndrome.

eddie willers said...

Under the New Rules, he's finished.

This is the only place I've seen it mentioned. And "they" will try and keep it that way.

Rabel said...

"But on this, where is he wrong?"

His analysis of the source of most urban violence is correct, but he has no right to have a citizen thrown up against a wall and searched based solely on their age, sex or race.

None. And if taking the guns away from young Black and Hispanic people in the city is allowable, then taking the guns away from the rest of us should be too.

If the constitution can be ignored in the first instance for a generalized sense of "public safety" then it can be ignored in the second.

Birches said...

Even though he has a point, his policies to address it are worse than the problem. He's a natural born tyrant, and has little respect for individual rights

Exactly right. There was nothing wrong with Bloomberg's statistics. The problem is treating someone like a criminal because they are walking down the street. Broken windows policing is different than stop and frisk. People are committing crimes under broken windows policing, the cops are just enforcing the little stuff in hopes of keeping the bigger crimes from spinning out of control. Stop and frisk is a fishing expedition.

Ann Althouse said...

If Bloomberg sounds like Trump, that’s a problem for Bloomberg

But I don’t know where Trump ever singled out black people like that and Trump isn’t associated with the effort to deprive people of their guns.

If you live in the most dangerous part of town, you might want a gun for sel-defense. To target this population for gun possession crimes was Bloomberg’s strategy. How is that like Trump?

Let Bloomberg be revealed for what he is and people can decide if they like it on its own merit. If the similarity to Trump is part of their analysis, that’s all right with me, but which way does it cut?

Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "
I am unhesitating in my praise of Althouse when she’s done some good blogging. And I am honest and usually attempt to be precise when questioning or criticizing her."



LLR-lefty Chuck's Explicitly Stated 3 Objectives In Posting At Althouse:
1) Lie about and smear Trump
2) Drive a wedge between Trump and his base
3) Drive a wedge between Althouse and her readership

Those 3 explicit admissions by LLR-lefty Chuck explain fully every single post of the last 5 years.

Every single one.

Rabel said...

There's very little street crime in totalitarian societies. If you want to live free then you must accept some risk.

Paul said...

You guys hear of the cops in NYC being assassinated?

Ever wonder why? Could it be the ones that grew up in the 'stop and frisk' in the Ghettos HATE THE COPS? Not all people living in the poor section of town are criminals.. so stop treating them all as criminals.

Anonymous said...

Bob Boyd: Who's more likely to trample on the Constitution and individual rights in pursuit of his goals, Bernie or Bloomberg?

Tough call.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Jim said...
actually, if he owns up to this, it will help him tremendously. Most dem voters aren't insane leftists, and republicans who can't stand Trump will like this too."

A very big chuck of Dem primary voters fall into the category of "insane leftists" While the most insane are already Bernie fans, this will further alienate some black libs who might have been leaning toward Bloomie, as well as those suburban wine moms who are slavishly PC and don't want to be associated with anything remotely "racist" (in this case, it's because they are not the ones who suffer from inner city criminals. Unlike blacks who insist that crime stats are racist, the suburban wine moms pay no price for their self-righteous indignation.)

Paul said...

You guys hear of the cops in NYC being assassinated?

Ever wonder why? Could it be the ones that grew up in the 'stop and frisk' in the Ghettos HATE THE COPS? Not all people living in the poor section of town are criminals.. so stop treating them all as criminals.

Yancey Ward said...

So, predictions- does Chuck come back to this thread to discuss the topic, or will it be a non sequitur?

Big Mike said...

Bay Area Guy at 10:03: It's mostly true. But the liberal left will say it's mean to say, because you're ignoring root causes and the legacy of racism.

Then Chuck at 10:43.

Pass the popcorn. 🍿

Drago said...

exiled: "A very big chuck of Dem primary voters fall into the category of "insane leftists...."

"A very big chuck of Dem primary voters...."

Sometimes typos reveal truth.

Chuck said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...
Chuck, are you denying that Bloomberg said this?

Of course not.

What I am saying is that the public record is filled with Trump saying similar things and yet today Trump proclaimed Bloomberg to be an all-caps RACIST for having said essentially what Trump himself had said. Trump put up the Tweet and it was hastily taken down.

Seeing Red said...

You guys hear of the cops in NYC being assassinated?

Ever wonder why? Could it be the ones that grew up in the 'stop and frisk' in the Ghettos HATE THE COPS? Not all people living in the poor section of town are criminals.. so stop treating them all as criminals.

The caps are off. It’s like The Purge. They get off Scott-Free.

Seeing Red said...

This is just like the intelligentsia can understand why men wearing dresses can go into girls bathrooms/locker rooms.

Marshall Rose said...

Is this better or worse than appearing in blackface?

My prediction, he won't be cancelled, they need his money and his normalcy in the race.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty and #StongDemDefender Chuck: "What I am saying is that the public record is filled with Trump saying similar things and yet today Trump proclaimed Bloomberg to be an all-caps RACIST for having said essentially what Trump himself had said."


See the switcheroo here from our resident Smear Merchant?

"...said essentially what Trump himself had said."

"...essentially what Trump himself had said."

Such typically weasel words from our LLR-lefty Chuck.

But when a dem candidate is in trouble, there is no limit to LLR-lefty Chuck's lies to defend them.

bagoh20 said...

I think that after the De Blassio experience that, at least in New York, Bloomberg will be popular.

Drago said...

Seeing Red: "This is just like the intelligentsia can understand why men wearing dresses can go into girls bathrooms/locker rooms."

I wonder if this observation plays some part in LLR-lefty Chuck's psychotic and fanatic support of far left democrats/socialists/marxists.

Yancey Ward said...

"What I am saying is that the public record is filled with Trump saying similar things"

So what? Althouse wasn't talking about Trump's tweet, you were. However, I am going to have to ask you to link us to these similar things since you are so bent out of shape about the whole matter.

Scott M said...

What I am saying is that the public record is filled with Trump saying similar things and yet today Trump proclaimed Bloomberg to be an all-caps RACIST for having said essentially what Trump himself had said.

I haven't seen the original tweet. If Trump used the the word racist to describe Bloomberg while saying essentially the same thing then he's wrong. See how easy that is? Does it change my opinion of his job as POTUS? Not a whit.

As I pointed out earlier, it's not about Bloomberg. It's about both the hypocrisy of the left and inability of the left to confront these actual problems honestly.

Chuck said...

Drago I never once proposed to “lie” about Trump. I demanded of you to show these readers where I ever wrote such a thing. And you have never done it. Because you can’t. Because I never wrote it. And you know it. And so do most of these readers.

So fuck off. Your dumb clutter won’t mean anything to me. And it just makes Althouse’s comments pages less readable.

daskol said...

The timing here is exquisite: NYC is roiled in controversy over attempted shootings of cops, with an anti-police mayor taking flak about it, amidst a major uptick in crime that even this mayor attributes to a stupid law that releases all but violent crooks without bail. This is why Bloomberg, despite being an effective mayor, is a terrible politician: he can't articulate his policy carefully and in alignment with civil rights. He doesn't even think he needs to, since his correctness is so fucking obvious. Blech. He was a far better mayor than deBlasio, and I'd prefer Bloomberg in office, but he is such a jerk.

daskol said...

Anyway, Bloomberg has been grovelling before the grievance mongers for several months now, apologizing for even effective aspects of his mayoral regime and tough on crime policy. Like Sanders flip-flopping on his opposition to illegal and mass immigration, these ambitious man in their later years sacrifice their remaining shreds of dignity to pander to the worst elements of the Dem coalition. Not exactly Shakespeare-level tragedy or comedy, but truly pathetic.

FullMoon said...

Bloomberg had it released. Most black people are not killers and thugs. Most black people would rather have the bad guys disarmed.

Bloomers stop and frisk might be a no-no to the talking heads, but in the real world will get him respect.

Now, revealing his plan regarding limiting size of Big Gulp might negate any gains made..

Drago said...

LLR-lefty and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "Drago I never once proposed to “lie” about Trump."


You are an admitted "smear" merchant. You happily admitted it. You proudly admitted it. You gleefully admitted it.

So lets consult the Cambridge Dictionary, shall we?

verb [ T ]
UK /smɪər/ US

to tell lies about someone or something in order to harm them:
Accusations of corruption were nothing but a deliberate attempt to smear the company and its management.

LLR-lefty Chuck claims to be a $70 Gajillion/Hour lawyer who is in very high demand. I suspect someone in that position would be familiar with basic definitions of commonly used words.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "So f*** off. Your dumb clutter won’t mean anything to me. And it just makes Althouse’s comments pages less readable."

A Banned Commenter has thoughts.........

FullMoon said...

And Bloomer's money will allow dems to rationalize this "mistake".

He will be nominee.

Chuck said...

So what? Althouse wasn't talking about Trump's tweet, you were. However, I am going to have to ask you to link us to these similar things since you are so bent out of shape about the whole matter.

Althouse was following the Trumpist line. And I’m opposing that line.

I really did presume that Althouse got the story as a result of the Trump Tweet. I didn’t think she watched FNC. All of that remains my thinking. I was thinking that Althouse wanted to pluck the Bloomberg quote out, and leave all Trump controversies behind.

That’s pretty much it.

Drago said...

FullMoon: "And Bloomer's money will allow dems to rationalize this "mistake"."

Not only will democrats like LLR-lefty Chuck rationalize Bloomer's comment, they will actually blame Trump!

Just as Proud and Admitted Liar and Smear Merchant LLR-lefty Chuck has already done on this page.

Bloomberg could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and LLR-lefty Chuck and his dem pals would immediately call for Trump's arrest.

Hagar said...

But I don’t know where Trump ever singled out black people like that and Trump isn’t associated with the effort to deprive people of their guns.

A little too broad an interpretation, Professor.
Bloomberg was talking about a subset of "the black population" - young male, male, tattooed, "pants on the ground," etc., and recognized by the cops as likely gang members.

FullMoon said...

"So fuck off. Your dumb clutter won’t mean anything to me. And it just makes Althouse’s comments pages less readable."

Ann Althouse said...
Chuck, you're doing clutter. You're causing me (and I presume others) to just have to scroll to get past your long and repetitive stuff. You need to change what you are doing or you will become one of the small group of people I call bad faith commenters, whose posts I delete without reading whenever I see them. I'm quite serious. You need to cut way back and keep it short. Stop repeating yourself. Everyone is bored and you are not cute. And don't argue with me in the comments. Stop doing clutter.
8/3/17, 2:16 PM

C'mon, man, don't make it so easy. SAD!

Drago said...

LLR-lefty & #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "That’s pretty much it."


See Chuck run. See Chuck run away. See Chuck run away from his claims that Trump has said "essentially" the same thing as Bloomberg.....but is somehow unable to provide the evidence for that.

That's because LLR-lefty Chuck is a Proud and Loud admitted Liar and Smear Merchant.

Chuck said...

Drag for the umpteenth time on these pages, I have some regret about my one-time sloppy use of “smear” (something that Althouse once did as well) under the strictest definition of that word.

I certainly want to write to hurt Trump electorally. But I do not want to ever lie about him to do that. And I never have.

And, I have explained this to other readers and you know it.

It’s so funny to me how you Trump Cult assclowns hang on my every word as if it were my blog. I’m just a commenter. Hahaha.

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry Fox links don’t work.

For those who want to know where I got the link, it was Memeorandum, https://www.memeorandum.com/, which has always been my main source of links.

The idea that I would get a Fox webpage link by watching Fox on television is just weird.

Yancey Ward said...

Still waiting, Chuck.

Yancey Ward said...

I often find FoxNews links go bad- probably the single worst site to link anything from.

Michael K said...

It is amusing to see Chuck ranting about Trump as one more triumph approaches as China approaches possible collapse of the CCP.

For the first time since coming to power, Xi’s high-tech censorship machine is meeting with intense resistance from millions of Chinese Internet users. The controlocracy is being put to the test. Most likely, though, the outbreak itself will be used to justify even more surveillance and control of the population.

Xi is an unabashed dictator. But his dictatorship is far from “perfect.” His obsessive need to control information has deprived Chinese citizens of their right to know what is happening in their communities, and potentially within their own bodies.

Once again, Trump's incredible luck may be coming to his aid in his largest world test.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "Drag for the umpteenth time on these pages, I have some regret about my one-time sloppy use of “smear” (something that Althouse once did as well) under the strictest definition of that word."


You are a self-described legal beagle smart guy.
You hold yourself yourself up as THE arbiter of precise language.
You were explicit and fully-descriptive of your intent here: Lie about and smear Trump in order to drive down his poll numbers to help with impeachment and drive a wedge between Trump and his base. You went EVEN FURTHER with your explicit proud claim that you were also here to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.

You wrote all of that. Explicitly.

There is ZERO chance that the above is a simple typo or sloppy use of language. And everything you have posted for 5 years demonstrate conclusively the truth of your admissions.

Was your admission that you wanted to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers also just a "sloppy" mistake?

Your pathetic attempts to cover all this up makes it even funnier.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "It’s so funny to me how you Trump Cult assclowns hang on my every word as if it were my blog. I’m just a commenter."

Just a Banned Commenter, you mean.

0_0 said...

However much of Bloomberg's statement is true, it is still a violation of the Constitution to throw innocent people against the wall without evidence or reasonable suspicion.

narciso said...

you would think he would be more tactful, how did this not emerge from the lawsuits filed by the usual suspects,

Drago said...

narciso: "you would think he would be more tactful, how did this not emerge from the lawsuits filed by the usual suspects,"

Democrats don't have to be tactful. Or careful.

They know that their army of sycophants and mind-numbed dem/LLR-lefty fanboys will never hold them accountable.

Witness this very thread where LLR-lefty Chuck is literally blaming Trump for Bloomberg's comments. This is similar to how Inga always blames Christians for islamic supremacist terrorism.

So, for bloomberg, he'll just spread some more cash around and the media will never call him on it.

Beasts of England said...

’Trump fires out this garbage to attack Bloomberg and you credulously re-broadcast it?’

Althouse has disappointed Chuck once again!! Oh, the humanity!

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

It is amusing to see Chuck ranting about Trump as one more triumph approaches as China approaches possible collapse of the CCP.

Where in that article did you get the possible collapse of the CCP?

lgv said...

Blogger Jim said...
the policy, as I understand it, was stop -Question,- and frisk. and it was very effective. It was started under the previous mayor, and continued because it actually worked- the broken window thing.
and yes, he is right.

Do not conflate stop and frisk with broken windows. Stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional in the specific application in NYC, because blacks and hispanics were targeted 83% of the time. Very few arrests or gun confiscations happened. Crime stats continued the downward trend after stop and frisk stopped. Stop and frisk could have continued if they went the TSA route and started stopping white guys in suits, grandmothers, and people in wheelchairs.

Personally, stop and frisk is a clear violation of our fourth amendment rights. Why not just enter houses and look for guns in black communities.

bagoh20 said...

Bernie or Mike? My God, what a bad choice! Why isn't there anyone reasonable on that side of things that respects the basis for why this country even exists?

Hagar said...

-young male, male, tattooed, "pants on the ground," etc., and recognized by the cops as likely gang members.
(Which goes for any other coloration than "black" too, come to think of it. Everybody have got their pachucos.)

So, "reasonable suspicion" comes down to what in your opinion today constitutes "reasonable suspicion."

narciso said...

its like romney's 47% line, it's factually true, but tonally off, and since he minds his pdq's supposedly, or perhaps not,

gilbar said...

This is Unacceptable!
As Jo Biden so often said; WE CHOOSE TRUTH OVER FACTS
Get your Racist Facts, OUT OF HERE!

Vance said...

Setting aside the sudden, emotional outburst from Chuck to defend Bloomberg (I note that Inga was like, "Welp, that ends Bloomberg." And that was it.), the question remains:

Bloomberg was speaking the truth, mostly. It's politically incorrect to say it, but yeah, most murderers in NYC almost certainly are young black males between 18-25.

Is that racist? It is on the left, naturally, where any pointing out of the facts is usually a hate crime. But let's say it was Trump or Romney that had said this. Is it necessarily racist?

I would say no, for the simple fact that once you get out of the inner cities young black males are no more likely to be murderers than anyone else.

If I were Bloomberg, I'd take this head on: "Yes, most murderers in NYC are young black males. That is a fact. But their skin color has nothing to do with it, outside of peer pressure or the like. It's the toxic culture that has developed in inner cities all over America that leads to this wave of mostly minority murderers. If we as a country want a real conversation on race, we should discuss how to cure this toxic culture."

That would bring shrieking from Al Sharpton, but would serve Bloomberg well.

Nonapod said...

Stop and frisk strikes me as far too much of a violation of individual rights even if it may have reduced crime (and there seems to be conflicting viewpoints of whether it even actually did reduce crime or not).

Trump seemed supportive of the policy during his campaign back in September of 2016, saying he would implement it to control crime since he seemed to believe that it "it worked incredibly well" in NYC. But he wouldn't elaborate further about it at the time. And as president he hasn't ever really attempted to encourage or implement any kind of "stop-and-frisk" policy for police at any level AFAIK (not that he could anyway).

But Bloomberg actual did implement it as mayor and has stood by it long after he was out of office. No doubt he'll suddenly "evolve" on the issue if it becomes more of a problem for him.

Bloomberg has always struck me as a bit of a control freak. He seems to have a natural aversion to the excessive personal freedoms for the underclasses. He's a gun grabber. He wants to tell you what size beverage you're allowed to drink. He seems ot have many natural authoritarian tendencies.

gilbar said...

mockturtle said...
Only two people I knew personally were shot and killed. Both were black and so were their assailants. Coincidence?

The two people i personally knew in Ames that were shot, were both white (and drug dealers), so were their murderers (both white, and drug dealers; although the 2nd murder had a LOT less to do with drugs, and much more with taking a wife (with her consent)

The only Woman i personally knew in Ames that was killed, wasn't shot (though, she WAS white)... She was stabbed, and then had her head cut off (so that "she'd fit in the box"). That was a fairly famous (for ames) killing. She was a stripper

DanTheMan said...

In my former career, I did plenty of stop and frisks. Terry v Ohio says you have to have a reasoable basis for the stop. Once you have the stop you can do a pat down for weapons for your own safety.
Stop and frisk works because the beat cops know who the bad guys are and who is likely to be carrying. It’s a small % that commits a large % of the crime. If you can get those guys off the street you can actually impact the local crime level.
Of course if you are working in a neighborhood that’s mostly black, almost all your stops are going to be of young black men. But isnt it funny that nobody is griping about the gender disparity😀. I suspect 99% of stop and frisks are male....

Ken B said...

I agree with Yancey. I want to add that right or wrong this was his policy. So it’s a character test now. Will he stand up for this policy or will he weasel? He would show real leadership if he stuck to his record. I bet he won’t.

Seeing Red said...

He already weaseled and apologized. There’s a clip somewhere.

Clark said...

Stop and Frisk was ruled unconstitutional by one Federal district judge. The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals might well have reversed that judge, but we will never know because NYC chose not to defend the policy on appeal. The policy as described in that hyperbolic Bloomberg quote would be unconstitutional, but the actual policy was more nuanced.

Seeing Red said...

—Personally, stop and frisk is a clear violation of our fourth amendment rights. Why not just enter houses and look for guns in black communities.—

It’ll be in white communities first. See New Zealand and probably Virginia.

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Drago & Jim,

>Jim: "actually, if he owns up to this, it will help him tremendously. Most dem voters aren't insane leftists, and republicans >who can't stand Trump will like this too."

>It won't help him in the primaries since the dem primary voter base tilts further left on the dem side.

I don't think it will help in the general election either. Trump is already headed for a significant bump in the number of black votes he wins, even if Biden is on the ballot. Well-targeted ads with this clip are going to pump those numbers even higher, and even those black people who can't stomach a vote for Trump will be far more likely to stay home. Even a small drop-off in black voter enthusiasm will be a catastrophe for the Dems.

Hubert the Infant said...

One thing that Trump has shown is that pandering is not only unnecessary, but also counterproductive. For all of his supposed smarts, Bloomberg does not understand this. So, his campaign has been a series of apologies for policies he once championed but which are un-Woke. Yes, he was against Obama's Iran deal, but the way Trump dismantled it was wrong. Yes, he believed strongly that stop and frisk was necessary while Mayor of NYC, but now realizes it was wrong. Etc. Most Democratic voters no doubt agree with Bloomberg regarding who is responsible for most crimes. He should embrace his record if he actually wants to be the nominee. Instead, it looks like he will run from it. And open the door for Michelle.

Francisco D said...

Chuck said to Drago: So fuck off. Your dumb clutter won’t mean anything to me. And it just makes Althouse’s comments pages less readable.

You don't have ANY self-awareness do you Lil' Chuckie?

Chuck said...

2/11/20, 12:25 PM
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
Still waiting, Chuck.

Are you going to pay me to do your homework?

Google “Trump” and “stop and frisk.” Long after Judge Scheindlein’s dubious trial court ruling in the New York case, Trump himself brought it up in September of 2016, setting off yet another in the interminable line of Trump controversies. You will find thousands of entries with Trump’s name linked to stop and frisk. And particularly so in relation to New York City. And particularly so in relation to the time AFTER the SDNY federal decision where all the supposedly racial stuff got litigated.

Michael Bloomberg says stupid shit about 0.001% as often as Trump. Count them for me. We can then do the math together.

Birkel said...

Racist fopdoodle: "I certainly want to write to hurt Trump electorally."

You're doing it wrong. You turn people away from your positions and toward other positions.

And that's why you regret the "Smear" comment. You know that gin-soaked comment gave away the game.

So, you continue to fail. At least you're great at failing.

Greg the class traitor said...

JohnAnnArbor said...
We need a technological solution: a magnetometer that works at a distance. That would give probable cause rather than a random policy.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

That magnetometer is a search. You can't aim it at people UNTIL you get your probably cause.

Is Bloomberg's statement more or less true? Yes, it is.

Would I tolerate the the VA gov't instituting "stop and frisk" in rural VA counties, to try to find people violating their new gun laws? No I wouldn't.

So I guess I come down on the side of "it's better that those kids kill each other, than that the gov't be given this power

Inga said...

“This is similar to how Inga always blames Christians for islamic supremacist terrorism.”

Delusional or lying? I’m a Christian, why would I blame myself for islamic supremacist terrorism? You just really spout complete garbage.

Birkel said...

Stop for reasons not related to protected categories and frisk after that would be constitutional under the US Constitution , despite the SDNY Hawaii* judge's decision. It hasn't been fully litigated but I see no reason why a frisk (search) attendant to an otherwise legal stop would violate rights. After all, the police are allowed to search motorists after traffic stops in many jurisdictions.

*Hawaii judge is the euphemism for nationwide rulings that Justice (Gorsuch?) wrote about in his recent concurrence.

Ken B said...

Spanked by Birkel.
I don’t need to say anything more do I?

Ralph L said...

He said M.O. because he couldn't say "profile."

Greg the class traitor said...

Birkel said...
Stop for reasons not related to protected categories and frisk after that would be constitutional under the US Constitution , despite the SDNY Hawaii* judge's decision. It hasn't been fully litigated but I see no reason why a frisk (search) attendant to an otherwise legal stop would violate rights. After all, the police are allowed to search motorists after traffic stops in many jurisdictions.

Well, the easier it becomes to legally "stop" someone, the bigger a pile of garbage that becomes.

And I'm pretty sure it's well established Supreme Court precedent that you can not force someone to let you search their car just because you're stopped them to give them a ticket. Also, you can't drag out the length of the stop while you run a wants / warrants search on them.

Michael K said...

Farmer defending China. What else is new ?

narayanan said...

Blogger JohnAnnArbor said...

We need a technological solution: a magnetometer that works at a distance.

at every intersection? crossing across

walter said...

Bloomie's comments on Xi's responsiveness to his "constituents" ain't so grand either.

(Chuck! scores a "But Trumuuump" and a But Althoooouuuussse" in same thread)

wildswan said...

It isn't true. Bloomberg was being a racist.

"According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%" (In the preceding stats, Hispanics are counted as white.) In New York City from 1990 to 1999 blacks committed 54% of the murders.

It's one thing to say that blacks are committing murder in disproportionate numbers (50% of all murders when they are 12% of the population) and that's why they are in disproportionate numbers in the prison population.

It's quite another to say they are committing 95% of all murders. In my opinion that's straight up racism, especially in a mayor who has had access to excellent police crime stat reports in his own city.

And remember many offenders have committed multiple crimes so that the number of offenders in the black community isn't as large as the number of crimes committed by blacks.

My policy idea is they should do frequent stop and frisk in the area in each city with the highest number of murders and as you move out toward law-abiding areas stop and frisk drops off sharply. But this would require common sense.

walter said...

The proper response to him hereafter should include "What the fucking fuck, Chuck!?"

Birkel said...

Greg the Class Traitor:
Search the car? No, only what is plainly visible.
Search the driver (and passengers?) to make sure there are no weapons? You betcha!

Also, police run search warrants and license tags as often as they prefer. Taking "too long" is a subjective test. Now, am I in favor of this type of law nationwide? Of course not! But it's not a federal concern within certain parameters and I favor local control. Let New York suck for New Yorkers and keep that shit away from me!

Chuck said...

I think TrumpWorld is really frightened of a nomination of Bloomberg. In the last 90 days, Bloomberg has gone from about -11% to +7% against Trump in Michigan. I am talking to lots of Republicans and Independents who are loving the idea of a Bloomberg nomination. In Michigan, we reverse our 2016 Presidential result by simply shifting 1 percent from “I’ never wanted Trump as the nominee but I am voting for him and not another Clinton,” to “Better than Trump and Not Hillary.”

I see MSNBC not wanting Bloomberg; yawn. I see Fox scared of Bloomberg; sweet!

Birkel said...

Geography is not a protected class. Your idea should pass muster.

But then we get to "disparate impact" to guarantee those high crime districts remain so.

Birkel said...

I see racist fopdoodles projecting Michigan results against.
Reliably wrong, as always.

J. Farmer said...


It's quite another to say they are committing 95% of all murders. In my opinion that's straight up racism, especially in a mayor who has had access to excellent police crime stat reports in his own city.

I may be wrong, but I believe Bloomberg was talking about the stats in New York City, not nationwide. And he did not include just blacks but "minorities," which would include blacks and Hispanics. And in New York City, blacks and Hispanics do make up more than 90% of all murders. And, of course, they tend to be the vast majority of murder victims.

Big Mike said...

I think TrumpWorld is really frightened of a nomination of Bloomberg.

Think again, asshole.

Tina Trent said...

The Central Park Five were guilty, Chuck. Also of seriously assaulting several other victims that night. It is the Democrats most evil and perverse blood libel to keep lying about their guilt.

95% minority on minority is about right for NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, and so on. You have to use the expanded FBI reporting and look at two sets of numbers -- murders by race, and murders by ethnicity -- to piece that together.

Bloomberg did say "cities like New York." So he is correct.

Rabel said...

Ralph L said...

"He said M.O. because he couldn't say 'profile.'"


Drago said...

Today Lefty Chuck: "I think TrumpWorld is really frightened of a nomination of Bloomberg"

Previous Lefty Chuck: I think TrumpWorld is really frightened of a nomination of Biden

Previous Lefty Chuck: I think TrumpWorld is really frightened of a nomination of Sanders

Previous Lefty Chuck: I think TrumpWorld is really frightened of a nomination of Warren

Previous Lefty Chuck: I think TrumpWorld is really frightened of a nomination of Kamala

Previous Lefty Chuck: I think TrumpWorld is really frightened of a nomination of Beto

Previous Lefty Chuck: I think TrumpWorld is really frightened of a nomination of Avenatti

Anybody seeing a pattern?

Tina Trent said...

Wildswan, your statistics aren't just out of date and fail to divide whites from Hispanics: they also fail to account for the murders that are deemed unknown offender. More recent stats have changed in three ways: there are higher percentages of minority on minority violence; fewer murders are categorized as unknown offender, and Hispanics are broken out as a minority group. Also, Bloomberg was speaking specifically about big cities like NYC. There, the minority involvement rates are even higher. He's right; you're wrong.

Birkel said...

The pattern is that racist fopdoodles are Smear Merchants.

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "Delusional or lying?"

I think it is clear you are both.

Quick test: Carter Page, Russian spy or no?

Drago said...

Birkel: "The pattern is that racist fopdoodles are Smear Merchants."

Its even easier to discern the pattern when the FakeCons self-identify as Smear Merchants, as LLR-lefty Chuck explicitly and proudly did.

exhelodrvr1 said...

I think you need to moisturize.

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "You just really spout complete garbage."

There has not been a single islamic supremacist terrorist attack that you didnt ignore and immediately raise issues of Christian violence.

Not a single one.

To this day.

You dems and LLR-lefties (like Chuck) complain about islamic terrorist leaders who have killed Americans getting whacked by our troops.

Its rather astonishing really.

Birkel said...

To be fair racist fopdoodles have so little about which to be proud.
So there's that.
Which is nice.

Tina Trent said...

Vance, you are wrong. Throughout the country, black males are disproportionately overrepresented as both perpetrators and victims of murder. By overall population, and by quite a lot. The same is true of stranger-rape and serial murder. And this is true going back decades, though in recent years the rate of white involvement in violent crime has dropped while the rate of minority on minority violence continues to climb.

BothSidesNow said...

Read Talking With Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell. A couple of chapters deal with the strategy of allocating police resources. What Bloomberg did, by concentrating police resources on high crime areas, and encouraging a very high rate of police-civilian contact, is exactly what Gladwell postulates as being most supported by relevant studies of effective police work. Imagine living in one of those neighborhoods, and having a 17 year old son, knowing that if he bumps into someone, or gives someone a funny look, he might be shot. Would you support Bloomberg's actions?

Bilwick said...

In a way, Nanny State Mike was following "liberals'" love of collective guilt to its logical conclusion. I think it was in his classic FOR A NEW LIBERTY, Rothbard pointed out that based on statist arguments for confiscating and/or heavily regulating firearms to their logical conclusion, you could just do a statistical profile of which groups were likely to be prone to crime and violence, and just imprison them. Sure, you might end up imprisoning some innocent people, but as statists love to say, "You can't make an omelet," etc., etc.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck at 1:42 clearly admits that his earlier lies and smears regarding Trump comments being "essentially" the same as Bloomies were just that, lies and smears.

LLR-lefty Chuck claims there are thousands of examples just lying about....yet not a single one he could provide.


Tsk tsk

And to think LLR-lefty Chuck is the self-anointed Legal Beagle of Althouse blog.

Jaq said...

Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!

This Democrat primary is entertaining, if nothing else.

Tina Trent said...

Who might shoot him, Both Sides? It's not the police.

232 people have been shot in Chicago so far this year. Three were police shootings, all justified.

Drago said...

Hey LLR-lefty Chuck, just how is that Bolton subpoena coming along?



Well speak up man! Cat got your tongue?

Greg the class traitor said...

Blogger Birkel said...
Greg the Class Traitor:
Search the car? No, only what is plainly visible.
Search the driver (and passengers?) to make sure there are no weapons? You betcha!

No. Not only no, but hell no!

If you're intelligent, you keep your hands clearly visible when the officer is coming up to your car. If you're carrying, and have a carry permit, it's wise to let the officer know.

But it's not required while you're sitting in your car. And the officer has to have a valid reason to ask you to get out of the car.

Also, police run search warrants and license tags as often as they prefer. Taking "too long" is a subjective test.

No, it's an objective test. The officer has as long as it should take the write the ticket. And if the officer does drag it out, and something comes up, hello suppressed evidence.

You clearly have no idea what the actual law and SC rulings are. And your idea of what the law should be is twisted.

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