February 3, 2020

"In the more than three years since the tape emerged, it’s become clear that the you-can-do-anything line wasn’t only describing Trump’s attitude toward women."

"It was describing his attitude toward everything: If you’re rich, famous or powerful, you can get away with much more than most people understand. You just do it. You don’t need to worry about ethical niceties or even, sometimes, the law. You use your advantages to bulldoze any obstacles.... Trump does what he thinks is best for him, often in open defiance of rules or customs that constrain almost everybody else.... The country is left with a president who has spent decades doing whatever he thinks is in his self-interest — and a political party willing to protect that president. Staying in power trumps all."

From "The Simple Reason Trump Does What He Does/Because he can" by David Leonhardt (NYT).

In this anti-Trump tirade, Leonhardt never pauses to note that the sense of being able to do anything — to overcome all obstacles in his way — is also a force for achieving good things that benefit the whole country. It's integral to the idea of making America great that binds Trump's enthusiasts to him.


Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I guess David has never met the Clintons.

Paul Snively said...

Mostly, Trump's power consists of inducing his opponents to reveal how vacuous their "thinking" is.

robinintn said...

“Because he can.” Hey that was Clinton’s stated reason for the Lewinsky cigar thing! It was in his book.

JAORE said...

He also ignores the fact that Trump was stating what women would ALLOW, i.e. not forced.

Seeing Red said...

You can do anything used to be an American goal.

You can get to the moon.

You can be successful.

You can become president. (Except if you’re Hillary) there still has to be some standards.

Limited blogger said...

We elected him because he gets things done.

Greg the class traitor said...

"In the more than three years since the tape emerged, it’s become clear that the you-can-do-anything line" accurately described what Hollywoods "liberal" men did to all the women there.


narciso said...

in a similar mindset


Dave Begley said...

Yes! If you are President you can order the FBI and CIA to employ the full spying powers of the federal government to spy on a presidential candidate of the other party. You can also order the federal government to run a point shaved investigation on a presidential candidate who destroyed evidence and ran a bribery scheme through her private server.

Lucid-Ideas said...

When you're rich, famous, or powerful, the DNC let's you buy your way into a contentious primary and change the rules for debates. They just let you do it!

Danno said...

Greg, the term "you-can-do-anything" is hypothetical. Harvey Weinstein, etal., advanced that cocept to doing.

Jaq said...

"Rather: "The central question, if I may, and I know this is difficult, the central question is why?"

Clinton: "I think I did something for the worst possible reason -- just because I could. “


Trump was accurately noting that women throw themselves at "stars”. A lot of guys have been getting laid an awful lot by weaponizing women’s innate hypergamy against their better interests. You can pretend it’s not true, but Trump didn’t use the power entrusted to him by the people to get women like Clinton did.

BTW, imagine a jouranist prefacing a question to Trump with “I know this is difficult."

Danno said...


Nonapod said...

If you’re rich, famous or powerful, you can get away with much more than most people understand.

This statement is no great revelation in and of itself. Everyone has more or less known this forever. But the focus on Trump here is a little puzzling.

One obvious example, Hillary Clinton committed far greater actual crimes that were exposed clearly and obviously for all to see. A normal person would have been thrown in jail. She was forgiven, allowed to continue to run for president, and she still won the popular vote!

I still don't grok why some people still try insist that Trump is "getting away" with things that aren't crimes while simultaneously ignoring the demonstrable crimes of Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Isn't the congnitive dissonance painful?

mikee said...

The critical quote for understanding and appreciating Trump is not the referenced tape about women letting rich guys do anything. That is a generality expressed by rich guys since time began.

The critical quote for Trump analysis is from his tweet about the Squad, where he wrote that the Left's vile anti-American lies "would not be allowed to go unanswered." Trump won the 2020 presidential election when he tweeted that statement.

The Left can’t stand having their own words repeated and criticized.
Doing so destroys them. And that is what Trump is doing.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I shudder when I think of Bloomberg (5'4") grabbing Perez (6'1") by his pussy.

rehajm said...

What law did he break? I don’t remember laws being broken...

rehajm said...

So the impeachment narrative is dead so we’re recycling the Trump is an evil dictator narrative...yet again?

The new narrative must still be in focus groups...

narciso said...

he was describing standard operating procedure at Weinstein, nbc or cbs,

Jersey Fled said...

I'm still amazed that after all those years of public life, so few real people have come forth and said what a jerk he was. Business partners? Former employees? His ex wives? Kids? (Think Reagan's kids) Women he "abused" (maybe half a dozen. None very credibly) Minorities and gay people he discriminated against? (I don't know of any).

It all started after he was elected. Then he was Hitler, a racist, a homophobe, a White Supremacist, an abuser of women, and the latest iteration, my new persoonal favorite, a dictator. I call this new person Strawman Trump.

I have a feeling if I had Trump's money and fame, I'd have alot more people lined up to accuse me than Trump does.

Expat(ish) said...

Mini Mike is 20X as wealthy as Trump.

Can you imagine what he thinks he can do?


Lucid-Ideas said...

When you're a privileged white Becky from Harvard, you can fake being an ethnic minority. They just let you do it!

When you're gay, people will put you on a pedestal because you blow dudes and nothing else. They just do it for you!

When you're black, you can excuse yourself every consequence of bad behavior because reasons. They just let you do it!

When you have a vagina, it's your turn. We should just let you do it!

Temujin said...

The Clinton's come immediately to mind. But so does the entire dug-in establishment of Washington. And New York. Frankly- this is not something unique or new to Trump. It is the history of the world: those who can, will. And the rest of the populace can laud it or hate it, but they tend to have to live with it.

Look at Maduro in Venezuela. Stalin.
Or look at Trump, Obama (he did whatever he wanted and still does). Look at Bezos and Musk.
Look at Bloomberg. Seriously- look at Bloomberg. If you think Trump is an autocrat, wait till the nation gets a dose of Michael Bloomberg.

It's everywhere. But at the NY Times, it's only with Trump. It must hurt to have to squeeze your brain into such a small space.

Kevin said...

Impeachment fail.

“I can do anything” lie now replaces the “fine people” lie.

As you were.

tim maguire said...

Does Leonhardt pause to note that Trump was talking about being rich, not about being Trump and that Leonhardt, and the liberal establishment generally, is going after Turmp simply for speaking an inconvenient truth?

Ironic that this comes out today, when Bloomberg has freshly bought himself a place on the Democratic debate stage. Did Leonhardt pause to note that?

Xmas said...


You don't understand, Hillary and the Bidens committed crimes that the FBI and DOJ ignored or glossed over, therefore they never committed a crime. Trump just said some things that could be crimes if they were followed through on in ways that could be criminal or ways that could not be criminal, therefore we must assume that he wanted it done in the criminal way and must punish him for that crime.

wendybar said...

OMG.. Trump Derangement Syndrome is getting worse!! Imagine what it will be like when he wins again in November??

gahrie said...

It was describing his attitude toward everything: If you’re rich, famous or powerful, you can get away with much more than most people understand. You just do it.

This is a fundamental misinterpretation of Trump's remarks, and it is deliberate. Trump wasn't describing his attitude, he was describing the attitude of others, those who were impressed by Trump's fame.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"When I was in the running for Miss America, I knew that some of the wealthiest and most powerful men in America would be watching, including Donald Trump. It was the experience of a lifetime. Backstage Donald told me he would rooting for me and I was so honored. He could tell I wanted him to grab me by my pussy. I just let him do it!"

- Anonymous

gahrie said...

OMG.. Trump Derangement Syndrome is getting worse!! Imagine what it will be like when he wins again in November??

I'm actually starting to get worried. There will definitely be mass hysteria, and in some places such as college campuses, mass disorder.

Lincolntf said...

Waiting impatiently to see if Iowa Dems go full-blown crazy and give Bernie a "W".

John henry said...

Blogger Expat(ish) said...

Mini Mike is 20X as wealthy as Trump.

About 5 times, actually. PDJT is worth around $10bn (or was in 2015) Mini-Mike around $50bn

John Henry

Gospace said...

Rehjam, I wonder also what laws he has broken. I constantly see social media posts on how guilty he is, and never get an actual answer when I ask "Guilty of what?" It appears GUILTY is sufficient for anti-Trumpers. Doesn't need to be a what.

First it was collusion, an undefinable non-crime. Followed by quid pro pro. And being sexist, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, etc and so on and so forth. No actual evidence needed. Like the impeachment witness testimony. I felt, I believed, I surmised, I inferred, etc and so on and so forth, is not evidence of anything. But it's enough for liberals to declare GUILTY!

Lucid-Ideas said...

Express your Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Even at the cost of your credibility
Just let him do it!

Fernandinande said...

Ruh roh, I think David Leonhardt is a h8er!

Hunter said...

Let's remember the Obama years when people like Thomas Friedman openly wished their president/party could have unchecked power, just for a little while. To help people and make everything better.

Howard said...

But don't think that those figures car actually correct John Henry. It's more like Trump owes 10 billion dollars to the banks and he's too big to foreclose well mini Mike has 50 billion dollars in assets.

NCMoss said...

I wonder where this TDS thing is going; won't the NYT at some point need to pivot and argue how Bernie or Biden or Bloomberg is better than the president.

John henry said...

Blogger Jersey Fled said...

I'm still amazed that after all those years of public life, so few real people have come forth and said what a jerk he was. Business partners? Former employees? His ex wives? Kids? (Think Reagan's kids) Women he "abused" (maybe half a dozen. None very credibly) Minorities and gay people he discriminated against? (I don't know of any).

Yeah but what about all those contractors that he stiffed? You would have thought at least a couple would have been dragged out front and center. No, the best we got was Hillary saying that some unnamed architect at some unnamed golf course didn't get paid what he was owed. Vaguely enough that nobody could check what actually happened. I suspect that what happened was they didn't do a good job and Trump docked his fee.

Same as you would do with any contractor remodeling your bathroom who did a crappy job.

But we heard daily how bad he was with his contractors. Almost never any examples, one carpenter kept getting dragged out until it turned out that he did other work for Trump afterward with no problems either way.

Contractors will work for difficult clients, but will charge more. They won't work for people who don't pay. There is no way Trump could have been in business all that time if he stiffed people.

Nobody even lost money in his bankruptcies. All 4 were chapter 11, in all 4 all creditors were made whole. Albeit not on time. Shareholders, including Trump himself, lost money. But not creditors.

Trump personally lost the most of any of them.

John Henry

Howard said...

This is actually what I like about Trump. He has no filter and what he was essentially saying with the grab the pussy comment was the emperor has no clothes. It's not like what he said was shocking everyone knows the power elite can do whatever they like with the middle and lower class who wishes to climb up to booshwazee status using any means of pleasuring their betters to get ahead. I'm sure there are stories about this type of situation in the Bible it is as old as man

Confused said...

In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we say that the most dangerous opponent is the one who knows exactly what he wants to do and refuses to allow anything you do to distract him from his goals. Politics isn't different.

When your goals are to achieve difficult things in the face of determined opposition, you need a person with a lot of "don't give a damn" in him. We have to take the bad that comes with that (like some cringe-worthy tweets and comments) with the good. A conventional politician with more polish would have long ago been blown off course by the opposition. I think the ridiculous analyses of Trump that we are seeing so frequently are born out of frustration that all the tricks that should be working against Trump are falling flat. Good.

Jupiter said...

Sailer's Law of Female Journalism: The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking.

Leonhardt's Corrolary; The most buttfelt articles by male journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, come the Revolution, things will be run more to Dave Leonhardt's liking.

Jersey Fled said...

More unsupported drivel from Howard.

hombre said...

“The country is left with [the Clintons] who [have] spent decades doing whatever [they think is in their] self-interest — and a political party willing to protect [them]. Staying in power trumps all."

There. Fixed!

And of course the Clintons’ self-interested behavior occurred in the public sector while Trump’s was in the private sector - a distinction lefties seem unable to recognize. There is no evidence that Trump, as President, acts in his own self-interest in the manner that has defined and enriched the Clintons.

Leland said...

Reminder of what was stated: "And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."

For example, if you are Barack Obama, you can open an investigation into the political campaign of the opposition party, and they'll let you do it. If you are Hillary Clinton, you can pay for opposition research, use a cut out to hand it to the FBI, and they'll use the fake research to get wire taps on the opposition campaign, and the FISA court will let them do it. If you are the DNC, you can rig an election against candidates, and they let you do it.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I'd like an example of a Democrat forgoing some good for ethical reasons.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

How in-the-bubble does one have to be to write this and think it's a scathing indictment of only Trump and not the wider "elite" social class of the rich and politically connected (including, naturally, Media figures/personalities/workers)?

The feeling in a large portion of the non-elite nation, maybe most of it, is something like "Trump does what they've all always done, he's just less polite about it, and his brash nature is often used as a cudgel against the people who normally spit on us, so good for him!"

Oh gee, Trump uses his office for his own political benefit? I can't think of any other politicians who do that! Oh golly, Trump uses executive action, recess appointments, and other methods to try and enact his policy/will without being subject to the other party blocking him? That's a first; no other recent Administrations did anything like that.

"In open defiance of...customs" is the fucking point, genius NYT writer. The custom was for the nice Republicans to get called racists/sexists/homophobes and accept it more-or-less meekly, say they're taking the high road, and then lose. Trump openly defied that custom! Can our great Republic survive!? Ridiculous.

The funniest part is people like this writer absolutely CANNOT see this--they cannot understand that Trump is the natural result of the kind of degradation of norms people like this writer have cheered on for decades now.

Jaq said...

Mini Mike is 20X as wealthy as Trump.

Can you imagine what he thinks he can do?

Buy the DNC and choose Presidents?

rehajm said...

Imagine what it will be like when he wins again in November??

I’ve thought about that too. Given that it’s all a combination of sore loser plus propaganda plus a sense of urgency to save the backstop of the Supremes so they can rule forever I suspect we’ve seen peak derangement. That’s not to suggest it can’t sustain peak indefinitely, however. What else are they gonna do?

traditionalguy said...

Trump needs all the optimism his Presbyterian pastor preached. Draining a Swamp of DC Corruption is a Herculean labor. That means firing or retiring 200,000 DC apparatchiks loyal to Soros and Obama and dedicated to destroying the USA. That will require a long march through the Bureaucracy including the Pentagon. Believing it will happen is called Leadership.

Jaq said...

Bernie Sanders winning the presidency will be very Trump-like. Disturbing and something his supporters should consider.

Don’t win! That’s what tRump would do!

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders is now in a position where he must win tonight. The expectation game now disfavors him. If Sanders does win, I predict the story tomorrow from the DNC media will be how Sanders underperformed (it won't matter how much he actually wins by) and how 2nd place greatly overperformed.

Skeptical Voter said...

Leonhardt obviously doesn't get out much. If he travelled down to Washington D.C. he'd meet a whole buncha people who would say or do anything to gain power or to stay in office. Adam Schiff, the pencil necked perpetually prevaricating poltroon, is one such person.

Others have mentioned the Clintons--one of the more successful kleptocratic couples to appear along the shores of the Potomac in the last half century. Going to Congress is a way for many a marginally intelligent person to get rich. Or if you have a wealthy husband or wife (see Feinstein, Dianne; Kerry, John; or Pelosi, Nancy) you can become even wealthier. Others with a drive for power and control can start poor, like Harry Reid, the small town lawyer from Searchlight, and become very wealthy. OTOH that means you can get beat up by your exercise machine (or maybe your drunken brother or some Las Vegas goombahs you disappointed).

So mostly if Trump can and will say and do what he wants, he's just playing by Washington D.C. rules. Leonhardt should grow an intellectual pair--time to be a big boy and see the world for what it is. David a word to the not wise---drop the fantasy life.

Two-eyed Jack said...

In parts of Manhattan, say the upper west side, 93% of the people voted for Hillary. The remaining 7% did not vote exclusively for Trump; many voted third party. Can you imagine what it is like to live there? The deep confusion? There is no one to explain anything to them. They read the New Yorker, the NYT, nothing makes any sense of it. Everyone they talk to is equally confused. They fall asleep quandering whether John Kerry might be a bit more electable than Joe Biden, and wake from nights of disquieting dreams once again transformed into monstrous vermin.

Earnest Prole said...

Shorter version: Trump gonna Trump.

Yancey Ward said...

"It's more like Trump owes 10 billion dollars to the banks and he's too big to foreclose"

His cash flow business isn't really structured this way any longer- his real personal business is more the licensing of his brand. He seems to have learned the lessons of the 1989 real estate bust that nearly broke him.

Jaq said...

@RepJasonCrow: "Professor Dershowitz, and the other counselors to the president, have argued that if the president thinks that something is in his interest, then it is, by definition, in the interest of the American people."

When you are a Democrat, they let you lie in the well of the Senate.

hawkeyedjb said...

"Staying in power trumps all."

There's a bipartisan slogan if I ever heard one. But I've come around to the point where I will vote for Trump, because he actually seems to want to use the power of government to improve the lives of Americans. His leftist opponents want power over the lives of Americans, and not always with good ends in mind.

BarrySanders20 said...

"In this anti-Trump tirade, Leonhardt never pauses to note that the sense of being able to do anything — to overcome all obstacles in his way — is also a force for achieving good things that benefit the whole country. "

It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day

rhhardin said...

Grab them by the pussy wasn't about doing anything you want. It's about what women are after with rich famous guys.

rhhardin said...

The lady talking in the impeachment trial gives a lovely cross-country extended example of narrative interpretation. Things we can't know but can guess with certainty, in events one to one hundred.

Big Mike said...

@Yancey Ward, your cynicism becomes you. FWIW, I fully agree with you. And I’ll go you on further — if he wins New Hampshire that will be because the normally geographically challenged media will discover that Vermont is adjacent to New Hampshire, so of course.l, though the two states are very ideologically dissimilar.

John henry said...

Blogger Howard said...

But don't think that those figures car actually correct John Henry. It's more like Trump owes 10 billion dollars to the banks and he's too big to foreclose well mini Mike has 50 billion dollars in assets.

First, we are talking about net worth, not "assets". Net worth is assets minus liabilities. I suspect you know that and were just a bit sloppy.

the $10bn (or so) comes from Donald Trump's original financial statement to the Federal Election Commission in 2015. It was net worth. Assets MINUS liabilities like loans.

It ran about 90 pages and went into a lot of detail. I looked at it but mainly to see how much detail and what the bottom line was.

Since a lot of it was in commercial real estate you could argue whether a particular building was worth $49mm, or $51mm rather than the $50mm claimed. There is no way to know until someone actually buys it. But nobody has questioned the overall accuracy of the filing, as far as I know.

If he had misstated anything materially, the press and opposition in both parties would have been all over him like stink on shit. If he had lied on the form, he would have been guilty of a felony as well as perjury.

And you really think we would not have heard of it?

Nope, until someone shows me something better, I'm sticking with the number on the FEC filing. It may be more, or may be less today, but I suspect it is still in the ballpark.

John Henry

rhhardin said...

Scott Adams calls Trump's do anything you want, "shake the box."

robother said...

Since Trump can do anything, he should get the DNC to change its debate rules so that he can be in the February debate with Lil Mike et al. Why wait till the general to wipe the floor with these losers? The Democratic primary has already gone on too long. Enter the Sandman!

Jaq said...

Howard worships rich people, therefore Trump must not be rich.

Impudent Warwick said...

Over in the alternate timeline where Hillary won, we are discussing the Weekly Standard piece "In the more than three years since the tape emerged, it’s become clear that the basket of deplorables line wasn’t only describing Clinton’s attitude toward Trump supporters."

John henry said...

Thinking further, If Candidate Trump had perjured himself on the FEC filing, that would be a crime and an impeachable offense.

Not quite as bad as Clinton perjuring himself AND suborning perjury by witnesses but certainly impeachable.

Except if he had lied, he never would have been elected. It would have been easy to go down the list see how much was claimed for each asset then see how much it was actually worth, check for mortgages and such. It's all public records.

John Henry

John henry said...

Why not, Robother?

If Bernie can run as a Demmie, why couldn't President Trump?

Maybe it is time for a fusion candidate like US Grant was.

John Henry

Narr said...

Yep, his enemies may force me to vote for Trump.

There, I said it

Howard said...

Auntie Trump is posting like she is in a drowning panic flailing ineffectively

Paddy O said...

Epstein didn't kill himself

madAsHell said...

David Leonhardt

How does a beta-male end up with that name??

The whole article just says......Trump is more macho than me! Somebody save me!

narayanan said...

Blogger John henry said...

Blogger Expat(ish) said...

Mini Mike is 20X as wealthy as Trump.

About 5 times, actually. PDJT is worth around $10bn (or was in 2015) Mini-Mike around $50bn
How much did Bloomie fortune increase in the past 3 years of Trump - interesting to find out.

h said...

I've never understood the furor over this grab 'em by the ... quote. It was common and socially permissible to say during the Clinton years that power was an aphrodisiac. I know I don't need to explain that, but it meant that many young women, many young attractive women, wanted to have sex with a powerful man, because he was powerful. Trump is saying essentially the same thing, perhaps expanding the observation to include rich and powerful men as the objects of desire.

Seeing Red said...

Via Zero Hedge:

Senate Republicans are gearing up for a three-pronged investigation into the origins of Congressional Democrats' impeachment of President Trump, according to the Washington Examiner.

Oooh, thru election season!

Michael said...

Note that the tape does not say that Trump personally did the things he talks about, or that they reflect his own attitude toward women. He said "you can" not "I did." It is a comment on celebrity and power in the world of that time, which the whole @MeToo project has basically confirmed. The rest is "interpretation."

Francisco D said...

It's more like Trump owes 10 billion dollars to the banks and he's too big to foreclose

I wonder why this unlikely meme is important to you Howard. Do you need to think that Trump has been a failure in business?

If one thinks of him as a success in real estate, then one might have to consider the truly awful possibility that he has been and will continue to be a success as POTUS.

Jaq said...

Lindsey Graham tweeted that they were going to investigation the “whistleblower."

Jaq said...

Democrats should be ecstatic that the truth will finally get out!

John henry said...

Blogger Paddy O said...

Epstein didn't kill himself

And may not even be dead.

John Henry

AZ Bob said...

The one thing they haven't shown is that he has committed "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Jaq said...

You are sort of right Howard. Maybe I should head down to the beach. I am overposting, so touché.

Rory said...

"It's integral to the idea of making America great that binds Trump's enthusiasts to him."

I'm not an enthusiast, and voted for him solely as the lesser of two evils. The Dems have offered nothing to change that view. Again, John Podesta was placed on the convention rules committee just this week.

n.n said...

He never said that it was his choice to reduce women to a diversity class, a colorful clump of cells, available, taxable, and leveraged. At worst, he violated the first rule of social liberal club.

n.n said...

The NYT project where the end justifies the means.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

if he wins New Hampshire that will be because the normally geographically challenged media will discover that Vermont is adjacent to New Hampshire, so of course.l, though the two states are very ideologically dissimilar.

Biden has trouble with that VT/NH distinction, too...

I have family in both places and have spent a great deal of time in both states. Vermont used to have a combination of pragmatists and hippies. My dad's a UVM grad and lived in Burlington when Bernie was still bloviating. The pragmatists thought he was a loon but he wasn't doing wholesale damage so he kind of fit in to Vermont's quirky culture. Today his ideas have taken hold and VT is a lost cause...

I worry about NH. That live free or die attitude is replaced by Masshole tax refugees and the exploding populations in Hanover and Durham. Most of those college kids have swallowed the liberal line...and they all vote. Early and often. NH might be a lost cause, too...

Darrell said...

Yeah but what about all those contractors that he stiffed?

Didn't happen. Loads of contractors said Trump was the best at paying what he owed and not playing games like other builders did--always on the level. There was a press conference full of contractors that said they get their bids on Trump jobs as soon as the notices hit. But Trump projects only paid for work done and real materials used. The contractors the Democrats got to talk shit about Trump were the sleazy scam artists that padded their bills or lied about the cost of materials. Trump had people that kept running total and verified deliveries and work and padded bills got adjusted. The guys that were caught out were the ones crying. And they had a history of doing that on almost every job they did, based on complaints on file.

walter said...

He's recycling..to keep the butthurt going in the female vote.

Kevin said...

The Dems want to make this about personalities, not policies.

They think they're running for Class President.

Darkisland said...

Blogger narayanan said...

How much did Bloomie fortune increase in the past 3 years of Trump - interesting to find out.

Great question

Per Forbes 400 richest lists: $45bn October 2016, $53bn October 2019

John Henry

Shouting Thomas said...

Because he can.

There’s some centralized authority with the power to censor us?

There should be?

Mr. Majestyk said...

Darkisland said:

"Blogger narayanan said...

How much did Bloomie fortune increase in the past 3 years of Trump - interesting to find out.

Great question

Per Forbes 400 richest lists: $45bn October 2016, $53bn October 2019"

Yeah, but that's all because of Obama's great policies! /sarc

Hagar said...

And then there was Kobe Bryant.

CJinPA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CJinPA said...

The country is left with a president who has spent decades doing whatever he thinks is in his self-interest

The exact same could be said for Obama, the Clintons, and most politicians.

Didn't he sense that readers would think that as soon as they read it, even fellow lefties?

Sebastian said...

"In the more than three years since the tape emerged, it’s become clear that the you-can-do-anything line wasn’t only describing Trump’s attitude toward women."
"It was describing his attitude toward everything: If you’re rich, famous or powerful, you can get away with much more than most people understand. You just do it."

So he starts with a distortion. Trump said: they let you do it. Not: you just do it. Hot babes let powerful men do things they would not accept from lesser mortals. After all these millennia, this is news?

"You use your advantages to bulldoze any obstacles"

Again, Trump's point is: in relation to women, certain men don't face any "obstacles." Nor is his MO simply to "bulldoze"; instead, he prefers the art of the deal.

"Trump does what he thinks is best for him, often in open defiance of rules or customs that constrain almost everybody else"

By contrast with leftists, who respect rules and customs, like, say, standing up for the anthem, and the pledge.

"The country is left with a president who has spent decades doing whatever he thinks is in his self-interest — and a political party willing to protect that president."

Huh? Other presidents don't? Other parties don't? In fact, the GOP willingness has been in question; Dem persecution of Trump has solidified the support DL now bemoans.

"Staying in power trumps all."

Not really. Trump gambled on a campaign, and won. Of course, he wants to win again. But unlike the power-obsessed establishment, and the entire deep state, he is not wedded to the job and it power.

"Leonhardt never pauses to note that the sense of being able to do anything — to overcome all obstacles in his way — is also a force for achieving good things that benefit the whole country. It's integral to the idea of making America great that binds Trump's enthusiasts to him."

Yeah, but when was the last time any prog showed any understanding of the other side, or even understanding that such understanding might be desirable?

Jim at said...

I'm still amazed that after all those years of public life, so few real people have come forth and said what a jerk he was.

That's because you're not paying attention.

Hell, the man walked into a fancy, Manhattan department store, snuck into the women's changing room, raped a semi-famous person and walked back out without anybody saying a word.

It's amazing all these things he was able to do in the public eye and nobody saw it or said anything about it.

BUMBLE BEE said...

JFC this is three years ago! Has this twinkie come up with a different angle somehow? As a teacher, wouldn't you say he turned this essay in a LITTLE LATE? If he has no new insight or info to share, it is not presumptuous to assume he copied off his neighbors's paper is it? Neither the author nor his editor can read/hear the spoken language well enough to convey what was actually said by the current President of the United States? Or they brazenly lie about what was said? Three years! Perhaps we should warn captain Smith that there might be hazzards in the North Atlantic this time of year.

MartyB said...

Replace the word "Trump" with "Clinton" (either one) and does the author's view of this phenomenon change?

If you’re rich, famous or powerful, you can get away with much more than most people understand. You just do it. You don’t need to worry about ethical niceties or even, sometimes, the law. You use your advantages to bulldoze any obstacles.... Clinton does what he/she thinks is best for him/her, often in open defiance of rules or customs that constrain almost everybody else.... The country is left with a president who has spent decades doing whatever he/she thinks is in his self-interest — and a political party willing to protect that president. Staying in power trumps all."

If he doesn't recognize this as applying to ore than Trump, his thoughts are worthless.

rhhardin said...

"Trump does what he thinks is best for him, often in open defiance of rules or customs that constrain almost everybody else"

By contrast with leftists, who respect rules and customs, like, say, standing up for the anthem, and the pledge.

I'm with the leftists on this one. It's an insulting ritual to impose on people. People are intimidated into it.

Akin to virtue signalling with the power of a vengeful mob of patiots.

Greg the class traitor said...

rhhardin said...
"Trump does what he thinks is best for him, often in open defiance of rules or customs that constrain almost everybody else"

By contrast with leftists, who respect rules and customs, like, say, standing up for the anthem, and the pledge.

I'm with the leftists on this one. It's an insulting ritual to impose on people. People are intimidated into it.

If showing respect and love for your country are things you feel "imposed" on you, then that's on you, for hating America, not on us, for wanting you outed for you hating of America

rhhardin said...

What has it got to do with hating America. It has to do with hating deranged forms of patriotism.

stan said...

"If he doesn't recognize this as applying to ore than Trump, his thoughts are worthless."


Liberals lack self-awareness. Completely. It's the easiest way to identify one.

JaimeRoberto said...

Trump has lost a number of court cases as president. How many of those rulings has he ignored as a dictator would? I can't think of any.

Greg the class traitor said...

rhhardin said...
What has it got to do with hating America. It has to do with hating deranged forms of patriotism

The pretense that showing some basic respect by standing up and being quiet while the National Anthem is sung is a "deranged form of patriotism" pretty much says it all.

It's a very common form of patriotism. What's "deranged" is having a problem with it.

You're stuck in a wheelchair? No problem, no one's going to give you grief for not being able to stand, Just STFU for a minute or so.

Otherwise? If you were able to get to your seat in the stadium, then your'e able to stand up.

You're not willing to show some respect for your country? then it appears you must hate it

alanc709 said...

They had no problem when Obama's pen and phone thought they could do anything, did they?

Jersey Fled said...

Jim at:

You state that as fact. Proof please.

rhhardin said...

Flag etiquette is a military thing. It's used to drill the individual out and the team in. Think and act as a team. The more meaningless the actual symbol the better for the training.

You don't want that in a free citizen. Quite the opposite.

One virtue in the military is confused with another in the citizenry, independence and distain for meaningless show. We don't do drills here.

rhhardin said...

Count the flags behind Pelosi when she does something horrible.

rhhardin said...

The dems undercutting the american constitution, as they do it, all say the pledge. That's what saying the pledge is worth.

Learn to recognize patriotism.

rcocean said...

The Clintons do what they think is best for them, often in open defiance of rules or customs that constrain almost everybody else.... The country is left with a president and his wife who has spent decades doing whatever they think is in their self-interest — and a political party willing to protect that president and his wife. Staying in power trumps all.

Well, fixed it. Good paragraph - Dave got the name wrong.

rcocean said...

Trump isn't acting in his self-interest. He's a $Billionaire$. He didn't need to run for President or do anything. He's spent 4.5 years now running threw of a river of shit trying to help the American people. And he's had to fight the media and the establishment lying and calling him and his family names EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.

rcocean said...

Demand respect for American flag - watch RH post 10 times
Demand Support for Pledge Allegiance - watch RH Post 9 times.

Everyone needs a hobby.

rhhardin said...

Right wing mobs are as bad as left wing mobs.

rcocean said...

The Bald faced hypocrisy by Liberals at the NYT and WaPo has always been astounding. The defenders of Bill and Hillary. The lovers of Ted Kennedy (the lion of the Senate).
Are shocked, shocked, that Sexual harassment is going on! Why Trump TALKED ten years before he was a politician in private of "Grabbing 'em by the Pussy" OMG! Outrage!

Maybe Trump was just lying. After all, everyone lies about sex.

rhhardin said...

Flag burning laws always fail by one vote. Vulnerable legislators are allowed to favor the law. It's a rare case where the elites are right.

rcocean said...

"Right wing mobs are as bad as left wing mobs."

But much less dangerous. Cf: Antifa vs. Trump supporters.

rhhardin said...

Right, but don't be in a mob at all.

rcocean said...

Burning the American flag is constitutional, burning a Gay Flag will put you in jail.

Question: If a man burns an American and an Israeli flag tonight in Iowa, is that a crime?

rhhardin said...

The flag has to be your own property.

rcocean said...

"The flag has to be your own property."

Then its just trespass, plus vandalism and the cost of the flags.

rhhardin said...

It gets you into the justice system, where hate crime additions take over.

Gospace said...

Not to mention that most of the court cases lost by Trump have been lost by applying that constitutional provision wisely put in by the founders: Orange Man Bad! Without that clause, he'd have won most of the ones that weren't actually thrown out of court.

I particularly admire the decision that said a Republican POTUS is not allowed to undo an executive order from a Democrat POTUS because it's it's unconstitutional, even if the original executive order is itself unconstitutional, as determined in another court.

MartyH said...

Trump has played Toto for the last three years, exposing so much corruption and hypocrisy:

-Trump showed that the Republican Party was a shell, defeating all of the professional politicians and their handlers.
-By winning the Presidency, his opposition showed how desperate they were to lock him out: faithless electors, 25th Amendment, the "Resistance" of Federal employees, Russian collusion, don't normalize him; impeachment in the House; 20 Republican Senators will be absent so the Dems can remove.
-Could the Me Too movement have taken off with Hillary as President? Could Epstein have been brought to justice?
-Horowitz's IG report exposed how corrupt the FBI leadership was.
-Durham certainly would not be investigating the roots of the Russia collusion hoax.
-Would we know that Hillary paid the Russians for dirt on Trump?
-Would we know how corrupt the Bidens are?
-He may be reshaping the Democratic Party as well. Because they have a reactionary opposition to Trump, the Democratic candidates are moving hard left faster than the voters.

Imagine what he could do with four more years...

Greg the class traitor said...

rhhardin said...

Learn to recognize patriotism.

I do recognize it. Standing while the national anthem is being played, and either shutting up or singing along, is basic patriotism. Comparing that to the way the military breaks down and then builds up its recruits is insane.

Doing it doesn't mean you're a good person, or actually honor the US Constitution. It just means your'e not a total prick who is willing to make public the fact that you hate America.

It's why i was so happy last night that the 49ers lost. They should have slapped down Kaepernik the first time he pulled his BS. They didn't, and the NFL jumped off the cliff with them.

So I no longer watch football, no longer care about football (other than always hoping that the 49ers lose), and would happily screw over the NFL any chance I get.

rhhardin said...

What does the flag have to do with football?

Want to know? It's a way of getting the crowd to shut up and pay attention. There are self-appointed enforcers. Marks a transition from milling around to participating in watching the game. Marketing.

The pledge starting the school day is the same deal.

rhhardin said...

Kaepernik was wrong on everything. He thought the flag mattered, and that police were shooting blacks for fun. Wrong on both. It turns out that the right agrees with him on the flag, at least the mob.

rhhardin said...

Catch-22 had a nice chapter on loyalty oaths, which kept getting more severe until a respected person said what the hell is this crap.

Wrongly respected, it turned out, but respected. So the loyalty oaths ended.

rhhardin said...

Doing it doesn't mean you're a good person, or actually honor the US Constitution. It just means your'e not a total prick

There's the attraction, then. You agree.

Jim at said...

You state that as fact. Proof please. - JF

Might want to tune up the /sarc meter. Sorry.

John henry said...


Remind me again, please. Which president first imposed a general loyalty oath of all federal employees? Under lain of dismissal if they didn't sign it(in 1947)

Do you remember which party he was from?

John Henry

Joanne Jacobs said...

If you're rich, they let you grab a spot on the debate stage.

Nichevo said...

Narr said...
Yep, his enemies may force me to vote for Trump.

There, I said it

Oh, I wouldn't have thought there could be a doubt in your mind about reelecting our magnificent, glorious President, whose only flaw is that he cannot run again in 2024.

Nichevo said...

RH, show us on the doll where the flag etiquette touched you.

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Gretchen said...

I think the main thing is that he really does do what he thinks is best for America. His net worth has, unlike Obama or Clinton gone down. I think Trump is obnoxious, rude, overbearing, but he also has a kind heart and does care about people. Countless stories are out there about him connecting with ordinary working Americans, before he was political. I think most of the Democrats like to pretend to care about people, but are fine having San Francisco turn into a turd filled slum in the name of tolerance. Trump wants better for Americans and he knows the best way to help people is through jobs.

Kyzer SoSay said...

When did Ritmo change his name again, and why is he giving out his phone number?

Lurker21 said...

Most of the presidents of my lifetime could have spoken as Trump did to Billy Bush. Some of them could even have done what Trump boasted of doing. I suspect it may sometimes be more a matter of big men talking the way they do because they can talk that way and because people will believe them, rather than them doing what they talk about.

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