February 3, 2020

"Eventually, he asked the audience, 'So, do you want to talk about the thing?' He was referring, of course, to the accusations against him."

"The audience cheered. Somewhat wearily, he said, 'I like to jerk off, and I don’t like to be alone.' More laughter. 'So what can I tell you? I can offer you some advice. If you ask, "Can I jerk off in front of you?"—don’t do it! And if they say O.K., don’t do it!' The warnings weren’t exactly sobering or remorseful; they gestured at his actions without really acknowledging what he’d done or to whom or, more important, why. It was a nod in the direction of his troubles, but with no hard look at what those troubles meant. 'Everybody has their thing sexually,' he said. 'But when everyone knows what your thing is . . . now Obama knows what my thing is. Oh, God.'... As the show went on, I began to want to feed C.K., telepathically, the different forms of storytelling he brought to his work when he was at the top of his game and unafraid of losing out on being loved. What if he were to turn his shame into a story? What if he imagined how his dick looked to a woman he had horrified? Couldn’t he go there, Richard Pryor style, and talk from the vantage point of his disgraced penis? Instead, he let his better stories trail off, fearing perhaps the existential ramifications of doing what he used to do, digging and dancing in the minefields of our collective unconscious."

In "Can Louis C.K. Spin His Troubles Into Art?/Touring for the first time since his sexual-misconduct scandal, the comedian gestured at his actions without really acknowledging what he’d done," The New Yorker's Hilton Als gives the genius-idiot comedian some advice on how to do comedy. Why not?

You probably won't read the whole thing because you probably don't have a subscription to The New Yorker, so I've got to tell you that much of the essay is about black people. It's too much trouble to explain why, so I'll just gesture at it: He begins by talking about the Norman Mailer essay "The White Negro," drags in a conversation between Louis C.K. and Chris Rock (with lots of "n-word"), refers to Pigmeat Markham and Big Mama Thornton, has some stuff about a black character on the "Louis" TV show, quotes Louis saying it would be "hot" if your mother told you she once had sex with "a black guy," and said it would be "hot" if Louis, in his new show, "became his mother, teetering toward that black consort, in love with the American forbidden?"

To absorb this you probably need to know if Hilton Als is black. If you don't already know, examine your thoughts first picturing him as white and then picturing him as black. Are they different? I think they they are!

ADDED: "Now Obama knows what my thing is. Oh, God." I like the "Oh, God," because, essentially, Obama has taken the place of God. He sees and He knows and His knowing that you have fallen short is a heavy burden for which you know you must atone.

AND: Here's Wikipedia on "The White Negro":


readering said...

Surprised his film never distributed, even in LA and small screen.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Expressly gives consent when asked -- still not asking for it!

I'll go out on a limb and suppose that Als is black. I couldn't begin to guess its preferred pronouns.

Wince said...

Did he even mention whether CK's routine was funny?

Fernandinande said...

the comedian gestured at his actions without really acknowledging what he’d done

He didn't acknowledge jerking off in front of people?

And he gestured at jerking off, or not jerking off in front of people?

Yancey Ward said...

Sounds like not enough groveling.

Ken B said...

What Fernandistein said. Yancey too. Pope Innocent III is more forgiving than Hilton Als.
So, as usual, whatever the New Yorker says is unrelated to the truth.

robother said...

Mailer's "White Negro" is one of those cultural ephemera that is hard to convey the power of, to people just a few years younger. I'm 3 years older than Ann, who is the same age as my wife. White Negro was a Thing for guys 3-5 years older than me, WWII babies, but I shared enough with them to pick up on its importance to them. I've never been able to explain it to her, though. Kind of like trying to tell my daughter what a big deal existentialism was to my undergrad professors in the mid-60s. You had to be there.

Tom T. said...

I initially thought this was going to be about Trump's Iowa rally, and that "the thing" was impeachment, but then of course it swerved. Professor, if this comical misdirection was deliberate, then congratulations on a joke well played!

Ignorance is Bliss said...

To absorb this you probably need to know if Hilton Als is black. If you don't already know, examine your thoughts first picturing him as white and then picturing him as black. Are they different? I think they they are!

Yeah, when I picture him having sex with my mom, it't definitely hotter if he is black...

Fernandinande said...

I couldn't begin to guess its preferred pronouns.

My favorite pronoun is 'whomsoever'.

It looks funny, doesn't it?

Yancey Ward said...

Tom T.,

Same here!

walter said...

'I like to jerk off, and I don’t like to be alone.'
You can see similar in the monkey cages at the zoo.

Yancey Ward said...

Funny thing is that my first comment would have been identical even if it had been about the Iowa rally.

walter said...

Maybe that's where he got the idea.
"Wow, that's kinda hot."

Fernandinande said...

"'The White Negro', ever hear of that?"

"Is that one with altruism?"

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha! Albinism."

True story!

Lucid-Ideas said...

"I don't like to jerk off alone"

I recall Tony Curtis in Casanova overhearing 3 of the Venice Doge's daughters talking about masturbation:

Daughters: "You shouldn't do that! It's a sin! Well...at least if you do it alone it is..."

Casanova: [Reveals himself] "...But it's also a sin if you don't!"

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...


From the Shakin’ Dat Ass! Super Bowl to the Rehabilitation of Shakin’ Dat Penis! Louis CK...

America! LCD

Yancey Ward said...

When I jerk alone, I prefer to be by myself.

Iman said...

Louie teh Fluffer

Fernandinande said...

Negative/invert the "White Negro" picture, and the coverguy looks a lot more like an Italian gangster than a hipster.

jeremyabrams said...

My wife is Japanese and my sons are, well, just our sons. But I feel a bit sick when I read articles that are hyper-aware of race, and treat it as an ultimately defining characteristic. Where do my sons fit in a world made in that image?

Fernandinande said...

Now every morning just before breakfast
I don't want no coffee or tea
Just me and good buddy porno
That's all I ever need
'Cause I jerk alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I jerk alone
I prefer to be by myself

Those were the original lyrics.

tcrosse said...

Here's Louis CK explaining how he got where he is, inspired by George Carlin:
Louis CK on George Carlin

Fernandinande said...

Just saw Yancey Ward @12:19 PM

Chris said...

"'But when everyone knows what your thing is . . . now Obama knows what my thing is. Oh, God.'" - See's Obama as a deity. What is it with the left that treats a fallible man such as Obama as some sort of god, with saving grace?

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, the other day I got invited to a party
But I stayed home to hide
Just me and my pal KY Jelly
And his brother Astroglide
And we jerk alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I jerk alone
I prefer to be by myself

Seeing Red said...


Now I have to clean up my monitor.

Wince said...

The first time I had sex, I was really scared... I was all alone!

--Rodney Dangerfield

Iman said...

Read the whole thing and I feel a little sad for the guy...

Bad to the bone.

mockturtle said...

You probably won't read the whole thing because you probably don't have a subscription to The New Yorker...

I probably won't read the whole thing because:
1. I have as much interest in Louis C.K. as I have in the GDP of Lithuania and
2. As much interest in the NYT as in my kleenex after I've blown my nose into it.

CJinPA said...

What if he imagined how his dick looked to a woman he had horrified? Couldn’t he go there, Richard Pryor style, and talk from the vantage point of his disgraced penis?

Richard Pryor had a lifetime of bad decisions to joke about. Louis C.K. did not. People who love comedy do not want to see him wallow in guilt over his disgusting behavior. (The term really fits: He was a jerk-off.)

If you love comedy, you want to see him move on. If you only enjoy comedy when used as a political tool, I hope he leaves you unsatisfied.

walter said...

In related news, Pee Wee Herman is attempting a..err..comeback.

Darrell said...

He was a jerk-off.

He was more--there were other allegations. But confessing to publicly jerking off seemed like the way to go.

Gusty Winds said...

Why doesn't Louis CK just do a tour where he masturbates in front of his audience? I'm sure he could sell some tickets. If he would jerk off in front of Sarah Silverman, Janine Garoppolo, or Chelsea Handler I might even buy a ticket. Back row incognito seats of course. That's where Obama and Mayor Pete would be sitting.

CJinPA said...

jeremyabrams said...
My wife is Japanese and my sons are, well, just our sons. But I feel a bit sick when I read articles that are hyper-aware of race, and treat it as an ultimately defining characteristic. Where do my sons fit in a world made in that image?


Two decades ago, the cultural message was clear: It doesn't matter what you look like, we are Americans. Now I think it's spit: most people still see it that way, while the cultural elite have embraced Identity Politics, which says our differences define us. That's the road they're leading us down.

If we all have to belong to "teams," I can see that being a problem for your sons. But I am confident there will be more than enough folks resisting ID Politics for your sons to find their place based on who they are.

Gusty Winds said...

SNL should invite him on to guest host, and the opening skit could just be a reenactment of Mr. CK asking a room full of female comedians if he can pleasure himself in front of them. It's already written.

"...excuse me while I whip this out..." - Blazing Saddles

Gusty Winds said...

If Louis CK masturbates in a forest, does anybody hear it?

Jim at said...

Auditioning for next year's SB halftime show, maybe?

Bob Smith said...

Don’t do it in the street, it frightens the horses.

rhhardin said...

I don't know what it's about. Probably he hurt some woman's feelings somehow and I would care if I were a good person, but I'm not.

William said...

I read the article. I didn't get much out of it. I don't think Als knows what to make of C.K. Join the crowd. C.K. definitely did something wrong, but what's the proper punishment and what's the proper way of joking about it. I don't think this should be a career ending offense. Maybe if he did it in front of civilians or kids, but was it really that traumatic to the women involved? C.K.'s jokes about the offense weren't that funny, but maybe, like the act itself, the delivery is more important than the material......Philip Roth was at one time the public face of masturbation in America. Jacqueline Susan said that she'd like to wash her hands after meeting him. Roth said that when he visited friends' houses he like to deposit semen samples on their soap bars so that they would be rubbing it in their hands every time they washed up. That was pretty funny. It's hard to handle public shame with brio and elan.

rhhardin said...

The point of "If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound" is investigation of what "sound" means. If it means organized vibrations in the air then it's not really a question. If it means something that in addition is perceived, then that's something learned about the word.

You don't exactly get to choose what you mean by it. It drags along its associations whether you want them or not.

Do animals hear the sound by analogy or not. Are there any animals. Does sound depend on it. You go all Berkeley.

rhhardin said...

Does the chewing gum lose its taste on the bedpost overnight. Not if God keeps his tongue on it.

Bilwick said...

Nice to see that Mailer's "White Negro" hasn't yet been flushed down the Memory Hole. As I recall, it was one of the early examples of "liberal" Negrophilia, with Mailer stating as positives things that, had they been uttered by Sputherm good'ol boys, would have been seen as racist.

Gusty Winds said...

If Louis CK masturbates in front of animals of the forest who heard the organized vibrations in the air caused by a falling tree....is he still "alone"?

Paul J said...

Leave the animals out of it. They are a difficult case and, most of all, "Poor in World".

Just get the central cases right and you are doing fine.

Paul J said...

That's the problem with lawyers and judges, by the way, always immediately running to the edge cases.

CaroWalk said...

Serious question: why is it that what CK, Al Franken et al did warrants career and social quarantine, but everybody’s fine with turning the Super Bowl arena into a “Gentlemen’s Club” for a 20 min halftime show? I am serious. These degenerate skanks paraded about assuming various sexual-presenting poses. But just let one DJ or football player lay a hand anywhere near the “presenting” ass for a backstage photo and he will be deep CK’d. I for one felt violated and had to leave the room. I am not kidding. I’ll bet I’m not the only “non consenting adult” who did so! To say nothing of The Children. It was shocking to watch two beautiful, talented women utterly debase themselves. Can’t wait for next year’s edition— Ru Paul lapdances on a front row of unsuspecting big money patrons! Stay tuned!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

CaroWalk said...

Serious question: why is it that what CK, Al Franken et al did warrants career and social quarantine, but everybody’s fine with turning the Super Bowl arena into a “Gentlemen’s Club” for a 20 min halftime show?

Because J-Lo and Shakira shaking their asses in national TV is empowering women.

CJinPA said...

why is it that what CK, Al Franken et al did warrants career and social quarantine, but everybody’s fine with turning the Super Bowl arena into a “Gentlemen’s Club” for a 20 min halftime show?

It's the utter terror of a massive organization like NFL that it might some day not be completely culturally relevant. Nothing is out of bounds when it comes to that.

Did you see all the feminist commercials airing during a...football game? It's fascinating how corporate America has calculated that this is what must be done to stay relevant. They are probably right.

I keep hearing that women make up nearly 40% of NFL fans. If true, they became fans before the infusion of feminist ideology, and for most of the reasons that men became fans: appreciation of the strategy and athleticism that makes football compelling.

donald said...

All of these people are putz’s. Grow up. Crimies.


Bilwick said...

I've been reading and/or hearing complaints about the SuperBowl halftime show all morning and into the afternoon: about how risqué it was, that it was "soft porn," etc. I just watched it on YouTube, and my reaction if that the bluenoses who complained must lead very sheltered lives, if they think THAT was any kind of porn.

rhhardin said...

I don't get dance numbers and don't see any musicality in the music. Looks like a bunch of bluenoses to me.

Scott Adams says JLo is a huge athlete though, to do it all.

I'd prefer ballet. Get Russians interested in football.

madAsHell said...

35 cents. My guess is that the book was released in 1969. I sold a lot of paperbacks at my Dad's drug store. The thicker paperbacks were 50 cents.

Paperbacks. I wouldn't even know where to buy one today.

Darrell said...

Children dancing in cages beneath the woman symbol at the SB halftime show.

They shouldn't burn Obama like that. He did what he thought was best. You saw the tinfoil.

Jupiter said...

"To absorb this you probably need to know if Hilton Als is black."

Nah, it's enough to know that his mother named him after a building where she and an associate briefly rented a room.

Maillard Reactionary said...

rhhardin: "I don't know what it's about. Probably he hurt some woman's feelings somehow and I would care if I were a good person, but I'm not."

That was it, folks: rhhardin showing a rare--possibly unprecedented--tentative flicker of self-awareness.

We may not see its like again, so savor the moment.

CaroWalk said...

@bilwick, I was waiting for the obligatory “nothing to see here.” Because pole dancing in a leather and rhinestone piece of ass floss is JUST like Elvis’ swivelling hips! You’re deluding yourself if you don’t recognize this as the nadir of American culture. Make dames classy again!

rcocean said...

Norman Mailer was amazing. The guy could write 300 pages of complete nonsense on every topic under the Sun. Trying to find anything wise or useless in his nonfiction was like trying to find a dime in a barrel shit.

rcocean said...

I wonder how many black people read the New Yorker and how many of the whites really, truly care about these kind of "black takes" on things. Of course, we'll never know because most of them will lie about it. To admit you just don't care about black folks or race would be like admitting you support Donald Trump or were an Evangelical Christian - something "respectable people" just don't do.

narciso said...

how about harlots ghost, largely about the cia, clocking in at 1100 pages plus (with a too be continued)

Kenneth said...

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Roughcoat said...

Another downward step in the ongoing degringolade of our culture.

Narr said...

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people, as Mencken might have said (and been right).

Other than being an expensive show on the most important date on the calendar, it was pretty standard: mindless pornographic vulgarity, and a big insult to anyone with a smidgen of class.

The only way I could have enjoyed it more was if the gals were topless. Me and Louis CK.

Some people tell me the singers are talented

Aussie Pundit said...

C.K. definitely did something wrong, but what's the proper punishment and what's the proper way of joking about it.

No, he did nothing wrong.

He asked adult women for permission to masturbate in their company, they said yes, and he believed them.
If he'd asked for a back rub instead, it would be morally the same.

Aussie Pundit said...

Richard Pryor had a lifetime of bad decisions to joke about. Louis C.K. did not.

Said by someone who clearly has never watched a Louis CK routine.

Bilwick said...

"@bilwick, I was waiting for the obligatory 'nothing to see here.'” I tend not to go where other people say I am obliged to go. In any event, there certainly was something to see there, but I find myself unmoved by it, either to lust or outrage.

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