February 5, 2020

I do still have the power to make them talk about me — me, #1 me, I am the one with the last word... I destroy you, symbolically, ripping paper... paper covers rock... I mean, ripped paper overwhelms read paper... Destruction trumps Trump's glorious dream of American greatness... Take that, paper... Bleh!... I hate you, damned speech...


Lucid-Ideas said...

They pushed the button and elected her to office
He pushed her buttons, she couldn’t get along
You pushed the button, and could watch it on the television
Civility bullshit didn't last too long
I'm sick of hearing 'bout the Trump Derangement Syndrome
Have some personal accountability
The biggest problem with the way that we've been doing things is
The more we play by your rules, the less you keep your rules for me
Well, she used to stand for something
Now she’s on her hands and knees
Turning in my voter card for this one
And she signs her name with a capital C

MAJMike said...

Still not tired of winning.

Mark O said...

I saw something like this once in the 7th grade.

Beth B said...

Gah, she is ghastly...

rehajm said...

Under modified Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock rules, Lizard rips Paper.

Also: Rock crushes Lizard.

Gk1 said...

This petulant display reminds me of those football grudge matches that get out of hand and it's late in the 4th quarter and the losing side is 17 points behind and starts to get it's scuffling players ejected for Unsportsmanlike conduct. Try to keep some dignity Nancy, at least you will have that on the way out the door.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Lucid-Ideas said...

The stuff political ad boilerplate dreams are made of...

Cut. Edit. Paste. Re-paste. Edit and paste again. Over and over again. A splice of Lemon and Wilson laughing followed by the Iowa Caucus fumbled coin-tosses.

Photoshop some hoods on the white-woke-wahmyns-wooing-wildly for good measure.

They lost last night. Bigly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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traditionalguy said...

Destroying the written evidence already,Nancy? That is cold hearted.

Nonapod said...

I guess impotent tantrums like that must play well with her constituents. Evidently her district has a median income of $111,717, so basically a bunch of privileged bubble dwelling limousine liberals.

Temujin said...

Trump: And we want school choice for our kids. They are our future. They should not be imprisoned in bad schools. There are thousands of parents wanting to have school choice.

Pelosi: Here's what we think of your school choice for parents and their kids: Pelosi's Choice

Bay Area Guy said...

Didn't Nancy used to pray for Trump?

Where's the love.......

Shouting Thomas said...

I loved it!

I thought it was the grand theatrical climax of a night of great theater!

And, remember, I'm a Trump supporter.

DavidUW said...

Given my antipathy toward the gyno-wino-American, did that appeal to the people who voted Dem for Congress critters? I’m not sure

The Bergall said...

I think they both should get married, they'd make the perfect couple............/s

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It really was a moment of clarity. To the hate-filled left cult, perhaps it felt good. But to the rest of us normals, it was Nancy, the insane B, acting like a toddler. Next will she fling some poo?

The Hillary Establishment lost, and the butthurt party continues apace.

The Bergall said...

I think they both should get married, they'd make the perfect couple............/s

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


mccullough said...

I thought it was funny.

It’s like a Screwball Comedy.

But the White Outfits are getting old.

rcocean said...

She's been the biggest clown as House speaker. No brains, no class, no patriotism, no gravitas. A complete embarrassment.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You cannot send your children to the school you want, but the children of these corrupt dictator for life democrats can send their children off the Ukraine to make millions.

mccullough said...

It would be funny if Boehner were still Speaker. He and Trump would have to coordinate the Orange Skin.

rcocean said...

Holding up the impeachment for a month, just showed her stupidity and lack of seriousness. If Trump win in November, look for her to show up in Jan 2021 with some spitballs.

wendybar said...

She and her little white coated cult should all be censured like Joe Wilson was when he screamed "YOU LIE' to Obama when he lied and said illegals wouldn't get healthcare. They acted like 2 year olds, and it is embarrassing. I actually called Pelosi's office and called her out and told her she should apologize to America...because we count too.

Narayanan said...

Grandma Pelosi seems to be choking back sob as she is tearing up the speech

rcocean said...

Now we can get back to what's really important: Giving $$ to the Ukraine.

mccullough said...

Pelosi should have lit a cigarette halfway through the speech.

pacwest said...

The paper ripping is getting a lot of attention, but the handshake stunt is more telling to me. Pelosi had no intention of shaking Trump's hand. She offered it as Trump was turning. He would have had to stop all forward motion (if he even saw it). It appeared an obvious stunt intended to provide fodder for talking points. How dare the cad insult her like that. But she misstimed it, and it didn't garner the desired effect she needed to pull the ripping stunt. Trump was entirely civil, something she probaby didn't expect but she went ahead with the preplanned stunt at the end anyway. What a maroon.

Beasts of England said...

It was a cunning stunt...

mccullough said...

If Trump is re-elected, then Pelosi will not be speaker even if the House stays Dem. the Dems will fire her just as the GOP fired Newt after the 1998 elections.

Francisco D said...

Pelosi's act was planned ahead of the SOTU speech, just as her white outfit.

The Democrat base loves symbolism. It's all they have.

alan markus said...

Our hostess is the Tik Tok fan.

I am waiting for the one where someone captures some of her weird facial antics, set to Lynyrd Skynryds refrain from "That Smell", with flames surrounding her.

Ooooh that smell
Can't you smell that smell
Ooooh that smell
The smell of death surrounds you
Ooooh that smell
Can't you smell that smell
Ooooh that smell
The smell of death surrounds you

That Smell

I am too old and tired to try to figure out how to make Tik Toc videos. Maybe one of those cute conservative/Trump girls can accommodate.

Another thing - during the speech I kept thinking of how it would look if a drone would take her out. A crone drone would do the trick.

Biff said...

That felt a lot like Nancy Pelosi conceding the election on behalf of the Democratic nominee, whomever that may end up being, though a lot can change between now and November.

alan markus said...

And I am referring to Nancy Pelosi, not our wonderful hostess.

AZ Bob said...

The symbolism is that Trump made a contract with America and Pelosi thinks she can tear it up. We'll see about that.

John Borell said...

Like Shouting Thomas, I am a Trump supporter. And I loved it as well.

The whole night was theater, a scripted play where all the actors rehearsed their lines ahead of time.

Just returning from NYC and catching a Broadway show this weekend, I just loved the theatrics of the entire night. Including Pelosi's grand curtain call.

I don't know if Pelosi went off script, but it was simply divine. Yes, yes, it was a terrible breach of etiquette, I know, but still, the performance!

I'm sincere in saying this: thank you President Trump and Speaker Pelosi, you gave me a SOTU I'll never forget.

Narayanan said...

Did Nigel Farage attend SOTU?

Lucid-Ideas said...

One of the biggest no-one-talks-about reasons Hillary lost (twice. don't forget that...she lost twice) was her constant projection of the hyper-aggressive bitter & scorned woman. There isn't quite anything else on earth - among all cultures - that is more off-turning and off-putting.

And what happens last night? Color coordination. Tantrums. Outbursts. Boycotts. Pettiness in-your-face. Bitterness and scorn. It worked so well the last time they must try for a threepete.

The lack of emotional control (typical) is completely unbefitting, but not unexpected. They are woke-wahmyn wearing white with matching pumps. Very tasteful. Hear them roar.

Drago said...

Nancy's worst performance was pretending those murdered by illegal alien criminals released by democrat controlled sanctuary cities are not really dead at all and certainly don't deserve a mention during a SOTU.

Which means Trump bringing it up and appropriately tying those deaths directly to democrat/LLR policies was a direct hit on the left/LLR-left.

Drago said...

Narayanan: "Did Nigel Farage attend SOTU?"

Apparently so, as there were other well known persons who attended who received no press attention.

Stephen said...

The only way she could up the ante is for her to walk out in the middle of the speech. It won’t mean as much if she isn’t the Speaker next year.

tcrosse said...

Let 'er rip!

Big Mike said...

A perfect picture of 21st century feminism.

Jess said...

Galantamine is probably necessary at this time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you watch Nancy reach out her hand, Trump had already turned around. He probably didn't see her hand. But even if he didn't want to shake her hand, it's entirely reasonable. Why shake the hand of the snake? She back-stabbed him with her bogus impeachment sham based on Biden family crimes.

Seeing Red said...

Pelosi failed to use the time honored phrase by which the Speaker introduces the President : I have the "high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States "

Petty mean girl.

jpg said...

Didn't have the guts to do it to his face. Coward. JPG

Bob Boyd said...

Watching the faces of the Dems last night, I realized where I had seen that look before.
It was on the faces of the Texans after their 24-0 lead became a 51-31 loss to the Chiefs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Her behavior during the entire speech was a disgrace.

Narayanan said...

I don't know if Pelosi went off script, but it was simply divine.
Good Cop Bad Cop routine by Trump and Pelosi!!??

Seeing Red said...

Holding up the impeachment for a month, just showed her stupidity and lack of seriousness.

Holding it up because they had him this time and the hammer would fall today.

Gusty Winds said...

Who cares? It was a sign of defeat, and surrender. We all know who she is. She looked rattled to me. Her pretending to tune out. She had to sit there behind the guy who OWNED the hour and a half. Nobody gave a shit about all the white suits. Didn't represent the 'purity' of women they all believe the possess.

And what is with Nancy's mouth? Something is really weird about it; they way she contorts, and purses....with it highlighted by that ridiculous lipstick.

Narr said...

Sounds like I missed a lot--Oak Island and a nice walk in the rain won out.

A only saw snippets--everybody acting in character, though Nancy seemed to have a bigger cob than usual up her ass.

Guess I'll go do my homework

Tommy Duncan said...

If Nancy was a guy she would have brought along a straw and shot the President in the back of the head with a spit ball. Tearing paper is girl stuff.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

Pacwest makes the point I was going to make- the handshake thing was also a Pelosi manufactured item, but she mistimed it so bad it was obvious what she was doing.

reader said...

I can understand the feeling of frustration and anger she is experiencing. I once got so angry I ripped my Tiger Bear poster of Tony DeFranco off of the wall and ripped it to shreds. I immediately realized I had only hurt myself...I had such a crush on Tony DeFranco.

Maybe that's Pelosi's problem, she has a huge crush on Trump? Wouldn't that be better than the fact she has the self-restraint of an angry tantrum throwing nine year old?

Wince said...

The Trump-Pelosi novel is now both a "POTUS Ripper" and a "SOTUS Ripper".

A 'Bodice ripper' is a sexually suggestive romantic novel; usually in a historical setting and always with a plot involving the seduction of the heroine.

The book needs to have a gaudy cover with a woman with an extraordinarily long neck, heaving bosoms, and flowing hair, and a brooding man.

robother said...

Speaking of the white dresses, wonder what Sinema's (Devil in the) Blue Dress portends? She was notably standing up to applaud various times when her fellow Dems were sitting on their hands, sourpussed.

AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leland said...

the handshake thing was also a Pelosi manufactured item

Yep. It is all theater with her including the matching costumes.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

robother said...

Speaking of the white dresses, wonder what Sinema's (Devil in the) Blue Dress portends? She was notably standing up to applaud various times when her fellow Dems were sitting on their hands, sourpussed.

Krysten will do what's best for Krysten, so the sky's the limit?

bagoh20 said...

In just the last few years under Pelosi the Dems have lost over 1000 government seats across the nation. After 2020 her record will never be broken.

The Democrats produce two main results: failure and decline. They do it in everything they touch. Nearly everything and everywhere that is in decline like education, health care, and big cities you can see the results of their work. Why they get any intelligent person's vote is beyond me, but maybe the intelligent simply are not. You add that to the kind of display we saw at the SOTU, and the party is just an embarrassment. Then they have the temerity to attack Trump and his supporters as dumb, ignorant, and uncouth. That takes incredible self-deception. You should never give them power over you, or anything you value.

Paul said...

Ain't it the truth Ann... Even Piers Morgan said she was like a baby in a crib throwing toys in a temper tantrum.

And she is the Speaker of the House!!!

bagoh20 said...

How would you feel if your daughter behaved like Pelosi?

Paul said...

Ain't it the truth Ann... Even Piers Morgan said she was like a baby in a crib throwing toys in a temper tantrum.

And she is the Speaker of the House!!!

Nonapod said...

pacwest said...the handshake stunt is more telling to me. Pelosi had no intention of shaking Trump's hand. She offered it as Trump was turning. He would have had to stop all forward motion (if he even saw it). It appeared an obvious stunt intended to provide fodder for talking points. How dare the cad insult her like that. But she misstimed it, and it didn't garner the desired effect she needed to pull the ripping stunt.

It should be obvious by now that Trump is pretty much a master of live TV choreography. He's a showman who has been doing this sort of thing for decades. He understands what plays well with a very broad audiences.

Nancy is a life long politician who has only ever really had to play to a much narrower audience in much more controlled environments. Her district is the deepest blue possible and she obviously enjoys the massive benefits of long time incumbency and legacy. At this point she doesn't have to worry about putting any effort into reelection. Her constituents will dutifully vote for her regardless. As such she hasn't had to do the more traditional work of politicians, the pandering and the debating in public forums. And I doubt she's had to prove herself to more general audience in decades. Most of her talents lie in behind the scenes manipulations and machinations. In short, she's so far out of her league with this sort of thing it's risible.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Who cares? It was a sign of defeat, and surrender. We all know who she is. She looked rattled to me.

This. It struck me as impotent rage.

bagoh20 said...

Trump gets the Dems to do things the Right would be willing to pay handsomely for. I can't imagine any realistic behavior that would do more damage to the Dems than what they have done voluntarily themselves right in front of everyone. I just can't believe they are that dumb, but their is no other explanation. The stupidest among them seem to have the rest entirely under their thumb.

Narr said...

She's no William Pitt.

That's for damn sure

Bill Peschel said...

There are very few true leaders in Washington. They mostly go along to get along, and since the uniparty wants their snouts in the trough, they're happy to do just that.

Then Trump comes along with his kefavbe wrestling act, and it's like they can't help it. Trump cast them as heels, and they play along.

You couldn't script a perfect wrestling ending for the speech to have Nancy tear up the speech. She played right into his act.

tommyesq said...

I really have no objection to her ripping up the speech - she is likely doing just as her constituency desires and expects. What I object to is that Pelosi, whom I did not vote for and who does not represent me, is some kind of super-congress-person who controls the national agenda. I say the same re McConnell - although I like what he has done, I don't believe that a single senator from a single state should dictate national agenda to the extent the majority leader does. Given that these roles generally go to a congressperson or senator with long tenure, they tend to be filled by people who face easy re-election, so tend to come from hyperpartisan districts like San Francisco (last Republican presidential candidate to win this district was Eisenhower in 1956).

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Dem women wore white to remind us what a big mistake woman suffrage was. Now we're all suffering!

Seeing Red said...

I live in the State of Madiganistan.

He killed it.

Bob Boyd said...

Paper covers rock

Nancy Scissorhands.

Iman said...

An irrational voice of the Vichy rings out...

“ Oh my God, this is the most classless act ever!!!!1!” say the people who don’t find Donald J. Trump’s actions classless at all...

Pelosi’s action was both understandable after Trump refused to shake her hand at the beginning of the evening, and snitty and petulant and weak... As an aside: in the Trump era, any particular thing that happens today must be the biggest worstest mostest thing that has ever happened in the history of the universe. Sure, Representative Preston Brooks brutally beat Senator Charles Sumner on the head with a cane on the floor of the Senate, but yeah, this was the most classless act evah!

More degradation of our politics in the Trump era.“


bagoh20 said...

I kinda of pity Pelosi. She has to sit right there behind Trump while he lists all the reasons he has been and will be good for the country with facts, and she can't agree with any of it. Even if he lied and said "Ms. Pelosi is a beautiful woman" she would have to scowl and look angry about it. It must be torture. If she just loved the country more than she hates Trump, it would be so much easier for her.

Louie the Looper said...

After today’s vote, I would like to see McConnell tear up the articles of impeachment, hand the shreds to Schiff, and tell him he can leave the Senate chamber. He probably is a bit classier and won’t do it.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Then the high priestess tore her copy and said,

..."He has spoken blasphemy! "

AllenS said...

OK, just watched another video, and Pelosi did rip at least one piece of paper. Symbolic gesture, of a meaningless temper tantrum.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the Speaker of the Hoax

Seeing Red said...

I wasn’t aware there were cameras in the Well of the Senate back then, sending out that message to the world.

readering said...

Trump does dramatic stuff for the camera. What a showman. Pelosi does dramatic stuff for the camera. That's terrible.

robother said...

The best SOTU as a kick-off for a reelection campaign ever! Every major theme nailed, with human faces and narratives to make them concrete.

The only thing missing was an image of a do-nothing Democrat Congress, something that would instantly convey that any proposal of Trump'--even ones that that could directly benefit Blacks or working women--would be dead on arrival. Something much less ambiguous than Dems merely sitting glum-faced.... And then, Nancy to the rescue! That image will play n every close House District race throughout 2020.

Bob Boyd said...

This is why they keep the Constitution locked up.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Raging Nancy has a melt down.

Michael K said...

She should just have had her laptop to play video games on, like Senators did during the arguments by Schiff and Nadler.

effinayright said...

readering said...
Trump does dramatic stuff for the camera. What a showman. Pelosi does dramatic stuff for the camera. That's terrible.

You do understand the difference between honoring various Americans during a SOFU, something that's been done for the last forty years or so, and engaging in unprecedented and disrespectful actions.....don't you?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

shades of Sinead?


Jaq said...


Approval of speech broken out by affiliation.

Jaq said...

“You lie!” - Pelosi

Except that Jee Wilson had the facts on his side and Pelosi? Well nobody ever fact checks her for some reason.

Lurker21 said...

Politics as performance art? I don't like it.

I don't think it was planned beforehand, though the idea might have passed through Pelosi's mind. You could see her fidgeting and seething during the speech as though she was trying to come up with some kind of dramatic response. It was a cheap stunt, but the hostility had been escalating for so long that it was going to come out in some theatrical way, and Pelosi was the one who cracked.

Unknown said...

I agree with the Democrats

Trump should be impeached for breaking norms... screw the voters!

Unknown said...

Look what you made me do

Roughcoat said...

It was good of Pelosi to remind us where things truly stand.

Listen and understand, conservatives. The progressives are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Now it's war to the knife.

Tommy Duncan said...

Watch for Trump to end all of his future rallies by dramatically tearing up a copy of his speech and then grinning like the Cheshire cat.

Howard said...

It's a good thing Trump doesn't engage in performance art. That would be unseemly.I think what upset you people is the overton window has enlarged into areas that are not pleasing to your Christian sensibilities.

Martin said...

I give Pelosi a lot of credit--not everybody can be more petulant and churlish than Donald Trump, and on national TV no less!

Policies aside and just speaking to character or personality, Trump has a rare ability to bring his opponents down not only to his level, but even below him so he looks good. Quite amazing.

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pacwest said...

@Aunty Trump
That poll is from the 2019 SOTU.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

readering said... Trump does dramatic stuff for the camera. What a showman. Pelosi does dramatic stuff for the camera. That's terrible.

The OBVIOUS difference is the time and place that they each chose to act.

Trump does his showboating when he is stumping for election, speaking at a rally where he is supposed to "gin up" the crowd. Speaking off the cuff at (not with) the media in casual circumstances. He gave a good, moderate, non dramatic speech.

Nancy responded with a petty childish stunt on the floor of Congress during a Constitutionally mandated event that is of great interest and historical importance. Total disrespect for the Constitutional process, the Office of the President and demeaning to her own lofty position as Speaker of the House and 3rd in line of succession.

If that isn't OBVIOUS to anyone, then brain dead comes to mind.

pacwest said...

"It should be obvious by now that Trump is pretty much a master of live TV choreography. He's a showman who has been doing this sort of thing for decades. He understands what plays well with a very broad audiences."

This one of the points that I find as a downside of the Trump presidency. I fear every election is going to be Barnum and Bailey from now on. If you can't put on the Greatest Show on Earth you don't stand a chance of getting elected. Bread and Circuses all the way down. We got lucky this time, but there are going to be some Neros.

GingerBeer said...

Even before this juvenile act by Pelosi, I found it hard to imagine any circumstance where she retains a leadership role in the House next January regardless of which party controls the House. She's been battered into raging impotence by Trump and The Squad. The Speaker must have above all things control. She has none over her caucus, the House, or herself. Time to start negotiating her book advance and royalty numbers.

readering said...

Distinctions without a difference.

readering said...

What do those attacking Pelosi for ripping up her copy of the speech think of Paul reading the name of the alleged whistleblower on the floor of the Senate?

Yancey Ward said...

"What do those attacking Pelosi for ripping up her copy of the speech think of Paul reading the name of the alleged whistleblower on the floor of the Senate?"

Everybody already knew the name of the whistleblower, readering. It has been public knowledge since early November. The people pretending that the name is still secret, and thus can't uttered in public are the most ridiculous liars of this year to date.

Yancey Ward said...

And, it isn't "alleged whistleblower", you dumb fuck- Schiff and Roberts confirmed the identity by the very act of censoring Paul's question. However, it is fine with me if you want to continue to look like a fucking moron.

Stephen Taylor said...

We really, really need a Sam Rayburn or Tip O'Neill to come along and restore some order and decorum to the House. Sam Rayburn especially would never have put up with this; there would have been no shouting, no walking out, no tearing up the speech, no distinctive clothing and most certainly no impeachment hearings. Punishment for such a thing would have been both swift and severe.

There don't seem to be any men or women cut from the same cloth, which is sad.

Drago said...

readering: "What do those attacking Pelosi for ripping up her copy of the speech think of Paul reading the name of the alleged whistleblower on the floor of the Senate?"

- The "whistleblower" is not actually a whistleblower per the actual statutory language.

- The fake "whistleblower" clearly conspired with Lawfare personnel and Schiff-ty's committee members prior to lodging his "complaint"

- The fake "whistleblower" "complaint" itself mischaracterized the nature of the call (submitted with the thinking that Trump would never dare release the actual transcript and thus exposing the fake complaint's lies)

- The Whistleblower statute does not in any way guarantee anonymity for any reason and only precludes the ICIG from releasing the name, not anyone else.

- There are purported eyewitness accounts that describe the fake whistleblower speaking with other members of the NSC regarding needing to stop Trump policy from occurring....and that other person in that conversation now sits at the heart of the Schiff-ty committee staff.

So I don't think a single thing about Rand Paul reading this lefty plot members name aloud.....Eric Ciaramella.

M Jordan said...

Pelosi’s legacy, R.I.P.

Mary H said...

Honest question: Is there something medically wrong with Pelosi--are her tics neurological?

GingerBeer said...

attn: readering By the applicable statute, Eric Ciaramella isn't considered a "whistleblower." And nowhere in the statute is a whistleblower rendered anonymous. Perhaps you've watched too much CNN.

readering said...

As a fucking moron, I'll go with the Chief Justice's take.
What's the point of the name-calling? Other than that Trump has made it a thing.

readering said...

Pelosi's legacy is looking pretty bright.

Howard said...

Roadgeek makes my point. You people are upset when Democrats use the new space available by the Trump expanded Overton window.

Drago said...

readering: "What's the point of the name-calling? Other than that Trump has made it a thing."

Every republican presidential candidate since 1948 has been called a literal "Hitler" and in 1948 Truman upped the ante by also calling Dewey a literal "Mussolini".

Mitt Romney was called a theocratic Hitler who killed a woman with Cancer.

But yeah, Trump made name-calling a thing!!


It's hard to believe that even you had sufficient gall to even type those words!

Drago said...

readering: "As a fucking moron, I'll go with the Chief Justice's take."

The Chief Justice's "take" does not change the explicit and clear language of the statute.

This is the same Chief Justice who, for the first time in our legal history, rewrote a bill during a Supreme Court case in order to save the bill.

readering said...

From news report:

"The speaker got a rock star welcome from her Democratic Party when she met with them in the Capitol Wednesday morning. Lawmakers greeted her with thunderous applause and gave her a standing ovation when she explained why she ripped up Trump's address. 'He shredded the truth so I shredded his speech,' she said, according to reports.'You are supposed to talk about the state of the union,' she noted, 'not the state of your alleged mind.'"

There were rumblings about her speakership from members before the 116th Congress, and she volunteered to limit herself only 4 more years. I would not like to see it, as she turns 80 next month, but she could probably go back on that today.

Drago said...

Eric Ciaramella.

The fake "whistleblower".


Now readering knows what everyone else in the world has known since November when Schiff-ty was proudly declaring that of course the whistleblower would be testifying.......right up until reports came out that Schiff-ty's staff had been closely coordinating with the whistleblower.

At which point the whistleblower went "poof"!

Yancey Ward said...

I use the name calling for people who pretend to be stupid, readering- I am not going to coddle such behavior with any sort of civility since it would be according such people far too much respect. I think you know that Eric Ciaramella is the whistleblower, so you are just playing stupid, so I will call you out explicitly for that. If you seriously don't know that Eric Ciaramella is the whistleblower, then you are just ignorant. Additionally, since you are going to use Roberts as an argument from authority, I will point out that I think Roberts probably played the Democrats here- if he were really interested in protecting the identity, he would have just read the question out loud since Paul didn't write that Ciaramella was the whistleblower. In other words, Roberts is smart enough to understand the censoring of the question is the confirmation, not the stating of the name itself, and that is why he censored it. I wish he wouldn't play the game that way, but I do understand it from his point of view.

Iman said...


Drago said...

readering: "From news report:

"The speaker got a rock star welcome from her Democratic Party when she met with them in the Capitol Wednesday morning."


CBS post-SOTU poll/Approval numbers:

Republicans: 97% approval
Democrats: 30% approval
Independents: 82% approval

82% of Independents approved of the speech.

Something tells me they weren't giving Nancy a standing ovation....

PubliusFlavius said...

Apparently petulant petty demonstrations are liberating, could the Madam be initiating a fashion?

"Pelosi said she had not planned to tear up Trump’s speech, but she felt “liberated” when she did so..."


readering said...

You think there's a difference between Pelosi tearing up a copy of the speech in a forum with Democrats and doing it at the SOTU. But you don't think there's a difference between Paul naming the alleged whistleblower in a tweet and from the floor of the Senate. (Even POTUS deleted the tweet where he named the alleged whistleblower.)

readering said...

YW that's a long way of saying you use epithets like fucking moron because you lack impulse control.

Narayanan said...

Q: did CJ Roberts put an end to Rule of Law in USA with compliant complicit Senate :-:
When he over-stepped his role refusing to read Rand Paul question?

Drago said...

readering: "But you don't think there's a difference between Paul naming the alleged whistleblower in a tweet and from the floor of the Senate."


The floor of the Senate is where Harry Reid purposely lied about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for 10 years so, yes, the Senate floor is a perfectly respectable place for Rand Paul to speak the truth about a non-whistleblower "whistleblower" who is not provided anonymity by statute and performed a critical conspiratorial role in the setup of an American President and should be cross-examined vigorously.

Drago said...

readering (still playing games): "...alleged whistleblower..."

Eric Ciaramella.

The "whistleblower".

readering said...

Writing the name more than once seems like game playing to me. (Ooo, look at me, I can be a naughty boy!)

Nonapod said...

That Pelosi would get plaudits for her behavior from people who already despise Trump doesn't surprise me. I'm more interested in how her behavior is interpreted by hypothetical fence sitters, the independants, the swing voters ect. Did she move the needle toward her side with this stunt? I find it hard to believe that she did, but I could be wrong I guess. Did she imagine she would persuade people of her righteousness by ripping some paper? Or was that not the goal? Was it simply done to please her base, her hardened supporters, to offer a way for them and her to vent?

Pelosi is often given a great deal of credit for her intelligence even from those that oppose her. And I have no reason to doubt that she's pretty cunning behind the scenes. But when it comes to public dsiplays, I generally don't find her persuasive.

Drago said...

readering: "Writing the name more than once seems like game playing to me. (Ooo, look at me, I can be a naughty boy!)"

What, specifically, is "naughty" about writing Eric Ciaramella's name?

Jim at said...

She most likely lost the election with her childish stunt last night.

And the sniveling left knows it.

Yancey Ward said...

I don't pull punches on people who don't argue in good faith, readering. You get zero respect for exactly that reason. The identity of the whistleblower is one of those litmus tests for good faith, and you fail that test. Asking people to not believe their own eyes is insulting, but you just don't get it, do you? You might as well have tried to argue that people shouldn't say the Sun rises in the east- I would have to call that a dumbfuck statement, too, and I wouldn't try to pretend that you were a reasonable person for doing so.

Narayanan said...

Why did not Senator Rand Paul raise objection?

Can we believe what he claims was on card given to Roberts?

Did he get his card back with Roberts fingerprints?
- For Smithsonian exhibit!

Yancey Ward said...

Eric Ciaramella is the whistleblower. That isn't game playing- it is the statement of absolute fact at this point in time. There would be room to argue he wasn't the whistleblower if Adam Schiff hadn't been redacting his name at every opportunity, including getting John Roberts to do the exact same thing.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Howard said You people are upset when Democrats use the new space available by the Trump expanded Overton window.

I'm not upset at Nancy's and the Democrat's antics. Disappointed. Embarrassed for them. Sad that they don't have the sense to act like adults and have respect for the circumstances and location that they are in. The House floor during a solemn event like the State of the Union speech is not the place to act like a toddler or wife who found out her husband was cheating on her.

I'm not mad. I'm actually laughing at the Democrats. :-D

"Pelosi said she had not planned to tear up Trump’s speech, but she felt “liberated” when she did so..."

Yeah. I can understand that. I feel pretty damn liberated when I get pissed and throw Tupperware all over my kitchen. (I feel stupid afterwards but nothing gets broken...so there is that).

HOWEVER...I have enough sense, self control and decorum to not throw Tupperware in public or at Chamber of Commerce meetings.

Drago said...

According to readering, not only is Eric Ciaramella's name super duper top secret and can never be uttered for any reason anywhere by anyone at anytime, but even the reasons why that cannot be done are super duper top secret too!!

Yancey Ward said...

Seriously, readering, were the shoe on the other foot here, I wouldn't dream of making a fool of myself they way you have here and expect to be treated with any respect at all- I would expect to be called a dumbfuck in that case.

Jim at said...

What's the point of the name-calling? Other than that Trump has made it a thing.

Yeah. We fucking racist, Nazi, sexist, white nationalist, misogynistic bigots should just stop with all the name-calling.

I'll get right on that, chief.

Yancey Ward said...

However, I give Roberts some leeway here- I think he knew just how transparently stupid the behavior of the Schiff was in this case and decided to just let Schiff own it since he could just let people assume all of this was at the direction of Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer.

Seeing Red said...

According to readering, not only is Eric Ciaramella's name super duper top secret and can never be uttered for any reason anywhere by anyone at anytime, but even the reasons why that cannot be done are super duper top secret too!!

I guess he didn't see Schiff's Thanksgiving photo with he, his wife, his daughter and "whistleblower Eric."

Seeing Red said...

Interesting background, that Eric.

Gk1 said...

Back to back own goals for the democrats these days. Failed Impeachment. Failed Iowa caucus debacle. Failed infantile reaction to the presidents positive SOTU address. I dunno, maybe I can get sick of so much winning in one week. For instance I LOVE kettle cooked potato chips and french onion sour cream dip but even I have to step away for a day or two.

pacwest said...

I just saw a closeup video of Pelosi during the speech. She brings the papers under the table so no one can see and tests the strength of the paper to see how hard it will be to tear. There's no mistaking it. LMFAO.

Drago said...

pacwest: "I just saw a closeup video of Pelosi during the speech. She brings the papers under the table so no one can see and tests the strength of the paper to see how hard it will be to tear. There's no mistaking it. LMFAO."

The Daily Mail has the video on slow-mo which conclusively proves Nancy was pre-ripping the paper to test it!!

Now that its been exposed, I fully expect readering to come along and tell us it is "naughty" to continue to discuss such things which are obviously true to any breathing human.

hstad said...

"Grand Strategist" [according to NY Times]! This action [and impeachment], will be replayed endlessly until November, plus sealed Trump's reelection. Truly astounding how she became a 'dunce' in a few short months.

Trump is having 2 good weeks! Keep it up Dems!

Yancey Ward said...

Maybe Trump gave her a perforated copy for easier tearing, or, at least, a "fold here to tear" direction.

Gk1 said...

HAH! Hilarious. Master strategist indeed. She needs to prep her "spontaneous" temper tantrum but testing how hard it is to rip a speech up. Good grief.

reader said...

Compare the reaction to Pelosi/Trump to Justice Alito/Obama.

Marc in Eugene said...

Our hostess is the Tik Tok fan.

I believe I recall that she wrtoe that she's done posting Toks here. For what it's worth, I searched #pelosi and went through perhaps fifteen videos with that hashtag: all of them were anti-Pelosi.

Bilwick said...

Given what a State-fellating New Tory Pelosi is, I wouldn't be surprised if what she were tearing up was a copy of that radical anti-statist manifesto, the Declaration of Independence.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well assuming that Trump gets re-elected and Nan the Ripper is still Speaker of the House (which assumes the Dem majority survives) next year's State of the Union Address--or at least the copy handed to Nancy Pelosi-- should be printed on Tyvek---see if she can rip that!

Nonapod had a point in an earlier comment on this post. Nancy's control of the Speakership and the House is based on her incredible fund raising prowess. That sort of stuff is done in small groups and behind closed doors. The skill set there doesn't always translate well to a broader public stage. But the Dems in Congress could put up with that lack of public stage prowess because she brought in the cash--and distributed it.

This "good behind closed doors" also explains Harry Reid. He was the hatchet man that Senator majority leaders kept in the closet. Good at what he did, but you locked him up like a crazy uncle when company came for dinner. Well Harry's gone from Washington--and Nancy should be.

Gospace said...

Whistleblower laws do not exist to provide anonymity to whistleblowers, and anyone who says elsewise is lying. The purpose is quite the opposite. It's to bring the whistleblower forward to present his testimony. Anonymous complaints of "I saw this." are inadmissable in court. The whistleblower laws protect the whistleblower from retaliation - if he's not committing perjury. An anonymous complaint of a verifiable fact like "On this date it was recorded we received 25 widgets and the fictitious company that provided the invoice was paid. The widgets were never received and not entered into inventory." can be checked and verified. An anonymous complaint that consists of I saw (or heard or witnessed) this action taking place." cannot be verified. It's a worthless statement if the accuser doesn't come forward.

Birkel said...

How the hell does readering know who the whistleblower is?

Even Adam Schitt doesn't know that information.
Shame on readering for leaking the name.

Xhe should be ashamed of xerself.

readering said...

What passes for humor among commenters.

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