February 25, 2020

Fake news from 2015, circulated and debunked in 2018, is making the rounds on social media once again.

Are you seeing this thing?

The violent imagery is causing some tingles among Trump haters, but it's fake news. If you see it, it's very easy to drop this link to Snopes.
On 5 February 2018, Shaun Usher, the owner of the blog “Letters of Note” posted an image on Twitter that purported to show Donald Trump opining that any president presiding over the United States during a stock market crash of more than 1,000 points should be “shot out of a cannon.”... Apparently quickly remorseful for the rapid spread of the inauthentic tweet, Usher tried to backtrack....
Usher tweeted:  "Sweet mother of god. Not for one second did I think people would believe that to be genuine"/"omg it’s everywhere. What have I done"/"siri can i be arrested for making a fake tweet."

And Usher told Snopes he'd faked it. And: "Naively thought it too ridiculous to be believable. Says a lot, really. Was going to delete it but it was everywhere within minutes: feels like I need to leave it up in its place of birth."

Now, that is partly Trump's responsibility. He's tweeted wildly enough that it's made people credulous about any assertion of what he might have said, especially if you don't get his style of humor.


Temujin said...

I don't believe Shaun Usher.

rehajm said...

Who is Shaun Usher?

On the internet, nobody knows you're a nobody.

gilbar said...

Isn't it FINE, to make lies about a republican?
Isn't it FINE, to spread those lies?
I mean,
we're talking about a republican; if we were stuck using the truth, we wouldn't have much dirt

Kevin said...

He's tweeted wildly enough that it's made people credulous about any assertion of what he might have said, especially if you don't get his style of humor.

You never know what Trump might say.

Pretty soon he’ll be calling white nationalists “fine people”.

Kevin said...

Our media is more interested in what Trump didn’t say than what Biden, Warren, and Sanders did.

Fernandinande said...

At least he didn't say shot into Uranus.

rhhardin said...

You have to index 1000 for the value of the market as it rises, so it's a constant percentage. 1000 points would have been a big deal in the 70s when it was at 700.

Aside from its being faked as from Trump.

henry said...

Ho hum, media repeating social media fiction as fact. Layers of editors!!!

rhhardin said...

Now, that is partly Trump's responsibility. He's tweeted wildly enough that it's made people credulous about any assertion of what he might have said

People not getting it is part of the Trump humor. It amuses people who do get it.

Today's theme is Althouse Triggered.

rehajm said...

1,000 Dow points in 2015 are worth about 6 percent.

1,000 Dow points in 2020 are worth about 3 percent.

Blaid Drwg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jeff Brokaw said...

Anyone who believes Trump would tweet “Dow Joans” is a moron.

The idea that Trump is partly responsible for morons: false.

Jaq said...

Why haven’t they arrested him for stock fraud yet when he said yesterday that the markets looked like a good time to buy?

Comey threw Martha Stewart in prison for claiming she was innocent “securities fraud” while never actually proving that she was guilty.

gilbar said...

This is only the third instance in which it fell by so many points but it was the 229th largest percentage drop since 1900, according to Compound Capital Advisors—the sort of event that happens twice a year on average. WSJ

Jaq said...

The specter of President Sanders has entered the building.

People with money turned white and shit their pants when they saw that he is pretty much a mortal lock for the nomination.

Jaq said...

"Now, that is partly Trump's responsibility. “

"He left himself open for it” might be a better way to phrase it. But he didn’t create a left full of people who simply run with whatever they feel despite overwhelming evidence. Like "Russian collueion"

paminwi said...

YEAH! to Jeff Brokaw comment at 7:10am.

Things that Trump had nothing to do with are now his fault.
What a dumb world we live in.
And educated bloggers make these comments.

Jaq said...

I blame Kos and his popularizatino of "winnerism". It’s fun to pretend to believe stuff and is an effective political technique. They all pretend to believe CBF over Kavanaugh, and after a while, they are not even sure they are pretending.

Automatic_Wing said...

As George Costanza said, it's not a lie if you believe it.

Jeff Brokaw said...

“He's tweeted wildly enough that it's made people credulous about any assertion of what he might have said”

Not really. The things Trump tweets, while they offend the tender sensibilities of the nobility, and exaggerate the facts, get into juvenile name-calling, are generally (“directionally”) true and accurate. He just doesn’t sugar coat it, and some powerful perpetually butt-hurt people just don’t want to hear it.

This specific tweet about the president being accountable for a single day’s market movement is stupid on its face — it requires one to buy the idea that Trump doesn’t understand market volatility?! Not even remotely plausible.

Leland said...

Truth bomb, it would actually take a tremendous amount of speed to be shot into the sun. First you have to cancel out the orbital velocity provided by the Earth's rotation and then the Earth's own orbit around the Sun. Then you can start the acceleration towards the Sun.

RNB said...

"[T]hat is partly Trump's responsibility." Besides, look at the way he was dressed. He was just asking for it.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Gilbar @ 7:14


A 1000 point drop when the Dow was at 4-5000 back in the 80s-90s was 20%.

With the Dow at 28-29000 these days, an equivalent 20% drop would be nearly 6000 points.

1000 points (today) in one day is just market volatility.

tim maguire said...

It's always Trump's fault. Like when Joe Rogan blamed Trump for Antifa violence.

It's can't be that people are blinded by Trump hatred and will believe anything if it's negative about Trump. No, that can't be it.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Now, that is partly Trump's responsibility. He's tweeted wildly enough that it's made people credulous about any assertion of what he might have said, especially if you don't get his style of humor.

Plus, he was wearing a short skirt...

Sally327 said...

Trump has tweeted "wildly"? Is that really true? Maybe it depends on what is meant by that word.

Where Obama was not normal because he was extraordinary, Trump is not normal because he's weird...and, I guess, wild as well. Donald Trump, the crazy, weird wild man. He doesn't just bring the light, he is the light. Go to the light, all are welcome.

Jeff Brokaw said...

“back in the 80s-90s”

My numbers for where the Dow was back then are probably wrong (I was just typing and not researching) but the point holds: in the past, 1000 points up or down meant something, today it means about 3.5%.

MartyH said...

Trump’s to blame for the fake news about him watching the gorilla channel too.

Clyde said...

As Machiavelli wrote, "You can believe everything you read on Twitter."

MartyH said...

A lie will make it three times across the Twitterverse before Politifact can declare it “Mostly True.”

Marcus Bressler said...

So Kevin has swallowed the "Fine People Hoax"? And parrots it? Pity.


Perhaps not unexpected.

Todd said...

Great standard; well he "could" have said/tweeted it!

So it seems we hold all non-liberals for things they "could" have done, while still holding liberals not responsible for things they actually did?

gilbar said...

"The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."

After all, it sounds like Something Trump Could Have Said

Sebastian said...

"He's tweeted wildly enough"

Yeah, particularly about the Russia collusion hoax.

If Trump's tweeting is wild, how would you describe 3+ years of non-stop MSM hoaxery?

Kevin said...

So Kevin has swallowed the "Fine People Hoax"?


Perhaps not unexpected.

Browndog said...

Fake but accurate is standard for libs.

It's a great way to "start a conversation" we wouldn't normally have, but need to because reasons.

Michael K said...

The irony is that Bernie as a serious candidate was probably half of the Dow Jones drop.

That it might elect him is evidence of the role of stupidity these days.

Kevin said...

So Kevin has swallowed the "Fine People Hoax"?

The real tragedy of this thread are the people defending what was made clear Trump didn't say.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Jeff Brokaw @7:31 is correct. This is just normal fluctuation in a turbulent environment with the Corona Virus kicking China's economy in the ass and every company that does business with them being affected. (Apple for instance)

Focusing on the Dow Jones Industrial and the number of points that it goes up or down in a day is a foolish and stupid way to judge the market. First of all the Dow Jones is only 30 companies. 30.

The Dow Jones Composite index is much broader. Dow Industrial Index. Dow Transportation. Dow Utility Index. 65 companies. The NASDAQ is more tech heavy with companies in those arenas. Then there is the S&P 500. among a few indexes to watch.

Points don't mean anything unless you present them as a percentage of the whole. A drop of 1000 points is huge. It is even HUGER A 500 point swing in one day of a 10000 point index versus 500 points of a 30000 index. Big difference. Yet the media breathlessly screams anything the market swings 300 points. Use percentages dummies.

So the market fell 4&. Big deal. Not time to sell out...and not time to buy big into the indexes just yet. Some selected companies. Yes. Maybe. Capital gains can be a consideration if you have a 200% increase as some do.

Plus the Dow are WEIGHTED Indexes which means that just one company that is taking a big hit or gain...can swing the index all on its own. Apple, which right now is projecting losses because of China/Corona virus is swinging the market. Apple is doing bad. Other companies are doing great.

Calm down people.

Fernandinande said...

@Leland, here's a little video which explains that rather nicely.

Seeing Red said...

—It is even HUGER A 500 point swing in one day of a 10000 point index versus—

Try 500 point swing in a 3000 index. Wasn’t that Black Monday? October 1987?

One of our guys came out of his office white as a sheet. I was working at a brokerage firm then.

Seeing Red said...

I sorry to see the adjustment down.

This is #4 for me.

There was a tech crash in 1986 but I wasn’t working in the industry and didn’t own stock then. Then 1987. Then 2000 and then 2008.

I don’t really remember 9/11.

There are still buys in this.

It was getting time. This is going to be an interesting time, if I live thru it. I’m in the target age. The kids seem to be safe. But I never smoked, there’s less pollution, and as an American, we happen to use more cleaning products. Plus better sanitation for most, not LA or San Franshitco obviously.

Fernandinande said...

The Asian American Alliance of Whiny Backstabbing Little Wimps at the University at Albany issued a statement on Instagram on Monday demanding an apology because a member of an "illegal group" of students said "Corona virus isn't gonna stop anyone from partying" while wearing a surgical mask and holding a Corona beer.

Oh. Teh. Horror.

Seeing Red said...

The interesting thing to me is that I’m reading more about American-based labs finding/creating solutions than European.

I would think/hope there’s a lot of information trading going on.

But one of our schools said they have an inoculation ready for human trial.

Wince said...

I follow the Dow Mathers index, which is comprised of only one stock: Mayfield Power and Electric.

"Stocks and Bonds", Leave it to Beaver, Season 5, Episode 38

Ward tries teaching the boys about the stock market by matching their $50 and letting them invest in the market. When they want to invest in a risky stock that Eddie found, he talks them into buying into the local power company. The boys are disappointed to see their stock doing nothing while the risky one goes through the roof.

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seeing Red said...

We brought Clorox wipes on the trip and wiped down our seat areas on our planes.

Fernandinande said...

""The theme of this party was distasteful and hurtful and is not representative of UAlbany or its nearly 18,000 students," the college said in a statement."

bagoh20 said...

I endorse Mayor Pete as the only candidate small enough to actually fit in a cannon, and he comes pre-lubricated to maximize velocity. That's what "qualified" looks like.

Seeing Red said...

Apple took a haircut, I guess it’s a good thing Trump made it attractive to bring home some manufacturing? And Apple decided to?

bagoh20 said...

Nice buying opportunity. Panic smells like money.

Marcus Bressler said...

Kevin: please accept my apologies. A little slow this morning. As expected. Have a blessed day.


Big Mike said...

Now, that is partly Trump's responsibility.

I call bullshit.

OTOH it says a lot about the financial acumen of Shaun Usher and other Dumbocrats that he wrote — and retweeters accepted — the “Dow Joans” mistake.

bagoh20 said...

Inga's personal insults are partially Althouse's fault.

Francisco D said...

Who is Shaun Usher?


Maybe the real identity of Lil" Chuckles?

Chuck said...

I see perhaps a half-dozen comments here, criticizing “the media” for this.


What news media outlets reported this as fact? Althouse certainly didn’t say. It seems clear enough to me that Althouse’s post effectively made the point that the phony story circulated as a Tweet. Not as an edited news story. And yet the Trump fans use this occasion to attack “the media.” The SOCIAL media?!?

Funny also; I’ve linked to a number of Snopes myth-busting stories in my comments here in the past. Invariably, there is a reaction that Snopes has a leftward tilt and is not trustworthy. I guess you must do it better than me, Althouse.

Kai Akker said...

So the market fell 4&. Big deal.

In doing so, though, it did break down through its uptrend line of the last one to two years.

Apple, which right now is projecting losses because of China/Corona virus is swinging the market. Apple is doing bad. Other companies are doing great.

That is an unlikely proposition, DBQ. If the King is suffering, most of the courtiers will also be feeling it.

Howard said...

What DBQ said. (btw, everyone had double their normal ration of the Tres Leches pancakes... thanks for the inspiration)

Weather versus Seasonal Conditions versus Climate.

The only thing that really matters is your health and your family. Panic is not healthy or useful.

Fernandinande said...

The boys are disappointed to see their stock doing nothing while the risky one goes through the roof.

It just goes to show, always listen to guys like Eddie Haskell because they are very polite.

wally: "Yeah, I think I got about $50 left after buying my clothes and junk." (4:50)

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The legions of Althouse Trump fans dropping Snopes links on fake Trump tweets. That will show those fakers who don’t get Trump’s humor. Hilarious.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Seeing Red

Try 500 point swing in a 3000 index. Wasn’t that Black Monday? October 1987?

One of our guys came out of his office white as a sheet. I was working at a brokerage firm then.

I know! I was working at a financial institution as a loan officer, and it had a brokerage affiliated. (Pre the 1999 law that allowed banks and financial institutions to share information and have their own brokerages.) The reps from that firm were shaken to the core.

Prior to that I was solely insurance licensed and sold insurance with other bank products. After 1999, I was fully licensed until retirement.

One of my main lines (until the institution decided to push annuities) was extra life insurance as collateral, usually a supplement to other collateral, to the commercial/agricultural loans that I was making. Much easier (IF the borrower was qualified) to have life policy with a collateral hold than filing UCCs on cattle and crop projections, manufacturing, or logging equipment. Plus...when the loan was over, the borrower usually just kept the extra insurance. Often it was the ONLY insurance that they had.

You could NOT make the loan predicated on life insurance, but most clients saw the benefit. If they died....the wife or survivors would still have the assets to continue on with the business if they wanted or sell the former collateral. Fortunately, I never had to collect on either type of collateral. I made GOOD loans :-)

Fernandinande said...

@9:40, June opens and closes the fridge.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Me: Apple, which right now is projecting losses because of China/Corona virus is swinging the market. Apple is doing bad. Other companies are doing great.

Kai Akker That is an unlikely proposition, DBQ. If the King is suffering, most of the courtiers will also be feeling it.

Apple (for instance) manufactures a discretionary product and is dependent on foreign supplies,cheap labor in china and other places. Nike, Cruise ship lines are really taking a hit. (Probably temporary) Companies that are producing energy, food and other non discretionary products, and are located IN the US are most likely to be safer to hold or may even experience gains in stocks as their production will not be as affected.

It is a world wide affect for most companies. Again. Probably temporary. (my magic eight ball which I used to have on my desk is bit dusty right now)

Nevertheless. Stay calm, carry on. Eat pancakes!!

narayanan said...

Blogger rhhardin said...
Today's theme is Althouse Triggered.
nice counterpoint to Atlas Shrugged

jaydub said...

"People with money turned white and shit their pants when they saw that he is pretty much a mortal lock for the nomination"

So did people with freedom, property rights and due process.

It's important to realize the country can vote its way into socialism but will have to shoot its way out. And shoot its way out it will.

Ken B said...

If I lie about you, and post a fake tweet about you, is it your fault?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Another campaign promises broken!

Inga said...

“The legions of Althouse Trump fans dropping Snopes links on fake Trump tweets. That will show those fakers who don’t get Trump’s humor. Hilarious.”

Ok, now that is funny.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists love fake news. They eat up Russia Russia Russia! with a spoon.

Nevermind that it's all fake... Hillary-Deep-Stage garbage.

MikeR said...

Whoa: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_trump_job_approval-6179.html
Need to go back to March 2017 to get numbers like that. There's error of course, but that is a big swing, averaged over a lot of polls.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

leftists snort fake news coke.

Wince said...

Watch how June’s explanation of the stock market outshoned Ward’s.

Drago said...

It wasnt that long ago that LLR-lefty Chuck was riffing off the Tina Fey-Fake Sarah Palin quote "I can see Russia from my house" and to this day Inga insists Carter Page is a russian spy.

FullMoon said...

It was easy to believe because Trump pardoned Charles Manson.

Chuck said...

Drago said...
It wasnt that long ago that LLR-lefty Chuck was riffing off the Tina Fey-Fake Sarah Palin quote "I can see Russia from my house" and to this day Inga insists Carter Page is a russian spy.

That's not true; I didn't write anything at all about that, that I can recall. Not a word. Certainly nothing recently. Not this year. Not last year. "[W]asn't that long ago..."?!?

This isn't a case of Drago not liking, or mischaracterizing something that I wrote. This is a case of Drago completely inventing something that I never wrote about in any context.

Note how often Drago does shit like this; and how often I say, "Quote me if you are going to do that, and link to the quote." And of course Drago never provides that backup. It's just a pure psychopathic obsession with me, and as clear a violation as there is, of Althouse's admonition to her commenters to not post personal attacks that are unrelated to the subject of the blog post.

Inga said...

“This isn't a case of Drago not liking, or mischaracterizing something that I wrote. This is a case of Drago completely inventing something that I never wrote about in any context.

Note how often Drago does shit like this...”

He does it everyday without fail. One of the reasons I now refer to him as OCDrago.

TrespassersW said...

Now, that is partly Trump's responsibility.

Bitch had it coming, dressing like that.

TrespassersW said...

Should have known someone would beat me to that one.

Ken B said...

“You don’t blame the cats, you blame the meat.”

Bobb said...

Fake but inaccurate is standard for libs.

Big Mike said...

I think we can safely assume that Chuck and Inga are among the folks sufficiently financially illiterate to overlook Dow Joans.

boatbuilder said...

"The legions of Althouse Trump fans dropping Snopes links on fake Trump tweets. That will show those fakers who don’t get Trump’s humor. Hilarious"

Check the thread. Not one commenter mentioned Snopes other than Chuck.

Andy Krause said...

"Now, that is partly Trump's responsibility. He's tweeted wildly enough that it's made people credulous about any assertion of what he might have said, especially if you don't get his style of humor. "

That's like she deserved it because of the way she was dressed.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "This isn't a case of Drago not liking, or mischaracterizing something that I wrote. This is a case of Drago completely inventing something that I never wrote about in any context."


It was 2016 Mr Sudden-Onset-Socialist. In the midst of your proudly announced "lie and smear" campaign against conservatives!

But don't worry, you'll always have Russia Collusion Truther and Kavanaugh Rapist Truther Inga at your side in any political fight!

Kevin said...

Kevin: please accept my apologies. A little slow this morning. As expected. Have a blessed day.

No problem. Misunderstanding people is built into the current iteration of the internet..

Drago said...

Inga: "He does it everyday without fail."


Carter Page, russian spy or no Inga?

Kavanaugh, rapist or no Inga?

Don't worry Inga, you'll always have Proud Admitted Lie and Smear Merchant Chuck at your side in any political battles!

What a pair you two make!

So. Much. Winning.

Howard said...

Just because you don't want to believe something means it's fake.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

BTW, Inga still desperately clings to the lie that Trump colluded with Russia.

To this very day......

Go ahead. Ask her!

Drago said...

This just in from a Bloomberg advisor Tim O'Brien: "“Bernie has all of this loopy stuff in his background, saying things like women get cancer from having too many orgasms or toddlers should run around naked and touch each other’s genitals to insulate themselves from porn.”

That should make for some good commercials.

Drago said...

I can't wait to hear Inga's and LLR-lefty Chuck's defense for Bernie Sanders saying such things!

It's gonna be lit!

Drago said...

Anderson Cooper: Do you know how all-- how much though? I mean, do you have a price tag for-- for all of this?
Bernie Sanders: We do. I mean, you know, and-- and-- the price tag is-- it will be substantially less than letting the current system go. I think it's about $30 trillion.

Anderson Cooper: That's just for Medicare for All, you're talking about?

Bernie Sanders: That's just Medicare for All, yes.

Anderson Cooper: Do you have-- a price tag for all of these things?

Bernie Sanders: No, I don't. We try to-- no, you mentioned making public colleges and universities tuition free and cancelling all student debt, that's correct. That's what I want to do. We pay for that through a modest tax on Wall Street speculation.

Anderson Cooper: But you say you don't know what the total price is, but you know how it's gonna be paid for. How do you know it's gonna be paid for if you don't know how much the price is?

Bernie Sanders: Well, I can't-- you know, I can't rattle off to you ever nickel and every dime. But we have accounted for-- you-- you talked about Medicare for All. We have options out there that will pay for it.

I'll bet LLR-lefty and Sudden-Onset-Socialist Chuck will be all over that!


FullMoon said...

Just a reminder as the Democrat and Communists line up to lie about how much they care about minorities tonight:

" 1870

February 25

First African American congressman sworn in

Hiram Rhodes Revels, a Republican from Natchez, Mississippi, is sworn into the U.S. Senate, becoming the first African American ever to sit in Congress.

During the Civil War, Revels, a college-educated minister, helped form African American army regiments for the Union cause, started a school for freed men, and served as a chaplain for the Union army. Posted to Mississippi, Revels remained in the former Confederate state after the war and entered into Reconstruction-era Southern politics.

In 1867, the first Reconstruction Act was passed by a Republican-dominated U.S. Congress, dividing the South into five military districts and granting suffrage to all male citizens, regardless of race. A politically mobilized African American community joined with white allies in the Southern states to elect the Republican party to power, which in turn brought about radical changes across the South. By 1870, all the former Confederate states had been readmitted to the Union, and most were controlled by the Republican Party, thanks in large part to the support of African American voters.

On January 20, 1870, Hiram R. Revels was elected by the Mississippi legislature to fill the Senate seat once held by Jefferson Davis, the former president of the Confederacy. On February 25, two days after Mississippi was granted representation in Congress for the first time since it seceded in 1861, Revels was sworn in.

Although African Americans Republicans never obtained political office in proportion to their overwhelming electoral majority, Revels and some 15 other African American men served in Congress during Reconstruction, more than 600 served in state legislatures, and hundreds of African Americans held local offices.


Chuck said...

Drago; here is what I think about Bernie Sanders. The Trumpists who have taken over the Republican party in South Carolina, canceling the Republican primary vote there, are urging Republicans to instead vote for Bernie Sanders in the state's Democratic primary:


I'm really not sure, but that hellish spectacle could make me vote for Sanders in a general. It would be even less enthusiastic than my nose-held vote for Trump in 2016. Not much else that I could imagine would otherwise convince me to make any other sort of vote for Sanders.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty and Sudden-Onset-Socialist Chuck: "Drago; here is what I think about Bernie Sanders."

I am utterly unconcerned with whatever lies you want to advance today to support your democrat allies.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty and Sudden-Onset-Socialist Chuck: "Not much else that I could imagine would otherwise convince me to make any other sort of vote for Sanders."


Oh yeah, it's been a real "journey" for you to declare your willingness to vote for an out and out lefty socialist democrat!

Just like Tom Nichols and Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt and Jen Rubin and all the rest of the FakeCon liars pretenders who so want to "conserve conservatism"!

The FakeCon "LLR" grifter jig is quite up lad. There is literally no one on the right or left who buys it any longer and your usefulness to your lefty masters will only last so long before they toss you guys back onto the trash heap from whence you came.

I hope you have plenty of time in the future to contemplate where it all got away from you, never to return.

In the meanwhile, enjoy the scorn you recieve from your lefty/dem teammates. It's hard to imagine a crew more deserving of that scorn than you and Boot and all the rest!


Nichevo said...

RNB said...
"[T]hat is partly Trump's responsibility." Besides, look at the way he was dressed. He was just asking for it.

2/25/20, 7:27 AM

I know, right? That sassy slut with that short skirt and those tits and that red hair! What's a cat to do with a plate of meat just left out like that?

Achilles said...

Now, that is partly Trump's responsibility. He's tweeted wildly enough that it's made people credulous about any assertion of what he might have said, especially if you don't get his style of humor.
posted by Ann Althouse at 6:25 AM on Feb 25, 2020

Was he asking to be raped by dressing promiscuously?

That is pretty disgusting Ann.

But it acceptable to treat deplorables a certain way that you would never treat other people.

Achilles said...

Nichevo said...

I know, right? That sassy slut with that short skirt and those tits and that red hair! What's a cat to do with a plate of meat just left out like that?


Achilles said...

Chuck said...

I'm really not sure, but that hellish spectacle could make me vote for Sanders in a general. It would be even less enthusiastic than my nose-held vote for Trump in 2016. Not much else that I could imagine would otherwise convince me to make any other sort of vote for Sanders.

Chuck, we all know you are going to vote for the democrat.

Just like you voted for Hillary.

Nobody here believes a single thing you say. You have openly admitted you are a dishonest racist piece of shit on multiple occasions.

Please do not stop showing the world just how absurd and terrible you and the rest of the never-trumper movement is.

Achilles said...

bagoh20 said...
Inga's personal insults are partially Althouse's fault.

Lack of self awareness is a prerequisite for a Hillary voter.

narciso said...

it's not even original anymore,


Bill Peschel said...

Are you sure the stocks didn't tank on Tom Steyer's comments:

TOM STEYER: “I will declare a state of emergency on climate on the first day of my presidency. I will use the Executive emergency powers of the presidency to tell companies how they can generate electricity, what kind of cars they can build -- on what schedule, what kind of buildings we’re gonna have, how we are going to use our public lands."

Steyer urges "environmental justice' and warns climate is "a human issue with a huge racial overtone."

"We need to rebuild this country in a climate-smart way...we don't have a choice on this."

Given that Obama bragged about using a pen, can we believe that no matter what Democrat enters the Oval Office, they're going to do exactly the same thing?

narciso said...

too little too late,


Isolden said...

Here for the ratio: "it's trump's fault for wearing too short a skirt"

Isolden said...

Here for the ratio: "it's trump's fault for wearing too short a skirt"

Hanna Aase said...

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Evan Luthra a young billionaire who was ahead of his time and is now investing in brilliant minds like him. When everyone was busy playing and dreaming about they would want to be in the future, Evan Luthra was busy building himself and his curiousness for technology made him build an app at the age of 12. Before turning 15 he started building apps that were used by many big companies. Evan Luthra is a young millionaire who is changing the way the world sees technology. By the age of 18, Evan Luthra was speaking for TedX.He spoke at the United Nations, TEDx, Crypto Investor Show, Blockshow and more. He is an angel investor and also features in the 30 under 30 entrepreneurs list. Evan Luthra is now working on his entrepreneur venture of investing in ideas that are innovative, profitable and futuristic.

Tom Grey said...

So, if anybody believes Babylon Bee, it's partly the target's fault for making the Bee's satire so believable, right?

It's Trump's fault that Schiff was lying and defaming him, right?

Right for the Bee - it's a satire site. Wrong for Schiff, he's paid to pass laws, not jokes.
Usher is showing ... that he's a clown.

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