February 10, 2020

Is it too late even to try to understand Joe Biden's calling a woman a "lying dog-faced pony soldier," or is this nothing but an absurd epitaph on a dead political campaign?

ADDED: Here's my reaction, and I have not looked at much of the commentary. I think Biden believes he's lovable, and he can kid in a silly way and people will know it's all in good fun. I don't know why he thinks he can swing around so freely when he's trying to gain the deep trust needed to be President, but I don't know why anyone pushing 80 thinks he can be President or why a grown man in politics thinks he can nuzzle and sniff at the hair of young girls other than to think he thinks he's Joe and everybody knows Joe. Joe is Joe.

That's all just pretty crazy but not all that different from Trump's confident barreling ahead, being himself. Maybe that just works. Many people get it. Some people. The only question is are there enough people who connect with that sort of thing. For Trump, there are. For Biden, maybe not, but what other path is there for Biden? Come on, people, get him — understand him the way he wants to be understood — as a fully competent, experienced politician who knows how to have fun with you lying dog-faced pony soldiers.

The only thing I'll add to that is I have and will have a special problem with "dog-faced" until Roseanne Barr is uncanceled. The greatest female comedian of all time was banished from her #1 TV show — had it snatched away and her brilliant character killed even after the actress was booted out — for the sin of comparing a woman to an animal. I was just looking at Joaquin Phoenix's Oscar speech, where he said, "I think that’s when we’re at our best: when we support each other. Not when we cancel each other out for our past mistakes."

BONUS: "Dog-faced" has its own entry in the (unlinkable) OED. The examples go back to 1607:
1607 E. Topsell Hist. Foure-footed Beastes 11 He describeth them to be blacke haird, Dog-faced, and like little men.
1663 J. Mayne tr. Lucian Part of Lucian 272 That ugly, Dogg faced Aegyptian...
2002 Vanity Fair (N.Y.) Oct. 332/1 Degas was not exaggerating when he revealed his dancers to have been a depressingly dog-faced bunch.
Here's that Vanity Fair article about Degas's unpleasant-looking ballerinas. Excerpt:

By the time Degas turned his attention to it, French ballet could hardly be considered an art form. This played into the artist’s hands. There were no great dancers to speak of... no great beauties. On the contrary, photographs confirm that Degas was not exaggerating when he revealed his dancers to have been a depressingly dog-faced bunch.... What he enjoyed was deploying dancers in choreographic patterns of his own contrivance. Ballet had sunk to the level of kitschy interludes in operas—interludes that allowed bored operagoers enticing glimpses of women’s usually concealed legs....

[Degas] wanted to portray his “little monkey girls” under stress, “cracking their joints” at the barre, as he said, their youthful spirits crushed, their muscles in agony, their feet raw and bleeding. Degas—a misogynist in a misogynistic society—equated dancers with animals, particularly the racehorses whose musculature he had painted so lovingly in earlier years. He confessed later in life, “I have perhaps too often considered woman as an animal,” and he told the painter Georges Jeanniot, “Women can never forgive me; they hate me, they can feel that I am disarming them. I show them without their coquetry, in the state of animals cleaning themselves.”...

Degas’s sexuality, or lack of it, has always been a bit of a mystery.... Van Gogh, whose work Degas admired and collected, came up with an explanation which tells us more about himself than Degas, but is nonetheless revealing. He put Degas’s “trouble having an erection” down to fears that sex might diminish his creative urge: “Degas lives like a little notary and does not love women because he knows that if he … spent a lot of time kissing them he would become mentally ill and inept.… Degas’s painting is vigorously masculine.… He looks at the human animals who are stronger than he is and [they] are kissing each other … and he paints them well, precisely because he himself is not at all pretentious about having erections.”


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JackWayne said...

Which raises the question: was his campaign ever alive? Or just the democrat equivalent of Jeb!

hawkeyedjb said...

Joe Biden, a long-time Washington corruptocrat, runs for president on a platform of "I'm Not Trump." Fails to notice others who are Not Trump, can't figure out why he generates no excitement. Joe is the less-honest and dumber Democratic version of Bob Dole.

rehajm said...

As of Thursday Joe was ahead in SC NC and NV by larger than the margin of error. Dead political campaign? Horsefeathers! He's the Comeback Kid!

The leading candidate is still BerniePeteJoeAmyMikeLiz.

alanc709 said...

I'll go with "both".

TreeJoe said...

I've already seen breakdowns of - at best - this confused amalgamation between two 70-year-old movies in the mind of a man showing increasing strain and mild signs of cognitive impairment.

It's not a dead political campaign. It's a dying political party. Sure they may struggle and re-emerge. But the 2020 election is a showcase of the budding dementia within the DNC. Only reinforced by folks like Carville opening saying "You don't say what you mean! Without power, nothing matters, so you simply say what gets you power!" (I'm mildly paraphrasing)

Please don't diagnose this further. Simply see this as what it is.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump survives impeachment. Emerges stronger. Biden sinks like Pinocchio with a rock tied to his donkey tail.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Biden will not be the nominee, said by me after his "listen fat" incident, specifically because of his historical propensity for stuff like this.

Darn it. I was really hoping he would make it far enough to get to the point where he'd show up naked on stage wearing nothing but a cowboy holding a chicken, but even I underestimated his ability to insert his foot in his mouth.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bolton holds the keys to all of Trump's crimes, you pony soldiers. If Bolton tells us the truth about what Trump asked Zelenski - Trump is in big trouble. All of Trump's crimes are being stopped by the big wall that is Bolton.

Leave poor Biden alone. It's illegal to know about Hunter Biden's slick deal with a Ukrainian oil company. Your tax dollars had nothing to do with it.

Lurker21 said...

He says he got it from his brother who got it from a John Wayne movie. He's used it in 2018 campaigning for Heidkamp in North Dakota, and last month with a young Iowa man who asked him if he lied when he said that you could keep your doctor if you like your doctor.

Joe is unraveling. Mentally he's not where he needs to be to win.

rehajm said...

As for the name calling, Joe's sticking with what's 'worked' for him in the past- deflect the tough questions by acting like a tough guy. It's a tactic...

'worked' is relative, as it's helped Joe with a long career in politics but I've lost track of how many times he's run for President and lost...

tim maguire said...


My wife, who is basically moderate, but ultimately is an anybody but Trump Democrat, was watching the debate a couple nights ago and every time Biden opened his mouth, her reaction was, "it pisses him off that he has to be on that stage answering these questions and treating the other candidates as though they deserve to be on the stage with him. He can't believe he has to actually compete for the nomination."

Bay Area Guy said...

In fairness, the video suggests that Slow Joe was joking, not lecturing like when he called the guy "a damned, liar, Man!" and challenged him to a push-up contest.

Regardless, after his 4th or 5th Place finish tonight, it'll all be over for him, and the Dem establishment will have to coalesce around someone else, cough, Bloomberg, cough.

That Prez Obama has not uttered one public word his one VP's candidacy is a pretty big Tell. That's the fact, Jack!

wendybar said...

That's pretty much how Democrats have been treating patriotic Americans lately....

Lurker21 said...

When he starts talking about how another candidate stole his keys and put them in his refrigerator, we will know it's all over.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Dog-faced Ponies hardest hit. Demand retraction for interspecies 'othering'. Furry and MLP community issues press-release regarding harm to dog-faced ponies and common misconceptions.

Dog-faced pony to headline Oscars next year, with parallel cover for Cosmopolitan, and large numbers expected to vote Warren in the upcoming because of her native skill with horsemanship and affinity for lying.

wendybar said...

tim maguire said...

My wife, who is basically moderate, but ultimately is an anybody but Trump Democrat, was watching the debate a couple nights ago and every time Biden opened his mouth, her reaction was, "it pisses him off that he has to be on that stage answering these questions and treating the other candidates as though they deserve to be on the stage with him. He can't believe he has to actually compete for the nomination."
2/10/20, 8:13 AM

Hate to say it, but your wife has an EXTREME case of TDS is she thinks he is okay.

gilbar said...

Serious Question

Will Jo Biden end up with More delegates than Jeb Bush got (which, i think, was 3)?

I want to ask how much money each spent per each delegate acquired;
But Obviously, Tom Steyer will have That record (Hundreds of Millions for NO DELEGATES)

tim maguire said...

rehajm said...
As of Thursday Joe was ahead in SC NC and NV by larger than the margin of error.

There hasn't been a poll out of NV in a month--so who knows?--and his SC lead cut in half after Iowa, with Steyer surging.

Gusty Winds said...

I would guess Biden will hang in there, at least past Super Tuesday. Still think he’ll do well with Southern African-Americans. The longer his campaign has oxygen, the better it is for Trump. After he’s eventually wiped out, is it ok to ask Ukraine to investigate his corrupt family?

traditionalguy said...

The nice young student said she attends Mercer University. That is a liberal arts school in Macon, Georgia. Jay Sekulow and my wife and my Daughter in law are graduates. So why was she in New Hampshire?

The jerk candidate Biden showed us how he treats young women. When molesting them physically is not possible, he puts them down another way to show his power dominance...and SOB he gets his way.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the few people who are actually showing up to see him speak - they get insulted. It is funny.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gahrie said...

The election of Biden (a man clearly suffering cognitive disabilities due to age) is exactly the type of thing the Electoral College was designed to prevent.

tim maguire said...

wendybar said...Hate to say it, but your wife has an EXTREME case of TDS is she thinks he is okay.

Yes, she does. Fortunately, I'm not particularly political and we vote in New York--so our votes don't matter. It's only a problem when she needs me to give my opinion about whatever pisses her off today. Sometimes I flat out say "no," other times we get in a fight.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Dog-Faced Ponies" is going to be name of my post-retirement cover band.
First album will be titled "Road Apples"

exhelodrvr1 said...

I don't think this is anything different than we've been seeing from him for the past 20 years. There is just more coverage of it now.

rhhardin said...

Trump isn't being himself. He plays the role for the occasion. Very different in different situations.

Bob Boyd said...

Biden and Warren both think they're Indians.

rhhardin said...

Biden is Chauncy Gardiner without the friendly upbringing.

rehajm said...

There hasn't been a poll out of NV in a month--so who knows?--and his SC lead cut in half after Iowa, with Steyer surging.

Yup. NV is old and even the SC polls five days old may not incorporate shifts based on the IA results. The latest SC show he's still the leader with high single/double digit leads and he's still leading the latest national polls. Reports of Biden's political death have been greatly exaggerated...

Jersey Fled said...

Bernie will win the nomination if the Democrats don't screw him out of it. Then he will do a Mondale impersonation in November.

Wilbur said...

I would have liked to have seen the questioner's answer to his (irrelevant) question put to her, and then her reaction when he "jokingly" called her a LDFPS.

Seemed the rest of the people in the room laughed nervously, a common reaction by people suddenly faced with an unfamiliar, mildly stressful situation.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Darn it. I was really hoping he would make it far enough to get to the point where he'd show up naked on stage wearing nothing but a cowboy holding a chicken, but even I underestimated his ability to insert his foot in his mouth.

I'm thinking you left a word out there.

But I like it better that way..

mockturtle said...

The big difference is that Trump obviously likes people and Biden obviously does not.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I had a pony! And I was a soldier! When I was a little boy growing up in Poland, we all had ponies and became soldiers! So what's wrong with that!

Birches said...

I agree with you. I think he thinks he's being cute. But if your whole campaign is built on being the Anti-Trump what the hell are you doing?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Leave poor Biden alone. It's illegal to know about Hunter Biden's slick deal with a Ukrainian oil company. Your tax dollars had nothing to do with it.”

Maybe that’s why he’s acting this way. Maybe he knows they have the goods on him and this stuff is a plausible slow retreat from the limelight and it’s associated perils. Ah, leave poor crazy Joe and his ne’er-do-well offspring alone. They won’t bother anyone anymore.

I think that’s the theory I’m going with, ‘cause the pony soldier shit is too lit and too hilarious to just be a random gift from the political gods.

Jaq said...

I thought it was funny. But we didn’t start this any weapon to hand type of politics, so don’t come whining to me if you don’t like it.

traditionalguy said...

The lady's question was a perfect question ( did Trump write it?) Why run on electability when you come in fourth place? That's why he molested her verbally.He is angry at citizens not bowing to his Position.

Jaq said...

That line from the movie “Pony Soldier” where the Indian calls the Mountie a “pony soldier who speaks with tongue of snake” was funny.

rehajm said...

It wasn't that long ago Democrats rallied around deflecting tough questions by attacking the questioner. Chelsea Clinton comes to mind. I suspect Joe was expecting it to be a big applause line...

Bob Boyd said...

Maybe he knows they have the goods on him and this stuff is a plausible slow retreat from the limelight and it’s associated perils. Ah, leave poor crazy Joe and his ne’er-do-well offspring alone.

Like Junior Soprano.

AllenS said...

The dying gasps of a dying campaign.

mockturtle said...

We're likely to see a brokered Democrat Convention in July.

Jaq said...

She took it in very good humor, if she was being honestly attacked. She thought it was funny, possibly even charming.

Deb said...

He gets defensive when he's challenged.

h said...

In my youth I recall hearing a song (internet search tells me it is the 3rd Infantry Division Song that starts: "I wouldn't give a bean to be a fancy pants Marine, I'd rather be a dog-faced soldier like I am."

Even with that in mind, my reaction to Biden's comment was wow, how weird (and on top of calling a questioner fatso a few weeks ago).

Maureen Dowd's column has what is for me the quote of the day --- " we’re fiddling around with a socialist and Encyclopedia Brown,” moaned one top Democrat on the Hill.

Gordon Scott said...

Brave, brave Joaquin! Now that awards season is over, he can have a new tuxedo.

Big Mike said...

That's all just pretty crazy but not all that different from Trump's confident barreling ahead, being himself.

@Althouse, that’s an unbelievably foolish thing to write. Trump’s confidence is based on the success that have resulted from the application of his policies. Biden’s inability to control himself — his anger and his unwanted touching his personal corruption the most obvious — are because no one has ever called him on it before.

BarrySanders20 said...

It was over for Joe when his dentures fell out during one of the early debates. He is breaking down physically. The incoherent rambling completes the breakdown because he is not mentally there either. Obama knows it too.

John Althouse Cohen said...

He says he got it from his brother who got it from a John Wayne movie.

Which movie was that? Slate looked into it and couldn't find the movie.

Jaq said...

Trump had a quote in one of his books where he told Jack Nicholas that he had made more money playing golf than Jack ever did. He never explained himself even though he knew that Jack probably figured him for a jerk. Trump plays his cards close to the vest, because when you start explaining your strategy to people, they start coming up with counters. Rivals have to be kept guessing or they will eat your lunch.

rehajm said...

We're likely to see a brokered Democrat Convention in July.

Ya I've been saying that since at least October. It looks like just another managed narrative. The fact they could get the Des Moines Register poll shelved is a clear signal. NH might be too far gone for those shenanigans but we'll see.

They need to keep the bunch of candidates viable and close enough until after Super Tuesday, then they'll have it made...

AllenS said...

"lying dog-faced pony soldier" is nothing but a bunch of malarkey.

Jaq said...

"and couldn't find the movie.”

He’s pushing 80, it was a Tryone Powers movie. Cut him a break. But no, he is not up to the job of POTUS.

Seeing Red said...

—budding dementia within the DNC. —-

It’s not budding dementia.

The evil, the hatred of America and their goal for us - being canceled- is finally being talked about.

Jaq said...

Makes you wish Hickenlooper hadn’t dropped out.

Jon B. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon B. said...

As another commenter has remarked, "dog-faced soldier" is a phrase from the semi-official 3rd Infantry Division theme song. Everybody who's ever served in the 3ID knows the song by heart (or at least its first verse): "I wouldn't give a bean to be a fancy-pants Marine, I'd rather be a dog-faced soldier like I am. . ." Biden (or John Wayne) might have just picked this up somewhere. I wouldn't set too much store by it.

Sebastian said...

"I think that’s when we’re at our best: when we support each other. Not when we cancel each other out for our past mistakes."

Progs lie even about themselves.

rcocean said...

Joe sounds terrible in this clip, but i was surprised at how light-heated the exchange was, compared to what it seems like in print. Biden IS a likable guy, on the surface. But he's too old and weird to be POTUS.

Jaq said...

Maybe the movie was “The Trail Beyond” which featured Mounties (Pony Soldiers), and I think I have seen it, and IIRC, it was a decent flick, as those movies go.

Above from L-to-R are Noah Beery, Sr., Noah Beery, Jr., Wayne and an unidentified player in this re-release lobby card from THE TRAIL BEYOND (Lone Star/Monogram, 1934), one of Wayne's better films for producer Paul Malvern. THE TRAIL BEYOND is not a "John Wayne playing a mountie flick", but a Northwoods/Canadian adventure yarn. The mounties do come to the aid of Wayne at the end. Baddie Earl Dwire's role requires him to use a French Canadian accent ... and he does so ... poorly.

Here’s a website about Mounty movies.


stevew said...

The only answer that makes sense to me is that Joe is completely unaware of the fact that most people do not find him and his actions to be endearing. In other words, he is aware of that these things that he does are off, not mainstream, but mistakenly thinks people find them quaint and positive.

Equipment Maintenance said...

Biden's pretty old. I'm a little surprised he didn't call her a sockdologizing Old Man-trap!

Beasts of England said...

I want Gropin’ Joe to stick around to ensure a brokered convention. I have nothing against Milwaukee, but I do enjoy watching things bern...

gilbar said...

Hey People!
Here's a (serious) question, that is Totally Off Topic

There was a western, about three boys from texas; and it had a song that went:

Three boys rode from texas, ridin' off to war...
They rode as far as shiloh, but they didn't ride no more

Since i've become a Shiloh fanatic, I'm become fixated on rewatching that movie
Any one remember it? I can't remember ANY Thing about it besides the song
Please help me folks!

William said...

Joe is arrogant. He truly believes that he can say or do anything and get away with it.

He fails to understand that he is RUNNING for an office; he needs to be on his best behavior at all times. It's sad, but I don't think it has anything to do with age. It's Biden: powerful politician from Delaware; got rich; does what he wants; people don't tell him no; people don't criticize him.

Can't imagine the h-ll it must be to be his campaign manager.

Hey Joe -- not gonna work here. Best stay home and count your $$$.

Ralph L said...

he told Jack Nicholas that he had made more money playing golf than Jack ever did.

Big fucking deals are made while playing golf. That's why the womyn tore down the all males clubs.

rcocean said...

Joe can give you stories about Rusty razors, Cornpop, talk of Clipping Coupons, and jokes about Dog-faced pony soldiers. What he can't give you is a coherent answer.

rcocean said...

Three guns to shiloh, made in the late 60s.

h said...

@ Aunty Trump and Jack Nicklaus story. I saw this in the past few days, told from the perspective of a Trump business opponent. WHile playing golf, the Trump opponent told Trump how to correct his grip and Trump's play immediately improved. This warmed relations between the two men, and Trump accepted a compromise offered by the onetime opponent. Presumably Trump made a lot of money from the compromise agreement. And t his was the basis for his claim to Nicklaus. In the retelling Trump admits that he never explained his comment, and that he probably looked like a big-mouth asshole in the interchange.

William said...

He's never had a coronary event like Bernie Sanders, and he keeps his weight under better control than Donald Trump. There are health reasons to vote for Joe Biden if you leave out the other stuff about orientation as to time and place.....I think Hunter Biden is costing him votes, but no Democrat would ever admit that that "debunked" story has anything to do with their change of heart.

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave Begley said...

Bernie and Bloomberg at the end. Amy will be the VP nominee for one of them.

gilbar said...

rcocean said...
Three guns to shiloh, made in the late 60s.

Thanx rc, but IMDB says they've never heard of that title
That will give me something to work with though

rcocean said...

Jess Calhoun: You think all you've got to do to get those Indians to do what you say is to go out and talk with them?

Constable Duncan MacDonald: I have no choice except to get them to talk.

Jess Calhoun: Talk with an Indian? Take it from me, from Jess Calhoun, the only talk the Indian understands is hot lead in his belly.

That's from 1952 Pony Soldier.

Jaq said...

"He's never had a coronary event like Bernie Sanders”

Just a brain aneurism. And as brain surgeons who fix them sometimes say, “Once air touches your brain, you are never the same.” I worked with a guy who had one, before it, he was a brilliant guy who came up with some really cool ideas that worked out in real life, after, he was just another guy like everybody else.

Charlie said...

I know he's trying to be funny when he removes his coat but that was a disturbing gesture. Not as much as the remark, but still disturbing.

Tom said...

Is Rosanne Barr the top female comedian of all time?

Man, that’s tough. If you’re considering top headlining act that translates to mainstream influence, Roseanne is way up there. She was a top act in the 1980s and translated that into her extremely successful show. She also had a clear issue of how working class people navigate this complicated world. Ellen is another female comedian who was a huge headliner who made the leap to TV. She wasn’t a controversial comedian but when she came out, it was a huge leap forward (eventually) for LGBT issues. She’s also had a super long run on TV.

Of course, Ellen faced a mini-canceling when she hung out at a Cowboys’ game with George W Bush.

I’d have more empathy for Ellen if she had come to Roseanne’s defense.

rcocean said...

Oops. Journey to Shiloh (1968). I was thinking of three guns to texas.

Kay said...

I’ve also noticed the same parallel between the Donald and Biden. I don’t like Biden or his style, but he’s so funny to me that I would seriously consider voting for him.

Saint Croix said...

a fully competent, experienced politician who knows how to have fun with you lying dog-faced pony soldiers.

Biden is a bit like Trump, in that he doesn't have much of a filter, and often says exactly what he's thinking.

Except I don't remember Trump ever insulting an anonymous voter like this. When Trump insults people, it's almost always other politicians, or celebrities.

Trump insults the powerful; Biden insults the powerless. Trump is way nicer to ordinary people than Biden. Biden is way nicer to other politicians and heads of state than Trump. That's a big difference, and why Trump was winning from the get-go and Biden is losing.

Charlie said...

Also, watch his comment from a month ago, at the 25 second mark of this video:


BarrySanders20 said...

Obama's silence is the dog-faced pony soldier that didn't bark.

Drago said...

Biden's clear mental collapse while "frontrunner" is the reason for the strenuous efforts on the part of the lefties/LLR-lefties to manufacture an "issue" regarding Trump and dementia, which we have seen on these boards frequently over the last year.

Projection, again.

Now that Biden is clearly collapsing (is anyone giving any cash to this loser any longer?) I wonder if the lefties/LLR-lefties will revert to another of their serial impeachment ploys.

It seems to me emoluments is once again garnering quite a bit of democrat/lefty/LLR-lefty mindshare of late given the collapse of everything else.

I also think we are about 30 days away from another Sudden Rape Memory Onset Syndrome cranking up with 17,396 women coming out of the woodwork to claim Trump stalked them in department store dressing rooms throughout the 70's/80's/90's with the help of a certain current member of the Supreme Court.

Bob Smith said...

Slow Joe was Obamas VP precisely because he was Slow Joe. Made a mediocre Chicago street hustler look smart and important. And as a team they kept the grift and the graft coming.

Chris said...

Trump saying this kind of thing= deranged hateful bigoted racist hitler want to be. Biden saying this kind of thing = well they probably deserved it, and Joe is just keeping it real.

RMc said...

Waiter? Can I have some vinaigrette on my Biden Word Salad, please...?

Saint Croix said...

Sounds like Journey to Shiloh (1968). Early James Caan movie.

narciso said...

man can lie about who was at fault in his wife's death, for 34 years, same old con artist, I heard, trying to bluff,

Tina Trent said...

Jokey turned mean handsy grandpa.

gilbar said...

rcocean said... Journey to Shiloh (1968)

Thanx again rc, it sounds like there were 7 , not 3 boys (one of which is harrison ford!) I'll check it out

Thanx Saint Croix!

Fernandinande said...

Our dogs' faces are rather nice looking, thank you, easier on the eye than most human faces.

Rick.T. said...

Closing song lyrics:

There seven boys from Texas, rode off to fight a war.
They rode as far as Shiloh, and never saw no more.

Miller Nalls, he died a bleedin', from a bounty hunter's gun
And Todo went to glory, beneath a blood red sun.
Eubie's laughter never more is heard, a mortar killed him dead
And Willie fell a runnin'... a bullet in his head
Little Bit he coughed his life out, for him the war was done
And J.C. Sutton's fastest gun had met a faster one
Just one rode back to Texas, to tell the story there
Across the big wide river to the girl with silken hair.

Andrew said...

It's becoming the Don Rickles campaign for president. Who will Biden insult next time?

Don Rickles at the Clint Eastwood roast: "Clint, from the bottom of my heart, you're a lousy actor."

Maybe Biden will start using the phrase "hockey puck."

I continue to believe that a montage of Biden's greatest hits set to the Gordon Lightfoot song "Sundown" will end his campaign.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All Democrats get the "oh ...never mind all the flaws and family money-grubbing - it's a DEMOCRAT!... We love democrats. Fall in line, because ... democrats are good."
The GOP isn't good enough. That's the entrenched propaganda. It was planted long ago.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Saint Croix @ 9:07

Yes indeed.

Iman said...

She was a dog-faced pony soldier
Fond of pasta
Don’t lie, don’t hasta
In the war in New Hampshire

Michael K said...

My wife and I saw the Clarence Thomas documentary Saturday (I recommend it) and were struck by how goofy Biden was during the hearings. He was mugging and acting goofy most of the time, in addition to lying to Thomas.

Goofy behavior and facial mugging is not new for Biden but he seems demented now.

Lucien said...

Somebody musta’ put too much ibogaine in Joe’s covfefe yesterday.

Lurker21 said...

John Althouse Cohen said...

Which movie was that? Slate looked into it and couldn't find the movie.

I couldn't find it either. According to the Washington Post, Biden says it was Hondo. Supposedly in the movie an Indian talks about a "lying dog-faced pony soldier," but they couldn't find it in the script.

Two old guys from a family without much reputation for honesty: they make things up. Not intentionally. They just remember things differently from how they actually happened.


I don't think Biden ever faced any serious Republican challenges to his Senate seat, so he really didn't have to develop his political skills. He probably thought of himself as Middle Class Joe from the neighborhood, a regular guy who people would always keep on electing, so long as he kept riding the train back to Wilmington. The vice president gets a lot of perks and attention for doing next to nothing. The job is also considered the logical stepping-stone to the presidency. Add to that the fact that the guy's been in politics for 50 years and you have a massive sense of entitlement - and also, not much self-knowledge.

Lurker21 said...

Sounds like Journey to Shiloh (1968). Early James Caan movie.

You are making me nostalgic.

I saw some of that movie, and was powerful impressed.

Teacher said it was dreadful, though.

Rory said...

It's been suggested that Joe was supposed to call the caucuses "a dog and pony show," but that he got tripped up when the girl gave him the unexpected answer and he had to go off-script.

Saint Croix said...

I can't believe journalists are still playing that gotcha game of "I can't believe he said that!"

I prefer candidates who joke, say things off the cuff, are spontaneous and surprising. Even if they say something strange or off-kilter, that's way better than the rehearsed frauds and fakers.

To me the scariest shit from the campaign trail is this Liz Warren clip.

If you thought Hillary was robotic, you ain't seen nothing yet, nothing yet, nothing yet.

chuck said...

@auntie She thought it was funny, possibly even charming.

And now the answer to her innocent question is being used to club Biden like a baby seal. Wonder how she feels about that?

gilbar said...

But YEP! that's the movie, and that's the song
But, it Is
There Seven boys from Texas, rode off to a war
one thousand miles to Richmond, is where they were headed for
There Seven boys from Texas, rode off to a war
They rode as far as Shiloh, but they didn't ride no more

I KNEW that i could count on you people! It turns out, that it's on you tube, which is Good, 'cause you can't buy it on american DVD's,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats are attempting to smear and shut-down any investigation into the Biden family personal enrichment scheme with Ukraine and China.

Iman said...

“To me the scariest shit from the campaign trail is this Liz Warren clip. If you thought Hillary was robotic, you ain't seen nothing yet, nothing yet, nothing yet.”

I’ve said for months now that animatronics will only take Warren so far...

walter said...

Gordon Scott said...Brave, brave Joaquin! Now that awards season is over, he can have a new tuxedo.
And a big glass of milk with his edibles.

Re Joe,
He did somehow wrap that weird phrase in a veneer of levity.
But he did call the person a liar.
I like to think the questioner, though smiling, was wondering "Was that an insult?"
Maybe he should have gone with "Look, Governor of Massachusetts, no one says I can't win the general!".
Sadly, Joe was the only one in last debate fully questioning the scale of "change" the free stuff folks were pitching.
I am curious how Dennis Miller comments on this ;)

rehajm said...

Liz Warren is dumb. She has to memorize her lines. Get her in a situation where she has to think on her feet and she's powerless...

Iman said...

“Darn it. I was really hoping he would make it far enough to get to the point where he'd show up naked on stage wearing nothing but a cowboy holding a chicken, but even I underestimated his ability to insert his foot in his mouth.“

Dammit, I’d pay cash money to see Biden do that!

robother said...

I recollect my dad telling us about going to see a 20s-era travelling circus freak named Bobo, the Dog-Faced Boy. Don't know if he rode a pony and told tall tales as part of the act.

Lurker21 said...

It looks like it was just a joke that the audience appreciated and the young woman didn't mind, not Biden lashing out at her. She was so giggly and flustered at the beginning of her question that I could understand even a non-Biden getting impatient with her. But the criticisms still have validity. C'mon man, Biden seems out of touch, and that's no malarky.

Unknown said...

Ann: the difference between Trump and Biden is that Biden habitually attacjs/ridicules his own party's voters and potential voters. Trump never does that. Trump's ridicule is directed at his supporters' enemies or at himself (in a lighthearted self-deprecating manner)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Liz Warren clip - 9:33 - Saint Croix

wow. I was hoping Warren would be an acceptable candidate for the D's. She gets creepier and creepier as the days pass. ... + she often runs to Bernie's left. yikes.

Saint Croix said...

2nd creepiest/weird thing from this campaign...

You can't go to the Pete Buttigieg website unless you first give his campaign your e-mail address and your zip code.

Paul said...

It's just Biden's senility showing through. He can't even remember what he is doing or gonna say so he gives this John Wayne/Tyrone Power quote.

Next time he will say, "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine" when asked a question,

MadisonMan said...

I do think Biden was being jocular. Failed miserably -- because when it's reported straight-up (as the National Press will do now it their attempt to torpedo his campaign) it sounds horrible.
Biden's problem is that he still expects, post-Impeachment, that the Press will keep the gloves on. Nope.

MadisonMan said...

He can't believe he has to actually compete for the nomination.
There is some truth to this, I think. After all, his "good friend" Hillary Clinton was simply handed the nomination. Why can't it happen to Biden too!

Meade said...

"You can't go to the Pete Buttigieg website unless you first give his campaign your e-mail address and your zip code."

How very Obamaesque.

Saint Croix said...

Coolest thing from the campaign trail...

Dave Chappelle campaigning for Andrew Yang.

Meade said...

A soupçon of Barack.

Iman said...

“I shouldn’t have called you a lying dog-faced pony soldier, and I apologize for that.

Here... taste my apology chain, bitch!!!”

—- Joe Biden

Tom said...

Trump and Biden have one big different.

Trump has positioned himself as standing up for those who are getting bullied by the elites.

Biden repeatedly bullies the voters who ask him tough questions.

Trump appear to punch up or at least sideways. Biden appears to he punching down.

Again, none of this is reality - its a perception.

Big Mike said...

Liz Warren is dumb. She has to memorize her lines. Get her in a situation where she has to think on her feet and she's powerless...

@rehajm, please do not use “think” or any other word implying cogitation when writing about Elizabeth Warren.

Foose said...

"Dog-faced" (kunope), also rendered as "dog-eyed," was a popular insult among the ancient Greeks. In the Iliad, Achilles slangs Agamemnon more than once as "dog-faced," meaning shameless -- for instance, when Agamemnon demands Achilles give up his prize of war, Briseis, since Agamemnon has been compelled to return his prize Chryseis to her father.

Drago said...

MadisonMan: "There is some truth to this, I think. After all, his "good friend" Hillary Clinton was simply handed the nomination. Why can't it happen to Biden too!"

Remember "waaaaaaay back" (weeks) when Biden pulled a Hillary and essentially directed Bernie not to talk about Biden corruption in the precise way Hillary directed Bernie, in front of a nationwide audience, not to push the corrupt email line of attack?

In both cases, Bernie dutifully complied in the way you would expect an apparatchik to follow orders.

Biden probably thought he would be in the clear at that point. Trump gets weakened by Sham-Wow-Peachment, Bernie follows orders (again!) and shuts up, Warren has already gone "off the reservation" and muy loca (see what I did there?) and Mayor Pete? Well, what's he gonna do?!!

Biden is looking around now at the debris of what was once a viable campaign (but was it, really? really?) and wondering how it all happened.

The oblivious moron who could only enlist the goodwill of the corruptocrat dems and their LLR-lefty henchmen is now in a world of hurt.

Michael K said...

I don't think Biden ever faced any serious Republican challenges to his Senate seat, so he really didn't have to develop his political skills.

I think that is a reasonable explanation of his behavior over the years. How he became Chair of the Judiciary Committee musty be an interesting tale.

rehajm said...

@rehajm, please do not use “think” or any other word implying cogitation when writing about Elizabeth Warren.

I feel shame...

Browndog said...

Blogger Meade said...

"You can't go to the Pete Buttigieg website unless you first give his campaign your e-mail address and your zip code."

How very Obamaesque.

You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Jupiter said...

"The only question is are there enough people who connect with that sort of thing."

Althouse, the question is, would this corrupt asshole and his Commie friends destroy our country if they got the chance? That's the important question. And the answer is "You betcha!".

The evident pleasure you take in wallowing in this sort of trivia is depressing. You seem to be an intelligent woman -- highkly intelligent, and far from ignorant -- and yet you are unable to grasp that this is serious shit. This is for all the marbles.

Achilles said...

The only question is are there enough people who connect with that sort of thing.

There are people who connect to abusive leadership.

The media is trying to cover their stories up this weekend.

They tend to be violent.

It is a democrat thing.

MAJMike said...

To continue to push Quid Pro Joe along the campaign trail is Elder Abuse.

DavidUW said...

Most people have some kind of cognitive decline beginning around 70. The difference between people who keep their wits is “cognitive reserve”: usually smarter well rounded people can plug the deficit for years if not the entire remainder of their lives. Joe is an idiot who never cracked average and clearly has no cognitive reserve at this stage in his life. He’s demented.

tcrosse said...

So Biden is the guy nobody particularly likes, but who people think other people will like. Until now.

Saint Croix said...

How he became Chair of the Judiciary Committee musty be an interesting tale.

Seniority, I think, is how they do that.

Achilles said...

Deb said...
He gets defensive when he's challenged.

And has a tendency to threaten violence.

His followers and supporters are doing what you would expect when their leaders threaten violence.

They start attacking their political opponents.

Jaq said...

I am more impressed if he made it up himself.

Gk1 said...

A leftie who had been telling me since last March the Joe was the safe choice to take down Trump has all but conceded Slow Joe's mental decline is undeniable at this point. It's still not too late to rig it for someone else but who? At least democrats are finally aware they need to bring their 'A' game to beat trump. That's a step up from their usual overconfidence.

Murph said...

You young'uns might think Roseanne whatsername is pretty funny, but since I'm older than dirt, I'll disagree with our hostess and suggest that no one, no one, beats Carol Burnett for comedy.

MadisonMan said...

You can't go to the Pete Buttigieg website unless you first give his campaign your e-mail address and your zip code
Actually, just an email and a zip code. For example, I happen to know that president@whitehouse.gov, zip code 20001, just entered.

Achilles said...

Jupiter said...

The evident pleasure you take in wallowing in this sort of trivia is depressing. You seem to be an intelligent woman -- highkly intelligent, and far from ignorant -- and yet you are unable to grasp that this is serious shit. This is for all the marbles.

A lot of "conservatives" are right there with her though.

There were multiple violent attacks this week by people who think it is OK and encouraged. There are a lot of people on this board that don't grasp what is going on.

Because they don't want to.

Many people in this country are soft and never had to sacrifice anything for the freedom they have.

The democrats and their allies like Ann and JAC need to get serious and start dealing with the violent shits in their party.

JAORE said...

"...everybody knows Joe."

I think you nailed the problem for Joe.

Sure Trump and Biden both have unique styles:

Trump - Fights

Biden - Dodders

Mike Rophone said...

The term "pony soldier" probably disappeared by World War I. The term "dog face" oe “Dogface” was first used to describe a soldier serving in World War II and Korean War.

rehajm said...

Thao Nguyen has the kind of interesting insight mainstream media would have if mainstream media was run by journalists.

HA- here's a fun one: AOC lecturing us about the famous economist Milton Keynes. (She has a minor in economics, you know...)

GingerBeer said...

Joe has finally lost his marble.

DarkHelmet said...

I'm gonna garner me a troop of dog-faced pony soldiers to take out this malarkey! All the way to New Hampshire! And Nevada. And Alberta! All fifty-seven states! Who's with me? Yeaaaargh!!

Sally said...

Dog-face is WW2 expression for an infantryman. Cf. Bill Mauldin cartoons from Stars and Stripes.

Skeptical Voter said...

Sally is right. Nothing wrong with being a dog face soldier like Willy and Joe.

But the correct phrase for Biden is turkey--like stick a fork in him, he's done.

Dan said...

From Tom Petty's "Yer So Bad"
"My sister's ex-husband can't get no lovin'
Walks around dog-faced and hurt
Now he's got nothin', head in the oven
I can't decide which is worse"

Nonapod said...

I still believe that Biden will ultimately end up the nominee, but I have to admit that it's getting more and more difficult to hold onto that belief day-by-day. In a way, Biden suffers from a similar problem that Hillary has: Initially seeming like a strong candidate but becoming less and less appealing the more you actually hear and see them.

This wasn't always the case. In fact up until recently, Biden always had that likability factor. Lots of people viewed him as good natured, funny, and avuncular. And his many gaffes, which are usually liabilities for most politicians, were generally viewed in a positive way. It was just ol' Joe being Joe. I remember sitcoms like Parks and Rec and Community portraying him in the very, warm and positive light. To be clear, I personally found him pretty unlikable, especially his awful performance in the 2012 VP debate with Paul Ryan. But I know that a majority of people unfortunately found him charming.

But now clearly his charm seems to have faded. Increasingly he seems confused and muddled. His many gaffes are becoming less endearing and more concerning. And he's now regularly angrily lashing out at potential voters who dare ask him uncomfortable questions. He's lost his advantage. Plus he has more troubling baggage than ever, and it's harder and harder for people to ignore or pretend it all away.

JAORE said...

"wearing nothing but a cowboy"

That would be Mayor Pete.

Michael said...

Intertwining narratives about Biden's campaign with stories about a painter who couldn't get it up is very poetic

Nice work Ann.

Narr said...

Maybe Slojoe is the Comeback Coot!

I'm breathless with anticipation

Wilbur said...

I'd like to hear a voter ask him why he lashes out at voters who ask him uncomfortable questions.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

HA- here's a fun one: AOC lecturing us about the famous economist Milton Keynes.

I have some sympathy here. I once extolled the virtues of famous animator Tex Beneke to my sister, confusing her somewhat: How could he do all that and tour too?

Carter Wood said...

Biden was influenced by Mark Oliver Everett, AKA E., of The Eels:

you little punks think you own this town
well someday someone's gonna bring you down
life ain't pretty for a dog faced boy

you take back what you said now
that's the last time i cry
you don't know what it is to be a friend now
'til i walk beside you on the street now

That's E at his creepiest. http://www.eelstheband.com/lyrics/boy.php

Yancey Ward said...

Like Althouse, I thought Biden was joking with the young lady- had I been in her place, I would laughed out loud and not taken offense at all. Trump gets away with it largely because his supporters are bit more emotionally mature by actually being older.

Saint Croix said...

How very Obamaesque.

Well, they all want our zip codes and e-mail addresses, because they all want to hit us up for money. That doesn't surprise me. What surprised me is that I could not go to his website at all.

And then I discovered this weird thing. In my google search, I got the link to his website. Could not enter.

But if you scroll down the search result, you find a second link to the same website. And that takes you right in.

What's skewing this is Google. The paid ads go to the top of the search result. Buttigieg's paid ad is trying to funnel people into giving up fund-raising info. But the top search result takes you to the website.

Similar thing with a Donald Trump search.

The first result is an ad for Bloomberg. The second result is for a link to Trump's website, where you actually have to give money if you want to go any farther. Wow! And then you scroll down, and the third result (the first non-ad) is for his twitter account. And then the fourth result is a direct link to the Trump website.

Yancey Ward said...

It isn't over for Biden until South Carolina at the earliest, but he has to win in South Carolina- if he doesn't, he isn't going to win anywhere. A close victory in SC probably isn't good for him either, but it allows him to stagger forward.

whitney said...

Biden clearly believes in hierarchical power structures. He was number 2 for 8 years and he was really good at kissing ass but everyone else had to kiss his ass. And now he feels like he's still number two moving to number one so everyone is beneath him. Every time any person challenges him he flies off the handle. This is nothing new though it has definitely been front-and-center this campaign. He has been unable to withstand the mildest criticism.

MikeR said...

If Roseanne is really the "greatest female comedian of all time", surely someone wants to make money by making a show for her. See Dave Chappelle.

Connie said...

My first thought was that only a lefty would think they could use the terms "dog faced" to anyone, much less a young lady, without suffering severe consequences.

Iman said...

Apologies to the late Bill Medley...

You look at me and baby, all you see are my hair plugs.
I'm not a bald man baby, it's a feature, not a bug
Dog-faced woman. (Stay away, baby.)
Dog-faced woman. (Stay away, baby.)
Dog-faced woman. (Stay away, baby.)
I could love you so, (no no) I could love you so, (no no)
Dog-faced woman I could love you so.

Yancey Ward said...

Lucid Ideas,

Yes!!!! That is what the event should be called- The Pony Remark.

Darkisland said...

Blogger rehajm said...

HA- here's a fun one: AOC lecturing us about the famous economist Milton Keynes. (She has a minor in economics, you know...)

The part I liked best was her excuse how it happened. She said she conflated John MAYNARD Keynes, who I have never heard called "Maynard Keynes" with Milton Friedman.

Keynes (big govt, managed economy, fascistic, never-never spending) is probably about as opposite Friedman (capitalist, liberal, free-market) as it is possible to be.

Milton Keynes is a large, 230,000 population, city in Great Britain.

John Henry

Wilbur said...

To me there's no question that Biden thought he was being sorta cute or clever, while half-pretending to sound tough. He would've never considered that it would be reported as something else, because he's accustomed to a lifetime of MSM kid gloves.

His expiration date was a while ago and he still doesn't get that he's no longer the Dem's favorite. Not too surprising; I guess not many politicians get in that situation on a very public stage.

And who's gonna tell him?

Mark said...

I think Biden believes he's lovable, and he can kid in a silly way and people will know it's all in good fun.

Guy pisses on your leg. "What's the matter?? Can't you take a joke??"

Sometimes a guy pissing on your leg is not a joke.

There are a lot of passive-aggressive tendencies here.

Darkisland said...

I see a couple others finally pointed out that dogface was a slang term for US soldiers starting in WWII. Still is.

You beat me to it but it sure took long enough!

But a bit of a correction: Dogface refers to infantry soldiers specifically. Often softend to "doggies"

Paul Fussell wrote several great books about WWII, he served in Europe. One, "Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War." has a chapter on language in wartime in which he gripes about Army language and how it demeans the troops. They wear "dogtags" sleep in "Pup" tents, fight in "foxholes" have unit "patches" on their uniforms and some other examples. And of course "dogface" and "doggie"

Interesting book throughout. I Also recommend his collection "Thank God for the Atom Bomb" and "The great War and Modern Memory"

Getting even further OT, I am currently about halfway through "Spearhead" which is a history of the 3rd Armored Division from about D-Day to the end of the war. Excellent book.

The tankers (at least the ones in the book) called the infantry "doughs", shortened from doughboy. I am familiar with doughboy, of course. I've even heard it used occasionally with WWII soldiers though it is mainly wwi.

I had never heard "dough" in this context before. Has anyone else?

John Henry

M Jordan said...

It disheartens me to see some conservatives feigning outrage by Joe’s obvious joke. A bad, dumb joke, to be sure, but a joke nonetheless. But after having endured three years of hell based, in large part, on a Trump joke — “Russia, send me Hillary’s emails” — I’d say turnabout is fair play.

Btw, I made a joke myself on the last three years which, in all fake humility, I think is worthy of a self-quote: “Hey, Russia,” the joke that launched a thousand Schiffs.

Browndog said...

Look, fat. If you don't get what Biden was getting at you're probably one of those donkey-faced hamster cadets.

Yancey Ward said...

"Regardless, after his 4th or 5th Place finish tonight"

Primary is tomorrow, not today.

Yancey Ward said...

Faux outrage is all the rage right now. Biden getting his dish served cold the last couple days with the faux outrage about the Buttuvwxyz ad and the pony remark. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

LA_Bob said...

Lying, dog-faced Biden soldiers on, taking his dog-and-pony-show on the road to nowhere.

Yancey Ward said...

Back to Iowa where Sanders got robbed once again. Here is the Democrat attorney defending the results:

"The incorrect math on the Caucus Math Worksheets must not be changed to ensure the integrity of the process...."

Inga said...

Biden should bow out. First he looks unhealthy, like he could stroke out at any moment, his color is yellowish and that is the color people tend to get right before or after they keel over, just sayin’. Then his reactions to people are strange, over the top, and WTH, dog faced pony soldier, huh? what? It’s painful to see Biden hanging in there, just end it now Joe. Go enjoy your retirement.

nbks said...

I agree with you, Ann, on your comparison of Joe and Trump. One key factor separating the two, however, is that Trump has enough self-awareness to understand that some people don't like him or his style. Joe does not carry that burden.

gilbar said...

Joe is an idiot who never cracked average

well, remember, after he said:
"I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do ...
Biden went on to claim that he graduated in the top half of his law school.
He BRAGGINGLY said that was at 50%+
later acknowledged: “I did not graduate in the top half of my class at law school and my recollection of this was inaccurate.”

The Moronic FUCK, BRAGGED about not being in the bottom half of his class, and then was forced to to admit, that; he, in FACT was: an idiot who never cracked average

FACT CHECK: Yes, Joe Biden is Dumb

LA_Bob said...

M Jordan said, "'Hey, Russia,' the joke that launched a thousand Schiffs."

Ha ha, groaner!

But, seriously, the difference between Trump's and Biden's jokes is that Trump has done stuff, whereas Biden is simply done.

Darkisland said...

I think that, in the context, it would be hard to be taken as a joke.

Perhaps if he had been known to use the lying pony soldier line before, it could work as a joke. He had used it but I doubt anyone knew it. I certainly didn't until I saw the reports.

Or if it was a widely known movie line something like "What we have here is a failllure to communicate" or "Use the force, Luke" are it might work. But an obscure line from an obscure actor in an obscure 1952 movie? No way.

And to just spring it on a person like Joe did? Nope. Not a joke. The woman was probably thinking "Joe just called me a liar. And what is this pony soldier shit? He must really be off his meds. Fuck him. I'm going with Amy."

John Henry

Inga said...

“My first thought was that only a lefty would think they could use the terms "dog faced" to anyone, much less a young lady, without suffering severe consequences.”

Well, I’d say that even lefties do NOT advocate speaking to people, especially in person, like that. I’d say even lefties understand the concept of consequences, it doesn’t have anything to do with being left or right, it has to do with being a decent human being.

Howard said...

If the shoe fits... the poor girl thought he was hitting on her.

It's like Unka Joe can only recall disjointed pieces of anecdotes and catch-phrases from the 1940's and 50's. He then frantically reconstitutes them in a Frankenstein soundbite. It matches his perfect teeth and stalwart plugs.

Inga said...

“I think that, in the context, it would be hard to be taken as a joke.”

So often when Trump’s tweets or comments were explained away as being a joke, I thought this very same thing. It was hard to take what he said as a joke. It sounded to me as if his supporters were merely trying to make excuses for him.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There is a theory at Instapundit as to where Joe Biden got his unfortunate reference from.


So, the question is, how much Native American blood does Joe have :)

Darkisland said...

I like to dream of Joe on the debate stage with PDJT and Joe challenges him to a pushup contest.

PDJT says OK and drops to the floor. Maybe even does a pushup. He seems like he might be able to manage 1 or 2. Perhaps not proper ones but good enough for TV.

Biden drops, tries to do one and his head explodes. A stroke, on national TV.

I don't want to wish a stroke on anyone but you have to admit it would be great TV.

Someone mentioned Joe's aneurism and surgery. He actually had two surgeries and said that they did change him. There's a video somewhere.

John Henry

DarkHelmet said...

The teeth, hair and face are all fake, but the brain is really his.

What's left of it.

n.n said...

A woman, a female, a dog -- a close association h/t NYT. It sounds like a liberal way to call her a bitch... la cabrona h/t Jennifer Lopez.

Inga said...

“The democrats and their allies like Ann and JAC need to get serious and start dealing with the violent shits in their party.”

The Trumpists and their allies need to get serious and start dealing with the extremist violent ideologies advocated by the shits in their party.

Inga said...

“That's pretty much how Democrats have been treating patriotic Americans lately....”

What a silly comment. Who is a patriotic American in your estimation? Most Democrats I know are patriotic. My daughter is a Navy Chief and a Democrat, is she unpatriotic?

FullMoon said...

Worse, by far, was Joe calling for a standing ovation for Vindman during "debate".

Inga said...

“ wendybar said...Hate to say it, but your wife has an EXTREME case of TDS is she thinks he is okay.”

“Yes, she does. Fortunately, I'm not particularly political and we vote in New York--so our votes don't matter. It's only a problem when she needs me to give my opinion about whatever pisses her off today. Sometimes I flat out say "no," other times we get in a fight.”

Oh boy, Trump bringing together couples in marital bliss.

Darkisland said...

Blogger n.n said...

A woman, a female, a dog -- a close association h/t NYT. It sounds like a liberal way to call her a bitch... la cabrona h/t Jennifer Lopez.

A cabrona is not a dog, it is a lady goat.

Its the feminine of cabron which is a more common insult. Call a guy a cabron, in PR at least and it is pretty serious. It could get you shot or at least physically assaulted. It is like calling someone a son of a bitch in english. You might get away with it if you know the person, are joking and depending on context. Probably not otherwise

Calling someone a cabron also carries sexual implications. Again, in PR. Spanish slang is different in different countries.

I was once asked, in a class I gave in Mexico, why I wanted to be in an oven with Ricky Martin. Because I had mentioned that something "Me enfogono un menudo". A common expression meaning that it annoys me a little bit. Enfogono translates literally into putting something in an oven. Menudo means a little bit or small change but is apparently not used outside of PR other than the singing group.

John Henry

narciso said...

I don't know, he seems mean and ignorant, the way he's been since 87, when I first heard of him, but the subprime bankers gave him plenty of scratch, his Sherpa peter galbraith was rewarded for his representation of the kurds,

Yancey Ward said...

Hillary is a goat-faced........

Anonymous said...

Is Pete Butte....(whaterver)… going to get "Swiftboated" with an ocean liner up his ass by the men that he formerly served with in Afghanistan?

I recommend that he stock up on lube.

narciso said...

I would think you'd say 'un poco' conversely bayou in certain dialects means bordello, (Im using the most tactful description)

FullMoon said...

My daughter is a Navy Chief and a Democrat, is she unpatriotic?

Kerry suggests troops lazy, not bright - WND

Benedict Arnold - Wikipedia

FullMoon said...

JK !

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You'd think some honest democrats would want Biden to bow out because of how he connected his son to massive wealth with insider pay-to-play deals with Ukraine.

narciso said...


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