Media + Michael Avenatti = ❤️#ValentinesDay #Avenatti #basta
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 14, 2020
February 14, 2020
"Donald Trump is terrified of Michael Avenatti..."
As the news comes in today that "Michael Avenatti guilty on all counts in Nike extortion case," there's a lot tweeting of this montage from the days when the media inflated Avenatti into a Trump destroying folk hero:
Trump should delegat Jr. to do the DOJ tweets.
I love the leftie TDS montage videos...keep em coming!
Was it Inga who said that Avenatti was certainly going to take down Trump? Maybe it was Lil Chuckie or ARM.
I don't remember. It is hard to recall all the foolish things that were/are posted here by lefty trolls.
After Clinton’s loss, Avenatti’s downfall is the single greatest schadenfreude I’ve ever experienced.
Anyone with a pair of eyes and half a brain could tell that guy was a sleaze bag from a mile away.
Wow. I watched 45 seconds of this. How do these people survive being such suckers? Trump ought to flood the airwaves, cable channels, and internet with these fools.
He seemed pretty smart and quick to me. Was really surprised that he was not more careful, especially while being so high profile.
"Anyone with a pair of eyes and half a brain could tell that guy was a sleaze bag from a mile away."
Yes. But what about all those TV airheads who fawned on him? They need to start over in that business with new, smarter talent.
I love the leftie TDS montage videos...keep em coming!
The Tucker guy on fox does a lot of them, and laughs. Makes the left look stupid.
Loud and competent aren’t the same thing.
Yes. But what about all those TV airheads who fawned on him? They need to start over in that business with new, smarter talent.
Yep. The people who got everything wrong about 2016 went on to get everything wrong about 17, 18, and 19. Shocking!
Anyone with a pair of eyes and half a brain could tell that guy was a sleaze bag from a mile away.
One of many, but if anti Trump they generally seem to suffer no repercussions
“Was it Inga who said that Avenatti was certainly going to take down Trump?”
Cripes, J Farmer. I agree with you again.
Folks, this isn't about Inga. It is about these nit-twits on TV. If she thought they were nitwits, more power to her. If she didn't, that would speak for itself.
Good montage of the delusional Leftwing media. They create these false heroes (like Avenatti), forget about them, and go forward to the next delusion.
Blogger Inga said...
“Was it Inga who said that Avenatti was certainly going to take down Trump?”
You have zero proof it did not happen.
Stormy Daniels: "I am forgotten..."
Me: "The internet is forever. So is infamy."
“Was it Inga who said that Avenatti was certainly going to take down Trump?”
Inga: "No."
Avenatti was one of a long line of people Inga claimed scared Trump or Trump was worried about, getting under his skin, blah blah blah. Same stuff different name every week.
This is similar to how she offered up world leader names one after the other to declare them the Real Leader of The Free World (Merkel, Macron, May, Trudeau, etc) instead of Trump.
Laughable of course.
Nobody is perfect :)
That it was woke Nike that Avenatti tried to shake-down makes it even sweeter.
Well, J Michael Curley was re-elected Mayor from prison so don't count the big guy out yet.
I thought she was providing in kind services, but he was actually defrauding her outright, quelle surprise,
Brett Kavanaugh has a lot of friends in the DOJ. Avenatti was a fool to antagonize Kavanaugh
the "handcuffs" line at the end was a great touch
for Valentine's Day.
but it's Duct tape & Chloroform for a truly romantic evening
You can watch these fools on CNN and MSNBC, etc over and over again getting everything 100% wrong and doing it with such hubris. There are videos of you assholes doing this on issue after issue, but especially anything about Trump. Who is dumb enough to listen to them for another second? Who is dumb enough to take them seriously on anything, and who is so stupid that you would pay them millions and bet your network's future on them. Just massive stupidity all over the left side of our world, but what do I know? I'm just another stupid rube hillbilly who likes guns and patriotism, hard work and regular people who don't wake up every day looking for an offence to scream about. Hey Hey, ho ho, what the hell do I know!
creepy porn lawyer
concrete clown shoes take him to
bottom of the sea
Avenatti is an exemplar of Weisman the Federal Prosecutor and his team that was in charge of the rigged Special Counsel, under figurehead Mueller, that attempt to criminalize our President as a Russian Agent. They were running all fraud and all bully tactics using all intimidated witnesses sucked up by them into fraudulent offenses or unconnected offenses.
If Avenatti deserves Jail, then the DOJ operatives in Mueller's team all deserve much more time, if not execution.
There's a lot to dislike about Avenatti.
He cheated his law partners. Now I'm not a big fan of class action lawyers (my inclination, and my legal career was both defense litigation and corporate law oriented). But they do hit a big jackpot from time to time, and Avenatti cheated his partners in the divvying up of the proceeds. I think one ex partner had a $10 million judgment against him.
He cheated on his wife or wives; he cheated on his girlfriends/mistresses. He liked to live large and he probably stole from his law firm (and or clients) to finance that life style. So far I've described the perfect Democrat candidate---have I not? Billy Jeff Clinton shared some, but not all, of these traits.
Then he decides to extort Nike but he's faced with David Boies and his law firm who "set" Avenatti up. There's more than a touch of Avenatti in most celebrity lawyers including David Boies---but what the heck, nothing wrong with two scorpions in a bottle.
Avenatti will no doubt appeal his conviction, and it's always possible that he could succeed in this appeal. But at the very least, the bloom is off the Avenatti stinking rose.
It was his jaw.
remember how many threads the good prosecutor dedicated to cpl?
“After Clinton’s loss, Avenatti’s downfall is the single greatest schadenfreude I’ve ever experienced.”
I see bigger, better ones on the horizon. Harvey Weinstein was good. The ongoing humiliation of Biden and Warren is pretty sweet ... and the FISA and other abuses might top those.
Russia Russia Russia!
Said the Soviets...
It's a CNN MSDNC dumpster fire Schitt show. Day in and day out. Free koolaide for the hivemind.
Saw on twitter Avenatti made the sign of the cross before the verdict was read. I don't know why, but even though I can't stand the's hard to celebrate an Icarus fall.
But his duping of the media is a thing of glory. Such conflicting feelings.
Joy Behar is the biggest boob on TV, btw.
I have a hunch that Tucker Carlson is going to lead off his show tonight with this story.
Schadenfreude is on the dessert menu tonight.
’Anyone with a pair of eyes and half a brain could tell that guy was a sleaze bag from a mile away.’
No doubt. It was bizarre watching the way he was beatified...
I feel bad for Democrats, the voters that is, not the politicians. They need a hero, and he's got to be strong, and he's got to be fast, and he's got to be fresh from the fight. But they keep getting people like Avenatti, Joe Biden, or Bernie Sanders. An endless cavalcade of disappointment.
Trump swings between anger and terror.
FullMoon said...
He seemed pretty smart and quick to me. Was really surprised that he was not more careful, especially while being so high profile.
He was on the same team as Joe Biden, John Kerry, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama.
They all made millions being corrupt pieces of shit.
McCabe is an admitted traitor and he walked.
Why would Avenetti think what he was doing is wrong?
Didn’t he rip off Stormy Daniels and a bunch of other clients? Must have learned legal ethics from Larry Tribe.
How will this impact his Avenetti's Presidential run?
a good start
You're most upset that Avanaetti screwed his law and romantic partners?!?
What about his disabled client he stole her 3 million judgement?
I wonder what it's like to be just so wrong... so absolutely and completely wrong, over and over again? And in a very public way? I mean, I've been wrong about a lot of things over the course of my life, but not like these people. And usually when I'm wrong about something I try to think about why I was wrong and figure out if I can avoid making the same mistakes that lead me to be wrong in the future. These people don't seem to be doing that though.
unfortunately they'll let here,
what I was referring to
about tlaib being arrested at the Detroit airport,
I see Avenatti getting back in the Dem primaries. He lies like Warren, steals and grifts like Biden, and a power like Beto. He's a sure thingm
Bagoh20 said
"You can watch these fools on CNN and MSNBC, etc over and over again getting everything 100% wrong and doing it with such hubris."
Nonapod said...
"I wonder what it's like to be just so wrong... so absolutely and completely wrong, over and over again?"
But that's the thing, Nonapod: you can't. Progs get it wrong and MoveOn. It's not even hubris: it's hegemony. It's having the luxury of not admitting mistakes and not having to learn.
Paul Krugman still writes for the NYT. Althouse still reads the NYT. And so on and so forth.
Apart from YouTube ridicule, and the occasional Trump tweet, there's no accountability. Progs don't do mea culpa.
Of course, the Avenatti disaster was obvious to us deplorables from the moment we heard the man open his mouth, and of course we commenters know exactly what progs are doing, and of course they have no clue -- but in the end, they think they can afford to be clueless. Apart from Trump winning, it's not clear they are wrong.
Why doesn't anyone ever call out these people on live tv: "Oh you're the one who said Michael Avenati was the savior of the republic." "Oh, you're the one who said there was secret evidence of Russian collusion." They use bad judgment and allow their minds to be blinded by their TDS, and then they never pay the consequences in terms of their reputation. Get on the program, and then when the host/interviewer says something provocative against trump laugh out loud and remind them of their past TDS comments and ask why they intend to be taken seriously.
J Farmer. re: Avenatti Anyone with a pair of eyes and half a brain could tell that guy was a sleaze bag from a mile away.
Tucker Carlson nailed him early on. While the Democrats were fawning all over him...Tucker named the guy Creepy Porn Lawyer. Perfect.
The best part was that even though Avenatti and other objected to the term. Tucker never let up.
Nailed it.
vicious corksoaker
Rancida Tilapia
panic in detroit
Media was wrong? Again? Hmmmm....
Tucker Carlson nailed him early on. While the Democrats were fawning all over him...Tucker named the guy Creepy Porn Lawyer. Perfect.
I actually caught the show where Avenatti came on Tucker's show.
I've never seen two people who hated each other so.
“Avenatti was one of a long line of people Inga claimed scared Trump or Trump was worried about, getting under his skin, blah blah blah. Same stuff different name every week.”
Liar. I never liked Avenatti or said anything positive about him as he struck me as sleazy.
Bill I wasn't doing a complete catalog of Avenatti's failures, ethical lapses, fraud, conniving, MSNBC and CNN entrancing actions. To do so would take more space than this blog has bandwidth. He had a couple of assault charges against him in Los Angeles as well. His wife was down in Corona Del Mar or Newport Beach---he had a shack pad up in Century City and he threw one of his girl friends out of it. She tried to get back in and he beat her up. The cops were called and domestic violence charges were filed.
I'm certain that there's a lot more than I know that could be told about Avenatti--just consider my first post on the point to be an appetizer. But yes a fellow who would cheat on his wife (wives), law partners, girl friends, and clients--and try to shake down/extort Nike would probably lie to a judge, and steal the pennies off a dead man's eyes.
Anyone remember Schneiderman? I barely do. I might have the name spelled wrong. He was the NYS Attorney General who was investigating Trump endlessly, thoroughly, diligently. Samantha Bee had him on her show. She compared him to Superman. Then he got cut up in some kind of sex scandal and had to resign. Samantha did a five or ten minute critique of him on the day after he resigned. Then no more mention of him anymore, anywhere.....That's the way it goes with Dem scandals. It's a sure bet Stephen Colbert isn't going to devote much of his monologue to Avenatti's fall from grace. Not Kimmel's material either. Avenatti has had a great fall, but this is the only part of the forest where you can hear the fall.....I'd like to see a movie made out of the tumultuous relationship that Stormy Daniel and Michael Avenatti had. I'm not sure who would be right for the part of Stormy: maybe Julia Roberts or maybe Naomi Watts. For Avenatti, the clear choice is between Brad Pitt and Danny DeVito.
“Avenatti was one of a long line of people Inga claimed scared Trump or Trump was worried about, getting under his skin, blah blah blah. Same stuff different name every week.”
Liar. I never liked Avenatti or said anything positive about him as he struck me as sleazy.
You have zero proof it did not happen
REVEALED: Judge secretly savaged bid to prosecute former FBI chief Andy McCabe for lying to agents calling it 'like a banana republic'- then case was dropped hours before his fury was about to be made public
The Justice Department has told former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe it isn't prosecuting him and it considers the matter 'closed' – despite the president's string of furious tweets about McCabe and a judge's warning the prolonged investigation had a whiff of retribution.
Yes, there will be a lot of "Michael Avenatti......doesn't ring a bell" and "I never liked Michael Avenatti, I always thought he was sleazy" coming out of the mouths of people on the left over the next couple of days.
Trad Guy said...
"If Avenatti deserves Jail, then the DOJ operatives in Mueller's team all deserve much more time, if not execution."
Certainly agree. But the news from DOJ that McCabe is off the hook is not encouraging .
Yes, ARM, lying to FBI agents during an interview and getting prosecuted for it is the stuff of Banana Republics. I am quite sure you can find a sympathetic ear with Michael Flynn.
So DOJ pays more deference to threatening Judge than their own boss.
Looks like they folded cheaply.
Re McCabe...
Can issue be reopened?
If Trump is persistent and different Judge?
I would suggest to Trump that he can make use of the decision to not prosecute McCabe for lying to the FBI- simply issue full pardons to both Stone and Flynn for the charges of lying to the FBI and to Congress. Make a point that if McCabe is going to be allowed to skate for lying, then it is an injustice to prosecute Stone and Flynn for the same crime. And I would sign an executive order to make Flynn whole financially since his persecution was an abhorrent abuse of power.
narciso said...
a good start
What is; 100 Avenatti's at the bottom of the Marianas Trench?
Inga The Forgetful: "Liar. I never liked Avenatti or said anything positive about him as he struck me as sleazy."
I never said you "liked" him or wrote anything "positive" about him.
That was a very LLR-lefty Chuck-like non-denial "denial".
Maybe Trump can pardon him, conditioned on the Democrats placing him on their primary ballot in every State yet to vote, perhaps in place of Dead Man Walking Biden?
A noble gesture of bipartisan fair play, showing that Trump wants to go up against the best they've got, balanced by a full pardon for Stone.
ARM: "Judge secretly savaged bid to prosecute former FBI chief Andy McCabe for lying to agents..."
Hmmmm, looks like Judge Walton is a former FISA court judge.
Well isnt that a tidy little arrangement.
FISA court judges sitting in judgement if FISA court abusers while radical dem partisans get to be Jury forepersons on political trials of opposition party members.
All very tidy indeed.
Wanna hear a funny story? One potential Stone juror was tossed because she had been a republican fundraiser....for Ronald Reagan!!
Cant have that. Nope. A jury of 100% partisan dems.
Thats how they got Delay in Texas.
Hey, did you hear the one about former Gov Greitens in MO?
Yep. A corrupt Soros-funded DA in MO kicked off a corrupt prosecution of Greitens which was just tossed out after several years due to merely zero evudence of any crime!
But the prosecution "worked" because Greitens had to resign to devote himself to his defense.
Ted Stevens says I Can Relate.
Ted Stevens says I Can Relate.
Unfortunately, Stevens died not long after he was vindicated.
I'm glad Inga is back. I find her highly entertaining. I came to look at the comments section and all I did was search for her name to see how wound up she was. The house is talking about teaching Trump again. Maybe she'll like that
“I'm glad Inga is back. I find her highly entertaining. I came to look at the comments section and all I did was search for her name to see how wound up she was. The house is talking about teaching Trump again. Maybe she'll like that”
Soooo, what are they gonna teach Trump?
They've got him this time, I can feel it!
Make a point that if McCabe is going to be allowed to skate for lying, then it is an injustice to prosecute Stone and Flynn for the same crime
The trouble is that a pardon suggests guilt and Flynn is totally innocent.
Stone is a doofus with a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back. He has NEVER been a Trump "advisor."
Reggie Walton.
Walton also presided over the trial of Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, Scooter Libby. On March 6, 2007, the jury convicted Libby of four of the five counts with which he was charged: two counts of perjury, one of obstruction of justice, and one of making false statements to federal investigators.[6] On June 5, 2007, Walton sentenced Libby to 30 months in federal prison and a fine of US$250,000, and, subsequently, he ordered that Libby report to jail without bail pending any appeals.
Thanks ARM. FISA judge appointed by Roberts who has shown his colors well by refusing to read Rand Paul's question.
Swamp dweller par excellance
The low-level expendable and free-lance rodents are being thrown under the bus; the Deep State rats are being let go with cushions and swag intact; unfortunately Trump has to depend on (probably) compromised DSers like Barr. Barr has to tread a fine line--I'm sure he'd LOVE to kick some enemies' faces but does anyone here really think he'll chose Trump over DC when push comes to shove?
I have my doubts.
Presidents come and go, Deep State faction fights are forever
It does suck that the Left has mastered Lawfare much better than the Left. Libby & Delay get hammered, Comey and McCabe skate.
But - can't lose focus. If Trump loses, they'd skate AND our new AG Andrew Weisman or Adam Schiff would open a bunch new perjury traps. We'd be fucked
The primary task is getting Trump reelected. All else is secondary. If DJT wins, then the swamp draining can be accelerated.
My 2 cents.
Inga writes: I never liked Avenatti or said anything positive about him as he struck me as sleazy.
Extorsion, huh? Is it possible that the whole Stormy Daniels thing was an extortion attempt?
Nicole Wallace, Bill Maher etc. are dumb people who think they are smart.
Nicole Wallace, Bill Maher etc. are dumb people who think they are smart.
I don't know if I'd go so far as to call Maher "dumb," but over the course of the Bush administration, he did transform into a much more conventional Hollywood liberal type. There is still a streak of an independent thinker in Maher. He is actually pretty good on free speech, cancel culture, and wokeness.
Unfortunately, Bill Maher suffers from what Johnny Carson used to refer to as "comedian's disease." Successful comics, after a while, start thinking they are philosophers and want to be taken seriously. Instead of being seen as funny, they want to be seen as intellectuals.
This dude is in the Metropolitan facility. Same facility Bernie Madoff was in. Same facility Jeffrey Epstein was was in. Those ladies in the video are probably the last ladies that will be as close as breath to that dude. Too much money dude. I think the muppets from PBS would of came after him, not just NiKE......
5 months away from this blog and not much changed. Certainly some dudes going down.
Blame Canada ! The lefties ! Maybe a non caucasian female ?!
Sad trombone music plays.
the (cell) walls are closing in.
The left is very interested in who Trump is afraid of. That’s the person they most want to nominate. People I know who ask who the right fears most can’t believe it when I say, “none of them.” They’re sure somebody has Trump quaking in his boots. They just can't figure out who that somebody is.
They only thing I’ve been able to see that Trump fears, is alcohol and drugs because of the death of his older brother.
Yeah, it's funny how they all slobbered over a sleazeball. But I am continuously amazed at how consistently giddy they are at the prospect of starting Civil War II.
When you take all of the oozing love for Michael Avenatti that came out of our Journalists!, talking heads, and vapid heads (I'm looking at you Joy Behar), then toss in the hundreds of 'Gotcha' headlines all across the media spectrum about the 'Bombshell' announcement, or the upcoming bombshell interview/testimony/book it really puts to scale just how putrid our media class is.
They are simply not very smart people. Clone-like in their thinking (there isn't an original thought among them). And they are absolutely sure they are all the smartest people in the room.
Ignorant and loud is not a good way to go through life. As in industry, its a killer.
Maher is not dumb. But he is also not the intellectual giant that he has always played. He's a commoner, with commoner thoughts. Really- he has less original thinking than many. His gift is that he's (a) liberal- which has given him a fatty HBO contract that made his life, (b) clever- more than intelligent, (c) funny.
He uses his talents well. But this myth that he's an intellectual comic is, just that. A myth. If you've listened to him over the years and did not say to yourself "Why, that's just wrong. What he's saying is just bullshit." then you're not being intellectually honest with yourself.
Maher is not dumb. But he is also not the intellectual giant that he has always played. He's a commoner, with commoner thoughts. Really- he has less original thinking than many. His gift is that he's (a) liberal- which has given him a fatty HBO contract that made his life, (b) clever- more than intelligent, (c) funny.
He uses his talents well. But this myth that he's an intellectual comic is, just that. A myth. If you've listened to him over the years and did not say to yourself "Why, that's just wrong. What he's saying is just bullshit." then you're not being intellectually honest with yourself.
CNN Correspondent sent to jail. Was that how CNN spun this?
So, uh, the leftwingdeepstate DoJ, which has been breaking laws to try to take down PDJT, has now obtained a guilty conviction against...
One of PDJT's leading public tormentors.
Explain your answers.
"So, uh, the leftwingdeepstate DoJ, which has been breaking laws to try to take down PDJT, has now obtained a guilty conviction against..."
*A* guilty conviction.
After 3 years.
Over a matter having nothing at all to do with Trump.
And you think this single conviction, of someone who did not exist within the intelligence community axis that housed *dozens* of lawbreaking assholes advancing the coup, outweighs the avalanche of malfeasance that no one has been indicted for?
God, you're an ass.
ARM, thanks for my morning laugh. Stormy Daniels Trump slayer's biggest booster shows up to toss an off topic squirrel into the mix. Quelle surprise.
Reggie Walton is a notorious blow-hard.
What about that insurance policy that was discussed in Andy's office? Was it term or whole-life? Was there an annuity option?
Dillinger committed traffic violations, too, but I don't think they charged him with those.
There is more to come for Mr. McCabe.
no he goes down the memory hole, like cpl, Ogilvy in 1984
I'm terrified of a deep state that that framed Michael Flynn and got away with it.
"Donald Trump is terrified of Michael Avenatti..."
So in effect, his political opposition are terrorists.
Proving, yet again- that the MEDIA NARRATIVE is all pro-democrat and mostly bullshit.
All glory is fleeting. And those whom the Gods would destroy they first put on cable TV to be slobbered over.
Poor Michael. Would he have gone after a powerful target like Nike if he hadn't been encouraged to believe by all that adulation that he had great power himself? Stealing from a disabled client is one thing. A big, rich corporation is another. I don't know if it was hubris or desperation, probably both.
MSDNC and Clinton New Notwork ignore big news that doesn't fit the narrative.
All the time.
Qwinn, of course Chuck thinks that. He's incapable of logic.
And embarrassment
Temujin said...
Maher is not dumb. But he is also not the intellectual giant that he has always played. He's a commoner, with commoner thoughts. Really- he has less original thinking than many. His gift is that he's (a) liberal- which has given him a fatty HBO contract that made his life, (b) clever- more than intelligent, (c) funny
I only found out 3 years ago we were in the same high school for 3 years. He was a year behind me. Somehow, I never ran into him. According to some of my classmates, that's a pretty fair description of him. We knew a whole lot of people in common... but never met.
That class also produced Harry de la Roche. I've often wondered if the two of them were friends. I knew Harry, sort of. According to some of my classmates, Maher also was bullied every now and again. I'll leave it to you to see if you're curious enough to look up the infamous but not as well known one of the two.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "One of PDJT's leading public tormentors.
Explain your answers."
He tried to shake down Nike.
Do you have any other questions?
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