১৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২০

A complex mind game, played by President Trump.

What is going on here? Let's break it down:

1. "Mini Mike is a 5'4" mass of dead energy who does not want to be on the debate stage with these professional politicians" — a simple attack on Bloomberg — he's short and he's dull. There's a single vivid image: a "mass of dead energy" that's a particular size, 5'4".

2. Trump purports to know that Bloomberg doesn't want to debate, that Bloomberg knows he'll be bad. That at least primes us to see him as bad when he finally does show up in a debate.

3. The other debaters are "professional politicians." That's an attack on everyone else. Trump attacks them all in the first sentence. Who knows which Democratic candidate he'd most like to face in the general election? I can't tell, but I'm given reasons to look down on all of them. Especially Bloomberg, who is, in Trump's numbers, shorter than I am.

4. "No boxes please." Another vivid image, previously pushed by Trump. Did Bloomberg even ever ask for a box, or is this Bloomberg needs a box thing a complete invention of anti-Bloombergers? Again, we're reminded that he is short and his shortness is given a whiff of weirdness and petulance.

5. "He hates Crazy Bernie and will, with enough money, possibly stop him. Bernie’s people will go nuts!" Now, he's just stirring things up, trying to get the Bernie people to go after Bloomberger for him.

6. Let all the Democrats tear each other apart. Bloomberg's mere existence supposed to drive Crazy Bernie's crazy supporters even crazier. Crazy crazy crazy. He's got "crazy" stuck all over Bernie.

Most memorable takeaway: "a 5’4” mass of dead energy."

Which reminds us: There is live energy, and we know where it is: around Bernie. Crazy Bernie, whose craziness is threatening all of us, according to Trump, who would like to channel that tornado of energy and aim it at Bloomberg. And his little box too.

৩০৮টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   308 এর 201 – থেকে 308
purplepenquin বলেছেন...

dude, get a grip

If one beleives that all calls for "civility" are considered bullshit then how is this comment of yours not "civility bullshit"? Personally, I disagree that simply pointing out someone is being an asshole is considered "bullshit", but I am fully aware that is a popular opinion around these parts.

However, would it be considered "civility bullshit" for me to ask Drago to stop making up quotes that I never said? Or am I just supposed to make up lies about him as well? Still not sure how ya'll play whatever game it is ya'll are playing...

Limited blogger বলেছেন...

I didn't just spam the thread with a hundred separate 'cut and pastes'.

Do your thing. Good luck to you.

narayanan বলেছেন...

Blogger Limited blogger said...

I am constantly amazed at how many different fights Trump can be simultaneously engaged in and be winning them all. ....
He crushes all opposition, with finesse, panache, and humor.
Is he Pinocchio or Cyrano

Michael K বলেছেন...

I told you PP was a troll.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

As a gentle aside, I've noticed that many Trump critics are obsessed with the President's tweets, much more than the exercise of his Executive Authority under Article 2 of the Constitution.

It's like dating Cindy Crawford and focusing on the famous mole on her face.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

OMG! Trump was WRONG!

It should have been Turban Durbin, not Dickie Durbin!

Achilles বলেছেন...

PP is showing us just how deranged the crazies are getting.

Trump is breaking them.

Rick বলেছেন...

purplepenquin said...
Is our President actually promoting those values? Or is he showing kids that insulting others & constantly using demeaning nicknames is the better route to go?

It's cute when people pretend this is the biggest issue we face. But I can't help suspecting people who think so stand to gain from the left destroying our economy.

But those Covington kids sure have punchable faces. If only there were people who took that kind of stand we could appoint as national moral leaders.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

"complex mind game"

Has the term complex taken on a new meaning that I am unaware of? Schoolyard taunts remain schoolyard taunts, even from the mouths of geriatrics.

Gk1 বলেছেন...

Other people are also noticing how slurry and disoriented Nancy Pelosi is these days. See if you can make sense of this word salad:

Speaker Pelosi: There is so much malfeasance with the people in the executive branch right now… We can point out the disrespect the rule of law, for lying to Congress. And that was really, really bad. It’s not a good thing. It’s lying to the American people. It’s lying to the American people under oath. But our priorities are to do our jobs for the American people.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

"Schoolyard taunts remain schoolyard taunts, even from the mouths of geriatrics."

That's what my wife keeps telling me. Does your partner tell you to loosen up? We could be into complex mind games here.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

This just in: RompHim Clothing goes goes bust.

That concept was so bad...

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Maybe that typo in my last comment should be RompHim Clothing go-gos bust.

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

I don’t remember Trump ever taunting someone with a schoolyard nickname. I wonder if anyone could provide a single example...

Gk1 বলেছেন...

When I saw Rompers on the internet for the first time I was pretty sure it was a joke or a meme someone generated. Then when I saw another reference I thought it was part of an obscure gay subculture I didn't understand. I can't tell you how blown away I was when I finally recognized someone was serious!

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

It's cute when people pretend this is the biggest issue we face.

It's not cute when people lie about stuff I've said. I never claimed that this is the biggest issue we face. Nor am I pretending anything - it truly bothers me that our President, the Face of our Nation, constantly & consistently calls those whom he disagrees with childish & immature names. I beleive it is possible to disagree with people in a reasonable manner - is it really considered too much to ask that the leader of our nation be at least somewhat reasonable in his speech & written word?

And yes, I know a lot of ya cheer him on for doing so. And yes, I know the AlwaysTrumpers label me a "troll", "crazy", and a "lefty" for calling him out on his bullshit.

I knew all that already; the responses aren't a surprise - but what I am truly curious to know is: Do you actually encourage your kids to behave as such too? Would you be proud of your child if you found out he was openly mocking disabled people? Would it make you happy if your kid had a special-putdown nickname for everyone in their class that they didn't like?

Basically - Is Trump's boorish behavior something we all, as a nation, should be emulating?

Gk1 বলেছেন...

The party of Blasey Ford & the Kavanaugh hearings wants to know why civility is so hard to find these days. Hmmm....that's a real noggin scratcher. What do I tell my children?!?!?

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

’Basically - Is Trump's boorish behavior something we all, as a nation, should be emulating?’

You seem very concerned.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "Schoolyard taunts remain schoolyard taunts, even from the mouths of geriatrics."


Biden is already in enough trouble.

John henry বলেছেন...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...

I'd be Ok with a Bloomberg-Bezos super-wealth tax. Bezos pays less in taxes than most of us.

He also makes less money than many of us. Amazon compensation has been $89,000 since the 90s.

No stock options or dividends either.

Do you really think it would be possible to pass a constitutional amendment to tax wealth?

John Henry

Drago বলেছেন...

PP: "However, would it be considered "civility bullshit" for me to ask Drago to stop making up quotes that I never said?"

When I quote someone it is in the above manner and therefore clear.

If I simply use the equivalent of airquotes it is for characterization purposes.

For instance, in your time posting here you have been 100% lefty aligned, so I guess that makes you "even-handed".

Rick বলেছেন...

I never claimed that this is the biggest issue we face.

For it to be the reason to base a Presidential vote on it must be.

I beleive it is possible to disagree with people in a reasonable manner

Cute. But then...

It's not cute when people lie

It's interesting he claims it's possible but then doesn't actually do so himself. Is this phrasing a tacit admission it was intentional? So on what basis does he demand it of others?

I do award him bonus chutzpah points for whining about childishness in the very thread he posts a 50 nonsense replies.

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

A: "You people have called every single republican president or presidential candidate over the last 7 decades Hitler, racist, nazis, fascists etc."

D: "W. wouldn't play mean so you tortured him, called him Chimpy McHitler, pretended he caused hurricanes in order to kill black people, etc. You let a skunk like Bill Clinton get away with dishonorable conduct in the White House. You nominated and voted for his miserably corrupt wife and accomplice."

Bullshit fuckin' lies, told by a couple of bullshittin' fuckin' lyin' bigots.

I didn't do any of that. I didn't call those people those names. Never said anything about Presidents causing hurricanes. I didn't nominate nor vote for Hillary. You're just making crap up in order to justify your own boorish & unreasonable behavior.

The fact that you two (and others) have to constantly lie about things I've said & done speaks volumes - not only about ya personally but also the strength & worth of what I have actually said/done. 'cause if you could honestly attack the things I have said/done, then you wouldn't need to be making stuff up...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

John Kelly said ..

People who rely on Fox News ‘are not informed citizens’

While generally true you can't help feeling that he was thinking of someone in particular when he said this.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "While generally true you can't help feeling that he was thinking of someone in particular when he said this."

Hows the "Great Awakening" coming along? Progress being made out Utah-way?

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Do you have a point purple penguin?

Or are you having a problem here?

DarkHelmet বলেছেন...

Penguin, the horse left the barn back in 1998 as I have already explained. You were okay with the Clintons coarsening the nation. You were okay with the thousands of tons of sleaze and crap the left has ladled out in the ensuing 22 years. Trump fights back. It is necessary. I wish that it were not so, but it is. If you don't like the state of national discourse the time to object was 1998. And you've had many chances since. Lefties can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

Trump has educated the right side of the aisle to the necessity of treated shameless bastards like shameless bastards. Don't want that sort of icky thing going on in public? Stop putting shameless bastards into power. As long as you do, our side reserves the right to respond in kind.

But please post the list of shame again. Every person on it deserves worse than a dismissive nickname.

Drago বলেছেন...

Francisco D: "Do you have a point purple penguin?"

As far as I can tell, PP is very very upset Trump is dishing it back to the dems as vigorously as the dems and media have been giving it to republicans and conservatives for decades.

Because he is all about fairness and civility.

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

For it to be the reason to base a Presidential vote on it must be.

Saying this is an issue doesn't make it The Biggest Issue. Taking personal behavior into consideration doesn't mean it is The Reason one should vote for or not vote for someone.

Are you suggesting that there is only one reason someone should base a vote on, and everything/anything else can be ignored & overlooked? Please clarify...

Drago বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

The republicans put up McCain and Romney prior to Trump and the left/Media called them every name in the book, even Nazi's.

So now you get Trump.


purplepenquin বলেছেন...

You were okay with the Clintons coarsening the nation.

Absolute bullshit. Other than your personal biases, what leads you think I was/am a Clinton supporter?

Gk1 বলেছেন...

Civility is all the rage. Check this one out. :-)

“Last night on CNN, Bernie Sanders called me a political hack,” Carville said, according to Hamby. “That’s exactly who the fuck I am! I am a political hack! I am not an ideologue. I am not a purist. He thinks it’s a pejorative. I kinda like it! At least I’m not a communist.”

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

’Bullshit fuckin' lies, told by a couple of bullshittin' fuckin' lyin' bigots.’

Oh, my.

DarkHelmet বলেছেন...

Penguin, when I say 'you' I mean the left. Are you part of the left? Or the the right? No other choices, my fine feathered friend. You get Trump's obnoxious tweeting and effective governance or you get Sanders and his gulags. Do you struggle over this choice? I don't.

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

(We) advocate practicing a modified form of the Golden Rule. Our interpretation of this rule is: "Do unto others as they do unto you"; because if you "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," and they, in turn, treat you badly, it goes against human nature to continue to treat them with consideration. You should do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but if your courtesy is not returned, they should be treated with the wrath they deserve."

This is the philosophy ya'll think people should live by, eh?

Jim at বলেছেন...

It's always cute when pointed out hundreds - if not thousands - of examples of leftists calling Republicans/conservatives the worst types of names. Examples that are simply beyond dispute.

And the response is, "Well, I personally didn't say those things," as if it fucking matters.

Gk1 বলেছেন...

Civility and decorum you say?

The last few months have seen expletives ringing from large sections of the Democratic bench. In a New York Magazine profile this month, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) included one “fuck,” two “fucking”s, one “bullshit,” one “pissed off,” one “they suck,” and a “what the hell is going on?" DNC Chairman Tom Perez has awkwardly but assuredly brought profanity into his stump speeches, saying at a January DNC Future Forum, “if you don’t have the trust of the community, then you ain’t got shit,” and telling a New Jersey Working Families Alliance event in March that Republicans “don’t give a shit about people.” Kicking off an eight-state “Come Together and Fight Back” speaking tour alongside Senator Bernie Sanders in Portland, Maine last week, Perez turned to the president’s spending proposals—“They call it a ‘skinny budget.’ I call it a shitty budget.”


Howard বলেছেন...

Funny thing is Trump is really and truly mocking his base of deplorables by using all of these retarded insults. He's massaging your Id like a pied Piper.

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

"Penguin, when I say 'you' I mean the left. Are you part of the left? Or the the right?"

I'm sorry that your lil' label-maker doesn't have a sticker you can just slap on me. But no, neither of those apply to me.

Howard বলেছেন...

The Golden rule and we learned in grade school was to do unto others before others do something unto you.

Michael McNeil বলেছেন...

“I'd be Ok with a Bloomberg-Bezos super-wealth tax. Bezos pays less in taxes than most of us.”

He also makes less money than many of us. Amazon compensation has been $89,000 since the 90s. No stock options or dividends either.

That's not true. It might be, just based on Bezos' salaried income that he draws from Amazon, but that's not (nearly!) all of it.

As Jeff Bezos declared to Time a few years back, every year he intends to sell a billion dollars or more worth of Amazon stock, then plunge the proceeds into further incremental funding for his private space firm, Blue Origin.

Indeed, just a half year back Bezos sold an even greater allotment of $2.8 billion worth of Amazon stock for investment in Blue Origin. After taxes, that should be a very sizable hunk of change. But the income taxes on that should also be enormous — close to $1 billion at a 35% rate.

I think that's a lot more taxes than most of us pay.

Rick বলেছেন...

Are you suggesting that there is only one reason someone should base a vote on, and everything/anything else can be ignored & overlooked?

It's interesting he seems to think this is wrong but his appeal to reject Trump is solely based on this issue. So he's advocating exactly what then claims is wrong. Strange.

Bullshit fuckin' lies, told by a couple of bullshittin' fuckin' lyin' bigots.

I wonder what that bigot accusation comes from other than the standard 'everyone who disagrees with me is a racist'.

Must be another example of his civility.

DarkHelmet বলেছেন...

It's funny, penguin. W. Bush turned the other cheek as he was accused of 'lying us into war.' He was a accused of not caring about blacks killed in New Orleans. He was fast out accused of being a Nazi. He never fought back. He never tweeted out angry responses. He lost congress for the GOP in 2006 and we got speaker Pelosi. Just in time for former media darling McCain to get torn apart by a community organizer. Then we got tax hikes and Obamacare. And a thoroughly corrupt FBI, CIA and national security apparatus.

Those things worry me much more than Trump's taunts.

Which side are you on? If you want to be on the side of a feckless wimp like Romney you are asking to get curb stomped. I choose not to get curb stomped. If that means voting for an effective bastard I will take it every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Rick বলেছেন...

Howard said...
Funny thing is Trump is really and truly mocking his base of deplorables by using all of these retarded insults.

Now the person who calls others cucks 6 times a day is complaining about retarded insults. Personally I appreciate it, idiot markers save time. I would like to be surprised those posing as our betters don't seem to apply any standard to themselves. But I'm sentient so that's not an option.

Tomorrow he'll accuse someone of hypocrisy.

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

’If you want to be on the side of a feckless wimp like Romney you are asking to get curb stomped. I choose not to get curb stomped. If that means voting for an effective bastard I will take it every day of the week and twice on Sundays.’

Funny how that works...

Drago বলেছেন...

Rick (re: PP): "I wonder what that bigot accusation comes from other than the standard 'everyone who disagrees with me is a racist'.

Must be another example of his civility."

It should be noted that labeling those who dare disagree with you a bigot is typically a leftist's signature move.

DarkHelmet বলেছেন...

Penguin, so you are a 'pox on both their houses?' Good luck. That's not going to save you from Sanders and his blackshirts. Nor from the likes of Hillary and her flying monkeys. You'll be lucky if Trump stays in power. He'll leave your type alone.

Now stand back while someone else does the heavy lifting of keeping you free.

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

And the response is, "Well, I personally didn't say those things," as if it fucking matters.

Yes, it does matter. Why should I be held accountable for things never uttered nor even implied by me?

Ya'll need to get out of your head this idea that "the left" (or "the right") is one single organism - with everyone who is even remotely connected (he speaks ill of Trump - he MUST be a lefty!) to such group as responsible for everything/anything said by anyone/everyone else. Even if I was a "lefty", it doesn't mean I am responsible for everything everyone else on the left says/does.

I'm not holding you accountable for every lie & falsehood Drago says about me. Are you suggesting I am wrong in that, and instead I should be cussin' you out personally for the bullshit he spews? After all - you both are "the right", no?

Drago বলেছেন...

PP: "I'm not holding you accountable for every lie & falsehood Drago says about me."

Tsk tsk

So unbecoming.

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

’Why should I be held accountable for things never uttered nor even implied by me?’

Who’s holding you accountable for those utterances?

Scientific Socialist বলেছেন...

It's a brilliant troll. I'm always reading about Trump supporters who wish he would stop tweeting. This is folly. Using Twitter, Trump slashes and maims like a samurai wielding a katana. And judging by the collective apoplexy that his tweeting induces in his political enemies, he's deadly.

Michael McNeil বলেছেন...

I prefer George Bernard Shaw's comeback on the Golden Rule (paraphrased from memory): “Don't do to others as you would have them do to you — they might have different tastes!”

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

I wonder what that bigot accusation comes from other than the standard 'everyone who disagrees with me is a racist'.

I didn't say anything about racism. Bigotry takes many forms - in this case it is the prejudiced outlook that some folks have along the lines of "He said something negative about Trump so he must be a lefty"

That's Archie Bunker-mentality right there...tho, I reckon lots of folks 'round these parts would take great delight in being compared to that fictional character.

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

’I reckon lots of folks 'round these parts would take great delight in being compared to that fictional character.’

Who’s the bigot now?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Scientific Socialist said...

It's a brilliant troll. I'm always reading about Trump supporters who wish he would stop tweeting. This is folly. Using Twitter, Trump slashes and maims like a samurai wielding a katana.

And yet ... he is struggling to get reelected, under quite favorable conditions. Genius or moron - we report you decide.

Rick বলেছেন...

Bigotry takes many forms -

Like this?

... I reckon lots of folks 'round these parts would take great delight in being compared to that fictional character.

But I missed his explanation of why he based his appeals against Trump on a principle he now pretends to reject. Maybe if he wasn't so reflexively antagonistic he wouldn't get all mixed up and forget what he just argued. It's not like this was something he said last week, it was minutes apart.

Could be dementia, might want to get that checked out.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Yes, it does matter. Why should I be held accountable for things never uttered nor even implied by me?

I've never uttered a single thing tweeted or said by Trump, yet I'm still held accountable for them.

Don't like the rules being applied evenly? I don't care.

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

’...he is struggling to get reelected, under quite favorable conditions.’

Oh, yeah? He’ll improve his electoral results with ease.

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...

That'll be Amy's pitch to Althouse and the Althouses of America.


LA_Bob বলেছেন...

Hari said, "Is Bloomberg 5'4" or 5'8"?

Probably depends on the time of day. When he first gets he's probably 5'8". Then it's all downhill to 5'4" when he goes to bed.

That's how it works with me, although the spread is not 4".

Rick বলেছেন...

Beasts of England said...
’...he is struggling to get reelected, under quite favorable conditions.’

Oh, yeah? He’ll improve his electoral results with ease.

Not only is he not struggling, he's outperforming Hillary by so much the difference can't be measured.

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

Penguin, so you are a 'pox on both their houses?'

Nope, not quite that either. I have voted for (and donated money to) candidates from both MajorParties....but if I am not satisfied with whom the Republicans or Democratics put on their ballot then I will vote 3rd or 4th party rather than stay home.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "And yet ... he is struggling to get reelected, under quite favorable conditions."


Trump just obliterated the record for votes in the NH primary as an incumbent.

But only obliterated it.

But whatever. That was only some actual votes and not anything "real"....

Inga বলেছেন...

“It's not cute when people lie about stuff I've said. “

Some people have nothing to use as weapons so they resort to making up lies about what other commenters say. Some people want to create a narrative about their opponents at all costs, even if it costs them their credibility. I think most people here have his number and pretty much dismiss him.

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

I've never uttered a single thing tweeted or said by Trump, yet I'm still held accountable for them

Who is doing such a thing? Please let them know that I think they are wrong for calling you out based on something someone else said/wrote.

Inga বলেছেন...

“...complex mind game”

“Has the term complex taken on a new meaning that I am unaware of? Schoolyard taunts remain schoolyard taunts, even from the mouths of geriatrics.”

Not complex at all, everyone knows what he’s trying to do.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Inga said...
Some people have nothing to use as weapons so they resort to making up lies about what other commenters say. Some people want to create a narrative about their opponents at all costs, even if it costs them their credibility. I think most people here have his number and pretty much dismiss him.

I agree. I doubt anyone takes anything Drago says about the non-cult members seriously. It's more of a reflex than a considered position. I doubt any neurons above the mid-brain are involved.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Who is doing such a thing? Please let them know that I think they are wrong for calling you out based on something someone else said/wrote.

I know you're not this daft. But if you have the time to do so, start with every major news network, newspaper, left-wing blog site and go from there.

For according to them, if Trump said it? So did all the little Trumpkins.

The fact is, I didn't even vote for the guy last time. Wrote in a name because where I live, my vote doesn't count. I will this time. And Trump's opponents have only themselves to blame.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Some people want to create a narrative about their opponents at all costs, even if it costs them their credibility.

I must admit, your complete and total lack of self-awareness is the best free entertainment I can find anywhere. It is truly an art form. Brava.

Drago বলেছেন...

Admiral Inga: "Some people have nothing to use as weapons so they resort to making up lies about what other commenters say."


Brett Kavanaugh: gang rapist or no?

Carter Page: Russian spy or no?

Take your time....

Drago বলেছেন...

Jim at (to Admiral Inga): "I must admit, your complete and total lack of self-awareness is the best free entertainment I can find anywhere. It is truly an art form. Brava."

Indeed. To paraphrase ARM, I term Inga's hilarious lack of self-awareness the "Great A-Sleepening".

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

I know you're not this daft. But if you have the time to do so, start with every major news network, newspaper, left-wing blog site and go from there. For according to them, if Trump said it? So did all the little Trumpkins

Are you agreeing with me that they are wrong to hold you accountable for what Trump says, but you decide to emulate their wrongful behavior anyways?

That sounds pretty "daft" to me...and not in the good way

where I live, my vote doesn't count

Your vote always counts - tho with most write-in votes not quite as much. (Here in Wisconsin they don't even count write-in votes anymore, unless the person pre-registered with the clerk)

If you don't agree with whom either of the TwoMajorParties are offering-up then you should vote for the 3rd/4th party which most closely aligns with your viewpoint. Your vote may not help 'em win this election but due to ballot access, matching funding, etc etc, it could help a lot with the next one.

narciso বলেছেন...

Does Bloomberg believe in anything today, that he didn't four years ago, remains to be seen,

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

I remembered when Drago used to constantly accuse me of saying Kavanaugh was a rapist, even tho I never even had anything at all to say about the guy. When I asked him why he thinks I did, he refused to explain and instead just kept repeating his false claim.

Inga বলেছেন...

“I remembered when Drago used to constantly accuse me of saying Kavanaugh was a rapist, even tho I never even had anything at all to say about the guy. When I asked him why he thinks I did, he refused to explain and instead just kept repeating his false claim.”

I remember him accusing every single liberal or people he thought were liberals, of accusing Kavanaugh of mass rape. Actually the worst thing I ever said about Kavanaugh is that he conducted himself shamefully in the hearings, like a kid having a temper tantrum, crying, making excuses for his high school drunkenness, asking Senators if they like beer, saying several times how he liked beer, LOL.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

When does flailing become floundering?

narciso বলেছেন...

not really

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

I think you guys are taking Drago a little too seriously. I am not joking when I say it is just a reflex. I suspect Drago posts here while doing something else that he finds a bit stressful. He quickly posts the first thing that arises in his subconscious and then goes back to doing whatever it is that he should be doing. That's why we get Venezuala, Stalin and Mao in response after response. He is not really thinking about what anyone else said, he's just prevaricating.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Inga has entered the field, waving the Kavanaugh hearings over her head..

I can't say that I paid enough attention to what you said back then to dispute you in any way. I remember what I said, though: the loutish behavior of which Mr. Justice Kavanaugh was accused as a teenager sounded out of character, Blasey Ford had managed to construct an irrefutable accusation: there was no time, there was no place, and there were no witnesses, and there was a big effort to locate corroboration, which failed. Also, the timing smelled of ambush--Feinstein sat on it for six weeks before it hatched.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

ARM, you truly are beloved. I think a lot of people here don't pay any attention to the comments of others. They just say what they want to say, gosh darn it.

Funny, that.

Inga বলেছেন...

“He is not really thinking about what anyone else said, he's just prevaricating.”

True, he’s the Great Prevaricator. After all these years of doing it, people here most likely know his schtick by now.

Achilles বলেছেন...

purplepenquin said...
I've never uttered a single thing tweeted or said by Trump, yet I'm still held accountable for them

Who is doing such a thing? Please let them know that I think they are wrong for calling you out based on something someone else said/wrote.

Bullshit. They aren't just attacking Trump. They are attacking us.

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. (Laughter/applause) Right? (Laughter/applause) They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic – Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people – now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks – they are irredeemable, but thankfully, they are not America."

- Hillary

"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."


“It’s hard to talk when you’re teabagging.”


You chose the form of your destructor shitheads.

And your tears are delicious.


Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

To show that I'm no member of the Cult of Trump, I agree with AG Barr that Trump went a bit far tweeting about the Stone case, mostly because it hurts Barr who is doing a good job. Of course, on legal issues, Barr works for Trump. On political issues, Trump can tweet about anything he wants. But this is a pending court case (sentencing phase), so it's best to stay out of the way.

If Trump wants to pardon Stone, though, perfectly lawful and appropriate under ordinary Art. 2 authority.

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... I suspect Drago posts here while doing something else that he finds a bit stressful. He quickly posts the first thing that arises in his subconscious and then goes back to doing whatever it is that he should be doing.

Hey, WTF. That's my stick, why do you give Drago all the credit?

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga said...
“I remembered when Drago used to constantly accuse me of saying Kavanaugh was a rapist, even tho I never even had anything at all to say about the guy. When I asked him why he thinks I did, he refused to explain and instead just kept repeating his false claim.”

I remember him accusing every single liberal or people he thought were liberals, of accusing Kavanaugh of mass rape. Actually the worst thing I ever said about Kavanaugh is that he conducted himself shamefully in the hearings, like a kid having a temper tantrum, crying, making excuses for his high school drunkenness, asking Senators if they like beer, saying several times how he liked beer, LOL.

You accused Kavanaugh of raping Christine Blasey Ford.

You sided with Ford during the hearings and said you believed her.

You accused everyone who supported Kavanaugh of supporting rape.

Fuck you people. You are so completely dishonest and you are such a piece of shit.

Inga বলেছেন...

“You accused Kavanaugh of raping Christine Blasey Ford.

You sided with Ford during the hearings and said you believed her.

You accused everyone who supported Kavanaugh of supporting rape.

Fuck you people. You are so completely dishonest and you are such a piece of shit.”

This guy doesn’t get The Prevaricator’s schtick down accurately, but he tries. His schtick is more like a spittle flecked rant. Bless his heart.

Drago বলেছেন...

Admiral Inga: "Actually the worst thing I ever said about Kavanaugh is that he conducted himself shamefully in the hearings,..."


History catches up with Inga, again.

Kavanaugh: gang rapist or not?
Carter Page: Russian spy or not?

John henry বলেছেন...


 Michael McNeil said...

Indeed, just a half year back Bezos sold an even greater allotment of $2.8 billion worth of Amazon stock for investment in Blue Origin. After taxes, that should be a very sizable hunk of change. But the income taxes on that should also be enormous — close to $1 billion at a 35% rate.

If he sold the stock, a portion of that sale would be income, probably capital gains. As income it would be taxable, probably at the capital gains rate.

That is very different from taxing wealth, as the commenter wanted. The constitution prohibits that. I wonder if anyone seriously thinks it would be possible to get a wealth tax amendment through?

I don't know if you still can but it used to be possible to swap stock in one company, like amazon for an equal amount in another, like blue origins, with no or little tax consequence.

So Bezos may not pay any tax on these transactions. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.

John Henry

Rick বলেছেন...

it used to be possible to swap stock in one company, like amazon for an equal amount in another, like blue origins, with no or little tax consequence.

The mechanism you're referring to is a Like Kind Exchange.

From the wiki:

Seven types of property are not eligible for a like-kind exchange: (1) stock in trade or other property held primarily for sale; (2) stock, bonds, or notes; (3) other securities or evidences of indebtedness or interest; (4) interests in a partnership; (5) certificates of trust or beneficial interests; (6) choses in action; and (7) foreign real property for U.S. real property.[2]

There are other limitations which would probably disqualify it but this one categorically does so.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga said...

I remember him accusing every single liberal or people he thought were liberals, of accusing Kavanaugh of mass rape. Actually the worst thing I ever said about Kavanaugh is that he conducted himself shamefully in the hearings, like a kid having a temper tantrum, crying, making excuses for his high school drunkenness, asking Senators if they like beer, saying several times how he liked beer, LOL.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, you clearly believe in Ford’s accusation. Would you mind sharing why you believe her?”

Before her testimony I was unsure. After her testimony and Kavanugh’s testimony, I believed her. Kavanugh behaved as if he got caught and was enraged and he looked like he felt entitled to sit on the Supreme Court because he was a good boy( ha). He lied about the meanings of boof, devils triangle and the meaning of Renate alumnius, why? His over the top anger and self pitying tears were very very odd. Ford’s demeanor, while appearing frightened, seemed more credible. She had the names of the people who were at the house correct. What reason would she have to lie, unless you believe in some grand Democratic conspiracy.

Inga is just a piece of shit.

Althouse banned her because she constantly posts in bad faith. I love it that Inga posts here.

Everyone who reads these posts is confronted with the undeniable truth about people who vote for democrats.

Michael K বলেছেন...

And yet ... he is struggling to get reelected, under quite favorable conditions. Genius or moron - we report you decide.

The 11,000 people at the NH rally might disagree with you. Especially this woman.

You see, I was one of those Democrats who considered anyone who voted for Trump a racist. I thought they were horrible (yes, even deplorable) and worked very hard to eliminate their voices from my spaces by unfriending or blocking people who spoke about their support of him, however minor their comments. I watched a lot of MSNBC, was convinced that everything he had done was horrible, that he hated anyone who wasn’t a straight white man, and that he had no redeeming qualities.
But when I witnessed the amount of hate coming from the left in this small, niche knitting community, I started to question everything. I started making a proactive effort to break my echo chamber by listening to voices I thought I would disagree with. I wanted to understand their perspective, believing it would confirm that they were filled with hate for anyone who wasn’t like them.

Sounds like ARM and Inga.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Before her testimony I was unsure. After her testimony and Kavanugh’s testimony, I believed her. Kavanugh behaved as if he got caught and was enraged and he looked like he felt entitled to sit on the Supreme Court because he was a good boy( ha). He lied about the meanings of boof, devils triangle and the meaning of Renate alumnius, why? His over the top anger and self pitying tears were very very odd. Ford’s demeanor, while appearing frightened, seemed more credible. She had the names of the people who were at the house correct. What reason would she have to lie, unless you believe in some grand Democratic conspiracy.”
So? What do you think you’ve proven?

“You accused Kavanaugh of raping Christine Blasey Ford.”

No, I listened to the testimony and I believed Ford over the K.

“You sided with Ford during the hearings and said you believed her.”

As I said I listened to her testimony and thought she was more credible. As is my right, you have a right to believe what you want.

“You accused everyone who supported Kavanaugh of supporting rape.”


And where did I say that Kavanaugh was a gang rapist as the Prevaricator asserted?

Drago বলেছেন...

One of my all time favorite Inga-isms:

"I disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Democrats for political reasons.

Funny, Vance, Rick, or any other Trumpist made such a statement? Nope. Why not?"
5/18/18, 10:15 AM

Absolute classic!

Inga বলেছেন...

"I disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Democrats for political reasons.”

And you had NO IDEA that I was trolling you. Idiot.

narciso বলেছেন...


Drago বলেছেন...

Admiral Inga: "And you had NO IDEA that I was trolling you. Idiot."

Yes, you do come up with stupid rationalizations like that when you are exposed.

I suppose your claims of Kavanaugh being a rapist and Carter Page being a Russian spy and Trump colluding with Putin and the hoax dossier being validated were all just "trolling".


Yeah, go with that. Very "convincing"......

narciso বলেছেন...

nothing suspicious here

ken in tx বলেছেন...

It's not just Big Gulps, I read that Mini-Mike restricted the availability of infant formula in NYC hospitals. He wanted to encourage breast feeding, but it caused a hardship on those who couldn't. He just does not respect individual rights.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga said...
“Before her testimony I was unsure. After her testimony and Kavanugh’s testimony, I believed her. Kavanugh behaved as if he got caught and was enraged and he looked like he felt entitled to sit on the Supreme Court because he was a good boy( ha). He lied about the meanings of boof, devils triangle and the meaning of Renate alumnius, why? His over the top anger and self pitying tears were very very odd. Ford’s demeanor, while appearing frightened, seemed more credible. She had the names of the people who were at the house correct. What reason would she have to lie, unless you believe in some grand Democratic conspiracy.”
So? What do you think you’ve proven?

That you called Kavanaugh a rapist.

That you are a lying piece of shit that posts in bad faith.

Which is one of the reasons Althouse tried to ban you and would if she actually could.

I am glad she can't.

You also posted much outrage during that time that anyone supporting Kavanuagh should be outcast because misogyny and rape support.

You posted about how conservative women were stupid and just doing what their husbands told them to do.

Drago বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

Achilles: "You also posted much outrage during that time that anyone supporting Kavanuagh should be outcast because misogyny and rape support.

You posted about how conservative women were stupid and just doing what their husbands told them to do."

No no no! Inga's newest line is that it was all just one big troll, get it?

I mean, you can't hold that stuff she spent weeks and months arguing against her! It was all just fun and games!

Inga thinks this could be an effective "limited modified hangout".

Inga বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Inga বলেছেন...

“Inga's newest line is that it was all just one big troll, get it?”

Um...no, I’ve trolled you on occasion and you eat it up, but on the whole I mean what I say, however I haven’t said what YOU assert, because you depend on pushing lies and gross mischaracterizations, without that you’ve got nothing

Drago বলেছেন...

Admiral Inga: "because you depend on pushing lies and gross mischaracterizations, without that you’ve got nothing"


Carter Page: Russian spy or no?

DeepRunner বলেছেন...

Bloomberg...the white knight (emphasize the word WHITE) who will save the election for Dems. As he rides the primary-go-round on a horse as a modern-day Don Quixote. Maybe he'll even call Elizabeth Warren "Dulcinea."

Rusty বলেছেন...

He got your attention though didn't he, PP. Not a day goes by that you don't think of him with hatred in your heart. That you even bothered to remember or at least make a list of these speaks volumes.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Hari said...
Is Bloomberg 5'4" or 5'8"?

2/13/20, 9:30 AM

5' 5". My doctor went to Johns Hopkins with him.

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