February 17, 2020

A dark Monday sunrise — 7:00 a.m.


Actual sunrise time: 6:54.


rehajm said...

I saw this and thought it was a very high quality production. The photographic image on a weatherproof, tear-resistant banner. Where they go to get these things printed up?

Tommy Duncan said...

The sun ain't gonna shine anymore

MadisonMan said...

And now it's snowing.

stevew said...

Still winter out there. I really like the look of these photos. Locally we continue to have one of the mildest winters I can recall.

Temujin said...

A perfectly fitting Monday mood setter (for those of us still working..:).

Michael K said...

75 in Tucson today. Working in the yard,

Drago said...

Why is it so many democrats have been secretly meeting with Iranian officials over the last 4 years?

I wonder what they've been discussing?

And why was Dem Senator Warner spending so much time going through FusionGPS contacts to meet secretly with corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs?

So many questions...

rehajm said...

60 and no rain but a damp costal day. An eagle hovering over the yard and distress calls from other critters. Gonna watch the finish if the Daytona 500 later but I already know who wins- in the black #45 car, President Donald Trump!

traditionalguy said...

That Groundhog blew it.

madAsHell said...

I found this with my text messages this morning.....

Hi I'm Hope from Mike Bloomberg's campaign. With so much at stake, Americans deserve a Democratic candidate who can beat Donald Trump. Will you support Mike?

I wonder how much time they squandered selecting the phrase "I'm Hope from Mike Bloomberg"?

ALP said...


Apparently Sanders was duped by Russians into thinking he was talking to ClimateScold Greta - link above.

narciso said...


narciso said...

a good start

narciso said...


Browndog said...

U.S. media destroying Tom Cotton for merely asking questions as to the origins of the corona virus.

This conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked!!

It appears there are two places in the world where you cannot question communist China.

-United States

narciso said...

Actually only the us,

ALP said...

madAsHell: my Bloomberg text was from a Rachel - so they appear to be cycling through female names.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Remember all the jeering from the left when Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall? Only stupid rubes bought that line!

Except, according to Jorge Ramos himself:

"Mexico is now the wall. President Trump got his wish."


So much winning!

narciso said...

good grief

rehajm said...

'Mia' sent me the Bloomberg text I posted yesterday. When 'Mia' asked what was holding me back from supporting Mike I told 'Mia' I'd need her new iPhone and MacBook before I could say...

Hagar said...

It would be well if Mayor Bloomberg, or "she who must not be named," or someone, anyone, would show up at the Democratic National Convention and take the nomination by storm, sweeping all the debate nonsense, etc., aside, never to be heard of again.

"Debates" worked great for Kennedy vs. Nixon in 1960, but that was then. Camelot is like Brigadoon; it may return some day, but not this year.

Hagar said...

Trump: "Toot, toot, toot goes my trolley ..."

madAsHell said...

my Bloomberg text was from a Rachel

Funny, I was on a conference call with Rachel this morning.

narciso said...

Sgn of the times


Bay Area Guy said...

Lotta liberal folks are EMOTIONALLY invested in defeating Trump, whereas I don't get this impression with Trump supporters (could be wrong). Myself, I genuinely believe Trump's policies are best for America as a whole, ergo he has my support.

As for reelection, the Dems are running outta trick plays:

1. Russia Collusion Hoax = #Fail
2. Ukraine Impeachment Farce = #Fail
3. Economic Recession = #Fail

The last gasp seems to be the "Billion from Bloomy", but that's running into rough patches already. Is that little weasel gonna stand on the debate stage and actually compete himself?

If Bloomy blows it, that will Bernie v Trump in Nov with massive voter fraud in Cali and inner cities.

But I like Trump's chances!

MadisonMan said...

I see lots of articles about how Barr must resign. I can only guess that this is groundwork to explain pending indictments of lackeys from past administrations.

narciso said...

Its the omidyar wurlitzer

Seeing Red said...

Via Lucianne:

Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut and other Democratic senators had a secret meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during the Munich Security Conference last week, according to a source briefed by the French delegation to the conference. Murphy’s office did not respond to repeated requests for comment by press time. Such a meeting would mean Murphy had done the type of secret coordination with foreign leaders to potentially undermine the U.S. government that he accused Trump officials of doing as they prepared for Trump’s administration. In February 2017, Murphy demanded investigations of National Security Advisor Mike Flynn because he had a phone call with his counterpart-to-be in Russia.

Seeing Red said...

I’m sure that has to violate some act or law.

They pulled this bullshit with Ronnie. Tip O’Neill and the commies.

What is it about Iran? What do they want to keep hidden?

Seeing Red said...

The best part was the frogs squealed.

Seeing Red said...

Michelle Wu, a City Council member in Boston, wants everyone to ride for free on subways and buses that crisscross the region. (Snip) Her position is shared by other progressive lawmakers across the country who say mobility is a human right, like health care and education, and think residents should be able to freely move around their cities, no matter their income brackets. They propose eliminating fares on city buses, light rail and trains to achieve their vision of universal mobility. But some experts warn that free rides wouldn't solve the issues besetting many public transit systems, including crumbling infrastructure....

If she thinks it’s expensive now, just wait until it’s “free.”

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.
P.J. O'Rourke

No kidding. She’s keatned nothing. Maybe her salary and bennies should be cut to help pay for free travel.

Seeing Red said...


Louie the Looper said...

“Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut and other Democratic senators had a secret meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during the Munich Security Conference last week.”

Trump should publicly invite these senators to meet with the Secretary of State and share what information they learned about Iran at this meeting. How could they reasonably refuse? Whose side are they on - US or Iran?

rehajm said...

The Mass Bay Transportation Authority, what runs the system is a haven for patronage jobs with early retirement on fat pensions. Not good enough for these grifters apparently, as they have a long history of skimming from the fare counting room. They'd fight any moves to make the system fare free...

Wu will get her virtuous sound bites but that's as far it will go...

Inga said...

Today will be the warmest day of the week, then January coldness in February. It makes me jealous to see pictures of friends’ daffodils in bloom already.

narciso said...

schrodinger's getting quite a workout

Inga said...

Story of Flowers, beautiful animation. Perfect for a snowy Wisconsin day.

rehajm said...

This afternoon a small bobcat walking through the backyard along with half a dozen deer. Dope de doe...

narciso said...

uh oh

narciso said...

like the joke about hockey games

narciso said...

no surprise, but it is their cnn

Mark said...

So if Trump were to announce tomorrow that he is a trans-Democrat, should Dems, because they are known as the "compassion and kindness" party, suddenly embrace him because it would be wrong to be mean to him?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Start by clicking here.

Well lawyers, I need some legal help again. It finally is time for you to use that damn 3 year degree you got. I ain't gonna pay ya nothin' seeing as how much I contribute to the blog here and how much you've taken from me, and besides that you ought to just be happy you get to use that degree for something anyhow.

I especially hope any commentators on the spectrum can help, as my assumption is they've trod this legal path before.

So the deal is: Fox 31, including Emily Allen, Jessica Lebel, Megan O'Halloran, and Sam Boik, claims "when it matters to (me), (they) are on it." This is a very clear, oft repeated slogan that has changed my behavior and convinced me of the value of their product. Because of this, I want to have a lawsuit ready to go if, in case I request of the four listed personalities, to get on top of what matters to me, intimately, when I say it matters to me, per their offer to become my source for news and pleasure, but they decline to do their part to complete our little deal. Now we can start with a nice oil massage or kissing, but that isn't important to me. The main thing is, they need to get "on it" for "as long as it takes" per their statements saying that is precisely what they will do.

There is a good chance that all four Fox 31 representatives will not have any issues fulfilling their promises to me, but just in case, I want a high-powered team of legal eagles ready to lawfare their ass right on top of me.

So, who can I count on to help the little guy, as a figure of speech only, fight this large corporation?

chuck said...

I see lots of articles about how Barr must resign.

Two thousand ex-DOJ folks wanting Barr to resign was the one I saw. It is hilarious. DOJ, really? Might as well be branded with the Fleur-de-lys to mark them for the whores, thieves, beggars, slaves and criminals they were.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

A good evening for beef stew and fresh sourdough bread.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Dershowitz: I Have Proof Obama Ordered FBI Investigation At Request Of George Soros

“I have some information as well about the Obama administration – which will be disclosed in a lawsuit at some point, but I’m not prepared to disclose it now – about how President Obama personally asked the FBI to investigate somebody on behalf of George Soros, who was a close ally of his.”


Narr said...

None of my a.m. comments have shown up, but they were on yesterday's threads and maybe the window has closed . . .

Maybe this one will work

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

OK, Bloomer

Bloomberg says many 'black and Latino males' don't 'know how to find jobs,’ & ‘don’t know how to behave in the workplace,' in newly uncovered 2011 video


rcocean said...

"Two thousand ex-DOJ folks wanting Barr to resign was the one I saw. It is hilarious."

Yes, absurd. paper after paper, website after website printing the same thing. No one giving us any detailed information about the petition. Who organized it? Who funded it? What are their politics? Did anyone vet the signatures? Are they all Democrats?

No curiosity in the MSM - they just ran with the press release because it hurts Barr.

Now USA Today is writing that some judges association is having an "emergency meeting" without of course, telling us WHO the judges are, WHAT their politics are, or WHY they have an "association" and no one has heard of them before.

rcocean said...

Atlantic has a piece by Donald Ayer, who's described as "Barr's former Boss" demanding he resigned. He's portrayed as the "Former DAG under George Herbert walker Bush".

So then you look it up and find Ayer served as DAG from Nov 1989-May 1990 and quit in a huff over the AG not backing him on some sentencing issue. So, we're talking "his boss" of 30 years ago, by a man who was DAG for 6 months! What's odder is the guy then went into the private sector and hasn't been heard of for 30 years. Is he Republcian anymore? Was he ever?

Again, no truthful details on him in the Atlantic, just a puffed up biography designed to increase his importance.

rcocean said...

This reminds me that the Democrats and liberals have been pulling this crap ever since Reagan. They demanded William French resign, they drove Ed Meese out, they demanded Thornburgh resign, they demanded Ashcroft resign, they drove Gonzales out, and now they're after Barr.

They label EVERY Republican DoJ as "Corrupt" and "Politicized" but of course, the Democrat's DoJ are always A-OK.

Browndog said...

Longest NASCAR race ever.

Inga said...

“So if Trump were to announce tomorrow that he is a trans-Democrat, should Dems, because they are known as the "compassion and kindness" party, suddenly embrace him because it would be wrong to be mean to him?”

No. Doesn’t matter what political party he’s associated with, he’s still who he is.

Jersey Fled said...

When I saw the article it was 1100 ex-DOJ flunkys demanding Barr's resignation. I guess this was intended to imply some sort of consensus that Barr must go.

By way of comparison, the DOJ currently has over 100,000 employees. You do the math.

wildswan said...

rehajm said...
'Mia' sent me the Bloomberg text I posted yesterday. When 'Mia' asked what was holding me back from supporting Mike I told 'Mia' I'd need her new iPhone and MacBook before I could say...

I've been trending toward that. It's annoying to see Bloomberg buying campaign workers, politicians, media but never an offer of a direct payment to me. Is Hunter getting money again while I'm getting robocalls?

Howard said...

Yeah I don't recall any criticism from the right of Obama or Clinton's attorney generals. Bob Barr does remind me of a jowlly Janet Reno.

Original Mike said...

"Two thousand ex-DOJ folks wanting Barr to resign..."

That's a lot of people to fire. He better get crackin'.

FullMoon said...

Saw it yesterday. "Kimberly" made a comment and provided a link on another site that the same ex DOJ neverTrumpers signed some other similar petition in 2019. Not too original..

When I saw the article it was 1100 ex-DOJ flunkys demanding Barr's resignation.

Kimberly Frost
Kimberly Frost
Feb 16 · 1 min read

Here is the story from 2019 with the nearly the same exact list of people.


rcocean said...

Yeah, no matter what the D's do, the R's did it worse. Got it. And if the entire MSM is liberal, Fox News is Conservative. So its balanced out. LOL.

At least you're honest and just care about one thing. Your side winning.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"They label EVERY Republican DoJ as "Corrupt" and "Politicized" but of course, the Democrat's DoJ are always A-OK."

They have become bored with just winning, they need you to feel the humiliation Dalrymple wrote of:

“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is...in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

Winning against the likes of irrelevant you is tiring.

Inga said...

A Bernie Sanders/ Stacey Abrams ticket would be formidable. Whatever Democrat eventually wins the nomination, they would be wise to add Stacey Abrams to the ticket.

“Stacey Abrams, the former Georgia gubernatorial candidate who's now focusing on tackling voter suppression head on, said she "absolutely" sees herself running for president one day, but for the 2020 cycle, she "would be honored" to run for vice president with whoever the Democratic nominee is.”


Kevin said...

Her position is shared by other progressive lawmakers across the country who say mobility is a human right, like health care and education, and think residents should be able to freely move around their cities, no matter their income brackets.

Progressives, always confusing the right to do something with the right to have someone else do it for you...

Drago said...

Inga: "A Bernie Sanders/ Stacey Abrams ticket would be formidable."


Kevin said...

“So if Trump were to announce tomorrow that he is a trans-Democrat, should Dems, because they are known as the "compassion and kindness" party, suddenly embrace him because it would be wrong to be mean to him?”

Barbossa: The code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Let me guess: Trump is frightened of....er. .....(checks note cards and discards the first 12 or so)....Sanders/Abrams!

And this just in: Merkel, May, Macron and Trudeau NOT actually "The Real Leader Of The Free World"!

walter said...

Abrams can't lose.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Obozo wants credit after insisting "those jobs arent coming back.
How are those jobs coming back?
What sort of magic wand do you have?"

the Magic Wand

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Left-Wing Group Organized Barr Attack Letter
The letter is just another destroy-Trump mission funded by leftists to deceive and inflame the public.


Guildofcannonballs said...

"At least you're honest and just care about one thing. Your side winning."

She has every right to be honest power matters, as she, like Althouse, understand(s) the power winning enables in America unlike you ever will.

They've marched, and although they've been set back, but they are having fun convicting Trump non-enemies like the worthless Roger Stone. And shooting congressman. And beating with bikelocks anyone not like them. And driving into voting registration tents hoping for a kill or three.

And they will crush to the point of irrelevancy anyone who argues for America or God.

Then they will lose, along with most of us. But it has been, is, and will be all worth it to them. The chemicals only eo ipso their brain convince them of it; it's not the outside world's influence on their brain.

Otherwise Satan is real and has influence, like Scalia said was obvious to any with eyes to witness.

stephen cooper said...

Bernie Sanders and Stacy Abrams === two unrealistic, un-empahetic rich old people who creep out normal people.

Trump would win, against that nasty pair, every state he won with Pence against sad Hillary and the nasty little governor from Virginia:

plus Trump would win a few extra states, Virginia, for example, due to the extreme unlikability factor that narcissistic Stacy and rich senile boy Bernie would bring, maybe even New Jersey and Hawaii, for the same reason.

not many people like arrogant creeps like Bernie and Stacy.

pacwest said...

A Bernie Sanders/ Stacey Abrams ticket would be formidable.

Why yes, yes it would.

Ken B said...

I doubt it’s effective but I like BBerg's “Really?” Ad about Bernie Bros. A lot of them really are thugs, and Angry Bernie knows it and plays to it.

All the stuff the woke tell me disqualifies Bloomberg, doesn’t.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The Abrams tank for VP? The woman who lost the GA governorship and whined and blubbered about it for months?

Yeah, Inga, she's really formidable. If it's a pie eating contest we're talking about.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"they dont even dare speak the truth, even on their deathbeds"

An annual banquet caused a community-wide infection in #Wuhan, the epicenter of the #CoronavirusOutbreak.
The banquet was held at the densely populated district, #Baibuting, which is home to over 100,000 residents, and is one of the most severely infected areas of Wuhan.


FullMoon said...

The Washington Post (CIA) is Very Worried About The Big Russia Lie Being Exposed….

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

27 problems with the Media's latest attack on Barr


Original Mike said...

"A Bernie Sanders/ Stacey Abrams ticket would be formidable. Whatever Democrat eventually wins the nomination, they would be wise to add Stacey Abrams to the ticket."

What. In. The. World? does Stacey Abrams bring to the table?

Can you people do anything without diversity tokenism?

donald said...

A lotta fatty foods Original Mike. That’s what Abrams brings to the table.

Michael K said...


I think they should be thanked for accumulating that RIF file. We might have spent months figuring out who to let go from DOJ.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"What. In. The. World? does Stacey Abrams bring to the table?"

To Inga and other white Dem racists, it doesn't matter that Abrams lost her last election. It doesn't matter what she has done or said. All that matters is that she has dark skin and a D behind her name, because they believe blacks are so stupid that that is all that matters to them.

It's up to blacks to prove the white Dem racists wrong.

donald said...

When Stacy Abrams sits around the house, Stacy Abrams SITS AROUND THE HOUSE.

Original Mike said...

LOL, donald.

Original Mike said...

"To Inga and other white Dem racists, it doesn't matter that Abrams lost her last election."

But she won!

Victim is another box she checks.

narciso said...

She generates her own gravity well like betelgeuse

Chuck said...




Inga said...

“What. In. The. World? does Stacey Abrams bring to the table?

Can you people do anything without diversity tokenism?”

The mere fact that she causes you to become upset is a reason to consider her. She is a strong, intelligent, educated, an experienced politician, outspoken, black woman who was the minority leader in the Georgia House from 2011 to 2017. She was directly affected by voter suppression in the Gubernatorial election in 2018 and has formed Fair Fight 2020 to fight voter suppression. She’s a fighter and she is well liked by the great majority of Democrats. That Trumpists don’t like her is only a positive sign she a good choice. She brings a great deal to the ticket. She most certainly would not be a token VP choice.

Original Mike said...

"She was directly affected by voter suppression in the Gubernatorial election in 2018..."


Inga said...

“When Stacy Abrams sits around the house, Stacy Abrams SITS AROUND THE HOUSE.”

Donald Trump’s fat belly and buttocks sure doesn’t bother you folks, but we already see how her skin color and body composition bothers you. Petty and shallow.

Inga said...


Yes, you’re full of it.

Inga said...

“... we already see how her skin color and body composition bothers you. Petty and shallow.”

And this sort of thing will turn many independent women against the people engaging in this sort of discrimination.

Original Mike said...

Provide the evidence of voter suppression, Inga.

narciso said...

that civility they keep talking about

donald said...

Provide any evidence that that grotesque fat load was the victim of voter suppression toots.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

When you've lost Politifact

narciso said...

outfit founded by lois lerners boss and mccains counsel

Inga said...

Evidence of voter suppression in Georgia

1.Massive purges of voter rolls
2.Kemp put 53,000 voter registrations on hold ( nearly 70% black people)
3.Long voter lines
4.Technical errors, machines not working
5.Kemp overseeing the state office in charge of voting was ripe for corruption, rife with scandals

narciso said...


Inga said...

"The only really honest answer is that no one knows for sure how much voting was depressed by the alleged acts of ‘voter suppression’ by former Secretary of State Kemp,"

Politifact, from link above.

veni vidi vici said...

First glance, I thought it said "Dark Money Sunrise".

Too much politics; I need to get off the web!

Original Mike said...

You claim to know, Inga.

Inga said...

“You claim to know, Inga.”

YOU claim to know OM.

You said it was bullshit, so prove to me it was bullshit, or it’s just your opinion.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"The mere fact that she causes you to become upset is a reason to consider her"

She doesn't upset me in the slightest.

She makes me think of fat jokes.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

She could swallow Bloomberg in one gulp.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

<a href="https://mobile.twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1229548092850089986> this is curious </a>

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

So what, Inga?

Lowest black unemployment in history.

What has Georgia fat ass done but whine and blubber and play the victim?

Inga said...

It’s interesting that Trumpists always fall to the lowest possible common denominator. Not surprising though. So if she would get the nomination for VP these sort of personal attacks will only help her and the ticket.

narciso said...

Laufman atty for one of the cavanaugh slanderers on the list of 1500

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Besides eating a gallon of ice cream at one sitting, that is?

Original Mike said...

You're asking me to prove a negative, Inga, but then you guys love that line of reasoning.

Any Russians seen hanging around Georgia in 2018?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

You're the one going for the lowest common denominator, my dear dumb Inga.

All you see is "black" and "woman."

You're a racist.

narciso said...

Shes ignorant of the law, perhaps not as much as sheila jackson lee.

Inga said...

OM, don’t be lazy. I gave you the evidence. Now do your homework.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I'm sure Inga will be able to rattle off a long list of lard butt's accomplishments, deeds which do not include serving as a state governor, but somehow entitle her to be VP.

Quick, Inga, google, google! I'm sure you don't know anything she's actually done, but there has to be something, right?

Howard said...

Wednesday is right Inga. Optics matter, unfortunately. We have a better chance if the Trumpian deplorables own the obesity epidemic. President Supersized Bigulp.

narciso said...

Shes a double eli alum, and staggeringly ignorate also cbs is adapting her sub el james romance novels or something.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Besides eating a gallon of ice cream at one sitting, that is?

She could swallow Bloomberg in one gulp.

Mini-Mike...panders with BIG GAY Ice Cream:

Mike & BIG GAY Ice Cream

William said...

Melania Trump comes in for a lot of criticism. It's not just that she's extremely good looking, but she compounds the offense by dressing stylishly. Mrs Sanders, on the other hand, is beyond criticism. It's not just that she dresses frumpy, she's also overweight. Good help the first person to voice out loud a criticism of her. Melania catches more flack for being beautiful than Mrs. Sanders catches for being frumpy.... Ms. Abrams exists in a realm even above that of Mrs. Sanders. She's not only overweight. She's black. Who in American life would dare make a fat joke about her? Her doctor probably can't eveb warn her about the dangers of diabetes. This is a woman beyond reproach.

walter said...

Larger chunk from that politifact article:
Abrams lost by almost 55,000 votes in a race with record turnout for a midterm race, said University of Georgia political scientist Charles S. Bullock. Black turnout in 2018 actually slightly exceeded that in 2016, he said.

"The claim is a good talking point, but the evidence is missing," he said.

Kemp made some controversial decisions that probably hurt Democrats overall, but it’s difficult to determine exactly how many people were prevented from voting, Daniel P. Tokaji, who teaches election law at Ohio State University, told PolitiFact.

"The only really honest answer is that no one knows for sure how much voting was depressed by the alleged acts of ‘voter suppression’ by former Secretary of State Kemp," he said.
Perhaps record turnout increases voting lines...

Inga said...

No doubt the fat jokes about Mrs. Sanders will start in earnest when and if Sanders wins the nomination.

“Ms. Abrams exists in a realm even above that of Mrs. Sanders. She's not only overweight. She's black. Who in American life would dare make a fat joke about her?”

Lowlifes like the ones here on this thread that have already insulted her based on her weight and color.

Inga said...

The only really honest answer is that no one knows for sure how much voting was depressed by the alleged acts of ‘voter suppression’ by former Secretary of State Kemp,"


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Daytona crash victim Ryan Newman is a Trump supporter

Buttiguig supporters feel he "deserves bad karma"


donald said...

Black voter participation increased in a non presidential election year (Georgia). Basic research in stricken voters show typical issues. The fat load lost by 55,000 votes. Abrams also passed on both senate races this year and will not run for governor next time. She will never submit herself to a vote again, it would kill her con.

narciso said...


Big Mike said...

@Inky, thanks for reminding me about Bernie Sanders' wife. She should be on trial for bank fraud, having used the same property as collateral for multiple loans when she was attempting to expand -- and ultimately bankrupting! -- the tiny liberal arts college for which she was president. Here is a description of what happened as published by a local newspaper.

I use the phrase "should be," because the rule that Democrat candidates for the Presidential nomination, and their immediate families, are immune from prosecution.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the desiccated plutocrat Bloombucks will never evoke this response

Because We Love him

Guildofcannonballs said...

Kathy Sabin will always be a hero to me, weatherly. I hope she keeps hopin' as she should, amazing.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Many leading Chinese scientists are starting to speak out and say COVID-19 (coronavirus) originated at a government bioweapons research facility in Wuhan, rather than the widely-held belief that it emerged from the city's Huanan seafood markets.

chinese conspiracy theorists?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

oh, now it's because of bat pee.

"They said scientists researching bat diseases could be responsible for the global outbreak, in a bombshell report published this week. Their report details how sick bats urinated, attacked and bled on researchers, who did their best to quarantine themselves. But the disease still spread through Wuhan, across China and throughout the world."


Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

The people that think Stacey Abrams is going to be a VP candidate are fucking lunatics. No one is going to choose her for a ticket- not Bloomberg, not Sanders, not Biden, and not Klobuchar. The woman's only accomplishment in politics is to be the loudest sore loser outside of Hillary. I would literally pay to see her put on a ticket for the Democrats- it would be the biggest mistake since letting Hillary get the nomination in 2016.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

“Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Achilles said...

Seeing Red said...
I’m sure that has to violate some act or law.

They pulled this bullshit with Ronnie. Tip O’Neill and the commies.

What is it about Iran? What do they want to keep hidden?


They laundered a bunch of that 150 billion back to Obama and Kerry cronies.

Democrats and GOPe Republicans magically get rich after getting elected.

It isn’t magical though.

Seeing Red said...

Cleaning up dead people and people who have moved out of state or to a different county is cleaning up the voters’ Rolls.

Prove every name is viable, Inga.

If they’ve taken steps, sent letters and followed the procedure, it’s ok.

If the voter wants to vote, it’s the voter’s Responsibility to register. There is a motor voter law, you know.

Original Mike said...

Just had two guys buying me beers in an NZ pub because I was a trump supporter.

What was interesting was the timid way they asked. It's like a secret society where everyone dances around the issue until they feel confident they won't be attacked.

Mr. Forward said...

Bloomberg-Abrams might be a better fit. Those tickets aren't that big.

Original Mike said...

So it's like a small airplane...

Mr. Forward said...

Air Force One and a half.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Many leading Chinese scientists are starting to speak out and say COVID-19 (coronavirus) originated at a government bioweapons research facility in Wuhan, rather than the widely-held belief that it emerged from the city's Huanan seafood markets.”

The Wuhan Coronavirus crossed the species boundary from bats. A number of Coronaviruses have been decoded, as this one was, and the closest ones all came from bats. It is almost impossible that it crossed from mammalian bats to reptilian snakes, and then to human, because there would be significantly more mutations present from the bat derived Coronavirus. And, indeed, it is unlikely that it crossed into another mammalian host and then to humans either for similar reasons. Every crossing of the species boundary leaves a genetic residue. Bats are not sold at that seafood market. On the flip side, it is highly likely that if the Chinese were weaponizing and bioengineering viruses, it would be done at the BSL-4 laboratory in Wuhan, one of two BSL-4 facilities in China, and the one dedicated to viruses.

My theory is that Chinese researchers were playing with the bat derived coronavirus, that had originally been discovered in a Saudi Arabian by an Egyptian researcher, and then initially sequenced in Rotterdam most of a decade ago. They may have been doing genetic engineering, possibly adding the four HIV-1 spikes that differentiate it from the Saudi (and several other closely related) versions. In any case, the BSL-4 containment was probably somehow broken, and the virus escaped into the public - possibly into the nearby seafood market. Possibly the containment breach was a consequence of the Chinese notorious lack of sanitary practices of a population who had a decade before been peasants farming rice in rural China.

We don’t know though, because the Chinese don’t seem to have any idea who patient zero was, and by now, his body has likely been incinerated, along with hundreds, probably thousands, other fatalities in the crematoria running around the clock in Wuhan. The problem is that China is a communist state, which means that they are under top down control, and are hugely bureaucratic. Everyone up and down the hierarchy lies constantly in order to protect their position in the bureaucracy. So, when the Wuhan Coronavirus first broke out, it was studiously ignored. They probably hoped that it would just die out and go away. It was embarrassing, something the Chinese don’t do well at. It was embarrassing because it meant that the Chines couldn’t run a safe BSL-4 facility (we have 15 of them, and don’t have this problem), and possibly that they were experimenting in bioengineering viruses for military use (it appears that the PLA has taken over the lab - but that may be just to clean up the mess). Xi claims to have been informed about the outbreak last December and gave strict orders to quarantine and clean it up. Which, of course didn’t happen, or at least not nearly fast enough to be effective.

If you want evidence that socialism, and esp its communist version, doesn’t work, this is this years top example. Not only did their top down bureaucratic state prove incapable of preventing the outbreak, it isn’t doing much better addressing it today. A single private company, Alibabba, appears to be doing much better than the national, provincial, and city governments at delivering much needed masks and gloves. Moreover, their much vaunted 1,000 bed hospitals thrown up with great fanfare a couple weeks ago are already falling apart. Rubbing in the embarrassment, last year, they had apparently undergone an extremely large exercise aimed at practicing addressing just this sort of crisis. situation.

stlcdr said...

I normally ignore Inga’s insanity, but this right here is comedy gold. There really is too much to quote.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Lowlifes like the ones here on this thread that have already insulted her based on her weight and color.

2/17/20, 10:18 PM

Where did anybody insult her based on color?

You're the one obsessed with color, Inga - because you are a racist.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

stlcdr said...
I normally ignore Inga’s insanity, but this right here is comedy gold. There really is too much to quote.

2/18/20, 5:25 AM

Yep. Her stupidity is really on full display here.

Martha said...

Althouse is in this morning’s Wall Street Journal:

Notable & Quotable: How Will Bloomberg Debate


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

BTW, Inga, you haven't provided us with Abrams' qualifications and past record - any reasons why she should be a heartbeat away from the presidency, besides the fact that she's black and female and Democrat and lost an election in Georgia.

"The soft bigotry of low expectations."

Ralph L said...

The WSJ doesn't even give her a link in the excerpt for the peons. How rude!

Jaq said...

There was an old press release from Wuhan that said that they were studying how bats were able to handle such a high viral load with the hopes of creating better anti-viral drugs in humans by mimicking the way bats restrained their immune systems because the immune response is often what kills the host.

I think that this is more likely than an escaped bioweapon.

Curious George said...

"She's not only overweight. She's black. Who in American life would dare make a fat joke about her?”

Me. She's a mudslide.

Curious George said...

"What. In. The. World? does Stacey Abrams bring to the table?"

Dunno, but she leaves with empty plates and no regrets.

Jaq said...

Apparently what is keeping Democrats from winning the next election in a walk are barriers to fraud, per the WaPo.

Jaq said...

"She's not only overweight. She's black. Who in American life would dare make a fat joke about her?”

Nobody makes fat jokes about Trump because he’s white.

Jaq said...


Economist shocked by economics.

Fernandinande said...

Yo mama so fat she got her own zip code.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernandinande said...

Economist shocked by economics.

Heh. At least they alerted their gentle readers to their biases, saving said readers from any need to read past the first paragraph: "immigrants, who are assumed by many [=deplorables] to steal jobs from natives and lower the wages of less-educated folk."

Even worse than that, a previously well respected science outfit cranks out false and dishonest propaganda.

Curious George said...

Stacey Abrams is so fat, when she goes camping the bears hide their food.

Bruce Hayden said...

“There was an old press release from Wuhan that said that they were studying how bats were able to handle such a high viral load with the hopes of creating better anti-viral drugs in humans by mimicking the way bats restrained their immune systems because the immune response is often what kills the host.”

If you run into the article again, could you link to it for me? Thanks.

It is more plausible than a lot of their stories out there, like the snake one. It still makes the Chinese look callous and stupid. Why play with such a lethal virus? And you still have the problem that the Wuhan Coronavirus is more lethal than the Saudi coronavirus that it appears to be descended from, or, at worse, is closely related to. How did that happen? I can almost see them genetically engineering a more potent coronavirus to test the viral load capabilities of bats. But that is the opposite of doing safe research.

Whether your theory is correct, or mine is closer to the truth, the reality very much seems to be that the Chinese were playing with fire, it got away from them, and is in the process of burning them very badly.

Jaq said...

Found this from 2018, which ticks all of the boxes.


Bruce Hayden said...

Thanks. Same virology facility with the BSL-4 containment capabilities, of course. Working with bats would probably better explain how the coronavirus got into the human population. But how did this virus get into the bats under study in the Wuhan virology lab? Did they ship in infected bats from, say, Saudi Arabia? Or was it introduced into a more indigenous species to study it? And where did those four distinctive spikes come from?

FullMoon said...

Heh. At least they alerted their gentle readers to their biases, saving said readers from any need to read past the first paragraph: "immigrants, who are assumed by many [=deplorables] to steal jobs from natives and lower the wages of less-educated folk."
Disney Workers Forced to Train Their Foreign Replacements ...

walter said...

Man charged with kidnapping woman, forcing her to watch Roots to understand her racism
Noye is accused of abducting an unnamed woman of unspecified race, then holding her captive at a residence in the 700 block of Second Avenue SW, where she was forced to watch the nine-hour ABC miniseries “so she could better understand her racism,” according to a criminal complaint.
Enlarge Image
LeVar Burton played Kunta Kinte in landmark 1977 miniseries "Roots."LeVar Burton played Kunta Kinte in the landmark 1977 miniseries “Roots.”Everett Collection

When his captive tried to move, Noye ordered her to “remain seated and watch the movie with him or he would kill her and spread her body parts across Interstate 380 on the way to Chicago,” per the complaint.

Jaq said...

Researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China examined 30 bats from a number of genera, and found that in all of them an antiviral immune pathway called the STING-interferon pathway is dampened. The results are published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe.

“We believe there is a balance between bats and the pathogens they carry,” says senior author Peng Zhou.

“This work demonstrated that in order to maintain a balance with viruses, bats may have evolved to dampen certain pathways.” The research compared the STING – a portmanteau of “STimulator of INterferon Genes” – of the 30 bats with that of 10 other mammal species, including humans, dogs and cats.
- Cosmos Magazine

Michael K said...

Bruce, I quoted you over at Chicagoboyz on the bat virus theory.

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