I promised to restore hope in America. That includes the least among us. Together, let’s KEEP AMERICA GREAT!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 2, 2020
Text TRUMP to 88022 if you liked our Super Bowl ad! pic.twitter.com/Lgjt53B7QX
Hope you liked this! https://t.co/y1j2Wf6J4p— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 3, 2020
I'll call attention to the contrast between the 2 ads, and I'm going to give this post my "big and small" tag.
The first ad is in black and white, and we see a photo of one black woman on a black screen with white lettering, then close video shots of her telling her individual story, surrounded by a small group of people who care about her, along with more white lettering on a black screen. "My heart is just bursting with gratitude. I want to think President Donald John Trump," she says and the people around her — all black people — cheer. One person's story, one piece of legislation, and a narrow focus on a message for black people.
The second ad is a completely widened frame, lots of color, lots of different people, jets flying over, and the biggest issue for everyone (the economy). Even within that big frame, there's specific message to black people.
1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»The first ad would mean more if he didn't use his pardon power so sparingly. Second ad massaging ego.
Very good ads. Trump 2020 and beyond.
How dare he target black voters! Has he no shame?
Those voters are Democrat voters, it's an ironclad rule, like the rule that Trump is racist.
quiet/LOUD...like 90s alternative, eg the Pixies.
I thought they were both effective. The first will likely be criticized as pandering or actively forgotten but it evoked the emotion the Anquan Boldin ad did.
The economy ad was fine but economics is something people feel for themselves. If you loathe finance you probably take the great economy for granted and aren't going to connect positive economic feelings to Trump's superior policies.
I thought that the first was a very effective ad. Black men are definitely more willing to support Trump than any other recent Republican candidate. Someone posted on Twitter that Trump will only get ten percent of the Black vote as an insult. If he gets ten? Landslide victory. People are dumb. I think it's a good play.
I see that Diamonds and Silk were at Mar a Lago for the Super Bowl party there.
"The first will likely be criticized as pandering”
The black people I know don’t follow the white left on Twitter. They don’t vote Repubican either, but I have noticed a conspicuous absence of the Trump hate I see in my white friends.
100 million Americans saw that Alice Johnson ad. Let’s say that includes 10 million Blacks of voting age. The value of that ad is that I’d bet at least 5 million Black voters had never heard of Alice Johnson. Imagine Trump picking up 1 million new Black voters because of that ad. Effective.
Calling someone “the least among us” seems problematic. Has there been no criticism?
"How dare he target black voters! Has he no shame? “
Kind of like when he targeted union labor, not the leadership, they are all in the pay of the Democrats, but the rank and file. It’s like the Democrats take their coalition for granted. Kind of like the husband who spends all of his time chasing new women and wonders why his wife left him with the kids.
It’s hard to reach black voters when the urban media is going to shut out Trump’s message. That was really his big chance.
"Calling someone “the least among us” seems problematic."
Isn't that para-phrasing Christ?
I don't like the voiceover guy in the second ad. He sounds... unauthentic.
Trump has a chance with black voters after he apologizes for his behavior towards the Central Park five.
"Trump has a chance with black voters after he apologizes for his behavior towards the Central Park five.”
Do you honestly think that people enjoying their lowest unemployment rate since records have been kept are going to focus on the squirrels you guys in the white left keep pointing at?
Someone on Trump's reelection team is really on the ball. Of course it helps that he has an objectively good story to tell.
Trump's approval among Hispanics has been 50% or thereabouts in three recent polls. Higher than his approval with the population as a whole. And at least one recent poll has Trump at 42% with Black males. Funny what happens when you give people jobs instead of food stamps.
It doesn't take much of a change in those demographics to swing several states from blue to red.
Trump says that he didn't run for President to do small things. I think that includes winning reelection big.
The second isn't effective. it's Trump as bombast without the self-deprecating larger-than-life humor.
It needs to be Trump doing it.
One thing has been clear since the ‘60s. The white left doesn’t give a flying fuck about the lives of black people who just want a normal life with a steady job and a little left over each month.
The second is like Rush doing one of his morality shows. A total snooze.
1st ad : I didn't know his middle name was John. Don John = weird parents. (Also -- who would text anything to anywhere based on a tweet! That's just asking for RoboCalls).
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said..."Trump has a chance with black voters after he apologizes for his behavior towards the Central Park five."
Well, using that line of thinking, the Democrats have a lot of work on their hands apologizing to every citizen of Detroit, Newark, Baltimore, Chicago, San Francisco, LA, Seattle, St. Louis, South Bend, Pontiac, Benton Harbor, Flint, Milwaukee, Washington DC (not Obama's neighborhood), Portland, Cleveland, Kansas City, New Orleans, and pretty much the entire State of California.
To name a few. These cities have been ruled by Democrats for decades in most cases. Some have never seen a Republican local leader in their lives. Yet they still keep pulling the handle for these cretins because they are told that the other side is racist, homophobe, etc. It's like listening to Mr. Ford tell you all about Mr. Chevrolet for about 40 years and wondering why you won't buy a Chevrolet.
Trump is letting them know that Mr. Ford has been lying to them forever.
The first is more targeted to the AA community. The second included AA and Hispanics, but had a broader appeal. Both effective.
Trump support among the AA community is larger than most people think. It is a quiet, hidden support, lest they be shamed. The same is true amongst the Hispanic community. As the Dems turn further left, these two communities start looking toward Republicans. They are not a silent majority, but a significant minority.
It would have been less effective if it was Trump touting his own economic accomplishments. More of his lies! they would say. Having news readers deliver his positive economic truths is effective.
The black and white and the style of the ad recall video of the civil rights struggle in the 60's.
Worst racist president EVER.
Trump didn't even have to pay for this pre-Super Bowl ad: KC Chiefs defensive end Frank Clark wore a Trump/Kanye sweatshirt to a SuperBowl presser
It would be really good for the country if Trump got record high support from Blacks and Latinos, which seems possible. The Jews, alas, seem like a lost cause in 2020, besides the Orthodox. But this identity politics sickness, where your race or your sexual orientation or merely where you live, seems to be moderating a bit, at least in terms of Trump.
Nothing enrages and terrifies a Democrat like a minority with a decent job.
Trump giving the ad should say "Every time I beat the deep state, things got better."
Then give the opposition vs accomplishment in a list.
Use the opposition. It's Trump's thing, and it annoys the hell out of them, which is what everybody else likes.
I wouldn't say the ads are targeting black voters. They're targeting white voters who are worried about being considered racist if they vote for Trump.
It's like the TV ads that show black people doing sterotypically white stuff like hiking and buying Subarus. Those ads are not aimed at black people.
Ad #2 was regular bragging. It was ad #1 that knocked it out of the park. The Alice Johnson ad was vintage "FDR cares for the forgotten men and women genre" shown in 1930s Newsreel Black and white.And that message still touches hearts of the crushed people be they whites,or blacks or Hispanics. Touching people's hearts is still the greatest political skill known. And how many times was that devil Roosevelt re-elected until an early death got him? And he did that with half his body paralyzed.
I am starting to feel sorry for the Dems again. They will never defeat Trump.
“Whattaya got to lose?” he said three years ago.
One person's story, one piece of legislation, and a narrow focus on a message for black people.
Because black people are more likely to engage in cocaine distribution, money laundering and other crimes and then get special legal treatment after Kardashian-based media exposure?
Black people were the people advocating for "tough" laws against cocaine.
I wouldn't think that stating actual accomplishments is regular bragging. Far from it.
I went over and found the first ad on youtube. What was funny was the SNL piece that followed it.
And blogger tells me https is not allowed, change it to http and it tells me http is not allowed. Sorry, copy and paste.
Black people were the people advocating for "tough" laws against cocaine.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...Trump has a chance with black voters after he apologizes for his behavior towards the Central Park five.
What are the chances you have your finger on the pulse of black America?
I just turned on Morning Blow, and saw a caption that "Dr. Jill Biden" was on. Then they kept addressing her as "Doctor". Huh?
I searched and learned she has a PhD in Education. I'll let others decide what they think of someone who is not an MD or DDS (or others in the medical field) who bills herself as a Doctor.
Oh, and I learned that Trump tried to extort the Ukrainians into digging up dirt on her husband. The things you learn watching MSNBC ...
Annie C. said...blogger tells me https is not allowed, change it to http and it tells me http is not allowed.
Some days it works, some days it doesn't. Blogger's a dinosaur.
What you unlearn, the thing about the johnson case is they didnt get the trafficker, they left her holding the bag.
First ad: effective. Took me awhile before I realized it was a Trump. It was surprisingly similar the NFL’s social justice ad (a very odd coupling)
Second Ad: Pretty standard but you gotta does standard ones.
My question: in what state will increasing his share of the black vote from < 10% to ?20% make difference to the electoral college outcome?
Dear Wilbur, PhD is an abbreviation of a Latin phrase that means Doctor of Philosophy, or better Teacher of Philosophy. PhD's have been called "Doctor" since the Middle Ages. Until the 19th Century, medical doctors were not allowed into the university.
There's a deeper message in ad #1. Trump is willing to work with people, regardless of ideology, if the cause seems just. He was willing to do so with DACA and the Dreamers, until Democrat senators went crazy over the word "shithole," and he was willing to work with the people pushing criminal justice reform -- scarcely a "Republican" issue. So far it has been the Democrats petulantly refusing to negotiate with him that has held up needed transformation.
An important athletic contest is precisely the right time for ad #2, because "it ain't bragging if you can do it."
Trump has a chance with black voters after he apologizes for his behavior towards the Central Park five.
A Rattled Man is wondering how to keep those uppity coloreds on the plantation.
"My question: in what state will increasing his share of the black vote from < 10% to ?20% make difference to the electoral college outcome?”
It puts PA out of reach, for one thing.
What’s that sound I hear?
It is Democrat heads exploding.
Trump is about to call the Dems to account for their 200 years of abuse of black Americans.
It puts PA out of reach, for one thing.
And New Jersey. And perhaps Illinois.
"I wouldn't say the ads are targeting black voters. They're targeting white voters who are worried about being considered racist if they vote for Trump. “
Thank you for the Democrat spin. It’s obvious, given the vast propaganda expenditure on painting Trump as a racist, despite his history on matters of race, that he could care about black America, as their president, so this is just a way to let whites live with their conscience....
That’s the most condescending bullshit I have ever heard. Trump only lowered the black unemployment rate to historicly low levels to make suburban whites OK with voting for him. That’s the spin of the white left. But you know what? If that’s pandering, a lot of people in the black community will take it.
Not to mention that abortion has amounted to a kind of genocide in black America.
If they were aimed at white voters, he wouldnt’ have needed the Super Bowl, where there is a unique chance to reach a black audience. He wanted blacks to hear this, clearly.
ARM is living in the past. He has Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on hold so they can give him the latest race-baiting news from 1989, 31 years ago. Has Sharpton apologized for the Tawana Brawley hoax, ARM?
Annie, after the a href just use an = sign. It doesn’t like the quotes.
Dem vote shenanigans >>>
do they pick any and all precincts or selectively?
if selectively --- how many are black or hispanic dominant?
will Trump be able to recruit relevantly complexioned monitors?
Democrats are going batshit crazy (and note that coronavirus may have come from bat shit -- it originated in bats and can be spread by feces) over ad #1 because in their eyes black voters get uppity when they have jobs and look at how much of their paycheck gets taken in taxes.
The Central Park Five were guilty.
I gotta wonder how many black americans might say one thing in public and vote differently privately. Trump hasn't just talked to the black community, he has actually acted repeatedly and has good metrics to back up the results of his action.
Sun Tzu's #20: "When the enemy is relaxed, make them toil. When full, starve them. When settled, make them move."
The Democrats are relaxed and settled on the black community. They don't actually seek to produce improvements they merely seek to motivate them to vote when the time comes. Of all the communities in America, how the democrats treat the black community is the most taken for granted in my experience.
Trump is going to make them sink time and attention into an area he has the most to gain and they have the least to gain, but if they don't sink resources into it will further their nascent civil war. Further, he has the results to back up his attack - they do not.
One of the things I'm most happy to see in this election cycle. Regardless of anything else, the black community will benefit from this - hopefully in a lasting way.
Next = please tie the entire D-party to the liars on MSDNC and Adam Schitt - with some Avanetti-Chriamello sauce.
Estimated 15 M blacks voted in 2016, so an increase from 10% to 20% voting Republican would be 1.5 M votes. That's a 3M vote shift (assuming they voted Democrat in 2016)
According to Wikipedia "Dr" Jill Biden doesn't have a Ph.D at all (as I suspected, which is why I checked). She's a "Doctor of Education" - "Ed.D" - which isn't a doctorate - it's a professional certification.
It's called a "doctorate" because it is part of the long-time "education profession" project to be treated as a "real" profession (like engineering, medicine, and law) but it's just as phony as all the baloney cargo cult science they do in "education schools" (like "scientific studies" with remarkably few subjects being tested, remarkably poor statistics, and remarkably large claims).
That’s the spin of the white left.
For 155 years loyal Democrats have been conditioned to expect people to be satisfied with fatback and chitlins, when all along they made do with such scraps, the choice cuts claimed by their benefactors as their due. Hence the reflexive condescension on display.
Even though prison reform is deeply flawed, and is being seriously abused, I thought that ad could become an iconic ad that changes politics, like the daisy ad.
It blew me away.
"My question: in what state will increasing his share of the black vote from < 10% to 20% make difference to the electoral college outcome?"
Keep in mind I was considering the Black and Hispanic vote in total, not just the Black vote. These two groups make up about 28% of the total electorate.
New Hampshire: (Clinton won by 0.4%)
Minnesota: 1.5%
Nevada: 2.4%
Less likely:
North Carolina:3.8% (Republican just won special election in Black majority district)
Keep in mind that a switched vote counts twice - one candidate loses a vote and the other gains a vote.
Just because I have called it potentially a bioweapon, I am going to go O/T to take that back. It looks like there were legitimate reasons to look at bat immunology, since they seem to have an amazing ability to resist viruses. Still it seems like an industrial accident worse than Chernobyl. But I take back the suggestions that the motives on the part of the ChiComs were malign, in this case.
There's a powerful message that Trump has to offer -- Democrats gave your young men midnight basketball while I gave them jobs. Even if it doesn't work to give him a lot of black votes (and we won't know until late in the week of November 2nd), I take the position that it's a good thing for the United States.
More like sverdlosk 1979, but a serious breach regardless.
"The Central Park Five were guilty."
It obviously makes you feel good to assert this, and you obviously want it to be true. But...how do you know? (Do you doubt people are convicted of and imprisoned for crimes they did not commit?)
Probably not too many states will switch based solely on doubling black support (and improving latino support). Minnesota will go red, probably NH as well (though the numbers are small). VA and NV will be pulled very close. Of course the traditional swing states (OH, PA, MI, WI) will be far out of reach.
Unlike nearly all political ads, I don't see any lies, mis-characterizations, or deceptions, and apparently nobody else does either.
He really has no need to do any of that. The facts are pro-Trump enough. I'd suggest an add that simply lists his accomplishments. It might take more than one spot.
On the other hand, I think Bernie wrote a book, or had one written for him, and that's pretty powerful.
Good morning fellow Althouse readers and commenters. Hope you a all starting a great day.
(Very, very soon to be ex-Iowan here). I'm an old schooled and low interest conservative married to a lovely liberal. Today we are looking forward to using on "every four years" opportunity to screw up America. Enjoy it as you can. Then it's on to you all.
My question: in what state will increasing his share of the black vote from < 10% to ?20% make difference to the electoral college outcome?
Florida, definitely.
Sverdlovsk, like sacco and vanzetti a cause from a different age.
"Anybody who said they're great ads identify as black?”
All that the Republican Party can do to win over blacks is to do our best to help black Americans with their very real problems. Democrats have clearly taken them for granted. Black Americans are not a monolith of identical thought. Sue us.
he apologizes for his behavior towards the Central Park five.
You mean he should have settled the case with them? Oh wait, that was then Mayor Bloomberg.
"Trump is willing to work with people, regardless of ideology, if they are willing to do what he wants, agree with everything he says, and make him look good."
What kind of nasty, horrible person would call anyone “the least among us”!?
And robert morgenthau,
Making a genuine bid for black votes is one of the things that really pisses off Chuck. Another benefit!
"Wasn’t it enough that we let them caddy at our country clubs?” - Chuck’s 5% of the Republican Party that hates Trump.
I should amend my comment above. If Trump could flip 50,000 to 100,000 black voters in key states, it could be the margin of victory. Think Wisconsin and NC.
"if they are willing to do what he wants, agree with everything he says, and make him look good.”
I think you meant Hillary there. Just ask Tulsi Gabbard or Bernie, if you can guarantee that there are no recording devices present. Well Tulsi might say it outright.
“It's like the TV ads that show black people doing sterotypically white stuff like hiking and buying Subarus. Those ads are not aimed at black people.”
A smart observation. I used to lazily assume those kind of ads (and role casting) were just pandering but this explanation makes sense. An appeal to the Everyone’s White In My Eyes crowd. Which is heavily independent/LIV.
readering said...
The first ad would mean more if he didn't use his pardon power so sparingly.
But that is the whole point. Trump pushed and succeeded in reforming criminal justice through legislation, not by using the status quo of one-off pardons. He already signed the First Step Act that reformed the sentences of over 3,000 nonviolent offenders and allowed them to get out from mandatory lifetime or very long sentences. He is pushing for more bi-partisan legislative reforms.
The City of New York is currently under control of a Marxist, like Robert Cook.
The city government is allied with black gangs, crippling law enforcement, and letting the thugs out of jail.
All this under the rubric of “helping blacks.” It does help those profiting from being in the gangs. And Democratic politicians.
Letting the thugs out of jail has always been high on the Marxist agenda. This is, in fact, what Cook wants, although he’ll deny it. Eventually, the thugs will make their way into secret police and gang enforcement units in the streets.
Which is also what Cook wants. This is always the agenda of Marxists.
Back to the future of the crack epidemic and gang control of the streets. It’s an adrenalin high for young white kids. They were in Grand Central over the weekend campaigning for a gang takeover of the city. Batman. Gotham.
" Anybody who said they're great ads identify as black?"
I don't. I identify as American - the same as I identify Blacks.
This is the message conservatives want to send to blacks. Not that we want you to get free stuff, and will take care of you, but that we want you to get what we all have: jobs, equality, opportunity and success, and we know you can get it on your own if the government gets out of your way. That's what Trump is promising. Not that he will give them something, but rather that he will get taxes, regulations, and pessimism out of their way.
National Lampoon did a funny piece one time where poor whites and blacks joined together in an armed revolution. It’s critical to the ruling class that we never, ever, under any circumstances, realize our common insterests which are in opposition to theirs. Which is why Robert Cook comes here to try to put a damper on this talk of an alliance.
Like when the commanding officers got wind of the Christmas Truce in WWI. Imagine how different our last century would have been, had that spread.
The ad struck me as an individual, on a human level.
Those that cannot view the ad beyond a racial collective, and condemn the ad on behalf of an entire race, are racists to the core.
“Those that cannot view the ad beyond a racial collective, and condemn the ad on behalf of an entire race, are racists to the core.”
Egads! Yes, race could not possibly have been a consideration in the making of the ad. Or any other political ad. Or any ad, period.
Even Bernie tries to make sure that there can be no alliance between rural whites and urban blacks, who have a lot of common interests. Tulsi seems open to it and the DNC has made her a pariah, but as Marge Simpson once said “There’s no shame in being a pariah."
"Yes, race could not possibly have been a consideration in the making of the ad.”
Point whizzed over your head, didn’t it? The point was about monolithic thinking among racial groups. Clearly there was a heavy racial component to the ad and nobody would deny that, except maybe Adam Schiff if he saw some political advantage to you believing it.
Bernie didn’t used to be that way. He has been co opted by the white left. He used to be much more of a working class guy, white or black.
Egads! Yes, race could not possibly have been a consideration in the making of the ad. Or any other political ad. Or any ad, period.
Complete separate issue. Kinda like with impeachment-
What Trump did wasn't necessarily bad, but his motive was bad, and what he was thinking is the most important thing.
I reject the notion I'm supposed to react negatively to the ad because the target audience is black.
@Cookie, you don't get it, do you? And you never will.
Thanks Jack.
Big Mike: "@Cookie, you don't get it, do you? And you never will."
Oh, our resident communist gets it all too well. That's what bothers him.
“Point whizzed over your head, didn’t it? The point was about monolithic thinking among racial groups.”
Which is undeniably a thing, however much we would like it not to be. The margin of victory can be sliced a thousand ways but even Bloomberg wouldn’t make an ad targeting Black fiscal conservatives.
Leaving California for good today. I moved personally 3 years ago, sold my house here 2018, sold my business property in 2019. I've been gradually moving my company's operations, equipment and people to Las Vegas for three years. Just spent the last 18 days in row working my ass off to clear out the 62,000 sq ft building. It took dozens of semi trailers to move everything. Handing over the keys in few hours and driving through the desert to relative, but palpable freedom. Yahoo!. Hardest thing I ever did in my life and I'm finally done. I lived in Los Angeles for 39 years. Came here at 23 destitute with no college degree, no job, no place to live, and it was beautiful, and fun with vast opportunities. California was very good to me for a long time. That all changed over the years. Now it's oppressive, controlling and nosy, and it has grown incredibly corrupt. I'm tired of being judged, sued, lied about and told how to do every little thing, while being charge a fortune for the opportunity to be treated like a child and a criminal. It cost me millions, but worth it. Bye Bye.
Cost of 30 second ad during SB 54? 5.6 million dollars.
Congratulations on your move, Bagoh!
Charles Payne (featured in the second commercial) tweeted this out:
"Folks, this is real. This week we saw homeownership of families with income below median soar faster than richer families to highest level since 1Q 2011. Consumer sentiment of those earnings $15,000 or less surged to highest level since 2000 as prospects improve."
But, hey, Dems, continue to focus on impeachment and the all-important trans vote. That'll lock up the presidency for you in November.
“I reject the notion I'm supposed to react negatively to the ad because the target audience is black”
Except, as AW suggests, maybe the target audience isn’t Black. But, no, there’s no reason anyone should react negatively. It’s just an interesting bit of politicking. I agree with the message but it’s the nuances that are worth commenting on.
Hillary Clinton used to make campaign appearances with Michael Brown's mother. I guess it helped her with black voters, but I was turned off by it. The Alice Johnson ad may help Trump a bit with black voters, and I don't think white voters were offended by it. It's tricky to appeal to black voters sense of grievance without also offending white voters sense of propriety.....There's reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the Central Park Five. However, you should keep in mind that they were originally arrested because at about the same time and at about the same place that that young woman was being raped, the Central Park Five were assaulting random strangers in the park. Maybe the moral of the story is that you shouldn't assault random strangers in the park.
"Which is undeniably a thing, however much we would like it not to be.”
"That’s like just your opinion man.” - The Dude
"but even Bloomberg wouldn’t make an ad targeting Black fiscal conservatives.” - The 5% speaks.
"It’s a lot easier for the right to move left on economics than it is for the left to move right on social issues.” - Somebody on Twitter.
"Fiscal conservatism" is a dead letter. Obviously the voters don’t want it. So the next best thing is to grow the economy. How “fiscally conservative” is it to ban fracking, for example? Start sending hundreds of billions overseas to buy foreign oil? There are lots of issues of economic growth like that.
I can't always get to church on Sundays, particularly on Superbowl Sundays, but when I can't, I watch Budweiser ads. Watching Budweiser ads makes us all better people. That's the beau ideal than political ads for any candidate should reach for.
First ad was very effective. I'm surprised he wasn't actively going after the black vote from the get go. He doesn't have to move the dial there much to ensure reelection.
A very interesting story and I'm sure you are not alone.
I remember going to Disneyland as a kid in the 60's. I was astounded. Back last November. Traffic is horrific. California is the golden country and the liberals have totally squandered and wrecked a huge natural advantage. Now it is just manage the decline.
The first ad could have been inspired by this one:
NFL Inspire Change
Most important Althouse blog comment of the week by bagoh20, "It cost me millions, but worth it. Bye Bye."
Accusations of racism are just an attempt by the white left to keep Republicans in a box electorally. Think of a jealous husband brandishing a gun any time anybody gives any attention to his put upon wife.
I thought the Budweiser ad was preachy too. Hey you deplorables who drink our swill, straighten up and fly right! You are embarrasing us at the Manhattan cocktail parties!
Except, as AW suggests, maybe the target audience isn’t Black.
I think you can embrace the power of and. They test these things and have a handle on the appeal. They could/would have targeted the Alice Johnson ad to specific markets but instead this was the one they chose to run during our unifying annual ritual. That means it tested well to a broad audience...
The first Trump ad stood out for its brevity, among other things. It would have been more effective later on. Nonetheless I thought it was very good
So many ads were like SNL skits that went on way too long. I appreciated shorter and punchier ads later in the game.
Or at least they believed it did...
Shouting Thomas @ 8:31 am:
You really ought not eat forgotten moldy bread that you find in the back of your cupboard.
If I understand correctly, Jill Biden has a EdD degree. I have a couple of friends that hold an EdD. They will tell you it is a "credential degree" that allows them to compete for jobs as a superintendent of a public school system. My friends don't go by "Doctor" and don't regard their EdD as being at the same level as a PhD.
Please correct me if I'm mistaken.
"You really ought not eat forgotten moldy bread that you find in the back of your cupboard.”
I admit I like an Infinite Jest reference.
There's reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the Central Park Five
They were not the ones who raped the Central Park Jogger. That has been proven via DNA, as I recall. That goes beyond 'Reasonable Doubt' to 'Certain Doubt'. I'm not sure what guilt you are writing about.
"Which is why Robert Cook comes here to try to put a damper on this talk of an alliance."
For example...?
The first ad was effective, not just because Alice Johnson personally thanked Donald John Trump, but her friends/family expressed so much joy in what DJ Trump personally took an interest in, and then, made it happen.
"@Cookie, you don't get it, do you?"
How can I answer? I don't what what "it" you're referring to.
National Lampoon did a funny piece one time where poor whites and blacks joined together in an armed revolution. It’s critical to the ruling class that we never, ever, under any circumstances, realize our common insterests which are in opposition to theirs
Rural whites, rural and urban hispanics, and urban blacks have more in common than is realized. We are all dealing with different "disadvantages" and history ....obviously...but there is more in common than just skin color or ethnic origin.
We are all just trying to live, work, raise families in hopefully crime free environments and are being dismissed, pandered to, or outright insulted by the "elites".
1. The lack of care or attention by police, sheriff, political officials to addressing those concerns. The revolving door of criminals in the catch and release program. The disproportional incarceration of poor and disadvantaged.
2. The second amendment and the right to protect ourselves, since it isn't happening in point #1 is more important than you think to impelling voters. In fact this is huge.
3. Public services are minimal, lackadaisical, or missing entirely. Money goes to big flashy projects instead of improving roads, safety, clean streets, drug and homeless cleanup......clean water!!
4. Education and vouchers for schools are also a big issue. Getting into college and student loans are a non issue. Sure college would be nice,...BUT. We want our children to get good educations first and then JOBS. Public schools in rural areas and inner cities suck. Charter schools or being able to chose to send your child to a religious school even are options that the Democrats oppose. For the UNIONS!!
5. Blacks, Hispanics and Rural people are all stereotyped, assumed to think and feel according to the stereotypes assigned by the elites who don't have any real contact with such people.... and taken for granted. People do resent this. Not to mention being called names and assumed to be stupid, inbred, knuckle dragging deporables or Uncle Tom's or traitors to their hispanic roots if they don't vote Democrat.
6. Many hispanics, blacks and rural people are religious and family oriented. The attacks on religion and the support of abortion is something that most religious people are against or are on the fence.
More in common than you think. I don't think it surprising to see the support for something other than the Democrat plantation.
In case you were thinking that Mayor Pete was anything other than a member in good standing of the white left.
. "Republicans have been seizing, including in a new Trump ad, a statement you made that 'Anyone who supported this president is, at best, looking the other way on racism.' You've also said that on my show," Tapper explained. "That's almost 63 million Americans who you're painting with a pretty broad brush. Do you regret saying that at all?" Buttigieg didn't hesitate before he responded...
@Drago (8:46), you are correct, of course.
Dust Bunny Queen said...Rural whites, rural and urban hispanics, and urban blacks have more in common than is realized. We are all dealing with different "disadvantages" and history ....obviously...but there is more in common than just skin color or ethnic origin.
SNL: Black Jeopardy w/Tom Hanks
This issue here is very complicated.
Yeah, black kids in gangs often get framed for selling drugs.
Here's why. Many of them are cold blooded executioners, but it's almost impossible to convict them because they threaten to murder witnesses, and frequently do. This is what the carnage you read about in Chicago is actually about. It's not random. It's a deliberate attempt to silence witnesses or, failing that, to murder them and/or their family members.
Setting up these executioners with drug busts puts a dent (but not much) in the murders. What else are cops going to do?
There's no easy solution to this dilemma. Granted, this practice leads to corruption of cops.
If you're living in a neighborhood where these gangsters are carrying out their reign of terror, this is probably the lesser of two evils. When I lived in one of those neighborhoods in Brooklyn, I was all for the cops getting the gang executioners off the streets by any means necessary.
Leo Dunson@leodunson
I’m just a poor kid from the Inner Cities of America. Went to the United States Army to better myself.
Came back from War struggling to transition back into society
To have the President of the United States retweet me is FREAKING UNBELIEVABLE
THANK YOU SIR @realDonaldTrump
I think that Cook should give that young man a good scolding!
The City of New York is currently under control of a Marxist, like Robert Cook.
The city government is allied with black gangs, crippling law enforcement, and letting the thugs out of jail.
All this under the rubric of “helping blacks.” It does help those profiting from being in the gangs. And Democratic politicians.
Can’t even get to the train anymore.
100 million Americans saw that Alice Johnson ad.
How many world wide do you think?
I read about the Alice Marie Johnnson case a while ago and as I recall at least 2 other people, both men, were given life sentences as part of the case.
Oddly, I haven't heard anything about them! Did they receive commutations? Did any celebrities or Media institutions intervene on their behalf?
Oh well. Nice, charismatic people deserve consideration while the rest of us can go get fucked, I suppose. But hey--nice story, good for her.
The entire super bowl broadcast was it campaign ad against Trump showing the world that the United States is anti deplorable. The future looks bright, The kids are alright.
Dr Jill is not a PhD. She is an EdD. Doctor of education. A doctor of education requires significantly less work, quantitatively, than a PhD in any other subject. That is, about 75% or less of the course work and ways to substitute a doctoral thesis with other things like work experience.
I looked into it a 10 years ago when I needed a doctorate in something. Didn't matter what, just needed the D after my name to continue teaching at the Masters level in the engineering school. Even got admitted to Cardinal University's online doctoral program (Main qualification, spelling their name right on checks) Turned out to be more trouble than it was worth so never pursued it. I would still love to be "Doctor" John if I could get the degree with no work. Anyone know a good diploma mill?
If the EdD is anything like my MS in education, significantly less work qualitatively, too. No tests or exams, very little meaningful work in the form of papers, case studies etc.
Yeah, she has the right to be called "doctor" but an honest media might point out what her doctorate is in.
Advanced degrees in education are mainly a scam perpetuated by school boards ("Look, our school is great. Our teachers have masters degrees") Universities (they get all that sweet tuition money, mainly from taxpayers) and teachers unions ("A teacher with a master's should get paid more. Or else.")
OT: Burn all ed schools to the ground.
John Henry
Good commercials as is by Trump.
Would somebody Please supply a link to Bloomberg’s Super Bowl, I’m curious on the contrast.
If I understand correctly, Jill Biden has a EdD degree. I have a couple of friends that hold an EdD. They will tell you it is a "credential degree" that allows them to compete for jobs as a superintendent of a public school system. My friends don't go by "Doctor" and don't regard their EdD as being at the same level as a PhD.
Please correct me if I'm mistaken.
Alternative PhD programs have confused the picture. The alternatives are typically far less rigorous than true PhDs. It is also far far easier to get accepted into such a program, many of which are tuition driven fake university schools.
In Psychology, the PsyD is a backdoor way of becoming a licensed psychologist. They can call themselves doctors although they tend to be fairly poorly trained compared to actual Doctors of Philosophy in Psychology. I suspect that EdD degrees are similar, but people with the degree (e.g., Jill Biden) can call themselves doctor.
Blogger TreeJoe said...
When settled, make them move."
I think that third thing is what he did yesterday with mikey and his need to stand on a box.
He got him off message denying that he is short. He will now also not be able to use a box in the debate without catching flack for it.
John Henry
Amazing how much PDJT can accomplish in 280 characters.
Race? Alas, I see no way forward but a revival of Christianity, of its view of human beings as “neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” This means such a transcendent view of human equality that it does not require equality of outcomes to see equal dignity and worth.
Yes, I’m hoping for a miracle. But at this point, what else have we got? - Andrew Sullivan
"I suspect you were the target of the ad, not black people or individuals...”
“Deny, deny, deny.” - Bill Clinton.
yes it's mind arson, with a blow torch,
speaking of which dr. who went to 13 with a space born virus, that feeds on plastic,
Where would we be without the constant repetition of Democrat spin from the trolls?
How many people did Obama pardon in his first 3 years?
How many people has PDJT pardoned?
I was under the impression that he commuted the sentence rather than pardoning Ms Johnson. A pardon says you are no longer guilty, you are absolved of the crime as if it never happened.
Commutation says You are still convicted, you are just free to leave prison early. I believe that in the ad Ms Johnson said she would be unable to vote for PDJT. If she had been pardoned, she would be.
Lawyers here: Please correct or elaborate as necessary.
John Henry
PhD’s are called Dr Biden on campus as an EDU hierarchy title. In that context it signals their success at the Professor for life game.
Tricking some of the people that they are authority figures in the Medical/Pharma monopoly is easy enough, but the educated Americans just bite their tongues.
Didn't watch the Superbowl. I believe the NFL to be a total UN Dema Commie Rat shill. I donate to Trump campaign, and would like to travel outside the US and work on campaign cartoons and pieces to be produced outside the US. I believe that almost all Mainstream Media and outlets producing advertisements are being influence by anti-American, outside influences such as anyone who supported Hillary Clinton. I expound on my own blog, the Stark Raving Viking.
If Trump doesn't win this election, I will consider retiring in Ukraine, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Iceland, or who knows? Why live in the US if there isn't someone at the helm that will actually defend the US Constitution, our rules for government?
Dust Bunny Queen said...
Education and vouchers for schools are also a big issue. Getting into college and student loans are a non issue. Sure college would be nice,...BUT. We want our children to get good educations first and then JOBS. Public schools in rural areas and inner cities suck.
The quality of schools, education, and attitudes towards education, in rural America account in large part for the increasing gap in productivity between the rural counties and the cities. It is a major problem that seems to have no solution. The relatively low density of the population precludes having more than one school system, many areas are struggling to justify even one school system without further consolidation.
I live in an exurb, where we face similar although currently less extreme problems. The people in my area have been slow to adjust to the idea that many of the well paying jobs that they could once rely on for themselves and their family have gone away, never to return, due in large part, to globalization and automation. Some trades survive and do well but they do so because they serve a strata of highly educated people who are making good wages and can afford and favor a range of luxuries, like large houses, large manicured gardens, swimming pools, house automation etc., that cannot be imported. There are only so many of these people. Increasingly we are not competitive enough to export goods or services from the region and it is slowly dying as younger people are leaving the district.
We increasingly have an economy of winners and losers with educational achievement determining in large part which one you will be.
readering said...
The first ad would mean more if he didn't use his pardon power so sparingly.
You are so wrong.
Pardons go to people with connections. The changes to how the law treats people affect FAR more people, and far weaker people.
What you're basically saying is "Trump isn't helping 'our sort of people', he's just helping the riffraff"
I read about the Alice Marie Johnnson case a while ago and as I recall at least 2 other people, both men, were given life sentences as part of the case.
Wiki says she was one of 16 people indicted and somewhere it said they've all been released except for Curtis McDonald.
You are one of the most Deplorable of any Deplorable I've read.
By the standards of the current Democratic Party, you're an outrageous homophobe, sexist and all around male chauvinist pig.
Not that I take any of that stuff seriously.
You believe that real men should be killing and dismembering one another and that preferring instead to be peaceful and consort with the women is for fags.
What exactly are you doing identifying (as the current term goes) as a Democratic? You're practically KKK.
but it's in keeping with the first step act, which is a mixed blessing,
But yes, after years and years of unjustifiable accusations of racism, white Republicans are indeed happy that somebody is fighting back. Well most of us, not Chuck, he is perseverating on the whole Kansas thing today.
“ The first ad would mean more if he didn't use his pardon power so sparingly. Second ad massaging ego.”
Trump and his team get the job done. Democrats talk about a lot of things, primary focus is to divide and tribalize, and then it’s back to the plantation when the dust has settled.
"Fiscal conservatism" is a dead letter.
Mixed signals. Trump's approach of eliminating two old rules for each new one is effective and they are running at better than 2:1 so far. Reducing red tape is old school fiscal conservatism. But few before Trump dared try it. So is reducing foreign aid unless it is deemed effective. So is reintroducing common sense by reversing extraordinary recent power grabs by EPA (such as reverting the Clean Water Act to its actual purpose, preserving NAVIGABLE waterways and seasonal creeks ain’t what the law meant. And obviously, reducing taxes and unemployment work together to INCREASE revenues, a classic FC move.
per @RichLowry
Live photo of event that Warren campaign says is so overcapacity that no more press can get in
anything Trump puts out has more substance than the FISA applications,
Articles of PeachMint, or any other slop the left generates
Trump should have aired this gem of a video
“Do you own a Subaru, by change? '-)“
Trannie Lesbian?
"My question: in what state will increasing his share of the black vote from less than 10% to 20% make difference to the electoral college outcome?"
He would win VA, NV, and NH, and states like NC, MI, FL, OH, and PA would be out of reach for the Democrats. At 20% black voting support, incumbency, and a decreased share of right leaning 3rd parties, states like IL, DE, CT, and NJ would be in play (Clinton only won 55% or less of the vote in all these states).
1. You could be a black woman in prison convicted of serious crimes and still Donald John Trump might hear your full story - that you were guilty of lesser crimes and have served enough time for them and have changed - and set you free.
2. And outside there is a changed and colorful world to go back into - a world based on a strong economy (where blacks are getting jobs along with everyone else, the ad points out) and a strong defense for American values. A world where the American leader defends American jobs and American lives.
Because when you are poor today - white or black or anything - you live on or close to streets of no return that no one talks about - the streets of San Francisco covered with poop and the streets of Chicago covered with blood and the streets of Wuhan covered with germs and spit and the streets of Rotherham covered with pimps and the island of lost girls and its private rape roads. And the socialists and globalists throw you down there and throw you a needle, throw you drugs, and step around you ever after whereas a government of the people, by the people and for the people offers you self-respect and a job and gets you off the street. Such a government needs people who defend it and that is who Donald John Trump and his voters are.
The NFL has done a masterful job pivoting from the kneeling protest fiasco. They have convinced their players to stop the controversial practice and then sponsored what are essentially black lives matter public service commercials.
15% black vote and a democrat victory becomes impossible. 20% and it’s a landslide.
ARM The quality of schools, education, and attitudes towards education, in rural America account in large part for the increasing gap in productivity between the rural counties and the cities.
Quality of education is a big part of the gap, but also economic. I don't want to blame the schools exclusively for the economic declines of small towns.
Another problem is the insistence on trying to educate or steer every student to college. Many would benefit more with basic educational courses and some vocational guidance.
I do know for a fact that our rural schools, based on my own experience, are really lacking. Teachers are OK. Some are terrible and dumb as posts. Some are even exemplary. They can only provide what they are 'authorized' to teach, subject matter, books allowed etc. They are hampered by less equipment, substandard facilities, and of course by the Union rules.
Parents can try to supplement. Many do. Many more don't have the means, desire or ability.
My daughter's graduating class consisted of 32 people. Nevertheless, she was able to get accepted to many top tier colleges, Stanford being on of those. She turned down Stanford and chose a different but equally prestigious university. She also qualified for both academic and sports scholarships. I doubt this would have occurred if not for her natural talents and intelligence, a long family history of education. The fact that I was able to supplement her education through home educational activities, encouragement of the fun of learning and accomplishing. Setting an example of reading and always open to learning new things myself.
Many other students just don't have those opportunities. This is why I am 100% in favor of allowing the parents to have choices OTHER than just public school. Accredited Charter or Private schools with vouchers from our tax dollars are so important.
Will it impact the local union schools. Sure. Tough titty. They need to step up their game if they want to keep the students.
Really, Howard, I'd like to know.
You don't seem aware that you are the most Deplorable of all Deplorables.
Are you for real or are your posts parodies?
Because when you are poor today - white or black or anything - you live on or close to streets of no return that no one talks about - the streets of San Francisco covered with poop and the streets of Chicago covered with blood and the streets of Wuhan covered with germs and spit and the streets of Rotherham covered with pimps and the island of lost girls and its private rape roads. And the socialists and globalists throw you down there and throw you a needle, throw you drugs, and step around you ever after whereas a government of the people, by the people and for the people offers you self-respect and a job and gets you off the street. Such a government needs people who defend it and that is who Donald John Trump and his voters are.
Now THAT is an ad!
DBQ: the biggest factor in the success of children Liza me intelligence diligence reliability conscientiousness and efforts of the mother. This is why there is a huge push to educate women in the third world because it is the quickest path to lifting the destitute out of the deep hole where they start life in. Therefore ipso facto you should be well pleased with yourself. I take no credit for my children's stellar success it's all due to the shield maiden I married. I am sure your husband feels the same way.
"How dare he target black voters!"
But he's really targeting nice white women like Althouse.
Look, I am being nice! I'm not some uncouth monster! I care!
bagoh20 @8:51am... happy trails!!! I’ve been a Californiunicornian since ‘56. We are looking for greener pastures. What was once paradise has been lost.
Good morning Thomas. Since you're so desperate to talk with me this morning I will accommodate you. Like you I am a workout fanatic as well. For the past month I've been following the advice of Pavel Tsatsouline, the so-called father of kettlebells in America. You really should Google him on YouTube and maybe buy one or two of his books. I especially appreciate his philosophy on increasing range of motion and mobility. I of course discovered paddle via The Joe Rogan podcast.
I forgot to say that is overall philosophy is 2 train not to workout and to never ever get sore. It's really quite amazing and the results over the last month I've been fantastic.
@ Howard.
Thank you. I agree with the education of women in the third world as they are, culturally and by economic circumstances, those who are most likely to be spending the time with their children, can set an example and provide guidance.
I also agree with the Shield Maiden analogy.
We may not agree 100% politically, but there are always areas of agreement to be found.
This doesn't mean I am cutting you any slack though ;-D
I would be disappointed if you did DBQ
DBQ, your story regarding your daughter jibes with my own beliefs, that it is the family not the schools that largely determines educational outcomes. Unfortunately, as hard as it is to improve the schools it is harder still to improve the families. Arguably it is not even something that should be attempted, but I think public figures from the past like Andrew Carnegie did more good than harm when they did attempt to change public attitudes towards education.
Wonder which party would win in a contest to release the most people from prison? Merits of Trump's action aside, it's probably not a contest the GOP wants to encourage.
"But he's really targeting nice white women like Althouse.”
Yes, Trump is irredeemably racist and so any outreach to black Americans is obviously fake and an effort to provide cover to the sixty odd million white supremacists who vote in America. Thanks for the repeating the Democrat spin one more time.
Remember all the attention Alice Johnson got at 2016 Trump rallies and the chant "Don't lock her up!"?
MadisonMan said...
"They were not the ones who raped the Central Park Jogger. That has been proven via DNA, as I recall. That goes beyond 'Reasonable Doubt' to 'Certain Doubt'. I'm not sure what guilt you are writing about."
You're not a liar, MM. You're just a duplicitous weasel. He's talking about the guilt for attacking her, holding her down while she was raped and tortured, and bashing her head in with a concrete block. That guilt, MadMan. It's true that one little bastard got on top of her but couldn't get it up, so they found his dna on her skin, but not in her vagina. We know that because he told the cops about it. I'm glad to see you read the accounts of what they did to that poor woman, for no reason at all, before you granted them your absolution. Aren't you generous? You worthless sack of shit.
Trump makes the liberal Dems look little, just a bunch of mini-Mikes. Donald J Trump making America great again, ma'am.
I looked into it a 10 years ago when I needed a doctorate in something. Didn't matter what, just needed the D after my name to continue teaching at the Masters level in the engineering school. Even got admitted to Cardinal University's online doctoral program (Main qualification, spelling their name right on checks) Turned out to be more trouble than it was worth so never pursued it. I would still love to be "Doctor" John if I could get the degree with no work. Anyone know a good diploma mill?
Can I sell you mine? I'm not using it.
The central park five were convicted on the basis of false confessions. Those confessions are at odds with both the physical evidence, and the confession and modus operandi of the actual rapist. I do not think you are fully grasping the implications of the 'false' part of the phrase 'false confessions'.
“Liza me“
I worked with a guy who was also a BIG fan of Ms. Minnelli, Howard.
Good luck in Vegas bagoh20! I hope the arrival of the Raiders as well as the better business environment will benefit you and your employees!
Blogger Sebastian said...
"How dare he target black voters!"
But he's really targeting nice white women like Althouse.
Look, I am being nice! I'm not some uncouth monster! I care!
No, actually, he's targeting the black voters.
Because the "nice suburban woman" don't matter nearly as much
Francisco D said, "The first Trump ad stood out for its brevity, among other things."
If the economy stays strong, I think Trump will be re-elected. Sadly, I think presidents have less to do with economic performance than most people imagine. But, we credit the incumbent for a good economy and blame him for a bad one. So, Trump's ads will trumpet the economy over and over again. And he has the war chest this year to crank those ads out.
I saw the first one called a lie. It can only logically be a lie if she is lying. Showing a woman expressing her feelings cannot logically be a lie. That is a category error. You need to be suffering cognitive dissonance not to understand that.
I thought it very effective The narrative is Trump hates black people and this highlights how silly that claim is.
Blogger Char Char Binks said...
What kind of nasty, horrible person would call anyone “the least among us”!?
"Then he said to them, "Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest."
Luke 9:48
Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’
Matthew 25:45
Not Who You Think
Matthew 25 gives few clues as to who “the least of these” are. They’re described only as hungry, thirsty, homeless, naked, sick, and imprisoned. Building on paucity of information in the text, at least three possibilities have been proposed.
He doesn't seem to indulge color judgments on principle. However, I suppose it's necessary to confront diversity with diversity in a politically congruent climate.
Blogger Bob said...
If the economy stays strong, I think Trump will be re-elected. Sadly, I think presidents have less to do with economic performance than most people imagine.
Disagree though perhaps we agree on positive effects. What can can affect strongly is negative performance.
They need to just get out of the way and not tinker with it too much.
John Henry
John Henry
It’s remarkable how many of the “elite” miss simple cultural allusions. And when they do rather than noticing there is a reference they don’t get they make up something.
I hope Trump emphasizes school choice. That is THE issue to wedge the Democrats because the party is controlled by teachers unions, and they work to harm black kids. It the GOP has been gutless on this for decades. Trump might not be.
Mike Bloomberg's Superbowl 2020 Adv.
What a pain to find...
Autnty Trump: That’s the most condescending bullshit I have ever heard. Trump only lowered the black unemployment rate to historicly low levels to make suburban whites OK with voting for him. That’s the spin of the white left. But you know what? If that’s pandering, a lot of people in the black community will take it.
When have blacks ever responded to low unemployment numbers by voting Republican in significant numbers? Never. Blacks will vote Dem 92-8 or whatever it always is in 2020.
Greg the class traitor: No, actually, he's targeting the black voters.
Because the "nice suburban woman" don't matter nearly as much
Wrong. Suburban women is a bigger demographic than blacks and one that is much more likely to vote Republican. Makes all the sense in the world to target these voters.
He fights and competes. And he also ( unlike the identity politics democrats ) is ACTUALLY for all Americans.
Academic credentials are largely a joke (BA '76, MLIS '93, MA '99 [+ all course work for a M in a different field of history than the '99]). The Masters in Library and Information Science (impressive ain't it?) is a union card; I was fortunate to find a suitable university library history-centered job with faculty rank and standing, and a good perch from which to observe the status displays of academe.
PhDs are potentially indicative of thorough knowledge and understanding of a subject, though it would not always be a good bet. A PhD talking outside his or her field is just a civilian like the rest of us. M degrees function less as stepping stones to the PhD for most people, and more like gongs for professional advancement (it had that function for me).
Whatever else can be said about history or library PhD programs, a good one (especially the history) will work your ass off, and with luck you'll be one of the lowest-paid faculty members on any campus!
Ed-school degrees are pretend credentials; the worst though are the promiscuously-awarded B's, and even some M's, given out by seat-filling and tuition-paying credit-for-life-experience quasi-scams dubbed things like "university college," to be found ensconced on large urban campuses.
Amis, Jarrell, Barth, Updike, Delillo, Lodge, Smiley (and others) have written well on campus/academe themes and settings. And of course the Master, VN.
State school experience only YMMV
I have a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. I never introduced myself as Dr. Ward, nor ever told someone to use that title. It was fairly infrequent that someone did use it, or asked whether to use it. It seems to me that the custom in the U.S. it to not use it. I don't know how that has changed over the decades, but this is just my anecdote on the matter.
ARM: "The central park five were convicted on the basis of false confessions."
ARM speaks as if Comey/McCabe/Strzok/Page/Baker/Pientka/et al were involved.
John Henry said, "They need to just get out of the way and not tinker with it too much."
There's probably something to this.
I don't doubt government policies in effect over long periods of time (social security, medicare, defense spending, environmental regs, student loans, and so on) have important -- even huge -- economic impacts. Then there's the Fed, the federal bureaucracy, Congress, and state regulators of this-that-and-the other. I just doubt a specific president's "policies" while he is in office make any difference to the day-to-day (or even year-to-year) economy. Daily we have tens of millions of people making hundreds of millions of economic decisions (buy a house, sell a house, change jobs, move to Arizona, go back to school, hire people, fire people, fund a 401K, lend money, etc, etc, etc). Few if any of these decisions involve "the president's economic policies" or "how the president manages the economy."
Presidents don't "manage" the economy. It's too damn enormous. Clinton claimed credit for creating 20-some million jobs while in office. That's just nonsense. Not as though there was a "job-o-matic" video game in the Lincoln Bedroom Clinton could tinker with every night. "I created 3000 new jobs last night on my Job-O-Matic. Let's see if I can hit 3500 tonight."
I do think Clinton was smart enough to recognize a good thing (the strong economy of the 90's) when he saw it and just ride the wave.
The stock market took off (contrary to Krugman) just days after Trump was elected. Credit Trump or Obama? I think not. Neither do I think George Bush crashed the economy in 2008. We had a housing boom for several years leading up to 2007. Who wants to regulate a boom? Does anyone even know how?
Just my thoughts.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
I have a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. I never introduced myself as Dr. Ward, nor ever told someone to use that title. It was fairly infrequent that someone did use it, or asked whether to use it. It seems to me that the custom in the U.S. it to not use it. I don't know how that has changed over the decades, but this is just my anecdote on the matter.
Dr Jill Biden is CREDENTIAL SIGNALLING to exalt herself into STEM IQ levels.
As a mere masters-level library prof and sometime history adjunct, I got called Doctor a lot. I made it plain I had no claim on the title FWIW.
When I still paid it any attention, the Crocodile of Hire Edumacashun called people Mr, Mrs, or Ms. Never used degrees that I recall.
Fun factoid
My friends wife was a library scientist. She got a job for a small software company in Redmond Washington in the middle 1980's. She was able to retire quite young.
Howard said...
My friends wife was a library scientist. She got a job for a small software company in Redmond Washington in the middle 1980's. She was able to retire quite young.
Although it is currently fashionable to show disdain towards the arts, the early software industry depended on some key contributions from the arty types to translate technology into something that people could use or actually wanted to use. Jobs interest in typography was key to the early success of the Macintosh. It is the reason I bought one rather than rely on the PCs at work to create manuscripts.
Bob said...
If the economy stays strong, I think Trump will be re-elected. Sadly, I think presidents have less to do with economic performance than most people imagine.
Not in Obama and Trump's case.
Obama's economy sucked for anyone not in the upper class, because Obama's job killing, cheap labor importing, bureaucracy building policies screwed over the economy for the rest of us
The thing that makes the "experts" and "expert lovers" so angry is that Trump's policies are making a better economy, especially for ordinary Americans, BECAUSE he started a trade war with China, , drove down the number of cheap and illegal workers, and rolled back a lot of Obama's regulations.
The fact that he's been right, and they've been wrong, is his real "crime".
So, in this case, when people vote for Trump because the economy is good, they're in fact voting sanely and correctly
I think presidents have less to do with economic performance than most people imagine.
They have limited ability to make things better; they have a lot of ability to make things worse.
Bob said...
The stock market took off (contrary to Krugman) just days after Trump was elected. Credit Trump or Obama?
Negative credit to Obama, for his crap policies imposed over the previous 8 years. Positive credit to Trump, because the stock market took off on the expectation that Trump would reverse those Obama policies.
Credit to Trump: he did reverse the policies, and thus the economy went from dropping growth to rising growth, and thus the stock market has continued to grow
"Trump has a chance with black voters after he apologizes for his behavior towards the Central Park five."
HAHAHA You dopey,clueless, insular moron. Yeah now we know who the go-to guy is for insight into the judgement and decisions of the collective black community. You dopey white airhead. Thank you for the window into the mentality of yet another pretentious idiot with delusions of insight and enlightenment. Tell us what everyone in Baltimore believes now, oh reasonable man. Fucking white liberals are such patronizing jokes.
He also needs to apologize for calling Obama, the first black president, an imposter.
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