By no means an endorsement of Nate Silver predictive models but something very interesting today- the nomination model shows a tie between Bernie Sanders and ‘nobody’ winning the nomination on the first ballot.
"Police said the incident happened Tuesday as Bradley exited the voting location inside the high school and was walking by a Trump campaign tent occupied by several supporters. As he passed by the tent, police said, Bradley slapped a 15-year old juvenile across the face and then assaulted two other adults who attempted to intercede.
Bradley is also accused of throwing Trump campaign signs and attempting to knock over the campaign tent, police said."
...and later, if you plan on having sax, may we suggest a Dick Morrissey/Vangelis piece for your dystopian love-making: the sweet, sublime and bleak Love Theme, from Bladerunner (the good version)
But beyond that, consider the ultimate Valentine: Jesus Christ "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.'
" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
to all Althousians, great and small-- May God's love, and the peace of Christ rule in your hearts
His lunatic need for attention is the only thing keeping the Dems in the race at the moment.
Peace and prosperity, with the opposition on the verge of nominating a man who makes George McGovern look like a conservative. Trump: How can I make this more exciting and turn what should be a landslide into a close race?
Vindman did the right thing. He showed that Trump understands Ukraine better than The Interagency Consensus.
And that they all knew about the Bidens profiteering in Ukraine, but said nothing.
The problem with The Deep State is that they suck at their jobs. Explains the last 30 years. We’re stuck with shitty leaders overseeing third stringers.
Barr is trying to prove he’s not Trump’s Roy Cohn, too late. I can’t wait to see if Trump can keep his grubby fingers of his tweeter tonight in the wee hours.
Jim Jorden may be in some hot water, should be interesting.
inga - Kelly is not in the military, he is an elderly man who used to be in the military. Big difference. Barr likes Trump, and respects him. Think about it.
“Jim Jordan called me crying, crying, groveling, on the Fourth of July, begging me to go against my brother, begging me, crying for half an hour,” DiSabato said. “That’s the kind of coverups going on here.”
He said that Jordan called him repeatedly, in a panic. “I had to have my lawyer call him, telling him to stop calling me.”
Adam DiSabato said that he had also reported the abuse to Jordan, who was the assistant coach at the time, and others associated with the university’s wrestling team. “They did nothing,” he said. “They told me they went to their superiors [who] told them to be happy where we’re at and keep our mouth shut.”
DiSabato made his feelings about Jordan explicitly clear. “He’s thrown us under the bus, all of us,” he said. “He’s a coward. He’s a coward. He’s not a leader. He’s a coward.””
I plan on spending tomorrow curled up on the couch, in a fetal position, in the dark, with a half gallon of Haagen Dazs and a lifetime of bitter memories...
The scary thing about kim philby was not only how many agents he compromised to moscow, but how many we recruited under dubious circumstances certain folk from the caucasus and central europe for instsnce
“Video of a woman slashing a man's throat at Taco Bell for telling her to speak respectfully to employees. Sentenced to just 7 years for attempted murder.”
So are the Althouse cafes now the spot to post snuff films?
He worked for mckinsey on govt projects before he got to afghanistan, was he oga. Thats probably the wrong question. Now rory stewart probably was mi 6 it was in his blood.
Bloomberg should just hand out $100 bills. Just walk through neighborhoods with a camera crew handing out cash. He’d get more votes instead of wasting it on TV ads and political consultants.
Inga - Kelly should say what he wants. He is an old man who is not loyal to his friends, we all know people like that. It does not matter from the point of view of "the news" and history ==== Kelly - and me, and you ---- are all headed to historical obscurity. What matters is whether we are loyal and kind and virtuous.
I did not tell you you do not show respect, I asked you
this world belongs to the people who care and who want to be virtuous, so I ask again ---- WHY SO MUCH DISRESPECT ....
mccullough said...Bloomberg should just hand out $100 bills. Just walk through neighborhoods with a camera crew handing out cash. -- Willie Wilson in Chi does that.
No one wants to watch Nancy Pelosi behind Trump. She’s not a worthy adversary. Pity doesn’t generate ratings. Like Paul Ryan, Trump sent Pelosi packing.
You need surprise and some conflict. Some struggle. Pelosi is a has been. Like Hollywood.
The jury foreperson in the Stone trial turns out to be a local activist of the D Partay; who never should have been allowed near a courtroom. Say what you will about Stone, this could be another D own goal.
On a related note, I've felt all along that Trump is more likely to self-destruct than be brought down by others.
Bloomberg turns 78 tomorrow. That's good. I was getting worried about him, but he's too old withstand the rigors of a campaign. His money is strong, but he isn't.
So Comcast unilaterally and without warning took away another channel and made it an extra-pay channel. And here I was thinking that I was already paying extra for it.
Still some channels available though. Just watched the last half of Rocky Balboa.
The speech he gives to his son outside the restaurant is one of the greats -- in movies and for life.
Rocky: "The time come for you to be your own man and take on the world, and you did. But somewhere along the line, you changed. You stopped being you. You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good. And when things got hard, you started looking for something to blame, like a big shadow.
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.
You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! . . .
Ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody!"
In other terrific Barr news, the Ukrainian investigation was taken out of the hands of the obama-holdover/deep staters in DC and handed to the Pittsburg office
Bernie Bro tries to "bern" down a GOP office. Violent leftist slaps a 15 year old Trump supporter. And of course, Bernie bro rams his truck thru a GOP recruiting tent in FL.
Also, a former NYPD cop is attacked by lefty woman simply for wearing a baseball cap that looked like a MAGA hat.
Feds Lock Down a Dangerous Lawsuit that Threatens To Expose The Clinton Foundation in One of The Biggest Public Thefts in U.S. History
and per paul sperry Black leader suing former Mayor Pete Buttigieg over alleged racist policing in South Bend
@OANN is told the White House has identified a deep group of 3 or more leakers from 2017/2018 as current White House Military Office aides, getting the boot as early as this weekend. The group is said to include Anonymous.
Mark ----- "I don't know if you're special, only you're going to know that" ---- a quote from the Rocky films.
"The last shall be first and the first shall be last" ---- one of my favorite quotes from the Bible.
God loves us all and loves us all the way we are but loves us too much to let us stay that way.
or ..... (from page 92 of "Love Alone: the way of Revelation", a short book by H. U. on Balthasar, a young fellow born in Switzerland a dozen decades ago, we have this, at footnote 1, and I quote in full .....)
"God himself, as Creator and Redeemer, thinks and acts [with a view to the future] in this sense: in the light of the final image that 'hovers before [H]im God loves us [all], not as we are, not on account of our merit, but as we will be as a result of his gift (Prosper, [at] the Second Council of Orange, c. 12, Dz. 185)."
(thought I would quote that for any one who has read my sometimes intense comments and thought I was not an Orthodox Christian).
narciso ---- Ephesians - which you quoted - and Philippians, which is the more eloquent twin of Ephesians, are my two favorite books in the Bible.
NOBODY CARES what my favorite books are I get that. I DO NOT WANT ANY ONE TO CARE. Trust me.
BUT GOD CARES about what every single one of us would think of as our favorite books in the Bible, if we just had the minimal decency and kindness in our heart to try and find a few favorite verses or chapters in the Bible.
Well i prefer original sources whenever possible, the nearly 60 years of absense of the bible from public square have done toxic, because we see the fruit early i. Ephesians.
Drago said...Also, a former NYPD cop is attacked by lefty woman simply for wearing a baseball cap that looked like a MAGA hat. -- Apparently close enough to be a dog whistle.
Since it was lost at the end of a thread from this morning, I wanted to repost this since it was a must read comment by Lee Moore. It was about the Stone/Barr/Trump "scandal".
Y'all gotta remember that this is asymmetric warfare.
If Nixon wants his enemies' tax records, he has to do something himself to get them - under the eyes of the IRS bureaucrats, who are all Democrats and who are going to go the press. If Obama wants his enemies' tax records, he doesn't have to do squat. The IRS bureaucrats will send over anything interesting without even being asked. So the question of going to the press never arises.
Want a politically motivated prosecution of an opponent or a troublesome journalist ? Good luck getting away with that Mr Republican President. But if you're a Democrat President it'll happen automatically - that's what the autopilot is set to.
Want an ally who's in the legal soup to get off ? If you're Trump your best chance - though still a forlorn hope - is to tweet*. But if you're Obama you don't need to do anything. It'll happen automatically. Did Obama have to tweet to get that computer guy off ? The guy who actually did obstruct justice by deleting Clinton emails when he knew they were under a subpoena ? Of course not. The DoJ gave him a soft - nay positively moisturising balm - plea deal.
"Tell us everything you know and we won't charge you with obstruction." "I'll take that offer." "So what do you know ?" "Nothing." "Well, great, that about wraps it up. You're free to go."
Or Awan or Wolfe. Which happened during the Trump Administration. I say "during" rather than "under" lest anyone imagine that what the DoJ did pre-Barr had anything to do with Trump. It was still a cabal of his enemies. And indeed it still is, minus Captain Barr, who is alas not in control of his ship.
*btw the idea that Trump woud have been better off to whisper his concerns about Stone quietly to Bill Barr instead of tweeting, is TOTALLY NUTS. Wanna avoid people thinking you're secretly pulling Bill Barr's strings ? Hey have you considered secretly pulling Bill Barr's strings ?
And this, also, from James Sarver in the same thread bears a repost. It begins with a quote from Althouse blog post, then addresses it.
"There's an equality value in following the rules for everyone, famous or unknown, connected to power wielders or friendless."
Nobody seems to appreciate the irony inherent in taking this position in the Mueller/Trump/Stone context. McCarthy states explicitly the ridiculous predication of the entire case and then dismisses it because rules is rules. As does our esteemed host apparently.
Rule of law is not just the narrow context of rules being followed. Every tin-pot dictator ever has had a system with rules that they followed, pretending at rule of law.
"The degree to which Michael Bloomberg is using his fortune to fundamentally alter & manipulate U.S. politics to his personal advantage extends way beyond ads. I've worked against him, covered him as a journalist & worked with his top aides. Here’s their playbook:" (1/17)
Congratulations to narciso for his newfound linking abilities. Nonetheless, I will continue in my efforts to remain as uninformed as possible about the plots and counterplots of Trump and his enemies. It's exhausting. For the record, it does seem that Hunter Biden's dealings in the Ukraine seem far more suspect and just obviously wrong than those of Trump. I'm not going to study the issue further.....The Bojack Horseman cartoon series on Netflix is pretty good and far more worthy of your attention. It's not exactly binge worthy. I could only take one or two episodes at a time, but it's very good. Some of the family scenes are more harrowing than anything in O'Neill. The fact that they are acted out by cartoon animals with funny wisecracks only makes them bleaker. As Bojack points out, Strindberg is pretty good, but he's no Ibsen. SPOILER: The penultimate episode is a dark bath of nihilism and blackness swallows all. Then it turns out to be a dream, and nothingness turns to the daily grind of emptiness. This ultimate ending left room for a sequeal and was true to the spirit of Bojack.
seriously all i ever want to talk about anymore is this - God loves you and God loves everyone you care about, and seriously, if you don't spend your time trying to realize your dream of living in a world where God ALWAYS helps you make the lives of EVERYBODY YOU CARE ABOUT better
you are wasting your time.
That being said, I am not one of those arrogant people who tell other people that they are foolish for wasting time, as if I knew anything more about time than anyone else who truly CARES ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE knows
Well done, @narciso. I had a method worked out for viewing your posted links without too much bother. But being able to just do it with one click is much appreciated.
Now that the html is working, can we do something about punctuation, grammar, spelling, capitalization and basic sentence structure? These things are what make writing readable.
But Mayor Pete is: Cuddly cute, with his little Opie Taylor looks! COMPLETELY UNKNOWN, i mean; what do VOTERS know about South Bend? As a Gay, immune to personal attacks... Unless you're a Damn HOMOPHOBE!!!
Now that the html is working, can we do something about punctuation, grammar, spelling, capitalization and basic sentence structure? These things are what make writing readable.
Is the bell about to ring, and math class about to start?
Lovely photo, I especially like the composition. Still winter.
Trump didn't threaten anyone. He criticized another of the coequal branches of government. Nothing wrong with that. Barr says Trump's tweets are a hindrance, not helpful to the execution of his duties, which I understand to be an assertion that Barr is not doing Trump's bidding. Trump tweets are accomplishing what they are meant to, the magician's tactic of distracting one's gaze.
I prefer open text links (on a line to itself). Just triple click and say open in new tab. You can tell in advance where it takes you. If the link isn't insanely long.
stephen cooper said... narciso ---- Ephesians - which you quoted - and Philippians, which is the more eloquent twin of Ephesians, are my two favorite books in the Bible.
NOBODY CARES what my favorite books are I get that. I DO NOT WANT ANY ONE TO CARE. Trust me.
BUT GOD CARES about what every single one of us would think of as our favorite books in the Bible, if we just had the minimal decency and kindness in our heart to try and find a few favorite verses or chapters in the Bible.
God bless you for understanding that. 2/13/20, 10:39 PM
My favorites are Genesis and Revelation, probably. Good beginning and ending, basically.
I prefer open text links (on a line to itself). Just triple click and say open in new tab. You can tell in advance where it takes you. If the link isn't insanely long.
That works only if you're using a laptop running the “right” browser. (And no, I'm not giving up my iPhone and carrying a laptop around with me, then running Chrome.)
Using html hyperlinks, a more general strategy to use for seeing in advance where the link will take you is to “hover” your mouse over the link (that allows you to see the hover-over text for the link, if any, at the same time). On, e.g., an iPhone, simply hold your finger on the link for a couple of seconds, and the link and hover-over text will be shown (along with a subsidiary open menu).
Maybe it's just me, but I don't come here to find links* to other places. That said, good on narciso for mastering something that I find troublesome, myself.
Narr *I rarely follow anyone's, including the Prof's
It's so annoying to explain html code. You can't put it up without changing it so it won't work. You have to add explanation in text, and then people don't understand it.
But by now everyone should have figured it out...
<a html=""
then close the bracket, add the text you want highlighted and close the a by putting /a in brackets.
As for the slanders of Jim Jordan, you must understand that a College level Wrestler has no need for any protection from a coach or athletic trainer. They would simple attack them. That's all they do all day long: attack bigger, quicker and stronger men. I am serious. The abusive coach would need the protection.
Kay - your choices are wonderful. Never thought about it that way, thanks ....
There are two kinds of people in the world, there are people who have favorite books in the Bible and there are those who don't
:( :( :(
:( :( :(
:( :( :(
GOD LOVES US ALL EQUALLY BUT seriously, if you are one of the people who knows that, as I think you are, and if you ever have the chance to talk, heart to heart, to someone who does not know how much God loves us .....
if one has such a chance, please take advantage ....
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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Bernie bro tries to burn down GOP office.
By no means an endorsement of Nate Silver predictive models but something very interesting today- the nomination model shows a tie between Bernie Sanders and ‘nobody’ winning the nomination on the first ballot.
In other words Bernie and Hillary are tied!
Violent Leftist slaps a 15 year old in the face.
"Police said the incident happened Tuesday as Bradley exited the voting location inside the high school and was walking by a Trump campaign tent occupied by several supporters. As he passed by the tent, police said, Bradley slapped a 15-year old juvenile across the face and then assaulted two other adults who attempted to intercede.
Bradley is also accused of throwing Trump campaign signs and attempting to knock over the campaign tent, police said."
Happy Valentine's Day sweet Althouse.
this is what passes for science
Make Amour Great Again!
tomorrow, we're all Marian Williamson !
...and later, if you plan on having sax, may we suggest a Dick
Morrissey/Vangelis piece for your dystopian love-making:
the sweet, sublime and bleak
Love Theme, from Bladerunner (the good version)
But beyond that, consider the ultimate Valentine:
Jesus Christ
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.'
" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
to all Althousians, great and small--
May God's love, and the peace of Christ rule in your hearts
Nate is rapidly leaving the world of prescious metals and branching out into clay.
I am beginning to lose faith is the system:
Jury Foreman In Roger Stone Case Was Trump-Hating Russia Collusion Hoaxer
Barr blasts Trump's tweets on Stone case: 'Impossible for me to do my job'
Who is this deep-state bureaucrat who thinks he knows better than Donald Trump how to run the Justice Department?
History of the penis and the clitoris, Gresham lecture
The penis gets most of the time because the clitoris was only discovered in 1559, by Renaldus Columbus.
A reason to mark Columbus day.
"The penis continues to be measured in inches long after most of the world has gone metric."
Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Tells Buttigieg: ‘Stop Playing War Hero’
Barr blasts Trump's tweets on Stone case: 'Impossible for me to do my job'
Legitimacy theater or real conflict? We report, you decide.
Personally I hope the tweets keep coming. His lunatic need for attention is the only thing keeping the Dems in the race at the moment.
Only guys with small dicks use the metric system
The clitoris was discovered a much longer time ago. By women.
The important date is the year Muslim men started cutting them out
The navy is retiring clitoral warships.
Trump says John Kelly must 'keep his mouth shut' after ex-chief of staff said Vindman did the right thing. Trump said Kelly has a "military and legal obligation" to "keep his mouth shut."
Oh the irony.
His lunatic need for attention is the only thing keeping the Dems in the race at the moment.
Peace and prosperity, with the opposition on the verge of nominating a man who makes George McGovern look like a conservative. Trump: How can I make this more exciting and turn what should be a landslide into a close race?
“Oh the irony.”
Now let’s see how Trump will try to retaliate against Kelly. Trump might be making himself some enemies in the military.
Vindman did the right thing. He showed that Trump understands Ukraine better than The Interagency Consensus.
And that they all knew about the Bidens profiteering in Ukraine, but said nothing.
The problem with The Deep State is that they suck at their jobs. Explains the last 30 years. We’re stuck with shitty leaders overseeing third stringers.
Well he was being lobbied by naftogaz key client of burisma, probably banked at privat bank.
Barr is trying to prove he’s not Trump’s Roy Cohn, too late. I can’t wait to see if Trump can keep his grubby fingers of his tweeter tonight in the wee hours.
Jim Jorden may be in some hot water, should be interesting.
they have it backwards
inga - Kelly is not in the military, he is an elderly man who used to be in the military. Big difference.
Barr likes Trump, and respects him. Think about it.
Why is your heart so full of disrespect?
Dems here having a Barrgasm.
“Jim Jordan called me crying, crying, groveling, on the Fourth of July, begging me to go against my brother, begging me, crying for half an hour,” DiSabato said. “That’s the kind of coverups going on here.”
He said that Jordan called him repeatedly, in a panic. “I had to have my lawyer call him, telling him to stop calling me.”
Adam DiSabato said that he had also reported the abuse to Jordan, who was the assistant coach at the time, and others associated with the university’s wrestling team. “They did nothing,” he said. “They told me they went to their superiors [who] told them to be happy where we’re at and keep our mouth shut.”
DiSabato made his feelings about Jordan explicitly clear. “He’s thrown us under the bus, all of us,” he said. “He’s a coward. He’s a coward. He’s not a leader. He’s a coward.””
They keep falling for the same hattrick, sad.
“Why is your heart so full of disrespect?”
I give due respect when it’s warranted.
Trump says he may stop letting others listen in on calls with world leaders
I feel safer already.
“Kelly is not in the military, he is an elderly man who used to be in the military.”
So then, why should he keep his mouth shut as Trump says?
I plan on spending tomorrow curled up on the couch, in a fetal position, in the dark, with a half gallon of Haagen Dazs and a lifetime of bitter memories...
The scary thing about kim philby was not only how many agents he compromised to moscow, but how many we recruited under dubious circumstances certain folk from the caucasus and central europe for instsnce
Blather, Reince, repeat.
Narciso has figured out links. Bravo, Narciso!
If Althouse pays by the character, her bill is going down.
“I feel safer already.”
Yeah, I wonder why. So he can do corrupt acts with impunity, although he already does with his “Roy Cohn” and a Republican Senate.
Yes i kept working at it, the easy hyperlinks arent, imho
Good thing she didn't lie to congress, or something real bad:
Video of a woman slashing a man's throat at Taco Bell for telling her to speak respectfully to employees. Sentenced to just 7 years for attempted murder.
Holy Cow!!
I just saw an interstitial add for Bloomberg on youtube. He was taking references from Obama's coat tails!!
I hope he spends lots of money!!
"Poot Beetlejuice"??
Media Keeps Calling Pete Buttigieg “Poot” [VIDEO]
Pete Buttigieg Really Wants You To Know He’s Not A CIA Asset
Mayor Pete wants you to know he's not a CIA asset.
So much he'll tell you twice.
Spooky Poot
“Video of a woman slashing a man's throat at Taco Bell for telling her to speak respectfully to employees. Sentenced to just 7 years for attempted murder.”
So are the Althouse cafes now the spot to post snuff films?
He worked for mckinsey on govt projects before he got to afghanistan, was he oga. Thats probably the wrong question. Now rory stewart probably was mi 6 it was in his blood.
So the ratings for the Oscars went down. Sad.
They should have Trump host it next year.
Bloomberg should just hand out $100 bills. Just walk through neighborhoods with a camera crew handing out cash. He’d get more votes instead of wasting it on TV ads and political consultants.
now they are on the same page
Yang was offering 1,000 a month.
Inga - Kelly should say what he wants.
He is an old man who is not loyal to his friends, we all know people like that.
It does not matter from the point of view of "the news" and history ==== Kelly - and me, and you ---- are all headed to historical obscurity.
What matters is whether we are loyal and kind and virtuous.
I did not tell you you do not show respect, I asked you
this world belongs to the people who care and who want to be virtuous, so I ask again ----
for the person who was wronged?
When it comes to Poots, Imogen is the only one I care for.
God bless us all, everyone.
You gotta give some money upfront. Otherwise people know you’re full of shit.
Bloomberg needs to give it away. Liquidate and start handing out cash. Show us you are serious.
Raffle off the private jets. No bullshit. Spread the Wealth.
mccullough said...Bloomberg should just hand out $100 bills. Just walk through neighborhoods with a camera crew handing out cash.
Willie Wilson in Chi does that.
Bernie Battles the Billionaire
You have to give it to Trump. He set this up perfectly.
mccullough said...
So the ratings for the Oscars went down. Sad.
They should have Trump host it next year.
Ratings for the State of the Union were down even more. That shit getting stale, man.
Althouse, Meade, I wish you a happy Valentine's Day.
“What matters is whether we are loyal and kind and virtuous.”
Just like Trump, eh?
havent seen her since fright night remake
The oscars except for the recognition of fvf and 1917, were navel gazing to a level i didnt think anatomically possible.
Inga and ARM comedy act. I can't take it any more. G' nite.
No one wants to watch Nancy Pelosi behind Trump. She’s not a worthy adversary. Pity doesn’t generate ratings. Like Paul Ryan, Trump sent Pelosi packing.
You need surprise and some conflict. Some struggle. Pelosi is a has been. Like Hollywood.
What happened to Adam Schiff? The guy disappeared. Gone with the Wind.
The jury foreperson in the Stone trial turns out to be a local activist of the D Partay; who never should have been allowed near a courtroom. Say what you will about Stone, this could be another D own goal.
On a related note, I've felt all along that Trump is more likely to self-destruct than be brought down by others.
It's gonna get crazier
She lives in tennessee, heck she was on the memphis school board.
Trump won’t self destruct. He doesn’t tire of winning.
Bloomberg turns 78 tomorrow. That's good. I was getting worried about him, but he's too old withstand the rigors of a campaign. His money is strong, but he isn't.
So Comcast unilaterally and without warning took away another channel and made it an extra-pay channel. And here I was thinking that I was already paying extra for it.
Still some channels available though. Just watched the last half of Rocky Balboa.
The speech he gives to his son outside the restaurant is one of the greats -- in movies and for life.
Bloomberg is already back peddling. What a pussy.
Rocky: "The time come for you to be your own man and take on the world, and you did. But somewhere along the line, you changed. You stopped being you. You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good. And when things got hard, you started looking for something to blame, like a big shadow.
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.
You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! . . .
Ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody!"
Admiral Inga: "I give due respect when it’s warranted."
Carter Page: Russian spy or no?
ARM: "Ratings for the State of the Union were down even more. That shit getting stale, man."
Dems tuning out after their Sham-Wow-Peachment failure accounted for the drop.
Independents and Republicans/Conservatives did tune in.
Statistical subgrouping. It's a real thing.
What's with all this coding of links?
Can't we just have the URLs posted?
In other terrific Barr news, the Ukrainian investigation was taken out of the hands of the obama-holdover/deep staters in DC and handed to the Pittsburg office
Shades of Durham.
Please dems. Please please please impeach Barr.
Bernie Bro tries to "bern" down a GOP office.
Violent leftist slaps a 15 year old Trump supporter.
And of course, Bernie bro rams his truck thru a GOP recruiting tent in FL.
Also, a former NYPD cop is attacked by lefty woman simply for wearing a baseball cap that looked like a MAGA hat.
Just another week in lefty land.
So the vance whelp is focusing like a laser beam on the malcolm assassination i. 1964?
Feds Lock Down a Dangerous Lawsuit that Threatens To Expose The Clinton Foundation in One of The Biggest Public Thefts in U.S. History
and per paul sperry
Black leader suing former Mayor Pete Buttigieg over alleged racist policing in South Bend
is told the White House has identified a deep group of 3 or more leakers from 2017/2018 as current White House Military Office aides, getting the boot as early as this weekend. The group is said to include Anonymous.
I think the statute of limitation has ling since lapsed.
On murder?
Barr was surprised when he learned that Trump mentioned him 5 times in the Ukraine call, says he was irritated.
Hmmm, Barr is either going to quit soon or be fired soon, or Barr is trying to salvage his reputation.
Mutual legal assistance treaty, they referred to it on an episode of blue bloods.
Funny thing, the imf was insisting on a quid pro quo before it started lending again to ukraine.
When you lose a couple of billion, thry look askance at your next loan
What is Hunter Biden doing for money now?
Mark ----- "I don't know if you're special, only you're going to know that" ---- a quote from the Rocky films.
"The last shall be first and the first shall be last" ---- one of my favorite quotes from the Bible.
God loves us all and loves us all the way we are but loves us too much to let us stay that way.
or .....
(from page 92 of "Love Alone: the way of Revelation", a short book by H. U. on Balthasar, a young fellow born in Switzerland a dozen decades ago, we have this, at footnote 1, and I quote in full .....)
"God himself, as Creator and Redeemer, thinks and acts [with a view to the future] in this sense: in the light of the final image that 'hovers before [H]im God loves us [all], not as we are, not on account of our merit, but as we will be as a result of his gift (Prosper, [at] the Second Council of Orange, c. 12, Dz. 185)."
(thought I would quote that for any one who has read my sometimes intense comments and thought I was not an Orthodox Christian).
No disparaging Hunter. We need Blue Collar Joe to rebound in SC. No evidence of wrongdoing! Debunked conspiracy theory!
"Barr is trying to prove he’s not Trump’s Roy Cohn, too late."
Past the statue of limitations, huh? What was the deadline? Let me guess -- just before he said anything to oppose Trump.
narciso ---- Ephesians - which you quoted - and Philippians, which is the more eloquent twin of Ephesians, are my two favorite books in the Bible.
NOBODY CARES what my favorite books are I get that. I DO NOT WANT ANY ONE TO CARE. Trust me.
BUT GOD CARES about what every single one of us would think of as our favorite books in the Bible, if we just had the minimal decency and kindness in our heart to try and find a few favorite verses or chapters in the Bible.
God bless you for understanding that.
Admiral Inga: "Hmmm, Barr is either going to quit soon or be fired soon, or Barr is trying to salvage his reputation."
We'll file that one next to May/Merkel/Macron are the Real Leaders of the Free World and Trump won't last 60 days in office!
At the Snow Still Life Cafe
Nice play on words. Me likey.
Well i prefer original sources whenever possible, the nearly 60 years of absense of the bible from public square have done toxic, because we see the fruit early i. Ephesians.
"So are the Althouse cafes now the spot to post snuff films?"
Inga calls for a coverup.
Oh, sure, it starts with *still* life..
Alabaster Wool
Drago said...Also, a former NYPD cop is attacked by lefty woman simply for wearing a baseball cap that looked like a MAGA hat.
Apparently close enough to be a dog whistle.
Since it was lost at the end of a thread from this morning, I wanted to repost this since it was a must read comment by Lee Moore. It was about the Stone/Barr/Trump "scandal".
Y'all gotta remember that this is asymmetric warfare.
If Nixon wants his enemies' tax records, he has to do something himself to get them - under the eyes of the IRS bureaucrats, who are all Democrats and who are going to go the press. If Obama wants his enemies' tax records, he doesn't have to do squat. The IRS bureaucrats will send over anything interesting without even being asked. So the question of going to the press never arises.
Want a politically motivated prosecution of an opponent or a troublesome journalist ? Good luck getting away with that Mr Republican President. But if you're a Democrat President it'll happen automatically - that's what the autopilot is set to.
Want an ally who's in the legal soup to get off ? If you're Trump your best chance - though still a forlorn hope - is to tweet*. But if you're Obama you don't need to do anything. It'll happen automatically. Did Obama have to tweet to get that computer guy off ? The guy who actually did obstruct justice by deleting Clinton emails when he knew they were under a subpoena ? Of course not. The DoJ gave him a soft - nay positively moisturising balm - plea deal.
"Tell us everything you know and we won't charge you with obstruction."
"I'll take that offer."
"So what do you know ?"
"Well, great, that about wraps it up. You're free to go."
Or Awan or Wolfe. Which happened during the Trump Administration. I say "during" rather than "under" lest anyone imagine that what the DoJ did pre-Barr had anything to do with Trump. It was still a cabal of his enemies. And indeed it still is, minus Captain Barr, who is alas not in control of his ship.
*btw the idea that Trump woud have been better off to whisper his concerns about Stone quietly to Bill Barr instead of tweeting, is TOTALLY NUTS. Wanna avoid people thinking you're secretly pulling Bill Barr's strings ? Hey have you considered secretly pulling Bill Barr's strings ?
Me again- couldn't have written it better myself.
And this, also, from James Sarver in the same thread bears a repost. It begins with a quote from Althouse blog post, then addresses it.
"There's an equality value in following the rules for everyone, famous or unknown, connected to power wielders or friendless."
Nobody seems to appreciate the irony inherent in taking this position in the Mueller/Trump/Stone context. McCarthy states explicitly the ridiculous predication of the entire case and then dismisses it because rules is rules. As does our esteemed host apparently.
Rule of law is not just the narrow context of rules being followed. Every tin-pot dictator ever has had a system with rules that they followed, pretending at rule of law.
"the clitoris was only discovered in 1559, by Renaldus Columbus.
Where exactly did he find it?
Admiral Inga: "Hmmm, Barr is either going to quit soon or be fired soon, or Barr is trying to salvage his reputation."
We'll file that one next to May/Merkel/Macron are the Real Leaders of the Free World and Trump won't last 60 days in office!
He'll be gone in 24 working hours.
Where exactly did he find it?
The Virgin Islands.
Rim shot,
Where exactly did he find it?
Trust me!! She never fails to share that secret!!
mike drops...the big bucks
interesting thread per @blakezeff
"The degree to which Michael Bloomberg is using his fortune to fundamentally alter & manipulate U.S. politics to his personal advantage extends way beyond ads. I've worked against him, covered him as a journalist & worked with his top aides. Here’s their playbook:" (1/17)
Arrggghhh! I blew the joke.
Karl Rove was to be frog marched in 24 business hours...not working.
Where exactly did he find it?
The Virgin Islands.
Other searches continue..
Thats ghislaine maxwell, epsteins aide de. Amp.
De camp, to say the least.
BTW, my remembering the 24 business hour lunacy made me search for the cocaine buzzed Jason Leopold to see if he is still working.
He Buzzfeed. And you'll never guess the scoop he is working on. And I mean now, not months ago.
Yep, no other than SharpieGate.
I Chuck you not! LOL
"What the fucking fuck, eddie!"
Another judge ursula ungaro failed to hold buzzard feed liable for spreading the steele dossier.
That was when they libeled three russiam businessmen.
As being aources for the dossier.
Congratulations to narciso for his newfound linking abilities. Nonetheless, I will continue in my efforts to remain as uninformed as possible about the plots and counterplots of Trump and his enemies. It's exhausting. For the record, it does seem that Hunter Biden's dealings in the Ukraine seem far more suspect and just obviously wrong than those of Trump. I'm not going to study the issue further.....The Bojack Horseman cartoon series on Netflix is pretty good and far more worthy of your attention. It's not exactly binge worthy. I could only take one or two episodes at a time, but it's very good. Some of the family scenes are more harrowing than anything in O'Neill. The fact that they are acted out by cartoon animals with funny wisecracks only makes them bleaker. As Bojack points out, Strindberg is pretty good, but he's no Ibsen. SPOILER: The penultimate episode is a dark bath of nihilism and blackness swallows all. Then it turns out to be a dream, and nothingness turns to the daily grind of emptiness. This ultimate ending left room for a sequeal and was true to the spirit of Bojack.
seriously all i ever want to talk about anymore is this - God loves you and God loves everyone you care about, and seriously, if you don't spend your time trying to realize your dream of living in a world where God ALWAYS helps you make the lives of EVERYBODY YOU CARE ABOUT better
you are wasting your time.
That being said, I am not one of those arrogant people who tell other people that they are foolish for wasting time, as if I knew anything more about time than anyone else who truly CARES ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE knows
So its like st.elsewhere,then. Fx seems to be cross promoting with hulu all the programs people will have to pay more to watch
And apparently they are releasing the hint after all, but theres a double twist.
The hunt, the most dangerous game/dinner party melange.
Well done, @narciso. I had a method worked out for viewing your posted links without too much bother. But being able to just do it with one click is much appreciated.
Former cop attacked for wearing what looks like MAGA cap — the left is nostalgic for the Soviet one-party system.
What a boring week compared to the last few. God Bless America and save us from the evil people attempting to ruin this great land.
Yes- thank you narcisco. copy and paste on ios is a bitch, too.
Now that the html is working, can we do something about punctuation, grammar, spelling, capitalization and basic sentence structure? These things are what make writing readable.
Want to know WHY they've picked Mayor Pete?
Los Angeles mayor says he's the 'older, straighter' Mayor Pete:
Everyone KNOWS how crappy MAJOR democrat mayors are, because
Everyone KNOWS how crappy MAJOR democrat cities are
But Mayor Pete is:
Cuddly cute, with his little Opie Taylor looks!
COMPLETELY UNKNOWN, i mean; what do VOTERS know about South Bend?
As a Gay, immune to personal attacks... Unless you're a Damn HOMOPHOBE!!!
Thank you, narciso for learning how to link. It wasn't easy, but you didn't give up, and that's a good thing on you.
etbass said...
Now that the html is working, can we do something about punctuation, grammar, spelling, capitalization and basic sentence structure? These things are what make writing readable.
Is the bell about to ring, and math class about to start?
The best thing about narisco's new found world of hyperlinks, is now we get solid clues as to what the link is about.
Bravo, narisco!
Lovely photo, I especially like the composition. Still winter.
Trump didn't threaten anyone. He criticized another of the coequal branches of government. Nothing wrong with that. Barr says Trump's tweets are a hindrance, not helpful to the execution of his duties, which I understand to be an assertion that Barr is not doing Trump's bidding. Trump tweets are accomplishing what they are meant to, the magician's tactic of distracting one's gaze.
When your starting position is "Trump shouldn't say....", you've already lost the argument.
I prefer open text links (on a line to itself). Just triple click and say open in new tab. You can tell in advance where it takes you. If the link isn't insanely long.
yoprerfer thes ovar realsen tencs?
Where's your sprint of adventure?
stephen cooper said...
narciso ---- Ephesians - which you quoted - and Philippians, which is the more eloquent twin of Ephesians, are my two favorite books in the Bible.
NOBODY CARES what my favorite books are I get that. I DO NOT WANT ANY ONE TO CARE. Trust me.
BUT GOD CARES about what every single one of us would think of as our favorite books in the Bible, if we just had the minimal decency and kindness in our heart to try and find a few favorite verses or chapters in the Bible.
God bless you for understanding that.
2/13/20, 10:39 PM
My favorites are Genesis and Revelation, probably. Good beginning and ending, basically.
"But Mayor Pete is:
Cuddly cute, with his little Opie Taylor looks!"
America's own version of Justin Trudeau.
I prefer open text links (on a line to itself). Just triple click and say open in new tab. You can tell in advance where it takes you. If the link isn't insanely long.
That works only if you're using a laptop running the “right” browser. (And no, I'm not giving up my iPhone and carrying a laptop around with me, then running Chrome.)
Using html hyperlinks, a more general strategy to use for seeing in advance where the link will take you is to “hover” your mouse over the link (that allows you to see the hover-over text for the link, if any, at the same time). On, e.g., an iPhone, simply hold your finger on the link for a couple of seconds, and the link and hover-over text will be shown (along with a subsidiary open menu).
Robins have started eating the smooth sumac berries. That's always the last choice after all the other food has disappeared.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't come here to find links* to other places. That said, good on narciso for mastering something that I find troublesome, myself.
*I rarely follow anyone's, including the Prof's
Ok, one. more. (effin) time.
If you want a simple way, there is this:
it didn't work walter, at least for me. probably others,
"Drago said...
Admiral Inga: "Hmmm, Barr is either going to quit soon or be fired soon, or Barr is trying to salvage his reputation."
We'll file that one next to May/Merkel/Macron are the Real Leaders of the Free World and Trump won't last 60 days in office!"
Inga is like Wile E. Coyote. And life is the Roadrunner. Beep beep!
It's so annoying to explain html code. You can't put it up without changing it so it won't work. You have to add explanation in text, and then people don't understand it.
But by now everyone should have figured it out...
<a html=""
then close the bracket, add the text you want highlighted and close the a by putting /a in brackets.
Inside the quotes you need your URL.
If only people could begin to spell narciso's name correctly we'd be that much closer to the perfect world.
As for the slanders of Jim Jordan, you must understand that a College level Wrestler has no need for any protection from a coach or athletic trainer. They would simple attack them. That's all they do all day long: attack bigger, quicker and stronger men. I am serious. The abusive coach would need the protection.
How so?
It will be great when modren tech enables auto-magically generated hyperlinks.
Blogger: "Learn to code!"
Kay - your choices are wonderful. Never thought about it that way, thanks ....
There are two kinds of people in the world, there are people who have favorite books in the Bible and there are those who don't
:( :( :(
:( :( :(
:( :( :(
GOD LOVES US ALL EQUALLY BUT seriously, if you are one of the people who knows that, as I think you are, and if you ever have the chance to talk, heart to heart, to someone who does not know how much God loves us .....
if one has such a chance, please take advantage ....
cor ad cor loquitur
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