I think a strong message is being sent to New Hampshire voters to drop Biden and vote for someone else — Buttigieg or Klobuchar — if you want a chance to stop Bernie.
Dem voters are desperately seeking a candidate who can credibly fake it as a moderate.
I wonder what the Administrations of these candidates would look like. Do you think there is a dimes worth of difference between a Klobuchar administration and a Biden, BootyBoy, Bernie or Fauxchohantas administration? (0% overlap in the party hacks that they choose.
I read something over at instapundit quoting some dem politico that I-love-mayo ButtGeig-ercounter is the "moderate" candidate that Biden was before he started failing badly.
"Moderate"!?! Do these people even pay attention to these candidates at all? Mayor Gayger-counter is anything but "moderate".
Do you think there is a dimes worth of difference between a Klobuchar administration and a Biden, BootyBoy, Bernie or Fauxchohantas administration?
Of COURSE! There would be a HUGE difference (many 100's of MILLIONS of dimes worth!)
a Klobuchar admin would enrich Amy's Friends a Biden admin would enrich the Biden family a Bootyboy admin would enrich his husband's boyfriends a bernie admin would enrich the Sander's family a Fauxchohantas admin would enrich the Warren family
This all just setting the stage for the Bloomberg/Buttafuoco ticket that the money people will insist upon.
By the way, take a look at how small South Bend really is. It has a population of about 100,000 making it much smaller than Madison, Ann Arbor, and Peoria. It is less than half the size of Madison. It is about the size of Kenosha.
Can you imagine the mayor of Madison or Kenosha being a serious candidate for POTUS?
A brokered convention would be a glorious thing to watch, but if it happens, it is very, very likely Bernie Sanders goes in with a plurality win in total primary votes and delegates. What will the Democrats do then? Any predictions?
Fifth-place Joe would be some yummy awesomesauce. It's almost like the media and DC is discovering the fact that a large slice of the electorate (the size of a small slice) are tired of establishment types like Biden and, as to him personally, see that he is past his sell-by date. Obama would have been doing Biden a favor had he been honest and told Biden last year that it was a bad idea.
Bernie -- politician but outsider, not even a D. Buttieggieggie - small town mayor and outsider Bloomberg -- not a politician and outsider
Love to see the D establishment broker Hillary at the convention. She is what the D's want but just don't know it yet, and she is what the party and America needs! Just ask her and she'll tell you why she'll be 50 points ahead by August. She's fresh and not expired.
If the Democrats give the nomination to Sanders, it will be because they know no matter who they nominate, Trump wins. Giving Bernie the nod and having him lose would make him finally go away without hurting the other candidates for 2024.
“First prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody wanna see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is, you’re fired.” -- Glengarry Glen Ross
Yeah, I was kidding about South Bend. It's like Borat's sister, second best prostitute in all of Kazakhstan.
Yancey's hypothetical--Bernie gets a plurality of votes and delegates--is a tough one. Giving him the nomination seems like a sure-fire way to lose in November. But so does denying him the nomination.
Why does a guy Biden's age even want to be president? So he can die in office? Have 'president' on his tombstone? You'd think he would be at peace with his own shortcomings by now.
A great ticket would be Klobuchar/Buttigeig, but they’d have to move past their campaign tiffs. Klobuchar does have more experience and is older than Buttigeig and deserves to be the top of the ticket. I’m fine with Bernie getting the nomination, especially if he has a dynamite running mate. A Bernie/ Warren ticket would take Democrats a bit to the left, but it’s better than a Trump presidency.
A brokered convention would be a glorious thing to watch, but if it happens, it is very, very likely Bernie Sanders goes in with a plurality win in total primary votes and delegates. What will the Democrats do then? Any predictions?
If you believe a brokered convention would be an outcome managed by the DNC, as I do, you suspect they won't let it get to that. There will be an Iowa-type contrived controversy or other narrative that allows them to justify changing the rules to untether the superdelegates.
Managing a multi-candidate race is one way. Letting Bernie run the table, only to have him resign or 'resign' late, leaving an empty void, is another. There's still some of us who think Bernie thinks he's not really up to it. Like the dog who chases cars, what does he do when he catches one?
I'll say it again: I bet half the people in Minnesota that voted for Klobuchar thought they were voting for her father, who covered the Vikings for the Star-Tribune.
This is going to come down to (as we say in Chicago) "We got nothin'".
Bloomberg will say, I'll pay. The DNC will say, "You're on! Take this kid for Veep, he's gay or somethin'. He got a Rhodes, or somethin'. Anything wrong with Rhodes? Oh, Jeesus! Well, we'll figure somethin' out."
Identity politics is a hungry beast, and the Demmies are almost out of pork chops.
"South Bend small? But it's the fourth largest city in Indiana! As Biden would say, c'mon, man."
South Bend is a small city the size of a big city.
As Bill Clinton said in Manchester NH on January 8, 2008, "This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen." Can't say "fairy tale" in connection with Buttieggieggie though, so he skates, figuratively.
I think Amy Klobuchar is rising because she had a great performance in the New Hampshire debate last week and the stop-Sanders vote is going to Pete Buttigieg.
MSNBC did a segment in a Manchester restaurant on Saturday morning. There was a high degree of support among the diners there for Mike Bloomberg, who is not on the ballot in New Hampshire.
Tom Steyer seems to be running second to Joe Biden in South Carolina. If that's because he blanketed the state with ads as is being reported, that may bode well for Mike Bloomberg three weeks from now on Super Tuesday.
Why does a guy Biden's age even want to be president? So he can die in office? Have 'president' on his tombstone? You'd think he would be at peace with his own shortcomings by now.
Beyond the obvious massive, unrestrained ego? I'd say it was to keep the investigators away from him and his coke-sniffing, stripper impregnating, son.
And a whole Hell of a lot of other people in The Swamp, too!
narciso said... a month is an eternity, did warren underperform her polls, did klobuchar?
Warren was trending slightly down when she pulled that little stunt at the end of the Iowa debate, accusing Bernie of misogyny. Desperate move that backfired. It's almost like Angry Squaw didn't know which was the business end of the Winchester when she pulled the trigger. Looney Tunes indeed.
The nominee isn't going to be Bloomberg unless the DNC literally installs him from 4th place. This idea that a billionaire Jewish businessman from NYC is going to run well anywhere outside the coasts in the Democratic primaries is a fantasy, not to mention the need to run well in interior states in a general election. On Super Tuesday, he will be lucky to win any delegates given the 15% hurdle. To have a chance, Bloomberg needs every candidate except Sanders to drop out after South Carolina, and that doesn't look likely at the moment (though some should drop out).
Why does a guy Biden's age even want to be president?
I don't think he does. He was simply picked by the Dem powers that be.
Same thing happened in California 10 years ago. The Cal Dem Powers simply picked old Moonbeam Jerry Brown (then age 72), explained that he had high name recognition, that he would win, and he would be obedient to the "cause", so hop to it, chop chop.
Since the wheels seem to be coming off the "no malarkey" bus, in the "anyone but Sanders camp", I've noticed that a large swath of people seem to be pulling for Bloomberg over Buttigieg or Klobuchar I guess under the assumption that Bloomberg would be more appealing to certain swing voters?
For black voters, I wonder if an old, jewish, NYC billionaire is more or less appealing than an old jewish communist from Vermont?
"Bloomberg sure would drive Trump nuts. He’s already getting under his skin with all his ads."
What is this obsession with annoying Trump? A lot of people disliked/hated Obama, Bush, and Clinton but I can't recall any of their critics/haters giving a damn about personally aggravating them.
Bloomberg needed to be in the race from the start to have a real chance. Money might well have been able to buy the Iowa and Nevada caucuses, and Bloomberg might run pretty well in New Hampshire in a Dem primary. Winning or finishing second in those might have been enough to allow him overcome his obvious deficits with minorities and flyover country to finish at least 2nd overall going into the convention.
On Steyer and South Carolina- I don't know what or how many ads he is running there, but he runs a lot of them here in east Tennessee. One of his big items in those TN ads is term limits- something you don't hear from any of the the other candidates in any forum. I think this might explain the anomaly of his support in SC. If he can finish 2nd in SC, then he has a chance to finish well in any state south of the Ohio River, but I will have to see it to believe it.
The Dem dilemma is that they need a candidate left enough for the Bernie bros to rationalize their vote and sufficiently fake-moderate enough to entice the Althouses to rationalize a Dem vote ("serious!" "competent!" "pragmatic!" "no chaos!" -- that sort of thing).
I thought Lizzie could pull it off, but apparently not. So --?
“What is this obsession with annoying Trump? A lot of people disliked/hated Obama, Bush, and Clinton but I can't recall any of their critics/haters giving a damn about personally aggravating them.”
Oh boy. I recall many comments here saying how that Trump annoys the all right people it’s all good, or something to that effect. You have a short memory or are being a hypocrite.
mockturtle said... Like the years the Dems ran Mondale, or Dukakis, this is a year when they don't want to waste a viable candidate to run against Trump.
This goes back to Mario Cuomo when he decided not to run against Bush in the reaction to the Gulf War. He might well have been elected President after Mitchell engineered that short recession that gave Clinton the chance. Ross Perot was the determining factor so it is still unknown but I'll bet Cuomo regretted that decision until he died.
Do you think it's unreasonable to wonder if Buttigeig decided to marry and live as a gay man because existing societal prejudices and mores require that he become a closeted heterosexual in order to be accepted and reach his career goals?
Trump does annoy all the right people. Bloomberg doesn't appear to annoy anyone other than the supporters of the other Democratic candidates. I don't think Mini-Mike annoys Trump in any particular way, at least not yet.
Yancey I think Klobuchar has a serious shot if she beats Biden. The Democrats professionals need an anti Sanders and know Buttigieg will be a weak candidate. So Klobuchar or Bloomberg, and maybe an outside shot at a new name at a convention
Althouse would likely vote for Amy K. They have that same modest midwestern temperament and sensibilities. You betcha!
The problem is that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions (pro choice, pro gay marriage, higher taxes, lax border enforcement, we hate Trump, blah, blah, blah). The only exception might be whether to continue to screw up our health system under ObamaCare, or really wreck it with Medicare for all.
Since there's no major distinctions on policies, it's just a popularity contest that Joe "No Malarkey" Biden is losing. So, now, the Dems have to scramble to find someone else.
you can spin a no# 2, like Clinton in new Hampshire, but a #3 or #4 place, that's a harder twist. so two months later, the brits are working on containment, heck of a job,
“The problem is that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions (pro choice, pro gay marriage, higher taxes... we hate Trump, blah, blah, blah).”
Well it’s not a problem to half the country, now we just half to see which half gets the vote of independents like Althouse.
This is the Democratic version of the 2016 GOP primary. Sanders has the best chance to win. Trump himself has said that he was happy he didn’t have to go against Sanders in ‘16. And yet we have the entire establishment and chattering class telling us Sanders can’t win, that his candidacy will be an historic defeat, that the key to victory is to go moderate (ie more of the same). Sound familiar?
“The problem is that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions (pro choice, pro gay marriage, higher taxes... we hate Trump, blah, blah, blah).”
Quite correct.
Li'l Amy is also in favor of open borders, free healthcare for illegals, getting rid of the Electoral College, and on and on it goes.
I doubt Klobuchar is in favor of open borders. Let’s see what her stance on the issue is.
“Against open borders & decriminalizing illegal entry
Q: Do you support the idea to decriminalize unauthorized border crossings? KLOBUCHAR: I support different enforcement priorities. Of course, I'll look at the statute to see if you can make changes depending on the level of a security risk. But no, I don't support open borders and simply getting rid of this statute.”
This is the Democratic version of the 2016 GOP primary. Sanders has the best chance to win.
He does. The parallels are similar. Sanders has a loyal 30% (similar to Trump). He has the biggest block within the fractured Dem field.
But for the comparison to continue, Sanders will have to upend the Dem establishment, and remake the Dem party more in his image. Recall -- Trump ended the Bush dynasty, before he ended the Clinton dynasty.
Giving Bernie the nod and having him lose would make him finally go away
If I were an old school Dem voter who was actually concerned with the long term viability and wellfare of The Party, at this point I'd probably want Bernie to win the nomination for just that reason. This is because, depsite what some may think, the single biggest problem facing the Democrats isn't Trump, it's Bernie. As we all know there's a considerable chunk of the Dem electorate who is all-in for Bernie. This chunk is mostly young and mostly white, and it's mostly people who spend an inordinate amount of time on Social Media, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit. These people desperately need to have a dose of reality.
As crazy as it sounds, for the Dems, Bernie winning the nomination and then losing badly and them having to endure 4 more years of Trump is actually a good thing overall.
- They wouldn't have to actually do anything other than critize anything Trump does
- Anything bad that happens during Trump's final term could be laid at the feet of Trump. One highly likley possibility is an economic crash.
- And, who knows, at some point maybe Trump will finally make an error that is really indefensible
Sure, they'd almost certainly badly lose the Supreme Court for a generation which would be a huge setback for the progressive agenda to be sure. But at this point, that outcome is almost inevitable anyway. The long term demographics are very much in their favor, theoretically anyway.
Bloomberg will be the guy not because he’ll win, but because he’ll pay to rip Trump. In fact, he’ll spend $10 billion to rip Trump. He might win, but he’ll pay for a loss. So, that’s where it is going.
This won’t be about winning. The will be about paying for attacks. But maybe he’ll win, too.
“The only thing, the only thing between the United States and the abyss is the Democratic Party. That’s it. If we go the way of the British Labour Party, if we nominate Jeremy Corbyn, it’s going to be the end of days. … So I am scared to death, I really am,” Carville said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
“If we lose that, we’re going to be the British Labour Party and be out in some theoretical left-wing la-la land,” Carville said.
It must be disturbing for Dems to get a hot dose of reality every now and then.
But for the comparison to continue, Sanders will have to upend the Dem establishment, and remake the Dem party more in his image.
Ehh. I think the degree to which Trump has done that has been vastly overstated. Trump has been pretty successfully assimilated by the Establishment borg, even if they don’t care for his rhetoric.
Recall -- Trump ended the Bush dynasty, before he ended the Clinton dynasty.
True, but his presidency has hitherto been George W. Bush’s third term, while being slightly better on immigration.
"Althouse would likely vote for Amy K. They have that same modest midwestern temperament and sensibilities. You betcha! "
Except. None of us here at Meadhouse approve of putting people who lose their temper, and throw potentially lethal objects at underlings, in positions of power and authority.
Blogger J. Farmer said... Trump himself has said that he was happy he didn’t have to go against Sanders in ‘16. And yet we have the entire establishment and chattering class telling us Sanders can’t win -- '16..when that noted economics giant said Trump would need a "magic wand" to deliver. If Sanders looks to be close to winning, Krugman's '16 forecast might finally arrive with the press blaming it on Trump.
This chunk is mostly young and mostly white, and it's mostly people who spend an inordinate amount of time on Social Media, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit. These people desperately need to have a dose of reality.
It's not just social media, they spend their entire lives in controlled environments like schools, government, and political/charity NGOs. They don't understand how things work because they've never spent a moment in an uncontrolled environment.
Earnest Q: Why would an economic crash be a 'highly (likely)' possibility in a Trump second term?
If for no other reason than we have enjoyed one of the longest running bull markets without a downturn ever. I'm by no means suggesting that it's a guarantee to happen during Trump's second turn, just that historically there's plenty of precident to suggest that at some point things will go bad. And there's some things that can go wrong that are beyond anything Trump or any President could possibly do to avert them.
Roy, you need to understand something fundamental. Anything "Inga" writes becomes inoperative after 15 minutes has passed and History Resets.
It gets really amusing when Inga starts lobbing in cut and pastes that she doesn't understand in addition to her changing assertions which creates this hilarious swirl of incoherence.
Earnest Q: Why would an economic crash be a 'highly (likely)' possibility in a Trump second term?
One possible reason is that our economy is cyclically unstable. Then there are the usual candidates: over-capacity and excessive leverage in China, asset price bubbles, etc.
Ehh. I think the degree to which Trump has done that has been vastly overstated. Trump has been pretty successfully assimilated by the Establishment borg, even if they don’t care for his rhetoric.
Fair point to debate. Did Trump co-opt the GOP establishment, or did the GOP swamp co-opt him? Remains to be seen.
True, but his presidency has hitherto been George W. Bush’s third term, while being slightly better on immigration.
Disagree. Bush was an inarticulate, swamp creature, who pushed several mid-east military adventures. Trump much better at fighting back against the establishment (both Dem and GOPe), and has avoided large military interventions. On borders, Trump has been outstanding -- stop denying him credit!:)
Amy was well positioned to get the VP slot if Joe won, as he would have to have a woman on the ticket and it wasn't going to be Harris or Warren. If Biden finishes behind her in NH then he's definitely done and moderates will go to her or Pete. So now, if she wants to be on the ticket, it's most likely would be on the top of the ticket.
She'll have the spotlight on her after NH, especially if she finishes ahead of Warren. If she steps up her game she may have a shot as many Warren voters, who were also Hillary voters, would go to her rather than Bernie.
I've come to the point that I immediately distrust any analyst or talking head or politician that says if this or that person is elected, or this or that policy is enacted, it will mean the end times for the "super important thing that we all say and project you care so very much about".
Less than a month ago Joe Biden had the most name recognition, he was associated in the minds of Democrat voters with their beloved Barack Obama, and he physically seems like a distinguished President ordered up straight out of central casting. One month later we learn (1) Obama has not endorsed him and apparently won’t, (2) he’s personally corrupt (those who say his corruption has not been proven really mean that his corruption has never been properly investigated, and won’t be until the last Democrat has been purged from the Deep State), (3) he is at least borderline senile, (4) he has anger management issues, and (5) he is not a likable person. This goes along with what we knew before, which is that he is accustomed to demonstrating his personal political clout by getting handsy with women and little girls. The miracle is that he’s at 11%, even against the motley crew of villains he shares the stage with at each debate.
To those ignorant twits who think Sleepy Joe Biden was merely being jocular when he called that young woman a “dog-faced pony soldier,” recollect that he started out by calling her a liar to her face. As Owen Wister wrote in The Virginian, “When you call me that, smile!”
Boy, Biden's gonna be pretty cranky by the time he gets to that South Carolina primary. He's already gone from challenging a one-legged vet in Iowa to an ass-kicking contest to basically calling a young NH woman a lying bitch. Those Black democrat voters better be on their best behavior with Irish cop Joe.
Bush was an inarticulate, swamp creature, who pushed several mid-east military adventures. Trump much better at fighting back against the establishment (both Dem and GOPe), and has avoided large military interventions. On borders, Trump has been outstanding -- stop denying him credit!:)
I do give him credit on borders. He is "slightly better" than Bush, but he also spouts Chamber of Commerce nonsense like "we need the people" and has said he wants immigrants to come in record numbers. Illegal entry is not the only problem this country has with immigration.
As for the middle east, Trump has escalated every conflict he has inherited. There are more US troops deployed to the middle east now than before Trump took office. He has signed up for an open-ended US military presence in Syria and Iraq and is pursuing regime change against Iran.
p.s. Two members of the Special Forces, Javier Gutierrez and Antonio Rodriguez, were killed by an Afghan soldier the other day. As usual, nobody cares.
"it is very, very likely Bernie Sanders goes in with a plurality win in total primary votes and delegates. What will the Democrats do then? Any predictions?"
The DNC will then get their first choice, Bloomberg and all his money. $2 billion goes a long way.
“The other Inga tacitly admitted that "all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions."
Are you quoting me? I didn’t say this. Nor did I tacitly admit that as you claim.
Bernie and Warren have positions different than Buttigeig and Klobuchar, that’s pretty evident. Having said that, Democratic voters aren’t so rigid that they can’t accept some positions they dislike in a candidate they like.
p.s. Two members of the Special Forces, Javier Gutierrez and Antonio Rodriguez, were killed by an Afghan soldier the other day. As usual, nobody cares.
Amadeus 48 said... Bloomberg will be the guy not because he’ll win, but because he’ll pay to rip Trump. In fact, he’ll spend $10 billion to rip Trump. He might win, but he’ll pay for a loss. So, that’s where it is going.
This won’t be about winning. The will be about paying for attacks. But maybe he’ll win, too.
I agree. Bloomberg is in this because he hates Trump. Why ? Who knows?
I think his chances of winning the general are nil once his previous statements come out.
And I quote: Inga said... “The problem is that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions (pro choice, pro gay marriage, higher taxes... we hate Trump, blah, blah, blah).”
Well it’s not a problem to half the country, now we just half to see which half gets the vote of independents like Althouse.
You accepted that premise as it was stated, merely noting that "it's not a problem to half the country." So how's that not a tacit admission that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions?
“You accepted that premise as it was stated, merely noting that "it's not a problem to half the country." So how's that not a tacit admission that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions?”
While all the Democratic candidates who are running have SOME policies that are the same, they don’t ALL have the SAME EXACT policies or stances on the issues.
Oh boy. I recall many comments here saying how that Trump annoys the all right people it’s all good, or something to that effect. You have a short memory or are being a hypocrite. - Inga
There's a difference enjoying how much Trump annoys people like you and voting for a Presidential candidate simply on the basis of how much he or she annoys the other candidate.
It never ceases to amaze me just how dumb you are.
Here in Virginia people are already holding anti-Bloomberg rallies. A friend attended one last night in Arlington, and told me that a speaker asked everyone to take a knee in remembrance of the soldiers who have died fighting for this country — and not a single person holding an “I Like Mike” was observed doing so. In his opinion the best sign was “I saw a movie where only the police and military had guns. It was called ‘Schindler’s List.’ “
Here in Virginia people are already holding anti-Bloomberg rallies. A friend attended one last night in Arlington, and told me that a speaker asked everyone to take a knee in remembrance of the soldiers who have died fighting for this country — and not a single person holding an “I Like Mike” was observed doing so. In his opinion the best sign was “I saw a movie where only the police and military had guns. It was called ‘Schindler’s List.’ “
“There's a difference enjoying how much Trump annoys people like you and voting for a Presidential candidate simply on the basis of how much he or she annoys the other candidate.”
YOU are one of the commenters who repeatedly said how if ALL Trump does is to aggravate all the right people, it was worth him being president. Hypocrite.
a dime a dozen, you really can't differentiate themselves on single payer, on immigration et al, now that gizmo that buttigeg and Pelosi, cooked up, barely worked,
I’d prefer no billionaires got the nomination, but Bloomberg sure would drive Trump nuts. He’s already getting under his skin with all his ads.
I keep hearing about how this person or that person (often Pelosi, sometimes others, like Bloomberg here) are able to "get under Trump's skin." But I don't really see any evidence of that at all -- if anything, it's clear that Trump has gotten under Pelosi's skin.
I hear a lot of wishful thinking about Trump's sensitivity. But the plain reality is -- although Trump acts like he's hyper-sensitive to every insult and slight, it's all just posturing. People for whom being liked or respected is a high priority don't double down when their opponents call them racists. They try to ingratiate themselves instead! People who are genuinely sensitive to insults don't just turn on a dime and go from maximum umbrage to praise the way Trump did with Ted Cruz in 2016. When your feelings are really hurt, it's just not that easy. Trump wields his apparent sensitivity like a matador's red cape, and the bulls just keep rushing at it. Looking for someone who can "get under Trump's skin" is just dumb. It's a total waste of time.
Amy has the same problem Scott Walker had in 2016 - they're both earnest and boring. We like that in the Midwest, but it's not terribly appealing on a national scale.
Let's wait and see. Boden said in NH: Nothing’s going to happen until we get down to a place and around the country where there’s much more diversity. And, you know, you’re always behind the eight ball when you’re running in New Hampshire and you have two people from the neighboring states
I wonder to whom they are a "little bit to the left".
Maduro? Castro? Lenin?
Oh brother. This is the right's version of what the left does by calling anyone right-of-center "far-right" or fascist or like Hitler. It's dumb when they do it, and it's dumb when it's done to them. I don't have anywhere near the faith in the so called "Nordic model" as those on the left, but it's absurd to say that wanting the US to look more like Norway or Denmark is the same as wanting it to look like Cuba or the USSR.
J. Farmer said: Oh brother. This is the right's version of what the left does by calling anyone right-of-center "far-right" or fascist or like Hitler. It's dumb when they do it, and it's dumb when it's done to them.
he's a Trotskyite, soviet tool like Corbyn, and the uk is much more amenable to their idiocy, then again boris seems to be going full skydragon, in getting rid of gas stoves, so honestly they don't have a clue about why they won,
“I hear a lot of wishful thinking about Trump's sensitivity. But the plain reality is -- although Trump acts like he's hyper-sensitive to every insult and slight, it's all just posturing. People for whom being liked or respected is a high priority don't double down when their opponents call them racists. They try to ingratiate themselves instead! People who are genuinely sensitive to insults don't just turn on a dime and go from maximum umbrage to praise the way Trump did with Ted Cruz in 2016. When your feelings are really hurt, it's just not that easy. Trump wields his apparent sensitivity like a matador's red cape, and the bulls just keep rushing at it. Looking for someone who can "get under Trump's skin" is just dumb. It's a total waste of time.”
You make a good point, however I think Trump puts aside these past insults from others when he a USE for these people. I don’t think Trump ever forgets or forgives the insults and I do think they bother him. He gets rid of people he has no USE for. He’s a user and a manipulator
but it's absurd to say that wanting the US to look more like Norway or Denmark is the same as wanting it to look like Cuba or the USSR.
You haven't been paying attention to the rhetoric. Democrats calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda is far closer to those named chaps than a Why can't the US be more like Sweden? agenda.
"..but it's absurd to say that wanting the US to look more like Norway or Denmark is the same as wanting it to look like Cuba or the USSR."
You sound a bit naive here -- especially for a PaleoCon.
You think the socialists that ran Venezuela into the ground actually ran on a platform to run Venezuela into the ground?
It doesn't matter that socialists are "wanting" the US to look like Sweden. It matters what the logical consequences of their policies will be for a country of 330 Million (USA).
Democrats calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda is far closer to those named chaps than a Why can't the US be more like Sweden? agenda.
Can you point me to which of the Democratic candidates made this call?
More folks are beginning to realize that a moderate progressive who can get things done and is honest and open can get the most votes. And there is her record: WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar ranks first on a list of all 100 senators with the most bills that have been enacted into law during the current Congress. According to a Medill News Service analysis of legislative data from the independent congressional tracking website GovTrack, Klobuchar has sponsored or co-sponsored 27 bills that have been enacted into law.
You think the socialists that ran Venezuela into the ground actually ran on a platform to run Venezuela into the ground?
It doesn't matter that socialists are "wanting" the US to look like Sweden. It matters what the logical consequences of their policies will be for a country of 330 Million (USA).
Haven't we seen this movie before?
Was it single-payer healthcare and a high marginal rate of taxation that ran Venezuela into the ground?
If/ when Biden drops out of the race, what will happen to the alt-right’s Biden industry? I foresee massive layoffs and a reduction in the GDP. Can those workers possibly be retrained for anti-Bloomberg jobs? I’m guessing that many of them could get jobs in the booming coal mining and steelworker jobs in the Trump economy. Coal and steel are booming, right?
There's certainly minor differences between the various Dem candidates. But ultimately, they're close enough. The Democrat field is like a bunch of diners with very similar menus. They all have hash browns, waffles, patty melts, meatloaf, and turkey club sandwiches. The differences between each menu item are slight from one diner to the next, but it's all diner food. With the canidates, it's all big government solutions to "problems". It's all sweeping expansions of government power. Sure one candidate might like "Medicare for all" while another might prefer expanding/enhancing Obamacare instead, and yet another may just propose single payer. But it's all basically the same thing.
What differentiates the Dem candidates is personalities.
When it was revealed in 2015 that the fossil fuel industry knew their actions were contributing to climate change decades ago, Bernie sent a letter to then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking her to open a federal investigation to find out whether the industry violated the law . President Bernie Sanders will ensure that his Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission investigate these companies and bring suits – both criminal and civil – for any wrongdoing, just as the federal government did with the tobacco industry in the 1980s. These corporations and their executives should not get away with hiding the truth from the American people. They should also pay damages for the destruction they have knowingly caused .
Hey, lets do things just like Norway (population 5.4 million) or Denmark (5.6 million) or Sweden (10 million). Because its just the same as doing things for 350 million. Right, Iowa?
"I don’t think Trump ever forgets or forgives the insults and I do think they bother him."
Your insight into the minds of people you don't know is rivaled only by Madame Cleo the TV psychic.
Why I'll bet you never even had to go to work to treat patients! The desk clerk simply rang you up, gave you a brief summary, and you came up with an immediate diagnosis and care plan (MD not necessary!), and then rolled over and went back to bed.
South Bend is the home of The University of Notre Dame. It has the Ear of Christendom. Its the western Taj Mahal. There, lies the heart and soul of every Catholic Democrat voter. They hear South Bend, but they see Notre Dame.
well there again is a question of scale, germany is only 1/5th our size, and they invited the equivalent of 5 million unskilled immigrants into their country, and they are getting rid of reliable electricity, even the eloi had a little more sense,
Nothing you quoted is even remotely close to "calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda."
how could you livn next to Vietnam and Cambodia, and be so naïve about what these regimes entail
Right, because Sanders getting elected would be just like the Viet Cong and Khmer Rouge. What are you smoking?
LLR-lefty and Pro-Democrat Chuck: "If/ when Biden drops out of the race, what will happen to the alt-right’s Biden industry?"
There's lots more socialists/dem morons like you to attack when your hero Biden drops out.
An endless supply really as we are always just 1 generation away from allowing you and your leftist pals to take us over the cliff. We are already far to close to that cliff edge now.
Meade said, "...None of us here at Meadhouse approve of putting people who lose their temper, and throw potentially lethal objects at underlings, in positions of power and authority."
Michael said... Hey, lets do things just like Norway (population 5.4 million) or Denmark (5.6 million) or Sweden (10 million). Because its just the same as doing things for 350 million. Right, Iowa?
2/10/20, 2:23 PM
Not to mention that when the welfare states of those countries were created, they all still had extremely homogeneous populations, with the same values and work ethic.
Re: Sanders as the second coming of Stalin -- pre-2016, Sanders was comparatively moderate on gun rights. He supported the "assault weapons" ban, but pretty consistently took the position that gun rights were a matter for local regulation. This is obviously not what a true Communist authoritarian would say, and it suggests that Sanders is not, in his heart, the kind of Communist who typically rises to the top in a full on Communist state.
“Meade said, "...None of us here at Meadhouse approve of putting people who lose their temper, and throw potentially lethal objects at underlings, in positions of power and authority."
J. Farmer @ 1:28 "One possible reason is that our economy is cyclically unstable."
One other possible reason is that our government is cyclically unstable, and overreactive to conditions.
Consider - Economy's going ... okay, not great, not bad. Dems put out programs that allow everyone who can fog a mirror to get a mortgage, regardless of ability to pay back.
Housing bubble inflates a lot. Economy heats up, lots of liquidity suddenly appears... until it's noticed that all those mortgages are NOT being paid, that a lot are just getting resold and resold and resold... until they're essentially junk.
And the housing market crashes. Which prompts a LOT of new legislation to keep that from ever happening again. Which has the added benefit of kicking small lenders hard in the nuts and making it very difficult for businesses to get loans for startups and expansions.
Now, is the economy intrinsically unstable, or are outside influences causing perturbations that would normally damp themselves out relatively quickly without the heavy handed 'help' of politicians who need to be seen as 'Doing Something' about the crisis du jour?
After watching things for the last 30+ years, I've not seen all that many economic situations where governmental 'help' has made things significantly better...
If you think there's no way it could possibly be just like the Viet Cong and Khmer Rouge, what are you smoking?
"Possibly" is an extremely low bar. Yes, it's "possible" that upon election, Sanders would dissolve the Congress, ignore the courts, and use military and police forces to impose his will on an unwilling populace as he took control over all state apparatus and made himself dictator-for-like. I'll grant you that that's "possible." Do I think it is remotely probable? Not in the slightest. It was possible that the Trump-is-Hitler screechers were right. Was anyone here worried that Trump would turn the US into Nazi Germany? I certainly wasn't. Was it "possible?" Sure. Was it probable? No.
the desire to self immolate seems to be less present even in iowa, then projected, but it's as with the mass extinctions with the end of net neutrality and world war v1 why dd we take them seriously at all?
This is what was being referenced in Narciso's quote, "When it was revealed in 2015 that the fossil fuel industry knew their actions were contributing to climate change decades ago, Bernie sent a letter to then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking her to open a federal investigation to find out whether the industry violated the law."
Whatever you think of the merits, it is not the same thing as "calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda."
@Farmer very difficult to find numbers to support or refute your comment about Trump escalating conflict in the ME. I did find the following in US News: "In 2017, the Department of Defense stopped providing military deployment figures for Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. The official deployment data also does not include troops that are "deployed in support of contingency operations," according to the Department of Defense's latest reports.
Outside of official military operations, however, Defense Department data does show a personnel decrease in other countries in the region. In September 2008, the U.S. military had 76,000 employees stationed across six nations: Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. These employees made up 16% of the 484,000 U.S. military personnel stationed abroad. By September 2019, there were just under 10,000 total in these countries, or about 4% of all military personnel overseas.
It's hard to escalate military activity while drawing down 85% of your support tail, if that's what this was. Apparently Jim Mattis talked Trump into sending more troops to Afghanistan. Jim Mattis is no more and in October there were 13,000 troops compared to 15,000 in 2018. Trump has made it clear to the Pentagon that he wants a minimum footprint in the ME. The Generals, as usual, are fighting a rear guard action but know that if they want to keep their jobs they certainly should not suggest sending any more troops. I imagine that many of the troops sent in around the embassy/Solameini period have already returned to their ships. As I say since the Pentagon is not handing out numbers - good for them- it's hard to tell.
As to Trump being Bush III I can only point out our economic state and the confirmation of judges neither of which george would have had the balls to do.
I honestly can't say if Sanders is really an old school authoritarian Communist, but saying things like big oil executives need to be prosecuted for imagined eco-crimes seems a bit over-the-top. Sure, it could easily be dismissed as attention getting hyperbole (obviously Trump is well known for that sort of thing), but all the same it's a little creepy from a guy who infamously honeymooned in the Soviet Union and has repeatedly extolled the virtues of certain communist dictatorships over the course of his life.
Farmer: "Whatever you think of the merits, it is not the same thing as "calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda."
Feel free to remain naive as to the left's intent here.
Speaking of Klobuchar, I happened to catch just a few minutes of the last debate and she was on camera at the time. After an earlier debate there was mention of her shaking or vibrating and the consensus was that she wasn't really, it was just her hair or something.
What I saw on a very large screen in high definition was that Klobuchar does indeed vibrate. It's a high frequency, low amplitude buzz that is more like a cold, wet Chihuahua than a Merkle-like possible Parkinson's tremor.
I don't know what it is, but maybe somebody could ask her.
Hey let's have healthcare like Sweden whose males weigh 180 pounds on average versus our males who are a hefty 196. . We have some super fatties. And, of course, we are noted for our good health and exercise regimens. Sweden has 3.3 doctors per 1000 in population and we have 2.3 per thousand. So our waits will have to be longer. But healthcare! and shut up.
Mead getting honest about Trump's behavior? -- you must be talking to George Conway who know all the inside Aderall, I mean dope about on what goes on at the WH.
One other possible reason is that our government is cyclically unstable, and overreactive to conditions.
Okay, but the economy is intimately linked with the state. You can't separate the two. If you want to talk about some anarcho-capitalist economy that only exists in Libertarian Party members' heads, that's fine. But then we're just having a philosophy seminar.
Can you point me to which of the Democratic candidates made this call?
Do your own homework but I'll get you started...Corporate Executive Accountability Act and Accountable Capitalism Act are Liz Warren's two-step to jail. Bernie Sanders has said he would use the Sherman Antitrust Act to put CEOs of monopolistic companies in jail...
Prosecuting climate skeptics with RICO. It hasn't been a plank of the Presidential candidates that I know of, but is an agenda of several Democrat Senators. Whitehorse, et al. They have a nickname.
minnesota farm guy: "Trump has made it clear to the Pentagon that he wants a minimum footprint in the ME. The Generals, as usual, are fighting a rear guard action but know that if they want to keep their jobs they certainly should not suggest sending any more troops."
These generals, as with the deep staters still in striking position against Trump, are simply awaiting the outcome of the 2020 election.
If Trump wins I suspect we will see a significant number of senior military officers retire and move off into lucrative think tank roles from which they can continue beating the drums for more wars.
We have a literal generation of senior officers who have been taught and trained and conditioned for eternal war. It takes some wholesale housecleaning to alter the trajectory.
Post-Vietnam we didn't find our feet again until the mid to late 80's and then right after that came NeoCon heaven and set us firmly on this course.
"None of us here at Meadhouse approve of putting people who lose their temper, and throw potentially lethal objects at underlings, in positions of power and authority."
Thousand Island dressing is a killer. Just ask any Heart Doctor. Amy puts the Sass in Midwestern Nice.
Admiral Inga: "Drago is always accusing others of mind reading, ha, looks like the kettle calling the pot black."
I suggest you read rehajm's post at 2:51.
Zero mind-reading required.
As always, your ignorance remains invincible.
Tell us more about this astonishing surge in democrat voter enthusiasm.....meanwhile all the dem/lefty/LLR-lefty media types are sounding the warnings that the enthusiasm is just not there and there are strong indications that the suburbs are returning to Presidential General Election norms in terms of republican support.
You can't even admit Carter Page is not a Russian spy! LOLOLOL
"A violation of law described in this paragraph is—
(A)any criminal violation of Federal or State law for which the covered corporation was convicted or entered into a deferred or non-prosecution agreement;
(B)any civil violation of Federal or State law— (i)for which the covered corporation was found liable or entered into a settlement agreement with any State or Federal agency; and (ii)that affects the health, safety, finances, or personal data of— (I)not less than 1 percent of the population of the United States; or (II)not less than 1 percent of the population of a State; or (C)any criminal or civil violation of Federal or State law, for which the covered corporation was convicted or found liable, as the case may be, that was committed while the covered corporation was operating under a civil or criminal judgment of any court, a deferred prosecution or non-prosecution agreement, or settlement with any State or Federal agency relating to a different criminal or civil violation."
Setting aside the merits of such a law, it is not tantamount to "calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda."
That's done every minute of every day in this country and has been for well over a century. It's called the rule of law. And it's done in every country in the world.
Hey, lets do things just like Norway (population 5.4 million) or Denmark (5.6 million) or Sweden (10 million). Because its just the same as doing things for 350 million.
I cannot recall who Wm. Buckley was debating (about 50 years ago). His opponent stated that Sweden had a better economic system than America. He said, "There is no one starving in Sweden."
Buckey's retort: "and not a single Swede is starving in America."
Trump can't withdraw from Afghanistan till after the election. If he withdraws, and there's terrorist attack, the D's will claim he caused it by the Pull-out. The Bottom line is Joe Six-pack doesn't know why we'er in Afghanistan but doesn't really care that much.
rcocean: "Trump can't withdraw from Afghanistan till after the election. If he withdraws, and there's terrorist attack, the D's will claim he caused it by the Pull-out."
Given how the dems/LLR-lefties praised traitor and Taliban helper boy Bowe Bergdahl (whose direct assistance to the enemy led to American deaths and....a White House Rose Garden ceremony where he was called a hero...literally), it wouldn't surprise me in the least if there were those on the left who would call for action to be taken against American's in Afghanistan if Trump were to initiate a full pull out.
If he withdraws, and there's terrorist attack, the D's will claim he caused it by the Pull-out.
My sense is that for such an agrument to stick, such a hypothetical terrorist attack would have to be clearly linked to Afghanistan (like, the perps recieved training there or whatever). Other than that, any major Islamic terrorist attack committed and/or directly supported by foreign powers would probably end up being an argument for Trump's positions rather than of any of the Democrat candidates. After all, Trump's the travel ban and border wall guy.
I do give him credit on borders. He is "slightly better" than Bush, but he also spouts Chamber of Commerce nonsense like "we need the people" and has said he wants immigrants to come in record numbers. Illegal entry is not the only problem this country has with immigration.
I used to be a bit more anti-immigration than I am now, and that comes from a guy who is the son of an immigrant and the father of 6 immigrants. But after looking more carefully into the arguments, a steady flow of incoming immigrants is a positive thing for the receiving country. Granted, there are good immigrants and there are not so good ones. Mostly I don't want immigrants who will import the dysfunction they had in their own countries. Economics are less of an issue. Plenty of poor immigrants have come to this country, worked hard and built something for themselves and their progeny. So while it might seem bad for us to import poor people, in short time they become prosperous and contributing members. It is an investment of sorts in our economy as humans are the most important resource. But the flow must be steady and controlled. Too fast and you harm people at the margins, not enough and you generate shortages in labor. Right now our labor is nearing saturation and new workers will help the economy maintain its growth.
There is a lot of Shinola out there right now. Here are a couple of useful projects: 1. Think about WWE programs and how they work. 2. Read Andy Kessler’s column in WSJ today. 3. Ask yourself which political commentators have gotten DJT right so far. 4. Read Mollie Hemingway’s Twitter feed and ask yourself what does she get right and what does she get wrong. 5. Look in the mirror every morning and evening and say, I don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. 6. Be grateful every day when you wake up.
While all the Democratic candidates who are running have SOME policies that are the same, they don’t ALL have the SAME EXACT policies or stances on the issues.
"Do you want that burger with or without sesame seeds on the bun?"
it is not tantamount to "calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda.
You didn't finish- it's a two step process. The Executive Accountability Act sets the process of prosecution. The Accountable Capitalism Act sets the rules for what can be prosecuted. Including...
The Act contains a "constituency statute" that would give directors a duty of "creating a general public benefit" with regard to a corporation's stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and the environment, and the interests of the enterprise in the long-term.
That's done every minute of every day in this country and has been for well over a century. It's called the rule of law. And it's done in every country in the world.
Sure, if Venezuela has one problem it's too much rule of law. Definitely.
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1 – 200 of 399 Newer› Newest»If a graph could sniff hair, it would be this one.
The wicked wit of the Klobuchar Woman will win it.
Dem voters are desperately seeking a candidate who can credibly fake it as a moderate.
I wonder what the Administrations of these candidates would look like. Do you think there is a dimes worth of difference between a Klobuchar administration and a Biden, BootyBoy, Bernie or Fauxchohantas administration? (0% overlap in the party hacks that they choose.
Make that 90% overlap.
I read something over at instapundit quoting some dem politico that I-love-mayo ButtGeig-ercounter is the "moderate" candidate that Biden was before he started failing badly.
"Moderate"!?! Do these people even pay attention to these candidates at all? Mayor Gayger-counter is anything but "moderate".
Did he sniff her hair on the way down?
"Make that 90% overlap."
Both average 11.3.
Can we bring back Marianne Williamson? Please?
Do you think there is a dimes worth of difference between a Klobuchar administration and a Biden, BootyBoy, Bernie or Fauxchohantas administration?
Of COURSE! There would be a HUGE difference (many 100's of MILLIONS of dimes worth!)
a Klobuchar admin would enrich Amy's Friends
a Biden admin would enrich the Biden family
a Bootyboy admin would enrich his husband's boyfriends
a bernie admin would enrich the Sander's family
a Fauxchohantas admin would enrich the Warren family
See the differences?
Once they put the masks on like Carville suggested everything will be back to normal.
Klobuchar isn't going to be the nominee unless she finishes second or better tomorrow night.
Third place is for losers.
Worse for candidates like Klobuchar is this- after South Carolina, Bloomberg is there taking his share of that vote.
Impeachment took it's toll on Biden.
This all just setting the stage for the Bloomberg/Buttafuoco ticket that the money people will insist upon.
By the way, take a look at how small South Bend really is. It has a population of about 100,000 making it much smaller than Madison, Ann Arbor, and Peoria. It is less than half the size of Madison. It is about the size of Kenosha.
Can you imagine the mayor of Madison or Kenosha being a serious candidate for POTUS?
This is silly.
Yes, impeachment was the Alfa torpedo.
A brokered convention would be a glorious thing to watch, but if it happens, it is very, very likely Bernie Sanders goes in with a plurality win in total primary votes and delegates. What will the Democrats do then? Any predictions?
The Democrats may rue the day they moved California up to early March rather than leaving it to June.
Fifth-place Joe would be some yummy awesomesauce. It's almost like the media and DC is discovering the fact that a large slice of the electorate (the size of a small slice) are tired of establishment types like Biden and, as to him personally, see that he is past his sell-by date. Obama would have been doing Biden a favor had he been honest and told Biden last year that it was a bad idea.
Bernie -- politician but outsider, not even a D.
Buttieggieggie - small town mayor and outsider
Bloomberg -- not a politician and outsider
Love to see the D establishment broker Hillary at the convention. She is what the D's want but just don't know it yet, and she is what the party and America needs! Just ask her and she'll tell you why she'll be 50 points ahead by August. She's fresh and not expired.
If the Democrats give the nomination to Sanders, it will be because they know no matter who they nominate, Trump wins. Giving Bernie the nod and having him lose would make him finally go away without hurting the other candidates for 2024.
Hillary patiently waiting for her moment.
South Bend small? But it's the fourth largest city in Indiana! As Biden would say, c'mon, man.
No. It's small.
“First prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody wanna see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is, you’re fired.” -- Glengarry Glen Ross
Yeah, I was kidding about South Bend. It's like Borat's sister, second best prostitute in all of Kazakhstan.
Yancey's hypothetical--Bernie gets a plurality of votes and delegates--is a tough one. Giving him the nomination seems like a sure-fire way to lose in November. But so does denying him the nomination.
Why does a guy Biden's age even want to be president? So he can die in office? Have 'president' on his tombstone? You'd think he would be at peace with his own shortcomings by now.
It’s a shithole.
Klobuchar to Biden: "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog-faced pony soldier, too!"
A great ticket would be Klobuchar/Buttigeig, but they’d have to move past their campaign tiffs. Klobuchar does have more experience and is older than Buttigeig and deserves to be the top of the ticket. I’m fine with Bernie getting the nomination, especially if he has a dynamite running mate. A Bernie/ Warren ticket would take Democrats a bit to the left, but it’s better than a Trump presidency.
A brokered convention would be a glorious thing to watch, but if it happens, it is very, very likely Bernie Sanders goes in with a plurality win in total primary votes and delegates. What will the Democrats do then? Any predictions?
If you believe a brokered convention would be an outcome managed by the DNC, as I do, you suspect they won't let it get to that. There will be an Iowa-type contrived controversy or other narrative that allows them to justify changing the rules to untether the superdelegates.
Managing a multi-candidate race is one way. Letting Bernie run the table, only to have him resign or 'resign' late, leaving an empty void, is another. There's still some of us who think Bernie thinks he's not really up to it. Like the dog who chases cars, what does he do when he catches one?
I'll say it again: I bet half the people in Minnesota that voted for Klobuchar thought they were voting for her father, who covered the Vikings for the Star-Tribune.
This is going to come down to (as we say in Chicago) "We got nothin'".
Bloomberg will say, I'll pay. The DNC will say, "You're on! Take this kid for Veep, he's gay or somethin'. He got a Rhodes, or somethin'. Anything wrong with Rhodes? Oh, Jeesus! Well, we'll figure somethin' out."
Identity politics is a hungry beast, and the Demmies are almost out of pork chops.
I don't think it's Biden wanting to run for president. It's his family not wanting to give up the gravy train.
"South Bend small? But it's the fourth largest city in Indiana! As Biden would say, c'mon, man."
South Bend is a small city the size of a big city.
As Bill Clinton said in Manchester NH on January 8, 2008, "This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen." Can't say "fairy tale" in connection with Buttieggieggie though, so he skates, figuratively.
Vote Buttigieg-Klobuchar in 2020!
-Because we really wanna confuse our low-information Democrat voters with not one, but two unpronouncible names!
I think Amy Klobuchar is rising because she had a great performance in the New Hampshire debate last week and the stop-Sanders vote is going to Pete Buttigieg.
MSNBC did a segment in a Manchester restaurant on Saturday morning. There was a high degree of support among the diners there for Mike Bloomberg, who is not on the ballot in New Hampshire.
Tom Steyer seems to be running second to Joe Biden in South Carolina. If that's because he blanketed the state with ads as is being reported, that may bode well for Mike Bloomberg three weeks from now on Super Tuesday.
hawkeyedjb said...
Why does a guy Biden's age even want to be president? So he can die in office? Have 'president' on his tombstone? You'd think he would be at peace with his own shortcomings by now.
Beyond the obvious massive, unrestrained ego? I'd say it was to keep the investigators away from him and his coke-sniffing, stripper impregnating, son.
And a whole Hell of a lot of other people in The Swamp, too!
All my gentry liberal friends are for Bloomberg.
Inga- we already know you'll vote for any democrat. Even if that democrat is Mussolini-Maduro.
Amy, Bernie and Pete have accomplished very little in public office.
Yep, it will be Bloomberg saving the D's with Amy or Pistol Pete as Veep. While Milwaukee smolders.
Alternative VP pick for Bloomberg: Michelle O
a month is an eternity, did warren underperform her polls, did klobuchar?
Like the years the Dems ran Mondale, or Dukakis, this is a year when they don't want to waste a viable candidate to run against Trump.
“All my gentry liberal friends are for Bloomberg.”
I’d prefer no billionaires got the nomination, but Bloomberg sure would drive Trump nuts. He’s already getting under his skin with all his ads.
narciso said...
a month is an eternity, did warren underperform her polls, did klobuchar?
Warren was trending slightly down when she pulled that little stunt at the end of the Iowa debate, accusing Bernie of misogyny. Desperate move that backfired. It's almost like Angry Squaw didn't know which was the business end of the Winchester when she pulled the trigger. Looney Tunes indeed.
Inga said...
A Bernie/ Warren ticket would take Democrats a bit to the left,
Just a bit left. This must be a backhanded admission the Dem party is aleady far left.
Oh look, Wapo agrees:
No, Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden are not ‘centrists’
The nominee isn't going to be Bloomberg unless the DNC literally installs him from 4th place. This idea that a billionaire Jewish businessman from NYC is going to run well anywhere outside the coasts in the Democratic primaries is a fantasy, not to mention the need to run well in interior states in a general election. On Super Tuesday, he will be lucky to win any delegates given the 15% hurdle. To have a chance, Bloomberg needs every candidate except Sanders to drop out after South Carolina, and that doesn't look likely at the moment (though some should drop out).
He’s already getting under his skin with all his ads.
Nobody cares about Bloomberg.
I have been predicting riots in Milwaukee.
Why does a guy Biden's age even want to be president?
I don't think he does. He was simply picked by the Dem powers that be.
Same thing happened in California 10 years ago. The Cal Dem Powers simply picked old Moonbeam Jerry Brown (then age 72), explained that he had high name recognition, that he would win, and he would be obedient to the "cause", so hop to it, chop chop.
It'll be Biden. This is all ginning up the proletariat as if they are watching a horse race.
Since the wheels seem to be coming off the "no malarkey" bus, in the "anyone but Sanders camp", I've noticed that a large swath of people seem to be pulling for Bloomberg over Buttigieg or Klobuchar I guess under the assumption that Bloomberg would be more appealing to certain swing voters?
For black voters, I wonder if an old, jewish, NYC billionaire is more or less appealing than an old jewish communist from Vermont?
this is why the radical left want to abolish the Electoral College. So that only the coasts matter.
"Bloomberg sure would drive Trump nuts. He’s already getting under his skin with all his ads."
What is this obsession with annoying Trump? A lot of people disliked/hated Obama, Bush, and Clinton but I can't recall any of their critics/haters giving a damn about personally aggravating them.
Bloomberg needed to be in the race from the start to have a real chance. Money might well have been able to buy the Iowa and Nevada caucuses, and Bloomberg might run pretty well in New Hampshire in a Dem primary. Winning or finishing second in those might have been enough to allow him overcome his obvious deficits with minorities and flyover country to finish at least 2nd overall going into the convention.
On Steyer and South Carolina- I don't know what or how many ads he is running there, but he runs a lot of them here in east Tennessee. One of his big items in those TN ads is term limits- something you don't hear from any of the the other candidates in any forum. I think this might explain the anomaly of his support in SC. If he can finish 2nd in SC, then he has a chance to finish well in any state south of the Ohio River, but I will have to see it to believe it.
The Dem dilemma is that they need a candidate left enough for the Bernie bros to rationalize their vote and sufficiently fake-moderate enough to entice the Althouses to rationalize a Dem vote ("serious!" "competent!" "pragmatic!" "no chaos!" -- that sort of thing).
I thought Lizzie could pull it off, but apparently not. So --?
Admiral Inga Now: "but Bloomberg sure would drive Trump nuts. He’s already getting under his skin with all his ads."
Admiral Inga Before: Biden is getting under Trumps skin!
Admiral Inga Before Before: Warren is getting under Trumps skin!
Admiral Inga Before Before Before: kamala is getting under Trumps skin!
Admiral Inga Before Before Before Before Before: Booker is getting under Trumps skin!
...and Beto and Avenatti and on and on the lunacy goes.
“What is this obsession with annoying Trump? A lot of people disliked/hated Obama, Bush, and Clinton but I can't recall any of their critics/haters giving a damn about personally aggravating them.”
Oh boy. I recall many comments here saying how that Trump annoys the all right people it’s all good, or something to that effect. You have a short memory or are being a hypocrite.
Left Bank of the Charles: "I think Amy Klobuchar is rising because she had a great performance in the New Hampshire debate last week...."
mockturtle said...
Like the years the Dems ran Mondale, or Dukakis, this is a year when they don't want to waste a viable candidate to run against Trump.
This goes back to Mario Cuomo when he decided not to run against Bush in the reaction to the Gulf War. He might well have been elected President after Mitchell engineered that short recession that gave Clinton the chance. Ross Perot was the determining factor so it is still unknown but I'll bet Cuomo regretted that decision until he died.
Admiral Inga: "You have a short memory or are being a hypocrite."
Carter Page, Russian spy or no?
Do you think it's unreasonable to wonder if Buttigeig decided to marry and live as a gay man because existing societal prejudices and mores require that he become a closeted heterosexual in order to be accepted and reach his career goals?
I will repeat it- if Klobuchar is going to be the nominee, she needs to finish at least 2nd tomorrow night, but she appears likely to finish 4th.
Admiral Inga: "A Bernie/ Warren ticket would take Democrats a bit to the left, but it’s better than a Trump presidency."
Soviet-Bernie and Socialist Pocahontas would take us a "bit to the left"!!!
Perfect really.
Couldn't be better.
So. Much. Winning.
Trump does annoy all the right people. Bloomberg doesn't appear to annoy anyone other than the supporters of the other Democratic candidates. I don't think Mini-Mike annoys Trump in any particular way, at least not yet.
Giving Bernie the nod and having him lose would make him finally go away
Especially if he gets fabulous parting gifts, like even more lake-front homes.
I don't see it, anybody get In touch will mike Sylvester?
I think Klobuchar has a serious shot if she beats Biden. The Democrats professionals need an anti Sanders and know Buttigieg will be a weak candidate. So Klobuchar or Bloomberg, and maybe an outside shot at a new name at a convention
Althouse would likely vote for Amy K. They have that same modest midwestern temperament and sensibilities. You betcha!
The problem is that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions (pro choice, pro gay marriage, higher taxes, lax border enforcement, we hate Trump, blah, blah, blah). The only exception might be whether to continue to screw up our health system under ObamaCare, or really wreck it with Medicare for all.
Since there's no major distinctions on policies, it's just a popularity contest that Joe "No Malarkey" Biden is losing. So, now, the Dems have to scramble to find someone else.
Sending a message? Considering the current state of the Democrat party, how is the message going to get through the tinfoil hats?
you can spin a no# 2, like Clinton in new Hampshire, but a #3 or #4 place, that's a harder twist. so two months later, the brits are working on containment, heck of a job,
“The problem is that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions (pro choice, pro gay marriage, higher taxes... we hate Trump, blah, blah, blah).”
Well it’s not a problem to half the country, now we just half to see which half gets the vote of independents like Althouse.
This is the Democratic version of the 2016 GOP primary. Sanders has the best chance to win. Trump himself has said that he was happy he didn’t have to go against Sanders in ‘16. And yet we have the entire establishment and chattering class telling us Sanders can’t win, that his candidacy will be an historic defeat, that the key to victory is to go moderate (ie more of the same). Sound familiar?
shades of you only live twice:
Who will the most appeal to the dead is what Dems are trying figure out.
the expectation was sanders would sweep, but it ended up a close contest, the polls say the same for new Hampshire, we shall see,
“The problem is that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions (pro choice, pro gay marriage, higher taxes... we hate Trump, blah, blah, blah).”
Quite correct.
Li'l Amy is also in favor of open borders, free healthcare for illegals, getting rid of the Electoral College, and on and on it goes.
Yeah, some "moderate".
I doubt Klobuchar is in favor of open borders. Let’s see what her stance on the issue is.
“Against open borders & decriminalizing illegal entry
Q: Do you support the idea to decriminalize unauthorized border crossings?
KLOBUCHAR: I support different enforcement priorities. Of course, I'll look at the statute to see if you can make changes depending on the level of a security risk. But no, I don't support open borders and simply getting rid of this statute.”
Todays Left/dems/LLR-left:
The Washington Post ✔ @washingtonpost
Perspective: Inspiring military family reunions actually hurt our soldiers
You read that correctly.
Farmer sez:
This is the Democratic version of the 2016 GOP primary. Sanders has the best chance to win.
He does. The parallels are similar. Sanders has a loyal 30% (similar to Trump). He has the biggest block within the fractured Dem field.
But for the comparison to continue, Sanders will have to upend the Dem establishment, and remake the Dem party more in his image. Recall -- Trump ended the Bush dynasty, before he ended the Clinton dynasty.
Fun times. Go Bernie Go!
Keep spinning Inga.
No one believes you....or Klobuchar...or any of the other dem liars.
Giving Bernie the nod and having him lose would make him finally go away
If I were an old school Dem voter who was actually concerned with the long term viability and wellfare of The Party, at this point I'd probably want Bernie to win the nomination for just that reason. This is because, depsite what some may think, the single biggest problem facing the Democrats isn't Trump, it's Bernie. As we all know there's a considerable chunk of the Dem electorate who is all-in for Bernie. This chunk is mostly young and mostly white, and it's mostly people who spend an inordinate amount of time on Social Media, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit. These people desperately need to have a dose of reality.
As crazy as it sounds, for the Dems, Bernie winning the nomination and then losing badly and them having to endure 4 more years of Trump is actually a good thing overall.
- They wouldn't have to actually do anything other than critize anything Trump does
- Anything bad that happens during Trump's final term could be laid at the feet of Trump. One highly likley possibility is an economic crash.
- And, who knows, at some point maybe Trump will finally make an error that is really indefensible
Sure, they'd almost certainly badly lose the Supreme Court for a generation which would be a huge setback for the progressive agenda to be sure. But at this point, that outcome is almost inevitable anyway. The long term demographics are very much in their favor, theoretically anyway.
Well it’s not a problem to half the country,
Well 20% of the country anyway. That is the pre-open borders, race preferences, and war on employer percentage.
Bloomberg will be the guy not because he’ll win, but because he’ll pay to rip Trump. In fact, he’ll spend $10 billion to rip Trump. He might win, but he’ll pay for a loss. So, that’s where it is going.
This won’t be about winning. The will be about paying for attacks. But maybe he’ll win, too.
Bloomberg needed to be in the race from the start to have a real chance.
The obvious attack against Bloomberg would be that he bought the nomination. Hard to lipstick that pig.
James Carville on "Morning Joe":
“The only thing, the only thing between the United States and the abyss is the Democratic Party. That’s it. If we go the way of the British Labour Party, if we nominate Jeremy Corbyn, it’s going to be the end of days. … So I am scared to death, I really am,” Carville said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
“If we lose that, we’re going to be the British Labour Party and be out in some theoretical left-wing la-la land,” Carville said.
It must be disturbing for Dems to get a hot dose of reality every now and then.
Admiral Inga thinks the Klobuchar (wink wink nudge nudge) "moderate" ploy is going to work for an entire campaign.
Not a chance.
The entire dem party is far, far to the left now and there is no one who can bring it back.
That's why this is all hilarious.
And that Klobuchar! Gee, if ANY candidate could stop the Loss of Black and Hispanic Voters to DJT it would be........uh.....not Klobuchar.
One highly likley possibility is an economic crash.
Earnest Q: Why would an economic crash be a 'highly (likely)' possibility in a Trump second term?
@Bay Area Guy:
But for the comparison to continue, Sanders will have to upend the Dem establishment, and remake the Dem party more in his image.
Ehh. I think the degree to which Trump has done that has been vastly overstated. Trump has been pretty successfully assimilated by the Establishment borg, even if they don’t care for his rhetoric.
Recall -- Trump ended the Bush dynasty, before he ended the Clinton dynasty.
True, but his presidency has hitherto been George W. Bush’s third term, while being slightly better on immigration.
"Althouse would likely vote for Amy K. They have that same modest midwestern temperament and sensibilities. You betcha! "
Except. None of us here at Meadhouse approve of putting people who lose their temper, and throw potentially lethal objects at underlings, in positions of power and authority.
chuck: "The obvious attack against Bloomberg would be that he bought the nomination."
Bloomberg as the candidate guarantees a big chunk of Bernie supporters do NOT vote democrat.
And, BTW, the hilarious videos of Bloomberg saying all sorts of non-Woke things are just beginning to surface.
Go google is comments about Trans-somethings when he says they are just "men in a dress".
That should play really well....not.
So, Bloomy loses the Sanders vote AND alienates the Woke vote while also remaining untouchable to the midwest blue collar workers.
Other than that, things are looking great for Inga's just-a-"bit-to-left" dems!
So one Inga says that a Sanders/Warren ticket "would take Democrats a bit to the left."
The other Inga tacitly admitted that "all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions."
Inga, I'd like you to meet Inga.
Blogger J. Farmer said...
Trump himself has said that he was happy he didn’t have to go against Sanders in ‘16. And yet we have the entire establishment and chattering class telling us Sanders can’t win
'16..when that noted economics giant said Trump would need a "magic wand" to deliver.
If Sanders looks to be close to winning, Krugman's '16 forecast might finally arrive with the press blaming it on Trump.
This chunk is mostly young and mostly white, and it's mostly people who spend an inordinate amount of time on Social Media, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit. These people desperately need to have a dose of reality.
It's not just social media, they spend their entire lives in controlled environments like schools, government, and political/charity NGOs. They don't understand how things work because they've never spent a moment in an uncontrolled environment.
Earnest Q: Why would an economic crash be a 'highly (likely)' possibility in a Trump second term?
If for no other reason than we have enjoyed one of the longest running bull markets without a downturn ever. I'm by no means suggesting that it's a guarantee to happen during Trump's second turn, just that historically there's plenty of precident to suggest that at some point things will go bad. And there's some things that can go wrong that are beyond anything Trump or any President could possibly do to avert them.
Roy: "Inga, I'd like you to meet Inga."
Roy, you need to understand something fundamental. Anything "Inga" writes becomes inoperative after 15 minutes has passed and History Resets.
It gets really amusing when Inga starts lobbing in cut and pastes that she doesn't understand in addition to her changing assertions which creates this hilarious swirl of incoherence.
Earnest Q: Why would an economic crash be a 'highly (likely)' possibility in a Trump second term?
One possible reason is that our economy is cyclically unstable. Then there are the usual candidates: over-capacity and excessive leverage in China, asset price bubbles, etc.
Sundance says that Biden will fade away now that his usefulness as the Ukraine kickoff is over. That he only ran to get that started.
Ehh. I think the degree to which Trump has done that has been vastly overstated. Trump has been pretty successfully assimilated by the Establishment borg, even if they don’t care for his rhetoric.
Fair point to debate. Did Trump co-opt the GOP establishment, or did the GOP swamp co-opt him? Remains to be seen.
True, but his presidency has hitherto been George W. Bush’s third term, while being slightly better on immigration.
Disagree. Bush was an inarticulate, swamp creature, who pushed several mid-east military adventures. Trump much better at fighting back against the establishment (both Dem and GOPe), and has avoided large military interventions. On borders, Trump has been outstanding -- stop denying him credit!:)
Amy was well positioned to get the VP slot if Joe won, as he would have to have a woman on the ticket and it wasn't going to be Harris or Warren. If Biden finishes behind her in NH then he's definitely done and moderates will go to her or Pete. So now, if she wants to be on the ticket, it's most likely would be on the top of the ticket.
She'll have the spotlight on her after NH, especially if she finishes ahead of Warren. If she steps up her game she may have a shot as many Warren voters, who were also Hillary voters, would go to her rather than Bernie.
What did Klovenhoof throw and who did she throw it at?
I've come to the point that I immediately distrust any analyst or talking head or politician that says if this or that person is elected, or this or that policy is enacted, it will mean the end times for the "super important thing that we all say and project you care so very much about".
And what about Hillary? She's a serial chucker and Bill's a frequent ducker.
I think it was a comb, or a binder. But not a binder full of women.
Less than a month ago, Biden was on top.
Less than a month ago Joe Biden had the most name recognition, he was associated in the minds of Democrat voters with their beloved Barack Obama, and he physically seems like a distinguished President ordered up straight out of central casting. One month later we learn (1) Obama has not endorsed him and apparently won’t, (2) he’s personally corrupt (those who say his corruption has not been proven really mean that his corruption has never been properly investigated, and won’t be until the last Democrat has been purged from the Deep State), (3) he is at least borderline senile, (4) he has anger management issues, and (5) he is not a likable person. This goes along with what we knew before, which is that he is accustomed to demonstrating his personal political clout by getting handsy with women and little girls. The miracle is that he’s at 11%, even against the motley crew of villains he shares the stage with at each debate.
To those ignorant twits who think Sleepy Joe Biden was merely being jocular when he called that young woman a “dog-faced pony soldier,” recollect that he started out by calling her a liar to her face. As Owen Wister wrote in The Virginian, “When you call me that, smile!”
"All the way with Amy K"
If what she says is true, my bet is this will be her first loss.
A comb is lethal? Maybe if you studied for years with Master Wo Loo Kowt and learned the 5 Tine Comb Collapsing Heart Technique or something.
Boy, Biden's gonna be pretty cranky by the time he gets to that South Carolina primary. He's already gone from challenging a one-legged vet in Iowa to an ass-kicking contest to basically calling a young NH woman a lying bitch. Those Black democrat voters better be on their best behavior with Irish cop Joe.
@Bay Area Guy:
Bush was an inarticulate, swamp creature, who pushed several mid-east military adventures. Trump much better at fighting back against the establishment (both Dem and GOPe), and has avoided large military interventions. On borders, Trump has been outstanding -- stop denying him credit!:)
I do give him credit on borders. He is "slightly better" than Bush, but he also spouts Chamber of Commerce nonsense like "we need the people" and has said he wants immigrants to come in record numbers. Illegal entry is not the only problem this country has with immigration.
As for the middle east, Trump has escalated every conflict he has inherited. There are more US troops deployed to the middle east now than before Trump took office. He has signed up for an open-ended US military presence in Syria and Iraq and is pursuing regime change against Iran.
p.s. Two members of the Special Forces, Javier Gutierrez and Antonio Rodriguez, were killed by an Afghan soldier the other day. As usual, nobody cares.
"it is very, very likely Bernie Sanders goes in with a plurality win in total primary votes and delegates. What will the Democrats do then? Any predictions?"
The DNC will then get their first choice, Bloomberg and all his money. $2 billion goes a long way.
“The other Inga tacitly admitted that "all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions."
Are you quoting me? I didn’t say this. Nor did I tacitly admit that as you claim.
Bernie and Warren have positions different than Buttigeig and Klobuchar, that’s pretty evident. Having said that, Democratic voters aren’t so rigid that they can’t accept some positions they dislike in a candidate they like.
p.s. Two members of the Special Forces, Javier Gutierrez and Antonio Rodriguez, were killed by an Afghan soldier the other day. As usual, nobody cares.
And for what?
Amadeus 48 said...
Bloomberg will be the guy not because he’ll win, but because he’ll pay to rip Trump. In fact, he’ll spend $10 billion to rip Trump. He might win, but he’ll pay for a loss. So, that’s where it is going.
This won’t be about winning. The will be about paying for attacks. But maybe he’ll win, too.
I agree. Bloomberg is in this because he hates Trump. Why ? Who knows?
I think his chances of winning the general are nil once his previous statements come out.
And I quote:
Inga said...
“The problem is that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions (pro choice, pro gay marriage, higher taxes... we hate Trump, blah, blah, blah).”
Well it’s not a problem to half the country, now we just half to see which half gets the vote of independents like Althouse.
You accepted that premise as it was stated, merely noting that "it's not a problem to half the country." So how's that not a tacit admission that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions?
“You accepted that premise as it was stated, merely noting that "it's not a problem to half the country." So how's that not a tacit admission that all the Dems on the stage have the same liberal positions?”
While all the Democratic candidates who are running have SOME policies that are the same, they don’t ALL have the SAME EXACT policies or stances on the issues.
Oh boy. I recall many comments here saying how that Trump annoys the all right people it’s all good, or something to that effect. You have a short memory or are being a hypocrite. - Inga
There's a difference enjoying how much Trump annoys people like you and voting for a Presidential candidate simply on the basis of how much he or she annoys the other candidate.
It never ceases to amaze me just how dumb you are.
Here in Virginia people are already holding anti-Bloomberg rallies. A friend attended one last night in Arlington, and told me that a speaker asked everyone to take a knee in remembrance of the soldiers who have died fighting for this country — and not a single person holding an “I Like Mike” was observed doing so. In his opinion the best sign was “I saw a movie where only the police and military had guns. It was called ‘Schindler’s List.’ “
Here in Virginia people are already holding anti-Bloomberg rallies. A friend attended one last night in Arlington, and told me that a speaker asked everyone to take a knee in remembrance of the soldiers who have died fighting for this country — and not a single person holding an “I Like Mike” was observed doing so. In his opinion the best sign was “I saw a movie where only the police and military had guns. It was called ‘Schindler’s List.’ “
A Bernie/ Warren ticket would take Democrats a bit to the left, but it’s better than a Trump presidency.
A sentiment endorsed by someone who has little, if any investment in the stock market.
I wonder to whom they are a "little bit to the left".
Maduro? Castro? Lenin?
New Quinnipiac Poll:
Sanders 25%
Biden 17%
Bloomberg 15%
Warren 14%
Buttigieg 10%
Klobuchar 4%
Everyone else 2% or less
...Here comes the comeback kid!
“There's a difference enjoying how much Trump annoys people like you and voting for a Presidential candidate simply on the basis of how much he or she annoys the other candidate.”
YOU are one of the commenters who repeatedly said how if ALL Trump does is to aggravate all the right people, it was worth him being president. Hypocrite.
That's a National Poll, not NH poll.
It means Slow Joe is in freefall.
a dime a dozen, you really can't differentiate themselves on single payer, on immigration et al, now that gizmo that buttigeg and Pelosi, cooked up, barely worked,
Bernie morphed into pro-open borders... and he's still a communist.
Re: Inga:
I’d prefer no billionaires got the nomination, but Bloomberg sure would drive Trump nuts. He’s already getting under his skin with all his ads.
I keep hearing about how this person or that person (often Pelosi, sometimes others, like Bloomberg here) are able to "get under Trump's skin." But I don't really see any evidence of that at all -- if anything, it's clear that Trump has gotten under Pelosi's skin.
I hear a lot of wishful thinking about Trump's sensitivity. But the plain reality is -- although Trump acts like he's hyper-sensitive to every insult and slight, it's all just posturing. People for whom being liked or respected is a high priority don't double down when their opponents call them racists. They try to ingratiate themselves instead! People who are genuinely sensitive to insults don't just turn on a dime and go from maximum umbrage to praise the way Trump did with Ted Cruz in 2016. When your feelings are really hurt, it's just not that easy. Trump wields his apparent sensitivity like a matador's red cape, and the bulls just keep rushing at it. Looking for someone who can "get under Trump's skin" is just dumb. It's a total waste of time.
Amy has the same problem Scott Walker had in 2016 - they're both earnest and boring. We like that in the Midwest, but it's not terribly appealing on a national scale.
Per my Power Line report, Amy ran for office in grade school. Her campaign slogan was, "All the way with Amy K."
It means Slow Joe is in freefall.
Let's wait and see. Boden said in NH: Nothing’s going to happen until we get down to a place and around the country where there’s much more diversity. And, you know, you’re always behind the eight ball when you’re running in New Hampshire and you have two people from the neighboring states
He's may not be wrong. We'll know after SC...
@Francisco D:
I wonder to whom they are a "little bit to the left".
Maduro? Castro? Lenin?
Oh brother. This is the right's version of what the left does by calling anyone right-of-center "far-right" or fascist or like Hitler. It's dumb when they do it, and it's dumb when it's done to them. I don't have anywhere near the faith in the so called "Nordic model" as those on the left, but it's absurd to say that wanting the US to look more like Norway or Denmark is the same as wanting it to look like Cuba or the USSR.
The gentry libs like Bloomberg. The Bernie Bros however, do not (and many will not vote for him.)
Vice versa is also true.
J. Farmer said: Oh brother. This is the right's version of what the left does by calling anyone right-of-center "far-right" or fascist or like Hitler. It's dumb when they do it, and it's dumb when it's done to them.
Your sarcasm detector is on the fritz.
he's a Trotskyite, soviet tool like Corbyn, and the uk is much more amenable to their idiocy, then again boris seems to be going full skydragon, in getting rid of gas stoves, so honestly they don't have a clue about why they won,
“I hear a lot of wishful thinking about Trump's sensitivity. But the plain reality is -- although Trump acts like he's hyper-sensitive to every insult and slight, it's all just posturing. People for whom being liked or respected is a high priority don't double down when their opponents call them racists. They try to ingratiate themselves instead! People who are genuinely sensitive to insults don't just turn on a dime and go from maximum umbrage to praise the way Trump did with Ted Cruz in 2016. When your feelings are really hurt, it's just not that easy. Trump wields his apparent sensitivity like a matador's red cape, and the bulls just keep rushing at it. Looking for someone who can "get under Trump's skin" is just dumb. It's a total waste of time.”
You make a good point, however I think Trump puts aside these past insults from others when he a USE for these people. I don’t think Trump ever forgets or forgives the insults and I do think they bother him. He gets rid of people he has no USE for. He’s a user and a manipulator
some portion will, don't count on that, because 'they want to see the world burn'
but it's absurd to say that wanting the US to look more like Norway or Denmark is the same as wanting it to look like Cuba or the USSR.
You haven't been paying attention to the rhetoric. Democrats calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda is far closer to those named chaps than a Why can't the US be more like Sweden? agenda.
@Francisco D:
Your sarcasm detector is on the fritz.
Perhaps. But there is still enough people who unironically make the comparison to make my comment worthwhile, even if misdirected ;)
"..but it's absurd to say that wanting the US to look more like Norway or Denmark is the same as wanting it to look like Cuba or the USSR."
You sound a bit naive here -- especially for a PaleoCon.
You think the socialists that ran Venezuela into the ground actually ran on a platform to run Venezuela into the ground?
It doesn't matter that socialists are "wanting" the US to look like Sweden. It matters what the logical consequences of their policies will be for a country of 330 Million (USA).
Haven't we seen this movie before?
Democrats calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda is far closer to those named chaps than a Why can't the US be more like Sweden? agenda.
Can you point me to which of the Democratic candidates made this call?
Iowa results:
2020 latest:
1. Pete 26.2%
2. Bernie 26.1%
1. Hillary 49.9%
2. Bernie 49.6%
That's some good 'management'...
More folks are beginning to realize that a moderate progressive who can get things done and is honest and open can get the most votes. And there is her record: WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar ranks first on a list of all 100 senators with the most bills that have been enacted into law during the current Congress. According to a Medill News Service analysis of legislative data from the independent congressional tracking website GovTrack, Klobuchar has sponsored or co-sponsored 27 bills that have been enacted into law.
@Bay Area Guy:
You think the socialists that ran Venezuela into the ground actually ran on a platform to run Venezuela into the ground?
It doesn't matter that socialists are "wanting" the US to look like Sweden. It matters what the logical consequences of their policies will be for a country of 330 Million (USA).
Haven't we seen this movie before?
Was it single-payer healthcare and a high marginal rate of taxation that ran Venezuela into the ground?
If/ when Biden drops out of the race, what will happen to the alt-right’s Biden industry? I foresee massive layoffs and a reduction in the GDP. Can those workers possibly be retrained for anti-Bloomberg jobs? I’m guessing that many of them could get jobs in the booming coal mining and steelworker jobs in the Trump economy. Coal and steel are booming, right?
There's certainly minor differences between the various Dem candidates. But ultimately, they're close enough. The Democrat field is like a bunch of diners with very similar menus. They all have hash browns, waffles, patty melts, meatloaf, and turkey club sandwiches. The differences between each menu item are slight from one diner to the next, but it's all diner food. With the canidates, it's all big government solutions to "problems". It's all sweeping expansions of government power. Sure one candidate might like "Medicare for all" while another might prefer expanding/enhancing Obamacare instead, and yet another may just propose single payer. But it's all basically the same thing.
What differentiates the Dem candidates is personalities.
When it was revealed in 2015 that the fossil fuel industry knew their actions were contributing to climate change decades ago, Bernie sent a letter to then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking her to open a federal investigation to find out whether the industry violated the law . President Bernie Sanders will ensure that his Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission investigate these companies and bring suits – both criminal and civil – for any wrongdoing, just as the federal government did with the tobacco industry in the 1980s. These corporations and their executives should not get away with hiding the truth from the American people. They should also pay damages for the destruction they have knowingly caused .
from sanders own plan,
how could you livn next to Vietnam and Cambodia, and be so naïve about what these regimes entail,
Hey, lets do things just like Norway (population 5.4 million) or Denmark (5.6 million) or Sweden (10 million). Because its just the same as doing things for 350 million. Right, Iowa?
"I don’t think Trump ever forgets or forgives the insults and I do think they bother him."
Your insight into the minds of people you don't know is rivaled only by Madame Cleo the TV psychic.
Why I'll bet you never even had to go to work to treat patients! The desk clerk simply rang you up, gave you a brief summary, and you came up with an immediate diagnosis and care plan (MD not necessary!), and then rolled over and went back to bed.
wanting the US to look more like Norway or Denmark is the same as wanting it to look like Cuba or the USSR.
You don't get to pick Venezuelan policies and end up like Sweden.
Cool. Because if there's one thing we really need is more laws.
South Bend is the home of The University of Notre Dame. It has the Ear of Christendom. Its the western Taj Mahal. There, lies the heart and soul of every Catholic Democrat voter. They hear South Bend, but they see Notre Dame.
well there again is a question of scale, germany is only 1/5th our size, and they invited the equivalent of 5 million unskilled immigrants into their country, and they are getting rid of reliable electricity, even the eloi had a little more sense,
Farmer: "Can you point me to which of the Democratic candidates made this call?"
from sanders own plan,
Nothing you quoted is even remotely close to "calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda."
how could you livn next to Vietnam and Cambodia, and be so naïve about what these regimes entail
Right, because Sanders getting elected would be just like the Viet Cong and Khmer Rouge. What are you smoking?
Politics is predictable, until it is not.
LLR-lefty and Pro-Democrat Chuck: "If/ when Biden drops out of the race, what will happen to the alt-right’s Biden industry?"
There's lots more socialists/dem morons like you to attack when your hero Biden drops out.
An endless supply really as we are always just 1 generation away from allowing you and your leftist pals to take us over the cliff. We are already far to close to that cliff edge now.
Meade said, "...None of us here at Meadhouse approve of putting people who lose their temper, and throw potentially lethal objects at underlings, in positions of power and authority."
Wasn't this a pretty apt description of Hillary?
Michael said...
Hey, lets do things just like Norway (population 5.4 million) or Denmark (5.6 million) or Sweden (10 million). Because its just the same as doing things for 350 million. Right, Iowa?
2/10/20, 2:23 PM
Not to mention that when the welfare states of those countries were created, they all still had extremely homogeneous populations, with the same values and work ethic.
Sweden's having a few problems these days.
Right, because Sanders getting elected would be just like the Viet Cong and Khmer Rouge.
If you think there's no way it could possibly be just like the Viet Cong and Khmer Rouge, what are you smoking?
Re: Sanders as the second coming of Stalin -- pre-2016, Sanders was comparatively moderate on gun rights. He supported the "assault weapons" ban, but pretty consistently took the position that gun rights were a matter for local regulation. This is obviously not what a true Communist authoritarian would say, and it suggests that Sanders is not, in his heart, the kind of Communist who typically rises to the top in a full on Communist state.
“Meade said, "...None of us here at Meadhouse approve of putting people who lose their temper, and throw potentially lethal objects at underlings, in positions of power and authority."
Wasn't this a pretty apt description of Hillary?”
The farther that Klobuchar gets from Minnesota, the less appealing that she'll be.
J. Farmer @ 1:28 "One possible reason is that our economy is cyclically unstable."
One other possible reason is that our government is cyclically unstable, and overreactive to conditions.
Consider - Economy's going ... okay, not great, not bad. Dems put out programs that allow everyone who can fog a mirror to get a mortgage, regardless of ability to pay back.
Housing bubble inflates a lot. Economy heats up, lots of liquidity suddenly appears... until it's noticed that all those mortgages are NOT being paid, that a lot are just getting resold and resold and resold... until they're essentially junk.
And the housing market crashes. Which prompts a LOT of new legislation to keep that from ever happening again. Which has the added benefit of kicking small lenders hard in the nuts and making it very difficult for businesses to get loans for startups and expansions.
Now, is the economy intrinsically unstable, or are outside influences causing perturbations that would normally damp themselves out relatively quickly without the heavy handed 'help' of politicians who need to be seen as 'Doing Something' about the crisis du jour?
After watching things for the last 30+ years, I've not seen all that many economic situations where governmental 'help' has made things significantly better...
@Big Mike:
If you think there's no way it could possibly be just like the Viet Cong and Khmer Rouge, what are you smoking?
"Possibly" is an extremely low bar. Yes, it's "possible" that upon election, Sanders would dissolve the Congress, ignore the courts, and use military and police forces to impose his will on an unwilling populace as he took control over all state apparatus and made himself dictator-for-like. I'll grant you that that's "possible." Do I think it is remotely probable? Not in the slightest. It was possible that the Trump-is-Hitler screechers were right. Was anyone here worried that Trump would turn the US into Nazi Germany? I certainly wasn't. Was it "possible?" Sure. Was it probable? No.
ah Inslee and swalwell what were they thinking, they were like 'alan smithee' films,
the desire to self immolate seems to be less present even in iowa, then projected, but it's as with the mass extinctions with the end of net neutrality and world war v1 why dd we take them seriously at all?
The Climate Deception Dossiers
This is what was being referenced in Narciso's quote, "When it was revealed in 2015 that the fossil fuel industry knew their actions were contributing to climate change decades ago, Bernie sent a letter to then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking her to open a federal investigation to find out whether the industry violated the law."
Whatever you think of the merits, it is not the same thing as "calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda."
@Farmer very difficult to find numbers to support or refute your comment about Trump escalating conflict in the ME. I did find the following in US News:
"In 2017, the Department of Defense stopped providing military deployment figures for Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. The official deployment data also does not include troops that are "deployed in support of contingency operations," according to the Department of Defense's latest reports.
Outside of official military operations, however, Defense Department data does show a personnel decrease in other countries in the region. In September 2008, the U.S. military had 76,000 employees stationed across six nations: Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. These employees made up 16% of the 484,000 U.S. military personnel stationed abroad. By September 2019, there were just under 10,000 total in these countries, or about 4% of all military personnel overseas.
It's hard to escalate military activity while drawing down 85% of your support tail, if that's what this was. Apparently Jim Mattis talked Trump into sending more troops to Afghanistan. Jim Mattis is no more and in October there were 13,000 troops compared to 15,000 in 2018. Trump has made it clear to the Pentagon that he wants a minimum footprint in the ME. The Generals, as usual, are fighting a rear guard action but know that if they want to keep their jobs they certainly should not suggest sending any more troops. I imagine that many of the troops sent in around the embassy/Solameini period have already returned to their ships. As I say since the Pentagon is not handing out numbers - good for them- it's hard to tell.
As to Trump being Bush III I can only point out our economic state and the confirmation of judges neither of which george would have had the balls to do.
I honestly can't say if Sanders is really an old school authoritarian Communist, but saying things like big oil executives need to be prosecuted for imagined eco-crimes seems a bit over-the-top. Sure, it could easily be dismissed as attention getting hyperbole (obviously Trump is well known for that sort of thing), but all the same it's a little creepy from a guy who infamously honeymooned in the Soviet Union and has repeatedly extolled the virtues of certain communist dictatorships over the course of his life.
Farmer: "Whatever you think of the merits, it is not the same thing as "calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda."
Feel free to remain naive as to the left's intent here.
Speaking of Klobuchar, I happened to catch just a few minutes of the last debate and she was on camera at the time. After an earlier debate there was mention of her shaking or vibrating and the consensus was that she wasn't really, it was just her hair or something.
What I saw on a very large screen in high definition was that Klobuchar does indeed vibrate. It's a high frequency, low amplitude buzz that is more like a cold, wet Chihuahua than a Merkle-like possible Parkinson's tremor.
I don't know what it is, but maybe somebody could ask her.
Hey let's have healthcare like Sweden whose males weigh 180 pounds on average versus our males who are a hefty 196. . We have some super fatties. And, of course, we are noted for our good health and exercise regimens. Sweden has 3.3 doctors per 1000 in population and we have 2.3 per thousand. So our waits will have to be longer. But healthcare! and shut up.
Mead getting honest about Trump's behavior? -- you must be talking to George Conway who know all the inside Aderall, I mean dope about on what goes on at the WH.
One other possible reason is that our government is cyclically unstable, and overreactive to conditions.
Okay, but the economy is intimately linked with the state. You can't separate the two. If you want to talk about some anarcho-capitalist economy that only exists in Libertarian Party members' heads, that's fine. But then we're just having a philosophy seminar.
You don't get to pick Venezuelan policies and end up like Sweden.
Which of the Venezuelan policies are you referring to?
‘Feel free to remain naive as to the left's intent here.’
Drago is always accusing others of mind reading, ha, looks like the kettle calling the pot black.
Can you point me to which of the Democratic candidates made this call?
Do your own homework but I'll get you started...Corporate Executive Accountability Act and Accountable Capitalism Act are Liz Warren's two-step to jail. Bernie Sanders has said he would use the Sherman Antitrust Act to put CEOs of monopolistic companies in jail...
Prosecuting climate skeptics with RICO. It hasn't been a plank of the Presidential candidates that I know of, but is an agenda of several Democrat Senators. Whitehorse, et al. They have a nickname.
Feel free to remain naive as to the left's intent here.
Ah, the I-have-no-response-so-I'll-just-call-you-naïve response. A classic.
minnesota farm guy: "Trump has made it clear to the Pentagon that he wants a minimum footprint in the ME. The Generals, as usual, are fighting a rear guard action but know that if they want to keep their jobs they certainly should not suggest sending any more troops."
These generals, as with the deep staters still in striking position against Trump, are simply awaiting the outcome of the 2020 election.
If Trump wins I suspect we will see a significant number of senior military officers retire and move off into lucrative think tank roles from which they can continue beating the drums for more wars.
We have a literal generation of senior officers who have been taught and trained and conditioned for eternal war. It takes some wholesale housecleaning to alter the trajectory.
Post-Vietnam we didn't find our feet again until the mid to late 80's and then right after that came NeoCon heaven and set us firmly on this course.
Fascist Dems have so many impressive candidates.
"None of us here at Meadhouse approve of putting people who lose their temper, and throw potentially lethal objects at underlings, in positions of power and authority."
Thousand Island dressing is a killer. Just ask any Heart Doctor. Amy puts the Sass in Midwestern Nice.
Admiral Inga: "Drago is always accusing others of mind reading, ha, looks like the kettle calling the pot black."
I suggest you read rehajm's post at 2:51.
Zero mind-reading required.
As always, your ignorance remains invincible.
Tell us more about this astonishing surge in democrat voter enthusiasm.....meanwhile all the dem/lefty/LLR-lefty media types are sounding the warnings that the enthusiasm is just not there and there are strong indications that the suburbs are returning to Presidential General Election norms in terms of republican support.
You can't even admit Carter Page is not a Russian spy! LOLOLOL
Which of the Venezuelan policies are you referring to?
Subjugating business to government.
Do your own homework but I'll get you started...Corporate Executive Accountability Act...
From the text of the proposed law:
"A violation of law described in this paragraph is—
(A)any criminal violation of Federal or State law for which the covered corporation was convicted or entered into a deferred or non-prosecution agreement;
(B)any civil violation of Federal or State law—
(i)for which the covered corporation was found liable or entered into a settlement agreement with any State or Federal agency; and
(ii)that affects the health, safety, finances, or personal data of—
(I)not less than 1 percent of the population of the United States; or
(II)not less than 1 percent of the population of a State; or
(C)any criminal or civil violation of Federal or State law, for which the covered corporation was convicted or found liable, as the case may be, that was committed while the covered corporation was operating under a civil or criminal judgment of any court, a deferred prosecution or non-prosecution agreement, or settlement with any State or Federal agency relating to a different criminal or civil violation."
Setting aside the merits of such a law, it is not tantamount to "calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda."
Amy would be a tough opponent for Trump. She's so fake nice - on the surface - and bland it'd be like punching jello.
Subjugating business to government.
That's done every minute of every day in this country and has been for well over a century. It's called the rule of law. And it's done in every country in the world.
Hey, lets do things just like Norway (population 5.4 million) or Denmark (5.6 million) or Sweden (10 million). Because its just the same as doing things for 350 million.
I cannot recall who Wm. Buckley was debating (about 50 years ago). His opponent stated that Sweden had a better economic system than America. He said, "There is no one starving in Sweden."
Buckey's retort: "and not a single Swede is starving in America."
Trump can't withdraw from Afghanistan till after the election. If he withdraws, and there's terrorist attack, the D's will claim he caused it by the Pull-out. The Bottom line is Joe Six-pack doesn't know why we'er in Afghanistan but doesn't really care that much.
rcocean: "Trump can't withdraw from Afghanistan till after the election. If he withdraws, and there's terrorist attack, the D's will claim he caused it by the Pull-out."
Given how the dems/LLR-lefties praised traitor and Taliban helper boy Bowe Bergdahl (whose direct assistance to the enemy led to American deaths and....a White House Rose Garden ceremony where he was called a hero...literally), it wouldn't surprise me in the least if there were those on the left who would call for action to be taken against American's in Afghanistan if Trump were to initiate a full pull out.
If he withdraws, and there's terrorist attack, the D's will claim he caused it by the Pull-out.
My sense is that for such an agrument to stick, such a hypothetical terrorist attack would have to be clearly linked to Afghanistan (like, the perps recieved training there or whatever). Other than that, any major Islamic terrorist attack committed and/or directly supported by foreign powers would probably end up being an argument for Trump's positions rather than of any of the Democrat candidates. After all, Trump's the travel ban and border wall guy.
@ J Farmer
I do give him credit on borders. He is "slightly better" than Bush, but he also spouts Chamber of Commerce nonsense like "we need the people" and has said he wants immigrants to come in record numbers. Illegal entry is not the only problem this country has with immigration.
I used to be a bit more anti-immigration than I am now, and that comes from a guy who is the son of an immigrant and the father of 6 immigrants. But after looking more carefully into the arguments, a steady flow of incoming immigrants is a positive thing for the receiving country. Granted, there are good immigrants and there are not so good ones. Mostly I don't want immigrants who will import the dysfunction they had in their own countries. Economics are less of an issue. Plenty of poor immigrants have come to this country, worked hard and built something for themselves and their progeny. So while it might seem bad for us to import poor people, in short time they become prosperous and contributing members. It is an investment of sorts in our economy as humans are the most important resource. But the flow must be steady and controlled. Too fast and you harm people at the margins, not enough and you generate shortages in labor. Right now our labor is nearing saturation and new workers will help the economy maintain its growth.
I think Trump is annoyed most by corruption in general, insubordinate bureaucrats, overreaching judges and RINOs/Never-Trumpers.
Trump is the happiest warrior since Hubert H. Humphrey. But he trumps HHH.
Annoyed by Democrats? Au contraire, he is energized.
There is a lot of Shinola out there right now. Here are a couple of useful projects:
1. Think about WWE programs and how they work.
2. Read Andy Kessler’s column in WSJ today.
3. Ask yourself which political commentators have gotten DJT right so far.
4. Read Mollie Hemingway’s Twitter feed and ask yourself what does she get right and what does she get wrong.
5. Look in the mirror every morning and evening and say, I don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow.
6. Be grateful every day when you wake up.
Inga said...
While all the Democratic candidates who are running have SOME policies that are the same, they don’t ALL have the SAME EXACT policies or stances on the issues.
"Do you want that burger with or without sesame seeds on the bun?"
it is not tantamount to "calling for imprisonment of scientists, corporate leaders, and political opponents for failing to support their party agenda.
You didn't finish- it's a two step process. The Executive Accountability Act sets the process of prosecution. The Accountable Capitalism Act sets the rules for what can be prosecuted. Including...
The Act contains a "constituency statute" that would give directors a duty of "creating a general public benefit" with regard to a corporation's stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and the environment, and the interests of the enterprise in the long-term.
J. Farmer said...
That's done every minute of every day in this country and has been for well over a century. It's called the rule of law. And it's done in every country in the world.
Sure, if Venezuela has one problem it's too much rule of law. Definitely.
Milwaukee guy says: Annoyed by Democrats? Au contraire, he is energized.
Trump's Power Doubles After Absorbing Impeachment And so says the Babylon Bee. :-D
"Do you want that burger with or without sesame seeds on the bun?"
My buns have no seeds.
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