STEYER: Every day, I write a cross on my hand to remind myself to tell the truth and do what's right, no matter what.Joe, that's 5 mottos. Should he have picked one? But which one? He might as well have stopped after the first one. It's not like they get better. The fourth one reminds me of Bob Dylan's "To Ramona": "I’ve heard you say many times/That you’re better'n no one/And no one is better'n you/If you really believe that/You know you got/Nothing to win and nothing to lose." In which case, why is Joe running for President? He's no better than anyone else.
KLOBUCHAR: Then, I would say that my motto is the words of one of my political mentors, Paul Wellstone, who sadly is no longer with us. And he said that "politics is about improving people's lives. And that's been my life, from when my grandpa was an iron ore miner in the unions....
BIDEN: When you get knocked down, get up. And everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity, no matter what, no matter who they are. My -- also, that everyone should be represented. Everyone -- and no one's better than me and I'm no better than anyone else.... And my mother's motto was -- she said, "You know, you're defined by your courage; you're redeemed by your loyalty."...
SANDERS: The motto, the saying that -- that moves me the most is from Nelson Mandela. And Mandela said, "Everything is impossible until it happens."That's the King James Version, almost exactly verbatim. It says a lot that she had this verse ready to go, and it's a perfect choice of a Bible verse for a strongly empathetic politician. What Christian can read these words — words of Jesus — without feeling that far more is required of us than we have felt close to giving?
WARREN: My motto... It's Mathew 25, and that is, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these, the least of thy brethren, ye have done it unto me."
BUTTIGIEG: And my disciplines are guided by the mottoes I try to live by, many of which come from scripture. And just to be clear, I would never impose my interpretation of my religion to anybody. Just as sure as I'm wearing this ring I'll never let that happen to anybody. But I seek to live by the teachings that say if you would be a leader, you must first be a servant.That's Matthew 20:26. He really should have stopped there. Keep it crisp. But he had to tell us about the Golden Rule and trot out a list of issues, because, I guess, he hadn't reached the page limit (so to speak, and I speak as a teacher who has read a lot of exams):
And, of course, the teaching, not unique to the Christian tradition, but a big part of it, that holds that we are to treat others as we would be treated. And when I think about everything at stake, from racial and economic justice to our stewardship of the climate, to the need to heal the sick and the need to heal this country, I seek for those teachings to order my steps as I go through this campaign and as I go through life.Let me try to rank them. My standards: 1. The recited words should be an actual motto (that is, memorably stated words to live by), 2. It should be believable that this candidate really does try to follow these words, 3. The words should make us see this person as a good potential President, 4. Any verbiage around the motto should should support and not detract from the motto, and 5. Extra credit for something unusual or strikingly interesting.
BLOOMBERG: And quote, I've trained for this job for a long time and when I get it I'm going to do something rather than just talk about it.
My ranking:
1. Sanders
2. Warren
3. Steyer
4. Buttigieg
5. Klobuchar
6. Bloomberg
7. Biden
Bide: when Obama hands you Ukraine, you make your children rich.
Do they have any good logos?
If they were running a business they'd have an simplified image of a taco bowl or Trump Tower or something like that.
This would make a good logo for most of them
I wish Klobuchar meant politics was about improving people's lives.
Somehow every policy she supports just boils down to her telling us what to do and using the government to force us to do it.
If the government was going to improve our lives it would start by shrinking.
I wrote in last night's thread that Warren looked that up on her phone before she had to answer. I also predicted, as she was speaking, that Buttuvwxyz would also go for a Bible verse. Wish I had predicted he would also use the opportunity to criticize other Christians.
STEYER: Every day, I write a cross on my hand to remind myself to tell the truth and do what's right, no matter what
That's pretty funny. Here's some Steyer whoppers:
"People haven't had a raise -- 90 percent of Americans have not had a raise for 40 years."
"Since 1978, California has spent $5 billion to put 13 people to death."
“I worked to end private prisons in California, and they’re gone”
Nothing in your standards about originality? Keep America Great
no one's better than me and I'm no better than anyone else
And when I think about me, I touch myself.
And a campaign should have a physical street address, not just a website, so you know that you can physically go in there and show them that the American Citizen is really in charge, if they don't follow through on their promises.
Somehow I thought Biden would say "A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants." (Chuckles the Clown)
no one's better than me
Then I'm voting for no one!
BIDEN: no one's better than me and I'm no better than anyone else
Yelling at questioners about how much smarter he is than them seems to belie that claim.
I have a motto. It was instilled in me from an early age. My parents got it from their parents who got it from, and so on.
It's ...uh... I forgot. Sorry.
Warren's motto is "Tastes Great. Less Filling."
She thinks of it each time after saying "I'm gonna get me a beer."
SANDERS: The motto, the saying that -- that moves me the most is from Nelson Mandela. And Mandela said, "Everything is impossible until it happens."
Given the historical record of socialism: "Everything they promise is a lie, and it never happens".
Will these "debates" ever end?
far more is required of us than we have felt close to giving?
The Democratic party hasn't figured out there's no virtue in being charitable with other people's money.
Too much to hope for Butti to say "What, Me worry?"
Warren: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these, the least of thy brethren, ye have done it unto me."
Doubtless the Native American person whose spot you took at Harvard Law would feel warmed by that sentiment.
Blogger Achilles said...
I wish Klobuchar meant politics was about improving people's lives.
Somehow every policy she supports just boils down to her telling us what to do and using the government to force us to do it.
If the government was going to improve our lives it would start by shrinking.
2/26/20, 12:13 PM
I endorse this message!
Bernie's two were "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" and "Land. Peace, and Bread"
I thought Biden's motto was "No Malarkey". Things move quick with that one. It was just a few days ago that he was running for Senator.
I agree with Sanders ranked #1 by the criteria presented, but I might have put Steyer over Warren for believability, at least in their own mind.
Been watching the debates with my kids (16 and 19). Been quite enjoyable the discussions and comments.
They thought Biden’s “ When you get knocked down, get up” was stolen from Chumbawamba’s “Tubthumping” and broke out into song.
Bernie didn’t have his own. So he took Nelson Mandela’s. Really more like “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”. Bernie needed a motto.
Shorter Bloomberg (ha): Just do it.
Steyer: interesting that he needs a daily reminder tell the truth and do what's right, no matter what. And he’s not a politician.
Klobuchar: politics is about improving people's lives. Whether they like it or not.
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
Hebrews 13:2 (KJV)
Mässig im Geniessen Heisst dem Arzt die Thür verschliessen.
- 1940 milk pitcher
"Be prepared" works for me.
Along with the slogan "Do a good turn daily"
Diversity, inclusion, equality. DIE.
h/t Steve Sailer
You find it remotely credible Steyer lives by his motto?
You don’t think lying to get an affirmative action boost for being Cherokee undercuts Warren's motto? Taking what you don’t deserve?
Sanders is the clear winner.
I prefer that politics be about getting out of people's lives. I think politics is about doing the big things that individuals can't do alone. Otherwise, I think nearly everything someone may do is to improve theirs or someone else's life regardless of politics. So Klobuchar's motto doesn't work for me.
@nonapod "STEYER: Every day, I write a cross on my hand to remind myself to tell the truth and do what's right, no matter what.
That's pretty funny. Here's some Steyer whoppers:"
Well, that's why he needs to remind himself so often.
To dream the impossible dream ...
"... that government be quietly handled with competence and expertise."
AA should look up Gell-Mann Amnesia.
"In God We Trust"
What does that mean? One motto will sum up my whole life. I'm one-dimensional?
Do any of these people really have a servant's heart? I don't think so.
As for the question,"What's your motto?". That sort of question belongs in a middle school campaign rally for 7th grade class president.
The real motto for all of these people is "Seize the levers of power".
Poseurs all. Contrived bullshit. What's next, Mission Statements?
I was impressed by Warren's too, like Althouse, until I read Yancey's post. It's still a good choice but both it and its utterer are the opposite of "empathetic." It is entirely messianic for Elizabeth Warren to identify with Jesus in that teaching. And her messianic fervor is inherently totalitarian. She wants not to empathize with anyone, but rather to be their civil version of Jesus. She is so wonderful and moral, donchaknow, and strives so hard to be like the messiah. She hopes to appropriate all the anyones in America, and then claim that she is the leader they need to save their lives and the world. Along with her bank account. She is the mad would-be Premiere of everything.
"I'm going to do something rather than just talk about it"
Bloomberg's is the best but I do see how you have to take off points for the "I've trained for this job for a long time" lead in. Steyer's writing a cross on his hand every day is a little too OCD for third place.
And quote, I've trained for this job for a long time and when I get it I'm going to do something rather than just talk about it.
Other than knowing the teaching Warren appropriated, this is the only motto, quote or saying that I will remember by dinner tonight. It is effective and I believe it. What's the "quote" doing in there, tho? Is this someone else's line -- it does sound familiar. It is what we seek in the nation's chief executive, is it not? I don't happen to want any of the things done that Bloomberg has said he is going to do, of course.
So now the Demos will Demonize her for quoting from the Bible, right?
My motto: You ought to pull your head out of your ass every now and then if only to look around.
Pretty sure that Sanders's motto is "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
"the least of thy brethren"
This is strongly identified with anti-abortion beliefs.
I look square in the mirror every morning and tell myself, "You're a failure - not a loser."
Think like Richard Feynman, live like Arthur Ashe.
"Everything is impossible until it happens." is number 1?
That's not a motto, it's an observation.
Wouldn't a motto be something that guided the reasoning why a certain thing is desirable as well as how to achieve it?
Sanders's response seems even more vacuous that Obama's "Hope and Change", which never defined what he was hoping for or what he was trying to change. Sander's "everything" could mean anything at all - good or bad.
Stay the hell out of other people’s business nowhere to be seen.
Was sure Warren's would be "Take me drunk, I'm home."
As for the rest of them, meh. Not believable.
@pacwest -
"I studied with the Maharishi for many years, and really didn't learn that much. But one thing that he taught me, I'll never forget: 'ALWAYS...' no, wait-- 'NEVER...' no, wait, it was 'ALWAYS carry a litter bag in your car. It doesn't take up much room, and if it gets full, you can toss it out the window.'"
- Steve Martin
Bernie is the living proof of it, MartyB. Let's hope it's craps on his next roll.
in 1962, 'the spear of the nation' set about to try to overthrow the south African government by force, they failed, mandela and company were tried in the Rivonia trials, and were sentenced to long terms, many of these cadres, including the the last warlord zuma, sought the overthrow through a campaign of terror, which didn't succeed, the sanctions push did as much as did the fall of the Soviet Union,
Sanders should have said: "This time we will do socialism right!"
they shouldn't deceive themselves
I like,"Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the mouth." Mike Tyson. I'm not sure it's a motto I live by, per se, but it is something that comes to mind often as I observe us piss-ant humans stumbling around. This certainly includes me and maybe most includes me. It's funny, too. I don't want a motto that's not funny. I guess someone could aim it at Warren and her silly best laid plans but then she would accuse them of threatening to beat women and it would probably backfire.
On first read I thought this post was about state mottos and was kind of disappointed that it wasn't. The Michigan motto is an underrated gem:
If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you ("Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice")
That's very nice but would a more literal translation of quaeris and amoenam better convey the idea of Michigan being willing and submissive:
If you desire an amenable peninsula, look around
Or should circumspice convey a sense of wariness:
If you are looking for a welcoming peninsula, look out!
"Gunga galunga… gunga, gunga-lagunga." The Dalai Lama to Carl Spackler. That is one I definitely live by. I also use another of his quotes from that same monologue, "So, I've got that goin' for me, which is nice," in a variety of incongruent situations.
Sanders is the most sincere and principled of all the candidates. Sanders is the only one who is saying he will reject Bloomberg money in the general election, all the others have stated they would accept the money. Sanders seems to understand that the money would have strings attached. Sanders could add another motto, “Bloomberg Can’t Buy Me”.
Good that really an accurate transcript of Biden's "motto"?
When will we reach a point where Biden's campaign managers can be brought up on elder abuse and neglect charges?
Chuckles the Clown
Avoid parade elephants!
So I can’t help but wonder if Warren got a heads up on this question. You know, like Hillary did last time from a Donna Brazile.
Inga said:
As for the rest of them, meh. Not believable.
Irony is hard to detect in a comments section. I assume this implies you find Warren believable?
Just so we're clear on who we're talking about, do you mean Elizabeth Ann Warren, current presidential candidate and author of Pow-Wow Chow?
THAT Warren?
As for the rest of them, I would agree with you on Biden. You have to be minimally coherent to be believable.
WARREN: My motto... It's Mathew 25, and that is, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these, the least of thy brethren, ye have done it unto me."
So you found this believable (assuming I was right in my last comment)? The pro-abortion Elizabeth Warren citing the least among us?
Tell me, Inga. When does a person's leastness start?
Sanders is the most sincere and principled of all the candidates.
The problem is that he’s sincere and principled about being a fucking communist, Inga.
Is there room in your head for anything except delusional shit?
WTF with Steyer "writing a cross" on his hand? Are his wo mottos written acrostic style? What were Steyer's hand crossing mottos when he was running his hedge fund-- Burn coal and Fire redundant workers?
The professor made a Dylan reference.
"If the government was going to improve our lives it would start by shrinking."
The military is where we need to start shrinking first and most. (The intelligence agencies, so-called, need to be shrunk at least as much.) That would free up funds to be used for productive purposes domestically, and would end our destructive and destabilizing wars elsewhere in the world.
If they were 100% honest (I know, that's a big "if") it would be Mussolini's "Everything for the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State!"
By the way, Warrens motto should be " I must not tell lies."
"WARREN: My motto... It's Mathew 25, and that is, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these, the least of thy brethren, ye have done it unto me."
In the words of Libertarian Jesus, "I told you to help the poor, not force other people to help the poor."
But then in Warren's translation of the Bible, God tells Moses, "Thou SHALT covet thy neighbor's goods!"
"Stay the hell out of other people’s business nowhere to be seen."
This is impossible in societies of millions or billions of people, (or even of tens or hundreds of thousands of people).
"... that government be quietly handled with competence and expertise."
is a profoundly anti-democratic statement from a member of the currently most privileged classes who wishes her status frozen in time and space.
So Warren is a fake Christian, too?
"I'm going to do something rather than just talk about it"
Probably the last thing you want in a President. Unless you want a dictator.
President Bloomberg: I'm tired of all this talk - just drop an H-Bomb.
Shorter Buttigig - Sure I'm a Christian, unless that offends someone.
no one's better than me and I'm no better than anyone else
And if you don't agree, I challenge you to a push-up contest, fatso!
And when the smug Indian maiden refers to the "least of thy brethren" it does NOT include Deplorables.
"My motto... It's Mathew 25, and that is, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these, the least of thy brethren, ye have done it unto me."
What if Trump is "the least of thy brethren"?
So no one had anything all that original to offer. Bernie's motto is supposed to be inspirational because it was said by Mandela. But it's not even really true. Everything isn't impossible until it happens. Plus I'm not sure that thought even originates with Mandela, it reminds me of Bobby Kennedy's quote: Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not."
Politicians who quote the Bible, it always seem phony even if it's sincere.
Eat a green thing every day
Eat a green thing every day
Here's a good Motto for Warren and Biden:
Live not by Lies - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Klobuchar is right: Politics is about improving people's lives. Particularly, the lives of politicians. Most come out of their role as 'public servant' much more prosperous than before they were elected. And subsequent roles as lobbyists add to that prosperity.
“What if Trump is "the least of thy brethren"?”
But that would be like asking: What if Satan is the least of thy brethren?
And no one cited, "Never give a sucker an even break". Disappointing.
Speak truth to facts. Diversity, feminism, etc. Quid pro Joes. If it happens, if it can happen. Political congruence. All practiced under the umbrella Pro-Choice religion ("ethics").
Warren should have gone with Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to tax everybody you meet.
If it happens, if it can happen, if it's reconcilable? Probably not.
Homer Simpson is the only person I know who lives up to his motto: Trying is the first step towards failure. The Dems who quote Bible verses while supporting the killing of unborn babies should be tarred and feathered.
WARREN: My motto... It's Mathew 25, and that is, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these, the least of thy brethren, ye have done it unto me."
I look forward to Senator Warren's full-throated support of the repeal of Roe v. Wade, then.
What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine. - All of them
My God, they're still robbing Wellstone's grave...
Robert Cook said...
"Stay the hell out of other people’s business nowhere to be seen."
This is impossible in societies of millions or billions of people, (or even of tens or hundreds of thousands of people).
If you pose the same problem to a group of 100 people and to a group of 1 million people which group will come up with a better answer?
Robert Cook said...
"If the government was going to improve our lives it would start by shrinking."
The military is where we need to start shrinking first and most. (The intelligence agencies, so-called, need to be shrunk at least as much.) That would free up funds to be used for productive purposes domestically, and would end our destructive and destabilizing wars elsewhere in the world.
I agree to an extent.
We don’t need the FBI or CIA anymore. I think we could just eliminate 90% of the federal government right off the top. Department of Education just needs to go. Ag. Homeland security etc. The coast guard was formed for a reason and needs to do that.
The only reason the federal government exists as the country was founded is to defend our country and to protect the civil rights of citizens from the states.
We should keep shipping lanes open and enforce Pax Americana.
Social security and Medicare need to be eliminated at the federal level and handed over to the states. Most federal laws duplicate state laws and should go.
Surprised one of non-socialists didn't say "Everything in moderation."
Deutsch much??
Why are you even listening to this bullshit? Who cares what their motto is, or how they are misconceived? The biggest misconception about every last one of them is that their election might not be an utter catastrophe for America. And you seem to harbor that misconception. Look, Althouse, these people are poisonous serpents. You sit there saying "Oh, look at the pretty coloration on this one". You blow in their pointy ittle faces to see them stick their forked tongues out. You let them wind around your arm, savoring the cool roughness of their reptilian skin. You're gonna get bit!
There are 17 US Intelligence organizations [this does not include the FBI which is not considered an intelligence agency]. Obviously, we don't need this many. The FBI is redundant today, as well. While I would not categorically reduce military spending, as Cookie would, there is little or no justification for many expenditures other than making contractors rich.
Federal agencies are so firmly entrenched [or enswamped] that the likelihood of eliminating them is poor. Agree with Achilles that the Dept. of Education should be eliminated in toto.
Steyer's motto has the opposite effect. It's an example of "doth protest too much". "I'm honest! Look at this cross I write on my hand everyday to prove it!"
It sounds like something a confidence man would do in hopes of being asked about it so he can then try to build trust in a mark.
Sceptical Voter,
"The real motto for all of these people is 'Seize the levers of power'."
Hmmmmm, I thought it was "One Motto to rule them all and in the darkness bind them."
"Death to all scumbags who wear MAGA hats, especially punk ass high school kids." That motto would get a lot of applause and would serve to unify all the Dem candidates. That's the kind of line Bernie could really put across. He should try it at his rallies.....I'm so honest I don't even need to draw a cross on my hand in order to get through the day without telling lies. Well, at least he's trying. Every day is another day. Someday he'll make it through the day without a lie.
Bloomberg avoided the inspirational and spiritual and just delivered his campaign pitch:
"I've trained for this job for a long time and when I get it I'm going to do something, rather than just talk about it."
I'm not sure how I feel about that. He's certainly more honest than the other candidates, but he seems emotionally tone deaf or atrophied.
If you care enough to fake conviction about something bigger than yourself, then at least you do care a little. If you can't even do that, people aren't going to trust you.
Buttigieg said the biggest misconception about him was that people thought he wasn't passionate. I guess he actually thinks he is passionate.
Many privileged Americans have that misconception about themselves. Passion isn't something you can buy or pick up with your Harvard or Oxford degree.
Kennedy's quote: Some men see things as they are, and ask why.
I see things as they are, and ask WTF?
the Democratic candidates had to state mottos
I really don't think i've seen a single State Motto listed here today!
I'm staying with "Our Liberties We Prize; and Our Rights We WILL Maintain"
Maybe not as trendy as "Live Free, or Die"; but i'm sticking with it
At Least, it's not something TOTALLY Lame, like: FORWARD
I mean, what The Hell ARE you people? a gearshift?
Some better mottos:
"Perfection is the enemy of the good, and I'll be a perfect President." --Liz Warren
"We will make your life happy, whether you like it or not." --Amy Klobuchar
"You don't know how lucky you are, boys
Back in the USSR" --Bernie Sanders
"Have you met my friend, Ben Dover?" --Mayor Peter
I call bullshit on Steyer. The cross he drew is not connected to Jesus or Christianity IMO. It's a mnemonic and a component of diversity training imposed by big businesses (which I underwent) on their employees. In a mandatory class of 20 people or more, the trainers directed us attendees to draw a large cross on a piece of paper. Were were then directed to write in each quadrant a single word that described how we viewed: the primary reasons we worked, our view of our co-workers, our view of the company and anything else that gave us motivation for working. For example: Family, Inclusiveness, Equality, Justice. After everyone filled-out their sheets, the trainers collected the papers and then publicly read the responses. At the end of the class, each attendee received a blank business card on which we wrote-down our four responses. We were told to keep the cards on our persons for sharing with our co-workers and family members if we were asked to share.
I am still partial to Tippecanoe and Tyler Too. Although I guess it's not really a motto.
So if Steyer doesn’t have that cross on his hand it’s safe to assume he’s lying. For the rest of them it’s when their lips move.
I think Trump's 2020 campaign theme song should be Linda Ronstadt's cover of the Chuck Berry song "Back in the USA".
"Back in the USA"
Democrat mottoes summed up, "Vee have vays of making you like our vays."
Ecclesiastes 1:2-4, "vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever."
Stupid question.
Better question: Do you think that the United States is the best country in the world, and if not, which country is, and why don't you move there?
Bloomberg doing a Townhall on CNN. Coming across pretty normal. I still think dems gonna rob Bernie somehow and Mike will be nominee.
Of, course I also expected Hillary and Mitt to win..
"it reminds me of Bobby Kennedy's quote: Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not.
Cribbed from the George Bernard Shaw play "Back to Methuselah"
I watched the debate last night, and I thought Sanders won this question hands-down, no contest, clear winner. Short, unforced, and he sounded completely credible. It also strongly reinforced his contentions from earlier in the debate that his proposals were not pie-in-the-sky stuff, because most of his proposals were already in force in developed economies. It was a work of debate art, and he was confident enough to let a few words shine. A brilliant moment.
I think Sanders is going to win the Democratic nomination, because he deserves to win it. He's clearly talking from what he believes and he has credibility with people on this because he's been talking about the same themes for a long while. And yes, the numbers on what he wants to do don't make any sense, but people really elect presidents to steer the country. Presidents don't write legislation and they don't legislate. He may be left of AOC, but he would have to deal with the Congress that gets elected.
I thought Sanders would have won against Trump in 2016 and I think, of all the candidates, he has the best chance of winning against Trump in 2020. The difference is that Trump now has a lot of credibility that he didn't have before.
But if Sanders gets the nomination, it will be a real battle. The country deserves and needs that battle. Both of them will be talking about ideas and policy rather than cant aimed at triangulating certain voter groups, and such has increasingly become a rarity in American politics.
Mid-Life Lawyer said...I like,"Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the mouth." Mike Tyson.
And they're not even considering getting their ear bit.
Wouldn't it be fun watching Berno's EOs and appointments.
If he finds the civil servant class of Democrats too tepid, he might do a thorough purge and replace everywhere possible.
> What Christian can read these words — words of Jesus — without feeling that far more is required of us than we have felt close to giving?
Jesus was a Socialist.
I thought it would be impossible for a Castro style takeover off his island.
My Motto is
"never watch a "debate""
Sanders: "Everything is impossible until it happens."
Freely translated: If you think it can't happen here, just wait until I get elected.
Warren: "... you have done it unto me."
... with the notable exceptions of abortion and lying to get a tenured professorship at Harvard.
Klobuchar: ... politics is about improving people's lives.
Wrong. (The fact that it's attributed to Wellstone makes it doubly wrong.) Politics is about the acquisition and application of power. If she really wants to improve people's live, Amy should take up a useful trade — iron ore mining, for example.
Buttifuk: And my disciplines are guided by the mottoes I try to live by, many of which come from scripture.
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath! ― William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"
Bloomberg: ... do something rather than just talk about it.
A sadly ignored something a person like Bloomberg can do is shut the fuck up.
I think I'm willing to buy two medium gulp sodas vs enduring mass aasset flight induced market dislocation. The cascade of ill effects from a Berno admin would be instructive but destructive.
It would have been the perfect Boomer motto if one of those geezers had blurted out : Don't eat the brown acid
@walter - I am reading "Stalin in Power" by Robert Tucker. Odd how that impulse hit.
I don't think he would be a good president, but I think he will be the Dem's best candidate.
From The Ballad of Waterhole #3:
The Code of the West, you must do unto others, do unto others before them others do it unto you.
1. Sanders - Communism seems impossible until it happens
2. Warren - I stole a Native-american job at Harvard, bible says I stole it from God himself
3. Steyer - I actually like his motto. Seems all right
4. Buttigieg - If you want to be on top, first you have to serve as a bottom b*tch
5. Klobuchar - Paul Wellstone was badly informed
6. Bloomberg - We have to do something. I'm good at executing something
7. Biden - I fell asleep in the middle of the motto
gadfly said...
"From The Ballad of Waterhole #3:
The Code of the West, you must do unto others, do unto others before them others do it unto you"
It must be wonderful not to have a conscience.
Biden's motto is "If you don't like it, vote for the other guy."
Trumps entire campaign could be a video clip of Biden saying that.
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