February 19, 2020

Let’s talk about the Democratic debate... now, with Bloomberg.

It starts at 8 Central Time, and there’s a Trump rally starting at the same time. That’s all too late for me even to consider live-blogging, but I may write something tonight. Don’t expect much from me until tomorrow.

ADDED: My son John is live-blogging here. I’ll just say it’s awfully chaotic, with way too much Angry Bernie face. And I really can’t stand to hear them go on about health care. And by the way, Bloomberg blew his chance to make a decent first impression. He’s dull and he looks like death. Who did his makeup?


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Yancey Ward said...

Watch what the maderators do with Bloomberg. You will learn a lot about what the DNC is thinking.

Yancey Ward said...

With Sanders in his lane with his 25-30%, the other "moderates" are the ones that need to go after Bloomberg- this is especially true for Biden, but nearly equally so for Buttuvwxyz and Klobuchar. I am of the opinion that Sanders' best shot is get this heads up against Bloomberg after Super Tuesday (it may be that way on Super Tuesday), so maybe Sanders' best strategy tonight is egg the other three candidates on.

henry said...

I am curious what Bloomberg will use instead of a box. Also whether the crowd will be nothing but Bloombought paid shills.

mccullough said...

Except for Bernie, they all work for Mini Mike.

Bernie is not confrontational in person. Not sure how hard he’ll go after Mini. Doubt he’ll call him a racist and misogynist. Probably call Mini a Plutocrat and an Oligarch. Tough words.

Yancey Ward said...

"I am curious what Bloomberg will use instead of a box."

Body double.

Stephen Taylor said...

It's hard to say which will be more entertaining. My money's on Trump. The real entertainment will be watching him cut to pieces whichever hapless Democrat wins the opportunity to act as a human sacrifice. He stands a good chance of doing just that, provided the economy holds together, and the WuFlu doesn't bring that crashing down.

Yancey Ward said...

Well, McCullough, if they start fellating him right there on stage, then you are probably right.

mccullough said...

Mini borrowed Elton John’s platform shoes from the Goodbye Yellow Brick Road tour.

Doubt he’ll wear the oversized glasses though.

Limited blogger said...

It's to Bernie's advantage to keep all the 'moderates' in as long as possible. He'll gobble up the majority of the delegates without a clear middle lane front runner.

henry said...

The term moderates seems out of place in that pod on the stage.

Limited blogger said...

Mike should come in on a pair of stilts.

Yancey Ward said...


I think Sanders needs to win a majority of the delegates and take the thing on the first ballot, otherwise the DNC will go with someone else. I am convinced the only Sanders can do that is to have it heads up with billionaire former Republican with no charisma.

Limited blogger said...

YW, I buy that.

It was said on some news site that surprisingly many dems 2nd choice is Sanders.

Jaq said...

Watch the guy in the background coaching the crowd


Lucid-Ideas said...

I will not vote for him. But I will say that I hope Burnie comes out blazing against the fakeberg. I hate fakeberg more than Burnie. And moreso he deserves it. We'll see.

tcrosse said...

the only Sanders can do that is to have it heads up with billionaire former Republican with no charisma.

Consider how Bernie stood up to Hillary about her emails last time around.

Limited blogger said...

Chris Matthews is really anti-Bernie, asking his proxies very tough questions earlier.

He's 'old school' so has the commie under the bed syndrome like me.

Browndog said...

If Bernie doesn't get the nomination all hell's gonna break loose even if he loses legit.

The anarchists have been unleashed and cannot be controlled.

rhhardin said...

Who is going to run against the fraud that is Donald Trump, is the question everybody is asking. At least the commentators are all asking it.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Fakeberg put an RFP out for stilt-walkers. No takers. Nobody in that line of work wants to risk being hoisted by their own petard.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

It was said on some news site that surprisingly many dems 2nd choice is Sanders.

Ace of Spades had a story about this. The kicker was a head to head poll of Sanders 67% v Bloomberg 33%.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Limited blogger said...

Tom Perez warming up the crowd like it's a heavy weight boxing match.

Hope it does fall flat, like the other debates.

Warren has to fight, it's her only hope.

Kloby, and Petey may bob and weave.

Joe may throw his support to Bloomie in opening comments.

Yancey Ward said...

Warren should just come out blazing against Bloomberg if she really wants any chance at all (I don't think she really has one now, but that would the definition of trying in my opinion).

traditionalguy said...

The Key tonight is how Bloomie reacts. He has 2 strikes against him for being cold, aloof and sneering at what he sees as the dumb citizens of the USA who do not want a ChiCom style planned State that socially engineers those that he thinks deserve to live...or not.

Since the State of the Union performance, DGT has been pushing every activity he can to show his sincere warm love and empathy for those citizens.

Will the dark soul of Bloomie be exposed tonight?

Yancey Ward said...

"Joe may throw his support to Bloomie in opening comments."

Has Hunter been appointed to the Bloomberg board yet? In any case, the way Biden is going, he might plan to endorse Bloomberg but accidentally endorse Warren by accident.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Correction to the head to head polls:

Sanders 57
Bloomberg 37


Sanders 54
Buttgig 38

Limited blogger said...

Place your bet.... who speak Spanish first?

Gotta be the newly minted senorita 'Elena', aka, Amy K.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Fakeberg's obtaining the nomination would be it for Dems. They'd never recover. A former Republican, mayor of NY, plus buyer-of-his-way-in-billionare would completely destroy in the mind of anyone with an IQ higher than a nematode the idea that their party was anything other than a giant cover operation for the 1%...which it is.

In that sense rhe famous stonetoss.com commie comic qould become self-evident and impossible to ignore. Strangely enough, they're the flip-sides of the same coin.

Yancey Ward said...

Is Steyer there in the audience tonight? I thought I saw him in that twitter link above.

Lucid-Ideas said...


This is what I was talking about btw. Strange. Bedfellows.

Mark said...

I could watch. And probably will . . . a bit.

But Doc Martin is on now too.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Too bad the DNC and MSM (but I repeat myself) rigged the primary to get rid of Tulsi Gabbard.

They could really use her skills at kniving her opponents tonight to destroy Bloomberg.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

Looks like Bloomberg got the end of the line along with Klobuchar, but Bloomberg got the better end.

traditionalguy said...

At DJT's counter rally the Trump supporters carried in and down the steps a 90+ yr old WWII Vet to a seat. The Trump guys had a WWG1WGA on the front jersey on with 17 on the rear. And everybody there knows what they mean.

This is of course is the 75th anniversary of the three UMC Divisions Iwo Jima D-Day. And that 4th day flag raising on Suribachi still grabs the hearts of all Americans.

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders went after Bloomberg immediately (prodded of course by the question itself)- brought up stop and frisk immediately.

mccullough said...

Bernie is decent height but he slouches. Biden looks taller because he stands up straight.

They put Mini next to Warren. She’s taller than him

Yancey Ward said...

Bloomberg got first response- fair given the question.

Mark said...

Sanders answer to beating Trump should have been, "Yeah, it is about beating Trump. But if we nominate Bloomberg and he's elected -- they we haven't really beaten Trump. We will have elected another Trump!"

(It's not true, of course. Bloomberg is a putz. But it would get traction with anti-Trump Dems.)

Oh, wait. Warren says that very thing!

Limited blogger said...

Go Liz!!

She just got the 7 - 10 split, taking out Bloomberg and Trump!

Yancey Ward said...

Bloomberg was weak in reply. And Warren took Bloomberg on immediately, too. It is on!!

mccullough said...

Warren needs to look at Mini when she calls him out

Limited blogger said...

It's a free-for-all!!

Mike has to just not appear insane, and he'll move on unscathed

No new ground gonna be broken

Inga said...

Good for you Elizabeth Warren! We don’t need another billionaire, a Trump mini me.

Mark said...

Bloomberg's head is the same level as everyone else.

Is he the same height? I heard he was shorter.

Ryan said...

Bloomberg sucks.

mccullough said...

It’s “True Grit” not “Pure Grit”

Angry Amy

Yancey Ward said...

Klobuchar took on Bloomberg, too, but on the "get out of the way" from Bloomberg's staff leader.

They aren't going to lay down for Bloomberg. This isn't going to go well for Bloomberg tonight. He should have avoided this debate.

Inga said...

Any one of those candidates running can take on Trump.

Limited blogger said...

Biden got his dosage changed, he's zipping along!

mccullough said...

Mayor Pete is a good politician.

Going after Bernie and Bloomberg.

Limited blogger said...

Pete is too clever by half.

This is pretty interesting.

The contest begins tonight.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Let's put forward somebody who is actually a Democrat." - Buttiegege referring to Sanders and Bloomberg of course.

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders is taking the right approach here, like it or not. Buttuvwxyz isn't.

Mark said...

Where's the compliment first, clara benet?

Yancey Ward said...

This question about bullying union leadership was intended to take down Sanders, but this vastly misjudges what union members think about their leadership.

Yancey Ward said...

The Culianary Union didn't endorse a candidate because their membership was probably majority Sanders' supporters.

Mark said...

Usually Joe gets the majority of the time. Tonight, he's at the bottom.

Ryan said...

Bloomberg isn't getting many words in, and those he does get in are not very convincing. Plus he looks very uncomfortable up there.

Inga said...

Sanders is doing very well, ferocious old guy, gotta love him. Buttigeig is a bit too smooth tonight.

David Begley said...

Amy, “I’m a woman. Vote for me!”

Limited blogger said...

Mayor Pete is smart, acting like it's him vs. Bernie.

Mayor Mike invisible at this moment

mccullough said...

Klobuchar is a dolt.

My opinion of Minnesota keeps going lower

Limited blogger said...

Sanders is the most polished. He's been reciting the same script for 40 years.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck Todd is the second dumbest Chuck I have ever come across. He plays right into Sanders' real strength by trying to take him down on Medicare For All. Don't misunderstand me- I think Sanders' plan is total insanity, but this won't work on Sanders- Todd has shit for brains.

Michael K said...

Bloomberg did say the one thing that makes him significant. He said 130 million people are not going to vote to have their health plans cancelled. The others are blah, blah, blah.

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders is doing very well here, and so is Warren.

narciso said...

Yes it lacks any strategy


Inga said...

Sanders/ Warren ticket. Buttigeig looking a bit off tonight, oh now I feel bad for Amy. Between Sanders and Warren these two are kicking ass.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I'm actually impressed. They've done everything but tell him to fuck off...which they should. But still, they're hypocrites, so there's still that.

mccullough said...

Klobuchar and Warren raise their hand too much

Limited blogger said...

Pete is such a wise ass. He is the condescending one. He's gotta dial it back 1 notch.

Marcus Bressler said...

I don't expect much from you at all. That way I'm not disappointed.


Because this is your blog and your rules, I'll refrain from posting a word that hurts your sensibilities. So freakin' childish.

Yancey Ward said...

Mike, the problem is that Bloomberg needs to win the nomination.

Inga said...

I love Amy’s sense of humor.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Blogger Inga said...
Any one of those candidates running can take on Trump.

Well there you have it. Inga is willing to support a racist, homophobic, misogynist, billionaire. She really has zero principles.

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, Buttuvwxyz is arrogant and it won't play well on this stage.

rehajm said...

Pat and Vanna are on the wheel Amy...

h said...

Mayor Pete needed to shave more carefully.

Mayor Bloomberg hasn't said a word in the last 15 minutes.

At one point I though Sanders might collapse with a heart attack, but maybe I was just reading that in.

Inga said...

Preach it Brother Bernie!

mccullough said...

Bernie Sanders would have died from a heart attack last year if he lived in any of those countries he so admires

Mark said...

So I see that the woman who thought it more important to torpedo Sarah Palin than to help her boss McCain win the election -- Nicolle Wallace -- has announced she would be happy to vote for Bernie.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Sanders is the spiritual figurehead for the party now. Like it or not, they're going the way of UK labour. Purity spirals are genuinely painful episodes requiring collapse. Who knows, maybe they emerge stronger and more reslient from the episode. Don't know. It's entirely possible they go the way of the Danelaw....

FullMoon said...

bernis says Russians are responsible for mean tweets. RUSSIANS!

Inga said...

I wouldn’t brag about that Biden, Obamacare was a gift to health insurance companies.

LA_Bob said...

The moderators certainly are ignoring Bloomberg, aren't they?

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders is the strongest political candidate on this stage- that is obvious. Passion matters in these sorts of things.

Listening to Biden, he isn't doing too bad tonight. This is the best he has been so far in the cycle.

Yancey Ward said...

They aren't ignoring him, Bloomberg has to step up and get his share of the time here.

I thought Warren was going to say she shot a man in Reno.

Rory said...

Bloomberg just counts down the minutes they aren't addressing him.

David Begley said...

They aren’t attacking Bloomberg enough. Big mistake.

Inga said...

Warren, sing it sister! Seriously, she knows what she’s talking about.

narciso said...

So is megan mcardle, one expected more from her, well she said she would vote for obama

Mark said...

Mayor Pete needed to shave more carefully.

It's always something. If it's not one thing, it's another.

If he isn't sporting a sweaty upper lip like Nixon, he's got a heavy stubble lip.

Limited blogger said...

Warren is trying to win it now, right here, really cramming so much 'stuff' into her remarks.

Bernie ain't going anywhere, Liz must drop out.

Ken B said...

Sanders vs Buttigieg, a head to head debate http://kenblogic.blogspot.com/2020/02/a-debate-sanders-vs-buttigieg.html

Inga said...

Oh go away Bloomberg.

Yancey Ward said...

None of these people have any experience with the ACA and how it actually works based on what they are saying about it.

mccullough said...

You can see how Mini is so wealthy. He’s not phased by political rhetoric. He comes across as bored.

A good contrast with the other old people who are shrieking

Michael K said...

They all, except Bloomie, are filibustering. Who wrote these rules ?

Yancey Ward said...

Here it comes- Holt brought up stop and frisk directly.

Yancey Ward said...

And Bloomberg is blowing it with this answer.

LA_Bob said...

Now Bloomberg is getting to speak.

Inga said...

Bloomberg acts like he’s going to be given all the time in the world to answer.

Limited blogger said...

New nickname: Tranqualizer Mike

What a droner!

Yancey Ward said...

And not all big cities do stop and frisk- Bloomberg is just flat out lying his ass off.

wildswan said...

They're on attack tonight. Insults flying.

Limited blogger said...

Yes, agree, Biden back from the dead

wildswan said...

Bloomberg did say Obamacare was a disgrace.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden nails Bloomberg.

Yancey Ward said...

This is a disaster for Bloomberg.

Mark said...

Bloomberg asked about blaming blacks for crime.

Bloomberg answers that when he became mayor, there were 650 murders per year. And that people had a right to life as justification for his stop and frisk, and police in black neighborhoods policies.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he just called blacks a bunch of murderers.

wildswan said...

Mini under fire. Biden good on somebody of his own era.

Yancey Ward said...

The sad thing is that Bloomberg isn't irrational here, but the politics of the situation are just terrible for him. Again, he would have done better to avoid this event.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I would like to see an Althouse poll of which candidate would damage the Dem party more.

Sanders losses in a landslide but he can be a respected true believer.

Bloomberg could be effective against Trump but he would cause a schism the party may never recover from.

Limited blogger said...

USS Bloomberg taking on water

mccullough said...

So the Dems want the murder rate in NYC to go higher.

David Begley said...

Chuck Todd is a total unfair hack.

madAsHell said...

How did Bloomie end up in Epstein's book???

Mark said...

Bloomberg could be effective . . .

Obviously, you are not watching.

rightguy said...

They are ganging up on Bloomer, attacking him tooth and tong.

Yancey Ward said...

I will have to watch the rest of this later.

My take away- this is the best performance Warren has given by a long distance, too bad for her it is too late. So far, this is the best Biden has done, too. I think it it over for Buttuvwxyz and Klobuchar- I just don't see how they compete in Nevada and South Carolina.

Ken B said...

Bill ROT makes a compelling case for a Sanders/Bloomberg ticket!

mccullough said...

The private sector saved Bernie’s life.

What an ungrateful asshole

Lucid-Ideas said...

Stop and frisk was A) completely legal (Althouse will probably debate me on this point...which I welcome) and B) a completely correct executive function necessary for law and order in an American city.

I hate Fakeberg, but damn if I won't say some of the things he advocated aren't sorely needed nationally.

FullMoon said...

Yes, agree, Biden back from the dead

Amphetamine, time release capsules.

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders just nailed the question about his heart- literally and figuratively.

daskol said...

Bloomberg should have said: Minorities are the most afflicted victims of crime in NYC. I felt my first duty as mayor was to protect our citizens’ lives and safety. I was perhaps overzealous in that, but that’s what I was after, and that’s frankly where we succeeded: we reduced crime especially the crimes that afflicted minority communities more than any other administration in NYC. Did we get overzealous about protecting our minority communities from crime? Yes, maybe we did, guilty as charged. I’ve apologized to the people whose civil rights we may have infringed upon, but yes, I’m guilty of being overzealous in trying to protect minority communities in my city from violent crime. Sue me.

Limited blogger said...

The age and health issue is real.

This makes the VP selections very important.

But I guess Trump can run equally hard against Sanders and Warren if they're on same ticket.

David Begley said...

Pete forgot his makeup and moisturizer.

mccullough said...

Bloomberg sounded better when he was a Republican.

Limited blogger said...

Bloomberg is not connecting with the camera, or the studio audience. He's a fuddy duddy.

Mark said...

Others can jump in front of those bullets heading Bloomberg's way, but I won't run to save the enemy.

mccullough said...

Bloomberg tax returns are as complex as Trump.

mccullough said...

So Klobuchar husband does the taxes. Typical woman.

David Begley said...

TurboTax advertisement.

daskol said...

Pete is trying to grow a goatee

Ken B said...

1 Stop and frisk was a search. 4th amendment. The policy was illegal.
2 deploying cops to high crime neighborhoods is not a search. Legal.
3 BBerg’s numbers were right.

Lucid-Ideas said...

The biggest single threat to a black-american's life is another black. Period. They kill each other like it's a hobby.

I have friends that joined the army so they could live. SO. THEY. COULD. LIVE.

Mark said...

No crying in debates, Bloomberg.

Bay Area Guy said...

Hammering Bloomberg! I love it.

The great Oz has been exposed.

Inga said...

Oh boy Bloomberg acting like he’s ENTITLED.

mccullough said...

Bloomberg has a good personality contrast.

Putting us to sleep. Bore them.

Drago said...

daskol: "Pete is trying to grow a goatee"

Why not?

The "fiercely heterosexual" Cory Booker grew a "beard".

Mark said...

Your priorities are mixed up lucid.

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "Oh boy Bloomberg acting like he’s ENTITLED."

Well, looks like Trump isnt deathly afraid of Bloomy anymore....


mccullough said...

Did Mini Mike fuck Stormy Daniels?

Mark said...

Warren gets in a Perry Mason moment.

Bay Area Guy said...

Pocahontas putting the hatchet in Bloomy's back!

Limited blogger said...

Wow! Warren taking out Bloomie in real time.

Bloomberg's explanation is kind of flopping.

mccullough said...

Aren’t all these Bloomberg stories out?

madAsHell said...

I'm watching a train wreck!!

Inga said...

Bloomy should just tell the moderators he’s dropping out now on stage. Oh boy, more non disclosure agreements, just like Trump. Trump mini me, no one needs that.

Mark said...

Bloomberg can still buy his way out of this disaster, but he just disqualified himself in the first 45 minutes of his first debate.

David Begley said...

But Warren is so annoying. Full Harridan.

mccullough said...

When is Klobuchar going to release the complaints from her staff?

daskol said...

Amy K for VP. Sanders should choose her. He’s the best politician out there. Amy, if not VP, would have made a good cabinet official if her party weren’t in the process of being taken over by a deranged and passionate socialist. She’ll go down as a potentially worthy high official.

madAsHell said...

"Drip, drip, drip!!"

That's ten days of antibiotics!

Michael K said...

The sad thing is that Bloomberg isn't irrational here, but the politics of the situation are just terrible for him. Again, he would have done better to avoid this event.

He should comment about the victims of crime but he can't . This is the Democrat debate

His statement that he apologized was weak. He should have said something about why it was done.

madAsHell said...

Shit! Who woke up Biden??

Inga said...

If only the Republican candidates had the balls to do that to Trump during the debates.

Bay Area Guy said...

How many NDA's are there? Bloomy is a maximum serial harasser!

David Begley said...

When does Biden release his medical records? Transparency!

mccullough said...

Trump has inoculated Bloomberg from these attacks with the Non-Woke.

Drago said...

madAsHell: "S***! Who woke up Biden??"

His pharmacist.

narciso said...

How can they trust any dem health care plan after obamacare.

Limited blogger said...

Here's Amy K's chance to 'hables espanol'!

Michael K said...

Blogger David Begley said...
But Warren is so annoying. Full Harridan

Yep and she reminds of of a couple of kids in class who always had their hands up.

mccullough said...

Klobuchar didn’t know who Mexico’s President is?

madAsHell said...

Fuck!! These people are LAME!!

David Begley said...

Humble Amy!

Pete is such a prick.

Inga said...

Yes Amy, that’s right humble is good. Oh shut up Butti.

narciso said...

Yes the party caters to criminals over law abiding citizens white black brown and other.

madAsHell said...

Kloby has lost!!

mccullough said...

Mayor Pete is smarter than Amy

Inga said...

Butti and Bloomy going down in flames.

Inga said...

Yay Amy!

LA_Bob said...

Just amazing. Four septuagenarians from left to right, running for president.

And the oldest-looking one (Sanders) appears to be the most alive.

mccullough said...

Pete knows who Mondale is?

My millennial

Lucid-Ideas said...


I don't think so. Explain. Fakeberg is a non starter. I will not vote for Burnie. I'd probably be cool with killing his supporters. They're absolute shit and are good targets.

They'll leave a very good 'carbon'-footprint.

Bay Area Guy said...

This is wonderful entertainment. These clowns have opened up the circular firing squad.

Inga said...

Thank you Warren! That was decent defending Amy.

David Begley said...

Amy beating up the Harvard gay guy. Tough!

mccullough said...

The President of Mexico is just some spic to Amy and Liz

madAsHell said...

His pharmacist.

His dentures are fixed as well.

mccullough said...

Mayor Pete is right about the cartels

Bay Area Guy said...

What does Amy K have against Mexican politicians?

David Begley said...

Biden just screams.

daskol said...

Drago, on closer look Pete is trying to grow a beard.

mccullough said...

Biden drank tequila with Pancho Villa

Mark said...

Joe -- I did this, I did that, blah, blah, blah.

Dude, reciting some resume, even if true, ain't gonna do it.

Limited blogger said...

Biden is the voice of reason? Whooda thunk it.

Inga said...

Biden, Butti and Bloomy, bye bye.

madAsHell said...

"I've meet with......this President!".

He couldn't remember the name of the Mexican President either!!

FullMoon said...

Sweet! Trump is paying Warren to attack Bloomberg. Hope nobody finds out..

mccullough said...

Trump redid the trade deal.

Just to be clear.

Bay Area Guy said...

We need these clowns to keep hammering on Bloomer. After this debate, he might switch back to the Republican Party.

Limited blogger said...

Half time score:

Bernie 10
Biden 5
Butti 3
Amy 3
Warren 2
Bloom 0

mccullough said...

Pete gets 5 points for dissing Mondale.

FullMoon said...

Bloomberg dies with the non-disclosure subject.

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