February 7, 2020

Are you up for a 3-hour Democratic candidates debate tonight?

Seems crazy. But we’re going to at least start to watch. The show’s on at 7 Central. Feel free to heckle and cheer in the comments.

ADDED: My son John is live-blogging.


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gilbar said...

THREE hours?
So, they're Intentionally making it unattractive, so that people Won't Watch?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Vindman Bros. fired and escorted from White House property!

Charlie Currie said...

Pre debate appetizer - Vindman twins and Sondland out. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Peter J. Brown to take charge of all U.S. efforts in Puerto Rico.

And, Friday's not over quite yet.

Yancey Ward said...

Were Bloomberg in this one, I might watch in the background, but no, I am not watching. Will probably check out Althouse Jr.s live blog if he does it tonight.

mockturtle said...

No, I thought I'd watch some paint dry, instead.

Yancey Ward said...

Damn it!!! I forgot to buy paint.

mccullough said...

Why isn't Bloomberg there? They couldn’t find a box for him to stand on?

Yancey Ward said...

Seven are in, right? Who gets the center spot, and who is to their right and left?

Yancey Ward said...

Bloomberg isn't contesting the NH primary is the reason he isn't in this one. He will be invited to the next one.

mccullough said...

Klobuchar should drop out. She came in last in Iowa.

This is the big time. And she is small time. A nobody.

walter said...

Romney there?

mccullough said...

After New Hampshire, we’ll be down to the Bs

mccullough said...

When are the other candidates going to acknowledge that Bernie was right. A woman can’t beat Trump. They can’t even beat Bernie

Yancey Ward said...

Bloomberg is going to learn a harsh lesson, though. By not contesting the first four states, he is going to find out that television ads are no replacement for winning or finishing second in a primary. Even with the massive debacle of Iowa, all the candidates were talked about in the news while no one really talks about Bloomberg.

Seriously, who even pays attention to political ads on TV? If they mattered, Tom Steyer wouldn't have been taken behind the barn and put down after Iowa.

Yancey Ward said...

Good, Jalcoh is liveblogging this affair. Saves me the time of watching it.

JML said...

What debate?

Big Mike said...

A woman can’t beat Trump.

If women really want to see a female President they need to get behind Ivanka in 2024.

Jersey Fled said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

If they are smart, they will poke and poke at Biden, irritating him more and more, in order to knock him out. He's the one on the ropes. Taking on Pete or the Bern or Fauxcahontas can wait.

Yancey Ward said...

The last polite debate I saw was briefs or boxers.

Yancey Ward said...

Can Joe Biden stay awake for three hours?

Laslo Spatula said...

"If women really want to see a female President they need to get behind Ivanka in 2024."


I am Laslo.

Mark said...

They can even cloak it in praise for old Joe. Saying how they are sure that there is nothing shady with his shaking down Ukraine and in his unqualified family member getting a ton of cash just because.

Yancey Ward said...

Damnit, my polite debate comment now makes no sense.

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, I considered making a remark about getting behind Ivanka, too. I like to imagine her with a ponytail.

Jersey Fled said...

Ha Ha

Spellchecker changed "political debate" to "polite debate" in my just deleted post.

Now I lost my train of thought.

Big Mike said...

Biden hasn’t quit yet?

Mark said...

Because the best way to determine who is best for president is by 30-60 second soundbites.

Because snap answers play such a HUGE role in presidential action.

Limited blogger said...

Biden surrenders in his opening answer

Mark said...

So Clinton Boy takes a shot at Bernie, but not old Joe.

Limited blogger said...

Sanders mumbles something and gets crazy cheers

Limited blogger said...

Is Stefanopolos gonna be tough? We'll see

Mark said...

Yeah, I can't see or understand how "young people" would be so ga-ga for dinosaure Crazy Bernie.

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, Biden surrendered in the first comment.

Limited blogger said...

New hairstyle for Klobie. Same nervous delivery.

Mark said...

Hey Stephie, isn't it Butti-jedge, not Butti-judge?

Flat Tire said...

Yet another reason I'm glad I don't have a tv. I will check in on John's live-blogging and the comments here but that's as close as I want to get.

walter said...

Biden, then Snuffelopagous: Trump will beat you over the heads with Socialist label.
Berno: Who cares? Trump lies! All about turnout!

Limited blogger said...

Steyer will be comic relief tonight

Limited blogger said...

Yang! Send me the $1000 ASAP, thanks.

Mark said...

Bernie and Steyer: The answer is GO-TV -- get out the vote.

So much for attracting people by having better ideas.

Limited blogger said...

Warren trying to amp it up even further tonight. Socialist shit disguised as good government

Yancey Ward said...

Amy Klobuchar trying to take credit for the fact that Minnesotans turn out to vote.

gilbar said...

walter said...
Romney there?

You know, that's Crazy Enough; That It Might Just Work!

The Democrats should nominate Mittens Romney !!!
If you add up:
The Automatic Democrat votes (dead, imprisoned, non residents)
The Standard Democrat votes (clueless, brain dead, senile people; like my dear old mom)
The Never Trumper, Life Long Republicans
Some of the female independent voters, who don't think it's fair Trump gets to grab 'em by the pussy
You MIGHT very well have more people than Trump

"Help Us, Obiwan Romney; you're our only hope!"

Mark said...

Warren: because that's want people want to hear -- bitch, bitch, bitch, everything is lousy, negative, negative, negative.

walter said...

Did Steyer just answer a question without mentioning climate change?

Mark said...

Warren: because that's want people want to hear -- bitch, bitch, bitch, everything is lousy, negative, negative, negative.

Limited blogger said...

Mayor Pete all about 'style'. Ok, guy is a genius. But I can't listen to his lecturing for 4 years.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I kind of agree with Yang that the socialist bogeyman doesn't mean much in our modern world, because it is largely irrelevant to the problems that we are going to face.

Mark said...

Pete has more than a bit of that Nixonian sweaty upper lip thing going on.

Yancey Ward said...

Climate change has charred so many South Carolinians, Steyer thinks he has 24% support from black people in the state.

Limited blogger said...

Bernie is a one trick pony. Ok, we get it pops, let's move on

walter said...

Snuffelopagous with the Pete assist: You mean Sanders?
Pete: Yes!

Mark said...

Bernie -- you bring people together by attacking others.

Yancey Ward said...

Warren attacks corruption, not once saying the word Biden.

Limited blogger said...

How did Old Joe get center stage?

Limited blogger said...

Joe is sleep talking

Jaq said...

That would be a hard no.

Yancey Ward said...


Goes right after Sanders, but only when prompted by Snufflepuss.

Limited blogger said...

whoa!! the ritilin just kicked in

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

For a 78 year old guy who recently had a heart attack Bernie has an incredible level of energy.

walter said...

Joe bringin' energy.
Push-ups could happen.

Yancey Ward said...

The knives are out for Sanders here- Stephoclinton has made it a point to get the other candidates to go after Sanders by name, but Sanders is fighting back, and has the loudest supporters in the audience.

Limited blogger said...

Anger is an energy. I agree. But not sure what the anger is about.

Jaq said...

" because it is largely irrelevant to the problems that we are going to face.”

Yes, you guys always know what it is best to do today about the future that you predict which never comes.

“I don’t have a magic wand!” - Obama saying that we couldn’t bring back jobs.
“You can’t drill your way out of this!” - Obama saying that we would never be energy independent.

stevew said...

Not watching. I'm still stuck on the fact that only Iowa has happened (poorly executed, btw) and NH will be over by this time next week and a goodly number of candidates will be declared "DONE!". Why would I spend my Friday watching that shit show?

Yancey Ward said...

"How did Old Joe get center stage?"

He still leads the national polls.

walter said...

Berno Clause!

Limited blogger said...

Slow down Joe!! wow, he just burst out sprintin'

Mark said...

Joe goes Mondale -- I'm going to raise your taxes $800 billion!

Lurker21 said...

Grumpy old men.

It's not the same without Marianne and the unleashed power of love.

She should have run with Warren: The Professor and Marianne.

walter said...

Fear for his ticker, ARM.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden attacking Sanders' Medicare for All plan with a lot of energy.

Yancey Ward said...

I will say this- so far, this is the most aggressive debate between the candidates on the stage.

Mark said...

Video feed went out!!

Damn. It came back.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bernie is right, that we spend a ridiculous amount of money on health care. It is a giant tax on actual productive economic activity across the country. Bernie's plan is unworkable but things have to change if we are to remain economically competitive.

Limited blogger said...

I have a High Deductible Plan. Has an HSA. It is fantastic. Are they gonna take this away from me?

Yancey Ward said...

Dental Claire?

walter said...

Warren slingin' gender pronoun!
Team Vagina!

narciso said...


walter said...

She gets 'em spotless!

mccullough said...

I think Bernie will die before Biden. Sometime in Trump’s second term. Unfortunately Trump will not be able to order the flag to fly at half staff since the hammer and sickle isn’t the US flag

Mark said...

we spend a ridiculous amount of money on health care

Well, telling the healthcare industry that we're going to open up the U.S. Treasury and give it free access to the money-printing machine is hardly the answer.

Yancey Ward said...

Poor Tom Steyer. You would think a 100 million dollars of ads could buy him some spot other the podium in the parking lot where Stephoclinton can safely ignore him.

mccullough said...

We certainly shouldn’t spend any tax dollars to keep septuagenerian communists alive.

Mark said...

Neither Joe or Bernie will live out the term.

walter said...

Pete gonna turn that paige over and over.

narciso said...


Limited blogger said...

Amy K., just stay in senate. Minnesota seems to like the job you're doing.

Yancey Ward said...

Buttuvwxyz is the most polished of these people on the stage, but there is no passion there.

"Leave the politics of the past in the past" is polished and meaningless at the same time.

mccullough said...

Mayor Pete comes off the best among this sorry squad.

I can see why he’s doing so well. He’s like the social director of an old folks home.

Yancey Ward said...

Buttuvwxyz has a lot chutzpah to bring up election security after Monday night's debacle.

Skeptical Voter said...

Am I up for a Democrat debate? No.

Yancey Ward said...

Will someone, anyone, say Tom Steyer's name so that Stephoclinton will stop ignoring him!!!!

Limited blogger said...

This debate will change nothing. New Hampshire vote is set

Burno, Petie, Warren, Joe, Amy

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

While I disagree with Bernie's solution, he is right - we pay too much for too little and no one else does.

mccullough said...

Bernie and Biden are older than the oldest Baby Boomer.

Warren comes off like a thin Hillary. What a harpie.

Klobuchar is the white girl Obana dumped for Michelle.

Limited blogger said...

Steyer pops up and identifies the current POTUS

Thanks Tom, go away now.

Yancey Ward said...

Cool Newcumber?

Mark said...

Well, you said his name YW, and off Steyer went.

Seeing Red said...


According to Bernie, the American people want low-skilled people priced out of the labor market, and job creators taxed out of existence.

This crowd couldn't generate excitement in a bordello if they had a case of Tres Agaves tequila and a few dozen little blue pills.

walter said...

Steyer mentions Snuffelopagous having worked in the Clinton campaign?
Gonna pay for that.

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders mention Alzheimers, but neglected to mention Biden. A missed opportunity?

Mark said...

Pete repeats the past playbook and says we need to move beyond the playbook.

Limited blogger said...

Yang has gotten 30 seconds

madAsHell said...

Klobuchar is the white girl Obana dumped for Michelle.


stevew said...

Two things I've been hearing my entire adult life (which began in 1975): federal deficits and rising healthcare spending are going to totally crater the economy and our standard of living. Always tomorrow, of course.

rcocean said...

Thanks to John for live blogging. BUT its absolutely insane that nobodies like steyer and yang are wasting everyone's time by attending the debate. They didn't get 5% in Iowa and they won't get 5% in New Hampshire.

Stop wasting our time with these losers. The debate should be Warren, Buttigig, Biden, Benie, and Klochblob. That's it.

Seeing Red said...

Buttigieg is the son of a Marxist professor, and a red diaper baby just like Obama.

And just like Obama, he hides it under a mountain of wonk-speak.


Yancey Ward said...

Tom Steyer finally gives up trying to get attention from Stephy, just interrupts and take control.

Mark said...

A kernel of truth/commonsense from Yang.

First appearance of either at the debate.

rcocean said...

Bernie is the only one telling the truth on health care.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Buttigieg is too smooth for me and I liked Obama.

Limited blogger said...

There's Yang. Making sense, but still invisible

stevew said...

Yeah, healthcare is going to kill us all.

Mark said...

Warren -- "no one is above the law."

(lame lukewarm applause in response)

rcocean said...

All the D's love Romney. He's a "Brave man".

mccullough said...

Why should Klobuchar be on the debate?

She’s not going to win anything either and finished fifth in Iowa

Let’s face it, it’s Bernie, Buttigieg, and Biden. No one else has a chance.

But Yang is way brighter than a Klobuchar and Steyer is way more accomplished. She’s totally worthless.

walter said...

Biden's leg hairs standing as Warren talks accountability.

Limited blogger said...

There's goes Warren with that forelorn affectation. Hate it.

Mark said...

Not as shrill as Hillary, but Warren's still quite annoying to hear for very long.

Jaq said...

"While I disagree with Bernie's solution, he is right - we pay too much for too little and no one else does.”

The problem with the Democrats' plans is that they think they can get the money by taxing the rich, when every other country that has a. single payer system finances it with regressive taxes, VATs, which are where the big money is. No Democrat wants to face that reality.

rcocean said...

I'm giving up. Everytime I look at the TV, i see Yang. Who cares?

Yancey Ward said...

Yang nails the entire field.

Mark said...

Crowd's getting tired of the call for Trump's blood.

Jaq said...

Plus when the UK and Canada nationalized health care, it was right after the war when all of the doctors were already in the employ of the government. There was no taking of hundreds of billions of dollars from private businesses and throwing hundreds of thousands of people out of work.

Limited blogger said...

Bernie, Trump is getting things done for America.

What the f*ck are you gonna do? Jerk.

Inga said...

Yay Bernie, you said it!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

mccullough said...
Klobuchar is the white girl Obana dumped for Michelle.

That 'white' girl was half Japanese and her parents and ultimately she herself dumped Obama.

walter said...

Berno might have to swallow his tirade on quid pro quo if Grassley and Johnson follow through re Biden, Inc and tentacles.

Limited blogger said...

Trump hatred taking over.

Mark said...

Ooh. She goes there.

Yancey Ward said...

Alright, I got better things to do.

Sanders is going to win on Tuesday.

Limited blogger said...

Hunter has been named!

Inga said...

Dishonorable Republicans, well said Mayor Pete.

walter said...

Same with Pete considering Biden whored out his son.

FullMoon said...

Two things I've been hearing my entire adult life (which began in 1975): federal deficits and rising healthcare spending are going to totally crater the economy and our standard of living. Always tomorrow, of course.

And, S.S. gonna run out of money (but welfare never will)

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Blogger Mark said...
Crowd's getting tired of the call for Trump's blood.

I doubt that.

Limited blogger said...

This lady asking tough questions!

Jaq said...

We need to look to countries with private systems that we think work better than ours. But you know, there are four hospitals in the US that do more medical research than the rest of the world’s hospitals combined.

Other countries let children die that we fight to save.

It’s just not as easy as saying we pay to much. We demand a lot, do Democrats think we demand too much from our health care system? They should say so then.

Illegal aliens, who work without labor protections and things like health insurance, but who must be treated anyway are another costly issue? Can we really insure anybody who comes here? Canada doesn’t do that. The UK doesn’t do that. Australia doesn’t do that.

FullMoon said...

Yang needs to pass out the thousand dollar before the election..prove he is serious..

Inga said...

Any one of those Democrats up there on that stage would make a better President than Trump, even the dog catcher would be a better president.

FullMoon said...

Keep barking.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump has at least managed to bring these people together - a uniter not a divider.

Mark said...

Sorry, Inga. You're not any more convincing than Steyer when he drones on saying that same thing over and over and over and over and over.

Limited blogger said...

The democrat nominee is not even on that stage.

Hello, Mike Bloomberg

Josephbleau said...

"For a 78 year old guy who recently had a heart attack Bernie has an incredible level of energy."

Like bragging about being the world's tallest midget.

Jersey Fled said...

I hate to break this to ARM, but healthcare IS "productive economic activity".

Jaq said...

"even the dog catcher would be a better president.”

Did you see the jobs numbers? The productivity numbers? Have you seen the price of gas lately?

What would they have been had Hillary managed to ban fracking and shut down the US energy boom I wonder, like she promised to do.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Any one of those Democrats up there on that stage would make a better President than Trump, even the dog catcher would be a better president."

I believe the dog catcher would certainly be better than any of the Dems up there.

Almost common ground!

I am Laslo.

Limited blogger said...

Trump has moved us closer to peace in the Middle East than ever.

Jaq said...

At least the Bernie supporters can craft some pretty funny memes. You know who is afraid of memes? Cheatin’ Pete.

“Become president, young man! While you still know everything!"

Mark said...

Calling a fellow vet a war criminal does not seem to me to be likely to increase the military vote.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Between Bloomberg, Steyer and Soros - wring them dry and hand all of their money to the rest of us and esp the poor.

Why not?

Limited blogger said...

This guy just said Trump has no regard for the military?

Let's go ask the service woman/man that

FullMoon said...

Pete's comments re Biden's are pretty hilarious..

FullMoon said...

Stand up and clap for Vindaman!


Inga said...

“Sorry, Inga. You're not any more convincing than Steyer when he drones on saying that same thing over and over and over and over and over.”

I’m not under any misapprehension that what I say will change your mind. That's not my goal in commenting. I’m not convinced by what you folks have to say, so there you have it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Jersey Fled said...
healthcare IS "productive economic activity".

The money would be better spent making our export industries more competitive or improving our schools or paying down the debt. The pharmaceutical industry and some medical device manufacturers create value, but most of the medical industry is a local service industry. It doesn't make the country more globally competitive and we shouldn't be paying a premium for that.

Mark said...

Well, you can't say that I didn't give the 2020 Dem candidates a chance and honest hearing. But I think I'm getting close to my lifetime fill.

Limited blogger said...

There should be an apprentice program.

Let these people go manage a smaller country, like Slovakia, then if they do a good job they can audition for the big show.

Mark said...

Checking TV listings now.

Limited blogger said...

Any tweets from POTUS?

stevew said...

Steyer, that pos, you know he spent his youth having his ears flicked from behind. He's done well, made way more money than me, but he's still that kid we all pissed on.

walter said...

Glad we ended the kale fight.

Limited blogger said...

make sentences much, Joe?

Jersey Fled said...

I've never heard the argument before that goods produced for export are more valuable economically than goods produced for domestic consumption.

Good one, ARM.

Mark said...

I've yet to hear one positive, uplifting, inspiring word from these folks.

Mark said...

That's it. I'm done.

Mark said...

I'm audi.

Jaq said...

"It doesn't make the country more globally competitive and we shouldn't be paying a premium for that. “

Yes, these deplorables with there lamentably poor genetics want a health care system that will keep the inevitable defective children they tend to breed alive. Don’t they see that other countries just throw those babies in the dumpster in the name of competitiveness? It’s a sad reality.

BTW, we are globally competitive. The limits on growth now are lack of employees since every person who wants a job has one. I don’t know what this fantasy economy is that you are talking about that is bigger than the US workforce.

It’s like you just say things that you haven’t thought through because they sound good.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Jersey Fled said...
I've never heard the argument before that goods produced for export are more valuable economically than goods produced for domestic consumption.

And you still haven't. I said spending a premium for a generic local service industry makes very little financial sense.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Aunty Trump said...
these deplorables with there lamentably poor genetics want a health care system that will keep the inevitable defective children they tend to breed alive. Don’t they see that other countries just throw those babies in the dumpster in the name of competitiveness? It’s a sad reality.

I would lay off the bottle if were you.

Inga said...

“I've yet to hear one positive, uplifting, inspiring word from these folks.”

An American Carnage, the theme of Trumps inauguration speech. Very uplifting and positive.

Limited blogger said...

Can you imagine trying to transcribe what Biden is saying?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrat elites are all liars and crooks.

Devin Nunes is an *actual* profile in courage. This man took on nearly everyone in DC, including many powerful people in his own party, to fight to bring Americans the truth about the Russia collusion hoax and FISA abuse. Completely vindicated and our media LOATHE him for it.

FullMoon said...

Drunkblogging the New Hampshire Democratic Debate.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I find Biden embarrassing. Someone should take him aside and say it's time.

walter said...

Berno muddles illegal immigration vs CAGW fight.

Jaq said...

The real problem that ARM has with the economy is that labor is getting expensive.

Black Workers’ Wages Are Finally Rising
After a decade of stagnation, black and African-American workers have seen pay increase. One man’s story shows the hope — and limitations — with that shift.

But when Mr. Mitchell looks around his relatively low-income and heavily black neighborhood, he worries that the rising tide of a strong economy has not been equally good for everyone in his community. And when it comes to his own labor market gains, he’s working hard to make sure they do not prove fleeting.


You know how they could ensure that their gains are not “fleeting”? They could re-elect Trump and not go with one of these people with hair brained schemes to re-engineer an economy that is finally working for them.

Inga said...

“I find Biden embarrassing. Someone should take him aside and say it's time.”

He doesn’t look well tonight, his color is very yellow.

Jaq said...

An American Carnage, the theme of Trumps inauguration speech. Very uplifting and positive.

Yes, “Let’s not talk about the problems in the black community” - the Democrats.

FullMoon said...

Johns live blog

walter said...

Steyer should ask Snuffleupagous for more war room insights.

Achilles said...

Mark said...
If they are smart, they will poke and poke at Biden, irritating him more and more, in order to knock him out. He's the one on the ropes. Taking on Pete or the Bern or Fauxcahontas can wait.

You are under the impression that these people want to win something.

Fauxcahontus was the only one with a fire in the belly. And she is just too much of a piece of shit even for democrats.

Everyone else was propping Biden up and hoping to be the VP slot and lose setting themselves up for 2024.

And then there is Bernie who just doesn't want to win ever. He just wants to lead the marxists along and get them to vote for the globalist and get another vacation house.

FullMoon said...

Biden speaks of his accomplishments, real and imagined..

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

someone on twitter re: Butigreigxyz

"Same basic idea: his basic mien just gives me the...weird shudders. I don't really know why, all the actual words coming out of his mouth sound fine. But the delivery feels so iced down."

walter said...

Berno's raked in lots of campaign bucks. Still using family to siphon via ad buys?

Jaq said...

To be fair, Bernie's vacation house is rather modest. You could be his immediate neighbor for maybe $250k. What I like about it is that he put it in a trust so that he can pass it along without paying estate taxes.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Inga said...
He doesn’t look well tonight, his color is very yellow.

The contrast with Bernie is striking. Every geriatric is a different story.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"Mayor Pete is a thesaurus without specifics. Liz Warren is an evasive phony. Joe is a man in decline. Yang is smart but untested. Bernie is spirited but wrong on solutions. Amy is the only one left who has potential. She's talking optimism at least."


walter said...

Pete has a TED talk way about him.

FullMoon said...

Most important thing eva !

Global Warming's 50 Years of Fraud

Limited blogger said...

Warren has disappeared.

Josephbleau said...

"healthcare IS "productive economic activity".

"The money would be better spent making our export industries more competitive or improving our schools or paying down the debt. The pharmaceutical industry and some medical device manufacturers create value, but most of the medical industry is a local service industry. It doesn't make the country more globally competitive and we shouldn't be paying a premium for that."

ARM wants you to bleed out sitting in a waiting room in a plastic chair, while the graduate of the local community college decides whether xhe will see you.

Lurker21 said...

Clap for the Vindman
He gonna rate your record high
You ain't gonna get 'em, 'cause I got 'em
Clap for the Vindman
You gonna dig him 'til the day you die
You might want to try, but I'm gonna keep 'em
Clap for the Vindman

That takes me back. Remember Vindman Jack? He was somebody once.

Jaq said...

I saw her for the first time on TV and I think that that lady on SNL has done her in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Biden says Vindman, not Rush, should have received the Medal of Freedom without realizing that it is a *civilian* award."

and most of the D's up there didn't want to kill Solemani -the Iranian general who killed innocents in the region and Americans for many many years.

Rosalyn C. said...

Biden bragged about being part of the Iran deal which he declared ended Iran's nuclear ambitions and bragged about how he brought China into the Paris Climate Accord.

Iran never gave up nuclear ambitions, just arranged to get the US to provide updated nuclear technology and sanction relief in exchange for putting off nuclear bomb program for about five years. China and India gave no promises about cutting their carbon footprint, at least for a decade or two.

The Dem's believe that State Dept. and diplomacy will solve all military problems -- tell that to the Palestinians. Dem's believe Trump is a threat to NATO, yet only Trump has forced the NATO members to contribute $ to keep NATO in existence.

Can't wait until the debates with Trump.

Jaq said...


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