... you can keep the conversation going.
That glowing round shape is not the sun. I took that picture at 7:08, 2 minutes before the "actual" sunrise time (7:10).
If that had been the sun, I would have had to hide it behind a tree to keep it from blowing out the camera, as I did here, in a photo taken at 7:14:

When you have both orange and blue in the sky the pictures just make themselves. of course you have to be out there and be able to capture it and have enough sense to know how to frame it properly and also the sense to know what looks good and what doesn't but other than that the picture just makes itself at least that's what it looks like
Looks like a beautiful day in the Frozen north country neighborhood. Amazon Prime Video has released the new Midway yesterday. It's only 14.99 to own it. we were amazed at how much seeing it the second time on the home bigscreen made it better.The movie is near perfect history of America's most important day of the 20th Century
Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing!
"That glowing round shape is not the sun."
Originally written "That glowing round circle is not the sun."
Took me a while to see the problem.
Cool, a false sunrise! I've never seen one in person, I don't think, probably because I'm not a morning person. There has to be a false sunset too?
BTW, my little 4x6 sketchbooks arrived. My first drawing is horrible, but it's a start ...
Why yes, that wiki page links to "false sunset" too.
"of course you have to be out there and be able to capture it"
This was one of those sunrises that change from minute to minute. You have to keep stopping to catch the best freeze frame. And you have to start early. I was there 15 minutes before the sunrise time, and I should have been even 5 minutes earlier, because there was a lot of pink, which faded quickly. There was a vertical beam of light, quite dark pink, about 15 minutes before the sunrise time, and I didn't stop to catch it, even though I've learned that's the kind of thing that's there and then gone.
Thanks for the "false sunrise" info.
I really did get a great one!
So pleased!
I'll have to look for false sunrises and sunsets now. Yes, you really notice how quickly the sun moves across the sky when it's low to the horizon.
Have you ever observed the "green flash" at sunrise or sunset? I've seen it maybe 2 or 3 times in my life, all sunsets over the Pacific.
Great pic! It's a Cross of Gold. WJBryan had something to say about that.
Also, a Golden Cross is a bullish indicator to people who watch stock price charts.
Billy the Kid's legal name was William the Child.
291,000 jobs added in January against an estimate of 150,000. The manufacturing sector - which I’ve been promised is in a recession - added 10,000 jobs. Funny that.
Reflection off ice crystals. If the sun is up, you can get a sub-sun underneath. I'm not sure what this phenomenon would be called. Supersun?
Don't try to tell me what the sun is or isn't. Quit gaslighting!
Smart move by Romney. Now when people look into how he and his kids make their money, he can claim retaliation.
Romney sympathizes with Hunter and Joe Biden.
Wow, interesting. Never heard of a false sunrise and never saw one either, thanks for the terrific photo!
Mitt votes to convict Trump.
Very, very disappointed but not surprised.
Mitt McCain... where's the cameras?
The only senator to vote to convict the president of his party ever? Cause he's religious. Guess his peeps got caught up in Ukraine!
Comes from a long line of the "brainwashed"
Ra-hmney-- a false sun.
Glad I didn't vote for him
Now when people look into how he and his kids make their money, he can claim retaliation.
Does the legal statute defining ‘political rival’ say anything about political affiliation? Can rivals be from the same party?
/sarc off
Quelle surprise
So it is almost certain now, Mittens is going to run as a third party candidate.
Return to sender
Bloomberg/Romney 2020?
Kind of redundant they both believe in sky dragons.
"Bloomberg/Romney 2020?"
Romney would NEVER take 2nd place.
So it is almost certain now, Mittens is going to run as a third party candidate
I doubt that. At this point he's almost completely despised on the Right and merely tolerated on the Left due to his anti-Trumpism, but they'd never vote for him in a million years. As such I can't imagine what demo a candidate Romney would possible court other than the paper thin never Trump slice of the pie. I seriously doubt he would even pull numbers to be a Ross Perot style Independent spoiler candidate either.
Even McCain voted to impeach Clinton. Romney is going full egomaniac. What a twisted, pompous, jealous little man. Of course, he talked to God before he voted. Whether to tell him or ask him isn't known.
Of course Mitt the Pink Hat is going to vote to convict.
Facts, precedent, history, none of that matters -- sticking it to Trump is all that matters (even if at the cost of any and all residual respect for Romney).
Mittens has the never-trumper vote locked up. Counting George Will, that's about 12 people.
Romney has the gall to say that he wanted to hear form Bolton because it might have changed his vote! Can you believe that? What a fraud.
If Romney had any guts, he would stop grandstanding and simply run in the GOP primary against Trump.
But he won't. Because he is a weasel. And he'd rather shoot arrows from the sidelines.
Third Party run a la Perot? It'd be interesting. Probably, he would siphon a few votes from Trump.
His colleagues will take the measure of the man from this. He was perceived as an arrogant, entitled, twit of a freshman senator from a nothing state before. He's even less now.
I'm disappointed, disappointed in the Republicans in Utah. What's the excuse for Romney? Its not like Utah is blue/purple state. Almost ANY moderately qualified conservative could have gotten elected. But instead they chose a carpetbagging, Massachusetts moderate.
I'll repeat: Thank God Pierre Delecto lost in 2012. The damage "Bi-partisan" Mitt could have done to the Country and the R party...
Real time versus Trump time.
“Trump time is like dog years.” Robert O’Brien, President Donald J. Trump’s fourth National Security Advisor.
Any ideas on #5? I’m thinkin’ maybe Don Jr. Or Tiffany. Tiffany knows how to keep her yap shut.
I'm still gonna bet that Romney's vote for impeachment ends his senatorial career come the next election.
There are folks on the Right who believe that there is non-Trumpian political space on the Right. That may have been true in 2017. It's not true now.
Step right up and place yer bets, ladies & gents!
Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Bloomberg/Romney 2020?
Don’t tease like that!
So how's that Utah law to allow recalling senators coming along?
Blogger YoungHegelian said...
I'm still gonna bet that Romney's vote for impeachment ends his senatorial career come the next election.
In, uh, 2024?
Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said...
So how's that Utah law to allow recalling senators coming along?
Lulz. I think it might have a date in court.
Good for Mitt!! It’s tough to achieve Super Cuck status, but he’s now their supreme being. 😂
"Romney sympathizes with Hunter and Joe Biden."
Romney has some of his very own interesting connections with Ukrainian energy entities.
Romney's pro-far left vote is an act of self-preservation.
I watched Mitts speech. Like I said about Collins, I believe most here are more informed than many senators, who seen to be totaly unaware of the Schiff house proceedings.
Largely so
Romney’s Senate career is finished now.
He crossed Mitch.
Bloomberg/Romney 2020?
Romney as Democrat VP candidate would be an advertised "unity" party candidate to rid us of the Dictator Trump.
The DNC media would eat it up. It would be portrayed as heroic.
In, uh, 2024?
Yes. This will not be forgiven nor forgotten, especially if Trump wins a second term. Romney's opponent will bring it up at every turn, and will emphasize the fact that Romney is counting on the passage of time to help him escape judgement, "And you, Mr & Mrs Republican Voter of Utah, can't let him get away with it!".
I meant what I said about there not being any non-Trumpian space on the Right, Chuck. I can understand that you might not agree, but we shall both see what the future brings.
For fun:
All Presidential Medal of Freedom Winners: List of ...
So who did Chuck nominate as the least electable Dem? I don't recall see a comment by him.
But surely a life long repub would have an opinion about that.
So c'mon Chuckles tell us who is the least electable Dem and why.
Romney is not running for re-election in 2024.
He’s like Flake was. Except Flake, though he hated Trump, was a team player for Mitch.
Romney is not running for re-election in 2024.
You got something to back that assertion up? 'Cause, here's something that says different, and it's from a Romney-friendly source
@MadisonMan - I think those are called "Sundogs". Ice crystals can do that to the Moon, too. Called Moondogs, natch.
The one-term governor was never serious about a long senate career. He thought that he would be welcomed as a savior and hoisted on senators' shoulders who would implore him to be their leader. When that didn't happen, when he was immediately anointed into the party leadership, his senate service became pointless.
"The lack of outrage over giving this racist, misogynistic award is telling"
So says "Conservative" Jennifer Rubin, after comparing Rush Limbaugh to David Duke.
Oh and she LOVES mitt Romney
Romney is banking on the stupidity of the R voters. They nominated "The Maverick" in 2016, 2010, and 2004 despite all his betrays and lies, and Mittens thinks he can get re-nominated in 2024 - IF HE WANTS. Just say a few conservative words - what about "Just build the dang fence" - maybe cast a few conservative votes in 2023-2024, and the boobs will renominate him. the impeachment will be forgotten.
So says "Conservative" Jennifer Rubin, after comparing Rush Limbaugh to David Duke.
And what pisses me off about this is folks never even get David Duke right. Duke left the KKK behind in 1985! 1985. That's a long time ago.
Now, I'm not saying that he became an upstanding citizen in the meantime. Au contraire! But, now he's into denouncing the International Jewish Conspiracy that's running everything. He even went to the Ukraine and got a PhD from some institute for Advanced Joo-Hating Studies there.
As always, antisemitism makes for peculiar Left/Right bedfellows. Duke likes the Palestinians & Islamic terrorists because they do the hard work in the trenches of Joo-Killin'. He's not fond of the corporate world because of that Judeo-Capitalist stuff (the Nazis agreed). Matter of fact, if you want a good approximation of what spews from the mouth of David Duke, Rep. Rashida Talib or Columbia University's Institute for Middle Eastern Studies gives a good approximation, without the social taint of visiting the web sites of, you know, those Right-wing Nutjobs!
Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said...
So who did Chuck nominate as the least electable Dem? I don't recall see a comment by him.
I voted for Sanders, but I am biased.
I hate the Bernie Bros; they are like Trump fans of a slightly different variety. And I do mean that in the most sincerely insulting way to Trump fans. Both groups, actually.
Also, Sanders is the one guy who I, as an anti-Trump Republican, can least picture myself voting for.
Lol ...
“Voted for” Sanders in the “least electable” poll.
The one and only way I’d vote for him.
Manchin announces he'll convict.
NSS. Another big surprise. Not.
ot, there's an adaptation of ross Thomas's briar patch, about thirty years after the publication of that crime thriller, on usa today,
Top Photo is your best yet. Should be in Madison's Travel Log.
@MadisonMan - I think those are called "Sundogs". Ice crystals can do that to the Moon, too. Called Moondogs, natch.
Sundogs appear on either side of the Sun, at the intersection of the parhelic circle and the 22 degree halo. That's not this.
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